Book III

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“These nocturnal, desperate messages are for the lambs who are by the side of the Way, undecided to return. We are calling you: Come back, NOW! DON’T WAIT ANY LONGER! That time is no longer time.”











































































































(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Peace be with You, Little One And with You, Abby. Listen: We are going to talk about a reality that your brothers seem to have forgotten: When the Holy Crucifixion of My Beloved Son the friends fled, only the closest circle remained, the rest went away, feared for their lives. This is the case that’s happening now in giant leaps. (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) It is easy to shout cheers to His Triumphal entrance to the Three times Holy City of Jerusalem, Little One, but after that, those that were not in love with Heaven, those who did not place the Father above everything human, returned to the world. That is the case now. That’s why you should not be scared when we warn you that many will leave alone the Lord of lords and King of kings. When you are offered the Crown of Thorns, there will be few who will wear it with due respect and Dignity, very few. Those in which shame weighs heavier, and fear their reputation will not hold their heads up high, and will remove it from their faces.



Many will not want the Scourging, and so, Little One, many will go away, that is why we tell you that only those that TRULY LOVE THE LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL REMAIN UNTIL THE END. How many walked behind the Lord on the Way to Calvary? They were very few. Satisfied of having been cured of the physical and spiritual ills, they went away back to the world and that is, precisely, how the time that is coming will be. That is why we tell you, those that are about to receive some recompense, some reward on earth, will succumb to the onslaught; only those that have left the world to follow the Lord of lords and King of kings, those who TRULY find this world bitter and have renounced to it, will reach the end. That is why Jesus Christ has told you how you must Follow his Footsteps, because on the contrary, they will not prevail. Do you understand, Little ones? Everything that keeps you away from Heaven, and that detours you from the Way: keep away from them or in the contrary, it will keep you away from walking after the Bloody Footsteps towards the Cross. (MY GUARDIAN ANGEL SPEAKS) My child, I am your Guardian Angel and I will tell you how to take care of yourself during these wicked times. Don’t be afraid but also don’t trust, that those Loyal to the Lord and King of kings, True God and true Man are few, who like a True Man is asking for your Love and your Friendship in love and fidelity. You have to be very cautious when walking in the world because events have precipitated towards the end. The heavens stretch out its arms towards man and he rejects it. Change your way of thinking, Little Ones, stop playing and see that the activities to which you devote your time are not for planting seeds in Heaven, but in the earth and the least wind will spread the seed of the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


earthly bags, the least fire will consume them, and a little water will drown them; so place your seeds of Faith, of Hope, of Good Works, of Charity, of prayer and meditation with the Holy Heaven, which is the only “currency” that will be worth pretty soon. Stop accumulating paper which is exactly that, wood for the fire. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little one of ours, My Little One: Always the True Friends of Heaven have been counted. Heed the calls, do not stop responding to them as a Guide from Heaven, which will continue to keep coming with a firm and loving hand. Do not be afraid when the calls are strong, but understand that the times that you live do not merit that it be any other way. Remember that the biggest gift that you can give Heaven, in addition to staying Saintly, is to bring a little sheep of the flock Back to My Holy Breast. Do not limit yourselves in putting all your efforts in bringing just one, only one, that I, Your Holy Mother Will Know how to retain it between My Loving Arms. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Attend the Holy Church as much as possible to receive the Eucharist, to confess, and to hear My Holy Word. Take advantage that there is still a Holy Mass, that you don’t know the plans of the wicked one to damage My Church. Don’t let any more time pass to put your Sacraments in order. If you have been thinking about it, stop thinking and do it, that pretty soon it won’t be easy to find who can marry you, who will baptize your children… Do not leave the important for tomorrow that tomorrow is a very uncertain time, Little Loved Ones. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Tell your neighbors and friends to baptize their little ones, not to wait any longer. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Dear Little One. Abba. Now that you know, I ask you in the most loving way: Do what you are being told by Heaven, do not be angry with the warnings, see them and take them like a very big Love, desperate to make you understand. Do not stop coming week by week to this Guide (BDDH) that Heaven is sending you, so you do as we are telling you. If you look and read My Holy Word and My Mystics and Prophets, you will see that they are like letters from friends supporting each other. Look and see how everything converges in the same point of emphasis in each call. Can you see it? Read My chosen ones and see how we go about telling you in a similar way so you will understand. No one talks of a different thing or subject than what Heaven tells you in that particular occasion. Listen more to them than to the Teachers of the law who can err, because they base themselves in Their own intelligence, and it can be manipulated by the Evil one in twisting their thoughts. My mystics and prophets, My ancestral saints, and My Holy Word are the more secure guides, because they come from Me, which I am the Fountain of Good and Truth. So be careful of accepting the opinions of men as dogmas, because they are not. Little ones, be very careful while walking in the world that the demons are loose, and we repeat it: The Wicked one is like a roaring lion after Mine. I love you, My Beloved, immeasurably. Your Father of Absolute Good, of Power and Truth. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


(MY GUARDIAN ANGEL SPEAKS) This time is the one (that) the prophecies announced and true that you have coming great cataclysms; it will be the time for the prophets and the mystics, the heroes, and the saints. Do not waste this time warning to convert yourselves into Saints. THIS IS THE TIME: IT’S HERE NOW, RIGHT NOW, IT’S TODAY. How the Saints would like to be, that so much Love the Lord in Heaven, be amongst you, but they have already passed the test. Ask for their help and assistance at all times, that they are ready to intercede for you. In their dates and special feasts, pray with them for humanity. Do not disdain the army of Saints that desire and hope to help you. This is very important: don’t forget it. (March 3)


(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Listen, Little One, in these last times and with the events that have unfolded: MY CHURCH IS CRUCIFIED. My People, My Saintly Faithful People, will walk behind Their



Lord, Their Divine Master, Their Beloved Faithful towards Calvary. No one who refuses to walk with Me now, he will be My most close and intimate Friend. They will pass, like their Divine Lord, through the Scourging; after the farce of the Judgment, through the Crowning of Thorns, through the steps of My Holy Way of the Cross. One by one they will walk in a Dignified manner and with their faces always looking up to Heaven. Don’t be afraid for the end to come and with it, My Beloved Faithful People, your liberation. Little One, Mine do not have attachment to the world, because they are not the ones who reign from the domes. They are and always been despised by the world, who they praise and consent is their own. They know, Little Ones, that this is not our world. Don’t expect happiness, success, or any other thing because nothing will be given to you. You don’t belong to them, you don’t belong to him. Be Faithful, have Trust, and wait for Your Lord that is Coming, wait for Your Loved One who is Coming Soon, wait for Me that will come in a cloud (from) Heaven, and not like the false one pretends: born of a woman. I have been born of the most perfect and beautiful creature, and there could never be another Mother for Me, don’t be foolish in believing that. I will come in Glory and Justice, and Majesty. Wait, My Little Ones that your liberation is getting near. Your enemy is getting closer, that one who is opposed to My Glory is getting near. Maintain yourself in Grace, don’t be walking in the streets, which are the archaic and ancestral battle zones. Stop your disorderly walking and work for Heaven. Talk to your brothers about Me. Be prepared because many will despair and will ask you what is happening; then, with love, with compassion, with patience, you will explain to them My Word, My Second Coming. Be prepared to respond to your brothers with BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


love, those that are scared will come to you. Then DON’T TERRIFY MY SHEEP with rudeness or admonish them with unnecessary hardness; be kind, compassionate, patient, and loving. Then explain to them, like I speak to you with Infinite Love and Patience, what you have received through these years of preparation. Do you understand, My Little ones, My Faithful People? I am speaking to you, the ones we have prepared and are part of the ranks of Heaven. The destiny of the poor sheep that come closer, scared to look for refuge in you will depend on many of you, and that will be the new time to consecrate them to Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth; that My Holy Mother will know how to Bring them back to My Loving Sacred Heart. -OF THE PROPHETSIn these end of times no more prophets will come out of the coffers of Heaven. Listen to the ones that talk to you because they will be the ones who will guide you until the very end. Do not believe if more prophets come out of the “new church”. These, ignored, hidden, poor people; those are Mine. The ones that hide and do not seek to shine, but that My Holy Word be the one that enlightens, those are Mine. If you see the antichrist shine with his stories DO NOT BELIEVE HIM, that Mine are here to serve, not to be served, to love not to be loved. Do you understand? (1) My Faithful People must follow My Ancestral Truth, without modifying it, without making exceptions. Whoever adulterates My Principles will be anathema (2). -THE HOLY CHURCHDo not believe what they will tell you; because of trends or modernism that sin is no longer sin. I have told you and I repeat: it keeps on being and will always be sin. It is My BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Church who has to Second Me, not Me (to) My Church. The principles of men in worship are idolatry and My Father abominates (3) it. Do not let them confuse you, My Small and Saintly Faithful People. Keep on working for Heaven. Do not worry even if they take your life, that the soul is what you have to take care of. You will be called retrogrades (4), unpopular, archaic…TRUE, I tell you. Don’t look for human respect, which will make you fall. The way has narrowed and you, My few, My beloved, have prevailed and will prevail, if you maintain yourselves in the simplicity of My Principles. Remember, My Little Ones, that I did not come to bring peace, but war (5). It is getting closer. Keep yourselves as simple sheep that you are. My Holy Father, My Pope so loyal and dear, has resigned: That is the signal of the scattering. The crows have taken hold of My Church and everything that loves sin more than Me will be satisfied. My Church has divided and you are a remnant with whom I count on to keep alive My Love and My Holy Word, TRUTH OF TRUTHS, in the earth. -THE CLERGYMy priests will fall because the temptation will be big and the Church will invite them to sin, and will tell them they can conform differently, but what they don’t tell them that it is different from My Holy Will. My Church has divided. Little Ones, in front of your eyes PLEASE don’t say: “This has always happened.” In front of your eyes this is happening. Do like My Beloved Benedict: Get away from evil: Pray, meditate, intercede; be courageous like your Pope has been to the point of leaving and renouncing to whatever needs to be done, just so you can remain Loyal to The House of Your Celestial Father.



YOUR FIDELITY WILL BE TESTED, the time has come. You know My Will, you know My Holy Doctrine, does not deviate from it to the right or to the left, that you have already been seeing how few are that walk with Me, Their Divine Master, Their Lord, Their Friend until the very end. Do not detach yourselves, that in the following purge of faithful you will fall, don’t do it. The Way is already narrow and only those that Truly Love Me will remain. From the heart of My Church they will invite you to sin, but I, interiorly, will warn you, if you do not pay heed to My Calling and let yourselves be seduced by the lie, you will have moved from the Father of the Truth to a father of the lie. THIS IS THE TIME, MY SMALL FAITHFUL PEOPLE. I LOVE YOU WITHOUT BOUNDS. I LOVE YOU ESPECIALLY MY SHEEP THAT HAVE RESISTED THE RAVAGES AND HAVE LOVED ME MORE THAN THE WORLD. I LOVE YOU IN AN IMMEASUREABLE WAY: YOU ARE THE CONSOLATION OF HEAVEN THAT WHEREVER THEY TURN SEE ABERRATION AND TREASON. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) -TO THE CLERGY, TEACHERS, DOCTORS, AND CATECHISTSIn the time when many of My other faithful, at another time, priests will fall and will be seconded by the laity that do not have a MY LOVE ALIVE in their hearts, who speak of Me, but without living Me in their soul, they will not prevail. The same ones that were guiding you for years will fall; that is why you must trust the Ancestral Clean Doctrine. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


No change comes from Heaven, if they tell you the contrary: It does not come from Me. Love does not modernize, truth has no time. Remember: I AM. In the same way that My Holy Father, your Pope, has been left without anyone to help him, so many of you will be alone in your Mission. Heaven counted with many more that should be helping, but they have not wanted to work and Heaven is powerless in front of the free will, so you too, my Beloved, it will not be easy for the help that you wished to reach you; but you will not need anything, don’t worry, don’t anguish. We have told you that the graces and charismas that were going to those that were going to help you –those that have leading Missions-, and have not arrived, they themselves will be trustee of these graces. So don’t be scared if suddenly you see that you are capable of doing something you never dreamed would be able to do. They are the Graces and Charismas that Heaven spills in these Times over his Holy Faithful People. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Children, how much did we advise you to convert because time was coming to an end, and you have not listened? My Beloved Creatures will suffer great pain, because they have not wanted to Take My Holy Hand, now all has been accomplished, My Little Ones. Be the most gentle, charitable, and loving with My Children that could be the last words they hear. Don’t skimp Love, GIVE IT GIVE IT GIVE IT THAT EVERYTHING GOES FASTER AT THE END. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Little One, those of you who read the warning that I have given you, I beg you, CONSECRATE







YOURSELVES, if you believe a little the Father that Celestial God Father has chosen for his Holy Son. If you believe Me as being incapable of lying, I beg you: Consecrate to Holy Mary that an instant of ignoring this Loving Pleading Father, can cost you an eternity. I beg you, Little Ones, do not harm yourselves or harm Heaven any longer with your arrogant attitude, which is only leading you to the gates of Hell. (5) I Love you immeasurably. +Your Loving Servant Saint Joseph -TO THE WORKERS OF HEAVENThe Cyrene’s have fallen in these times, no one, Little Ones, that is close to heaven will remain there for convenience, only the fortitude that loves gives will maintain you, only love. -TO THE WOMENNever, in the history of humanity My women have fallen in such an impudence and disgrace; you are no longer women, you are whole nations of public women without a hint of shame nor love of virtue. What happened to My women, what happened to My Martha’s, My Mary’s, My Elizabeth’s?…! Where did you leave your virtue, your shame, your love for your home? You are public women and you laugh and feel proud of it. You cause unmatched shame in Heaven with your language, your clothes, and with your scandalous conduct… What intense pain You Cause Me, your gall, your cynicism, what pains awaits you, Little Ones if you don’t change; an excruciating pain awaits you… Change now! your behavior that the devil is mocking us! Leave the enclosure of sin and change now! that time has ended. Beg Mercy to the Holy Heaven and change your BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


clothes, your language, your behavior, and, most of all, your heart. It is the last desperate call from Heaven before eternity opens its mouth and engulfs you. (6) -TO EVERYONE(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One, do you see what you have turned into? In monsters of sin, in bad incarnation, it is a horror what you have done with My beloved creation, with your bodies that I formed so delicately. But nothing is sadder: The summit of my sadness is for what you have done to your souls. It is impossible, unheard of, Little Ones, unbearable to see in what you have turned into, and you are going straight to hell BECAUSE YOU HAVE DECIDED IT FOR YOURSELVES. You have ignored the pleas from Saint Joseph, Holy Mary, and My Holy and Immaculate Son Jesus Christ, so you can go and praise the Wicked one and that, Little Ones, is an insult that I cannot tolerate. The events will no longer be stopped. Pray so that at the end you can count with the intercession of Holy Mary, your defender and My Beloved Faithful and Chaste Saint Joseph, so you don’t fall into hell. Many of your beautiful lives are a waste; don’t let your soul be a waste when it chooses eternity. I love you, Little Ones which have come out of My Loving Heart and My Creation. I love you despite yourselves. (SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) All can count with My Sword and My Protection but you must consecrate to Mary so you are part of Our Blood. Do it because these are the last shouts with which we are uniting the army of Heaven. Understand it, the last anguished and agonizing calls. Go!, that even Heaven has begged you. “Do what My Son tells you”, Our and Your Queen of BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Heaven and Earth has told you. Do it!, I have been emphasizing it for thousands of years, just do it and don’t think about it anymore. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) As the head has done, the body follows, I tell you that as My Pope has been rejected and thrown out, so yourselves come out standing tall and march securely towards Me. They are myriads and myriads those that have spilt My Holy Blood and My Love for nothing. MY SACRIFICE IN THE CROSS HAS BEEN USELESS FOR THEM that is why I hurt, Little Loved One, greatly. (1) Lord, make me a channel of thy peace,/ that where there is hatred, I may bring love; /that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness; /that where there is discord, I may bring harmony; /that where there is error, I may bring truth; /that where there is doubt, I may bring faith; /that where there is despair, I may bring hope; that where there are shadows, I may bring light; /that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. /Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted; /to understand, than to be understood; /to love, than to be loved. /For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. /It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. /It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life./ Amen (Prayer of Peace, Saint Francis of Assisi)

(2) Anathema. (Latin anathĕma and Greek ναϴημα. 1. Ex-communion (action and effect of excommunicating). 2. Curse. 3. In the Old Testament, it condemns the persons or things affected by the curse attributed to God…

(3) Abominates. 1. Detest. 2. Condemn or curse someone or something considered bad or harmful. 3. Adj. Derogatory. Follower of political or social institutions of past times.

(4) Retrograde. (Latin, retrogrădus. 1. Adj. reactionary. 2. Follower of political or social institutions of past times.

(5) “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law; your worst enemies will be the members of your own family. Those who love their father or mother more than me are no BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

16 fit to be disciples; those whole love their son or daughter more than me are not fit to be my disciples. Those who do not take up their cross and follow in my steps are not fit to be my disciples. Those who try to gain their own life will lose it; but those who lose their life for my sake will gain it. You can be sure that whoever gives a drink of cold water to one of the least of these my followers because he is my follower, will certainly receive a reward.” Matthew 10: 34-39, 42

(6) Scripture calls the abode of the dead, to which the dead Christ went down, 'hell' — Sheol in Hebrew or Hades in Greek — because those who are there are deprived of the vision of God. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, Number 633.)

(7) Throw a boat into the gulf. 2. Intr. About a boat: go out to sea, so you longer don’t see the seashore. 3. Get deep into a business, letting yourself be taken or snatched away from a thought or effect. (Friday, March 1, during the prayers of The Way to the Cross)


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Come, Little One that you are alone, you are sad, and they are making you doubt your own sanity. The worst criticism has not started yet; make deaf ears of them, that they are fire darts from the enemy. Center yourself in the Love, in the Faith, in the Hope. Heaven expects much of you and will not cease to help you, of warning you, and, most of all, in an immeasurably way, to Love you.



Don’t leave space for the insects to enter your soul. They enter as DOUBT and from there, if you do not defend yourself, start eating at your soul, like an infestation of insects, of locust, over the new harvest. Don’t play with the critics that attack you. Close those doors and concentrate. I warn those of you who want to play the game of the intellect, you will fall because the intellect is the sword of the person that defends his ego, the arrogance; the fruit of the spirit is PEACE; do not let peace be taken from you, unless your Salvation is in jeopardy. Whoever speaks with God, who listens to Him, is who has something TRULY to Say, because it is Heaven who is speaking to you. Listen to them, Little Ones that this Grace is given to you because it is necessary for humanity. Do not abandon My Mystics and My Prophets: follow in their footsteps towards Heaven, that is the reason they leave them on the sand for you. Don’t be arrogant, better yet, be humble and know that time is going away. In the same way as in other times that My Prophets have asked Me not to send the calamities, this time it is not different; but I cannot listen and do what you ask Me because time is against My Children; there are more that with the passing of time get lost, than those that return Home, that is why We tell you this. The storm is getting near: Close the doors and the windows and take cover. Don’t be planning for the future, which is greatly uncertain for you. Lock yourself from the world, take refuge in Holy Mary, don’t go out without asking your Beloved Protector Saint Michael Archangel for his guidance, his sword, his protection, and pay attention to the warnings that Heaven sends you.



