Examples of work
Concept drivers Conceptualizing building and producing collages for further development is a key for development. On the right, I show a horizon walk towards ‘Commercial reality’ and the building reflecting ‘Contemplative’, Right below, I show ‘Horizon Corridor’ that goes towards horizon- ‘Contemplative reality’ and the building reflects ‘Commercial reality’- city. This is essential and plays enormous role in what the final building looks as. Below, Two collages conceptualizing two realities, ‘everyday, largestress-stimuli reality‘Commercial’ and the one humans long for to contemplate - ‘Contemplative’
Personal Adaptor/ ‘Portable Void’
The adaptor allows visual conditioning of mind into colour and void. Each colour conveys message and impression that ultimately engages with the viewer. I treat it as a way of escaping reality, especially when the lack of inner peace is persistent
Above, personal adaptor Below, the use of personal adaptor
Site modelling
Below, Plaster-cast site model
Section cuts ‘House of Numen’ acts as an instrument, playing with natural and artificial light conditions. ‘House of Numen’ is desgned to have spaces for contemplation by focusing views and subjects, e.g. colour, horizon or skies.
Section cut/Space visualization
Plan view AS ST VI E LIN
S 1 : 250
Section drawings of ‘House of Numen’
Ground Floor (+5m) Plan drawing of ‘House of Numen’
Level 1
+5 m
S 1-250
2. 5. 3. 7. 1. 7.
9. 4. 4. 4.
1. Entrance 2. Void Chapel 3. Reception 4. Toilets 5. Kitchen/Preparation area 6. Restaurant 7. Ramp 8. Stairs/ Elevator 9. Storage
Space visualizations Below are some key spaces of the building
Level 02
Above, Axonometric line drawing of ‘House of Numen’ Below, Axonometric perspective view of ‘House of Numen’
Exterior visualization An accident that conveys the message of the building; ‘Contemplative, Numinous and for People!’
Exterior visualization Below are some visualizations of the final design, They are from the visitors perspective.
Rendering I try to always acquire those accidents the visitor will experience while engaging twith the building and I try to design them so the experience stays in mind. Atmosphere, colour and form are everything. Visitors should instantaneously get what the message is about, either it works or needs more development.
Concept proposal Below I show the development of space that essentially plays key role of the agenda of building. ‘The Void Chapel’, below, was created to connect skies and water with the visitor, it allows contemplation in those primary elements. Moreover, the whole space turns into a vast colour that conditions whole body and mind into contemplative state
Below and right, I show how the space is created in order to contemplate water.
Space development When designing space, I always try to see it at daylight and in artificial light, especially if the visitors are going to interact with it. It is important to create ‘accidents’ that arises curiosity and appetite for questions in visitors.
Day time perspective view
+ 5m
Level 04
Night time perspective view with light emissive personal voids above dinning tables
Sun Study/Axonometric
Double glazing Structural steel nodes Double glazing
Steel connector, connecting nodes and framing glass. Steel members fixed using bolts
In between glazing components, in the steel frame for the glass are in built shaft for LED lightning strips. The strips are connected to the central control point and are automated to offer controlled Colour experience.
Massing/ floor plan arrangement
Below I show arrangement of spaces and the way they should link each with other. These diagrams gives overview of size, volume and adjacencies.
Concept development/ Rendering
I like in approaching the design, to start with conceptual collages; in what the space need to serve primarily. Above, I show the collage of the ‘Horizon Corridor’, a fragment of the visitors experience that essentially link two vistas in one place; contemplative and commercial. Below, first renders of the development of proposal, again, through visitor-sensitive perspective/experience.
Sketching/ Space visualization The way I approach designing space is by imaging it first and then later translating my idea son paper at sketchy level and eventually I have created the building that consist of specific moments, accidents that I already have envisioned, then is the technical part of the design; ‘How do I make it happen?’
Technical drawings SECTION 1/ The Ramp + balustrade +Structure detail
Top layer of screed with reinforcing mesh for more even surface Handrail
Balustrade glass
Heating pipes Balustrade Clamp Insulation Spray reinforced concrete with Steel bar mesh for tensile/compression strength Steelwork. bars Fixing nuts and bolts I-beam, 205x172mm
SECTION 2/ ‘Oculus Chapel’ glass wall + column detail
Double glazed glass
the clamps to fasten the glass to the steel construction (inside with nut and bolt) Steel Connector, to fix the steel nodes for the ‘Oculus construction.
Reinforced concrete column
Steel bars supporting the construction
Cast in bracket to fix the clamp to the primary structure
Steel clamp distributing the weight to the concrete structure
Walking surface, Structural Glass
SECTION 3 / ‘Oculus Chapel’ Glass floor detail
Silicone Sealant
Heating pipes
Heating escape holes to heat the void between the glass sandwich. The heated floor allows pleasant artistic atmospher together with physical.
Structural joist, steel beam
Mounting Nut Structural glass
Pressure Bar
Self-operaang gallery system/ Exploded Axonometric The second-year project was inspired by ‘The Rolling Bridge’, by Thomas Heatherwick, 2002, that essentially was an adaptable in size gallery space made of numerous bridge-like components that held soil on top of the building, allowing visitors to engage with site and experience Art below.
Model making
My first year project was inspired by origami and was a bridge that allowed visitors to be more educated of underwater life, look inside it and even dive in it.
Oil painting But first it all started as an artist, an idea to exhibit in gallery space, yet it is always all beautiful inside galleries and I want to bring beauty where it does not exist, outside, around us.
As an Artist