N o 02
CHRISTINE CAINE Propel Into The New Year
LISA BEVERE A Force Unseen
JENNIE FINCH Gold Medal Mothering
TERRY CRIST Learning from a Leader
DR. CHRISTINA CRENSHAW Calling and Vocation
MICHI MARSHALL Marriage and Mental Health
When I Dared To Let My Receptionist Daydream
KATI RAMER New Beginnings
MELANIE NYEMA Propel Woman Highlight
ALLI WORTHINGTON Passion. Purpose. Potential.
Uniquely Female Attributes Of Leadership
In the last edition of the Propel magazine, we began the story of our journey. As this proverbial chapter continues to reveal more of who we are, we want you to know our heart, see our passion, and feel our commitment to empower women in their calling. Our goal is to build your leadership identity in a way that spurs you on to do greater and better things.
@ChristineCaine Founder of Propel
PROPEL INTO THE NEW YEAR Christine Caine, Founder of
Welcome to 2015 and the official launch of Propel! We have
Is it time to make room for new relationships in your life?
been praying, planning, and preparing in order to create a
Is it time to make room for healthier eating habits in your life?
vehicle that will help every woman develop a leadership
Is it time to make room for ongoing learning in your life?
identity no matter what her season or calling. Our bottom
Is it time to make room for spiritual growth in your life?
line is simple: As followers of Jesus Christ we are called
Is it time to make room for emotional health in your life?
to lead people to Him; therefore, we are all leaders.
I believe that God has great things ahead for you this year, I absolutely love that the word propel means “to move
but we all need to grow to where we need to go. Remember,
forward or onward; to cause to develop or progress.� If we
healthy things grow and growing things change, so expect
are going to advance this year, we have to be prepared for
and embrace change in 2015.
change because without change there is no growth. Change is not always welcomed, comfortable, convenient, or easy,
I write these words knowing that we are literally in the
but the degree to which we are willing to change is the
midst of launching Propel. These are early days, this is a
degree to which we will grow.
brand new baby, and we are definitely on the growth journey with you. A commitment to growth is a commitment to risk,
During the holidays, we had to buy my eldest daughter Catherine, a new bed because she had outgrown her other
courage, faith, strength, hope, and a willingness to make mistakes, get back up and try again. So, here we go‌
one. (She is now officially taller than her mother!) Even though she loved her old bed, we could not keep it because it could no longer serve its purpose. Catherine needed more
Thank you for embarking on the Propel adventure with us. I can hardly wait to see where this ride takes us.
room in order to keep growing.
I wonder if there are things in your life that you need to get rid of in 2015 because they no longer serve the purpose they once did? Where in your life do you need to clear out the clutter so you can make room to grow?
If ever there comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known. —Matthew Arnold
Could it be you’ve awakened in this moment?
We need women who are capable of whatever is necessary. Our world has known the impact of many forces. Over
I challenge you to ponder your part in women coming
the centuries our earth has been bludgeoned by forces of
together for good. I love that Matthew Arnold identified
nature such as hurricanes and monsoons. Its foundations
this unprecedented force as the women of the world.
have been shaken by earthquakes. Armed forces have
He didn’t limit it to women in the church or women in
gathered for purposes both noble and foul. Adversaries
Bible study but included all women wherever God has
have met on battlefields and left destruction in their
them! Will you dare to believe that you might be a part of this revelation of good, and therefore gather with others and strategize so God’s goodness will be seen in and through us? I’ve intentionally not
“We need an honorable gathering of virtuous women who are well able.”
did not revel in its power to intimidate, threaten, or destroy? Members of this force would have strategic and unique roles—some seen, others unseen, but all valued. What if this force was at once selfless in motive and simplistic in
limited this concept of “good” to the realm of “nice” or even “safe.” It is a force,
wake. But what if this force
its objective? What might it look like?
