5th Propertync Awards Catalogue 2016

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2016 / 18



2016 / 18

2016 / 18

Print House Trade Ltd. Küçük Sanayi Bölgesi, 3 Avanos Sokak, Mağusa / Kıbrıs, Türkiye Tel: +90 392 3666 777 Fax: +90 392 3666 888 Cep: +90 542 852 5012 Email: info@propertync.com

K I B R I S ’ I N





































Foreword - Önsöz


he 5th Properync Awards, one of the most prestigious organisations on the Island took place on the 19th November 2016 at the Cratos Premium Hotel. We welcome you to this edition of our prestigious Awards’ Catalogue.

As you will see over the following pages the quality, standards and motivation within the North Cyprus construction industry continues to flourish. The 2016-17 Propertync Awards Gala night created much more interest than previous years, with an attendance of over 700 guests. This Awards Catalogue is unique and has been published to show at a glance all the winners, their projects, and the judging process and of course our dedicated sponsors.


ölgenin en prestijli ve en büyük organizasyonu olan “5. Propertync Emlak Sektörü Ödülleri Töreni”, yine görkemli organizasyonuyla gözleri kamaştırdı.

Kataloğumuzu incelerken, Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki emlak ve inşaat sektörünün her yıl kalite standartlarını yükseltip, motivasyonu artırarak genişlemeye devam ettiğini ve Cratos Premium Hotel’de düzenlenen gecede 700’ü aşkın katılımcısı ile geçmiş yıllardaki ödül törenlerine oranla daha fazla ilgi gördüğünü farkedeceksiniz. Özenerek hazırladığımız ödül gecemize yakışır şekilde özel olarak tasarladığımız Emlak Ödül Töreni Kataloğu, kazanan şirketleri, projeleri, jürinin değerlendirme süreçlerini ve ilgili sponsorları bir arada görme fırsatı sunuyor. Sizleri, bu özel geceden derlenmiş prestijli kataloğumuzu okumaya davet ediyoruz.





Propertync Awards Sponsors


Message From The Event Organizer

5 12

Propertync Ödül Töreni Sponsorları

PRINT HOUSE TRADE LTD. 5 Avanos Street, Famagusta Industrial Estate. North-Cyprus. Tel/Fax: +90 392 366 6777


Mehmet Kozansoy Tel: +90 542 852 5012 info@kozansoy.com

EVENT COORDINATORS/ KOORDİNASYON EKİBİ Ayşe Kozansoy Steve Mortimer Seniha Hassan Nihan Cemaylar Aylar Yazgulyyeva Havva E.Tuğce Nguyen Van Dung

Ödül Töreni Genel Organizatöründen Mesaj

Judges Jüri Üyeleri

2016 Propertync Awards Gala Evening 2016 Emlak Ödül Töreni Gecesi

2016 Propertync Award Winners 2016 Propertync Ödülü kazananları

2016 Propertync Municipality Awards 2016 Propertync Belediye Ödülleri

Testimonials Katılımcı Yorumları

Benefits Of Winning Ödülün Sağladığı Avantajlar

23 43 99 110 112


Zahra Barzigar























he 5th Propertync Awards Ceremony took place on the 19th November 2016. The event involved some of the most well known successful property, real estate and industrial related companies, competing in 36 categories. After days of visits, observations and assessing all participating company portfolios, the Judging panel made their decisions.



After every Awards event we learn new things. With the experience gained with each event we try to improve the competition and encourage companies in the real estate and construction sectors and increase awareness.

Propertync Ödül Törenini her düzenlediğimizde yeni şeyler öğreniyoruz. Edindiğimiz tecrübeyle adamızdaki emlak ve inşaat sektörünün daha da iyiye gitmesini teşvik etmek için yarışmamızı geliştirmeye çalışıyoruz.

Propertync Awards has had more interest than ever before and we received over 125 applications. However, for the first time this year, we have included our municipalities into the Awards and awarded the finalists among the applicants.

Propertync Ödül Törenimize her zamankinden daha çok ilgi olmuş ve 125 den fazla başvuru olmuştur. Bununla birlikte bu yıl ilk kez belediyelerimizi de Awards’a katarak başvuranlar arasında finale kalan projeleri ödüllendirdik.

I would like to extend my appreciation to Steve Mortimer, Seniha Hassan, Nihan Cemaylar, Zahra Barzigar and my dear wife Ayşe Kozansoy for assisting in the organisation of this event. A special thanks to our main sponsor CITYSCAPE INFORMA for supporting the awards. I would also lıke to thank the other sponsors TURKEY İŞ BANK, VODAFONE TELSIM, ANADOLU SIGORTA, KOMBOS OTOMOTIV, BRITISH KOLAN BRITISH HOSPITAL, ALPET and the institutions that have supported us! Thank you all very much.

19 Kasım, 2016 akşamı gerçekleşen ödül törenimizin mükemmel organizasyonu için aylardır birlikte çalıştığım, Steve Mortimer, Seniha Hasan, Nihan Cemaylar, Zahra Barzigar ve sevgili eşim Ayşe Kozansoy’a teşekkürü bir borç biliyorum. Bu muhteşem gecede bizleri yalnız bırakmayan ana sponsorumuz CITYSCAPE INFORMA ve diğer sponsorlarımız TÜRKIYE İŞ BANKASI, VODAFONE TELSIM, ANADOLU SIGORTA, ALPET, KOMBOS OTOMOTIV ve BRITISH KOLAN HOSPITAL ve tabii de bizi destekleyen kurumlar! Hepinize ayrı ayrı çok teşekkür ederim.

Additionally we would like to thank both local and foreign jurors who made time for all the visits and evaluations during their busy schedules. By organizing the 5th Propertync Awards our aim was to help motivate all the companies and increase awareness of all people, who are working by putting their heart and soul to make the property, real estate and industrial projects more environmentally friendly and more sustainable. Even-though the property sector is going through some rough times, we would like to show the world that as a country we are still working and completing amazing projects, and gaining well deserved respect. We have recently published a brand new magazine which has been distributed all around the world using the experience gained from Propertync Magazine. The name of our new magazine is Living International Property Magazine and also has a section for the real estate and construction sector in the TRNC. We have already started planning for the next Propertync Awards which will now be in the international platform and the 2019 ‘International Property Investment Awards’ will determine the giants in the global construction industry. On behalf of Propertync Magazine, I would like to congratulate all the GOLD and PLATINUM award winners and wish them the best of luck for the future.

ropertync dergimizin 5. Emlak Ödül Töreni 19 Kasım 2016 tarihinde başarıyla gerçekleştirildi. Artık gelenekselleşmiş olan Emlak Ödül Törenimizde bu sene ülkemizin değerli emlak şirketleri, 36 ayrı kategoride yarıştı. 32 kişiden oluşan jüri üyelerimiz, şirket ziyaretlerinden sonra teker teker katılımcılarımızın dosyalarını inceledi ve sonunda kararlarını verdi.

Mehmet Kozansoy

Director of the Propertync Awards Genel Organizatör

Ayrıca Propertync Awards gecesi aramızda olan yerli ve yabancı tüm jüri üyelerimiz yoğun iş tempoları arasında bizleri kırmayıp jüri üyemiz oldular, bizler için zaman ayırıp günler süren değerlendirmeler yaptılar…Bunun için sizlere çok teşekkür ederim! Bu yıl 5.si gerçekleşen Propertync Awards, Emlak Sektörü Ödülleri Töreniyle amacımız emlak ve inşaat sektöründe canla başla çalışarak, çevre dostu, sürdürülebilir projelere hakettikleri saygıyı ödüllendirerek göstermek ve bu yolda çalışan, ödüle aday diğer firmaları da başarı yolunda teşvik etmektir. Emlak alanında zor günlerin yaşandığı şu dönemlerde, hala harika projeler üretilebileceğini dünyaya göstermekden gurur duyuyoruz. Propertync dergisinden edindiğimiz tecrübeler ışığında, dünya’da dağıtılmış olan yepyeni bir dergimizle de karşınızdayız. Living International Property Magazine ismiyle dergimiz, KKTC’deki emlak ve inşaat sektörü için de özel yer ayrılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, Propertync Awards Gayrimenkul Ödüllerinin artık uluslararası platforma taşıyacağız ve 2018’de International Property Investment Awards adı altında dünya inşaat sektörünün devlerinin belirleneceği yarışma için şimdiden start verdik. Propertync Dergisi olarak GOLD ve PLATINUM ödüllerini kazanan şirketlerimizi tekrar tebrik eder, başarılarının devamını dilerim.





‘‘ We hope to see more of you at our future events and look forward to enjoying this evening with you all celebrating the best of the North Cyprus real estates and construction industry. Thank you.” ‘‘Gelecekteki etkinliklerimizde sizleri aramızda görmek istiyoruz ve bu akşam hep birlikte Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın gayrimenkullerini ve inşaat sektörünü en iyi şekilde kutlamanın tadını çıkarmayı dört gözle bekliyoruz”. Carlo Schembri

Exhibition Manager for Cityscape



“Firstly I would like to thank Propertync for inviting us to this amazing awards ceremony, we are very happy to be here to support this great industry event.

“Öncelikle bizi bu inanılmaz ödül törenine davet ettiği için Propertync dergisine teşekkür etmek istiyorum, bu etkinliği desteklemek için burada olmaktan dolayı çok mutluyuz.

The Propertync awards is a great tool to acknowledge and celebrate those promoting best practice within the real estate industry in North Cyprus, a proven platform to continue the development of the market.

Propertync ödül töreni, Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki gayrimenkul endüstrisinde piyasa gelişimini sürdürmek için kanıtlanmış bir platform ve en iyi uygulamaları teşvik eden kurumları öne çıkaran mükemmel bir organizyasyondur.

By your attendance here, I can see how highly and well regarded this evening is. My name is Carlo, I am the Exhibition Manager for Cityscape, we organise the largest real estate exhibition in the Middle East based in Dubai and the largest portfolio globally.

Burada bulunan davetlilere bakarak, bu gecenin ne kadar önemli olduğunu görebiliyorum. Benim adım Carlo, ve Cityscape Fuar Yöneticisiyim. Dubai bazlı olarak Orta Doğu’daki en büyük gayrimenkul fuarı ve global ölçekte en büyük portföyü organize ediyoruz.

Propertync Magazine is a very strong partner of ours and a huge supporter across all of our events.

Propertync dergisi bizim çok güçlü bir ortağımız ve tüm etkinliklerimizi destekleyen büyük bir destekçimizdir.

We welcome companies from North Cyprus and are looking to do business at our wide portfolio. By meeting both individual and institutional investors, Cityscape has proven to be the perfect opportunity to attract Middle Eastern investors into projects here in North Cyprus. We hope to see more of you at our future events and look forward to enjoying this evening with you all celebrating the best of the North Cyprus real estate and construction industry. Thank you.”

Geniş portföyümüzde iş yapmak için Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki şirketlere kapımız açık. Hem bireysel hem de kurumsal yatırımcılarla buluşturan Cityscape, Orta Doğu yatırımcılarını Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki projelere çekmek için mükemmel bir fırsat olduğunu kanıtladı. Gelecekteki etkinliklerimizde sizleri aramızda görmek istiyoruz ve bu akşam hep birlikte Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın gayrimenkullerini ve inşaat sektörünü en iyi şekilde kutlamanın tadını çıkarmayı dört gözle bekliyoruz. Teşekkür ederim. ”



Propertync Awards 2016 Gala Dinner proved to be a very enjoyable and entertaining event boasting brilliant music, amazing ambiance in an impeccable Kyrenian location. The most important thing wasstrong attendance from the industry actors, some of whom were present¬ed with awards for their outstanding work.

2016 Propertync Ödülleri Girne’nin en güzel bölgelerinde kusursuz ve mükemmel bir ambiyansa sahip, keyifli,eğlenceli ve müzikle renklendirilmiş bir etkinlik olarak kendini kanıtladı. En önemlisi, sektördeki şirketlerin üstün çalışmalarıyla geceye katılıp ödüllerin sahiplerini bulmasıydı.

Needless to say, such a credible and well planned organisation has a positive impact on the industry. It is expected to have a growing number of the market players competing in the following years, and an increased competitiveness to become one of the award winners.

Böylesine güvenilir ve iyi planlanmış bir organizasyonun sektörde olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğunu söylemeye gerek yok. Katılımcıların giderek artması ve önümüzdeki yıllarda şirketlerin ödül kazananlardan biri olması için güçlü bir şekilde rekabet etmesi bekleniyor.

I wish to congratulate the organiser for developing this property awards concept in TRNC and carrying out the task with such professionalism right from the start We are already looking forward to the next event.

Bu organizasyonu düzenleyen ve KKTC’de böylesine profesyonel bir konsepti tanıtıp sürdüren organizatörü tebrik etmek istiyor, bir sonraki etkinliği sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz.

When the focus of your project is people, your goal should be to achieve the best possible outcome. By encouraging and rewarding the best, it is made possible to achieve higher and do better. With its nature and climate, Cyprus is one of the most popular places in the world, and with continuing to construct some of the healthiest buildings it will sustain its popularity.

Odağında insan olan her projede hedef en iyi olanı başarabilmektir. En iyi olanı teşvik etmek ve ödüllendirmek, daha iyisinin yapılmasını mümkün kılacaktır. Doğası ve iklimi ile dünyanın en gözde merkezlerinden biri olan Kıbrıs, en sağlıklı yaşam alanlarının inşaa edilmesi ile dünyanın gözbebeği olmaya devam edecektir.

It’s a pride and honour for me to be here with you to celebrate the 2016 Propertync Awards. We must take care of our health before we lose it.. Protecting our health is easier than fighting to gain it back.

2016 property emlak ödül töreninde sizlerle birlikte olmaktan gurur ve mutluluk taşıyorum. Sağlığımızı kaybedince değil, sağlıklı iken onunla ilgilenelim. Sağlığımızı korumak, kaybettiğimizde geri kazanmak için uğraşmaktan daha kolaydır.

I thank everyone who work together to make healthier tomorrows.

Sağlıklı yarınlarımız için bugün birlikte çalışan herkese teşekkürlerimi sunarım.

Kaan Tokat

TRNC Manager at Turkey İş Bank

Op. Dr Harun Gülmez

Chief Physician & Medical Director of Kolan British Hospital





Fevzi Tanpınar

Deputy General Manager

Serhan Kombos

Director of Serhan Kombos Otomotive Ltd.



Cities are a mirror to societies, and a reflection of their inhabitants` social relationships. While civilization and democracy culture develops in a city, on the other, the extend of conserving the history and nature of these cities and carrying them to the future are among our most important tests. For this reason, proper structuring of our cities is of critical importance. Cities, and therefore structures are like living organisms, thus requiring perpetual and sustainable models. At the same time, our cities must be prepared for any ups or downs, regardless of their reason. When we take a look at our country, seeing the amount of fast paced growth in the construction sector both excites us, and gives us hope.

Şehirler toplumların bir aynası, içinde yaşayan insanların sosyal ilişkilerinin dışa vurumudur. Şehirlerde bir yandan medeniyet ve demokrasi kültürü gelişirken, öte yandan şehirlerin tarihi ve doğasını da ne denli koruyup geleceğe taşıyabileceğimiz de önemli sınavlarımız arasındadır. Bu nedenle şehirlerimizin doğru bir şekilde yapılanması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Şehirler ve dolayısıyla yapılar canlı organizmalar gibidir ve bu nedenle de sürekli ve sürdürülebilir modellere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, nedeni ne olursa olsun şehirlerimiz inişli ve çıkışlı her döneme de hazırlıklı olmalıdır. Ülkemize baktığımız zaman, inşaat sektörünün ne kadar büyük bir hızla büyüyüp geliştiğini görmek bizleri hem heyecanlandırıyor, hem de umutlandırıyor.

At this beautiful event, we are aware that the pioneers of the sector start with a dream before their production, and we are experiencing the joy and privilege of witnessing various unique and amazing dreams being realized. As Telsim, a Vodafone Group company, just as we take part in many projects on establishing and developing common values for our country and cities, we are pleased to take part in this beautiful and special organization as well. The important thing is to think, dream, and show the determination and willpower to realize these dreams.

Bu güzel organizasyonda, sektörün duayenlerinin üretimden önce bir hayal kurarak başladıklarının bilincindeyiz ve bu birbirinden farklı ve muhteşem hayalin realize olmasının bu ortamda tanıklığını yapabilmenin de büyük mutluluğunu ve ayrıcalığını yaşıyoruz. Telsim, Vodafone Grup Şirketi olarak bizler şehirlerimiz ve ülkemiz için ortak değerleri kurmakla ve geliştirmekle ilgili birçok projede yer aldığımız gibi, bu güzel ve özel organizasyonda yer almaktan da büyük kıvanç duyuyoruz. Önemli olan önce fikir üretmek, sonra hayalini kurmak ve onları gerçekleştirebilecek kararlılığı ve iradeyi ortaya koymaktır.

We would like to start by saying our sincere thanks, and congratulate Mr. Mehmet Kozansoy, the architect of Propertync Awards which crowns this determination and willpower, his team, and the jury members. Last but not least, we bow before the courage all companies have shown in realizing their dreams and continuing to do so despite all the problems experienced due to the isolations on our country, and sincerely thank them for adding value to our country by entering the competition with their projects.

Bu irade ve kararlılığı taçlandıran, başta Propertync Emlak Ödülleri Töreni’nin mimarı Sayın Mehmet Kozansoy olmak üzere emeği geçen tüm ekibe, değerli jüri üyelerine yürekten teşekkürlerimizi sunar, tebrik ederiz. Ülkemiz üzerindeki izolasyonlardan ötürü yaşanan bütün sıkıntılara rağmen hayallerini gerçekleştiren ve gerçekleştirmeye devam etmekte kararlı tüm şirketlerimizin yüreklilikleri önünde saygıyla eğiliyor, ülkemize değer katarak eserleri ile yarışmaya katılımlarını tüm içtenliğimizle tebrik ediyoruz.

An incredible event the “TRNC Property Awards” has being organized for many years now and it doesn’t only give an opportunity for companies to prove themselves as the best but also gives a motivational push forward to improve and develop the country in many ways.

“TRNC Property Awards” yıllardır düzenlenen inanılmaz bir organizasyon ve şirketlerin kendilerini en iyisi olarak kanıtlamaları için bir fırsat vermesi değil, aynı zamanda ülkeyi birçok açıdan iyileştirmek ve geliştirmek için motive edici bir adım önermektedir.

We are pleased to give sponsor support and proud to be a part of such an event as well as we would like to thank Mr. Mehmet Kozansoy and the Propertync Team for their contribution to real estate development and quality of life in Northern Cyprus.

Böyle bir etkinliğe sponsor olmaktan, olayın bir parçası olmakran gurur duyuyoruz, ayrıca Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki gayrimenkul geliştirme ve yaşam kalitesine katkılarından dolayı Sayın Mehmet Kozansoy ve Propertync Ekibi’ne teşekkür ediyoruz.



