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English Language Arts: Electives
English Language Arts: Electives
Debate I
Grade 9-12, 1 credit, Honors weighted GPA Students will learn the basics of Lincoln Douglas, Congress, Cross Examination, and Public Forum debates. Students will be introduced to major theories of philosophy and the fundamentals of government policymaking. Students involved in the class will be required to work all Prosper UIL and TFA Academic and Speech/Debate tournaments and attend and compete in multiple tournaments at other locations throughout the year (number required will be established by the Director of Forensics). Advanced research and writing are part of the course which will greatly benefit students in high school, college, and beyond. Prerequisite: None
Debate II
Grade 10-12, 1 credit, Honors weighted GPA This class is an intensive study and participation in the art of speech and debate. Students involved in the class will be required to work all Prosper UIL and TFA Academic and Speech/Debate tournaments and to attend and compete in multiple tournaments at other locations throughout the year. Advanced research and writing are part of the course which will greatly benefit students in high school, college, and beyond. Prerequisite: Debate I
Debate III
Grade 11-12, 1 credit, Honors weighted GPA This class is an intensive study and participation in the art of speech and debate. Students involved in the class will be required to work all Prosper UIL and TFA Academic and Speech/Debate tournaments and attend and compete in multiple tournaments at other locations throughout the year. Advanced research and writing are part of the course which will greatly benefit students in high school, college, and beyond. Prerequisite: Debate II
Debate IV
Grade 11-12, 1 credit, Honors weighted GPA This class is an intensive study and participation in the art of speech and debate. Students involved in the class will be required to work all Prosper UIL and TFA Academic and Speech/Debate tournaments and attend and compete in multiple tournaments at other locations throughout the year. Advanced research and writing are part of the course which will greatly benefit students in high school, college, and beyond. Prerequisite: Debate III
Grade 12, 1 credit, On-Level weighted GPA This course has been developed in conjunction with Collin College to prepare students for college level English. Successful completion of this course waives the requirement to take the TSI placement test (entrance exam) at Collin College. This class can count as English IV under the Foundation Plan or Distinguished Level of Achievement Plan. Prerequisite: None
Creative Writing
Grade 11-12, 1 credit, On-Level weighted GPA This course, which serves as an elective, is a rigorous composition course where students hone their writing skills in a variety of forms and genres through a writing workshop environment. The course has two sections with each section lasting one semester: creative writing and publication. The creative writing semester emphasizes the use of the writing process and the effective application of the conventions of language along with self- and peer-evaluation and goal-setting. The publication semester works with students on the business of writing- how to find your audience, the rewrite process, and the process of publishing a work. The students will create and publish a school literary journal each semester to showcase their learning in addition to submitting works to various contests and magazines. This course may also fulfill the English IV requirement. Prerequisite: None