PISD Annual Report 2015

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Annual Report 2015

Prosper Independent School District

e l g a E de i r P




History of Prosper ISD.................................................... 8 Campus Leadership.......................................................13 Facts & Finances............................................................19 Academic Excellence.....................................................23 Dedicated Staff..............................................................33 Well-Rounded Students................................................41 Building Endurance.......................................................48 Involved Community......................................................52 Supporting the Mission................................................54 Connect with Us.............................................................58

Our growing district is facing many challenges, but these are the reasons the hard days are worth it. ~ Dr. Drew Watkins

The year 2015 has been an exciting year for Prosper ISD. Our district enrollment reached over 8,400 students with no end of the growth in sight. We opened a new school (Light Farms Elementary) and began construction on two additional elementary schools scheduled to open in August 2016. This growth in the student population has resulted in employing a dedicated staff of nearly 1,000 employees to best serve our students. PISD continues to be a beacon of excellence throughout the state of Texas in all areas. The unparalleled parental involvement and community support is the envy of other districts. Admittedly, we have many challenges ahead with a projected growth of about 10,000 ADDITIONAL students over the next five years bringing the total district enrollment to approximately 18,500 students. These projections do not concern me because of the unwavering commitment of our school board to continue to hire the best people to serve the amazing kids of this great district. We have much to be proud of throughout Prosper ISD, but I believe that our greatest days are still ahead of us. I look forward to continuing to serve this great community. We are Prosper!! Sincerely,

Drew Watkins, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools


School Board

Prosper Independent School District

In times of fast growth and many changes it is important to have a school board that is supportive and focuses on doing what is best for students, staff, and parents of Prosper ISD. This exemplifies our school board and what they do on an ongoing basis to ensure that Prosper ISD is, and continues to be, an amazing school district. pictured above: (L-R) Debra Smith, Mary Lou Smith, President - Daniel Jones, Mays Davenport, Secretary - Mark McGuire, Vice President - Jim Bridges, Superintendent - Dr. Drew Watkins, Michelle McBride 4

Mission The Mission of Prosper Independent School District is to develop and graduate motivated, academically prepared individuals with the strength of character to make contributions to a rapidly changing society through an educational system that maintains high expectations, provides quality instruction, and establishes a safe, orderly, learning environment in the community that lives its name.


Holly Ferguson

Dr. Michael Goddard

Executive Director of Curriculum & Learning Services

Assistant Superintendent

Bernadette Gerace

Rusty Craig

Director of Human Resources

Director of Business Management

District Leadership Jim Hysaw

Dr. Blair Hickey

Chief Technology Officer

Director of Special Education & Student Programs

Janet Anders

Director of Advanced Academics 6

Melissa Gassman

Director of Dual Language, LOTE & ESL Programs

Scott Cox

Brett Hankey

Director of Technology Support Services

Director of Career & Technical Education

Dr. Karen Kidd

Danny Roberts

Director of Program Evaluation & Information Services

Director of Maintenance & Operations

District Leadership Chief Chad Vessels

Chris Ross

Prosper ISD Police Chief

Director of Athletics

Jody Woolverton

Director of Transportation & Security Services

Ted Ziolkowski

Director of Technology Network Services 7

Where it all started... 1935

Prosper School

Prosper School


4 Classrooms 3 Teachers 100 Students Located between 3rd & Broadway and East of Church Street. This building was sold in 1910, moved downtown and served as a hotel. 8


9 Classrooms 5 Teachers Housed 1st - 10th Grades This school was built at the same location as School No. 1 once it was moved. School No. 2 caught on fire and was replaced in 1923.

Prosper School


9 Classrooms 5 Teachers Housed 1st - 11th Grades This school was built at the same location as School No. 1 & 2 after School No. 2 caught on fire.

This picture shows the Prosper ISD Campus located between 3rd & Broadway and East of Church Street with School No. 3 and various other buildings that were moved here as small local area schools [Richland, Rockhill, Franklin, Hutcherson (White Elephant), Walnut Grove, Pleasant Ridge (Possum Trot), Rheas Mill, and Bloomdale] consolidated with Prosper ISD. This consolidation began around 1935. The 12th Grade was added. The mascot changed from the Deer to the Eagle.


As we focus on the present accomplishments and look to the future to all of the exciting adventures that lie ahead for Prosper Independent School District, it is important to reflect on our past and where it all started.

