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Super Diabetic Diet Plan - Easy way to Reverse Diabetes Diabetes is a disease spreading among all ages of people in the world. It is also called as diabetes mellitus (DM). Type 1 Diabetes cannot be a cure, but TYPE 2 Diabetes can be reversed, it cannot cure completely but can be remission. You don't need to put too much to reduce the high blood sugar level in the blood. Just need simple lifestyle changes and diabetic diet plan. Diabetes rate has been increasing frequently. It’s spreading out rapidly among the people.
Fast Fact: 30 million of people in the U.S are having type 2 diabetes. 2 % of children and adults have suffering Prediabetes and type 2 Diabetes. What is the real process of reverse diabetes? Diabetes can be controlled and maintained normal blood sugar level in the blood by taking healthy diabetic diet plan, lifestyle changes without using medications. Induce the insulin process in the body. What are the General reasons for type 2 diabetes?
Bad diet plan
Stress, lifestyle
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How to reverse Type 2 diabetes naturally with Diabetic Diet pla? Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by planning diabetic diet plan are, Super Diabetic diet plan: Low carbohydrate or countable carbohydrate •
Carbohydrate converted as glucose and gets to use as energy from the blood. It has high influence in the blood sugar which causes type 2 diabetes easily. Depends on how much carbohydrate food you are having in each meal from the whole day is must to maintain normal blood glucose level.
Non-starchy vegetables like mushrooms, broccoli, avocados, cauliflower, cucumbers, watermelon, green leaves are having low carbohydrate content. Add more amount of these vegetables and fruit in each meal in a day to reverse diabetes.
200 to 250 grams of carbohydrates can be taken by the type 2 diabetes patients in a day. Around 25 grams can be taken in per meal. Additionally, if you add these vegetables and fruits to your diet plan can maintain the normal blood glucose level.
Add whole grains and rich fiber in food: •
Whole grains occupied a major part of the diabetic diet plan which takes some time to convert the glucose from the blood to energy used to the body.
Whole grains are brown rice, whole grain bread, oatmeal, barley, millet having high protein and fiber content. It consumes more time to convert to glucose in the blood. So it does not feel hunger to the type 2 diabetes patients. If you have starting to add rich fiber content in the food leads to induce insulin sensitivity and maintain weight.
Rich fiber food: black beans, peas, lentils, broccoli, cranberry, raspberry, oranges, apples are high fiber content fruits. Intake these foods to reverse diabetes and maintain normal blood sugar level.
Required healthy fats and lean proteins •
Healthy fats and lean are needed to induce the insulin works in the body. Saturated healthy fats acids like omega 3 would increase a hormone called adiponectin. It helps to increase the insulin sensitivity
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Lean proteins, omega 3 foods: egg, fish, cheese, soy, yogurt
Fat food for diabetes: blueberries, avocados, apple, butter, cheese, meat, milk
Split portions of foods: Divide the portions of foods into three to five parts. Eat a smaller portion of each meal in a day. It is because you feel hungry often so that you can eat smaller portions of foods and it keeps metabolism. Keep best diet for diabetic
Diabetic diet plan chart: Morning breakfast: Boiled egg or toasted egg with whole grain bread stuffed with tomato, carrot broccoli, soy sauce to make sandwich with orange juice Or, baked egg with tomato salad, oatmeal with nuts, honey, berries salad. In-between snacks: Nuts like almonds, 2 to 3 walnuts, with half a glass of milk. Or orange, kiwi is the fruits for diabetes. Lunch: Apple toasted sandwich stuffed with peeled off one apple, whole grain bread, cheese, egg sprinkled if you need spices add some pepper on the top oven it for few minutes to have the best lunch for type 2 diabetes patients Or, one cup of mixed vegetable soup with toasted bread, a salad of green vegetables especially bitter gourd or sliced orange apple salad.
Evening snacks for diabetes: Apple sliced with honey and cinnamon, or one orange, try to avoid juice, bite or make sliced fruits to eat. Apple and orange are the fruits for diabetes Dinner: Have lean proteins like ½ cup small cup of sliced pork, egg, and fish in your food with whole grain bread sandwich. Or vegetable stir-fry or vegetable salad like green vegetables likes broccoli, bitter gourd, soybeans, garlic, and cucumber. Or brown rice with vegetable fry.
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Food to avoid type 2 diabetes: Starchy vegetables like Potatoes, beans, peas, mango, beetroot, papaya, sweet bread, have high carbohydrate content in it.try to reduce the intaking of these vegetables and fruits for diabetes. Avoid adding more sugar in meals. Sweets, junk foods, cool drink beverages Bottom Line: Reduce stress
Manage your stress because stress can increase the blood sugar.
Sleep 7 to 8 hours in the night.
Sleepless habits tend to high blood sugar, blood pressure, weight gain and type 2 diabetes.
Do exercise and meditation.
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