“Bulk Handling Today” covers the movement of all bulk goods from Point A to Point B, both locally and overseas. We concentrate on the equipment used to undertake this task such as shipping, railways, cranes, trucks, conveyors etc. Another important aspect is logistics, freight forwarding, customs etc.
“Bulk Handling Today””is the only magazine which covers this topic exclusively. Our readers are in the following industry: mining, conveying, earthmoving, lifting, trucking, food & beverage, construction, pulp, paper & forestries, harbours, ports & railways, agriculture & fisheries.
Circulation & Readership:
3 673 copies of “Bulk Handling Today”” are read by over 12 000 key decision makers in the public, private and financial sectors. “Bulk Handling Today” is endorsed by: LEEASA (Lifting Equipment Engineering Association of SA); CMA (Conveyor Manufacturers Association); SAIMechE (SA Institution of Mechanical Engineering) and SAIMH (SA Institute of Material Handling)