Thanking God for a Mother who prays for her children. Showing unconditional love and expecting nothing less than what God has placed in each of them. Mom, words cannot express how thankful we are to have a mother like you. You have stuck by us, even when it seemed we didn’t understand or know what path to take. You constantly prayed and trusted that God would protect us during our unknown journeys. You continued to have faith in that what you instilled in us as children would be the very thing that would lead us back to where God intended us to be. Your smile and the many facial expressions you gave to us to put us back in our place has all played a role in our lives. We love you and truly thank God for you! Love Always SherrellValdezloqui, Leroy, Lamont and Lauren Straker
Evangelist Bernice
Shelita Williams
Author Tamara South
Victorious Living for Moms
ARTICLES God Dimension
Stay Focused
The Seed of the Righteous
The Storm
Super Naturally Healthy Families Recipe
CEO SherrellStraker-Valdezloqui Advisor Rachel Moore Editor Damon Moore Writers Tina Kay Hughes Rachel Moore Adrienna Turner Dr. InecirMatthis Shelby Frederick Tony Jones Ruby Owens Joy Harris Daniel Duval Joanne Faillace
Happy Birthday to………..
Adrienna Turner May 2 Shanika Lawrence May 17 Wanda Adams May 17 Carol L. Grayson May 21 Shelita Williams May 21
reetings Readers,
This month makes the eighth month for Promoting Purpose Magazine. The time is really flying and within these 8 months I can testify and say God will and can outdo statistics. Statistics tell us that when it comes down to magazines, because there are so many new magazines being introduced to the market both online and off. Most magazines will fade away within six months to a year of its initial publication. Within our six months of existence, instead of fading we have been glowing. Some of the things PPM has been blessed to experience within these past 8 months were many blog talk radio interviews. We’ve also been interviewed on Gospel Central Music Video TV in New Jersey, on March 19th. On April 5, 2011 I received an email from the North Carolina Gospel Announcers Guild that Promoting Purpose Magazine had been nominated for a 2011 NCGAG Prestige Award under the category Television/Media of the Year. Upon that email I became speechless and surprised. I knew April 1st, (April Fools’ Day) was over but perhaps it was a prank or a mistake. So I called the number at the end of the letter and behold, someone answered. After composing myself a little, I told the person on the other end of the phone I received a nomination letter and wanted to confirm. She asked for my name and company and with a quick response she said yes you were nominated . How could this be I thought to myself.The magazine had only been out for 7 months. Then I remembered the voice of the Lord speaking to me saying that he had already prepared a path, just follow it.
When I hung up I ran around screaming thank you Lord, and remembered feeling The Spirit all over me. I had to call my advisor and tell her and on May 4th we will be attending the award ceremony. I guess that means that you will have to wait until June to find out rather we won or not. (smile) But regardless of rather we win or not, God is constantly confirming that we are on the right path.The staff and I at PPM are grateful for the readers that God has placed in front of Promoting Purpose Magazine and I am thankful for the Lord blessing PPM with such faithful staff and contributing writers. In closing, we must ensure we are walking in our purpose,and ensure we are in the right place in order to receive our blessings. We must be patient and stay in our lane, never worry about what the person behind, beside or even in front of us is doing. Walk your path at the pace God has given you to walk it.
Happy Mother’s Day, blessings to all!
SherrellStraker-Valdezlqui CEO/Publisher Promoting Purpose Magazine & T&Y Magazine 910-635-2340 www.promotingpurposemagazine.com
Rehoboth is a group compiled of talented and anointed singers, writers and musicians whose main purpose is to present worship in excellence to God through song. It is our hearts desire that lives are changed through this ministry. (Gen 26:22) The lyrical and musical expressions that this music projects are phenomenal because in every chord, note, physical expression and word, you can feel the anointing of God in it. This mus ic has healed people from sickness, delivered people from distress and frustration, saved lives and compelled lives to Christ. Every word from the beginning to the end is written, every note sang and every chord is played so God can get the COMPLETE GLORY out of it. We are all actively involved in ministry at The Church of the Redeemed of the Lord, where our humble leader is Bishop Jerome Stokes. Throughout the years, God has used him mightily to teach us the true meaning of worship; by honoring God with our lives/lifestyles. This enables the anointing through our music. We all try to live our lives, to honor God through everything that we do.
The founder and one of several lead singers of the group is Tony Burroughs, a native of Baltimore, a humble man of God who only desires God to get the glory out of his life through his expressions of music. All of the songs were written and arranged by him under God's direction. Tony believes that when our worship touches the heart of God, th en it moves Him to heal and deliver those who yield to the power of His spirit.
