Issue 42 n June / July 2013 n Produced by Winners 2000 n South Devon
The official publication of Winners 2000, Officially The National Gym of the Year 2012
Come inside to find out about all our services, all the great results our members are getting right now with weight loss, sporting goals and health improvements. And there is a special offer for you to come and join us.
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Our Mission
Winners 2000 is proud to have achieved The National Gym of the Year award in 2012, recognising us as the best gym in the UK. We are currently working towards repeating that achievement in 2013
Welcome to the new look Winning Times. We hope you enjoy reading the articles featured in this issue.
Editor: Sarah harris Design: Print: Kingfisher Print Produced by: Winners 2000 STOCKISTS: Do you want to stock the Winning times in your shop or venue? Call Pam on 01803 327561 or email and we’ll add you to our list of official Winning times stockists. ADvErTISIng: If you would like to advertise in a future issue of the Winning times please call Pam on 01803 327561 or email and one of our team will be happy to help you. COnTrIbuTIOnS: We welcome any articles or photographs that you feel would be of benefit to the Winning times. these are sent at the owners risk and although we take every care, we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage. Please email any articles or photographs to Please consult a Doctor prior to exercise if you have any condition that you think may put you at risk of illness, accident or injury. Winners 2000 is not responsible for any issue that may arise from the undertaking of a diet or exercise program covered in this document. Any activity you undertake is totally at your own risk. All Winners 2000 trainers are natural Athletes and their physical gains and accomplishments have been obtained safely and naturally without the need for any harsh or illegal drugs or substances. We believe only in natural health and fitness and do not condone drug or substance abuse in any way.
“Winners 2000 is in business to improve the health, fitness and quality of lives of our members, and to make a difference in the community. Success is helping people live with their desired balance and to achieve a sense of fulfilment; to help take them to places they only dreamt they could go. We are never afraid to say what hasn't been said, or do what hasn't been done. We work with open eyes and ears to new information and research, to ensure the product we present to our clients is always the very best and most importantly, works for them”.
Business Objectives
Inspire Aside from their academic study, all the trainers who are chosen to be part of team Winners have done so with a very clear template in mind. We look to recruit people based on some simple but we feel very important character traits; such as work ethic, humility, selflessness, passion and the drive to get better. We also recognise how important it is for our members to feel that our trainers “walk their talk”, and we are as passionate about our own physical goals as we are yours. All the trainers in team Winners are continually working towards their own set of physical goals, in a safe, natural and organised fashion. We have many hugely successful athletic trainers, ranging from sprinters, triathletes, pole vaulters, natural fitness models, rugby players and footballers. our aim is that in showing you our commitment and our own developments, our struggles, our resilience, our focus, we can help inspire you to do the same.
Drive Positive Change For many of our members, exercise provides a starting point for many other things in their lives. the energy, thought clarity and momentum from a good workout can really provide the drive for our members to make changes in other areas, all with the goal of being really fit, happy and healthy. We want to make the hour or so you are with us each day, the catalyst to drive the other 23 to a higher level, for you to be able to do more, think faster, smile more, give more. At the heart of our Mission, is the core belief that every single human behaviour should be based around a single outcome; “loving life”. We believe that a fit body and mind are critical to that end, and that in working with us, we maintain a focus on that outcome at all times. We support that process by encouraging our members to always be clear about “their goals” and “what they are doing right now to achieve them.
Educate All our trainers are committed to their own development, so when they meet and interact with our members, they can explain the what, why and how you should exercise to achieve all the goals that are most important to you. throughout your membership at Winners 2000, we aim to teach you the “why” to the “what” we advise you to do. We aim to qualify every piece of advice with sound reasoning, so you are empowered for the long term.
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Welcome to Winners 2000 Torquay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Outdoor gym is open! the outdoor gym is now ready for action every day. the sheds contain a variety of barbells, dumbbells, olympic bars, trap bar, plates and benches. It is a great way to train in the fresh air and what better way to start your cardio than by brisk walking or running up muscle hill. Muscle hill is a sure way to test yourself over the spring and summer season and you don’t just have to do Glens Circuit class to do this either!! It is an optional workout to add variety in your goals to keeping fit, getting fit or just for a social chat up and down. What we do like to see is how many times can you go up and down the course without stopping? So far the best is 15. have a try and let us know how you get on. As long as you are getting better, you are Winning. Losing Inches in a Day our charity event ‘lose an Inch Day’ was a great success with many members still on their way to losing inches and maintaining their diets. It’s been interesting to hear how they have changed habits and lifestyles through the 6 hour workshop. If you missed this, then we will be running the event again next year and we are also long term trying to work with other fitness organisations to make this an annual national event run throughout the uK. Welcome to Ashwin Baker, the newest member of team Winners torquay. Ashwin has completed his WABBA Instructors and Personal training Diploma and we are very pleased to have him join our group. We hope for him to go on to be a great Personal
trainer here with us, I am sure you will all get to know him over the next few months. Congratulations are in order for some of our members who have just got married. We wish nell everitt and her partner tom a wonderful great future together, along with Becky Redfern (Serious Fit Female Winners 2012) and her partner Aaron. Also recently Winners 2000 Gym members, Katherine Copp (formerly lamswood) and her husband Stephen Copp were married as well as James and leah Wenman - we wish them all the future happiness too. If you would like to be mentioned or have a success to share with our members, then please drop me an email Don’t forget that one membership allows you to use all 3 of our clubs. Please also pick up a copy of the latest timetable from reception to use the ‘free to member’ classes or visit the newly updated website As usual, if you have any questions about training or diet, then please drop me a line and don’t hesitate to contact me or see me in the gym - I’m also keen to hear what you think about each of our team, are they helping you out in the gym, how do you think we can improve? Please always let me know if there is something we can do better. Make this spring/summer an enjoyable one and redefine your goals and what you want, it’s never too late to change habits, lifestyles, diet and training. have fun. hannah Torquay Site Manager /UFE-Pro Figure Athlete
Free 7 Day Trial and Consultation available now. >>>>>>> Contact
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
The Quick Route to a Lean and Healthy Body – HIIT IT!!! by Hannah bryant, uFE Figure Pro, Winners 2000 Torquay. TO rEAD THE FuLL ArTICLE, gO OnLInE TO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whenever someone has the goal of decreasing body fat, high Intensity Interval training is very often a big part of their training program. But, there is still a lack of understanding as to why it works, how it should be implemented and why it is superior to long slow duration type activities. Check out the shortened version of my recent article that appeared in health and Strength magazine, and go to our website to read the whole thing: Why HIIT and not LSD (Long Slow Duration)? Increase my metabolic rate – short bursts of intense exercise achieve this; long slow activities mean the opposite, burn fuel slower. Increase my lean tissue – Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue in the body and responsible for using the most calories, and hence the most fat. If you add lean tissue, you burn more calories every minute. If you lose lean tissue then you burn less. optimise natural positive hormones like testosterone, growth hormone – this is best achieved through resistance training and short bursts of intense exercise. endurance type workouts decrease both of these. Decrease and minimise negative hormonal responses – you should always be trying to minimise the negative hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and hence control insulin. Cortisol is a natural hormone and at the right levels and right times it is a
HIIT training is a superb tool for anyone who wants to decrease body fat and sustain that long term. positive for each of us, helps us repair and maintain good health. too much however will lead to muscle wasting and excessive fat storage, mainly on the abs for men (ever heard someone say “I wish I could just lose this bit”?).
but the magazines and bodybuilders tell me to “do my cardio”, “stick to the fat burning zone” to lose bodyfat, why is that? this is really where the problems have begun, magazine articles that are based on “what I did” written by someone on huge amounts of drugs or with freakish genetics. that information is pretty useless and in some cases dangerous to the majority of us.
Is Empty Stomach HIIT best? Again, this is totally goal dependent, but as most people are using hIIt as a way to get leaner, then yes, I really like hIIt completed first thing on an empty stomach. I often complete hIIt workouts after a period of fasting, using Branch Chain Amino Acids or leucine and Glutamine prior to that session. you are never going to perform at your best whilst you are training without fuel, but if your goal is to decrease body fat, then I do think this is the most effective method. A Typical HIIT Workout Below are 3 actual hIIt workouts that I complete myself: Warm up, 10-15 minutes of core temperature work, mobility and prehab with some Central nervous System awakening type movement. Workout 1: rope battles and tyre flips. 30 seconds of rope battling, rest 30 seconds. 30 second of tyre flipping, rest 30 seconds. Repeat for 20-30 minutes. Workout 2: Tempo Sprints and Agility Same warm up as above. Set up agility sprints with cones, such as the letters “W” and “M”, for a course that covers around 50-60m total. Complete a set (approx 15 seconds) rest, 30 seconds, repeat.
