The Prospectus - 4-6-16

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April 6, 2016 Volume 10, Number 12

Biannual student survey helps Parkland tackle substance use Peter Floess Staff Writer

awareness is important. She explained that too often this issue gets swept under the rug. “It is important to have specific sexual assault awareness month programming here at Parkland because our society has a tendency to not believe that sexual assault occurs in our community,” Sandler said. “Unfortunately, assault and abuse does occur in central Illinois, and if we make ourselves aware of how to support survivors we shift the conversation away from victim-blaming.” Sandler also explained that it is important to educate people as well as provide support for survivors of sexual abuse. “It is important to educate children and teens what consent is, and that it is necessary in every case,” Sandler said. “This education will hopefully create a situation where a perpetrator will be held accountable for their behavior instead of investigating a survivor.” Not only does RACES do a lot throughout the community to help combat abuse, it also works directly with Parkland College by doing things such as providing support for students and training for faculty, staff, and volunteers on Parkland’s campus. Dean of Students Marietta Turner explained Parkland

A drug and alcohol survey sent out to Parkland’s student body each semester is used to give the administration an idea of the level of and help them combat substance abuse in the community. The survey, created and maintained by the Core Institute at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, is used by numerous educational institutions country-wide. Sara Estock is the coordinator for Parkland’s Wellness Center, and is certificated in mental health and drug addiction rehabilitation. She is the contract person for the Core Institute’s survey at Parkland. “The Core survey is a private reporting system of drug and alcohol use and abuse in the ChampaignUrbana community,” Estock said. “Survey results are reported as an aggregate for Parkland, as well as in combination with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. It is done this way because many Parkland students may also be students at the U of I or will transfer.” “This allows Parkland to have a better grasp on the behaviors of the surrounding community which aids in the formation of the substance abuse prevention plan,” she said. Estock says the previous Core surveys have helped to combat the availability of alcohol—mainly at parties—to underaged students from Parkland and the university. “It is often said that the most dangerous place to drink alcohol is at your home or a house party, Estock said. “This is



Photo by Scott Wells | The Prospectus The Parkland Cobra Softball team runs around the field during warm-up before their game against Danville on March 20, 2016. The Cobras split on the day, winning the first game and dropping the second.

Parkland hosts RACES fundraiser to raise sexual assault awareness Scott Barnes Staff Writer

Local nonprofit Rape Advocacy, Counseling, and Education Services will have a space in the Parkland U-wing lounge on April 26 for students to showcase their creativity and raise awareness of sexual assault. Students will be able to buy $5 bracelets with empowering messages, pay $10 to decorate consent T-shirts, or write messages on a public art installation. Chaya Sandler is the activities program manager at Parkland. She explained that Parkland is working with various organizations from the community to raise awareness regarding sexual assault. “Parkland is partnering with community partners like the Women’s Resource Center at UIUC and RACES to create programming that raises awareness of some of the signs concerning sexual assault, the occurrence in our community, and what affirmative consent means,” Sandler said. The sexual assault awareness month committee and the dean of students’ office partnered with RACES to host the event. April is sexual assault awareness month, and the RACES event is a staple of Parkland’s line-up for the month. The funds from the event will all be donated to the

organization, according to Sandler. It doubles as an important fundraiser for RACES. The organization has been struggling as of late due to the recent state budget crisis. Amy Williams, marketing and outreach coordinator for RACES, explained the state of Illinois was unable to provide the usual funding to various social service agencies and that has had a significant impact on the organization. “We have a few vacant staff positions that are frozen and will not be filled until after we receive funding,” Williams said. “The remaining staff have taken an 80 percent salary cut. Our office hours have been shortened, so the office is now closed on Fridays.” She explained how the services provided by RACES benefit the community it serves and why it is important to keep the doors open. “RACES stands with survivors through every step in their healing process,” Williams said. “No survivor should have to go through the healing process alone. RACES is the only organization in this area that provides rape crisis services.” “Providing these services takes a substantial amount of training; even our volunteers receive a 40-hour training before they can answer hotline calls,” she said. “Because rape crisis services require

so much training, it’s difficult for other agencies to take over these services if RACES were not here to offer them.” RACES also takes a proactive approach to sexual abuse by educating the public and raising awareness, which Williams holds is important. ”Sexual abuse is an unfortunately common event,” she said. “We need to raise awareness so survivors know they are not alone and there are services available to help them. Sexual Assault Awareness Month is also a time for us to educate about the importance of consent.” Sandler agrees that raising

Before Stephen Hillenburg created SpongeBob SquarePants, he taught marine biology. Answer on page 2

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