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Our journey to becoming more inclusive and diverse
Provide seeks to have a workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities it supports.
An inclusive culture where the power of difference is valued enables a broader range of viewpoints and knowledge, improving decision making and problem-solving, all of which are critical to improving customer, patient, and service user experience.
Around 8% of colleagues come from an ethnic minority background and during 2020-2021, in a move to become more inclusive, Provide established its own Ethnic Minority Network. This network is designed to support colleagues to share their ‘lived experience’ and positively shape Provide’s equality agenda. Areas of impact include recruitment and the progression of talent for ethnic minority colleagues.
Our journey to becoming more inclusive and diverse also means we are seeking to increase the number of men in health and social care roles. Men represent 11.4%* of our workforce, which is lower than the industry average. We aim to increase this figure to 15% by 2024. Improving our gender balance will be a challenge in an industry where the pipeline of talent is overwhelmingly female. Measures to support this aim have been introduced and as such, Provide is extensively working to attract men into nursing, health and social care roles.