COLLEGE INFORMATION Location .....................................................................................Providence, R.I. 02918 Founded ......................................................................................................................1917 Enrollment .................................................................................................................3,837 President.............................................................................. Rev. Brian J. Shanley, O.P. Associate VP/Director of Athletics .......................................Robert G. Driscoll, Jr. Nickname ...................................................................................................................Friars Colors ........................................................................ Black, White & Silver (PMS 877) Affiliation ............................................................................................... NCAA Division I Conference..........................................................................................................BIG EAST Home Field..............................................................................................Raymond Field Web Site ................................................................................................. www.friars.com
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2012 Team Information......................................................................................................2 Providence College/Facilities.......................................................................................3-4 Providence College Profile............................................................................................5-6 Friartown - Providence, R.I. ...............................................................................................7 Providence College Administration ..............................................................................8 Friar Coaching Staff/Support Staff .......................................................................... 9-10 2012 Roster ...................................................................................................................11-12 2012 Player Profiles ....................................................................................................13-18 2011 Statistics and Results ............................................................................................ 19 The BIG EAST Conference............................................................................................... 20 All-Time Friar Letterwinners .......................................................................................... 21 Friar Records/Awards .................................................................................................22-24 Friars in the Community ................................................................................................. 25
TEAM INFORMATION Final 2011 Record ................................................................................................... 23-30 2011 BIG EAST Conference Record/Finish .........................................7-13/eighth Letterwinners Returning/Lost.................................................................................8/9 Starters Returning/Lost .............................................................................................5/7 Newcomers ........................................................................................................................ 8 COACHING STAFF Head Coach ...............................................................Kerri Jacklets (Providence ‘01) Record at PC (Seasons) .......................................................................... 139-160-3 (6) Assistant Coach ..............................................Erica Morgenstein (Dartmouth ‘01) Assistant Coach ................................................Chris Morgan (Massachusetts ‘03) Assistant Coach ...................................................Teri Morgan (Massachusetts ‘02) Softball Office Phone ..........................................................................(401) 865-2967 Strength & Conditioning Coach ............................................................... Ken White Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coaches ......... Natalie LaSalle, Nikki Gnozzio Athletic Trainer .................................................................................. Tanya Quaresma Team Manager .................................Jenna Deveines (Rhode Island College ‘10) ATHLETICS MEDIA RELATIONS Softball Contact: ........................................................................................ Jorge Rocha Office Phone/E-mail:.......................... (401) 865-2201/jrocha@providence.edu Secondary Contact: .............................................................................. Jason Schrank Office Phone/E-mail...............401-865-1733/jschrank@friars.providence.edu Office Fax: ................................................................................................(401) 865-2583 Address .............................................................Alumni Hall, Providence, R.I. 02918
Credits: The 2012 Providence College Softball Media Guide is published by the Providence College Athletic Department and all rights are reserved. All information in this guide is property of the Providence College Athletic Department. Editor: Jorge Rocha. Editorial Assistance: Jason Schrank and PC sports information staff. Covers: Sean Driscoll. Photography: Tom Maguire, David Silverman, Ed Pepin, Richard Benjamin.
PROVIDENCE COLLEGE PROVIDENCE COLLEGE PROVIDEN NCE E COL OLLE OL LEGE GE E PROFILE PRO OFI F LE E ffili iat atio ion Affi liation Roman Catholic Ro Cath Ca ho ollic ic Roman Dom min niccan n Friars Frriiar ars Dominican En nrro ollme me ent Enrollment 3,8 , 37 undergraduates un nd der ergr grad dua uate es 3,837 13% 3 ffrom ro om Rh hod ode Is IIsland slaan nd d 13% Rhode 65% 5% ffrom ro om Ne ew En EEngland nglan nd 65% New 18 fore re reig eig gn co oun ntr trie es 18 foreign countries 43% %m en,, 57 en 5 7% w wo om me en 43% men, 57% women Ca amp mpuss Campus 105 5 aacres cres cr es es 105 Co onc ncan anno no non on Fitness Fitn Fi t esss C Ce ent n er/P /Pet eter errso son Re Rec Rec. Concannon Center/Peterson Ce ent nterr Center Baskkettba Ba ball C ou urt rs Basketball Courts In nd doo oor Tr oor TTrack Trac racck Indoor Swi wim wim mm min ng Pool o ol Swimming Raacquetball Cou urrtts Racquetball Courts Naautilus Room Nautilus Tennis Courts Daance Studio Dance We eight Room Weight Phil illi lip li ips ps M em morial Library Liibr L bra rary ary Phillips Memorial 560 0,9 , 75 75 Total