Promoting Purpose Magazine

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VISIONARY Sherrell Straker- Valdezloqui

Promoting What God Has Already Placed In Us.. PURPOSE ADVISOR Rachel Moore SENIOR EDITOR Damon Moore EDITING COMPANY Tiff’s Editing Caf’e CEO ASSISTANT Carlet Horne MANAGEMENT/PR Wanda Adams- Marketing Ministries COLUMIST/CONTRIBUTING WRITERS ASK RELATIONSHIP COLUMIST Dr. Inecir Matthis COLUMNIST Daniel Duval POETRY COLUMS Devin Coleman, Carlet Horne INTERVIEWER Imani Wheeler PPM CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Adrienna Turner, Rachel Moore, Coach Linda Hillman, Tiffany Rivera




RELATIONSHIP Ask Dr. Inecir Matthis


Ruth & Boaz


By: Michele Green

MINISTRY FEATURES Prophet Antoine Jasmine


Evangelist Lawanna Harrod


Healing, Encouragement, Love & Peace (H.E.L.P) Articles Showing My Wounds


By: Imani G. Wheeler

When is it My Turn?


Faith Factor 2


By: Adrienna Turner

Book Reviews Lesson on Church Folk Volume 1 Prophet Calvin Ward Radio Host of Strategically Prophetic Radio Show…

By: Author Antoinette Davis

Don’t Press Fast Forward By: Prophet Oliver Reid





Thank you for choosing Promoting Purpose Magazine print as your Christian/Inspirational magazine. We are dedicated to delivering to you spiritual tools, testimonies and updates and features on Men and Women of God working in the Kingdom. This year the Lord had been dealing with me on sticking to the basis on the vision for PPM. At times others try to help you based on what they believe can and will enhance what you have. But no matter what, we have to remember if God gave us the vision sometimes man may not understand or be able to see the full picture. That’s why God gave you the vision and not them. I want to encourage you to keep moving forward in doing what the Lord has given you to do. I know sometimes it feels like we have given so much until we have nothing else to give. But if you would just continue to just do what the Lord told you to do, it will all be worth it after a while. I’ve mentioned several times that the enemy is busy and trying his best to aggravate and irritate God’s people. Satan is in a rush to gather as much souls as possible at this time because he knows the coming of the Lord is imminent. You just need to make sure you are ready and doing what you are supposed to do when God comes. God is good and he is always on time, so I want you to keep your head up. Wipe those tears from your eyes and know and understand that as long as you’re being obedient to God, and as long as you’re connected to God, no matter what obstacles life or the enemy throws your way, you will not be touched or harmed by it. I love you and will keep you in my prayers.

Until Next Time, Be Blessed! Love, Sherrell Straker-Valdezloqui, CEO

Sherrell Straker-Valdezloqui CEO 7 (PROMOTING PURPOSE)

Dear Lord, We want to thank you for your love and mercy. Thank you for staying true to your word, letting us know that we can trust and rest in you. Lord during these tough economic times where things are bending and breaking, we thank you Lord for the stability we have in you. PPM asks Lord that you breathe life into those dry bones that desperately need your breath. Restore those who have a heart for you and a heart to do your will Lord. Restore those Lord who feel as though all is lost. Remind them Lord of the book of Job and remind them that as long as they believe, trust, and be obedient to your word, they shall be restored and replenished according to your will and not ours. Thank you Lord for another year/chance which gives us the opportunity to get the things right that we are lacking in. We pray that PPM will continue to reach and deliver souls for you Lord, and that we will reach many on an international level ministering, encouraging and inspiring by being a vessel for you. Lord, we ask that you continue to raise up men and women that will spread truth and love, and those that are truly being used by you in these last days and times. We are asking that you send us more true Prophets, more God fearing Pastors, Evangelist, Bishops, Teachers, and Apostles. Raise them up Lord. We ask that you continue to watch over the men and women that are serving overseas. There are a lot of things we may not understand or see but you have the answer and understanding of it all. Give us your strength and peace in the middle of the storm. We ask these things in Jesus Name‌. Amen!


