SW Nov Dec 2014

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Southwest Edition (AZ, NV, and NM)


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Published by: A2Z Metalworker PUBLISHER/EDITOR Linda Daly linda@azmetalworker.com

Mail Address: PO Box 33857 Portland, OR 97292

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Telephone: (602) 412-7696 Website: www.a2zmetalworker.com


Kim Carpenter Kate Carpenter Robbie Barrkman Gene Wirth Chris Seay Hugh Taylor

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Published bi-monthly to keep precision manufacturers abreast of news and to supply a viable vendor source for the industry.

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7 s .OV $EC

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3'%7,00!%").##0).,0 ,"8!",,'0 ',.!)1., 0,'6!*, 0&33%'Dg[Yd$ J]khgfkan]$ >Y[lgjq ;]jlaÚ]\ Qgmj ]e]j_]f[q ak gmj ]e]j_]f[q& Kg \gf l hYfa[& A^ Yfql`af_ _g]k wrong with your equipment, call Arizona CNC. You will get a quick j]khgfk] ^jge Yf ]ph]jl$ ^Y[lgjq []jlaÚ]\ k]jna[] ]f_af]]j& Gf%kal] gj over the phone, AZCNC's team of expert service personnel can solve hjgZd]ek ^Ykl%mkmYddq oal`af `gmjk& Qgmj mhlae] ak gmj _gYd& Keep in mind time spent preventing problems can save you the mfoYfl]\ [gklk g^ `Ynaf_ lg Úp l`]e dYl]j& 9R;F; g^^]jk hj]n]flan] maintenance programs to help you avoid unexpected downtime through managed care of your equipment. Arizona CNC Equipment, LLC 1205 S. Park Lane, Suite 2 Tempe, AZ 85281 www.arizonacnc.com

Knowledgeable, Experienced Gmj _gYd ak lg hjgna\] qgm oal` l`] ja_`l kgdmlagf Yf\ aehjgn] qgmj hjgÚlYZadalq& L`] [`]Yh]kl eY[`af] gf l`] eYjc]l ak k]d\ge l`] Z]kl nYdm] gj l`] egkl [gkl ]^^][lan]& Gmj kYd]k ]f_af]]jk Yj] ljYaf]\ professionals with the ability to recognize and apply the appropriate eYfm^Y[lmjaf_ hjg[]kk ^gj qgmj f]]\k& L`]aj mf\]jklYf\af_ g^ hjg[]kk]k Yk o]dd Yk hjg\m[l ]fYZd]k l`]e lg Úf\ l`] egkl ]^Ú[a]fl eY[`af] lggd ^gj qgmj Yhhda[Ylagf& Gmj kYd]k klY^^ Ydkg [Yf hj]k]fl you with the financing options that make your machine tool purchases more affordable.

Product Lines s &AX

.%*). 7)*!.!-$ We are proud to be a 100% locally owned and operated company and gmj eakkagf `Yk YdoYqk Z]]f lg Z] l`] kmhhda]j g^ [`ga[] lg 9jargfY k eYfm^Y[lmjaf_ [gehYfa]k l`] gf]k \]l]jeaf]\ lg Úf\ Y Z]ll]j oYq lg [geh]l] af l`ak ogjd\ k ][gfgeq& O] g^^]j ]n]jql`af_ ^jge hYjlk lg hjg\m[lagf%j]Y\q kqkl]ek& 9f\ o] \g kg oal` Y ^ja]f\dq$ h]jkgfYd lgm[`$ lgg g^l]f eakkaf_ af lg\Yq k [da[c%Yf\%gj\]j ]fnajgfe]fl& ;Ydd mk oal` qgmj eYfm^Y[lmjaf_ [`Ydd]f_]k& Qgm dd Z] hd]YkYfldq surprised by what we can provide!

OKUMA World class manufacturer of high technology CNC turning centers, machining centers and cylindrical grinders.

TSUGAMI Swiss-style automatics, turning machines and machining centers known worldwide for their superior design and construction.

FANUC ROBOTICS FANUC Robotics is the industry leader in automated machine tool loading and unloading.

OMAX Industry leading Waterjet machines.


HARDINGE Hardinge is the leader in providing highly reliable turning, milling, grinding and workholding solutions unmatched in the industry for more than 100 years. Products include:

࠮ HARDINGE, manual lathes to high-performance, SuperPrecision multi-tasking CNC lathes, world’s largest manufacturer of precision collets and workholding systems. ࠮ BRIDGEPORT, manual knee mills to high-performance vertical and horizontal multi-tasking CNC machining centers. ࠮ KELLENBERGER, precision CNC universal grinding machines for OD, face and ID grinding. ࠮ TSCHUDIN, compact, high precision CNC grinding machines for low or high-volume OD production CNC grinding. ࠮ HAUSER, multi-axis precision jig grinding for complex WYVÄSLZ

Announcements & Releases Continued

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Doosan Infracore America

Optimal Solutions for the Future

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Think of us as your pit crew, performing under pressure so you can, too. Contact Doosan today, so we can perform for you and win!

24 Hour Technical Support

Productivity depends upon the optimal level of support you receive for the life of your machine. So while all Doosan turning centers and machining centers are engineered to be among the most reliable and durable available, it’s comforting to know that you can contact Doosan Infracore America 24-hours a day for technical support, backed by a team of experts on a mission to support you when you need it most. 1.888.9DOOSAN – Technical Support Hotline (M– F)

With Doosan, you can perform under pressure for your customers, because that’s what we’re dedicated to do for you. Think of us as your pit crew for productivity. Why not contact Doosan today, so we can perform for you and win!

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Methods to Improve Your Business Performance “Sustaining Edge Solutions provides excellent customer service. Our management system has resulted in financial gains for the entire organization.� Richard Gomez, V.P. Quality MedAire International

We are a full service leading provider:

ISO 9001 Quality System ISO 13485 Medical Devices Six Sigma Improvement ITAR Services NADCAP Services Lean Manufacturing

Sustaining Edge Solutions worked with each of our employees one-on-one to help customize a system specifically for us. Our new quality system has streamlined many of our processes and corrected multiple inefficiencies. When it came time for our ISO 9001 CB audit, we were well prepared and completed the entire process in a remarkable short time.� Paul Finn, President Aerovation, Inc.

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Sustaining Edge Solutions gave us the direction and assistance we needed to implement our new AS9100 Aviation, Space and Defense Business Management System. They were professional, affordable and always on call when we needed them. I would personally recommend them to anyone looking to step up to the next level in their business." Rocky Hettinger, President Hawkeye Precision, Inc.

Visit our blog with searchable tool to view over eight years of valuable manufacturing best practices and improvement methods. Watch for our future "ISO 9001:2015 and beyond" webinars and workshops. Congratulations to our clients that have achieved recent certification. Aerovation, Inc. NKK Switches

Destech Corporation Spin Magnetics

Visit us at www.sustainingedge.com Contact us toll free 888-572-9642 admin@sustainingedge.com Announcements & Releases Continued

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:*/1#% D&=%2& J1*3#%+21; A&;)#%.%3$ :*M1=14&+ :*;)1#& ]K21=& At AEI Fabrication, we believe in service and are celebrating 20 years of expertise in cost-saving, high-quality metal fabrication. Our turn-key precision laser cutting and metal fabrication operation has become a ‘go-to’ source for customers in a variety of industries. We believe first impressions are everything and are meticulous with our fabrication processes to ensure quality throughout your order. We can handle your job from design to your doorstep. We believe anything is possible. Our 6,000-Watt Amada LC3015F1-NT laser system cuts up to 1.25-inch steel, up to .75-inch stainless steel/aluminum and is the only system of its kind in Arizona. At AEI, we believe in our business and want to turn your first impression into a lasting relationship. Call on us today for a facility tour and complimentary lunch with our founder.



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Tornos Technologies US Corporation: Lombard, IL and Bethel, CT; www.tornos.us info-us@tornos.com, 630.812.2040


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Congratulations To Jeff Currie, Recipient Of The TSUGAMI GOLD CHAMPION Award For Top Sales Performance


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Mike Mills and ReSell CNC West Grows Its Team Resell CNC West is pleased to announce that it is expanding its team to continue to improve its support to its west coast customers.


Mike Mills, President of Resell CNC West says, “For many years, Resell CNC has been successfully supporting customers in the manufacturing industry with buying and selling used machine tools, and they are the industry leader in online auctions and liquidations. Earlier this year, the company made the decision to aggressively grow the business in the western United States, with the addition of Resell CNCWest.” He continued, “Over the past few months, we have sought out experienced, superior individuals to add to our team, and we are pleased to announce our 3 newest team members.” Bob Bur rows brings 20+ years of experience in the machine tool industry to ReSell CNC West. Bob spent a number of years at Haas Automation in California, where he was a business / product line manager for Haas’ vertical and horizontal machine tool lines, as well as their rotary line. He also supported Haas’ machine tool network as a Dealer/Business Manager.

CNC West We would like to thank ourReSell customers for making us the #155th fastest growing company in the United States Mike Mills, President

1-844-478-8181 www.resellcnc.com

Bob will support Resell CNC West’s customers as a Trade-In Specialist. He will work with new and used machine tool dealers throughout the United States, helping to find new buyers and sellers for superior used machine tools. Kelli Chisholm comes to Resell CNC West with 27 years of experience in the machining industry. She spent a number of years working for ATS Systems, formerly ATSWorkholding.ATS Systems’ products are used in almost every machine shop. Kelli also worked for a new machine tool dealer in Massachusetts and Arizona. She spent time in the used machine tool business with Mike, where she bought and sold machine tools. Kelli will support customers throughout the United States with their surplus machinery needs, with a focus on the company’s western US customers. Craig Franzen joined the Resell CNC West team as an account manager. Craig brings 4 years of machine tool knowledge from

his previous employer, where he bought and sold used machine tools. Mike says, “Craig knows the used machine tool industry well, and he is versed in both buying and selling of machine tools. Craig is located in Chicago, and will focus on our Midwest customers.” Mike Mills says, “I am very excited about our company’s commitment to the growth of our Western United States entity, Resell CNC West. Resell CNC is renown as the online source for the very best in used CNC machines, and it is backed by individuals with more than 75 years of combined experience in buying and selling used CNC products.With the addition of our Resell CNCWest team members, I am confident we can achieve the same level of success here in theWest.” To learn more about how Resell CNC West can help you with your buying and selling of quality used machine tools, call them toll free at 844.478.8181 or visit their website at resellcnc.com A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 47 • Nov/Dec 2014



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endless flexibility

>* &GG5,6&<4+$H5,*53I J58 <+9K The CT 20 machine is an affordable automatic turning machine with a sliding headstock and a bar capacity of 20 mm and 5 linear axes. It is equipped with two C axes which increase its machining capacity. The 5-axis version can take up to 26 tools (up to 10 rotating tools as an option), which makes it one of the best equipped machines in its category on the market.

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President Crow, community gather to celebrate ASU Prep expansion Students, teachers and parents of Arizona State University’s Preparatory A c a d e my Po ly t e c h n i c Elementary School gathered in Mesa for a dedication ceremony to celebrate a major renovation and expansion. They were joined by community members, CEO of ASU Preparatory Academy Beatriz Rendon and ASU President Michael M. Crow, who spoke at the event. The new expansion provides additional classrooms for grades PreK-6, enabling the school to enroll 235 more students. To date, two phases of a three-phase project have been completed. Phase three will be completed by the summer of 2015, which will allow the school to accommodate and expand to PreK-8. “There is no reason that education cannot be fun, exciting, linked to other things, dynamic, engaged with technology, innovative and nonbureaucratic,” Crow said at the event.“We build schools like this for any student from any family, any background, any circumstance.” Upon completion, the renovation project will have converted 65,000 square feet of an existingVeteran’s Medical Clinic onASU’s Polytechnic campus into a dynamic, progressive educational environment with cutting-edge technology and innovative school design that enables both personalized and group learning experiences. ASU PreparatoryAcademy principal Claudia Mendoza also addressed the crowd of more than 200, expressing her and other school administrators’ excitement about the additional classroom space and the learning opportunities it offers to more students. “ASU Preparatory Academy Polytechnic Elementary prides itself on providing a highly rigorous and innovative approach to project based learning,” Mendoza said.“We strive to cultivate a community of critical thinkers, and our new space allows us to provide STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) classes, music, foreign language and physical education for all our learners in a beautiful environment that fosters creativity, cooperation and teaming between teachers and students.” Fifth and sixth grade student leaders also had a chance to speak at the event. Sixth-grader Tyler Kupfer said, “We have a new STEM class that we are very excited about. We get to do fun hands-on projects that teach us the skills that we need to be successful in life, and we get to create things to solve daily challenges, and learn about math, science, technology and engineering in a really fun way.” Source: Phoenix Business Journal


52 • Nov/Dec 2014


• 53 • Nov/Dec 2014

Announces World Class Thread Rolling Capabilities You Cannot Find Elsewhere Announcing some exciting news! If your products have round components, range in diameter from 1/16” to 5”, length from 1/16” to 30”, and require very tight tolerances, you will absolutely want to contact the Ron Grob Company. The company, based in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, is proud to announce its newest machine tool purchase. This exciting new addition is a custom built thread rolling machine, manufactured to specification by the US manufacturerTesker, headquartered inWisconsin. Harold Huffaker, VP and General Manager of the Ron Grob Company, says, “Our Tesker machine took 9 months to manufacture, and it incorporated some new features that can only be found on our machine, so we have the most advanced machine in the world.” The Tesker 645 thread roller is impressive to see. At 22,000 pounds, with 235,000 psi (pounds/square inch) of power, it’s Siemens control is custom modified byTesker. Harold says the machine took only 2 days to install, and Kyle Ranous, who attended the one-week training session at Tesker’s headquarters, says, “It was easy to learn how to use this new state of the art machine, it was just so intuitive.”

The Ron Grob Team When Ron Grob manufactured the punches using the new technology, it doubled the life of the customer’s punches. Ron Grob is quite an extraordinary company, both in its history and in its future. Knowledge of both is essential to understanding the company. Ron Grob’s History The man behind the name, Ron Grob, is a degreed mechanical engineer whose hands on experience came from years working for his Father, Ted Grob and at Hewlett Packard. He founded the company 49 years ago and has paved the way for the success of the company today. One of Ron Grob’s earliest machines was a Grob RM-28x thread roller. The Grob machine name isn’t a coincidence, as Ron’s ancestors hold numerous patents for their Grob thread rolling machines. Since it’s inception, Ron Grob built its reputation as a job shop that excelled in thread rolling and centerless grinding. In the early 1990s the company expanded its capabilities to include CNC Swiss screw machining and CNC vertical machining.As the shop continued to expand, it quickly earned a positive reputation in the Front Range as a one-stop shop.The Ron Grob Company became the premier manufacturer of complex parts that other shops have trouble producing consistently well. Even after diversifying into machining in the 1990s, Harold says the company retains its reputation for its early core competencies, yet there are still people who don’t know how much Ron Grob can do for them across all areas of machining.

Though the machine has only been on Rob Grob’s shop floor for just over a month, production has greatly The Tesker Thread Roller improved. Harold says that theTesker Nearly a decade ago, in 2005, Ron welcomed Harold Huffaker Up Close uses cold forming to make the threads to the team. Harold had left Woodward Governor, where he (versus cut threads, which is the had spent 20 years as a machinist and subsequently machine traditional methodology), and in essence uses positive shop supervisor. Harold’s time at Woodward made a substantial impact on him material displacement. Cold (thread) forming results in both personally and professionally. He continues to express his gratitude for the threads that are 30% stronger than cut threads, which is mentorship and financial support he received which allowed him to earn his ideal for industries that require lead screws and worm business degree. Although, in the end, Harold realized that he really wanted to screws, Harold says. He adds that it is the machine of be part of a small company for the next chapter of his life. choice for larger parts. Harold started with Ron Grob as a centerless grinder operator and Ron quickly Ron Grob’s customers are already seeing the benefits of realized that Harold had the talent, attitude, and education to contribute much theTesker thread rolling machine. Prior to receiving parts more to the Ron Grob Company. Harold soon moved into the quality department, threaded on the newTesker, one customer was prematurely and was instrumental in the company’s certification to ISO 9001 in 2006. The wearing out the punches they used to stamp aluminum cans. company has since certified to ISO 9001:2008. A2Z METALWORKER SW

54 • Nov/Dec 2014

After several promotions, from Quality Manager to General Manager to Vice President/Stockholder, in 2010 Ron and Harold put together a formal succession plan for the Ron Grob Company. Today Ron is 75 years of age, and he is anxious to pursue his hobbies, especially skiing and flying his plane. After several years of preparation, this transaction will soon be complete and Harold will be sole owner of the Ron Grob Company. Welcome To The New Ron Grob

Harold and Kyle at the Tesker Thread Rolling Machine

Harold is a gifted machinist. He says he got ‘the bug’ when he was 15, when he was given the opportunity to work at Schaal Brothers Machine, a shop owned by friends he met through church. But he isn’t just great at machining; he also understands the complexity of managing a business. He values the business degree he earned years ago and how it has enabled him to understand

business fundamentals. Four years ago Harold hired a business coach, one who would develop an individualized leadership training program specific to Ron Grob and Harold’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), much like many hire a personal trainer when they want to get into shape athletically. Harold says, “I continue to utilize LaurieTaylor at igniteyourbiz.com, as my business coach, and I have extended her reach to coaching the entire management team at Ron Grob.” Part of the Ron Grob strategy was to diversify the customer base, both in industries served and in number of customers. “Today, we have jobs from 50 different customers The Ron Grob Management Team L to R: Ron on the shop floor on any given day and this Grob, Amanda Smith, Dave Maxwell, Tara Martin includes customer s & Harold Huffaker large and small.” He continued, “We build parts for companies in the medical, water management, firearms, military, as well as the gas and oil industries.”The Ron Grob Company has found that these particular industries benefit greatly from the services they provide. The new Ron Grob Company required a management team that was in sync with the upward direction the business was heading in. Key team management members Dave Maxwell, who oversees quality and quoting, and Tara Martin, Controller and Production Coordinator, act as Harold’s right and left hands.Amanda Smith, newest member of the management team, joined the company in March as Human Resources Manager and also oversees accounting functions.

Harold admits that it is not unusual for the management team to be found in the conference room (“war room”) at 8 pm on any given work evening, where detailed company objectives and tasks are displayed and discussed. It is readily apparent that passion is a necessary ingredient to become a management team member at the new Ron Grob Company. Harold admits the Ron Grob team is phenomenal. They are collectively juggling daily operations and fostering a profit, all while simultaneously driving the Ron Grob Company to the next level of precision machining. The management team recognizes that success would not be possible without the expertise of their skilled machinists. Even with the addition of new technology, the company’s greatest asset is its people. One of the company’s core values is to not be just a good place to work, but a great place to work. To learn more about how the Ron Grob Company can help your business, contact them at 970-667-5320 or visit their website at rongrob.com. Hear From A Couple of Ron Grob’s Customers “Ron Grob has been a supplier of ours for more than 5 years now. They do a lot of rolled and turned components for us, and I have to say they are one of the very best in the Denver area. They are very competitive in their pricing for our centerless grinding and rolled products, their lead times are good (what you would expect), and they are outstanding at communicating when there are any issues. I wish more shops were as good in their communication. I highly recommend Ron Grob.” Joel, Industrial Equipment Manufacturer “We have been working with the team at Ron Grob for more than 5 years, and they are indeed a premier grinding shop. What I value most is their versatility, their ability and willingness to go the extra mile. They are truly an organizaiton with the highest standards and integrity!” Katherine, Precision Manufacturing Company A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 55 • Nov/Dec 2014

Joe “Solar Man” Hui wants $5 million for solar amusement park, solar gigafactory

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Joe “Solar Man” Hui wants to build a Solar Wonderland amusement park near Scottsdale – and he’s taken to crowdfunding to raise $5 million to make it happen. The CEO of Scottsdale-based Monarch Power Corp. has launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to not only raise funds for his amusement park, but also to market his Lotus solar panels and a solar gigafactory. Solar Wonderland will be an energy amusement park to teach the community about solar power and the physics of energy. It will also have rides such as a free fall “Gravity” ride, a magnetic “Maglev Back to the Future” ride, an electronic “Dr. Frankenstein in theTeslaTower” ride, a heat engine “The Heat is On” ride and a solar adventure “Alice in the OpticsWonderland” ride. “I want the SolarWonderland to help our students to get excited about learning physics and how to live a sustainable lifestyle,” said Hui, an Arizona State University electrical engineering and energy professor emeritus. “I want a smarter science museum to raise the level of science education. It’s also a place where I can market my inventions.” Solar Wonderland is planned on five acres next to Butterfly Wonderland on Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community land near Scottsdale, and will be part of the Odysea of the Desert entertainment district off Loop 101 freeway andVia deVentura.

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56 • Nov/Dec 2014

Amram Knishinsky, the lead developer of Odysea of the Desert, said Solar Wonderland’s entertainment and educational aspect fits in perfectly with the 35-acre entertainment district. The district’s nonprofit foundation helped more than 1,000 school groups visit its Butterfly Wonderland and Odysea Mirror Maze, which is open now on the site. Hui also is trying to raise another $5 million with investors to build a solar “gigafactory” on the site to produce millions of his Lotus solar panels. He expects this plant to bring hundreds of manufacturing jobs and thousands of installer jobs. Hui also needs to raise another $25 million for equipment for the factory. Solar Wonderland and the solar gigafactory will cost around $50 million to build, including $40 million for rides, infrastructure and the multimedia program to make for a fully working amusement and educational park, Hui said. The solar gigafactory is planned to open in late 2015 and Solar Wonderland is planned to open in the beginning of 2016, Hui said. Hui has 60 days to raise his $5 million goal through Indiegogo, which he admits is a “tall order.”As of today, he had raised $1,020 through three funders. Visit his “Help Solar Man build Solar Wonderland” Indiegogo campaign here. Hui is organizing a sales team for the Phoenix area to promote the sale and installation of his Lotus solar panels. Customers will be directed to buy the solar panels through the Indiegogo campaign. Source: Phoenix Business Journal

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Q4 Economic Outlook Increases 2014 Equipment and Software Investment Growth Forecast

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Investment in equipment and software is expected to grow 5.5 percent in 2014, according to the Q4 update to the 2014 Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook released by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation. The Foundation revised its 2014 equipment and software investment forecast to 5.5 percent, up from 2.6 percent growth forecast in its Q3 Update to the 2014Annual Outlook released in July. Equipment and software investment is expected to steadily grow over the next six months across most verticals due to a gradually strengthening economy and continued replacement demand. The Foundation report, which is focused on the $827 billion equipment leasing and finance industry, forecasts 2014 equipment investment and capital spending in the United States and evaluates the effects of various related and external factors in play currently and into the foreseeable future. Highlights from the study include:

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he . . econom is expected to grow 2.2 percent in 2014. verall, the econom appears to be exhibiting grad all improving health, although serious headwinds remain. A solidifying economic recovery, downside risks stemming from geopolitical conflict, and continued accommodative monetary policy are key trends dictating our outlook for 2014. rowth in e ipment and so tware investment rebo nded rom a 0.4 percent contraction in Q1 2014 to expanding 9.6 percent in Q2. Looking ahead, we expect continued growth in Q3, modest sector growth for the coming year, with an overall forecast of 5.5 percent growth in 2014. Credit supply continues to improve, and credit demand has held steady for all business sizes. All other ind strial e ipment investment will likel see contin ed solid growth over the next 3 to 6 months as the “re-shoring” of manufacturing continues to be a dominant economic story in 2014. edical e ipment investment is expected to experience slowing growth near the end of the year. ining oil ield machiner will likel see slower growth ollowing a strong first half of 2014. Aircra t investment will likel experience stronger growth towards the end of year. hips boats investment will likel slow a ter rebo nding solidl in Q2 2014. ailroad e ipment investment is likel to accelerate over the next 3 to 6 months. Investment in tr cks is expected to exhibit modest growth thro gh the year, reflecting improved economic conditions.


58 • Nov/Dec 2014

omp ters investment will likel remain m ted ollowing strong replacement demand seen in recent quarters. o tware investment will likel see contin ed moderate growth in the next 3 to 6 months as companies continue to make investments in software and cloud technologies.