Prosper School


6 Elementary Classrooms 9 Junior/Senior Classrooms 237 Students 14 Teachers Housed 1st - 12th Grades This school was built at a new location at the end of 7th Street. 18 Teachers 340 Students


Prosper Elementary


Housed Pre K - 4th Grades This school was originally named Prosper Elementary and in 2004 it was renamed Judy Rucker Elementary in honor of Judy Rucker who served as the principal until 1998.

Prosper High School


In 2010 this school was converted to Reynolds Middle School and housed 7th & 8th grades.


Present... Rucker Elementary


45 Classrooms 723 Students Houses K-4th Grades 10



46 Classrooms 661 Students Houses K-4th Grades

37 Classrooms 732 Students Houses K-4th Grades

Baker Elementary

Folsom Elementary

Cockrell Elementary 45 Classrooms 635 Students Houses K-4th Grades


Light Farms Elementary


45 Classrooms 841 Students Houses PreK-4th Grades

Reynolds Middle



57 Classrooms 1,305 Students Houses 7th-8th Grades This school was opened originally as Prosper High School, but was converted to Reynolds Middle School in 2010.

Rogers Middle


58 Classrooms 1,392 Students Houses 5th-6th Grades


This school was originally built in 1963, but a portion of it was renovated in 2014 to become the District’s Alternative Education Placement School.

Prosper High


128 Classrooms 2,120 Students Houses 9th-12th Grades 11

Future... 57.75 sq. miles PISD encompasses

Windsong Elementary


Opening during the 20162017 School Year. 12

Prestwyck Development Elementary


Opening during the 20162017 School Year.

More to Come


As we continue to grow so will the need for additional schools. At this time, PISD is expecting approximately 45,000-50,000 students, which would be housed in 20-25 elementary schools, 11-14 middle schools, and 6-8 high schools (maintaining the 5A model).


Garry Gorman Principal

TIffany Johns

Assistant Principal

“Rise to Shine!” As Baker students, staff, parents, and a community, if we want to do our BEST each and every day, we first must “Rise” to the occasion so we can SHINE brighter than ever!

Baker Elementary

Glenda Dophied Principal

Jamey Briscoe

Assistant Principal

“Superheroes on a Mission: Start Strong, Finish Stronger.” We aim to not only start the year with high expectations, but to end the year exceeding those expectations. Superheroes never doubt their abilities to save the world. Our Cockrell Champions are on a mission to ensure every child gets a viable education, finishing stronger than when they started.

Cockrell Elementary 14

Laine Jones Principal

Shelly Spears

Assistant Principal

“Driven by Purpose.” We are all drivers of our own Energy Bus. Our purpose is defined by our one word. These are on display in the main hallway. Staff are reminded daily of their one word to define their purpose for this year or in life.

Folsom Elementary

Daphne Morris Principal

Adan Rammos

Assistant Principal

“SHINE!” We will go above and beyond for our classmates and community. We will excel in academics and seek new opportunities to extend our learning beyond the classroom setting. We will hold our head high with pride for a job well done. We will SHINE in all that we say and do.

Light Farms Elementary 15

Machelle Scogin Principal

Haley Stelly

Assistant Principal

“Empower the Super Hero Inside of You.” At Rucker Elementary, we believe that each child, when empowered, will be able to find within themselves a stronger, more powerful, smarter, and kinder person. We stress that Super Heroes come in all colors, sizes, and shapes and that everyone belongs at Rucker.

Rucker Elementary

Todd Shirley Principal

Ashley Gannon

Assistant Principal

Nicholas Jones Assistant Principal

Shanel Robinson

Dean of Instruction

“Community.” We want to create an environment where everyone feels like they belong to a community whether it is the school community, or the extracurricular community. We have made our school of almost 1,400 students into 14 smaller communities where parents, teachers, and students feel a sense of belonging.

Rogers Middle School 16

Greg Bradley Principal

Justin Goldsmith Assistant Principal

Cindy Zukowski

Assistant Principal

Danielle Wallace

Dean of Instruction

Our charge for students is to“Respect Yourself and Others” and to “Get in the Middle.” The idea being to get involved in something.

Reynolds Middle School

Greg Wright Principal

John Boehringer Assistant Principal

Rachell Grant

Assistant Principal

Gerald Parr

Assistant Principal

Shelia Winter

Assistant Principal

Kari Roan

Dean of Instruction

“We are Prosper. We are One.” Because we are one high school, we all support one another as one, we celebrate the successes of each other. It is our students, our successes, our school.