Workout 3: Medicine ball Workout Same warm up as above. using a 3-6kg medicine ball and a wall to rebound, perform 30 seconds of activity, with 30 seconds rest using the following exercises: · Kneeling overhead wall throw. · Push press to wall. · low to high med ball wood chop. · Scoop from squat to wall. In gym HIIT Sessions – there are of course many much simpler hIIt workouts that can be carried out on the Bike, ergo, versa Climber, treadmill etc. As a general rule, if you are starting to exercise using hIIt, then focus on a 1:2 work to rest ratio, and decrease the rest time, or increase the work time, until you achieve the 1:1 type ratio. hIIt is very effective at increasing general fitness, so this is a very sensible natural method of progression. target a 75-85% heart rate figure at your periods of work, and then watch it lower as you rest between sets.
Sarah Fox Since joining the gym my whole outlook on life is different, I feel amazing, my confidence has grown and I’m very happy with the way I look now. I went from phoning the gym before my session to see if it was quiet to now training at 6am! Amy has been amazing and I couldn’t truly have done it without her.
Summary hIIt training is a superb tool for anyone who wants to decrease body fat and sustain that long term. It provides a time efficient, varied and fun opportunity to speed your progress without any of the negative reactions that lSD type cardio may bring. If you want to add some science to your training to speed up your gains, please contact me at hannah Bryant is a uFe Professional Figure Athlete, lifetime natural and Manager of Winners 2000 torquay, the national Gym of the year 2012. She also works with over 75 clients as a Personal trainer and holistic lifestyle Coach and teaches group classes to adults and juniors. She has over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry and is currently in training for the uFe Professional Show in Canada in november. her website can be found at, and she is available for online coaching, consultation or training Camp packages at her gym in torquay. CheCK out hAnnAh BRyAnt on the CoveR oF the lAteSt heAlth AnD StRenGth MAGAZIne. hAnnAh IS noW WRItInG FoR heAlth AnD StRenGth thRouGhout 2013 AnD 2014.
Free 7 Day Trial and Consultation available now. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contact
To contact:
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Cross Training for all around strength, fitness and health. by Luke Simons
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Some people talk the talk, some even walk the walk, I try my absolute best to do both. I push my clients to be at their absolute best all year round, to be the strongest, fittest, leanest, fastest most confident and positive, and I see it only right that I do the same. In my eyes, people (clients) will only want to work with me if they see me practice what I preach! So, whatever I get my clients to do, I need to be able to do. And more!!! how do I make all my guys be at their absolute best? how can I be at my absolute best? how do I test myself? this year I wanted to find out, so I decided to enter the Cross-Fit Games. What are the Cross Fit games? Cross Fit is as the name suggests, Cross training. In simple terms, this means that it mixes all types of fitness. Cross training provides constant new challenges and is great fun; it is how I work out with most of my clients. Cross training done badly however has a large number of risks, including overtraining and burnout. For any client with whom I work, rather than just apply the same workouts, I am always conscious of their starting point, their adaptability reserves and managing their training months to ensure they have periods of lower intensity work. Without that, their progress first stagnates, then reverses, then they get sick. I have many people contact me who have taken part in very high intensity internet programs or these types of training programs, only to end up totally exhausted.
The next 10 months for me are all about getting my absolute strength up, to increase my chances of making the regionals of the Cross Fits Games. What is Fitness? Depending on who you ask will depend on the answer you get. A power lifter defines fitness by lifting the biggest weight, a marathon runner by how fast they complete 26 miles. Cross training is attractive for me as it allows me to constantly work at improving all elements of my training, consistently over a calendar year. I still apply basic Periodisation protocols to my training, meaning I will have months where I focus on making improvements in some areas whilst simply maintaining others. I believe that unless a type of activity is constantly trained, then it
will waste away, so a “Conjugated” training plan is I believe the best approach. Who can benefit from Cross Training? everyone can benefit, any age, any size. Cross training is for the people looking to lose weight, to have fun, the elderly and just about anybody willing to give it a try. We all need to squat, deadlift, lift loads above our heads in our basic daily activities, so working those movements in the gym is essential for maintaining or improving your quality of life and injury prevention. have you ever dropped your keys at the front door whilst holding bags of shopping? I bet you put the bags down and picked up the keys, followed by picking up the bag of shopping. this was you doing a deadlift. What does Cross Training cover? It covers everything. olympic weight lifting (snatch and the clean & jerk) mastering these lifts improves your deadlift, cleans and presses. It also covers gymnastics such as handstands, rings, muscle ups, burpees), and metabolic conditioning – cardio (run, swim, cycle, row). I started Cross training around 7 years ago and I am now a level 1 qualified Cross Fit trainer. I apply a number of principles I have learnt from this theory to the work I do with clients. It is important to me that alongside the physical benefits from working out, people really enjoy their time at the gym with me, which means challenges, variety and constant progression. I feel that Cross training provides my clients and myself with those benefits. earlier, I told you I entered the toughest fitness competition on the planet. the CrossFit games. this is a worldwide competition where you measure your fitness against the fittest men and women on the planet. the games start with the ‘oPen’. the ‘open’, is open to the whole world, any person alive can enter. this is done over 5 weeks. each week, the open workout is released to the world. From that point you have 4 days to complete the workout and submit it. over the 5 weeks (5 workouts) you are placed on a leader board for the world to see. At the end of the 5 weeks the top 48 men and top 48 women from your region qualify for the next round.
‘Regionals’. you’re now thinking, oK, regionals, that’s not so bad, top 48 in the south west? try top 48 in europe. our region is europe! So once you make it to regional’s, win that, then you get invited to the CrossFit games to compete against the world’s best, and try to win the crown of “Fittest man or woman on the planet”. So where am I on all this? A very long way away is the answer. however, registering for the games, taking part in the open has been a huge wakeup call and a learning curve. I have learnt so much already and I’ve only completed 4 of the 5 workouts. Where I thought I was fit, I’m not, where I thought I was strong, I’m not, but all this has made me realise where I need to take my own training to improve to be further up the leader board next year. the next 10 months for me are all about getting my absolute strength up, to increase my chances of making the regionals of the Cross Fits Games. If you are interested in investing time into making you the best, fittest, all round athlete in the bay or the planet, then make time to come and see me at Winners 2000 (Torquay), try my ExtremeFit class, call me 07525534171, visit my website or Classes with Luke luKe'S extReMe CIRCuItS - tuesday and Wednesday 6.30am xtReMeFIt (CRoSS tRAInInG) - tuesday 7.30am xtReMeFIt (CRoSS tRAInInG Style) - thursday 6.15am For more information or to book a place to my classes contact me on the above. Find out more about your potential,
come and see me for a free consultation and 7 day trial at Winners 2000. Contact me now on
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Glen Bevan - Personal Trainer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My name is Glen Bevan and I am a Personal trainer at Winners 2000, based at the torquay site. My own personal interest in fitness revolves around endurance sports. I started running about 12 yrs ago and after taking on the usual races (10K, half marathon etc) I got a little bored so started looking at different options. I got into cross country running and fell in love instantly; it took away the monotony of simply putting one foot in front of the other that you get with road running. you cannot switch off as you constantly have to watch your path! After participating in a lot of the local events I started to look further afield and signed up for the original tough Guy event in Wolverhampton (often copied but never equalled)!! After this it was time to move on to a new challenge so I looked at triathlons! now, I am a strong runner and a strong cyclist but at the time of entry I could not swim more than 50 metres!!! I figured entering a triathlon would take me out of my comfort zone and force me to train hard to improve my swimming. I employed the wisdom of a swim coach to perfect my technique and got to work. the idea is to complete my first tri this year and move onto Ironman next year. the training is tough and very time consuming, you need commitment, dedication and an understanding wife!!!! A triathlon is a physical competition involving three disciplines: swimming, cycling and running. these three events are completed in succession without breaks. triathlons are endurance activities covering long distances. triathlon Season generally runs from the springtime April/May through to September so the winter is a good time to keep the training going.
there are varying degrees of races you can train for so if you are a newbie and fancy having a go then you might be suited to trying a sprint triathlon as a taster introduction to tri’s. here are a few explanations as to all the different types of races that you can train for from the beginner to the Ironman veterans among you! Super Sprint Triathlon
> 400m Swim > 10km Bike Ride > 2.5km Run Sprint Sprint Triathlon Sprint triathlons are shorter distance triathlons, this is half the distance of a standard / olympic triathlon and less than a quarter of the distance of the Ironman! Due to their shorter distances, sprint triathlons have become increasingly popular and are ideal for beginners.