Leave the idols, those men that have enthroned themselves and love to be admired and idolized by multitudes. Do not admire them; do not follow them, which is an offense to Heaven, which is an offense to My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Return to a simple life, in customs, as if you were living in a small town. Live peacefully, in calm. Leave the hurries. Take My Children to My Beloved Son Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords. It is more to make a small act of repentance for your sins, than to build empires. Don’t waste your time, which is My Time, in worldly things: Be simple, be loving, and, with your presence spread the Kingdom of My Son. Be a witness of it, which is NOW, Little ones, when the Heavens miss you the most. Many of you have had many years and time to dedicate to the world, to your businesses and your lives, now We ask you: Devote yourself to Heaven for the time that you have remaining. Your Loving Father who has been and will be there for you ALWAYS, asks you, begs you. Do not underestimate My Holy Callings. Amen, Father, amen. So be it, Little One, so be it. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Little Lambs of My Flock: I am your Divine Shepherd, Your Lord, Your Friend. Do not tire of working for Heaven that the work is hard and the workers are few. Give everything for Heaven that Heaven will know how to reward you when the moment comes to pick the harvest, keep on planting even to your last breath. Don’t try to see the fruit now, amidst the storm. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Leave seeds of faith, of love; the Good Seed, which is Mine. Leave it wherever you go. Don’t even waste one occasion to help your brothers, of showing them His Divine Shepherd, His Lord, and His friend. No work of Mercy is small to the Holy Eyes of the Lord, and the hunger is great, and also the thirst. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One, you, those carrying a BIG MISSION are strongly protected and especially guarded by Heaven. I warn you: Do not be afraid. I am telling you: Don’t doubt, even if you think you are alone, Heaven goes touching hearts and Converting, counting on your work. FOR NO REASON IN THIS WORLD LEAVE THIS WORK ASIDE. Temptation will come to abandon it when the storm gets stronger. Don’t doubt, continue. Just like Saint Joseph and I Continued. (I see a desert and Saint Joseph leading, with a rein, an ass in which Holy Mary is mounted, sideways, with Jesus in her Womb almost ready to be Born. Far away you can see the City where they are headed, you can see it. They still have to go like half a day more and they will arrive. We don’t see the goal, but it has already been shown to me, it can be seen there.) Do not abandon Your Lord now that the birth is so near, STAY AND YOU WILL SEE THE MARVELS THE LORD does for His people. Remember, it is not you who will battle, body to body against the dragon. It will be My Son who will defeat him. Maintain yourselves Next to Us. At the Side of My Most chase Spouse Saint Joseph, on the side of the ass he rode, close to my Beloved Son, and YOU WILL SEE THE MARVELS OF THE LORD. “You plant seeds crying, and harvest laughing.” BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Amen. March 6


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One. Abba. Do you know what we are going to talk about? Now I have an idea because of the themes You have inspired to me during all the week. That’s correct, Little One. You already realized that Heaven’s guide is not abrupt, crude, and sudden, but soft, subtle, and almost indiscernible in its silken walk. Little One, we have to talk of Forgiveness, among other things. Look, when a soul descends to the world, it comes without bitterness and it must return in the same way, if it is to enter triumphantly to Heaven. Bitterness is a very heavy bale that will make the foot stumble and (the) soul will not be able to reach the gates of Heaven. You forget the grace of Forgiveness. You prefer not to think of those you feel have offended you or think at all, or even less, in those that you have offended; but in both cases, that is not the way to remedy it, just thinking about it, reviewing your memory and BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


doing A VOLUNTARY ACT of releasing it to God, to Me, Little Ones, and find forgiveness. Don’t you constantly say in the Prayer to the Father: “Forgive”, and if you say it so often, Why don’t you do it? You are constantly pleading for My Holy Forgiveness and you know how easily I forgive you, if the intention is straight and you confess it, but you have a tendency of not forgiving even the minimum fault of your brothers against you. Very few times it is a grave assault to your human dignity, like it was for My Beloved and Perfect Son during the mocking of the hit men in the Crowing with Thorns, in the Scourging, in their offering vinegar instead of refreshing wine, when He agonized of Pain and Thirst. That was an attempt against the Dignified Divinity, and even so, He loved you more and forgave you. And if My Son, Little Ones, Little ones of Ours, could forgive you in those extremes of deliberate cruelty, mockery, taunting, and malice; that you carry bitterness for years, for whole lives, and sometimes for generations, because someone outraged your pride, scarcely scratching the surface of your dignity, AND YOU DO NOT FORGIVE THEM! In the same manner how do you expect My Beloved Son to forgive your grave faults and sins? You will not be able to enter Holy Heaven with the “bale of bitterness” on your shoulders; you don’t leave space to help My Beloved Son Jesus Christ to carry the Holy Cross, to help Him, because it weighs more than your resentment, your bitterness, your pride hurt. Do you understand, can you see it, Little Ones? If you are going to go forward in the Way, in the walk towards Holy Heaven, you will have to stop being judges and release your judgments to the Only Universal Just and Perfect Judge: do not try to take justice into your own hands, which is my Beloved Son Jesus Christ. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


When you believe that an injustice has been done against you, pray that it be corrected, and if you do not see that result, leave the case to the Only Just and Perfect Judge: do not try to do justice through your own hand, because your hand will fall over the other one with the weight of hatred and will gravely harm him, and so the unjust act will fall on you like perpetrators, Little Ones. The lamb that is led by others, does not sin when it enters to be shorn, but the one that refuses to enter into the fold, guided by his own pride, will be separated from My Flock. These are very delicate times, Little Ones, and for such an act you could lose My Grace, because the proudness in your human time is immeasurable. Do not sin of pride. Know that your world is actually being guided by Satan, and he deceives Ours so they will fall. He cheers his and to them makes the false justice, crushing Mine, but, My Little Ones, time on earth is short, it is brief, and remember: Blessed are those… (Little One, include here The Beatitudes from Heaven)(1) because they don’t usually remember them, and there you will see the Promise from Heaven. Abby, that’s why last Sunday You made me stop and read the Beatitudes that were on the wall. Without you realizing it, during the whole week we guide you, like in the homily and Sunday’s readings, that they are for you to work on them for the rest of the week; so with you, Little One, and through you with your brothers, that is why it is so important that you see them at the beginning of the Week and you take it them you, study them, and meditate on them. If My Beloved Son that was Crucified, mocked, spat, judged with sarcasm(2), and falsehood, placed in the middle of the town to be the center of mockery and malice, BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


dressed in purple and with a vile crown of mockery, that He dignified with his Perfect Wisdom, even within His humanity, if He forgave that they (the soldiers) raffled his Holy Garments. If My Beloved Son was able to forgive and Love His critics(3) much more than what can be imagined even by the best between all of you; that you cannot forgive yourselves for the petty things that you do to each other each day; That is not worthy of those pretending to be called MY CHILDREN! Be like My Son is and don’t go imitating anyone else because that will lead you to perdition. Children: when you enter into a situation in which you don’t know what to do, ask yourself: What would Jesus Christ do? And the answer will always be: Love, Understand, and Forgive. That is your guide, but you will have to do it, My Little Ones, you will have to place your actions at the height of your words or they will be no good, Little Ones. Or by chance do you believe that a wicked person who reads the Bible gains from it? Only if he changes his heart, Little Ones, only if he changes his ways. Ask and you shall receive… Search and you will find…What are you looking for, My Little Ones so loved? Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of Heaven, or are you going to conform to risk to end in an eternity of fire, repentance, hate, and pain? (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Little Ones, I have told you that NOTHING remains empty: What do you pretend to be filled with if it is not by Me? Those that are not with Me are against Me; he who does not forgive cannot be forgiven. Are you so clean that you do not need My Forgiveness to enter into Heaven, Little Ones? Or are you human and sin, therefore, you need to be cleaning yourself from this swamp in which you live? Do unto your brothers as you wish Heaven to do to you. If you need to be forgiven, you yourself forgive, that no one can pass the veil if they are full of bitterness, even if you are pious and follow the law, If I BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


have no love, I am nothing. Love goes hand in hand with forgiveness, and the son that is not humble, and in the contrary is arrogant and that is why he won’t forgive, he is not a son of Good, but of Evil. Forgiveness, Little Ones, is going to free you of the chains of the past: you cannot continue being like that. For once get rid of those chains that tie you! Ask Me that you will find in your heart Love and the Will to forgive any and all hurts which have been committed against your person, your reputation, your goods, and the persons close to you. Ask Me to give you the Grace to forgive your enemies, because if you don’t do it, how are you going to love them, like I have asked you to? (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Abba? Yes, Little One. There is something else I wanted to make clear and it’s very simple, and it’s this: Ever since the creation of these multitudinous services of inter-communication what has been allowed, Little One, is that the one that searches, finds what he is looking for in his heart, that which he truly desires. In their own interior each knows what he is looking for and that is what I see, not what they want to pretend, but what TRULY is in the center of their soul and heart, in front of you and In Front of Me, Little Ones. Those that were thirsty of God and couldn’t find it came, making their way easier, by receiving My Messages, those that Searched for Me Easily Found My Messages; but in the same way those that search, even if by curiosity, with and by the same way and method for evil, they will also find it here. Man’s knowledge has spread and with it, you cannot longer argue that “I didn’t know about it”, because those that have access to these webs of communication know what and who you are looking for, I repeat, having Thirst of God BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


You Search for Me and found Me, and the apparitions of My Beloved Daughter, and the Holly Word of My Beloved Son, so be careful for what you look for because you will find it easily, My Little Ones. Very well, My Little One. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) My daughter Mother? You will have to ignore the criticism; we have already told you so. Didn’t My Beloved son, your Beloved King and Lord, answer each critic and mockery they made to him, losing the opportunity of speaking of the Kingdom of Heaven? No, Little Ones. When the Evil one attacks you, and more so those that have extensive forums and you lose valuable time replying small stuff and defending more your pride and reputation, than defending the Holy Word of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ, you are placing yourself in importance over Him, your King of kings and Lord of lords. So, My Little Children, don’t waste time, just go on spreading My Son’s Kingdom and in Loving and Forgiving, that you don’t know the day or time in which He will return, but you better throw on the floor those bales and those long lists that are never ending of acts committed against you. Don’t wait for justice in this world, there isn’t any; but pray to be among the Blessed where My Son very well has told you, they will find the justice that you needlessly search for on earth. Or by any chance, I ask you, does water flow out of stones? (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Abby. The other thing I want to talk to you about is how now you, those that are completely Mine, feel a strong desire and need to retire yourselves more from the world. Even from inside the center of your family, but to isolate even more, without leaving it. Stay more like silent and prayerful beings, because it is not important to actively participate in so many talks and dead time. Be there, but retract yourselves more to silence and prayer. You will see how the silence, if you learn to speak the necessary, like My wise men, like My cloistered monks, starts entering more into your souls, and all the noise that you yourselves make while talking needlessly will be silenced; and when you silence your lips, you silence your minds, and you appease your spirits. Try to be there, but being cautious. Be careful that your word is necessary and not that old ugly custom of this century of never shutting up. Those that follow my Loving Advice will find the haven of peace within themselves that will be difficult to find outside. Start preparing in silence and in DEEP PRAYER that is what I am inviting you to do. So this week start forgiving, be strong and well-grounded with hope in the Beatitudes, that everything that you justly desire for being My Children, you will have it (but you will have to wait and not pretend to take from the world what is not in your power; like Justice, Love, Truth, the supreme Good, the Joy, and finally the Perpetual Happiness); and start the way of silence, of retreat, and practice, take your first steps in being more sober and controlling the spoken word so you will start entering more profoundly in the interior of your being where My Beloved son lives in you. Thank you, My Little Ones, My beloved. I love you immeasurably.



Your God the Father. (1)The Beatitudes The Beatitudes are in the center of Jesus preaching. With them, Jesus tells us the promises made to the chosen people of Abraham; but He makes them perfect putting them in order not only of the possession on earth, but of the Kingdom of Heaven: “Happy are those who they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them! Happy are those who are humble; they will receive what God has promised! Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully! Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them! Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God! Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children! Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! Happy are you when people insult you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers. Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven.” (Matthew 5:3-12) (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1716) (2)Sarcasm. 1. Irony (tone of mockery when something is spoken). (3)Critics. /’kritik/n.(From the Greek, dr’ӕktә(r) 1. Take away from. (March 10) BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI



(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) I wish, Little Ones, that my children who are consecrated to Holy Mary strive to be the most like She is. My Little Children must be a bastion of peace for all those that come near. They will be the encampment that amidst the war the suffering will be able to find that they are welcome; first of all with Love, with a hot soup, with a blanket, a place in the table, and in your Home. Do not despise anyone, that whoever comes near is because (even though you don’t see it, or know it, or sometimes, not even believe it completely and you doubt it: whoever comes near you) he is a soul that Heaven is saving from the fires of hell by all means possible. Don’t be the ones who make this mission impossible. Accept everyone, receive everyone, and love everyone: that the world is a swarm of selfishness, ill feeling, hate, and if you, My Faithful, My Beloved, are not my camps of peace, in middle of the war, I repeat it, where are my poor sons of the desert going to seek refuge? Open your arms to everyone accept anyone that comes near; don’t refuse My Holy and Divine Mercy to anyone. And, above all, Little Ones Very Mine, forgive the offenses. How many times did My Holy Son tell you: seventy times seven you will forgive the offenses that have been committed against you? Do not hold back the forgiveness to BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


anyone, to anyone, that each one is a soul created especially by Me, your Creator Father, your Beloved Father since eternity. Do as I tell you and peace will not abandon your hearts. Do not despise no one, no one, Little Ones, that you have been converted into older brothers, in favorite children, and Heaven is safe guarding your backs. If you fall get up quickly, don’t remain on the floor too long that is where the war horses will pass, and will drive over you if you don’t get up quickly. Ask my forgiveness for your constant sinning, raise your face up to Heaven and pray for guidance and forgiveness, that Your Loving Father who is in Heaven will know how to reward you for doing The Holly Will and not your own. Is that clear, My Children? Remember that when you judge you are but pointing out with hardness the beam in your own eye. Turn away your look from Heaven of your sin, when you forgive the mistakes of your brother. The oldest brother is the one who guides now my Holy Flock. Do not let evil confuse you that My Principles and Precepts are neat, are clear, and there is no space for exception. Reconcile reconcile, reconcile and pray from your hearts for each other, because, I repeat, how will you able to love your enemies? As I Have Commanded. Day-by-day I Forgive your petty details, but I cannot forgive the one who is inflexible and hard with his brother; the one who places himself above others, because all are My Children, and the oldest is not to judge harshly, but to offer a loving hand and protection, do it like that, that you are already the oldest among your brothers, My Little Ones Very Mine. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


My daughter, whoever shuts out forgiveness, closes himself to Holy Grace. It’s like he was closing the window shutters so the noon light won’t come in. Open the flood gates, open the shutters and the latches, let the warmth of God’s Love enter into your hearts, if not, What warmth can you take to your brothers that are agonizing of coldness now? Don’t be selfish and dare to love, to offer the other cheek, that I, Little Ones, that what I ask of you is to be celestial creatures, because in these last and fateful times, those that are not children of Heaven, are quickly recruited for the armies of the Wicked one, from which it is very difficult to escape. If you see anyone indecisive, take him under your protection and do not desist of him, as Heaven did not desist with you, do not desist, I repeat, I point it out, I command, I order you, until you have deposited him in the Loving Arms of My Holy Mother Maria, Queen of Peace. Take them out of the war, explain to them with love, and be LIVING GOSPELS, that in this way you will be light in the darkness of the world. Never desist. Keep going, Keep going, Keep going My Faithful, that Heaven is guarding your steps, and keeps you from falling into the abyss of fire. You have to walk with caution and very carefully, but not because of that be paralyzed and stop your march towards eternity. Much is expected of you, Little Ones, but also you count with many gifts of Heaven to carry out your Mission. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One, Holy Mother I had to reprimand you, Little One of Mine, because weren’t you seeing how one small step outside and the peace fled from your soul and heart? You returned soon but I know that you don’t like to bow down your pride, you defend it, justify it and all for not giving BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


in; but in those games I can lose My Children, that’s why Heaven is quick and decided to reprimand you, and it depends on you if you continue in your mistake or change. I am happy, Little One, that you have recognized your error and in only loving Heaven more than the world, more My Beloved Son, than your pride and reputation, will you find how to give in and offer the other cheek. Always remember how My Son forgave even the worst of his executioners, those that spit on His Holy Face, that tore His Holy Garments, how My Perfect Son remained silent and prayed for those that offended him. Don’t be different than My Beloved Son. He is your Divine Master, your –King of kings and Lord of lords- your True Friend. Trust My Son, Trust in My Beloved Son, trust –I repeat it to you and don’t doubt- of Heaven’s guide, and even if you don’t want to do it, do Heaven’s will. Don’t you say in the Our Father: “Thy will be done and not mine”, do as you say, for some reason My Son left you this holy Prayer, guide yourselves by it. (SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Saint Michael? Little One: Heaven congratulates itself with each battle that is won, and keeps going ahead with his. Don’t look at your actions inspired by Heaven, keep going, keep going, keep going, that there is no time to lose. Take heed in everything you hear from the Prophets of the Lord, don’t postpone forgiving until tomorrow, that tomorrow, is a highly uncertain time. Start forgiving today, to have your things in order so you won’t lose your peace and always be sure and firm in the faith and in your actions. Don’t give space or pretext to



the Wicked one, that the accuser unceasingly looks for ways to make you stumble and keep you away from The Lord. Humility is the key to return, and without forgiveness there is no way to turn around in the door lock. In Heaven, you will see how absurd is rancor and the quantity of good souls that we lose because of this. Don’t let yourselves be confused, don’t give the Wicked one permission to enter into your surroundings attracted by your rancor. Vermin likes darkness, and rancor is nothing else, let the light of forgiveness enter into your homes. Reconcile amongst each other and forgive, forgive, and forgive if you are children of God the Highest. Amen to all. So be it, Amen. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Consecrate yourself Consecrate yourself Consecrate yourself, Little Ones, don’t forget it; personally, and your homes and families, your saintly Missions, your enemies, consecrate all that is yours to make it Heaven’s. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Finally, My Little Ones, forgiveness is the balm for the soul that cures your wounds. Do not postpone it any longer; it is now that you must reconcile with everyone, is you are My Children, if you call yourself and consider it so. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Do I feel rancor for you? Haven’t I forgiven you? Is that what I taught you?


33 (March 11)


(AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) The laborers of the cornfields of the Lord are worth more than hundreds or thousands of indifferent people or those that work poorly in the boilers of the Evil one. The ones that are already here are the real ones. Don’t expect glory or support from the earth, that everything will come at the correct time from Heaven, Little Ones of the Beloved Heaven. (THE HOLY SPIRIT SPEAKS) Little One, don’t be frightened and definitively you are not a little crazy, you are not (or) completely crazy. You are simply, have been, and will be capable of seeing and hearing and feeling through the senses of the soul, which is uncommon in your century. Many cannot or even imagine it, and that it is why they don’t believe it. They also have not believed My other Prophets, but that never stopped Heaven or the elected or the chosen. To doubt is human, but to cease working that is not human but evil. It does not matter if you don’t know where the seed we have planted is going, don’t fret where it’s going or how it was planted.



Leave the gathering of the fruit of your works to Your Creator Father that loves you so much, and just occupy yourselves, each one of you, more in your special and very specific work. Take heed and you will see how everything flows harmoniously and almost miraculously in your lives. Don’t forget: Trust in Jesus Christ; remain faithful to His Holy and True Word; pray strongly, with straight intention, to your Creator Father; and ask me ALWAYS the necessary inspiration and wisdom to make delicate decisions in your lives. Children, don’t desire to go alone in the Way, the walking, because you will get lost very easily. In each junction of the Way, pray mightily, and ask for My Sacred Intercession that I promise you I will give you the holy discernment so necessary, like a floating raft in the middle of the stormy sea. Pray, pray, pray. Little Ones of Heaven (March 10)




(OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One Holy and Beloved Mother It’s comforting to Me, Little One, that you have done what I, Your Holy Mother, requested from you. Many times Heaven will ask you to apologize to someone you do not wish to apologize to, because you feel you did not act wrong, but you must do it, because we are, from Heaven, trying to soften the much hardened hearts so they will received the light and accept the protection. So, My Beloved Little Ones, My Faithful warriors of the Lord, do not despise not even one of My Beloved Son’s requests, because My warriors don’t know the end in mind that Heaven prepares through your act. Simply, do it for love. Like when your loving grandmother requests something, you don’t say: Why? For what? Do what is asked of you and TRUST. Don’t want (Our Mother laughs a little) to know the issues of Heaven that greatly transcend you, but do your small part, with Love, Devotion, and Humility, that if the act leads you to humiliation; Aren’t you doing what Your Beloved and Perfect Teacher, Your Lord and King Jesus Christ would do? I tell you little ones, with something small that you will do, Heaven can do Miracles. Amen, Holy Virgin, Conceived Without Sin Amen Our Very Own Daughter and remain in the battle that the most acute and decisive part is beginning. Always Trust Your Holy Mother that the Battle is Ours. Amen and sorry for my having stumbled with my petty pride. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Amen Little One (MY GUARDIAN ANGEL SPEAKS) My Child (It is my Guardian Angel) We are here, on earth at your side, and we won’t leave your side, of each one, unless you request it. Believe that the Angels are at your side Helping You, supporting you, guiding you; but you must turn to Heaven and ask for Our Intercession and help. Don’t forget your Guardian Angels need your permission to intervene. Know that the fallen Angels interfere when you commit sinful acts; those are considered by them as “permission or invitation”, so be careful and do not sin, take care of your words, invocations and even thoughts, that they are ready to interfere in any of your carelessness. Now is not the time to be negligent of your words, your acts, and of your thoughts: Be careful of your words because they are the ones that open or close the doors, the entrance to your interior. When you watch movies, don’t see the invocations, because without realizing it you will repeat them in your interior, and it is a trap from the Evil one to push his followers inside of you. Don’t watch those sacrilegious enchantments and witchery that have one purpose and it is (that) while you are being careless, resting, thinking that is is “only a movie or a song, or a painting”, they are used as doors to access you. So, Little Ones, from now on you will notice that there is nothing harmless, nothing with a charged intention towards Evil. It is a war not an amusement park! And the television



is a magnetic battle camp to which you are attracted, like bees to a hive, and being that way they will crush you. Can you understand, can you see it, can you believe it? Don’t forget that the Great Saint Michael Archangel that already plunged the Evil one and will do it again, but you must be faithful to The House where you belong. We repeat to you: The Time is now, it’s now or never. While the conclave is going on you are ignorant of what transcends there, what is happening, but not because of that nothing is occurring, the same it is with your television and technological equipment: Not knowing how they work on the inside doesn’t mean that it does not happen, simply that you are unable to know. There is an example that is unpleasant, and I ask your pardon for the imagination that will result. You that eat meat (which is not a sin, nor prohibited by law) only see in front of you at your table the served dish, but you don’t imagine where this is coming from. In the same way, the messages that your receive from the television and through your computers come from similar ways, if you would know you would shut off your equipment and would never put them on again, but since you can’t know, you must Trust how Heaven warns you. The child that is going to touch a live wire doesn’t understand it, but the father only tells him: “Don’t do it”, because The Father knows. So We in Heaven Know, you, Little Ones, don’t; here is where Trust enters. In spite of everything I Believe, In spite of everything I Hope, in spite of everything I Love.(1) I beg you, Little One Very Much Our Own, put here the prayers that you will find to Saint Michael the Warrior of Heaven (2) that are very useful for your Invocation and Protection. Only invoke the prayers that Heaven has proven and approved, and you will see how peace will re-flood your convulsive and anguished souls. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Amen, Little One. Amen, My Kind and great Guardian and Custodial Angel. Thank you for caring for me in these evil Last Times that like Saint Juan Diego used to say, I am… (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Beloved My Jesus Learn what we have left for you in these Beautiful Dialogs, don’t be afraid of doing it that you can check if you so desire it, -you have My Holly Permission to do so- consult with a good parochial pastor or Priest, that he will not find anything against what is called the Sane Doctrine, the Ancestral Magisterium of My Church, or against My Word which is Gospel, or against the Old Alliance. Check if you want to. Not you, (Jesus smiles with so much love and tenderness) not you, continue with your work and don’t spend time or be busy with mundane things, You are a bridge between Heaven and earth. Don’t descend to the earthly, keep yourself In Here (Jesus shows me His Sacred Heart) that in there (he points to my heart) I Find Sacred Abode. Amen, My Absolute Love Amen, My Daughter (Jesus kisses my forehead with so much love…) (March 12)



