Be it known to anyone who entrusts their child to our care, That Christ is the reason for our school The unseen but ever-present Teacher in its classes, The model of its faculty and The inspiration of its students. MISSION STATEMENT Growing in Wisdom, Age and Grace Holy Child Catholic School, through the active participation of parents, students, pastors and staff, and guided by the Holy Spirit, endeavors to provide a Christ-centered learning environment that considers the whole child: Mind, Body and Spirit. We strive to model the Love of Jesus Christ to one another through our words and actions. We assist the children to grown in WISDOM through state of-the-art technology, qualified and dedicated teachers and instructional methodologies that afford them every opportunity to learn. We strive to nurture the children to grow in AGE as they develop and mature through their grade school years. We encourage the children to grown in GRACE through their understanding of Christian principles and the practice of their faith. We cultivate in the child a love of self and others. We instill in the School community a love and compassion for our neighbor through stewardship of time, talent and treasure. We prepare the children for the challenges of life and for a lifelong commitment of service to Christ and His Church. CONTACT INFORMATION 242 Hermitage Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127 Upper School (215)487-2796
School Fax (215)487-9134
Lower School (215)487-7740
Website: http://www.holychildmyk.org School e-mail: hccsprincipal@gmail.com SCHOOL CLOSING NUMBER - 147
FORWARD This handbook has been compiled for your convenience and reference. Being familiar with School policies and procedures should ensure a mutual understanding of what is expected of parents, students, and teachers regarding the welfare, progress and education of the children at Holy Child Catholic School. Therefore, parents are urged to read carefully and thoroughly the entire handbook. As parents, you will assume the obligation to support the philosophy, goals, objectives and regulations of the School as well as pay the specified tuition and school fees. Assuming the responsibility of weekly attendance at Mass for Catholic families and the reception of the sacraments is a duty of all parents who send their children to Holy Child Catholic School. It is also the obligation of the parents to see that the child is sent to school physically fit, with sufficient sleep, clean, properly dressed and fed. This handbook contains certain policies and procedures of the School. Holy Child Catholic School can change any of its policies and procedures and apply them as circumstances dictate. If you have a question about a particular policy or procedure, please contact the Principal. Students and parents must accept and abide by the School's policies and procedures in order for the Student to attend Holy Child Catholic School. We ask God's blessing upon this community as we work together to provide the children with a quality, Catholic education and to build the kingdom of God on earth. ACCREDITATION Holy Child Catholic School is an accredited elementary school according to the standards set forth by the Commission on Elementary Schools and the Middle States Association. This means that Holy Child Catholic School is effectively advancing the quality of the educational experiences it offers its students and meets its responsibility to its students, the public and the profession of education. APPOINTMENT WITH FACULTY MEMBERS Meetings can be arranged by notifying the individual teacher. These meetings must be held outside of school hours. Parents desiring conferences with any teacher are asked to make this request in writing, at least 24 hours in advance, so the records can be reviewed and made available at the time of the meeting. If a problem arises between a pupil and a teacher, the parent should first approach the teacher involved. Then, if necessary, it should be referred to the Principal. COMMUNICATION Communication is a most essential tool at Holy Child Catholic School. It is vital that we continue to share ideas between home and school in order that our programs are effective. Your support of our policies and programs is essential, and the mutual respect of parental and school authority is necessary. We have great respect for you and your children, and your beliefs, and we expect your support in teaching your children to respect all faculty and staff members. We acknowledge the influence of adults on children's attitudes and behavior - positively and negatively- and we ask your support in keeping Holy Child strong in mutual respect. Communication envelopes are sent home every Thursday. Please look for this envelope which will be carried home by the youngest child. Please empty it of its contents, SIGN the envelope to assure us
that you received it, and return it to school on the following day. Please contact the Office whenever an envelope is lost or misplaced. The cost for replacement of the envelope is $1.00. A tentative school calendar is distributed in June for the following year. A monthly calendar of activities is available on the School's website as well as sent home each month. These should be available for easy reference. TRANSPORTATION Transportation is provided through the School District of Philadelphia who contracts with Atlantic Bus Company. Students must be 6 years of age or older in order to ride the school bus. This is the directive of the School District of Philadelphia. The School District of Philadelphia urges you, the parent, to call this number: (215)400-4350 if a bus is late or does not arrive to pick up your child. If you have a complaint or concern about a driver or a bus route, you must call the above number. The School Office will assist you in setting up your child's bus route and/or making any necessary changes in the route. Bus Behavior When riding in a school bus, Holy Child students are responsible for their behavior because their behavior could affect the safe operation of the bus, and is a reflection on our school community. Misbehavior could result in the bus driver becoming distracted, which could endanger the lives of all students being transported. It is important that parents explain the importance of appropriate behavior when on the school bus. They are also expected to help their child improve his/her behavior if needed. The primary responsibility of the bus driver is to safely transport the students to and from school. While transporting students, the driver also has the responsibility of maintaining discipline on the bus. Therefore, the driver will report any behavior infractions to the proper authority and disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the established guidelines. Students will follow these rules: • • • • • •
Sit in the assigned seat, facing forward Swearing or loud, obnoxious behavior will not be tolerated. Students should not litter, write on or damage the bus or anyone else's property in any way. Loud music is not allowed on the bus at any time. Students are not allowed to get off the bus at any place other than their home without written permission from their parent/guardian, along with the school administration’s signature. Students may not use cell phones without permission of school administraion or bus driver.