Every song is written and arranged to transition you from pain, to deliverance; from sickness, to healing; from hopelessness, to renewal, and the only place where you can find it, is through worshiping God. I have encountered many hardships growing up, and to be honest I know I could not have survived on my own. I never knew that God was with me when I encountered the molestation and abuse as a young child, living on the streets, the persecution, the pain of separation and divorce; being a single parent, etc... It wasn't until I looked back, that I saw that Hand of God pushing me through them all. I am eternally in -debt to Him for that, hence the reason why I try to offer Him my v ery best, every time I pick up a pin to write, or a microphone to sing. For booking, you can contact, Tavon Peal, Utrecht Music, Inc @ 410-412-6279 who is the manager of group. Interview with Rehoboth Greetings Rehoboth, Thanks for allowing PPM to interview you during your busy schedule. We had the privilege of meeting you back in March during a taping in New Jersey at the Gospel Central Music Video show. I must say the group delivered a powerful message through the songs which were sung. PPM : Please tell us how did the group get started and where did the name Rehoboth come from? Rehoboth: We began singing together in 2009 and God has really blessed us. God gave our leader Tony Burroughs a great vision to produce and arrange music that can bless His heart. Each song makes room for God to bless all those who hear it. The name Rehoboth means “the Lord has made room...� and it was extracted from Genesis 26:22. PPM : When the group sings what message are you wanting and praying to get across to the listeners? Rehoboth: When we sing, we desire to touch the heart of God through our worship. Worship causes God to react! This reaction to our worship will allow His presence to fill the room. When this happens, healing, deliverance and breakthrough HAS to take place. Those things can only be achieved through true worship.
PPM:Where does the group see itself 1-2 years from now? Rehoboth: 1-2 years from now, we desire to take our ministry across the globe. I know that it may seem unrealistic to some, but if God is making room, then there are no limitations to what He can do. We just want to be able to go where He leads us, and share our message of love towards God with others and introduce His love those who haven’t experienced it. PPM: Do you have a great support system from others in your area such as church, family, and friends? Rehoboth: We have an excellent support system from our family, friends and church leaders. We are all members of the Church of the Redeemed of the Lord in Baltimore, Maryland and the pastor of our church Bishop Jerome Stokes has been our number one supporter. We also receive an enormous amount of support from our church family as well. We also support each other. Each individual in the group have their own ministries of singing, writing, playing instruments, etc..., and we support each other. PPM: What’s next on the agenda for Rehoboth? Rehoboth: We are currently working on our full album which should be released in the Fall of 2011. We are confident that the album will really enable it’s listeners to worship God on a whole new level. PPM: Is there anything you would like to share or say to PPM readers to encourage them and also tell us where can we find out more about Rehoboth? Rehoboth: We just want to encourage all who are in pursuit of their dreams that if God has given it to you, then expect Him to make room for it. Sometimes you have to keep on digging just as Isaac but don’t give up; keep pressing and watch God make room for you! You can find out more about Rehoboth by visiting our websites at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rehoboth/214468055463 orwww.reverbnation.com/rehoboth
Subscribe to PPM today and start receiving Inspirational, Encouraging and Testimonies from all across the United States. PPM is a Christian Inspirational Magazine that promotes and encourages everyone to seek and find their purpose. Our concern is not the entertainment of this world,but the souls and planting seeds for the Kingdom’s harvest. Subscribe for 12 months at $39.99 and receive an extra issue of PPM free. That means you are only spending $3.33 on each of PPM monthly issues. Subscribe at www.promotingpurposemagazine.com Or send a check or money order to: Promoting Purpose Magazine P.O Box 5152 Fort Lee, VA 23801 910-635-2340
Equipped with a lifetime of musical experience and a passion to minister God’s goodness through song, Tifani Wilson steps into Christian music with a rejuvenating sound from heaven. Tifani is a worshipper who is passionate about writing quality music that inspires,uplifts, encourages and binds people to the heart of Jesus.
Equipped with a lifetime of musical experience and a passion to Minister God’s goodness through song, Tifani Wilson steps into Christian music with a rejuvenating sound from heaven. Tifani is a worshipper who is passionate about writing quality music that inspires, uplifts, encourages and binds people to the heart of Jesus. Tifani is the Minister of Music at Grace Covenant Church in Chantilly, VA. She has been leading worship for ten years and in that time has had the privilege to learn from and serve with Israel and New Breed, Kevin LeVar and One Sound, Tyrone Powell and Team Judah, Kevin Singleton, and Ricardo Sanchez. “My life is all about ministering to the hearts of people, seeing them healed, whole and right with God,” says Tifani. With an undying passion for advancing the Kingdom of God through song, this prolific writer, anointed worship leader and gifted vocal arranger believes the sound of Heaven is being released in the earth and her hope is to be one of the conduits through which it flows! "When God tells you to do something, you better do it! If you had asked me six months ago what was in my future I would have told you I’d be doing a live praise and worship recording within the year, NOT a studio project of love songs,” Tifani explains, “but God had a different plan in mind.” Tifani’s debut solo project, In Love, tells the real life love stories of everyday people just like you. With the help of producer, Tyrone Powell, she reveals a musical story of adoration, hope and cherished never-ending love. Tifani hopes that these songs will remind of the faithfulness of God and compel all to fall deeper IN LOVE with Him and proclaims “True and undefiled love first comes from the One who loved us before we even loved ourselves…Jesus Christ! If you don’t know His love, you’re missing out.”
