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Chair and Treasurer Appointment Brief April 2017

Welcome Thank you for your interest in joining Become as our

and social media content, and by influencing policy and

new Chair or Treasurer.

practice. We provide advice, guidance, support, and find

We want to improve the day-to-day experience of children in care now, as well as their future lives. Our vision is that children who spend time in care have equal chances to lead a happy and fulfilling life to those

ways to unlock their potential and talent. We are proud of the difference we have made to individual lives and the care system as a whole and also recognise there is still much to be done.

who are raised with their birth families. We support

We are looking for individuals that share our ambition and

individuals to become who they want to be. Â

have the skills and ability to contribute to our organisation

Founded in 1992, we are the leading charity in England

and the lives of the children and young people.

working solely on behalf of children in care and young

Please find further information about us, our

care leavers.

work, organisation and specific role profiles in this

We have progressed significantly in the past few years,

appointment brief.

consolidating our influential position as the voice

We are a charity that is capable of changing lives and

of children in care and young care leavers, as well as

helping to change the future. If you are interested in

establishing our national advice line and refining our

joining us in either of these key roles, we would be

service offer in London where we are now able to offer

delighted to hear from you.Â

intensive one-to-one work with young people. We support, inform and empower children in care and young care leavers through our life coaching and support programme, our projects, publications, online


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

Yours faithfully, Helen Brown, Senior Independent Trustee and Natasha Finlayson, Chief Executive

Appointment Brief


About Our vision

Our mission

Our vision is that children who spend time in care have

We provide help, support and advice to young people

equal chances to lead a happy and fulfilling life to those

in care and young care leavers so that they can unleash

who are raised in their birth families.

their potential and take control of their lives. We help make the care system work better by ensuring that young people’s voices and perspectives shape policy and service provision.


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

Our values

Our beliefs

We are fearless - we speak up for children in care and

We believe in the potential of children and young

young care leavers and put their needs above ours.

people who spend time in care. With the right support

We are compassionate - we care about the young people we support and we help the care system to be more like a loving parent. We are determined - we work to the best of our ability to bring about change for individual young people we work with and for the care system.

and people who believe in them, we believe that the lives of children and young people who have experienced extreme adversity (such as abuse and neglect) in childhood can be turned around. We also believe that it is our duty to use the knowledge gained from our direct work to campaign for better policy and to champion the rights of all children in care and young care leavers.

Appointment Brief


Our History Become, formerly called The Who Cares? Trust, has a

have been involved with lobbying parliament, producing

proud history of speaking up on the issues that matter

a film about care, organising a photography exhibition

to children in care and young care leavers. We have

and developing online materials.

done this by listening to them, studying research and relaying messages to people in a position to help bring about change. We have also done it by empowering young people to speak for themselves, and we recognise the power of people sharing both their own lived experience and representing the collective views of young people from care. The charity is pre-dated by Who Cares? Magazine, which we still publish today (along with the later addition of

In 2015 we launched Propel, a website setting out UK universities’ pastoral and financial provision for care leavers, as well as inspirational stories from careexperienced students who have successfully made the transition from care to higher education. More recently we opened our Care Advice Line, providing advice and information for children in care and young care leavers via phone and online.

Who Cares? Junior). Working with parliamentarians,

We have always worked very closely with the

we established the All Party Parliamentary Group for

Department for Education and with organisations

Looked After Children and Care Leavers and we still

concerned with the welfare of children in care, such as

provide the secretariat for it today.

the Office of the Children’s Commissioner and Ofsted.

In the 1990s we ran a ground breaking employability programme aimed at increasing awareness of the disadvantage faced by young people leaving care

We are very active members of coalitions such as the Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers and Five Nations, One Voice.

when seeking access to further education, training

This Spring we launched a ground-breaking new service

and employment.

for care-experienced young people aged 16 - 25; The

We have run campaigns to de-stigmatise the system and educate the public about the reality of care. Care leavers are central to this and, with our support, they


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

Become Coaching Programme, which aims to achieve profound, positive and sustainable improvement in young people’s wellbeing and give them the tools to shape their future with optimism and resilience.

