Issue 43 n AUTUMN/WINTER 2013 n Produced by Winners 2000 n SoUTh DEvoN
The official publication of Winners 2000, Officially The National Gym of the Year 2012
National Gym of the Year 2012, and shortlisted again to the final 5 for 2013!! Adam Stansbury, shortlisted for Gym-based Personal Trainer of the Year
Get the body you have always wanted. Check out our amazing member transformations inside. This could be you!
Louise Butterworth - Active IQ Awards Nomination: Most Inspiring Health and Fitness Professional of the Year 2013 Winners 2000 runners achieve GOLD for charity
Want to join us? Special offer available now, see inside... Follow us on
Our Mission
Winners 2000 is proud to have achieved The National Gym of the Year award in 2012, recognising us as the best gym in the UK. We are currently working towards repeating that achievement in 2013
Welcome to the new look Winning Times. We hope you enjoy reading the articles featured in this issue.
Editor: Sarah harris Design: Print: Kingfisher Print Produced by: Winners 2000 STOCKISTS: Do you want to stock the Winning Times in your shop or venue? Call Pam on 01803 327561 or email and we’ll add you to our list of official Winning Times stockists. ADvErTISIng: If you would like to advertise in a future issue of the Winning Times please call Pam on 01803 327561 or email and one of our team will be happy to help you. COnTrIbuTIOnS: We welcome any articles or photographs that you feel would be of benefit to the Winning Times. These are sent at the owners risk and although we take every care, we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage. Please email any articles or photographs to Please consult a Doctor prior to exercise if you have any condition that you think may put you at risk of illness, accident or injury. Winners 2000 is not responsible for any issue that may arise from the undertaking of a diet or exercise program covered in this document. Any activity you undertake is totally at your own risk. All Winners 2000 Trainers are Natural Athletes and their physical gains and accomplishments have been obtained safely and naturally without the need for any harsh or illegal drugs or substances. We believe only in natural health and fitness and do not condone drug or substance abuse in any way.
“Winners 2000 is in business to improve the health, fitness and quality of lives of our members, and to make a difference in the community. Success is helping people live with their desired balance and to achieve a sense of fulfilment; to help take them to places they only dreamt they could go. We are never afraid to say what hasn't been said, or do what hasn't been done. We work with open eyes and ears to new information and research, to ensure the product we present to our clients is always the very best and most importantly, works for them”.
Business Objectives
Inspire Aside from their academic study, all the trainers who are chosen to be part of team Winners have done so with a very clear template in mind. We look to recruit people based on some simple but we feel very important character traits; such as work ethic, humility, selflessness, passion and the drive to get better. We also recognise how important it is for our members to feel that our trainers “walk their talk”, and we are as passionate about our own physical goals as we are yours. All the trainers in team Winners are continually working towards their own set of physical goals, in a safe, natural and organised fashion. We have many hugely successful athletic trainers, ranging from sprinters, triathletes, pole vaulters, natural fitness models, rugby players and footballers. our aim is that in showing you our commitment and our own developments, our struggles, our resilience, our focus, we can help inspire you to do the same.
Drive Positive Change For many of our members, exercise provides a starting point for many other things in their lives. The energy, thought clarity and momentum from a good workout can really provide the drive for our members to make changes in other areas, all with the goal of being really fit, happy and healthy. We want to make the hour or so you are with us each day, the catalyst to drive the other 23 to a higher level, for you to be able to do more, think faster, smile more, give more. At the heart of our Mission, is the core belief that every single human behaviour should be based around a single outcome; “loving life”. We believe that a fit body and mind are critical to that end, and that in working with us, we maintain a focus on that outcome at all times. We support that process by encouraging our members to always be clear about “their goals” and “what they are doing right now to achieve them.
Educate All our trainers are committed to their own development, so when they meet and interact with our members, they can explain the what, why and how you should exercise to achieve all the goals that are most important to you. Throughout your membership at Winners 2000, we aim to teach you the “why” to the “what” we advise you to do. We aim to qualify every piece of advice with sound reasoning, so you are empowered for the long term.
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Welcome to Winners 2000 Torquay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What an amazing Summer we have had here in Torquay. The outdoor Gym has been a huge success for outdoor training and Muscle hill has been used by more members than ever. The members in Glen's Circuits class have all endured Muscle hill at least 3 times non-stop, well done to them. We have been shortlisted for the National Gym of The Year Award 2013 National and the Southern Regional Award. We have worked really hard on continuously improving ourselves as a business and as a team here at Winners 2000 so we will keep you all informed of the results at the Awards Ceremony in December. The girls are on top form at Winners2000 Torquay! We are so proud to have had three females compete in Natural Figure shows this year!
inspired to compete and a big congratulations to them all Winners to us!! They proved that “Nothing is Impossible” and followed the training and dietary advice of their trainers to the letter, to enable them to make such massive improvements totally naturally. uFE Professional Show - Ontario Canada, nov 2013. I will be competing again in Canada this year at the Ultimate Fitness Events - Pro Show - Figure Class on the 9th November and am really looking forward to it. I achieved Pro Status by qualifying in the top 3 and then in the evening Pro Show achieved 3rd Place so I am looking again to come higher in this years show. The UFE is the fastest growing Natural Fitness and Figure federation, and I am proud to be bringing a show to the UK in 2014. More info to come soon. You can follow my progress on FB hannahbryantfigureathlete or Twitter – @hannahUFEpro SKIn DEEP bEAuTY THErAPY Winners 2000 Torquay would like to welcome our new Beauty Therapist Sarah Clements. Sarah specialises is Dermalogica products and she is also a Crystal Clear Microdermabration consultant. Sarah will be working from the Treatment Room downstairs in the Torquay Winners 2000. See the article by Sarah in the pages of this edition of the Winning Times.
Rachel Prescott
vicky Preston with trainer James Doolan
Firstly a big well done to Rachel Prescott and vicky Preston! Rachel Prescott competed in her second bodybuilding show ‘‘The NPA South West Championships’’ and placed 3rd in her Figure category. vicky Preston competed in the ‘‘UKBFF’’ in Dorchester and she came top six in her first Bikini Contest. Congratulations to Lisa Mathieson who competed in her first ever Figure competition. Lisa won her category at the ‘‘BNBF Figure Midlands Championships’’ and was invited to compete in the BNBF Finals in a few weeks time. Watch this Space!! It is wonderful to see these ladies
baby Fever and member shout outs! Congratulations to new parents Sam Stevenson and Jade Roberts on the birth of their Daughter Isabella Stevenson born on the 6th of August. Also to Rob and Laura, who had their baby boy Rueben James Ford on the 12th August weighing 7lb 8oz, Laura was able to train right through her pregnancy and was even in the day before her birth!! Congratulations to Deborah Rees who recently got married to her partner Simon, Elliot Barton and his new wife Zoe and to members Mark Fahy and Jo Spencer who recently got engaged. Lastly, well done to Emma Roper who won first place in her category in the Cockington Caper Run.
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Winners2000 in the community Thank you to all the members and their families who have been helping raise money for the charity ThhN - Torbay holiday helpers Network. We have so far raised sponsorship via the Torbay half marathon, Torbay Regatta 10km and the oddicombe hill Climb. The Great West Run on the 13th october is our next fundraising event. If you would like any more information regarding ThhN or would like to make a donation please visit their website upgrade work coming at Torquay! Winners 2000 Torquay has some exciting plans regarding upgrades/renovations and all will be revealed very soon to all members. We want to continually make your training experience even better, and we are always striving and working hard to achieve this.
Top Tip Benefits of not holding onto a treadmill.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me Enjoy your autumn as it won’t be long before we are on the run up to Christmas and us ladies will want to look fab in those LBD's!! hannah Torquay Site Manager /UFE-Pro Figure Athlete
Don’t forget to take advantage of your gym membership, it is valid at all of our 3 clubs and you are welcome to attend any 'free to member' classes. Non-members can attend for £4 per class. For a current timetable visit or pop into any site.
Watch your form - select a speed that you can handle without falling off. Dont rely on the handrails - When you walk, use upright posture and your arms are supposed to be swinging rhythmically by your side hanging on can cause repetitive stress injuries in the hips and aggravate pre-existing back injuries and cause the hips to over rotate. Walking and running at different speeds and intervals can increase muscle activity in the hamstrings, glutes, quads and calves. Muscle activity can be increased in an incline of just 3 degrees therefore a higher rate of metabolic activity - fat burning. Look straight ahead, focus and follow your eyes. Expect to feel disorientated in the first few times you use a treadmill. Most people only experience this vertigo once or twice. Enjoy the treadmill and use it safely to increase your aerobic/anaerobic fitness and to increase your metabolic rate.
