July/August 2013 Vol. 11 Issue 5
Corporate Events
Leading the way in compassion and discovery.
Taking sail - day outing for rehabilitation patients
Staff Forums
11 Sept., Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital Cafeteria 12 Sept., Thursday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Mental Health Services Cafeteria 13 Sept., Friday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Providence Manor Cafeteria
Staff Golf Tournament
23 Sept., Monday 3:30 p.m. Start Colonnade Golf & Country Club $60 includes 9 holes + dinner To register, contact: SMOL/MHS - Janet Hunter PM - Regina Mitchell Community - Ben Gooch
What’s Inside
Medical Staff Association Executive Providence Care Foundation presents cheque Staff bursary recipients ePR Champions Suicide intervention training Patients: Effective hygiene needs Providence Manor volunteers receive award Congratulations Dr. Ruth Wilson Wi-Fi: Keeping up with technology Research earns recognition Words of appreciation ancing Quality of Lif e E nh for over 150 years
On June 20th, patients from our Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Program at St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital participated in a day of adapted sailing in Trenton, at Quinte SailAbility. The weather was beautiful, and the participants ranged in ability from seasoned sailers to first timers. Although the abilities of each individual varied, the experienced staff and volunteers at Quinte SailAbility were able to customize the boat, controls, and sailing mechanisms to capitalize on each person’s strengths. The goal of this outing was to introduce participants to a community leisure opportunity that is accessible, affordable, active, and without barriers. Community reintegration is a crucial component in the rehabilitation process. Through reintegration experiences such as this one, participants have the opportunity to practice and utilize the many skills and strategies they have been learning with daily therapy interventions- in a community setting. The outing was greatly enjoyed by all participants, as one patient wrote, “It was a wonderful day. One hardly expects such a splendid outing during a hospital stay. The sailing was very well handled in all details, and I am sure it lifted the spirits of everyone who participated, as it most certainly did mine.” Events such as these take a great deal of planning and collaboration. Thanks goes out to the Gibson 2 Rehab team at St. Mary’s for supporting and empowering patients to spend the day away from the hospital in order to have this amazing experience! Thanks also to Dave Baldwin and Michelle Smith from Spinal Cord Injury Ontario for attending and supporting our patients at this event. For more information about Quinte SailAbility, check out their website at - Shannon McCallum, Recreation Therapist