3 minute read

Role Description

09. Role Description


Trustees normally serve a minimum term of three years, which can be renewed for a second threeyear term. The maximum is a total of two terms (six years).


This is a voluntary role without remuneration however reasonable expenses will be covered, for example, travel expenses required to attend meetings.


Depaul UK is a national organisation with office hubs in London, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield. The CEO, the Executive Directors and the majority of the support functions are based in London. Board and Committee meetings are usually held in London, via video conference if needed.

Time Commitment

As well as the quarterly Board meetings, a strategy day (usually in September). Trustees are expected to visit Depaul UK’s projects and attend events in support of Depaul UK. The Board Committees are chaired by Trustees and the Treasurer is expected to chair and attend the Finance, Audit and Compliance Committee. The expected time commitment is one day per month but this can vary depending on issues and activities.


A thorough induction process is in place for new Trustees. There will be both formal and informal training available to Trustees which will include on-going training ensuring board members are up to date on good governance.


Trustees play a critical role in the organisation. They set strategy and review progress, providing support, challenge and expertise to the Chief Executive and Executive Directors. Trustees play an essential role in seeking to maximise Depaul UK’s positive impact. Trustees also have ultimate responsibility for the compliance with all legal, financial, reporting and other requirements, as well as ensuring that the organisation acts in line with its charitable objectives and is financially stable. The Trustee Board work as a team, applying good judgement and taking collective responsibility. In addition, the Trustees will give special consideration to Depaul UK’s responsibilities as a subsidiary to its parent company (Depaul International) and to its own subsidiary (Depaul Housing Services).

Trustees’ Legal Duties

To ensure that Depaul UK complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.

To support the Board in ensuring that the organisation pursues its objects and ensures that it uses its resources in pursuance only of those objects being:

• The prevention and relief of poverty, homelessness and financial hardship

• The advancement of education

• Such other exclusively charitable objects or exclusively charitable purposes as the

Trustees may from time to time decide can usefully be pursued for the public benefit, nationally and internationally and by such exclusively charitable means as the Trustees may determine (the “Objects”)

To ensure that the charity’s resources are managed to:

• Safeguard the reputation and manage all risks associated with Depaul UK’s work

• Provide for the effective and efficient administration of Depaul UK

• Provide financial sustainability for Depaul UK, maintaining an appropriate financial reserve in line with the agreed policy

• Provide compliance with the Fundraising

Regulator’s standards

• Adhere to the Depaul Group Agreement (the memorandum governing the relationship between Depaul UK, Depaul International and other Depaul subsidiary charities)

• Protect and manage the property of the charity and to ensure the proper investment of the charity’s funds

Principal Responsibilities

Trustees will provide the strategic leadership for Depaul UK by:

• Providing entrepreneurial leadership to Depaul


• Working with the Chief Executive to set the strategic aims and objectives

• Maintaining a strategic role

• Constantly keeping the needs of beneficiaries as paramount

• Making decisions in step with Depaul UK’s

Vincentian values

Specific Treasurer responsibilities:

• Chair and attend the Finance, Audit and

Compliance Committee

• Liaise with relevant staff and Board members to ensure the financial viability of the organisation

• Regularly support the reporting of the financial position at Board meetings

• Oversee the production of regular forecasts, an annual budget and a long-term financial plan

• Oversee the production of annual statutory accounts and review with the auditors

• Provide advice to the Chair on sign-off of annual report and accounts

• Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures and controls are in place

• Appraise the financial viability of projects, plans, proposals and other initiatives which may have a financial or corporate structure implication as needed

• Ensure that effective Risk Management practices are embedded

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