Gruelling 24 hour Duathlon in support of the THHN by glen bevan
how does cycling 25 kilometres and then running 5 kilometres sound? What about, if, once you had done that you did it again and again and again for 24 hours? That's exactly what Glen Bevan is planning to do to raise money for the Torbay holiday helpers Network (ThhN) in December at the Torquay gym. Glen has been a huge part of our Torquay team for over 3 years now and in that time competed in many events, like Tough Guy, Triathlons and Duathlons. That may sound impressive on its own, but factor in the fact that he functions on one lung, having suffered a collapsed lung over a decade ago that never fully repairs, and it is even more of an inspiration. Glen is very good friends with Luke Tillen, Founder and Chairman of the ThhN, Glen said “I'm always looking for a new challenge. I know a lot about the ThhN and the great work that Luke and his team do and wanted to do something myself to help raise money for them. I decided it had to be a pretty tough challenge if people were going to sponsor me and thought that the tougher I made it the more money I should be able to raise. That's the theory anyway. Luke is an old friend and I couldn't think of a better charity to support.”
really tough time. The more people who find out about what they do, the better.” The event is scheduled for December 22nd at 10am. For more information or to get involved, contact, or for the latest news go to the ThhN Facebook page where you'll find all you need to know. In the meantime, Glen has set up a Just Giving page so if anyone would like to sponsor him on this incredible challenge go to To find out more about the THHn and Winners 2000 visit the THHn website at or find either organisation on Facebook. For more information contact nicky Allen on Tel: 07552 628850 Notes: Torbay holiday helpers Network (ThhN) offers free holidays to families who have seriously ill and bereaved children, recently bereaved families, couples who have lost a child and to families who have a terminally ill parent. Registered charity number: 1146425
Donate by Text NOW! Text the code ThhN75 and the amount you wish to give to 70070
The event itself will take place at our Torquay gym and Glen is hoping for plenty of support in terms of sponsorship, cheering him on and generally helping to keep him awake. The challenge will last for 24 hours and Glen will only stop for occasional food and comfort breaks along with a couple of leg massages along the way. Glen added “I've never done anything like this before but I'm incredibly determined and love a challenge. As well as raising money for the ThhN I hope it will help raise awareness of the work that they do. At Winners 2000 we're great supporters of Luke and the ThhN and very passionate about helping in any way we can so that the ThhN can provide as many of their wonderful holidays in this great area to people who are having a
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Improving your Lactate Threshold for gains in Sport Performance and all around work capacity. by Luke Simons
Lactate Threshold (LT) is the point during exercise when your body switches from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism. AKA, oxygen present (aerobic) at the early stages of exercise moving towards no oxygen present (anaerobic) as the intensity of the exercise increases. LT is also the point in which lactic acid will start to accumulate in the blood stream. If we remain within our LT we should be able to maintain that intensity and perform our sport at a steady level (Maximal lactate steady state). however, as soon as we increase that intensity, taking us above our LT, we would start using our anaerobic energy system and therefore lactic acid starts to accumulate in the muscle causing us to slow down or even stop.
anaerobic energy system (without oxygen). This energy system is maximally stressed usually between 30 seconds up to several minutes. Taking everything into account we need to improve both our Lactate Threshold and anaerobic capacity. Luckily this can be done using very similar training styles. How to improve your Lactate Threshold Firstly, we need to know at what intensity you should be exercising to see best results. Research tells us that Lactate Threshold can occur at 80-90% of our maximum heart Rate (hR) for a trained athlete or individual and 50-65% for the untrained individual. Knowing this will now help to determine how hard you will need to work and at what intensity in the following workouts prescribed. As you progress over this 4 week block the goal is to see an improvement in your LT , allowing the intensity or work rate in which you complete the workouts to have increased. You should be able to do more work, complete more reps, complete further distances and go faster for longer. All these attributes will make you an all-round better athlete. A combination of high volume, maximal steady state (at your LT), and interval workouts have the most pronounced effect on Lactate Threshold improvements. Therefore, I’m going to incorporate this into the 4 week block prescribed.
As an athlete or sportsperson, one of our goals is to improve Lactate Threshold. This will help maintain higher intensity workloads for longer periods of time. Put simply, you’ll be able to work harder, faster and perform better for longer. Clearly from a performance perspective, that has massive advantages to any sport or event. For endurance events having a greater LT simply means we can run, swim, row, cycle etc, at a faster pace and be able to maintain that pace for a longer period of time. This could be a 20 minute event or even a 2 hour event. For shorter events such as; 2K row, 800M run, CrossFit WoDS’s, MMA, and many more, your LT will be tested much quicker due to the higher intensity demand on the body. These shorter events are also dependant on our anaerobic capacity. This is the total amount of energy we can use from the
The following workouts can be used alongside your existing programmes. however, for best results use the following workouts in place of your regular cardio sessions, to be performed after your weight plan or on its own day. You should aim to complete one of the example workouts twice a week, maximum. Workout 1 Week 1 = 4 x 5 minute runs – Complete these runs at a speed you could sustain for a maximum of 20 minutes. Allow 60 seconds recovery between sets. Week 2 = 5 x 5 minute runs – same rest time Week 3 = 6 x 5 minute runs – same rest time week 4 = 3 x 5 minute runs – 45 seconds rest between sets.
We call week 4, stabilisation week. This allows us to maintain high work rate but with lower volume allowing the body to have adapted to the changes over the last 4 weeks and prepare for the next training cycle. Think of it as “locking in” your new level of fitness. Without a proper week 4 (sometimes called a deload), overtraining can easily occur and gains be lost or even worse, go backwards. Workout 2 Week 1 = 3 x 500M Row – Complete these rows at a sub maximal level (slightly below your maximum). Allow 2 minutes recovery between sets. Week 2 = 3 x 750M Row – same intensity with 2 ½ minute rest time Week 3 = 3 x 1000M Row – same intensity with 3 minute rest time Week 4 = 2 x 750M Row – same intensity with 2 minute rest time (stabilisation week) Workout 3 The Goal in this workout is to complete as many repetitions as possible with in the time allocated. Be careful not to go all out from the start as you will not finish the minute. Week 1 = 3 x 1 minute of Thrusters (50%1RM) with 1 minute rest between sets 3 x 1 minute of Press Ups with 1 minute rest between sets 3 x 1 minute of 8ft - 10ft Wall Ball Shots with 1 minute rest between sets 3 x 1 minute of Burpees with 1 minute rest between sets Week 2 = 4 x 1 minute – same rest time Week 3 = 5 x 1 minute – same rest time Week 4 = 3 x 30 seconds – same rest time Warning! The workouts prescribed are not for the faint hearted. They are numbered 1,2,3 as this is the order of intensity. To work out your level of intensity, thus the workout you should follow, see below. Score yourself from 1-10. 1 being – 0 fitness levels with minimal experience, and 10 being – extreme fitness levels with plenty of experience. If you score 1-4 I recommend workout 1. If you score 5-7 I recommend workout 2. If you score 8-10 I recommend workout 3.