We were honoured to be a part of this amazing event. Attending such a glamorous evening was something that rarely occurs in TRNC. The 2016 Propertync Awards was the second time that our company has sponsored such an organization. The “Propertync Awards” is a great opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate how much progress has been achieved in the property sector, which is one of the sectors with the greatest growth potential,

KKTC’de benzerine kolay kolay rastlanmayacak önemli bir organizasyona katılmaktan duyduğumuz memnuniyeti belirtmek isteriz. Şirketimizin ikinci kez sponsor olarak yer aldığı Propertync Dergisi’nin “2016 yılı Emlak Ödülleri Töreni”, Kuzey Kıbrıs ekonomisinin en fazla gelişme potansiyeline sahip gayrimenkul sektörüne dikkatlerin çekilmesi bakımından büyük önem taşıyor.

Many global issues, including those in Turkey and Europe have made this a very challenging year, but thankfully we are about to leave all that behind. One of the ways to overcome this difficult time is to increase investments. While real estate investments carry a great importance in this case, insurance support also complement that and helps strengthen the effects of investments and ensure their sustainability.

Küresel gelişmelerin de etkisiyle, zor geçen bir seneyi geride bırakmak üzereyiz. Yalnızca Kıbrıs’ta değil, Türkiye ve Avrupa’da da etkisini hissettiğimiz ekonomik yavaşlamayı aşmanın yollarından birisi de yatırımları artırmaktır. Gayrimenkul yatırımları bu çerçevede büyük önem taşırken, sigorta desteği de onu tamamlıyor, yatırımın etkisini güçlendirip, devamlılığını sağlıyor.

Founded in 1925 by Atatürk, our company maintains its success and pioneer position in Turkey and its surrounding region. As Anadolu Sigorta, we are proud to say that we have been contributing to the economic, social and cultural structure of our country since 1955 at our best abilities. While sustaining our leader position in creating premiums, on the other hand we are fulfilling the requirements of our pioneer role in diversifying insurance products and living up to the standards of contemporary insurance sector in insurance applications. While our insurance products assure of the country’s economy, we are also given the opportunity to sponsor and support prestigious events such as the Propertync Awards Ceremony. Our aim is to increase our share in the insurance sector even further and go into new partnerships that will help improve the future of North Cyprus.

Atatürk’ün talimatıyla 1925 yılında kurulan şirketimiz Türkiye’de üstlendiği öncü olma özelliğini, bulunduğumuz coğrafyada da sürdürmektedir. Anadolu Sigorta olarak 1955 yılından bu yana kesintisiz olarak ülkemizin ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel yapısına en üst düzeyde katkı sağlıyor ve bundan gurur duyuyoruz.

Cengiz Ertürk

TRNC Anadolu Sigorta General Manager

Şirketimiz, bir yandan prim üretiminde uzun yıllardır devam eden liderliğini sürdürürken, diğer yandan Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta sigorta bilincinin geliştirilmesi, sigorta ürünlerinin çeşitlendirilmesi, sigorta uygulamalarında çağdaş sigorta sektörleri standartlarının yakalanmasında öncü rolünün gereklerini yerine getirmektedir. Sigorta ürünlerimizle ülke ekonomisine güvence verirken, Propertync ödül töreni gibi kıymetli etkinliklere de sponsor oluyor, destek veriyoruz. Amacımız sigorta sektöründeki payımızı daha da yukarı çekmek ve Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın geleceğini şekillendirecek güzel işlere imza atmaktır.



Our esteemed judges / Saygıdeğer Jürimiz

Mr. Atun was born in Ergazi-Famagusta in 1935. He graduated as a Master EngineerArchitect from Istanbul Technical University in 1959.

Prof. Dr. Dağlı has completed her undergraduate degree at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture in 1988, after winning the third place with her graduation project. She pursued higher education in the same university and received the `Doctor` title in 1993. Dr. Dağlı has been working as a full time instructor at the Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture since 1991, and has been serving as the Chair of Department of Interior Architecture since 2012, and as the Chair of the Board of Directors at EMU Continuing Education Centre since 2014.

He also attended Manchester and Nottingham Universities, studying City Planning. He worked as a director and undersecretary in various public jobs between 1961 and 1976. In 1976, 1981, 1985, 1990 General Elections, he was elected a member of the parliament for National Unity Party (UBP) from Lefkoşa region. He worked as the Minister of Housing and Rehabilitation. Minister of Economy and Finance, Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, and he was the General Secretary for UBP.

Architect-Planner MPhd, Former TRNC Speaker and Prime Minister

In the Snap General Elections, he was elected as a member of the Parliement from Nicosia through the party he has established called Democratic Party (DP), and in the DP and Republican Turkish Party coalition government, he was worked as the Prime Minister until August 1996. In October 1996 he was reelected as the Presisdent of the Parliament and maintained his position until December 1998.

Completed his MBA at University of Exeter in 1995. Took various managerial roles within the Capital Markets Department of Isbank before serving as the London Branch Manager between 2006 and 2011. Upon return to Turkey, became EVP of İş Asset Management. In November 2013, appointed as Isbank TRNC Manager.

Dr. Dağlı has written four books, national and international publications, proceedings, workshops and newspaper articles on traditional Cypriot architecture and urban problems, and on Design Education, along with many Master`s and PhD thesis completed under her supervision.

He was a part of the second Constituent Assembly and was re-assigned to be the Minister of Housing. Between 1985 and 1993 he acted as the president of the Assembly.


Born in Ankara in 1968. Graduated from University of Ankara Faculty of Political Science in 1989 and started working at Isbank as an internal auditor in 1990.


UĞUR ULAŞ DAĞLI Chair of Interior Architecture Department, E.M.U.

In addition, she has served as organization committee member, scientific board member and coordinator at many national and international symposiums, and acted as a jury for many international and national project and art competitions. She also has many implementations projects that she has designed and advised.

KAAN TOKAT İşbank TRNC Manager

During this time he was the acting president in the absence of President his honor Rauf Denktas. He quit participating in politics in 1998 and taught architecture, international relations, and management at Eastern Mediterranean University, Near East University, Girne American University and Cyprus International University, transferring his knowledge and experience to next generations.

Marianna Vorobyeva graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. During many years sha has been working in the leading Moscow project organization: “Mosproject-1”, Central Scientific-and-Research Institute of Retail and Business centers, Central Scientific-and-Research Institute for Investigation of Russian Historical cities, and others.

He is currently the President of Strategic Research Centre at the EMU, and continues helping the community and non-governmental organizations in overcoming social and political problems regarding architecture, urbanism and environment. He is married with two adult children and has three grandchildren. He is proficient in English and Intermediate Cypriot Greek.

Svetlana’s first interior design project was made in 1998 for her friends, while working for NASA in Ames Research Center, California as a visiting psychophysicist. By that moment she had done enough for her career in science (1995, PhD in psychophysics, visual illusions) and was ready to try something practical. Svetlana grew up in the family of architect and art historian; and even if she became a biophysicist –independent of parents professional – she did not mean that she swept aside everything her parents taught her.

MICHELE PASCA DI MAGLIANO MArch AA, ARB,OdAN. Senior Associate, Zaha Hadid Architects

She was just a longer way, which gave her a scientific basis in her design decisions. She took a course of interior design in St. Petersburg College of Architecture and Construction (First class degree in Interior Design), which gave her more confidence.


Now a Senior Associate, within two months of joining Zaha Hadid in 2004, Michele worked on winning competitions for the Glasgow Riverside Museum, the CMA CGM Head Office Tower in Marseille and the Architecture Foundation, London. He has since worked as Project Architect and Project Director on a number of international projects.

The member of the Union of Architects of Russia. Took part in designing and construction of the Olympic objects for the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. Was awarded the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers for the hotel complex “Solnechnyi” that was built in Moscow for the Olympic Games. Together with colleagues designed other important for Moscow objects: Cinema Center, Big Shopping Center, schools and other buildings.

Michele studied architecture at the University of Naples and has a Master of Architecture degree from the Architectural Association (AA) in London. He is a registered architect in both the United Kingdom and Italy.

In the recent years – free-lance. Kind of activity – design of private country houses and landscape design.

Michele has led various competition winning schemes including the design of two super tall towers and a cultural center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the Chartres Expo Centre in France. He has contributed to the design of a number of the ZHA’s product and furniture pieces such as the Flow Vase, Dune Formations shelving and the Zaha Hadid Exhibition in Padua, Italy. As Project Director, Michele led the team for the Egypt Pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo in 2010. More recently he was Project Director on the Sunland Towers and Grace on Coronation, both projects based in Queensland, Australia. Responsible for the execution of all the stages of design, Michele collaborated with the consultants and clients to ensure successful completion of the rogramme milestones. He was also the Project Director for the D’Leedon residential complex in Singapore. Completed in October 2014, the complex comprises 7 high-end 150 metre residential towers with landscape deck and gardens.

In 2006, Alexander Peresleni (landscaper) and Svetlana founded the Architectural bureau DesignPortrait® (FTS Certificate 78 #005721937). Since then they ‘paint’ interior design portraits – of the developers and their private customers, of usdesigners, but mostly the team portraits of all of them.

Svetlana was awarded with Best Interior Design Apartments Europe for Inspired by Landscape , Best Interior Design Apartments Russia for Inspired by Landscape at International property Awards in 2012.

Richard’s career in landscaping spans 50 years. He is the owner and Managing Director of Hillier Landscapes, a premier UK design and build landscape company and has played an active role in the company achieving many awards including BALI (British Association of Landscape Industries) Grand Award and numerous Gold medals at RHS Chelsea and Hampton Court Flower Shows.

She also received International Design Biennale MODULOR Silver Diploma for Booking office in St. Petersburg State Jazz Philharmonic Hall in 2009 and International Design Biennale MODULOR Bronze Diploma for bath tub in wood Day &Night in 2007.

Richard has been an RHS show garden judge and committee member for over 25 years, also Council member and awards adjudicator for BALI and awards chairman for APL (Association of Professional Landscapers). In 2011 Richard received the RHS Associate of Honour Award for the advancement of Landscape Practice through education and association work.

RICHARD BARNARD Owner and Managing Director of Hillier Landscapes


Member Architect, Union of Architects in Russia

Cansel Turgut Yazıcı was born in 1971, and graduated from industrial engineering. Also has a master’s degree from the capital market and the stock exchange market.

Currently, he is leading project teams for a number of schemes in East Asia and Oceania, including: the City of Dreams Hotel complex in Macau; the Pangu retail and residential development in Beijing; a Documentation Centre in Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and the Cairo Expo City in Egypt.

The most important feature of our bureau is the use of art objects as a starting point of project, and a big attention to color decisions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c37US4gPEI



Yazıcı has worked for long years for international real estate companies, and then continued her professional career in appraisal sector upon the constitution of this sector’s legal framework in Turkey. Yazıcı has started her own business in the year 2008 by establishing EVA Real Estate Appraisal Company. Recently, EVA is one of the leading companies in Turkey in the field of real estate appraisal and consultancy as well as feasibility studies and market surveys. Today, she has been EVA ’s General Director and Managing Partner. She has business experience for more than 23 years on subjects of investment, development, consultation and valuation in Turkish real estate market.

CANSEL TURGUT YAZICI Founder, EVA Real Estate Appraisal Consultancy

Yazici one of the Turkey’s first Certified Real Estate Appraiser from Capital Market Board (since 2003) and has FRICS Certification. She is elected as Executive Board Membership, Association of Certified Real Estate Companies Union for first two years,. She also is Board Member of Turkey’s most important R/E Association named GYODER. Mrs. Yazici has several articles about Real Estate, Appraisal in different printed media and internet portals. She is also giving Real Estate Appraisal and Project Feasibility lessons as a guest teacher in different platforms such as universities, associations. Yazıcı has two printed book; one is about Real Estate Market in Turkey .

Our esteemed judges / Saygıdeğer Jürimiz

Dr. Mürüde Çelikağ is among the first graduates of Higher Technology Institute (now Eastern Mediterranean University) in 1984. She finished her Masters and PhD Degrees at Sheffield University between 1984 and 1989. Between 1990 and 1996 Dr. Çelikağ worked at John Brown as a Civil Engineer, both in their local office and construction sites in Porthsmouth, UK, as well as their Singapore office.



Among her responsibilities were promoting correct use of structural steel in construction industry, increasing awareness and use of steel in construction. In September 2004, Dr. Çelikağ started working at the Eastern Mediterranean University Department of Civil Engineering as an Assistant Professor and served as the chair of the department between 2010 and 2013.

SEÇKİN SEZER BAYDAR Founder, SGB Architecture Building Production Consultant Company

Seçkin Sezer Baydar has performed some work, investigating the process of construction as a product, and has attended many national and international discussions, panels and workshops on `architecture` in every step of the construction cycle. With her understanding of the inseparable nature of architecture and interior design, she based her work combining the two. She has successfully represented our country in `International Property Awards` in London in 2015-2016 and has won “Highly Commended” award.

Clients include Doğan Holding, Koç Holding, Yenigün İnşaat, the Torunlar Group, Tekfen, the House Group, Iş-GYO, and Metal Yapı Konut. FYP places particular emphasis on studying the latest lifestyle trends in the sector and devising unique concepts for its clients and projects, and to this end has founded a sister company called Mee! Entertainment, which provides specialist consultancy in segments such as leisure, hospitality and culture. Recent examples in Turkey include The Rahmi M. Koç Museum, the KidzMondo role play centre, and restaurant development with the established hospitality group, D & D London.

She is responsible there for events and sector relations, including the devising and organization of several major national real estate summits. She is also active in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, and sits on the board of charitable NGOs.

Mr. Kaşif was born in Famagusta in 1934 and completed first and secondary schools in Famagusta and high school in Nicosia. He had graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture as a Master Engineer Architect in 1959. After working at his own company for a short period of time, he was appointed the Head Architect at Cyprus Turkish Community Assembly, Construction Division in 1960. In 1964 he established Planning and Construction Office (PID) along with other architects and engineers who lacked the opportunity to work under Republic of Cyprus government offices.

AYER KAŞİF Co-founder of KTMMOB, Former Representative of TRNC

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer was born in Nicosia, 1967 and studied Economics (B.Sc) at the Department of Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus. He earned MBA degree from Eastern Mediterranean University and his PhD from the Uludag University, Turkey.

He served in the public sector for 34 years, working as the Head of PID, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Housing (1976-1984), General Secretary of the Cabinet (1984-1987), TRNC Representative at Brussels (1987-1984), and he is now retired.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümers research interests include Small and Medium Size Enterprises, entrepreneurship, consumer behavior, service marketing. He had been the vice-chair of the Department of Business Administration (2003-2010), director of the Management Research Centre (2008-2010), established the center for Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2011 and is director. He is the chair of the Department of Business Administration since September 2010 at Eastern Mediterranean University.

Mr. Kaşif taught at Lefke European University for one semester, while teaching at the Girne American University for 15 years. He played an important role in establishing GAU Faculty of Architecture and the departments within. In addition to serving as the Chair of the Department of Architecture and Interior Architecture and as the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, he also worked at the University Board of Governors and the Senate. In 2010 he quit his positions at the university and currently he is retired while being actively involved in two Non-Governmental Organizations with international memberships, for which he had served as the President in the past.

Environmental Engineer

Founder, FYP Project Development, Marketing and Sales

Sectors of specialization include residential, retail and commercial, and – in particular – mixed use projects. FYP is currently working at board level on major projects with clients from Turkey, Ireland, Russia and the Caucasus and has also forged close ties with leading architects, interior designers, landscape architects and leisure consultants in Turkey and worldwide.

Füsun Yılmaz-Phillipson is also a board member and Executive Council Vice Chairman of GYODer, the Turkish Developers’ Association.

Dr. Mürüde Çelikağ has been advising numerous Masters and PhD. Students since 2000. Her research focuses on steel frame structures, steel column-beam connections, sustainable construction and Occupational Health and Safety. She has been serving as the Technical and Corporate Relations Coordinator at EMU Rector`s office since June 2015, and was promoted to Associate Professorship in May 2016.



Outside her professional career she also serves as a `studio critic` at many universities, and is a part time instructor at Atılım University. Additionally, she is a member of Turkish Freelance Architects Association, TMMOB Chamber of Architects Ankara branch, GGYD, METU Alumni Association and TMMOB Chamber of Architects Construction Occupational Scientific Research Board.

Moreover, Dr. Çelikağ provides her services as a consultant and advisor related to engineering projects and civil engineering, and encourages quality structural design and construction with her scientific publications. She holds Occupational Health and Safety Expert certification. Since 2007, she has been evaluating Structural Steel projects as an independent expert .

She has been actively involved in many environmental organizations, and is the president of the Chamber of Environmental Engineers.

She founded her own company FYP Project Development, Marketing and Sales in 2005, and since then has provided both consultancy and implementation services to many of the most prominent companies in Turkey, focusing on project concept, best use and development consultancy as well as marketing and sales, and brand relations.

After various partnerships, her work is now continued under SGB Mimarlık Yapı Üretim Danışmanlık Ltd.Şti (SGB Architecture and Construction Consulting Ltd.) since 2009.

In addition, she also served as the chair of the Department of General Education. She is one of the founding members of the Building Sciences Research Centre (BSRC), and the director of ROBUST Engineering and Consultancy Ltd., founded under TEKNOPARK in May 2010. ROBUST offers risk assessment and consultancy services in Occupational Health and Safety for many prestigious companies in North Cyprus.

Mrs. Bektaş was born in Nicosia in 1979. Upon completing her primary, secondary and high school education there, she graduated from 19 Mayis University, Department of Environmental Engineering in 2001. She now owns a private Environmental Consulting Bureau, offering engineering services in environmental matters since 2005.

She has built on this academic foundation by working for over 25 years in the real estate sector in Turkey and the region, starting her career with such major real estate developers as Koç Holding, Koray Group (as Deputy General Manager for Marketing) and Kemer Yapı, where she was Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Kemer Country and also GM of the Kemer Golf and Country Club.

She concurrently managed school and work life, and upon graduation she worked at various architecture offices and construction companies in Ankara. In the construction cycle, her experience ranges from design workshops to site work, and since 2004 she has decided upon her place in the sector as a self-employed entrepreneur.

She received Chartered Engineer – Ceng designation from the Institute of Civil Engineers in England and Eur-Ing professional engineer designation from European Federation of National Engineering Associations. Between 1996 and 2000, she worked in multiple-story reinforced concrete building projects for a private company in United Arab Emirates, while working as a part time engineer at UAE University – Department of Civil Engineering and as contract instructor at the prep school. Between 1998 and 2000, she worked at British Steel Plc (CORUS) Dubai office as the Structural Engineer in charge of Middle East and the Bay area.

Füsun Yılmaz-Phillipson trained as an Architect and Town Planner in Istanbul, and followed this up by studying Sales and Marketing in London.

Seçkin Sezer Baydar was born in Denizli, Turkey in 1971. After completing her education at Izmir Private Turkish College, she graduated from the Department of Architecture at Middle East Technical University in 1993.

Mr. Kasif had studied School Architecture in Lyon and Paris between 1968 and 1969 with scholarships from the Government of France. He has progressed in his PhD studies in Construction Management at GAU until thesis stage. Mr. Kaşif was leading the preparation and implementation of Low-Cost Housing bill in TRNC. He also managed the `Nicosia Master Plan` under UNDP sponsorship with a Turkish Technical team. Mr. Kasif is one of the founding members of the Union of the Chambers of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects. He was the first president of the Chamber of Architects and he has attended many international meetings. He speaks English, French and a little Cypriot Greek. He is married with two kids and five grandchildren.