NASA Announces Largest SpacecraftWelding Tool The 170-foot-tall, 78-foot-wide welding toolkit will build the core stage of the Space Launch System. The $7B SLS is the USA’s rocket for ‘deep-space’ missions to asteroids and possibly Mars. NASA announced that the largest spacecraft welding tool in the world, at the Vertical Assembly Center, is “officially open for business”, ready to start building Space Launch System (SLS).The core stage of the SLS measures more than 200’ (61 m) tall with a diameter of 27.6’ (8.4 meters.) It will store cryogenic liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen that will feed the rocket’s four RS-25 engines, according to NASA.

HELP WANTED: Tool and Cutter Grinders US Carbide Tool is looking for tool and cutter grinders familiar with Walter, ANCA, or Ewamatic CNC cutter grinders and/or EWAG WS11 manual cutter grinders. First shift is available for these positions. Employees are expected to read and analyze tool and part prints, use measuring equipment, and have acceptable tool knowledge across the board. We operate in a clean, AC controlled environment with state of the art inspection equipment. Compensation is based on experience, full benefits, 401K, vacation also relocation compensation is available. Interested parties can learn more about our company by calling 480-755-3812 visiting www. uscarbidetool.com. Please send your resume to USCarbideTool@gmail.com

Work is also underway on several additional welding tools. Engineers recently completed welding all the rings for the first flight of SLS using the Segmented Ring Tool, according to NASA.Ten barrels also have been welded for the SLS core stage using the Vertical Weld Center. The rings connect and provide stiffness between domes and barrels, which will make-up the five major core stage structures: the forward skirt, the liquid oxygen Big Welder Toolkittank, the intertank, the liquid hydrogen tank and the engine section. According to reporting in Dumb Out, the SLS will cost more than $7 billion dollars and will take at least three years to complete. In related news, in a press release dated September 11, 2014, NASA announced the Orion spacecraft—slated for service on the SLS—is nearing completion for a first test in December, 2014. According to the press release, NASA engineers finished building the Orion crew module, attached it and the service module to the adapter. They transported the spacecraft to a new facility for fueling. The Orion crew and service module stack made a 20 minute trip from the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sept. 11, to the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility. Orion is being built to send humans to an asteroid and Mars.Although the spacecraft will be uncrewed during its December flight test, the crew module will be used to transport astronauts safely to and from space on future missions.

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• 59 • Nov/Dec 2014

BARRY METALS Company Recycling services for the entire State of Arizona Barry Metals Company is a scrap metal recycling company. Our main interest is in the ferrous and non-ferrous metals with special interest in nickel alloys, titanium and stainless. We service machine shops, factories and peddler accounts.


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Rockwell Collins Predicts Strong Growth in Connected Aircraft Market Rockwell Collins is looking to leverage growth in the connected aircraft market to bolster opportunities and revenue for the company. Speaking at the Citi 2014 Industrials Conference, Rockwell Collins CEO and President Kelly Ortberg noted a new business segment the company has created to manage the connectivity sector alongside the traditional defense and commercial markets. The new segment, known as information management services, now comprises about 12 percent of the company’s portfolio, and Kelly isn’t shy about making strong predictions for its growth. “This is all around taking advantage of a trend that is undeniable, which is a connected airplane and being able to move information on and off the airplane,” Ortberg said. “We see some really nice growth coming out of that.” Rockwell Collins’ recent acquisition of ARINC Incorporated — a transport communications and systems engineering provider — reflects the company’s shift toward In-Flight Connectivity (IFC).The acquisition closed in December for $1.4 billion with the intent that the new company would provide much of the ground architecture that Rockwell Collins needs to provide the secure communications needed for aircraft. “[Prior to the acquisition,] we’ve been investing … in putting systems on the airplane that allow the network to be connected,” Ortberg said. “We’re putting switches, routers, and Ethernet network background on the airplanes.We’re very strong in airborne, [and] ARINC is very strong in the ground network; by A2Z METALWORKER SW

60 • Nov/Dec 2014

combining those two capabilities we can now provide better solutions to our customers.” While adding technology for secure communications and data connectivity in older model airplanes is still necessary, newer models, such as the 787 and A350, are already manufactured with many of the avionics systems necessary to enable the systems to connect to ground infrastructure.According to Ortberg, this provides more of an opportunity for Rockwell Collins to offer information services such as flight planning, scheduling and management. He backs this up by comparing the data connectivity usage of the Boeing 767 to the Boeing 787, nothing that the later model is using 10 times the data as the earlier one “because the systems on the airplane are now connected and can be offloading information.” The company is calling for steady growth in the information management sector; eight to 10 percent organically and into the double digits with synergies by fiscal year 2015. “We look at that market as a protected market because we have a very large ground infrastructure,” Ortberg said, referring to the ground information services segment in which Rockwell Collins provides secure communications from the aircraft to the ground. “There are opportunities for us to grow our new airplanes into the market that are utilizing the network but also driving more data over the network.” Source:AvionicsToday

U S N av y D e m o n s t r a t e s Swar ming Capability Of Unmanned Boats Federal Computer Week reports that the US Navy “is claiming a technological breakthrough” in the development of unmanned boats that “could be deployed in dangerous areas to avoid casualties and are cheaper than manned boats.” According to FCW: “The Office of Naval Research announced that it demonstrated the swarming capability over the course of two weeks in August on the James River in southeastern Virginia. Those demonstrations involved as many as 13 boats that used either autonomous or remote control.” Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert said in a statement that the demonstrations were “a cost-effective way to integrate many small, cheap and autonomous capabilities that can significantly improve our warfighting advantage.”

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Experts interviewed noted that the overall effect of the low prices will depend on the global economy and whether demand can increase enough to continue to boost the US economy. Meanwhile, a Bloomberg News article reports that several economists say that the US economy is better able to withstand a drop in oil prices, as the country is less dependent on exports to drive economic growth than it was a year ago. However, other economists, including one from the Federal Reserve, were unsure whether the US could be an “island of growth” if foreign markets fell into a recession.

Balancing renewable energy costs and optimizing energy mix Increasing reliance on renewable energies is the way to achieve greater CO2 emission sustainability and energy independence.As such energies are yet only available intermittently and energy cannot be stored easily, most countries aim to combine several energy sources. In a new study in EPJ Plus, French scientists have come up with an open source simulation method to calculate the actual cost of relying on a combination of electricity sources. Bernard Bonin from theAtomic Energy Research Centre CEA Saclay, France, and colleagues demonstrate that cost is not directly proportional to the demand level. Although recognised as crude by its creator, this method can be tailored to account for the public’s interest-and not solely economic performance-when optimising the energy mix. The authors consider wind, solar, hydraulic, nuclear, coal and gas as potential energy sources. In their model, the energy demand and availability are cast as random variables. The authors simulated the behaviour of the mix for a large number of tests of such variables, using so-called Monte-Carlo simulations. For a given mix, they found the energy cost of the mix presents a minimum as a function of the installed power. This means that if it is too large, the fixed costs dominate the total and become overwhelming. In contrast, if it is too small, expensive energy sources need to be frequently solicited. The authors are also able to optimise the energy mix, according to three selected criteria, namely economy, environment and supply security.



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Economists Say Oil Prices, Foreign GrowthWill Affect US Economy In Future

62 • Nov/Dec 2014

The simulation tested on the case of France, based on 2011 data, shows that an optimal mix is 2.4 times the average demand in this territory.This mix contains a large amount of nuclear power, and a small amount of fluctuating energies: wind and solar. It is also strongly export-oriented. Source:Springer Science+Business Media

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Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s Survey of Economic Activity: Monthly Leasing and Finance Index August New Business Volume Up The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $827 billion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new business volume for August was $7.2 billion, up 13 percent from new business volume in August 2013. Month over month, new business volume was down 9 percent from July. Year to date, cumulative new business volume increased 6 percent compared to 2013. Receivables over 30 days increased from the previous month to 1.3 percent, and were up from 1 percent in the same period in 2013. Charge-offs were unchanged for the fifth consecutive month at an alltime low of 0.2 percent.

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Credit approvals totaled 79.5 percent inAugust, a slight decrease from 80.3 percent the previous month. Total headcount for equipment finance companies was up 1 percent year over year. Separately, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation’s Monthly Confidence Index (MCI-EFI) for September is 60.2, an increase from the previous month’s index of 58.9.

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64 • Nov/Dec 2014

 

ELFA President and CEO William G. Sutton, CAE, said: “Continued strength in new business volume reflects the uptick in overall economic activity most economists forecast for the second half of 2014. Solid fundamentals—modest GDP growth; an improving labor market; increased consumer spending, as evidenced by strong auto sales; and low interest rates—all bode well for continued business investment in general, and the equipment finance sector, in particular.” He continued,“Credit quality appears manageable as well, although the index shows a slight uptick in delinquencies.Tempering this relatively good news is concern over recent geopolitical events relating to the fight against terrorism.” Larry R. Stevens, President and Chief Executive Officer, Med One Capital, said, “The YTD-2014 metric measured by the MLFI-25 demonstrates a solid year in the equipment finance industry. If the month-to-month trends continue for the remainder of 2014, our industry will experience the strongest new business performance since well before the beginning of the recession.” He continued, “The industry seems to have recovered much of the strength and momentum that was lost during the financial meltdown and resultant uncertainties experienced in 2009 and 2010.This trend is largely consistent with what we are experiencing in healthcare equipment financing. The high quality reflected in the portfolios of the reporting companies demonstrates that in the face of increasing volume, credit quality remains a high priority within our industry. If this continues, it will serve us well as pressure grows to increase new business volumes in the years ahead.”


Lone Star Racing Exceeds Their Previous Records in Shipments With The Help of USA Made Haas Machine Tools

Lone Star Racing is celebrating 20 years in business. Dan Fisher’s parents first owned the company, and it manufactures race winning chassis and suspension components. Dan was involved in the family business from the time he was in high school, and shortly after he graduated in 1995 he came into the business full time. For the past 8 years, Dan has been running the family business. Dan says, “Lone Star Racing has always been a successful business, but there are a few things that catapulted our rapid growth in the last few years.” He continued, “ATV riding and racing is a sport that young people participate in.” In fact, this is confirmed with the demographics of ATV Rider magazine, where 97% are male, the median age is 28.6 and just 3% of the population is 55 and older. Dan says, “A few years ago, we stumbled onto UTVs.” A UTV (Utility TaskVehicle), also called a‘Side by Side’, is a small 2-person or 6 person four-wheel drive off-road vehicle.You may also hear it called a ROV (Recreational Off-highwayVehicle).” UTV as a racing sport is less than 10 years old. Here is how it came to be. In 2005 Cory Sappington of DesertToyz Motorsports in Peoria, Arizona decided to take the Yamaha Rhino he purchased for his wife and turn it into a desert racing UTV. With a crew of 5, in 4 days the first ever race Rhino was built. Cory contacted Casey Folks at Best in the Desert (BITD), Americas #1 desert racing series, and requested permission to race in the Vegas to Reno race, which is the longest offroad race in America. Casey allowed Cory to race in the Sportsman Safari class and history was made! Cory raced his UTV for 210 miles with an average speed of 30 mph. After theVegas to Reno race both Cory and Casey received many calls from people wanting to race their UTVs. Cory put together a set of rules and the BITD 1900 UTV class was born. Cory established the UTV A2Z METALWORKER SW

66 • Nov/Dec 2014

RacingAssociation (UTVRA) soon after to provide UTV racing infor mation to racers and promoters. The UTVRA is for the extreme racing enthusiasts out there looking to try something new and experience the joy of research, testing, and competitive racing using the ever popular Utility Terrain Vehicles on the market today. Dan says, “At Lone Star Racing, we had a limited market with young ATVers until 2005, when UTV as a race vehicle made its debut. Though many UTV racers are still young men, we are seeing UTV purchases made by people of all ages. It is not uncommon for our customers to be 60+ years of age. UTVs have substantially grown our business”. The introduction of UTVs as a spor t dramatically grew Lone Star Racing’s business, but something else happened that contributed even further to its grow. I mentioned that Dan began helping his parents with the business literally right out of high school. What I didn’t mention was that Dan had a dream to become a police officer. This just never happened with the requirements and workload of the Fisher family business. A few years ago, Dan made the decision to get into UTV racing himself. He custom built his own UTV, built out from a Polaris Razor XP1000. (He is pictured racing in the picture on the previous page). Not only did racing increase Dan’s passion for the business, but it had an unexpected result of creating a new line of business for Lone Star Racing – they were now asked to build complete UTV race cars for customers. Dan says, “These can be such high end UTVs – and they can cost many tens of thousands of dollars.”

Business is outstanding for Lone Star Racing. This year promises to be the best year ever, beating out their previous best year that occurred in 2007. Dan says, “We are still manufacturing in our facility in Mesa, Arizona, in a 40,000 square foot facility.” “And”, he continued, “Haas machines have not only improved productivity, they have also improved our quality.Today, each employee’s productivity is substantially higher than it was during our previous best year in 2007.” Lone Star Racing’s customer s are international; nearly 50% of their business comes from other regions throughout Europe and even in Dubai.Their product line numbers in the 100s in products, and in the thousands for parts, Dan says.The company secures its business through its website and through a worldwide distribution network. Lone Star Racing has been purchasing nearly all of their machine tools from one company in theValley, Ellison Machinery Co. Dan says that he and his parents have purchased the Haas machines ever since they opened for business. “We find the support we get from Ellison Machinery to be outstanding, the sales and customer support team is extremely easy to work with, and the machines are just good solid machines”, he said. Dan estimates that Lone Star Racing has purchased at least 20 Haas machines since the company opened for business. “On top of that, we really value the fact that the Haas machine tools are manufactured here in the United States,” he said. Lone Star Racing makes a conscious effort to procure every part they can from domestic companies. Dan says that the only parts they have to go outside of the US to procure is for their ball joints and bearings. Dan admits that several years ago he did have an experience with another machine tool dealer in the valley, and it just didn’t compare to the superior support he gets from Ellison Machinery. If you have an interest in pursuing ATV or UTV racing, or just want an incredibly cool toy that is custom designed for you, call Lone Star Racing at (480) 834-2990 or visit their website at lsracing.com To learn more about how Ellison Machinery Co. can help you with your new machine tool requirements, contact them at (480) 968-5335 or visit ellisonaz.com A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 67 • Nov/Dec 2014

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The Consumer ElectronicsAssociation, which held its first Innovate Conference Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 in Litchfield Park, outlined five technology trends to watch in 2015 during a panel. The predictive power of big data analytics: From social media analytics to beacons placed around an area, more companies are using data to analyze their customers’ habits and predict what they might like and buy.This also includes fraud detection, disease prevention and predictive maintenance. The rise of the machines: Smarter computers, robotics, the cloud, self-driving cars, the Internet of things means our world and the products around us will be connected to the Internet to make everything smarter.This goes for thermostats, lights and autonomous cars. Digital health and the quantified self: Connected personal health and wellness products are increasing as people monitor their daily steps, sleep routines and calories. Entertainment and immersive content:Virtual and augmented reality, Google Glass, bigger and better televisions and video game systems and 3-D offerings are changing the way we entertain ourselves and go online. Business models in the innovation economy: Companies like Uber, Lyft andAirBnB are changing the way we book our travel and sleeping accommodations. Disruptive businesses will become more the norm as people shift the way they do everyday things.Source: Phoenix Business Journal •

68 • Nov/Dec 2014

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Private payrolls grow 213,000 in September: ADP Private payrolls rose about in line with expectations in September, thanks to sharp growth in small business and service sector hiring, according to a report. ADP and Moody’s Analytics said companies created 213,000 new positions, just ahead of estimates of 210,000. Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees led the way, adding 88,000, while the service sector grew by 155,000 against a 58,000 gain on goods-producing. Trade, transportation and utilities was the leading sector with 38,000 new jobs. Manufacturing added 35,000, professional and business services grew by 29,000 and construction was up 20,000. The numbers compare to the 202,000 added inAugust, a number revised lower by 2,000. The ADP numbers represent the sixth consecutive month with gains of more than 200,000. Source: CNBC.com

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Survey of Manufacturing and Purchasing Executives Reveals Strong Confidence in Economy for Remainder of 2014 among Midsized Industrial U.S. Manufacturers Prime Advantage, the leading buying consortium for midsized manufacturers, announced the findings of its thirteenth edition of the Purchasing and Manufacturing Survey, revealing financial projections and top concerns of more than 700 U.S. industrial manufacturing companies.The results show continued optimism about revenues and employment, despite concerns about rising costs and a lack of qualified workers. S



Forty-nine percent of respondents reported they expect revenues to increase in the second half of 2014 compared to the first half. Of these, 22 percent anticipate revenue growth will be more than 10 percent greater this year than last year, while 28 percent expect revenue growth of up to 10 percent.

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Capital expenditures are expected to increase in the second half of 2014 for 42 percent of the midsized manufacturing companies in the group, an increase of twelve percent from 2013’s survey projections. Fifty percent of companies expect to hire in the next six months and only one percent are predicting layoffs. The cost of raw materials continues to be the main purchasing concern for members; the survey indicates an increased focus on process cost savings and efficiency. The top prediction for potential barriers to continued business growth is a lack of qualified workers at 53 percent. Revenues and capital spending remain strong for the rest of 2014

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Forty-nine percent of small and midsize manufacturers anticipate revenues will increase in the second half of 2014, an increase from the 42 percent that predicted a revenue increase in the last half of 2013. Just two percent believe they may be looking at a decrease in revenue up to 10 percent. Survey respondents indicate that improved customer demand (63 percent) will fuel this expected revenue increase. Once again, capital expenditures appear to be on solid ground for the last half of 2014 among these small and midsized U.S. manufacturers, with 42 percent predicting an increase from 1H 2014 spending (a significant increase over the 30 percent of companies that planned to increase in capital expenditures over the final six months of 2013). These numbers echo the August PMI, which increased to 1.9 percent to 59. A PMI of 50 or greater represents growth in manufacturing. Employment up in manufacturing Half of all survey respondents are predicting new hires for their small and midsized manufacturing operations in the next six months (an increase of three percent from the 2H 2013 survey). Forty nine percent predict that hiring will match first half levels, with only one percent anticipating layoffs by year-end.


70 • Nov/Dec 2014

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Top concerns: raw materials concern weakens, healthcare cost pressure aggravates Procurement professionals continue to cite the cost of raw materials as their top purchasing concern for 2H 2014, at 41 percent. Processes and efficiencies within purchasing were the second greatest purchasing concern (38 percent), followed by the cost of baseline materials for components, such as oil and gas (17 percent). When asked to identify the top three cost pressures for the last half of 2014, respondents cited raw materials (45 percent), up 13 percent from last year and on par to the 42 percent cited in February 2013). Healthcare cost pressures remain the second greatest concern (21 percent), though down from a year ago, followed by labor costs (18 percent), which have been steadily climbing since February 2013. Lack of quality workforce could impact business growth Survey respondents identified the top barriers to business growth over the next

12 months: a lack of qualified workers (53 percent), legislative and regulatory pressures (45 percent), and foreign competition (30 percent).

survey of CFOs, and will continue to be conducted each January. Results for both will continue to be benchmarked against past Group Outlook surveys.

“Our Members are making some of the highest projections for the next six months that we’ve ever seen,” said Louise O’Sullivan, founder, president and CEO of Prime Advantage. “Revenue forecasts, capital expenditure plans and labor force expectations are all at record levels. Our Members are becoming more energy efficient, more sustainable and more technologically advanced.This is all a true testament to the invaluable supply chain partnerships and resources created through our group’s collaboration as we march in unison to make an everlasting impact in the world of manufacturing that will be built upon for generations to come.” Methodology:

In August 2014, Pr ime Advantage sur veyed purchasing executives and professionals from Member companies, with annual revenues ranging between $10 million and $4 billion, of which the majority ranges between $20 million and $500 million. The survey received 82 responses from top professionals representing U.S.-based manufacturers in more than 25 different industries, including commercial foodser vice equipment, packaging, truck and trailer, material handling, food processing and construction equipment. Prime Advantage has polled its Members for their impressions of current economic conditions since February 2008.

Formerly known as the Group Outlook Survey, Prime Advantage’s Purchasing and Manufacturing Survey will now be conducted on an annual basis, mid-year.The beginningof-the-year survey has been merged with a

To request a copy of the Prime Advantage 2014 Purchasing and Manufacturing Survey visit: www.primeadvantage.com/surveys/. *Graphics of survey data available upon request. A2Z METALWORKER

• 71 • Nov/Dec 2014

Embraer’s Big Plans for Smaller Jets Frederico Fleury Curado,Brazilian Plane Firm’s CEO,Discusses Plan to Bring ‘Right-Sizing’ to Asian Routes

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Embraer SA is a power in manufacturing business jets, but in commercial aviation it is a distant third to Boeing Co. andAirbus Group.The Brazilian company’s biggest planes are just about as big as the smallest jets made by Airbus and Boeing. Frederico Fleury Curado, Embraer’s president and chief executive, says the company has been pitching its smaller E-Jets, with fewer than 130 seats, as the perfect size for routes that aren’t dense with traffic—a concept he calls“right-sizing.”Bigger aircraft are more efficient in terms of cost per seat, he says, but if those seats aren’t all filled the efficiency is lost. The company’s customers in Europe and the U.S. have bought into the strategy, Mr. Curado says, but the concept has so far had few takers in Asia, where airlines have sought the safety of flying popular routes. Mr. Curado, who spoke withTheWall Street Journal, says he expects that to change some day.The current glut of aircraft in Asia means it may be some time before airlines start ordering again, he says, but when they do, he expects them to get more innovative with their fleets. Edited excerpts: WSJ:Asian airlines seem to prefer planes of 140 seats or more, such as the Airbus A320 or the Boeing 737.Why do you think there’s a market for smaller jets in Asia? Mr. Curado:The largest airplane, if you can fill it up, has the lowest cost per seat. But that’s not the only variable.There’s also the cost per trip, the cost to fly from one point to another.There, the smaller the airplane, the lower the cost.The right sizing concept is exactly that.

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WSJ: How do you work in the shadow of the market’s two dominant competitors?


Mr. Curado: If you compare us with Airbus or Boeing, that’s a hard comparison in any market.They are about 10 times our size.The state of the market is such where there’s still a huge concentration on highdensity routes—a lot of low-cost carriers coming up and flying 737s and A320s on high-density routes against each other. So, you see yields coming down because there is price competition. This is the natural evolution of a market.We will first see that, and then, we will start to see some fragmentation…and that’s again where the right sizing of the plane will become important. WSJ: Do you also see budget carriers using mixed fleets?Typically, they try to stay with one aircraft type to keep their operations simple.

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72 • Nov/Dec 2014

Mr. Curado: JetBlue is a low-cost carrier.They grew significantly with their A320 fleet. At a certain point of time, they realized there were literally hundreds of airports and routes and city pairs where the A320 was just too large.They had to analyze model against model. One model was to go only to high-density routes, stay there as a pure player with one aircraft type. Or, the other model was do that, but add some complexity to network planning, some complexity to fleet planning. But then you can tap hundreds of new markets.