Look and feel on top of the world second 4 week cycle, and workout 3 for the third 4 week cycle. This would give you continual progression and great results. For any information, advice or training programmes to enhance your fitness, Lactate Threshold, sports performance or to just look and feel on top of the world, you can contact me on the following... Email: Tel: 07525534171
Welcome to the Cutting Room!!! Run by Holly and Rachel, The Cutting Room Hairdressers from the Torquay Winners 2000 is based downstairs in our Torquay club. Opening hOuRs Tuesday - Friday: 0900-1730 Saturday: 0900-1600 Late evenings are available by appointment only. Winners 2000 members receive 15% discount each time they come Contact holly and Rachel on 01803 316792 or 07796683266
You could also try the following over a 12 week block. Starting with workout 1 for the first 4 week cycle, workout 2 for the
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Yasemin Keskin As a result of numerous very difficult times, my mind and body had suffered greatly. I had become very heavy and after receiving therapy for a non-physical condition, where I was at one stage housebound for nearly 2 years, I managed to heal my mind significantly; the greatest challenge of my life. Making great progress I knew it was time to be brave again and face my next challenge, losing the weight. Finding Glen has been one of the greatest blessings to have ever happened to me. Having 100% support is something I’m not used to. It is having such Having 100% support is something an impact it’s leading to the beginning of major changes in other I’m not used to. So far I’ve lost 4 stone areas of my life too. I enjoy all the food in my diet plan, come in 6 days a week and complete the programme set for me, no matter how tough! In addition, despite a condition in my feet, I also push myself to walk 30 miles a week to aid both my mental and physical goals. The weight loss...? I have so far lost 4 stone in 16 weeks!!! Plus gone down 4 dress sizes!!! Through my workouts I’m constantly discovering what my body is capable of and I’m excited as to what I might be able to do in the future. I always look forward to coming to the gym and would like to thank the rest of the team for always offering their help and for making me feel so welcome. By staying dedicated, I believe I will reach my ideal weight and will always be thankful to Glen for everything he helps me to achieve. For more information please email
SKIN DEEP Beauty Therapy with Sarah Clements My name is Sarah Clements and I am proud to be working with Winners 2000 Torquay in the Treatment Room. I have 15 years of experience in the Beauty Industry and I have always worked out of Torbay. I am a qualified Crystal Clear Microdermabrasion Therapist and a certified Dermalogica Skin Care Consultant. I will be offering free face-mapping consultations (analysing the 14 zones of the face), to find the most suitable treatment for you and there are also a wide range of products to compliment these treatments. To see the extensive range of Beauty Treatments available, please help yourself to a price list that can be found in all the Winners 2000 Receptions. Gift vouchers are also available. OPEnIng TImES: Tuesdays and Fridays 9am-9pm Saturdays 9am-4pm *Early morning appointments available on request
For advice, to book appointments or consultations please call or text me on 07533 612530 I look forward to meeting you all. Sarah
Member in Focus - Lee Brewer's story so far... by Luke Simons
Where do I start with this guy? If there is an injury to be had, he's had it. If there's an illness to be had, he's had it. Yet what Lee has managed to achieve this year is just superb. Lee has been a member of Winners 2000 for almost three years; however, it has been very on and off. It's fair to say that at the beginning, Lee didn't really take it seriously, or shall we say he fell into the trap of thinking that training a couple of times a week would be enough to create life changing results. Having realised he was WrOng, it was time to get serious. The first time I spoke to Lee properly was when he approached me and literally asked me for help. he was 22st 6lbs and his words to me were, "Mate, I feel like I’m going to die soon, I can't walk up a set of stairs without having to stop, I can't even run in the park with my daughter". So, this was the real deal, this was someone who really did want to make changes and not just talk about it. Currently, (August 13) we have Lee Brewer weighing in at 17st 6lbs, that's a 5 stone deficit from his heaviest and Lee is by no means finished. Lee’s weight loss journey has been anything but plain sailing. he has so many daily challenges to overcome such as lack of sleep, from his new born baby daughter. he runs a pub where he constantly sees friends, family and customers eating and drinking all the things that contributed to his 22stone weight. he has had injuries to battle through, but most of all he has had his own
demons inside his head. These like most of us have been his hardest challenge to date.
We are all individuals, therefore we all require different methods of training/exercise and also different nutritional requirements for maximum results depending on the goal at hand. Lee’s Training (Lee's goal is fat/weight loss) We have tried every method possible to see what worked the best, such as GBC, hypertrophy, hIIT, LSD cardio, CrossFit. Some have worked for Lee and some have not. What we discovered produced the best results was hIIT training (see WT42 for hIIT article) combined with X Training workouts. X Training, like hIIT is high intensity training, but using constantly varied workouts. You could find Lee on the stair climber most mornings and you would even see him running on it (no hands occasionally). We use intervals on the stairs as this worked well for Lee's weight loss but also the intervals increased his fitness and gave Lee a much better overall energy and feeling to go about his very busy day. Along with this, I prescribed him with a number of different workouts based on X-Training (metabolic conditioning). These workouts were high intensity and based around compound lifts, body weight exercises, gymnastic movements and cardio vascular fitness. Lee loves the variety and challenge of these workouts. The aim is to increase his metabolic rate and take advantage of post workout calorie burining, a far more efficient way than countless mundane hours of cardio, which never produce the results people think. Working at this intensity and using this approach, Lee is able to build strength, flexibility and endurance all at the same time. Lee's goal is 16st 6lbs. he is getting close and working harder than ever to reach it. he understands that this is a long term thing, a lifestyle change, and he must be disciplined and stick to it to be healthy and happy long term. Look out for Lee's final result and pictures in the next edition of the Winning Times. If you would like discuss how I can help you to reach your health and fitness goals please contact me today! 07525534171
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Your Time at the Gym is about you; so make the most of it. by Ashwin baker
My main ethos in life is to make the most out of everything I do whether I'm enjoying a day off, going on holiday, exploiting a wellearned cheat meal or on this case training at the gym. Unfortunately today’s modern world of long working hours, parenting and plenty of distraction has meant that making the most of any free time is ever more important. I love training but that does not mean I have four hour training sessions, far from it. I have achieved my current shape through a very simple but EFFICIENT set of ground rules that I apply to my training and lifestyle, all geared around “Making the Most of My time in the gym”. . Intensity Intensity whilst training is one of my golden rules. Five minute breaks and chatting between exercises is 100% detrimental when it comes to intensity. In preparing for my first “Fitness” event I currently train using a GBC (German Body Composition) method which is a very intense form of training. It combines exercises with short rest periods therefore increasing the amount of lactic acid produced and hence spiking natural growth hormone. It is also a very effective way to burn body fat. It means I get a lot done in a short time. When I train with friends, we save our talking for any cardiovascular work we do, as it helps to pass the time and improves lung capacity! Have a good plan It is really important to come to the gym knowing what you are going to do and why. I know it sounds very simple but training without a program is like driving without knowing where you are going. Without a destination you will never experience the feeling of accomplishment. Your program should be designed by one of the team here, not something from a magazine or that someone else uses. You are an individual and you should have your own program, one that grows and changes with you so it is never too hard or too easy. I am guessing that you joined our gym to get a certain set of results. To do that, you have to be doing the right things.
make Every rep Count! When you are weight training make sure you use the correct level of resistance so that your final few reps of each set bring you close to reasonable failure. A journal published by Charles Poliquin (a world renowned strength and conditions coach) stated “lift to failure and use very short rest to produce a major buildup of lactate. The need to remove blood lactate, a waste product, will elevate energy expenditure”. This elevated energy expenditure will make your body burn fat even when you’re not training. "Don't be one of those guys” Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all great, but they have no place in your gym time. If you’re going to tweet anything Tweet #MYTIME because that's exactly what it is. Dedicate the next hour to yourself, not to reading the status of people you don't actually like. Your time at the gym should be about you, making you look and feel better. Training Partners, friend or foe? Training partners can be an amazing tool when it comes to inspiration and friendly competition. They can motivate, spot, and force those crucial extra reps out of you. however, they can
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
also make you overshoot your rest periods by chatting about what they watched on Tv last night or the fall out they had with a work colleague. When you train make a commitment to stay with a set tempo and push each other on to achieve more than what you could on your own. Save the talking for the warm up and cool down. You’ll feel much better for the extra focus and drive and most importantly you will see faster results. music & Training; a Symphony for Success or Decibels of Disaster? Music is a great tool for keeping focus and intensity while training. ‘Costas Karageorghis’ Professor of sport psychology at Brunel University stated "Music does not moderate what you feel, but how you feel it. It makes the exercise experience more pleasurable." This is achieved through the following; 1. Reduction in the sensation of fatigue 2. Increase in levels of mental arousal. Where the music ‘psyches’ a person up to perform an exercise better than they otherwise would. 3. Improvement of motor coordination. Certain rhythms will enhance and improve motor tasks, which in turn improve exercise performance 4. Increase in relaxation. Elevated hormones which would normally contribute to muscle fatigue could be suppressed or dampened by music There you have it. Music can be an invaluable tool to increasing your intensity whilst training; however when it comes to devising a playlist everyone has their personal tastes. I have a weight training playlist which has songs with strong lyrics and a strong beat that really gets my blood pumping. Don't be one of those guys to pull out an iPod every 3 minutes to pick a song. Put aside 15 minutes each week to create a playlist that assists your training session. So to conclude, keep the intensity up and the distractions low. Training with this mindset isn’t easy at first but you will soon be seeing the rewards! If you would like to upgrade your training program or have any questions about this article please contact me via email: Facebook: Ashwin baker Twitter: bKr_Fitness
AdveRtise yOuR business heRe. Contact and have your business advertised in the newsletter of the uK gym of the year (officially)
Welcome to Winners 2000 Newton Abbot
What a great summer it has been. I hope you have made good use of our outdoor gym and classes? We have recently been developing plans to add an olympic lifting area to the outside rear of our building which will be a section dedicated to this sport, so watch this space! Personal Trainer Adam Stansbury and Newton Abbot Site Manager Dean Turner will be competing in the WBFF Fitness Model category in November at the o2, London. If you would like to show your support and experience a body fitness competition, tickets are available through the WBFF website. Dan Pagett has now taken over our Monday night Abs class and would love to help any of our members looking for a great ab workout or those in search of some new exercises. If you have any suggestions for new classes, please email
Congratulations to Mel Jolly and helen Parsons who came 1st in the Ladies Team event for the Torbay half Marathon corporate challenge. here they are standing proud alongside trainer James oswald. Well Done to vicky Preston who competed in her first Bikini Competition with help from James Doolan and hannah Bryant.