Total al holdings hol old ding di gs which w ic wh i h include includ ude ud e print prrin p int 560,975 an nd d electronic ele ect ctro oni nic volumes, vvo ollu ume mes, online onl nlin i e databases, data da tab ta baase ses, s, s, and ser eriiaalss and and nd electronic ele l ctro cttro oni nic media medi diia serials Allbe bert bert r tu uss Magnus-Hickey Ma ag gnu nuss-Hick Hickey key Science Sci cien e ce ce Complex Com mp pllex ex Albertus Sttaate eo he Art Art La Ar LLabs abs State off tth the Co om mpu pute ter Work Worrkk Stations Wo Staati tion on o ns Computer Res eseaarc rch Facilities Faci Fa cciililiti liti ties es Research Sm mit ith th C Ce en ntter er ffor orr tthe o h A he rts rt ts Smith Center Arts An ng ge elll Blac Bl B lacckffriiaarrs Theatre Thea Th eatr ea ttrre re Angell Blackfriars Con once ert rt H aalll Concert Hall Filim Screening Sccre reenin en nin ng Cl C aasssrroo o m Film Classroom Dan ance ce e Studio Sttu udi diio o Dance Key eybo oar ard d Pi P ian ano LLa ab Keyboard Piano Lab Musicc Library Lib bra r ryy Music Re eside ssiid de e enc ncce Ha H Hall allls Residence Halls Nine Dormitories Fiive Apartment Apartment Buildings Five One Suite Hall One Fa acu ulty Faculty 40 00 m em mb be ers, ers rss, 38 387 87 te eac achi hing hi n ffaculty aacccul u tyy ul 400 members, teaching %D Do omini miini m niccaan priests prriie p est s s or or sisters siste istte is ers 8% Dominican 12 2.1:1 1 student sttud ude en nt to o faculty facul acul ac u ty t ratio rat atio io 12.1:1 96 6% 6 % Ph.D. Ph. h..D h D.. o O rdi dina inary ry TTeaching eaachin each ing g Fa Facu cult ltyy 96% off Or Ordinary Faculty witth Ph.D. Ph.D Ph D. or h ighe ig he est s deg eg gre ree e in fi fie e ld with highest degree eld
THE TH HE MI MISSION MISS SS SSIO SIO ON OF THE THE COLLEGE COL OLLE LEGE GE Providence Pr Prov rovid id den ence ce eC College olle ol lle lege lege e iiss a p pr primarily rrim imaarrilily undergraduate, unde d rgraduate, liberal liber eral er a arts, Catholic institution of hig higher ighe h r education. Committed fostering excellence e ed duccat atio on. n C om mmi mittted d tto o ffo osstter ost e ing academic excelle enc n e through the sciences and humanihum man a ities, ti ie ess, s, the th he College Colllleg Co eg ge provides prov pr ovviid o des a variety var a iety of opportunities for fo or intellectual, social, moral and spiri spiritual ituall gr ro ow wth h in in a supportive ssu up pp por o ti tiive ve environment. ve env n ironment. growth The TTh he College Co Coll olllleg ge actively actiivve ac ely ly cultivates cu ulllti tiv ti iva vates intellectual, spiritual, e ethical th thic hi al and aesthetic values within thee Judaeo-Christian ccontext co ont nte exxt off tthe he e Judae eo-C Christian heritage. These values Ch value es are are nurtured by the unique tradition traditio on of tthe of he eD Dominican om min nic ican c Order which emphasizes quality te teaching each hiing and scholarship. Providence College recognizes the unity of the human hum man an family fam miilly that proceeds from its one Creator. It therefore encourages the deepest respe respect ect fo ec for tth the he essential dignity, freedom and d equality of every person and welcomes qualified women wome wo wome m n and aan nd men from all religious, raciall and ethnic backgrounds. Providence College prepares prep par ares ares e its its ts students stu tude ud nts to be responsible and greater productive citizens to serve in their own society an aand nd the nd th he gr g eate ea te er world community.
Responding to the needs of Rhode Island, the e Dominican Order of Preachers made a special commitment to the state in 1917 and founded Providence College — the only institutio io on of of institution hi h igher learning in North America Ame eri r caa that th haat is is concon on-higher duct du c ed by the Or rde derr. In 9 3 ye yyears, year earrs, P rovi vide ide denc n e ducted Order. 93 Providence Co olllleg ge has has st ha ssteadily tea eadi eadi d lyy m oved ov ed to o a po p siti si t on of College moved position na n ation tiion onall p r mi ro mine nenc nce nc e,, while e whi h le e maintaining maiinttai aini ning ing a perper eer national prominence, sona n l, community-like com ommu mu unity niity ty-l ty-liikke atmosphere atm at atmo mo osp sphe he h e ere re tthat re haat fo ffosters ostters ers er sonal, g row wth and and n development devvel eo op pme entt among amo m ng its its ts student stu t de dentt dent growth p po pu ulaattiion ion on. population. Pr rov ovid vid i en e ce C olle ege g ’s rrich ich ic h heritage heri he rita ri tage ta ge e dates daattes es b aacck Providence College’s back to 1 2 6, 21 6, o he or rig gin i s off the the e Dominican Domin om o min niccan Order Orrd der er 1216, orr tth the origins in n SSpain. p in pa n. TThrough hrou hr ough ou gh h the h aages, he ges, tthe ge he D o in om niccan an Dominican FFriars Fr riaarss b ecam ec am me kn kknown now own as as tthe he e ““champions ch ham a piion ons off tthe he h e became ffa ait ith h,” sp h” spre read ad din ing g th he gos go osp spel m essaage es ge tthrough hro hrou hr ou ugh gh faith, spreading the gospel message tthe th he centuries ce cent entur nt rie es into into to eevery v ry ve ry ccorner o ne or n r of of the the he globe. glo obe be. TToday, To odaay, y Dominican Dom min nic i an a Friars Fri riarrs continue co onttin i ue u to to spread spre sp ead ad tthe th he gospel go ospel sp p in in a wide wiide w e range range an nge o rremote emo otte e are reass o off re areas off tthe th he wo w orrlld, to to teach teach ch at at e ev ver e y le llevel vel of ve o tthe he eU niite ted d world, every United SStates St tattess eeducational d caati du tion o al a ssystem. ysstem. yste te em W ith ith t the the h Dominican Dom omin niccan tradition tra r di diti t on on aass it ts fo ounda d da With its foundation, tti ion o , Providence Prov Pr ovid iden e ce c College Col o le ege ge focuses foc occusses es on on developing de d evve elo op piing ing the tth he entire en nti t re ep person errso on th through hro roug rou ugh it its ts values-oriented valu va lues es-o es -o oriie en n nttte ed ed education. ed du uccaattio ion. on Th TThe he co college olleg lllleg ege se ege sseeks eek eks to to complement compl om mpl plem plem e e en nt a student’s s t ud st d en e t’ t’ss kkn knowledge n ow w le e dg d g e wi w with ith t h kknowledge th n wl no w l ed d ge ge o off hiss own hi ow o wn values v lu va ues es — vvalues alue al alue u s th that at w at will ilill re ill remain ema main in n tthe he he foundation foun fo un nda dati tion ti o ffor on or ssound or ound ou nd d jud judgement ud dge geme ment nt tthroughout hrou hr ough gh hou out a lifetime m . lifetime.