> 750m Swim > 20 Km Bike Ride > 5 Km Run The Standard Triathlon / Olympic Triathlon the most common distance
> 1500 Metre Swim > 40 Km Bike Ride > 10 Kilometer Run Half Ironman (70.3) and Ironman Triathlon the most gruelling of the triathlon distances, this is what an Ironman consists of. there is a 17 hour time limit in order to finish an Ironman race. the half-Ironman is often called a "70.3" because that is the total number of miles travelled in this race.
> 2.4 Mile Swim > 112 Mile Bike Ride > 26.2 Mile (Marathon) Run
After having my little boy in September last year and my other half leaving for an 8 month deployment with the Royal Navy I needed a confidence boost. Joining Winners 2000 and getting fit with exercise, classes and learning about diet has boosted my self esteem no end. I can fit back into clothes that I couldn't wear long before getting pregnant and I can't wait to show off my new figure when my partner gets back in a couple of weeks!
Vicky Saunders
Vicky trains with Hannah at Winners 2000 Torquay. For more information please email
Free 7 day trial and consultation with Glen Bevan, Winners 2000 Torquay.
Free 7 day trial and consultation with UFE Figure Pro Hannah Bryant
Together we can make your workouts fun, energising and a challenge every time you come to the gym. Diet planning and event preparation available.
Contact me at, I’ll answer all your questions about how you can take control and get into the best physical and mental shape of your life.
Contact me now, start today
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contact
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Welcome to Winners 2000 Newton Abbot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Free 7 Day Trial & Consultation with Dean Turner, Manager, Winners 2000 Newton Abbot Please contact me at to fix a time to discuss what is important to you and how you are going to set about obtaining it. Please also contact me with any feedback or comments about the newton Abbot club
Welcome to Dan Pagett. We’d like to welcome Dan to our newton Abbot team. Dan joined us in January as an apprentice. he is currently studying his level 2 and 3 Fitness Instructor Qualifications with exeter College, as well as working through our in house development program. As with all new starters, our aim is to give them the tools and skills to successfully work with all of you our members. In recruiting new staff, we follow a very strict set of guidelines and template for those we work with. Mainly we are interested in seeing a huge passion for what we do along side a very high work ethic and good character. We have very high hopes for Dan, I am sure he will introduce himself to you in the gym the next time you are training.
Free 7 Day Trial & Consultation with James Doolan, Personal Trainer, Winners 2000 Newton Abbot I specialise in health and sports improvements, using the Poliquin biosignature system of addressing hormonal issues that could be at the core of the weight loss and energy problems you have been experiencing. Contact me now, Congratulations to James and Lauren on the birth of their son Finnley. He has already visited the Newton gym a few times and I’m sure he will be working out here before he’s even started school!
Lose an Inch - 9th February 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this year newton Abbot’s lose an Inch event was ran by James Doolan and emmylou Anderson. there were 16 energetic members and non members keen to see what this day was all about! everyone arrived from 8.15am to get their measurements done and complete their metabolic typing questionnaires. the lose an Inch day involves both a training program and a clean up phase of nutrition, geared towards rebuilding health, helping to naturally improve blood sugar levels and also reduce the amount of irritants in the diet. During the day the trainers make sure that everybody fully understands how to use the diet information and how it will benefit them short term and long term in regards to their individual health and lifestyle. the ‘fat busting’ workout started at 9am. the high volume training system involves combining upper and lower body exercises as supersets. this increases the heart rate and production of lactic acid which stimulates growth hormone – this is essential for the body to burn fat hence a great way to get leaner! WIthout hours of cardio or starving yourself! our participants had their protein shakes and appropriate foods with them or were able to purchase the necessary snacks or meal from the leisure lounge. the lose an Inch day is a great way to meet other members of the gym that you may never normally get the chance to talk to. Plus the participants could ask James and emmylou lots of questions throughout the day. We have had great feedback and some amazing results so far – some of you losing up to 2 inches on your waist! Well done! the participants were asked what they most enjoyed about the day - here are a few of their comments... ‘The advice and help from the trainers’ ‘The instructors explained the exercises well and the reasons behind what we were doing and the diet plans – I learnt a lot’ ‘Inspiration from being in a group and the trainers being encouraging not too pushy’ ‘Great opportunity to interact with the personal trainers’ For more information about the next lose an Inch day please email or
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
To all our existing members... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Help out a friend by giving them “the gym bug” and you save £££s on your membership at Winners 2000.
For every person you bring to the club, we will give you your next months membership absolutely free. If they aren’t sure, then we can give them a
FrEE TrIAL PErIOD, so they get to see just how friendly and how much fun working out at Winners 2000 is. They can also use all the group classes at all the clubs. Its easy to do, just ask any Trainer for a form, and we will get them into the gym now. Or email your site manager: Paignton – Torquay – newton Abbot –
Winning - Dan Faulkner & Vicky Preston >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dan has been working with James Doolan for a number of months, he has a very good work ethic and always gives 100%. Each and every exercise is top class and his nutrition is spot on. Here are the results which paid o for Dan for his holiday to the States.
Here's what Dan had to say: With massive help and support from James I have managed to achieve a lean physique and a good overall body fat percentage. My next goal now is to keep the fat stripped o as I put on lean mass. to do this, James is creating me a new diet in which we are introducing 'carb cycling' through the week and a new training plan. James has given me continuous motivation at the gym, he is very dedicated to every client he works with. one of my latest workouts included overhead squats. I am now lifting 60kg which is a big achievement for me. I aim to build a bigger frame then maintain it with hard work and good nutrition. I would definitely recommend James as a trainer to anyone, any age or ability.
Turn over to see what vicky has to say...
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
vicky is always a pleasure to work with, her continuous drive, motivation and work ethic has allowed her to surpass many of her goals in the gym and she now feels better than ever. Her energy levels and strength have improved dramatically, as has her natural hormone balance. Her consistent hard work and the attention to detail she puts into every rep or every set is a real inspiration to me, it is how I encourage everyone to work out. Look out for her achieving even more of her future goals and targets; I know she already has some in mind.
Here's what Vicky had to say: James is an amazing trainer. he has created me a few dierent personal diet plans to help me achieve my goals. As an example, here is what I eat on a standard day: I start the day at 5.30am after a good quality nights sleep with 2 hard boiled eggs. I then train for an hour before work, so I have a protein shake post workout. My diet rotates each day, but on this day I eat natural Greek yoghurt with berries and cinnamon for breakfast, then chicken and green veg or salads throughout the day. I then have steak, fish or venison in the evenings. James insists on the variation so I don’t get bored and also to reduce my chances of developing any intolerance to certain foods. I also take high strength omega 3 fish oil to keep my skin and joints healthy. James' knowledge is endless and the training programs he sets me are always challenging but fun. he has given me constant motivation over the two years I've trained with him and there has never been a dull moment. In addition to the private work we do, his circuit training sessions are tough and leave every muscle in your body aching!! no pain, no gain! My body has definitely got a lot leaner and stronger through working with James because of his knowledge, motivation and creativity with his workouts!Â
For more information about training with me please email
The Wizardry of Oz - The Day that changed my Life
AccountsEtceteraLimited Bookkeeping, VAT, PAYE, CIS, Tax Returns
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 25/01/2013 was the day that changed my life; on this day I met a Personal Trainer called James Oswald. At 65 years of age, recently retired and having spent the last 40 years sitting at a desk, inactive with my weight soaring to nearly 100 kilos, I needed to take back control of my life and get back into shape. I say get back, however the last time my body had seen any physical activity was way back in my college days. Following a health and medical history check, James discussed with me my personal goals and immediately started to put together a plan of action including dietary and nutritional needs, week by week working alongside explaining the relevance of and introducing a series of exercise programs enabling me to work towards achieving my goals. throughout the following weeks, James has shown incredible patience, he has been encouraging and supportive guiding me through difficulties experienced and providing regular praise and feedback thus boosting my moral. Just eight weeks later my weight is down to 86 kilos, My Fat percentage has dropped from 29.5% to 24.8% and metabolic age has come down from 72 down to 55. each week I leave the gym feeling good and eager to return to start the next session. none of this would have been possible without James oswald, James has a fantastic sense of humour and is not just any Personal trainer and Fitness coach; he is a ‘Winners Pt’, the Winners being anyone whom, like myself have been fortunate to have had James as their coach. As with all good plans, ones goals change as achievements are reached; as a result I hope to continue to have James working with me helping me meet new challenges and goals.