Tifani’s Love Notes: Passionateabout everything I do. Why a love song project? The exciting thing about this project to me is that these songs are all inspired by someone’s real life love story. Friends and family always asked me to sing at their weddings, but when I tried to find a love song that fit their story, it didn't exist. Inspired by their stories, I decided to write original songs. When I performed these love songs, everyone wanted to know who the artist was or where they could buy it and I would always have to tell them it’s an original, and it hasn't been recorded. After that happening several times and receiving so much encouragement to record these songs, I felt God tell me to step out and do it! My intentionwas to do a live praise and worship recording first and not a studio project of love songs, but, I obeyed God.
I am driven to be all that God wants me to be and very ambitious about the call on my life. Soulful throughand through from my personality to my voice. Woman -100% Woman! I love being a lady. I'm a mother, daughter, sister and friend with so much to be excited about and a promising future! Committed -I am a very loyal and committed person to which my family and friends know they can trust me with their life. I take pride in being a safe place for them.
The original love letter,the Bible, is God’s love letter expressing His love for us. In Love is inspired by the love between a man and his wife, which is the expression in the earth of the Love that Christ has for His bride, the church. The love we see here on earth between a man and woman only depicts a small percentage of the love that Jesus has for us. ‘If I Don’t Have You’ is my attempt at expressing theway I feel about Christ. He is MY Lord and First Love.
The In Love affect I was so excited to do this project for my friends and didn't think I would be impacted personally. I am happy, single anddidn’t think these love songs applied to me but they remind me that God is jealous for us! Personally it feels good to know that my God is truly jealous for me and it makes me want to fall deeper in love with Him. When something or someone else outside of His will begins to move in for our attention God steps in and says, "No she's mine!" A single female Minister of Music contributing to love and romance? You know what's funny? I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO CONTRIBUTE! God used David, not a soldier, but a shepherd boy to kill Goliath. David was an unlikely hero, but he was willing and available to do what God said. I'm not a hero or a relationship expert; I just do what God inspires me to do. In Loveis my testimony to that. Love is…Patient, kind, doesn't envy, doesn't boast, is not rude, is not self-seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs, always hopes, always trusts ... 1 Cor. 13. There are different types of love. Eros is the erotic kind of love between a husband and wife. Agape is the God kind of love. Phileo is brotherly love. For me, love has to be a commitment, a decision to walk with someone through whatever for forever. Romance is…Intriguing conversation, moments of sweet laughter, soft touches, slow kisses, engaging glances, smiles just because, compliments, tender care, roses, candles, bubble baths, dinner for two, holding hands, car rides together alone, beach walks, sharing new experiences and chivalry. The Ministry of In Love Real love exists. We don't have to be a society that just goes through the motions of relationship and not being fulfilled with and through love. My fellow single friends, it can and will happen to you! Be patient and DON’T ever settle for less than God’s Perfect Choice for you. Be inspired by the stories of others. Cry, smile, laugh and hope when listening tothis project and know that God loves you so much.
Evangelist, Singer & Actress Born to sing!!! Never has such a phrase so accurately described one person more completely. Evangelist Bernice (Sista "B") Harley born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey has been singing since her early childhood. This gift has won her international acclaim and global admiration of fans. She is known throughout the world for her warm, inviting smile, motherly-nurturing embrace and the high-pitched squeal of delight emanating from her soul as she shares in the glorious presence of God with her audience. Her experience as the daughter of a pastor, much involved in the work of ministry led to an early encounter with the Most High God that ultimately led to her salvation and acceptance of her calling into the gospel ministry. Licensed as an Evangelist, God has anointed Evangelist "B" to spread His message all over the world. As with any Woman of God of her stature and grace she operates in various areas in ministry and vocationally including: actress, recording artist, songwriter, and musician.
Hailed as one of gospel music’s premiere artists nationally and internationally Evangelist “B” never fails to spread the joyful message of the gospel, the good news of God’s love for all humanity. The favor that has come from her faithfulness to her primary call has afforded her many opportunities and accomplishments including:22 years of traveling nationally and internationally throughout Europe, South America and Japan with various choirs and ensembles; “The Black Gospel Singers’, “The Harlem Gospel Singers”, The Harlem Gospel Choir”, The Golden Gospel Singers” and “The Very Best of Black Gospel” to name a few.
Evangelist B has a sweet spirit and fun to be around. Very energetic and shares a hug that lets you know you are truly loved by her.