To Providence To that that en eend, nd, d, Pro ovi vidence College aims to to relate rela re rela lat ate its itts curriculum currrricullum cu m to to the th he problems problems mss of contemporary contem mp po orraaryy society, ering off st that so oci ciet ie etty ty, y, off off ffer erin er ing diverse in diive d ive v rs rse programs rse prog pr ograams m o sstudy ud dy tth hatt remain re ema main in grounded gro roun un nde ded in in the the h liberal liib be erral al arts. artts. s. Students Stu tude dents may may choose ch hoo o sse e from frro om some sso ome e 60 60 concentrations conc co ncen e ttrraattio ion nss rrangaan nging in ng from ffrrom om computer compu ompu om putte pute er science sscciie en ncce to to labor laab bor or relations re ella lat ations io on to qualifi ed to theatre the heat atre e aarts. rrtts. s. In n aaddition, dditio dd iittio on, n, q uaaliifi fied ed students sttu ud de ents who not specifi wh ho wish wiissh w h to to structure sttru uct ctur ure a program prro p og gra r m no ot sp pec eciifi fically cal allyy provided may provvid pr ded ed under und nder e the th he e regular reg gul ular laarr concentrations con once ent ntra tra rattiiion o sm on ay develop deve deve de velo lop their thei th eir own ei own program ow prog pr prog ograam with with tthe wi he h e aapproval pp p pro oval of of the th he e dean dea ean an of of tthe he ccollege. he olle ol eg ge e. As curriculum, As part paarrt rt of o tthe he ccore he ore ccu or urrrric icu ullu um m, all all students al stude st ud den en ents take Develt ke ta e a ttwo-year, wo-yyea wo ear,r, tteam-taught eamea m-taaug ught ht ccourse, ht ou ursse e,, D evvele opment off We Western op pme mentt o W est stter ern Civilization er Civi Ci vililiza vili zattiion n ((DWC) DW D WC) C) which whi hic ich integrates off literature, philosophy, in nte tegr egr grat rat ates ates es tthe he sstudy he tu udy dy o liite tera raatu ratu ure re, e, ph p hilos ililossoph op phy, history religious hissttor hi oryy and a d re an elilig giiou us studies stu st ud d die iie es through es th hro r ug ugh gh th tthe he ag aages ges into interdisciplinary unit. in nto o a ccohesive ohes oh hes esiv ivve in nte terdis rd dissci cipl cipl plin nar ary un nit i. Situated ProvSittu Si uatted ed jjust usstt on us on tthe he ffringe he riing nge of of downtown dow o nt n ow own nP Pr rovro idence, enables id den encce e, the tth he College’s he Colllle Coll Co eg ge’ ge’ e’s location e’s lo ocaati t on ne naabl bles e students es stu tude ent ns to have easy to h avve e ea asy sy aaccess ccesss to cc t tthe he e many man anyy social, so ociial al, cultural, cu ultu ural,, ur educational and recreational off ur urban educ ed uccattiio u onaal an nd re ecr c eati eaati tio onal aamenities on ona meni me eni nitties es o urb ban life entertainliife - the the he Providence Pro rovide denc nce Public nce Pub Pu blicc Library; blic bl Lib bra rary ry; en ry ry; e tert rttainment the Providence Performing mentt aatt th he Pr Prov o iid ov den ence ce P ce erfo er form fo rm min ng Arts Arrts Center; A Cen ente t r; the tth he Providence Prrov P ovid den ence ce Place Pllace c M Mall, aalll, ll tthe he B he Bank an nk o off A America me erica City City Cit Ci ty C Center, e te en ter,r, ssporting po ort rtin in ing ng ev e events, ve en nts ts, en eentertainment nte tert te rtainm nmen entt an aand nd trade shows Dunkin’ Donuts trad tr aad de sh how ws at at tthe he h eD un u nkkiin’ n’ D onu on utts Center Center Ce nte nt err and and the Center dozens the Providence th Pro Pro Pr ovvid iden ence e Convention Con o ve vent ntio nt io on Ce C Cent ent nter er aand nd d nd ozzen o e s of ne With other major o fi fin ne restaurants. re est stau aura aura au rant nts. nt nts. s. Wi W ith th sseveral evver e all o tth herr m ajorr aj educational ed duccat atio atio iona nal in na institutions nssttittut u io ions ns located ns loc o atted ed iin n Pr P Providence, rov ovid de en n nce c , the t e city th cityy has has as become bec ecom com o e a hub hu ub of collegiate col olle olle legi egi g at ate e ac aactivity. cti tivi ivit vity.