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Roger A. Browning
Free 7 day trial and consultation available now. Contact me at
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
My 2013 Show Preparation by Emmylou Anderson - nAbbA: May 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My 12 week show prep this year flew by and it really has felt totally different to my two previous shows. My goal, as always, has been to maintain good energy, health and not be consumed by the process and lose the enjoyment in the other important areas of my life. I know that for my body, one area that is really important is keeping my cortisol levels as low as possible, to avoid excess fat storage. that means I work as hard at resting and recovering as I do in the gym. It may sound odd, but for a lot of us, switching off and recovering is much harder than you think. It’s been a really rewarding and successful journey. each week I have been getting leaner as I planned and also been able to maintain my full commitment to my clients and work. that was really important to me; I didn’t want to miss out on that. I have worked my full schedule right up to show day with my clients still getting awesome results. that’s been the best part of this for me. I started my 12 week plan with 3 resistance days and 3 cardio days, accompanied by a fasting diet that started to burn the fat straight away! I was already 8 lbs leaner in the first few weeks but this is where I left the scales behind! Since that day I haven’t used the scales and just taken pictures on a weekly basis to monitor my progress. towards the final weeks I have trained double days but this has been easy to fit in. I haven’t used any long Slow Duration type cardio (lSD) to burn fat, I have used upper and lower body workouts as well as a sled workout to keep me getting leaner without the negative hormonal effects of excess cardio that a number of people experience using that style of pre contest routine. this really highlights to me how hours spent on treadmills and cardio kit aren’t the best choice if getting lean and staying lean are your goal. I find that it is a very long and slow hack and leaves you drained of energy, weak and depressed. I feel great after my sled workouts!
Weights are the way forward ladies!! I will continue to educate you on the “how and why” aspects of resistance training, and prove to you how this is a far better approach for you all in the long run to achieve and maintain a healthy and lean body.
having gained more muscle over the past year I am excited to share with you the difference between the first year I competed with nabba and this year. I have been aiming for a fuller physique and my ultimate goal is to become a ‘Bikini professional’. I’m already looking forward to competing again in the winter in another Bikini competition. My clients have enjoyed following me and seeing me training during my show prep. It has been great that we can all bounce off each other and share our awesome results. they know that although I have my own goals and commitments, their goals are just as important to me. their hard work inspires me to work harder and I hope my competitions inspire them to push towards their goals. emmylou
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emmylou placed 2nd in the Toned Figure category of the nAbbA Exeter show. Emmy was given an invitation to the british Finals later this year. Do you want help with your training goals? Free 30 minute consultation with Emmylou Anderson. Contact me via email at We can arrange to meet and talk through your goals, the things that matter to you, and what you can do to make them a reality. #nolimits
Celebrating my 50th in Style... With my first ever Figure Competition by Louise Welsh - nAbbA: May 2013
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Journey to my first Figure show has probably been the most challenging of all my fitness contests and challenges. the discipline and commitment that needs to be maintained as you progress through the 12 or 16 weeks final show preparation is tough to say the least. Food has to be weighed and calculated, your life has to revolve around training, eating and resting. And work too if you can
"team Winners, left to right louise Welsh, hannah Bryant (uFe Figure Professional), emmylou Anderson.
My reasons for taking on this challenge where obviously mainly around my personal feelings about my body and how I would ideally like it to be. I wanted to find out about just how far I could go, how hard I could work, how strong I could keep my focus when I set my mind to something. I have had to ask myself, can I stand on stage and be proud of myself and what I’ve achieved? I am just about there now, and I really think I will be able to do that. At 50 years old realistically I’m not going to expect to be the best up there, but I will have given it My best, I will look the best I can be and that’s what I wanted to do. I want to inspire my daughters, my family, clients and friends. As part of my career I hope that I can teach people that they can do whatever they want to do; that the only limits are those you impose on yourself. you just have to work hard and believe in yourself. I have many clients who have come to me with different goals and we have worked together to shift body fat, get fit, run races, all with their determination and dedication coming foremost. I wanted to show that I appreciate that effort and that I wanted to work as hard and put that time in as well. this is achievable, it is science, do it right and it works. Stay natural and healthy, look great and feel good about yourself. Age doesn’t matter, it’s just about you, your commitment and your strength. louise
fit that in! It really tests your personal management, and it really needs the support of the people around you, as they can be a real help, or not as the case can be!!! I’d advise anyone getting involved in contest preparation to first make sure their nearest and dearest are on board and ready to ride the roller coaster with them! With the training comes a mind set that you gradually realize has to be the most important part of getting to that final place, the stage. Getting up to train twice a day when you are tired and dieting is hard and you have to constantly remind yourself why you are doing this and make sure your goals are very clear in your mind at all times. taking the photos every week gives you a guide of your progress and makes you want to keep pushing forward, to see that bit more development each week. Although sometimes seeing your glutes or your thighs and realizing how out of shape they are can be a bit distressing, it is an important part of motivating yourself and gaining control. trying to stay positive about everything, reduce the amount of external stresses and distractions as much as you sensibly can, that’s would be my advice to anyone thinking about a show. taking from that the support that you get from your coach, your family and friends, and making it clear to everyone that, actually, you might be a bit difficult to be around sometimes! I have been lucky and had massive support and encouragement from my family, friends and clients all of the way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Louise placed 1st in the Trained Figure Category of the nAbbA South West Show. This was Louise's first ever contest, which she committed to by way of celebrating turning 50. She completed her preparation inside 12 weeks, totally naturally, whilst carrying out her regular day to day responsibilities, and dealing with all the ups and downs that go with being a grand mother. Louise has been invited to compete in the british Final later this year. FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION WITH "SUPERGRAN" If you want my help with your own training and health goals, please contact me at I am happy to offer anyone a free 30 minute consultation to discuss ways of helping you "get what you want". Remember, nothInG IS IMPoSSIBle
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
GP Refferal at Winners 2000 Torquay Mondays & Wednesdays at 12noon with Emmylou Anderson >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What Rod had to say...
What Denise had to say...
All my life I have been a mountain climber and retirement meant I could devote all my time to the hills, especially the himalayas. however, seven years ago, high up on a peak in nepal, some malformed blood vessels in my spinal cord started to bleed, damaging the nerves so that, two operations later, I can stand but not walk without crutches. of course, being suddenly inactive, I also started putting on weight - four stone, in fact! Fortunately, my physiotherapist suggested I ask my GP to refer me to the special rehabilitation program provided by Winners 2000 and I placed myself in the capable charge of emmylou at the torquay gym. the first step was a careful assessment of my capabilities and needs. In my case this meant not only losing weight but building up muscles which had wasted through lack of use. She introduced me to a series of appropriate exercises and apparatus and gave valuable advice on dieting. the program was ten weeks long but, so effective was it, that I became a member and decided to come along for the foreseeable future. I am now three stone lighter (one more to go!), generally fitter, and, most important, able to walk further between rests. I should also add that our little group of ten or a dozen, all with similar problems, though from different causes, meet twice a week in what have become social occasions where groans of effort are punctuated by howls of laughter. (In any group there's always one joker and ours is no different!) I shall never climb a mountain again but I have no doubt my life is richer for becoming a Winner 2012.
Since having a heart attack 4 years ago I have undertaken regular exercise. I have been on two courses through the nhS, at Clennon valley and Barton Medical Practice. When I finished at Barton I was recommended to Winner's and a course supervised by emmy Anderson. this has proved to be so beneficial and enjoyable and I could not wish for a more friendly and helpful group
Winning... Rachel Dobson-Hill 20
Training with Emmylou has given me the belief that I can have the body I have always wanted even after having two children, my most recent being only 5months old. Over the last two months I have lost a stone in weight and reduced my body fat significantly. This has been achieved by strictly following Emmylou’s advice on diet and training programs. Having the added benefit of a weekly session with her not only keeps me motivated but physically pushes me to my limits on things I would never think were possible! I am thrilled with my results so far and can’t wait to see what the next two months will bring me.