Saint Diego, through you I returned to the House of the Father. Our Little One, heel of the family like I was on earth. Follow Faithfully Our Daughter Queen so Beloved, and do not stop obeying Her in anything. Help me to be that way, help me that I am human and I am earth, mud, dust, and trash… You always have My Humble Help and my humble intercession, My Daughter. Don’t disobey anything that Our Queen here in Heaven and there in the Mexican land from where she is Universal Patroness tells you. (1) Prayer of the Angel My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love You. Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. Amen. (2)St. Michael Archangel (in Hebrew ‫ סן מיגל‬Mīkhā'īl “Who is like God?”); (in Arab Mija’il)(in Greek: Mijail; in Latin: Michael) is the Chief and Commander of the Heavenly Hosts in the Judaic, Islamic, and Christian (Catholic Church, Orthodox, Coptic, and Anglican). At that time there shall arise Michael, the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time. At that time your people shall escape, everyone who is found written in the book. (Daniel 12,1) Pope Leo XIII Prayer


40 (Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto

praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute, in infernum detrude. Amen.) St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen SMALL PRAYER: (Latin «iaculatorĭus», Spanish: jaculatoria, English: small and fervorous Prayer) His name in Hebrew is Mi-ka-El, which means: Who is Like God”. This was his battle cry when he conquered Lucifer with the rebel angels and united all the Faithful Angels under one banner. It can be said like a powerful prayer in any moment of need. Who is like God? No one is like God. Who is like God? No one is like God. Who is like God? No one is like God. (March 12) (during the first day of the conclave to elect a Pope)




(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) My little ones, Since now you can ascertain that Holy Heaven does not desert you, I have given you a new Pope that comes from your beloved lands, where a big portion of My Beloved Faithful Rest dwell, live, and from where My Holy Mercy expands to the rest of the world. In the same way that We are speaking to you in these the Last Times: Beloved Faithful Rest, I have given you a shepherd that comes from your lands, that you will be able to hear in your own sweet language so you will feel closer to Me. We will not leave you alone, now you can prove it. The happenings continue their course, Little Ones, don’t believe that because we have given you a new shepherd, that the wolves are going to stay away and release their prey; they will continue to attack, but you, My Little Ones, My Beloved, continue being faithful to your Pope, and do not let yourselves deviate to the right or left from the magisterium of the Holy Church. Do you see now how My Ways are inscrutable and nothing for your intelligence and wasted time on predictions? In these the Last Times it is necessary, Little Ones Very Much Mine, that you be as radicals as Saint Francis was, who guides My Holy Church in name and invocation; it is



the Franciscan spirit of Humility the one that must be adopted by My Beloved Faithful Rest, don’t forget it. Less than that will not be enough to sustain you. I have given you a Pope in your beloved lands of Latin America, where he dwells, lives, and preach great mercy over you. My Holy Spirit will guide you until you reach My Dwelling. Don’t let yourselves be confused with predictions, look at the events that are coming, and be firm in your faith, be charitable, as was Saint Francis, so loved. Take the representations that you have on earth of My Saint, and follow his doctrine which is Faithful to My Church. Francis, John (*), was not more or less human than you, don’t stop watching his life and imitate it, that to follow him is to follow My Beloved Son Jesus Christ. Do you understand, Little Ones Very Much Mine?+ Your Father, who loves you immeasurably. “STRENGTHEN MY FAITHFUL PEOPLE”, God the Father tells me. (*)His true name was John, but due to his father’s commerce with France, he was nicknamed Francesco (the French). (Wednesday, March 13, with the election of the new Pope, Francis)




(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Little One My Beloved Listen: The new Pope that you have in the world won’t be of everyone’s liking because he will remind you of those things which you don’t want to remember: simply of how you should be: Francis is the one who will guide My Holy Faithful People in this End of Times. Don’t doubt it. Now, Little One, many will not let themselves be humbled by the Spirit, which he embodies and represents: which is the Franciscan spirit, meaning: Humility itself, the love for all My creatures, yes, including My little creatures and the very Creation of the Beloved Father. Some, and they are not few, wished a Pope that “would modernize sin”, but that cannot be. Not so, even with a vote of obedience, they will fulfill the orders of My Holy Pope. They will try, through all possible means, that he accepts sin as if it was the Good, but they will be unable to crush him; they won’t do it. My Faithful Pope not in duties, Benedict, admits and supports the effort that you will do along with the new Pope. I am with Them and with My Beloved Mother (Remember that there are no favorite children between the favorites than those that called her My Holy Mother). Don’t doubt it, there will be furious multitudes and you should not enter into discussions, because I have told you: Sin is sin and it will always be so. My Church was founded By Peter, to whom I gave the responsibility and the Keys of Heaven. Never will the Holy Spirit of Absolute Good and Truth be far away of My Holy Word, and sin won’t be endorsed. Do you understand, My Little One? BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


My Church will not enter the “modernity”, it will not be part of the course of the world and the events that will happen from now on. My Faithful People should not participate of what is proper to the world and must, like My Faithful Benedict XVI, seclude themselves the most possible so their souls won’t be mortally contaminated. Guard yourselves as much as possible. Assist daily to the Holy Eucharist. Do not go to bed in mortal sin that you might not wake up. Be charitable and believe that My Second Coming is getting near and the Wicked one walks like a roaring lion abducting the souls to take them to hell. These are not times for you to be traveling or vacationing in faraway places because you don’t know the great events that are getting close to you. Stay close to your houses and homes to be able to return to them in any emergency. Don’t walk the streets carefree and much less without protection (I remind you again, just in case you have forgotten it and “thrown it into the bag of forgetfulness”. Don’t go out, I had already told you, without the Psalm 91 of Protection and Ephesians 6. (1) In the mornings the Protection Prayers must be your priority and the Consecration to Holy Mary (2), do it in each opportunity. Don’t leave your Sacramentals and Holy Rosaries. Heaven, Little Children, Beloved Faithful People, never speaks to you without a reason, so if Holy Heaven is warning you: Heed that on the contrary you could suffer strong calamities. We told you, even though you don’t know why –take heed when you are called internally. If you feel you should not go to a place or that you should not take such a BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


road: Don’t do it. Don’t let reason enter because through it you could be fatally deceived. Don’t be like the foolish women that did not have enough oil in their lamps because the Lord was taking too long to arrive (3). Be alert to My Callings that I am Coming to you, My Little Faithful People. Don’t doubt it. Don’t doubt it. Don’t doubt it. Do as I indicate that war is getting near, and the shortage and events never seen before by the eyes of men, but KNOW that you have chosen the best part: YOU ARE MY CHILDREN: MY LITTLE ONES, AND I WILL NEVER ABANDON YOU. As for now, My Children, with these precautions remain in Peace that My Holy Angels are guarding your Ways (Psalm 91). I Love You Immeasurably Jesus, Your Good Shepherd. Amen, My Little Ones. Amen, our Beloved Jesus. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One Holy Mother This I warn and repeat to you, especially to those that already have a Mission with the Holy Heaven: Do not let your guard down, that like in your earthly jobs, your bosses are going to do a good performance of their work, they have to see that the workers are BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


secure and protected; it is similar in Heaven. Those of you who have Missions with the Holy Heaven don’t do things without taking into consideration your security. Do as you are told by My Beloved Son. Do you understand, My Beloved?

(1) Psalm 91


He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, who abides in the shadow of the Almighty,


will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust."


For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence;


he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.


You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,


nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.


A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you.


You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.


Because you have made the LORD your refuge, the Most High your habitation,


no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent.


For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways.


On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.


You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI



Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.


When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him.


With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Ephesians 6


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.


Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.


Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,


and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace;


besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one.


And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,



CONSECRATION The Consecration that I do, even though there are others, is this one: “Oh, Immaculate Heart of My Mother Mary!: To you My Mother I Consecrate my body, my soul, and my spirit; I consecrate to you my family, my spiritual and material goods and everything that God has put under our care. My Mother take possession of us and our families. That Your Immaculate Heart protect our homes from all disasters and calamities and, in these times of purification, guides us on the Way of Good, so together with you, we can reach the Grace and Mercy of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Blessing of Mary Protect Us; Blessing of Mary Cover Us; Blessing of Mary Shelter Us; Blessing of Mary Guide Us to the Doors of the Eternal Jerusalem. (2) Matthew 25 1 "Then the kingdom of heaven shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them; 4 but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. 5 As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. 6 But at midnight there was a cry, `Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.' 7 Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, `Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.' 9 But the wise replied, `Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.' 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. 11 Afterward the other maidens came also, saying, `Lord, lord, open to us.' 12 But he replied, `Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.' 13 Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. 14 "For it will be as when a man going on a journey called his servants and entrusted to them his property; 15 to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. 16 He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them; and he made five talents more. 17 So also, he who had the two talents made two talents more. 18 But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. 19 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. 20 And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, `Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.' 21 His master said to him, `Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master.' 22 And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, `Master, you delivered to me two talents; here I have made two talents more.' 23 His master said to him, `Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

49 over much; enter into the joy of your master.' 24 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, `Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not winnow; 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.' 26 But his master answered him, `You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sowed, and gather where I have not winnowed? 27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. 28 So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has the ten talents. 29 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.' 31 "When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, and then he will sit on his glorious throne. (Matthew 25, 1-31) (ABS 1992) (March 14)


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) We have come to that, Little One. Each one will do what is proper. The natures, the way of being and doing have been delimited and defined, so don’t expect miracles in the behavior of the persons. See how you have been through the wide and narrow of your lives, and if it was to do evil –BUT WITHOUT A CHANGE OF CONVERSION, MEANING THE HEART-, the bad ones will remain in their thing; the Good, also. The foot will stumble more easily: The traps are plenty and they are not visible, but hidden under the earth so when you pass you will be trapped. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Little ones, in these Last Times, I have told you, nothing remains innocent, now almost not even the children are. Very soon in their tiny lives they start to corrupt, to pervert. To the children that they preserve their innocence. Take care, as well as their own soul, what you will allow to make contact with them; don’t corrupt your children with their mundane tastes and attitudes and, most of all, don’t push them away from My House. That is why I tell you: take care of your words, that they do not go loaded of irony and hardness; take care of your habits which the little ones will imitate; take care of what you say in front of them that they listen to everything and understand much more than what you believe. Take care the little that they have close of My Divine Creation as a gesture of love to it and of Respect to Their Beloved Father. Little Ones, don’t break away from the boat in which you sail, because the surf is increasing and if you are not well secured in your places, you could fall overboard. All these precautions that we give you, believe it, are necessary in these times. To My Church and My faithful do not criticize or judge them with a human measure that they are not to please men. Don’t emit carefree opinions regarding My Church, that with your mouths you damage it in irreversible ways. Hush in front of the subjects that are discussed with ignorance and arrogance, don’t participate of them, in the same way that you would not participate in a poisoned banquet. These are times of keeping yourselves in tidy word and in prayer. Take advantage of the time left to reconcile with Me, Little Ones, that you don’t BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


know what’s coming or where. Rather, be attentive to not dirtying your behavior or your soul which has been cleaned: you don’t go out but to dirty it in the world. I if command you an action: Do it, with simplicity and obedience. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) (JESUS, THE CHRIST, comes as fisherman of men) My Little Ones, Little One: Don’t despise the time you have in trifles. Work, work, work for Heaven that it is final and very valuable time. Don’t stop praying, of interceding, and of maintaining yourselves clean. If you sin, run to the confessionals and do penance. Keep yourselves close to The Beloved Father who will know how to shelter and protect you. We have told you this a thousand times, but My Little Ones forget it easily, that’s why, knowing your forgetful nature, we remind you again: Maintain yourself presto(*) and close to the boat’s mast, don’t be walking carefree around the edges that you could inadvertently fall. Maintain yourselves firm in the Faith, sure in your Trust, and open in your Love of Heaven, which is the same as the Most Holy Trinity. (OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS)



Don’t walk, Little Ones, searching for novelties. You already know, in these times, who can guide you with Truth and who can’t. So, little ones, don’t go searching for novelties; rather be well aware of the events, but without suddenly changing the guide, because that will only detract to your salvation. Pray for those that are a guide and light in these Times so that Our Beloved Father Creator and Beloved Redeemer Son give you the strength to remain standing during all the Great Tribulation that has come over you. (*)Presto. (Latin praestus) Adj. exclamation to mean: [to be completed] right away, instantly, i.e. "magically". Adv. 1. Promptly, switftly. BDDH (March 17)


PART I (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One, you caught a cold. It’s not grave, don’t worry. This week, My Daughter, I will be telling you How My Church is where the roots appear to have been buried with the passing of time. Since I, God the Father desire her, miss BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


her, yearn for her, desire her; and it is, justly, like you, My Faithful and Beloved People must be if you want to continue being part of it. MY CHURCH WILL RETURN TO ITS ROOTS, IN THE SAME WAY YOU WILL DO THE SAME, because each one IS THE CHURCH. Did you know that? You must assist the Holy Mass (as I listened to Him, I start listening to the sound of the bells calling to Holy Mass), go, not before inviting your sister who is still close to My Holy House, and to Me. Yes, Abby, I’ll go immediately. Go. (March 17)

PART II Spiritual Vision: Today, during the Holy Eucharist I saw hundreds of hearts as of blown glass; empty inside but with the form and color of the heart. They were slowly falling inside the Church. I did not understand, but trusted that in the right moment would understand it. A little later I saw that one crashed against the floor, breaking with a great uproar. And during the Communion It was revealed to me: The mediocre hearts, empty of love, of works, and of humility will crash; will slam against the floor of the Holy Church. The humble hearts will prevail. This will be the new Church; it was shown to me like that. And I knew that is how Pope Francis will lead this new faithful people. Those that almost had nothing even that they will lose, the ones Jesus considers “mediocre”. It was a very vivid vision, I still see it. “Stone appearance”. “I will vomit the mediocre” “They will crash against Francis, who is…” BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

54 (March 17)

PART III (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One, Listen to The Holy Father, He wants to explain to you the events that are sifting¹ over your heads. We are going to go little by little throughout this week for two reasons. One, Little One, and the most important, is that the events are many and complicated and we don’t like to scare you, but for you to digest little by little, bite by bite, this “spiritual puree” that we have prepared with such love for You, My Little Ones; the second is because, Little One, you have been a little careless and are sick, so you don’t have the energy nor the usual, habitual concentration. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) My Pope, your present servant Benedict XVI could not continue as shepherd of My Beloved Flock, so he has given way to Francis. Who is he, My Little Ones? Suffice to know that he is whom Heaven has chosen to guide you towards The Way in these difficult times of the Great Tribulation. There will be cataclysms and many will not understand, will keep on vainly trying, Little Ones, “to cover the sun with one finger”, but just because they don’t want to see, the events will not cease from happening. This, your Pope, Faithful to Holy Heaven, will know how to guide the heart of the True Church. The Church is not based on riches or power of man, much less (of) money, but of its ancestral riches WHICH ARE GUIDED DIRECTLY BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. Our Pope will know how to lift the foundations and maintain the Church. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


I see: a city, a metropolis completely destroyed, in ruins and the only construction standing is a very small chapel with it altar lighted, with a heavenly light that comes from above. In front a big cross with Christ Agonizing and on his feet, kneeling, and a priest with a Franciscan habit. He is not wearing sandals, barefoot and his cloak is very simple and very used. I know it is Rome. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) This is My Remnant Church. This is what is going to be left; the rest will be destroyed. Those who remain like that in My Agony on the Cross are My True Faithful and friends, the rest will be destroyed. (OUR GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) This is, Little One, the face of My New Church, The True One. Do you resemble My Beloved? What are you missing, or better said, what do you have in overabundance that prevents you from being like this? Do you want to be Church; this is your true face, My Little Ones. Amen.² (1)Sifting. Sift vt Pass to sieve




PART IV (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Little One My Beloved Saint Joseph Listen: I know, Little One, little ones. A multitude of My Children went away from the Holy Church of My Beloved Son due to the riches and the extravagance³. That was not the Church that My Beloved Son established and promulgated. There was, Little One, little ones, a deep contradiction that was visible to the little ones, to the humble. The richer ones coupled comfortably to this easy Catholicism, but it is not this way, Little One, little ones. Or did by chance My Beloved and Perfect Son was born in a golden palace on Earth or in a humble crèche rejected by the majority? You cannot pretend an easy and superficial Catholicism, because that is not The Way to My Son, Little One, little ones. The Church will be purified because it can no longer be the church in these the End of times, the remnant will remain which is its very soul: poor, humble, suffered, and loyal to My Son. Those who follow the human things, but disguised as Catholicism will not prevail as close to Jesus. Look at Holy Mary, My Chaste Spouse during the earthly pilgrimage. Was Holy Mary covered with jewels, gowns, servants or riches by any chance? No, Little Ones, no! Holy Mary was humility itself, humility itself, to the service of her neighbor, and absolute loyalty. You are Church, but humble, serving, poor Church. That is the true Church that My Beloved Son established on earth. Do you understand, Our Little Ones? BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Now Little One, you will see great changes, great dissension (4) because you will not want to lose The Grace, but also the riches and the comfort, and salvation cannot be this way: comfortable and selfish. Don’t you see how Holy Mary was when she was told about the event, she just thought of her cousin Elizabeth and to go on the long journey to serve her, to accompany her? Did she think about her comfort? Did by any chance did she receive the news with insolence and haughtiness, or with perfect humility and obedience? Don’t pretend, Little Ones, to follow the Way without following faithfully the steps that we have left for you registered, marked, and signaled. Ask yourselves if as fathers of your children you are like Saint Joseph? If as mothers of your children you are like Holy Mary? Is your charity with the poor is to give the tunic you are wearing if you have two of them? Ask yourselves if you are TRULY faithful followers of My Son. Be honest, Little Ones, think if you love the world more than God the Father and, if it is so, why is it then that you cannot find peace and quiet that you so much look for? Dare to be perfect and trust fully in the Lord, who will know how to guide and recompense you at the end of the Way. Little Ones, with all of this, what we want to tell you is that it is no longer time of mediocrity. The lukewarm will fall in the middle of the way. You will have to be radicals as the Saint who is heading you now: Francis of Assisi. He was a radical that God called to save His Holy Church from the paws of the devil, from avarice, and from luxury. Can you see, Little Ones, what is being asked of you? You are going to be asked to be AUTHENTIC CHRISTIANS, Little Ones, like you have never been before. I ask you, are you willing? BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

58 (3)Extravagance. 1 : an instance of excess or prodigality; specifically : an excessive outlay of money. (4)Dissension. n. Difference of opinion; disagreement.

(March 19) (Saint Joseph’s Feast Day: First Solemn Mass of Pope Francis Pontification)

PART V (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One: Many were the ones that did not want to accompany My Beloved Son when they saw him so small and defenseless in a manger, and made of that celebration a time for shopping, bacchanalia, and vanity. Many are, Little One, the ones who never accompanied My Beloved Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Week. Many are those









COMMANDMENTS, or much less the Holy days Challenging Me Constantly and knowing that time would come to an end; they did not believe.

Now that My Beloved Son is coming in Glory and Majesty they will want to get close to Him, but My Son already knows his TRUE friends, those that have accompanied poorly in His Holy and Painful Gethsemane, in his Sorrowful Crucifixion; they, those than have Believed in My Gospel are the Faithful people and the Saved. Those that know that He is coming will want to have the pleasure of what the poor of heart have achieved, they won’t have it.

When a man becomes rich there come those that repudiate him, but when he was poor there is when he met his true friends and family. Those are not more BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


than creatures of convenience looking for the best bet; they are not like the faithful servants, disapproved by Heaven! Now they will knock on the doors and these will not open. Time has come to an end and the ranks are closed.

When He was poor he was despised along with his, when he was rich they will want to be part of the courts, but I won’t let them. Whoever sees Him and desires Him, must humble himself now!, he must change his silk and linen garments for a sack cloth and ashen his face. Make Me believe in your honest intention or you will not remain. My Children are brave and keep My Holy Will. They are not cowards that run in front of calamities or provocation.

(March 21)



Abby, I am ready.