P OV PR OVID ID IDEN DEN NCE CE C OL O LLE LEGE LEGE GE A THLE TH LE LETI ETIC TIC DEPARTMENT TI DE D EPA P RT RTME MEN ME NT TM IS SSI SION ON STATEMENT STA TATE T ME M NT T PROVIDENCE COLLEGE ATHLETIC MISSION Th he mission miss mi s io ss on off the the Providence Pro rovi ovi v de dencce College Colleg Co llleg ge Intercollegiate I te In ercol rcol rc o le eg giiat a e At thl hlet ettic e icss pro pr rog ogra ram m is i tto o fo oster stter tthe he p erso er so on nal na The Athletics program foster personal deve de ve elo l pm pmen entt an nd ed eeducation duc ucat atio ion n of yyoung ou ung m en n aand nd dw omen tthrough omen om hrou hr ough ugh g ttheir heirr p heir he arti ar t ci ti cipa paati p tion on iin nN CAA AA development and men women participation NCAA Divi Di visi sion on I athletics. ath thle leti tics cs. Division Ath At thlet etic ic contests con onte test stts pr prov ovid ide e an o ppor pp o tu t ni nity ty for for the the campus cam ampu puss and d the th community co comm ommun mmunitty at large lar arge e to to demde d emAthletic provide opportunity on nsttrate raate the eiirr ssupport uppo up portt o the e College, Colllleg Co eg ge, its athletics ath t le eti tics program, progrram a , and and the t e student-athletes. th stud st u en entntt-athl hlet etes es. onstrate their off th The At A hllet etic ic D epar ep a tm ar men entt st sstrives rives riv ves to fulfi fullfilll student-athlete stu tude dent de ent nt-atthle thlete te en eeds d aand nd goals ls in an environ nment me me The Athletic Department needs environment stee st eepe ped d in the he Dominican Dom omin inic ican an tradition traditi tion on in in which wh hone nest sty, y integrity, integ grity ty, mu m tual res espe pect, ctt, eff e ort ort and steeped honesty, mutual respect, mprovement are cherish hed and cultivated. d constant iimprovement cherished
PROVIDENCE COLLEGE ATHLETIC ACADEMIC SERVICES The Office of Academic Services (OAS) provides specialized support to student-athletes in light of the unique time demands, responsibilities, and rules governing participation in intercollegiate athletics. Services are provided in a safe, personal environment where academic growth is a priority, personal development and independence are enhanced, and long-term success is nurtured by a staff which models these same commitments. Student-athletes who have distinguished themselves in the classroom as well as on the field or court, may be nominated for the BIG EAST Academic All-Star Team, the HOCKEY EAST Academic Honor Roll, NFHCA Division I Academic Team, or CoSIDA’s Academic All-American Program. The Providence College Athletic Department also honors student-athletes each semester who have achieved a 3.00 grade point average or higher. The student-athlete support staff includes the following: Jonathan Gomes, Assistant Director for Student-Athlete Services Kaitlyn O’Malley, Academic/Life Skills Coordinator for Student-Athletes Caitlin Grant, Academic Coordinator of Student Athletes Jesse Strout, Graduate Assistant SERVICES FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES Academic Monitoring Progress report slips (i.e., requesting information regarding class attendance and performance) are sent to each instructor for all student-athletes at least once per semester. The staff track individual progress, schedules meetings with student-athletes as appropriate, and personally contacts instructors as necessary.
UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Providence College is primarily a coeducational four-year undergraduate college of liberal arts and sciences. Its main objective is the intellectual development of its students through the disciplines of the sciences and the humanities, equipping them to become productive and responsible citizens of a democratic society. To be eligible for a degree, a student must accumulate 116 credit hours over an eight semester period with an overall quality point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. In addition, a student must complete a minimum of 24 upper-division credits in the field of their major with an overall 2.0 cumulative average unless stipulated. Included in the total credit hours are the following prerequisites for any degree: Development of Western Civilization (20); Social Sciences (6); Natural Science (6); Philosophy (6); Theology (6); Mathematics (3) and Fine Arts (3). The remaining credit hours are elective with at least nine coming from areas outside one’s major. In addition, all students establish English (writing) Proficiency by coursework or standards designated by the English Department. The five most popular concentrations for the Class of 2010 were Marketing, English, Finance, Biology and Elementary and Secondary Education. In all, the college offers a total of 34 majors and 36 minors ranging from theatre arts to computer science. Although this may seem overwhelming on paper, our staff goes to great lengths to monitor each student’s academic progress. The Athletic Department’s Academic Advisor counsels all of the school’s athletes and assists them in any areas in which they are experiencing difficulties. It’s a system that Providence is quite proud of and one which we’ve worked long and hard to establish. Any student-athlete who feels the need for tutorial assistance can utilize the college’s tutorial center, as well as the athletic department’s advisors who can supply them with individuals capable of assisting them in their particular course of study.
Counseling/Mentoring The staff meets with student-athletes, individually and in groups, regarding academic, athletic, career, and/or personal issues. Life Skills Program/Special Projects Programs and workshops on select life skills (i.e., NCAA/CHAMPS Life Skills Program) are presented, covering the following five component areas: academics, personal development, community service, athletics, and career development. The OSA has collaborative relationships with many units on campus to help provide these services. Pre-Advisement/Registration The staff assists student-athletes with planning and course registration. In conjunction with the Office of Academic Records, dates are determined for preregistration each semester. Study Hall Quiet, monitored study time is available, during daytime and evening hours. Student-athletes are required and/or recommendation to attend, on a sport-by-sport basis, by their respective head coach. Travel Notifications At the beginning of each semester, student-athletes are provided with letters for their instructors, notifying them of travel/competitive schedules. Tutorial Services and The Writing Center The Tutorial Center, which is nationally certified by the College Reading & Learning Association, provides peer tutoring in most all subject areas. The Tutorial Center is open until 9:00 p.m. on weeknights. The Writing Center provides more intensive and specialized writing support and also maintains evening hours for student-athletes’ convenience.
EXPERIENCE A CITY IN RENAISSANCE... Providence, Rhode Island is among America’s most dynamic, diverse and exciting new destination cities. Come and see it for yourself. Gather with thousands in the rejuvenated downtown for a magical WaterFire display. Catch a Broadway-bound show. Enjoy dinner in one of the city’s many award-winning restaurants, then head to Federal Hill to sip an authentic caffe latte. Mingle with the more than 26,000 students who attend the city’s five colleges and universities. Explore internship opportunities with the city’s businesses and nonprofits and see a real-world path to career success. Providence College’s scenic 105-acre campus is located just 10 minutes away from one of the most historic and cosmopolitan city centers in the United States. Come to Providence and embrace all that America’s Renaissance City has to offer. A LIVELY DOWNTOWN SCENE... It’s where Colonial-era cobblestone streets intersect with gleaming new office buildings. Where young men and women from across the nation intern with some of the most recognized names in finance, business, technology and healthcare. In Providence, there’s always something happening, always a new exhibition, bookshop or bistro to check out. The New York Times describes it as “one of the hippest towns in New England.” And Money Magazine calls it “the best city in the East for young professionals.” A WEALTH OF WEEKEND DESTINATIONS... Known as the Ocean State, Rhode Island boasts more than 400 miles of stunning coastline. The world-famous mansions of Newport, along with the shores of Narragansett Bay are just a 30-minute drive from Providence. The ski slopes of New England make a great day trip, and the beaches of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard are all within easy reach.