The driver or school administration will issue bus referrals for violations some of, but not limited to the behaviors listed above and below: • • • • •
Hanging out of windows Throwing objects Physical aggression of any kind against any person Vandalism to the bus. Student will be expected to make restitution Foul or immoral language
If a student is issued 3 bus referrals, that student will be suspended from bus privileges [suspended from bus] for two weeks. If a student is issued 6 bus referrals that student will lose bus privileges for the trimester. Upon returning from a trimester bus suspension, any further referrals will make the student eligible for suspension from bus privileges for the remainder of the year. ADMISSION POLICY Admission is open to all active members of Holy Family Parish, St. John the Baptist Parish, St. Josaphat's Parish, St. Lucy Parish and St. Mary of the Assumption Parish. Catholic Students: • • • • •
Membership in their respective parishes Immunization card indicating immunization Baptismal certificate to verify the age of the child and date of Baptism, if the child was not baptized at any of the above-mentioned parishes Students transferring to Holy Child Catholic School must bring a "transfer slip" and current report card before they will be admitted to the School. Birth Certificate - Children entering Kindergarten must be five years old by September 10th. First Grade students must be six years old by September 10th. Pre-K students must be 3 1/2 years old by March 15th prior to admission in September.
Non-Catholic Students: • • •
Signed agreement to admission form Immunization card indicating immunization Birth Certificate - Children entering Kindergarten must be five years old by September 10th. First Grade students must be six years old by September 10th.
Registration fee is due at the time of registration. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Holy Child Catholic School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students in our school. Similar policies apply to the School staff. Holy Child Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administrations of its educational policies, its admission policies, or any school-administered program. REGISTRATION Incoming First Grade, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration is held in February. See Admission Policy for requirements. All students returning to Holy Child Catholic School must be re-registered in March. Re-registration forms are sent home in the Thursday envelope. The completed forms and fees are returned to School. RE-REGISTRATION WILL NOT TAKE EFFECT UNTIL ALL FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS HAVE BEEN MET. Registration and re-registration fees are non-refundable.
TUITION The tuition is determined by the Pastors in consultation with the Finance Committee, an appointed board of parishioners. Payments of tuition, lunch fees, and sweepstakes fees are made through the Lockbox tuition program. Arrangements for Lockbox payments are made in June. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS A physical examination by a physician is required for the following: • • • •
All incoming Kindergarten, 6th grade children and students coming from another state. Dental examination for Kindergarten, 3rd, 7th graders and students coming from another state. Scoliosis exam for 6th and &7th graders All children must have an immunization certificate completed and on file at school. The State of Pennsylvania Immunization Law requires the following: o DPT 4 - 4 or 6 doses with the last one after the 4th birthday o MMR - 1st dose after 15 months, 2nd dose at 5 - 6 years old o POLIO - 3 doses required o HEPATITIS B - 3 doses required for Kindergarten o TETANUS TOXOID - 3 or more doses
No one is admitted to school for even one day unless fully immunized. If requirements are not met, the child will be excluded from school until he/she meets the above requirements. This is the State of Pennsylvania Law. SPIRITUAL OBLIGATIONS All Catholic children are expected to attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation with his/her parents. Since this is taught and stressed in school, any failure on the part of the parents to help the child fulfill this obligation causes confusion and eventual indifference in the child's mind. This is a serious obligation, never to be taken lightly. In School, the Eucharistic Liturgy is celebrated on the First Friday of each month at 11 o'clock. Children's confessions are heard at 1:00 P.M. on the Thursday preceding First Friday. Aside from First Friday Mass, liturgies or para-liturgies are held on various occasions to celebrate a particular Holy day or special event. FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT Schools, upon proper notification, allow parents or legal guardians to review the child's complete record in the presence of the Principal or his/her delegate. If the custodial parent can show a court order denying access to the non-custodial parent, then the school may deny access. Otherwise, the records must be made available to both parents. RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHILDREN IS TAKEN FROM 7:30AM UNTIL 2:45PM The School is not responsible for supervision of students before or after the times stated above, and the School is not liable for any injuries or accidents which may occur. This is required by insurance coverage and is done for the safety of the children. Parents are advised, therefore, to follow the times as stated above.
