Welcome p. 3 p. 4 p. 6 p. 7
Introduction Overview Dixie Madison Heart Of America Tour
The Research p. 8-11 Target Audience/Demographics p. 12-15 Target Audience Persona Profiles p. 16 Competitive Analysis p. 17 SWOT Analysis The Brand Development Media Mix p. 18 Differentiation p. 19 Directives p. 20 Media Mix Infographics p. 21 Tour Dates & Tix p. 22 Print Media p. 23 Broadcast Media Style Guide p. 24 Logo Sketch p. 25 Final Logo & Tagline p. 26 Logo Technical p. 27 Mood Board p. 28 Logo Variations p. 29 Color Concept p. 30-31 Typography Image Do’s Image Don’t’s
Media Assets & Prototypes: p. 32 Website p. 33 Email & Newsletter Registration p. 34 Music, Music Video & Promo Video p. 35 Swag Shop p. 36-37 Social Media Profiles Conclusion p. 38 Vision for the Future p. 39 Contact Info
Dixie Madison
Introduc*on Dixie Madison Country Super
Star Dixie Madison is an music entertainer and style icon. Heart Of America Tour Dixie Madison is a Country Super Star Entertainer who Is doing a Heart Of America Concert Tour in 2017 across North America in 48 U.S. cities & 2 cities in Canada. There is a lot of work that goes into creating a national tour. Usually, tours of this magnitude requires anywhere 12 to 6 Months advance planning. Talent buyers & talent bookers for
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talent, venues and festivals starts in January of the same year. But for marquee talent it begins before then. Because Dixie is a huge star, her tour planning has to start with enough advance time.
Country Star
Dixie Madison Country Star is
based in Nashville Tennessee, Dixie Madison has been tearing up the country music charts for the past year. With her fiddle & mandolin, Dixie has managed to cross from country artist to musical genius, garnering fans from all across the music landscape. Dixie is about to embark on a 50-city tour across the U.S. Her tour is titled Heart of America. In order for Dixie Madison the Entertainer and her Heart Of America Tour to be successfully her team is branding her image In the minds of her consumers along with promoting her tour.
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As a little girl growing up in Nashville, I use to pretend I was Faith Hill. I would prance around in my mama’s cocktail dresses and cowboy boots, singing into my hairbrush in the mirror. I would make both my younger brothers sit behind me as my audience. They would cheer and clap for me as if I was Reba McIntyre. After each performance, my fans, uh, I mean, my little brothers demanded no fewer than five encores from me. Who am I to deny them my talents and superstar presence? My whole family is musical too. I learned how to play the guitar, piano, fiddle and mandolin by the sweet age of five. They say I’m a musical prodigy; especially because I can repeat any note I hear by ear. I don’t even know how to read music. I like it that way. I think if I did, it would get in the way of my creativity. I also write and produce all my own material too.
Now that I’m 21, my career has taken off like a rocket. All the years of hard work, sacrifices and performing in dive bars, birthday parties and county fairs has finally paid off. I’m number one on the Billboard’s Country & Pop Music Charts for the last ten weeks. And last year, five of my songs were in the Top Ten. Google also said that I was the most searched celebrity in 2015. I’m also a style icon. Every fashion magazine has featured me on their covers and while all of the top luxury clothing designers want me to wear their fashions at the red carpet events. I’m guess I made it! My Tour: Now that I’m at the top of my game, my fans are demanding to see me live to perform all my latest hits. I’m really excited to give my loyal fans a show. I really want my fans to know I appreciate their support by touring in U.S 50 cities. I love performing live and connecting to my fans through my songs. I can feel their love for me every time I step on the stage and perform.