SherrellValdezloqui In 2003-2004 she was assigned the position of “Musical Director” for the Black Gospel Singers. She successfully organized this Gospel Tour within only four days and was responsible for selling out concert halls all across Europe through the anointing that’s placed upon her life. In 20082009 she was assigned “Musical Director and “Production Manager” for the Harlem Gospel Choir. Another mile stone in her career was reached after having received her “Actors Equity” card in 2002. Her theatrical credits include: “Mama I Want To Sing” (part I, II, and III). “Let the Music Play Gospel”, “Lord Lift Us Higher”, “42nd Street”, “South Pacific”, “Nunsense”, “Ain’t Misbehavin”, “The Buddy Holly Story”, “The Civil War”, “Colors of Praise”, The Splendor of Easter”, “The Joys of Christmas”, and Broadway Christmas”.
To experience this powerhouse singer with her unique voice and energy that is out of this world is a multi- experience you most likely will never forget. It has been said that people have not only felt highly entertained, but also encouraged and filled with joy and hope. Divine Praise & Worship is part of Evangelist “B’s daily life, and she is leading people to another level of worship everywhere she goes, always ushering souls into the “Throne Room” of the Most High. Come on and enter in!!!!
You will learn what the Word of God has to say about you having dominion over every area of your life! You will learn how to apply the biblical principles being taught in this book to any area that you need to have dominion in. As a result of your diligence, you will take your rightful God given position and begin to reign in your health, wealth, relationships and ultimately reign in your life! You will discover: No matter where you are in life, you can take control of your life! It is God’s plan and command for you to reign in life! A systematic biblical approach to take you from where you are now to where God destined you to be! Don't wait! Take control of your life now!
Now Is Your Time to Reign in Life!
Growing up in an environment filled with drug, emotional and sexual abuse was not conducive to a healthy self-esteem to say the least. I found myself struggling with my identity and self-worth for many years. When I finally established a true relationship with God, I wish I could say that my life made a drastic turnaround but it didn’t. There I was one year into my new relationship with God, 226 pounds, my home in foreclosure, my car repossessed, in the middle of a divorce with an 18 month old daughter, and having a failed business under my belt. I knew that it was not God’s will for me to live this way but I had no idea how to live the life God destined for me. In my prayer and constant outcry to God, He led me to meditate on Proverbs 12:24a which says “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule.” To rule means to reign, have dominion, be in authority, be in control and to be on top. When I begin to search out the definitions of the word diligent I came up with 7 life changing principles of diligence that I teach in my book entitled “How to Reign in Life!” I utilized those principles to lose over 70 pounds, successfully restart my business with only $100,raise my daughter, who loves God, who is an excellent student and a beautiful young lady. I have the confidence to break free from negative relationships and to walk in my purpose! God is not a respecter of persons but of faith. Now is Your Time to Reign in Life! There is not an area of your life that you can’t apply these principles to and see your life forever changed. I continue to utilize the principles to progress on my journey to Reign in Life! It’s
your season to live your dreams achieve your goals and Reign in every area of your life! Are you ready to get out of debt, start your business, write your book, have successful relationships and get the confidence you need to walk in your purpose? If you are truly ready to Reign, get your copy of “How to Reign in Life!� today.
A much sought after, motivational speaker and author, Shelita Williams is known for her no nonsense style of teaching. As a successful business woman, she is C.E.O. of Reign in Life Enterprises as well as five other businesses. Shelita has an uncanny way of taking complex principles and transforming them into easy to follow guidelines. Through her down to earth teaching and coaching, she inspires women to discover their purpose, gain confidence and Reign in Life! Catch Shelita on her weekly Reign in Life Radio Show or watch her on Reign in Life TV. If you are in the Metro Detroit Area visit her at the Reign in Life Bible Study. To invite Shelita to speak to your group or for more information visit www.shelitawilliams.com
Author of Healing from Within In her new book, Healing From Within, author Tamara South shows readers that God still works miracles even in the midst of our trials and struggles. South believes that if it were not for the biblical accounts of the Apostle Paul, Job, Queen Esther, King David, and the Apostle John in Scripture, we would never know how to properly deal with the trials and troubles that we face in our lives. Healing From Within also tells the story of Tamara South's personal encounter with Jesus Christ. She went from being suicidal to praising God through her experience with the Son of God. And in the pages of this book, she describes her troublesome past and her hope for a triumphant future. Her powerful testimony of God's grace and a collection of beautifully written poetry will encourage readers to face their hardships boldly and step into the lifestyle that God wants them to live. Tamara Nicole South was born on June 28, 1981 in Bronx, NY. She lost her mother at the age of six and her father at thirteen. She enjoys writing poetry, singing, crocheting, bowling and meeting new people. Tamara seeks to help other children overcome the bereavement of parents. Tamara received her undergraduate degree in Human Development from Binghamton University and received her Master’s degree from New York University. She is an active member in her church serving as the church secretary and children's hour story teller. She is also on the Board of Directors of a non-profit Christian organization called BRYDGES and seeks to start a scholarship fund for orphans. To book Tamara South for speaking engagements and/or book signings, please e-mail: tnm218@nyu.edu.
