2022-2023 Prosper ISD Middle School Student Handbook

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PISD Middle School Student Handbook If careful observation indicates that a student has head lice, the school nurse will contact the student’s parent to inform them of the student’s need for appropriate treatment. The parent will be provided with information regarding head lice, including treatment options recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and recommended actions to take in the home to prevent reinfestation. After the student has undergone treatment, the parent should check in with the school nurse to discuss the treatment used and any additional treatments or recommendations needed to effectively address the situation. The district will provide notice to parents of elementary school students in an affected classroom without identifying the student with lice. Prevention and early detection are critical and here are some simple tips to follow: 

Inspect your child’s hair and scalp frequently. You can use a metal lice comb to help screen for lice once a week. Because head lice multiply quickly, the sooner nits and head lice are detected, the easier it will be to treat and eliminate them.

Teach your child never to share hairbrushes, combs, hats, helmets, coats or other personal items. At home and at school, avoid piling children’s coats and hats on top of each other.

Have your child take his/her own pillow to a sleepover party, and wash the pillowcase afterward.

Notify the school nurse if you find lice/nits on your child.

More information on head lice can be obtained from the DSHS website Managing Head Lice in School Settings and at Home. [See policy FFAA for more information.] Medicine at School (All Grade Levels) Medication that must be administered to a student during school hours must be provided by the student’s parent. All medication, whether prescription or nonprescription, must be kept in the nurse’s office and administered by the nurse or another authorized district employee. A student may be authorized to possess his or her own medication because of asthma or a severe allergy as described below or as otherwise allowed by law. District employees will not give a student prescription medication, nonprescription medication, herbal substances, anabolic steroids, or dietary supplements, except that authorized employees, in accordance with policy FFAC, may administer: 

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Prescription medication, non-expired, in the original, properly labeled container, provided by the parent, along with a written request. (The pharmacy label must include the student’s name, prescribing physician, name of the medication, prescribed dosage, and administration times- all of which must match the information provided by the parent on the written request form.) Prescription medication from a properly labeled unit dosage container filled by a registered nurse or another qualified district employee from the original, properly labeled container. Epinephrine auto-injector provided by the district and administered by authorized and trained individuals at any time a person is reasonably believed to be experiencing anaphylaxis on a school campus. 54

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