Adult Weight Management - Week 5 Gaining Control

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Keep positive and challenge unhelpful thinking Making changes to our lifestyle can be really difficult. We’ve often spent a long time building up bad habits or thinking and behaving in a way which is unhealthy for both our mind and body, so it is important to realise that making long-lasting changes will take time and effort in the first instance. Psychologists have shown us how to make the link between our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Once we start to identify why we behave in a certain way, for example, eating in response to feeling anxious, we can start to change that chain of events into something more positive. Unhelpful thoughts need to be challenged in order to change the outcome! Unhelpful thoughts are often an important factor in whether a ‘slip-up’ or a ‘lapse’ becomes a fall, or a full-blown relapse (i.e. going back to old ways altogether). On the next page there are a number of points to get you thinking about what unhelpful thoughts might be, and how they can get in your way. Try turning your unhelpful thoughts into more helpful ways of looking at things. People are often surprised to find that if they practice helpful thoughts and actively challenge negative thinking it is possible to learn how to think differently about food, weight and physical activity. In time this can become a habitual way of thinking which will make it easier for you to stick to your plans.

Use the food diary on the back page to record what you eat and drink. It’s known to be helpful when on a weight loss programme.

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