April 2, 2012 * Gospel Artist Todd Dulaney April 9, 2012 * Gospel Artist Tonya Dallas-Lewis April 16, 2012* Gospel Artist Pamela Johnson April 23, 2012* Gospel Artist Harriett Vanderpool April 30, 2012* Gospel Artist Lemmie Battle




Prophet Calvin Ward a Man of God, and Radio Host of Strategically Prophetic Radio.


alvin D. Ward has been commissioned by God as a prophet in these last days. Serving with men and women of God all over the world and in different levels and capacities to include but not limited to the following: Psalmist, Administrator, Teacher, Minister, Youth Pastor and Musician, this man of God is thoroughly equipped to train the body of Christ and impart to the Saints what they need to fulfill their destiny. Calvin is the proud son of Lumas and Gloria Ward, being born in Lundsthul, Germany. Calvin was raised in Petersburg, Virginia where he attended Petersburg High School. His tutelage, mentorship, and training in the gospel is attributed primarily to the Honorable Bishop, Dr. C.E. Pearce of Bethesda Temple Church of Deliverance of Honolulu, HI and presently New Beginnings Christian Center in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX. It was due greatly to his patience and spiritual insight that helped to make Calvin the Minister he is today. Others who have influenced Calvin's life include but are not limited to the following: Juanita Bynum, Bishop Carlton Pearson and Archbishop Veron Ashe. Having a mandate to impart a prophetic mantle, to disciple, mentor, and train a generation of people to reach their proper level of authority in God, Calvin is one prophet who must be heard. Calvin' grandfather in the gospel is none other than the late Apostle Norman Wagner, his Father in the Gospel being Bishop C. E. Pearce, and his present Apostolic covering being Apostle Ernest and Prophetess Barbara Taylor of Beach Park IL.


Presently, Calvin serves as the Director of PCJG Ministries and is presently working on his third degree, a Bachelor of Science in Health Science from Trident International University as well as his first book. Schools attended include George Washington University (Certificate in Health Science Laboratory Technology), United Graduate College and Seminary (Bachelor of Pastoral Ministry and Diploma of Advanced Biblical Studies) and the University of Sedona(Bachelor of Metaphysical Sciences and Master of Metaphysical Science)and Open Arms International Bible College and Seminary presently for dual degrees (Doctor of Philosophy in Practical Counseling and Doctor of Theology) Chicago, IL. Calvin is the CEO and Director of two newly instituted organizations: Calvin D Ward, LLC and MII, Inc. Calvin's pastors and covering are Dr. Apostle Ernest Taylor, and Dr. Prophetess Barbara Taylor of Word of Life Church in Beach Park, IL.

PPM: Greetings Prophet Ward, thank you for allowing me to interview you during your busy schedule. Your phrase Bringing Integrity to the Prophetic, please explain to us what that means? Prophet Ward: Well, if you haven’t noticed, everyone is an apostle or prophet these days. Many people are “teaching” people how to prophesy by going to prophetic schools and the like. I am of the breed of prophet that believes that the prophet doesn’t speak until spoken to. That means I only say what the Lord tells me to say when he tells me to say it. If there is not a word, there’s not a word. A lot of these present day prophets are operating out of spirit of divination according to Ezekiel chapter 13. God has called me as a prophet to leaders, and as such, he has called me in these days to restore integrity to the prophetic through strategic prophecy, godly character, and socially relevant theological discourse. PPM: How important is it for you as a man of God to be connected constantly with God? Prophet Ward: The Bible tells us to quench not the spirit. As such, it is imperative that we understand that the Holy Spirit of God resides in us, dwells in us, and communes with us 24/7. We need to be cognizant of that and submit to the everyday impressions of from the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. Being in fellowship with God is very important to me, and key to being able to maintain the true prophetic link with God.


PPM: What would you say your purpose is on earth? Prophet Ward: That’s a hard question, but I believe that I can answer it. God has called me as a prophet, a sage, a wisdom seeker, a son of God, a leader, a theologian, an activist, and a metaphysician. My chief goal is to uplift and edify humanity through the gifts that God has bestowed upon me. I preach the gospel to them that would hear it and to the rest of the world, I minister counseling and healing, that they may in the future partake of the salvific experience as mentioned in the Bible. I am called to bridge the gap, cry loud, and spare not. PPM: You have an amazing Radio Show, Strategically Prophetic. What is the mission of your show? Prophet Ward: The mission of the show is to get the hearers thinking differently concerning the word of God, to edify believers, to bring in those who are interested in the Christian faith as well as to platform the spiritual leaders of our day. I believe that there are ministers out there who have a word who may not ever reach TV, but the radio can platform their message, their voice, their calling and their ministry. PPM: Are you currently working on any upcoming projects? Prophet Ward: Glad you asked. Well recently, I have joined USANA Health Sciences. It is a company that deals with the betterment of humankind through scientifically designed nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the body. As a certified personal trainer, I was recently called by the International Sports Science Association to be selected to be placed on their international website. Where ministry is concerned, God has called me to Uganda Africa as well as to do revivals across America. So anyone who would like to have me, can get in contact with me. God is calling me to go and lay a foundation prophetically in the atmosphere to prepare for the revival in America. The Strategically Prophetic Radio Show is still going strong, and I am presently planting a church in Radcliff, KY. I believe in staying busy in the kingdom.