Prosper High School 17

Steve Goodman Principal

“Beginning.â€? Every day is a new beginning in the lives of our students. At the Prosper ISD Alternative Campus, we strive to convey to all students that they can have a new beginning that will result in a positive future. Many students see situations they are in as having a negative impact or being the end result for their decisions. In fact, it truly can be a new beginning for every student‌a beginning of being a better student, better son or daughter, better friend, better citizen, and a better person.


Windsong Elementary Elementary #7

Prestwyck Development Elementary #8

New for 2016-2017 18


Fast Facts ETHNICITY Native Hawaiian




American Indian

K 1st



African American


MATH Asian











th 2nd 3rd 4





Social Studies













Baker Elem


Cockrell Elem


Folsom Elem


Light Farms Elem

8,365 Top 10 Ranking for PISD 20


Rucker Elem

1392 Rogers MS


Reynolds MS

2120 Prosper HS

Financial Focus

Other Operating Contracted Costs Services 6.6% Supplies 2.1% Debt 3.5% Payment 1.2%

2015 - 2016 Financial Data Projections

Total Property Valuation


Operating Fund Local Funds State Fund Total

$ 44,100,000 $ 27,600,000 $ 71,700,000

Operating Fund Appropriations Salary & Benefits Other Expenses Total

$ 58,950,000 $ 12,650,000 $ 71,600,000


Chapter 41 .4% Capital Projects 3.9%

Budget by Object Payroll 82.3%

$1.97 $1.95

Instruction Related 10.1%

Prosper ISD Tax Rate History


Maintenance 13.0%




$1.67 $1.65


$1.67 $1.67


Instruction 66.4%




2002 2003

Budget by Function

Leadership 5.4% Administration 2.6% Other .6% Debt Service 1.4%

Construction .5% 2004


2006 2007










Bond Program Project

Estimated Date of Completion

*determined by growth and bonding capacity

Project Details

Projected District Enrollment

Support Services Facility and Transportation Center

Opened in 2008

Prosper ISD assumed its own transportation services including purchasing a fleet of propane powered, seat belt-equipped buses

New Prosper HS (9th -12th Grade)

Opened in 2009

Built with empty classroom wings inside to accommodate future growth (in process)

Cynthia Cockrell Elementary

Opened in 2012

Built with similar floor plan of Baker and Folsom


Transportation Facility Expansion

Opened in 2012

Built to add fueling stations & additional parking spaces for more buses


Light Farms Elementary #5

Opened in 2015

Windsong Elementary #6

To Open 2016


Elementary School #7

To Open 2016


Elementary School #8

To Open 2018


Middle School #3

To Open 2018


High School #2

To Open 2020

Will continue to follow 5A model

Extracurricular Stadium


Will serve all Prosper ISD high schools

HS Natatorium


Will serve Prosper HS

Instructional Support Center


Serving all Prosper ISD: Staff Development Center Central Administration Offices

Other Significant Items:


Serving all Prosper ISD: School Site Acquisition Technology Purchases Capital Improvements to Existing Facilities




































All Subjects















All Subjects





High School Students Involved in Extra-Curricular Activities

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE does not happen by chance, but by a group of educators working together to provide extraordinary experiences and opportunities to help students achieve their greatest potential.

Dual Language


Gifted & Talented

AP & Dual Credit 25


Prosper Career Independent Study

is a course designed for gifted and advanced Prosper ISD juniors and seniors. Students select careers or topics of study, and the teacher helps students narrow and focus the topic of study. Students conduct information interviews with professionals in the chosen field and then, carefully select a mentor with whom he/she will work for the remainder of the year (usually second semester).


My participation in the program has allowed me to discover so much about philosophy and academia. In the near future,

I look to explore existentialist phenomenology, dualisms in the Cartesian tradition, and epistemic modalities. ~ Aaron Guerrero, PCIS student




The elementary GT curriculum now includes many STEM based projects and learning opportunities. Students are involved in many activities including exploring engineering, learning to code, and programming robots while developing essential skills of critical thinking, communicating, creative problem solving, and logical thinking. Each elementary campus has a “Wonder Lab” time where all students who excel in a particular science or social studies area can go to explore and wonder more about their topic. This provides students the opportunity to “go deeper” with their learning and growth in GT be involved in hands-on, engaging students from opportunities outside of the regular May to November classroom.