YOU’RE CLOSE... Providence is a short drive from T.F. Green Airport. Known as the “hassle-free gateway to New England,” the airport is conveniently located close to Interstate 95 and offers non-stop flight connections to cities throughout the United States and Caribbean. Providence is America’s newest destination city. Here’s why: • The Providence Performing Arts Center is the second largest indoor theater in New England • The Dunkin’ Donuts Center (home of Providence College basketball) has hosted the NCAA Hockey Championship and NCAA Basketball Tournament among other major sporting events • At the upscale Providence Place Mall, you’ll find more than 160 shops, theaters, acclaimed restaurants and an IMAX Theater • The renowned WaterFire display on the Providence River is one of the many attractions that draw thousands to the city’s dynamic downtown • With seven historic districts featuring beautifully preserved 18th-and-19th century architecture, Providence is one of the most historic cities in America • Providence has the country’s largest per capita concentration of college students (26,000 in a city of just over 175,000), making it one of the nation’s most studentfriendly cities • Providence has a rich diversity of neighborhoods offering a wide selection of ethnic cuisine, from pad thai to paella • The nationally acclaimed Roger Williams Park Zoo is home to hundreds of rare animals from around the world • The city’s rich cultural calendar includes dance performances, theater productions, music recitals, gallery shows and readings by prominent authors and poets For complete information, contact the Providence Convention and Visitors Bureau, (800) 233-1636 and the Rhode Island Division of Tourism, (800) 556-2484.
PROVIDENCE COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION Robert G. Driscoll, Jr. Associate V.P./Athletics Director Since Robert G. Driscoll was hired as the Associate Vice President for Athletics on November 2, 2001, Providence College athletics has experienced unprecedented growth in academic and athletic performance, fundraising, facilities and community involvement. Driscoll has reinvigorated the Providence College Athletics program, leading the charge with a vision of creating one of the most respected programs in the nation, where each student-athlete graduates and has the opportunity to compete for championships. Driscoll was recognized for his efforts on June 10, 2008 as he was named the 2007-08 Astro Turf Athletics Director of the Year for Division I Northeast Region at the 43rd National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics Annual Convention. He also was honored in 2009 by his alma mater, Ithaca College, where he received the Distinguished Sport Industry Leader award during alumni weekend. Most recently, he was elected as Division I-AAA Athletic Directors Association Secretary. Athletically, Providence experienced success in 2010-11. The men’s soccer team earned its way to the championship match of the BIG EAST Tournament and advanced to the NCAA Tournament. The Friars played their first home NCAA Championship game and posted a 6-2 win over Saint Peter’s to advance to the Second Round for the second time in school history. The women’s cross country team qualified for the NCAA Championship for the 22nd consecutive season and placed in the top-10 (ninth) for the 17th time in school history. The men’s team also earned a berth to the NCAA Championship, its fifth consecutive appearance and 15th in the last 16 years. There were eight Friars crowned All-Americans. Marshon Brooks became the first PC basketball player to be named to the Associated Press All-America Team since Ryan Gomes in 2004. Brooks also set the BIG EAST single-game and single-season scoring records. Lee Carey, who led the men’s cross country team to a third-place finish at the BIG EAST Championship by capturing the individual title, also earned All-America accolades. Shelby Greany was crowned All-American twice (cross country and indoor track – 3,000 meters). Hannah Davidson also was named All-American as she ran the 3,000 meters at the NCAA Indoor Track Championships. Julian Matthews garnered two All-America honors (indoor track – mile, outdoor track – 1,500 meters). David McCarthy rounded out the list of All-Americans as he earned the honor in the indoor 3,000 meters. In addition, Providence College finished seventh out of 95 Division I-AAA schools in the 2010-11 Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup. The College recently approved renovation plans for Alumni Hall, which is the practice facility for men’s basketball and home courts for women’s basketball and volleyball. Construction will begin in the spring of 2012. In addition, the College gained approval for a state-of-the-art soccer, lacrosse and track athletic complex adjacent to Schneider Arena, which also will be renovated. Included in this complex will be a 30,000 square-foot facility connected to Schneider Arena which will house locker rooms and other facilities for athletic teams. The College also will build a new softball complex and tennis courts on Hendricken Field. In addition to the upcoming renovations to Alumni Hall and Schneider Arena as well as the state-of-the art soccer and lacrosse complex, there have been numerous other facility improvements in Alumni Hall. The men’s basketball offices, hallway and locker rooms were renovated, thanks to a generous gift from Providence College alumnus Joe Calabria ‘65. The Joe Calabria Hallway of Legends was dedicated in January of 2009. Consisting of nine exhibit areas and
Rev. Brian J. Shanley, O.P. • Providence College President On February 1, 2005, Providence College announced the election of Reverend Brian J. Shanley, O.P., to serve as the 12th president of the College. Father Shanley assumed his duties at the College on July 1, 2005, and succeeded Reverend Philip A. Smith, O.P., who served as the College’s president from 19942005. Prior to his arrival at Providence, Father Shanley served as an associate professor in the School of Philosophy at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Father Shanley is a native of Warwick, Rhode Island. A parishioner at St. Gregory the Great Church, he attended local public schools, graduating from Toll Gate High School in 1976. In 1980, Father Shanley earned his undergraduate degree in history at Providence College. He holds a doctorate degree in philosophy from the University of Toronto, where he completed the Collaborative Providence in Philosophy and Medieval Studies. He also holds a master of divinity degree (theology) and the Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.), both from the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. (Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception.) Ordained to the priesthood in 1987, Father Shanley has devoted his entire career to teaching and administration in Catholic higher education. Following teaching assignments at Providence College and the University of Toronto, he began his tenure at The Catholic University of America in 1994, achieving the rank of associate professor in 2001. Father Shanley’s first
teaching assignment was at Providence College from 1988-91. He was an instructor of philosophy, and taught in the Development of Western Civilization Program. Father Shanley spent the Fall 2002 semester as a visiting professor at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He previously engaged in a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Notre Dame’s Center for Philosophy of Religion in 1998-99. As the Regent of Studies for the Dominican Province of St. Joseph, Father Shanley holds a seat on the Provincial Council, a body of 12 Dominican Friars serving as cabinet-level advisors to the Prior Provincial. He advises the Prior Provincial on all matters pertaining to the intellectual and academic life of the Province and oversees the academic endeavors of members of the Province, including those in preparation for the priesthood and those engaged in graduate studies. Father Shanley has been widely published in philosophyfocused academic journals and has been a guest lecturer at a wide range of scholarly conferences.