CARES CARES is provided for those children needing supervision before school (7:00AM) and after school from 2:30PM until 6:00PM. This program is available every school day, and early dismissal days. The Program consists of relaxation, study and recreation. A snack is provided. Proper behavior is required. The fee is paid each week and is sent to the office in an envelope marked CARES. CARE OF BOOKS Textbooks are provided at great expense. All textbooks and workbooks are expected to be cleanly covered at all times. Every child must carry schoolbooks to and from school is a book bag. Any book that is lost, destroyed, damaged or deliberately defaced must be paid for by the student. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS Each child admitted to the School must attend class daily and on time in order to attain mastery of the basic skills offered. Each student is responsible for the timely and satisfactory completion of projects, class work and homework. Grades on tests and projects should be commensurate with the student's ability. Students must attain a 70% average in each subject in order to pass. No child will receive a failure in any subject if judged to be working at full potential. A student who does not fulfill his/her academic responsibilities will be placed on academic probation. ACADEMIC PROBATION Conditions and Consequences of Academic Probation The parent(s)/guardian(s) and students will confer with the administration and the classroom teacher. The teacher will outline the student's program for improvement. The teacher will inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student's progress. The process will follow the stated format: • • • •
parent contact progress reports periodic meetings with the student report cards
If a student is successful in meeting his/her academic responsibilities, the student will be removed from academic probation and the parent/guardian will be notified in writing. If the student is unsuccessful in meeting his/her academic responsibilities, the administration will review the student's continued enrollment in the school. ACCOMMODATION PROGRAM The Office of Catholic Education established guidelines for modifying and adapting curriculum to meet the learning needs of all students. Holy Child Catholic School is committed to meeting the needs of individual students. The Accommodation Program is designed to provide adaptations to the curriculum so that high expectations are maintained for all students. The administration, faculty, Elwyn Staff, and Title I personnel work in consultation with the student's parents to determine the need for classroom accommodations. Parents are required to sign a permission slip before a student will receive classroom accommodations.
CLASS PARTICIPATION Students are expected to: • • •
be attentive and respectful to school staff show respect and concern for other students actively participate in class by responding orally or in writing as circumstances dictate COMPUTER EDUCATION
Computer education is offered to students in Grades Pre-K to Grade 8. The major areas of concentration are: • • • • •
Computer history, keyboarding and computer ethics Word processing (integrated with other curriculum areas) Spreadsheets PowerPoint Presentations Databases ACCELERATED MATH PROGRAM
Students are identified for participation in this program at the end of third grade. The requirements are as follows: • • • •
CSI of 125 or above Terra Nova Math Score of 90% or higher 90 or above in math on the report card Teacher recommendation
The goals of this program are as follows: • •
To allow the students to accelerate to a level at least one year beyond the designated chronological age To assure completion of Algebra 1 by the end of 8th grade SPANISH
Spanish is offered to all students from Pre-K to Grade 8. Children are taught basic vocabulary, reading and fluency. Our teachers use the Archdiocsean approved proganm Espanol Para Ti’ LIBRARY Each student has the opportunity to visit the library at least once a week. Reading stories and teaching about literature is important. The students have access to the Accelerated Reader and are encouraged to utilize the program.
ADJUNCT SERVICES Remedial Services Holy Child Catholic School is a Title I school. Consequently, there are programs that will provide remedial, corrective, or developmental reading skill reinforcement for our students. Students are considered for these programs based on their performance on the Terra Nova, classroom teacher recommendation or parental request. These services are coordinated with the classroom teacher to maximize student reading, thinking and learning potential. In addition to Title I services, Holy Child offers well as Elwyn services. Speech and Language Services Speech and Language services are provided through Elwyn. Children are selected to receive services when standards of sound production, fluency, language use, form, or content fall below normal standards for the child's age and ability. Staff, parents/guardians or the children themselves initiate referrals for evaluations. Evaluation and treatment are only provided following the consent of the parent/guardian. Counseling and Psychological Services The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides counseling and psychological services through Elwyn. The School Counselor provides quality services to the Holy Child Catholic School Community by consulting with the School administration, faculty and parents/guardians regarding individual students. Individual and group counseling are available to the students. The counselor recommends suitable referrals when needed. After appropriate consultation, individual students are eligible for educational and psychological testing. The School psychologist consults with the School administration, faculty and parents/guardians in order to prepare for the testing procedure. Following the testing, the School psychologist meets with the student's parents/guardians to review the complete report. After parental permission is secured, the School psychologist shares recommendations with the School administration and the faculty in order to provide the student with the assistance needed. HOMEWORK Homework refers to an assignment made by a teacher that will positively reinforce a concept presented in class. Homework includes both written and study assignments, and should be done by the student independently. While this does not preclude parental help or interest, the assignments should not require undue parental assistance or supervision. Ample time should be allowed for the completion of out-of-class research assignments or projects. The following times are suggested for homework; this includes both written and study assignments: Grades 1 and 2 - 30 minutes;
Grades 5 and 6 - 90 minutes;
Grades 3 and 4 - 60 minutes;
Grades 7 and 8 - 120 minutes