PPM: How can you be reached and are you available for speaking engagements and etc? Prophet Ward: Anyone wanting to reach me can go to my website, They can also contact me at I am also on Face Book and Twitter. They can send me an email, or check me out on Skype at calvin_ward. I look forward to meeting you! PPM: Do you have anything you would like to say to encourage the audience? Prophet Ward: Yes. I just want to say that this is a year of blessing and grace as 2+0+1+2 = 5. Five is the number of grace. We have just left a year of creation, 2+1+0+1 = 4. Four is the number of the earth or the number of creation. We have left a year of creation to go into a year of grace. This means, that everything God told you to resurrect and build in 2011, he is about to bless and favor it in 2012. 2012 is also a year of apostolic judgment. Wherever the blessing is, the judgment manifests as well. Stay true to God, memorize your scriptures, and fast and pray like never before. This is the year God will require sacrifice in prayer and fasting. This will bring us the manifestation we have been looking for as well as the move of God the earth has been groaning for. So decree it, declare it, rebuke it, renounce it, recant it, and legislate it. Jesus is soon to come back.


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Lady Charmaine is Radio Personality and the host and producer of “Lady Charmaine Live”. She is also the CEO of the Stellar Award Nominated Internet Radio Station PRAISE Her radio show Lady Charmaine Live brings you great interviews from today’s Gospel and Hollywood artists. Lady Charmaine Live is insightful, encouraging and opens up lives of your favorite entertainers. She keeps you upto-date with her entertainment segment called the “Gospel Minute”. Lady Charmaine hosted a successful radio show on Blogtalk Radio with over 30,000 listeners before launching her own radio station PRAISE which can be heard worldwide via the internet. Currently PRAISE 98FM has listeners in 87 countries. To learn more on Lady Charmaine visit her website and YouTube videos at:


He doesn't believe in being exclusive. Should they get married?

Do you have a question in need of an answer? Email

Q. My boyfriend and I have been dating off and on for seven years. He has told me that he would like for us to spend the rest of our lives together, but he also firmly believes that NO ONE can be committed to just one individual in a relationship or marriage and that he will date others while we are married. I am a Christian and believe in the sacredness of marriage and truly love my boyfriend. I am hoping that he will change. Should I marry him and wait for change? A. The fact that you have been in an off and on relationship for seven years indicates that perhaps your boyfriend has not been exclusive with you for the duration of the relationship. He has stated to you that he would not be exclusive during your marriage reveals that he lacks the ability to be committed and you may be dealing with fear or concerns of abandonment. As a Christian, you must remember that Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled. Honor God's word and yourself. Since your boyfriend has no desire to change, consider it your way out of Egypt and wait on God!


Q. Although I am an adult living on my own, my mother has told me that I will not be blessed or able to gain employment because I won't join her church. Although I do not currently have a church home, I have consistently refused to join because my mother has always been very judgmental and a gossiper about other church members in my presence. Is it true that I won't be blessed because of this? How can I respectfully tell my mother that she is the reason I won't join her church? Find out Dr. Inecir Matthis response in PPM next issue! If you the readers will like to respond to these questions please send your response to for a chance to see it in our printed issue.

RUTH & BOAZ: ARE WE REALLY READY FOR LOVE (PART 1) Written by Michele Green Today, it is extremely difficult to be single and also be a faithful Christian. Especially when we see what the media bombards us and our children with on a constant basis – images of adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lying, cheating, murder, etc. This occurs in many of our favorite television shows, magazines, music, etc. It can seem like no one is paying attention to – or is even caring – what God’s Word has to say in all these situations. But as Christians, we have to live in this world, and try to honor God with our minds, our


Hearts’ and our bodies – and I hope this essay will give us some hope and strength to do just that. I draw my strength from the story of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz (Book of Ruth) and Proverbs 31, which tells of the characteristics of a Noble Wife. But first, to understand where I was, to where living under the word of God has taken me, I must admit that I was once very much OUT THERE.