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559 456-2310 / california@ulbrich.com Equipment Leasing and Finance Industry Confidence Remains Steady in October The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation releases the October 2014 Monthly Confidence Index. Designed to collect leadership data, the index reports a qualitative assessment of both the prevailing business conditions and expectations for the future as reported by key executives from the $827 billion equipment finance sector. When asked about the outlook for the future,MCI-EFI survey respondent David Schaefer, CEO, Mintaka Financial, LLC, said,“Application volume has been solid this past quarter.We expect exceptional year-over-year fourth quarter growth to be greater than 50 percent. It’s hard to find much negative at this point so we are focused on being disciplined both in terms of credit and pricing.” October 2014 Survey Results:The overall MCI-EFI is 60.4, steady with the September index of 60.2. hen asked to assess their b siness conditions over the next o r months, 23% of executives responding said they believe business conditions will improve over the next four months, down from 36.4% in September. 74% of respondents believe business conditions will remain the same over the next four months, up from 60.6% in September. 25.7 o s rve respondents believe demand or leases and loans to fund capital expenditures (capex) will increase over the next four months, down from 30.3% in September. 71.4% believe demand will “remain


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the same” during the same four-month time period, up from 66.7% the previous month. 11.4 o exec tives expect more access to capital to nd e ipment acquisitions over the next four months, down from 15.2% in September. 88.6% of survey respondents indicate they expect the “same” access to capital to fund business, up from 84.8% in September. hen asked, 40 o the exec tives reported the expect to hire more employees over the next four months,an increase from 30.3% in September. 48.6% expect no change in headcount over the next four months, down from 60.6% last month. 3 o the leadership eval ates the c rrent . . econom as excellent, down from 6% last month. 94.3% of the leadership evaluates the current U.S. economy as “fair,” up from 87.9% in September. In ctober, 34.3 o respondents indicate the believe their compan will increase spending on business development activities during the next six months, an increase from 15.2% in September. 63% believe there will be “no change” in business development spending, a decrease from 84.8% last month. 28.6 o the s rve respondents believe that . . economic conditions will get “better” over the next six months, a slight increase from 27.3% who believed so in September. 68.6% of survey respondents indicate they believe the U.S. economy will “stay the same” over the next six months, up from 66.7% in September. A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 73 • Nov/Dec 2014

Are You Ready To Outsource Your Internal Audits And Management Reviews? If you are struggling with any of the following things call Bretta Kelly at BMSC today 602-445-9400 and let us get you scheduled for the next two years of system maintenance:  Not finding opportunities for improvement from your internal audits  Not enough internal resources to conduct internal audits  Do not feel like the Management Reviews are effective or productive  Want a third set of eyes to see where you can improve  Want continued education on the AS9100C/ISO 9001:2008 Standard from RABQSA Certified Lead Auditors  Don’t want to wait until right before the next surveillance audit to get the audits and management reviews conducted!

BMSC is now offering packages to come in and conduct Internal Process Audits and Facilitate Management Reviews to ensure you are effectively collecting data, measuring performance to meaningful and measureable objectives, reviewing the results of internal audits and continually verifying the effectiveness of all actions coming from your ISO 9001:2008 or AS9100C / ISO 9001:2008 System. Contact us today BMSC, LLC bretta.bmsc@cox.net 602-445-9400 www.businessmsc.com ManufacturingWages Rise Fast in Some Areas By James R. Hagerty Connect

HELP WANTED: Factory pay is up in some industrial states as manufacturers shell out more to attract specialized skills and to retain workers. Manufacturing wages are rising at a rapid clip in some major industrial states as shortages of certain skills and gradually falling unemployment rates force more companies to pay up to attract and retain workers. Although manufacturing wages on a nationwide basis are still rising slowly—and they lag behind the average increases for all private-sector workers—they are growing faster than overall wages in certain states. InTexas, wages for all types of production workers in factories grew an average of 6.3% from a year earlier, compared with nationwide overall private-sector wage growth of 2.3%, according to U.S. government data for the three months ended Aug. 31. Factory-wage growth was 4.4% in Washington State, 4% in Oregon and 3.1% in Indiana in that period. The bigger pay increases in certain industrial states are likely to spread to other parts of the country, especially as baby boomers start to retire, some economists say.“There are skill shortages that are developing and are going to be more and more widespread,” said Daniel Meckstroth, chief economist at the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation, an industry-funded research group in Alexandria,Va. The wage growth applies to a wide range of manufacturing jobs—from A2Z METALWORKER SW

74 • Nov/Dec 2014

machine operators and repair people to electricians and engineers—and not just to specialties such as welding, where shortages are acute. It also comes in spite of two-tiered wage scales in some industries in which new hires start at much lower pay, a practice that has long restrained wage growth. In auto-dominant Michigan, where two-tier wage systems are common, wage growth for manufacturing workers was 2.5% in the three-month period, compared with the national average of 1.6% for manufacturing wages. Manufacturing wages are rising in some states, includingTexas, where this Loadcraft Industries factory is located. Ben Sklar for the Wall Street Journal Around the country, some manufacturing companies are looking at apprentice programs and offering cash incentives to workers who refer good job candidates. In markets where labor is particularly tight, workers are job hopping for higher pay. “What we mainly need is welders,” said Terry McIver, chief executive and owner of Loadcraft Industries Ltd., a maker of parts for oil rigs in Brady,Texas. Loadcraft, with more than 400 employees and annual sales of around $80 million, has had to use welders from temporary-help agencies at a cost of around $37 an hour, or nearly double the wage cost for staff welders. Mr. McIver said he is looking at the possibility of buying robotic welding equipment and bringing in workers from Mexico. Dewayne Roy, head of the welding program at MountainView College in Dallas, said he recently had a waiting list of about 250 people seeking

his weekly take-home pay typically exceeds $800.“I love the work,”he said. While the energy boom has spurred demand for labor in Texas, worker shortages are also pushing up costs elsewhere for a wide variety of other firms. Washington and Oregon have a broad array of manufacturing, including aerospace,semiconductors,food and wood products.Greenbrier Cos. so far this year has increased the work force at a Portland, Ore., plant that makes railcars and ocean-going barges to about 1,075 from 630. In Indiana, makers of engines, recreational vehicles and other products have seen a strong rebound since the 2008-09 recession. “If you drive through Elkhart County, you’ll see Help Wanted signs everywhere,” said JefferyTryka, investor-relations chief atThor Industries Inc., which makes many of its recreational vehicles in the northern Indiana counties of Elkhart and LaGrange.Thor said higher labor costs, including wages and training, helped pinch profit margins in the fiscal fourth quarter ended July 31. Steve Van Loan, president of Sullivan Palatek Inc. in Michigan City, said job hopping is becoming more of a problem. “They get an offer for more money across town, and they’re gone,” he said.Wages on average at his firm, which makes compressors that power drills and other tools, are rising 4% to 5% this year, compared with 2% to 3% in recent years, Mr. Van Loan said. “Everybody got so skinny back in the days when we were laying off everybody,” he said.“Now that the Midwest is getting some manufacturing back, it’s just tough to find workers” with the needed skills.

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Job hoppers tend to have much higher wage growth than workers who stay in the same post. Data from the payroll-services firm ADP LLC, released last month, show that hourly wages for manufacturing workers who recently switched to a new employer rose an average of 4.2% in the third quarter.The year-earlier average was 3.6% for such job switchers. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’sAnalytics, expects wages in many industries, including manufacturing, to start rising faster nationwide over the next two to three years.As the unemployment rate edges lower, “the labor market is tightening, slowly but surely,” he said, adding that higher wages should boost the economy by encouraging more consumer spending. Five years ago, hourly manufacturing wages in Texas were about 27% below the national average. Since then, those wages have surged 46% and are now about 8% above the national figure. Houston-based National OilwellVarco Inc. offers workers cash incentives for referring good candidates for manufacturing jobs. In Tyler, Texas, the average age of workers at the McWane Inc. plant is 57. McWane is considering apprenticeship programs to rejuvenate its work force and address an emerging shortage of electricians and people who build, install and maintain machines, said James Proctor, a senior vice president at the Birmingham,Ala.-based maker of water pipes and valves. Robert Dye, chief economist at Comerica Bank in Dallas, expects wage gains inTexas to remain above the national average. Even so, he said, the state remains“a low-cost location for manufacturing.Land is cheap;energy is plentiful.”

TEACHING POSITIONS OPEN Precision Manufacturing (PM) Instructor And Precision Manufacturing (PM) Instructor Pool/Sub The SouthWest Skill Center at Estrella Mountain Community College is hiring a Precision Manufacturing Instructor to work under a learning college philosophy (http://www.estrellamountain.edu/learning-college) This position consistently delivers high quality training that prepares students for jobs in precision manufacturing. For more information about these positions and to apply, please visit: http://jobs.estrellamountain.edu/ The Maricopa County Community College District is an EEO/AA institution and an equal opportunity employer of protected veterans and individuals with disabilities. A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 75 • Nov/Dec 2014

Local Motors Inc. is bringing its custom homemade p r o j e c t s t o m a r ke t a n d helping build entrepreneurial manufacturing

John “Jay” Rogers wants you to be able to order a 3-D printed car, then have it made right in front of you. Rogers, CEO of Chandler-based Local Motors Inc., has positioned his business as the big dog in the national “maker” movement, where do-it-yourself engineers and hobbyists create just about anything — even cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Local Motors’ latest effort is making it possible for a car buyer to go to a microfactory to custom-order one of the world’s first 3-D printed cars. After a 12-hour process that prints the 25 parts in carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic, the $30,000 low-speed vehicle could be ready to drive the next day. “We’re trying to change the way people move,” said Rogers, who anticipates commercializing the 3-D printed car next year. “We’re all about the world of vehicle ‘innoventions’ by connecting the community to rapid manufacturing.”


76 • Nov/Dec 2014

For designers, tinkerers and the do-ityourself crowd in Phoenix — particularly entrepreneurs — Local Motors is a dream come true. Thousands of online members from around the world submit new vehicle ideas, give expert advice on current projects and propose new designs for the company’s many challenges. The Phoenix area has seen a growing movement of makers, such asTechShop Inc., which affords builders access to industrial tools to make whatever their imaginations conjure. These locations have become incubators for startups of a different kind:high-tech manufacturing.It’s an industry segment that has plenty of proponents in the region, spun off from aerospace and defense companies by employees who want to do something different. Now Local Motors is going big in a global way. Its printed car is drawing international attention, putting Arizona’s makers in the spotlight. It also may provide a path to new manufacturing endeavors for a region where jobs are disappearing with defense sequestration and military cutbacks. Dante Fierros, a board member of the National Association of Manufacturers and chairman of the Arizona Manufacturing Partnership, said doing things in a nontraditional way could be a path for manufacturing to move forward. “I applaud (Local Motors) and other companies like them that are stepping outside of the traditional paradigm on how to take a concept from idea to sale,” Fierros said. “We need to start taking a good hard look at seeing how we do things and try to improve.” Building through the community At its core, Local Motors is about community

development. The company reaches out to the global group of designers, engineers, enthusiasts and manufacturers to deliver innovation through crowdsourced design and distributed micromanufacturing.

It has partnered with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. Army Rapid Equipping Force, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and General Electric. The company is “cultivating a community of maker s who are deliver ing nextgeneration design and manufacturing process improvements today that will lead to a reinvigoration of an industrial-based economy,” Rogers said. Fierros sees crowdsourcing for ideas as a good avenue to secure prototype work, but he doesn’t know how this model will work for mass production. “The ideas and expertise are coming from all quarters these days,” said Fierros, owner of Nichols Precision, an aerospace component manufacturing company in Tempe. “I think Local Motors has a good model. I think it is definitely a step in the right direction.” The maker community is relatively small, but enthusiastic. It has a national and even global reach, thanks to online connections and regional events.TheWhite House held its

first Maker Faire in June, with Local Motors among the 100 innovators invited to attend. President Barack Obama proclaimed June 18 the National Day of Making. Maker Faires are held around the world as events that celebrate the arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the DIY mindset. At the White House Maker Faire, Local Motors exhibited its “Mobifactory,” a highly customized shipping container designed to demonstrate the company’s ability to manufacture anywhere. The Mobifactory also features the MakerBot Replicator2 3-D printers that produce its production components. Local Motors plans to open 100 new microfactories during the next 10 years, featuring lab spaces open to innovators willing to share projects. The labs also will be a place where community members can pursue science, technology, engineering and math education. The company expects to train more than 1,000 students and offer more than $1 million in prizes for new designs at these microfactories within five years. Partnerships are planned with local schools and universities, government labs and other companies.

Chandler through a partnership with ASU, the city of Chandler and San Francisco-based TechShop. Revolution in manufacturing Montoya sees companies such as Local Motors as a disruptive force in manufacturing. “In general, both TechShop and Local Motors represent the revolution we saw in software as things moved to open source and the evolving hacker community by giving anybody access to the tools they need to create things,” she said. “This represents that happening in the hardware world.” Both TechShop and Local Motors operate as open endeavors, allowing the public access to their equipment for projects. TechShop, however, doesn’t define projects. Local Motors centers on specific projects and categories, Montoya said. “I’m intrigued because it’s turning the innovation process on its head,” she said. “It’s crowdsourcing for the sake of technical, detailed design work, and would substantially cut down on design and development time.” As prices of the tools drop, new models are created and access grows to more expensive tools and machines, people can make things they never could before, Montoya said.

Dusty Trounce, a Phoenix motorcycle hobbyist, is a regular lab user working with Local Motors’ staff on a motorcycle that can be customized with different suspensions, seats and components. While he is still in the proof-of-concept stage, Trounce hopes the motorcycle will be produced and sold by Local Motors. The project idea received so much online attention that it became a Local Motors dedicated project, he said. “Building with them is a very different experience. The tools that they use and the things they have are far more advanced than what I would normally use in my garage,” said Trounce, 31. Source:Hayley Ringle,Phoenix Business Journal

Sandia Researcher Develops Prosthetic Sensor The Albuquerque (NM) Business First reports, “Sandia National Laboratories announced o that one of its researchers, JasonWheeler, has invented a sensor to make prosthetics, particularly prosthetic legs, a better fit for those using them and is looking for commercial partners to help bring it to market.”

One of those partnerships could be with Arizona State University.Mitzi Montoya,ASU’s vice president and dean of entrepreneurship and innovation, is working with Rogers to bring an innovation lab toASU in competition with Rogers’ Harvard lab.

One of the biggest challenges for U.S. manufacturing is getting enough certified workers, Fierros said. The Local Motors model could spur more interest in the field to get more workers into the industry.

Researcher Jason Wheeler developed the new technology to “accommodate the natural tendency of limbs to change shape throughout the day.” For example, as a person walks, “fluids in their legs shift, causing the limbs to change shape slightly as the day progresses.”

Rogers is a Harvard and Princeton graduate. Montoya is a champion of the maker movement. She helped bring TechShop to

“There are just not enough U.S. workers who know how to run the technical equipment,” he said.

Wheeler’s sensor is “able to detect tiny changes in shape and adjust prosthetic sockets accordingly.”


• 77 • Nov/Dec 2014

Haas Demo Day 21 Draws Hundreds to Showroom Haas Factory Outlet-Phoenix would like to thank the more than 350 guests that attended Haas Demo Day 21. The event, held in the HFO showroom in Tempe,AZ highlighted the capabilities of the latest CNC machine tools from Haas Automation. “This annual open house is an oppor tunity for us to reach out to the machine tool community and say ‘thank you’”, explains Patrick Ellison, HFOPhoenix President. “We strive to make this event informative and useful – but also hope the BBQ and free tee shirts will help to demonstrate our appreciation for our customers’ continued support.” HFO sales and applications representatives were on-hand to


78 • Nov/Dec 2014

answer questions as guests watched live machine demonstrations running throughout the day on the Haas UMC750, SuperMinimill2, VF-2SSYT, VF4SS and ST-30SSY. Also participating in this year’s event were the industry’s leading tooling, workholding and CAD/CAM manufacturers sharing their insights and assisting customers in adapting the newest machines technology and manufacturing strateg ies to their shop floor. Seminars presented by Sandvik Coromant,DelCam and Kennametal were a very popular attraction. Haas Factory Outlet – Phoenix is a division of Ellison Machinery Company, the leading machine tool distributor inArizona. For more information on the machine tools sales, service, parts and training the company offers and to be a part of future events call (480) 968-5877 or visit www.ellisonaz.com

DOE Moves Forward With Fossil Fuel Phaseout For Buildings

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Bloomberg BNA reports the Department of Energy “is moving forward with a longdelayed rule that would require new and renovated federal buildings to completely phase out the use of fossil fuels by 2030, a proposal that critics have said would be impossible to implement.”

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A DOE supplemental proposal “comes after legislation (S. 2262) that would have blocked the rule from taking effect and increased efficiency requirements for federal buildings stalled in the Senate this year.” The rule could cost over “$1 billion in increased construction and energy costs, according to an Energy Department analysis” and “it would require new federal buildings and federal buildings undergoing renovations that cost more than $2.5 million to phase out the use of fossil fuel sources by 2030.”

Mitsubishi Rolls Out First MRJ, Plans 2015 Flight The first MitsubishiAircraft MRJ flight test aircraft, unveiled on Oct. 18, will undergo about six months of ground evaluations before taking to the air in the second quarter of 2015. At its initial public presentation, the prototype for a 92-seat regional jet appeared to have been assembled with great precision, with rivets regularly placed and major assemblies smoothly joined.


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The second flight-test aircraft is coming together much faster than the first, final assembly of which began a year ago, says a Mitsubishi Aircraft official. Airframe contractor Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), manufacturing contractor to developer Mitsubishi Aircraft, built a static strength-test airframe before the first flight-test unit. The good finish on the aircraft is a key issue.The designers aimed at cutting production costs, and improving aerodynamic performance, by building the aircraft with unusual levels of precision.A year ago, MHI’s managers said the first aircraft was coming together with minimal adjustment, such as shimming.This seemed all the more remarkable because it was the first aircraft, on which mistakes and rework could be expected. Mitsubishi Aircraft plans to use five MRJs for the flight test program,


achieving certification in the second quarter of 2017.There will also be a second static airframe, for fatigue tests. All seven of those airframes will be built to the design of the MRJ90, the larger of two versions to which Mitsubishi Aircraft is committed. The eighth will be the first MRJ70, designed to seat 78 passengers in an all-economy arrangement. The tests to be conducted on the first aircraft before flight include checks of the Parker hydraulics, Hamilton Sundstrand air conditioning, lighting and Sumitomo Precision landing gear, says MitsubishiAircraft. Ground maneuvering will also be assessed. In the air, the first aircraft will be used for flight envelope expansion and system tests, the second for assessing performance, the third to measure detailed flight characteristics, the fourth for assessing exterior noise and for interior and icing tests, and the fifth for checking the autopilot.The third aircraft is also in final assembly. A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 79 • Nov/Dec 2014

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Haas F1Team Selects Scuderia Ferrari asTechnical Partner Haas F1 Team, which will make its debut in the FIA Formula 1 World Championship in 2016, has selected Scuderia Ferrari as its technical partner. Scuderia Ferrari, the most successful team in the history of Formula One with 16 constructor titles and 15 driver championships, will provide Haas F1 Team its power unit, gearbox and overall technical support. The multiyear agreement forms a strong collaboration between the two organizations that will allow Haas F1 Team to be competitive. “There is no team in Formula One more accomplished than Scuderia Ferrari, and no team with more history.They’ve been a part of Formula One from the beginning, and now they’ll be a part of Haas F1 Team’s beginning,” said Haas F1 Team Chairman Gene Haas. “Formula One is the pinnacle of motorsports. It showcases the latest technology and is the most competitive form of racing in the world.Aligning Haas F1Team with such a tenured and successful company in Scuderia Ferrari provides our team with the greatest opportunity for success in 2016 and beyond.” “These are exciting times for everyone at Haas F1 Team and we are honored to have a partner in Scuderia Ferrari supporting our efforts,” said Haas F1 Team Principal Guenther Steiner. “When it comes to Formula One, no one matches Scuderia Ferrari’s knowledge, technical expertise and sheer determination.We understand there is some heavy lifting ahead of us, but know that with their technical support, we will develop a team of talented people so that we’re ready to race competitively in 2016.” A2Z METALWORKER SW

80 • Nov/Dec 2014

For more information, www.HaasF1Team.com, on Facebook at www. Facebook.com/HaasF1Team and onTwitter @HaasF1Team.

UNM, U of MD collaborate on $6 million grant UNM is sharing a $6 million grant with the University of Maryland to study the operation of electronics in extreme electromagnetic environments, the university said. The grant, given by the Air Force, covers six years of research.The research team will look at how extreme electromagnetics can disrupt the normal operation of electrical devices. “All of the components in modern electronics are rated to operate within a certain specification,” said lead researcher Edl Schamiloglu of UNM.“So the idea we’re looking at is what happens if you take a single component, like a microprocessor that should be operating at 5 volts and now it’s operating at 6 volts? Stressing one component beyond specifications may not be too harmful, but what happens if everything gets stressed a little? How does the entire system respond?” UNM is leading the project and much of the research will be done at UNM. Besides Schamiloglu, the UNM team includes five faculty members and four graduate students. Schamiloglu said the implications of the project stretch far beyond the Air Force.“The whole idea of electromagnetic threats is a burgeoning problem.This is something that concerns not just the military, but the

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1610 S. Priest Drive #101, Tempe, AZ 85281 | visit us online at www.ellisonaz.com banking system, the Internet, airports, radar systems, landing systems, guidance systems, hydroelectric dams, water supply, and the power grid,” he said. “The concern is our society is so dependent on electronics that if you were to remove a critical component somewhere it could lead to this unpredicted set of cascading failures.” Source: Albuquerque Business First

Community colleges will use national standards, credentials to prepare more students and workers for success in high-demand careers The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) will partner with 30 community colleges, which were part of five winning applications selected in the fourth round of grants under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and CareerTraining (TAACCCT) competitive grant program. The partnerships will build quality programs that give individuals the training, skills, and industry credentials they need to get and keep jobs in precision machining. NIMS will work with lead colleges Central Arizona College in Colligde, AZ, South Central College in North Mankato, MN, Richland College in Dallas,TX, Lorain County Community College in Elyria, OH, andTexas StateTechnical College inAbilene,TX, to deliver quality, industry-aligned training connected to labor market opportunities.The partnership’s goal is to increase the number of students with industry-recognized credentials and improve participant employment and earnings outcomes.Additional colleges in the Southwest region that will collaborate with NIMS to support individuals in earning NIMS credentials include: Gateway Community

College; Eastern Arizona College; and Estrella Mountain Community College “There are an estimated 99,500 projected job openings for machinists and 117,100 projected job openings for industrial maintenance technicians nationally through 2020,” said Jim Wall, Executive Director, NIMS. “We are excited to be partnering with these with these institutions to help prepare more people for these growing careers by ensuring the highest quality training that is directly aligned to the industry’s skills requirements.” NIMS has developed the skills standards in 24 operational areas ranging from entry-level to master-level that cover the breadth of metalworking operations, including metalforming and machining. The credentials are often the basis for articulation among training programs. In 2013, NIMS issued 13,888 industry-recognized credentials,representing a 59% increase from 2012. NIMS has also launched a new Competency-BasedApprenticeship System for the nation’s metalworking industry. Developed in partnership with the United States Department of Labor, and over 300 companies, the new apprenticeship system integrates NIMS national standards and skill certifications into measuring required competencies. For more information about NIMS standards and credentials, visit https:// www.nims-skills.org. To learn more about how to partner with NIMS, please contact JimWall at staff@nims-skills.org. A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 81 • Nov/Dec 2014

What is the Pentagon’s secret space drone doing?

