catalogue 2021
index 3 6 8 10 12 14 16 17
About us Bait range Fruity raspberry Green Betaine the crayfish vitamin activator the ng squid nutrition magic mango
18 19 20 22 24
coco & banana juicy pineapple scopex garlic & robin red golden oldies high instant range 27 strawberry ice 28 Banana N’butyric 29 peach & pepper
30 monstercrab 31 squid & garlic 32 rainbow pop-ups special range 34 coated hookbaits 37 Halibut pellets 38 balanced wafters 40 fluor pop-ups 41 dual color pop-ups
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
coated pop-ups pva bombs particle range bait liquids accu's allround battery pack PRO LITHIUM PACK 50AH PRO LITHIUM PACK 80AH PRO LITHIUM PACK 153AH
50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64
accessoires x-treme boat range Commando boat range trolling motor glow in the dark h markers xtreme accessoires Rodpod landing nets WEIGH SLINGS
66 68 69 70 72 73
UNHOOKING mATS glow in the dark needles sinking braid + xtreme hq line caps and hats notes conditions
about us EN | As Pro Line we offer a complete range of high-end bait and especially developed by carpanglers for carp anglers.
NL | Als Pro Line bieden wij u een compleet assortiment aan hoogwaardige aas- en tackleproducten speciaal ontwikkeld door de karpervisser voor de karpervisser.
DE | Pro Line bietet ein komplettes Programm an hochwertigem Gerät und Ködern beim Karpfenangler für Karpfenangler an.
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
OWNER koos megens
International Sales Thomas
International Sales Teun
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Fruity Raspberry EN | The new Fruity Raspberry from Pro Line is the sweet fruity dream of every carp angler. The fiber-rich sweet Pro Line mix combined with the alcohol-based very sweet Rapsberry flavor has an enormous catching power.
NL | De nieuwe Fruity Raspberry van Pro Line is de zoete fruitige droom van elke karpervisser. De op vezelrijke zoete Pro Line mix gecombineerd met de op alcoholbasis mierzoete Rapsberry flavour heeft een enorme vangkracht.
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DE | Der neue Fruity Raspberry Boilie von Pro Line ist der süße, fruchtige Traum vieler Karpfenangler. Der auf den faserreichen basierenden süßen Pro Line Mix, kombiniert mit dem auf Alkoholbasis sehr süßen Raspberry (Himbeere) Flavour, besitzt er eine besondere Fangkraft
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pro line carp products
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catalogue 2021
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Green Betaine EN| A combination of Betaine, Spirulina, Green Lipped Mussel, Fishmeal and Fishoil provide an irresistible catching power of this new Big Fish Pro Line boilie.
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NL|Een combinatie van Betaine, Spirulina, Green Lipped Mussel, Fishmeal en Fishoil zorgen voor een onweerstaanbare vangkracht van deze nieuwe Big Fish Pro Line boilie. ®
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DE|Eine Kombination aus Betaine, Spirulina, Green Lipped Muschel, Fischmehl und Fischölen sorgen für eine unwiderstehliche Fangkraft bei diesem neuen Big Fisch Boilie von Pro Line.
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catalogue 2021
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catalogue 2021
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the crayfish EN | The NEW Crayfish from Pro Line contains a high percentage of Scandinavian Crayfish extract, Crayfish liquid, Betaine and Spirulina. ¡ ¥
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NL | De Nieuwe Crayfish van Pro Line bevat een hoog percentage Scandinavisch kreeftextract, Kreeften liquid, Betaine en Spirulina. ¡ ¥
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DE | Der neue Crayfish Boilie von Pro Line enthält einen hohen Prozentanteil an skandinavischen Krabbenextrakt, Krabbenliquid, Betain und Spirulina.