16% 2015

*New for 2016 & 2017 Humanities l English l GT and Humanities ll World History AP GT are courses that provide gifted students with opportunities not available through regular or advanced classes. The courses combine Pre-AP English l We serve with AP World History in a two-year GT students, which is interdisciplinary spiral. The basic content approximately 9.5% is a historical study of the commonalities of the K-12 student of the fine arts, including literature, the population. 27 visual arts, architecture, and music.



Prosper ISD’s Dual Language Program offers students that are part of the program the opportunity to learn to speak, read, and write in two languages – English and Spanish.

I think it’s awesome that I can communicate with other

people in a different language. It makes me feel special.

~ Anna Barrows, Student Light Farms Elementary

New this year is the Dual Language Parent Focus Group. This group was formed for parents that wanted to be involved in the Dual Language Program and the direction it’s going.

“ 28

“Yo creo que es el mejor programa del mundo.” I think it’s the best program in the world.

~ Geraldine Ramos, Student Light Farms Elementary


Making the transition from high school to college can be one of the biggest challenges a student can face. Through a partnership with Collin College, Prosper ISD juniors and seniors can take Dual Credit courses, fulfilling both high school and college graduation requirements. Prosper ISD is committed to helping students earn enough college hours to have completed their freshman year of college by the time they graduate from Prosper High School. Courses Offered 2015

English Government Economics College Algebra Statistics US History Intro to Engineering IT Essentials Network + Security + Basic Computer-Aided Drafting

*New for 2016

Aviation EMT British Literature I & II


AP (Advanced Placement)

Prosper ISD proudly offers its students a wide array of Advanced Placement courses. Students enrolled in AP courses experience rigorous coursework in subjects they want to explore in more depth while ensuring they are competitive and successful in college. Courses Offered 2015 Human Geography World History US History US Government & Politics Macroeconomics Biology Chemistry Physics 1 Physics C Computer Science A Calculus AB Calculus BC Statistics

Psychology Spanish Language & Culture Spanish Literature & Culture French Language & Culture English Language & Composition English Literature & Composition Studio Art: 2-D Design Studio Art: 3-D Design Studio Art: Drawing Art History Music Theory

*New for 2016 Computer Science Principles



The curriculum department has been diligently working to give students the ability to demonstrate their knowledge of a unit through a means called Performance Tasks. These tasks will be taking place in each grade level in each subject area. These Performance Tasks are similar to projects that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of a unit through an unfamiliar situation. They are generally public in nature with audiences that range from the school board to City Council. Prosper ISD has begun to provide a venue for students to display their hard work on performance tasks through the Performance Task Showcase. The first Performance Task Showcase took place in November and focused on K-12 Mathematics. Future showcase events will include other subject areas as well.


The performance task showcase was a great opportunity for us to

highlight our amazing students, and show off the real-world


connections that our students are making with math! ~Zach DeVito, PHS Math Teacher



What an exciting time in PISD Special Education! Our staff strives to continually improve instructional practices in all areas by taking new ideas and running with them, learning all they can, and applying them to their work with our students. New Spring 2016 is a Special Education parent focus group. Stay tuned for more information!


Languages Other Than English In today’s global society, the value of studying and communicating in another language and gaining cultural awareness is fundamental. Courses Offered 2015

ASL (American Sign Language) Spanish* French*

*Offered at both PHS & Reynolds


TOP TEN 2015 Grayson Barrett

Matthew Couch


Olivia Alexander

Madeline Scarbrough

Jake Grawe

Sumvruta Iyengar

Robert Cheng

Peyton Johnson

Melanie Romney

Travis Sauber





28.0% 27.1%

6-10 Years



African American


11-20 Years Over 20 Years




1-5 Years










15: 1



549 667


2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 34


823 955


27.3% Masters

0.4% Doctorate


We are very proud of the dedicated staff that we have Professional here in Prosper ISD who work Learning Community together as a team and are willing to lend a helping hand to their fellow co-workers, Teachers of the Year students and others in the community. This teamwork and sense of community is one Star of the many reasons Prosper Polishers ISD is a 2-time winner of being listed in the Top 10 of the Top 100 places to work in DFW New Teachers by the Dallas Morning News.