Rock Solid
In December 2012 talk had been circulating through the gym of a huge obstacle race coming to exeter in March, seeing this as a great opportunity to motivate my training through the festive season and the start of the new year I decided to compete in the team event. So began operation Rock Solid Race. It began with assembling a team. tom Brazier, Anthony Campbell and Carl Williams who are all keen exercisers and have tasted obstacle racing before. these guys have great cardiovascular and muscular endurance, which meant I had to get training hard and fast otherwise I’d be left stuck in the mud. Combining strength training, cross fit, circuit classes, 10km runs up haldon Forest and a few intense workouts designed by ‘evil’ emmy we knew we were more than ready to have a go. We knew we had to face sheep dips filled with ice, crawl through waist deep mud and climb ten foot walls but what we
At the finish line, though utterly exhausted and spent it was difficult not to smile knowing what we had overcome. were not prepared for the elements. like usual the Great British weather caught us off guard. heavy rain had flooded all the swamps, rivers were swollen and even the registration was knee deep mud. When the cannon fired we were off, within the first 500m we were the leaders of our wave. team Winners was relentless, we dispatched each obstacle with ease and overtook hundreds who had left in previous waves. At the finish line, though utterly exhausted and spent it was difficult not to smile knowing what we had overcome, that all the hard work and nailing ourselves each session at the gym had paid off. It was clear we had completed the race in a respectable time but had to wait for the electronic timing scores of each wave to be processed till we
knew our overall position. An email came through later that evening stating we had won the 10km team event, we had finished 34th, 35th and 36th out of 850 participants with the fastest team average of the day. entry fee for the Rock Solid Race was around £50 each, but the
motivation it puts into training and the fun you get from participating on the day was invaluable. It is for this reason that I know team Winners will be back again next year to retain the title and why I couldn’t recommend signing up and challenging yourself more. If you would like advice on how to improve your fitness levels or would like some assistance when prepping for an upcoming event, feel free to chat anytime in the gym or email me at
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Physique Show Preparation the Natural Way by Adam Stansbury
WBFF Denmark 2013 – Conclusion Well it’s nearly a week now since the show in Copenhagen, time has flown by, the dust has settled, the cakes have been eaten, the pictures collected and I wish I could say the tan has gone but it is still stubbornly sticking around in annoying places!
As you may or may not be aware I recently competed in the WBFF Denmark Show held in Copenhagen on April 6th and had been preparing for this since January 7th. In 12 weeks I managed to go from 10.7% body fat to 4.5% at its lowest whilst increasing my lean muscle mass by 1.5kg over the whole 12 week period. not bad for a 35 year old with no large intestine. I stopped doing cardio sessions on week 5 as my body fat was already at 6% and I needed to slow down my metabolism. In essence I controlled my body composition through periodisation of training and smart nutritional strategies, which allowed my body to do the hard work for me, without the need for hours of pointless cardio. If you’re interested in learning the exact process I went through from planning my training, nutritional and supplement strategies all the way to stepping on stage in Copenhagen 3 months later and everything in between then please join me at Winners 2000 newton Abbot for evenings on;
How Did I Do? Well unfortunately I didn’t place in the top 10 but although you can never escape a slight tinge of disappointment when your number is not called out, I can honestly say I was just really happy to be there, with my friends, in my best shape ever. I have had so much great feedback and support from everyone along the way and over the show weekend, realising that I had inspired many through my journey via honest blogs and progress pictures meant more to me than a top 10 finish.
Weight Loss Made Easy, Saturday 29th June, 5:30pm, Newton Abbot. Natural Training for Hypertrophy, Saturday 20th July, 5:30pm, Newton Abbot.
Feedback the feedback on my outing to the stage has been as follows: Condition of legs – In some shots they look great but photos only capture a small moment of the whole stage presentation. In the last few weeks running up to the show I knew my lower body was way behind the level of conditioning of my upper body. I think my legs react badly to stress and excessive volume, shorter higher intensity sessions will be my new focus on leg days. I also trained legs on the Monday before the show which meant they could have been still slightly swollen come the weekend. Flying the day before the show may have caused them to hold more water as well.
the cost for each seminar is £10. Please book early to avoid disappointment as we have a limited number of spaces available. If you’d like to know how the show went then please read my final blog below or visit Many thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing you at my seminar and sharing with you everything that I put into this process. to read the complete article, go online to
there were 30 guys competing in my category Fitness Model and each and everyone was in great shape. the atmosphere backstage was the friendliest I’ve experienced and everyone helped each other out with either a few rice cakes or sweets before pumping up.
Stage Presentation While I can confidently hit my poses they did lack in variation and I have a habit of walking to spots on the stage with my head down and then posing, I need more practice and coaching with this in order for me to give off a more confident ‘I own the stage’ feel. I’ll definitely be hitting a few workshops over the next few
months to work on this. tan – Although I had a very dark tan, it looked blotchy in places due to only having one coat and being very pale underneath. next time I will build this up over a few days to give me a darker smoother coloration, washing off the excess to give a more natural colour. Size I have always known from past experience I need to be bigger to really compete for the top 2 places. I don’t have a problem getting into condition so over the next 4 months I will be working on putting on as much lean muscle as I can whilst maintaining a body fat % of 8-10%, another 2-4kg would be perfect. Final Progress Pictures So here we have it! the final picture of the transformation puzzle, the shot that all the hard work led up to and which puts the finishing touch to my 4th and most successful show prep. Thoughts When I walked on stage at the end for the awards ceremony, my friend Ross and lead vocalist for #teamStansbury yelled out..’We love you Adam’, at that point I knew that getting to hang out with my friends sat in the crowd and spend quality time with the people I’d missed over the last 3 months was all that really mattered to me. Preparing for a show is an extremely rewarding experience not just from a physical transformation point of view but it also makes you very aware of the spiritual and social connection that food has through many elements of your life, it makes you appreciate not just food itself but the relationships that are most important in your life, that food enhances and connects you to. In a nutshell it makes you grateful and gives you new perspective that is easy to lose during ‘normal’ life. I would definitely travel with friends again to a foreign city to take part in a show, it really made for a more rich and enjoyable experience, being able to wander around Copenhagen the following day chilling, shopping and eating was an awesome way to finish off the journey and really gave me a feeling of having freedom again. What’s next? They think its all over...
...Well they couldn’t be more wrong, this is just the beginning especially when this week it has been announced by the WBFF that the new home of their european Championships is going to be non other than london and the o2 arena this november, so over the next 4 months I will concentrate on adding some quality muscle to my frame and look to start leaning up around September time, so look out for all my new blogs starting very soon, following first my 4 month journey in search of more muscle, which will be involving some new and interesting characters along the way, so stay tuned. the blogs will be cunningly named... WBFF London 2013! #teamStansbury here we come !
Have you got questions about how you can get the results you want right now? “An Evening with Adam Stansbury” Whatever you want for your body, we have an evening presentation that’s perfect for you; to answer all your questions and set you on the path to achieving the body and health you always wanted. Weight Loss Made Easy Saturday 29th June, 5:30pm, newton Abbot. natural Training for Hypertrophy Saturday 20th July, 5:30pm, newton Abbot. tickets cost £10 per seminar and are available from the reception in newton Abbot, available to members only. Refreshments available on the night. For more information please contact
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Serious Fit Newton Abbot
We had a great number of new competitors this year after introducing the new categories to our annual Serious Fit gym challenge. our new “First step to Serious Fit� and masters category now means there really is even more reason for you to take part and test yourself.
Lisa Oliver won the Serious Fit Ladies and Ladies Master category with a time of 8.49 and her Husband brian Oliver won the Mens Master category with a time of 8.54.
Serious fit is a great way to measure your fitness and progress annually with the goal of improving each year. there is a slight competitive edge but there is a very laid back atmosphere and all the competitors have a great time socializing whilst the event is taking place. If you are up for the challenge and would like some variation in your workouts, speak to an instructor to find out about our next event.
James Kelly Won the Mens Serious Fit on his first ever run through of the course with a time of 8.30.
Our First Step Mens and Ladies winners were bob Coles with a time of 5.33 and vicky Knapman with a time of 4.55.
Well done to everyone who took part and we look forward to seeing you plus many more members next time!