Holy Child School realizes that students and subjects vary. The objective is not adherence to the time suggestions, but the extension of learning beyond class time. In the event of absence or suspension, all homework and missed assignments are to be made up. NOTE: In the Upper grades, a great portion of homework time is STUDY. Homework is not given on Back to School Night, Home and School Meeting nights and May Procession night in order to give parents and students time to attend these events. If a student copies homework from another, this works against the whole purpose of homework, and the matter is addressed by the teacher for immediate correction. Homework not done or not completed affects the student's grade. Marks are based on tests, class work, homework, project participation and teacher judgment. Children are given several days notice of a test. Tests are sent home, reviewed, signed and returned to school. Progress reports are issued mid-way in the report period (see school calendar) to alert the parent and the students to possible failure. Report cards are issued three times a year. Conduct is based on the student's respect for Holy Child Catholic School's discipline code. Parents are to sign the report card and return it within the week it is given. TERRA NOVA TESTING Testing for achievement and aptitude takes place in Grades K through & in the Spring. This program is required by the Archdiocesan Office of Catholic Education and the selection of the test used is made on the Archdiocesan level. Parents are given a copy of the test results. These tests have no bearing on report card grades. AWARDS Perfect Attendance Certificate 1. Student must be present on each school day 2. Children who are late on a regular and consistent basis do not qualify for Perfect Attendance. 3. Students will be excused for absences due to death in the immediate family (parent, grandparent, siblings, anyone who lives in the home as part of the family) Honors (Grades 4 through Grade 8) 1. FIRST HONORS - Students must have a 93 General Average for all Subjects and no mark lower than 90. In Conduct, Effort, Art, Spanish, Computers, Music, and Physical Education, students cannot have a number grade lower than a 3. 2. SECOND HONORS - Students must have an 88 General Average for all Subjects with no individual Major Subject mark lower than an 85. In Conduct, Effort, Art, Spanish, Computers, Music, and Physical Education, students cannot have a number grade lower than a 3. 3. EFFORT AWARD - Students earning a “4” in Effort will be presented with the Effort Award 4. CONDUCT AWARD - Students earning a “4” in Conduct will be presented with the Conduct Award
5. NON-PROMOTION 1. Insufficient application in either Reading or Math or both indicate the need to repeat Grades 1 through 3. 2. If a child shows evidence of emotional immaturity, it is advisable to repeat the grade. 3. Three failures on the final report card in MAJOR subjects or in the general average warrant repeating for students in Grades 4 through 6. 4. Seventh and eighth graders cannot repeat the grade at Holy Child. Seventh and eighth graders who have not done work that warrants being promoted will either be transferred (if a student fails three or more subjects) and repeat the grade elsewhere or would be required to attend summer school (if a student fails one or two subjects). REQUIRED FOR ILA, MATH, READING Summer School or tutoring is required before the student is accepted back conditionally in September Verification of attendance and progress made Failure to meet these requirements could result in transfer REQUIRED FOR SOCIAL STUDIES, SCIENCE, SPELLING, RELIGION Make-up work provided by the teacher of the subject is required to be completed the summer before being accepted back conditionally in September Work must be submitted to the teacher the first day of school in September. Failure to meet these requirements could result in a transfer The students will be tested on the first Thursday of the new school upon return in September to evaluate progress made through make-up work. The test will be administered by the teacher of the failed subject(s). Any 8th grade student who fails two or three basic skills (Reading, Language Arts, Math), as well as anyone with a failing composite grade is required to attend summer school provided by the Archdiocesan High School if he/she wish to attend a Diocesan High School in the fall. Students in Grades 4 through 7 lacking in skills in a particular subject would be required to attend a summer school program, be tutored, or complete teacherprescribed make-up work. Parents are notified when the second report card is issued if there seems to be a danger of possible non-promotion. A letter is signed and filed in the office. The ultimate decision in regard to nonpromotion rests with the teacher and the administration. ABSENCE Success in any endeavor requires continuing daily effort. Nowhere is it truer than in education. The quality of learning for any student usually reflects the regularity with which he/she attends school. The School Laws classify absences unexcused or illegal except for the following reasons: Illness of the pupil
Death in the family
Exceptional urgent reasons
To allow habits of poor attendance would be an injustice to our children both for the present and for the future. Any pattern of suspicious absence will be reported the Administration. Consistent, suspicious patterns, if not resolved, can result in retention in the grade or dismissal from school. Such patterns include repeated single day absences that particularly fall on Monday, Fridays, test days, etc. If a student is TRUANT, it will result in immediate suspension. Absence in excess of 20 days will be reviewed by the administration; an excess of 30 days could cause possible retention. If a student has been absent for more than one-half of a report period, the teacher may not assign marks for that period. “Prolonged Absence” will be inserted instead of the grade. Since absence interferes with a student’s progress, everyone should strive to be present daily. For students to be admitted to school after any absence, he/she must present an absence form to the teacher on his/her return. ABSENCE NOTE Today’s Date_______________________________________ Student’s Name_____________________________________ Grade_______________ Date(s) Absent______________________________________ Reason (be specific)______________________________________________________ Parent Signature:_________________________________________________________ In case appointments must be made during school hours, a note stating the time of the appointment must be sent to the office prior to the appointment. No student may leave school during school hours unless accompanied by parent or guardian. Students leaving school for any reason must be met by the parent in the main office where the parent must sign the form before taking the student. It is the responsibility of the student to make up the work and tests missed on the terms and convenience of the teacher. LATENESS Unless there is a valid reason, any student entering school late (after prayers at 8:00 A.M.), will receive a late notice from the Office. The child must come to the Office before going to class. Parents are asked to notify the School of any emergencies which could be honored and excused. Habitual lateness will require a parent conference with the Principal. Consistent lateness will be recorded as “parental neglect” on the permanent record card. If lateness is not resolved, a transfer may be issued. ABSENTEE NOTICE For your child’s safety and well-being, we ask that you call the School Office by 8:30AM on the day of your child’s absence. If you are requesting homework for your child, a call must be received by 8:30AM in order to afford the teacher ample time to gather necessary books and instructions. Homework can be picked up at the Office after 2:00PM.