PPM: Tamara tell us a little about yourself? Tamara: My name is Tamara South I am 29 years old I was raised in the Bronx. I lived as an orphan being raised by my grandmother. My mother died when I was six years old to a blood transfusion and contracted the AIDS virus. My father died when I was thirteen years old. Even though I had no parents I am still blessed. It took me a long time to understand that. I received my Bachelor's degree from Binghamton University and my Master's degree from New York University. I am married with one child. PPM: When writing Healing From Within what do you want the readers to receive from your work? Tamara: I want readers to know that if you have a problem not just suicide but depression, stress, anxiety, low-self esteem that God has the power to change that situation. I am living proof that God still works miracles. God has made us so much bigger than our problems. PPM: Where did the title Healing From Within Come About? Tamara: The book title came from learning that if you don't start the Healing process from within you are not completely healed. PPM: Is Healing From Within a testimony from personal experience? And if so do you mind sharing your testimony briefly with the audience? Tamara: : At the age of six I found my mother dead. I was tormented by suicide and self-destructive behavior like cutting from the moment I found her. I hid my problems by getting good grades, looking attractive and lying about who I was and where I came from but in order to really let go you have to heal from within. I looked to psychologists and medication to help but there is no help like the help from God. I lived with thinking I was the reason my mother died if I wasn't even born my mother would be alive. I grew jealous of those with parents because I didn't have any but one day when I was about to jump out of a window I got on my knees and cried out to God and said Lord I don't want to live like this anymore and in an instant the urges to want to die stopped and I haven't turned back since.
PPM: How long was the healing processes from what you experience take you? Tamara. It took me from age six to twenty four for the entire healing process but I had to let go of the torment of thinking I was the reason that my mother died. I had to come to terms with what God said about my life to live and not die. I had to completely surrender my life to Christ. I felt I could handle this by myself but I needed to know that only God can truly heal. PPM: Do you feel the things in which you endured brought you closer to God? Tamara: Yes indeed. When I look at the Apostle Paul and the thorn in his side, God refused to remove that thorn because in his weakness God shows your strength. Like Paul I boast in my weakness because I now know that it is being used for God's glory. PPM: How are you using your testimony to help others that may be in the same situation in which you’ve been? Example book writing, speaking engagements, radio interviews etc… Tamara: My book,“Healing from Within”, can help others who have went through suicide or feel as though they are inadequate to be used for God. I have recently done a radio interview with spirit station. PPM: What’s next for Tamara, are you currently working on another project at the moment? Tamara: I am starting to write another book based on self-esteem. It will be called God I know you created me in your image but where is my self-esteem. I will dig deeper into issue of suicide and depression and self-esteem. I feel that a lot of times both men and women do not value themselves enough and without nurturing from inside you cannot heal. I also would like to start a book club and scholarship fund. I also believe it is very important to counsel children about death at an early age I do not blame my grandmother she did the best
that she could do but I would like to go back to school and pursue counseling. PPM: What would you like to leave with our readers? Tamara: I leave this prayer. Lord, you know the obstacles that stand in each of our lives. You know our strengths and our weaknesses. Lord, I pray that we come to terms with our weaknesses whatever they are. God wants to take that weakness and help someone else. Healing From Within is not an overnight process that is why God calls for us to die daily. I also pray if someone is reading this and they do not know Christ they come to know you more. I have been baptized for six years and I have not looked back since. God freed me from suicide, depression, jealousy, low self-esteem if he did this for me he can do it for you. PPM: Where could your book be purchased and how can you be reached for speaking engagements, interviews and etc? Tamara: Barnes and Noble.com, Amazon.com I can be reached at tnm218@nyu.edu for speaking engagements and interviews and poetry readings.
Compilation CD with Gospel Groups and Artists from the Baltimore Maryland area!
Read this unique life story, The last Seal of Mystery. This is a testimony written due to the encounter with light versus darkness. The hardship of different trials and tribulations, the unfolding of truth to many seemingly mysteries of life The last seal of mystery tells about how a small child was haunted and attacked by forces of a unknown creature while growing up in the south,forces of the unknown which later followedinto child/adulthood. However as an adult, she was ordained by God to face and overcome all fears of the unknown and known. This dialogue also deals with faith and rising above situations, facing different challenges or crossroads that intend to prevent one from a purposeto fulfill in life. Take notes on how the strong survive. Read and experience the one on one journey and tour of a different time zone of the dark past, as far back to the century during slavery. Read a phenomenal life lesson revealed by God to Ann Renfroe. The hands of time, some would call this experience a revelation or perhaps to others a metaphysical experience. The Last Seal of Mystery will most certainly introduce you to reading one of the most truthful, and heart touching Stories ever to be told. READ THE LAST SEAL OF MYSTERY BY ANN RENFROE To contact the author : arsheemavision@aol.com
nity in the body of Christ is heavy on the heart of God. It’s time that we begin to get serious about this issue as well. We’re going to address unity, the God dimension, and the importance of repentance and forgiveness. The God dimension is simply another way to describe the kingdom of God or where God exists. We’ll begin by establishing the fact that unity allows us access to the God dimension. Consider the following verse: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name (Jesus), there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) First, let’s point out the obvious. Jesus says that when we gather, He is in our midst. This is not a suggestion of possibility—it is a fact. God fills the atmosphere that we are in, and establishes dominion in it. When two or more gather together in the name of Jesus, unity is established and we will enter the God dimension. There are admittedly several difficult questions that attach themselves to this statement. If you have found that your experience doesn’t relate to this explanation, your first question will inevitably be: Why doesn’t it feel like we enter the God dimension? In fact, you may be one who finds that it is easier to feel close to God without others. What does this mean for this verse?