This is my first year teaching and the support, talent and compassion

from the English Department has been extraordinary. They

strive to do their best every day for their students and it’s infectious. ~Shawna McCartney Day, PHS



Professional Learning Communities (PLC) support teacher and student learning. These communities employ best practices for teaching and learning to raise the bar and close the achievement gap by being intentional and focused about student progress that is aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

With a spotlight on instruction, the teachers can fine-tune interventions and enrichments that reach groups of students

in an impactful and substantial way. In addition, the pervasive idea in the building that these are “our” kiddos and not “my” kiddos truly takes the idea of community to fruition.


~ Danielle Wallace, Dean of Instruction Reynolds Middle School

DISTRICT TEACHERS OF THE YEAR Elementary Teacher of the Year

Mr. Jon Jamar is Baker Elementary’s teacher of the year. Mr. Jamar is a 4th grade English/Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. He has been teaching for 6 years, with 4 years here in Prosper. Garry Gorman, the principal at Baker Elementary, says that Mr. Jamar is a great teacher because of the relationships that he builds with his students and families. Students always look forward to his class every day, knowing that they will learn and be challenged in an environment that is respectful and encouraging. Mr. Jamar is a team player and is always willing to help others become successful.

Secondary Teacher of the Year

Mrs. Connie Miserak, choir teacher, is Prosper High School’s teacher of the year. Mrs. Miserak has taught for 14 years, with the past 5 years here in Prosper ISD. Greg Wright, the principal at Prosper High School, says that Mrs. Miserak has a heart for students both in and out of the classroom. She is an excellent choir director having taken the program to the top in a short amount of time, but she also mentors students showing them through word and deed that she cares as much about them as a person as she does about their choral ability. Her expectations are very high, but she creates such a positive, caring environment that both students and co-workers rise to meet her expectations and her positive attitude.


STAR POLISHER AWARD PEF Star Polisher of the Month Award

Our very supportive Prosper Education Foundation (PEF) takes the opportunity to acknowledge each month all of the hard work our staff members put in each and every day by awarding a Star Polisher of the Month at each campus. This staff member is one that goes above and beyond the call of duty for their students and campus.


Being the Star Polisher of the month reminded me that I work for a school and district that notices

the dedicated work of students and their teachers.


~Artuo Gomez, Light Farms Elementary



Prosper ISD is blessed with phenomenal professionals (teachers, counselors, nurses, librarians, administrators, etc.) committed to the service of the students of our growing community, but it is important to recognize the unsung heroes of PISD...the paraprofessionals. Simply stated, our district CANNOT function at any level, much less an exceptional level, without this dedicated group of employees. You might ask, “Who are the paraprofessionals?� This group is made up of secretaries, receptionists, assistants, instructional aides, custodians, bus drivers, food service workers, police officers and the list goes on! These folks answer your calls, fulfill your requests, address your questions, keep our buildings clean and our grounds immaculate, safely get your kids from point A to point B, feed your children, assist in the classrooms, and secure our schools. In other words, these are the people who actually run the district so that the professionals can focus on teaching and learning. We are truly fortunate to have such an amazing group of employees that care so much. ~ Dr. Drew Watkins, Superintendent of Schools 39


We are incredibly proud of the growth and development that our new-to-teaching teachers experience in their first year. It is a collective effort among campus and district administrators to provide them with the right support and mentorship throughout the school year. Part of this support includes a new-to-teaching training that takes place throughout the year to help answer questions and provide guidance to support the new teachers and to help them have a successful first year of teaching and to set the foundation for the years to come.

I feel extremely grateful that I was able to get a job in

PISD because I feel that they understand all the different feelings that a new teacher experiences. I also appreciate the

new teacher program in PISD. With this program, I am able to talk to others that are also new to the profession about what has worked and what hasn’t worked in their classrooms. 40

~ Kelley Hans, 2nd Grade Teacher Light Farms Elementary


Fine Arts Theatre - Rogers

• The Theatre Production Classes and the program are growing. We have over 500 kids in Theatre this year, in 5th and 6th grade! • New this year is Tech Theatre for 6th grade. • Last Spring an all school play was performed called the Fairy Tale Courtroom.