seven display cases, the hallway features players and teams from each era of the Providence College basketball program. The hallway’s floor is a replica of the Friars’ Dave Gavitt Court at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center and the project also includes a complete renovation of the coaches’ offices, the film room and the team’s locker room. The men’s soccer program received a generous donation from John Murphy ‘80 and renovated the soccer offices. The Joyce Murphy Soccer Suite opened in November of 2008. The suite features new offices, meeting spaces and a lounge area equipped with flat screen televisions. The men’s soccer locker room also was refurbished thanks to a donation by Kerry and Karl Anderson ‘87. With the creation of the BIG EAST Lacrosse Conference, the lacrosse offices were renovated to go along with a new locker room. The volleyball locker room also was renovated and a new women’s basketball video room was created. In addition, the track/cross country offices and the women’s soccer offices also were refurbished. The Helen Bert Student-Athlete Study Lounge, which was opened in 2007, was recently expanded. Thanks to a generous donation from Judge Bill Leary ’60 and his wife, Emily, the Friends of Friar Hockey Room also was renovated at Schneider Arena. The Bill and Emily Leary Friends of Friar Room includes plasma televisions, high-top counters and meeting space for the teams. In addition, a media library room displaying the history of Friar Hockey was made possible thanks to a generous gift from Bob O’Connor ’62. In August of 2007, the Concannon Fitness Center, a state-ofthe-art $18 million facility, was opened. The Concannon Fitness Center is adjacent to the $6 million Lennon Family Field (Astroturf facility), which was completed in August 2005. The Fitness Center houses the Friars’ Jimmy Walker Strength and Conditioning Center as well as administrative and coaching offices, conference rooms and locker rooms. The construction project also provides the department with a state-of-the-art sports medicine complex and a new ticket office. The Canavan Sports Medicine Center, which was completed in August of 2008, is equipped with a hydrotherapy room, which includes a SwimEx rehab pool and two plunges for cold/hot therapy. Many of the College’s athletic improvements were made possible through Driscoll’s fundraising efforts. In each of the 10 years that Driscoll has led the Friars, the athletic department has exceeded its fundraising goals and has generated millions of dollars that have been utilized for student-athlete development and facility enhancements.
Driscoll served as the NCAA Ice Hockey Championship Committee Chair in 2010-11. He also represents the BIG EAST’s Athletic Directors on the Student-Athlete Advisory Council, serves on the BIG EAST Finance Committee and the HOCKEY EAST Television Negotiations Committee. He previously served on the NCAA Division I Management Council and was an NCAA Fellows Programs Executive Mentor. Driscoll joined the Providence community after 14½ years in athletic administration at the University of California, Berkeley. At Cal, Driscoll served as the Executive Associate Athletic Director and was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the department as well as overseeing football, men’s basketball, men’s and women’s swimming, men’s and women’s water polo, rugby, strength training, equipment and the sports medicine programs. Driscoll was hired at Cal as the Associate Athletic Director for Student Services, a position he held for five years. He then assumed the position of Executive Associate Athletic Director, at which point he was responsible for the administration of 27 varsity sports. During his tenure at Cal, he oversaw 25 club sports, a staff of 250 and a $36 million budget. Prior to coming to Providence, he served as the Acting Executive Director for Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreational Sports. During his tenure, Cal won over 20 national championships, competed in the Citrus, Copper, Alamo and Aloha Bowls, NCAA Basketball Tournaments and the College World Series for baseball and softball. The Bears also finished as high as 12th in the NACDA Directors’ Cup. Before arriving at Cal, Driscoll served six years (1981-87) as the Athletic Director and Chair of the Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Intramural Sports at Mills College in Oakland, Calif. Prior to arriving at Mills, Driscoll was Assistant Athletic Director and Head Baseball and Hockey Coach at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y. from 1977-81. Driscoll was a stand-out hockey and baseball player at Ithaca College (N.Y.), where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in physical education in 1974. He earned his Master of Science in Physical Education/Psychology of Sports from Ithaca in 1975. A native of West Concord, Mass., Driscoll was inducted into the inaugural class of Concord-Carlisle High School’s Athletic Hall of Fame (football, ice hockey and baseball) in 1993. He is the proud father of three children: Tara, a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley; Kelly, a graduate of the University of Michigan; and Sean, a graduate of Providence College. He and his wife Cathy reside in North Kingstown.