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
VITAMIN ACTIVATOR EN | The VITAMIN-Activator boilie of Pro Line contains a high percentage of Vitamines (A, B12, B6, D) Minerals (Calcium, magnesium and iron), Fishmeal (64% Proteïne) and Egg Compound. ´ µ ¥
NL | De VITAMIN-Activator van Pro Line bevat een hoog percentage aan Vitamines (A, B12, B6, D) Mineralen (Calcium, magnesium en ijzer), Fishmeal (64% Proteïne) en Egg Compound. ´ µ ¥
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DE | Der VITAMINE – Aktivator von Pro Line enthält einen hohen Anteil an Vitaminen (A, B 12, B6, D), Mineralien (Calcium, Magnesium und Eisen), Fischmehl (64% Protein) und Ei – Verbindung. ¶ ´ ¥
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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catalogue 2021
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The ng squid big fish boilie EN | The NG Squid boilie of Pro Line contains a high percentage Squidmeal, Green Lipped Mussel, LT Fishmeal (64%) and Egg compound. ¥¡ ¦± ££± ¬ ¡¢ ² ¥£ ²
NL | De NG Squid van Pro Line bevat een hoog percentage Squidmeel, Green Lipped Mussel, LT Fishmeal (64%) en Egg compound. ª ® ¥¡ ¦± ££± ®
high quality
¬ ª
DE | Der NG Squid von Pro Line beinhaltet einen sehr hohen Prozentsatz an Squidmehl, Green Lipped Muschel, LT Fischmehl (64%) und Eipulver. ¬ ¥¡ ¦± ££± ª ¬ ¬ ª ¬
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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catalogue 2021
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nutrition catch many EN | The NuTrition of Pro Line has a perfect balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. ¦£±
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NL | De NuTrition van Pro Line bestaat uit een mooie balans van eiwitten, koolhydraten, vitaminen en mineralen. ¯ ¦£±
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high quality
DE | Der Nu Trition von Pro Line besteht aus einer schönen Balance, von Eiweiß, Kohlenhydraten, Vitaminen, und Mineralien. ¬ ¦£±
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
magic mango overwhelming attractors EN | Famous rich bre base-mix from Pro Line, The Magic Mango! Due to the immense popularity of The Magic Mango Fluor Pop Up Range, Pro Line has decided to produce a complete boilie range of the Magic Mango.
NL | De vezelrijke mix van Pro Line, de Magic Mango! Door de immense populariteit van de Magic Mango fluor pop-up Range, heeft Pro Line besloten om een complete boilie range van de Magic Mango uit te brengen.
DE | Den Magic-Mango. Durch den enormen Erfolg der Magic-Mango Fluo Pop Ups, hat das Team von Pro Line beschlossen,eine komplette Boilie Range vom Magic-Mango raus zu bringen.
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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coco & banana no carp can resist! EN | Great Cocos flavour and our sweet-juicy Banana flavour.
NE | Een combinatie van twee topflavours, onze geweldige Cocos flavour en de zoetsappige Banaan flavour.
DE | Die combination von zwei Topflavours, unseren Super Kokos flavour und die Susssaftiche Bananen flavour.
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
juicy pineapple great variety of attractors EN | A bait, based on the Pro Line fibre basemix, in combination with the sweet-juicy Pineapple flavour. An absolute winner!
NL | Een boilie op basis van de vezelrijke mix van Pro Line, in combinatie met de zoetsappige Pineapple flavour. Een absolute winner! ª
DE | Ein Boilie auf Basis des nahrungsreichen Pro Line Mixes, in Kombinattion mit einem saftig-süßen Ananas Flavour. Ein absoluter Kracher!
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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scopex creamy taste EN | A bait made from Pro Line’s high fibre Bird Food Mix in combination with the creamy Scopex flavour.
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NL | Een boilie op basis van de vezelrijke Birdfood Mix van Pro Line, in combinatie met de romige Scopex flavour. ª
DE | Ein Boilie auf Basis des nahrhaften Bridfood Mixes von Pro Line, in Kombination mit dem kräftigen Scopex Flavour. ª ¬
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pro line carp products
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catalogue 2021
garlic & robin red a real winner EN | The legendary Pro Line Fish Mix, Garlic flavor, garlic powder and the famous Robin Red® from “Haiths”. ª
NL | De legendarische Fish Mix van Pro Line, Garlic flavour, knoflookpoeder en de befaamde Robin Red® van Haiths. ¯
DE | Der legendäre Fischmix von Pro Line, Garlic flavour, Knoblauchpuder und das berühmte Robin Red® von Haiths.
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
oldies NL Door de toenemende vraag hebben we binnen Pro Line besloten om de service te bieden om de Pro Line Golden Oldies te bestellen.
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EN Through the growing demand we decided to offer the service for the delivery of the Golden Oldies of Pro Line. ¢£ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¬
DE Durch die große Nachfrage, haben wir bei Pro Line beschlossen, unseren Kunden den Service zu bieten, um die Golden Oldies zu bestellen. ¬
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standard flavours ¾ ¬ ¾ ¬
¾ ¾
pro line carp products
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catalogue 2021
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Pro Line high Instant Range EN | Pro Line has developed an high instant range especially designed for the short sessions.
DE | Pro Line hat speziell für die kurzen Ansitze eine Instant Range entwickelt.