after all. I have likewise heard virtue described as a force:
In the distance, I see two conflicting images: great
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more
trouble and magnificent victory. On shores near and
precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she
far, I see deep, dark oppression, but I also see a glorious
will greatly enrich his life (Proverbs 31:10–11, NLT).
uprising. I see gross wickedness and global injustice
Single women, this includes you; remember that Jesus
exposed and conquered on many fronts by an encounter
is your bridegroom. The question that arises is, “can we
with God’s inescapable light and His unassailable justice.
be trusted with this charge?” Will we enrich the lives of
I see all this in our future.
those around us? Will we be at once both capable and
So it is my earnest prayer that my words will awaken
virtuous? Or will we remain divided into segments: some
something uncontainable hidden within you. I hope you
who are virtuous and others who are capable?
rise up with strength, empowered to bring God-wonder
The expression of one and not the other is not enough. We need an honorable gathering of virtuous women who are well able. What will we need to be capable of? Quite simply, anything and everything.
wherever you go. Then together we will be the force this world has never seen.
@LisaBevere Best-Selling Author and Co-Founder of Messenger International
Olympic Gold Medalist in Softball. 2004+2008
In 2004, I was blessed to be able to achieve my dream
The principles learned on the field I’m now applying to
of becoming an Olympic Gold Medalist in softball. I started
motherhood. I have to trust Him in all things, whether
playing when I was five-years-old and went on to compete
hitting home runs or changing diapers. I was forced to cling
in two Olympics (Greece 2004, China 2008). I retired in
to His Word as a player, and even more so as a mom. I’m
2010 but still remained heavily involved in the sport from
often asked, “How do you balance it all?” Balance is a
a business perspective. From starting softball camps to
tricky word. When I was playing softball it was easy, I knew
speaking engagements, endorsements, and television sports
exactly what I needed to do and how to be the best player I
newscasting, life has been packed with fun!
could be. Now as a mom of three, I sometimes struggle to
My greatest joy, however, comes from being a mama to
find it.
three beautiful kids (Ace, Diesel, and Paisley). There is
I’m reminded I can’t do it all, but I can control the
nothing sweeter than being a mom and having pieces of
controllables. I can fight to keep my priorities in order:
your heart running around you. I had my oldest son while I
faith, family, calling, friends. From there, I know that I
was still playing professionally; it was tough but so worth it.
must always give my very best. We are a work in progress,
It made every minute of my day that much more meaningful
so know that we need grace. But never give up. Life is
and powerful.
more than wins and losses. The enemy attacks us all and tells us we are inadequate. But listen: we cannot give in, we
The Lord showed me so much during this period, teaching
must fight (especially as women), we are fully equipped for
me may life lessons along the way:
all God has called us to be. Just keep seeking to be better
and you will be! I love how each of us is called to complete the race set
Control the controllables
Always give your best (even when you don’t feel like it)
before us. As an athlete, this is easy for me to understand.
Life is more than wins and losses
But may we not forget that all of us are spiritual athletes and
Always learn and always continue to be better
I want women, like Paul the Apostle urged us, to “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me…” (Philippians 3:14). Now go get your gold medal!
Propel braintrust member @TerryCrist talks to us about work, ambition, and women in leadership.
HOW CAN MEN ENCOURAGE WOMEN TO EMBRACE LEADERSHIP? I’m convinced that most women will naturally lead if we give them the opportunity to do so, and if we make some critical changes to our environments that currently work against their success. Most women are already leading every day in a thousand different ways, but when it comes to their professional life, they enter a domain that is primarily structured for men to succeed. When many of the conversations that foster personal development and corporate success are taking place offline and in places where women aren’t present, women aren’t given a fair chance to participate. Men can help by becoming aware of where the real conversations are taking place and include women in those conversations at every level of the organization. Awareness and intentionality will go a long way towards building balanced teams.