Welcome to Winners 2000 Paignton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A warm welcome to the Paignton section of the Winning times. here you can find out whats going on at the Paignton Club, meet the trainers and get all the latest news. I am sure by now you are all aware we are open from 6am. It is great to see so many members here early on, before work, really starting their day the right way. We get a number of people tell us that they are more productive at work, have better energy and sleep much better by getting up to train first thing. now we have the weather for it, you can also get some work done outside. We hope to start work on the outdoor development very soon. I wanted to say a big well done to all those Paignton members who took part in the lose an Inch day we ran last month. We had some really huge successes, with people learning a tonne on the day that helped them to make the simple changes to their diet and exercise programs that pushed their bodies into a fat burning, not fat storing mode. there is so much mis-information about how to lose fat and prevent the body from storing it, no wonder people struggle at times. What you want, is a situation where your body uses fat for fuel, you can elevate your metabolic rate, and become insulin sensitive not insulin resistant. our lose an Inch Day really is about teaching you and your body just how to do that. We have plans to run this again at the end of the year. Paignton Team update We are lucky in Paignton to have some very established and familar faces within the team, but within the past few months we have had some changes so I thought it would be a good idea to do some introductions and also some thank you’s. Team Winners First Marine First of all, congratulations to Rob hughes, who was part of our team here. Rob had always had the career goal to become a Marine and is right now half way through his basic training.
new Arrival on the way!!! As I am sure you are all aware from the increasingly big bump, Sarah is expecting very soon, she is now on maternity leave and we wish her all the best. She will be a great Mum. Sarah is not only a trainer at our Paignton club but also our resident Zumba, Pump and Aerobics Instructor. Sarah hopes to return to work pretty quickly after the birth of her little one and during her pregnency leave, leanne will be covering her classes. We would like to welcome both Gary hodge and Jack outterside to the Paignton team, we have high hopes for these two and hope you all have the opportunity to meet them soon. Both Jack and Gary were Winners 2000 members so might look familiar to you all, both want to pursue a career in Fitness and we feel that will be a real asset to us and our members. Torbay Half Marathon and regatta 10k Fun run Are you looking for a challenge this summer? Something you have never done before, an extra reason and MotIvAtIon to train hard and enjoy the process? every year we have a number of members who take part in the torbay half Marathon This is your chance to be a and/or the torbay Regatta 10k Road Race. you dont Memory Maker have to be an experienced runner, you dont have to have done this before, you just need to want to take part, we will help you with the rest. to increase your drive, to make it even more special, we alway ask members to gain sponsorship for a local charity, this year is no dierent. As you may have seen around the gym, we have partnered with luke tillen of the torbay hotels helpers network (thhn) who provide funding and great trips for families faced with the loss of a loved one through a terminal illness. All the money you raise by taking part in these events will go directly to this charity, and enable someone to grab a special memory with thier family before they pass away. If you are interested, just speak to one of the team. We can provide you with the sponsor form, a file to upload to your Facebook page, and a training plan to follow to build up your distances before race day. you can even join in with the Running Clubs we have at each gym. Jon ellery Paignton Site Manager
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Lose an inch Paignton
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the 23rd February 2013 Winners 2000 in Paignton were hosts to their first 'lose an Inch' event. With a lot of interest from members and non members a like, we had maximum attendance of 26 participants. the day started bright and early at 8.30 with a meet and greet. this was swiftly followed by the lose an Inch team taking some body measurements so that each participant had a starting point and a goal to reach. the detailed exercise program began at 9am and required the participants to complete four different supersets (eight exercises in total) with the main focus being the tempo of the movement rather than the weight. this proved tricky for some to start with but with a little help from the staff at Paignton it didn't take long to grasp. At 11am the participants took a short break which also included the consumption of a protein shake and then it was back to work for another hour. We repeated the same process as before but with slightly longer tempos, this meant the participants were starting to feel their muscles working pretty hard! As arms and legs started to tremble it was time to break for lunch, much to the excitement and relief to some of the participants. We gathered everyone into the studio to allow them to tuck into their chicken salads, during which time a Q&A session was taken place with our trainers (Jon, tristan, louise and tom). this gave participants the opportunity to ask questions regarding the two
week nutrition plan, the training method or discuss any other general queries. Soon lunch was over and we had one final session to complete. now participants were refuelled and more focused from the Q&A the day ended with some great individual improvements in adapting to tempo and the training method itself. Feedback from the members was extremely positive and genuine. Although there were a few achy legs the next day everyone seemed to respond really well to the style of training and most importantly thoroughly enjoyed the day. Due to its success we are looking to run this event again later on in the year. We will keep you posted! If you would like more information about anything in this article please email “Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for all your advice and support over the last two weeks” – Angela Kay “Have been a little sore over the weekend, but good excuse for long soaks in the bath!” – trudie Blackburn
THIS YEAr WInnErS 2000 ArE ASKIng YOu TO CHALLEngE YOurSELF FOr CHArITY Our CHOSEn CHArITY IS THE TOrbAY HOLIDAY HELPErS nETWOrK (THHn) thhn offers FRee action packed holidays to families who have seriously ill children, families who are bereaved – having lost a child or parent and to families who have a terminally ill parent. IF YOu CHOOSE TO run EITHEr OF THESE EvEnTS FOr Our CHArITY WE WILL SuPPOrT YOu WITH SPECIFIC TrAInIng PrOgrAMS AS WELL AS runnIng & nuTrITIOn ADvICE In the last few years we have had many of our staff and members participate in these events. Both the half & 10K provide a great atmosphere and team spirit among the Winners teams from all 3 clubs.
To get involved please contact: PAIGnton – toRQuAy – neWton ABBot –
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
The Gym is a Great Place to be Pregnant by Sarah Harris
As a studio instructor teaching on average eight cardiovascular classes a week, plus regular weight training sessions, I would consider myself to be a fit and healthy individual. When I fell pregnant I was really surprised by how much it affected my body and my workouts. this was mainly due to my energy levels and the constant feeling of nausea. once I came through 14 weeks I started to feel much more like my old self again, even if I didn’t look it! I now had a small but noticeable bump and my energy levels were slowly creeping back and the ‘glow’ you always hear so much about seemed to be appearing (or so I was told)! As teaching studio classes is my main job I knew that my cardiovascular fitness throughout my pregnancy would be covered however, I knew I had to consider the following factors; the first was my heart Rate (hR). having worn a hR monitor while teaching I knew my classes provided an interval training effect meaning that sometimes it accelerated above 80% effort. When pregnant it is important that your hR does not exceed 140 beats per minute for any longer than one minute in total. this is due to increased cardiac output and fatigue. It is also really important that core body temperature is kept stable. you don’t want to be sweating too much; this could be a sign that you are overdoing it. When you are pregnant your core body temperature will increase naturally due to metabolism and hormone changes, elevating it too much could have serious consequences in terms of foetal health. Because of this I made sure I wore loose fitting clothing, had the air con on and drank plenty of water. now I am entering my third trimester I have noticed even more changes. In recent weeks I have become more aware of how my balance and co-ordination has changed. I often find myself tripping over my own feet (not great when teaching Zumba!) and have noticed that my centre of gravity has shifted a lot due to the weight of my baby bump.
to help manage these two issues I have been working to strengthen my back muscles in order to support my posture and decrease lower back aches and pains brought on by the weight of both baby and an increase in breast size. I have also been working to adjust my weight placement. Simple tasks such as going up and down stairs can really help you notice how to distribute your newly added weight. I have devised a short total body workout that is suitable for preparing for childbirth.
Pregnancy Workout AIM: to help improve body posture and alignment while strengthening and maintaining the muscles and ligaments you will need during pregnancy and labour. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 reps of each exercise. Keep the movements slow and controlled. Sitting down (rather than standing) where possible will help to reduce the risk of blood pooling in the legs.
• Lat Pulldown - As long as you have stable blood pressure the lat pulldown is perfectly safe to use. If you have been told by your GP or midwife that your BP is raised opt for a seated row instead. • rear Delt Flys (Keiser) - A perfect exercise for helping to draw back your shoulders opposing the weight of your baby bump and increasing chest. the Keiser allows you to stand or sit (on a swiss ball) and gives a smooth motion. • Shoulder Lateral raises Standing or seated this exercise allows you to keep toned and shapely shoulders. Make sure the weights stay below shoulder height. • box Squat - A box squat allows you to perform a squat safely, just in case balance has been affected. It is also a great functional exercise and one that will benefit you during labour. Just make sure your box is not too low. • glute bridge with Pelvic Floor Contraction - Another exercise perfect for labour preparation. the glute squeeze will help during pushing contractions and the pelvic floor engagement for after baby has arrived to get everything back to normal.