Choir - Rogers • This year the Rogers Choir has been invited to perform at the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Convention in San Antonio, Texas. This is the highest honor a performing group in the state of Texas can achieve and Rogers is one of only two choirs out of the whole state who were selected in their category. Their performance will be the first time Prosper ISD has been represented by a performing group at the annual TMEA Convention which hosts over 25,000 professional musicians each year. • This year the Rogers Choirs have almost 200 students involved in six choirs during the day as well as a Show Choir and the North Texas Children’s Choir which meet after school. • Choirs earned Division I/Superior Ratings at both Sandy Lake FunFest and the NRH2O Music Fest Competitions.

Orchestra • New to Prosper ISD this year is our Orchestra program at both PHS and Reynolds. PHS offers two orchestra classes, which ultimately combine to form one mass Chamber Orchestra. Reynolds offers two classes, one beginning string class, and an Intermediate/Advanced combined class. With the anticipated growth in the district, next year Orchestra will be offered at Rogers, Reynolds and PHS. • At present, there are fifty-six violin, viola, cello, and string bass players enrolled in the orchestra program. 42

Band - Reynolds • The Band program at Reynolds Middle School grew by approximately 30% compared to last year. Because of this, Reynolds was able to offer a MS Jazz Band class this year. New in 2016: • Bandapalooza performance is coming up on January 30th at 6pm in the PHS Arena. This will be the one time all year long that all 700+ of our Prosper ISD Band students will be performing at the same time!

Band - PHS • Spring 2015 marked the first Indoor Winter Drumline in Prosper history. This group was comprised of members of the drumline and front ensemble from marching band. They prepared a stand-still (no marching) routine and competed in the North Texas Colorguard Association against other high schools in the region. The group placed 1st in their division. • In April of 2015 the PHS Wind Ensemble, competed at the Dallas Winds Invitational at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center. The Brass placed 1st overall, Percussion placed 2nd, and the band placed 4th overall. • This fall, the PHS Marching Band earned straight first division ratings at Region and advanced to the UIL Area Marching Contest for the first time as a 4A or 5A school. Competing against 28 other bands from the North Texas area, the band placed 9th in Finals, just four spots from advancing to State for the first time in school history!

Visual Arts - PHS • We had 81 artworks entered in the 2015 VASE competition with 59 students receiving gold medals at the Regional VASE competition. 2 of the 59 students went on to the state level competition. • 23 students passed the AP Art exam with 2 students receiving a 5. • Art club volunteers have given back to the community by packaging 44,000 meals for families in Honduras, visiting patients at Settlers Ridge nursing center and distributing 110 handmade Christmas cards, and assisting in painting instruction for a local women’s group.

Theatre - Reynolds • The number of Junior Thespians has tripled this year. • 3 groups have qualified for Nationals for the first time in Reynolds history. • There are over 50 students involved in Beauty and the Beast Jr. 43


The Library Media ITEMS CHECKED OUT THROUGH THE LIBRARIES Specialists and their Library Aides provide unparalleled service to all members of the PISD community. “Where are the good books?” “How do I login to my Google account?” “How do I access this database from home?” These are just a few of the diverse questions they answer every day. From helping younger learners find good fit books to assisting secondary students as they navigate our research databases, the Library Media Specialists support every member of our learning community with smiles on their faces!


Maker Spaces

Maker spaces are popping up in Prosper ISD libraries. Students are encouraged to visit their library and use maker space materials to create, collaborate, invent, and experiment. Examples of maker space tools include robots, paper crafts, coding apps...anything that encourages students to make and create!

Star Wars Reads Day

On October 9th, Rogers celebrated the 4th International Star Wars Reads Day, in recognition of the importance of narrative to the Star Wars saga and to our own culture. In the three days leading up to the 9th, students participated in a Star Wars Fan Fiction Writing Workshop.


STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math The first ever STEAM EXPO 2015 was a very successful event filled with hands-on experiments, displays from many talented Prosper students, and a photo scavenger hunt the whole family was able to participate in. A few highlights from the evening were unlocking the secret to solving the Rubics Cube, viewing the 2015 Science Fair Winners, participating in a food science experiment, and navigating a robot through a series of challenges. The fun didn’t stop there. Kids were able to shake, rattle, flip and learn…MATH with fun hands-on games. Many of our talented K-12 artists showcased their masterpieces in the art gallery on display that evening.



