P r o v i d e
A n n u a l
R e p o r t
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Demonstrating Quality Our approach to quality Our focus is to ensure our services are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. To achieve this the Board has ensured that there are well-defined governance systems and processes in place to enable the delivery of safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led services where our customers and staff are at the heart of everything we do.
Provide quality assurance process Our Board check and assure quality standards by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating a wide range of quality data and information such as: Bi-monthly quality and safety reports Well-defined processes for risk assessment shared bi-monthly Specialist reports from all support services in relation to medicines management, safeguarding, infection prevention, information governance, learning and development, health and safety, service delivery issues, and patient experience. The Board are aware of all serious incidents which occur during the year. They see reports and action plans from incidents and complaints and are able to be assured that appropriate measures are in place to deal with issues when things go wrong.
Stephanie Dawe, Executive Clinical & Operations Director
This robust governance framework provides assurance for the Chief Executive, the Chairman and the Board of Directors, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Registered Manager, and the senior managers and clinicians that the essential standards of quality as set out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are being met in every part of the organisation. Between January and March 2019 we underwent a comprehensive inspection by the CQC and the outcome of this was that our organisation was rated as outstanding overall and we achieved good or outstanding ratings against all domains on quality and safety inspected by the CQC.
Our Current CQC Rating
The Board encourage openness and transparency in all we do and have backed the implementation of our statutory Duty of Candour. The Board regularly visit different areas across the organisation to see first-hand the quality of the services being delivered and to speak with staff and our customers face-to-face. The breadth of assurance provided to the Board allows structured discussions at Board meetings and provides detailed insight into the quality of the care being delivered as the norm across services, while recognising the need to improve where things go wrong in an open and transparent manner.
To view our current CQC reports visit the Care Quality Commission website: www.cqc.org.uk/provider/1-168055209