I am going to bare my soul here. I thought that because I loved my boyfriend, that God would forgive me of the sins of fornication, living together without the benefit of marriage, reasoning that times have changed, and since God knows that, He will forgive and bless me because EVERYONE is doing it. I had been married, but prior to that I was in several long-term relationships, but when they ended I still continued seeing them as ‘friends with benefits’, because I had a ‘need’ that had to be satiated, and they did too. I also had been involved in an abusive relationship, and at one time even sold sex toys and lingerie to help make ends meet. Truthfully speaking, I loved sex, had a very strong drive and could not even fathom my life without it, no matter how it came, not to mention other sins. However, society said I wasn’t a bad person, and I went along with life in the fast lane, and being quite comfortable in that life – for awhile. Until one day it became very clear I was getting NOWHERE living this way. I found myself alone, divorced, with three children to raise – and very empty inside. What was I missing? What was I going to do to fill that huge – and widening – void in my life? Jesus Christ was the ANSWER!


On the invitation of a friend of mine (now my Pastor’s wife) and a cousin, on a clear day in August, 2007, I attended a sermon at what would become my church home, and it changed my life. I continued to attend, and learned more about Who God really is, and what He could do for my life if I would just surrender it to Him – and on December 16, 2007, I did just that. I surrendered my life to Him and His will, and my life has become all the more rich and full for it. PRAISE AND GLORY BE TO GOD! I now consider myself a ‘Ruth’, waiting on my ‘Boaz’ to redeem me. God had a LOT of work to do on me to get me to this point, and I know He is still working on me, but as I go on living my life to honor Him more and more, I know He will present me with the man He has for me, in His time. But I must live my life for Him in order for Him to deliver the desires of my heart – to be married and live happily ever after. “Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33.

To Be Continued…… Michele Green, aka RM Green, is an author, poet, publisher and internet radio talk show host. After many trials, she gave her life to God on December 16, 2007, and has not looked back since. Born in New York City, she is currently divorced and resides with her three beautiful daughters in Beaufort, South Carolina. She may be reached through her Facebook page at . Michele Green (Not Photographed)

Prophet Jasmine is the Pastoral Overseer of Choice International Family Outreach Worship Center, one church in two states La Place, Louisiana and Dayton, Ohio. Prophet Jasmine, a well organized successful entrepreneur and notable philanthropist, is the Founder of Choice International School of Music and Performing Arts, Anwar Publishing and Choice Entertainment Group. He is also a member of the Business Network International (BNI), River Region Chamber Commerce and serves on the Board of Directors of the Jefferson United FaithBased Collaborative.

Commissioned to “Rebuild the Old Waste Places”, God has given Prophet Jasmine the mandate to “Turn the Hearts of the Fathers to their children and the Hearts of the children to their Fathers”. This “End Time” unorthodox Prophet with a charismatic move has indeed done that. With 20 years of ministry, Prophet Jasmine has yet so much more to do. Throughout the city of La Place, Louisiana and the United States Prophet Jasmine has made a tremendous impact on various young men’s lives. Young men who come from troubled backgrounds and were introduced to violence and crime at a young age. Many of these men credit Prophet Jasmine for the drastic and positive changes that have occurred in their lives. Affectionately called by many as their “spiritual father”,


this humble servant is small in stature but a heavyweight in the spirit. He is the founder of Choice International School of Music and Performing Arts, a non-profit music and performing arts program. The school is geared toward providing leadership skills and performing arts training to underprivileged youth. The program provides them with impeccable training in theory, performance and practical application utilizing principles of the church. These services are provided from highly skilled and trained teachers. The phenomenal impact from the school has allowed children to receive scholarships to attend Choice International School of Music and Performing Arts and offer other avenues towards higher education.

The gifted and talented Prophet Jasmine who is also musically inclined released his latest CD Titled, “It’s My Time”, a prophetic instrumental CD that has ministered to thousands by healing and renewing the Mind, Soul, & Body. As he goes on to Prophesy to the Nations his work is not yet complete.

The best is yet to come for Prophet Jasmine and the Choice International Family Outreach Worship Center. For Booking Information on Prophet Antoine Jasmine Phone: 985-653-7232 Website: Email:

For LaWanna Harrod being in the presence of God is like breathing. Multifaceted, her talents are many. She is a mother, minister, author, philanthropist, coveted mentor-providing help and wisdom for the lost. An issue, Evangelist Harrod is all too familiar. For more than twenty years she had battled with the secrecy of childhood abuse and is now using her life as a term of reference that God is able. No longer bound, she has yielded to the instruction and direction of God and is the founder and director of Christian Sistahs, a foundation that provides healing and restoration for those struggling with issues of abuse. In particular, the mandate for Christian Sistah is to assist women, homeless, battered, teenage mothers and those living in shelters. With an emphasis of deliverance as its core, Christian Sistahs have discovered that through a unique type of fellowship, women can experience healing, the unction of the Spirit and restorative grace. If that weren't enough, Harrod's is also an accomplished psalmist and Praise & Worship Leader who has recorded her first solo album appropriately titled, “For Such a Time as This”. To learn more about Evangelist Lawanna visit her website