Listen Little One and those that listen to My Word. My Beloved Son is Coming, but not as a meek lamb of peace, but as Lion of Judah. You must know that. Those that did not accompanied My Beloved Child in his poor manger, during the Way of The Cross, THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS OF THE LORD! They are friends of the Wicked one. They need to know this, comprehend, and understand it.



My small Children who shelter themselves at this time (Lent) and accompany Heaven, they know. Those that (write it between quotation marks) “Feast” during Holy Week, are followers of Satan, who likes to spur to commit during this week the greatest amount of sins possible. The holier the days to be celebrated are, the higher the invitation to sin. There are myriads around the world that fall into these traps. Or by chance do you celebrate the mournful anniversaries of your loved ones, or do you take advantage to pray, to meditate, to accompany your loved ones?

It’s not right, Little One, what My Children do. Use that Sacred Time for the bacchanal and commit all acts of conduct proper of pagans, even calling themselves “Catholic”. It cannot be. My Beloved Son is no longer coming as a Meek Lamb, but As the lion of Judah.(5) Do you understand?

This marvelous creation has only one King of kings and Lord of lords, and Is My Beloved Son, none else, no one else. They have abducted, usurped My Marvelous Creation, My Goods created to be utilized for their own selfish and satanic ends, while they leave my poor people with even the least for their daily survival. And that can no longer be, Little ones.

I am retaking My Beloved Creation to hand it over to My Beloved Son, and with Him to the holy people that are going to follow Him.

Do you believe that My Sacred Heart does not sadden to see how Mine are and that they are the majority?



You cannot see the wickedness that abounds in the world. I cannot allow that they see it as it is because they would madden of pain and horror. You don’t know what the Evil one does and invites you to do. Don’t be foolish, Little Ones. Evil does everything in the shadows, in the darkness, in the night of the soul. Don’t let the night reach your souls because he will take advantage to fill you with vermin, and blameworthy and aberrant acts in front of My Holy Sight of Beloved Father, but that does not scold even when it is necessary. Don’t believe that the prophecies are not going to be fulfilled because the sun is still coming up. Remember that I have made My star to shine over the good and the bad, over the living and the dead (of the soul, Little Ones), but you have to look for the only Life that there is, the one My Beloved Son gives you through the Sacraments. Don’t try to look for other alternate routes; because I have told you, there aren’t any.

Don’t you see what happens around you? Don’t you see how your little brothers have deliberately rejected the Light of My Son, which is to DESPISE HIS LOVE?; don’t you see where the low levels of human doings have reached? Do you believe that you can be called “My Children”, doing that? Don’t be confused that The Truth is One. The Way is one and it has been given to all the men of all times. Your time is not different: Sin is the same, even more generalized, and you don’t believe it. Now, what only women dedicated to the bad life used to do, is the norm, the normalcy between you; your children dream of being followers of evil and obtain what the Evil one offers. Then, what are you expecting? Where do you pretend to get to this way?



Trust, trust, and trust. The Evil one wants to erase the name of My Beloved Son from your hearts and minds, paganizing everything even the most sacred. You will see events happening never before seen by human sight, Never Before!

Remember My Faithful Servants and follow them: Remember Noah, Moses, My Beloved Friend, amidst the infidelity of this people, My Servant Job… Remember My Saints, follow their lives. Give your children those examples of Sainthood, don’t allow the Devil to uproot them like a tree without roots. Talk to them about your ancestors in Heaven. Television is only the recruitment advertising of the devil, and highly effective. Don’t you see that you are educating your children and one hour of Mass on Sunday’s is not enough to counteract the hours of time that your young children and teen agers pass in front of the wicked television.

What do you expect of your children if you don’t feed them with My Word, where do you believe they will reach that way? I am telling you so later you don’t claim Me of the results that you, yourselves, stipulated, when you ignored them. If your children don’t see that you don’t honor the holy feast days of the Church, how could they honor them? Be a living example, not dead word.

Why do you think I am giving you with my poor Francis surrounded by wolves? What is my wish, that you make him an idol? NO! I want, little ones, that you imitate him, like he imitates San Francis of Assisi, like Francis of Assisi imitated My Beloved Son, do you understand?

Shelter yourselves from the world, My Little Ones, shelter from it like waters BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


infected by sharks, like a full-fledged forest of wolves. Shelter from the world, Little Ones, that My Son is coming and if you do not remain clean, the evil one will make you fall with ease. Only being humble and knowing that you are weak and that alone you cannot survive, that will rescue you. Don’t be arrogant in believing that you can be in the world and not get stained. I am telling you: You won’t be able to accomplish it.

Shelter yourself, shelter yourself, and shelter yourself.

If you remain alone (like My Little One) for not following the herd, stay alone with dignity, with faith, with love, with the hope of knowing that you are being Faithful to whom you say you follow, whom you say you love. Don’t be a hypocrite; don’t fall into mediocrity of preaching one thing with the word and another with your conduct.

Be upright; be an example between your brothers, that you be seen as an example of humility says more than whole libraries on the subject. It is not a time for words but of live examples. Do you understand? Do you follow me or you follow the world? It’s your decision. I cannot force you.


My Very Own Little One

My Jesus.



Listen, I had already made you to notice it and it call your attention greatly. It is one of the most evil modifications that have been obtained as achievement of the Evil one over My Holy Church. Not only he achieved that the Prayer of Intercession of Saint Michael no longer be prayed in the Holy Mass, but the almost imperceptible way, the Evil one introduced his intervention until he was able to modify the Only Prayer that I left you to be prayed universally; I am referring to, of course, the Our Father. I have wanted to tell you the ending: “Deliver us from evil”, because knowing he was going to hide his existence, this prayer would let you recognize he exists, which is, that he does evil, but YOU HAVE LET YOURSELVES BE FOOLED and now you pray a weak “deliver us from evil”, like something, something insignificant. It is my wish of your Lord, your Teacher, your Friend, that you return, go back to the ancestral ways that I gave you with clear intention, effective, and definite.

Pray like this:

Our Father Who art in Heaven Blessed be Your Holy Name Your Kingdom come Thy will be done, Lord, on earth As it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive our offenses As we also FORGIVE those that have offended us Don’t let us fall into temptation But deliver us from the Evil One. Yours is the Reign, the Power, and The Glory BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


For ever and ever(6) Amen. Sadly, Little lamb, I see how few believe in these My messages, so on your own find out if My little one is not telling the truth. How it Hurts Us when you ignore our sent one, whoever you ignore is who is sending. When are you going to understand this? (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One Mother. Don’t be alarmed, all Heaven is protecting your back. Be patient and continue sheltered that as the way advances, meaning, My Beloved Son goes up the Golgotha, friends erase themselves from the picture, stay behind in the Way, they are now few, and will be less, but don’t desist, I beg you, each one of you in your labor. Never stop accompanying My Beloved Son. Always remember: you have chosen the narrow Way, Walking with the Cross and solitude, but Little Ones, I assure you: You have chosen the best part, which is to accept the absolute invitation to be Children of God. Remain wrapped in My Blue Mantle. In the name of The Father, of My Son, and the Holy Spirit. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Amen. Peace be with men of good will. Remain in the peace of My Son. Amen. (5) The Christian tradition utilizes the term “Lion of Judah” to represent Jesus of Nazareth, since he belonged to the Tribe of Judah, and in the New Testament he is mentioned as “belonging to the Tribe of David”. A similar expression is used in the Book of Revelation to designate Jesus: “Then one of the elders said to me, “Don’t cry. Look! The lion from Judah’s tribe, the great descendant of David, has won the victory, and he can break the seven seals and open the scroll.” Revelation 5, 5 Holy Bible. American Bible Society 1992. (6) “Our Father in Heaven: may your Holy Name be honored; may your kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us today the food we need. Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One.


6, 9-13 Holy Bible. DIRECT VERSION FROM THE PRIMITIVE TEXTS, by Mons. Dr. Juan Straubinger. Catholic Press, Inc., Chicago, 1958. (March 24 Palm Sunday)







Holy Mother Little One… I am listening. Listen: there are so many that have not wanted to Consecrate themselves to Our Holy Hearts because they do not believe it is NECESSARY, but IT IS. Heaven never gives an order, an invitation, like you say, without a great reason. On this date (Write today’s date, Little One: March 26) We restate it again: CONSECRATE




CONSECRATE YOURSELVES. If you have not started it yet, today. You cannot wait any longer. Or don’t you know that everything can wait except The Salvation of your souls? Don’t you know that it is the main reason that you have: Save your own soul! That is why I repeat it to you: CONSECRATE




CONSECRATE YOURSELVES. (Place this not as a footnote, but in great big gold letters, at the start, like a warning sign, Our Little Lamb.) I will do as you say, Holy Mother. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Amen and Shalom. I leave you my Holy Protection and in the Holy Peace of My Beloved Son Jesus. THAT HOLY HEAVEN CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER, THE GREAT TRIBULATION COMMENCES ITS MARCH AND YOU DON’T BELIEVE… (Our Mother says this with great sadness and preoccupation). (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Abby! My daughter! Tell me, Abby… IT’S URGENT! IT’S URGENT! IT’S URGENT! CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, MY LITTLE ONES THAT MY SACRED HEART BREAKS WHEN I SEE YOUR ETERNAL DESTINIES. I BEG YOU: CONSECRTE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES! Like my Beloved Daughter tells you: Don’t postpone it for tomorrow. Start today so you are sheltered and protected of so much calamity that is coming. (I see: some wooden houses that are built on the foot of a mountain, and the start to disintegrate.) DON’T WAIT AN INSTANT MORE. DO IT NOW! NOT AN INSTANT MORE.



DO IT NOW! DO IT NOW! MY CHILDREN, LITTLE ONES SO LOVED, WHO HAVE COME OUT OF MY HEART ONE BY ONE. I BEG YOU FOR THE LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU. YOUR BELOVED FATHER. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Jesus Little One It is not the books, the speeches, or the allegations which save My Little ones but faith, prayer, and good works. Understand it, now! Don’t admire your Pope, imitate him, it won’t help you to believe what has value. True value is on the works, donations, prayer from the Heart, penitence, Holy Eucharist, Accompanying your Lord, Your God, Your Big Brother, Your Example, Guide and True Friend. That is valuable, Little One, but you are not doing it as you should. Where are your works? Will you come to Me with empty hands? Do you know the pain that is? You can’t even imagine! To arrive after a life full of blessings and arrive with nothing… Not to give accounts to Me of something good. If you continue on living for yourselves there will be no Salvation, Little One, there can’t be. At least, in the time left, make an effort, but the TOTAL effort, that already you have lost too much time. For it you must CONSECRATE BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


YOURSELVES, like my loving Holy Mother insists. Do it, Little Ones that you give everything to Caesar and Don’t Give Me Anything. Don’t you know that Caesar has only an earthly coin and it is not worth anything in eternity? Trust your providence to Heaven which will never forsake you. Once the events arrive you won’t be able to ask for the protection we wish we could give you. In the middle of the cataclysm, is that when you pretend to pray, My Children? Do it now that there is health, do it now. Don’t waste these last times. My Divine Mercy (*) is coming. Look up what it is, study it, and learn my Holy Promises. Don’t let that small ray of light that you still have for a soul to shut out, don’t let it turn off. (SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Saint Michael Little One You see how with our protection even the bad thoughts flee, how your soul in invaded by peace and goodwill. Out there the Evil One is taking souls with such easiness that it is pitiful, they don’t have with what to resist. So full of sin are these souls that with a blow they are thrown to the ground. They don’t even battle it. If you do not have the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


strength, know that those who are Truthful to Heaven have it (the strength), that is why we beg you, -practically we plead you- that you Consecrate Yourselves so We can protect you. Can you understand that? Spiritual Vision: I see myself standing in a desert and behind me an Angel, Saint Michael, huge – it seems he is four times the height of a human being- and I am so peaceful, like now. They show me another person that is not Consecrated, that is not asking for protection; and I see him/her desperate trying to keep away some flying insects, like birds, coming towards him/her and there is not a moment of peace, because as soon as he/she is finished of shooing away one when another one, this time a snake, comes near him/her. With only his/her human strength he/she fights against these creatures, but the effort is unsuccessful. I know, clearly, that PRIDE is preventing him/her from asking Heaven for protection –CONSECRATE YOURSELF- so you can be quiet and calm. And I know those are the options and only the humility of knowing yourselves to be so powerless and asking Heaven for help will give you that calm, that joy so desired. For it –Heaven tell us-, the Consecration is necessary. If we have already done it, repeat it often. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Saint Joseph Little One, once you are Consecrated to Jesus and Holy Mary, Consecrate your families to me. Note: Here is the Consecration to Saint Joseph. So be it… BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Amen (*)Divine Mercy Sunday is the Sunday following Easter Sunday. (March 26)

(*) I copy the request that Our Lady gave us exactly 70 days ago. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Mother? Listen, Little One. You are doing a good job. The people that should be already helping you are not doing it and are delaying even more the way to Heaven. Only Angel is helping you, not because they are not capable to understand Heaven’s plan, which means that Heaven is changing the plan. The Devil is attacking very hard because they do not believe in the seriousness of the calls. You are going to have to continue alone, if the brothers We have prepared do not want to be ready to start now! In this way whoever is not willing to work, he is dismissed like in their companies, and we look for others to take their place. It’s sad but, HEAVEN’S PLAN IS OF SALVATION OF SOULS AND WE CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER FOR ANYONE WHO IS NOT WILLING TO WORK NOW. Those who should be already hurrying to help you, which is the help, these helpers from Heaven have the world as a priority, their selfishness, and not Heaven. Let them know that Heaven is not waiting any longer. If they are going to work for The Kingdom they must do the Consecration to the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Hearts of Jesus and Mary that My Son Augustine (*) has given them. This will show and demonstrate their attachment to Heaven, and it has to be now before the happenings worsen. Those who have in their plan to serve Heaven in 2014 or 2015 need to know that Heaven will no longer count with them. Tell them, Little One (Our Holy Mother tells us with immense anguish). To start with this and to read the tasks that Heaven leaves for them week by week in this website, in this holy receptacle that we prepared to hold the Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity. Those that want to think that it is a game, that they can read them when they do not have anything else to do, they need to know that if they do not place us as a priority, Heaven will rescind of them and they themselves will not be able to carry out their Holy Mission; and to know that there isn’t anything else so painful for the soul that upon reaching JUDGMENT IN FRONT OF MY BELOVED SON will have to refute when asked regarding his loyal and punctual fulfillment of his Holy Mission. They keep on thinking that they can give God bread crumbs, when Abba has given them all and, furthermore, keeps on giving, but the world is coming to the term announced in the Book of Revelation, and those that are not Consecrated will be kept out! The world comes to the events announced in Revelations, and those that are not Consecrated will remain out. We know, Little One that you put aside your personal business, where they correspond, after The Love to the Holy Trinity and, consequently, Love of Thy Neighbor. This is not a game. Commit now or desist, that bread crumbs are not what BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Heaven is asking of you, and God is not to be placed in the last place. The entrance into Heaven is now, also Salvation, not tomorrow. There is no tomorrow, there isn’t, Little stubborn Children that believe that you have purchased time. (*)Mary, Teacher of the Apostles of the Last Times, Volume I: Consecration to My Immaculate Heart. Revelations given to a soul whom Jesus calls Augustine of the Divine Heart, “Messenger of the United and Speared Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary”. Our Holy Lady asks me to write today’s date: (Saturday, January 19 at 1:30 a.m.)


(OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) The sins of family, Little One, in which one or more as individuals are involved, TO BE FORGIVEN REQUIRE GREAT ATONEMENT, REPARATION, AND PENITENCE. And only through Love and Penitence, and offering yourself to carry the sin totally, you may be forgiven. You cannot be selfish and say: “This was only my part”. If you have contributed to any sin, (Our Lady especially refers BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


to the abominable sin of abortion, but also to euthanasia, as well as murder in any of its forms), you must make reparation and offer yourself as victim to carry all the weight. These days are so Holy, Little Ones, My Beloved Lambs, in which we prepare for 40 days to atone, precisely, so in these final days you can feel the weight of such a severe sin. Unite your sin to the Offering in the Cross of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ, Little Ones, and cleanse it. Don’t waste these days that are left of Lent to deepen within yourself and RETURN TO ASK FOR FORGIVENESS FOR THAT WHICH STILL DISTURBS (1) YOU. The Evil One makes you believe so easily that everything is forgiven, but if this (sin) is till like a thorn in your hearts, it is that you have not atoned for it PROPERLY. These Hours of Evening Reparation, which I have given to you through My Beloved Son Augustine (2) are for the darkness of the night, in the silence you enter into My Sorrow, which is also yours, and Let Me show it to you. Do you understand, Little Ones? Don’t you see that we are cleansing you and the whiteness is deeper, which is how we want your souls to Come out of Holy Week. If not, what do you believe it is good for, but to accompany you and whiten your soul even more? I beg you: Take advantage of these Holy Days, in which you have prepared yourselves with fasting, abstinence, Confession, and Constant Eucharist, so we can whiten that which will prevent your entrance into Holy Heaven. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


ATONE, ATONE, ATONE! I have told you through My Son Augustine (3), now I repeat it through this Little One. Enter into the night of your soul, that having an open and generous heart to accompany My Beloved Son Jesus Christ and His Beloved Sorrowful Mother in these painful moments, what you are doing, finally, is for your own soul. Can you understand, My Children? (1)Disturbs (1a) interrupt, (1b) inconvenience, (2) disarrange (2)The Evening Hours of Reparation or book “En los umbrales de la nueva Jerusalem”, in Spanish, can be found in the site: Oraciones y Devociones (3)Augustine of the Divine Heart (Saturday March 30 2:38 a.m.)


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) My Children: You must know (and if you already know it, I want to remind you) that whoever leaves his children, brothers, personal dreams or career (is it said like that now?) for paying attention to My Beloved Son or for doing what Your Holy Mother orders, will have everything in Heaven a hundredfold, don’t doubt it. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


If you get nostalgic now of watching how others go on vacation or have fun, don’t be troubled¹ or sad that you are small, and it is natural to want to go out to the world and do what it (the world) tells you that “is normal or natural”, but you must know that you are living in EXTRAORDINARY times, that is why We ask a little bit more of you than in other times. Sin has never been permitted or condoned², but the RESIGNATION, Little Ones, that now is asked of you (and in Heaven We know very well) is big for the creatures so small that you are. Do it with pleasure and disdain³, which is like a large saving. Think that instead of spending money on cheap things you are saving more than to buy a house (which you like so much), for a HOME that will never be destroyed. It is a saving for a short time, but when you realize what you have it will surprise how immeasurable it is. Also, you must know, that Heaven pays you with much the little you do here on earth. If you stopped going out on the street to have fun (let’s say, clean fun) for being during these days Accompanying My Beloved Son, know that you have done a great saving, while the little ones that were indifferent, and without saying those that were offensive, squandered an inheritance in a time that already passed. Do you see it? This Holy time has passed and the Good children, who remained sheltered now, have hundredfold what you had before these Holy times, those who didn’t: you have already spent your treasure. You must be just and wise and know when the opportunities are bigger: Take advantage of the Holy Days, don’t squander them, take advantage of the special Graces, that for Heaven everything during this time is gold. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


We are Grateful with Our Hearts swollen with love to all that deprived themselves of something that you liked during this Lent to remember the INFINITE SACRIFICE OF MY BELOVED SON; we are grateful, because Heaven is infinitely just, and not a single good deed happens without it being written down in Heaven. Keep your good deeds amongst yourselves and Heaven, so your pay will be complete. Be an example among your brothers; don’t try to convince them with arguments, but with your action. In these Final Times that are coming you must be strong and brave, don’t take a step backwards, that only those who TRULY belong to Heaven will prevail. On occasions, you will be asked to say, go, or keep away of something that in the moment you cannot understand; but when you felt the impulse irrepressible from the soul: do it, that it will never be harmful to you. The time that is starting is a time of lies. Falsehood will increase and violence will multiply in the hundredths. Don’t participate in any act of violence; don’t agglutinate in multitudes because they are, even if their causes seem good, inflamed and with a spark that the Wicked one starts fire could run. Be extremely cautious, temperate and prudent, to the times. BE BRAVE AS CHRISTIANS AND ALWAYS TRUST IN THE LORD, which will provide and will look after you. Keep yourselves in the TRUTH, even if you see that others don’t. You know what is My Holy Will and I AM NOT GOING TO CHANGE IT, so don’t let yourselves be fooled that My Holy Laws are Eternal and MY DECREES DON’T CHANGE.