MUSTAFA TÜMER Chairperson, Business Administration Department

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer was involved in various governmental and private research projects and appointed as the coordinator. He has been teaching Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Marketing at undergraduate level, Statistics and Data Analysis since 2001 at Masters level, and teaching Marketing Theory at PhD level. He has published various papers in international peer review journals. Prof. Tumer has attended and presented his academic studies at various international conferences at UK, USA, Hungary, Ireland, Turkey, Sweden etc. He has published his papers in various international and national academic journals. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer was selected as Fulbright scholar two times (in 2004 and 2011). During his stay in USA, he had the chance to attend and give lectures at George Washington University, MIT, Babson College, New Hampshire University, San Diego State University and California State University Pomona. He also had short term scholarship from the EU for two months during Summer 2015 for carrying out further academic studies in his field. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer established the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at EMU in 2011 and currently is the director. Dr. Tümer carried out 14 research projects for the government and the chamber of industry of Cyprus. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Tümer is the chair of the Business Department since September 2010 and also serve as vice President of the Board of Director since March 2013 at a local Bank (Limassol Turkish Cooperative Bank) established in 1939.



Our esteemed judges / Saygıdeğer Jürimiz

İLYAS ÖZGÖREN Web developer, Aydınlı Group

Mr. Ozgoren was born in 1982 in Istanbul. He completed his primary and secondary school education in Bayrampasa. In 1996 he started Silivri Technical and Industrial Vocational High School, where he was introduced to computers, for which he sacrificed his eyesight. Upon completing his undergraduate degree at the Department of Computer Technologies and Programming at Marmara University as the third of his department, he became a member of Informatics industry.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Cemal Özerdem was born in Ankara at 11 November 1967. After high school education at Lefkoşa Türk Maarif Koleji he recieved his B.Sc. Degree in 1992 from Eastern Mediterranean University in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and M.Sc. Degree from same department in 1994. He worked as research and teaching assistant during 1992-1994. He joined the Near East University at 1996 and worked as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Between 2003 and 2006 he worked as a Programming Expert and Web Software Developer at a startup, an Education and Consulting firm and at an Information Technologies company, respectively. During this time he developed many software and web projects and added on to his expertise in programming.

He received the Ph.D. degree from Near East University, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He was assigned as Assist. Prof. in 2006, and Assoc. Prof. in 2011. He served as Vice Chairman during 2003-2009, and as Deputy Chairman for 2009- 2011 and Chairman 2011-13 at Near East University, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He was the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering between 2009-12.

After completing his military service in 2007, he started working at Beyaz.net, a partner company of IETT Information Systems, and did the preliminary development of the currently widely-used “İETT Nasıl Giderim” application. Later in August 2007 he started at Memorial Health Group as Web Software Development Expert for five years and used his expertise to improve the health sector. He played a major role in digitalizing many institutional applications for the Health Group. His web based project where Health Group Human Resources Processes can be followed digitally won the CIO award in 2010.



Chairman of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, E.U.L.

In November 2011, he changed sectors, moved to Digital Marketing Systems field and worked as an Affiliate and Software Expert and as a Project Manager at a German company called Adtriplex who focuses on E-Commerce sector, Performance-based Marketing and Networking. He created the infrastructure of a shared platorm where 150 advertisors and 5000 publishers receive services.

In addition, with the 1-Day business project that he created for the Father`s Day campaign organized by Pierre Cardin, where he takes part in the social media infrastructure, they received the 2015 Silver Drum award, the Silver Apple at the 27th Crystal Apple Festival and four golden EFFIE Awards at EFFIE 2016 Turkey.

Founder, pRchitect

Here, aside from designing all corporate brands, he also acted as the visual director of Gourmet&Styling Magazine with 10,000 copy circulation under Gourmet&Styling Creative Group. Additionally, he designed 5 published books. Throughout his career, he has done numerous designs for Pınar Professional, Aytaç, Danone, Weber, LifeMed, Maslak Yapı, Tupperware, Komili, Şenpiliç, Beypiliç, Maille and Ülker Eksper along with many freelance work. His hobbies include drawing, photography, blogging and collecting figurines.


His mastery of imagination, color and comfort add to the uniqueness that translates into every workshop and design he creates – in Los Angeles and beyond. Pargari’s designs resonate a predilection for bold choices in color and a keen sense for the proper way to use them. For him,color is a reflection of individuality and taste, and he strives to awaken that passion in every client. As a result, his work has been published time and again in several interior design publications. The idea of design is to create a unique and comfortable environment, while never compromising the elegance and vivaciousness of the home. Interior design is not just about furniture; it is about color,texture, fabric, woodwork, lighting, accessories, space and landscape – all coming together in the most cohesive way possible. In 2014, Pargari was awarded The Gusi Peace Prize, honoring his professional work and peaceful solutions through Interior Architectural and Furniture Design. According to California Homes Magazine, “Pargari’s accomplishments and achievements have made him a living paradigm emulated by many, not only in United State of America, but in his birth country Iran, throughout Asia and the International community” (California Homes 2014, page 57). To better understand the concept of Interior and Furniture design, and to contribute to the development of the new generation of designers, Pargari has also been teaching at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) in Los Angeles.

During her time as a journalist and a communication professional, she has observed the need for communication support for architects, designers and construction companies, and in order to address this gap, she established pRchitect Corporate Communication and Consulting Company in 2012.

He has a 29-year long professional career in volleyball, and has won many first places in athletics competitions. He was elected for the board of directors for the Cyprus Turkish Electric Contractors Association in 2009, and served as the Nicosia Region Representative and Vice-chair for many years until he was elected the chair in 2015. He is married and has one child.

Head of Cyprus Turkish Electrical Contractors Association

In 2002, he became the founder and president of Pargari Design International and later launched his own line of custom-designed furniture. Since then, he has been designing European (French country style and Italian villa style), Spanish and traditional California style as well as classic modern style homes in Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Marina del Rey and Los Angeles.

After 9 years of active magazine life, she had chosen to continue her career in communications, and worked as the Corporate Communications Manager at AHK Interiors company between 2006 and 2008. Later in 2008, she was offered Corporate Communications Coordinator position at EAA-Emre Arolat Architects and worked there for four years.

Mr. Nasiboğlu was born in Old City Nicosia in 1967. Upon completing his first and secondary school education, he graduated from Industrial and Vocational High School, electricity department. After his military service, he assumed the director position at his family company Nasiboğlu Electric Contracting in 1959. He is still working in that position in electrical contracting sector.



Internationally Acclaimed Award Winning designer

RIZA ÖMER ÇİNKILIÇ was born in Istanbul in 1969 and continued his secondary education in Canbulat High School TRNC. In 1992 he completed his BBA degree at the Eastern Mediterranean University Faculty of Business and Economics Department of Business Administration. In 1995 he worked as Assistant registrar at EMU Registrar’s office then became Head of Office in 2004.

Mrs. Çobanoğlu has never gave up writing throughout her career, and currently is the Editor in Chief of the Architecture section of Istanbul Art News Magazine, she does freelance writing for Maison Française, ELLE Decoration, Maison Française Emlak-Yaşam-Mimarlık, KNote and XOXO The Mag, and edits architecture books.

Throughout his undergraduate life and after graduation, he worked as a graphic and web designer at LCVRT Advertising, EG Advertising and Marketing, Marka and Lukshop.com / Niksoft software firm. Later in 2014, he started working as visual director at EKS Mutfak Academy.

Web and Graphic Designer


In 1997, she started working for AD art+décor magazine under Doğan Burda Publication Group. Between 2000 and 2004, she worked as the editor of ELLE, and between 2004 and 2006, she became the Editor in Chief at AD art+décor.



He started his career as a designer for an international company in 1998, designing furniture that was subsequently sold by major retailers. In 2000, Pargari worked for a renowned interior design firm in Beverly Hills before deciding to start his own company.

Mrs. Çobanoğlu, is a class of 1997 Middle East Technical University Department of Architecture graduate, a journalist, communications professional and the founder of pRchitect. She strongly believes that her education in architecture has given her many great traits such as a social standing, vision and multi-dimensional thinking ability. In her senior year as an undergraduate, she had decided to remain in the theoretical sphere of architecture, and combine this with her childhood passion of writing.

In 2013 he joined Aydınlı Group and he takes part in all corporate web, e-commerce and social media software of the group. As the Information Systems Directorate, they won the 2015 CIO Award with their `Magaza Karne` project, and the Best Corporate Solutions award at 2016 RETA.

Mr. Atan was born Istanbul in 1982. After the education he received at Burhan Ozer Art Studio, he started Kocaeli University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphic Design, and graduated in 2012.

He has been assigned to the TRNC Electricity Authority as a member of Board of Directors 2009-12. Since August 2015 he joined European University of Lefke and currently he is the chairman of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of European University of Lefke. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür C. Özerdem has been a member of IEEE since 1996 and he was elected to the grade of Senior member in 2015. He has many Journal and International conference papers. International and National Conference paper with his Ph.D. student was awarded as the Best Paper of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, Prague, 16-19 May 2010 . He is married with two children.

Internationally-acclaimed and award-winning Interior Designer Parviz Pargari was born in Kermanshah, Iran. He moved to Los Angeles in 1989, where he studied at California State University, Northridge. Pargari obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design there, followed by a Master’s degree in Wood and Furniture Design.

Between 2004-07 he worked as a team member for planning of EMU Promotions and Student Recruitment Strategies, to join the Education Exhibitions and arranged introductory visits to high schools and other education related institutions. Mr Rıza Çinkılıç was appointed as a TRNC representative to Oman in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of TRNC in 2008.

RIZA ÖMER ÇİNKILIÇ Deputy General Secretary Eastern Mediterranean University

He represented EMU at the education exhibitions and visits which took place in the following countries: Russia, UAE St. Petersburg, Nigeria, Kazhakistan and Pakistan. In 2011 he became Careers advisor at the EMU Alumni Office and then went onto EMU General Secretary’s Office and continues as Deputy General Secretary.

Our esteemed judges / Saygıdeğer Jürimiz

Harun GÜLMEZ, M.D. was born in 1971 in İzmir. After his primary and secondary school education in İzmir, he studied Medicine at Uludağ University Medical School. He became a cardiovascular surgery specialist at Akdeniz University Medical School.

Hasan Güngör was born in Famagusta in 1968. He completed his primary and secondary education in Namık Kemal in Famagusta he then studied at the Eastern Mediterranean University and completed Marmara University. In 1999 he completed his p.H.d. He started teaching full time at Yeditepe University in Istanbul and continued onto teach in the Economics department at the Eastern Meditteranean University.

Between the years 2004 and 2012, he provided healthcare services in several different private healthcare facilities. Being a well-known and experienced cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. GÜLMEZ has a rate of more than 5000 cases of open heart surgery.

2001 – 2004 he was an Undersecretary at the TRNC Prime Ministry office. During this time he set up the TRNC EU Coordination Center. At the same time he worked on the preparation of legislation and promoting exports and employment in the TRNC. Fund Management for the Board of directors.




He participated in the TRNC financial sector for Cooperative Companies. In 2001 he worked on the reconstruction of the economic cooperation committee membership between the Republic of Turkey and the TRNC. He took part in meetings prepared by the United Nations plan for a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem. After the referendeums in 2004 he returned to his duty at the Eastern Mediterranean University. He rejoined the TRNC Presidential Delegation Talks in 2009. He continued this position until May 2014 then served as the chairman of the technical committee making negotiations and discussing economic issues.

Carlo Castelli is an architect and masterplanner. He studied architecture in Genoa where he completed a Master Degree in Architecture with distinction in 1999. In 2011 he completed a Master in ‘City Design and Social Science’ at the London School of Economics and Social Science, to build up on his design experience and explore research and applied techniques on urban issues.



He moved to TRNC and started to work for Kolan British Hospital as a cardiovascular surgeon in 2012. In 2013, he was promoted as Chief Physician and Medical Director of Kolan British Hospital. As the Medical Director, he provided preventive health services and healthcare services management and administration too. Health and safety is a very important subject, which has effects on both property service providers and users. Starting from the very beginning, the planning phase of a construction, health and safety is a longterm subject which will impose the living quality of a home owner in several different ways.

Chief Physician and Medical Director of Kolan British Hospital

Through more than fifteen years of experience on diverse urban contexts and complex buildings, Carlo has acquired a great understanding of how the various urban systems and processes shape our environment. He is accustomed to leading the design development process at various scales, managing interfaces, stakeholder engagement, coordination and brief interpretation towards the creation of successful urban environments, with real added value for the various stakeholders.

CARLO CASTELLI ARB RIBA ULI Director Strategic Planning and Design

His focus is now on urban and regional projects as one of the directors of the AECOM Strategic Planning and Design group. He is the team leader of major inter-disciplinary urban projects internationally, with issues often related to economic development, transport oriented development and with a specific expertise on airport city development – urban development around airports.

He has been working as a Lecturer in the Department of Economics at The Eastern Mediterranean University since May 2014. Mr güngör also has financial development and macroeconomic publications.


CEMİL ATAKARA Vice Dean,Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture. CIU

Dr. Atakara is a member of Chamber of Cyprus Turkish Architects. He has served in many positions at JCI. After working as the accountant for three terms at Nicosia Society for International Development Board of Directors, he was elected president in 2013. He was actively involved with the Board of Directors of Employer` Union for two terms and he is currently maintaining these positions. He has served as a jury member as many national and international judging boards. He has many proceedings and publications both at national and international spheres. Dr. Atakara has organized numerous workshops. He was granted the Creative Idea Award in Salford, Manchester with one of his proceedings.

He worked as a freelance architect between 1990 and 1992, and established his own company, Adanır Architecture and Engineering in 1992.

TUNÇ ADANIR Member of the Board of Directors, K.T.M.M.O.B.

DEVRİM Y. BESİM Head of the Industrial Product Design Department, C.I.U

He has served as project coordinator / architect in various projects such as METU North Cyprus Campus housing, Kanerler Office Building, Beyarmudu South Mesaria Social Facilities. Mr. Şahoğlu is profficient in English. He is married with one child.

In addition, he was the head of the judging committee at EL-Sen Headquarters Building National Architectural Project Competition and KTEOS Social Facilities Project competition. Mr. Adanır won the second place at Vakıflar Bank Headquarters Architectural Project Competition. Some of the work Mr. Adanır has completed include headquarter buildings for banks, shop decorations, GAU College building, many hotel, residential buildings, mass housing projects, industrial buildings and numerous restoration projects.

ERKAL ŞAHOĞLU Architect,Director of ADES Architecture and Engineering Office

Dr. Erten graduated from Boğaziçi University Faculty of Engineering in 1988. She completed her graduate studies at Rutgers University in USA in Civil and Environmental Engineering. She worked as a research fellow at Princeton University. While working as a licenced Civil Engineer for AECOM and BOVIS Lend Lease in Los Angeles, she lectured at USC. Upon her return from USA he worked as the director of Clinton Climate Initative for Clinton Foundation.

Dr. Devrim Y. Besim received her Bachelor degree in 1992 and Master degree in 1995 from the Architecture Department at METU. In 2007 she completed her Ph.D. thesis titled “An Analytical Research on Reading and Determination of Original Urban Spaces: Bodrum Türkkuyusu District” at Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Landscape Architecture. She worked in different scaled projects in Ankara.


Mr. Şahoğlu was born in Nicosia in 1976. He has graduated from Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture in 1999. He started his professional career at Ziya Necati Özkan Arhictecture in 1999, and he is now the director of ADES Architectural Design and Engineering Services Ltd. since 2008.

Mr. Adanır has been participating in the Union of the Chambers of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects, Chamber of Architects Board of Directors since 2005. He facilitated the Karpaz Region Agro Tourism sample project competition, organized by the Ministry of Tourism and the Chamber of Architects.

Dr. Atakara is the founder of Cemil Atakara Architecture office, and the CEO of Ofton Construction and Bestline Construction. Cemil Atakara Architecture runs projects in North Cyprus, Syria and Northern Iraq. Assoc. Prof. Cemil Atakara has also published a book titled “Complexity and Structure”. He is continuing his academic life at Cyprus International University as the Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, and as the Chair of the Department of Architecture since 2013. Mr. Atakara is married with one child.

Dr. Devrim Y. Besim continues her academic works at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture in Cyprus International University since 2012 and she is head of the Industrial Product Design Department.

He is currently involved on the Airport Cities Study for Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, the Concept Masterplan for landside development of the King Khaled International Airport in Riyadh and a 4000 residential units Masterplan in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Mr. Adanır was born in Limassol, Cyprus in 1966 and graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Department of Architecture in 1988, and completed his Master`s degree in the same department between 1988 and 1990.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cemil Atakara was born in Cyprus in 1977. He is a nature-lover, thinker and designer architect. He graduated from Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Architecture with High Honors in 2000. He then completed his Master`s degree in 2002 studying “Spatial characteristics of suspended glass system with pre-stress cable truss”, and his PhD titled “Determining Factors of Complexity in structure” in 2011. He was promoted to Associate professorship in 2016. Atakara has attended Royal Academy of Music School for many years, and also demonstrated his experience with the piano by performing at numerous recitals.

His experience as an architect spans across sectors and includes important contributions to the design process and delivery of internationally renowned buildings within urban development projects. Amongst them the Tennis Centre and International Broadcasting Centre for Rio Olympics 2016, the 437m high West Tower in Guangzhou, China and two commercial towers in Istanbul.

Alberto is a registered Spanish Architect & Planner with robust professional experience in both Europe and Asia. Aiming for bold innovative ideas in environmentally sustainable city living. Particularly interested in pragmatic green lifestyle design solutions which can interact in harmony with the context, his contributions to projects always explore new possibilities from a multidisciplinary yet integrated approach. Able to work across different cultures, strategic minded with growing business development ability. His special areas are; • Architecture [RIBA Chartered Architect], • Urban Panning & Sustainable Design (LEED® Green Associate), • Design Management (COAM-Spain Architect and Urban Planner registration board] • Retrofit and Preservation.

Erten is the co-founder of Turkish Green Building Council and served on the as the Board President and Vice President. She received the President’s Award given by World Green Building Council for her outstanding contributions to the global sustainability movement. She later completed the executive program at Harvard University’s Public School of Health on Sustainability. DR.DUYGU ERTEN Founder, TURKECO Green Academy and Consulting

She is the founder of TURKECO green academy and consulting, Vice President of TGBC, President of International Relations and GREEN Schools Program of TGBC, and BUILDUPON spokesperson on behalf of TGBC. She serves on the LEED International Committee, and technical advisor to WGBC Committees. She has been teaching on sustainability and NGOs at Koç, Sabancı and Boğaziçi Universities and currently at Medipol University. She is a P.E., LEED Faculty, WELL Faculty, BREEAM AP, Communities and In-Use assessor and a DGNB Consultant. She is currently representing TURKECO which is the first Turkish firm elected to serve USGBC’s Board.