Well done to James harbron who has made some great improvements ready for his Wedding. Read more about how James was able to achieve these results in James Doolan’s article on Stress.
Congratulations to Sam Davey and Phil Coburn on the birth of their daughter olivia born 30th May (9 days late!) weighing 8lbs 10.5oz. Sam has now returned to the gym and is training with Emmylou Anderson who is thrilled to have her back. I am sure it won’t be long before she has her pre-pregnancy body. happy Birthday to dedicated GP referral member hugh McDonald who turned 80 last month. he is certainly showing that age is just a number and not a barrier in health and fitness.
If you would like any further information about the newton Abbot site please contact Dean Turner:
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
a running back for the Torbay Trojans I need to have power to How I’ve managed my training to Assmash through the defensive line but the agility to avoid any line backers or free safeties trying to tackle me. Although I don’t play American Football and weight train for football at the moment I still do speed and drills to keep me on my toes. I regularly do the following compete in the WBFF Fitness Show agility drills within a Speed and Agility Session. by Ashwin baker
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since working at Winners 2000 I have gained enough knowledge and confidence in myself to enter the WBFF Fitness Show in November. This is the same show Adam Stansbury (Trainer in our Newton Abbot club) spoke of in issue 42 of the Winning Times. With the aim of competing in mind my current goals are based on retaining as much muscle as possible while getting as lean as possible. I love training for the fact I know I can achieve great aesthetics however my real passion lies in Sport Strength and Conditioning. In body building shows you’re only as good as someone else’s opinions, which in this case is a panel of judges. Whereas on the field it’s your job to be stronger, faster, quicker and more skilled than your opponent otherwise you lose. For instance, who is the fastest sprinter to have ever lived? Easy, Usain Bolt. Now ask a group of people, who has the greatest Physique of all time? Chances are you won’t come to an agreement. I currently play American Football for local team ‘The Torbay Trojans’. It may seem like an alien sport compared to what we call football, but American football is a great sport that really favors the Athlete, that is why I love it. You don’t need to have played it since you were a toddler to be half decent at it. As long as you’re strong, fast and your heart is in the game, you can make an impact in the sport. Body building and strength and conditioning training for American Football are like Chalk and Cheese so the types of training required are very different. Body Building requires Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy which creates maximum muscle size. American Football requires Speed and Strength, so training in a lower rep range at around 85-90% of your 1 rep max is used, along with force production (speed) exercises, like vertical jumps, medicine ball throws and banded barbell work. The aim is generally to support Myofibrillar hypertrophy, which is to increase strength without bulk.
5-10-5, 3 Cone Drill – These short sprints are industry standard agility drills which you are marked on to show you current level and ability. W sprints – These sprints are run both linearly and laterally and are absolute killers on the Quads. Ladder runs – These are fantastic at improving footwork coordination and the numerous styles of runs. They also target all areas of the legs. Demand Drill – 4 cones in a square formation, you’re in the middle and your training partner stands in front of your pointing to which cone your must sprint to. These drills are designed to test your ability to think quickly on the spot and react as quickly as possible. These drills usually last no more than 30 seconds per set and I keep my rest to 30 seconds tops. Due to this work/rest ratio they are also a fantastic form of hIIT training. If you play Rugby, Football, hockey or Basket Ball these drills would be perfect for you and should be part of your weekly training program. In the near future I will be setting up a Sports Training Class in Torquay with these drills at the core of the workout. Keep an eye out on the Winners Website, Facebook page and Twitter Page for more information. If you have any questions or seek advice about your training or diet contact me on 07788 290026 or via e-mail to Free 7 day trial and Consultation available with Ashwin at Winners 2000 right now. Contact Ashwin on the email above.
Simple Steps for Gains in Lean Muscle Mass by Adam Stansbury
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hypertrophy or gains in lean muscle tissue are easily achieved by applying some simple rules to your training programming. I use the term ‘easily’ very loosely because of course there is still the matter of hard work, sweat and tears that needs to be applied in the gym to make those gains possible. Periodisation Let’s talk about ‘Periodisation’. I’m sure it’s a term you’ve all heard banded around training circles and various internet forums but what does it actually mean? ‘A cycled approach to exercise that allows for a specific focus on a component of fitness’ This means that at any one time during a training cycle there is a main focus on a relative quality that needs improvement. For a long distance runner that might be a period of focus on endurance training, a shot putter will focus on strength, a sprinter or rugby player might focus on power and explosive
training. It is not just a term used for building lean muscle, but for the purpose of this article this will be our focus. I talk to so many people who point out that the program that they are now using is no longer giving them the results it once was, their rate of fat loss has ceased, their lean muscle gains have ground to a halt and when I ask how long they have been using the program, they usually answer ‘about 6 months’. So no wonder that the body is no longer responding to a set of variables that it has already adapted to, I mean why should it change? It’s probably quite happy functioning at a minimum level of energy output and managing to maintain a sufficiently balanced body
composition (homeostasis) that will allow its more critical systems to function. Your body is quite happy doing as little as possible and until you force it to do something it is not used to, then in ‘homeostasis’ it will remain. ‘If you do what you’ve always done, then you’ll get what you’ve always got’ one thing that periodisation can prevent is a plateau in development, allowing for continued progress and it also conveniently alleviates not just physical but mental stagnation. This is so important for beginners or seasoned gym addicts alike. Beginners require a greater level of exercise change to stimulate and to nurture their interest in the gym and training, but to also learn new movement patterns. The seasoned gym addict will require less regular change in exercises but will require more regular change in training variables, such as grip thickness, bench angles, time under tension, tempo etc Therefore Periodisation is an essential part of your programming whether you are new or old to the gym, training or the kind of sport and activity you’re involved in. Key reasons to periodise your training program: z Prevents overtraining z Allows for Adaptation z Prevents a plateau in Progression z Diversity is the key to Progression z Allows for Cycles of Accumulation and Intensification Let me explain a couple of these points. Firstly overtraining or overreaching is probably the most critical part in your training that will force change, it will give the body something to adapt to, and without this there will be no growth that is a guarantee. As critical as it is that you know when to push your body to its absolute limits, it also then as critical to know when to back off for a period without feeling like you’re ‘pussying out’ on a training session. In the gym you stimulate your body to change and give it the reason or resistance to improve but during rest and recovery this is when the body has time to rebuild broken down tissue, reinforcing various systems so that when it meets with the same force or resistance next time, it is better equipped to deal with the situation.