By: Imani G. Wheeler This note is dedicated to the men & women, young & old, who have associated the term “Daddy” with numbing pain or incessant rejection or a gray slab of engraved concrete or promiscuous probing in the night. Be healed through the redeeming blood of Jesus. Then, become a catalyst for change by the word of your testimony. Losing my first cousin, Curtis, was the singular most devastating event of my life. His sudden & gruesome death on August 14, 2010 caused me to delve deeper into the crevices of my soul. Curtis represented a bountiful family relationship for me – one of the healthiest I’ve ever known. He wasn’t just my cousin; he was my “twin”, one of my best friends, a confidant, and my personal security guard. He was a breath of fresh air in a world where my own father was absent from ME but present in the lives of other men’s children. He was also an AMAZING father to his son, Khalil. One of Curtis’s main goals was to connect my father & me. During Fourth of July weekend in 2006, I surprised Curtis by making a visit to NJ. He asked if I had told my father that I was in town. My response was, “No, Curtis. Why should I? My own father doesn’t even love me.” Then, he took the time to share things with me that I had never known before. We stood outside and talked for hours. Curtis was a bridge over the rugged terrain of the strained father-daughter bond that had always emotionally haunted me; until now. I heard someone say that the greatest failure is to be successful in the wrong assignment. That’s the most polite way that I can define my father’s role in my life. His career caused him to be hailed as a public success. However, as a father – which far exceeds any other prominent position – he has been less than admirable. Much to my chagrin, his interaction with me has been riddled with abiding rejection, venomous words that bore through my psyche & most recently, a devastating


discovery that sent shock waves throughout the fibers of my being. Unfortunately, some relatives placated his persnickety attitude as their condescending eyes conjured up an “Imani should just get over it” attitude. It’s as if I had been placed on an allotted timetable because others felt that I was not trying “hard enough” to just let it go. Little did they know that I WAS trying, REALLY TRYING with all of the courage that I could muster, to put it in the background. But the constant taunts in my mind wouldn't be silenced. The truth is that none of them had experienced this “father wound” by him; I did. Aren’t you thankful that God doesn’t minimize your pain? He loves us enough to walk WITH us on the road of healing. There is nothing that we feel in this life that He can't also feel. He created the father-child bond on purpose. When it's missing, it causes brokenness & ushers in an emptiness that contradicts His original design for the family unit. When Curtis died, I became physically ill and I felt like I had been emotionally assaulted. How could God violently strip me of my “twin”, a wonderful man who loved me unconditionally? I felt myself swirling into an abyss of major depression. After a frightening episode of gut-wrenching pain, I enlisted my closest friends to pray for me as if their lives depended on it. Suddenly, as the sorrowful hours turned into days and the days have given way to months, I’ve found myself smiling more and with childlike faith referring to God as “Daddy”. In the midst of my despair, I learned how to cling to God for dear life. I found solace in HIS love, HIS comfort & HIS warm embrace. I realized that Curtis’s love for me, precious as it still is, was limited by his humanity. His love was but an inkling of the Fatherly love that God has for me. The Lord had been trying to woo me to know Him in this capacity for a long time but I was too afraid to call Him Daddy. Here's why. I became familiar with disappointment at a young age. After reaching out to my earthly father with an open heart and being crushed each time, I started thinking that my Heavenly Father saw me in the same way. I thought that God would make promises to me, dangle them just within arm’s reach, and then back away without delivering on His word. I was afraid that God would openly laugh at and ridicule me. I was afraid that when I asked Him to bless me, I was being too much of a bother. Sometimes, I simply stopped asking for blessings and just let the chips fall where they may. I felt that when I just wanted to talk, God would be too busy for me. I believed that God loved all of His other children more than He loved me. I felt compelled to always prove to God that I was worthy of His love. These were all attributes that had 25 (PROMOTING PURPOSE)

been carried over from my relationship with my earthly father. I have seen God do some amazing things in many lives. I’ve witnessed numerous creative miracles right before my eyes. However, I had a hard time believing that His promises for ME were also "yea" and "amen". I had fallen into the vicious, cunning web that Satan had woven within my mind. He wanted me to always be the intercessor but never the one to obtain personal breakthrough. He wanted me to stand back in awe as others gained victory while I struggled to push past a defeatist mindset. Thankfully, my relationship with God as Daddy is ever-evolving and I'm grateful for His patience with me through it all.