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82 • Nov/Dec 2014

For almost two year s, an unmanned space plane bear ing a re m a r k a bl e resemblance to NASA’s space shuttle has circled the Earth, performing a topsecret mission. It’s called the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle — but that’s pretty much all we know for certain. The Pentagon’s X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle. Officially, the only role the Pentagon acknowledges is that it’s used to conduct experiments on new technologies. Officially, the only role the Pentagon acknowledges is that the space plane is used to conduct experiments on new technologies.Theories about its mission have ranged from an orbiting space bomber to an anti-satellite weapon. The truth, however, is likely much more obvious: According to intelligence experts and satellite watchers who have closely monitored its orbit, the X-37B is being used to carry secret satellites and classified sensors into space — a little-known role once played by NASA’s nowretired space shuttles. For a decade between the 1980s and early 1990s, NASA’s space shuttles were used for classified military missions, which involved ferrying military payloads into space. But the shuttles’ military role rested on an uneasy alliance between NASA and the Pentagon. Even before the 1986 Challenger disaster, which killed all seven crewmembers, the Pentagon had grown frustrated with NASA’s delays. Now, with the X-37B, the Pentagon no longer has to rely on NASA — or humans. The X-37B resembles a shuttle, or at least a shrunken-down version of it. Like the space shuttles, the X-37B is boosted into orbit by an external rocket, but lands like an aircraft on a conventional runway. But the X-37B is just shy of 10 feet tall and slightly less than 30 feet long. Its cargo bay, often compared to the size of a pickup truck bed, is just big enough to carry a small satellite. Once in orbit, the X-37B deploys a foldable solar array, which is believed to power the sensors in its cargo bay. “It’s just an updated version of the space shuttle type of activities in space,” insisted one seniorAir Force official in 2010, the year of the first launch, when rampant speculation about the secret project prompted some to question whether it was possibly a space bomber. For several years, the X-37B was developed in plain sight, with the

military saying it was just a test vehicle. But in 2009, the Air Force suddenly said it was classified, and it went from being just another technology project to an object of obsession for amateur satellite spotters and aviation enthusiasts. On Dec. 11, 2012, the X-37B was launched for a third time, and that vehicle has now spent over 600 days in space. And despite the secrecy surrounding its mission, the space plane’s travels are closely watched.The Air Force announces its launches, and satellite watchers monitor its flight and orbit.What is not revealed is what’s inside the cargo bay and what it’s being used for. While the X-37B requires a rocket to boost it into orbit, its success may be helping to revive dreams of a true reusable space plane that can take off and land like an aircraft. A real space plane has long been a dream of the Pentagon, but it has also long been a sinkhole for money. Most of those efforts have fallen by the wayside, stymied by the technology needed to boost a space plane into orbit, not to mention the prohibitive costs. In the 1950s, for example, theAir Force pursued the X-20 Dynasoar, short for Dynamic Soarer, a hypersonic vehicle that was, in fact, designed to be a space bomber. It was eventually canceled. In the 1950s, the Air Force pursued the X-20 Dynamic Soarer, a hypersonic vehicle that was designed to be a space bomber. It was eventually canceled. In the 1980s, the Pentagon funded the National Aerospace Plane, which Ronald Reagan hailed as a new “Orient Express” that would make travel from Washington to Tokyo more like a brief train trip. Pentagon officials privately cringed at the hype, knowing the technology was likely years away.A decade later, and with more than $1 billion spent, the National Aerospace Plane was also canceled. Now, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is taking another shot at this elusive goal with a project called the Experimental Space Plane, or XS-1 for short. DARPA is already funding several companies to work on the space plane, which is supposed to fly “10 times in 10 days” at speeds of over Mach 10. Whether this project will be any more successful than its predecessors has yet to be seen. As for the X-37B, it’s unclear what may be next.While the secrecy surrounding the X-37B has attracted more attention to its mission, many of the more farfetched theories have fallen by the wayside. A bomber, it turns out, would be an incredibly inefficient use of a

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space plane, which doesn’t carry much fuel, and so would be hard to position for an attack. Even more exotic weapons, like a space-based laser, are well outside the realms of modern technology. (The Pentagon has spent billions trying to develop lasers for use in space, with no luck.) But presuming, as most experts do, that it’s used to carry spy satellites, what has it accomplished? It’s most likely the X-37B has been used to capture imagery of the world’s political hot spots: North Korea and Iran have both topped the list of possible targets. It’s most likely the X-37B has been used to capture imagery of the world’s political hot spots: North Korea and Iran have both topped the list of possible targets. The X-37B itself could be operating as a maneuverable satellite — one that can change its orbit with relative ease, and return to Earth for repairs or upgrades. After operating in space for nearly two years, it’s hard to argue with the X-37B’s success as a space plane. By flying without people, the military’s space plane avoids the costs — not to mention the dangers — involved with putting humans in space. In other words, the robotic space plane, which is unclassified, is undoubtedly a technological success, but it’s unclear whether its secret payload is really doing anything particularly unique. Only the Pentagon can answer that question, and so far, it hasn’t. Source: SharonWeinberger,The NewYork Post A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 83 • Nov/Dec 2014

Goodyear looks to rice waste to improve tire performance

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Goodyear devotes significant efforts to develop and market its Eagle race tires. Now the Akron tire maker is touting rice tires, so to speak.

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Goodyear said it will use a waste product -- ash left over from the burning of rice husks -- and “harvest” the silica in the ash for use in its high-performance tires. The rice silica is identical to sandderived silica Goodyear uses to improve fuel efficiency and traction in its tires. An estimated 700 million pounds of rice is harvested worldwide, Goodyear said. The large amounts of rice husks that remain after rice is harvested for food typically are burned at power plants that make electricity.The leftover ash is then taken to landfills; removing silica from the ash further reduces waste, the company said. “We found out the opportunities are huge,” said Surendra Chawla, senior director of external science and technology at Goodyear.

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“This started at a small company that had the idea to convert rice ash into silica,” Chawla said. “Rice husk has high silica content.” Goodyear has tested rice-derived silica for two years. While the silica at the moment is used in experimental tires, Goodyear is securing contracts with suppliers for the rice-derived silica for use in its regular manufacturing processes. “Right now this is in the early stages,” Chawla said. “The plans are to slowly increase the capacity quite a bit.” Goodyear said the rice silica is one example of where it is developing environmentally friendly tires. Goodyear also is using renewable soybean oil to replace some of the petroleum-derived oils needed in the tire-making process.

Utilities, Automakers Studying How To Manage Electric Vehicles The FuelFix reports that “a consortium of eight major automakers is poised to test the first-ever technology that would allow electric cars to communicate with utility companies to help better manage vehicles’ power consumption.” The first test is “scheduled to occur in Sacramento, California” and “is part of an effort to figure out what to do with the growing number of electric vehicles that charge at night.”


84 • Nov/Dec 2014

The article notes that “the automakers are working with Palo Alto, California-based Electric Power Research Institute, utility companies, and Sumitomo Electric, a Japanese technology company, to develop a system that would allow two-way communication between cars and utilities.”

cooperation s us tai ns innovation

Ellison Machinery Company 1610 S. Priest Dr. #101, Tempe, AZ 85281 Phone: 480-968-5335 | ellisonaz.com


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Harley Aims Electric Hog at Selfie-Taking Green Hipsters


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86 • Nov/Dec 2014

Harley, the manufacturer of road hogs famous for roaring throttles, said in June it’s considering selling a relatively quiet, electric motorcycle. It’s now showcasing the bikes on a 30-city tour to seek feedback and drum up interest among people like Dean, who cares about the environment and can spread the word about his likes on social media like Twitter and Instagram. “Businesswise, this is smart,” said Dean, 31, who stopped riding after he got married three years ago and is starting to feel the itch again. “I’m going to take my photo of me sitting on this and post it to everyone I know. I’m not going to post me sitting in a Toyota.” While the idea of an e-hog has risks, he said “if Harley is doing it, that means it’s a viable thing.” The tour is part of a push by Chief Executive Officer Keith Wandell to make the once-insular company more open and ensure its perch atop a U.S. motorcycle market that researcher IBISWorld pegs at $6.9 billion, with Harley getting about half.The company views electric power as a way to reduce emissions and prepare for a time when petroleum-based fuel may be more scarce. It’s also a way to appeal to younger, affluent consumers who want a clean way to get around in style without dropping $100,000 or more on a Tesla Model S. Harley, based in Milwaukee, wants “to make sure we’re not missing something” as the tour continues in more U.S. cities and Europe and Canada next year,Wandell said in an interview. “We don’t want to come to market with something that falls short of somebody’s expectation.” Like Dean, 25-year-old Ben Myburgh isn’t in Harley’s current core market, which skews older and wealthier. He is, however, the type of customer the company wants to win. Myburgh races electric bikes in his spare time and signed up in June to be in the first group of five riders at the start of the tour’s stop in Nashville, at Boswell’s Harley-Davidson dealership. The Nissan Motor Co. quality engineer came prepared:With his padded riding jacket and pants, he was the only member of the quintet not clad in blue jeans and black shirtsleeves. He wore a Google Glass headset, which he used to film his test run. Social media has been a big part of Harley’s marketing effort. Project Livewire, as the bike is called, garnered 340 million media impressions as of mid-July. To help fuel that, test riders are encouraged to work their networks. While motorcycles are already quite efficient -- most Harleys go 30 to 60 miles on a gallon of gasoline -- Myburgh said he won’t own a Harley unless they make one that doesn’t require gas.

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88 • Nov/Dec 2014

Buyer’s Guide & Card Gallery Equipment and Services HYDMECH

Leston Trueblood

P.O. Box 1659 1079 Parkinson Road Woodstock, Ontario, Canada N4S 0A9

Regional Sales Manager P: 877-276-SAWS (7297) C: 714-620-5560 F: 714-963-0630 ltrueblood@hydmech.com www.hydmech.com

TSM Machinery & Equipment Sales Tom Camp

Cell (602) 363-6733

3125 N. 33rd Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85017 tsmmachine@hotmail.com

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President T 480.968.5335 F 480.247.4408 M 480.298.9782



1610 S. Priest Drive, Suite 101 Tempe, AZ 85281 pellison@ellisonaz.com www.ellisonaz.com

BUSINESS: 602-431-8300 3614 E. SOUTHERN AVE. #1 FAX: 602-431-8301 PHOENIX, AZ 85040 CELL: 505-249-7503 www.magnumprecisionmachines.com

EMAIL: cedgar@magnumabq.com


Jim Alger

SaleS engineer - arizona

Single Source Technologies

Po Box 93610 Phoenix, az 85070-3610 Cell: 602-228-0347 jim.alger@singlesourcetech.com



Boring Mills Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 CNC Mills Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 Arizona CNC Equip ____480-615-6353 Automatics & Machinery 303-651-6545 D & R Machinery ____ 480-775-6462 Ellison Machinery ____ 480-968-5335 Ganesh Machinery ____888-542-6374 Haas Factory Outlet___ 480-968-5877 Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Makino _________ 602-228-0347 Methods West ______ 602-437-2220 North-South Machinery _ 602-391-4696 Savage Machine Tools _ 480-773-4080 Tornos USA _______ 951-695-0342 Tornquist Machinery __ 602-470-0334 TSM Machinery _____ 602-233-3757 CNC Lathes Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353

Automatics & Machinery _ 303-651-6545 CNC-PROS _________ 602-344-9753 D & R Machinery _____ 480-775-6462 Ellison Machinery _____ 480-968-5335 Ganesh Machinery ____ 888-542-6374 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach _ 505-345-8389 Methods West _______ 602-437-2220 Savage Machine Tools __ 480-773-4080 Tornquist Machinery ___ 602-470-0334 TSM Machinery ______ 602-233-3757 CNC Drill/Tapping Machines Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Haas Factory Outlet_____480-968-5877 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Methods West _______ 602-437-2220 Savage Machine Tools __ 480-773-4080 Tornquist Machinery ___ 602-470-0334 CNC Punching Centers Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach _ 505-345-8389 Mesa Mach Sales _____ 480-545-0275 CNC Swiss Turn Machines Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711

Arizona CNC Equip ____480-615-6353 Automatics & Machinery 303-651-6545 CNC-PROS ________ 602-344-9753 Ganesh Machinery ____888-542-6374 Magnum Precision Mach _602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Methods West ______ 602-437-2220 North-South Machinery_ 602-391-4696 Tornos USA _______ 951-695-0342 Tornquist Machinery ___602-470-0334 D EDM Machines Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 D & R Machinery ____ 480-775-6462 Desert EDM Sales _____480-816-6300 EDM Network _______480-836-1782 Global EDM Supply___ 480-836-8330 Makino __________602-228-0347 Methods West ______ 602-437-2220 North-South Machinery __602-391-4696 ONA EDM USA______ 586-697-5880 Savage Machine Tools _ 480-773-4080 TSM Machinery ______602-233-3757 EDM Filtration Desert EDM Sales _____480-816-6300 Ebbco Inc _________800-809-3901

EDM: Dielectric Systems/ Filtration Ebbco Inc_________800-809-3901 EDM Drillling Machines Current EDM________ 650-966-9676 Micro Hole Drilling Machines Current EDM________ 650-966-9676 Gauging Equipment Osborn Products______ 623-587-0335 Equip Hookup & Disconnect Geiger Electric Co _____ 623-773-1787 Lights Out Electric ____ 623-703-2950 Lighting Geiger Electric Co _____ 623-773-1787 Lights Out Electric ____ 623-703-2950 Relocation: Electrical Geiger Electric Co _____ 623-773-1787 Lights Out Electric ____ 623-703-2950 Service Upgrades Geiger Electric Co _____ 623-773-1787 Lights Out Electric ____ 623-703-2950 ND N Grinding Filtration Ebbco Inc _________ 800-809-3901


• 89 • Nov/Dec 2014


BUSINESS: 505-345-8389 8448 WASHINGTON PLACE NE. FAX: 505-344-7167 ALBUQUERQUE, NM. 87113 CELL: 505-328-4279 www.magnumprecisionmachines.com

EMAIL: mhahn@magnumabq.com

8622 N. 78th Avenue Peoria, Arizona 85345

Office (623) 773-1787 Fax (623) 773-9882 www.geigerelectric.com


BUSINESS: 602-431-8300 FAX: 602-431-8301 CELL: 602-377-6765

3614 E. SOUTHERN AVE. #1 PHOENIX, AZ 85040


EMAIL: rsalas@magnumaz.com

David BELLHOUSE Regional Sales Manager – Cutting Tools | Abrasives david.bellhouse@fivesgroup.com T +1 909 263 9282 - F +1 909 494 7989 Cinetic Landis Corp. Manufacturer of CITCO tools & Gardner abrasives 7605 Disovery Lane Concord Twp., Ohio 44077 - USA www.fivesgroup.com

Kwik Mark Inc Tornos US 840 Parkview Boulevard Lombard, IL 60148 Phone 630 812 2040 Fax 630 812 2039

Dot Peen Marking Systems www.kwikmark.com Kwik Mark Inc 4071 Albany Street McHenry IL 60050

Phone 815 363 8268 Fax 815 363 8089 info@kwikmark.com

Grinding Machines ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 Arizona CNC Equip ___ 480-615-6353 DCM Tech ________ 800-533-5339 Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Moore Tool & Equipment 602-455-8904 North-South Machinery_ 602-391-4696 QS Machinery ______ 602-370-4733 Savage Machine Tools _ 480-773-4080 Tornquist Machinery __ 602-470-0334 Grinding Machines, OD/ID Adams Machinery____ 480-968-3711 Haas Factory Outlet __ 480-968-5877 Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Moore Tool & Equipment 602-455-8904 QS Machinery ______ 602-370-4733 Savage Machine Tools _ 480-773-4080 Grinding Machines, Rotary Silicon & Quartz DCM Tech ________ 800-533-5339 QS Machinery ______ 602-370-4733 Grinding Machines, Rotary Aircraft Brake DCM Tech ________ 800-533-5339

Grinding Machines, OD/ID Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 Haas Factory Outlet __ 480-968-5877 Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Moore Tool & Equipment 602-455-8904 QS Machinery ______ 602-370-4733 Savage Machine Tools _ 480-773-4080 Grinding Machines, Rotary Silicon & Quartz DCM Tech ________ 800-533-5339 QS Machinery ______ 602-370-4733 Grinding Machines, Rotary Aircraft Brake DCM Tech ________ 800-533-5339 QS Machinery ______ 602-370-4733 Grinding Machines, Tool Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 D & R Machinery ____ 480-775-6462 Tornquist Machinery __ 602-470-0334 Grinding Machines, Tool Punch & Die DCM Tech ________ 800-533-5339 Grinding Wheels Fives ____________ 909-263-9282 Honing Machines Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711


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90 • Nov/Dec 2014

Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Magnetic Drills/Cutters ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 Manual Lathes & Mills ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 Arizona CNC Equip ____480-615-6353 D & R Machinery ____ 480-775-6462 Ganesh Machinery ____888-542-6374 Haas Factory Outlet __ 480-968-5877 Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Moore Tool & Equipment 602-455-8904 S. L. Fusco, Inc. _____ 480-753-5000 TSM Machinery _____ 602-233-3757 Sawing Machines ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 bandsawparts.com ___ 800-240-2932 D & R Machinery ____ 480-775-6462 Desert Machine Tool Repair 480-226-3128 Echols Saw & Supply ___ 602-278-3918 Jorgenson Machine Co. ___800-952-0151 Mesa Mach Sales ____ 480-545-0275 Moore Tool & Equipment 602-455-8904

ROBERT SERRANO Regional Sales Manager West California Office Phone 951 695 0342 951 695 0346 Fax Mobile 951 240 0818 E-Mail serrano.r@tornos.com

Rocky Mountain Saw Blades303-761-3000 Savage Machine Tools _ 480-773-4080 Saw Replacement Parts bandsawparts.com ___ 800-240-2932 Desert Machine Tool Repair 480-226-3128 Echols Saw & Supply ___ 602-278-3918 Rocky Mountain Saw Blades 303-761-3000 Starrett Co_________ 978-249-3551 Tapping Machines ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 N N CNC Punching Centers ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 S&S Machinery Sales __ 602-368-8542 Gantry Systems, CNC ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Iron Workers ACC Machinery _____ 602-258-7330 Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 Desert Machine Tool Repair 480-226-3128 Magnum Precision Mach 602-431-8300 Mesa Mach Sales ____ 480-545-0275 Moore Tool & Equipment 602-455-8904 Jorgenson Machine Co. ___800-952-0151


MAGNUM PRECISION MACHINES, INC. Jeffrey F. Nawrot Vice President, Business Development 10530 E. 59th Street • Indianapolis, IN 46236 T: 317/826.4414 • TF: 877/240.2462 • F: 317/823.6822 jeff@trustycook.com • C: 317/946.1235 trustycook.com


BUSINESS: 602-431-8300 3614 E. SOUTHERN AVE. #1 FAX: 602-431-8301 PHOENIX, AZ 85040 CELL: 602-399-0346 www.magnumprecisionmachines.com

EMAIL: jtrimble@magnumaz.com


APPLICATIONS ENGINEER BUSINESS: 602-431-8300 3614 E. SOUTHERN AVE. #1 FAX: 602-431-8301 PHOENIX, AZ 85040 CELL: 602-350-6738 www.magnumprecisionmachines.com

EMAIL: drsmith@magnumabq.com

Haas Factory Outlet A Division of Ellison Machinery Company

patrick ellison president 1610 s. priest Dr., suite 101 tempe, arizona 85281 Telephone: Cell: Fax: Email:

S&S Machinery Sales ___ 602-368-8542 Jorgenson Machine Co. __ 800-952-0151 Laser Cutting/Proc. Center Moore Tool & Equipment _ 602-455-8904 ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 S&S Machinery Sales ___ 602-368-8542 Mesa Mach Sales _____ 480-545-0275 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 WaterJet: Filtration/Chillers S&S Machinery Sales ___ 602-368-8542 Universal Laser Systems _ 480-330-9851 Ebbco Inc _________ 800-809-3901 WaterJet Cutting Systems Laser Marking Machines Kwik Mark Inc ________ 815-363-8268 Flow International ____ 800-446-3569 Universal Laser Systems _ 480-330-9851 Global EDM Supply____ 480-836-8330 Plasma/Gas Cutting Systems Flow Waterjet _______ 714-393-3783 ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 Flow Waterjet _______ 415-828-3569 Mesa Mach Sales _____ 480-545-0275 Jorgenson Machine Co. __ 800-952-0151 Pipe &Tube Benders/Notchers North-South Machinery _ 602-391-4696 ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 Omax Corp. ________ 800-838-0343 Moore Tool & Equipment_ 602-455-8904 Waterjet Accessories S&S Machinery Sales ___ 602-368-8542 Barton International ___800-741-7756 Plate Roll Lone Arrow_________480-507-8074 Jorgenson Machine Co. ___ 800-952-0151 Welding Equipment Press Brakes ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 Rocky Mountain Saw Blades 303-761-3000 Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 N N Desert Machine Tool Repair 480-226-3128 Coordinate Measuring Mach. Jorgenson Machine Co. ___ 800-952-0151 Advanced Coordinate Tech 480-921-3370 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 D & R Machinery _____ 480-775-6462 Magnum Precision Mach _ 505-345-8389 Datum Inspection _____ 602-997-1340 Mesa Mach Sales _____ 480-545-0275 Kerley Corporation ____ 530-306-1966 Moore Tool & Equipment_ 602-455-8904 Klontech Industrial Sales _ 480-948-1871 S&S Machinery Sales ___ 602-368-8542 OGP ____________ 480-889-9056 Punch Presses Total Quality Systems___ 480-377-6422 Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Gauging Equipment Shearing Machines Advanced Coordinate Tech 480-921-3370 ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 Kerley Corporation ____ 530-306-1966 Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Klontech Industrial Sales _ 480-948-1871 Desert Machine Tool Repair 480-226-3128 OGP ____________ 480-889-9056

480-968-5877 480-298-9782 480-968-0522 pellison@ellisonaz.com


S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______480-753-5000 Starrett Co_________ 978-249-3551 Total Quality Systems___ 480-377-6422 Impression Material Roydent ____________480-607-1876 Metrology Instruments Advanced Coordinate Tech 480-921-3370 Datum Inspection _____ 602-997-1340 Kerley Corporation ____ 530-306-1966 Klontech Industrial Sales _ 480-948-1871 Starrett Co_________ 978-249-3551 Total Quality Systems___ 480-377-6422 Washington Calibration__480-820-0506 Optical Comparators Advanced Coordinate Tech 480-921-3370 Datum Inspection _____ 602-997-1340 Kerley Corporation ____ 530-306-1966 Klontech Industrial Sales _ 480-948-1871 OGP ____________480-889-9056 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 Magnum Precision Mach 505-345-8389 Starrett Co_________ 978-249-3551 Total Quality Systems___ 480-377-6422 Punch Presses Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Sterling Fabrication___ 855-898-7860 SPC Data Acquis.Equip. D & R Machinery _____480-775-6462 Datum Inspection _____ 602-997-1340 Rapid Optical Inspection Mesa Mach Sales ____ 480-545-0275 Moore Tool & Equipment 602-455-8904 S&S Machinery Sales __ 602-368-8542

Repair & Certification Advanced Coordinate Tech 480-921-3370 OGP ____________ 480-889-9056 Total Quality Systems___ 480-377-6422 Washington Calibration__ 480-820-0506 Video Measuring Systems Kerley Corporation ____ 530-306-1966 Klontech Industrial Sales _ 480-948-1871 Washington Calibration__ 480-820-0506 WaterJet: Filtration/Chillers Ebbco Inc _________ 800-809-3901 WaterJet Cutting Systems Flow International _____800-446-3569 Global EDM Supply____ 480-836-8330 Flow Waterjet _______ 714-393-3783 Flow Waterjet _______ 415-828-3569 Jorgenson Machine Co. ___800-952-0151 North-South Machinery _ 602-391-4696 Omax Corp. ________ 800-838-0343 Waterjet Accessories Barton International ___ 800-741-7756 Lone Arrow_________480-507-8074 Welding Equipment ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 Rocky Mountain Saw Blades 303-761-3000 D N ACC Machinery ______ 602-258-7330 Automatics & Machinery _ 303-651-6545 EDM Network _______ 480-836-1782 Ganesh Machinery ____888-542-6374 K D Capital ________ 480-922-1674 Methods West _______ 602-437-2220 Moore Tool & Equipment _ 602-455-8904 R. Jorgenson Company __ 800-952-0151


• 91 • Nov/Dec 2014

ReSell CNC West______ S&S Machinery Sales ___ Savage Machine Tools __ TSM Machinery ______

844-478-8181 602-368-8542 480-773-4080 602-233-3757

Barton International ___ 800-741-7756 Fives _____________909-263-9282 GMA Garnet Group ____ 832-243-9300 R.S. Hughes ________ 602-275-5565 S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______ 480-753-5000 R.S. Hughes ________ 602-275-5565 R.S. Hughes ________ 602-275-5565 S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______ 480-753-5000

Echols Saw & Supply ___ 602-278-3918 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 Marshall Tool & Supply__ 602-269-6295 Ellison Machinery ____ 480-968-5335 Rocky Mountain Saw Blades303-761-3000 Marshall Tool & Supply__ 602-269-6295 Roentgen USA_______847-787-0135 S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______ 480-753-5000 Chemetall _________ 714-739-2821 sawblade.com_______ 877-501-7297 Starrett Co_________ 978-249-3551 Trusty-Cook ________ 877-240-2462 Von Ruden Manufacturing 763-682-0322 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 Automatics & Machinery _ 303-651-6545 Royal Products ______ 800-645-4174 Edge Technologies ____ 562-597-7824 Ellison Machinery _____ 480-968-5335 Trusty-Cook ________ 877-240-2462 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 Royal Products ______ 800-645-4174 Edge Technologies ____ 562-597-7824 Trusty-Cook ________ 877-240-2462 Airtek ___________ 480-966-5267