WHAT IS ONE CHARACTERISTIC YOU BELIEVE EVERY LEADER SHOULD POSSESS? It’s difficult to boil down to one–there are so many traits necessary to be a good leader–but I would choose integrity. At the end of the day you have to live with the choices you make in your career, and those choices will impact the rest of your life. Nothing stays in the office. We all live with the spiritual and emotional consequences of the decisions we make at work. If you’ve made them with integrity, you can live with a clean heart and a clear conscience; that matters more than success in any other form.
WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE FACING LEADERS TODAY? Many challenges face leaders today, but for the context of this interview, I will say to embrace diversity. Whether it’s ethnic, gender, or even generational, we are leading and working in a global community where there are so many unseen “rules” as to what people consider normative behavior. Spending time having conversations may cost us some degree of productivity now, but will be of great benefit to later generations. The most valuable people in an organization in the coming years will be those who can get things done across gender, race, and generational differences.
IS THERE A DIFFERENCE IN LEADING MEN AND LEADING WOMEN? There is a difference, but I think the greater difference is in leading different personality types regardless of the gender. Generations of stereotyping make us think of men in a certain light and of women in a different light, but those ideas are less true today than ever before. As a team leader I have to know my team as individuals, and gender does have some bearing on that, but it’s not the only thing (and maybe not even the most important thing) that defines them.
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SOMEONE GOING INTO A LEADERSHIP POSITION FOR THE FIRST TIME? Be prepared to work harder than you ever imagined. Leadership is not an entitlement; it is stewardship that you maintain and expand through integrity, faithfulness, humility, industriousness, and an insane amount of hard work. Don’t expect anything to be given to you. Be grateful for everything you are blessed with. Build relationships with other leaders who are further down the path than you are because they will save you a boatload of pain.
CALLING AND VOCATION Dr. Christina Crenshaw
At the beginning of each semester, I ask my college
designed to be change agents in our spheres of influence.
students, “Why become a teacher?” We then discuss their
The term vocation is often used in “secular” circles to refer
top three reasons. As a professor at a Christian university,
to work, but its Latin meaning—to be called or summoned
my reasons for becoming an educator are similar to
by the Creator—is distinctly sacred. The notion that our
theirs. We share a divine responsibility: we are called
work is also our calling is central to the belief that God
to lead others by teaching others. As Christians, we all
designed us for a specific purpose and endowed us with
have a responsibility on our lives to influence the world
unique gifts.
and lead toward whatever is true, noble, pure, lovely,
Through our vocations, we get to partner with Him
excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). And as
and fulfill an ordained destiny. Within this faith-based
their professor, I have the unique privilege of helping
perspective, vocation doesn’t refer solely to what we do
my students see their life as ministry and their work as a
professionally; instead, it encompasses what we do to
vocation, rather than merely a job.
influence all spheres of life: our career, our family, our
Framing their career within this perspective better equips my students to lead out of their divine gifts. So, I can very much relate when students offer these top
community, and our culture. Our vocation is our greatest place of ministry. Leading well involves more than simply finding your
responses for becoming teachers:
vocation. Great leadership requires sustained passion.
Passion is a word commonly found in leadership
I feel called.
conversations—and rightly so. Passion is the energy
I have a passion for working with others.
needed to fuel visions, dreams, and teams over the goal
I want to make a difference.
line. It’s the enthusiasm that compels those around you to join you. Evangelist John Wesley understood passion’s
What I particularly like about these reasons is they
persuasive influence when he famously said, “Light
speak to the mandate on every Christian. Each one of
yourself on fire with passion and people will come from
us has a calling on our life; each one of us has a God-
miles to watch you burn.”