I had an option when Curtis died. I could have been crushed under the weight of the pain and succumbed to artificial methods to soothe my distress or I could choose to run into the arms of my Daddy. He knew that losing Curtis would catapult me into a higher, richer and more intense adoration to know Him in this manner. Even in death, Curtis is the gift that keeps on giving. Because of this flourishing relationship with my Daddy, I’m learning how to fervently pray for my earthly father. Trust me, that’s a FAR CRY from where I was just a few months ago. God is showing me, in His loving way, how to release my father into His hands. I realize that my forgiveness of him cannot be contingent upon receiving an apology first. Therein, rests the redemptive quality of Christ. I'm a work in progress and it's looking mighty good, if I may say so myself! I often ask God, “Why couldn't I have learned how to see you as Daddy and STILL have Curtis here with me?” That's a question that I may never receive the answer to on this side of life. And I've learned how to make peace with that fact. To those who have experienced pain – any type of pain - from your earthly father, I want to encourage you. We don't have any control over how we entered this world but we have the power of choice. We can CHOOSE to make the most of the life that we've been given. I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever hear my father tell me that 26 (PROMOTING PURPOSE)

he’s proud of all that I've accomplished as a beautiful, intellectual and God-fearing young woman. But each day when I wake up, I know that my Daddy is beaming from ear to ear at the mere THOUGHT of Mani. Daddy has ensured that there is nothing missing, nothing broken and nothing lacking in my life because He's got me. Now, I’m indebted to take this message of His fatherly love all over the world. I want others who have been unfairly inflicted with the father wound to become familiar with and immersed in our eternal Daddy's adoration. Stay tuned; this isn’t just a deeply personal, narrative piece. It’s a movement.

Mission Accomplished, Curtis. Thanks for helping me get closer to my Daddy. I never thought I could love you more in death than I did in life. But I do. I most certainly do.

Imani G.Wheeler: My calling is comprised of the three M's: Media, Mentoring & Ministry. I can honestly say that I dedicate every fiber of my being to fulfilling these missions. I am currently writing my first book and also working on other upcoming media projects. I mentor approximately 15-20 young women throughout the United States and I am a chaplain at Children's Medical Center in Dallas, TX. The Lord has intricately interwoven all of these beautiful facets of my life together for His purpose. I am more content in this season than I have ever been before. Imani also conduct interviews for Promoting Purpose Magazine Learn more about Imani by visiting her website


By: Daniel Duval You give your tithe. Then you give it again. It’s been months, maybe even years. You give and give and then give again. The preacher says your increase is on the way and it always lifts you up. But then, nothing seems to happen. You’re still working the same job. You’re still driving the same car. Your bills went up, but your paycheck didn’t. When you look around, you come across plenty of testimonies. Other people always seem to get a break-through when they give. So why don’t you? You waver sometimes. It’s not that you mean to, but you just can’t help it. Seriously, what’s the point in giving away so much, when the return seems to be so little? Isn’t God supposed to be faithful? Isn’t God supposed to be no respecter of persons? When is it your turn? When I was in Bible School there was a point in time when God told me to give a large amount of money away. In addition to my tithe He told me to give one thousand dollars. Understand that I was a poor Bible School student working my way through school. This was my entire savings account. It had taken me months to acquire those thousand dollars through careful spending, denying myself shopping sprees, and refraining from eating out. I was told I could “name my seed” so I figured God planned to give me accelerated break-through. I named my seed (referring to the thousand dollars) as “debt freedom,” meaning I now expected to receive the ten thousand dollars I would need to pay off my wife’s student loans. With an empty bank account and plenty of faith, I earnestly expected the miracle. A few months went by and nothing changed. I had specifically named my seed “debt freedom by the end of the year,” and as the year was coming to a close I began to get impatient. I considered writing a check “by faith” to the student loan company thinking the action might move God. Fortunately I didn’t because the money never came. Maybe you have found yourself in similar situations. Maybe you’ve made an attempt at sacrificial giving and found that things 28 (PROMOTING PURPOSE)

