Corporate Events Living the Mission Events: Staff & Family BBQ
8 June, Sunday Noon - 3:00 p.m. St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital Grounds - Union St. lawn
May/June 2014 Vol. 12 Issue 3
Leading the way in compassion and discovery.
Building on our tradition of compassion... Breaking ground on the future of Providence Care Hospital in Kingston - see more inside!
What’s Inside
Music concert at Providence Manor High scores: Earth-friendly initiatives Cathy Szabo, new President & CEO Revved Up Adapted Bonspiel Providence Care donates outdated supplies to facilities in Jamaica Visit: Minister for Seniors Irish Céilí at St. Mary's Launch: electronic staff scheduling Groundbreaking - new hospital Ribbon cutting - CrossRoads to Care Visit: new CHCO President & CEO Living the Mission events Congrats CPE grads Providence Manor presents poster at OANHSS Conference Thank you to our volunteers Words of appreciation ancing Quality of Lif e E nh for over 150 years
Cutting ribbon on opening of new co-location in Belleville - see more inside!