given passion for that calling; each one of us is divinely
This begs the question, of course, for what purpose are we burning with passion? When the word passion is used in Scripture, the Latin etymology frequently translates as “to suffer for.” There are few things in life for which I’m so passionate that I’m willing to suffer, but my divine calling is one of them. Leading with purpose doesn’t mean we have to feel enthusiastic about our vocation at all times, but it does mean we’re called to lead with sustained passion. It isn’t surprising my college students want to become teachers in order to make a difference in the world. Enacting social justice is a popular mantra in our culture, and my students want to be change agents. But Biblically-minded leaders are needed in every vocation. People are thirsty for leaders who will not only point them in the direction of living water, but will also accompany them on the journey to the well. When we ask others to follow us, it’s important we articulate where exactly we’re going and why. A leadership perspective that offers divine purpose to vocations, passion to callings, and change to spheres of influence is the kind of leadership that transforms our coworkers, our family, our community, and ultimately our culture. Being invited to co-labor with Christ in our vocations is the highest of leadership honors.
Dr. Christina Crenshaw Professor of Education Baylor University
Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of the Brandon Marshall Foundation
MARRIAGE & MENTAL HEALTH Michi Marshall Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. — Isaiah 40:31
When I attended the University of Central Florida
His diagnosis affected our life and relationship greatly
majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology with a focus
in the beginning years of marriage. We needed to take
on Behavioral Healthcare, it wasn’t because I thought it
the time to learn how to communicate with each other,
would help prepare me for my life and marriage. I met my
understand how we deal and cope during stress, and to
husband at UCF and we became friends and later married
learn how to be vulnerable with our emotions. If your
each other after graduating. But a year into our marriage
spouse is dealing with mental instability (or if you are
my husband, Brandon Marshall, was diagnosed with
struggling in this area), it’s vitally important to understand
borderline personality disorder (BPD).
triggers, boundaries, and how long it might take someone to get back to baseline
This was a massive transition not just for our marriage, but also for Brandon’s career. Mental health
stigmatized board
especially as a man and in the profession that he is in. Brandon is a wide NFL’s His
Chicago profession
Bears. is
“Don’t think less of yourself or that you are weaker...”
Everyone is different. In marriage, remember that it is a journey of serving, exploration, and getting to know each other with each changing season. Personally, the more I learn Brandon, the more I understand him, and the closer we get. I can
testosterone-engulfed environment where emotions are
honestly say we get closer and closer with each passing
largely held in.
day–good or bad–because we are vulnerable with each
As a professional football player, Brandon was
other and support one another.
conditioned to hold everything in, and like most males
For those who are struggling with mental health or living
struggled to be vulnerable and express himself. After he
with someone who is struggling with mental health, there
was diagnosed, he spoke up about his journey and we
is hope! Don’t think less of yourself or loved one because
realized our purpose was to advocate for mental health.
you are struggling in this area. It is not about diminished
Brandon adamantly states, “Football is his platform,
potential, it’s about changed potential. Know that you
not his purpose.” We founded The Brandon Marshall
can use your struggle as a catalyst for change and propel
Foundation (currently Project 375) which aims to de-
you into something new.
stigmatize mental health, help people get the resources
In the words of the great football coach, Vince Lombardi,
that they need, and advocate for awareness. It’s so
“People who work together will win, whether it be against
important for us to use our education and platform to
complex football defenses, or the problems of modern
society.” You and your spouse are one, you will survive,
mental health not only to professional
athletes, but to men, women, and children in general.
and you will win.
Five years ago I had a sense that my organization
could be grafted into their existing jobs which provided
housed a tremendous amount of untapped potential. But
a new sense of excitement and energy. However, some
the fullness of that potential would only be unleashed if
employees brought ideas to the table after being
I could figure out a way to tie my employees’ dreams to
encouraged to dream that infused such new momentum
initiatives within our ministry. What might happen if I
into Proverbs 31 Ministries, that I can’t imagine where
encouraged them to dream on company time? I mean,
we’d be without having done this exercise.
really spend time thinking about their dreams. The ones
For example, the dream of our receptionist, Melissa.