didn’t quite work out the way you expected. Based on what you were taught, you may have figured that there was something wrong with you. Can I give you some good news—you may not be the problem! The promises in the Bible regarding the tithe and offering are clear. He that sows abundantly will reap abundantly (2 Corinthians 9:6). If you give it will be given unto you. God will cause men to give into your bosom (Luke 6:38). The issue is not God’s faithfulness. The issue isn’t even that the prosperity preachers are missing the clear biblical promises. The issue is that sometimes we overlook what I call the “principle of higher purpose”. We also forget that everything in God’s plan works according to season. The “principle of higher purpose” is based on the fact that God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9). This means that God will often ask us to do something for reasons that we don’t yet comprehend. We can get into trouble when we try to dictate to God the purpose for which He calls us to make a sacrifice. When I gave that thousand dollar sacrifice, I didn’t know God’s intent for that seed and so I tried to assign one. My assignment and God’s assignment didn’t line up so guess whose assignment won out. What ended up happening was that I miraculously moved into a three bedroom house with 2 ½ bathrooms and a two car garage the following year. I didn’t have to save up a dime to make this transition, my seed paved the way ahead of me—but it didn’t manifest until the right season. Everything in God’s plan works according to season. Jesus illustrated this in many ways. One example comes from the book of Luke. At a certain point, He set His face to go to Jerusalem because “the time was come” that He should be received up (Luke 9:51). At another point He did not openly attend the Feast of Tabernacles because He stated that “My time has not yet come” (John 7:6). Jesus had an acute sense of the timings and seasons of God. Certain things simply cannot manifest until their appointed season. In my case, debt freedom was appointed to occur at a much later point in time. This was no excuse to become unfaithful or disobedient in my giving. The truth is that in due season, we will reap if we don’t faint (Galatians 6:9)! Learn more about Daniel Duval ministry at


By: Adrienna Turner Adrienna Turner is an award-winning author for female author of the year (The Day Begins with Christ, nonfiction). She is a graduate of University of Wisconsin for two degrees: Information Resources (Bachelors) and Library Information Science (Masters). (

Trust Me: We quote and read these scriptures all the time like Psalm 37:4; Proverbs 3:5-6. God put these two scriptures in my spirit when it came to trusting Him with even my mortgage being paid, or for my radio ministry which is still on the air including bills with very little monies. Psalm 37:4, New King James Version (NKJV) 4 Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Keyword: Delight in the Lord, and then He will give you the desires of your heart. Do we rejoice? Are we excited and believe that God will do it for us! Once we get this faith factor of rejoicing, praising, and thanking God for what He is going to do or already done—and we have to believe His Word is true (it is so) and we will get the desires of our hearts. God also plants those desires in our hearts too. Proverbs 3:5-6, New King James Version (NKJV) 5

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

Keyword: Trust, here we see it again, believe that God will do it! We believe it in our hearts…and not leaning to our own mindset—what we believe (understanding). We acknowledge that He is God (Creator) and He will direct our pathway! He will give us direction such as wisdom, knowledge, and apply our gifts/abilities to see things happen in our walk with God and also in our personal situations! 1.

We have to have faith in the promise. What God says is true! Until something comes to challenge your belief or faith—


which is right: God or this situation/problem? Facts are subject to change. Yet, we are always looking for the facts or something we can see/feel and hear. Truth will never change. What God says is so…no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Truth established will overcome temptations and tests—we turn to solutions in the Word of God and believe it is so. Fight the good fight of faith. 2.

Meet the conditions of the promise. If is a condition, God will provide safety and protection. One example was in previous scriptures we read, “Trust in the Lord with all our hearts…not lean to our understanding…then He will direct our paths.” So with the “if” condition, we have to trust God and not go by our own understanding or beliefs and then God will direct our path. Other passage we read, “When we delight in the Lord, He will give or bless us with the desires of our hearts (author paraphrased).” We always want the second part of the passage without following what God tells us to do!

This is the faith factor: 1.

Trust in Him (with all your heart, mind, body, and soul). To trust, we believe it is true! Quit questioning the Word of God…if He said so, believe and trust it for it is so! Quit misinterpreting the passage for your own liking!


Apply or activate your faith. We believe in things hoped for (we are hoping and believing in something) but have to apply God’s Word to that factor. We are believing without seeing. We know that God will do it! He will not withhold or not come through on His promises. If He doesn’t do what He promised, then He is not GOD. We say, we believe He is God, our Creator, but don’t believe He can do this for us! Get out of that mindset. Remove and cast things that are not like GOD (those imaginations) and stand on His Word. Be firm, bold, courageous, and confident that God will do it. It may not be immediate but it is done!