93,417 3 in 4

children in care live with foster carers


Around young people leave care to move into independence or semi-independence aged 16, 17 or 18 each year


the number of children in care in the UK in 2016

1 in 3

children in care have three or more placements in a year Over a third of children come into the care system

aged 4 or under

the number of children in care in England in 2016

Appointment Brief


Our Structure and Funding The Board of Trustees holds the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team to account. Responsibility for the day-to-day running of the charity and delivery of activities is delegated to the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team. As a national charity, Become has a diversified income ranging from donations from individuals, corporates and community groups, to income from challenge events and grant making trusts. We also receive income from sales to local authorities of our magazines for children in care and a small amount of income from consultancy and training. We have a good balance of restricted and unrestricted funds. Our income diversification is a strength as it ensures that the charity is not overly reliant on one source of income, but sustaining income across these areas while also exploring potential new markets and sources of funding creates challenges, particularly since much of the funding is short term. Become operates from modern, economical, selfcontained offices in central London with several years to run on its lease.


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

Our Impact in 2016

552 callers helped on the Care Advice Line

Young people from 35 local authorities across the UK attended the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Looked After Children and Care Leavers



of care leavers we worked with strongly

young people were helped and

agreed or agreed that they’d learnt life

supported to take control of their lives

skills they’ll use in the future

through our direct work with them

26,598 copies of WhoCares? and WhoCares? Junior magazines reached ¼ of children in care of reading age

Appointment Brief


Governance Governance


The organisation is a charitable company limited by

• Finance & Fundraising: meets quarterly prior to Board

guarantee, incorporated on 26 March 1992 and registered

meetings to inform, support and monitor key finance

as a charity on 22 April 1992. The company was established

and risk areas, and report to the Board on these areas.

under a memorandum of association which established the objects and powers of the charitable company and is governed under its articles of association.

Term and Time Commitment Board members are appointed for an initial three year

• Performance and Remuneration: meets quarterly to review deliverables for the Chief Executive and consider senior management recruitment and remuneration. • Policy and Practice: meets to discuss developments

term with the opportunity to extend for a further three

within our sector and the areas of work we should

year period, subject to consideration by the Board in

prioritise, as well as assessing the work we do.

particular circumstances. The minimum number of Trustees is 4 and the maximum number is 12. The Board meets quarterly at Become’s office in Angel,

• Communications: discuss (over the phone) ways to engage the public and our various stakeholders with our cause.

London. There are three sub-committee meetings. The time commitment for the Chair is equivalent to 2 days

Board, Staff and Patron Profiles

per month and for the Treasurer is equivalent to 1-2

Biographical details of our Board, Staff and Patrons can be

days per month.

seen via our website:

These roles are unremunerated. Travel expenses as well as

other out of pocket expenses directly incurred as part of


official Trustee business will be reimbursed.

Board Dates Trustee Meetings at 3.30pm •

Tues 11th July 2017

Tues 19th Sept 2017

Tues 12th Dec 2017


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

Strategic Focus From April 1st 2016 to March 31st 2019 Become has three overarching strategic aims relating directly to its charitable mission: • To improve the emotional wellbeing of children in care and young care leavers, with a particular focus on self-worth, social capital and aspiration • To improve the educational outcomes of children in care and young care leavers in the UK and to narrow the gap between their educational attainment and those of their peers • To identify, highlight and seek to remedy injustices in the experiences of children in care and young care leavers, with a particular focus on their legal rights and entitlements

Appointment Brief


Chair Role Description OBJECTIVE

• Encourage positive change, and where appropriate address and resolve any conflicts within the Board

The Chair will hold the Board and Senior Management Team to account for Become’s mission and vision, providing inclusive leadership to the Board of Trustees, ensuring that each Trustee fulfils their duties and responsibilities for the effective governance of the charity. The Chair will also support, and, where appropriate, challenge the Chief Executive and ensure that the Board functions as a unit, and work closely with the entire Senior Management Team of Become to achieve agreed objectives. He or she will act as an ambassador and the public face of Become in partnership with the Chief Executive.