Things to consider: 1. once you have entered your second trimester it is important to avoid lying flat on your back for long periods and to not take any position that leaves your abdomen vulnerable to falling weight(s). 2. Keep the weight and repetitions realistic. Rule of thumb is that you keep repetitions in the range of 10-15 per set and decrease from your pre-pregnancy lifting weight. lifting too heavy may leave ligaments susceptible to injury due to the hormone Relaxin which loosens connective tissues. 3. Keep your movements slow and controlled. not only will this help provide a safe and effective workout for the muscle(s) but will also prevent any dizziness or change in blood pressure. 4. Keep workouts under an hour in length. An hour should be plenty of time to work all the appropriate muscle groups and complete a little cardio. WArnIng: Although we can gain huge benefits by exercising while pregnant, certain guidelines MuSt be followed to insure the safety of both mum and baby. It is essential that your GP and midwife are aware of any physical activity you are doing and that any changes to your health or baby’s is taken into consideration. everyone is different and the pregnancy will effect you in different ways, if the exercises I have mentioned don't feel quite right or cause any discomfort please speak to me for an alternative. For more information about exercising during pregnancy or to get a program please email (before 12th June!) or speak to your trainer. benefits to exercise during pregnancy: • More stamina during labour • Stronger & more efficient labour • Better blood circulation • Better sleep patterns • Reduced back pain due to stronger muscles • Minimised constipation • Increased energy levels • Feelings of wellbeing and happiness • enhanced body image • enhanced post natal recovery
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Steve Wood - 3rd Place Miami Pro Championships St Albans 2013 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I first met Steve around 2 years ago in the gym and have worked with him ever since. Steve is one of those guys that no matter what you throw at him he will just get on with it and give nothing but 110% effort. Steve has been through an incredible transformation in terms of his health and fitness. looking back I think the biggest reason for his progress was that we were able to define a goal, and create strong enough reasons for him to consistently follow the new habits and healthy choices we had talked about. Initially, aged 56, Steve wanted to obtain the best physique and health he had ever had, which he did very quickly, with a lot of hard work and consistentcy. Following that, he wanted a new target, something else to aim for, so he decided to choose a Fitness Competition. he enered the Miami Pro Championships, in the over 50 section. the training program for this contest included techniques such as interval training, total body circuits, prowler and sled work,
as well as a diet using carb cycling techniques. I am not an advocate of endless hours of cardio training to reduce bodyfat, it really isn’t condusive to staying lean long term, in fact it encourages your body to break down muscle tissue and use fuel at a slower rate. below are the variables used throughout his training leading up to the show! · Maintained heavy lifting thoughout · 4 week Cycle Changes · Interval training · Metabolic Workouts/Finishers · Carb Cycling Sticking to the diet was no problem for Steve as the dedication that he put in was endless. no one could fault him at all. When a session was booked he was there warming up ready to go. to see someone so motivated was really energising and motivating for me. I tell all the people I work with that “age isn’t a barrier, your vision is the only limit”. Since making his show debut, Steve now has the bug to do more shows. Working towards his next show we are now going to focus on hypertrophy (adding more muscle), with the main aim of focusing on his lower body and bringing in his waistline. Congraulations to Steve, he is a real inspiration. For more information contact
The answers to weight loss aren’t found in starvation diets, hours of cardio or from a pill. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOng TErM SuSTAInAbLE WEIgHT LOSS, WITH gOOD HEALTH AnD gOOD EnErgY, IS A SCIEnCE. I have the answers to your weight loss questions. Contact me now for a 7 day trial and FrEE COnSuLTATIOn. I provide my clients with sensible, safe and sustainable diet programs that fit in with their day to day and family lifes. Plus an exercise program that makes the most out of the time you have available.
Contact me today, start tomorrow.
Whether your goals are to improve your appearance, health, strength or to lose weight...
...I’ll help you obtain those goals naturally, and teach you how to sustain that progress long term.
Contact me now to
Winning... Catherine Willcocks If there is an excuse for avoiding exercise then I’ve used it. I know the benefits and I want them however, my lack of determination has prevented any major results in recent years. Until I contacted Dave! In September I had an initial meeting with Dave at the Gym. I don’t do gyms and I told him so however he convinced me that this could work. I have to admit that I knew that this might be a challenge for me and for him – my attitude needed a serious u-turn! Dave has written a nutrition and exercise plan which works perfectly well for my busy lifestyle, he has kept in touch throughout with much needed encouragement and most significantly has ‘begun’ to change my attitude to the gym so that I now appreciate the difference that this can make to my health and physique. The gym sessions are the significant change for me as I would always give up way too soon and now realise, due to Dave’s motivation, that I can push myself further than I thought I was capable of. 12 weeks on I have lost 27lbs, am beginning to see my waistline return having lost a surprising number of inches all over and have so much more energy. I can’t believe how quickly these changes have happened considering I had achieved very little on my own. I recommend to anyone wanting to actually achieve their goals to speak to Dave Fuge. It has been the best decision I have made in a long time and I look forward to achieving future goals I set with Dave once my current goal is realised.
For information about training with Dave please email or visit
Winning... Charlotte Rossetti I have been attending Sarah’s Zumba classes at Winners gym since January 2012. I wanted to take up an activity to further help with my weight loss after I had already lost four stone. I was swimming regularly but decided Zumba sounded fun and that I may enjoy it. Sarah was recommended to me so I decided to give it a go. Although really daunting I stuck at it even though I have no coordination and felt really self conscious. Over the months I lost a further two stone and gained more confidence. Sarah and the members are really friendly which means I love going to the classes on a Saturday and Wednesday. I now recommend Sarah’s classes to anyone who asks how I have shed my weight and kept it off. Sarah is really motivating and makes you feel at ease. To find out more information about Zumba or any of our other studio classes please email
Free Consultation and 7 day Trial with Dave Fuge at Winners 2000, Paignton The results you can see in this Winning Time are just some of the people I am working with every day. I know just how frustrating it is for people who cannot seem to lose weight, or who are stuck in a rut, unhappy with how they look and feel. Contact me now, come and see me for a FrEE COnSuLTATIOn and you can be the next person to experience just how good it feels to be in shape and living with energy every day.
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Studio Classes in Paignton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Pilates in Paignton
Due to high demand and massive success we have added an additional Pilates class on a Wednesday evening at 7pm. Zoe’s Pilates classes are suitable for all ages and fitness abilities. She is also able to discuss any injuries or illnesses that participants may feel could stop them joining in. As a qualified fitness trainer and with ongoing learning Zoe would be able to let you know whether Pilates is appropriate for you and if so how to modify any movements were required. Pilates is perfect for improving balance, flexibility, core strength and co-ordination. ‘‘Zoe's Pilates classes are an effective way of improving flexibility and overall mobility. The exercise strengthens your core muscles enabling you to train at the gym successfully. I enjoy the relaxed atmosphere in the class which I feel has increased my sense of well-being’’. – Angela Kay "I have suffered with acute back pain and so I took up Pilates. I have found the Winners Pilates session has been extremely friendly and has really help build up my core muscles. This has meant that I have not suffered from back pain for over 12 months." - tim nand-lal “Pilates is a way for me to stretch and tone my body through gentle controlled exercises. I have Dave Fuge as my personal trainer once a week so to come to Zoe's lessons lets me take time out to exercise in a different way. Zoe's classes are fun and she adapts them to suit all abilities" - nicky “I used to get occasional lower back pain and since I have been attending your classes I believe it has really strengthened that area and I can do lots of things pain free now". – Sue Cardale
Free 7 Day Trial and Consultation with Louise Butterworth, Winners 2000 Paignton Former International Level Athlete, Junior gymnastic Coach, and now Personal Trainer specialising in healthy long term weight loss and health improvements. Contact me on
Pilates Classes Monday 7.00-8.00pm Tuesday 9.30-10.30am Wednesday 7.00-8.00pm
Zumba As many of my regulars will be aware I plan to finish teaching Zumba at the end of May, just before I go on Maternity leave. I have arranged cover for all of the classes so they will continue to run without any disruption. Sacha Penn will be covering tuesday evenings at 6pm and Saturday mornings at 9am while Kari-Ann Webb will be covering Wednesday morning at 9.30am. I look forward to teaching again around october time bringing with me a load of new routines... you have been warned! If you would like any further information regarding the studio class timetable in Paignton please email me at
NON-MEMBERS... GET YOUR FIRST CLASS FREE @ WINNERS 2000 PAIGNTON!!! If you are a non-member interested in trying one of our classes please contact Sarah on 01803 524553 or email for a FrEE CLASS vOuCHEr redeemable against any free to member class. bOOKIng In ADvAnCE IS HIgHLY rECOMMEnDED. MEMbErS CAn ALSO rEquEST vOuCHErS FOr FAMILY AnD FrIEnDS.