ALBERTO G.PERERA RIBA Chartered Architect and Planner

Alberto worked as a planner at RLL Urban and Territorial Planning in 2009. In 2010, he started working for EK Architects. From 2010 to 2014, he acted as an architect and urban planner at PTW Architects. He was the project designer at HOK International in China between 2014 to 2015. Then he became the Design Manager at ATKINS Global between 2015 to 2016.
































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02/06/2017 15:27


2016 PROPERTYNC ÖDÜL TÖRENİ GALA GECESİ As Propertync preparing for such an event was not easy and required separate dedication, care, subtlety and discipline.


he fifth edition of biennial Propertync Awards, first of which was held in 2008, has seen an increase in participation and attendance, culminating at the Gala Night held on the 19th November 2016 at the exquisite Cratos Premium Hotel.


ropertync Dergisi tarafından 2008 yılından bu yana her iki yılda bir düzenlenen Propertync Awards Gayrimenkul Ödülleri’nin beşincisi bu yıl 19 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Cratos Premium Hotel’de görkemli bir gala gecesiyle gerçek-leştirilerek inşaat ve emlak sektörünün öncü¬lerine ev sahipliği yaptı.

More than 700 guests attended the evening, where the best in the Real Estate and cons- 700’ü aşkın davetlinin katıldığı gecede 36 ayrı truction sectors in Northern Cyprus were dalda Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın emlak ve inşaat sektörleawarded in 36 categories. Attention was rinin en iyileri ödüllendirildi. Görkemli gecedrawn to the fact that the number of par- de diğer yıllara göre katılımcı sayısının gözle ticipants increased visibly in the spectacular görülür oranda arttığı dikkat çekti . evening compared to previous years. Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki yapıların uluslararası stanThe competition, aimed at reaching interna- dartlara erişmesi ve gelişirken adanın güzel tional standards in North Cyprus while pro- doğasını korumak, daha da güzelleştirmek ve tecting the nature of the island, furthering its sürdürülebilir yapıları teşvik etmek amacını beauty and promoting sustainable buildin- hedef edinerek yapılan yarışma, emlak ve ings, also bringing together many of the major şaat dünyasının devleriyle birlikte KKTC’deki municipalities of the TRNC together with birçok belediyeleri de görkemli bu gecede businessmen and women of the real estate bir araya getirdi. and construction worlds.

Propertync, böyle bir organizasyona hazırlanmanın katılımcı firmalar için kolay olmadığını, ayrı bir özveri, itina, incelik ve disiplin gerektirdiğini dile getirdi.



After months of planning, observations and discussions, the evaluations were complete. Finally, once all was in place by both Propertync and the panel of judges, the big night had arrived. Professional and experienced jury members from various fields came together for the Propertync Awards Ceremony and worked day and night by evaluating the projects individually and determined the best among the 125 applicants on the final evaluation day. Members of the jury said that they had difficulties making decisions with the projects presented by the competitors. They also mentioned that the construction sector in the TRNC had developed rapidly over the past years and that they will improve further. To ensure the Awards remain well respected Propertync Magazine make sure the whole evaluation process is impartial and every folder and company is judged professionally. The jury panel consisted of experts from several different business sectors. All applications containing information were kept confidential and their visits were arranged to ensure that each company had an equal chance. The 5th. Propertync Awards Gala Evening opened its doors at 7pm starting with a champagne reception. The guests, competing companies, together with the award’s sponsors, politicians, prestigious visitors from several different countries and many others had the chance to gather, drink champagne, chat and relax before the official part of the evening got under way. With a stunning array of gowns and sharp suits, the guests had a chance to speak with the press and reflect upon their feelings, before the winners were announced. At 8 o’clock , the doors of the ballroom were opened and the guests were seated at their tables where the excitement began. The carefully decorated lounge was in a white color scheme. The Cratos Premium Hotel lounge was decorated magnificantly with white ornate eulogies the table and chairs were decorated and stylish decorative candlesticks were placed on the tables.

Hazırlıkların aylar öncesinden başladığını ve bu sürecin dahilinde seçmelere katılacak olan firmaların projelerinin hazırlıkları, planlamaları, juri ekibi için şirket portföylarının ve değerlendirme dosyalarının oluşturulması gibi aşamaların tamamlandığı zor ve yorucu süreçten geçerek bu geceye gelindi. Emlak Ödül Töreni için oluşturulan seçkin, profesyonel ve çeşitli alanlarda uzman ve deneyimli juri ekibi gece gündüz demeden bir araya gelip aday proje ve fimaları tek tek değerlendirdiler ve son değerlendirme sonuç gününde 6 saatlik ara vermeden geçen toplantı sonunda 125 başvuru arasından en iyileri belirlediler. Yarışmacıların sunduğu projelerin zaman zaman karar vermekte ve seçim yapmakta zorladığını söyleyen juri üyeleri; KKTC yapı dünyasının geçen zaman içinde çok hızlı gelişerek, daha ileri kaliteye doğru gittiğini bunu görmekten mutlu olduklarını ama daha katedecek yol olduğunu dile getirdiler. Ödül Töreni öncesinde juri ekibi, firmaların profillerini değerlendirmek, projelerini ziyaret ederek, firma ve projelerden yetkili kişiler ile mülakatlar yaparak seçme ve eleme çalışmalarını tamamladılar. Her detay, profesyonelce ve gizlilik içerisinde değerlendirildi. Gerek Propertync ekibinin, gerekse juri ekibinin tüm hazrılıklarını tamamlanmasından sonra beklenen büyük gün geldi. 5. Kez düzenlenen Propertync Awards Gala gecesi saat 19:00’da şampanya resepsiyonuyla başladı. Flashların ardarda patladığı resepsiyonda adeta bir şıklık yarışı vardı. Kokteyl için özel olarak hazırlanmış lobide ödüllere aday gösterilen şirketler, sponsor firmalar, siyaset hayatının önde gelen isimleri, medya mensupları, davetliler, yurt dışından gelen misafir ve katılımcılar gecenin stres ve heyecanını biraz olsun atma şansı buldular. Yoğun ilginin gösterildiği gece, saat 8 de balo salonunun kapılarının açılması ve davetlilerin görkemli balo salonuna heyecan içinde yerleşmesiyle başladı. Özenle hazırlanmış salon, beyaz renk temalı dekore edilmişti. Tören için hiçbir detay atlanmadan, itinalı bir şekilde hazırlanan Cratos Premium Hotel, gerek masa ve sandalyelerin dekorunda kullanılan beyaz süslü örtüler, gerekse masalarda yerleştirilmiş şık ve dekoratif şamdanları ile davetlilerden tam not aldı. www.property-awards.net


All the technical requirements were also there to ensure that all guests were able to comfortably see and be a part of the evening’s event.

Teknik ekipmanın tam teşekküllü hazırlıklarını tamamladığı Ödül Töreninde, davetlilerin konforu ön planda tutuldu. Konuşmacıların net duyulabilmesi için salonun etrafını çevreleyen güçlü bir ses sistemi yerleştirildi. Sahnenin her The Décor and sound systems aside, the iki tarafına yerleştirilen dev projeksiyonlar, davetlilerin tanıtm filmini, konuşmacıları, aday food was enough to keep everyone satisfied. firma ve projeleri, ödül sahiplerini, gecenin The appetizers, main course and dessert sponsorlarını ve muhteşem müzik şölenini were all delicious, with a fine selection of salonun her yerinden görebilmesini sağladı. complimentary wines and champagne. Dekorasyon ve ses sisteminin yanısıra, gece The doors were opened accompanied with boyunca ikram edilen yemekler, ordövrler ve the fabulous Passione Group, after the recital tatlılar, davetlilere tam anlamıyla lezzet şöleni Mehmet Kozansoy director of Propertync yaşattı. Bu kusursuz ikram, kaliteli şarap ve Magazine made his opening speech. Then şampanyalarla tam bir keyife dönüştü. came the speech of INFORMA Cityscape Exhibitions Director Carlo Schembri, who Kapılar Passione Grubu eşliğinde açıldı, resitalin ardından Propertync Direktörü Mehmet flew over specailly for the 2016 Propertync Kozansoy açılış konuşmasını yaptı. Daha sonra Awards Ceremony. Carlo Schembri said that 2016 Propertync Emlak Ödül Töreni için Propertync Magazine meticulously represents Birleşik Krallıktan KKTC’ye yarışma için gelen the TRNC real estate and construction ve sponsor olan INFORMA Cityscape Fuar industry in every exhibition and that they Müdürü Carlo Schembri’nin konuşmasıyla are very happy with their contributions and devam etti. Propertync Dergisinin her fuarda will continue to cooperate with Propertync KKTC emlak ve inşaat sektörünü titizlikle temsil Magazine in the future and strengthen their ettiğini ve bu işbirliklerinden gayet mutlu olduklarını belirten Carlo Schembri, gelecekte cooperation. de Propertync Dergisiyle işbirliklerini daha da Many leading names in the industry were güçlendirecek işbirliklerinin süreceğini söyledi. with us that evening including, Health Minister Dr. Faiz SUCUOĞLU, former TRNC Prime Minister Hakkı ATUN, former representative of TRNC Ayer KAŞİF,Mayor of Mehmetçik Cemil SARIÇİZMELİ, Mayor of Beyarmudu İlker EDİP, Mayor of Lapta Fuat NAMSOY and Mayor of TATLISU Hayri ORÇAN. Also present at the evening was Kaan TOKAT General Manager of Türkiye İş Bank, Fevzi TANPINAR Telsim Vodafone Deputy General Manager, Cengiz ERTÜRK Anadolu Sigorta TRNC Director, Op. Dr. Harun GÜLMEZ Kolan British Hospital Head Physician, Alpet representatives and many more leading names.

Geceye Sağlık Bakanı Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu, eski KKTC Başbakanı Hakkı Atun, KKTC eski temsilcisi Ayer Kaşif, Mehmetçik Belediye Başkanı Cemil Sarıçizmeli, Beyarmudu Belediye Başkanı İlker Edip, Lapta Belediye Başkanı Fuat Namsoy ve Tatlısu Belediye Başkanı Hayri Orçan ile birlikte Propertync Awards Sponsorluğunu üstlenen INFORMA Cityscape adına Fuar Müdürü Carlo Schembri, Türkiye İş bankası Genel Müdürü Kaan Tokat, Telsim Vodafone Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Fevzi Tanpınar, Anadolu Sigorta Kıbrıs Müdürü Cengiz Ertürk, Kolan British Hospital Başhekimi Op. Dr. Harun Gülmez, Alpet temsilcileri ve sektörün önde gelen birçok ismi katıldı.



The evening continued with the ‘Soul Kinda Wonderful’ performance. After the performance the municipalities were also presented with their awards.

uring the evening the first certificates were given out to the sponsors that had helped make the awards night a success - Türkiye İş Bank, Telsim Vodafone Group, Anadolu Sigorta, Kombos Otomotiv, Mercedes Benz , Kolan British Hospital and Alpet; who all received recognition for their sponsorship.



The companies in turn said how proud they were to support such an event and congratulated everyone that had taken part in the Awards and for their success in the field.

Sponsor firmalar, böyle anlamlı bir organizasyon’a sponsor olmaktan gurur duyduklarını dile getirdi ve ödüllere aday olan firmaları başarılarından dolayı tebrik etti.

Then it was time to give out the well deserved certificates to the judging panel who had worked so very hard to evaluate every detail from all of the participants. The jury panel was called on stage individually where they were presented with their cerfificates by Jury Coordinator Ayşe Kozansoy.

Ardından Propertync Awards 2016’nın en iyilerini belirleyen, destek ve emeklerini esirgemeden özveri ile çalışan 32 Jüri üyelerimizi teker teker sahneye davet ederek Juri Koordinatörü Ayşe Kozansoy tarafından teşekkür sertifikaları ile ödüllendirdiler.

nşaat sektörünün en iyilerinin kutlandığı gecede, organizasyona sponsorluk eden Türkiye İş Bankası, Telsim Vodafone Grup Şirketi, Anadolu Sigorta, Kombos Otomotiv-Mercedes Benz ve Kolan British Hospital,Alpet sağladıkları başarı, destek ve katkılarından dolayı sertifikaları ile ödüllendirildi.

Gece Birleşik Krallıktan gelen ‘Soul Kinda Wonderful’ konseriyle devam etti. Konserden sonra diğer yıllardan farklı olarak Belediyeler de ödüllendirildi.




All winners showed how thrilled they were while accepting their awards on stage. The time finally arrived to present the awards to the competitors. Everyone held their breath as the companies that entered waited to hear who for all their hard work in North Cyprus, where to be Awarded. Many important categories were addressed at the 2016 Propertync Awards ceremony. Meticulously the companies and projects were awarded after the long evaluations of the jury members. All winners showed how thrilled they were while accepting their awards on stage, The winning companies were not only happy to receive the awards but also grateful to know that all their hard work had not gone unnoticed. The evening came to an end with the performance of the Soul Kinda Wonderful Group accompanied with the delicious food and drink served throughout the evening. The guests and winners were able to celebrate their success with the group. The winners had photographs taken on stage as a souvenir for the evening and once again thanked the Propertync team for organising this magnificent evening in celebration of their success.

Sıra ödüllerin sahiplerine verileceği an’a geldiğinde davetlilerin ve adayların heyecanı doruktaydı. Ödüller 32 farklı kategoride Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın emlak ve inşaat sektöründe başarılar sergileyen öncü firmalar ve projeler ödüllendirildi. 2016 Propertync Emlak Ödül töreninde, pek çok önemli kategori ele alındı. Titizlikle çalışan jüri üyelerinin uzun değerlendirmeleri sonucunda ödüllere layık görülen firma ve projeler ödüllendirildi. Ödül kazanan firma ve proje sahipleri sahnede heyecanlı anlar yaşadı. Kazananlar, başarılarının taçlandırıldığı bu değerli gecede emeklerinin boşa çıkmadığını görmekten, daha da ötesi, özenle ve sabırla çok çalışarak emeklerinin karşılıklarını aldıklarını görmekten büyük mutluluk ve gurur duyduklarını dile getirdiler. Ödüllerin sahiplerini bulmasının ardından, ikram edilen lezzetli yemekler ve içkiler eşliğinde Soul Kinda Wonderful Grubu ile gece son buldu. Davetlilere tam bir müzik şöleni yaşatan grup kazanan firmalar mutluluklarının tadını çıkartma fırsatı buldular. Ödül sahiplerinin sahnede gerçekleşen fotoğraf çekimleri ile mutluluklarını ölümsüzleştiren kazanan firmalar, başarı ve emeğin kutlandığı bu muhteşem geceyi gerçekleştirdikleri için Propertync ekibine bir kez daha teşekkürlerini sundular.

Ödül kazanan firma ve proje sahipleri sahnede heyecanlı anlar yaşadı.



The Propertync Awards have also had a positive effect on the property, estate and construction sector by raising the standards.

In conclusion, the estate and construction sectors are vital for the development of North Cyprus. It is very important to be up-to-date and have the ability to not only know, but also to provide what is necessary for society. Of course doing all this requires us to constantly remain active with our investments, and hard work. The economic and political boundaries are definitely obstacles which make it harder to be successful. However, despite these difficulties, compared to previous years there has been a lot of development and growth in this sector. The amount of international investors has increased and has brought more hope for the future. The Propertync Awards have also had a positive effect on the property, estate and construction sector by raising the standards. The average age of people within the industry has come down and there is an increase in young investors and businessmen and women. This is just another reason to invigorate and really bring modern, up to date projects to our country.

Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta inşaat ve emlak sektörü her geçen gün gelişmekte ve potansiyelini korumakta olan bir sektör. Yenilikçi olmanın, hizmet edilen toplumun ihtiyaçlarını takip edebilmenin ve sürekli güncel kalabilmenin bir hayli önem taşıdığı bu sektörde faaliyetlerde bulunmak, yatırım yapmak ve hizmet etmek ile pek çok zorluğu da beraberinde getiriyor. Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın sahip olduğu sosyoekonomik, siyasi ve bürokratik koşullar, bu sektörün güçlükle gelişmesine neden oluyor. Her ne kadar yaşanan zorluklar olsa da, 2016 ve 2017 yılları emlak ve inşaat sektöründe, geçmiş yıllara oranla, daha da gelişme göstermiş durumda. Adamıza yurt dışından gelen yatırımcıların sayısının artması, gelecek için umut veriyor. Propertync Emlak Ödüllerinin, Kuzey Kıbrıs inşaat ve emlak sektörüne olumlu bir şekilde etki ettiği gözlemleniyor. Yatırımcılara ve firma sahiplerine bakıldığında, bu yıl daha genç yatırımcıların ve iş adamlarının olduğunu söylemek mümkün. Kuzey Kıbrıs emlak sektörünün ne kadar dinamik ve modern bir aşamaya geldiğini ; aynı zamanda da küresel trendlerin emlak sektöründe ne kadar güncel bir şekilde yerini aldığını da bizlere gösteriyor.



Propertync Emlak Ödüllerinin, Kuzey Kıbrıs inşaat ve emlak sektörüne olumlu bir şekilde etki ettiği gözlemleniyor.

The Propertync Awards aim to motivate and encourage all participants in the property sector to raise the standards in our country. It helps people understand that hard work and dedication will be rewarded and noticed by everyone. Companies are encouraged to pay attention to the smaller details, look at their work with an open mind and evaluate every project that has their name on it. The awards are not only to reward hard work, but also they help to advertise and show everyone involved in the market that the company’s work has been evaluated by professionals and they are at the highest of standards. Overall, there was a 125% increase in the amount of participants for the 2016 Propertync Awards, proving that the property sector in North Cyprus is constantly growing, and that the industry values the time and effort that Propertync magazine puts into the concept and execution of the awards.



Propertync Emlak Sektörü Ödülleri, Kuzey Kıbrıs İnşaat ve emlak sektöründe faaliyet gösteren ve hizmet veren kuruluşları teşvik ediyor, onların motivasyonları yükseltmelerine öncü oluyor ve ortaya daha kaliteli projeler çıkmasına yardımcı oluyor. Disiplin ve özveri ile yürütülen her çalışmanın, başarıyı beraberinde getireceğini bu sektörde hizmet edenlere göstermiş oluyor. Vizyonlarının gelişmesine, kendilerini ölçme ve değerlendirme yapabilmeye ve bakış açılarının daha geniş olabilmesine olanak tanıyor. Sadece şirketlerin kendi portföyüne katkı sağlamakla kalmıyor, firmaların iş faaliyetlerine de pek çok avantaj sağlıyor. Firmaların, gerçekleştirdikleri projelerinin bilinilirliğine ve tanıtımına mutlak bir katkı sağlarken, aynı zamanda hedef kitlelerinin gözünde önemli bir referans oluyor. 2016 Propertync Kuzey Kıbrıs Emlak Sektörü Ödülleri katılımında geçtiğimiz yıllara göre %125 oranında bir artış olduğunu gözlemliyoruz. Propertync Emlak Sektörü Ödül Töreni Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki emlak sektörünün günden güne büyüdüğünün en güzel göstergesi oluyor...

