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Stay away from Diabetes – Prediabetes Symptoms and Identification Prediabetes – Need immediate identification: We all know that Diabetes is the gateway for all the diseases and disorder. By the way we can stop it from the node. If we found the diabetes in early stage,then we can easily get ride from diabetes. Prediabetes is the warning sign of diabetes. People who are having high blood glucose level but not high as much as diabetes blood sugar level is called Prediabetes. They are in the path of diabetes.
Fast Fact: 10% of U.S population and more than 90 million adults in the U.S have diabetes. Are you victim with any one of these diabetic symptoms? Searching for Restroom frequently: It is because excess blood sugar level is expelled through the urination by the function of kidney, it causes the dehydration in the body. It is also called as polyuria. Running for a water bottle – Extreme thirst: Due to the frequent urination, our body gets dehydrated causes thirsty and mouth dryness also called as polydipsia. Continues rases in body - Skin itchiness: Dehydration makes skin as dry that will make itchiness in the skin, especially in legs, hand, near the vaginal area for women due to the urine contains excess sugar content.
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Thoughts about Food – Hungry: Food is converting as energy in the body. Insulin takes the responsibility to covert the blood sugar into energy if it stops converting to energy, it creates hungry frequently. Inadequate energy to the body causes hunger. Worrying about sudden weight loss: Low energy in the body, it does not get adequate energy from food results, our body starts to use the body muscle and fat to use as energy reflects the loss in body weight. Fast Fact: Prediabetes blood glucose range is 100 to 125mg/DL. Wounds for a while – Slow healing: When you got an injury, it takes more time heal, because of nerve damage and poor blood flow in the body. This makes the wounds to heal slowly.leg numbness is the signs of nerve damage. Yeast infections: Infections in between the toes, sudden wounds in legs due to yeast formation, fingers, around the sex organs for men and women. I am tired for whole day - Fatigue: Unusual tired feeling and mood upset, because of low blood circulation which does not take sufficient energy and nutrients to the body. These symptoms are also occurring for children. This is the warning sign of diabetes from your children Smelling fishy - Fruit smell breath: When u having fruit smell breath, it shows the ketones presence which smells like nail polish and this condition is called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Blured vision: Lens inside the eye becomes swell because of excess blood sugar level in the blood. It causes blurred vision Fast Fact: Fatigue, fruit smell breath is the common symptoms in children and adults.
Simple things to manage diabetes:
1. Maintain blood pressure and blood sugar level as optimum. Take regular check up. 2. Follow healthy Prediabetes food diet like whole grains, fiber, vegetables in your food. Avoid carbs, junk foods
3. Walking, simple exercise helps to maintain optimum blood sugar level.
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