Meet His conditions (of His Word) and get in agreement with His Word (or message God gives to us). Also visit Adrienna Turner at




Author Antoinette Marie Davis is a native of Michigan. She was raised by her parents, Andre & Doris Davis. She has an older sister, Andrea L. Davis. As a child, Antoinette enjoyed working with math problems and she often spent lots of time so that she could figure out the solution to the problems. Over time, this love for math led her to pursue a career in mathematics. She has had many role models who have encouraged her to pursue her goals and dreams of becoming a Mathematics Professor.

Lesson on Church Folk Volume 1 is an on time read! When reading this book you can tell the author is not trying to cause any sort of confusion but, simply wanting others to understand that there are issues within the church. Some of the issues that were mentioned in Lesson on Church Folk Volume 1 are issues such as hate, cheating, marriage problems, abuse, hurt and more. You will clearly see that every church has issues, even when you switch churches; you will see some of the same issues that you saw at your previous church, that’s one of the messages the author wants to get across in this book as well as reminding the readers that no one in the church is perfect. In fact the church is a hospital where people come to get help for their issues and etc. If you are secretly stress, hurt, going through a divorce and etc this book is highly recommended for you. For more info on Lesson on Church Folk Volume 1 visit PPM recommends this book for those who are having personal issues as well as those that have been hurt while in the church. It reminds you that no one is perfect. The perfect one is God and he is the only one that can heal and deliver us from any issues we may have!


Lessons on Church Folk Volume 1 is a book that is packed with quotes and stories that tell of the various attitudes and behaviors of many fictional church members. Even though these stories are fictional, each scenario can occur at any church. No church is exempt from any of these situations. This book will make you laugh; cry, smile, frown, and it will make you more aware of your surroundings as you attend church.


Author: Prophet Oliver T. Reid Book: Don’t Press Fast Forward Contact About Author: Prophet Oliver Reid is a powerful anointed dynamic man of God. He has over 19+ years of extensive ministerial experience. He walks in the office of Teacher, Evangelist, Pastor and Prophet. He is the founder of O.T.R Ministries International which he uses to consolidate his multiple resource networks.

A Much Needed Spiritual Tool! Prophet Oliver Reid has done it again, delivering a book that ministers, encourage, inspire and equip you on weathering the storm. PPM enjoyed this book so much we made it book of the month. There are times in our lives when we wish or attempt to fast forward the things in our life that are uncomfortable. We want to skip the learning part as the author says just to get to the enjoyable part. This book delivers prayers that you can use based on the situation you are in as well as encouragement in areas needed. With chapters such as You Are Not Late SIT STILL” and Holding Onto What’s Left. Every chapter in this book will either be a reminder of a point of where you were in life or where you currently are right now. PPM recommends this book to everyone because we all have a point in our life where we want to press a button to move forward….




oday In Gospel with GT Productions

Roman 13;7 we should give honor to all whom honor is due, we are spotlighting Evangelist Cummie Davis of Chapel Hill, Married for 28 years to Calvin Davis, a mother of two sons Joshua and Johnathan. A student at the Shaw University Cape Site located in Durham, NC Majoring in Psychology. Evangelist C. Davis loves the Lord with her whole heart, she displays a high standard for her Godliness, Holiness, faith, prayer compassion, steadfast and remarkable character. She is known mostly for the love she shares for others, always willing to do above and behind her call of duty. She expresses this love by walking in faith not by sight, always available to lend a helping hand. I would like to thank my long time friend and confident for all she has done for me, the ministry and my family we would like to give you your flowers now to smell, we could not think of a much deserving person, without stretched hands we embrace you always. Love GTP To book Evangelist Cummine Davis 919370 -4166 or 919 -904-8926


o stranger to the Quartet world of Gospel Music, GTP has been a quiet storm in this industry over 25 years of experience letting the Ministry speak for itself. God, hard work, dedication, and endurance give us the strength to keep going. We commit to our artists, business experiences, publication, tracking(Radio) promotions, booking engagements, bios, concerts, e-blast, advertisements, visibility, support and loyal to the ministry. In our upcoming segments GTP will introduce you to the best in the business, spotlights, Artist’s, Pastors, DJ’s, Program Director, Promoters, updates, Radio Stations, GTP upcoming concerts, our artists and more.


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Archie Woods is very dedicated to producing music for the Lord, and he encourages anyone with a passion for music who wants to serve the Lord and bless others with their anointed talent, to contact him for an opportunity to transfer their worship and praise onto a CD for the world to hear. Archie Woods can be contacted at: (PROMOTING PURPOSE) 469 25840 4349 for booking and more or email at

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