NFYT 2015 Sample Parental Carer Consent Form

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Parental/Carer Consent Form

Note to Group Leaders: The following form is designed as a template for you to adapt to suit your group’s own requirements. We strongly recommend that it is accompanied by the official NFYT Event Information for Parents & Carers, as well as any additional information which is specific to your group i.e. travel arrangements, health and safety policies and codes of conduct. Parental/carer consent should be sought for any young person participating in NFYT who is under 18 years of age. [NOW DELETE THIS PARAGRAPH]

Dear Parent/Carer, We are seeking consent for your child’s participation in the National Festival of Youth Theatre 2015 from Friday 3 – Monday 6 July 2015 as part of [INSERT NAME OF YOUR GROUP] Event Details [PROVIDE DETAILS e.g. dates, times, travel arrangements, names of lead staff etc.] Important 1. By signing this consent form you agree to your child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency medical treatment, including anesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. In all cases every effort will be made to contact parents/carers in the first instance so long as time allows. 2. By signing this consent form you agree to your child being filmed and photographed and for his/her image to be reproduced for the purpose of evaluation and promotion by [INSERT NAME OF YOUR GROUP] and the National Festival of Youth Theatre. 3. By signing this consent form you confirm your understanding that while [INSERT NAME OF YOUR GROUP] will take all reasonable care of your child, neither they, nor the staff of the National Festival of Youth Theatre can necessarily be held liable in respect of loss of or damage to the property or injury suffered by your child arising from participation in the event, unless such loss, damage or injury results from the negligence of [INSERT NAME OF YOUR GROUP] and the staff of the National Festival of Youth Theatre. Note to Group Leaders: you may wish to include details of your group’s public liability insurance to support statement 3 above. Youth Theatre Arts Scotland’s insurance details would be available on request. [NOW DELETE THIS PARAGRAPH] Contact Details If you have any further questions, or in case of emergency during NFYT please contact: [INSERT GROUP LEADER CONTACT NAME AND MOBILE NUMBER] Please keep this section for your reference. Page 1 of 2

Please complete and return this section to [INSERT DETAILS] no later than [INSERT DEADLINE] Consent I confirm that I have read the NFYT Information for Parents & Carers and all other information provided and agree to my child taking part in NFYT from 3-6 July 2015. Name of child:


Name of Parent/Carer:

Signature of Parent/Carer:

Parent/Carer Emergency Contact Details In case of emergency, please contact: Emergency Contact 1: Name:

Mobile phone:

Relationship to your child: Emergency Contact 2: Name:

Mobile phone:

Relationship to your child:

Additional Health Information Child’s blood group (if known): Dietary requirements: Known allergies (including severity and treatment): e.g. penicillin, nuts, insect bites Medical conditions: e.g. asthma, diabetes, fits, migraine, fainting Current medication: Potential barriers to participation: e.g. dyslexia, autism, ADHD, access issues

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