External relations


• Act as a confident, fluent ambassador for the cause, the charity and its work

• Appraise the performance of the Trustees and the Board on an annual basis • Ensure that the Board of Trustees is regularly refreshed and incorporates the right balance of skills, knowledge and experience needed to govern and lead Become effectively, and also reflects the wider population • Work within any agreed policies adopted by Become

• Maintain active relationships with key funders and stakeholders as appropriate and as agreed with the Chief Executive

Strategic leadership • Provide leadership to Become and its Board, ensuring that Become has maximum impact for its beneficiaries • Ensure that Trustees fulfil their duties and responsibilities for the effective governance of Become • Ensure that the Board operates within its charitable objectives, and provides a clear strategic direction for Become • Ensure that the Board is able to regularly review major risks and associated opportunities, and satisfy itself that systems are in place to take advantage of opportunities, and manage and mitigate the risks

• Act as a spokesperson for the organisation when appropriate

• Represent Become at external functions, meetings and events as agreed with the Chief Executive • Facilitate change and manage any potential conflict with external stakeholders Efficiency and effectiveness • Chair meetings of the Board of Trustees effectively and efficiently, bringing impartiality and objectivity to the decision making process

• Ensure that the Board fulfils its duties to ensure sound financial health of Become, with systems in place to ensure financial accountability

• Ensure that Trustees are fully engaged and that decisions are taken in the best, long-term interests of Become and that the Board takes collective ownership


• Work closely with the Chief Executive to give direction to Board policy-making and to ensure that meetings are well planned, meaningful and reflect the responsibilities of Trustees

• Ensure that the governance arrangements are working in the most effective way for Become • Develop the knowledge and capability of the Board of Trustees


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

• Monitor that decisions taken at meetings are implemented

Relationship with the Chief Executive and the wider management team

• Ability to commit time to conduct the role well, including travel and attending events (including out of office hours)

• Establish and build a strong, effective and constructive working relationship with the Chief Executive, ensuring she is held to account for achieving agreed strategic objectives


• Ensure regular contact with the Chief Executive and develop and maintain an open and supportive relationship within which each can speak openly about concerns, worries and challenges

• Significant charity governance experience either working with or as part of a Board of Trustees

• Liaise with the Chief Executive to maintain an overview of Become’s affairs, providing support as necessary

• Experience of operating at a senior strategic leadership level within an organisation

• Experience of external advocacy and working with stakeholders • Exposure to and understanding of charitable work with young people who have faced disadvantage and adversity (knowledge of the care system preferred, but not essential)

• Conduct an annual appraisal and remuneration review for the Chief Executive in consultation with the Performance and Remuneration sub-committee • Ensure that the Chief Executive has the opportunity for professional development and has appropriate external professional support

• Significant experience of chairing meetings and events

Knowledge and skills


• Broad knowledge and understanding of the beyond profit sector and current external issues affecting it

Personal qualities

• Strong leadership skills, ability to motivate staff and volunteers and bring people together

• Demonstrate a strong and visible passion and commitment to Become, our strategic objectives and cause

• Financial management expertise and a broad understanding of charity finance issues

• Personal credibility to provide leadership and cohere people around a shared mission

• Good knowledge of best practice and legislation relating to UK charity governance

• Ability to inspire potential donors and funders to support Become • Create strong inter-personal relationships at all levels and be comfortable in an ambassadorial role • Demonstrate tact and diplomacy, with the ability to listen and engage effectively • Strong networking capabilities that can be utilised for the benefit of the charity • Ability to develop and promote a collaborative team environment