Stats Demographics: Target Market
Gender: Female Age: 14-35 yrs. old MMI: 25,000 & Up Educa@on: Varies Race: Mul*-Racial
56% 54% 52% 50% FEMALE 48%
46% 44% 42%
16-34 13%
65+ 16%
44-64 16%
Mona Lisa Schiffren
Age: 25 yrs. Old Race: Black Occupa@on: Financial Analyst Loca@on: ManhaPan, NY
Jessie Miller Age: 19 yrs. Old Race: Caucasian Occupa@on: Television PA Loca@on: Los Angeles, Ca
Tori Colon Age: 34 yrs. Old Race: Hispanic Occupa@on: Nursing Student Loca@on: Miami, FL
Name: Mona Lisa Schriffen Loca@on: ManhaPan, NY
Target Demographic:
Ciao, I’m Mona Lisa
Gender: Female Age: 25 yrs. Old Educa@on: Financial Management, MBA Occupa@on: Wall Street Firm, Financial Analyst Income: $110,000+ Plus Bonuses
Target APributes:
Family: Engaged to be Married; Older Brother; Professional Parents Married 30 yrs. Ethnicity: Black Poli@cal: Democrat Personal Values: Personal, Academic & Professional Achievement is Paramount Clubs/Tribes: Alpha Kappa Alpha Alma Mater, Starbucks Morning Club, & Big Fan of the NY Knicks &Season’s Ticket Holder. Faith/Religion: Non-Denomina@on Chris@an; Goes to Church on Holidays Only
Target Persona’s Story:
Engaged To Married to her college sweet heart who is a Den@st. She is a DNC Member & Deputy Registrar. She is ac@ve on all Social Media Pladorms to keep in contact with friends & family social ac@vi@es. She enjoys twice a month girls night out with girlfriends & weekly dinner dates with her finance. She goes to every major concert that comes to NYC and Coachella with her girlfriends and interna@onal vaca@ons with her fiancé every year. She & her brother visits their parents every three months on the weekends & every major religious holiday. She loves wearing designer labels & pos@ng her social life on all her social media pladorms. She does social media surveillance on her friends while they compete who has the more glamorous lifestyle. She speaks Italian & Spanish Fluently.
Hola I’m Tori
Name: Tori Colon Loca@on: Miami, FL Target Demographic: Gender: Female Age: 34 yrs. Old Educa@on: Full Time Nursing Student Occupa@on: Full Time Retail Cashier Income: $25,000 Target APributes: Family: Single; 2 Younger Sisters & Raised by Single Parent Mother Ethnicity: Hispanic Poli@cal: Democrat Personal Values: She is Loyal to her Family, Community & Religious Upbringing Clubs/Tribes: Faith/Religion: Catholic but she doesn’t go to church Target Persona’s Story: Tori doesn’t have a lot of free @me because she goes to school full @me and works full @me. She’s want’s a career in health and she considers mee@ng & marrying a doctor a cool plus. Her extra @me is spent with her family & long @me friends. She doesn’t date much and when she does, they are blind dates set-up by family, friends and co-workers.
She is op@mis@c that she will find her true love that she will marry and have children with. She listens to Spo@fy constantly & buys music from iTunes. She loves going to all major concerts & follows all the Celebrity News, while DVR’ing all of the Real House Wives Franchises. She keeps up with family & friends via FaceBook. She has two younger female siblings and enjoys Sunday Family Dinners aier Church. She loves the latest fashions and likes tracking popular fashion brands are popular with her favorite celebri@es. On TwiPer & Instagram she follows all of her favorite celebri@es.
Name: Jessica Miller Loca@on: Los Angeles, CA
Target Demographic:
Hi I’m Jesse
Gender: Female Age: 19 yrs. Old Educa@on: High School Graduate Occupa@on: TV Produc@on Assistant Income: $55,000 yearly Discre@onary Income: $1,000 to $10,000 Monthly
Target APributes:
Family: Single (Ac@vely Da@ng); Only Child & Parent’s Divorced 10 yrs. Ago & Both Are Remarried Ethnicity: Caucasian Poli@cal: No
Personal Values: Get All That You Can Now & Use What You Got. Modesty Is a Waist of Time! Clubs/Tribes: Instagram, TwiPer & YouTube Sensa@on with How-To MakeUp Tutorials (500,000 Followers) & Fashion Trends Blogger. Faith/Religion: Jewish but she & her parents don’t follow cultural rituals.
Target Persona’s Story: Jesse is very athle@c & enjoys playing Soccer,
Surfing, Hiking & Mountain Climbing. She dates a lot using, playing the field & uses Tender as her Wing Person. She’s not interested in a serious rela@onship because she’s very ambi@ous and thinks it will get in her way. She loves to party with her girlfriends where they oien meet-up for happy hour and on weekends when she doesn’t have a date.
She is a sexy Instagram Fitness Model & Make-Up Ar@st Star crea@ng Tutorials. Collec@vely she has 1M followers. She makes extra money from Social Media Sponsorships that exceeds her actual employment salary. She stays at her TV PA Posi@on to Learn how to Mone@ze her Social Media Follower to get her own Reality Show on Bravo or E! TV. She enjoys going to music fes@vals and concerts. She get’s VIP Treatment at these high profile events because of her Hollywood posi@on, connec@ons & online followers & sponsorships.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Similar: Crossover in Country & Pop Genre Different: Newer Talent Similar: Plays Guitar Piano & Songwriter Different: Unique Urban & Exo@c Look, & Plays 5 Instruments
1. 2. 3. 4.
