PPG June 2014 Photography Newsletter

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PHOTOGRAPHY Networking for Excellence in the Palm Beaches

N E W S L E T T E R ProfessionalPhotographer’sGuild of the Palm Beaches, Inc. www.ProPhotoGuild.com June 2014

June – Paul Polisena/

workshop/all day program-

June 23 All day Program Paul Polisena $129 Book today

July – competition August – Regina Hyman (Weddings)

Learn The Art of Boudior Photography with Paul Polisena Glamour and intimate photography seen through a fashion photographers eyes. Lighting, posing, workflow, and everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask. Paul has photographed models with numerous modeling agencies; Beverly Hills, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Chicago, Miami and more. Glamour and personal / intimate has been a majority of his work throughout the years.

September – Greg Daniel program-wall portraiture

October – Cassie Peech (Fashion)

Monthly Meetings Open to Members and Visitors 3rd Tuesday of each month Unless otherwise posted Pay Online: ppgpb.com/pay

He will explain how his years photographing models helped him merge into photographing his hometown clients. Styling, posing, lighting, camera lenses, composition as well as workflow will be covered. A model will be photographed with different sets and lighting. To see examples of his work or to learn more about Paul visit: polisena.com See page 3 for more information

Monthly Meetings

When Open to Members and Visitors 3rd Tuesday of each month Dinner Time: 5:30-7:00 pm Meeting Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Location Hilton - 3505 Kyoto Gardens Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410Tel: 1-561-6945833 Fax: 1-561-6945829


Members: $10 Non-Members: $25 First Time Guests: Free Pay Online: ppgpb.com/pay

Dinner Arrangements: Order from the menu at the restaurant cost. The menu has a great selection of choices. For More Information Contact: Bill Barbosa 561 242 Bill (2455)

Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc. President Bill Barbosa Vice-President James “Jim” Stafford

President’s Message

I wanted to continue my earning degrees at the state level, and last month we spoke about FED, Today I would like to discus FSA (Florida Service Award), this is probably my favorite one, you earn it for serving in comities at the state level and being a board member at the local level like PPGPB!!, there are several ways and places you can serve. First that comes to mind is our Local board of your Professional photographers guild of the Palm Beaches! We are always looking to involve our members to join and be in the forefront of our growth, being involved with give you added credibility to your clients and also helps you move up the ranks at the state and national levels. You earn 1 service merit for your participation.

Program Director Helen Haruben Secretary Melissa Fuller Treasurer open Past President Adervertising Rhea Lewis Director Marketing Director Ray Haruben Vasi Seidman FPP Rep Marty Grivjack

Membership Director Peter Gorman

Director Rudy Clement

Newsletter Information The PPG Newsletter is the official publication of the Professional Photographer’s Guild of the Palm Beaches, Inc. It is published as a service to its members as well as interested colleagues and suppliers. Article submissions should be provided as computer generated text document files. Photographs and other graphic files must be provided as a high res file, preferably in TIFF, High Quality JPG, or RAW format. The right to edit for content, length, or style is reserved. Information in the PPG Newsletter is taken on good faith to be accurate. Opinions and advertisements are not endorsements of the PPGPB. This organization is dedicated to the support of the professional photographic industry in Palm Beach and Martin County. Membership is open to all persons regardless of race, creed, gender or color. The PPGPB is an affiliate of the PPA and FPP. However, membership in these organizations does not constitute membership in the PPGPB. PPGPB.INC is an IRS-registered nonprofit organization. Financial information is available upon request. www.ppgpb.com

All 2014 Guild Correspondence should go to this address: Pro Photo Guild c/o Bill Barbosa 725 Florida A1A, Jupiter, FL 33477