Therefore changing between periods of ‘Accumulation’ and ‘Intensity’ in your training will force the body to respond to the differing requests on performance, whilst allowing for recovery from one training stimulus to another. What is ‘Accumulation’? ‘A period of training where voLUME is the main stressor’ E.g. Sets and Reps What is ‘Intensification’? ‘A period of training where Training LoAD is the main stressor’ E.g. Weight lifted These training cycles are also relative to the specific strength quality or sport in focus. E.g. A rower training in rep ranges of 10-12 could be seen as a period of ‘Intensification’ for them, where as a bodybuilder would see that as a period of ‘Accumulation’ The following 2 example upper body workouts are both focussing on hypertrophy or lean muscle gain but one for a period of Accumulation and the other for Intensification, these could both be followed for a period of 3-4 weeks. upper - Accumulation Weeks 1-3 Phase Seq A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
volume Exercise Description Neutral Chin-ups high Incline Barbell Press 1-Arm Row Lower Incline DB Press Seated hammer Curls overhead Cable Extension
Reps 6-8 6-8 8-10 8-10 10-12 10-12
Sets 4 4 4 4 3 3
Tempo 4010 4010 3011 3110 30X1 31X0
Rest 90 90 60 60 30 60
Reps 4-6 4-6 6-8 6-8 8-10 8-10
Sets 5 5 3 3 3 3
Tempo 4010 4010 3011 3110 30X1 31X0
Rest 120 120 90 90 60 60
upper - Intensification Weeks 4-6 Phase Seq A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2
Load Exercise Description Pull-ups Flat Bench Incline Dumbbell Row high Incline Dumbbell Press Incline Dumbbell Curl Lying Ez Extensions
Conclusion I don’t perform the same workout more than three times and as your ‘training age’ increases (the number of years you have spent training) the quicker your body will adapt to the various training stimulus being thrown at it. I also make sure that the majority of my client’s workouts are performed no longer than three times or for a period of three weeks, this is actually a very individualised variable but for the large majority of body composition goals in a gym environment, this standard practise will achieve great results in either fat loss or muscle gain. Please contact me on if you would like to discuss your own training and how I can help you to break through your plateaus and onto renewed physical development. Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Weight Loss or Health Gain? by Adam Stansbury
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I feel in society there we focus way too much on ‘Weight Loss’ and not enough on ‘health Gain’, after all weight loss and a lean body composition are just a bi-product of living a natural healthy lifestyle, we’re not designed to be chronically over weight, we are designed to have lean physiques that allow all our bodily functions to run optimally. The simple question to ask for me is... What do you want to be, Sick or HEALTHY? So what is actually going wrong and why do we have so many chronic diet related diseases? To understand why let’s take a brief look into modern life... We’ve got a huge amount of manmade, processed and consumer designed food these days. They are calorie dense but nutrient deficient foods, and although obesity rates are rising people are actually starving at a nutrient level! Then we have the office, desk based sedentary lifestyle, cars, transport etc all contributing to a much lower daily rate of activity and energy expenditure. These two factors are then contributing to all the chronic diet related conditions that are the most common killers in society such as, obesity, heart disease, cancers, diabetes, metabolic syndrome etc. So instead of fixing our problem at the root cause we visit the GP, to look for a pill that will cure all our ills! They prescribe us a chemical that doesn’t actually fix the problem but just masks over the symptoms and which then leads to other health issues. ‘Up to 2/3 of those on a diet regain more weight than when they started’ We then start looking for the ‘Quick fix’ this is where the dieting industry enters, a massive billion dollar industry based on the fact that diets fail and you will be part of their culture, buying their products for a long time. If dieting worked then they wouldn’t
make any money, various dieting companies actually admitted this recently on the BBC documentary ‘The Men That Made Us Thin’. ‘More than $60 billion is spent each year on diet and weight loss products in the US’ I know this all sounds very cynical and gloomy but this is essentially what is happening everyday in the world we live in, when all that was needed at the beginning of the process was some good nutritional education and behavioural goal setting to assist and support those in need, instead of letting the problem spiral out of control. ‘Good nutrition makes a lot of sense but not a lot of dollars’ So how do we fix this problem? We need to take the focus off medication and put the focus onto education. So what is a healthy diet? In its most simplistic form the ‘diet’ or lifestyle that we as a species should abide by, could be defined as follows: ‘A diet made up of Whole, Unprocessed Foods with a good balance of essential fats, low in refined carbohydrates with 5 hours of physical activity a week.’ If you were to live by this rule alone you would live a leaner, healthier life, full stop. What do we mean by Whole foods? We mean foods that have undergone no alteration from their original form; they arrive on your plate as they were designed to be eaten, whole. What is a processed food? When we talk about processed foods we essentially mean foods that have been manipulated or isolated from their original form and have had ingredients added or taken away such as artificial sweeteners, flavourings, colourings and or preservatives to increase their appeal.
What do we mean by essential fats? Fats are an essential part of our diet to live and function, they are not the enemy but they must be the right kind (from good sources). The western diet has an unhealthy level of dangerous fats, such as hydrogenated trans fats in processed foods, which are basically unsaturated fats (soft or liquid at room temperature) manipulated so that they harden at room temperature. This improves shelf life and texture along with a food company profits! Along with saturated fats coming from poor quality animal sources, mixed with a high sugar diet and you have the beginning of chronic food related illnesses such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancers. There is also an unbalanced ratio of omega 6’s (pro-inflammatory) to omega 3’s (anti-inflammatory). To address this balance we need to consume more good quality sources of omega 3’s such as fish, walnuts, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, hemp oil, fish oil, algae oil which are also known as ‘poly unsaturated’ fats. To ensure a balanced fatty acid profile we also need to consume monounsaturated fats found in extra virgin olive oil and fatty fruits such as olives and avocados. What are refined carbohydrates? When we talk about refined carbohydrates we are talking about sugary foods and floured products such as sweets, biscuits, cakes, bread etc which contain little nutritional value and have an unhealthy effect on your blood sugar and body fat levels. The closer the carbohydrate is to its natural state, the better it is for your health and body composition. Physical Activity; Research shows that alongside consuming an adequate diet, individuals improve their body composition most when they do five or more hours of physical activity per week, with at least 50% of this exercise from higher- intensity activities. Nutrition can be a mine field; there are thousands of different diets and methods floating around out there to help with fat Loss and weight loss. The first thing to remember is that much of it is ‘smoke and mirrors’, dieting with complex methods only increases your anxiety around eating. The aim is for long term sustainability not short term gain, so that you can embrace real food, not be afraid of it.
The most important point in changing your diet is that it is a lifestyle change and not a 4 week fix that drains you into rebounding and putting the weight back on as quickly as it came off because you’ve been starving yourself from essential nutrients. This is about you understanding your body and providing it with the correct fuel mixture so that your mental, physical and emotional state can run at its optimal level, keeping your life in balance. ‘If a food is in your possession or located in your residence, you will eventually eat it.’ Therefore if you wish to be healthy and lean, you must remove all foods that aren’t a part of your healthy eating program and replace them with a wide variety of better, healthier choices.
I am a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach and as part of the coaching program I use with clients, we include 5 basic habits that if you applied each time you sat down for a meal, in a few weeks you would be living a much leaner healthier life. here are the 5 habits: 1. Are you eating slowly? Check in with hunger, sit down, relax and take your time; 15-20 minutes for a meal is about right. Make sure to stop eating when you’re about 80% full. 2. Where is the protein dense food? Are you about ot eat at least 1 palm-sized portion of protein dense food? Women get 1 palm-sized portion and men get 2 palm-sized portions . 3. Where are the veggies? Are you about to eat a large portion of veggies? They canbe prepared any way you like. one serving is about 1 fist-sized portion and you should try to eat a few portions per meal. 4. Where are the carbs? If you have fat to lose but haven’t just worked out, eat less pasta, bread, rice and other starchy carbs. opt for a double serving of veggies instead. If you have just worked out, a mix of carb sources is fine. 5. Where are your fats coming from? Today you need some fats from various food, prioritizing whole food sources like eggs, meats, fish, olives, nuts and seeds. Spread these throughout the day. For more information on my Nutritional Coaching and to book in for a free 30 minute consultation, to discuss how I may be of help to you, please contact me at ...and remember... ‘You Are What You Eat’
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Are you “stuck” no matter what you try? Body won’t respond how it used to? No energy, tired all the time, reaching for caffeine to get you through the day? You may be suffering from Adrenal Fatigue. by James Doolan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stress, adrenal glands and cortisol. Are they behind your current health problems and your body composition? Most people have, or more accurately, “perceive to have” a reasonable amount “stress” in their lives today there is no denying that. Whether this be at a conscious or subconscious level, we have “created “ around 100 times more stress than when our grandparents were our age. So, what can we do to address the issues and situations placed upon us today and how can we manage it to become healthier, and to attain the body we are all striving for? The answer involves many levels, but in this article I want to detail the physical effects of “stress” and how to remove and reframe them.
Some of the negative responses from prolonged excessive stress, and the onset of “pregnenolone steal” include Reduced insulin sensitivity, reduced glucose utilization, and increased blood sugar, which leads to diabetes. An increased loss in bone mass, as calcium absorption is blocked. The demineralization of bone occurs, leading to osteoporosis. Increased fat accumulation around the waist and protein breakdown, thus leading to muscle wasting, an inability to reduce weight. An increased in water and salt retention, leading to high blood pressure at first, with low blood pressure as the condition worsens. Estrogen dominance, leading to PMS, uterine fibroids, and breast cancer.
Tired for no reason? Having trouble getting up in the morning? Need coffee, colas, energy drinks, sodas, salty or sweet snacks to keep going? Feeling run down and burnt out all the time? Losing your zest for life?
Some Top Tips For Healthier Adrenal glands z Get to sleep by 10 p.m. z Aim for 7-8 hours sleep. z Do the things you like. z Avoid caffeinated beverages. z have a glass of water in the morning with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon rock/sea salt. z Avoid grains such as bread. z Avoid starchy foods such as potato. z Avoid trans-fats such as french fries. z Laugh several times a day. z Take vitamin C, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and vitamin E. z Avoid becoming over-tired. z Avoid sugary fruits such as melons. z Never skip breakfast.
