Self-Love Manifestation Journal

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Self-l ve

Manifestation JOURNAL


Welcome What
is self love?
is self love important?
Can I Cultivate More Self Love?
30 Day Manifestation Challenge Self Love Reflection Table


The 30 Day Self Love Manifest Journal is a powerful tool that you can use to transform your life.

This journal will help you to identify the areas in your life where you need more self love, and it will provide you with daily prompts and exercises that will help you to cultivate a deeper love for yourself.

The journal also includes space for you to reflect on your progress, so that you can see the transformation that takes place within you over the course of the month.

What is Self Love?

It is about making choices that are in alignment with what is best for oneself, rather than making choices that are based on what others think or what society tells us we should do.

When we love ourselves, we treat ourselves with kindness, respect, and compassion. We also set boundaries with others, so that we can protect our energy and our time.

Self love is the practice of caring for oneself in a way that promotes one’s own well being and happiness.

How Can I Cultivate More Self Love?

There are many ways to cultivate more self love in your life. One way is to practice gratitude by taking time each day to appreciate all that you have in your life.

Another way is to nurture your body with healthy food, exercise, and rest. You can also care for your mind by meditating, journaling, or spending time in nature.

And finally, you can express your love for yourself through acts of kindness, such as giving yourself compliments or buying yourself flowers.

30 Day Manifestation Journey Start

Begin your self love manifestation journey.

The 30 Day Self Love Manifest Journal provides you with everything you need to transform your life through the power of self love.

By using this journal, you will develop a deeper love for yourself, which will lead to more happiness and fulfillment in all areas of your life.


1 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, focusing on self love – I will love myself unconditionally and treat myself with kindness, respect, and compassion. "I will attract love and positivity into my life fby, ocusing on self love." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will focus on self love by..."


2 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, being open to receiving love – I will be receptive to the love that others want to give me. "I will attract love and positivity into my life bby, eing open to receiving love." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will be open to receiving love because I deserve..."

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, giving love freely – I will express my love for others in words and actions.

Reflection: "I will express my love by...""

Daily Affirmation:

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday

"I will attract love and positivity into my life by, giving love freely."






attract love

my life

4 Daily Affirmation:
love and positivity into
life by, surrounding myself with positive people – I will choose to associate with people who are supportive, loving, and kind.
and positivity into
by,surrounding myself with positive people." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: " I will..."


5 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, doing work that I love – I will pursue a career that is aligned with my values and passions. "I will attract love and positivity into my life dby, oing work that I love." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will continue to grow and..."



6 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, making a difference – I will use my talents and gifts to contribute to the world in a positive way.
will attract love and positivity into my life by,making a difference." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will use my talents to..."


7 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, living my best life I will live each day to the fullest, and make choices that are in alignment with my highest good. "I will attract love and positivity into my life lby, iving my best life." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will live my best life and..."

The Power in Threes

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention


I am... I will attract... I know I... I am capable of... I let go Iof... am worthy of...

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, nurturing my body – I will take care of my body, and treat it with love and respect.

Reflection: "I will burture my body by..."


Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday

"I will attract love and positivity into my life by, nurturing my body."

8 Daily

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, speaking kindly to myself – I will talk to myself with loving words, and affirm my worthiness each day.

Reflection: "Kind things I will say to myself are..."

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly

allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention


"I will attract love and positivity into my life by,speaking kindly to myself."

9 Daily Affirmation:

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, practicing self care

I will make time for activities that nurture my mind, body, and soul.

Reflection: "I will practice self care by..."

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly

allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention

"I will attract love and positivity into my life by, practicing self care."

10 Daily Affirmation:
Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday


11 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, trusting the process – I will have faith in the unfolding of my life, knowing that everything happens for a reason. " I will attract love and positivity into my life by, trusting the process." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: ""I will have faith in..."
12 Daily Affirmation: I will attract love and positivity into my life by, being present –I will be mindful of the present moment, and savor all the good that is happening right now. " I will attract love and positivity into my life bby, eing present." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will be mindful of..."



13 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, letting go of what doesn’t serve me – I will release anything that is non deserving of me.
will attract love and positivity into my life lby, etting go of what doesn’t serve me." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I am letting go of..."


14 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, accepting myself – I will love myself exactly as I am, and know that I am worthy of happiness. "I will attract love and positivity into my life by, accepting myself . " Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I am worthy of..."

The Power in Threes

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention


I am... I will attract... I know I... I am capable of... I let go Iof... am worthy of...