they would be imagining as they stared out of a coffee
Not long after I initiated this challenge, Melissa told
shop window on a Saturday while sipping something
me her dream was to start an online Bible study/book
steamy and sweet. The ones they’d chase if they didn’t
club. She would choose a book and invite people to join
need a steady paycheck and insurance.
in a 6-week discussion of that topic and the Bible verses
Granted, their current paycheck came from a job they
contained within each chapter. She would promote it
were passionate about and where they accomplished
through social media with a goal to sell the books within
ministry work they believed in, but in most cases it wasn’t
our ministry’s online bookstore. Her goal was to have 50
connected to their dreams. I challenged my staff for the
people sign up for her first study. I told Melissa if she
next several weeks to take time, two hours out of their 40-
doubled that goal to 100 people I’d let her continue to
hour work week, to dream. I had no clue how to connect
have those two hours a week where she could set aside
their dreams with their current job. But I wanted to see
her receptionist duties and work on it. I honestly thought
if they could find the common threads and explore how
it was a bit of a long shot that this would actually work.
to weave them together. I suspected there would be both
And so did Melissa. But it brought such a renewed sense
tension and potential doing this exercise. And I was right.
of excitement and energy to her front desk duties, that
The tension came from having to manage the unrealistic
regardless of what happened, it was a win. In the end,
ideas that came from the exercise. But even in those there
Melissa didn’t have 100 people sign up for her online
were usually pieces and parts of employees’ dreams that
study. She had 2,200 sign up!
That was four years and many studies ago. This year Melissa led 160,000 women from 142 different countries through the Proverbs 31 Ministries online Bible studies. Needless to say, she is no longer our receptionist. She leads a department of four employees and over 100 volunteers. It is the fastest growing area of our ministry and one of the most vital for accomplishing the purposes of our organization. Indeed, the fullness of the potential in Melissa would never have been realized within our ministry without letting a dream God placed in her heart be explored. Providing space within our organization to incubate, encourage, and launch this fresh idea increased momentum across our entire organization. Dreams unlock fresh ideas. Fresh ideas unleash potential. Potential nurtured accelerates momentum. Momentum attracts more dreamers with fresh ideas. In the past four years, it wasn’t just Melissa whose job scope has changed dramatically. So has mine. I’m blown away by what God has entrusted to us. We’ve grown from a staff of six, full-time employees to 36. Our yearly budget has quadrupled. And our ministry’s purpose of helping women connect Biblical truth to their everyday lives has a social media reach of millions. I wonder how many Melissas you might have sitting behind jobs with hopes of one day doing something big tucked in their heart? Don’t let those creative hopes be relegated to Saturday morning lattes. Infuse new life and new potential into Monday morning’s staff meeting by unleashing the potential of a dream.
New York Times Best-Selling Author and President of Proverbs 31 Ministries
MARIANA’S STORY Mariana moved to Greece to pursue her dreams. However, she ended up living in a nightmare. After two years of being trafficked and sold, she is now rebuilding her dreams with the help of The A21 Campaign.
We honor Mariana as a true Propel Woman.
To read her story and discover ways to help end human trafficking, visit
Water color print by designer @KatiRamer
PERFECT PEACE You know all about what I’m facing right now So Lord I give it to you I’ll stop asking questions Stop trying to figure it out ‘cause I know You know just what to do Peace, peace, perfect peace When I look to you my heart is at ease When I start to worry or doubt settles in I turn to you and my peace begins From the beginning you’ve held on to me So right by your side I will stay No matter how hard the battle may be My love for you won’t go away So I choose right now To run straight to you In your arms I will be So safe and secure in your love So pure God you are all that I need
@ChelseaPerry, Entrepreneur, Artist, Song Writer.
PROPEL WOMEN HIGHLIGHT: @MelanieNyema Performer, dancer, singer, backup singer.
1. JOB PERKS... The verbs for what I do are “sing” and “dance.” You can’t lose with that! :)
2. MOST GRATEFUL FOR... Friends who adventure the globe with me, shine onstage, and put me back together when I fall apart.