If you answered “yes” to these questions, you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue occurs when adrenal gland function becomes less than optimal—usually as a result of stress.
here is an example of client (James) who has successfully attained his goals through regularly meeting with me, and helping him to understand and address what he needed to do to improve his hormonal status.
In this article, I will take you through some of the science on how stress can impact the adrenal glands and how it upsets our hormonal balance leading to lack of energy, cravings and the storage of body fat to name but a few.
Client and Winners 2000 member James Harbron I helped James understand the eects of his body composition through having excess adrenaline and cortisol when he first approached me through many life stressors. I provided him with the exercise, dietary, supplemental and lifestyle methods he needed to imply to address his bodies needs to reach his goal. he is a very busy man who is now consistent and sensible with his time management, constantly thinking about his next goal in mind, being in the best shape of his life for his wedding this year. References Lam, M. M.D. (2001). Common Causes of Adrenal Fatigue. Available: Last accessed 27/08/2013. McEvoy, M. (03/06/2011). Cortisol & DhEA: The Major hormone Balance. Available: Society for Endocrinology. (2013). You & Your hormones. Available: Last accessed 27/08/2013.
read this article in full at Want help with your health? Contact me now on and arrange a
Wilson, J. M.D. (2008) Are you experiencing stress related adrenal fatigue? . Available: . Last accessed 27/08/2013.
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Welcome to Winners 2000 Paignton
This month Jack and I have decided to introduce ourselves to you all formally and keep you up to date with all the latest news. For those of you who I have not introduced myself to yet, I am currently an apprentice here at the Paignton site and the newest member to the team. I am currently studying towards my level 2 and 3 Fitness Instructor Qualifications as well as undertaking further studying through the Winners 2000 in house development program. I am always on hand if you have any queries, advice or just need a spot. Gary hello, my name is Jack outterside, I am a new instructor based in Paignton and I am very happy to be here! In January 2013 I weighed in at 16 stone 2lbs and knew it was time to change my physique for good. I was unhappy and hated that my friends could take off their tops at the beach, yet I would stay all layered up! After 3 months of strict dieting, consistent training, battles with temptation and negativity, I lost a total of three stone 6lbs, taking me down to a very comfortable 12 stone 6lbs. I recently finished my level 3 qualifications in health and exercise sciences, gaining knowledge in subjects such as anatomy, physiology and nutrition – my three favourites! I also gained my personal training qualification and hope to use it to help others to my best potential. In the same way as Gary, I am always happy to help with any questions you have, or simply chat to you about my own health and fitness journey. Jack new Arrivals Congratulations to Paignton trainer Sarah harris and her husband Paul on the birth of their daughter Lucie who arrived on Thursday 4th July weighing 6lb 9oz. I am sure you will see them with little Lucie in the gym from time to time. Sarah is back training clients from August but is aiming for an october return to classes. If you are a client of Sarah’s and need a program upgrade or new block of PT please email her at
Congratulations are also in order to our long term members Mat and hannah Dempsey on the birth of their daughter Grace. Grace was born on 9th July weighing 6lb 7oz. From everyone at Paignton we wish you all the best for the future. Photo: Amy Stanford Photography
memory makers June saw another fantastic Torbay half Marathon with perfect weather conditions and bundles of enthusiasm. Winners 2000 asked its staff and members to be memory makers by running in the event and raising money for local charity ThhN. We would like to congratulate Paignton trainer Leanne Smith and member Jane Collins for taking part and achieving great times. Well done to both you and thank you to everyone who sponsored them. In total the Paignton gym raised over £70 to go towards the Torbay holiday helpers Network. If you would like to know more about THHn find them on facebook at: Farewell Avisha It is with regret that we are saying farewell to Avisha who is moving on from our physiotherapy team upstairs, we wish her all the best with her future plans. Catherine will be continuing her services in Paignton under ‘Rivendale Physiotherapy’ which includes a wide range of treatments from sports massage, joint manipulation and injury prevention. Look out for offers coming soon! To book an appointment with Catherine please call 07764 340270 or email Stay in the loop! Keep up to date with weekly news via our Facebook page: ‘Winners 2000 Fitness.’ here you will find all the latest information on staff, members and classes. For further information about the Paignton site please email hope to see you all soon, Gary and Jack
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
by Sarah Harris, Studio Coordinator
Thank you Sacha! I would like to say a massive thank you to Sacha on behalf of all the staff and members at Winners 2000 for covering Zumba while I was on maternity leave. I am slightly afraid to return as I know the classes have been a great success and that she will be missed. If you wish to continue Zumba with Sacha she also teaches at Winners Torquay on Monday and Friday evenings. I will be returning to Zumba as of Tuesday 1st october therefore Sacha’s last class will be Saturday 28th September. Sacha’s Classes @ Winners Torquay Monday 6.15pm & Friday 7.15pm Kettlercise has arrived! You may have noticed or even attended the new studio class Kettlercise. Kettlercise is a fantastic body transformation program for all fitness levels from the ages of 16 upwards. The kettlebells go from 2kg all the way up to 12kg, so can accommodate the absolute beginner, right the way through to hardcore fitness enthusiasts! Kettlercise really does cover all aspects of fitness and is a total body transformation program, offering fat loss, muscle toning, cardiovascular and muscular strengthening and conditioning and hits every muscle group in the entire body. Stu, owner and instructor of Torbay Kettlercise recommends a minimum of two classes per week, or three for optimal results Your first class is free to try, after that its £6 per class. You can also buy a block of five classes for £25, or ten classes for £40, so the more you buy the cheaper it becomes. The website is, where you will find our entire class timetable and venues. There are currently two classes per week at Winners Gym Paignton; Monday 6 - 7pm & Wednesday 9.30- 10.30am
You can also find Torbay Kettlercise on Facebook, where you can keep up to date with the latest news, info and competitions. To book a space, please call or text 07554 878 186
be a memory maker just by enjoying our studio classes on Saturday 5th october Winners 2000 Paignton will be having an open Day of studio classes to raise money for the Torbay holiday helpers Network (ThhN). We will be providing 30 minute class tasters so that there is something for everyone to enjoy. We welcome members and non-members to attend with all donations going to ThhN. Suggested donations; £5 per class or £20 all day Classes Timetable: 9.30AM 10.00-10.30am 10.45-11.15am 11.30am-12pm
Registration / Tour CoMBAT with Leanne PILATES Zoe BoXING FIT with Tom Cawston
12.00-12.30pm 12.30-1.00pm 1.15-1.45pm 1.50-2.15pm 2.30-3.00pm
Break / Q&A / Tours PUMP with Leanne ZUMBA with Sarah YoGA with Sarah CIRCUITS/BooTCAMP with Tom Clark
All classes need to be booked in advance as limited spaces available. To book please email or call Leanne on 01803 524553
Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail, Why not “Plan to Succeed” What is your training program for today?
Imagine taking your car to the garage to get it fixed, and asking the mechanic if you could just use his tools. or asking the dentist to borrow his drill. You’d get nowhere, and that is what happens if you don’t have the right training program.
by Leanne Smith
That is really what we are here for, as Trainers, to make sure you aren’t trying to change your water filter on your own, or put crowns on your teeth using a mirror. If you don’t have a program right now, then here is how we go about building one for you, and how I go about building my own.
My name is Leanne Smith. I am a trainer and class instructor at Winners 2000 in Paignton. I teach Pump, Combat and Zumba across the Paignton and Torquay sites. I also have a great passion for Cross Training and have recently obtained my level 1 Crossfit instructor qualification. Getting started in the gym is never easy. When people join our club, they often tell us that they were worried about not knowing what to do, or looking like an idiot in front of others. Every new member has a thorough and comprehensive induction, over 3 appointments. This covers everything you need to know to get started, like your goals, and diet and your training program. We make sure that everyone who joins our club gets that information and advice so they are confident to go into the gym with the right program to help them get the results they want. With my own training programs, I make sure that every time I come into the gym to train, I know exactly “What am I going to do today, and WhY”. The why is always about what my goals are, whether that be getting stronger or faster, or getting ready for a competition. This is exactly what your training program should be based around: “What you want and why”. That is the starting point from which your personal program at Winners 2000 is built for you. Not for anyone else, but for you, based on what you are trying to do, the time available, and any injuries or limitations your body has right now. often people who join a gym without a program feel intimidated about not knowing what to do, so they choose the machines like the treadmill, where they can just press start and go. Then after 3 weeks of not enjoying the gym and not making the progress they want, they stop and say “it didn’t work for me”. No, it would have worked, you just never had the right Training program.
