November 2013 Providence Care Connections

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November 2013  Vol. 11  Issue 7

Leading the way in compassion and discovery.

Corporate Events  Christmas events 4 December 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Staff Christmas Turkey Dinner Mental Health Services Cafeteria 11 December 2:00-4:00 p.m. Staff Christmas Open House Providence Manor Auditorium 19 December 2:00-4:00 p.m. Staff Christmas Open House St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital Cafeteria December - Celebrations taking place at our community locations

Congratulations to the 2013 Sisters’ Bursary recipients!

What’s Inside 

A baby shower fit for royalty

Remembrance Day Ceremonies

Bell Luncheon

Visitors from Japan welcomed

Long-Service Awards

ePR implemented at St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital

New tagline for Providence Care

Frontenac’s visit Providence Manor

 

Learning & Leadership opportunities Words of appreciation ancing Quality of Lif e E nh for over 150 years

Our Founders, the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul grant two Bursaries of $500 each for children of Providence Care staff who are starting post secondary education in the field of health care. The bursaries are meant to show appreciation of the contribution and years of service of Providence Care staff. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of the Sisters in making these awards possible. Applicants are required to submit an essay of 250 words or less describing why they should be eligible for the bursary, and provide proof of registration at a college or university in a health care program. Congratulations to this year’s recipients, Christian Itliong and Katelyn Leeder! Sandra Carlton, our VP of Mission, Values and People, presented the bursary to Christian on October 23rd. Both of Christian’s parents work at Providence Care. He is the son of Eduardo (Food & Nutrition Assistant at St. Mary’s) and Rebecca Itliong (Nursing Supervisor at Providence Manor). Christian is a first year nursing student at Seneca College. Sister Sandra Shannon and Maurio Ruffolo, VP Client and Patient Care and Chief Nursing Executive were on hand for the presentation to Katelyn, November 1st. Katelyn is the daughter of Elaine Leeder (Executive Assistant at St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital), and is a student of the Social Sciences Program at McMaster University.

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