boxter research
boxter research .sketch research.
.chosen direction.
.Initial ideations.
boxter research .continuing research at the next step, keeping in mind the character of the porsche boxter. New approach, same organism.
Drawings were also done to simply understand the current character of the brand porsce. Its expression in terms of it’s proportions.
boxter research .Keeping a close eye on the details always pusing in the direction of the boxter.
boxter research .keeping the side view close to the original, starting to make slight changes as the first step.
boxter research
.Final direction for the front and rear. Split under the lamps to accentuate the muscle over the wheels.
boxter research
.For the rear, the option with the same design language as the front was chosen.
boxter research .rear three quarter view the horizontal lamps reflecting the classic style of the porschelegacy.
.Final renders.
boxter research .Front fascia- the horizontal lamps continuing the design language followed even in the rear view.
.work in progress.
.Final renders.
boxter research .the horizontal lamps reflecting the classic style of the porsche legacy.
.Final direction for the front and rear. Split under the lamps to accentuate the muscle over the wheels.
.Final renders.
boxter research
.Final renders.