November 2017
ITS Innovations
1) Tackle your integration with confidence.
243 million turkeys -
Why do you need IT guys?
2) Put a backup and recovery plan in place and test it often. The Thanksgiving tradition.
July 2016 2017 November
Call CallITS ITS(702) (702)728-3176 728-3176
4) Plan for your projected growth and create the next steps for your network.
3) Secure trade secrets, confidential communications and client information like a pro!
5) Take a proactive approach to your IT management.
What is a PDF?
Need help?
Where did PDF files come from?
Get to the bottom of your IT issues. -
Boss needs those documents by 2 p.m. but you can’t print a darn thing!
Why you should use PDF’s in business.
Are you worried about a few of your IT symptoms?
Frustrated users. -
FREE Network Security Audit Intelligent Technical Solutions (702) 728-3176
ITS Innovations
Call ITS (702) 728-3176
A 4,500+ calorie dinner. Microsoft won’t call out of the blue.
The Microsoft scam.
Don’t believe everything you read online.
Alternatives are out there.
The first symptoms. -
Happy Thanksgiving.
The phone calls. -
Finally, repairs cost money, right?
November 2017
Intelligent Technical Solutions
We Are Here to Help! :) Call us today!
5 Things To Do Before You Duck Out For Thanksgiving.
1) Let people know you are gone.
2) Identify your backup buddy.
Thank You For Your Business 3) Check your backups before you go.
4) Let IT know the days your office is closed for the holiday.
Most of all‌
Give us a call if you need assistance preparing your office for the holiday break. We’re here to help!
Intelligent Technical Solutions
(702) 728-3176