(Professional Landscape / Commercial Mowers) CoCal Case Study

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CoCal Landscape

To reduce its environmental footprint, CoCal fueled mowers reduce carbon monoxide developed a comprehensive sustainability emissions by more than 80 percent and program that focuses on maintaining greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 50 balance with nature. CoCal recently percent compared to gasoline-fueled expanded on this program by replacing mowers. Upon discovering these statistics, its gasoline-fueled mowers for propane- Medrano decided switching his gasolinefueled models. Jesus “Chuy” Medrano, co- fueled fleet to propane was another founder and owner of CoCal, said this move necessary, green step for the company. has not only reduced emissions, but helped “I was already used to the idea of propane, the company secure new business. because we ran our tractors on propane back home in Mexico,” said Medrano. “When I had an opportunity to acquire BUILDING A SUSTAINABLE some propane-fueled models from a BUSINESS friend, I started thinking a switch to CoCal has always been committed to propane was a way we could help the environmental stewardship, but in recent environment and our business as gasoline years the company has taken a more prices keep going up and up.” aggressive approach to going green. CoCal developed an internal composting In February 2012, John Deere purchased system for its landscape debris, and in all of CoCal Landscape’s used, gasoline2011 the company planted enough trees fueled mowers and helped Medrano to offset over 500,000 lbs. of carbon convert 85 new John Deere standon models to propane. Utilizing dioxide emissions. PERC’s Propane Mower Incentive To reach the company’s ultimate goal of Program, Medrano estimates he saved becoming a net-zero environmental impact approximately 2/3 of the initial cost of company, Medrano started exploring the conversion kits. alternative fuel options. Propane-


oCal Landscape is one of the largest landscape contractors in Colorado with locations in Denver and Longmont. Founded in 1992, CoCal provides a wide range of commercial landscape services. The company has 200 lawn maintenance employees, uses a fleet of 85 commercial lawn mowers and services the cities of Denver, Longmont, Fort Collins, Westminster, Colorado Springs and Aurora, Colo.


Reduce negative environmental impact and save money by using propane-fueled mowers, which decrease emissions while reducing fuel costs.

• Reduced carbon monoxide and greenhouse gas emissions reinforce company’s sustainable business model. • Propane’s environmental benefits help procure new business, particularly government contracts. • Saved approximately $5,000 to $7,000 a month, due to the rising and volatile prices of gasoline and diesel.


CoCal Landscape marketed its switch to clean-burning propane to new and existing customers, and has received a largely positive reaction. Medrano believes CoCal Landscape has landed a few new contracts because of the switch, particularly with government agencies where green initiatives are being stressed. “In this economy, people are still looking at the bottom line, but some of the cities we work with definitely like that we’re a green business. I think our sustainability initiatives factor into their decision to work with us,” Medrano said.

REDUCED FUEL COSTS WITH PROPANE Though purchasing the mowers and converting them to propane required an initial investment, CoCal quickly started saving money after making the switch. Medrano estimates that in its first lawn maintenance season, CoCal saved about $35,000 to $40,000 in fuel costs alone. “I’m excited,” Medrano said. “We are saving about $5,000 to $7,000 a month in fuel. And now that we’ve got our employees and mechanics trained to calibrate and maintain the mowers, it can only get better. In 2013 I’m expecting to save $50,000. The savings definitely factored into my decision to switch to propane.” CoCal Landscape also experiences additional cost savings by purchasing propane when it is at a lower price point in Colorado. Medrano locks in pricing with his propane dealer during the summer months when demand in Colorado is lower compared to winter months, when propane is used for heating.

INDUSTRY LEADER PROMOTES BENEFITS OF PROPANE Medrano has over 30 years of experience in the landscape industry and is acting president of the National Hispanic Landscape Alliance (NHLA) — an advocacy group for Hispanic landscape contractors. His professional landscape experience and involvement with the NHLA have helped Medrano develop a network of landscape contractors across the country. Medrano has recommended propane to his NHLA colleagues, touting the benefits of propane and even demonstrating equipment with interested peers. One associate has already started to transition his fleet to propane-fueled mowers, and Medrano thinks that’s just the beginning.

Refueling equipment with propane has also saved the company time and money. CoCal participates in a cylinder exchange “I think propane is going be the fuel of choice for landscapers program with a local propane company.. The propane provider’s moving forward. It will take some time, but people will catch employees visit CoCal locations in Denver and Longmont, Colo., on,” Medrano said. “CoCal has been in the industry for years, each day to exchange empty propane cylinders for full ones. The we’ve won a lot of awards and we’re one of the most advanced convenience of refueling on-site has eliminated employees’ time companies as far as being green, so eventually competitors are spent fueling at gas stations, and with comparable performance, going to copy what we’re doing. They usually do.” employees rarely have to exchange cylinders on the job. To learn more about propane-fueled lawn care equipment “Our mechanics brought all the equipment in one weekend and and the Propane Education & Research Council, visit: calibrated the mowers for our altitude so they burn at maximum poweredbypropane.org. efficiency,” Medrano said. “After that, we started getting an For more information about CoCal Landscape, visit: cocal.com. additional hour out of every cylinder. Now we get five to six hours out of every cylinder, which lasts us all day since we run five- to six-hour shifts.”


To learn more about propane autogas and the Propane Education & Research Council, visit autogasusa.org. Propane Education & Research Council  /  1140 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 1075  /  Washington, DC 20036 P 202-452-8975  /  F 202-452-9054 / propanecouncil.org

The Propane Education & Research Council was authorized by the U.S. Congress with the passage of Public Law 104-284, the Propane Education and Research Act (PERA), signed into law on October 11, 1996. The mission of the Propane Education & Research Council is to promote the safe, efficient use of odorized propane gas as a preferred energy source.

© 2013 by the Propane Education & Research Council  6524-CS-13

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