WHErE DO I STArT? In building up your training program, we will always ask you the following questions: 1. What are the 3 most important ways I can help you, what are your goals? 2. how much time each week can you make to exercise, at the gym and perhaps activities at home with your family, or outside of the gym? 3. What things do you like to do the most, what things do you really not enjoy? This then lets us know, “what you want” and “what opportunity you have to make it happen”. We will then design your program to fit in with the other areas of your life, like your job, family, hobbies, and friends. We want your training to lead to you feeling better, and that means not missing out on the important things in life. That wouldn’t be winning at all.
WHAT DO I DO? once we know “What you want”, your goals, then we can put together the series of exercises, sets ,reps, time, targets, that you are going to do each time you come to the gym. We will then show you every exercise, technique, so you are confident and comfortable in the gym. Plus, if you forget, there is always an instructor in the gym who can show you again.
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
With a program, you will know what you have to achieve every time you come to the gym. It gives you a target, and you will find that you enjoy the process of completing each step of that program each time you come to train. Check out what one of my own training weeks looks like below. I like to keep my training very varied, and always have new things, to keep my body guessing and to challenge me, and to have fun: Monday: Intervals in the gym – Beginners would start on a 30 second work to 1 minute rest ratio. once you have done this for a couple of weeks I would recommend reducing the rest time to 45 seconds and then to 30 seconds as your fitness increases. I prefer to continually change the equipment I use for intervals. Typical Interval options: Rower – Set the rower to distance interval training. Distance being 250m and rest starting at 1 minute. Resistance around 4/5. Bike – Quick start on level 5, pedal for 1 minute then increase level to 16 and cycle out of the seat keeping the RPM above 90 for 30 seconds. Treadmill – hurricane sprints. Set treadmill at a high incline and set speed at 10kph+. Stand either side of the belt, then sprint for 30 seconds and rest for 1 minute. Prowler/Sledge - Load the prowler with 20kg weight and run the length of the track and back with a 1 min rest in between. Repeat 3-10 times. Tuesday: Pump – A great all over body workout, using a barbell and various different weights. Pump is a class designed to sculpt and tone all the major muscle groups. Pump is a great way to work all your muscles and burn fat. It is also a great way to meet other members and learn how to use weights safely and effectively. Typical Pump Class: Warm up Legs – Squats at varied tempos Chest – Chest Press and Pec Flyes Back – Dead Lifts and Bent over Rows Triceps – Dips, Kickbacks and Extensions Biceps - Curls Lunges – Static and Plyometric Shoulders – Lateral & Front Raises, Presses Core – Crunches, Planks and Sit Ups Cool down – A nice long stretch after a rewarding workout.
Wednesday: Rest Day, some cardio work on the bike, X Trainer and some developmental stretching followed by a sauna. Thursday: Upper Body Weights – Splitting your workouts into an upper body and lower body session is a great way for beginners to get to grips with using the gym. Depending upon your goals the weight and rep selection may vary. For example; if you are looking to tone and sculpt you would stick to 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on a medium weight. If you are looking to build muscle you would stick to 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps on a heavier weight. Friday: Lower Body Weights – I would ensure that both my upper body session and lower body session consisted of compound movements to ensure I use as many muscle groups as possible. Using compound movements is very time efficient as utilising more muscles mean a steeper increase in post exercise calorie burning, compared to isolation moves. If you are trying to lose weight, that is a good way to do it. Here is an example of the workouts I did this week: Saturday: Core and Sauna – I always like to include a small Upper Body Session: all Lower Body session: all performed as 3 sets of 10 reps: performed as 3 sets of 10 reps: Lat Pull Downs Barbell Squats Seated Chest Press Walking Lunges Seated Row Lying Leg Curl Shoulder Press DB Step Ups Bicep Curl Fit Ball hip raise Tricep Extension Treadmill Incline Powerwalk workout concentrating on abs and lower back. A typical workout would consist of 3 to 5 exercises followed by some stretching and a sauna. having a sauna allows my muscles to fully relax after a week of hard work. Using the sauna once or twice a week is also great for my skin, detoxifies my body and stimulates recovery.
20 minute core workout: Abdominal crunches Plank hold hanging knee raises v Sits Decline sit ups Sunday: A well-deserved rest day. DO YOu HAvE A TrAInIng PrOgrAm rIgHT nOW AnD IS IT WOrKIng FOr YOu? ArE YOu SEEIng THE ImPrOvEmEnTS THAT YOu WAnT TO SEE? EvErYOnE FEATurED In THIS WInnIng TImES HAS 1 THIng In COmmOn; THEY HAvE A PrOgrAm THAT IS PErSOnAL TO THEm AnD PrODuCIng grEAT rESuLTS. If you would like to discuss your training program, or arrange to have an Upgrade, please speak to me or any of the Team. We take great pride in our members “Getting the results they want and having fun doing that”. Please come and talk to us about your training, and how we can help you make it even better. Contact:
SummArY: z Planning your week is essential to ensure you get the most out of your training. z Everyone needs their own program, Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail. z Your body is designed to adapt. After 3-4 weeks, any program will lose its effectiveness. You must constantly change your program to continue seeing the results you want. z variety is important for a number of reasons, but most of all, it is more fun than doing the same things every time you come to the gym. Rest days are essential. Giving your body time to recover and rest will ensure that you can work to your full potential on your work days. z Try something different. Take yourself out of the gym once a week and take a look at one of our many classes we offer as part of your membership at Winners 2000.
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
When I joined Winners 2000 Paignton little did I know how much it would change my outlook on health and fitness? I had not had good experiences at gyms in the past finding them boring and methodical. With Winners and particularly my personal trainer, Sarah Harris this time it has been totally dierent. I have been lucky in having Sarah as my personal trainer. She has managed to read me so well, she pushes me, of course, but understands me well enough to keep me coming back for more. She has given me the confidence to use and understand my body and the equipment in a positive way. Since I started I have lost a considerable amount of weight but best of all I feel brilliant, motivated, focused and fit. The inches have fallen o me; I can walk up hills and steps without feeling like I am going to die at the top or sometimes half way up. The training means that we can focus on the parts of my body that need the work and also help with my strength, posture and energy levels.
Sarah is inspirational and has changed my outlook on fitnes For information about training with sarah please email
Free 7 day trial and consultation available with sarah at Winners 2000 right now. Contact sarah on the email above.
session, this sensitivity to insulin is greatly increased, Does Consuming Carbohydrates at training meaning the uptake of all macro and micro nutrients will be greater than other times of the day. on the surface of this, Night lead to gains in fat stores? much you would agree that carbohydrates should be limited during the evening hours. But when you look past this surface, and analyse Maybe not... clinical research you see that insulin sensitivity is no different by Dean Evans
one of the biggest misunderstandings I hear on a regular basis is that carbohydrates in the evening will lead to unwanted fat gain and the slow down of fat oxidation (breakdown of triglycerides into free fatty acids). The premise of no carbs at night normally stems from two points. The first being that for the most part one is less active in the evening, and will soon be going to sleep, which in turn means your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn energy) slows to due to the inactivity and the likelihood of unwanted fat gain from carbohydrates increases.
between that off a midday meal vs. that of a night time meal (6). There are actually studies showing a greater percentage of carbohydrate intake at night for one control group, to another with carbohydrates consumed during the morning / daytime actually leads to a higher percentage of body fat lost, and decreased hunger. But that’s for another article (7, 8) Now, I’m not saying increase carbohydrate intake by 100g in your last meal. Many variables come into play when writing a personalised nutrition plan. This article is just to dispel the theory of carbohydrates at night are bad. I hear many “facts” from health and fitness enthusiasts that are old fashioned in thought, and very poorly researched.