Lone Arrow ________ 480-507-8074 Barton International ___800-741-7756 GMA Garnet Group ___ 832-243-9300 Airtek ___________ 480-966-5267 Lone Arrow ________ 480-507-8074 Airtek ___________ 480-966-5267 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 Ellison Machinery ____ 480-968-5335 bandsawparts.com ____ 800-240-2932 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 Ellison Machinery ____ 480-968-5335

S. L. Fusco, Inc. _____ 480-753-5000 Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 D & R Machinery _____480-775-6462 Lone Arrow ________480-507-8074 Magnum Precision Mach _602-431-8300 Midaco Corporation ____ 847-593-8420 Lone Arrow________480-507-8074 Southwest Electronic H/W_ 480-905-3600 Southwest Electronic H/W_ 480-905-3600 Southwest Fastener___ 800-350-8265

Chemetall _________ 714-739-2821 DCM Tech _________ 800-533-5339 Southwest Electronic H/W_ 480-905-3600 Ebbco Inc _________ 800-809-3901 Hangsterfers _______ 316-640-2462 Canyon State Oil _____800-894-7773 Star Metal Fluids _____ 800-367-9966 Chemetall _________ 714-739-2821 Ebbco Inc _________800-809-3901 Cutting Tools Consultants 602-277-1342 Qualichem, Inc. _____ 480-320-0308 Fives _____________909-263-9282 Star Metal Fluids _____800-367-9966 Micro 100 _________ 480-495-1454 Rocky Mountain Saw Blades 303-761-3000 S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______ 480-753-5000 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 Sandvik Coromant ____ 480-233-0997 Ellison Machinery ____ 480-968-5335 Sandvik Coromant ____ 602-628-4242 ScientiďŹ c Cutting Tools __ 805-584-9495 Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Von Ruden Manufacturing 763-682-0322

An ISO 9001 Company

Jeff Klimowicz Senior Sales Engineer Southwest Region: AZ, UT, NV, CO, ID All Products Proudly Made in the USA

EDM Tooling Systems Desert EDM Sales _____ 480-816-6300 EDM Network _______ 480-836-1782 EDM Performance ____800-336-2946 Global EDM Supply____480-836-8330 Filtermist Mist Collectors Royal Products ______ 800-645-4174 Fluid Control Products (Valves & Filters) VACCO Industries _____ 626-443-7121 Filtration -GrindWheels & Belts S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______480-753-5000 Guard & Vacuum Pedestals For Grinders Midaco Corporation ____ 847-593-8420 Industrial Automation IEC Supply LLC_______ 480-455-1446 Industrial Controls IEC Supply LLC_______ 480-455-1446 Industrial Electronics IEC Supply LLC_______ 480-455-1446 Live Centers Royal Products ______ 800-645-4174 Live Tool Holders Von Ruden Manufacturing 763-682-0322

Mobile: 480‐320‐0308 jklimowicz@qualichem.com www.qualichem.com

Lubricants / Systems Canyon State Oil _____ 800-894-7773 Hangsterfers _______ 316-640-2462 Pioneer Distributing Co. _ 602-278-2693 Star Metal Fluids _____ 800-367-9966 MachineToolAccessories Von Ruden Manufacturing 763-682-0322 Magnetic Particle Ins Equip. DCM Tech ___________ 800-533-5339 Milling andTurning Products Von Ruden Manufacturing 763-682-0322 Pallet Systems Adams Machinery _______ 480-968-3711 Arizona CNC Equip ____480-615-6353 D & R Machinery________ 480-775-6462 Ellison Machinery _______ 480-968-5335 PartsWashing Equipment Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 Qualichem, Inc_________ 480-320-0308 Star Metal Fluids ________ 800-367-9966 Power Tools R.S. Hughes _______ 602-275-5565 R8 Quick-ChangeTool System Royal Products ______ 800-645-4174 Rota-Rack Parts Accumulator Royal Products ______ 800-645-4174

Safety R.S. Hughes _______ 602-275-5565 Sensors IEC Supply LLC________480-455-1446 Spindles GMN USA _________ 800-686-1679 Setco Spindles & Slides_____ 866-362-0699 Static Tool Holders Von Ruden Manufacturing 763-682-0322 Steel Service Center Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 Surface Preparation Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 Tapes R.S. Hughes _______ 602-275-5565 Vibratory Equipment Adams Machinery _______ 480-968-3711 Vises andVise Jaws Arizona CNC Equip_______ 480-615-6353 Desert EDM Sales _______ 480-816-6300 Waterjet Abrasives Barton International ___800-741-7756 GMA Garnet Group ___ 832-243-9300 Lone Arrow ________ 480-507-8074 Waterjet Replacement Parts Arizona CNC Equip ____480-615-6353 Barton International ___800-741-7756 Work Holding Ellison Machinery____ 480-968-5335 Kurt Manufacturing____ 763-574-8320 CONSUMMABLES Cleaners: Ultrasonic Pro- Ultrasonics ______ 602-938-0603

Cutting Fluids & Oils (Coolants) Canyon State Oil _____800-894-7773 Echols Saw & Supply ___ 602-278-3918 Hangsterfers _______ 316-640-2462 Marshall Tool & Supply__602-269-6295 Pioneer Distributing Co. _602-278-2693 Rocky Mountain Saw Blades 303-761-3000 S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______480-753-5000 Star Metal Fluids _____800-367-9966 EDM Materials & Supplies Adams Machinery_____480-968-3711 Canyon State Oil _____800-894-7773 D & R Machinery _____480-775-6462 Desert EDM Sales _____ 480-816-6300 EDM Network _______480-836-1782 EDM Per ormance acc’s__800-336-2946 Global EDM Supply ____480-836-8330 Qualichem Inc_______480-320-0308 Star Metal Fluids _____800-367-9966 EDM Fluids Hangsterfers _______ 316-640-2462 Pioneer Distributing Co. _602-278-2693 Impression Materials Roydent ___________ 480-607-1876 MachineTool Cool. Filtration Canyon State Oil ________800-894-7773


• 93 • Nov/Dec 2014


Nickel Cobalt Titanium Stainless

O’Neal High-Performance Metals

O mar D e lfin

T echnicalSalesManager Arizona T erritory

Delivering Alloy Solutions Worldwide

C h e me t all U S ,I nc. 16961 KnottAvenue La Mirada,CA 90638 ollF ree:800-331-1197 ext.2672 F ax:714-670-6480 T el:714-739-2821 T Omar.Delfin@chemetall.com www.chemetallUS.com Cell:619-208-8968 •

Patty Negoro (800)337-3766 ext. 148 pnegoro@aerodynealloys.com www.aerodynealloys.com

D & R Machinery________480-775-6462 Qualichem, Inc_________480-320-0308 Star Metal Fluids ________800-367-9966 Measurement Products for In Process/First Article Inspection Roydent ____________480-607-1876 Solvents & Degreasing Agents Canyon State Oil ________800-894-7773 Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 Pioneer Distributing Co. _ 602-278-2693 Qualichem, Inc_________480-320-0308 Star Metal Fluids ________800-367-9966 Solvents:Vapor degreasing Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 Solvents:HandWipe Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 Solvents: Mil PRF 680 Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 D Alloys: High Temperature Aerodyne Alloys_____ 860-289-3820 Western States Metals _ 801-978-0562 Alloys: Specialty Aerodyne Alloys_____ 860-289-3820 Apache Steel Company __602-323-2200

Aluminum Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 Bralco Metals _______ 602-252-1918 Ind. Metal Supply_____602-454-1500 Coast Aluminum _____877-977-6061 Fry Steel Company ____800-423-6651 MarZee Inc. ________602-269-5801 Samuel, Son & Co. ____800-631-9765 TCI Precision Metals____ 800-234-5613 Tube Service Company __602-267-9865 Aluminum Extrusions Bralco Metals _______ 602-252-1918 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Coast Aluminum _____877-977-6061 Samuel, Son & Co. ____800-631-9765 Armor:Commercial Temtco Steel________ 480-389-2883 Armor:Military Grade Temtco Steel________ 480-389-2883 Bar: Large Diameter Bralco Metals _______ 602-252-1918 Coastal Metals ______ 800-811-7466 Reliance Metal Center __ 602-275-4471 TW Metals _________ 800-203-8000

Von Ruden Manufacturing, Inc. Fluid Power / Mechanical / Tool Products ISO 9001:2008 Certified

Since 1946

Brandon Anderson President MOBILE: 612.251.0868 E-MAIL: brandon@vonruden.com

DIRECT: 763.682.0322 PHONE: 763.682.3122 FAX: 763.682.3954

1008 First Street NE - PO Box 699 - Buffalo, MN 55313 USA Made in USA


Driven Tooling for the Machine Tool Industry

Made in USA

Brass Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 Bralco Metals _______ 602-252-1918 Coast Aluminum _____ 877-977-6061 Coastal Metals ______ 800-811-7466 Fry Steel Company ____ 800-423-6651 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 State Industrial Prod ___ 602-275-0990 Western States Metals _ 801-978-0562 Bronze Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 Coastal Metals ______ 800-811-7466 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 State Industrial Prod ___ 602-275-0990 Western States Metals _ 801-978-0562 Carbon Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 Coastal Metals ______ 800-811-7466 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Fry Steel Company ____ 800-423-6651 Cast Iron Western States Metals _ 801-978-0562 Castings Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Ceramics MarZee Inc. ________ 602-269-5801 Chrome Rod Western States Metals _ 801-978-0562 Stan Watkins Industrial Account Sales & Technical Support


94 • Nov/Dec 2014

Canyon State Oil

(855) 400-2269 Tel

A Division of SC Fuels

(602) 369-5185 Mobile

2640 N. 31st Avenue,

(602) 269-2685 Fax

Phoenix, AZ 85009


Cobalt United Performance Metals _ 888-282-3292 Copper Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 Bralco Metals _______ 602-252-1918 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Coast Aluminum _____ 877-977-6061 State Industrial Prod ___ 602-275-0990 Western States Metals __801-978-0562 Drill Rod Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 Extrusions TW Metals _________ 800-203-8000 Lead Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Material Sales Samuel, Son & Co. ____800-631-9765 TW Metals _________ 800-203-8000 Ulbrich of California __ 800-237-2888 Metals Advanced Metal Sales___ 623-434-8343 Apache Steel Company __ 602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 AZ Tool & Steel ______ 480-784-1600

Bralco Metals _______ 602-252-1918 Coast Aluminum _____ 877-977-6061 Davis Salvage Co _____ 602-267-7208 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Reliance Metal Center __ 602-275-4471 Samuel, Son & Co. ___ 800-631-9765 State Industrial Prod ___602-275-0990 TCI Precision Metals____ 800-234-5613 Temtco Steel________480-389-2883 Tube Service Company __ 602-267-9865 TW Metals _________800-203-8000 Ulbrich of California __ 800-237-2888 United Performance Metals _888-282-3292 Western States Metals _ 801-978-0562 Metals-Bar & Plate Aerodyne Ulbrich Alloys _ 800-337-3766 Apache Steel Company __602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 AZ Tool & Steel ______ 480-784-1600 Coast Aluminum _____ 877-977-6061 Davis Salvage Co _____ 602-267-7208 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Reliance Metal Center __ 602-275-4471 Samuel, Son & Co. ___ 800-631-9765 Temtco Steel________480-389-2883 Steel Sheet Reliance Metal Center __ 602-275-4471 Tool Steel Apache Steel Company __602-323-2200 Davis Salvage Co _____ 602-267-7208 Tubing & Pipe Apache Steel Company __602-323-2200 AZ Metals ________ 602-688-8003 Ind. Metal Supply _____ 602-454-1500 Reliance Metal Center __ 602-275-4471 Samuel, Son & Co. ___ 800-631-9765 Tube Service Company __ 602-267-9865 Tubing:Titanium & Hastelloy Apache Steel Company __602-323-2200

Cylinder Storage/Microbulk Praxair Distribution____ 602-269-2151 Purification Units (CO2 and Hydrogen) Praxair Distribution____ 602-269-2151 Welding and Cutting Praxair Distribution____ 602-269-2151 N Boring Bars B & T Tool & Engineering_ 602-267-1481 Marshall Tool & Supply__ 602-269-6295 Micro 100 _________ 480-495-1454 Scientific Cutting Tools __ 805-584-9495 Carbide B & T Tool & Engineering_ 602-267-1481 Cutting Tools Consultants 602-277-1342 Helical Solutions _____ 866-543-5422 Horizon Carbide______ 480-968-0957 Magnum Precision Mach _ 602-431-8300 Marshall Tool & Supply__ 602-269-6295 Micro 100 _________ 480-495-1454 S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______ 480-753-5000 Scientific Cutting Tools __ 805-584-9495 The Tool Crib _______ 602-978-3130 Cutting Tools Cutting Tools Consultants 602-277-1342 Fives ____________ 909-263-9282 Helical Solutions _____ 866-543-5422 Horizon Carbide______ 480-968-0957 Micro 100 _________ 480-495-1454 Sandvik Coromant ____ 480-233-0997 Sandvik Coromant ____ 602-628-4242 Scientific Cutting Tools __ 805-584-9495 Cutting Tools: Custom B & T Tool & Engineering_ 602-267-1481 Horizon Carbide______ 480-968-0957 Scientific Cutting Tools __ 805-584-9495 Drills Cutting Tools Consultants 602-277-1342 Marshall Tool & Supply__ 602-269-6295 Moore Tool & Equipment _ 602-455-8904 Sandvik Coromant ____ 480-233-0997 Sandvik Coromant ____ 602-628-4242

Cutting Tools Consultants 602-277-1342 Helical Solutions _____866-543-5422 Marshall Tool & Supply__602-269-6295 Micro 100 _________ 480-495-1454 S. L. Fusco, Inc. ______480-753-5000 Sandvik Coromant ____ 480-233-0997 Sandvik Coromant ____ 602-628-4242 Scientific Cutting Tools __ 805-584-9495 Form Tools B & T Tool & Engineering 602-267-1481 Coast Aluminum Sales __ 480-797-5162 Cutting Tools Consultants 602-277-1342 Horizon Carbide______ 480-968-0957

Micro 100 _________ 480-495-1454 Sandvik Coromant ____ 480-233-0997 Sandvik Coromant ____ 602-628-4242 Scientific Cutting Tools __805-584-9495 Von Ruden Manufacturing__ 763-682-0322 Manual & Automatic Pallet Systems Midaco Corporation ____ 847-593-8420 Manual Lift Off Pallet Systems Midaco Corporation ____ 847-593-8420 Manual Rotory Pallet Systems Midaco Corporation ____ 847-593-8420

Inserts, Indexable Coast Aluminum Sales __ 480-797-5162 Horizon Carbide______ 480-968-0957 Robotic Part Loading Systems Marshall Tool & Supply__602-269-6295 Midaco Corporation ____ 847-593-8420 Sandvik Coromant ____ 480-233-0997 Sandvik Coromant ____ 602-628-4242 Business Software Inserts, PCD/CBN Infor ____________ 520-431-4349 Coast Aluminum Sales __ 480-797-5162 CAD/CAM Horizon Carbide______ 480-968-0957 Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Marshall Tool & Supply__602-269-6295 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 Cimatron _________ 248-596-9700 Loose Abrasive Grains S. L. Fusco, Inc. _____ 480-753-5000 Delcam __________ 877 335 2261 Feature Cam _______602-502-9654 Reamers & Drills, PCD Coast Aluminum Sales __ 480-797-5162 MLC CAD (MasterCAM) __480-696-6056 Marshall Tool & Supply__602-269-6295 MLC CAD (SolidWorks) __480-696-6056 PrecisionToolholding Products SolidCAM _________ 602-369-0630 Von Ruden Manufacturing__ 763-682-0322 SolidProducts _______ 480-206-0330 Thread Mills TMI (GibbsCAM)______ 602-618-6553 Coast Aluminum Sales __ 480-797-5162 ERP Software Horizon Carbide______ 480-968-0957 Infor ____________ 520-431-4349 Micro 100 _________ 480-495-1454 Software, Inv. Control Sandvik Coromant ____ 480-233-0997 Delcam __________ 877 335 2261 Sandvik Coromant ____ 602-628-4242 Feature Cam _______602-502-9654 Scientific Cutting Tools __ 805-584-9495 MLC CAD (MasterCAM) __480-696-6056 Tooling Columns MLC CAD (SolidWorks) __480-696-6056 Ellison Machinery____ 480-968-5335 Tooling: Cutting Tools Custom B & T Tool & Engineering ___ 602-267-1481 Tooling Systems End Mills Ellison Machinery _____480-968-5335 Coast Aluminum Sales __ 480-797-5162 Global EDM Supply____480-836-8330


• 95 • Nov/Dec 2014

Rob Schwister

Relationship Manager 480.905.2407 rschwister@alerusmail.com alerusfinancial.com

30 Years Experience MIKE SMITH 602-397-4008

amtsmike@hotmail.com mike.amts@hotmail.com

SolidProducts _______ 480-206-0330 Software, NC Programming Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Delcam __________ 877 335 2261 Ellison Machinery _____ 480-968-5335 Feature Cam _______ 602-502-9654 MLC CAD (MasterCAM) __ 480-696-6056 MLC CAD (SolidWorks) __ 480-696-6056 SolidProducts _______ 480-206-0330 TMI (GibbsCAM)______ 602-618-6553 Software, Servicing Delcam __________ 877 335 2261 Feature Cam _______ 602-502-9654 MLC CAD (MasterCAM) __ 480-696-6056 MLC CAD (SolidWorks) __ 480-696-6056 SolidProducts _______ 480-206-0330 TMI (GibbsCAM)______ 602-618-6553 Tooling Systems Global EDM Supply____ 480-836-8330 /D N Bar Feeder Repair Edge Technologies ____ 562-597-7824 Machine Tool Design/ Engineering Ellison Machinery _____ 480-968-5335 Machine Tool Rebuilding API Services ________ 757-223-4157

Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Advanced Precision ____ 602-525-0156 AMTS____________ 602-397-4008 DM Machine Repair ____ 480-709-1450 EDM Network _______ 480-836-1782 Jemelco, Inc. _______ 480-804-9541 Setco-Pope Spindles____ 866-362-0699 The Werks C&C, Inc ____ 602-569-1809 Machine Retrofitting/CNC Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 AMTS____________ 602-397-4008 API Services _________757-223-4157 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 Machinery Moving Advanced Precision ____ 602-525-0156 API Services _________757-223-4157 Maint/Repair Services Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Advanced Precision ____ 602-525-0156 AMTS____________ 602-397-4008 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 CNC-PROS _________ 602-344-9753 Desert Machine Tool Repair 480-226-3128 DM Machine Repair ____ 480-709-1450 D & R Machinery _____ 480-775-6462 Ellison Machinery _____ 480-968-5335

Jimmy Wahbeh

Certified Sales Professional

Celebrating three decades of “Unbeatable Service”

800-364-1652 Ext 1080 Phone 480-696-6056 Ext 1080 Email jimmyw@mlc-cad.com Fax 866-465-0652 A2Z METALWORKER SW

96 • Nov/Dec 2014

Jemelco, Inc. _______480-804-9541 State Industrial Prod ___602-275-0990 The Werks C&C, Inc ____602-569-1809 Mold Repairs B&B Tool ________ 520-397-0436 Stamping Repairs B&B Tool. ________ 520-397-0436 Prev. Maint Programs Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Advanced Precision ____ 602-525-0156 API Services ________ 757-223-4157 Arizona CNC Equip ____ 480-615-6353 CNC-PROS _________602-344-9753 Desert Machine Tool Repair 480-226-3128 DM Machine Repair ____480-709-1450 D & R Machinery _____480-775-6462 Ellison Machinery _____480-968-5335 Jemelco, Inc. _______480-804-9541 The Werks C&C, Inc ____602-569-1809 Repair -Hydraulic Advanced Precision ____ 602-525-0156 The Werks C&C, Inc ____602-569-1809 Repair - Portable Advanced Precision ____ 602-525-0156 The Werks C&C, Inc ____ 602-569-1809

Spindle Rebuilding API Services ________ 757-223-4157 Setco-Pope Spindles ____ 866-362-0699 GMN USA _________ 800-686-1679 Tool Repair, Coating, Treatment Cutting Tools Consultants 602-277-1342 D Guns Layke Tactical _______602-272-2654 Aerospace Advocate Jill Norgaard _______ 602-753-9155 AZ House of Representatives Jill Norgaard _______ 602-753-9155 Banks Alerus Bank & Trust ____ 480-905-2407 National Bank of Arizona_ 460-756-7124 Business Consulting BMSC ___________ 480-445-9400 Quick Turn Financial ___ 480-385-1220 Calibration: On Site Linear Precise Measurements LLC 602-309-0963 Calibration Services Advanced Coordinate Tech 480-921-3370

p: 602-753-9155 e: jill@jillnorgaard2014.com w: www.jillnorgaard2014.com MAGNUM PRECISION MACHINES, INC. Attract. Engage. Retain.