Master of Ceremonies / Sunucu : Mark Jones - UK / Duygu DemirdaÄ&#x; - Turkey




ÖDÜL KAZANANLAR In alphabetical order / Alfabetik sıraya göre

www.property-awards.net 43



ARREDO Best Fitted Kitchen GOLD WINNER


Best Functional Office GOLD WINNER


Best Residential Development GOLD WINNER


Best Property Developer Website PLATINUM WINNER



Best Sales Team GOLD WINNER


CARRINGTON Best Property Developer Website GOLD WINNER

Best Property Management Service GOLD WINNER

Best High Rise Architectural Design GOLD WINNER

Best Sea Front Development PLATINUM



Best Interior Design Residential PLATINUM WINNER

Best Fitted Bathroom GOLD WINNER

Best Interior Design Commercial GOLD WINNER









Best Renovation GOLD WINNER





Best Interior Design Residential GOLD WINNER




GTR DEVELOPMENT LTD Best Residential Highrise Complex GOLD WINNER







Best Marketing Campaign PLATINUM WINNER

Best Landscape Design GOLD WINNER

Best Proposed NewProject GOLD WINNER

Innovation of The Year PLATINUM WINNER Best Residential Development PLATINUM WINNER


Best Developer GOLD WINNER




Best Real Estate Agency Website PLATINUM WINNER


Best Residential Highrise Complex PLATINUM WINNER


Best Proposed New Project PLATINUM WINNER





Best Residential Commercial Complex GOLD WINNER



Best Residential Commercial Complex PLATINUM WINNER


Best Penthouse GOLD WINNER

OLIVIUM EVENT Best Social Cultural Development GOLD WINNER





Best Proposed Luxury Villa GOLD WINNER




YAPIM İNŞAAT Best Seafront Development GOLD WINNER






Aphrodite Brothers Estate and Construction Company is located in Lapta, Kyrenia. The company was established in 1991 by Doğan Boransel and this family company focuses on buying & selling properties, restoration/renovation of original properties and newly designed projects.

Aphrodite Brothers, Lapta bölgesinde yer alan, 1991 yılında Doğan Boransel tarafından kurulan bir aile şirketidir. Aphrodite Brothers Emlak ve İnşaat şirketi’nin iş alanı, emlak alım satımı, restorasyon/renovasyon işleri ve yeni tasarımlardan oluşan projeler olarak yer almakta.

The company’s primary aim is to protect the abandoned and demolished houses of North Cyprus, restoring them, getting them to look original again, whilst protecting the natural Cypriot Stone Houses which have been left in a bad condition and some have been almost demolished by nature.

Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın terkedilen evlerini korumak, tamir etmek ve eski hallerine getirmek, zamanla doğal veya beşeri sebeblerden yıpranmış taş evleri korumak ve eski orjinal şekli ile muhafaza etmek şirketimizin başlıca amaçları arasında.

We believe that with our contribution to the culture of our country we will leave a heritage to the next generation through each house we restore. Doğan Boransel is an expert on restoration and renovation projects. He describes himself as a person with a dream of restoring the history of Cyprus.

Scan this QR code with your smart phone for direct access to company web page



Yaptığımız işlerin Kıbrıs kültürüne katkı sağladığına, gelecek nesillere aktarılmak üzere korunmuş armağan olduğuna inanıyoruz. Şirket kurucumuz, restorasyon ve renovasyon üzerine bir çok projeye imza atmış gönüllü bir uzman. Kendisini, Kıbrıs’ı eski çağlardaki efsane Tanrıçaların taş evlerde yaşadığı ve anlatıldığı bir yer olarak hayal eden ve bu hayali gerçekleştirmek isteyen bir gönüllü olarak tarif ediyor.




APHRODITE BROTHERS ESTATE AGENTS & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Åžehit Celal Hasan Caddesi No: 87, Lapta - Girne Tel:+90 533 867 19 11 +90 542 852 67 39 Fax: +90 392 821 28 09 Email: info@aphroditebros.com Web:www.aphroditebros.com



Since 1998 and now at a time where peoples expectations are constantly rising, we are always developing our services to stay up to date and to satisfy our clients. To be able to provide the best products we constantly renew our machines and equipment. At Arredo Kitchen & Furniture, in our 2500m2 workplace, our creative professionals work with the highest technology to develop great lifestyles. Arredo is not only the leading company in kitchen designs for Famagusta area, it provides quality services all over the TRNC, with its unlimited design options, the company always keeps customer satisfaction and comfort as its main priority. Arredo continues to grow in order to appeal to all styles and preferences.

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1998 yılından bu yana, hızla gelişen dünyada, artan müşteri beklentilerine uygun tasarım ve kaliteli üretim için tüm makine ve ekipman parkurunu yenileyerek, 2500m2 kapalı alanda, uzman personeli ve son sistem makineleri ile Arredo Kitchen & Furniture olarak hizmet vermektedir. Arredo design, mutfak sektörü ve tasarım alanında öncü fırma olarak sadece Gazimağusa’da değil KKTC genelinde birbirinden iddalı sınırsız projeleri ile konfora ve sürekli değişen müşteri ihtiyaçlarına öncelik vererek, her zevke ve her mekana hitap eden modeller sunmaktadır.



Best Fitted Kitchen GOLD WINNER Best Functional Office GOLD WINNER

ARREDO KITCHEN AND FURNITURE Organize Büyük Sanayi Bölgesi, 2. Cadde, 9. Sokak - Mağusa Tel: +90 392 365 59 95 Email: info@arredo-furniture.com Web: www.arredo-furniture.com



To the incredible team at PropertyNC:

Propertync Ekibine:

Thank you for an amazing experience with the 2016 TRNC Property Awards. You all deserve a HUGE pat on the back and your own party! We would like to tell you about our experience with the entire process.

2016 KKTC Emlak Ödüllerinde yaşadığımız muhteşem bir deneyim için teşekkür ederiz. Tüm ekibi gercekten tebrik ederiz bu durumda kendi kutlamanızı hak ettiniz! Size tüm süreçle ilgili tecrübelerimizi anlatmak istiyoruz.

From the beginning when Steve came to us and asked us to participate in the 2016 TRNC Property Awards, we were both nervous and excited to be included in the opportunity. We were nervous because we had never entered the Awards before and did not know what to expect or what the outcome was going to be. And we were excited for exactly the same reasons.

İlk başta Steve bize gelipte 2016 Emlak Ödüllerine katılmak istedğiğmizi sorduğu zaman, bu fırsata dahil olmak bizde hem heyecan hemde gerginlik yaratmıştı. Daha önce hiç Emlak ödüllerine katılmamıştık.

When the portfolios were delivered, we were simply – overwhelmed! There was a lot of work to be done. The thoroughness of the requirements and information that was expected was something that we had not seen before in North Cyprus, and it was a welcome challenge for us to showcase our products and business model are the best. As we put together the portfolio, it felt like we were writing a Master’s thesis! All kidding aside, the portfolio completion was one of the best undertakings for our company to reflect upon for both what we do really well as well as areas that we need to refocus and double our efforts. After we handed in our fully completed (and award-winning!) portfolios, we waited and prepared for our in-person interviews and the judging panel to visit us. During the entire process, the team at Propertync kept us well informed and communicated very effectively about what was happening. The judging panel and process was incredibly efficient and professional. When the international judges arrived at our offices and site in a luxury and TRNC Property Awards branded coach, everyone was professionally dressed, wearing name badges, and were extremely friendly and polite. Meeting the judges and appreciating how they presented themselves helped us realize the significance of the TRNC Property Awards.

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Portfolyolar bize teslim edildiği zaman çoooook! Yapılacak çok iş vardı. Portfolyolarda olan tüm bilgiler eksiksiz bir şekilde hazırlanmıştı bu da bizi şaşırtmıştı. Daha önce Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta görmediğimiz bir standartdaydı, ama bu en iyi ürünlerimizi göstermemiz için bir fırsattı. Portfolyolarımızı hazırlarken yüksek lisans tez hazırlıyormuşuz gibi oldu! Şaka bir yana portfolyoların hazırlanma süreci bize nerde başarılı nerde başarısız olduğumuzu görmemiz için gerçekten yardımcı oldu. Bitmiş (ödül kazanan) portfolyolarımızı teslim ettikten sonra sunum ve juri ziyaretlerine hazırlanmaya başladık. Tüm süreç boyunca Propertync ekibi bize gerekli bilgileri etkili bir şekilde iletti. Juri üyeleri ve tüm süreç son derece verimli ve profesyoneldi. Juri üyeleri lüks Propertync aracı ile ofisimize geldiği zaman tüm ekip profesyonel bir şekilde giyinmişti herkes isim rozetleriyle düzgün ve kibardı. Juriler ile tanışmak KKTC Emlak Ödülleri’nin önemini fark etmemize yardımcı oldu.



Best Landscape Design PLATINUM WINNER As we presented our company, buildings, site, and team, the judging panel was exceedingly engaged and asked pertinent and intelligent questions. We answered all of the questions, presented our projects and felt proud as the judges departed from our site. All we could do now was wait and hope that the international judges saw what we already knew – that we are the best in North Cyprus!

Şirketimizi, binalarımızı, çalışma alanlarımızı ve ekibimizi sunduğumuz zaman juri üyeleri bizimle ilgilenip akılcı sorular sordular. Tüm sorulan soruları cevaplayıp projelerimizi sunduk ve sunum sonrası juriler ayrılırken kendimizle gurur duyduk. Bundan sonra yapabileceğimiz tek şey beklemekti ve juri üyelerinin bizim Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta en iyi olduğumuzu bildiğimizi fark etmeleriydi.

The Awards presentation night was one of the most incredible nights that our company has attended – from the black tie dress code, photographers, decorations, and dinner to the entertainment and presentation of the awards. The night was one not to be forgotten! The team at Propertync did a superb job of putting on the event. It has been said that the smoother an event runs, the more work was put into it in the planning. This event ran so smoothly, we know that there was a lot of work that went into it. For this, we thank, congratulate and celebrate the team at Print House Media!

Ödüllerin sunumu, giyim, fotoğrafcılar, dekor, yemek ve eğlencesine kadar Ödül gecesi şirketimizin katıldığı en muhteşem gecelerinden biriydi. Unutulmayacak bir gece oldu! Propertync ekibi gecenin düzenlemesinde çok başarılı oldu. Böyle bir gece kusursuz olduğu zaman demektir ki geceyi düzenlerken çok emek verdi. Bizim için kusursuz bir geceydi ve biliyoruzki çok emek vererek hazırlıklar yapıldı. Geceyi kusursuz bir şekilde düzenledikleri için tüm Propertync ekibine sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.

The team at Baştaşlar was incredibly honored to win three awards at the 2016 TRNC Property Awards: Best Landscape Design Platinum, Best Residential Development Gold, and Best Property Developer Website Platinum. For these Awards, we have our amazing and dedicated teams to thank. We could not have won these awards without the full support of the Baştaşlar family, clients, customers, or contractors. We recognize that countless people have supported us and cheered us on throughout the years, and we are forever grateful and indebted to these people – we share our success and these Awards with you!

Baştaşlar ekibi olarak KKTC Emlak ödüllerinde En iyi Peyzaj Tasarım (Platinum), En iyi Rezidans Projesi (Gold), En iyi Müteahhitlik Şirketi Websitesi (Platinum) ödüllerini kazanmak bizi inanılmaz derecede onurlandırdı. Bu ödüller için değerli ekibimize teşekkür ederiz. Bu ödülleri, Baştaşlar ailesi, müşterilerimiz ve müteahhitlerimizin tam desteği olmadan kazanamazdık. Yıllardır sayısız kişilerin bizi desteklediğini ve tezahürat ettiğini biliyoruz bu kişilere sonsuza dek minnettarız - başarı ve ödüllerimizi sizinle paylaşmaktan gurur duyuyoruz!

Best Property Developer Website PLATINUM WINNER Best Residential Development GOLD WINNER

BAŞTAŞLAR Yolcu Sokak No: 3 Yenikent, Gönyeli Tel: +90 533 855 2020 +90 533 855 7269 Email: ali@bastaslar.com Web: www.bastaslar.com



Why bother to enter the Property NC awards competition? Why commit all the time and resources needed to compile the portfolios? Why submit to intense scrutiny by panels of judges? What, we may ask, is in it for us? These are all perfectly reasonable questions that business owners or managers may ask themselves when considering whether or not to submit entries. So what are the answers?

Neden Propertync ödül yarışmasına katılmak için çabalıyorsunuz? Neden portföyleri hazırlamak için tüm zamanınızı ve kaynakları harcıyorsunuz? Juri üyeleri tarafından neden yoğun bir incelemeden geçelim? Bizim için faydası varmı?

Obviously it is very satisfying to win an award that recognises the fact that your business is seen by the judging panels as being successful and well managed. It is also an honour to be able to use the winner’s banners in your advertising and promotional material.

Açıkçası, işletmenizin, juri üyeleri tarafından başarılı ve iyi yönetilen bir şirket olarak görüldüğünü kabul eden bir ödül kazanmak çok tatmin edici. Kazanılan logoları reklam ve tanıtım materyalinizde kullanabilmek de bir onurdur.

Here at Busy Bees Estate Agents however, we believe there is much more to it than that. We believe that the whole awards process can be viewed as being similar in a way to an iceberg. The actual gold or platinum award is represented by the tip of the iceberg glittering in the sunlight but the wealth of benefits accrued during the process of entry can be represented by the mass floating out of sight below the water line.

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We say this from experience because when we first entered as a fledgling estate agency several years ago we very quickly realised that the questions being asked meant that we needed to look very closely at our business.

İş sahipleri için katılıp katılmayacaklarını düşünürken bu soruların hepsi makul. Peki cevapları nedir?

Bununla birlikte, Busy Bees olarak bundan daha fazlasına inanıyoruz. Ödül sürecinin tamamının bir buzdağına benzer şekilde görülebileceğine inanıyoruz. Gerçek altın veya platinyum ödülü, güneş ışığında parlayan buzdağının ucu ile temsil edilir, ancak katılım sürecinde tahakkuk eden yararlar, su hattının altında kaybolan kütle tarafından temsil edilebilir.



We were effectively forced to review our management systems, our training methods, our marketing techniques, our short and long term strategies and much more. This result is that we have seen some very real improvements that may not have been achieved so quickly without this driving influence. Each successive entry has added to this experience and we now constantly examine our business in a critical fashion and believe that we are better for it. Clearly running these awards progammes takes an enormous amount of effort and investment on the part of Property NC Magazine. The organisation, selection and vetting of the judging panels in all of the various categories to the planning and running of the grand finale, the Awards Presentation event. All of this is quite stunning and as an entrant that believes that the experience has added to the quality of our business we would like to thank Property NC and congratulate them on yet another successful promotion. We cannot be the only company believing that we have improved as a direct result of entry and are sure that these awards competitions are making a real contribution to the raising of standards throughout the industry to the benefit of us all and to the future of North Cyprus as a tourism, holiday and residential choice for many future clients.

Bunu tecrübelerimize dayanarak söylüyoruz, birkaç yıl önce yeni bir emlak ajansı olarak girdiğimizde, sorulan soruların işimize çok yakından bakmamız gerektiğini fark ettik. Yönetim sistemlerimizi, eğitim yöntemlerimizi, pazarlama tekniklerini, kısa ve uzun vadeli stratejilerimizi ve daha pek çok şeyi gözden geçirmek zorunda kaldık. Sonuç, bu durumda hızlı şekilde gerçek bir ilerleme gördük. Her katılım bize bir tecrübe ekledi ve şimdi çalışmalırımızı daha detaylı bir şekilde inceliyor ve bu nedenle daha iyi olduğumuza inanıyoruz. Propertync Dergisi tarafından düzenlenen ödül gecesi muazzam miktarda çaba ve yatırım gerektiriyor. Organizasyon, farklı kategorilerde bulunan juri üyelerinin seçilimi ve denetlenmesi ve final olarak ödül gecesinin planlanması. Tüm yapılanlar oldukça müthiş,bu tecrübe ile çalışmalarımızın kalitesine katkıda bulunduğuna inanıyor ve Property NC’ye yine başarılarından dolayı tebrik etmek istiyoruz.

Best Estate Agency GOLD WİNNER Best Marketing Campaign GOLD WINNER Best Sales Team GOLD WINNER

Propertync ödüllerine katılımımızın şirktimize olumlu katkıda bulunduğuna ve Kuzey Kıbrısın geleceğine, turizim ve ülkemize yeni müşteriler tanıştırmak için olumlu katkıda bulunduğuna inanan tek şirket olmadığımızdan eminiz..

BUSY BEES Soner T. Güder Bldg. No. 3 Boğaz, İskele TNRC Mersin 10, Turkey Tel: +90 533 848 3139 Email: info@busybeesestateagentscyprus.com Web: www.busybeesestateagentscyprus.com



Carrington Group is a leading provider of top quality residential homes in North Cyprus. Established in 2001 by the Karakaya family, the company has since matured into the successful and dependable construction and development company it is today. Synonomous with quality and reliability, the Carrington brand continues to go from strength to strength. With more than 2000 properties built to date, mostly in the Esentepe area, we are currently expanding our horizons to include projects in Kyrenia and further West. We believe that the secret of our success lies in the detail and going that extra mile to give the personal touch that our clients require to realise their dreams. Our extensive portfolio of in-house after-sales services (Property Management, Estate Agency, Car Hire and Concierge services) gives them confidence that their needs will continue to be met going forward. Our team of conscientious, trustworthy and dedicated staff pride themselves on always achieving the highest standards both for the Company and its clients.

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Carrington Group, Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki en kaliteli konut evlerinin lider sağlayıcısıdır. 2001 yılında Karakaya ailesi tarafından kurulan şirket, bugüne kadarki başarılıyla daha da güvenilir bir inşaat şirketi olduklarını kanıtladı. Carrington markası kalite ve güvenilirlikliğiyla daha da güçlenmeye devam ediyor. Bugüne kadar çoğunlukla Esentepe’de bulunan 2000’den fazla konutumuz olmuştur, Girne ve diğer Batı bölgelerinede projelerimizle ufkumuzu genişletiyoruz. Başarımızın nedeni müşterilerimizin rüyalarını gerçekleştirmek için kişisel dokunuşumuzu sağlıyoruz. Portföyümüzdeki satış sonrası hizmetlerini (Emlak Yönetimi, Emlakcılık, Araç Kiralama ve Konsiyerj hizmetleri) sağlayarak ileride ihtiyaçlarının karşılanacağına dair kendilerine güven veriyoruz. Güvenilir ve özverili ekibimizle, hem şirket hem de müşteriler için her zaman en yüksek standartlara ulaşma konusunda kararlıyız.



Best Property Developer Website GOLD WINNER Best High Rise Architectural Design GOLD WINNER Best Property Management Service GOLD WINNER Best Sea Front Development PLATINUM

CARRINGTON GROUP Esentepe - Kyrenia, North Cyprus Tel: ENG/TUR +90 533 881 2244 ENG/RUS +90 548 852 2244 Fax: +90 392 365 3443 Email: info@carringtoncyprus.com Web: www.carringtoncyprus.com



Ciddi Mutfak is a kitchen and décor company which first opened in Kyrenia and now has showrooms in Famagusta and Nicosia. We are known for our designs and speciality in the production and sale of fitted kitchens, wardrobes, doors and parque products.