KERRI JACKLETS HEAD COACH Kerri Jacklets is in her seventh season as head coach of the Providence College softball h program. In six seasons, Jacklets has led Provip dence to four berths in the BIG EAST Tournad ment. m Last season, the Friars earned a berth to the BIG EAST Championship Quarterfinals where B tthey were edged by Notre Dame. Justine Strattton was named to the All-Tournament Team and Jen Abrams earned Capital One Academic All-District honors. In addition, the Friars set single-season school records with 58 home runs and 140 walks. In 2010, the Friars recorded 10 wins in BIG EAST Conference games, the most in league action since 2006. Jacklets had three players named to All-BIG EAST Third team as Christy Becker, Justine Stratton and Michelle Huber earned the honor. The Friars also excelled in the classroom, being ranked No. 23 by the Girls Got Game/National Fastpitch Coaches Association All-Academic Rankings, which was based on a collective grade point average. Nine players were recognized individually for having at least a 3.50 GPA. The team also led the PC Athletic Department and BIG EAST Conference with the highest GPA. Katelyn Revens also was the first member of the softball team to be honored as the BIG EAST Institutional Female Scholar Athlete of the Year. In 2009, the Friars finished in the top five in the BIG EAST in batting average, slugging percentage, hits, doubles, triples, home runs and total bases. In addition, the Friars played against eight ranked teams and defeated No. 21 Fresno State. Jacklets had two players named to All-BIG EAST Teams as Mary Rose Sheehy earned first team honors, while Jenna Garcia garnered second team accolades. In addition, Sheehy was named to the NFCA All-Region Team. Providence turned in a strong 2008 campaign as the team finished with a 25-25-2 overall record and advanced to the BIG EAST Tournament for the second time under Jacklets’ tutelage. The Friars also earned impressive victories over No. 18 Georgia on February 17 and Notre Dame on April 26. The win over Notre Dame was the team’s first ever at Notre Dame. In 2007, the Friars finished with an overall record of 23-24 including a 6-14 finish in the BIG EAST. The Friars earned their first ever victory over Notre Dame on April 14, defeating the Irish, 9-0. Jacklets coached two players who earned All-BIG EAST honors in 2007. Rachel Bartholomew earned All-BIG EAST First Team accolades as well as Northeast All-Region First Team honors. Mary Rose Sheehy also earned All-BIG EAST accolades as she was named to the third team. In 2006, Jacklets led the Friars to a 29-19-1 record, including an 1111 mark in the BIG EAST. The 11 league wins were the most by a Friar team since 1995. Jacklets’ team, which was picked to finish 11th out of 12 teams in the 2006 BIG EAST Preseason Coaches Poll, finished sixth in the Conference and earned the program’s first trip to the BIG EAST Tournament since 1996. In addition, Jacklets coached three athletes who earned All-BIG EAST accolades. Samantha Pittman was named to the second team, while Elena Romero and Rachel Bartholomew garnered third team honors. Bartholomew and Pittman also were named to the All-Northeast Region Team. Jacklets was named head coach of the Providence College softball program on January 20, 2006. In 2005, Jacklets served as an assistant coach at Providence and helped the Friars to a 33-20 overall record. Prior to her assistant coaching position at Providence, Jacklets served three seasons (2001-04) as an assistant at Brown University. While with the
THE KERRI JACKLETS FILE Full Name: Kerri Ann Jacklets Born: April 25, 1979 in Sayville, N.Y. Education: Providence College, 2001; Bachelor of Arts COACHING EXPERIENCE • Head Coach, Providence College (2006-present) • Assistant Coach, Providence College (2005) • Assistant Coach, Brown University (2001-04) PLAYING EXPERIENCE • Providence College, 1998-2001. • All-Northeast Region First Team Selection, 2001 • Ranks fourth all-time at PC in career batting average record (.315) • Ranks sixth all-time in home runs (18) and sixth in hits (179)
Bears, Jacklets was responsible for overseeing a number of roles, including practice coaching duties with an emphasis on hitting, catching and the outfield. She also was responsible for recruiting, managing budgetary requests and organizing transportation and other accommodations. In 2004, she helped guide the Bears to the Ivy League Championship. She has coached numerous players who have earned Ivy League and Northeast Region honors, including the 2004 Ivy League Pitcher of the Year. In addition to her coaching abilities, Jacklets excels at recruiting. She recruited and coached the Ivy League Rookie of the Year in 2004. Jacklets enjoyed a stellar career as a catcher at PC from 1998-2001. She ranks fourth all-time at the College in batting average (.315), seventh all-time in home runs (18) and sixth in hits (179). Jacklets also ranks in the top-10 all-time in walks (41) and runs batted in (76). In 2001, she was named to the All-Northeast Region First Team. Jacklets was a four-time BIG EAST Academic All-Star and graduated from PC with a 3.33 GPA in Social Science. Jacklets, a native of Sayville, N.Y., resides in Providence, R.I.
Erica Morgenstein enters her sixth season aas an assistant coach with the Providence Colle lege softball program where she has helped lead the team to four BIG EAST Championships. le M Morgenstein, a former Dartmouth standout, w was named assistant coach on September 21, 2006. She leads the outfield, coordinates scout2 in ing video and internal operations. Morgenstein came to PC after spending two seasons as an assistant coach at Harvard. Prior to her stint at Harvard, Morgenstein spent one season as an assistant at her alma mater, Dartmouth College. In addition, she has also worked at numerous softball camps in New England, New Jersey and Maryland. An environmental studies major, Morgenstein graduated from Dartmouth in 2001. She served as captain of the softball team during her last two seasons in which the Big Green played in the ECAC Tournament and finished second both seasons. In 2000, she helped lead the Big Green to a school best 32-16 overall record and earn its first ever post-season appearance. Morgenstein, who resides in Providence, is currently pursuing a master’s in business administration.
C Chris Morgan begins his second season as a p part-time assistant coach at Providence Colle lege. A 2003 graduate of the University of M Massachusetts, Morgan was a four-year starting ccatcher and a switch-hitting power hitter. In 1999, Morgan won the batting title (.396) in tthe New England Collegiate Baseball League ((NECBL). As a sophomore, he was an All-New EEngland Selection and played in the prestigious Cape Cod Baseball League for the Orleans Cardinals. Morgan was a medical redshirt in 2001 after undergoing shoulder surgery. Upon returning, Morgan was the recipient of the Dennis DellaPiana Memorial Award for his determination and sportsmanship. As a senior, Morgan was named to the All-Northeast Region and All-New England Teams, and graduated with a career batting average of .317. He finished his career seventh alltime in school history in home runs and 10th in doubles and RBIs. Prior to UMass, he was a two-time all state player with the Bishop Hendricken Hawks. Morgan’s primary focus is the Friar catchers and he also works with the defense and hitters. As the second assistant coach, he recruits in the New England region. Chris is married to his wife, Teri and they reside in Cranston, R.I. with their daughter, Sophia.