Don’t wait to see what My Holy Church says, making illusions that sin will no longer be sin, because I am telling you: It won’t. You already know the narrow way; walk on it slowly but with firmness of mind. Do not move away from MY BELOVED DAUGHTER HOLY MARY and ask yourselves in each instant: WHAT WOULD MY BELOVED SON DO? And do what is proper, imitating Him. My Heart is Sorrowful because of man’s ingratitude for Me and the indifference in front of the Sacrifice without comparison of My Beloved Son finds solace(4) in your prayers of petition, intercession, and gratefulness. Don’t let go of your Holy Rosary; for any reason, do not abandon the Holy Eucharist, which is where you strength lies, and most of all, don’t make any exceptions in regards to sinning. Keep yourselves as sheltered as you can, and don’t stop looking for the sheep that walk on the side of the road. In each step Do Good that the difference between a word of hate on your part or of love and charity can weigh in the delicate balance of the destiny of each soul. Treat yourselves as what you are: MY CHILDREN, with due love, charity, and respect, that not even one is despicable to MY EYES; and I don’t lose (like you who are parents in the world) the hope that with the last breath of your lives you will return to Me. That is why I beg you: Help Me that it be so. Do you understand it? Some souls are on the border of the cliff, even if you don’t see it or know it; and it only takes one word of displeasure, a thoughtless act, on your part, for them to BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


take that last step into the abyss. I need, Little Ones that you be very conscious of this, so you will walk carefully like if you were going to break, because it is now when the scales are defined. Be extremely cautious when treating your brothers, giving advice, or inviting them. Choose your words carefully and with moderation so you won’t scare off My poor sheep that are looking to return. I repeat it to you: if you see that one opens its heart a little bit, fill it up with love and caresses, so if it returns to the world it feels even more the contrast of the hardness and decides to come back to the Way that you are showing him. For no reason condemn or judge My sheep, that only I Know where the heart of each one is. Don’t judge so you won’t be judged. I leave in your care, -you that have become older brothers, My Beloved Faithful Rest- My smallest (sheep). Treat them as I have treated you, with the same love, indulgence, and infinite patience. Don’t let them say –My sheep- that you yourselves, the brothers, kept them away, because it would be the same as working for the wolves. Open your arms so you can embrace them and bring them back. I am thirsty of My Sheep! How I miss each one who is far away from Me! I Love You, My Little Ones, Your Father Amen BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

81 ¹Troubled. Adj. 1. Disturbed; 2. Preoccupied; 3.Full of problems. ²Condoned.1.Approve violence; 2. Approve. ³Disdain.Noun.1.Scorn. 4.Solace.1.Relaxation; 2.Repose. (April 1)


(OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One of My Immaculate Heart, not only does The Holy Week end in your lives and it’s time to close the trunk with your dark and purple garments to return to the world. There is an incommensurable gift that is coming to those who are watchful of ecclesiastical celebrations. I am referring, Little One, to the Feast of the Divine Mercy of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ¹, that follows these times of mourning and Resurrection. It is a gift from Heaven to save you. On that day you must assist to the Holy Mass, go to confession, and receive the Holy Eucharist. Know that those that did not accompany My Beloved son in these times have stained their souls even more, but Heaven, always watchful and loving with its dispersed sheep- always offers you another opportunity: The Feast of the Divine Mercy. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


If you know of any (soul) that needs it, spread this joyous news because the promises of My Beloved Son on this (feast)one are very big, but you must recall your lives, your sins; to arrive prepared before my Faithful priest and confess FROM THE HEART. Utilize these days to think over: not of your spiritual successes (those belong now to Heaven), but of your failures and your tripping’s so that day you can go and leave your miseries at the feet of the Lord (Our Lady Kneels in profound reverence in front of the image of Jesus of Divine Mercy). Start preparing on this. Also you, little lambs that are cleaner, you have just been told by the Beloved Father in Heaven and of earth, not to waste any of the Holy Days to increase your light, that every spark is necessary. Prepare yourself for the Feast of Mercy that is coming… I love you. Mary of Nazareth (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Prepare for My Feast of the Divine Mercy that I did not give it and reveal it in vain to My faithful servant, spouse, and friend, now Holy Faustina Kowalska. Read what I revealed to her and, most of all, the promises that I keep on that special Sunday for the souls that decide to accept it. Open, right now, your minds, your souls, and your hearts so you can receive what with so much love I wish to give you on that day. As you, My Little Ones, have accompanied Me in My Poorness; upon the arrival BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


of My Absolute Richness, I, Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords, share it with you with OPEN HANDS and OPEN HOLY ARMS. Start studying it so you know what we are speaking about… Remember that once graces are lost, they remain thrown away (I see a beautiful tree full of fruit, but no one to pick the ripe, juicy, and beautiful fruit, which falls on the earth to be food for ants, worms, and pigs). Prepare your baskets so you can pick the Fruit of My Sacrifice of Love for You, that even with My Last Breath I Thought of you, forgave you, and loved you. Pick My Holy Blood and My Holy Love. Don’t let My Holy Sacrifice be in vain for you. Can you understand this? Will you do what I Holy Request…? Do I have your FIAT…? And if you want to see Me Smile, do what is proper so one of My most reluctant Lambs goes on your arm on that Day to Holy Mass, My Holy and Divine Mercy Sunday. And you will see what favors I Will Bestow on You. Go in My Beloved peace, My Beloved Little Ones Your King and Lord Jesus Christ Amen. ¹The Feast of the Divine Mercy, the second Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Easter (Resurrection) Sunday—this year is on April 7th: “The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy.”) Saint BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

84 Faustina Kowalska (Diary,699). (April 2)



You ask me, Beloved Little One, that I write My Holy Words instead of you narrating your experience. Let it be so. This dawn I awoke you with the uneasiness that you felt, My Little One, because I needed the company of Mine. You didn’t know what was happening, or what you needed to do. For a moment, you didn’t remember these hours of Reparation, but you see that when you do what I desire, you were able to prove (like I Revealed to Augustine) that it was like taking a soft white cloth, and with your tears and the cloth clean, giving so much Holy relief to My Holy Wounds. You were able to see how you relieved a Holy Hand, a Holy Foot… Until you let Me take off from My Holy Head My Crown of Thorns and you wore it for a short moment (always it’s just a small moment because you are small and you couldn’t stand more), and I was able To rest My Holy Head¹. They are just a few instants of relief, like when I asked to drink because I was BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


thirsty: You have given me a little bit of water to My Agony. So: Are you going to be like the Roman soldiers that when I Exclaimed: “I thirst”, I was given vinegar?, Or perhaps you will do the same thing to your God?, Or will you be compassionate and give Me, offer Me a sip of water, My Little Ones? Make an effort to accompany Your Holy Crucified God in these so arid times. I beg you; whoever accompanies His Holy Lord on earth² will be Accompanied by Me in Heaven. I love you, My Little Ones Your Friend Jesus Christ ¹An Angel of the Lord placed a small white pillow as of silk, before I wore the Holy Crown of Thorns, between my head and the crown. ²After a half hour had passed Jesus himself let me know that it was enough, to go back to my rest. (April 4) IMPORTANT ANNEX The Evening Hours of Reparation. The Victorious Army will repair during the night.

At the threshold of the New Jerusalem, Chapter II. (Messages given to Augustine of the Divine Heart, messenger of the United and Trespassed Sacred Hearts of Jesus and of Mary. The Evening Hours of Reparation or book “En los

umbrales de la nueva Jerusalem” in Spanish, Download:




(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Little One: I want to dictate some brief reflections about My Holy and Divine Mercy. When I was Placed on The Cross by the false judges, My most pressing thought were My Friends, the children that were going to be gathered by My Loving Mother and taken to Her Holy Bosom. It wasn’t even the physical pain or the humiliation to which cruelly, with unspeakable cruelty, they wanted, to your Divine Shepherd, Lord and Friend, the Greatest Brother, they wanted to submit Me to, but that The Love for you Prevailed, favorite creatures from all creatures created by The Beloved Father. Little One, do you understand that Love? Can you at least treasure it for what it Is? It is so little what I ask in return: Me, God Himself, to have to almost Beg my creatures for Their Own Salvation. Is it by any chance so difficult, that you make it impossible, to kneel in front of a servant of mine and tell him with contrition, with repentance, Truth and Firm Intent of not sinning again, your filth? Is that instant within your busyness in your worldly lives too much for you? I won’t make you accountable for your offenses and sins, if you agree in going to BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


My Holy Priests and confess your sins. Don’t you see that there is no more time left? (Jesus tells us with deep sadness.) Don’t you see Heaven knotted with gray clouds and heavy storms? Don’t you see that everything you do now is useless for your Salvation? This, so small for something so infinitely big I Come to ask you, to plea with you, because I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU, not even if all the Saints from Heaven Pleaded Me for someone who has not accepted My Commands, and deserves justice, it is not possible to be an unjust judge because I have told you, what will be of My Little Ones if they do not obey my commandments, that are so active in the Holy Works of Mercy. The time for a Perfect and Transforming Conversion has passed, but there is still time for Salvation. Don’t waste it in trifles of the world. This testimony is for those of you who have not had that Conversion, you can live it through this Little One and BELIEVE, if with it we can achieve that you go to Holy Confession, Your Salvation will be valid in Heaven. It is not a small donation that this Little One so anguished “Y María del Getsemaní”, who has offered herself so you also will be saved. Look at the life she had and where she is now, and ask yourselves if I Have Forgiven her, wouldn’t I do the same with you? Her sins are forgotten because she has Confessed them, and most of all, she is a Living Gospel, and that is what I want from you: Confession with repentance and healing of your souls. Change your life now if not, I will not be able to welcome you in My Sacred Heart. You need to believe and kneel, repent and change your life. Many of you, that are now reading, will not be able to survive not even one earthly year and your ETERNAL salvation depends of a BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


string; the cliff is under your bare feet, now you know it. I, Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, won’t be able to act with injustice in the same manner I wouldn’t be able to act with wickedness. Injustice is an impossible for God so if you are OUTSIDE of the Holy Salvation, I am giving you the Way to obtain it. There is no other way, there isn’t, My Beloved, don’t let them confuse you: there isn’t… Thank you, Little One. (Received in 2012 Year of the Lord and published in this site in January of 2013; reissued today, on the Eve of the Feast of the Divine Mercy.)


(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST) Tonight I have chosen to Talk to you of My Holy and Divine Mercy, on the Eve of My Feast or Celebration. If this Feast was instituted is for the URGENT NEED that it should be done. Already millions of souls were falling into hell because they did not dare to come to Me. They had forgotten that I came to earth for the biggest sinners, not so much for the Saints. They Need Me, but how much more the sinners need Me! And so it has been, thousands and thousands of souls have been saved for invoking it.



Weren’t you, My Own Little One, one of those that did not dare come close to My Holy Church because you thought it was made for Saints? Holiness is the end of the Way, but sin is the beginning. Everyone that reaches it, comes with their soiled clothes and come to Me with the yearning, with hope, with the ardent desire of being cleansed by Me. You don’t go to the doctor when you are healthy, but when something hurts; it is a symptom or signal that you are sick. In the same way, I want that those that come to Me and appeal to My Holy, infinite and Incommensurable Mercy to do it because their soul hurts; because it doesn’t matter if they accumulate achievements or money, they do not find satiety, peace or any happiness. You the sinners are who need Me the most, and that is why, precisely, that I Have opened My Holy Wounds so you can see Your Crucified, Agonizing, and Bleeding Christ: That is how you reach Me, My Little Ones, that is how you please Me, and once inside My arms I can pamper and clean you. Don’t wait to be healthy to see the doctor; don’t wait to be sinners to come to Me. Come with your miseries, with your rags, and leave them tomorrow (Whole World Day of My Holy and Divine Mercy), that I will know how to forgive you, clean you, wash you, and whiten you; but you must come to Me and ask for My Forgiveness, My Little Ones. Even those that were not with me during these past Holy Days, tomorrow they can go to the Holy Church and find forgiveness of their sins, and finally the peace they so desire. (I know, Little One, that we usually write “on Sundays”, but like when My Holy Bishop of Rome resigned or on special occasions, we do it before or after.) If only one soul sees this Dialog or Message and because of it BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


goes to what I am requesting, our wakefulness, Little One, will have been worth it. You don’t know tomorrow –I repeat it to you- these are not times of waiting because how many of you have already died in these years of purification! HASTEN HASTEN HASTEN TO RECEIVE MY SACRAMENTS and let Me open My Sacred Heart and spill so many Graces that I have for you; but if you don’t open your hands, if you do not kneel in front of Me, how will I be able to do it if your heart is in the things of the world, and your spirit pending of acquiring the sin that you desire? Don’t close off more, My Children, that time is no longer time, that the Eternal Father’s Patience has been exhausted, and you are living in the times of Great Tribulation, which is not going to diminish, but instead will be increasing. Believe Me when I tell you that My Word is the Truth, and you already have been able to prove it throughout your History how My Word has always been accomplished, is accomplished, and will be accomplished. Don’t dishearten thinking that your sin is bigger than My Mercy, because, I am telling you, it is not; but I need your will, your holy disposition to be filled with forgiveness, and Love, and Peace, and all Good that I have reserved for you. Tomorrow go to My Feast, share My Banquet, and you will see that your heart will begin to feel love and the Peace you so much desire. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) My Children: BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


My Beloved Son Jesus Christ tells you (Our Mother kneels in reverence), asks you, exhorts you, begs you to open your hands so you can receive that which He has reserved for you. Do it now, that there is no time left! (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) I exhort you, My Little Ones, to come to The Holy Invitation of My Beloved Son, that you are running out of the Time of Divine Mercy (Abba is referring especially to The Feast). (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Take advantage of the Feasts that Heaven has reserved to grant you Forgiveness and Graces. You have been told by Our and Your Father, this is not the time to waste a crumb that the hunger is big in the soul and there is no banquet comparable to the HOLY AND DIVINE MERCY OF OUR AND YOUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. You are still on time to reach your salvation. GO, GO, GO! (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Little Ones, If you could see the destiny of the stubborn you would dress immediately, would leave your beds, and would stand in front of the houses of My Beloved Son to wait for the gates to open! But Heaven is saddened of knowing that few will do it; but you must know that a rescued soul is a joy without comparison in Heaven. Be very thankful, be that soul that will bring so much joy to Heaven in this Feast. I beg you.



And to you, Children who are already in Grace, convince one sinner to accompany you on this day, which was instituted ESPECIALLY for poor sinners. When I learned of The Divine Mercy of Jesus (that he was willing to forgive even the worst sinner), I knew he would forgive me. Trusting the promise, I went; and there started My Holy and Miraculous Conversion, that is why I also insist: Do it now! (Saturday April 6, “Eve of the Feast of the Divine Mercy”)


(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Little One Beloved I know you should be tired because We have been without rest, but it’s necessary that you write this down. It’s like your supermarket shopper, when there are discounts and the people run to them, so have been these days of giving Blessings lavishly. There were, My Beloved, those that assisted and now shelter (the blessings) them in their soul; some, who came in at the end were able to take some, but a sorrowful and great majority remained INDIFFERENT. They did not want to, they rejected My food BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


and water because they preferred to eat and drink from the world: food that finishes and soon the body feels hungry; because they preferred the water that dries up and runs out when you finish drinking the glass. Again they have despised My Heavenly Manna and now, My Little One, they must sweat and work for it (those that rejected Me)! Hard times are coming and will not abate. Mine have prepared and continue doing it at every instant; but there were some that did not wanted to do it and they, Little One, will have very hard times, difficult moments because they have not wanted the help from Heaven, and have believed that with their human intelligence and narrow will is enough for them. There will be earthquakes, flooding and fires, and those that have not wanted will see the harshness of Justice because they have rejected My Holy and Divine Mercy; but they will not escape their Justice, pray for The Beloved Father to find good works when he submits these souls to Justice, because they have rejected to cover and protect themselves with My Sacred Blood, they have not wanted My sacred nourishment nor to satisfy their thirst with Me: Living Water and Heavenly Manna. Now with more clarity, Little One, you can clearly see how two sides are forming: Mine and those that are not. I will look after Mine, but I will not stop waiting, hoping that one returns, but this time of Grace, of Celebrations, of mourning, of Resurrection is closing, to give way to Ordinary Time and with it the development of the events that have been announced extensively. You, My Little Children, be always watchful of the lamb that wants to return and guide it. Maintain yourselves inside My Love and don’t come out, that the times BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


ahead are of GREAT TRIBULATION announced by My saints, mystics, visionaries, and prophets. Do not detach yourselves from Me and, most of all, do not let go of the Holy Hand of My Beloved Mother. I Love you, My small ones, My pride, Your Beloved Jesus, The Good Shepherd (Nights of April 7th and 8th)


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) (Our Father is very sad and asks us) My Little Ones: Please tell me in your prayers: What do you need to understand the haste of this instant? How many proofs of My Love and Mercy do you need to come back to Me as the prodigal sons? I send you miracles, healings, blessings, sacraments: the ways for reconciliation and forgiveness… I have given you my Beloved Son, I have sent Your Perfect Mother… I give you BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Saint Joseph perfect father and chaste, I donate My Angels, I allow you to count with My Saints in Heaven… I give you My amazing and perfect nature: I give amazing sunrises, steppes where my herds run freely; I give you the biggest like the universe, to even the hummingbirds and the fireflies so not even the darkest nights will scare you with the semidarkness, and yet you don’t understand, do not love me, you do not come back… What do you want, My Beloveds, to come back to the House of the Father?, where I have prepared the nuptial Banquet for your return, and yet you do not come back… I also send you cataclysms so you will stop looking at the material and understand the fugacity and the little or no importance that your treasure has, and yet you do not turn to Heaven and keep on determined in your error… I have revealed to You The Truth and My Word, and yet you do not believe… I have given you mystics, visionaries, and prophets, and yet you do not believe!... You believe the owner of lies, and not the Father of the Truth, My children… It’s not possible to unstick you from the television and from there you get your Truth, your idea of the world, and the aftermath. Don’t you see that everything is a planned deceit and ultimately will rob your soul, remove you perpetually from My Side? It’s as if you trusted more in the one who kidnaped you than in your own Father, who has showed and demonstrated that He loves you incommensurable, and yet does not stop looking for you with great tenderness and love; I don’t stop to bring you from any swamp in which you are allowing to BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


be sunk… My little ones, you must understand that My Beloved Son is no longer coming as the meek lamb but at the Lion of Judah, and He will bring Justice and you will not pass the scales because you are not good men, just and generous men, because you are not the measure of my Saints. If you continue like this you will not pass, and each time the deceit entangles you more, like a dark tunnel in which each time you go farther in and in, until death traps you in its depths, and you will not be able to find the way back, and you will try to do it with cries and begging, but then it will be too late, and you will beg Me to give you another opportunity, but the opportunity is NOW THAT YOU ARE ALIVE, not after. Can you understand? It is now! The events will now come without warning and I beg you that they don’t find you in sin because your soul will not be saved. You must go to confession and change your life. Have you seen, My little ones, and it is in the ancestral alliance, how I lead My elected people and the great problems they caused Me, and one time after another I forgave them, and again offered My Holy Hand; how can you say that you Love Me if you don’t Love My Son, who I placed as King and Lord above all other that was created; you cannot say you love Me if you don’t love your brothers. You cannot be with Me if in your actions you are against Me. Stop thinking that I am a God “boat”, as you say, if I Am the perfect justice, and you act as if the Divine Justice did not exist. You take me out of your small lives when you reject My Commandments. It’s you that put Me aside to go after the reflections in the water that –I have told youBEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


disappear in an instant. Dedicate yourselves to the Kingdom of God, which will be your Home and leave the fugacity of the world. Share everything I have given you and stop hoarding the earthly, which is not even a blow or a blink of this brief time that you have left on earth. Now we are speaking to you in the language you use the most and understand in this so called “postmodern age”, so you will turn toward Heaven, and yet you don’t do it… I ask you and wait for your reply in prayer: What do you need to come back to the house of the Father as prodigal sons? What else do you need…? (April 10)


(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Jesus, do you want me to write this? It is necessary. The powerful man has brought the terrible scourge of the World War to the world. It has been his option, and his sad and hapless election. The BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


People will suffer: There will be deaths, pestilence, and hunger, and you will know that it has been man’s himself lofty arrogance and desire for power, who has no limit in his wish to hoard it all, and for this My people will pay. Justice is not of this world, My people do not belong to this world, they are My sheep that I will shepherd in green and wide pastures. But now will come what Man has attracted over himself and the apparent sides, are not: both sides belong to the star of five tips, which is the mark, the seal of the Evil One. Hadn’t I told you before? He seals his nations and his causes see where this Evil star spreads, the star that has fallen from the firmament to Never more return, and it will drag millions of stars into the abysm. Do not participate in any way in any of these wars; yours is spiritual and lies in prayer, you don’t have any other boss than Yours, of the Heavenly Army. You cannot kill, My Father has told you clearly, and whoever places a man over My Law will suffer. You will obey the Ancestral Law (The Commandments) and respect the Gospel, and that way I will know that you are My Faithful and continue being lambs of My Flock. I repeat it again to you: Do not participate in any way with the power wars that are wars between brothers instigated by the Evil one. The Scourge of War comes to My Children and with them the end of Evil gets near, don’t forget it. The dragon thrashes his tail to drag down the stars¹, but nothing can hurt My Children who are Consecrated, and shelter their soul from the things of the world. I hope that you are in a state of My Grace, as I have been requesting you, because the rumor of war ceases, and it is coming in person. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Your battle is spiritual. Do not participate in any manner in this one. Keep yourself in prayer, intercede for all your fallen brothers that have fallen into error and the ones that will follow, Little Ones, because once this starts, the hatreds will increase and will turn from a spark into a burning forest, that will not stop until it has consumed the whole forest. I am alerting you: The winds of war are coming over you. Save provisions like I have mentioned, and most of all, do not despair that Your King is Coming and with Him the Final Triumph of Absolute Good over the Evil one, the Dragon. Maintain yourself in My Arms, do not leave them, that it is now that you must use all your faith, hope and love, like forgiveness, so you will not fall in the temptation of hating your brothers. Remember that in the Cross I Myself asked the Father for: “Forgive them Father. For they don’t know what they are doing”. Love, My children, My little ones, My beloved Faithful and Holy rest. Reach a higher grade of holiness here on earth so I can Shelter you closer to My Sacred Heart. The Lion of Judah will Come! Don’t doubt for a long shot, don’t doubt it, My Little Ones. Leave to Me the dangerous, and you pray, pray, pray, intercede, intercede, intercede. Your Beloved Shepherd. Your Lord and King Jesus Christ. ¹”…Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