Florida School, Convention, and other sponsored FPP events that are held during the year, volunteers received 2 service merits for heading a committee and 1 service merit for participating in a committee. To earn your FSA Degree you’ll need 30 Total Service Merits: I received this information from the FPPONLINE.ORG website: Florida Service Award (FSA) Merits towards your FSA are earned by working on or chairing committees, writing articles for the magazine, speaking, judging, or volunteering to assist the FPP with various duties and responsibilities. You must accumulate a total of thirty (30) FPP Service Merits for the FSA. I look forward to serving with you at our board or other comities, if you have questions please do not hesitate to contact me. I wrote this last most but wanted to place it again, I truly believe our Guild is like a family at times. But now I would talk about how our Guild, it has come together as a family, As many might know or will soon find out, We are a group of Professional Photographers that meet monthly at the Hilton Gardens Inn, at 3505 Kyoto Gardens Dr, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 every third Tuesday of the month. But what you might not know is that we are like family, I have received many calls over the years from members that needed help with an assistant for a project or the primary photographer was sick and could not cover the assignment. As an example 6 years I was rushed to the hospital and had emergency surgery, I had my mother call a Guild friend to see if he could assist us in covering a school portrait that I had scheduled for a few days after my surgery. Lucky for me, the Client, and the parents my Guild friend saved the day, I have had the pleasure to help save the day several times for other photographers in our association. This is why; I am asking all active members to tell your photography friend about our Guild Family. Not only for the Monthly education but also for the camaraderie and the opportunity to make long life friends. Looking forward to seeing you and your friends in the May meeting. Lets all learn about business. Bill Barbosa, FED www.BillBarbosaphotography.com 561-704-4200 2

Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc.

Spring Cleaning Melissa Fuller

It’s that time of year once again. Spring cleaning is in full effect. For some of us, it means cleaning out the closets and around the house. Maybe some of you are selling your old camera equipment and making room for the newest model. How about that New Year’s Resolution you promised yourself? 38% of Americans make the promise of losing weight while 47% have self- improvement hopes of some fashion. Wouldn’t it be nice to “spring clean” ourselves? Eating clean and helping our bodies get back on track of proper nutrition. There are many diet fads out there as well as cleansing and exercise programs. Some are success stories and some are designed for failing. There is a saying I’ve seen numerous times: “It is easier to stay in shape then it is to get in shape”. Same applies to eating healthy. You have to give up, or go “cold-turkey”, all the junk food and bad eating habits in order to feel the positive benefits. Here is the breakdown of Fad Diets, Cleansing list & Exercise Programs: Fad Diets: •

The Alkaline Diet

Baby-food Diet

Blood-type diet

The Clean Program

The French-Woman Diet

The Paleo Diet

The Karl Largerfeld Diet

The Pil-Sook Diet

Please take some time to do your homework on all these resources provided. I am not a doctor or nutritionist, consult your physician if you plan on attempting any of these sources to improve your health. And I must admit, the names of some of the cleanses sound strange. Cleansing programs have been listed in order of beginner all the way thru to expert level. Here is the information provided by www.healthyliving.com For Beginners: 

Dry Skin Brushing

The 24 Hour Cleanse


Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc. 

The Water Fast

For Intermediate Level: 

The Spring Equinox Fast

The Pineapple Lung Cleanse

The Kidney Cleanse

The Anti-Candida Cleanse

The No-Sugar Self Cleanse

Expert Level: 

Ayurvedic Cleanse

The Raw-Food Self Cleanse

While eating right and body cleansing might work for your schedule and body type, exercise needs to be a part of the total “spring cleaning” and New Year’s Resolution promise to yourself. Here are the top exercise programs that ranked the 2014 list. I’ve also thrown in the “Top Flops” exercise programs to steer clear of. Remember to get doctors approval before starting a program for yourself. Top 10 Workout Trends: High Intensity Interval Training

Top 10 Fitness Flops: The Shake Weight

Body Weight Training

The Free Flexor

Strength Training

Vibrating Platforms

Exercise + Diet Programs

Sauna Suits

Functional Fitness

8 Minute Abs


Toning Shoes

Core Training

Power Balance

Outdoor Activities

Ab Rocket

Circuit Training

Thigh Master

Boot Camp

Ab Circle

*Eating a well balanced diet is always a great start. Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Cut back on refined sugars, fried, foods high in fat content and those high in preservatives. Take care of yourself for the love of your job/hobby, PHOTOGRAPHY !!!


Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc.