Donovan Ray Hardenbrook Marketing Consultant don@leapinnovation.com LeapInnovation.com

DAVID MORENO BUSINESS: 915-856-7900 12025 ROJAS DR. SUITE A FAX: 915-857-4700 EL PASO, TX. 79936 CELL: 915-892-0797 www.magnumprecisionmachines.com

EMAIL: dmoreno@magnumep.com

Sheila Berru Account Executive Direct: 310 753 7104 Email:sheila.berru@infor.com Web: infor.com Infor VISUAL ERP: http://go.infor.com/visual/abouterpvisual/

Arizona CNC Equip_____ 480-615-6353 Klontech Industrial Sales _ 480-948-1871 Precise Measurements LLC 602-309-0963 Washington Calibration__ 480-820-0506

Electrical Installation/ Maintenance Lights Out Electric ____ 623-703-2950 Engineering Services Advanced Coord. Tech __ 623-780-4137 Metals Eng & Testing Lab. 602-272-4571 Financial Services Alerus Bank & Trust ____ 480-905-2407 National Bank of Arizona_ 460-756-7124 Quick Turn Financial __ 480-385-1738 SBG Capital _______ 480-897-4988 US Bank __________ 480-303-5422 Heavyhaul IRH ___________ 800-334-2409 Insurance Services NFP Property & Casualty 480-458-6052 ISO/AS9100 Consulting ABS Quality Evaluations 702-644-2770 BMSC ___________ 480-445-9400 Quality Training Consultants_ 928-284-0856 Sustaining Edge Solutions_ _888-572-9642 IT/ Network Support Gartman Technical Services _ 602-788-8121 Leasing and Financing Alerus Bank & Trust ____ 480-905-2407 National Bank of Arizona_ 460-756-7124 Quick Turn Financial ___ 480-385-1220 US Bank __________ 480-303-5422

Calibration: Repair & Certify Advanced Coordinate Tech 480-921-3370 Precise Measurements LLC 602-309-0963 Washington Calibration__ 480-820-0506 Computer/Web Services Gartman Technical Services _ 602-788-8121 Consulting ABS Quality Evaluations _ 702-644-2770 American Global Standards_ 617-838-4648 BMSC ____________480-445-9400 Advanced Custom Screens _800-992-7936 Quality Training Consultants__928-284-0856 Sustaining Edge Solutions__ 888-572-9642 Contract Inspection Klontech Measure Sol___ 480-626-8131 Contract Programming Adams Machinery_____ 480-968-3711 Lean Manufacturing Ellison Machinery_____ 480-968-5335 ABS Quality Evaluations 702-644-2770 Klontech Measure Sol___ 480-626-8131 BMSC ___________ 480-445-9400 CNC Training Sustaining Edge Solutions___888-572-9642 Adams Machinery______ 480-968-3711 Management Systems Ellison Machinery ______480-968-5335 Certification/Training ABS Quality Evaluations 702-644-2770 Degreasing Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 Machine Tool Utilization Tracking Design Services Metalcraft Inc.________480-967-4889 E Solutions ________602-524-0192

Manufacturers Rep Trepanning Specialties __ 562-633-8110 Quality Training Consultants_ 928-284-0856 Marketing/ Consulting Leap Innovation______ 480-235-6188 Rigging/Machinery Moving IRH ____________ 800-334-2409 Political Consultant Jill Norgaard _______ 602-753-9155 Real Estate, Commercial Lee & Associates _____ 602-956-7777 Recycling Barry Metals_________602-484-7186 Consolidated Resources Inc. 623-931-5009 Davis Salvage Co _____ 602-267-7208 SA Recycling________ 602-447-3000 Reverse Engineering BMSC ___________ 480-445-9400 Datum Inspection ___ 602-997-1340 Klontech Measure Sol___ 480-626-8131 Metalcraft Inc. ________ 480-967-4889 Metals Eng & Testing Lab. 602-272-4571 Rigging IRH ____________ 800-334-2409 Schools, Custom Training AZPMAP __________ 602-723-8191 Ellison Machinery_____480-968-5335 TechShop _________ 480-327-0820 Schools, Membership Based Machining &Training TechShop _________ 480-327-0820

Schools, Your Own Machine Shop for Hobbiests TechShop _________ 480-327-0820 Surface Preparation Chemical Logic_________ 512-426-5728 Systems Integration Ellison Machinery ______ 480-968-5877 Testing, Metallurgical ARTL _____________ 602-374-3770 Metals Eng & Testing Lab.__ 602-272-4571 Starrett Co __________ 978-249-3551 Trade Show Booth Design Fry Fabricators _______ 602-454-0701 Transportation IRH ____________ 800-334-2409 Lynden Intl. ________ 602-252-2911 Transportation:Air/Freight/ Ground IRH ____________ 800-334-2409 Lynden Intl. ________ 602-252-2911 Vision Certification Exams, Onsite Hollie Perlow, Nurse ____602-910-0956 Working Capital, Credit Lines Quick Turn Financial ____480-385-1220 SBG Capital ________ 480-897-4988 US Bank __________ 480-303-5422 N Chemetall _________ 714-739-2821


• 97 • Nov/Dec 2014

Buyer’s Guide & Card Gallery Processes


Field Sales & Engineering 9630 N Rock Ridge Trail Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (480) 284­6618 Office (480) 250­9764 Mobile swcastings@cox.net, email

ASSEMBLY Abrams Airborne Mfg___ 520-887-1727 Acme Metalworks ______ 480-926-4171 AEI Fabrication _______ 480-733-6594 Cascade Systems Tech____ 503-640-5733 East Valley Precision_____ 480-288-6601 Fry Fabrications _______ 602-454-0701 GHT Services_________ 480-396-1800 JD Machine _________ 801-782-4403 Hi-Tech Machining & Eng __ 520-889-8325 KLK Ind. ___________ 602-267-1331 Morsch Machine_______ 480-961-7673 Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625

Profiles Tool & Engineering _ 480-894-1008 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Cable/Harness Assembly Bar-S Machine ______ 928-636-2115 Cascade Systems Tech____ 503-640-5733

AG Machining ________ 805-531-9595 B&B Fabrication & Machine_ 623-271-6855 Fry Fabrications _______ 602-454-0701 Innovia ___________ 480-966-6090 Tri-Matrix __________ 480-844-0165 Clean Room Assembly Bending: CNC Jan’s Inc.___________ 480-833-7305 L&W Fluid ________ 602-323-2560 B&B Fabrication & Machine_ 623-271-6855 BAR CODING Innovia ___________ 480-966-6090 Western Sintering_____ 509-375-3096 BONDING BENDING VACCO Industries ______ 626-443-7121 Advanced Metal Sales __ 623-434-8343 AEI Fabrication _______ 480-733-6594 Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625

BRAZING Bolt’s Metallizing _______602-244-2432 Brazing: Aluminum Dip Abrams Airborne Mfg____520-887-1727 Brazing:Vacuum Bolt’s Metallizing _______602-244-2432 BROACHING Apache Gear, Inc _______623-934-7144 Ayers Gear & Mach ______623-934-6913 CASTINGS AATC_____________602-268-1467

Marilyn Kahler Industrial Sales Marilyn@TriFabSales.com phone: 480-607-1876 fax: 480-607-7695

Panasil Impression Material used in inspection for consistent, accurate measurements

Precision Investment Castings Since 1972 www.dolphincasting.com

mikeb@dolphincasting.com Phone: 602-272-6747 Ext. 3335

ISO 9001, PED Directive 97/23/EC ISO 9001 PED Directive 97/23/EC


Joe Tripi President jtripi@micropulsewest.com

444 W. 21st Street / Suite 101 / Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 966-2300 / Fax (480) 966-2323


98 • Nov/Dec 2014

Lynch Brothers Mfg _____ 602-267-7575 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Precision Industrial Painting 602-256-0260 Treffers Precision ______ 602-744-2636 The Metal Man _______ 800-448-9448 Sav-On Plating________ 602-252-4311 Dolphin ___________ 602-272-6747 May Foundry & Machine _ 801-531-8931 Western Cast Parts ____ 480-250-9764 Castings: Prototype AATC_____________602-268-1467 Dolphin ___________ 602-272-6747 May Foundry & Machine _ 801-531-8931 Western Cast Parts ____ 480-250-9764 Castings: Production AATC_____________602-268-1467 Dolphin ___________ 602-272-6747 May Foundry & Machine _ 801-531-8931 Western Cast Parts ____ 480-250-9764 COATING Arizona Finishing ______ 602-438-4443 Bolt’s Metallizing ______ 602-244-2432 Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Collins Metal Finishing ____602-275-3117

LA Specialties ________ 602-269-7612 Louie’s Black Oxide _____ 602-257-0530 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Precision Industrial Painting 602-256-0260 Southwest Powder Coating _ 602-272-0878 Coating: Black Oxide Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Collins Metal Finishing ____602-275-3117 Louie’s Black Oxide _____ 602-257-0530 Coating: Cerakote Masic Industries _______ 503-232-9109 Coating: Chem Film AP Industrial ________ 480-968-1947 Collins Metal Finishing ____602-275-3117 FutureWeld _________ 602-437-2426 Gold Tech Industries____ _480-968-1930 LA Specialties ________ 602-269-7612

Aerospace Welding and Chemical Processing


3518 E. WOOD STREET • PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85040 OFFICE: (602) 437-2426 • FAX: (602) 437-2088 • CELL: (602) 810-8332 tony.manocchio@futureweld.com

Coating: Dry Film Lube Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 AG Machining _______ 805-531-9595 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Masic Industries ______ 503-232-9109 Precision Industrial Painting 602-256-0260 Pilkington Metal Finishing__ 801-972-2146 CUTTING Coating: Liquid Advanced Metal Sales __ 623-434-8343 Collins Metal Finishing ___602-275-3117 bandsawparts.com ____ 800-240-2932 Pilkington Metal Finishing__ 801-972-2146 Echols Saw & Supply _____602-278-3918 Coating: Nickel/Teflon Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Harschco LLC _______ 602-617-7514 Collins Metal Finishing ____602-275-3117 Southwest Waterjet-Laser 480-306-7748 The Metal Man _______ 800-448-9448 Coating: NP3 Bandsaw Cutting Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 bandsawparts.com ____ 800-240-2932 Coating:Zinc & Mag.Phos. Chemetall _________ 714-739-2821 Echols Saw & Supply ___ 602-278-3918 CNC Router Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Micropulse West_______ 480-966-2300 Collins Metal Finishing ____602-275-3117 Laser Louie’s Black Oxide _____ 602-257-0530 APMI____________ 480-668-0024 Powder Coating Collins Metal Finishing ____602-275-3117 Fine Line Laser Cutting ___602-863-3196


• 99 • Nov/Dec 2014


Craig Roth President/C.O.O.

Spring & Manufacturing Co.,Inc. Patrick H. Stewart II President

21631 N. 3rd Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85027 p (623) 492 9400 x215 f (623) 492 9071 pstewart@stewartmfg.com www.stewartmfg.com

Tube Laser Cutting LAYKE, Inc.___________602-272-2654 Tube Service Company __ 602-267-9865 Micro-Tronics, Inc _______602-437-8995 DIE CASTING Micropulse West________480-966-2300 TVT Die Casting ________800-280-2278 Milco Wire EDM/Waterjet___714-373-0098 Die Casting/Aluminum & Sun Tech__________ 480-921-1665 Zinc EDM: Ram-Type (Sinking) TVT Die Casting ________800-280-2278 EDM Express__________800-780-7075 DIES EDM Tech ___________602-278-6666 Arizona Wire & Tool______ 480-813-1002 Micro-Tronics, Inc _______602-437-8995 Micro-Tronics, Inc _______602-437-8995 Micropulse West________480-966-2300 Precision Die & Stamp’g ___480-967-2038 Milco Wire EDM/Waterjet___714-373-0098 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Quality Mold _________480-892-5480 EDM Sun Tech__________ 480-921-1665 EDM: Drilling Small Hole EDM: Dialectric Systems Arizona Wire Specialists____480-829-6530 /Filtration EDM Express__________800-780-7075 Ebbco Inc __________800-809-3901 EDM Tech ___________602-278-6666 EDM: Wire 3D Machine LLC______480-239-8254

Ilene Price: iprice@precise-metals.com Steve Bangerter: sbangerter@precise-metals.com 4534 N. 44th Ave, Phoenix AZ 85031 602-272-2625


Arizona Wire & Tool______ 480-813-1002 Arizona Wire Specialists____480-829-6530 Auer Precision _________480-834-4637 Continental Machining __ 800-777-2483 EDM Express__________800-780-7075

100 • Nov/Dec 2014

A Complete Manufacturing Facility for Fabrication, Machining and Assembly SPRINGS- S TAMPINGS- MACH INE D PARTS- WASHER S -WIR E FORMSFORMED TUB ING-ASSEMBLIES

3325 East Wier Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Phone: (602)243-4329 Cell: (602)370-5777


ELECTROFORMING EDM Tech __________ 602-278-6666 VACCO Industries _______ 626-443-7121 Hogan Manufacturing____ 623-463-1939 ENGINEERING/ Micro-Tronics, Inc ______ 602-437-8995 PROGRAMMING Micropulse West_______ 480-966-2300 Exactitude Precision______ 602-316-6957 Milco Wire EDM/Waterjet__ 714-373-0098 Profiles Tool & Engineering _ 480-894-1008 PGI_______________505-884-5782 FAA REPAIR STATION Powill Manufactuing_____623-780-4100 Air Gear Industries ______602-275-7996 Quality Mold__________480-892-5480 FABRICATION Sun Tech__________480-921-1665 Abrams Airborne Mfg____520-887-1727 Thompson Machine____505-823-1453 Acme Metalworks _______ 480-926-4171 Toolcraft of Phoenix __ 623-435-5405 WC Machine & Tool _____ 480-507-4620 Whitley Machine ______ 602-323-5550 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Graphite Services Micro-Tronics, Inc ______ 602-437-8995

Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 Advanced Metal Sales __ 623-434-8343 AEI Fabrication _______ 480-733-6594 AERO Spring & Mfg Co ____602-243-4329 Aero Tech ___________801-292-0493 Allfab Engineering ______602-437-0497 Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 APMI ____________ 480-668-0024 Arrow Sheet Metal_______ 303-427-6419 AzMark ____________480-926-8969 B&B Fabrication & Machine__623-271-6855 Bell Steel ___________480-833-5538 BID Machine, Inc _______480-892-7304 CAID Industries ________ 520-294-3126 Continental Machining ____800-777-2483 CygnetStamping & Fab ____ 818-240-7574 Creedbilt Inc__________ 623-939-8119

DT Products Metal Fabrication 928-776-4129 Fry Fabrications _______ 602-454-0701 Fine Line Fabricating ____ 602-863-3506 Gilbert Metal Stamping ___ 480-503-1283 Group Manufacturing Serv _ 480-966-3952 Howell Precision_______ 623-582-4776 Innovia ___________ 480-966-6090 JD Machine _________ 801-782-4403 Nelson Engineering _____ 602-273-7114 Phoenix Metalcraft _____ 602-279-4810 Plastic Eng. _________ 480-491-8100 Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625 Precision Metal Products 408-699-5037 Scriven Precision ______ 480-961-9775 Stewart Precision Mfg ____ 623-492-9400 TMM Precision _______ 800-448-9448 Weiser/Mile High Precision_ 303-280-2778

Whitley Machine ______ 602-323-5550 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Aluminum (Medium & Large) Aero Tech __________ 801-292-0493 Fabrication: Custom Metal Advanced Metal Fab & Machine928-778-4800 Allfab Engineering _____ 602-437-0497 Arrow Sheet Metal______ 303-427-6419 CygnetStamping & Fab ___ 818-240-7574 Fine Line Fabricating ____ 602-863-3506 Howell Precision_______ 623-582-4776 Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625 Precision Metal Products 408-699-5037 Fabrication: Medium & Large Abrams Airborne Mfg___ 520-887-1727

Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 APMI_____________480-668-0024 Arrow Sheet Metal_______303-427-6419 Bell Steel __________ 480-833-5538 Continental Machining _ 800-777-2483 DT Products Metal Fabrication 928-776-4129 Fine Line Fabricating ____ 602-863-3506 Fry Fabrications ________602-454-0701 Howell Precision_______ 623-582-4776 Innovia ___________ 480-966-6090 JD Machine _________ 801-782-4403 Precision Metalworks _ 602-455-9575 Trepanning Specialties __ 562-633-8110 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Fabrication: Rebuild/ Large Bell Steel __________ 480-833-5538 Empire Precision Mach.__ 480-633-4580

sales@abrams.com A2Z METALWORKER SW

• 101 • Nov/Dec 2014

Shawn Carlin scarlin@gmsaz.com

Fabrication: Sheet Metal Abrams Airborne Mfg____ 520-887-1727 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 AEI Fabrication ________480-733-6594 Allfab Engineering ______602-437-0497 APMI_____________480-668-0024 Arrow Sheet Metal_______ 303-427-6419 Bell Steel __________ 480-833-5538 Capital Stainless _____ 480-967-0016 CygnetStamping & Fab ____ 818-240-7574 DT Products Metal Fabrication 928-776-4129 Fine Line Fabricating _____602-863-3506 Fry Fabrications ________ 602-454-0701 Howell Precision________ 623-582-4776 Innovia ____________480-966-6090 Jan’s Inc.____________480-833-7305 JD Machine __________801-782-4403 Phoenix Metalcraft____ 602-279-4810 Precise Metal Products ____602-272-2625 Precision Metalworks __ 602-455-9575 Precision Metal Products_ 408-699-5037 Stewart Precision Mfg _____623-492-9400 TMM Precision ________800-448-9448 Weiser/Mile High Precision__303-280-2778


FINISHING AP Industrial ________ 480-968-1947 Arizona Finishing ______ 602-438-4443 Arizona Hard Chrome ____ 602-278-8671 Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 EPSI______________714-256-8950 Gold Tech Industries_____ 480-968-1930 LA Specialties ________ 602-269-7612 Louie’s Black Oxide _____ 602-257-0530 Perfection Industrial Finishing520-434-9090 Phoenix Heat Treating ___ 602-258-7751 Southwest Powder Coating _ 602-272-0878 TVT Die Casting _______ 800-280-2278 Abrasive Blasting AP Industrial ________ 480-968-1947 STP Performance Coating LLC 602-276-1231 Dry Film Lubrication Precision Industrial Painting 602-256-0260 Electro-Polishing Collins Metal Finishing ____602-275-3117 Finishing: One Stop Perfection Industrial Finishing520-434-9090 Finishing: Ops Cleaning Semiray Aerospace Testing _ 623-842-3030

102 • Nov/Dec 2014

Glass Bead Clean Arizona Hard Chrome _____ 602-278-8671 Byington Steel Treating ____408-727-6630 Coating Technologies _____623-581-2648 Gold Tech Industries______480-968-1930 LA Specialties _________ 602-269-7612 Southwest Powder Coating __602-272-0878 Powder Coating Glass Bead Clean AP Industrial ________ 480-968-1947 A2Z Sandblasting _______602-716-5566 Sand Blasting Desert Fire___________ 602-268-1511 A2Z Sandblasting ______ 602-716-5566 Lone Arrow __________480-507-8074 Byington Steel Treating ___ 408-727-6630 Gun Finishing Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Louie’s Gun Finishing _____602-257-0530 Masic Industries _______ 503-232-9109 Passivation Southwest Powder Coating _ 602-272-0878 Coating Technologies _____623-581-2648 STP Performance Coating LLC_602-276-1231 FutureWeld __________602-437-2426 Shot Blasting Gold Tech Industries______480-968-1930 Desert Fire___________602-268-1511 L A Specialties _________ 602-269-7612 Stripping Semiray ____________ 602-275-1917 Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Semiray ____________602-275-1917 Polishing Arizona Hard Chrome _____ 602-278-8671 Southwest Powder Coating _ 602-272-0878 EPSI______________714-256-8950 FIXTURES RB Machine Co, Inc _____ 602-272-6869 Gold Tech Industries______480-968-1930 L A Specialties _________ 602-269-7612 Exactitude Precision_____ 602-316-6957

Headquarters - Phoenix 242 E. University Drive


3855 S. Evans Blvd.


3300 Princeton NE

1- 800-350-8265 sales@swfastener.com www.swfastener.com

Apache Gear, Inc ______ 623-934-7144 Ayers Gear & Machine ___ 623-934-6913 GRINDING

Hogan Manufacturing_____ 623-463-1939 FORGINGS R&D Specialty Manco _____ 602-278-7700 Forgings:Titanium R&D Specialty Manco _____602-278-7700 FOUNDRY AATC ______________ 602-268-1467 GAGES Design & Build Sonic Tool & Gage_______ 480-777-1789 Tooling Sonic Tool & Gage_______ 480-777-1789 May Foundry & Machine __ 801-531-8931 GEAR CUTTING Air Gear Industries ______ 602-275-7996

Air Gear Industries _____ 602-275-7996 Arizona Hard Chrome ____ 602-278-8671 Arizona Wire & Tool_____ 480-813-1002 Auer Precision ________ 480-834-4637 AzMark ___________ 480-926-8969 Blue Streak Grinding ____ 602-353-8088 ChemResearch________ 602-253-4175 East Valley Precision_____ 480-288-6601 EDM Express_________ 800-780-7075 Fives ____________ 909-263-9282 GMN USA _________ 800-686-1679 Grindworks _________ 623-582-5767 Hogan Manufacturing____ 623-463-1939 JWB Manufacturing _____ 480-967-4600 McFarland Machine & Eng _ 480-966-1388 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 Phoenix Grinding ______ 602-437-8401 Powill Manufacturing ____ 623-780-4100 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 Ron Grob Co. ________ 970-667-5320 Steel Services Grinding ___ 800-662-0126

Sun Grinding ________ 602-238-9595 Shaw Precision ________480-785-4925 Superior Grinding ______ 888-487-9701 Sun Grinding _________602-238-9595 TCI Precision Metals____ 800-234-5613 Superior Grinding _______ 888-487-9701 Grinding, Blanchard Grinding, CNC/Contour Blue Streak Grinding ____ 602-353-8088 Air Gear Industries _____ 602-275-7996 National Grinding & Mfg ___602-588-2869 Industrial Precision Grinding 310-352-4700 Powill Manufacturing____623-780-4100 McFarland Machine & Eng _ 480-966-1388 Superior Grinding _______ 888-487-9701 Steel Services Grinding ____800-662-0126 Grinding… Cylindrical Sun Grinding ________ 602-238-9595 Grindworks __________ 623-582-5767 Superior Grinding ______ 888-487-9701 Grinding… Double Disc TCI Precision Metals____ 800-234-5613 Industrial Precision Grinding _310-352-4700 Grinding: Centerless Blue Streak Grinding ____ 602-353-8088 Phoenix Grinding _______ 602-437-8401 Grindworks _________ 623-582-5767 TCI Precision Metals ______800-234-5613 National Grinding & Mfg __ 602-588-2869 Grinding: ID/OD Arizona Hard Chrome _____ 602-278-8671 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 Phoenix Grinding ______ 602-437-8401 AzMark ____________480-926-8969 Ron Grob Co. ________ 970-667-5320 Blue Streak Grinding ____ 602-353-8088



• Nov/Dec 2014

3422 West Wilshire Drive Phoenix, AZ 85009

edgibson@continentalmachiningco.com www.continentalmachiningco.com

Grindworks _________ 623-582-5767 National Grinding & Mfg __ 602-588-2869 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 Ron Grob Co._________970-667-5320 Superior Grinding ______ 888-487-9701 Grinding:Mattison Sun Grinding ________ 602-238-9595 Grinding: OD Arizona Hard Chrome ____ 602-278-8671 Grindworks _________ 623-582-5767 Micro-Tronics, Inc ______ 602-437-8995 National Grinding & Mfg __ 602-588-2869 Grinding: Surface Arizona Wire & Tool_____ 480-813-1002 Blue Streak Grinding ____ 602-353-8088 Grindworks _________ 623-582-5767 Industrial Precision Grinding 310-352-4700 National Grinding & Mfg __ 602-588-2869 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 Phoenix Grinding ______ 602-437-8401 Quality Mold ________ 480-892-5480 Sun Grinding ________ 602-238-9595 Superior Grinding ______ 888-487-9701 WC Machine & Tool _____ 480-507-4620 Grinding: Tool & Cutter B & T Tool & Engineering ___ 602-267-1481 CTE_____________800-783-2400 Gilbert Metal Stamping ___ 480-503-1283 Superior Grinding ______ 888-487-9701 A2Z METALWORKER SW

602 278 6704 602 278 6717 Fax

GUNDRILLING Acme Metal Works ______480-926-4171 Trepanning Specialties __ 562-633-8110 HEAT TREATING Bolt’s Metallizing ______ 602-244-2432 Byington Steel Treating ___ 408-727-6630 Controlled Thermal Tech’y _ 602-272-3714 Desert Fire___________602-268-1511 Hogan Manufacturing____ 623-463-1939 L A Specialties _________602-269-7612 Phoenix Heat Treating ___ 602-258-7751 Heat Treating/ Aerospace Bolt’s Metallizing ______ 602-244-2432 Byington Steel Treating ___ 408-727-6630 Phoenix Heat Treating ___ 602-258-7751 Heat Treating/ISO9001/ AS9100 Byington Steel Treating ___ 408-727-6630 LargeCapacityDropBottomOven/ AluminumHeatTreating Bolt’s Metallizing ______ 602-244-2432 Byington Steel Treating ___ 408-727-6630 Phoenix Heat Treating ___ 602-258-7751 HONING/LAPPING Grindworks __________623-582-5767 LAYKE, Inc.__________ 602-272-2654 National Grinding & Mfg __ 602-588-2869 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 Phoenix Grinding ______ 602-437-8401 Powill Manufacturing_____623-780-4100 IDENTIFICATION Labels&BarCode EPSI______________714-256-8950 Tool/PartMarking(Laser) Ace Laser ___________ 480-924-3232 B & T Tool & Engineering ___ 602-267-1481

104 • Nov/Dec 2014

TechMark __________ 480-820--9444 Silk Screen Arizona Finishing ______ 602-438-4443 Precision Industrial Painting 602-256-0260 INSPECTION Calibration Washington Calibration ___ 480-820-0506 Inspection, First Article Datum Inspection _______602-997-1340 Klontech Measure Sol _____480-626-8131 Total Quality Systems ____ 480-377-6422 Inspection Services Arizona Wire & Tool______480-813-1002 Challenger Aerospace ____ 480-894-0802 Datum Inspection _______602-997-1340 Klontech Measure Sol _____480-626-8131 Metals Eng & Testing Lab. 602-272-4571 Micropulse West_______ 480-966-2300 Sustaining Edge Solutions__ 888-572-9642 Total Quality Systems ____ 480-377-6422 Inspection Services (NDT) Semiray Aero. Testing_____ 602-275-1917 Inspection Services,Welding Metals Eng & Testing Lab. 602-272-4571 ISO9000 / AS9100 Cert. American Global Standards_ 617-838-4648 BMSC_____________480-445-9400 Gladhill Assoc _________623-939-4412 Orion Registrar ________303-645-4017 Sustaining Edge Solutions__ 888-572-9642 Quality Training Consultants _ 928-284-0856 ISO Registrar American Global Standards_ 617-838-4648 Orion Registrar ________303-645-4017