Ciddi mutfak KKTC’de ilk mağazası ile Girne de kurulan, Lefkoşa, Gazimağusa bölgelerinde showroom’ları bulunan; mutfak, gardırop, kapı, parke ürünlerinin üretim ve satışı ile birlikte dekorasyon hizmeti sunan bir Mutfak & Dekorasyon firmasıdır.

Our personalized kitchen designs have extended our clients expectations by making almost anything possible. With “Quality comes first” as our motto, we produce designs and products with the highest standards, paying close attention to the physiology and ergonomics of every design while making the most out of the location.

Tasarımlarımızda, kişiye özel ihtiyaçlarının fazlasını verebilmeyi, mutfakta farklı çözümler yaratmayı hedefliyoruz.

With their father’s influence his children, Amber and Hüseyin Ciddi, have chosen to carry on this profession and now as a family run the company, treating their staff as if they also were family members. The Ciddi Mutfak Family is happy, as well as proud, to be awarded: PLATINUM for BEST INTERIOR DESIGN RESIDENTIAL GOLD for BEST FITTED BATHROOM PLATİNUM for BEST FITTED KITCHEN GOLD for BEST INTERIOR DESIGN COMMERCIAL

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Kalite her şeyden önce gelir düşüncesi ile Ciddi Mutfak olarak ürettiğimiz ürünlerin hepsinde, yüksek kalite standardını benimseriz. Projelerimizi tasarlarken ve üretirken, çalışma fizyolojisi, ergonomisi ve mekân kullanımından en iyi şekilde faydalanmaya çalışırız. Bu şirketin direktörleri Amber ve Hüseyin Ciddi bu mesleği babadan devre aldı. Aile şirketi olduğundan, çalışanlarımızı da aile gibi kucaklamaktayız. Propertync ödül gecesinde tüm Ciddi Mutfak ailesi olarak yer almaktan mutluluk ve onur duyduk.



Best Fitted Kitchen PLATINUM WINNER Best Fitted Bathroom GOLD WINNER Best Interior Design Residential PLATINUM WINNER Best Interior Design Commercial GOLD WINNER

CİDDİ MUTFAK GİRNE:+90 392 816 07 27

+90 392 816 07 23 LEFKOŞA: +90 392 223 43 31

+90 392 223 43 60 MAĞUSA: +90 392 365 64 08 Email: info@ciddimutfak.com Web: www.ciddimutfak.com



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ÇAĞYAP is a construction contracting company that builds various concepts such as boutique, private or mass housing with 30 years of experience, since 1986. Between 1986 and 2013, we have custom built living spaces that carried the rich architectural elements of our island which hosted various civilizations througout the history.

ÇAĞYAP 1986 yılından bugüne butik, kişiye özel ve toplu yaşam alanları gibi farklı konseptleri 30 yıllık tecrübeyle inşa eden bir müteahhitlik firmasıdır. 1986 yılından 2013 yılına dek kişiye özel, farklı medeniyetlere ev sahipliği yapmış adamızın zengin mimari ögelerini taşıyan münferit yaşam alanları inşa etmiş bulunmaktayız.

Starting in 2013 with changing living conditions, user demand and our mission of caring for our environment, we started building mass housing projects that provide opportunities for detached living, where the standards are raised and maintained. Our main aim in our sustainable prestige projects, where customer satisfaction is a priority, is to improve workmanship, quality and functionality while sustaining their relevance with improving technology.

Değişen yaşam koşulları, kullanıcı talepleri ve çevreye verdiğimiz önem misyonuyla 2013 yılından itibaren toplu yaşam alanlarında müstakil yaşam olanakları sunan projelerle kalite standardının averajın üzerine taşındığı ve korunduğu toplu konut projelerine imza atmaya başladık. Müşteri memnuniyetinin ön planda tutulduğu, sürdürülebilir prestij projeleimizde temel hedefimiz işçilik, kalite ve işlevselleği her yeni projede bir adım daha yukarıya taşımak ve gelişen teknoloji ile güncelliğini korumak.



In addition, supporting disabilityfriendly lifestyle in our brand concept projects where homeowners` sense of belonging is reinforced with trust, and allowing everyone to equally benefit from what our projects have to offer is among the principles of our company. This mass housing adventure that we kicked off in 2013 with Escape Homes project had continued in 2015 with Milos Park Homes, our 30th year prestige project which was crowned in the international arena. Following these, we are continuing to carry out this understanding of sustainable, environmentally friendly, technologically up-to-date and disability friendly projects with Kıbrıs Town Houses .

Konut sahiplerinin aidiyet duygusunu güvenceyle pekiştiren markalı konsept projelerimizde engelsiz yaşama da destek vererek projelerimizin tüm içeriğinden herkesin eşit derecede faydalanabilmesi de şirket prensiplerimizin başında yer almaktadır. 2013 yılında Escape Homes projesiyle başladığımız toplu konut serüveni, 2015’de uluslararası arenada da taçlandırılan 30. Yıl prestij projemiz olan Milos Park Homes ile devam etti. Bunları takiben de sürdürülebilir, doğa dostu, teknolojiye ayak uyduran ve engelsiz proje anlayışımızı Kıbrıs Town Houses projemizde, güvence imzamızla taşımaya devam ediyoruz.


ÇAĞYAP Şht Sonay Özdayı Cad. No: 19, Çağ İş Merkezi, Boğazköy / Girne, 99390 Tel: +90 392 444 5277 +90 392 444 0515 Email: harper@bluewaycompanies.com Web: www.kibrisdevelopments.com



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A family run company established in 1989, Döveç Construction is one of the few companies to have a first class construction building license from the Northern Cypriot Government.

Aile şirketi olarak kurulan Döveç Construction1989’da kurulmuştur. Döveç Construction, Kuzey Kıbrıs hükümeti onaylı üst kalite inşaat sertifikasına sahip olan az şirketler arasında yer alıyor.

As a construction firm we have well informed, organized, disciplined and hard working staff members. These factors play an important role for us in buuilding apartments, villas and bungalows at a high level of quality, with reasoonable prices. Up to now we have constructed over 1,000 buildings for businesses and families.

İnşaat şirketi olarak; bilgili, düzenli, disiplinli ve çalışkan bir ekibe sahip bir şirketiz. Çalışanlarımızın bu özelliklere sahip olması; apartmanların, villaların, bungalowların yapımında uygun fıyata üstün kalite çalışmalar yapmamızı sağlıyor. Bugüne kadar, ailelere ve iş yerlerine 1,000’in üzerinde proje tamamladık.

Moreover as a firm we are proud to have the İSO 9001:2008 Certificate which stands for quality management systems (QMS)

Şirket olarak, kalitemizin göstergesi olarak ISO 9001:2008 belgelerine sahip olmaktan gurur duyuyoruz.




DÖVEÇ CONSTRUCTION İsmet İnönü Bulvarı, Salamis Yolu, Muharrem Döveç Residence, Famagusta Tel: +90 392 365 1367 +90 392 444 0515 Email: info@dovecconstruction.com Web: www.dovecconstruction.com



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Eroğlu Construction has successfully established itself in Turkey, in the Russian Federation and has been leading a successful business in Northern Cyprus since 2003. We have designed and built various types of structures such as hotels, casinos, estates and restaurants, and created places to be experienced, to live in and to win.

Eroğlu Construction, Türkiye, Rusya Federasyonu hem de 2003 yılından bu yana Kıbrıs’ta son derece başarılı işlere imza atmıştır. Firmamız otellerden casinolara, malikanelerden restorantlara birçok yapı inşa ederek, yaşanılacak ve yaşatılacak, kazanılacak ve kazandıracak mekanlar ortaya çıkarmıştır.

Of course we do our work with love, and strengthen ourselves with our founder Nurettin Eroğlu’s modern and unique ideas each day. With our mission targeting to complete every work we started with perfection and with our work ethic, our principle is to `do what has not been done.

Elbette işimizi büyük bir aşk ile yapıyor ve kurucumuz Nurettin Eroğlu’nun modern ve özgün fikirleri ile her geçen gün gücümüze güç katıyoruz. Başladığımız her işi sorunsuz ve mükemmel bir şekilde bitirmeyi hedefleyen görev anlayışımız ve iş ahlakımız sayesinde “yapılmayanı yapmak” düşüncesini ilke edindik.

We do not only manufacture and construct, but also provide a high level of service. In our work, we use a literate approach to management, build accurately, and we have transparent pricing policies. We aim to achieve remarkable success in every area with the hopes to create a difference by conceptualizing our thoughts and new ideas.

Duygularımızı ve yeni fikirlerimizi projelendirerek farlılık yaratmak amacıyla her alanda kayda değer başarılar elde etmeyi hedefliyoruz. Yalnız üretip inşaa etmiyor, aynı zamanda yüksek kaliteli servis de sunuyoruz. Yönetimimizde ciddi yaklaşımlar kullanırken, doğru inşaa edip transparan fiyatlama politikaları ortaya koyuyoruz.



Best Luxury Villa GOLD WINNER Best Renovation GOLD WINNER

EROĞLU CONSTRUCTION Yağmur Sokak No:5 Karaoğlanoğlu Sanayi Sitesi, Girne Tel: +90 533 882 8153 Email: info@erogluconstruction.com Web: www.erogluconstruction.com



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The Esta Team are greatly humbled and honoured to be starting of 2017 with such a great reward. We would like to offer our sincerest gratitude to the Propertync team and the judges for giving us the time to present ourselves. We are earnestly grateful for the recognition we have received for our work, because we are very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning this award. 2016 was a great year for us and we will continue to work hard on making Esta Real Estates a stronger and more mature company not only for our clients but for ourselves.

Esta ekibi olarak 2017 yılını bu mükemmel ödülle başlamakla gurur duyuyoruz. Propertync ekibine ve jurilerine sunumlarımızı gerçekleştirmemiz için zaman ayırdıklarından dolayı kendilerine en içten şükranlarımızı sunmak istiyoruz. Çalışmalarımız için kazandığımız takdirden dolayı müteşekkiriz. Ödüle aday olan herkesin ödül kazanma yeteneğine sahip olduğuna inanıyoruz. 2016 bizim için mükemmel bir yıl oldu ve Esta Emlak Acentesini yalnızca müşterilerimiz için değil kendimiz için daha güçlü bir şirket yapmaya çalışmaya devam edeceğiz.



Best Newcomer GOLD WİNNER

ESTA REAL ESTATES Karaoğlanoğlu Caddesi No: 36 Karaoğlanoğlu, Girne Tel: +90 392 444 3782 Email: info@estarealestates.com Web: www.estarealestates.com



Steering the Economy, Akacan Group, Eko-Tek has expanded its scope of service with an integrated vision and undertaken a mission proudly representing TRNC and Turkey at international scale by staying course of being a holding.

Akacan Group, Eko-Tek dünya ile bütünleşen bakış açısı, ekonomiye yön vererek hizmet kapsamını genişletmiş, holding olma yolunda hızla ilerleyerek uluslararası platformda, KKTC ve Türkiye’yi gururla temsil eden bir misyon üstlenmiştir.

Consistently progressing with the strength taken from its history, Hasırcılar AŞ is an institution that has brought shopping center system to Turkey, made a name at world scale with its projects, and which has been awarded with numerous prizes at international platforms.

Hasırcılar A.Ş; geçmişinden aldığı güç ile daima ilerleyen, AVM sistemini Türkiye’ye taşıyan projeleri ile isimini dünya çapında duyuran, uluslararası platformda pek çok ödüle layık görülmüş bir kuruluştur.

Being one of the leading companies of the Construction Industry, Akacan Group and Hasırcılar A.Ş. with a history of mearly half a century have jointly founded FEO with 100% equity capital.

İnşaat sektörünün öncü isimlerinden Akacan Group ve yarım asırlık geçmişe sahip Hasırcılar A.Ş %100 öz sermayeli olarak FEO’yu kurmuşlardır.

FEO, ortaklarının güvenirliğinden gücünü alarak ; modern hayatın tüm talepkerine FEO puts its signature to the projects cevap verebilecek özelliklerle donatılmış and constructions capable of meeting all yapılara, projelere imzasını atıyor. needs of modern life by getting strength Tasarım, konfor ve şıklığı doğa ile buluşfrom the reliability of its partners. turan projeleri ile FEO; Türkiye, KKTC With its projects combining design, ve dünyada aranan marka olma yoluncomfort and elegancy, FEO sets pro- da ilerlemeyi zincirinin ilk halkası olarak gressing in the course of being a de- hedefliyor. manded brand in Turkey, TRNC and in the world as the first ring of its chain.

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Best Sales Team PLATINUM WINNER Best Interior Design Residential GOLD WINNER

FEO INVESTMENT CONSTRUCTION Åžehit Fevait Ali Sok. No: 7 Girne / KKTC Tel: + 90 392 816 10 61 Email: info@feo.com.tr Web: www.feo.com.tr



This is the fourth time we have entered the awards and the fourth time our company has come away from the evening feeling absolutely thrilled at having again manged to gain industry recognition in our category. Hard work, within a limited timeframe, to put together our entry, meet with the judges to answer their questions and showcase our skills, culminating in a fantastic Awards Evening where the anticipation as to whether you have been successful or not, does really give everyone the thrill of the Oscars! Having won the top, Platinum Award in 2014 the pressure was certainly felt by all as to whether we had we managed to maintain our service levels, in the eyes of the judges, to again take top spot in 2016. By 11pm on the evening our hard work was rewarded and we were again called up to receive the Platinum Award in our category.

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Bu ödül törenine dördüncü katılışımız olup, katagorimizde sektörün takdirini bir kere daha alarak, şirketimiz geceden müthiş bir heyecanla dördüncü defa döndü. Kısıtlı bir sürede, yoğun çalışma, verilerimizi biraraya getirip, jürinin sorularını cevaplayıp ve başarılarımızı sergileyerek, başarılı olup olmayacağı beklentisi içinde olunsa bile, Oscar’ın verdiği heyecanı hissettiren, muhteşem bir ödül gecesiyle sona ermiştir. 2014’de en yüksek ödül olan Platin Ödülünün sahibi olarak bizlerin, hizmet seviyemizi devam ettirmeyi başarıp başarmadığımız endişesi ile, yine 2016’nın üst noktasında olmak için gözlerimiz jürideydi. Gece saat 23.00’de yoğun çalışmalarımız ödülü olarak, katagorimizde Platin Ödülünü almak için yine sahneye çağırıldık.



We pride ourselves on the diversity of what we can offer and we know that we have a wealth of talent at our disposal; to improve the service we offer and to hopefully enhance the experience of our customers. We continually realise that without our customers – many of whom we can now call friends - our company would not survive and expand; something that we wish to undertake in a controlled manner. Going forwards we know that we will have to continue to improve what we offer if we hope to maintain our position come the next awards in two years’ time. Our thanks go to all the Propertync Magazine management and staff who work to put the whole even together – no mean feat!

Sunduğumuz hizmetin farklılığının gururu içerisinde, düzenimizin beceri yeteneğini bilerek, verilen hizmeti daha iyiye getirme ve müşterilerimizin deneyimlerini yükseltme ümidindeyiz. Müşterilerimiz olmadan - ki çoğuna şu anda arkadaş diyoruz-şirketimizin genişleyip ayakta duramayacağının bilinci içerisinde olup, kontrollü bir biçimde bu tutumda olmayı arzuluyoruz. Daha ileriye giderken, iki sene sonraki ödülde yerimizi muhafaza etmek için sunabileceklerimizi geliştirmeye devam etmemiz gerektiğini biliyoruz. Propertync Magazin işletmesine ve çalışanlarına, bu kadar önemli bir başarı çalışması yaptıkları için teşekkürlerimizi sunarız.

Best Property Management Services PLATINUM WINNER

FIRST CONSULT CYPRUS Uğur Mumcu Caddesi, Eren İş hanı, Dükkan No: 2, Karakum, Girne Tel: +90 533 869 44 62 Email: info@firstconsultcyprus.com Web: www.firstconsultcyprus.com



Established in 2015, GTR Development Ltd. aims to gain trust by delivering the best quality product and meet the customer’s requirement to their highest satisfaction. All members of GTR’s team are professional in their areas and provide an individual approach to each client that makes the services unique and exceptional. The Renaissance Residence project is underlining the heritage of the island and is appealing in its architectural solutions. The project is carefully planned and tends to provide everything without a need to go elsewhere. The development, nestled next to the Mediterranean Sea, is just 450 meters from the beach. The first construction phase will accommodate 274 luxury apartments over five buildings, offering panoramic windows and large terraces overlooking the coast – and the many facilities available within arm’s reach.

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2015 yılında kurulan GTR Development Ltd, en iyi kalitede ürünü sunarak güven kazanmaya ve müşterilerinin isteklerini ve memnuniyetini en yüksek şekilde ulaştırmaya hedeflemektedir. GTR ekibinin tüm çalışanları kendi alanlarında profesyoneldir. Her müşteriye, hizmetleriyle benzersiz ve istisna olarak bireysel bir yaklaşım sağlıyorlar. Renaissance Residence projesi, adanın mirasını vurgulayarak mimari tasarımları ile cazip geliyor. Proje özenle tasarlanmış ve başka bir yere gitmeye gerek duymadan her şey ayağınızın altında. Akdeniz’in yanında bulunan bu proje plaja sadece 450 metre uzaklıktadır. İlk inşaat aşamasında, beş ayrı bina üzerinden panoramic pencereli ve sahile bakan geniş terasları olan 274 lüks daireden oluşacaktır – ihtiyacınız olan herşey çok az bir mesafe uzaklıktadır.



Outdoor facilities will include 4 swimming pools (one with aqua slides, specially designed for kids), lounges & cabanas, astonishing landscape design and much more. A SPA and wellness center, fitness and gym, plus yoga facilities, provide the chance to get in shape, while a heated indoor pool and sauna are an opportunity to unwind. For all the tenants’ everyday needs there is an on-site grocery store and shops, a 24/7 concierge and laundry service, as well as a pharmacy and first aid station. While building the Renaissance Residence, GTR Development uses the latest built technologies and materials in the construction that makes the project not only visually desireable and attractive, but also sustainable and high quality.

Projedeki açık hava tesisleri, 4 yüzme havuzu (biri özel olarak çocuklar için tasarlanmış su kaydırağı olan), şezlong ve kabinler, mükemmel bir peyzaj tasarımı ve çok daha fazlasını içermektedir. SPA ve sağlıklı yaşam merkezi, fitness ve spor salonu ayrıca yoga tesisleri ile formda kalmanızı sağlıyor, ısıtmalı kapalı yüzme havuzu ve saunası ile dinlenmek için mükemmel bir fırsat. Tüm kiracıların günlük ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak bir market ve mağazalar bulunuyor, 24 saat hizmet veren çamaşır yıkama hizmetleri ile eczane ve ilk yardım istasyonu bulunmaktadır. Renaissance Residence projesini inşa ederken, GTR Development, projeyi yalnızca görsel açıdan arzu edilen ve çekici hale getirmesi için en yeni inşa teknolojilerini ve malzemeleri kullanıyor, aynı zamanda sürdürülebilir ve yüksek kalitede olmasını sağlıyor.