Developing Your Ideas Rhea Lewis, Past President

excerpt from “Business Buddy – Jeffrey Shaw” Measure the Intangible ~ create a qualitative scale Creating and using a qualitative scale is a great way to measure intangible things, like emotions and ways of being, that can dramatically change very tangible aspects of our lives. It’s easy to measure results of tangible things such as success, money, etc. But how do we measure things like our ability to stay centered in times of stress, our leadership skills, management style, commitment and motivation? This is what qualitative scales are great for. These are the very things that can inspire us to make changes and improve our quality of life. When we “dare” to scale our individual and relationship habits we have a chance to focus our efforts on what makes us tick and in return get more of what we want. Qualitative scales are simple and powerful. They give us a way to check in with ourself and a means to self regulate. Simply put, qualitative scales put you in the drivers seat. Steps 1. Creating a qualitative scale A qualitative scale is a scale from 1 to 9 with 1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest. With a simple spreadsheet or word doc, start by making a list from 1 to 9. Then decide what meaningful trait you want to measure. Title your scale with this trait, i.e. Happiness, Motivation, Relationship to Sales, etc. Decide what you want to focus on. For example, lets use relationship to sales. 2. The Lowest ~ Level 1 At the lowest level what does this experience feel like? Don’t be shy. This should be your biggest nightmare. Make this your level 1 on the scale. Relationship to Sales (the example) level 1 ~ I hate everything about sales and won’t do it no matter what. It’s a complete waste of my skills and energy! 3. The Highest ~ Level 9 At the highest level what does this experience feel like? Think beyond anything you may have every felt or believed possible. Make this your level 9. level 9 ~ I could not live without the experience of selling my gift to the world. The entire sales process is completely fulfilling. I am full of joy!


Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc.

Trader Jim’s Classified Section Open to all Photographer Guild Members Have something to sell, trade, special promotion or looking for an assistant? Feature it in our newsletter!, This is only available to current Photographer members in good standing Our classified section is text only with 25 words or less for $25! We will keep this in the newsletter until it sells If you want to include an image our other sizes are available 1/3 $50, ¼ $75, ½ page $100 and full page for $125, these are monthly rates. Email: jim@gfidi.com with your Ad today!


Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc. 4. Middle Ground ~ Level 5 What does being in the middle feel like? Describe it, own it. This is your level 5. level 5 ~ I do what I need to do. After all I have bills to pay. 5. Fill in the Blanks ~ for Level 3 and 7 Now divide the difference between 1-5 and 5-9 to come up with your scales for 3 and 7 respectively. level 3 ~ I will clean my office, take care of every chore I have and than “do” sales because I have to. level 7 ~ Its uncomfortable and I have fears but I can deal. When it works I get a little inspired. 6. Lets Finish Up! We are going to continue dividing the difference to create for scales for 2, 4, 6,and 8. Keep in mind that these levels should continue to be different enough from the one prior and ahead on the stage you are working on. 7. Relationship to Sales Scale This is what a complete scale might look like: Scale Description Level 1 I hate everything about it and won’t do it no matter what. It’s a complete waste of my skills and energy. Level 2 Grr, I know I have to sell something but why did I choose a profession that makes me do this. Level 3 I will clean my office, take care of every chore I have and than “do” sales... tomorrow. Level 4 It’s such a hassle! So many questions and they don’t buy anything anyway. I’m totally worth more. Level 5 I do what I need to do. I have bills to pay after all. Level 6 Sales are necessary and I accept the good with the bad. Level 7 Its comfortable. I have fears and I can deal with them. When it works I get a pretty inspired. Level 8 Selling my services feels just about as good as providing them. I get to discuss my work, excite people about what I love to do and give them something they want! Level 9 I could not live without the experience of selling my gift to the world. The entire sales process is completely fulfilling. It brings me great joy! 8. Now What? Once your scale is completed evaluate where you are now. Throughout the day you should be aware of where you are on your scale. I set a timer on my phone that goes off at noon and 6pm to remind me to check in on how I’m doing on the scales I’m working on. For example, with our sample qualitative scale of relationship to sales you could rate where you are on the qualitative scale after each sales appointment. I find most people start at about a 2 or 3 on their scale. The “sweet” spot, where most people will spend most of their time eventually, will be around a 7. Your 9 should be your nirvana. Obtainable but realistically you’re not going to spend every moment of your day there because “real life” gets in the way. The magic of incorporating qualitative scales as a regular practice is that by simply bringing what you want to change into consciousness, you slowly start to move up the scale. You can make conscious decisions to move closer to what you want in this particular area by understanding what occurrences jog you up and down the scale. This is where you can make specific changes that will help you to stay on the level that most serves you. Have fun! Growth is fascinating, don’t you think?

Keep spreading the good Karma,


rhea@impressionsrhea.com 561-758-5848


Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc.


Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc.

Newsletter printed by REEDY PHOTO • 12125 28th St. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33716 • 1-800-226-8033 • www.reedyphoto.com

Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc. 725 North A1A Suit E: 102, Jupiter, fl 33477

Professional Photographer’s Guild Of The Palm Beaches, Inc.

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