EMERGENCY CLOSING Emergency closings are announced through KYW-1060 AM Channel 3. WE USE NO OTHER STATION. Our school closing number is 147. Please make note of the following: When it is announced “ALL PUBLIC AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED”, then Holy Child Catholic School is closed. If it is announced on KYW that “ALL PUBLIC AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS ARE OPEN”, YOU MUST LISTEN FOR OUR CLOSING NUMBER. Holy Child might close because of the unusual nature of the hills, etc. Please do not presume that we are open. Please listen for number 147. Our closing will also be on the opening page of the website and on our answering machine. IN CASE OF EARLY DISMISSAL DUE TO INCLEMEMT WEATHER OR AN UNFORESEEN EMERGENCY, YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED VIA A PHONE CHAIN CALL. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU CAN BE REACHED. Please be sure, that before the winter storms begin, your child has instructions as to what to do if he/she is sent home early – especially if no one will be home. Please make sure you have a plan in case of early dismissal. The teacher cannot remain and care for your child because you have no plan in place. The teachers and staff must also get home safely. EMERGENCY FORM At the beginning of each school year, these forms are sent home for each child. They are to be returned and kept on file. It is imperative that this information is accurate and updated in case an emergency should arise. If contact information changes, please notify the office immediately. Please provide an emergency contact in case of sickness or unexpected school closing. In cases where the parent is not able to be reached, the emergency contact person should be available for the child. HOME PHONE NUMBERS AND EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS CANNOT BE THE SAME. Emergency permission is given and placed on file at the beginning of the school year. In the event that your child is seriously hurt and needs immediate attention, permission is given to take the child to the nearest hospital and contact the parent as soon as possible DISCIPLINE Our code of student conduct is built on respect for self, others and personal growth. All our actions are based on Jesus' two great commandments: Love of God and Love of Neighbor. Students need to realize that obeying school rules promotes peace and harmony in the school. Discipline starts in the home and continues in the school. Students are expected: -to comply with directives and be respectful, courteous, and attentive to ALL school personnel and volunteers at all times and in all places ( i.e. parent volunteers, lunch parents, student teachers). -to use good manners and gestures of respect. -to use language which is Christian, caring, and respectful. -to show consideration for their classmates and refrain from any action that could cause injury or harm -to use class time effectively, by taking pride in doing their best work, and taking care of textbooks and copybooks.
to complete all homework and projects on time and to make up missed assignments due to absences. to promptly return signed tests, papers, report cards, etc. to come to school dressed properly, clean and neat. to appreciate the school environment by keeping it neat and clean. to understand that consequences will follow when actions violate the Catholic character of our school. to understand that they will be held accountable for their actions at any HCCS function (field trips, Home/School functions, etc.). to respect school property
Discipline System Attendance at Holy Child Catholic School is a privilege. The school reserves the right to discipline a student who does not respect the standards and values or cooperate in the educational process. 1.
Detention (Grades 1-8) / Conduct Referrals (Grades 4 - 8)
Detention / Conduct Referrals may be given by ANY teacher or school administrator who considers an offense serious enough to warrant it. If a detention is given, notice will be sent home to be signed before the detention is to be served. The signed copy of the detention notice is to be returned the next day. Failure to do so will result in a phone call to Parents/Guardians and possible additional consequences. Such offenses that may warrant Detention / Conduct Referrals may be, but are not limited to:
chewing gum continual lateness (5 or more times) disobedience disregard of the dress code eating in places other than the classroom/lunchroom failure to do or complete homework on a regular basis ignoring safety regulations misconduct repeated failure to report to class with the necessary materials At the Upper School level (Grades 4-8), a conduct referral may be issued for serious or repetitive offenses. Accumulation of conduct referrals will affect report card conduct grades. Accumulation of four.[4] conduct referrals in a trimester will result in the suspension of the student. This suspension will also result in a failing grade “1” in conduct. This “1” in conduct will affect the students ability to attend school trips ( please see below). At the end of each trimester, the total number of conduct referrals will revert back to zero for that trimester. 2. Trip Policy Students with a "1" in conduct may not participate on any school trip in the trimester following the one in which they received the "1" (i.e. "1" in 2nd trimester; may not participate in trips for 3rd trimester). Students who have been suspended from school may not participate in any school
trips in the trimester for which they were suspended. Students who are not going on school trips with their classes, must report to school that day. 3. Discipline Probation Any student receiving Three (3) successive "1"s in Conduct will be placed on probation. After notification of this probation the student must improve behavior and amass no suspensions during the next marking period. If a student receives a "1" in conduct, or is suspended while on probation, that student is liable for dismissal from HCCS. The principal reserves the right to implement this policy without the accumulation of three "1's" in conduct. 4. Suspension A serious infraction of a school policy may result in the suspension of a student. There are two types of suspension: an "in-school suspension" and an "out-of-school suspension". If a student receives an "in-school suspension", he/she will remain in school and complete his/her day's assignments in an assigned room/classroom. If an "out-of-school suspension" is given, the student will remain at home for a designated time. All class work for the day(s) the suspension is effective is to be completed by the student. This work is to be completed before student is eligible for return to school. When your child is suspended, Parents/Guardians are notified by a telephone call and a letter, which must be signed and returned the next day. At least one Parent/Guardian is required to come to school and meet with the principal before the student is readmitted to class. A written report of the incident will include: 1. 2. 3.