Appointment Brief


Treasurer Description OBJECTIVE The Trustees acting together govern Become, safeguarding its assets and applying them as efficiently and effectively as possible to further Become’s objects as set out in its governing document. The Treasurer will oversee the financial matters of Become in line with good practice and in accordance with the governing document and legal requirements, and report to the Board of Trustees at regular intervals about the financial health of the organisation. The Treasurer will ensure that effective financial measures, controls and procedures are put in place, and are appropriate for Become. PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES • Oversight of budgets, accounts, financial statements and financial reports which are presented to the Board of Trustees after discussion with the Head of Finance

the charity’s annual accounts are compliant with the current Charities SORP and Financial Reporting Standards • Keeping the Board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities • Making a formal presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting and drawing attention to important points in a coherent and easily understandable way • Sitting on appraisal, recruitment and disciplinary panels as required General Trustee responsibilities • To understand and ensure the organisation complies with and acts within its powers, as laid out in the governing document • To ensure the organisation effectively applies its resources (financial and otherwise) to delivering its mission

• Being assured that the financial resources of the organisation meet its present and future needs and are within the charity’s objects

• To contribute actively to the Board of Trustees’ role in shaping strategic direction of the organisation, framing and reviewing policies

• Being instrumental in the development and implementation of appropriate financial policies eg reserves policy and investment policies

• To ensure the financial stability of the organisation and ensure the appropriate financial controls and policies are accessible and reviewed regularly

• Liaising with the Head of Finance on financial matters

• To protect and manage the assets of the organisation and to ensure appropriate investment of the organisation’s funds

• Ensuring that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place to safeguard the charity’s assets • Advising on the financial implications of the organisation’s strategic plans • Chairing the Finance and Fundraising sub-committee • Liaising with Become’s auditors where appropriate • Liaising with the Head of Finance to ensure that


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

• Ensure that the charity complies with the Companies Act 2006, the Charities Act 2011 and previous legislation and all legislation relevant to the charity’s work and activities and charity law • Account for and drive improvements in the organisation’s performance and review the Board’s

own performance periodically to build an effective, high-performing team culture • Ensure there is an effective process in place for monitoring and managing risk • Galvanise support for the mission within the wider community and own network, and act as an ambassador for the mission • Act in the best interests of Become and its members avoiding actual and potential conflicts of interest

• Demonstrate a consultative, collegiate, constructive and supportive style • Ability to represent the charity internally and externally

• A commitment to fairness and to promoting equality and diversity Knowledge and skills • Embody the values of Become and act at all times with honesty and integrity

• Devote the necessary time and effort to developing a good understanding of Become and its activities by reading papers and participating in subcommittees, working groups and others, as required PERSON SPECIFICATION To take up the critical role of Treasurer, you will need to be engaged and motivated in the work and mission of Become. Commitment, engagement and reliability are essential to fulfilling your responsibility as a Trustee.

• Commitment to the organisation and a willingness to devote the necessary time and effort • Preparedness to challenge, engage and contribute to the work of the Board in a positive manner • Excellent communication skills and the ability to listen sensitively to the views of others, gaining trust and respect from other Board Members and senior staff • Understanding of the principles of charity finance


• Ability to influence and negotiate through complex issues

• Hold a chartered accountancy qualification

• An understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of Trusteeship

Experience of strategic financial thinking and planning

• Ability to operate within a Board or similar senior environment in a charitable, public sector or commercial organisation

• Demonstrate a healthy understanding of risk • To advocate for the organisation at the highest level

• Ability to build and sustain relationships with key stakeholders and colleagues to achieve organisational objectives

Appointment Brief



BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

How to Apply To apply, please apply via the Prospectus website with a copy of your CV together with a supporting statement (maximum two pages of A4). You should give the names, positions, organisations and telephone contact numbers of two referees, relevant to this role. References will only be taken once your express permission has been granted. Please let us know if you will require any special provision as a result of any disability should you be called for interview. Applications should be made via the Prospectus website: Chair: Treasurer:

Recruitment Timetable Closing date:

Thursday 18 May

Prospectus interviews:

w/c 29 May

Final panel interview:

w/c 19 June

Queries If you wish to have an informal discussion about the opportunity, have any queries on any aspect of the appointment process, or need additional information please contact our retained advisors Lottie Wihl or Borge Andreassen at Prospectus on 020 7691 1920, or e-mail or borge.andreassen@

Appointment Brief


Prospectus Ltd 020 7691 1925 Created by the Prospectus Talent Attraction team


BECOME. | Chair and Treasurer

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