The flexibility of a small business with the capability of a large shipyard.
ECR is a full-service repair, maintenance, and alteration work provider for the maritime sector. We accommodate the US Navy, US Coast Guard, as well as a diverse group of vessel owners and operators, such as Military Sealift Command, MARAD, Crowley, Maersk, and other commercial vessel operators No matter your needs, we have the facilities, equipment, and staff to tackle big and small projects at the highest quality and reliability standards
Inspired and Innovative Solutions for Vessel Maintenance & Repair.
Capacity & Core Competencies
Full Service Ship Repair Company holding a Master Ship Repair Agreement (MSRA) with US Navy.
Multiple IDIQ contracts in Hampton Roads, VA, Mayport, FL, San Diego, CA, and Everett, WA for complex and non-complex ship repair on Navy Combatants and Amphibious vessels, as well as for
Shipboard Habitability alteration work
Mobile crews for commercial customer ship repair
18 acres waterfront facility with 2200 feet of newly installed bulkhead and 21 feet of water in Jacksonville, FL
80 acres deep water access facility with two 1000 foot long piers in Newport News, VA
Metal cutting and shaping
Electrical / electronics
Blast and painting
Fabrication shop with deep water access
Sheet metal shop.
Pipe shop
Crane shop
Machine shop
Mechanical shop
Motor rewind
Pump and Valve shop
Level III NDT with Certified Welding Inspectors
Multiple Operations with facilities and shops in Mayport and Jacksonville FL; Newport News and Norfolk, VA; and San Diego, CA Jacksonville, FL - 18 acres, 2200 feet bulkhead Newport News, VA - 40 acres land, 40 in water riparian rights, with two 1000-foot government-approved piers
Common User Facility - Facilities available for lease to the Government and other vessel owners.
Easy access to facilities by water and major highways
The flexibility of a small business with large shipyard capabilities
Track record of on-time delivery and customer-focused performance
Members of the Board of Directors for Virginia and Jacksonville
Ship Repair Associations
ECR Holds several IDIQ Contracts with SERMC, MARMC, SWRMC, NWRMC, NNSY, and NSWC PHD Contracts comprise Complex and Non-Complex vehicles for cruisers, destroyers, and amphibious vessels, as well as various contract vehicles for small boats and barges, and shipboard habitability alteration work
N4002722D1002SERMCNECCSmallBoat N4002719D1001SERMCCOMPLEX N4002719D1005SERMCMayportLivingBarges N4002717D1003SERMCLOT2NON-COMPLEX N5005419D1904MARMCSMALLBOATLOT1 N0002422D4402MARMCComplexCRUDES N5005419D1911MARMCSMALLBOATLOT2 N0002422D4408MARMCAMPHIBS N0002422D4417MARMCNon-ComplexCRUDES N5005419D1918MARMCHM&EGenShipRepair N0002422D4432MARMCNon-ComplexAMPHIBS N5005420D0005MARMCMessing&BerthingBarges N64498221D4034ShipboardHabitability N0002422D4444SanDiegoComplexCRUDES N0002422D4450SanDiegoComplexAMPHIBS N0002422D4456SanDiegoNon-ComplexCRUDES N0002422D4465SanDiegoNon-ComplexAMPHIBS N4215823DS002NNSYSmallBoatandBarge N0017806D4742SeaPort-e N0002418D4330SWRMCIDIQLCSSupport N0002421D4461SERMCIDIQLCS N5005417D0009MARMCIDIQNon-ComplexSurfaceCombatantsand AmphibiousVessels N3220518D4920MSCIDIQGeneralShipRepairEastCoast N4044320D0006MSCIDIQGeneralShipRepair-SanDiego N0002424D4216NWRMCIDIQEM,CMAV&CNOavailsonSurfaceShips
Contact Information
Jacob Dinmore, VP of Operations, VA
D: 904-222-5067
E: jdinmore@ecrfabcom RFQ VA: rfqecrf@ecrfabcom
Nathan Moeiny, VP of Operations, FL
D: 904-710-9419
E: nmoeiny@ecrfabcom RFQ FL: jaxrfq@ecrfabcom
Ralph Duskin, VP of Operations, CA
D: 619-919-4715
E: rduskin@ecrfabcom RFQ CA: sdrfq@ecrfabcom
Mailing Address: PO Box 1136, Portsmouth, VA 23705
Locations in HUBZones, Enterprise Zones, and Opportunity Zones
Unique Entity ID (SAM): WRLNL96Z2KE4
Cage Code: 1LUZ5
NAICS: 336611 - Ship Building and Repairing