an explanation of the incident, which warranted suspension the consequences a summary of the meeting with the Parents/Guardians
THIS REPORT WILL BECOME PART OF THE PRINCIPAL’S DISCIPLINE FILE. 5. Dismissal A student receiving his/her third suspension during the school year is liable for dismissal from HCCS. Upon receipt of a third suspension, that student will be suspended indefinitely. A final decision regarding continuation at HCCS will be agreed upon by the Pastor and Principal, after a full inquiry into the incident or conduct record. As a result of this inquiry, a formal conference will be held with the Parents/Guardians, student, Pastor, and Principal to inform all parties involved of their final decision. Immediate dismissal may take place without three suspensions depending on the degree of the infraction and its result.
DRESS CODE Neatness and cleanliness in personal attire are part of a child’s education and the responsibility of the parents. When a child looks and feels good about himself/herself, he/she acts and works accordingly. Personal appearance that constitutes a distraction is not permitted. A Uniform Notice will be issued for continual violation of this code. All Notices will be placed in the Principal’s Discipline file. No nail polish or makeup is permitted. Non religious necklaces, bracelets or rings cannot be displayed Girls may wear one pair of stud earrings. Hoop earrings or dangling earrings are not permissible. Boys may not wear earrings. Hair should be of a moderate length on boys – not in their face or to the collar. Mohawks or fad hair cuts are not permitted.
Hair can be any length on girls but not in their face. Hair dye is not permitted. GIRLS' WINTER UNIFORM: Grades 1 to 5 Maroon plaid jumper with dropped waist band. White cotton blouse with Peter Pan collar. Maroon sweatshirt or maroon v-neck cardigan with Holy Child Catholic School logo Maroon knee socks or maroon tights Maroon, black or brown tie shoe. The shoe must be one of these colors and must be a tie shoe. Grades 6 to 8 Maroon plaid skirt White or maroon golf shirt with Holy Child School imprint on the shirt OR white or maroon turtle neck with HCCS embroidered on the neck. Maroon sweatshirt or maroon v-neck cardigan with Holy Child Catholic School logo Maroon knee socks or maroon tights Maroon, black or brown tie shoe. The shoe must be one of these colors and must be a tie shoe. GIRLS' SUMMER UNIFORM - Grades 1-8 (OPTIONAL) MAY BE WORN FROM SEPTEMBER 1ST UNTIL NOVEMBER 1ST AND FROM APRIL 1ST UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR. Khaki skort Choice of maroon or white golf shirt with Holy Child School embroidered on the left of the shirt Maroon or white CREW socks. Brown loafer, maroon tie shoe, black tie shoe, brown bucks or white tennis sneakers.
BOYS' WINTER UNIFORM - Grades 1-8 Khaki pants Choice of maroon or white golf shirt with Holy Child School embroidered on the left of the shirt OR maroon or white turtle neck with HCCS embroidered on the neck Maroon sweat shirt or maroon v-neck cardigan with logo Black, Brown or White CREW socks. Brown or black tie shoe (no high tops) A brown belt is MANDATORY
BOYS' SUMMER UNIFORM - Grades 1-8 (OPTIONAL) MAY BE WORN FROM SEPTEMBER 1ST UNTIL NOVEMBER 1ST AND FROM APRIL 1ST UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR. Khaki shorts Choice of maroon or white golf shirt with Holy Child School embroidered on the left of the shirt White CREW socks.
