Prosper ISD High School Student Handbook •
U.S. History
Satisfactory performance on the applicable assessments is required for graduation, unless waived or substituted as allowed by state law and rules. There are three testing windows during the year in which a student may take an EOC assessment. The windows occur in the fall, spring, and summer months. If a student does not meet satisfactory performance, the student will have opportunities to retake the assessment. STAAR Alternate 2 is available for eligible students receiving special education services who meet certain criteria established by the state as determined by the student’s ARD committee. An admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee for a student receiving special education services will determine whether successful performance on the EOC assessments will be required for graduation within the parameters identified in state rules and the student’s personal graduation plan (PGP). [See Graduation.]
Students in Foster Care (All Grade Levels) In an effort to provide educational stability, the district will provide enrollment and registration assistance, as well as other educational services throughout the student’s enrollment, to any student who is currently placed or newly placed in foster care (temporary or permanent custody of the state, sometimes referred to as substitute care). If you have questions, please contact PISD administration form more information or with any questions. [See A Student in the Conservatorship of the State (Foster Care).]
Students Who are Homeless (All Grade Levels) A parent is encouraged to inform the district if his or her child is experiencing homelessness. District staff can share resources that may be able to assist families. District staff can share resources that may be able to assist families. For more information on services for students who are homeless, contact the district’s homeless education liaison: [See A Student Who is Homeless]
Student Speakers (All Grade Levels) The district provides students the opportunity to speak at several school events. If a student meets the eligibility criteria and wishes to introduce one of the school events listed above, the student should submit his or her name in accordance with policy FNA(LOCAL). [See Graduation for information related to student speakers at graduation ceremonies and policy FNA(LOCAL) regarding other speaking opportunities.]
Summer School (All Grade Levels) Summer School is offered for $200 per student for many core and elective classes for high school students. Contact the high school office for questions.
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