Liquid Penetrant Semiray ____________602-275-1917 Process Improvement/ Audit BMSC_____________480-445-9400 Quality Training Consultants _928-284-0856 Sustaining Edge Solutions__ 888-572-9642 X-Ray Semiray ____________602-275-1917 JIGS RB Machine Co, Inc _____ 602-272-6869 MACHINING Machining: 3D 3D Machine LLC_____ 480-239-8254 Arcas Machine Inc ___ 480-632-9414 Cassavant Machining__ 602-437-4005 Challenger Aerospace _____480-894-0802 JD Ellen LLC _______ 623-587--0253 L&W Machine Co ____ 602-323-2560 Micropulse West_______ 480-966-2300 Profiles Tool & Engineering _ 480-894-1008 Pro Precision ________ 602-353-0022 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 Machining: 5 Axis Accutech ____________ 801-975-1117 Cassavant Machining__ 602-437-4005 Hi-Tech Machining & Eng __ 520-889-8325 Industrial Tool Die & Eng 520-745-8771 Metalcraft Inc.________ 480-967-4889 Morsch Machine_______ 480-961-7673 St. Vrain Manufacturing___ 303-702-1529

Swami Subramanian

860 East 46th Street, Tucson AZ 85713 520-624-5628 • Cell 602-418-2171• Fax 520-624-5636 www.atmswiss.com • swami@atmswiss.com



Pro Precision _________602-353-0022 R&D Specialty Manco ____ 602-278-7700 RMG Machining ________623-582-6544 Service & Sales _______ 480-968-9084 Satowfi ____________480-374-5706 Southwest Swiss Precision __602-438-4670 Uni-Tek ____________602-272-2601 St. Vrain Manufacturing____303-702-1529 Alpha Machine ________602-437-0322 Machining: Aerospace Trepanning Specialties ___562-633-8110 Arcas Machine Inc ____ 480-632-9414 AATC _____________602-268-1467 Uni-Tek ____________602-272-2601 Nichols Precision _____ 480-804-0593 Abrams Airborne Mfg____520-887-1727 Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 Machining: Contract Absolute Turning & Machine 520-624-5628 Absolute Turning & Machine _520-624-5628 Arizona Wire & Tool______ 480-813-1002 Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 AzMark ____________480-926-8969 Arcas Machine Inc ____ 480-632-9414 Aero Design & Mfg _____ 602-437-8080 B&B Fabrication & Machine__623-271-6855 AzMark ___________ 480-926-8969 AERO Spring & Mfg Co ____602-243-4329 BID Machine, Inc ______ 480-892-7304 B&B Fabrication & Machine__623-271-6855 Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 Challenger Aerospace___ _ 480-894-0802 Backerworks Mfg _____505-342-2943 Continental Machining __ 800-777-2483 Cassavant Machining___602-437-4005 Arizona Wire & Tool______ 480-813-1002 East Valley Precision______ 480-288-6601 Challenger Aerospace ____ 480-894-0802 East Valley Precision______480-288-6601 Evans Precision Machining __ 623-581-6200 Continental Machining __800-777-2483 Evans Precision Machining _ 623-581-6200 Fives _____________909-263-9282 Evans Precision Machining _ 623-581-6200 Flex-Pro ___________ 623-581-0551 Flex-Pro ___________ 623-581-0551 Excaliber___________ 623-878-6800 GHT Services__________480-396-1800 GHT Services__________480-396-1800 Hi-Tech Machining & Eng __ 520-889-8325 Gilbert Metal Stamping___ 480-503-1283 Glover Precision, Inc. ____480-464-0150 HK Machining ________602-278-6704 Group Mfg Serv._______ 480-966-3952 HK Machining ________ 602-278-6704 Infinisys ___________ 602-276-2276 HK Machining _______ 602-278-6704 JB’s Precision ________ 623-581-9088 Infinisys ___________ 602-276-2276 Hi-Tech Machining & Eng ___520-889-8325 JD Ellen LLC _______ 623-587--0253 Jan’s Inc.____________480-833-7305 Hogan Manufacturing_____ 623-463-1939 JD Machine _________ 801-782-4403 JD Machine __________801-782-4403 HPMP _____________ 801-619-9850 KLK Ind. ____________ 602-267-1331 KLK Ind. ____________ 602-267-1331 Infinisys ___________ 602-276-2276 L&W Machine Co ____ 602-323-2560 McFarland Machine & Eng __480-966-1388 Jan’s Inc.____________480-833-7305 Las Cruces Machine ___ 575-526-1411 Micropulse West_______ 480-966-2300 JB’s Precision ________ 623-581-9088 LAYKE, Inc.__________ 602-272-2654 Profiles Tool & Engineering _ 480-894-1008 JD Ellen LLC _______ 623-587--0253 Matrix Machine ________480-966-4451 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 JD Machine __________801-782-4403 Metalcraft Inc._________480-967-4889 RPM Industries _______ 623-780-4993 KLK Ind. ____________ 602-267-1331 Micro-Tronics, Inc _______602-437-8995 TVT Die Casting _______ 800-280-2278 L&W Machine Co _____ 602-323-2560 Morsch Machine________480-961-7673 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Las Cruces Machine ___ 575-526-1411 LAYKE, Inc.___________602-272-2654 Nelson Engineering ______ 602-273-7114 Machining: CNC Nichols Precision ____ 480-804-0593 3D Machine LLC______480-239-8254 Metalcraft Inc._________480-967-4889 Osborn Products________623-587-0335 Accutech ____________ 801-975-1117 Matrix Machine _______ 480-966-4451 PGI ____________ 505-884-5782 Abrams Airborne Mfg____520-887-1727 McFarland Machine & Eng __480-966-1388 Powill Manufacturing___ 623-780-4100 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 Micropulse West________480-966-2300 Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625 Absolute Turning and Machine 520-624-5628 Micro-Tronics, Inc ______ 602-437-8995

Milco Wire EDM/Waterjet___ 714-373-0098 Morsch Machine________ 480-961-7673 Nichols Precision _____ 480-804-0593 Osborn Products________623-587-0335 PGI ______________505-884-5782 PMBC ___________ _602-431-8131 Powill Manufacturing____ 623-780-4100 Precise Metal Products ____602-272-2625 Profiles Tool & Engineering __480-894-1008 Pro Precision _________602-353-0022 Quality Mold _______ 480-892-5480 R&D Specialty Manco _____602-278-7700 RMG Machining ________623-582-6544 RMSS ____________ 623-780-5904 RPM Industries ________623-780-4993 Satowfi ____________ 480-374-5706 St. Vrain Manufacturing____ 303-702-1529 Toolcraft of Phoenix____623-435-5405 Uni-Tek ____________ 602-272-2601 Val-Tech Mfg__________ 480-966-7376 WC Machine & Tool ______480-507-4620 Wire-Tech___________480-966-1591 Wrico _____________480-892-7800 X5 Manufacturing____ ___602-454-7385 Machining Composites Absolute Turning & Machine _520-624-5628 Machining: Large Alpha Machine ________602-437-0322 Backerworks Mfg _____ 505-342-2943 Continental Machining __ 800-777-2483 Empire Precision Mach.___480-633-4580 HK Machining ________ 602-278-6704 KLK Ind. ____________ 602-267-1331 RMG Machining ________623-582-6544


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• Nov/Dec 2014

Mach:Turning CNC 3D Machine LLC_______480-239-8254 Absolute Turning & Machine _520-624-5628 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 Alpha Machine ________602-437-0322 Arcas Machine Inc ____ 480-632-9414 Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 AzMark ____________480-926-8969 Bar-S Machine ______ 928-636-2115 Cassavant Machining___ 602-437-4005 Continental Machining __ 800-777-2483 East Valley Precision______ 480-288-6601 EDM Express__________ 800-780-7075 Exactitude Precision______ 602-316-6957 Flex-Pro ___________ 623-581-0551 GHT Services__________480-396-1800 Glover Precision, Inc. ____ 480-464-0150 Hi-Tech Machining & Eng ___520-889-8325 Hogan Manufacturing_____ 623-463-1939 HPMP _____________ 801-619-9850 JD Ellen LLC _______ 623-587--0253 JD Machine __________801-782-4403 Las Cruces Machine ___ 575-526-1411 McFarland Machine & Eng __ 480-966-1388 Morsch Machine_______ 480-961-7673 Nichols Precision _____ 480-804-0593 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 PGI ______________505-884-5782 Precision Metalworks __ 602-455-9575 Profiles Tool & Engineering __480-894-1008 Rentzel Tool Compnay ____480-832-0700 RMG Machining ________623-582-6544 RMSS _____________623-780-5904 Ron Grob Co._________970-667-5320 RPM Industries ________623-780-4993 St. Vrain Manufacturing____ 303-702-1529 Stewart Precision Mfg _____623-492-9400 Uni-Tek ___________ 602-272-2601 Val-Tech Mfg_________ 480-966-7376 Metalcraft Inc._________ 480-967-4889 Morsch Machine________ 480-961-7673 A2Z METALWORKER SW


St. Vrain Manufacturing____ 303-702-1529 Micro-Tronics, Inc ____ 602-437-8995 Uni-Tek ____________ 602-272-2601 Metalcraft Inc.________ 480-967-4889 Morsch Machine_______ 480-961-7673 Machining Plastic Nelson Engineering ___602-273-7114 Absolute Turning & Machine _ 520-624-5628 Nichols Precision ____ 480-804-0593 RMG Machining ________623-582-6544 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 Machining Precision PGI _____________505-884-5782 3D Machine LLC______ 480-239-8254 Powill Mfg __________ 623-780-4100 AATC_____________602-268-1467 Pro Precision ________ 602-353-0022 Accutech ____________ 801-975-1117 Quality Mold ______ 480-892-5480 Abrams Airborne Mfg____ 520-887-1727 R&D Specialty Manco ____ 602-278-7700 Absolute Turning & Machine _ 520-624-5628 Rentzel Tool Compnay ___ 480-832-0700 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 RMSS_____________623-780-5904 Alpha Machine ________ 602-437-0322 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 Arcas Machine Inc ____ 480-632-9414 RPM Industries _______ 623-780-4993 Arizona Wire & Tool______ 480-813-1002 Satowfi ___________ 480-374-5706 Auer Precision _________ 480-834-4637 Service & Sales _____ 480-968-9084 AzMark __________ 480-926-8969 Southwest Swiss Precision _ 602-438-4670 Backerworks Mfg _____ 505-342-2943 St. Vrain Manufacturing___ 303-702-1529 BID Machine, Inc _______480-892-7304 Stewart Precision Mfg ____ 623-492-9400 Cassavant Machining___ 602-437-4005 Sun Tech_________ 480-921-1665 Challenger Aerospace _____ 480-894-0802 Toolcraft of Phoenix __ 623-435-5405 Continental Machining __ 800-777-2483 Uni-Tek ___________ 602-272-2601 East Valley Precision______ 480-288-6601 Val-Tech Mfg_________ 480-966-7376 Evans Precision Mach’g _ 623-581-6200 WC Machine & Tool _____ 480-507-4620 Fives _____________909-263-9282 Weiser/Mile High Precision_ 303-280-2778 Flex-Pro ___________ 623-581-0551 Wire-Tech _________480-966-1591 Glover Precision , Inc. _____ 480-464-0150 Machining: Production Hi-Tech Machining & Eng ___ 520-889-8325 GHT Services_________ 480-396-1800 HK Machining ________ 602-278-6704 HPMP ____________ 801-619-9850 HPMP _____________ 801-619-9850 Innovia ___________ 480-966-6090 JB’s Precision _______ 623-581-9088 Rentzel Tool Compnay ___ 480-832-0700 JD Ellen LLC _______ 623-587--0253 Tri-Matrix __________ 480-844-0165 JD Machine __________ 801-782-4403 Machining: Prototype Jemelco, Inc. ________480-804-9541 A A T C ____________602-268-1467 JWB Manufacturing ______ 480-967-4600 Absolute Turning & Machine 520-624-5628 Las Cruces Machine ___ 575-526-1411 Accutech ____________ 801-975-1117 LAYKE, Inc. ________ 602-272-2654 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine928-778-4800 Lynch Brothers Mfg ______ 602-267-7575 Alpha Machine _______ 602-437-0322 Matrix Machine______ 480-966-4451 Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 Micropulse West________480-966-2300 Arcas Machine Inc ___ 480-632-9414

• Nov/Dec 2014

Backerworks Mfg ____ 505-342-2943 Bar-S Machine _____ 928-636-2115 BID Machine, Inc ______480-892-7304 Continental Machining _ 800-777-2483 East Valley Precision_____ 480-288-6601 Evans Precision _____ 623-581-6200 Exactitude Precision_____ 602-316-6957 Flex-Pro __________ 623-581-0551 GHT Services_________ 480-396-1800 Glover Precision, Inc. ___ 480-464-0150 Hogan Manufacturing____ 623-463-1939 HPMP ____________ 801-619-9850 HPMP ____________ 801-619-9850 Infinisys ___________ 602-276-2276 Jan’s Inc.___________ 480-833-7305 Jemelco, Inc. _______ 480-804-9541 JD Ellen LLC _______ 623-587--0253 JD Machine _________ 801-782-4403 JWB Manufacturing _____ 480-967-4600 KLK Ind. ___________ 602-267-1331 L&W Machine Co ____ 602-323-2560 McFarland Machine & Eng _ 480-966-1388 Metalcraft Inc.________ 480-967-4889 Micropulse West_______ 480-966-2300 Nichols Precision ____ 480-804-0593 Osborn Products_______ 623-587-0335 PGI_______________505-884-5782 Rentzel Tool Compnay ___ 480-832-0700 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 Pro Precision _______ 602-353-00220 R&D Specialty Manco ____ 602-278-7700 RB Machine Co, Inc _____ 602-272-6869 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 RMSS ___________ 623-780-5904 RPM Industries _______ 623-780-4993 St. Vrain Manufacturing___ 303-702-1529 Stewart Precision Mfg ____ 623-492-9400 Uni-Tek ___________ 602-272-2601 Val-Tech Mfg_________ 480-966-7376 Wire-Tech __________ 480-966-1591

Office: 480.306.7748 4221 E. Raymond Str. Fax: 480.306.7769 Suite #103 Info@swwj-laser.com Phoenix, AZ 85040

www.swwj-laser.com Dennis Reynolds

PH 602-863-3196 17464 N. 25th Ave. Ste B1 Phoenix, AZ 85023 DR@finelinefabricating.com

Machining: Quick Turn Flex-Pro ___________623-581-0551 HK Machining _______ 602-278-6704 Jemelco, Inc. _______ 480-804-9541 RB Machine Co, Inc _____ 602-272-6869 Rentzel Tool Compnay ___ 480-832-0700 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 RMSS_____________ 623-780-5904 RPM Industries _______ 623-780-4993 Machining: Milling 3D Machine LLC_____ 480-239-8254 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 AG Machining ________ 805-531-9595 Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 Bar-S Machine ______ 928-636-2115 Challenger Aerospace _____ 480-894-0802 EDM Express_________ 800-780-7075 Exactitude Precision______602-316-6957 Fives ____________ 909-263-9282 Flex-Pro ___________623-581-0551 GHT Services_________ 480-396-1800 Glover Precision, Inc. ___ 480-464-0150 Hi-Tech Machining & Eng __ 520-889-8325 Hogan Manufacturing____ 623-463-1939 Infinisys ___________ 602-276-2276 JD Machine _________ 801-782-4403 L&W Machine Co ____ 602-323-2560 Metalcraft Inc.________ 480-967-4889 Micro-Tronics, Inc ______ 602-437-8995 Morsch Machine________480-961-7673 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 RMSS ____________ 623-780-5904 Stewart Precision Mfg ____ 623-492-9400 Tri-Matrix __________ 480-844-0165 Uni-Tek ___________ 602-272-2601 Wire-Tech __________ 480-966-1591

Machining: Screw RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 Machining: Semiconductor KLK Ind. ___________ 602-267-1331 L&W Machine Co ____ 602-323-2560 Satowfi ___________ 480-374-5706 Machining: Swiss Absolute Turning & Machine 520-624-5628 Bar-S Machine _____ 928-636-2115 Cassavant Machining__ 602-437-4005 HPMP ____________ 801-619-9850 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 Ron Grob __________ 970-667-5320 Southwest Swiss Precision _ 602-438-4670 Machining: Ultra-Precision Auer Precision ________ 480-834-4637 Southwest Swiss Precision _ 602-438-4670 Nichols Precision ____ 480-804-0593 Machining:Turning: Automatic Absolute Turning and Machine520-624-5628 American Prec. Machine___ 602-269-6298 Ayers Gear & Mach ____ 623-934-6913 AzMark __________ 480-926-8969 Challenger Aerospace __ 480-894-0802 EDM Express_________ 800-780-7075 Evans Precision Mach’g__ 623-581-6200 HPMP ____________ 801-619-9850 JB’s Precision Ind _____ 623-581-9088 LAYKE, Inc. ________ 602-272-2654 Matrix Machine ______ 480-966-4451 Micro-Tronics, Inc _____ 602-437-8995 PGI _____________505-884-5782 Rentzel Tool Compnay ___ 480-832-0700 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 RMSS ____________ 623-780-5904

Stewart Precision Mfg _____ 623-492-9400 MACHINING: LASER Laser Cutting Ace Laser ____________480-924-3232 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 AEI Fabrication ________ 480-733-6594 Allfab Engineering ______ 602-437-0497 Fine Line Laser Cutting _ 602-863-3196 Howell Precision________ 623-582-4776 KLK Ind. ____________ 602-267-1331 McFarland Machine & Eng __ 480-966-1388 Precise Metal Products ____ 602-272-2625 Precision Metal Products_ 408-699-5037 Southwest Waterjet-Laser 480-306-7748 The Metal Man ________ 800-448-9448 TMM Precision ________ 800-448-9448 Tube Service Company ___602-267-9865 Wrico _____________ 480-892-7800 Laser Cutting:Rotary Axis K-zell Metals, Inc. ____ 602-232-5882 Laser Engraving & Etching Ace Laser ____________480-924-3232 TechMark ___________480-820--9444 Laser Marking Ace Laser ____________480-924-3232 TechMark ___________480-820--9444 MANUFACTURING Abrams Airborne Mfg____ 520-887-1727 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 Aero Tech ___________ 801-292-0493 APMI __ ___________ 480-668-0024 B&B Fabrication & Machine__ 623-271-6855 Cascade Systems Tech_____ 503-640-5733 Creedbilt Inc _______ 623-939-8119 Exactitude Precision______ 602-316-6957 Harschco LLC _______ 602-617-7514 Hi-Tech Machining & Eng ___ 520-889-8325 Howell Precision________ 623-582-4776 Glover Precision, Inc. ____ 480-464-0150 Group Manufacturing Serv _ 480-966-3952 KLK Ind. ____________ 602-267-1331 PMBC ____________ 602-431-8131 Precision Metal Products_ 408-699-5037 RMG Machining ________ 623-582-6544 RMSS ____________ 623-780-5904 Scriven Precision _______480-961-9775 Manufacturing: Cable Assemblies Cascade Systems Tech_____ 503-640-5733

Manufacturing: PC Boards Cascade Systems Tech 503-640-5733 Manufacturing: Electrode Wire-Tech __________ 480-966-1591 Mfg: PhotoChemical Aero Tech __________ 801-292-0493 Etching Fabrication Turnkey Product Services Aero Tech __________ 801-292-0493 METAL FORMING Allfab Engineering _____ 602-437-0497 B&B Fabrication & Machine_ 623-271-6855 Creedbilt Inc _______ 623-939-8119 Fry Fabrications ________602-454-0701 TMM Precision _______ 800-448-9448 Tri-Matrix ___________480-844-0165 METAL STAMPING High Production Precision Stamping Precision Die & Stamping__ 480-967-2038 Thompson Machine____505-823-1453 METALIZING Bolt’s Metallizing _______602-244-2432 MOLDING: RUBBER Micro-Tronics, Inc ______ 602-437-8995 MOLDS PMBC ____________ 602-431-8131 JWB Manufacturing _____ 480-967-4600 Quality Mold ________ 480-892-5480 Toolcraft of Phoenix ___623-435-5405 Molds: Construction JWB Manufacturing _____ 480-967-4600 Molds: Plastic Injection Micro-Tronics, Inc ______ 602-437-8995 Wire-Tech __________ 480-966-1591 Molds: Rubber Toolcraft of Phoenix ___623-435-5405 Molds: Steel Aero Tech __________ 801-292-0493 PAINTING AP Industrial _________480-968-1947 Arizona Finishing ______ 602-438-4443



• Nov/Dec 2014


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6532 W Flint St. Ste. 1 Chandler, AZ 85226

Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625 Precision Industrial Painting 602-256-0260 STP Performance Coating LLC_ 602-276-1231 Painting& Blast Booths AP Industrial _________480-968-1947 STP Performance Coating LLC_ 602-276-1231 Phosphate Coating Technologies ____ 623-581-2648 Powder Coating AP Industrial _________480-968-1947 Arizona Finishing ______ 602-438-4443 LA Specialties _________602-269-7612 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Southwest Powder Coating _ 602-272-0878 Wet Paint/CARC AP Industrial _________480-968-1947 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Precision Industrial Painting 602-256-0260 Sandblast/Automated STP Performance Coating LLC_ 602-276-1231 Screenprinting & Pad Printing AP Industrial _________480-968-1947 A2Z METALWORKER SW


STP Performance Coating LLC_ 602-276-1231 PLATING Arizona Hard Chrome _____ 602-278-8671 ChemResearch_________ 602-253-4175 Coating Technologies _____623-581-2648 Collins Metal Finishing ____ 602-275-3117 E.P.S.I. _____________714-256-8950 Gold Tech Industries______480-968-1930 L A Specialties _________ 602-269-7612 Louie’s Black Oxide ______602-257-0530 Precious Metal Plating ____ 800-481-6271 Precision Metalworks __ 602-455-9575 Sav-On Plating_________ 602-252-4311 Anodizing Chemetall _________ 714-739-2821 ChemResearch_________ 602-253-4175 Collins Metal Finishing ____ 602-275-3117 FutureWeld __________602-437-2426 Gold Tech Industries______480-968-1930 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Pilkington Metal Finishing__ 801-972-2146 Brass Plating Sav-On Plating_________ 602-252-4311

• Nov/Dec 2014

E.P.S.I. _____________714-256-8950 Masic Industries ________503-232-9109 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Sav-On Plating_________ 602-252-4311 POLISHING Gold Tech Industries ____ 480-968-1930 L A Specialties________ 602-269-7612 Masic Industries ________503-232-9109 PRODUCT DESIGN Design and Modeling Bar-S Machine ______ 928-636-2115 PROCESSING: CHEMICAL LA Specialties _________ 602-269-7612 PRODUCTION Challenger Aerospace _____480-894-0802 Louie’s Black Oxide _____ 602-257-0530 PUNCHING Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 AEI Fabrication _______ 480-733-6594 Fry Fabrications ________602-454-0701 Group Manufacturing Serv _ 480-966-3952 McFarland Machine & Eng __480-966-1388 Nelson Engineering ______ 602-273-7114 Phoenix Metalcraft____ 602-279-4810 Precision Metalworks __602-455-9575 Precision Metal Products_ 408-699-5037 Tri-Matrix ___________480-844-0165 WC Machine & Tool_ ____ 480-507-4620 X5 Manufacturing _______602-454-7385 ROLLING AG Machining ________ 805-531-9595