Brown loafer, brown or black tie shoe or white tennis sneaker. A brown belt is MANDATORY PRE-K AND KINDERGARTEN Gym uniform with sneakers
GYM UNIFORMS - GRADES PRE-K TO 8 WINTER Navy blue sweat suit with Holy Child Catholic School logo on the sweatshirt. Athletic sneakers (no high tops) and white socks SUMMER Summer Gym Uniforms are worn from September until November 1st and from April 1st until the end of the year. Navy blue mesh shorts and maroon t-shirt with Holy Child silkscreen logo. Please note: Crew Socks are above the anklebone, sports or tennis socks are not permitted. Please do not allow your son/daughter to wear sports or tennis socks. Boot type sneakers are not permitted for gym or with the summer uniform. Please note that failure to remain presentable during the day having: Shirt worn outside the skirt or pants No belt Wrong socks Make up, hoop earrings, dangling earring or nail polish Will result in a note on weekly behavior report if not corrected. Students showing disregard for the proper wearing of our school uniform will receive a disciplinary referral. A conference will be held to solve the opposition to certain standards set by the School. In case of improper haircuts, the child’s parent will be called to have the haircut corrected before returning to school. We certainly hope these measures will never be necessary. All students are to be in complete uniform every day. If there is an irregularity or emergency and for some reason the uniform cannot be worn, a written excuse must be presented to the homeroom teacher and forwarded to the Office. FIELD TRIPS Educational field trips can be taken at the discretion of the teacher and with permission of the Principal. Adult supervision and written permission of parent or guardian is required. Permission slips are to be completed by the parent and returned to school. If the slip is not returned, a child
cannot take part in the trip. A class trip is a privilege, which a teacher can take away if conduct warrants it. Parents are often asked to assist the teachers to ensure the safety of the students. The parent of the child should also give instructions on behavior. If a parent does not wish a child to go on a class trip, the child must come to school on that day. HEALTH SERVICES SCHOOL NURSE The public school district provides a registered nurse one day a week. The nurse is responsible for checking the height, weight, hearing and vision of every child and for making referral to parents when problems are found. The nurse maintains all health records. Care given in the school is limited to first aid in accidents or illness until the parents can be reached to take the child home, to the doctor, or to the hospital. In an emergency, the nurse or school administration will arrange to have the student transported to the hospital. All students are screened yearly under the state-mandated program. Student physical examinations are required within one year of entrance into school and the sixth grade. Student dental examinations are required within one year of entrance into school and in the third and seventh grades. The sixth and seventh grade students are also screened for scoliosis. If a child has a specific medical problem, please notify the homeroom teacher and the nurse of the problem. Medic-Alert bracelets are strongly recommended for any child with a medical problem. Emergency cards are kept on file for each student. Please be sure that we have an up-to-date emergency number on file in case of an emergency involving your child. ILLNESS A child who is too ill to remain in class must report to the Office. If it is necessary that the child be sent home, parents/guardians or the emergency contact person will be notified through the school office. The child must be picked up and the parent or emergency contact must sign the “Early Dismissal Register”. Care given in school is limited to first aid in accidents and illness until the parent or emergency contact is reached to take the child home, to the physician or the hospital. No student can possess, administer, or distribute medication – prescription or nonprescription. If non-prescription medication must be given during school hours, written administration procedures from the student’s doctor and signed by the parents are given to the Principal. No medication can be administered with over the phone consent only. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS can be administered only when absolutely necessary for the continued health of the child. A physician’s medication order form must be filled out by the child’s doctor and returned personally to the school along with the medication. THE PARENT MUST ALSO SIGN THE FORM. In turn, the medication MUST be in a properly labeled container from the pharmacy: o Name of the student o Name of the medication o Instructions Pills sent in baggies, envelopes, wrapped in foil tissues, etc. will not be accepted. No minor surgical procedures can be performed (removal of splinter, rupturing blisters, opening of pustules, etc.). Minor abrasions or cuts sustained OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL SHOULD BE CARED FOR AT HOME. The school CANNOT be a dispensary for home accidents.
Any student registering a temperature of 99.9 having evidence of a rash or other visible symptoms of illness MUST BE SENT HOME. Severe cases of poison ivy fall into this category. HEAD LICE – The presence of head lice is a fact that can happen in ANY SCHOOL. The important thing to remember is that action and not secrecy is the rule. There is no stigma involved with head lice. Please notify the Office IMMEDIATELY if there is any suspicion or confirmation of head lice. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Any student, absent from school because of conditions listed below, cannot return to school before the specified timer period:
MEASLES – 4 days from onset of rash WHOOPING COUCH - 7 days after medication is started SCARLET FEVER – 24 hours after medication is started MUMPS – 9 days from onset of swelling RUBELLA/GERMAN MEASLES – 4 days from onset CHICKEN POX – when all pox have scabs that are dried up PINK EYE - 24 hours after medication is started LICE – until judged non-contagious by physician or school nurse, and after treatment is given and no nits are present PARENTS
Parents must weigh seriously their obligation to educate their children in an atmosphere of love and respect for God and man. The home is the first school for the social virtues essential to any wellordered society. The many sacrifices parents make to provide Christian education for their children are pleasing to God and a building up of the community of man. Cooperation of parents with the School is expressed by: Assuming responsibility of weekly attendance at Sunday Mass and the reception of the Sacraments Sending the child to school physically fit, with sufficient sleep, clean and properly dressed and fed Assisting the child in his/her academic and oral development through examining his/her report card carefully, supervising home study, signing and returned tests, and cooperating with the School in matters of activities, recreation, fund raising and discipline Trying to discover the child’s special interests and talents so that they be developed in cooperation with the teacher Sending a written explanation each time a child is absent from school (DUE ON THE DAY THE STUDENT RETURNS). Please include date(s) of absence(s). Upholding the authority of the teacher and speaking respectfully of the school and teachers in the presence of your children No teacher will be confronted, cursed at or reprimanded publicly Having a telephone number on file in the Office where you can be reached. We will respect the privacy of your unlisted number, but we must have it in the Office. Providing an emergency shelter for the child in case of sickness or unexpected school closing. CELL PHONES USE OF CELL PHONES DURING SCHOOL HOURS IS NOT PERMITTED. Because of the nature of today’s society, we understand the need to have ready access to your child and your child’s ready access to you. This is particularly important when your child is coming to school and going home. We respect your need to have this access to your child. CHILDREN CAN HAVE A CELL PHONE