Best Residential Highrise Complex GOLD WINNER

GTR DEVELOPMENT LTD Arda Street , Haravli Mevki No: 1/2 Tel: +90 392 444 4487 +90 533 855 4493 Email: info@gtr.life Web: www.gtr.life



Due to the ever increasing demand for second and retirement homes in The Mediterranean we established our company, IPP The International Partnership Program. IPP is a professional international organization that specializes in The Mediterranean Property Market. We represent buyers who are considering a second home, retirement or investment purchase. We have many offices throughout The Mediterranean and we have a fantastic selection within our “for sale” portfolio. Our price, style and location range is substantial and once we understand your desires and purpose for purchase, we are able to start to identify the right country, location and property that will suit you. We organize efficient inspection tours in all The Mediterranean countries and these tours are heavily subsidized by us to allow you to relax at low cost to you, whilst we give you considerable education in the countries of your choice. Our motto is “Take your time, take our time” as we are proud of the professional, unbiased service that we provide.

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Akdeniz’deki emeklilik ve ikinci bir ev için artan talep nedeniyle firmamızı IPP Uluslararası Ortaklık Programı kapsamında kurduk. IPP, Akdeniz Emlak Piyasası konusunda uzmanlaşmış profesyonel bir uluslararası organizasyondur. İkinci bir ev, emeklilik veya yatırım için satın almayı düşünen alıcıları temsil ediyoruz. Akdeniz genelinde birçok ofise sahibiz ve satış portföyümüzde harika seçimler bulunduruyoruz. Fiyat, stil ve konumumuz bizim için önemli ve satın alma arzularınızı ve istediklerinizi anladıktan sonra, size uygun, doğru ülke, yer ve emlak belirlemeye başlayabiliriz. Sloganımız “Kendinize zaman ayırın ve Bizim zamanımı alın ” böylece sunduğumuz profesyonel, tarafsız hizmetten gurur duyuyoruz.



Innovation of The Year GOLD WINNER

IPP 37 Naci Talat Caddesi Karaoğlanoğlu, Girne, North Cyprus. Tel: +90 392 815 8608 Email: info@ippcenter.com Web: www.ippcenter.com



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It is our privilege to actively participate in Propertync awards for a second time where the highest levels of achievement by the best companies operating in sector of property and real estate are rewarded as we celebrate our 30th year.

Bizler Kıbrıs Developments olarak sektördeki kişiye özel ve toplu konut projelerinde 30. Gurur yılımızı yaşadığımız bu yılda emlak sektörünün en iyilerinin yariştiği ve belirlendiği Propertync awardsda ikinci kez yer almaktan büyük gurur ve mutluluk yaşıyoruz.

Committing ourselves for giving the highest priority to quality and creating sustainable, eco-friendly and culturally sensitive projects; it is an inexpressible pride and joy for us to be rewarded with such precious awards by the distinguished members of the Propertync jury.

Şirket prensiplerinde kaliteyi her aşamada kendine misyon edinmiş bir kuruluş olarak hızla gelişmekte olan ülkemize de kalıcı sürdürülebilir ve doğamıza kültürümüze duyarlı imza projeler projeler yaratma gururunun böylesine kaliteli ve kıymetli bir jüri ile tescil ettirmek de bizim için ayrı bir gurur kaynağı olmuştur.



Best Interior Design Commercial PLATINUM WINNER

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who have paved the way for us to win a record-breaking 8 awards and in particular to those in Propertync family that have crosscountry experience, highlighting such values that we must always hold dear the most. We wish nothing more than breaking new grounds, always pushing the envelope and putting our signature under new greatest achievements.

30. Gurur yılımızda 8 ödülle bir rekora imza atarak bu yılı taçlandırmamızda katkı koyan herkese teşekkür ederken, sektörel anlamda uluslararası platformlarda yer almış güçlü bir jüri ile ciddi bir elemeden geçerek bazı değerlerin altını çizip ön planda tutan Propertync ailesine de ayrıca teşekkür ederiz. Ülkemizde örnek teşkil edebilecek standartlarda bir organizasyona hiçbir detay atlanmadan titizlikle tasarlanmış bir değeri kazandırdığınız için teşekkürü bir borç biliriz. Daha nice kaliteli prestijli başarılara hep birlikte imza atmak dileklerimizle.

Best Landscape Design GOLD WINNER Best Marketing Campaign PLATINUM WINNER Best Proposed New Project GOLD WINNER Innovation of The Year PLATINUM WINNER Best Residential Development PLATINUM WINNER Best Developer GOLD WINNER

KIBRIS DEVELOPMENTS Çağ İş Merkezi, No: 9 Boğazköy/ Girne Tel: +90 392 444 52 77 Mobile: +90 533 823 55 44 Email: info@kibrisdevelopments.com Web: www.kibrisdevelopments.com



This year’s 5th North Cyprus Property Award 2016 was yet another fabulous and successful evening with great entertainment and dinner arranged by the Propertync team. It is a great honour for Landmark Estate Agency to be acknowledged by such an esteemed, prestigious organisation planned and prepared by Propertync magazine. To be awarded the Platinum Award for Best Estate Agent and Platinum Award for Best Estates Agency Website is really a tremendous distinction for our company. Landmark Estates would like to thank everyone involved in this unique event. Our special thanks go to: The Propertync magazine and their professional team for organising this fabulous event. They are continually bringing improvement to the whole property business in North Cyprus. To all the judges who were selected

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Propertync ekibi tarafından düzenlenen 2016 Kuzey Kıbrıs Emlak ödülleri muhteşem ve başarılı bir gece oldu. Propertync tarafından düzenlenen bu saygın, prestijli bir organizasyonda tanınmak ve kabuledilmek Landmark Emlak Acentesi için büyük bir onurdur. En İyi Emlak Acentesi ve En İyi Emlak Acentesi Web Sitesi için Platin Ödülünü almak şirketimiz için çok büyük bir ayrıcalıktır. Landmark Emlak Acentesi olarak, bu eşsiz etkinlikte yeralan herkese teşekkür etmek istiyoruz. Propertync dergisi ve profesyönel ekibine bu organizasyonu düzenledikleri için ve ayrıca Kuzey Kıbrıs’taki Emlak Sektörüne sürekli bir değer kattıkları için teşekkür ederiz. Tüm Juri üylerimiz için son derece zor bir görev oldu. Profesyonellik ile görevlerini üstlendiler.Farklı ülkelerden gelen ve kendi sektörlerinde başarlı olan tüm yerli ve yabancı juri üyeleri-



from different sectors of the property industry both local and international and who are all successful in their own fields. They all had an extremely hard task and dealt with their duty with extreme professionalism.

mize teşekkürler. Etkileyici bir etkinliğe ev sahipliği yapan Cratos Hotel’e. Ayrıca tüm müşterilerimize ve arkadaşlarımıza destekleri için teşekkür ederiz. Uluslararası müşterilerimiz için yüksek kalite ve hizmet sunmak için çok, profesyonel ve yenilikçi bir şekilde çalıştık. Kuzey Kıbrıs’ta olağanüstü bir üne sahibiz.Yıllar boyunca profesyonel ortaklardan oluşan büyük bir takım kurduk.

Also to the Cratos hotel for hosting the impressive event. We would also like to thank all our customers and friends for their support. We have been working very hard, professional and innovatively to offer high quality properties and service for our international customers. Sandra ve Feridun Kılıç ve takımımızda olan Sharron Bruce, Edina Hotic, Darya Malygina, We have a fantastic reputation in Cyprus and Kemal Kılıç, Tuğçe Kılıç ve Hasan Kılıç’a teşekkür have built up a great team of professional ederiz. partners over the years. Sandra and Feridun Kılıç and our great team Sharron Bruce, Edina Hotic, Darya Malygina, Kemal Kılıç, Tuğçe Kılıç and Hasan Kılıç.

Best Estate Agency PLATINUM WINNER Best Real Estate Agency Website PLATINUM WINNER

LANDMARK ESTATES Hz. Ömer Caddesi Ozanköy Kaşağı No:49/5 Girne Tel: +90 392 816 0963 Email: info@landmark-estate.com Web: www.landmark-estate.com



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Dear Propertync Team,

Sevgili Propertync Ailesi;

First of all, we would like to congratulate everyone who has contributed to this fine organization. We recieved 3 platinum awards for all 3 categories which we entered. It was an honor to have made such an achievement in the presence of a very qualified and challenging jury panel. The portfolios were prepared by my wife Özlem and our architect Fevzi. After all the visits and presentations we were expecting just 1 platinum and 2 gold awards. We did not keep our expectations high as our competitors and limits are getting stronger each year. Every project we have completed we have always in every aspect made a difference and added value to the area. Magic Plus has shown our competitors its exceptional design and quality by winning and has proven that we are once again on the right track. The awards evening was filled with excitement and had an incredible atmosphere everything was organised perfectly. We attended the evening with our full team and shared our happiness and pride together. We aim to enter the next Propertync awards in with the fully completed project. Mehmet Eminoğlu Investments is not just a real estate agency or a building contractor but is acutally an investment company. By using our knowledge and experience, we aim to invest in our customers own future. We aim to expand our vision and are trying to sell a lifestyle not a property. On behalf of my team I would once again like to thank everybody who contributed to the evening.

Öncelikle, bu güzel organizasyon için emeği geçen herkesi tebrik ederiz. 3 dalda yarışmaya katıldık ve üçünden de platinium kazananı olduk. Çok kaliteli ve zorlu bir jüri karşısında başarımızın tescillenmesi gerçekten çok onur verici. Hazırlık sürecinde eşim Özlem hanım ve mimarımız Fevzi bey dosyalarımızı hazırladı. Heyecanlı ziyaretler ve mülakatlar sonrası, açıkçası beklentimiz 1 Platinium ve 2 Gold olaraktı. Rakiplerimiz güçlü ve her geçen yıl çıta biraz daha yükseldiğinden beklentimizi çok yüksek tutmadık. Herzaman yaptığımız her işte bölgemize fark yarattık ve değer kattık. Magic Plus sıradışı tasarım anlayışı ve kalitesiyle tüm rakiplerini geride bırakarak ödülleri topladı ve bize bir kez daha doğru yolda olduğumuzu kanıtladı. Gece inanılmaz bir atmosfer ve heyecan doluydu. Herşey mükemmel organize edildi. Tüm ekibimle geceye katıldık ve mutluluğu gururu birlikte paylaştık. 2 yıl sonraki geceye binanın bitmiş şekliyle katılmayı hedefliyoruz. Mehmet Eminoğlu Investment bir emlakçı veya müteahhit değil, aslında bir yatırım şirketidir. Bilgi ve tecrübemizi ortaya koyarak insanların kendi geleceklerine yatırım yapmalarını hedefliyoruz. Ev değil yaşam şekli satmaya ve vizyonu genişletmeye çalışıyoruz. Tüm ekibim adına ödüllerimizi alırken tekrardan katkı koyan herkese teşekkür ediyorum.

Mehmet Eminoğlu



Mehmet Eminoğlu



Best Penthouse PLATINUM WINNER Best Proposed New Project PLATINUM WINNER Best Residential High Rise Complex PLATINUM WINNER

EMİNOĞLU Semih Sancar Street Karantınacı Offices No: 75/3/4 Kyrenia Tel: +90 392 815 0705 +90 533 853 3535 +90 542 853 3535 Email: magictouch@hotmail.com eminoglu_mehmet@hotmail.com



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As a family run company established since 1973 by an architect and engineer, we are proud to be where we are today. We have completed over 70 apartments, 18 complexes, 1200 projects and over 100 contracting services mainly in Famagusta, but also many other locations on the island. Our completed projects are made up of 3000 residential homes and communication residences for over 10.000 people. Noyanlar Group of Companies provides, Project Development and Consulting, Architecture and Engineering, Construction Management, Real Estate, Rental Properties, Pool Construction and Maintenance, Car Rental Service. The company will add a new line of business to the hotel sector in the summer of 2017. With our professional staff consisting of arhitects, engineers and many other commited employees, we work hard to create a better tomorrow.

Noyanlar Şirketler Grubu, kuruluş tarihi 1973 yılından beri Kuzey Kıbrıs inşaat sektörünün tüm kollarında faaliyet gösteren, pek çok projeye imza atan, üstün kaliteli hizmetler veren bir şirkettir. Gazimağusa ve diğer bölgelerde günümüze kadar 70’i aşkın apartman projesine imza atan şirket, Gazimağusa ve İskele bölgesinde bugüne kadar 18 büyük site projesine imzasını atmıştır. Noyanlar Group, iş faaliyetleri alanları arasında, Proje Geliştirme ve Danışmanlık, Mimarlık ve Mühedislik Hizmeti, İnşaat Yönetimi, Parselasyon ve Gayrimenkul Satışı, Kiralık Gayrimenkuller, Havuz İnşaatı ve Bakımı, Araç Kiralama Hizmeti ve Emlak Ofisi yer almaktadır. Şirket 2017 yazında, iş kollarına bir yenisini daha ekleyerek hotel sektörüne girmeyi planlamaktadır. Noyanlar Şirketler Grubu, mutlu ve huzurlu bir gelecek için, profosyonel mimar, mühendis ve müşteri hizmet kadrosu ile modern ofislerinde hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir.



Best Builder GOLD WINNER Best Developer PLATINUM WINNER Best Residential Commercial Complex GOLD WİNNER

NOYANLAR GROUP OF COMPANIES Dr. Fazıl Küçük Street, İskele (Next Door to Doctors Site) Tel: +90 392 444 60 60 +90 392 371 40 00 Email: info@noyanlar.com Web: www.noyanlar.com



Nurel Construction was established in 2003 by Redif Nurel. Between 2003 & 2004, we decided to enter the construction sector and to date we have accomplished a lot. Client satisfaction has always been our main priority. We have kept the same morals in the 13 apartment buildings we have completed and with the contracting and subcontracting services we provide. We added a carpenter’s workshop with the aim of providing kitchen and furniture designs for our clients. İn addition to these, we have also invested in car rentals and airport transfer services. In 2013 we successfully opened our new sales office. Together with personal projects and 3 new apartment blocks consisting of 45 flats in the centre of Kyrenia, which are now for sale, we have accomplished so much thanks to the motivation and strength we have gained from our staff and our happy clients.

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Nurel Construction 2003 yılının başında şirket direktörümüz Redif Nurel tarafından kuruldu. 2003-2004 yılları arasında proje işlerinin yanında, yapsat işlerine de Girnede kararı alıp, bir çok başarılara imza atmıştır. Müşteri memnuniyeti herzaman birinci hedefimiz olmuştur. Teslim ettiğimiz 13 apartman dışında yapmış oluğumuz taahhüt ve taşeronluk işlerinde de aynı düşünce ile bugünümüze gelmiş bulunmaktayız. Daha iyi hizmet için; dülger atölyesi, ferforje atölyesi, mutfak ve mobilya mağazası ile hizmet vermekteyiz. Bunun yanında araç kiralama ve transfer şirketimiz ile turizm alanında ilk yatırımımızı yapmış bulunmaktayız. Nurel olarak yeni satış ofisimizi ayrı bir binada 2013’te açmış bulunmaktayız. Girne merkezinde 3 adet apartman bloğunda oluşan 45 dairelik apartman projelerimiz satışa sunulmuştur. Müşterilerimizden ve çalışanlarımızdan aldığımız güç ve moral ile kendini kanıtlamış bir marka olmanın gururunu yaşamaktayız.



Best High Rise Architectural Design PLATINUM WINNER Best Penthouse GOLD WINNER Best Residential Commercial Complex PLATINUM WINNER

NUREL GROUP OF COMPANIES Semih Sancar Street Nurel S5 Apartment. No: 2, Kyrenia Tel: +90 533 868 7842

+90 533 854 0446 Email: info@nurelgroup.net Web: www.nurelgroup.net



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“I am absolutely delighted to have won the best socio-cultural development award. Whilst predominately geared to the property sector it also demonstrates that propertync are trying to expand their net to capture and recognise alternative property developments that also allows non-property professionals to enter the awards. The process is challenging yet rewarding which is how it should be!”

“En iyi Sosyo-kültürel kalkınma ödülünü kazandığım için mutluluk duyuyorum. Özellikle emlak sektörüne yönelik olmakla birlikte, Propertync’nin emlak dışı profesyonellerin ödüllere katılmalarına ve alternatif emlak gelişmelerini yakalamak ve tanıtmak için kendi ağını geniştletmeye çalıştıklarını da göstermektedir. Sürecin zorlu ama aynı zamanda faydalı olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum”.



Best Socio-Cultural Development GOLD WINNER

OLIVIUM EVENTS 111 Şehit Süleyman Recep Sokak, Edremit, Girne Tel: +90 533 848 3139 Email: hakanredif@hotmail.com



Until today our company has successfully completed many projects with different concepts in Turkey, Russia, France, England, Northern Iraq and Kazakhstan. Since 2005 with the experience gained worlwide we are confident and doing well since. We are working with determination to ensure that our country achieves the highest quality in design and construction it deserves and hope to become a competitive company worldwide. While our love for design is growing, with our twenty-six years of experience we aim to give life to future living spaces. With the gratification and achievement which we have gained with our work we continue our journey to bring value to our country. We design with love, build with confidence.

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Şirketimiz ekip çalışmasını ana ilke edinerek bu güne kadar Türkiye, Rusya, Fransa, İngiltere, Kuzey Irak ve Kazakistan gibi ülkelerde değişik konseptlerde birçok proje ve uygulamayı başarıyla tamamlamıştır. 2005 yılından itibaren edindiğimiz dünya tecrübesi ışığında, ülkemizde daha güzel işler yapma adına emin adımlarla ilerliyoruz. Ülkemizin tasarım ve inşaat uygulamalarında hak ettiği yüksek kaliteye ulaşabilmesi, dünyayla yarışabilir hale gelebilmesi için azimle çalışıyoruz. Tasarım aşkımız çoğalarak büyürken, yirmi altı yıllık tecrübemizle harmanlayıp, geleceğin yaşam alanlarına hayat veriyoruz. İşimize olan tutkumuzla, tamamladığımız her işte ulaştığımız başarının bizlere verdiği haz ile ülkemize değer kazandırma yolculuğumuza devam ediyoruz. Aşkla tasarlıyor, güvenle inşaa ediyoruz.



Best Dormitory GOLD WINNER Best Proposed Luxury Villa GOLD WINNER Best Apartment PLATINUM WINNER

ÖZAKINSEL PROJE DEKORASYON İNŞAAT LTD Semih Sancar Caddesi Skysea Apartmanı, No: 17, Daire: 5 Tel: +90 392 815 86 60 +90 533 826 75 20 Email: ozakinsel@gmail.com Web: www.ozakinsel.com



Selba Homes is a construction company that constructs prominent buildings with the mission of creating environments where people feel safe, happy and peaceful. With this aim in mind, our company was established by Derviş Ata Tahiroğlu in 2004. One of our fundamental characteristics that distinguishes us from others is that we give great importance to not only the quality of our construction and constructional materials but also to social and environmental factors in our projects. On the other hand, through the light of our principle ‘we construct trust’, our profound aim is to complete our projects in a rapid succession in order to enable our customers to settle into their homes. Honesty and transparency are the essential characteristics that bring forth the trust our customers build towards us. Taking this into account, we are aware that this needs to be preserved in all our work and services. Selba Homes, has interiorised an understanding of business and service based upon the perception of quality and customer satisfaction. This understanding aims to create an instution that not only involves the quality in construction but also in sales and after sales services. We, as Selba Homes, believe that your happiness means our success and in this light we will continue to improve our quality and qualified services.