Sin and un-forgiveness (holding grudges, hatred, bitterness, etc) will filter the presence and manifestation of God. These things usurp the degree of power that unity can release. If you or those you gather with are carrying these things in their lives, the power of unity will be negated by them. When sin and un-forgiveness are removed, the power of unity can be fully realized. We must understand that as a result of what Jesus did, we have been granted access to the kingdom of God. According to the Bible, we have been translated into this kingdom (Colossians 1:13). Since Christians have been translated into the kingdom of God, we hold a heavenly citizenship. Most of us grasp this concept. However, the principle to be learned is that we are held accountable to the laws of the land of our citizenship. If I am a citizen of the United States and I murder someone, I may try to escape to Mexico. However, if I am found, I can be deported and held accountable for my actions in my country of citizenship. Unlike the example above, there is nowhere that we can run from God. “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived…” (1 Corinthians 6:9)
The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Following this verse is a list of offenses that do not inherit the kingdom of God. These include extramarital sex, theft, idolatry, etc. What does this mean? Of course, the immediate revelation that comes is that unbelievers that reject the gospel of Jesus will not go to heaven. However, what happens when a Christian does these things? Do they lose their salvation? The succinct answer is no, because there is security in our salvation (2 Corinthians 1:22). In order to understand the deeper principle behind this verse, we must understand what it means to inherit the kingdom. Inheritance deals with the issue of access. In other words, those who participate in these sins sacrifice their access to the God dimension. Although God will not forsake them (Hebrews 13:5), they have established a barrier between them and God. This is why we must live lives of repentance and holiness in order to participate in our inheritance (1 John 1:9). In other words, if sin filters our access to the God dimension, repentance is what removes the filter. Regular repentance is extremely important to the life of the Christian!
This passage highlights the importance of right relationships in order to experience the God dimension. Un-forgiveness is a major barrier to right relationships. Forgiving others is necessary as we seek to experience the God dimension. As it is written, without this we cannot see God. When sin and un-forgiveness have been dealt with we will see God and experience His kingdom freely. Our access to the God dimension will also come easily and more powerfully. When these things are not in place, though Jesus is in our midst, the presence and atmosphere that God attempts to establish will be severely hindered. This is because it is filtered. Jesus wants to introduce the atmosphere and characteristics of the kingdom of heaven into our time-space, and His method of choice is unity. It’s time that we choose to want what He wants.
“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” (Hebrews 12:14) PPM welcomes Daniel Duval to the contributing writer’sministry
ames 1:8 - A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Having too many irons in the fire can be the result of the spirit of distraction. Distractions divide our attention from a chosen object onto the source of the distraction. Distractions are one of the devil's key tricks. Satan loves to send confusion and drama our way to divert our attention from God and the things of God onto him. Distractions can be both external [people and their foolishness, life circumstances, etc.] and internal [mind confusion, heart issues, and attitude, etc.] Distractions cause our minds to travel in too many directions at one time and produce double-minded thinking, destabilizing our lives and potential for a healthy relationship with God. Furthermore, distractions are the root of procrastination. Nestled deep within the bondage of procrastination is fear—usually fear of failure—and arrogance, which keeps us from stepping out into unfamiliar territory. If we don’t succeed then procrastinating gives us an excuse for our failures.
If we do succeed, procrastination gives us an opportunity to boast in arrogance about how we can put off things and still accomplish them. Distractions and procrastination are evil tools designed by the enemy of our soul to trip us up so we will take our eyes off Jesus and to prevent us from moving into the real life God has promised for us. We must learn to recognize those moments and situations when the enemy is trying to keep us in a procrastinating state because it will keep us from paying attention to what's truly worthwhile. To move on from that place and live a life of blessing and fruitfulness, requires us to lay aside the comforting lull of distraction, procrastination and complacency. When we trade in our fears and fleshy desires for God’s will and plan, our faith grows and deepens and God’s glory lives in and shines through us. When we learn to move beyond our self- and worldimposed limitations, we will gain new heights in God.
We must turn our eyes upon Jesus and dismiss the people, places, and things that the devil uses to delay the advancement of the kingdom of God in our lives. In addition, we have to check ourselves and clear the clutter from our spirit, heart, and mind to prevent the evil one from gaining a foothold and prospering through doubt and fear. It is a matter of life and death. God has given each of us kingdom work to do and, as no one knows the date and time when Christ will come to take us home, we don't have the time or the energy to waste on foolishness.