Studies show that energy expenditure does decrease during the first half of sleep by approximately 35% (1). however, these same studies show that during the latter half of sleep, associated with REM sleep, energy expenditure significantly increases. The net overall effect of these rises and falls in sleeping metabolic rate (SMR) actually show there is no real difference between resting metabolic rate (RMR) during the day and SMR during the night (2,3) Another fact to add to this, is that exercise increases SMR significantly, leading to greater fat oxidation (4). Lean individuals have actually shown a SMR greater that their RMR (3). So, unless you are obese, not only does your metabolism NoT slow down during sleep, it actually increases. The second point that made is to do with insulin sensitivity, which literally describes how sensitive the body is to insulin. It’s in everyone’s best interests, be it health, sport specific or body composition to be as sensitive as possible to the role of insulin in the body. Insulin as a hugely anabolic transport hormone that greatly increases the uptake of nutrients into the cells of the body (5). After a fast (sleeping for example), or after a resistance / hIIT
For personalised nutrition plans, training programs, 12 week makeovers, Contact me at References: Katayose Y, Et al. Metabolic rate and fuel utilization during sleep assessed by whole-body indirect calorimetry, Metabolism. 2009 Jul;57(7):920-6 Seale JL, Conway JM. Relationship between overnight energy expenditure and BMR measured in a room-sized calorimeter. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1999 Feb;53(2):107-11 Zhang K Et al. Sleeping metabolic rate in relation to body mass index and body composition. Int J obes Relat Metab Disord. 2002 Mar;26(3):376-83 Mischler L Et al. Prolonged exercised repeated over 4 days increases sleeping heart and metabolic rate. Con J Appl Physiol. 2003 Aug;28(4)616-29 Newsholme EA, Dimitradis G. Integration of biochemical and physiological effects of insulin on glucose metabolism. Exp Clin Endocrinal Diabetes. 2001;109 Suppl 2:S122-34. Review. Biston P Et al. Diurnal variations in cardiovascular function and glucose regulation in normotensive humans. hypertension. 1996 Nov;28(5):863-71 Keim NL Et al. Weight loss is greater with consumption of large morning meals and fat free mass is preserved with large evening meals in woman on a controlled eating regimen. J Nutr. 1997 Jan;127(1):75-82 Sofer S Et al. Greater weight loss and hormonal changes after 6 months diet with carbohydrates eaten mostly at dinner. obesity (Silver Spring). 2011 oct;19(10):2006-14
With the support and guidance of my personal trainer Dean Evans of Winners 2000, Paignton I have successfully managed to lose over 6 stone and 50 inches from several key sites since January 2012 and maintained this weight loss with relative ease while still ‘living’. Dean provided me with all the necessary information regarding nutrition protocols, do’s and don’ts, dieting myths and what I personally found most helpful. Dozens, if not hundreds, of different recipe ideas for the low to moderate carb / high protein diet he AFTER BEFORE wanted me following. He taught me we where not ‘dieting’ but making a conscious choice on choosing healthy alternatives to what I have been eating for most of my adult life. Regarding training with Dean, no two sessions since January have been the same, he constantly comes up with innovative ideas to motivate, challenge and more importantly, enjoy my time at the gym. It may be hard work, but once that Endorphin release is there, its all worth it. I’d like to also thank my family for there constant encouragement, and my wife especially for helping prepare meals together on this journey so far. Congratulations to Simon on an amazing achievement, from Dean and all the team in Winners 2000. may it long continue, and I hope many others are inspired by your progress. Contact:
Paignton member mel Lavender and her success working with Louise butterworth. After giving birth to my third child in May 2012, I had found it really hard to shift the extra ‘baby weight’ that I had gained. It was taking longer to get back into shape compared to my other 2 pregnancies and felt that I would never get there! I would go to the gym occasionally but had no real programme set in place, so wasn’t very committed. In March 2013 I decided enough was enough, something had to change. I was fed up of feeling rubbish, having very low self esteem and no confidence! I asked Louise if she would be able to work me out a training programme and healthy eating plan to get me back into the swing of things. She was more than happy to get me on the right track. The first month I did struggle admittedly. I tried hard to stick to my plans both with the food and exercise and it did take me a while to adjust. Louise kept in contact to see how I was progressing and even though she knew I wasn’t progressing as quickly as I wanted she kept reassuring me and telling me that I can do it, with hard work and commitment I would get there. After a couple of months I had hit a bit of a brick wall and got myself into a bit of a rut. Feeling really down and confidence at a low, I met with her for a bit of a pep talk. I discussed how I was feeling and the set backs I had encountered. She reassured me that this happens sometimes, but to think positive and that I needed to start afresh. This was exactly what I needed. I began a new programme at the end of June, with a kick start detox to help things get started again. I was more focused than before. I was more aware and conscious with my eating habits. I also started to take my training more seriously and tried to at least do my gym workout at least 3 times a week along with taking my Zumba class twice a week. She had definitely helped me get over the hurdles that had mentally stopped me before. She had that I could do this and gave me so much She has never given up on me, even when I’ve been faith encouragement. I was feeling more focused and really rubbish, she just gets me back on track puts positive. At the beginning of August I met with Louise to see about me through me paces! getting my weight and measurements done to see if I had shown improvement. I was really happy with the results! I had dropped a couple of inches from my hips, a bit off my arms and legs but I had lost about 6 lbs in weight. I was over the moon to see results finally!!! Louise has really helped me to get over these obstacles and push myself to get the results. She has always been there if I’ve needed help or advice with my dietary needs and given me hints and tips with my training. I owe a lot to Louise for making me stick with the programme and becoming more focused and positive and for making me believe that I can achieve my fitness goals. Thank you!!!!
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
Gabriel and Samuel Alberici Team GB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gabriel and Sam first walked into Winners in July 2012. They were looking to join the gym in order to help improve their strength and conditioning for the many sports in which they take part in. The brothers both are great rowers but their first love is water polo and with each of them in the Great British team for their respective age groups I think the boys have got real potential. So much so Winners2000 have decided to sponsor both athletes to assist them with their training and preparations for the European Championships next year. It’s great to have such young aspiring athletes training in our facility and aiding them in achieving their goals.
hi, my name is Gabriel Alberici and I am currently in GB 1995 age group water polo squad, and my younger brother Sam is in the 1998 squad. one major element of water polo that is required of you (especially at an international level) is a very strong physical game and since joining Winners 2000 we have both found that our physicality and strength in the water has improved significantly. I am currently preparing for the Junior European championships which will be held in the summer of 2014 and I hope the extra training in the gym will give me an advantage come selection. Sam is similarly preparing for his junior European championships which will be held in 2015 and consequently we will be both training together in the gym, pushing each other on to maximise our physical potential.
The Benefits of Coconut Oil by Sarah Harris
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coconut oil is a true Super-food; there really are no disadvantages to including it in your daily regime. My main love for it comes from its stability at high temperatures, making it ThE best oil to cook with. once it has melted there is no flavour, it is 100% neutral. Coconut oil, it's made up of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT's), which means that our Liver can very easily process the fat and convert it to useable energy quickly. What this means is coconut oil can be used as a ‘‘pick-me-up’’, whether it’s for a race, a training session or a mid-afternoon office meeting. You can get a quick hit of energy without causing an insulin spike and also have a source of energy which will outlast any carbohydrate source. Coconut oil will also 'burn clean'. 'Burning clean' means the metabolic waste products created in the processing of fat are much lower than that of burning carbohydrates, this in turn means there's less oxidative damage, inflammation and toxic build up. Quite simply fat is a preferred source of fuel for the body and Coconut oil is one of the best!
The health benefits of coconut oil include; z Improved hair care z Improved skin quality z Reduced stress z Cholesterol level maintenance z Weight loss z Reduced abdominal fat z Improved immune system z Increased energy z Better digestion z Regulated metabolism z Reduced inflammation z Prevents Candida It also provides relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes while helping to improve dental quality and bone strength.
Introduce it into your diet as soon as you can to start getting the amazing health benefits of this wonder-oil!
Winning Times 43 | Autumn/Winter 2013
The Primal Games and Tribal Clash by Leanne Smith
never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be able to say ‘‘I’ve competed in national and European Crossfit competitions’’, but now I have. The first opportunity to compete came in the form of The Primal Games; a national Crossfit competition held in Plymouth. over 80 teams from the UK competed in a range of workouts trying to lift the heaviest, run the quickest and complete the most amounts of reps in a certain amount of time. The teams consisted of 3 boys and 1 girl so the pressure to perform well was on. With workouts including wall balls, 1 rep max clean and jerks, rowing, sprinting, overhead squats and burpees to name a few, I pushed myself to the max and we finished in the top 50. however, the Primal Games was just a warm up for the ultimate European event Tribal Clash. Tribal Clash was held on Blackpool sands beach and took inspiration from the beach and surrounding area for the workouts. The teams consisted of 2 girls and 2 boys and we completed 5 workouts over a two day period. over 115 teams competed from all over Europe. The workouts included squatting with a 50kg log, flipping a 70kg tyre, a 7 mile coastal path run, swimming in the freezing cold sea and the ultimate test of getting up and over an 8ft frame. The workouts were brutal and the weekend was a real test of mental and physical endurance. We battled on and finished 42nd out of 115 teams. Finishing in the top 50 amongst some great athletes felt like such an achievement. Some teams consisted of ex-olympic gymnasts and swimmers and a local team had 2 of the top 20 European Crossfit athletes. Competing has made me realise that as long as you put your mind to it you can achieve the almost impossible. If you would like a Crossfit programme please contact me at