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NL | Pro Line heeft special voor de korte sessies een instant range ontwikkeld. ¢ Ã Ã °
¾ Ã ¾ Ã Ã ¾ ¬
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
strawberry ice Strawberry Ice - Pro Line Instant Range:
Strawberry Ice - Pro Line Instant Range:
Stawbeery Ice (Erdbeereis) – Pro Line Instant Range:
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Banana N’butyric Banana N´butyric – Pro Line Instant Range: Å Å Å Å
Banana N’butyric - Pro Line Instant Range: ° ° ª
ª °
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Banana N´butyric – Pro Line Instant Range: Ä Ä Ä ¬
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peach & pepper Peach & Pepper - Pro Line Instant Range: ¾
Peach & Pepper – Pro Line Instant Range: ¾
Peach & Pepper - Pro Line Instant Range: ¾
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
monstercrab Monstercrab - Pro Line Instant Range:
Monstercrab - Pro Line Instant Range: ª
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Monstercrab – Pro Line Instant Range: ¬ ª ¬ ¬ ª
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squid & garlic Squid & Garlic – Pro Line Instant Range:
Squid & Garlic Pro Line Instant Range:
¾ ¬
¾ ¬ ¬ ª ¬
Squid & Garlic – Pro Line Instant Range: ¾ ¬
¾ ¬
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Rainbow Popups Extreme High Instant Flavours coco Colors & banana Extreme Fluor Rainbow Extreme Buoyancy
Strawberry ice
Peach and Pepper
Squid and Garlic
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
coated hookbaits nutrition
ng squid
garlic & robin red
juicy pineapple
The Crayfish
magic mango
for hardcore waters EN | The Coated Hookbaits of Pro line!
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¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£ ¢ ¡£
NL | De coated Hookbaits van Pro Line!
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DE | Coated Hookbaits von Pro Line!
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
halibut pellets high instant attraction EN | The High Attract Fish Pellets contain a high fishmeal percentage, the best fish oils and several appetite stimulators.
£ ¡£ ¦ §
NL | De High Attract Fish Pellets bevatten een hoog vismeelpercentage, de beste visoliën en verschillende eetlustopwekkers.
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
dE | Die High Attract Pellets von Pro Line werden aus qualitativ hochwertigen Zutaten hergestellt und sind sehr attraktiv.
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balanced wafters MAKE THE DIFFERENCE EN | known in the assortment of Pro Line are the Pro Line Balanced Wafters.
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NL | Bekend in het assortiment van Pro Line zijn de Pro Line Balanced Wafters.
¢ ¡£
DE | im Futtersortiment bekannt von Pro Line sind die Pro Line Balanced Wafters.
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
fluor pop-ups Fruity Raspberry
squid octopus
garlic & robin red
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magic mango
coconut milk
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buoyant up to 48 hours EN | Pro Line Carp Products have made their highly visible hook baits even more attractive!
NL | Pro Line Carp Products heeft haar visueel aantrekkelijk aas nu nog attractiever gemaakt! ° §¦
DE | Pro Line Carp Products hat seine visuell anziehendes Futter noch attraktiver gemacht! ª §¦
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
dual color pop-ups an additional attraction EN | This Pop Ups feature two different Fluoro colors combined with two unique Pro Line Flavors.
coco & banana
BBQ & krill
pinapple & mango
squid & coconut
NL | Deze Pop Ups zijn voorzien van twee verschillende Fluor kleuren in combinatie met twee unieke Pro Line Flavours.
De | Diese Pop-Ups sind aus zwei verschiedenen Fluor Farben, in Kombination mit zwei Einzigartigen Flavour von Pro Line hergestellt. ª
black currant & pineapple
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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coated pop-ups floating coating EN | Because of the huge succes of our coated hookbaits. We decided to make coated pop-ups. Because. Why not!?
NL | Door het enorme succes van de coated hookbaits hebben we besloten om coated pop-ups te maken! Tsja. Waarom niet!?
DE | Aufgrund des großen Erfolgs dercoated hookbaits haben wir uns für beschichtete Pop-Ups entschieden!
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pro line carp products
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catalogue 2021
pva bombs the bomb EN | Unique in the assortment of Pro Line are the Pro Line PVA Bombs.
NL | Uniek in het assortiment van Pro Line zijn de Pro Line PVA Bombs. ª ¢
DE | einzigartig im Futtersortiment von Pro Line sind die Pro Line PVA Bombs. Features à Ã
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pro line carp products
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catalogue 2021
particle range black tigernuts xxll
super Sweet mix
mega corn
hemp & corn
particle mix
hemp & crushed tigernuts
prepared particles EN | The shelf-life particles from Pro Line are supplied in our resealable Pro Line bags with 1500ml particles.