100 seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads. With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to earth. He stood in front of the woman, in order to eat her child as soon as it was born…” (Revelation 12: 3-4) (April 12)


(OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One of My Sacred Heart: (Our Mother is very sad, extremely bereaved) Look, the work of bringing back each one of you who have deviated from the way is so big! But the entire heaven moves to return one single lamb of My Beloved Son (Our Mother kneels) Jesus Christ, and it's because his Holy Joy is such when he sees them returning to his Arms, that there is no effort that won't be done for it; we undo ourselves -like you say- of love for you, but we cannot do anything against your stubbornness and free will which has been voluntarily put into the service of sin and the Wicked one! My Children -those already Consecrated to Our Sacred Hearts- never undervalue a soul because they understand that It's Me, your Holy Mother, who commands you to go after her and not rest until you see it securely in My Beloved Arms; but once they are out of the danger that made them run to Look BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


for Me, once the danger passed, they forget why they ran away from the Wicked one, and return to him! He then grabs them with more force AND MANY TIMES NOW IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO FREE THEM AGAIN! My Little Ones, those of you that do not spare human effort in doing what I ask you to do, and even doing it the lost lamb returns to the forest; you are not guilty for it. That's because it does not depend on you, that if I order you to bring Me one, don't judge if it's possible or not; just do what I ask, that only I know why I order you and if the lamb does not return, don't feel bad if that is so. Heaven works in that manner, the same way as you. Go after it and don't wait to see the results, humbly conform yourself for doing the part that corresponds you, and if you go after 100 and don't believe that not even one remains, go after 100 more while you have life. Little Ones, don't stop doing what I order you. That of 300, if one comes back, you will have given a joy without comparison to Heaven, and don't count the ones that get lost again; better yet be happy for that one that returned. Don't count the lost ones, but the earnings that you cannot begin to understand what is that only one lamb returns to Heaven. Can you understand it? Do I have your Fiat? (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Do you think My little ones, that Heaven alarms you for nothing. Heaven does not speak to you without a reason. Ours who stay awake, serve, pray and try with the greatest zeal possible to follow My Footprints, they are isolated and left alone. They are like the desert, but they flower and bear fruit to whomever is BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


thirsty and who is hungry, but they are creatures of abandonment and solitude. Try, Little Ones, to help Mine whose works are big and their loads heavy. They won't ask for your help, but you must offer it. Those that belong to My Flock don't be frightened, but these nocturnal messages, desperate, are for the sheep that are walking on the side of The Way, without deciding to return. Those are who we are calling, COME BACK NOW! DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER! that time is no longer time. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) It is, Little Ones, the end of History what is coming near, what is getting closer to you. COME BACK COME BACK COME BACK that the ship is sailing soon and you should not stay outside. Come back now, that time is urgent and the events will take you by surprise. Don't you see how the countries are armed and waiting for a provocation that will come and the pandemonium (*) will be unleashed over the earth? Come back before it's too late for you! Ours stay awake, receiving the anguished calls from Heaven to call you. Come back, that time is no longer time. Return to the House of the Father, that you don't have any more time. During the last past decades, We have been announcing it‌ Little by little you were coming, but now the ship is sailing, there is no more time to lose. Don't remain without shelter in the world, because it will only offer you the greatest darkness. Can you understand? (*)Pandemonium. 1.Place of much noise and confusion. 2. Imaginary capital of the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

103 hellish reign. 3. Witches' Sabbath or meeting of demons. (April 13 and 14)


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little Ones: You must FULLY understand that Salvation is personal, I am telling you, I insist, and I reaffirm it to you: SALVATION IS PERSONAL. You, that have been called to read these Messages, I am calling you to come to Me. You will be able to see in each moment that the precautions I ask you to take are to prevent that you are in the midst of any kind of great cataclysm, but you must heed my warning and do not make any exceptions letting yourself go by common opinions, by the ways others take, nor for social, SPORTING, political, folkloric events, and of your customs and uses. If I insist that you don’t go to places where large quantities of persons are going to congregate, is to protect you, but you must heed my warning, My Little Ones. I don’t want, don’t wish, that nothing bad occurs to you, but you must understand that you are at the End of times, and what has to come will come; but My faithful and holy rest, who follow My prophets, visionaries, and mystics (who) are warning you in My Holy Name. You must pay attention to them and don’t let BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


yourselves be guided by what others do. If others don’t pay attention, you must continue even alone the way I mark for your salvation, and pray for your friends and brothers that do not want to change their ways. If you are not there to pray for them, think about it; who will do it? It’s not selfish not to follow the route to the slaughterhouse, but a sense of Good, because while you are safe, you will be able to pray, teach, and guide the others; but to be able to do this, you must be in a safe shelter and your spirit in holy peace. Because how do you expect to hear Me, understand My word if you do not get out of the world and you don’t take the spaces of silence and prayer which are necessary to listen to Your Beloved Father? Little Ones, there is a great sadness in My Sacred Heart when you suffer, but I am alerting you so that does not happen. You have a very Loving Father that guides you from Heaven, that with total love instructs you, encourages you to continue. Don’t despise my words, My Children. Don’t waste My Wise Advice, Little Ones. Pray and you will see the marvels that I Can Do for you, but you must come near Me, My Children. Meet Me in the middle of the Road that I will wait for you, but I wish to see on your part a little interest, of love, of faith, of trust, and of donation. Don’t wait for the cataclysms to increase to come back; be wise, Little Ones, and come back now! Your Father who Loves you (Dawn of April 15 and 16)




(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) My Little Ones, how very much confused you are with this subject: Success and Failure. Those who you mock because you consider them a “failure”, are, in reality –My Little Ones- the ones who are the most successful in front of My Holy Precious Eyes; and those –and this is an even greater and severe mistake- you consider successful because they have money and power and physical beauty, great vanity, and prestige among men, are the smallest ones, the most insignificant, the ones that at all light –My Little Ones- are a failure In Front of My Holy Sight. You cannot see anything; you are blind. Those that cherish and accumulate material things, like ants or blind moles, you admire; you feel like nothing by their side. You compare yourselves with the sons of the Wicked one, to whom everyone gives in their favor, and just to provoke envy in you, and make My Little Children feel bad and small. Don’t let yourself be confused that True richness lies in the riches you accumulate for the Kingdom of Heaven, where neither robbers or fire, and not even the termites, will diminish your riches. It’s like that, My Little Ones, the good worker, that is, for Heaven, is not demanding his pay at each moment: he trusts in the Justice of The Father, and is glad with doing the work he is assigned and KNOWS in the deepest recesses BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


of his heart that he has nothing to fear because his riches is assured. Those who work for a recompense, for the vanity, for the recognition, and for the pay are like the usurer, like the banker that is only looking out to see how much he has, without caring how he got to accumulate his “good” fortune, he thinks. No, My Little Ones, you are very confused because I, God Father Almighty, know who you love in the bottom of your soul, who you adore, who you pretend to imitate; and those that take care of accumulating riches in the world are not working for the good pay: the one that is given at the end of the Way, in the eternal life. Of all, what costs you the most to accept is the humility and simplicity in the Way of the Lord. It’s not a Way of affluence, of recognition, of ostentation and great banquets. It is one that demands that if you have two coats, you donate one; in which you are asked that you share your piece of bread with whoever is hungry. This is The Way of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ, but you have more than two coats; you accumulate more than two sandals, and excuse yourself when you see someone barefoot and you don’t give them yours shoes. Do you think that by accumulating shoes your legs will grow so you can use them all? No, My Little Ones, you are very confused in this respect, and you don’t want to change your thinking. Don’t you see the example of what I have donated to you to follow? I am referring to My Holy Pope Francis; does he, by chance, make an exception with the riches? I have told you: follow his example and don’t create any more idols. Stop following mirages that disappear in an instant (Again I see a castle reflected in the river while a man contemplates it. He touches the water with a stick and BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


softly moves the water, and the image distorts and the man remains confused because he dedicated his life to take care of that mirage. He goes away empty handed.) Am I not, perhaps, My obstinate and stubborn Children, The Owner of all that exists? Don’t you believe that if you instantly give that bread to the hungry that I will fill your coffers each time you are hungry that I will satisfy your appetite? You don’t see the birds of Heaven storing the grain, or the animals fish more fishes than they need for their nourishment; they trust that the Lord of Heaven and Earth will give them their respective food each Day. Leave for each day what is proper and don’t go about accumulating and treasuring because that is only fear, which nothing else but lack of faith in My Paternal Provision. Or is it by chance that you don’t trust in your Father? Do you believe Your Father is poor or that He forgets of feeding his children? Which one of you having a small child by chance forgets to feed him for days? If you who are bad and don’t give your children a stone when they ask for bread, much less I that I am your Holy Father since eternity. Trust in Me, My Children, your sustenance is assured, your sure shelter if you trust; but if you snatch the food, if you hoard it, if you don’t share it, then you are not trusting and that is an affront to My Sacred Heart. Can you understand it? I want you, My Little Ones, trusting in Me; do the works of Heaven so you can start getting used to living how you live in Heaven, in the LOVE, and stop worrying for what you are going to eat tomorrow, what you are going to wear tomorrow; get rid of those chores so you can work greatly for The Heavens. Little Ones ask yourselves: Can you accumulate your peace, or do you need it in BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


every instant? Work so your soul is at peace, leave for the children of the Evil one the fear, the lack of faith, and the accumulating, that they don’t have who will provide for them because they have rejected Me. Don’t be like the children of the Evil one, but as what you are: My Little Ones, My Children, Sons of the Highest. Or perhaps is the prince of a kingdom instead of governing has to sweat for his food? Don’t go after mirages, that you are going to finish sad and with empty hands. Let Me take you to the success in your lives, to do your part, so I will Feel proud of My Children. Give me the joy of seeing you trusting in You Holy Father. Do you understand, My Little Children? There is no other success than the salvation of the soul, and no more absolute failure than condemnation. Look at the figures that you follow, that you admire, and that you imitate. And the ones I placed, aren’t they My Children in humility, in dedication, in silence, in prayer, or are they false idols that the Evil one has placed in the front for you to imitate; creatures swollen in sin, in vanity, in desire to figure and be adored like gods? Do you know who are the ones that desire adoration? They are the sons of the Evil one. Meditate on it, and give to Caesar what is right, and to Me what corresponds to Me, which is your adoration. (April 21)





(AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Little One, in these times of the beginning of the Great Tribulation, after the purification¹, when the turmoil is Big, some, a few, leave the technological whirlwind and seek refuge in the Ancestral and Eternal Truths. They are, meaning you are, My daughter, the ones who will be free of confusion. The world is now a whirlwind, a storm, a cyclone, and –understand this- it’s not possible to remain calm in the center of the cyclone. If you are going to be in holy peace and maintain yourselves in the Truth, you must, there is no other option, remain the farthest away as you can from the world and its happenings. This can be achieved, little ones, by diminishing or eliminating the desires. The desire to “have”, “of being” in front of the world, and of “false power” are what lead you to be motivated inside the world. Whoever desires little of the world and is happy with having the necessary is the only one who can find a haven; but whoever is a prisoner of desires, of passions, of the wish of “having”, will not find peace, and this, my little ones, depends entirely of you. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) See how I, Jesus Christ lived and do the same. Did I walk in the world running after passions and looking for fame or riches? Or did I maintain myself in Holy BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


prayer and was only in it (the world) to teach My Disciples, to cure, to serve the neighbor, and to Always do the Holy Will of the Beloved Father? Do the same in imitation of Me if you believe you are My disciples, My friends, and My loved ones. You will no longer be able to follow the world and your God: you have to decide because one or the other will cover the same life. You must decide and stand faithful to it, Little Ones, because you don’t know the day or time of My coming, but all the signs are around you, if you want to see them. Read Revelations and you will be able to prove it; read My prophets of the ancestral pact and you will see that you are in the foretold times. Don’t believe that these happenings will not reach you, because they will. Or don’t you believe that you are not evil enough; that your societies, in imitation of the great whore, are such that you need the intervention of your Good because you can no longer fix yourselves? Or perhaps, do you believe you can get worse and Heaven will tolerate it? How much less the people of Sodom and Gomorrah sinned and they were erased, disappeared, and eliminated? Or perhaps, you believe that you are better? The question that remains is: Will you be like Nineveh and each one of you will dress with sackcloth, and like societies of ashes and penitence, to lessen the just ire of the Beloved Holy Father, or will you continue sinning until the end? Don’t you see that what is left is for you to repent, dress in sackcloth and ashes, and stop sinning? Don’t wait to reach hell to clamor that everything that I Warned you was True, because I am warning you in advance: It is! You no longer distinguish day from night, everything is confusing, and running after mirages which –we have told you and we insist and we repeat- are just that; BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


they are not the realities that will surely lead you to the other life. You stay the same and don’t want to change. Are you expecting Heaven to change its eternal precepts to adjust to the worst of all the generations? Or perhaps the wise father changes to accept the suicidal whims of the obstinate child? You are so foolish, so senseless in thinking that! Heaven does not change its way of thinking, its man that is in error who must change his thinking and his way of acting. You have the Sacred Scriptures; you have My prophets and mystics; you have what you call the private revelations with messages from Your Holy Mother, infallible guide and instructor, and you don’t want to follow her. You read it, but you do not follow her, and do not imitate her. Have the courage to do the correct thing, what is straight in front of the Eyes of the Father, even if the others don’t do it; that salvation is personal. You won’t be asked to render account of what your neighbor did, but of the decisions each one took and carried out. You decide the fleeting for the eternal. You don’t construct over solid rock, which Is I and My Holy Word. Ask yourself, how do you live? Can you say out loud that you are My Disciples, that you resemble Me? Do you walk My Ways with simplicity and Truth? Are you capable of defending My Love and My Truth up to the Cross? Or are you cowards and when faced with the first criticism or look of reprove, you hide as Christians? Do you remember My Friends that preferred going in front of the lions before defecting² My Truth? Are you like that, Children of the Last Times, or are you cowards, and deny Me with pity as is I was a relative that shames you? Search in your souls, now that you are in the world. Be honest with your own answers and act in consequence. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Don’t be arrogant believing that the tribulation happens in other countries except in yours, or perhaps you don’t see that it comes to any neighborhood without warning, and only those of you who are Consecrated and in My Grace are safe? To postpone your conversion is to postpone your salvation, and it will not be postponed because it comes like lightning and a flash. In the blink of an eye you can find yourselves in front of My Holy Presence, and what are you going to tell Me, that you were going to do it tomorrow?, that you didn’t have time to go to confession?, when each day has 24 hours and the days in your favor are countless, and not even one hour of all these hours you could dedicate to Me, which is to dedicate it to your salvation? Little Ones, what are you waiting for to be Live Word, which is what you need to be? Don’t you know that all your past is forgiven if you confess with repentance, and change your life? Don’t you want any more My Mercy, and prefer Justice and Ire? Don’t be foolish, My Little Ones, heed my advice which I give you with Love; heed My Prophets that write for you My Holy Word, make you remember it, they bring it to this present world so you can see the Truth. It is not outdated or outmoded, but eternal and actual. (OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One, Holy Mother Do not take care any longer of the small things of the world, that the storm is getting near and you are sweeping the house that will be razed by the cyclone soon; better yet, place yourself in a prayerful position and clean your souls; that is what you must need to do. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Stop accumulating that with one storm, one fire, one strong wind all your belongings will be razed as if they were a child’s toy and then, what will you do? Only what you accumulate in your soul is safe treasure that will lead you to Heaven. They are the wings that you need to reach to the Heavenly Home. The worldly is dust, leave it now! Don’t sadden My Bleeding Heart any longer, My Children, that the tears cannot old so many of My beloved children that I see lost and falling into the abysm. Don’t fall there any more, Little Ones, I beg you!, that it is a place where there is no exit and then it won’t matter how much you cry and clamor with horror and desperation, I won’t be able to take you out from there once you have been judged. The Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ breaks each time He hears the most horrible phrase a man can say: “I AM CONDEMNED”, that this terrible phrase, terrible and definitive, never comes out of the mouths that I love so much. Let it be a happy and joyous Welcoming embrace because you will shout with ineffable joy: “I HAVE BEEN SAVED; I CHOSE MY SALVATION”, I want to hear you say. Choose it now that at the last moment Satan will come at you to give the last bang of a hungry beast. Do it now!, call for Your Mother to be with you in the last trance when your body is expiring; and the Loving and Chaste Saint Joseph to give you strength and accompany you through that trance, but start praying for it now, and to ask that in that trance he will also be with your family, neighbors, and friends. Start asking for it now! My Little Ones, do not be lost any longer. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Little One Abba If you understood, you are being asked that at the hour of your judgment you must ask for the help and protection of Heaven, must you must start to ask for it now, so when the moment comes your soul will to turn to Heaven; that at least it will have that certainty when your time comes that you will return to Heaven. Those of you who have not wanted to change your life, even if it is for your death’s trance, pray the Holy Rosary that with its Hail Mary’s you ask for it. Have you already consecrated your families to your putative father Saint Joseph? Do you go to your Guardian Angel, with which so much love I place beside each one of My Children? Do you call your Saints to aid you, My Little Ones? If you have not desired to do more, if you are not willing, at least, do the least, but do it. Don’t let yourselves be defeated by evil as if you were orphans, because you are not. In Heaven there is such sadness for your behavior, which is such, my little ones that you cannot imagine! Is it so difficult to quit mortal sin that you are willing to lose your soul for a few whimsical moments of pleasure? The decision is YOURS COMPLETELY but you must know that once the action is taken for one or the other side, death could arrive at any moment to any of you. I beg you, Little Ones, DON’T GO TO SLEEP IN MORTAL SIN THAT YOU MIGHT NOT WAKE UP EVER AGAIN.



I love you and contemplate you with infinite love, but now with infinite sadness. Decide now, Little Ones, and maintain yourselves in the Salvation that it offers, like the greatest gift from Heaven. It is not imposed. Thank you, My Little Ones, Your Beloved Creator Father Remain in My Holy Peace, in The Beloved Holy Spirit, and in My Beloved Son Redeemer of Man. Amen, My Children, Amen. I wait for you in Heaven to embrace you, if that is what you decide… ¹I understand that He is referring to the previous three and a half years in which we were invited to clean our garments; it is different and previous to the Great Tribulation. ²Defecting.(From Latin defectio, -ōnis) 1. The action of separating with disloyalty from the cause or partiality to which you belonged. (April 28)




Understand it once and for all: The only treasures which will be worthy are the ones you have in your soul and the works of love that you have done on earth; nothing else will matter. If anyone believes that because of having theoretical knowledge on what is LOVE, without practicing it with ME, God the Father, and WITHOUT practicing it with his peers –I am telling you, I alert you, and I warn you-: It won’t be worth anything. A small alms will be worth more if given with the heart than all of your accumulated knowledge. The words you speak have lost value (like coins when they are devaluated). You speak so much without meaning it, that your word has become like a common valueless coin. Only your works that come from the heart will earn your Salvation. You don’t pray from the heart, but in a hurry, and without truly paying attention to the Dignity of All God, with whom you pretend to talk. You are more watchful of your telephones and equipment, that you carry with you at all times, than to the Father of All Creation. Where do you expect to go like that, My Children, My little ones? CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE! When praying to the Father, do it with your heart and with ALL your attention, that it is a very big lack of respect and adoration how you do it, while at the same time you are watching many other things. Do good: think good so you will do good. The things you accumulate, including the human knowledge which you accumulate –I am telling you- will not serve you for absolutely nothing. You who are reading this, Heed my advice, now! Look for your needy brothers BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


and see to their needs: that your hands don’t come empty in front of My Holy Presence. I am giving you this time of opportunity to pick the flowers and fruits and true prayer that you will present in front of My Holy Presence. Don’t delay, that there is no time, My Children. It’s already too late, but don’t be disheartened for it: Do what is right so the doors will open to let you pass. Knock with love, with HUMILITY, with simplicity at the doors of Heaven, at the doors of The Immaculate Hearts of Your Holy Mother and My Beloved Sacred Son. Devote yourselves to good works, to prayer, and don’t sin anymore, that time –we have told you- is no longer time. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) You are in the no-time, My Little Ones. Don’t you see the signs all around your environment? Or perhaps you believe that they will be diminishing and everything will go back to the “normal” that was so comfortable to you? No, My Beloved, My Little Ones, it won’t be like that. The happenings will greatly increase in frequency and intensity. Those who have already seen them, do the right thing in Imitation of Your Holy Teacher, Your Lord and Your Friend, but those who are used to the world and prefer to close their eyes are the ones who are placing their eternal destinies at risk of getting lost. If you could see for an instant what is the destiny of the souls that did not change their walking in sin, you would change immediately. See, My Little Ones, the testimonies of your brothers that I Have Taken to know hell so they can be truthful witnesses of its existence. I invite you to see the testimonies even if you frighten, but it’s necessary, those of you who doubt its existence. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