Similar: New Ar@st Different: Gener - Only Country Music Similar: Plays Guitar & Songwriter Different: No Na@onal Tour, Only Spot Dates
1. Similar: Country Genre 2. Different: No Pop Cross-Over 3. Similar: Plays Guitar & Piano 4. Different: Cumula@ve 58 Million Record Sales
1. Similar: Crossover in Country & Pop Genre 2. Different: Cumula@ve Album Sales 27.67M 3. Similar: Plays Guitar, & Songwriter 4. Different: Total of 210.7 Million Followers on all Social Media Pladorms
1. Talent is True Entertainer. She Plays Five (5) Instruments, Sings & Dances 2. Large Fan Base & Registered Fans on her Fansite. Her Fan Base Gets to Buy Advance Tickets for her Tour. 3. Talent Engages Consistently with Large Social Media Followers. This may ensure Good Ticket Sales.
1. 50 State Nat’l Tour Allows Dixie To Elevate Celebrity Status & Income 2. Merchandising & other Ancillary Opportuni@es to Increase Revenue Streams 3. Increased Na@onal Media Impressions 4. Charity Tie-In’s with Recognized Chari@es. 5. Breaking Local Ar@st As Opening Act to Na@onally to a Larger Audience & Nat’l Recogni@on.
1. Talent Not Established Nat’l Touring Act with Guaranteed Box Office Draw. 2. No Na@onal Tour Experience 3. Unfamiliar With Tour Staff 4. Long Timeline & Commitment on the Road
1. ROI from Tour Revenue Not Known Yet Talent. When touring the Headline Talent can either Lose Money, Break Even or Make a Profit. 2. Music Cri@que Reviews Not Known Yet & How it can Affect Ticket Sales. 3. Pre-Ticket Sales Not Known Yet 4. Other Na@onal Tours Compe@ng with Same Timeline and Consumers Discre@onary Funds
Flower Power
IngĂŠnue Vocal & Elevated Fashion Throwback to Janice Joplin Flower Child Essence & a Young Glamorous Gloria Steinem Feminist Power Presence.
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Media Mix Infographics
There is a lot of work that goes into crea*ng a na*onal tour. Usually, tours of this magnitude requires anywhere 12 to 6 months advance planning. Talent buyers & talent bookers for talent, venues and fes*vals starts in January of the same year. But for marquee talent it begins before then. Because Dixie is a huge star, her tour planning has to start with enough advance *me. 20
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Tour Dates & Tix
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Media Mix Print
Consumer & Entertainment Trade Magazines
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Media Mix Broadcast 20 Sec. TV Commercial Promo
10 Sec. Radio Commercial Promo Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Dixie Madison Logo Sketch
Logo Concept: Angles Wings Peace Guitar Logo
This logo represents Dixie Madison’s free spirit and esoteric elements of her image and brand where there are only inďŹ nite possibili*es of freedom, melodic crescendo, beauty and crea*vity. 24
Dixie Madison Campaign Brand Book
Dixie Madison Final Design Tagline: Let’s Take A Journey Together
Combina@on Mark Logo
1. 2. 3. 4.
Icon/Symbol – Simple, Bold, Easily Recognizable Word Mark – Spells Out Name & Easily Recognizable Color Concept – Americana, Powerful, Peaceful Concept – Spiritual, Hippie Couture, Carefree Dixie Madison Campaign Brand Book
Logo Technical Specs
Dixie Madison Campaign Brand Book
Mood Board
The tone & emo*on evoked for Dixie Madison Heart Of America Tour is represents Young, Empowered American Females who like exing how dynamic they are as individuals and as a group. Dixie is their spokesperson and role model. This mood board represents the celebra*on of these concepts. Dixie Madison represents Americana which color concepts are Red, White & Blue. The colors of red and blue are primary colors while the color white is a neutral color. In color theory, red represents love, power and passion. The color blue represents calm, friendly, reliable, and peace while the color white is associated with purity, cleanliness, wholeness, and equality. These three colors actually describe Dixie Madison’s brand and tone as a cohesive match.
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Logo Variations
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Color Concept
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Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Website Home Page
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Email & Newsletter PopUp Registration
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Music Tracks
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Music Video & Promo
Swag Shop
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Social Media
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Social Media
Dixie Madison Campaign Book
Future of Dixie Madison Brand
The Future of DM Brand • Currently Planning for 2017 Domes@c North America Tour in 48 U.S. Ci@es and Toronto & Bri@sh Columbia in Canada. • 2018 Interna@onal Territories with an Interna@onal Tour • Partnerships with H&M to Launch Affordable Fashion Line • Perfume Launch
Dixie Madison Campaign Book