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NL | De houdbare particles van Pro Line worden geleverd in onze hersluitbare Pro Line zakken van 1500ml. Æ ÁÁ
¾ ¾
dE | Die haltbare Partikel von Pro Line werden geliefert in wiederverschlieBbare Pro Line Tüten mit 1500ml Partikels. Æ ÁÁ ¾ ¾
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
bait liquids
an extra boost EN | Pro Line has developed a complete wide range of Liquid Oils, Liquid Extracts and Liquids. ¢ ´ ¬ ££±
NL | Pro Line heeft een geheel nieuw en zeer uitgebreid bait liquid assortiment ontwikkeld.
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
DE | Pro Line hat ein neues und sehr großes Bait Liquid Sortiment entwickelt. Ç ¬ ££± ¾ Á
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extra boost to your bait
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
LifePo4 Allround Battery Pack 50 AH lightweight EN | The Proline Pro lithium Packs, never run out of power again!
DE | Die Proline Pro Lithium Packs haben nie wieder keinen Strom mehr!
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NL | De Proline Pro lithium Packs, nooit meer zonder stroom! µ
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
PRO LITHIUM PACK 50 AH lightweight EN | The Proline Pro lithium Packs, never run out of power again! µ ¢£
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NL | De Proline Pro lithium Packs, nooit meer zonder stroom! µ ¢£ ¦£ ¾ ¢¥
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DE | Die Proline Pro Lithium Packs haben nie wieder keinen Strom mehr! µ ¢£ ¦£ ¾ ¢¥
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
PRO LITHIUM PACK 80 AH lightweight EN | New in the assortment of Pro Line are the Pro Lithium 80 Ampere battery pack.
DE | Neu im Sortiment von Pro Line sind die neuen Pro Lithium 80 Ampère.
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NL | Nieuw in het assortiment van Pro Line zijn de Pro Lithium 80 Ampère. ¦£ È
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pro line carp products
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catalogue 2021
Specifications Ã Æ Ã Æ ¢ ¦¡ à ´ à ¡ à ¡ ¡ ´¡¡£ à ¡ ¢ ¡ Ã Æ £ ¶ ¡ § ´ ££ Ã
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Pro Lithium Pack 153AH EN | The Pro Line Pro lithium Packs, never ever no more without power at the bank!
DE | Mit den Pro Line Lithium Packs sind sie nie mehr ohne Strom am Wasser.
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NL | De Proline Pro lithium Packs, nooit meer zonder stroom! µ ¢¥ ¦£ ¥¥ ¥¥ ¡ ¡ ¡
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Ultra Lightweight boat
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
0,7 mm
your new best friend EN | Through the growing demand for a lightweight boat, Pro Line developed an Ultra Lightweight Commando Boat without doing concessions on the quality level of Pro Line. £´ ¦£´¡ £´¡§£´¡©£
NL | Door de steeds groeiende vraag naar een compacte lichtgewicht boot heeft Pro Line besloten om een ultra lightweight Commando Boat te ontwikkelen zonder concessies te doen op de kwaliteitsstandaard van Pro Line!
DE | Durch die stets größer werdende Nachfrage nach einem leichteren Boot, hat Pro Line beschlossen, ein ultra leichtes Commando Boot zu entwickeln, ohne dabei auf die hohen Qualitätsansprüche die Pro Line an seine Produkten stellt, zu verzichten. ª
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
commando boats A LIFETIME OF FLOATING EN | When your are looking for the ideal rubber boat for carp angling, don’t look any further!
NL | Wanneer je op zoek bent naar de ideale rubberboot voor het karpervissen, zoek dan niet verder!
DE | Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem idealen Schlauchboot für das Karpfenangeln sind, dann müssen Sie nicht weitersuchen!
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
NEW commando 180
inflatable comando boat black 230, 270, 320 deluxe
commando boat black 185D
Commando boat black 160AD, 200AD
0,9 mm
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
trolling motor SPEEDBOAT POWER EN | This 45lb Electric Trollingmotor is especially develloped for carp anglers and ideal to combine with the Pro Line Commando Boats. ª
NL | Deze 45lb Electromotor speciaal ontwikkeld voor het karpervissen en ideaal te gebruiken met de Commando boten van Pro Line. ª
DE | Der 45 lb E-Motor ist speziell für Karpfenangler entwickelt wurde und ideal für den Einsatz mit den Commando Booten. ª
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4 pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
The Glow in the Dark H Markers EN | This Glow in the Dark H Markers are specially designed to find your spots in the dark hours!
NL | Deze Glow in the Dark H-Markers zijn speciaal ontworpen om je stekken in het donker te vinden!