IN SCHOOL ONLY IF IT IS TURNED OFF AND IN THEIR SCHOOL BAGS. If you are concerned that a cell phone remaining in a school bag might be stolen, the child can leave the cell phone in the Office before school and pick it up at the end of the day. Any unauthorized use of a cell phone will result in the confiscation of the cell phone, an immediate issue of a conduct referral and the student will be liable for a suspension from school.. The cell phone will remain in the school office until a parent/guardian picks it up. MP3 PLAYERS/HAND HELD GAMES MP3 players, hand held games or electronic equipment cannot be brought to school. If any student does not comply with this regulation, the equipment will be taken from the student and not returned until a parent/guardian picks it up. THE SCHOOL WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR STOLEN CELL PHONES, MP3 PLAYERS, HAND HELD GAMES OR EXPENSIVE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. TRANSFER/WITHDRAWAL Parents must write a request giving reason for the transfer, the new address, the name of the School to which the child is transferring and come in to sign the papers before the date of the withdrawal. TRANSFERS 1. If you are moving, notify the Office of the new address and the expected last day of attendance. The student will be issued a transfer card on the last day he/she attends school. 2. A Release of Records Form must be signed by the parents before school records will be mailed directly to the new school as soon as we receive the request, providing there are not other financial obligations. 3. NO records will be transferred if financial obligations have not been met. GUIDELINES FOR PARENTS To facilitate the cooperation needed between the home and school, the following guidelines might be helpful: Check out all rumors by calling the school office directly, rather than contacting parents The school is interested in hearing your opinions, suggestions and constructive criticism. If your child comes home upset about a school situation, we ask you listen openly to the child. We would caution you not to offer an opinion until you have contacted the teacher involved in the situation. Please do not confront, admonish, reprimand or treat the teacher in a disrespectful manner while in public places or in the presence of the child. While in conference with a teacher, please do not curse or threaten the teacher If you disagree with a teacher’s actions, please express your disagreement and concern directly to the teacher Your cooperation and support are necessary for an effective program It is very possible that a misguided statement can undermine our program, but more importantly, it places the child in opposition to the teacher and can result in defiance and disrespect Your interest in your child reinforces his/her interest in school If you feel your child is not working to his/her capacity, contact the teacher in order to arrive at a mutually agreed upon program. The most effective means of assisting your child’s scholastic growth can be checking homework, assist in reviewing for a test, inquiring about projects, test results, school activities, etc.
VISTORS All visitors to the School are to report to and sign in at the School Office. They must receive a visitor’s pass. This rule is for the safety of the children and the staff. For safety reasons, NO FORMER STUDENT WILL BE PERMITTED ACCESS TO THE SCHOOL. HARASSMENT/VIOLENCE The school follows the Philadelphia Archdiocesan Policy prohibiting harassment including sexual harassment. Sexual harassment refers to any unwelcome sexual attention, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. Any student or parent/guardian who is determined to have violated this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of the student. A complete copy of the policy is maintained by the principal and is available upon request. Violent/Threatening/Harassing and Inappropriate Conduct It is the intent of the school to provide an educational environment free from all forms of improper threats, intimidation, hostility and offensive and inappropriate behavior. Such improper conduct may take the form of unwanted verbal or physical conduct, verbal or written derogatory or discriminatory statements, and behavior not otherwise conducive to the educational and religious mission of the school. Unacceptable conduct – either by a student or a parent/guardian – includes, but is not limited to the following:
Disrespectful behavior of any kind toward or about any staff, student, volunteer or parent Insubordination Fighting Bomb scares or triggering other false alarms Cheating or plagiarism Use or possession of drugs or alcohol Smoking Stealing Intimidation, harassment or threats of any kind Possession of any weapon PARTY INVITATION
Invitations for parties may be distributed at school only if every classmate is invited, or if a party for only girls, all the girls; or a party for only boys, all the boys. The child must give the invitations to his/her classroom teacher to ensure that each child is receiving an invitation. The child cannot distribute invitations without the permission of the classroom teacher. TELEPHONE USE The telephone in the school office is for business only. A student may use the phone only in the case of an emergency with permission of the office staff. Permission will not be given to a student to call home for forgotten supplies or to communicate social plans. Please do not request that a child phone home during or after school for any reasons. If a child is detained at school for any reason without prior notification, permission will be granted to use the phone. Urgent messages for students will be relayed to them from the School office. During
class time, neither student nor teacher may be called to the phone. Messages can be given to the school office when necessary, and they will be given to the appropriate teacher. VOLUNTEERS The assistance of parent volunteers is greatly appreciated and encouraged. We recognize the invaluable assistance given by our students’ families, which helps in building a strong learning community. Criminal Record check and Child Abuse clearances must be on record with school office in order to volunteer in the school building or on field trips. ALL VOLUNTEERS MUST ATTEND THE PROTECTION OF GOD’S CHILDREN TRAINING PRIOR TO WORKING WITH THE CHILDREN.