3. TOUGHEST PART OF BEING ON THE ROAD IS... Missing my beloveds. Thank God for Skype!
4. LEADERSHIP IS LIKE... Cooking a dinner party for Californians! Everyone has extremely specific needs and aversions must be heeded.
5. AS A LEADER, NEVER FORGET... What it’s like to be led. You lose relevance if you aren’t authentically connected to those you’re leading.
6. BEST ADVICE FOR CHRISTIAN ENTERTAINERS.... The same as for any Christian: keep your focus and stay the course. Look up for answers, not around.
7. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS... Pack undies in your carry on! You never know when you’re gonna end up without your luggage.
@AlliWorthington COO of Propel
Your passions, purpose, and potential play into your
used words in all of humanity right now. Everyone tries
leadership journey in a very important way. And while
to define it, package it, sell it, and encourage us to go after
these words may seem like three catchy words that
it, like it’s an exotic destination, the “x” on the treasure
make a great tagline, the reality is they are the threads
map of life. But our purpose is ever unfolding. It’s not a
that make up the fabric of our lives.
destination. God uses us at all our life stages, developing
PASSION Have you ever noticed there are things that you just absolutely love to do? I’m not talking about your vocation here, or even your search for one. I’m talking about the incredible, unique desires that are deep inside you,
gifts within us that we never knew were buried inside. He gives us a clue to those gifts by giving us a desire (passion) for certain things. Embracing our passions and discovering new gifts throughout our lives, whether in our twenties or in our nineties, is the beauty of a life lived inside the will of God.
desires that overflow in the most unexpected of ways. Your passions are a clue to your purpose. Maybe you are passionate about leading others to a deeper knowledge of God. And maybe that passion overflows into your daily life by the way you interact with your neighbors or coworkers. Maybe it overflows into your daily life by the energetic way you lead your team at the office. Maybe it overflows and drives you to take mission trips. Passion fuels your ability to lead by giving you an ongoing source of energy and excitement. It’s what tells you, I was made to do this! Whatever it is that you are passionate about, it’s important to realize that those desires planted deep inside you are from your Creator.
PURPOSE Your purpose is an unfolding journey. It is ever changing based on what God is putting in your hands right now. I think the word Purpose is one of the most dangerously
POTENTIAL We will only reach our potential if we are willing to set aside our preconceived ideas about what we think we can do and embrace all that God can do through us. We all have the potential to do much more than we could ever imagine by following God’s will for our lives. Where we, with our human perspectives, see limitations, God, in his infinite goodness, gives us the power to do so much more. God knows the plan He has for us all. Great leadership is simply the willingness to be constantly transformed into the person God created us to be. By staying humble, embracing all He calls us to, and listening to the desires He has placed in our heart, we become the unique leaders He created us to be. Whether we are leading in the boardroom, the playroom with kids, and anywhere in between.
Q&A WITH SHANELLE HALL PROPEL: As a key staff member at UNICEF, how did
this journey begin for you?
see changing, growing, happening, specifically focusing
SHANELLE: Life just sort of unfolded. I don’t know
on the needs of women.
if when I was a kid this is what I would have planned for
life to be like but I also wouldn’t change it for anything.
in the last two decades for women in terms of having a
I’ve been with UNICEF for over 15 years and before that
seat at the table of decision-making in communities,
worked in a corporate environment (for just under 10
years). My approach was to pursue what was in front of
having an important and positive impact on society and
me. It’s been a great adventure as I’ve been able to see
global perspectives. There is now evidence in terms of
the world and experience people, cultures, and situations
economic and social indicators, that having women in
that more than anything have changed my perspective on
power is positive not only for women, but also for men,
humanity and redefined my priorities.
families, communities, organizations and for nations.
Give us a 30,000-foot view and what you
Well, there has been huge progress
The implications of this are exciting for humanity.