I invite you: see the testimonies, read them, inquire, search My Holy Word, and you will see that it is a DOGMA, My Little Ones, without which the perfect justice and Mercy could not be comprehended: see it, My Little Ones, so you won’t fall there. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) My Children, My Little Ones: Do what My Son tells you. See, review the testimonies of the Sons of Heaven that have had to go, without deserving it, only to leave you testimony of its full and terrible existence. We repeat it to you, if you don’t want to be saved for love, then at least be saved of going there by fear, but I beg you: do not go to hell; an indescribable place of horror, pestilence, and wickedness. (SAINT JUAN DIEGO CUAHTLATOATZIN SPEAKS) Little Ones of the Lord, of Our Little Mother: Maintain yourselves under the protection of Saint Joseph, and don’t go out to the world which is a fish boiler. (MY HOLY GUARDIAN AND CUSTODIAN ANGEL SPEAKS) Tell them that in the Entire Universe there is no greater and safer protection than The Holy Wounds of Our and Your Lord Jesus Christ and His Loving and Sacred Blood. Let them know it; let them record it in their minds and hearts, so in each instant they will seek refuge in them and be covered with the Holy and Sacred Divine Blood. Remember this. Amen, Our Daughter. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Amen, My Guardian Angel. (*)CONSECRATION TO THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST Conscious, merciful Savior, of my nothingness and of Thy sublimity, I cast myself at Thy feet and thank Thee for the many proofs of Thy grace shown unto me, Thy ungrateful creature. I thank Thee especially for delivering me by Thy Precious Blood from the destructive power of Satan. In the presence of my dear Mother Mary, my guardian angel, my patron saint, and of the whole company of heaven, I dedicate myself voluntarily with a sincere heart, O dearest Jesus, to Thy Precious Blood, by which Thou hast redeemed the world from sin, death and hell. I promise Thee, with the help of Thy grace and to the utmost of my strength to stir up and foster devotion to Thy Precious Blood, the price of our redemption, so that Thy adorable Blood may be honored and glorified by all. In this way, I wish to make reparation for my disloyalty towards Thy Precious Blood of love, and to make satisfaction to Thee for the many profanations which men commit against that precious price of their salvation. O would that my own sins, my coldness, and all the acts of disrespect I have ever committed against Thee, O Holy Precious Blood, could be undone. Behold, O dearest Jesus, I offer to Thee the love, honor and adoration, which Thy most Holy Mother, Thy faithful disciples and all the saints have offered to Thy Precious Blood. I ask Thee to forget my earlier faithlessness and coldness, and to forgive all who offend Thee. Sprinkle me, O Divine Savior, and all men with Thy Precious Blood, so that we, O Crucified Love, may love Thee from now on with all our hearts, and worthily honor the price of our salvation. Amen. (April 30)




Little one, don't be afraid Mother? Solitude is always a big part of those who donate themselves to Heaven, because, Little One, they don't participate of the world; they are not interested in that which the world proposes as worthy of spending your life in it. You have already tasted the honeys of the Heavenly and you don't feel content with the crumbs of the world. The world does not understand you, nor love you, or accept you; at the utmost they contemplate you like strange and and estranged creatures. Buy you, the ones of the Heaven, are not to be receiving from the world. Perhaps light receives from darkness?, instead darkness receives from the light. You are still there to give that holy guide, the light you have from Heaven, but your humanity suffers while you are on earth because your body is still human; but let your soul be at peace knowing that you are estranged from the world so it won't stain your garments, once these have been whitened, and there is no need to come back. It's a time of waiting and prayer, of retreating and asking Heaven for heavenly company and love. You come out to the world only to Give light, the love that heaven gives you, but not to reap fruit. Your basket is filled with prayer and when doing the good works it is given, and when you have finished you return; don't stay in the world to see what you are going to do, return. You are in the world, but out of it, without belonging and that's why that you can communicate with Heaven in such a portentous manner. Thank you Holy Mother, thank you. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


(May 2)


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) The Walk, The Way, My Children, keeps getting not only narrower but steeper, and the Holy Cross weighs even more as you get closer to the end. Always Remember that behind the Cross is the Glory, and don't forget it. As you advance, it seems that the Holy Cross weighs more, but it's that you are going tired as you walk towards Me. Your way is hard, it's difficult, it's solitary, and it's full of rocks, and thistles, and thorns but, nevertheless, you keep on going. My Little Ones, in imitation of your Lord, when you believe you can't go on any longer, take another step, that I will be there, Your Beloved Father, to make sure that you don't get out of the Way. Little Ones, the more the happenings advance and the men around you continue not seeing, saying: "This has always happened", you feel more desperate between blind men; and it doesn't matter how much you speak, it seems that you do it between deaf people, because not only they refuse to "see", but also to "hear" what My prophets are telling you. You have to put them in My Holy Hands and don't get desperate. Don't go ahead of the happenings and live each day, one at a time. Leave Me the future and offer Me your past, so you won't carry it anymore. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Little Ones, your pain is great, it's the one My Son suffered, for pure Love, when fulfilling My Plan of Redemption. You are now co-redeemers with My Beloved Son and it hurts you, and if you remain it is for Love. Believe that I, Your Father, have Total Knowledge and Know why I order what I do, do it, without questioning Me, in imitation of My Son, you can say to Me: "Father, Abba, I don't understand, but I Comply with Your Will because I love you" which will be sufficient. Don't try to understand to do. Do and later you will understand. Don't enter into desperation, which is not dignified of My Children. You know what is happening. You can prove how Evilness has become totally brazen and no longer hides or disguises, now it is flagrant and brazen-faced; this is the end of the happenings. Already the Children that have fallen into the nets of Evil don't try to come back and they wallow of belonging to the Evil. Ah, My Poor Little Ones that you do not imagine the future that your mistaken decision holds. Now you feel "owners and lords of the world", abusing Mine, of My poor, of My humble, but it is not forever, and the Always exists and it belongs to My Holy Will. Don't be fooled, don't doubt saying: "My Master is delayed" (*) and sit down to eat, drink, and commit all kinds of impure and malicious acts. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Be prudent; offer Me for pains and sufferings. Unite yourselves to the Gethsemane of My Beloved Son; unite yourselves to His Holy Walk towards the Golgotha; unite yourselves to Him who is meek and humble of Heart, Little Ones and keep on going that, I am telling you, even if the way now has become steep and the Cross weighs more for you, you are not going alone and you are coming towards My Loving Arms that once your personal Mission is finished, I will embrace you, and will fill you with all Blessings. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


I invite you, My Little Ones, My Beloved to maintain yourselves in the Way and now, Above all things, don't trust saying MY MASTER IS DELAYED, because he will arrive like lightning. Who of you is going to be awake to Receive Him? Who? I Love you, My Little Sheep, My Little Ones, My Hearts. If you trip get up and keep going, that the Angels flank your Ways and as companions of the Walk, they are at your side, turn to them for help and support. If you feel each time father away of those who are in the world, shelter yourselves in My Beloved Immaculate Heart and in the Sacred Heart of My Beloved Son, who will never leave you unprotected. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Today, Jesus comes, but does Speak to Me. He consoles me with His Holy Presence because He Knows what I need. That the Way is like The Beloved Father describes it, and that's how we are. I take shelter in His Holy Presence where I find Consolation, Refuge, and the Home that will come and will never leave, and in that I place my hope which strengthens me. Later He Tells me: "Embrace to Me, so I can take you in My Arms" "Trust Me and rest when you feel that you can't take it anymore, let Me do the walking and rest in Me". (*) We suggest that you read and study the scatological speeches of Jesus in Matthew 24 and Luke 12. 44 Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect. 45 "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time?� 46 Blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing. 47 Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions. 48 But if that wicked servant says to himself, `My master is delayed,' 49 and begins to beat his fellow servants, and eats and drinks with the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

124 drunken, 50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, 51 and will punish him, and put him with the hypocrites; there men will weep and gnash their teeth. Matthew 24:44-51 42 And the Lord said, "Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom his master will set over his household, to give them their portion of food at the proper time? 43 Blessed is that servant whom his master when he comes will find so doing. 44 Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions. 45 But if that servant says to himself, `My master is delayed in coming,' and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 46 the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, and will punish him, and put him with the unfaithful. 47 And that servant who knew his master's will, but did not make ready or act according to his will, shall receive a severe beating. 48 But he who did not know, and did what deserved a beating, shall receive a light beating. Every one to whom much is given, of him much will be required; and of him to whom men commit much they will demand the more. Luke 12:42-48 (May 5, 2013)


(AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Listen and write. The doubt regarding the mental sanity of ours- those who are trained to hear us- is recurrent, don’t worry about it. In the Gethsemane you have been asked to keep yourself sheltered and in solitude, and not to go out to men to ascertain and verify. You alone with the help from Heaven do this work and it BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


is a test of Faith so big, Little One. Man requires proofs, in the majority of cases, to be believe. Happy you that believe without need of proving! That is the True faith. You have believed and have followed Faithfully the Way of the Lord in total solitude, and it is natural for you to grieve and to doubt yourself; and even like that you stay without asking for proof or making sure or man’s judgment that will verify the truthfulness of what you hear, of the interior visions that Heaven presents to you. The donation of the Gethsemane is one that few can make, because man cannot stand the solitude, the silence and the anonymity. To know that he only serves God and that he is despised by men. It’s a hard test of faith not to be involved with the world or be distracted in it, because the soul, Little One, is obliged to see itself in its human condition, while its stay on earth lasts. Your trust is and must be totally on Heaven, like it was for Our Lord Jesus Christ (the Angel kneels in reverence) during his Gethsemane. His only desire was to fulfill the Will of the Father. Those of you, who are leaving the world and the world starts to forget you, finish only with one desire which is his food when nothing else of the humans remains: FULFILL THE WILL OF GOD THE FATHER (the Angel kneels). The more a man or woman rises, the lonelier he/she remains because it’s not of men to try to accompany a soul that goes up towards the summit of heaven, and his/her humanity suffers and is easily tortured by the whispers of the Evil One, (like it happened to Our Lord in the Gethsemane). But remember –and that’s why this small and brief explanation- that the intimacy that you reach with Heaven, BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


while in life, is the one you will have achieved to occupy your place in Heaven. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little Ones, can you understand it? My House, My Castle, My Home is open for you. I invite you not only to enter but to roam the various rooms. It depends on you if you stay at the threshold or you pass to places more inside, to the bedrooms and chambers. If you are occupied on the things of the world, you won’t even have the curiosity to enter My House and roam it. You will conform to believing that it exists and that when you go, you will see how you are going to do to stay in a good place in Heaven, Little Ones; but it is not like that. It’s here where you must choose the place you will have, if you get to reach it, in My Holy House. My little children that leave the world, go inside My House, (which is to say in My Heart of Father and in My Son’s) are the ones who roam My house and find a dwelling and repose and a home that does not end, in it. I invite you, and you will have to pass through the Immaculate Heart of Most Holy Mary. She is in the threshold waiting for you so you can pass, inviting you. But you must enter into Her Holy Protection that She, holily will bring you. You won’t be able to come through other routes. Arrive through Most Holy Mary, which is the Way towards the Way, which is My Most Beloved Son, can you understand it? That’s why you must CONSECRATE to Most Holy Mary and let yourself be guided by Her, holily, to My Holy Abode. Don’t try to come through other ways that you will easily get lost, that’s why I BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


have asked My Beloved Daughter that in these Last times to be Co Redeemer with My Most Beloved Son. She is the track to the pathway; don’t try through other ways that very easily you will get lost. Heed, My Little Ones, that time is short and already you can see the events around you and your environment which do not dwindle. Pray, make reparation, offer fasting and penitence, but must of all LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, My Little Ones. (May 8)


Since last week Our Lord Jesus Christ told me that the date of 13th of May was very significant. I know, then, that it is the culmination of a period of time that we were given by Heaven. On this date something very important closes. I did not know what He was referring to, but I investigated and found that the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima were on May 13, 1917. Our Beloved Father asks me to spread the message from Fatima and I face a problem. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) What is happening, Little One? Beloved Father: I started to transcribe the message of Our Lady of Fatima and there are so many versions and the one that seemed as true ended talking about BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


alien beings. A patina of Truth and in the center cyanide(*). What do I do, Father? Tell, Little One, your brothers that they must read VERY CAREFULLY and with a great dose of DISCERNMENT the messages that your Holy Mother has donated, that are warnings and lovable reprimands; that they should not leave them to the side. Recommend to them, Little One, that before they do it to ask this with an open heart to Our Holy Spirit: Discernment for you to read her holy Messages. Study them carefully now: one by one. Read them, make them yours, and trust in Me, Little Ones. Do you see how it has not been possible to have clarity with the so much mentioned Third Secret, and it urges your curiosity more? Read those that already have been verified, don’t leave them on the side because that is why I have given them to you. Especially read the ones from Garabandal, Fatima, and La Salette. See how one-by-one they reaffirm themselves and don’t be obsessed with the confusing or secret, which is going to confuse you like My Little One. What has been diffused is so much, Little Ones, that not to do it is lack of love for your Mother. Read them, Little Ones that you are at the end of the happenings, at the border of the fatal events that have been announced will come if you do not decide for the Conversion. I love you, My Little Ones Your Father from Eternity (*) DON’T BE AFRAID, DEAR LITTLE ONE, I AM THE MOTHER OF GOD WHO BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


IS SPEAKING TO YOU AND ASKS YOU TO MAKE PUBLIC FOR THE WHOLE WORLD THE PRESENT MESSAGE. DOING IT, YOU WILL FIND STRONG RESISTANCES. LISTEN WELL AND PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT I AM TELLING YOU: Men must correct themselves. With humble pleas you must ask for forgiveness for the sins committed and that you might commit. You want me to give you a signal so each one will accept My Words that, through your intermediation, I tell to the human gender. You have seen the signs of the sun, and all: believers, incredulous, laborers, citizens, wise men, newspaper men, laity, priests; all have seen it. And now proclaim in My Name: A punishment will fall over the entire human gender, not today or tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth century. I had already revealed it to the children Melanie and Maxim in La Salette and today I repeat it to you because the human gender has sinned and stepped on the gift I have given them. There is no order in any part of the world, and Satan reigns over the highest positions determining the way of things. He, effectively, is able to introduce himself up to the cusp of the Church; he tries to seduce the spirits of the great scientists that invent the arms with which will be possible to destroy in a few minutes a big part of Humanity. He will have in his power the powerful that govern the people and will urge them to build an enormous amount of these arms. And if Humanity does not oppose it, It Will be Obliged to leave My Son’s Arm free… Then the day will come that God will punish men with such a severity, like it did not do with The Deluge. The Time of all Times will come and the end of all ends, if Humanity does not Convert and if everything stays as is now or worse, mostly worsening. The great and powerful will die along the children and the weak. Also for the Church the time will come of its greatest test: Cardinals will oppose other cardinals, bishops to bishops, Satan will walk amid their ranks and there will be changes in Rome. What is BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


rotten will fall and what falls will never get up. The Church will be obfuscated and the whole world involved by terror. The time will come that no king, emperor, cardinal or bishop will wait for He who will come, but to chastise according to the Designs of My Father. A Great War will unfold in the second half of the twentieth century. Fire and smoke will fall from the sky; the waters of the oceans will convert into vapor, and the froth will come up disorganizing, and everything will sink. Millions and millions of men will perish one hour after another, and those that remain with life will envy the dead. On all parts, where you turn your gaze, there will be anguish, misery, ruins in all the countries. Do you see? The time is coming each time more and the abysm stretches without hope. The good will perish beside the bad; the big ones with the little ones; the princes of the Church with their faithful; and the kings with their people. There will be death throughout all parts due to the errors committed by the insensible and by the followers of Satan, the one who then, and only then, will reign over the World. At the end, when those that survive each event still remain alive, they will proclaim God again and His Glory and Will Serve Him, like in another time when the World wasn’t as perverted as now. (At the end it says “The angels of yesterday are the aliens of today. Cosmic beings will visit the earth in the name of God”): This is the cyanide in the center of the candy that if one is not firm in the Holy Doctrine will swallow it and will be poisoned by it. You have to be very careful of what is put in your ear and in the eye, because it is what goes to the soul. “I leave it for you as an example, God the Father says, My Little Ones, so you will be alert and don’t neglect yourselves IN THE ABSOLUTE.” (May 12)


131 P.D. On the 14th of May, Heaven gives us the gift of this testimony regarding Fatima. Declarations of Sister Lucia of Fatima

By Father JOAQUIN MARIA ALONSO Father Agustin Fuentes, a Mexican priest name vice postulant of the causes for beatification of Francisco and Jacinta, had a conversation with Sister Lucia on December 26, 1957. When he returned to Mexico, on May 22, 1958, he gave a conference in the Mother House of the “Missionaries of the Sacred Heart” and spoke about this interview. We have in our possession two original texts of Father Fuentes’ conference, one in Spanish and another in English, an abbreviated translation of the Spanish text, but essentially identical to the first. Here we present to you the original Spanish text, of the “Declarations of Sister Lucia to Father Agustin Fuentes”. The Imprimatur of this text by S.E.r. Mons. Sanchez, Archbishop of Santa Cruz, Mexico. These declarations of Sister Lucia to Father Fuentes, official investigator for the Vatican, are recognized by Sain Pious XII, and were published with Ecclesiastical License, in the magazine Fatima Findings, June 1959; in the Messagero del Cuore di Maria, September 1961; and later in many other publications. Father Fuentes speaks of a message “received from the very lips” of Sister Lucia: “I want to tell you of the last conversation I had with her, it was on December 26th of last year (1957). I found her in a convent very sad, pale, and emaciated; and told me: “Father, the Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to Her message, neither the good nor the bad. The good continue on their way but without giving any importance to Her message. The bad, not seeing the punishment of God actually falling upon them, continue their life of sin without even caring about the message. But believe me, Father, God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. The punishment from Heaven is imminent. Father, how much time is there before 1960 arrives? It will be very sad for everyone, not one person will rejoice at all if beforehand the world does not pray and do penance.” BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

132 “I am not able to give any other details because it is still a secret because by the will of the Most Holy Virgin”, only can be known by the Holy Father as well as the Bishop of Fatima. Both have not wanted to know it so as not to be influenced. It is the third part of the Message of Our Lady (Third Secret), which still remains secret until 1960.” “Tell them, Father, that the Most Holy Virgin, on repeated occasions, told my cousins Francisco and Jacinta, as well as myself, that many nations of the earth will disappear from the face of the earth that Russia would be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven for the whole world, if beforehand we do not obtain the conversion of that poor nation.” Sister Lucia also told me: “Father, the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin; and since it knows that is what offends God the most and which in a short space of time will gain for him the greatest number of souls, he is trying to win the consecrated souls to God, because in this way, he also leaves the souls abandoned and he seize them more easily.” “Also tell them, Father, that my cousins Francisco and Jacinta sacrificed themselves because they always saw the Holy Virgin very sad, in all her apparitions. She never smiled at us, and that sadness and anguish that we noticed in the Holy Virgin, because of our offenses to God and the punishments that menace sinners, touched our souls; and we did not know what to do to find in our childish imagination means to do prayer and sacrifice.” “The second thing that sanctified the children was the vision of Hell… For this, Father, it’s not my mission to indicate to the world the material punishments (catastrophes) that surely will come to the world, if before they happen the world doesn’t do prayer and penitence, no. My mission is to indicate to everybody the imminent danger in which we are, of losing forever our soul, if we keep clinging to sin.” “Father –Sister Lucia used to tell me-, let’s not wait for a call to penitence to come from Rome, from the Holy Father, for the whole world; or to neither wait that it comes from BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

133 the Bishops, in their dioceses; or from the Religious Congregations. No. Already Our Lord used these means many times, and the world has not heeded the warnings. That’s why now, each should start by himself his spiritual reform; that he has to save not only his soul; but to save all the souls that God has put in his way.” "Father, the Most Holy Virgin did not tell me (literally) that we are in the LAST TIMES of the world, but She made me understand this by three reasons. First: Because She told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. And a decisive battle is the final battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Either we are for God or we are for the devil. Second: because She said to my cousins as well as to myself, that God is giving two last remedies to the world. They are the Holy Rosary and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are the last two remedies which signify that there will be no others. And Third: because in the plans of Divine Providence, when God is about to chastise the world, He exhausts all other remedies. Now, when He sees that the world pays no attention whatsoever then, as we say in our imperfect manner of speaking, He offers us with certain trepidation the last means of salvation, His Most Holy Mother.” “If we despise and reject this last means, we will not have any more forgiveness from Heaven, because we will have committed a sin which the Gospel calls the sin against the Holy Ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting, with full knowledge and consent, the salvation which He offers.” “And also because Jesus Christ is a very good Son… And He does not permit that we offend and despise His Most Holy Mother; having as a clear testimony many centuries of Church history which demonstrate how Our Lord Jesus Christ has always defended the honor of His Most Holy Mother. "The two means for saving the world, -Sister Lucia used to tell me-, prayer and BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