Career & Technical Education

The Business Internship Program offers students a chance to gain insight into the subjects that interest them before they actually commit to a path in college. It’s structured to require initiative and in turn, gain the skills businesses desire from graduates today. The program is meant to provide students with authentic learning opportunities that are realistic, interesting and relevant to the careers they intend to pursue.


Career & Technical Education

The fashion classes this year have expanded to include Fashion Marketing, Fashion Design, and Advanced Fashion Design. Students have been given the opportunity to work with community organizations and expand their networking skills through volunteering, focus groups, and job shadowing. Spring 2016 the fashion classes will be hosting a fashion show showcasing student made pieces as well as Prosper spirit wear. During the 2016-2017 school year, Practicum classes in Fashion Design will also be offered for students to have intern possibilities with local businesses in the area. 46


Career & Technical Education

The Forensic Science Program is an exciting hands-on course that teaches students real world skills used to solve crimes. It covers topics such as: crime scene investigations, courtroom procedures, laboratory analysis, morgue and other specialized forensic environments.


Career & Technical Education

In Animation and Advanced Animation, students learn how to model or create, different objects, characters, and scenes. Once a student has modeled everything, they apply materials, or coloring to the model. This gives the model a realistic appearance. After the students have everything modeled and materials applied, they begin to add animation (movement) and lighting. Depending on what they are trying to accomplish, students may add special effects that enhance the finished product. Special effects might include smoke or fire, diffused lights or even reflective lights. After the creation is finished, students convert the file to a QuickTime movie so that it can be viewed across various computer platforms.



Girls Basketball

Girls Soccer

• Record of 19 wins and 13 losses • 1st trip to the playoffs in 9 years • Team is off to a good start with 12 wins and 3 losses this season and is ranked #14 in class 5A.

Boys Basketball

• The Prosper Lady Eagle Soccer Team finished the season with a record of 13-6-1. • The Team qualified for playoffs for the 7th straight year. • Every player on the roster received an award from District 10-5A.

Boys Soccer

• Won the Prosper Invitational Showcase tournament with a perfect 3-0 record. • The boys defeated major rival McKinney High School for the first time in school history. • The boys placed third in district 10-5A and qualified for the playoffs for the fifth consecutive season.

• 10-5A Co-District Champions • North Texas Hoops Invitational Champions • 26 wins only 7 losses • 5 Academic All-State Players • 1 TABC All-Region Player

PHS Athletics 2015 Girls Wrestling

Track & Field

• Girls team District 10-5A Runner-up and Area 9-10 Runner-up • Girls had 2 individual state qualifiers. • Boys 1 state qualifier

The high school girls program finished 7th in the state in February of 2015.

Boys Wrestling We had 7 state qualifiers and 4 medalists in our high school programs.


• First playoff appearance in 5 years. • 8 District 10-5A All-District Award recipients and 15 District 10-5A Academic AllDistrict recipients, 2 All-Area award recipients, 2 All-State Honorable Mention award recipients and 4 Academic All-State award recipients.



Boys Cross Country

• 2015 State Champion • 35-3 record • Played in front of a state record crowd in Round Rock in the championship game of over 8000.

Swimming & Diving

State qualifier on boys’ side for the first time since 2010

Girls Cross Country

• District champions both boys and girls for 5th straight year. • Girls Regional champions • 4 1st place finishes at State with 3 new State Records.

• Girls team won 3rd straight district championship • Girls 3rd at regionals for 2nd consecutive year, state qualifiers • Girls UIL STATE 5A 3rd place Bronze Medalists

PHS Athletics 2015 Volleyball


• 2015 10-5A District Co-Champs • Ranked as high as 8th in the state over all classes (1A-6A) • Regional Quarter-finalists


Our varsity was fourth and qualified for the playoffs. While our team was picked to finish last, they qualified for the playoffs and had 16 players receive district honors including J.T. Graham the District defensive MVP. 50

• District champion, regional champion, and state qualifier Girls singles • 3rd place district champion mixed doubles team • 4th place district champion mixed doubles team


• 2016 will be their first UIL sanctioned competition. • At UCA Cheer Camp the team was awarded the top honor called the Traditions Award. • Along with the traditions award, all squads brought home first place in the Extreme Division.

State Champions 2015 “This was a very unique year because we really weren’t considered at the beginning of the year. It was some time before we got ranked in the state but once we did we held on to it. It is more fun to come out of nowhere to win it than it is being expected to win it. That made this a very rewarding year in my opinion.” ~Coach Carpenter



HOMECOMING PARADE The homecoming parade is a yearly tradition and one of the largest community events of the year that is enjoyed by staff, students, parents and community members alike. It is always enjoyable to see everyone come together to show their Eagle Spirit.