I will attract love and positivity

my life by, creating my own reality


desires into existence,

create the life that I want to live.


will create my own reality by..."

"I will attract love and positivity into my life by, creating my own reality."

15 Daily Affirmation:
– I
manifest my
Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday
16 Daily Affirmation: I will attract love and positivity into my life by, knowing my power – I will remember my personal power, and use it to create positive change in the world. "I will attract love and positivity into my life kby, nowing my power." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will use my power to..."
17 Daily Affirmation: I will attract love and positivity into my life by, being grateful – I will appreciate all the good in my life, and be thankful for everything that I have. "I will attract love and positivity into my life bby, eing grateful." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I am grateful for...."




18 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, living in the moment – I will not let past or future worries steal my joy, but instead focus on enjoying today.
will attract love and positivity into my life lby, iving in the moment." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday
"I am living in the moment each day by..."

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, giving myself permission to be happy – I will allow myself to feel happiness and know that there is no such thing as human perfection.

Reflection: "I deserve to be happy because I am..."

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday

"I will attract love and positivity into my life by, giving myself permission to be happy."

19 Daily Affirmation:

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, making peace with myself

I will love and accept myself just as I am, and know that I am worthy of happiness.

Reflection: "I will make peace with myself by..."



"I will attract love and positivity into my life by,making peace with myself."

20 Daily Affirmation:
Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it
Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday


21 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, trusting myself – I will listen to my intuition and trust my own judgment, knowing that I am capable of making good decisions. "I will attract love and positivity into my life by, trusting myself." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I can trust myself to.."

The Power in Threes

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention


I am... I will attract... I know I... I am capable of... I let go Iof... am worthy of...

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, being assertive

I will speak up for myself, and set

with others when necessary.


"I will speak up for myself when..."




"I will attract love and positivity into my life by,speaking up for myself."

22 Daily
yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It
Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday


23 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, letting go of negative self talk – I will stop being my own worst critic, and instead treat myself with compassion and understanding. "I will attract love and positivity into my life lby, etting go of negative self talk." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will let go of negative self talk by..."
24 Daily Affirmation: I will attract love and positivity into my life by, expressing my needs –I will communicate openly and honestly about what I need, in order to get my needs met. "I will attract love and positivity into my life by, expressing my needs." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will express my needs by..."


25 Daily Affirmation:
will attract love and positivity into my life by, accepting compliments – I will graciously receive compliments from others, without downplaying my accomplishments or achievements. "I will attract love and positivity into my life by, accepting compliments." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I am proud of these accomplishments..."

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, allowing myself to be imperfect I will give myself grace and allow myself to be human. I will not strive for perfection, but instead focus on progress.


"I am proud imperfect and it is okay to be because..."

Daily Affirmation:

"I will attract love and positivity into my life by,allowing myself to be imperfect."

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, showing myself kindness

I will be gentle with myself, and show myself the same compassion and understanding that I would show to others.


"I will show myself kindness by..."

Daily Affirmation:

"I will attract love and positivity into my life by, I will attract love and positivity into my life by, showing

myself kindness." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday
28 Daily Affirmation: I will attract love and positivity into my life by, letting go of comparisons – I will focus on my own journey, and celebrate my own unique successes. "I will attract love and positivity into my life lby, etting go of comparisons." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will focus on my own journey by..."

The Power in Threes

Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention


I am... I will attract... I know I... I am capable of... I let go Iof... am worthy of...
29 Daily Affirmation: I will attract love and positivity into my life by, practicing self care – I will make time for activities that nurture my mind, body, and soul. "I will prioritize my own well being, in order to better take care of those around me.." Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday Reflection: "I will practice self care by..."

I will attract love and positivity into my life by, filling my own cup first.



Whenitcomestomanifesting,thepowerinthreesisthatithelpsyoutofocusanddirect yourintentionmoreclearly Whenyouwritesomethingpositivethreetimesinarow,it allowsyoutoreallyzeroinonwhatitisthatyouwanttocreateandbringintoyourlife It alsoamplifiestheenergyofyourintention Writethefollowingaffirmationbelow3xto bringitintoyourlifetoday

"I will prioritize my own well being, in order to better take care of those around me.."

30 Daily
"I will practice self care by..."

The 30 Day Self Love Manifest Journal provides you with everything you need to transform your life through the power of self love.

By using this journal, you will develop a deeper love for yourself, which will lead to more happiness and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

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