134 sacrifice... And then, the Holy Rosary. Look, Father, the Most Holy Virgin, in these LAST TIMES in which we are living, has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary. To such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world or of the religious communities, or even of the life of peoples and nations. There is no problem, I tell you, no matter how difficult it is, that we cannot solve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary.” “With the Holy Rosary we will save ourselves, sanctify ourselves, console Our Lord and obtain the salvation of many souls; and the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Most Holy Mother, placing Her as the seat of mercy, of goodness and of pardon, and as the sure door of entering Heaven." That is the first part of the Message in reference to Our Lady of Fatima; and the second part, that, even briefer, and not less important, refers to the Holy Father.” (Imprimatur of this text, from S.E.R. Mons. Sanchez, Archbishop of Santa Cruz, Mexico. These declarations of Sister Lucia to Father Fuentes, official investigator from the Vatican, are recognized by His Holiness Pious XII and were published with ecclesiastical license, in the magazine “Fatima Findings”, Junio 1959; in the “Messagero del Cuore di Maria”, Sept. 1961; and later in many publications.) Of “The Whole Truth About Fatima: Fact and Legend”, from the Rev. Joaquin Alonso, a very learned scholar, official archivist of Fatima and investigator of the happenings. Monsignor Joao Venancio, Bishop of Fatima, asked him to relate in 1966 a critical and complete story of the revelations, to defend them against the attacks and modernistic skepticisms. Father Alonso studied the archives, spoke with Sister Lucia, and publicly testified that the “Declarations of Sister Lucia to Father Fuentes” in 1957, are authentic and true. In 1975, he finished his study of the apparitions, “The Secret of Fatima: Fact and Legend”, with 5396 documents, and once it was ready for printing, the new bishop of Fatima, Monsignor do Amaral, archived it. Before his decease, on December 12, 1981, Father Joaquin Alonso published some books and pamphlets on the message of Fatima. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

135 If you wish to read other Marian messages that are very interesting, some have already been approved definitely by the Catholic Church: Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, Kibeho, Akita, Amsterdam, etc., visit the page: “Happy are you when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers. Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. This is how the prophets who lived before you were persecuted.” (Matthew 5:11-12) (P.D. May 14)


(God the Father Speaks) Come, Little One, I want you to write. Like I have been telling and alerting you, the days are shortening because the Times, finally, are fulfilled. Those who have not been capable of believing, when looking at the events that have been happening in your world and believe that everything is “normal”, are the blindest among the blind, Little One. I have gradually let you see My Unhappiness in how you lead the world: it has been increasingly manifested in My beautiful creation and in your societies. I have allowed you to see almost as “through a dropper” so you will be careful of placing yourselves in My Holy Grace, but you have conformed to how the world is now. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


You are no longer scared, or seem alarmed of what your children see in the television equipment. You don’t imagine what they enter to see in the advanced technology of the intercommunications. They enter sites of magic, filthiness, and corruption. You don’t know what the hearts of your small ones harbor: they are already corrupted; nothing has been left to restlessness or imagination. How do you believe that this world would be if I allow that these children, already corrupted since they are 11 years old, grow to govern the world? They have grown up between the magic and the promiscuity; mocking God Himself and seeing as “natural” what is aberration and sin. Because of this, Little Ones, I cannot permit that the world keeps its course in this manner. You have finished with the future, with the hope that is your children. The Times of Times have arrived, like My Most Beloved Daughter has been announcing, and in front of your always, and now usual indifference, the times have been fulfilled. I have asked you to read the Apparitions on Earth of your Most Holy Mother so you will prepare for what is coming and, believe it, it’s not to chastise you (even though the wicked are going to think so), but because it is NECESSARY to return to the Plan that I, God the Father, traced in the marvelous creation of this world. I did not create you so you would exploit one another; for you to let yourselves die of hunger and malnutrition; for the women to prostitute themselves, like it is now, for fame and vanity: It was not that for which I created you, but to love yourselves one another as brothers and live in amity and peace, but you have done everything but that. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


I have created you for My and the Heaven’s solace and company and you have broken with the Heavenly Court, and rule yourselves without even knowing the most basic principles which are My Holy and Immutable Ten Commandments. It’s not possible!, Little Ones, you have corrupted and deviated everything; and it’s time that I, God the Father, through My Most Beloved Begotten Son Jesus Christ, Absolute Perfection, Comes to Reign in My Creation, and it will be so, and it will be done so. You will enter into the most decisive part of the purification, which will be called the “Great Tribulation”: and it will not stop until everything that has been contaminated and stained with grave sin has been cleaned. Little Ones, I repeat it to you again, put yourselves in My Holy Grace and prepare yourselves that the events are going to hit you with hardness. Be Always protected by the most generous and miraculous substance from the whole universe which is the Most Holy Blood of My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ; be always by the hand of Your Mother who will be able to guide you to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son; be Consecrated to Saint Joseph; entrust yourselves to your Guardian and Custodian Angels, and heed what I have been telling and reminding you. Don’t try to invent short cuts and ways which lead to nowhere. Be faithful to the orthodoxy of the Church, and know that I Am Not about to change it, but to reform it and return it to its ancestral roots. Stay close to the tradition of the centuries and don’t mind the modern age which is just error and pretension for your Father to bless sin which I Will Never Do! BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


Now I leave you to read the Apparitions of your Mother in Akita, Japan (*). Read them, spread them, and believe in them, that what has been announced is at your doors and you are sleeping as if you were certain that you are ready to enter into Holy Heaven as soon as I call you. ARE YOU, My Little Ones? Put yourselves in My Grace and don’t come out of it, leave the grave sins that you are still bringing from many years past, leave them in the Confessional, at the foot of the Holy Cross of My Son, and don’t come to Me burdened with sins because I won’t be able to invite you to enter into Heaven. Don’t trust yourself that you don’t know the day or hour in which I will call you to render accounts, but it won’t be with previous warning. Be ready so, if I Call You, you will come with your hands full of Love. I love you and that’s why with such insistence I reprimand you, write to you, and warn you. Heed my advice, My Little Ones, that once that the curtain of your lives has fallen there will be no worthy excuse. Remain in My Love and maintain yourselves in the Holy Peace of My Son Jesus. Your Father that loves you incommeasurably. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Little One, My Jesus. I know you are tired, My Sheep, that have been sheared in the world, that you haven’t had the life that the Father, that Heaven would have wanted you to have, BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


but soon you will see the Glory of the Lord and all your souls will be healed of the pain of having been sheep between wolves. Faithfully and firmly believe in My Word, that the same as it has been Faithfully and precisely fulfilled, it is fulfilled, and will be fulfilled. Don’t falter, My sheep, maintain yourselves within My Fold and don’t come out, that time is now very short for My Second Coming and I will not come as the Meek Sacrificial Lamb, but as the Just Judge to Reign over all the earth. Trust in My Word, read in My Gospel when I announced that I would come and believe, because yours is the Reign of Heaven. Maintain yourselves in the Heart and under the protection of Most Holy Mary, your Perfect Mother. And wait in Grace and doing the good works in the Holy Eyes of the Lord. Don’t try to run, that you don’t where to go, but walk slowly and with firm step that you, those who are in The Way, only must be aware to stay in it, listening to what you listen, seeing what you see. It is the purification that has to come before My Holy Coming. I Have Announced it through My Beloved John in the Gospels. Read, read, read of My Second Coming. Concentrate on it full of joy and faith. Don’t put aside the hope, that My Second Coming is soon and I Come for Mine. Wait in grace that Your Lord is Coming. I love you, My Little Ones, sheep of My beloved Fold. (OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) My Children, those of you who have let yourselves be guided by Me, by your Holy Mother, are under My Protection, don’t be frightened, stay there and pray; BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


intercede for your brothers which have not taken My holy hand and guidance. Intercede for them and don’t tire in doing so. My Son is coming soon, and He comes to rescue his, Our Little Ones. I love you, My little children, Your Most Holy Mother Mary. (*) Messages of the Holy Virgin in Akita, Japan. (Recognized and approved by the Church.) In 1973 the Holy Virgin gave THREE MESSAGES for humanity to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa, a religious from the “Servants of the Eucharist”, in Akita, Japan, through the image of of “Our Lady of All The People”, also known as “The Holy Mother of Akita”. Bathed in a brilliant light, the statute became alive and spoke with a voice of indescribable beauty. Sister Agnes was born in 1931, she had been paralyzed since she was 19 years old and she was cured with the water from Lourdes. The extraordinary events in Akita started in 1969. While she was praying the Rosary, and angel appeared in front of Sister Agnes Sasagawa and told her that at the end of the mystery to pray: “Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires hell; lead all souls to heaven,

especially those most in need of your Mercy.” This prayer was unknown to her which had been taught by the Holy Virgin to the three shepherds of Fatima in 1917. The messages of Akita have a relationship with the prophecies of Fatima.

Apparitions that have been approved by the Church On April 22, 1984, Monsignor John Shojiro Ito, Bishop of Nigata, declared that the apparitions in Akita are genuinely supernatural in nature, and authorized its veneration in all the Diocese. In June of 1988, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

141 Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, gave the definite judgment in favor of the apparitions in Akita, considering the messages authentic and credit worthy. He also said: “The message of Akita is the message of Fatima”. During the days of June 12, 13, and 14 of 1973, Sister Agnes saw luminous rays coming out of the Sanctuary in the chapel. On June 24th, Sunday, the luminosity was even more brilliant. On June 28th, a wound in the shape of the Cross formed in the palm of the left hand of Sister Agnes Sasagawa. It caused a very strong pain. FIRST MESSAGE (On July 6, 1973, first Friday of the month.) At three in the morning her guardian angel appeared and told her: “Don’t be afraid. I am the one who is at your

side and guards you. Come and follow me. Don’t pray only for your sins, but in atonement for the sins of humanity. The present world hurts the Sacred Heart of Jesus with its ungratefulness and its outrages. The wound in the hand of the Holy Virgin Mary is much deeper than yours. Now let’s go to the chapel.” When they reached the chapel the angel disappeared. Sister Agnes knelt in front of the altar, in front of the Sanctuary, in profound adoration. Then she comes closer to the statue of the Virgin Mary to look at the wound that the image shows in the hand. As soon as she does that, she hears a sweet voice coming from the statue. Sister Agnes was deaf, but in a miraculous way she receives the first message from the Virgin:

“My daughter, my novice, you have obeyed me well abandoning everything to follow me. Is the sickness of your ears shameful? You can be assured that they will healed. Be patient. It’s the last test. Does the wound on the hand hurt? Pray in atonement for the sins of humanity. Each person in this community is my daughter. Do you pray well the prayer of the Servants of the Eucharist? Then let’s pray it together: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, you are truly present in the Holy Eucharist, I consecrate my body and my soul so it is entirely yours with your heart that is been sacrificed in all the altars of the world and giving praise to the Father, praying for the coming of his Kingdom. Receive this humble offering of my being. Do of me what You want for the Glory of the Father and the BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


salvation of souls. Holy Mother of God, never let me be separated from your Divine Son. Defend me and protect me as your daughter. Amen”. “Pray a lot for the Pope, for the Bishops, and for the Priests.” On that day, July 6th, the wound in form of a cross, in the right hand of the statue of the Virgin started to bleed. On July 25th, Monsignor Ito came to the convent to verify the phenomenon. Next day, that hand of the image bled again. This time the blood is abundant and dark. On that day, Sister Agnes felt a strong pain in the wound of the palm of her hand; on Friday, July 27th, the angel said:

“Your pains will end today. Jealously keep with you the remembrance of the blood of Mary and engrave it in your heart. Mary’s wound has a very important meaning: It has been done to obtain your conversion, to implore peace, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences whereby God is offended. Have in high esteem the devotion of the precious Blood of Christ.” SECOND MESSAGE: Our Holy Virgin warns us in Akita. (August 3, 1973, first Friday of the month)

“My daughter, my novice, do you love the Lord? If you love the Lord listen to what I am going to tell you. It is very important. You will inform your Superior: Many men in the world afflict the Lord. I want souls to console Him, to soften the ire of the Heavenly Father. I wish, with My Son, repairing souls, with their sufferings and their poorness, for the sinners, and the ungrateful. So the world will realize his ire, the Heavenly Father is getting ready to send a great Chastisement to all humanity. Many times I have intervened with My Son to soften the ire of the Father. I have prevented calamities from coming, offering the sufferings of My Son in the Cross, his precious Blood, the favorite souls that console Him and constitute the cohort of victim souls. Prayer, Penitence, and spirited Sacrifices can soften the ire of the Father.” “I also desire it from your community, to love poverty, to become holier, and to pray in reparation for the indifferences and BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


outrages of so many men. Pray the prayer of the Servants of the Eucharist meditating its meaning, put it into practice. Offer it in reparation of sins. That each one endeavors according to her capability and work, offering herself completely to the Lord.” After a silence She told her:

“Is it true what you think in your heart? Are you truly decided to turn into a rejected stone? My novice, do you want to belong without reserves to the Lord, be the Spouse of the worthy Spouse, make your votes knowing that you must be adhered to the Cross with three nails? These are: poverty, chastity, and obedience. Of the three, obedience is the base. In total abandonment, let yourself be guide by your superior. He will know how to understand you and guide you.” Many miracles happened. On September 29, 1973, Saturday, the Feast of Saint Michael Archangel, Patron of Japan, the miracles multiplied. While Sister Agnes was praying the Rosary with another sister, the statue shined with luminous rays, surrounded by an all-white light. When she finished she noticed that the wound on the hand of the statue had disappeared completely. And a heavy liquid, like sweat, was coming out from the statue. They dried it with gauzes and cotton balls. Once the statue was dry, the cotton balls exuded an unspeakable perfume that smelled like roses, like lilies, or like violets. The whole chapel was filled with the soft odor which lasted until October 16th, the day on which the angel had said it would stop. THIRD MESSAGE: A terrible punishment from God to humanity is announced. (October 13, 1973)

“My dear daughter, listen well to what I have to tell you; you will inform your Superior. If men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son… With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by other priests; churches and altars will be sacked. The Church will be filled with those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them. Pray a lot the prayers of the Rosary… Those that put their trust in Me will be saved.” After January 4, 1975 the tearing of the statue started until September 15, 1981. (101 times) Monsignor Ito was ocular witness of the shed tears. The day the tearing started, the angel appeared to Sister Agnes Sasagawa and told her:

“Don’t be surprised in seeing the Holy Virgin Mary crying. One soul that converts is precious to her Heart. She manifests her pain to enliven your faith, always so inclined to weaken. Now that you have seen her precious tears, and to console Her, talk (about this) with valor, extend this devotion, for Her glory and her Son’s.” The Holy Virgin asks for repairing souls, praying souls. Her image sheds tears and blood; She revealed to Ida Peerdeman, in the apparition “Our Lady of All People”, in Amsterdam, that on a May 31st the Church would proclaim the last Marian dogma: Mary Co-Redeemer, Co-Intercessor, and Pleader.” Her Immaculate Heart is an exact image of the Heart of Her Divine Son. (Source: Father Jose Luis de Urrutia, S.J., “El Tiempo que se aproxima”, Editorial Reina del Cielo, 1988, Madrid.) (May 14)




(OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) I want to leave this for you as a post data: Read and Follow me in My Visionary Children of Medjugorje(*), that I pour myself in love and blessings for you. Don’t stop being aware and up-to-date of My Words to My Visionary Children, that I fill you with Blessings and protection and from there I am giving My Love to all humanity as Our Lady of Peace. May peace reign in your Hearts, My Children. Don’t forget that always, at all moment and in any place and circumstance, you have a Mother you can count on. Come to Me that I will not leave you alone, like a mother who never abandons a son, so I Am, My Beloved, My Children, My Hearts, never ever I abandon you, but you must open your hearts and your mouths to ask for My Intercession for you. I love you. Your Most Holy Mother Mary of Heaven Amen and Shalom. BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI

146 (*)Apparitions and messages of Our Lady of Peace happening up till today, in Medjugorje website or Our Lady of Medjugorje or (May 19)


(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Now the so called Great Tribulation is coming which has been announced by the prophets since the beginning of time. It will come, you are in the thresholds, and it will not stop until all, until each word of the Holy Scripture has been fully accomplished. This is timely and accurate and does not give any margin for interpretations. You are in the last Week Prophesized by Daniel(*), My Children. Many of you have noticed by the events that are happening, but others ask you if we really are: Yes, you are. The End of Times has started when My beloved and poor people of Israel has returned to their ancestral home, but not it is the time of the Gentiles, who have not been a lesser deception than My once people of Israel and, My Children, My little ones, in the same manner as time has come to Israel for their judgment and punishment; so yours also arrives, that, I repeat it, you haven’t been any better



than beloved people of Israel’s disobedience to their God. The good that you might have been able to do up to now, as well as the bad of that which you have not confessed appropriately and repented, will be put into your account. The mistakes of your life that have caused you so much pain, if they are confessed and you change, will be forgiven. Don’t let yourself be dragged by the nostalgia of pain from the past, that all have made mistakes and you must continue forward towards Me, your Father, and leave the plans of life that you have. It’s time to put your accounts with Me in good balance. Don’t get yourself further into debt that you will not have time to pay; instead diminish your debt by confessing, changing your life, praying, interceding one for the other, going DEVOTEDLY to the Holy Eucharist, and praying the Rosary. I am not going to take too much of your time, My Children, but that it remains engraved in you that YOU ARE IN THE LAST WEEK THAT THE PROPHET DANIEL ANNOUNCES. Meditate on it and think what you would do if you had very time left and knew that Heaven exists; that Purgatory is a reality of love, compassion, and Mercy because I know your weakness and littleness; and Hell is real and it exists; knowing, understanding the existence of the aftermath, What will you do now, My Children? I leave it with you, trusting that now you will have the sane and saintly discernment to decide for Heaven, My Little Ones, which is where I, Your Father, God the Father, and all the angels and Saints wait for you with our arms wide open. Come this way, I beg you. Don’t go towards the Evil one that the repentance that BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


you feel and mistakes of your life, when you have finally realized them, even if they seem unbearably painful, are nothing, compared with the grating of teeth and the crackling of bones, because in Hell your pain and repentance won’t be of any value. This is a coin that will be useless then, but now you are alive, take advantage of it!, because it is a coin with which you can return to the Way. Do you what I mean, can you understand it? (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My children that are beginning their walk through the Earth will not have time to get to be old and will have to return to Heaven at a young age, but it is because the elders didn’t leave for them a world for the future, meaning, their children, to live in. Their avarice, their greed, and their desires of power and dominion finished the world, with the Earth that they would have inherited, and your children will reclaim you for it. You have spent all and have left nothing behind. Ask your children for forgiveness for the world which you have left them as inheritance. Ask the children for forgiveness for the future you have robbed from them. Some will get to see the new heavens and new lands; but it won’t be as if would have been if you had not eliminated the hope for the future. And, this, My Children, without counting the millions of babies that you have aborted for having made uncomfortable your “plans” of money or prestige! With your “modern” medicine, you have and are murdering what would have been My Last Generation; you have annihilated it, and you have thrown over BEAUTIFUL DIDACTIC DIALOGS FOR HUMANITY – Y MARIA DEL GETSEMANI


yourselves the Holy Ire of the Just Father. With the most beloved you have sharpened the swords of your pain: with the small lives of the most innocent, because you have killed them. Also the old people and the sick that must reach until the end of their personal purification to reach the place that corresponds them in Heaven. You have interfered and shortened their lives for your own convenience, and with it you have spoilt their eternal future. You attempt against the unborn babies, against the old and sick, against the youngsters destroying their soul and filling them with vice and filthiness, with the women who are only a bad image of the worst of men!, what have you left without contaminating? That’s why I shelter from the world the few Mine so they can be a bridge between Heaven and Earth, if not, what would be of you if these few that still Love Me and keep My Word, and live it like Live Gospel, what would be of you, My children…? (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One Mother You have been able to enjoy this Feast of Pentecost in the vigil. Those that with devotions, songs and prayers have received this celebration, this joy, and this feast; you have been filled with the Joy and the gift of the Holy Spirit in you.



You can still pray to receive on this day the Great Gift from Heaven. Don’t let it pass, My Children. Go, with special attention and dedication, to the Holy Mass and open your thought and heart so the Holy Light of the Holy Spirit penetrates and remains in you. Don’t let even one opportunity pass to celebrate a Saint or an invocation of your Holy Mother in the day it is celebrated so you can receive many blessings in this End of Times. Take advantage of each opportunity to sanctify yourself, which is the saving that you have, that you will have for The Holy Heaven, My Little Ones, My Beloved, and My Children. Study, as you have been told, My Apparitions because I have been bringing you the messages that you must put into action on earth. Study them, don’t leave them aside. When you get nostalgic: return your thoughts to Heaven and think of such a great joy that you will have there; where everything is joy, and love, and friendship; where sickness nor wickedness, or separation, or hate have a space. Be hopeful with it, not anymore with the vain things of the world. Fill yourselves with faith, fill yourselves with hope, fill yourselves with charity, and fill yourselves with anticipated joy because the Kingdom of Heaven is open to receive you. Have your soul prepared and ready so as soon as you are called, you will be like soldiers ready for battle. Be always ready and prepared, My Little Ones, in this End of Times. Do not procrastinate any longer that time is no longer time, and the events will develop one after the other.



(*)Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and for your holy city: Then transgression will stop and sin will end, guilt will be expiated, Everlasting justice will be introduced, vision and prophecy ratified, and a most holy will be anointed…” (Daniel 9:24) (Pentecost Sunday, May 19)



Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity in this End of the Times For Latin America and the world. Book III Mexico, “Kingdom of Christ the King and of Our Most Holy Queen and Mother Mary of Guadalupe” Year of the Lord 2012 and 2013 “Y María del Getsemaní” The spreading or sharing through any media is authorized, as long as its content is not altered and the Source is quoted.


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