PROPEL: You have been exposed to the difference that
The evidence is starting to influence policy, hiring and
we see with male and female relationships in third world
promotion practices, and builds the case for empowering
countries. What do you see and what are you advocating
women to fulfill their pursuit and their dreams. There
are still major barriers and there is still a lot of bias,
Overall, people are people. At our
notably subconscious bias. It is the subconscious and
core, we are the same everywhere. Our lives manifest
unintended bias, more than explicit discrimination, that
differently in our cultures and contexts. In terms of
in the end will be the most difficult to overcome. But
gender, of course there have been inequalities since, well,
there is great progress and we see women as Heads of
the beginning of time. But overall, women are becoming
State, we see women lead organizations, we see women at
more accepted as equals all over the world, although
the community level having positive impact and working
change is occurring at a varying pace. One of the biggest
shoulder-to-shoulder with men. We are really only now
shifts I am seeing is that women are more able to be
seeing men and women working together as peers, and
themselves, especially in leadership roles. I think for
it is only with such a formula that the true potential of
years women predominantly modeled themselves after
humanity can be realized.
men and thereby took on masculine characteristics as a means to being considered equal and accepted. But now I think there is more acceptance and value being given to both masculine and feminine qualities in all avenues of life, but notably in the workplace. This is an essential shift.
@ShanelleHall is based in Copenhagen and is the Director of Supply for UNICEF providing supplies and services for 190 countries each year.
LoriAnn Biggers talks to us about leadership
Women have a unique ability to see past the façade and have discernment in meetings and with people in the workplace. There have been numerous times in my career when female colleagues have had particular discernment regarding people or transactions. In many instances, I would leave meetings and feel unsure or skeptical about an issue or an individual. Great female leaders look beyond the numbers and the profit to the personalities, agendas, and perspectives. This is a huge differentiator and can make a big difference in your workplace. Trust your instincts.
Females are largely caretakers and have a desire to grow, to comfort, and embrace. We find it much easier to feel, empathize, and show affection toward people. This can be a fantastic gift for bringing togetherness, collaboration, and synergy within your work environment.
CALMNESS: The ability to stay focused in a crisis and during the storm is critical. Women have an amazing ability to take in all of the information and respond rather than react.
QUALITY OF VULNERABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY: This quality invites others to feel at peace, to be open and vulnerable with us. Women in leadership have a great opportunity to be the heart of their workplace. We set the example and tone for the climate around us. My father had a saying, “When mama is not happy no one is happy.” I find this to be true of women leaders in the workplace. We also have the ability to probe, ask questions, and ask for help. One of the greatest skills I learned was not be concerned about how I would look in a meeting if I didn’t understand a point, I asked questions. Men don’t typically want to ask for directions if they are driving lost, much less in a room of colleagues and superiors.
CONFIDENCE: Few attributes are more appealing in a woman than quiet confidence. Knowing when and how to insert yourself in a calm, decisive, and logical way is key. Some of the same great attributes can also be detractors and pitfalls if not clearly understood and purposed: Don’t allow intuition to become know-it-all. Don’t confuse openness and nurturing with mothering, micro-managing, or making the difficult decisions. Don’t slip into being a doormat when you are vulnerable and transparent. Don’t let confidence become arrogance. Don’t make the mistake of calmness becoming passiveness.
DEAR PROPEL WOMEN: You are not your mistake. You are not your poor decision. You are not your dress size. You are not your failure. You are not your hidden sin. You are not your addiction. You are not your lust. You are not your anger. You are not your layoff notice. You are not your #klout score. You are a miracle waiting to happen. You are a story of grace poured out. You are a magnet for blessings. You are a child of God. You are success in hibernation. You are a step toward greatness. You are a decision away from freedom. You are a commitment away from liberty. The only thing separating what you aren’t from what you are is opportunity and repentance.
@BiancaOlthoff speaks to us about what we are and what are not.