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
DE | Diese Glow in the Dark H-Markers wurden speziell entwickelt, um Ihre Flecken in den dunklen Stunden zu finden! ¬
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
X-treme Rod Lock EN | New the Pro Line X-treme Rod Lock is specially designed for extreme fishing conditions. NL | Nieuw is de Pro Line X-treme Rod Lock, speciaal ontwikkeld voor extreme visomstandigheden de| Neu ist das Pro Line X-treme Rod Lock, das speziell für extreme Angelbedingungen entwickelt wurde.
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X-treme Boat Quick Release System EN | the Pro Line X-treme Boat Quick Release System is specially designed to release your boat very easy from the anchor with a small handling.
NL |Het Pro Line X-treme Boat Quick Release System is speciaal ontworpen om uw boot met een kleine handeling heel gemakkelijk van het anker te halen.
de |Das Pro Line X-treme BootsSchnellverschlusssystem wurde speziell entwickelt, um Ihr Boot mit einem kleinen Handling sehr einfach vom Anker zu lösen.
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
à à Ã
Pro Line X-treme Carbon Banana Throwing Stick EN|the Pro Line X-treme Carbon Banana Throwing Stick is specially designed for big baiting campaigns on long distance. ¢ £
NL|de Pro Line X-treme Carbon Banana Throwing Stick is speciaal ontworpen voor voeren op lange afstand. ¢ £ ££
de|der Pro Line X-treme Carbon BananenWurfstock, der speziell für Köder auf langen Strecken entwickelt wurde. ¢ £
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Specifications à à à Ã
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
stainless steel RODPOD
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
rodpod head available separately
available in 30, 60 & 100 cm
rock solid improved screws
easy to transport EN|The Compact Rod Pod has a transport length of 65cm and a weight of 4,5kg. °
¡ §
NL|De Compact Rod Pod heft een transportlengte van 65cm en een gewicht van 4,5kg. ª
¡ §
DE| Das Compact Rod Pod hat eine Transportlänge von 65cm und ein Gewicht von 4,5 kg.
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
Landing nets xtreme landing net EN|in the assortment of Pro Line is the Xtreme Landing Net.
NL|in het assortiment van Pro Line is het Xtreme Landing Net.
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
DE|im Sortiment von Pro Line ist das Xtreme Landing Net.
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xtreme landing net 3 parts EN | The 46inch Xtreme Landing Net 3 parts is the most all-round landing net of the carp scène.
NL | Het nieuwe 46inch Xtreme Landing Net 3 Parts is hét allround landingsnet voor de karpervisserij!
dE | Das neue 46 inch Xtreme Landing Net 3 Parts (Kescher), ist ein Allround Kescher für jeden Karpfenangler. §
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
weigh slings camou & green EN | Xtreme Floating Weigh sling in Camou and Green color. ª Î Ï
´ Á Á
NL | de Xtreme Floating Weigh sling in Camou en Green style! Î Ï Á
Á ª
DE | der Xtreme Floating Weigh sling im Camou und Grün Farben.
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x-treme floating weighsling
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
FOLDING weighsling
floating weighsling
camou x-treme floating weighsling - material 420d
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
unhooking mats compact protection mat 96 cm x 60 cm x 12 cm xtreme protection mat 120 cm x 75cm x 15 cm
compact EN | the Pro Line Xtreme Unhookingmat MKII in Camou and Green color. Á ¡ £ §¡£ Á Á Î Ï Á Á
NL | de Pro Line Xtreme Unhookingmat MKII in Camou en Green style! Á ¡ £ §¡£ Á
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
ª Á
DE | Das Xtreme Protection Abhakmatte MKII im Camou und Grün Farben hat im Carp Care ein neuen Standard gesetzt. Á Á
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camouflage print
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
glow in the dark needles
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pro line carp products
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catalogue 2021
sinking braid sinks like a brick EN | The famous Pro Line Sinking Braid can surely be seen as the benchmark, when it comes to sinking braided mainlines.
NL | De fameuze Pro Line Sinking Braid kan zeker gezien worden als de benchmark, als het gaat om zinkende gevlochten hoofdlijnen.
DE | Das bekannte Pro Line Sinking Braid kann zweifelsohne als Messlatte für sinkende, geflochtene Schnüre angesehen werden.
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xtreme hq line clear power EN | The X-treme line is extremely clear and blends in perfectly when in water. °
NL | De X-treme lijn is extreem helder en valt perfect weg in het water.
ª §
DE | Die X-treme Schnur ist extrem klar und passt sich perfekt den Gegebenheiten im Wasser an. ¬
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
pro line cap camou mesh
5 panel cap 70
pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
caps and hats ¾
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pro line carp products
catalogue 2021
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