The bottom line? We must draw nigh to God and submit ourselves to Him. He will cleanse our hands, heart and mind from touching activities and things that are not of God as well as purify our hearts. In turn, God will draw nigh to us and we will be able to resist the devil, people, life circumstances or even our own self-talk that can delude us to go off purpose [see James 4:7-8]. Then we will be able to "Stay focused and do what the Lord has called you to do”.
PPM welcomes Joy Harris to the contributing Writers Ministry!
On the day that I was born my parents had high hopes and great dreams for me. No one could have prepared them for the turmoil and peril lying ahead of me, waiting to destroy my very soul.The dreams, the great plans, and the hopes would all give way to molestation, drug and alcohol addiction, abusive relationships and eventually prison.
Although they were strong in their faith and belief that God would deliver me, they didn’t know how, and they didn’t know when. Now that I think about it, it must have been in some ways very difficult; having to watch me suffer through life. Knowing that they had lived a righteous life in front of me, and that they had instilled in me all the right values of
a good life as parents and pastors; they had to have questioned from where did this seed of rebellion come? Neither of my parents ever drank nor smoked. I never saw my father beat or disrespect my mother, yet I endured 17 years of that type of abuse. My parents never went to jail or to rehab other than to see me, so where was the seed that they had so carefully planted in me as a child? Why had their prayers seemingly gone unanswered for nearly 20 years? More importantly, where was the church that was supposed to be growing inside of me to protect me from all of the evils of the world? It wasn’t until I was well into my adulthood that I realized that although I was in the church, the church wasn’t in me; so there was no protection, or so I thought. As time went by, I watched my life turn from one chapter of total chaos to another. I watched in horror from the sidelines of my mind as my life spiraled out of control. From one extreme to the next, and even in my moments of sanity there still was no peace.
I knew that deep inside of me there was that seed that had been planted all those years ago and it seemed that no matter how I tried to water it, it would not grow. Only the weeds of my addiction to the man I thought I loved, the addiction to crack and other drugs seemed to be at the forefront of my life’s garden. The church that should have been inside of me had been replaced by the secrets of molestation, lies, life and church hurts, unforgiveness, and bitterness. I had at one point reached a place where I thought to die would be a blessing. Then just as I had given up on my garden, the Son came in, and in the midst of the weeds of life, I began to see the greenery of salvation. It was like seeing a small ray of light at the end of a dark tunnel that I had seemingly been trying to get out of for years.
The dirt of life and the stench of addiction fertilized the seed of the righteous that I thought was dormant inside of me. It was in that moment that I understood my purpose, and the power of my destiny. It was then that I knew that the seed of the righteous could not be denied. It was in that instant that I realized that HIS hand had always been on me and with me. It was then that I knew that the journey I had taken that had held me captive the last several years, was all a part of the hopes and dreams that my parents had for me on the day I was born.
It was not just their desire that I have a good life, but their greatest desire was that I would be used for the up-building of the Kingdom of God, and in that God had answered their prayers. Today I am a living testament of God’s grace, His mercy, and His never ending love. I am a walking, breathing testimony of “the seed of the righteous”.
Elder Loretta White is the founder of A Different Breed of Godly Women, a ministry that encourages and empowers women of all ages to forgive themselves for God has…Love themselves because He does…and move forward because you can.. Elder White travels the country ministering to men and women, both young and old the message of hope and reconciliation. She is the pastor of Higher Dimensions International Worship Center. She and her husband reside in San Diego, CA. PPM Welcomes Elder Loretta White to the Contributing Writers Ministry!
Happy Mother’s Day, Love Promoting Purpose Magazine
A Woman’s Woman! (Fannie Anderson)
Every year on this day many women are celebrated and remembered as mothers that are special and unique for their love, dedication and sacrifices for their child or children. But there is always one who stands out from the rest and is known as a woman of ALL women…..A WOMAN’S WOMAN! This day I have the honor and privilege of celebrating that woman……my mother who IS a Woman’s Woman…… It is with great honor, admiration and respect mama that I share my words of endearment to you not just today but each and every day. Like Deborah of the bible you taught me to be a great leader in the home and among God’s people. You revealed the importance of spiritual warfare and its victories. Like Hanna of the bible you taught me to grow and remain in grace through hard trials, obstacles and setbacks. You share with me the necessity of prayer mingled with faith. Like Ruth of the bible you taught me that loyalty and friendship are valuable and priceless. You made me aware that I am able to overcome circumstances that seem hopeless if I adhere to sound biblical advice.