CLASS BOOKING & RULES Please book into any class that you wish to participate in. booking sheets can be found at reception. Classes are on a first come first serve basis with the following weeks classes always available on a Monday morning. If a class is full, you will be able to place your name on a waiting list. Only names with a telephone number will be accepted. If you are booked into a class and for any reason can no longer attend, please aim to give at least 2 hours notice via telephone so that we can contact anyone who may be on the waiting list. repetitive non-attendance without cancellation may result in refusal to book again.
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
If you would like to advertise in a future issue of the Winning Times please call Pam on 01803 327561 or email and one of our team will be happy to help you.
Hi, As the new resident physios at Winners we would like to introduce ourselves to you and tell you what we can offer you on-site at Winners 2000 Paignton. Avisha and Catherine set up the clinic upstairs at Winners Paignton on the 7th January 2013. We wanted to be able to provide a convenient, excellent service that was affordable yet highly effective, focusing on thorough biomechanical assessment and strong, confident, hands-on therapy. Avisha graduated with a first class honours degree in Physiotherapy in her native South Africa in 1996, working in both the public and private sector before moving to the uK. She was fortunate enough to work for a private sports physio clinic, treating professional athletes and providing physio on the Comrades Marathon route. then followed a move to Australia in 2001, where Avisha completed credits towards her masters in Manipulative Physiotherapy from the Curtin university, Perth. She established the torbay Physiotherapy Practice on returning to the uK. the goal was to provide thorough biomechanical assessments and hands-on, up to date treatment techniques and move away from gimmicky old school physiotherapy treatments that have little evidence base. Avisha also works part time as a team lead on the nhS, thus enabling her to maintain her CPD. Catherine graduated as a physiotherapist in london in 2005, shortly after she commenced work in exeter gaining valuable experience in all areas of physiotherapy over the next 3 years. her career then advanced with a move to Australia, where she worked at the Royal Adelaide hospital on the orthopaedic wards. During this period she was fortunate to have the opportunity to work as a physiotherapist with the Australian Football league, providing her expertise on match days and in training sessions. Following her return to the uK she joined the physiotherapy outpatient team at torbay hospital in 2009,
where she continues to work part time in the specialist shoulder clinic and vestibular rehabilitation. In 2010 Catherine once again provided her sports physio expertise over the course of a season to a football team this time being torquay united under 18’s. In 2012 she gained an MSc at the Royal veterinary College in veterinary Physiotherapy. Since qualifying she has established Rivendale Physiotherapy, where she treats animal and riding clients. both Catherine and Avisha have completed a wide variety of post-graduate courses including: · Kinesiotaping · Basic and intermediate acupuncture · Grade 5 joint manipulation · Muscle energy techniques · Advanced Sports Massage · Myofascial Release they were fortunate enough to attend the international BeSS (BRItISh elBoW AnD ShoulDeR SuRGeonS) conference where they attended talks by leaders in the field of shoulders from all over the world. We are offering £5 of your initial consultation, so that’s a half hour consult with treatment for only £20! As we are chartered physios we are able to accept most private health schemes. Please feel free to chat to us if you see us working out in the gym, or email us at, we would happily give you a free 10 minute assessment to see if treatment would be appropriate for you. like our torbay Physiotherapy Practice page on Facebook for latest offers! We look forward to meeting you soon Catherine and Avisha Chartered Physiotherapists Torbay Physiotherapy Practice
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
Serious Fit - Paignton The Test Yourself Program at Winners 2000; The importance of having targets and goals >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Check out the competitors in this years “Serious Fit” event that took place on Sunday 28th April. We have run this event and others for over 10 years now. We set up these events to give members opportunities to create small personal targets and goals to help bring out the best in them, help speed up their progress, and more than anything, to have fun doing it.
how fast people can improve their fitness, lose weight and develop strength just in preparing for this event alone.
the event isn’t about who completes the course the fastest; it is a personal challenge and we encourage members to take part every year, with the goal of bettering their own personal time. your only competition is against yourself. It’s amazing
Congratulations to all those people who took part, it was a great event and we are very proud to see you all making such great progress.
We have plenty of other fun events that all our members can take part in that run throughout the year, so keep an eye out in the gyms for more information.
Sarah harris
Aimee Wynne – First Step Serious Fit Winner this was my first time taking part in Serious Fit so I started with the First Step event. this was daunting enough and I found myself saying ‘Can I do this?’ quite a few times. turned out I could do it! the day has been a complete confidence booster and has really shown me how fit I have become. I can’t wait to take part again next year but think I will push myself further and enter the full event. I have really enjoyed it. thank you Aimee with her trainer Sarah harris
Mel Lavender – First Step Serious Fit – 3rd Place ‘oMG, what have I let myself in for?’ this was my first reaction when I entered the First Step event. I didn’t expect to win the event but I wanted to try my best and give it a go. the event has really helped me realise where my fitness strengths and weaknesses are and given me something to focus on moving forward with my training. I was very pleased with my time and very thankful of louise who was constantly reassuring me and telling me to breathe! If it hadn’t been for her I wouldn’t have done it. I would love to do the event next year with the aim of improving my time. Mel with her trainer louise Butterworth
vanessa Dunn – First Step Serious Fit A week before the event I received a text from Sarah which explained she had entered me in to the First Step category. All I could think was ‘What the hell?’ I was so apprehensive about taking part but knew it would give me so much confidence if I could complete the course as achieve a personal best time. the whole day although nerve – wracking was great fun and I did the best I have ever done. I achieved a 33 second PB. Although slightly pushed into the event I am so pleased with what I have accomplished. It really helped me see exactly how far I have come since training with Sarah. She is a star. I couldn’t have done it without her. vanessa with her trainer Sarah harris
Lyndsey Allen – Serious Fit this was my first attempt at Serious Fit and the only fear I had on the day was that I wouldn’t be able to finish all 40 reps on bench press. I had spent a few weeks preparing with Jon & Sarah and my main aim was to achieve a personal best, which I did! I am looking forward to next year and improving on my time yet again. Chelsea rowe - First Step Serious Fit I was so nervous and worried about not being able to finish but I did! I really wanted to set a PB but unfortunately the lat pull down was just a bit too heavy and I struggled a little. I really enjoyed the day and definitely want to try again next year in the same category.
rachel Wills – First Step Serious Fit I entered the First Step event so that I could challenge myself and challenge myself I did. In the lead up to the day I had not done a full run of the course. I knew I just wanted to go for it yet my main fear was not finishing as I can be very competitive. In preparation for the event I completed lots of cardio intervals and endurance work. I would like to compete again next year with the aim of improving my time and getting closer to finishing in 5minutes. Rachel with her trainer Sarah harris
Kathleen Snell – Serious Fit My main reason in taking part in the Serious Fit event was to know that I could complete it. I was so scared to enter at first and this I feel definitely impacted on my preparation for the day. If I had just committed sooner I know louise could have helped me so much more. My main fears were coming last and being sick. neither of these I did! the event highlighted the areas where I needed to improve the most. this was mainly my running as I struggled a little on the treadmill compared to the other exercises. I am glad it’s over but am looking forward to trying again next year! Kathleen with her trainer louise Butterworth
Free 7 day Trial and Consultation with Louise Welsh, Trainer, Newton Abbot Whether you are looking to compete in endurance events like marathons, get in shape for a special occasion, compete in a show, or just add more energy and fun to your every day, contact me now and we can set up a plan to move you in the right direction. AgE IS nO bArrIEr. CIrCuMSTAnCES ArE nO bArrIEr. I am fitter at 50 than I was at 40, or 30. Ill can tell you my secrets and advice for long term natural health and looking your best on a big day.
Winning Times 42 | Spring/Summer 2013
You’ve seen inside our clubs and found out a bit about what we do, how we do it, and who we are. now it’s your chance to come and experience Winners 2000 for yourselves, with our
FrEE 7 DAY TrIAL AnD COnSuLTATIOn. You’ll get a week’s pass to train in all 3 of our clubs, and take part in all the great group classes like ZuMbA, PuMP, CIrCuITS and many more. You’ll get to sit down with one of our team and find out about how being a member at Winners 2000 can help you get the body and feelings you always wanted but have never known how to. Contact us today, start tomorrow: newton Abbot Torquay Paignton
Winners 2000 is proud to have achieved The National Gym of the Year award in 2012, recognising us as the best gym in the UK. We are currently working towards repeating that achievement in 2013