SENIOR CITIZEN LUNCHEON One of the highlights of the year is our Senior Citizen Luncheon. It is always fun to honor and celebrate our Prosper Senior Citizens with good food and festive music all prepared and performed by PHS students. Honoring those who came before us and serving others is a major component of the graduate profile.



MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS Maintenance and Operations takes great pride in their responsibility for new construction, energy management, environmental health and safety programs, service requests, maintenance, custodial services, playground safety maintenance, and grounds keeping.

PISD POLICE DEPARTMENT Our officers go the extra mile to build relationships with the people they come into contact with on a daily basis. The safety and well being of everyone who attends and or visits a campus within our district is our number one priority.


TECHNOLOGY Chromebooks

Chromebooks have transformed learning at Rogers Middle School by making students more connected, more engaged, and more creative. Teachers have transformed their classrooms into student centered learning environments where kids are excited to learn. Chromebooks allow teachers to develop a greater variety of lesson types and allow students a greater variety of methods to create products to display their learning.

Parent Cyber Safety Nights

Library Media and Instructional Technology Specialists have organized several Parent Cyber Safety Nights that will take place during the school year to educate parents on various topics that include social networking, managing their child’s online life, cyberbullying, cyber laws, digital and online privacy, and monitoring the content of their child’s computer, phone, and other devices.

Bridging the Gap

One of the challenges of any alternative campus is the alignment of instruction between the home campus and the alternative campus. Prosper ISD is one of the few districts across the state to utilize technology in a manner that minimizes the challenge of aligning. The Prosper ISD Alternative Campus utilizes Blackboard Collaborate to provide any student placed in the alternative setting direct access to the classroom at their home campus. Students are able to log into the system and access audio along with a visual model of what the teacher is displaying on their classroom Promethean Board. By utilizing this technology, Prosper ISD is able to bridge the gap between the home campus and the alternative campus.



For many of our transportation employees their job is not finished when the students get dropped off at school, they also lead out in service to our community and for our schools. Oftentimes, they spend time between their routes helping at school events such as Grandparents Day and the Senior Citizen Luncheon. Their dedication and example of service is a big part of our philosophy of “We Are One, We Are Prosper.�


Prosper ISD school counselors collaborate with staff members, teachers, parents, and members of the community to help our students REACH their potential. We offer support on our campuses to help our students become academically ready for their future; seek opportunities and challenges of learning; demonstrate well-rounded characteristics; value, honor, and respect others; and contribute to our community. In addition, our school counselors have worked with community mental health professionals and Prosper ISD Police Department to organize parenting nights each nine weeks to provide parents with resources and tools to help our students cope with the academic and social pressures and stresses they encounter. The school counselors are instrumental in assisting our new to PISD students and families to transition smoothly to their new schools by assisting in course selection, giving them tours of our schools, and organizing new student breakfasts and lunches. 57

Connect With Us Contact Us

Prosper ISD Administration Phone: 469-219-2000 Fax: 972-346-9247 www.prosper-isd.net

Website Prosper ISD maintains district and campus home pages with the latest information on programs, projects, and events. Visit us at: http://www.prosper-isd.net

Prosper ISD APP

Download the free Prosper ISD app today for access to campus news and calendars, Skyward, cafeteria menus, and much more! Available for both iOS and Android platforms.

Eagle Chat Eagle CHAT was established to share ideas, comments, compliments, concerns and answer questions that parents or members of the community have regarding various aspects of the district. Access Eagle Chat by going to the district website, click on Parents > Eagle Chat

Facebook Stay in touch with what is going on in the district through Facebook. www.facebook.com/ProsperISD

2 Minute Drill The 2 Minute Drill is a weekly video message from our Superintendent, Dr. Drew Watkins, that is updated each Wednesday to highlight events around Prosper ISD, address “hot topic� issues and current/ future challenges within the district.

Twitter Stay in touch with what is going on in the district through Twitter. https://twitter.com/ProsperISD

FAQ The FAQ (frequently asked questions) page on the district website is updated as necessary in an effort to keep our community well informed about all the happenings throughout the school district. Access FAQs by going to the district website, click on Community > FAQ.

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