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Living our values during 2020-2021

Living our values during 2020-2021 2.2

2020 was a year that we are unlikely to forget. Despite the impact of the worldwide pandemic on our colleagues, our families and our communities, we were able to deliver outstandingly high-quality care where it was needed by being responsive, agile and innovative.

We have so many examples from across the group of colleagues responding to the challenges brought about by the pandemic. We are proud of all our colleagues, whatever their contribution. Colleague stories below include examples:

For a full account of what we achieved, please read our Annual Quality Account which you can find on our internet page by searching Quality Account 2020-2021.

Using technology to keep families together

‘Being able to help to keep families connected was a real honour. Sometimes it was desperately sad but even then, I knew that by facilitating a family’s chance to say their goodbyes I was offering support and compassion.’

Our administrative colleagues were redeployed to the wards. Karen Brazier, Contracts Manager, established an innovative system that allowed all our patients to keep in touch with their loved ones.

We worked in close collaboration with health and social care partners to deliver new care pathways, such as:

Home oxygen support Support to care homes Long Covid clinics to help those recovering.

‘Our staff quickly adapted to new ways of working using digital technology to offer virtual consultations and support in our local care homes. This allowed us to keep our colleagues and our patients safe, cared for and at home.’

We rapidly distributed, installed and trained all appropriate staff with the technology they needed to work remotely.

‘Our Information Technology and our Estates and Facilities Team transformed our working environments overnight to keep us safe and able to work effectively. When I reflect, I am full of praise. It was hard work ensuring everyone had computers, monitors, chairs, headsets and access to the necessary equipment to continue to adapt and work productively, especially as everything kept changing so quickly.’

The flexibility of all of our workforce was fantastic.

Staff were redeployed to cover essential services such as our community teams, hospital wards, and learning disability establishments. Some staff worked in ICU and bereavement support in the local acute hospital. Others joined our Essex Welfare Service and offered telephone support and guidance to Essex residents ensuring they had food, medication and support to manage the impact of isolation, anxiety and confusion.

‘Tonight, when I clap for NHS, I will be clapping for you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You keep my belly full so my mind can be free to stay safe. You are my hero tonight and I will be clapping for you and your colleagues in the NHS and at Provide. Thanks a million! Take care and stay safe.’

Essex Welfare Service User

A dedicated personal protective equipment (PPE) service was established to ensure our clinical colleagues had the necessary equipment needed to continue to always deliver safe and effective care.

The team have managed the opening and closing of hospital wards, often at very short notice and with a limited number of colleagues, as well as working closely with NHS colleagues across the system to source vital equipment and provisions. We have worked diligently to ensure that our buildings are Covid compliant to enable service users and colleagues to stay safe.


valuing our colleagues

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