Like Sarai of the bible you told me as a child that I was beautiful and a princess, later you told me that I am THE Queen with a status of royalty, wealth, beauty and riches beyond measure and that I am more than capable to be a Proverbs 31:10 wife and mother that is rare, precious, kind, wise, disciplined and most of all God-fearing. You have taught me that Strength and Dignity should always be my clothing and to look toward the future and not at the past. You have been my constant source of counsel, instruction, guidance, strength, friendship, encouragement and motivation. You have shown me how to be a pillar of strength. I have been a witness of your spiritual strength, love and faith in the face of trials, adversities, obstacles, and disappointments. I have watched as you gracefully handled friendships and relationships that betrayed you, family members that resented you and a society that tried to overwhelm you. But through it all you taught me that you are A WOMAN’S WOMAN…….and so am I. And because of this I say thank you and I love you more and more with each passing day! HAPPY WOMANS DAY MOM! Pastor Inecir (Nica) Matthis
Victorious Living for Moms Description
The second book of the Victorious Living series, “Victorious Living for Moms: Letters to a Mother’s Heart” will be released on May 3, 2011. Victorious Living for Moms is an anthology project sharing personal stories and empowering principles with women around the world with a mother’s heart. With transparency, wisdom and wit each writer reaches the heart of mothers who are struggling to find the victory in their situation. Mothers who are dealing with trying to make ends meet, wayward children, children with mental or physical challenges, children who are incarcerated or many of the other issues which mothers deal with on a day to day basis, this book has been created with them in mind. Victorious Living for Moms is the collaborative effort of over 30 authors from around the country who have put pen to paper under the guided direction of the Victorious Living series publisher, Cheryl A. Pullins. In this time and season, mothers need much help and support as they journey through life. There are more grandmothers, aunts and sisters raising the children of family members than ever before. Victorious Living for Moms is a book created to celebrate, encourage and support every woman who has the heart of a mother. Victorious Living for Moms participating author, Wanda Mays Noel says, “The words 'Victorious Living' attracted me immediately because it has always been my desire to operate in victory daily. To connect with other women who have the same mindset and desire to live it and no shame in expressing it, being a part of this project was a no-brainer.”
Alesia Miles, Bessie Sims, Cachet Wells, Carol Sankar, Darnice Wright, Debbie Magee, Deborah Billingsley, Donna Saunders, Dorienne Sims, Jeanea Osbourne, Joann Smith, Johnese Stewart ,Joy Turner, Keandra Ward, Kenice Griffin, Lily Jenkins, Linda Evans, Michele Mills, Nellie Griffith, Olivia Szekfu-Weatherly, Paulette Harper-Johnson, Rosemary Nickel, Selinda Williams ,Sharyce Huff, Sheretta Golladay, Sheya Chisenga, Sonja Samuel, Stephanie Gordon, Stephanie McKenney, Stephanie Garner-Riley, Sylvia Browder, Tameaka Reid, Tiffany Easley, Ursula Evans,Val Scarbrough, Victoria Sims, Wanda Mays Noel, Yvette Gaines
THE STORM There’s a storm on the way, only the disbelievers’ will have to stay. Everything is in the hands of God, the beginning and the end from heaven above. All the saints will disappear, from this world that never cared. This storm has sent out a warning everyday there’s signs that show it. God asks to get your house in order, and yet some are still being disobedient and out of order. Still doing things they know are wrong; never repent but just go on. If you were warned that you’re going to die; what would you do with the little time? Or if you knew that God was behind you, calling out the names of the people he knew Would you be the one he calls? Would you try to ask for forgiveness through it all? Or would you just sit and not say a thing. Only God knows what the future brings Get ready children is the warning out there This is your warning The Storm is near!
Ingredients: *Use organic ingredients as often as possible! Instructions:
8 large omega-3 eggs Package of 12 whole grain tortillas 1 teaspoon butter 1 stalk celery, finely diced ½ red onion, finely diced Fresh snipped chives 11 ounce can sweet low sodium corn, drained 15 ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed completely
Warm the tortillas in oven preheated at 350* for a few minutes, but do not let them dry out. Remove tortillas from oven and cover to keep warm. Meanwhile, in large skillet sprayed with cooking spray, add butter until melted and then add eggs. Add celery and onions and cook until just tender. Add eggs and cook until just set and then add the corn, black peas, cilantro, chili powder, chili sauce, hot sauce, sea salt, and pepper. Add the tomatoes at the last minute before serving. Cover eggs and keep warm. Take scoop of eggs and place onto warm tortilla. Fold over as if making a cone shape leaving most of the egg mixture exposed. Top each tortilla scrambler with a dollop of low fat plain yogurt, salsa, and snipped chives. Refrigerate leftovers and use within one day. *Super-Naturally Healthy Tip!
Sea Salt
If you prepare this the night before, then in the morning you can just grab it and go for a supernaturally healthy breakfast on the run! Just wrap your tortilla scrambler tightly in waxed paper or deli style paper, refrigerate overnight, and then reheat it just before you run out the door! Hasta luego, senorita!
Freshly ground black pepper
Fresh cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced
Super-Naturally Healthy Families!
Fresh or dried cilantro, to taste ½ teaspoon chili powder 2 tablespoons chili sauce Hot Sauce, to taste