Bronze Plating Sav-On Plating_________ 602-252-4311 Copper Foresight Finishing ______ 480-921-0000 Gold Tech Industries______ 480-968-1930 Masic Industries ________ 503-232-9109 Electroless Nickel Gold Tech Industries______ 480-968-1930 Masic Industries ________ 503-232-9109 Embrittlement Relief E.P.S.I. _____________ 714-256-8950 Gold E.P.S.I. _____________ 714-256-8950 Foresight Finishing ______ 480-921-0000 Gold Tech Industries______ 480-968-1930 Nickel/ Chrome/Palladium Collins Metal Finishing ____ 602-275-3117 E.P.S.I. _____________ 714-256-8950 Foresight Finishing ______ 480-921-0000 Gold Tech Industries______ 480-968-1930 LA Specialties _________ 602-269-7612 Perfection Industrial Finishing 520-434-9090 Sav-On Plating_________ 602-252-4311 Silver Plating E.P.S.I. _____________ 714-256-8950 Gold Tech Industries______ 480-968-1930 SAW CUTTING Tin: Bright Foresight Finishing ______ 480-921-0000 Industrial Precision Grinding _310-352-4700 SINTERING Tin: Matte Gold Tech Industries______ 480-968-1930 Western Sintering______509-375-3096 SPINNING: Metal Tin / Zinc Plate Collins Metal Finishing ____ 602-275-3117 Nelson Engineering ______ 602-273-7114

Testing: Non-Dest/ Pressure SPLINES Chemetall __________ 714-739-2821 Apache Gear, Inc ______ 623-934-7144 RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 FutureWeld __________ 602-437-2426 Pilkington Metal Finishing___801-972-2146 SPRAY: METAL, Semiray Aero. Testing_____ 623-842-3030 PLASMA Bolt’s Metallizing ______ 602-244-2432 THERMAL SPRAY Empire Precision Mach.__ 480-633-4580 Bolt’s Metallizing _______ 602-244-2432

Controlled Thermal Tech’y __ 602-272-3714 SPRINGS Flat and Wire Springs Empire Precision Mach.___ 480-633-4580 AERO Spring & Mfg Co ___ 602-243-4329 THREADING SPRINGWORKS Utah ____ 801-298-0113 Thread Grinding Tri-Matrix __________ 480-844-0165 Blue Streak Grinding ____ 602-353-8088 STAMPING Grindworks __________ 623-582-5767 AERO Spring & Mfg Co ___ 602-243-4329 Osborn Products________ 623-587-0335 Auer Precision ________ 480-834-4637 Shaw Precision _______ 480-785-4925 CygnetStamping & Fab ____818-240-7574 Thread Rolling Gilbert Metal Stamping___ 480-503-1283 Ron Grob Co. _________ 970-667-5320 Pacific Metal Stampings __ 661-257-7656 TOOL & DIE Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625 3D Machine LLC______ 480-239-8254 Precision Die & Stamping__ 480-967-2038 Scriven Precision ______ 480-961-9775 Arizona Wire & Tool______ 480-813-1002 Thompson Machine___ 505-823-1453 Gilbert Metal Stamping____480-503-1283 Weiser/Mile High Precision_ 303-280-2778 Sonic Tool & Gage_______ 480-777-1789 Whitley Machine ______ 602-323-5550 Thompson Machine____ 505-823-1453 Wrico_____________480-892-7800 Tri-Matrix ___________ 480-844-0165 Whitley Machine ______ 602-323-5550 Precision Metal Forming SPRINGWORKS Utah _____801-298-0113 Wrico _____________ 480-892-7800 Thompson Machine___ 505-823-1453 TOOLING Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Hogan Manufacturing_____ 623-463-1939 Stamping: Aerospace RB Machine Co, Inc ______ 602-272-6869 Pacific Metal Stampings __ 661-257-7656 Sonic Tool & Gage_______ 480-777-1789 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Western Sintering______ 509-375-3096 Stamping: Bending TREPANNING Pacific Metal Stampings __ 661-257-7656 Trepanning Specialties ___ 562-633-8110 Stamping: Deep Draw TUBE BENDING Thompson Machine___ 505-823-1453 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine 928-778-4800 Stamping Design Pacific Metal Stampings __ 661-257-7656 AG Machining ________ 805-531-9595 SPRINGS WORKS Utah ___ 801-298-0113 TUBING Weiser/Mile High Precision_ 303-280-2778 Assembly Formed Tubing Stamping Flat Forming B&B Fabrication & Machine__ 623-271-6855 Pacific Metal Stampings __ 661-257-7656 Howell Precision________ 623-582-4776 SPRINGS WORKS Utah ___ 801-298-0113 Service & Sales _______ 480-968-9084 Stamping: Light Formed Tubing Pacific Metal Stampings __ 661-257-7656 AERO Spring & Mfg Co ____602-243-4329 Stamping: Precision AG Machining ________ 805-531-9595 Pacific Metal Stampings __ 661-257-7656 B&B Fabrication & Machine__ 623-271-6855 SPRINGS WORKS Utah ___ 801-298-0113 Howell Precision________ 623-582-4776 Large Diam. Pipe & Tubing TAPPING Gilbert Metal Stamping___ 480-503-1283 Trepanning Specialties ___ 562-633-8110 Harschco LLC _______ 602-617-7514 Tube Bending /Fabrication RMG Machining _______ 623-582-6544 AG Machining ________ 805-531-9595

WATERJET CUTTING Aerodyne Ulbrich Alloys _800-237-2888 Alpha Machine ________602-437-0322 Creedbilt Inc _______ 623-939-8119 Flow International ____ 800-446-3569 Harschco LLC _______ 602-617-7514 Jan’s Inc.____________480-833-7305 MarZee Inc. ________ 602-269-5801 McFarland Machine & Eng __480-966-1388 Milco Wire EDM/Waterjet___714-373-0098 Southwest Waterjet-Laser 480-306-7748 Toolcraft of Phoenix ___623-435-5405 WC Machine & Tool _____ 480-507-4620 Whitley Machine _____602-323-5550 Waterjet, Multi head Whitley Machine _____602-323-5550 Waterjet, High Press. Cutting Alpha Machine ________602-437-0322 Harschco LLC _______ 602-617-7514 WASHERS AERO Spring & Mfg Co __ 602-243-4329 WIRE FORMS AERO Spring & Mfg Co __ 602-243-4329 SPRINGWORKS Utah _____ 801-298-0113

WELDING Allfab Engineering ______602-437-0497 Alpha Machine ________602-437-0322 AG Machining ________ 805-531-9595 APMI ______________480-668-0024 Arrow Sheet Metal_______303-427-6419 AzMark __________ 480-926-8969 B&B Fabrication & Machine__623-271-6855 Bell Steel __________ 480-833-5538 BID Machine, Inc _____ 480-892-7304 Continental Machining __800-777-2483 Creedbilt Inc _______ 623-939-8119 DT Products Metal Fabrication 928-776-4129 Empire Precision Mach.__ 480-633-4580 Group Mfg. Serv _____ 480-966-3952 Howell Precision________623-582-4776 Jan’s Inc.____________480-833-7305 K-zell Metals, Inc. ____602-232-5882 Lynch Brothers Mfg ______602-267-7575 McFarland Machine & Eng __480-966-1388 Precision Metalworks __602-455-9575 Precision Metal Products_ 408-699-5037 Quality Mold ________ 480-892-5480 Scriven Precision _____ 480-961-9775 Howell Precision________ 623-582-4776 State Industrial Prod ___ 602-275-0990 TESTING K-zell Metals, Inc. ____ 602-232-5882 Val-Tech Mfg__________480-966-7376 Testing: Flow /Target Semiray Aero. Testing____ 623-842-3030 Service & Sales ______ 480-968-9084 Weiser/Mile High Precision_ 303-280-2778

X5 Manufacturing ______ 602-454-7385 Wrico ____________ 480-892-7800 Welding: Aerospace Anewco ___________ 520-751-1222 Arrow Sheet Metal_______303-427-6419 Backerworks Mfg ____ 505-342-2943 X5 Manufacturing ______ 602-454-7385 Welding: Alum. Med & Lg Alpha Machine _______ 602-437-0322 Arrow Sheet Metal_______303-427-6419 Continental Machining _ 800-777-2483 Empire Precision Mach.__ 480-633-4580 Precise Metal Products ___ 602-272-2625 Weiser/Mile High Precision_ 303-280-2778 Welding: Enclosures Allfab Engineering _____ 602-437-0497 Fry Fabrications ________602-454-0701 Welding: Design Fry Fabrications ________602-454-0701 Welding: Orbital L&W Fluid ________ 602-323-2560 Welding: Robotic B&B Fabrication & Machine_ 623-271-6855 Welding: Spot Nelson Engineering _____ 602-273-7114 Welding: Tig Allfab Engineering _____ 602-437-0497 Backerworks Mfg ____ 505-342-2943 Continental Machining _ 800-777-2483 Cutting Edge Mfg ______ 480-609-7233 FutureWeld _________ 602-437-2426 Jan’s Inc.___________ 480-833-7305

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• Nov/Dec 2014

3D Machine ....... ......................98 Abrams Airborne Mfg........................101 ABS Quality Evaluations.......................97 Absolute Machining & Turning........105 ACC Machinery....................1,7,34-36,89 Accutech..............................................104 Ace Laser............................................. ..99 ACME Metalworks.............................102 Adams Mach......................11,57,89,112 Advanced Coordinate Tech..............90 Advanced Metal Fab & Machine........101 Advanced Metal Sales..........................95 Advanced Precision..............................96 AEI Fabrication..............................16,108 Aero Spring & Mfg.............................100 Aero Tech............................................105 Aerodyne Alloys.............................. 30,94 AG Machining.......................................99 Air Gear................................................102 Airtek......................................................93 Alerus Bank & Trust.............................96 AllFab Engineering.............................101 Almar Tools...........................................92 Alpha Machine....................................107 American Aerospace............................99 American Auctioneers Group .......16,97 AMTS......................................................96 Anewco................................................103 AP Industrial........................................108 Apache Gear........................................101 Apache Steel .........................................93 APMI.......................................................98 Arcas Machine Inc..............................104 Arizona Finishing................................102 Arizona Hard Chrome.......................102 Arizona Wire Spec...............................98 Arizona Wire Tool..............................108 Arrow Sheet Metal.............................101 ARTL.......................................................98 Auer Precision.....................................101 Automatics & Machinery Co........ 28,92 Ayers Gear & Mach..............................98 AZ CNC..........8,9,31,51,63,69,89, 92,94 AZMARK..............................................107 AZ Metals...............................................92 AZ Tool Steel.........................................94 B&B Fabrication & Machine.............100 B&B Tool...............................................95 B & T Tool & Engr................................93 Backerworks Mfg...............................105 bandsawparts.com............................102 Barry Metals.................................... 60,94 Bar-S Machine Inc................................98 Barton International ..................... 56,90 Bell Steel..............................................100 BID Machine, Inc................................100 Blue Streak Grinding....................86,101 BMSC ....................................... 46,74,100 Bolt’s Metallizing, Inc ........................104 Bralco Metals.............................14,92,93 British Petroleum................................... 2 Byington Steel Treating....................102 CAID.......................................................99 Canyon State Oil................................2,94 Cascade Systems Technology.........3,98 Cassavant Machining.........................106 Castrol...........................................2,37,94 Challenger Aerospace.......................103 Chemetall..............................................94 Chemical Logic.....................................94 ChemResearch ...................................103 Chevalier................................................39 Cimatron...........................................20,97 CIS...........................................................98 CNC PROS ........................................27,91 Coast Aluminum...................................93 Coast Industrial Sales...........................97 Coastal Metals.................................10,94 Coating Tech...................................88,99 Collins Metal Finishing........................99 Consolidated Resources Inc...............96 Continental Machining.....................104 Controlled Thermal...........................102 Conservancy Oil Group.......................37 Creedbilt Inc.......................................105 Cutting Tool Consultants...................91 A2Z METALWORKER SW

Index of Advertisers

Current EDM.......................................90 Cygnet Stamping & Fab...................107 D & R Mchy............................17,49,89,95 DCM Tech....................................28,90 Datum Inspection...........................102 Davis Salvage.............................18,108 Delcam.............................................100 Desert Fire.......................................103 Desert EDM Sales. ...........................92 Desert Machine Tool Repair .....50,90 Dolphin.............................................98 DM Machine Repair ........................96 DT Products Metal Fab.................101 E Solutions............... .......................96 East Valley Precision..................... 107 Ebbco Inc. .......................................90 Echols Saw & Supply......................89 Edge Technologies......................... 92 EDM Express......................78-79,100 EDM Network................................. 93 EDM Perform Access...................... 94 EDM Tech......................................100 Ellison Machinery...5,80-81,85,89,91 Empire Precision Mach................105 Estrella Mountain Comm. College..75 EPSI......................................................................107 Evans Precision Mach’g................ 101 Exactitude .....................................103 Excaliber Precision .........................99 Fine Line Fabricating Inc.............. 101 Fine Line Laser Cutting................ 107 Fives.................................................90 Flex-Pro..........................................105 Flow Corp........................................89 Foresight Finishing.......................108 Fry Fabrications.............................. 98 Fry Steel Co..................................... 93 FutureWeld..............................99,101 Ganesh Machinery..................... 45,91 Gartman Tech Services ...........78,108 Geiger Electric Inc ..........................90 GoSynergy Petroleum.................... 56 GHT Services LLC............................ 98 Gilbert Metal Stamping.................. 98 Gladhill Assoc...........................56,103 Global EDM Supply ........................ 92 Glover Precision, Inc.....................103 GMA Garnet .................................... 94 GMN USA....................................70,92 Gold Tech Industries...............75,103 Grindworks .....................................99 Group Manufacturing ..................100 Hangsterfers ..............................93,94 Harschco ......................................102 Helical Solutions............................. 96 Helm Precision...........................40-41 Hi-Tech Machining & Welding....100 HK Machining...............................104 Hogan Manufacturing..................106 Hollie Perlow ...................................97 Horizon Carbide............................. 98 Howell Precision .......................72,99 HPMP.............................................108 Hurco................................................17 HydMech....................................15,89 IEC Supply LLC................................ 92 Ind. Metal Supply ......................82,94 Ind.Tool Die..................................103 Industrial Precision Grinding.......102 Infinisys ....................................99,103 Infor..................................................97 Innovia......................................42,100 Integrated Systems Inc................108 IPE Aerospace.................................24 IRH................................................... 98 ITDE...............................................103 Jan’s Inc..........................................104 J B’s Prec Ind.............................. ....103 JD Ellen ..........................................103 JD Machine.......................................98 Jemelco Inc.......................................96 Jill Norgaard.....................................97 Jorgenson ........... ............................91 JWB Manufacturing......................102 K D Capital ......................................89 Kerley Corporation..........................91

110 • Nov/Dec 2014

KLK Inc......................................72,104 Klontech Indus. Sales..................... 89 K-Zell Metals, Inc.......................... 100 Kurt Manufacturing Co...................94 Kwik Mark Inc................................. 90 L&W Machine Co. ........................ 103 LA Specialties...........................64,103 Las Cruces Machine...................... 105 Layke Inc ......................................... 99 Layke Tactical ..................................97 Leap Innovation...............................97 Lee & Associates........................ 26,96 Lights Out Electric...........................96 Lone Arrow ......................................92 Lone Star Racing........................ 66-67 Louie’s Black Oxide...............100,102 Louie’s Gun Finishing................... 102 Lynch Brothers.............................. 102 Lynden Intl. ......................................98 Machinery Sales.............................. 91 Magnum Prec........19,87,89,90,91,97 Makino .......................................23,89 Marshall Tool & Supply ..................95 MarZee................................58,93,101 Masic Industries ........................... 103 Mario Pinto ......................................96 Matrix Machine .........................98,99 May Foundry..................................101 McFarland Machine...................... 105 Mesa Machinery.........................58,91 Metalcraft Inc................................ 103 Metal Finishing Systems................ 29 Metal Processing Intl.................... 105 Metals Eng & Testing Labs.............96 Methods West............................29,91 Micro-Tronics ................................. 99 Micro 100...................................30,94 Micropulse West.............................98 Midaco Corp................................... 99 Milco Wire EDM/Waterjet............. 99 MLC CAD Systems....................... 6,96 Moore Tool & Equip.......................91 Morsch Machine..............................98 National Bank of Arizona................97 National Grinding & Mfg. .............101 National Mallfront..................1,34-36 Nelson Engineering.................83,100 NFP Property & Casualty.................96 Nichols Precision.......................... 105 North-South ...............................33,92 OGP.................................................. 90 Omax Corp.......................................91 ONA EDM USA................................ 90 Orion Registrar............................. 103 Osborn Products ..................... 99,101 Pacific Metal Stampings............... 105 Perfection Industrial Finishing.... 106 PGI.................................................. 103 Phoenix Grinding............................ 99 Phoenix Heat Treat ...................... 102 Phoenix Metal Fin. & Polishing.....102 Phoenix Metalcraft........................107 Pilkington Metal Finishing........... 108 Pioneer Distributing Co................. 99 Powill Mfg ..................................... 102 Precious Metal Plating. .............. ..103 Precise Metal Products ................ 100 Precise Measurements LLC.............96 Precision Die & Stamping...............98 Precision Industrial Painting.......... 99 Pro Precision ..................................101 Profiles Tool & Eng........................100 QS Machinery...................................90 Qualichem, Inc..................................93 Quality Improvement Consulting...97 Quality Mold...................................101 Quick Turn Financial........................97 R&D Specialty Manco....................104 RB Machine.....................................108 Reliance Metal Center......................95 Rentzel Tool Co..............................106 Resell CNC West.........................47,92 RMG Machining..............................106 RMSS................................................106 Rocky Mountain Saw Blades............90 Roentgen USA...................................90

Ron Grob .............................54-55,104 Royal Products.............................84,92 Roydent.............................................98 RPM Industries................................104 R.S. Hughes........................................92 S&S Machinery Sales........................91 SA Recycling......................................97 S L Fusco............................................93 Samuel, Son & Co..................43,93,94 Sandvik Coromant.......................91,97 Satowfi ........................................... 104 Sav-On Plating.................................106 Savage Machine ......................... 62,90 Sawblade.com ........................ 102,111 SBG Capital........................................95 Scientific Cutting Tools.............. 38,95 Scriven Precision Fab. ......................98 Semiray .....................................68,104 Service & Sales................................108 Setco Spindles & Slides ...................94 Shaw Precision Grind’g................. 100 Southwest Powder.........................102 SolidCAM......................................66,97 SolidProducts.............................. 52,96 Sonic Tool & Gage..........................102 Southwest Electronic Hardware.........92 Southwest Fastener .......................103 Southwest Powder.........................102 Southwest Swiss Precision........... 104 Southwest Waterjet-Laser.............107 SPRINGWORKS Utah......................108 St Vrain............................................105 Star Metal Fluids......... 13,92,93,95,97 Starrett ..............................................90 State Technology..............................93 Steel Services Grind’g................. 90,99 Stewart Precision Manufacturing......100 Streaming Teacher...................................32 Sun Grinding..............................44,101 Sun Tech..........................................108 Superior Grinding.....................48,102 Sustaining Edge Solutions......... 12,95 TCI Precision Metals................... 79,93 TMM Precision...........................98,101 T.S.M. Mach. .............................. 45,89 TechMark ........................................101 TechShop ..........................................97 Temtco Steel.....................................93 The Metal Man...........................98,101 The Werks C&C ................................94 Thompson Machine...................... 100 TMI (GibbsCAM) ...............................96 Toolcraft of Phoenix...................... 104 Tornquist Machinery........................90 Total Quality Sys...............................93 Tornos ......................................... 21,90 Trepanning Specialties...................106 Triad...................................................71 Tri-Matrix.........................................107 Trusty-Cook .................................39,91 Tube Service .....................................93 TVT Die Casting.........................64,101 TW Metals.........................................94 U S Shop Tools ........................... 53,92 Ulbrich of CA............................... 73,93 United Performance Metals..........59,92 Universal Laser Systems Inc ................90 Uni-Tek............................................103 US Bank........................................52,97 US Carbide Tool ...............................59 Vacco Industries ...............................99 Val-Tech Mfg.................................. 100 VonRuden ................................... 94,96 ......................102 Washington Cal. WC Machine & Tool...................... 100 Weiser/Mile High Precision ...........101 Western Cast Parts...........................98 Western Sintering Co.....................108 Western States Metal................. 86,96 Whitley Machine ......................101 Wire-Tech....................................... 100 Wrico.........................................70,100 X5.....................................................101 Yamazen USA.........................25,65,89

Run Lean


M42 Band Saw Blade Prices

Discounts for ordering 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 blades. WIDTH 4'-6" 5'-0" 5'-6" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-0" 7'-6" 8'-0" 8'-6" 9'-0" 9'-6" 10'-0" 10'-6" 11'-0" 11'-6" 12'-0" 12'-6" 13'-0" 13'-6" 14'-0" 14'-6" 15'-0" 15'-6" 16'-0" 16'-6" 17'-0" 17'-6" 18'-0" 18'-6" 19'-0" 19'-6" 20'-0" 20'-6" 21'-0" 21'-6" 22'-0" 22’-6” 23’-0”

1/2” 16.08 17.15 18.23 19.30 20.37 21.44 22.51 23.58 24.65 25.73 26.80 27.87 28.94 30.01 31.08 32.15 33.23 34.30 35.37 36.44 37.51 38.58 39.65 40.73 41.80 42.87 43.94 45.01 46.08 47.15 48.23 49.30 50.37 51.44 52.51 53.58 54.65 55.73

3/4" 17.75 19.01 20.27 21.53 22.78 24.04 25.30 26.55 27.81 29.07 30.33 31.58 32.84 34.10 35.35 36.61 37.87 39.13 40.38 41.64 42.90 44.15 45.41 46.67 47.93 49.18 50.44 51.70 52.95 54.21 55.47 56.73 57.98 59.24 60.50 61.75 63.01 64.27

1" 18.65 20.01 21.37 22.73 24.08 25.44 26.80 28.15 29.51 30.87 32.23 33.58 34.94 36.30 37.65 39.01 40.37 41.73 43.08 44.44 45.80 47.15 48.51 49.87 51.23 52.58 53.94 55.30 56.65 58.01 59.37 60.73 62.08 63.44 64.80 66.15 67.51 68.87

1-1/4" 20.67 22.25 23.83 25.41 26.99 28.58 30.16 31.74 33.32 34.90 36.48 38.06 39.64 41.22 42.80 44.39 45.97 47.55 49.13 50.71 52.29 53.87 55.45 57.03 58.62 60.20 61.78 63.36 64.94 66.52 68.10 69.68 71.26 72.85 74.43 76.01 77.59 79.17

WIDTH 15’-6” 16’-0” 16’-6” 17’-0” 17’-6” 18’-0” 18’-6” 19'-0" 19'-6" 20'-0" 20'-6" 21'-0" 21'-6" 22'-0" 22'-6" 23'-0" 23'-6" 24'-0" 24'-6" 25'-0" 25'-6" 26'-0" 26'-6" 27'-0" 27'-6" 28'-0" 28'-6" 29'-0" 29'-6" 30'-0" 30’-6” 31’-0” 31'-6" 32'-0" 32'-6" 33'-0" 33'-6" 34'-0"

1-1/2" 68.79 70.78 72.77 74.75 76.74 78.73 80.72 82.71 84.70 86.68 88.67 90.66 92.65 94.64 96.63 98.62 100.60 102.59 104.58 106.57 108.56 110.55 112.53 114.52 116.51 118.50 120.49 122.48 124.46 126.45 128.44 130.43 132.42 134.41 136.39 138.38 140.37 142.36

2" 86.20 88.74 91.29 93.83 96.38 98.92 101.46 104.01 106.55 109.10 111.64 114.19 116.73 119.28 121.82 124.36 126.91 129.45 132.00 134.54 137.09 139.63 142.18 144.72 147.26 149.81 152.35 154.90 157.44 159.99 162.53 165.08 167.62 170.16 172.71 175.25 177.80 180.34

2-5/8" 117.67 121.14 124.62 128.09 131.56 135.03 138.50 141.97 145.45 148.92 152.39 155.86 159.33 162.80 166.28 169.75 173.22 176.69 180.16 183.63 187.11 190.58 194.05 197.52 200.99 204.47 207.94 211.41 214.88 218.35 221.82 225.30 228.77 232.24 235.71 239.18 242.65 246.13

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Looking for speed…power…precision…quick setups…conversational programming, all in a rugged, budget-beating VMC? Whatever you need, look for Doosan’s Mynx or DNM to have it. Mynx – models 5400, 6500 or 7500

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And they’re from Doosan, with more than 30 years’ experience building tough machines for the toughest jobs.

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