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STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
as undergraduates in Texas public colleges and universities. This assessment may also be required before a student enrolls in a dual credit course offered through the district. Achieving certain benchmark scores on this assessment may also waive certain end-of-course assessment requirements in limited circumstances.
STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) Grades 3–8
In addition to routine tests and other measures of achievement, students at certain grade levels are required to take the state assessment, called STAAR, in the following subjects: • Mathematics, annually in grades 3–8 • Reading, annually in grades 3–8 • Science in grades 5 and 8 • Social Studies in grade 8 State law requires successful performance on the reading and math assessments in grades 5 and 8 for a student to be promoted to the next grade level. A student may be exempt from this requirement if: • The student is enrolled in a reading or math course intended for students above the student’s current grade level; or • The student is enrolled in a special education program and the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee concludes the student has made sufficient progress in his or her individualized education plan (IEP). [See Promotion and Retention.] STAAR Alternate 2 is available for eligible students receiving special education services who meet certain state-established criteria as determined by the student’s ARD committee. STAAR Spanish is available for eligible students for whom a Spanish version of STAAR is the most appropriate measure of their academic progress.
High School Courses End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments
STAAR end-of-course (EOC) assessments are administered for the following courses: • Algebra I • English I and English II • Biology • U.S. History Satisfactory performance on the applicable assessments is required for graduation, unless waived or substituted as allowed by state law and rules. There are three testing windows during the year in which a student may take an EOC assessment. The windows occur in the fall, spring, and summer months. If a student does not meet satisfactory performance, the student will have opportunities to retake the assessment. STAAR Alternate 2 is available for eligible students receiving special education services who meet certain criteria established by the state as determined by the student’s ARD committee.