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Selba Homes seçkin konut projeleri üretmek için 2004 yılında Derviş Ata Tahiroğlu önderliğinde yola çıkmış ve kendisine misyon olarak “insanların içinde kendini mutlu huzurlu ve güvende hissedecekleri mekanlar inşa etmeyi” hedeflemiş bir inşaat firmasıdır. Selba Homes’u benzerlerinden ayıran temel özelliklerinden biri projelerinde inşaat ve malzeme kalitesi kadar çevresel ve sosyal unsurlara da son derece önem vermesi ve özenli yaklaşmasıdır. Öte yandan ‘yapımızda güven var’ ilkesiyle müşterilerimizin bir an önce evlerine yerleşmelerini sağlamak için projelerini süratle ve zamanında bitirmek vazgeçilmez ilkelerimiz arasındadır. Şeffaflık ve dürüstlük müşterilerimizin bize duydukları güveni doğuran en temel özelliklerimizdir. Tüm iş ve hizmetlerimizde bunu korumak gerektiğinin bilincindeyiz. Selba Homes, kalite ve müşteri memnuniyeti esaslı bir ticaret ve hizmet anlayışını benimsemiştir. Bu anlayış, kaliteyi sadece inşaat yapımında değil, satış süreci ve satış sonrası hizmet süreçlerini de içine alan bütün kurumsal boyutlarda gerçekleştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Selba Homes olarak sizlerin mutluluğu ve sevinci bizlerin başarısı olduğu bilinci ile size hizmet vermekten ve hizmet vermeye devam etmekten mutluluk duyarız.



Best Apartment GOLD WINNER

SELBA HOMES Talat Yurdakul Sokak, No: 6 Ortakรถy, Nicosia Tel: +90 (392) 444 25 26 Email: info@selbahomes.com Web: www.selbahomes.com




PROPERTYNC BELEDİYE ÖDÜLLERİ In alphabetical order / Alfabetik sıraya göre



BEYARMUDU BELEDİYESİ En İyi Sosyal Hizmet Binası Propertync Municipality Awards


Soldan sağa: Beyarmudu Belediye Başkanı – İlker Edip, Telsim Genel Müdür Yardımcısı – Fevzi Tanpınar

LAPTA BELEDİYESİ En İyi Kamu Binası Projesi Propertync Municipality Awards


Soldan sağa: Erkal Şahoğlu – mimar, Fuat Namsoy – Lapta Belediyesi Başkanı, Seran Aysal – Statik

MEHMETÇİK BELEDİYESİ En İyi Tarımsal Bilinçlilik Ödülü Propertync Municipality Awards


Soldan sağa: CTP Genel Başkanı – Tufan Erhürman, Mehmetçik Belediyesi Başkanı – Cemil Sarıçizmeli

TATLISU BELEDİYESİ En İyi Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi Propertync Municipality Awards


En İyi Kültürel Mirasa Saygı Propertync Municipality Awards Soldan sağa: Tatlısu Belediye Başkanı – A. Hayri Orçan, Chief Physician and Medical Director of Kolan British Hospital - Op. Dr. Harun Gülmez


En İyi Sosyal Hizmet Binası Propertync Municipality Awards

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“I was honoured to attend the 5th Propertync Awards Evening which was held on 19 November 2016. The evening was perfect. Every detail proved that the event was professionally organised. The food, the music was chosen carefully. All of the projects for companies and municipalities were valuable. I believe that this organisation makes people aware of the quality of the projects which the companies provide. Thus, companies are doing their jobs professionally by trying to achieve high standards and eventually offering the public good quality projects. It was an honour to be part of the evening. It was not just being there but also having won the Best Social Service Building Project award for our South Mesarya Social Facilities Conference Hall Project, also made us proud. It is good that the municipalities were included in such an event. I think that awarding the municipalities for their effort is a good way to improve the quality of service for the public. Now that we have received this award we will make sure that we keep up the quality of our services. We would like to thank the event organiser Mehmet Kozansoy, his team and also the valuable jury members for all their hard work.

“19 Kasım 2016 tarihinde gerçekleşen 5. KKTC Propertync Emlak Ödülleri törenine katılmaktan gurur ve onur duydum. Ödül töreni tek kelime ile mükemmeldi. Organizasyonda profesyonelce çalışıldığı en küçük detaylardan bile belli oluyordu. Yemeklerden müziğe her şey incelikli düşünülmüş. Daha önce bu ödüller hakkında gerek basından, gerek firmalardan duyum almıştım ancak saygınlığını gala gecesine katıldığımda kavradım. Gala gecesine katılan firmalardan belediyelere başvurulan tüm projeler değerliydi. Bu organizasyonun kaliteli işlerin meydana çıkmasında önemli bir yere sahip olduğu inancındayım. Böylelikle firmalar yüksek standartları yakalamaya çalışarak işlerini yapıyor ve sonunda topluma nitelikli işler sunuyorlar. Gala gecesinde bulunup bu heyecana ortak olmak benim için gurur vericiydi. Sadece katılmakla kalmamış ayrıca başvurduğumuz Güney Mesarya Sosyal Tesisleri Konferans Salonu Projesi ile en iyi Sosyal Hizmet Binası Projesi ödülünü de almış olmak tarifi olmayan bir duygu. Belediyelerin de böyle bir platformda bulunması çok iyi olmuş. Belediyelerin yaptığını nitelikli işlerin ödüllendirilmesi, halka hizmet kalitesini yükseltmesi için iyi bir unsur olduğu düşüncesindeyim. Biz buradan ödülle döndük ve artık kalitemiz yakaladığımız standardın altına düşüremeyiz. Bu organizasyonu düzenleyen Mehmet Kozansoy ve ekibine ayrıca değerli çalışmaları ve görüşleri için tüm jüri üyelerine teşekkür ederiz. “

Beyarmudu Belediyesi Güney Mesarya Sosyal Tesisleri



Soldan sağa: Beyarmudu Belediye Başkanı – İlker Edip, Telsim Genel Müdür Yardımcısı – Fevzi Tanpınar


BEYARMUDU BELEDİYESİ Talat Yurdakul Sokak, No: 6 Ortaköy, Nicosia Tel: +90 392 379 9401 Email: beyarmudu_belediyesi@hotmail.com Web: www.beyarmudubelediyesi.net



The 5th Propertync Awards Gala Evening which took place at the Cratos Premium Hotel was a prestigous and successful evening which represented the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. As Lapta Municipality we were awarded “Best Public Building”. The project is still continuing and we would like to thank Propertync for giving us the opportunity to introduce the “green building” with its latest technology to the local and international platform.

En İyi Kamu Binası Projesi Propertync Municipality Awards

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Propertync has proven to be the place of quality. A prestigious platform has been created where both Northern Cyprus’s Public Institutions and Construction Companies can express themselves, we wish the success of Propertync to continue.

Lapta Sahil Yürüyüş Yolu

19 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Cratos Premium Hotel’de Propertync tarafından organize edilen 5. Emlak Ödül Gecesi Kuzey Kıbrıs’ın tanıtımı için yapılmış prestijli, ihtişamlı ve çok başarılı bir organizasyon. Lapta Belediyesi olarak “En İyi Kamusal Bina” ödülünü almış ve Propertync organizasyonu sayesinde yapımı devam eden “yeşil bina” olarak son teknoloji ile donatılacak yeni binamızı hem halkımıza hem de uluslararası platformda tanıtılması sağlanmıştır. Propertync düzenlemiş olduğu gece ile kalitenin adresi olduğunu kanıtlamıştır. Hem Kuzey Kıbrıs Kamu Kuruluşlarının hem de İnşaat Şirketlerinin kendilerini kitlelere ifade edebilecekleri prestijli bir platform yaratılmıştır. Propertync’nin başarılarının devamını dileriz.

Soldan sağa: Erkal Şahoğlu – mimar, Fuat Namsoy – Lapta Belediyesi Başkanı, Seran Aysal – Statik




LAPTA BELEDİYESİ Lapta Belediye Binası Lapta 95014 / KKTC Tel: +90 392 82 18 327 Email: info@laptabelediyesi.com Web: www.laptabelediyesi.com



En İyi Tarımsal Bilinçlilik Ödülü Propertync Municipality Awards

Scan this QR code with your smart phone for direct access to company web page



It was an incredible feeling to be presented with a prize in this magnificent organization prepared with great care and meticulousness.

Çok büyük bir özen ve titizlikle hazırlanan bu muhteşem organizasyonda ödül alarak temsil edilmek inanılmaz bir duygu idi.

By including the local municipalities was meaningful as well as showing the broad vision of the organizers.

Propertync Awards 2016 Emlak ödülleri kapsamında yerel yönetimlerimizin de yer alması anlamlı olduğu kadar, organizatörlerin geniş vizyonunun da bir göstergesi olmuştur.

On behalf of Zeka Bey Seed Center, we would like to thank you for bringing together this wonderful organization.

Zeka Bey Tohum Merkezi olarak teşekkürü bir borç bilir daha nice güzel organizasyonlar dileriz.




MEHMETÇİK BELEDİYESİ Atatürk Meydanı No: 3 Mehmetçik İskele K.K.T.C. Tel: +90 392 375 50 90 Mobile: +90 548 810 10 10 Web: Soldan sağa: CTP Genel Başkanı – Tufan Erhürman, Mehmetçik Belediyesi Başkanı – Cemil Sarıçizmeli




En İyi Kültürel Mirasa Saygı Propertync Municipality Awards En İyi Sosyal Sorumluluk Projesi Propertync Municipality Awards

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Dear Propertync Awards Committee;

Sn.Propertync Awards Komitesi;

First of all we would like to thank you for including us in such an event, we had a fabulous evening which will be talked about for a long time.

Öncelikle böyle bir organizasyonda bizlere de yer verildiği için teşekkür ederim ve uzun süre konuşulacak olan muhteşem bir gala gecesi yapıldı.

Büyük ve titiz bir organizasyonla gerçekleşen gecede resepsiyonun ardından emlak ve inşaat sektörünün en iyilerinin seçildiği Propertync Awards 2016 ödül töreninde Tatlısu Belediyesi olarak yarıştığımız 2 kategorinin 2’sinde de ödül alarak Belediyeler arasında en çok ödül kazanan belediye ünvanını elde ettik. Propertync Awards töreninde aldığımız 2 ödül çağdaş dünya standartlarının da üzerinde yeni projeler yapmamıza ve hedefimizi devam ettirmemizde, motiI would like to thank the valuable mem- vasyonumuza ivme kazandırmıştır. bers of the Jury, the Organizing Committee and everybody which participated in Bu projede başta Organizasyon Komitesi olmak üzere değerli jüri üyelerime, this wondederful evening. katılımcılara ve tüm emeği geçenlere teşekkür eder, saygılarımı sunarım. The Propertync Awards 2016 awards ceremony was a meticulous evening, after the champagne reception the best of the real estate and construction industry was selected, we won both 2 of the categories we competed in as Tatlısu Municipality. The awards we have received in the Propertync Awards competition have accelerated our motivation to make new projects above and beyond our contemporary world standards.

Engelsiz Denize Girme Platformu

Minia Kıbrıs Müzesi



Soldan sağa: Tatlısu Belediye Başkanı – A. Hayri Orçan, Chief Physician and Medical Director of Kolan British Hospital - Op. Dr. Harun Gülmez


TATLISU BELEDİYESİ Tatlısu / KKTC Tel: +90 392 389 20 26 Email: info@tatlisubelediyesi.org Web: www.tatlisubelediyesi.org


“Ödüllerin sunumu, giyim, fotoğrafçılar, dekor, yemek ve eğlencesine kadar Ödül gecesi şirketimizin katıldığı en muhteşem gecelerinden biriydi. Unutulmayacak bir gece oldu! Propertync ekibi gecenin düzenlemesinde çok başarılı oldu. Böyle bir gece kusursuz olduğu zaman demektir ki geceyi düzenlerken çok emek verildi. Bizim için kusursuz bir geceydi ve biliyoruzki çok emek vererek hazırlıklar yapıldı. Geceyi kusursuz bir şekilde düzenledikleri için tüm Propertync ekibine sonsuz teşekkürlerimizi sunarız”. BAŞTAŞLAR İNŞAAT ŞTİ. LTD. “We cannot be the only company believing that we have improved as a direct result of entry and are sure that these awards competitions are making a real contribution to the raising of standards throughout the industry to the benefit of us all and to the future of North Cyprus as a tourism, holiday and residential choice for many future clients”. BUSY BEES ESTATE AGENCY

“Carrington markası kalite ve güvenilirliğiyle daha da güçlenmeye devam ediyor. Güvenilir ve özverili ekibimizle, hem şirket hem de müşteriler için her zaman en yüksek standartlara ulaşım konusunda kararlıyız”. CARRINGTON GROUP

“Kalite her şeyden önce gelir düşüncesi ile Ciddi Mutfak olarak ürettiğimiz ürünlerin hepsinde, yüksek kalite standardını benimseriz. Projelerimizi tasarlarken ve üretirken, çalışma fizyolojisi, ergonomisi ve mekân kullanımından en iyi şekilde faydalanmaya çalışırız”.

“Bilgi ve tecrübemizi ortaya koyarak insanların kendi geleceklerine yatırım yapmalarını hedefliyoruz. Ev değil yaşam şekli satmaya ve vizyonu genişletmeye çalışıyoruz. Tüm ekibim adına ödüllerimizi alırken tekrardan katkı koyan herkese teşekkür ediyorum.” EMİNOĞLU


“We are earnestly grateful for the recognition we have received for our work, because we are very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning this award. 2016 was a great year for us and we will continue to work hard on making Esta Real Estates a stronger and more mature company not only for our clients but for ourselves”. ESTA REAL ESTATE 110

TESTIMONIALS “Going forwards we know that we will have to continue to improve what we offer if we hope to maintain our position come the next awards in two years’ time. Our thanks go to all the Propertync Magazine management and staff who work to put the whole even together – no mean feat!” FIRST CONSULT CYPRUS

“30. Gurur yılımızda 8 ödülle bir rekora imza atarak bu yılı taçlandırmamızda katkı koyan herkese teşekkür ederken, sektörel anlamda uluslararası platformlarda yer almış güçlü bir jüri ile ciddi bir elemeden geçerek bazı değerlerin altını çizip ön planda tutan Propertync ailesine de ayrıca teşekkür ederiz.”

“Established in 2015, GTR Development Ltd. aims to gain trust by delivering the best quality product and meet the customer’s requirement to their highest satisfaction. All members of GTR’s team are professional in their areas and provide an individual approach to each client that makes the services unique and exceptional.” GTR DEVELOPMENT

KIBRIS DEVELOPMENTS “Landmark Estates would like to thank everyone involved in this unique event and also Propertync magazine and their professional team for organising this fabulous event. They are continually bringing improvement to the whole property business in North Cyprus.” LANDMARK ESTATE AGENCY “Şirket 2017 yazında, iş kollarına bir yenisini daha ekleyerek hotel sektörüne girmeyi planlamaktadır. Noyanlar Şirketler Grubu, mutlu ve huzurlu bir gelecek için ,profosyonel mimar, mühendis ve müşteri hizmet kadrosu ile modern ofislerinde hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir.” NOYANLAR GROUP OF COMPANIES

“Selba Homes seçkin konut projeleri üretmek için 2004 yılında Derviş Ata Tahiroğlu önderliğinde yola çıkmış ve kendisine misyon olarak “insanların içinde kendini mutlu huzurlu ve güvende hissedecekleri mekanlar inşa etmeyi” hedeflemiş bir inşaat firmasıdır.”

“Tasarım aşkımız çoğalarak büyürken, yirmi altı yıllık tecrübemizle harmanlayıp, geleceğin yaşam alanlarına hayat veriyoruz. İşimize olan tutkumuzla, tamamladığımız her işte ulaştığımız başarının bizlere verdiği haz ile ülkemize değer kazandırma yolculuğumuza devam ediyoruz. Aşkla tasarlıyor, güvenle inşaa ediyoruz.” ÖZAKINSEL







This badge of merit from an independent organization can be used by winners to express their expertise in the particular field where they have triumphed. By promoting your company as a Property Award winner, you will stand out amongst the other fellow professionals alike.

Bağımsız bir organizasyondan kazanılan ödülün rozeti, kazananlar tarafından başarılı oldukları alanda uzmanlaştıklarını kanıtlamak için kullanılabilir. Emlak Ödül’ünü kazanan bir şirket, yarışmalarda ön plana çıkacak, müşterilerin ve şirketle aynı işi yapanların dikkatini çekecekdir.

An award will also prove invaluable as a promotional tool for your company. The awards logo can be used in all your sales literature and public relations material.

Ödül, şirketinizin tanıtıcı bir aracı olması yönünden de çok değerlidir. Ödül logonuzu tüm satışlarınızda müşterilerinizle ilişkilerinizde bir araç olarak kullanabilirsiniz.

Winners are also eligible to enter into the Propertync catalogue, which is dedicated to the Property Awards and features awardwinning companies from around the island, which will be displayed in all places related to the industry.

Emlak Ödülleri’ne önem veren ve ödül kazanan şirketler, adada bilinilirliği arttıran Propertync Dergisi’nde yer alabilecek nitelikli şirketlerdir.

To protect all companies, we never divulge the names of those entering the competition – with the exception of the List of Winners published after the awards ceremony in question.

Yarışmaya katılan tüm şirketleri korumak adına, Ödül Töreninden sonra sadece kazanan şirketlerin isimlerini açıklıyoruz.





Mehmet Kozansoy Director of the Propertync Awards

Ayşe Kozansoy Jury Coordinator

Zahra Barzigar

Steve Mortimer

Seniha Hassan

Nihan Cemaylar

Event Coordinator

Event Coordinator

Event Coordinator

Aylar Yazgulyyeva

Nguyen Van Dung

Havva E.Tuğce

Asst. Event Coordinator

Asst. Event Coordinator

Asst. Event Coordinator

Art Director

Ona bakmak bile heyecan verici. Bir de sürdüğünüzü düşünün. SUV performansı ve coupé zarafetinin uyumundan doğan Mercedes GLC Coupé, Kombos Otomotiv’de sizi bekliyor.

- 0533 866 13 10

Ona bakmak bile heyecan verici. Bir de sürdüğünüzü düşünün. SUV performansı ve coupé zarafetinin uyumundan doğan Mercedes GLC Coupé, Kombos Otomotiv’de sizi bekliyor.

- 0533 866 13 10



2016 / 18



2016 / 18

2016 / 18

Print House Trade Ltd. Küçük Sanayi Bölgesi, 3 Avanos Sokak, Mağusa / Kıbrıs, Türkiye Tel: +90 392 3666 777 Fax: +90 392 3666 888 Cep: +90 542 852 5012 Email: info@propertync.com

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