September/October 2013 Vol. 11 Issue 6
Leading the way in compassion and discovery.
Corporate Events Staff Forums
12 Nov., Tuesday 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Mental Health Services Cafeteria 13 Nov., Wednesday 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. St. Mary’s of the Lake Hospital Cafeteria 15 Nov., Friday 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Providence Manor Cafeteria
VOCEC breaks new ground and partners with the YMCA
What’s Inside
Countdown to first ePR “Go Live” milestone
Preferred bidder chosen - Providence Care Hospital project An evening at the Fort FANS Staff member invents solution to better his workplace Announcing CrossRoads to Care
Arts Connect - Exhibit by Hope & Discovery Artisans
Staff United Way Campaign
Alzheimer Coffee Break at Providence Manor
Staff Golf Tournament Learning & Leadership opportunities Words of appreciation ancing Quality of Lif e E nh for over 150 years
Voices, Opportunities & Choices Employment Club (VOCEC) has partnered with the YMCA of Kingston to open a new café that provides meals and snacks to the YMCA’s daycare program. The contract was finalized in May 2013 with food production beginning in June of this year. Since June 21, VOCEC associates have been preparing upwards of 300 meals and 700 snacks per week. The new business has created 18 new positions for Providence Care’s clients who have risen to the challenges of operating a full-service kitchen and food-service business. In addition to providing meals to the daycare, VOCEC partnered with the YMCA to completely renovate space for VOCEC’s newest café - ‘Breaking Ground’. Breaking Ground serves YMCA members and staff a full menu of items baked and prepared by Providence Care clients. The partnership between VOCEC and the YMCA is strengthened by sharing values – the belief in equal opportunities for all members in the community and treating each person with respect, dignity and compassion. The YMCA strives to create an environment that enhances the personal and professional development of all staff and volunteers. Together with the YMCA, VOCEC has provided a supportive work environment where Providence Care clients can grow and thrive – economically, professionally and personally. This ambitious project would not have been possible without the ongoing support of dedicated Providence Care staff. - Ben Gooch Program Manager VOCEC is a not-for-profit corporation run by a community volunteer Board of Directors responsible to oversee numerous affirmative businesses in the Kingston area. Providence Care’s Mental Health Services provides staff support and space for some of the businesses.