TERI MORGAN VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT COACH Teri (Rooney) Morgan begins her third sseason as a volunteer assistant coach at Provid dence College. A 2002 graduate of the UMass, M Morgan was a four-time all-conference selecttion and the Atlantic-10 Conference Player of tthe Year in 2002. A native of Visalia, Calif., Teri still holds tthe UMass school record for hits in a season ((77) and at bats in a season (206). In 2002, she ranked 12th nationally in Division I in triples. That same year, Rooney also was named First Team Academic All-American. After graduating, Teri was a fulltime hitting and pitching instructor at Planet Fastpitch in Uxbridge, Mass. for four years. Her emphasis was on hitting for consistency and power and fastpitch pitching fundamentals. In 2004, Teri went on to pursue her master’s in business administration at Bryant University, where she was the assistant softball coach for three years. Under her hitting instruction, the team broke numerous school records and enjoyed successful seasons. Teri is married to Chris and they reside in Cranston, R.I. with their daughter, Sophia.
Executive Associate AD/SWA Softball Administrator
Head Strength & Conditioning Coach
Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach
Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach
Athletic Trainer
Team Manager
2012 ROSTER No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 11 13 15 17 19 22 23 24 25
Name Juliana Thibodeau Kelsi Luttrell Michelle Huber Stephanie Kiesel Lauren Paiva Kristie Dederick Kaitlyn Duval Corinne Clauss Marie Flego Emily O’Keefe Jen Abrams Jessie Bryant Sarah Kitterman Megan Rollings Alicia Grosso Shanelle Harrell
Ht. 5-1 5-4 5-6 5-8 5-4 5-10 5-3 5-9 5-6 5-8 5-7 5-7 5-11 5-4 5-7 5-2
Yr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Fr. So. Jr. So. So. Sr. Jr. Fr. Fr. Sr. Fr.
Hometown/Last School Cohoes, N.Y./Shaker Mission Viejo, Calif./Trabuco Hills Dana Point, Calif./Jserra Catholic Ramona, Calif./Ramona Middletown, R.I./Middletown Camarillo, Calif./Adolfo Camarillo Shrewsbury, Mass./Shrewsbury Davie, Fla./Cooper City Little Silver, N.J./Red Bank Catholic Southington, Conn./Quinnipiac University Reading, Mass./Reading Memorial Marlborough, Mass./Marlborough Houston, Texas/Stratford Marysville, Wash./Marysville-Pilchuck Baldwin, N.Y./Kellenberg Memorial Irvine, Calif./Arnold O. Beckman
Head Coach: Kerri Jacklets (Providence College '01 • Seventh season) Assistant Coach: Erica Morgenstein (Dartmouth '01 • Sixth season) Assistant Coach: Chris Morgan (Massachusetts ‘03 • Second Season) Assistant Coach: Teri Morgan (Massachusetts '02 • Third season) Athletic Trainer: Tanya Quaresma (Quinnipiac ‘08 • First season)
Roster Breakdown by State California (5) Kristie Dederick ..................................................................................................Camarillo Shanelle Harrell ..........................................................................................................Irvine Michelle Huber ................................................................................................Dana Point Stephanie Kiesel .................................................................................................. Ramona Kelsi Luttrell ..................................................................................................Mission Viejo
New York (2) Alicia Grosso ...........................................................................................................Baldwin Juliana Thibodeau .................................................................................................Cohoes
Connecticut (1) Emily O’Keefe ................................................................................................Southington
Rhode Island (1) Lauren Paiva ...................................................................................................Middletown
Florida (1) Corinne Clauss ............................................................................................................Davie
Texas (1) Sarah Kitterman ...................................................................................................Houston
Massachusetts (3) Jen Abrams ............................................................................................................ Reading Jessie Bryant ................................................................................................ Marlborough Kaitlyn Duval .................................................................................................. Shrewsbury
Washington (1) Megan Rollins ....................................................................................................Marysville
New Jersey (1) Marie Flego .......................................................................................................Little Silver
#1 • Juliana Thibodeau
#2 • Kelsi Luttrell
#3 • Michelle Huber
#4 • Stephanie Kiesel
#5 • Lauren Paiva
#7 • Kristie Dederick
#10 • Kaitlyn Duval
#11 • Corinne Clauss
#13 • Marie Flego
#15 • Emily O’Keefe
#17 • Jen Abrams
#19 • Jessie Bryant
#22 • Sarah Kitterman
#23 • Megan Rollings
#24 • Alicia Grosso
#25- • Shanelle Harrell
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Started 53 games as a junior ... Finished second on the team with a .347 batting average and 10 home runs ... Led the team in hits (61), runs (35) and total bases (100) ... Also recorded 25 RBIs and a .568 slugging percentage ... Had 18 multiple-hit games, five multiple-RBI games and an 11-game hit streak (3/20 - 4/2) ... In 20 BIG EAST games, she led the team with a .391 batting average, seven home runs, 14 runs and 25 hits ... Earned 2011 Capital One Academic All-District honors ... 2010: Started in all 50 games ... Posted a .267 batting average, 15 runs and 19 RBIs ... Had 11 multiple-hit games, four multiple-RBI games and a four-game hit streak ... 2009: Played in 36 games and posted a .269 batting average, 13 runs and seven RBIs ... Had eight multiple-hit games and a six-game hit streak (4/9 - 4/26) ... 14 of her 25 hits came in BIG EAST Conference games.
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Made 28 appearances and started 24 games as a junior ... Tied for the team lead with 11 wins ... Finished second on the team with 70 strikeouts, 15 complete games, two shutouts and 145.1 innings pitched ... 2010: Made 23 appearances and started 18 games as a pitcher ... Had 48 strikeouts in 111.1 innings pitched ... Finished with 10 wins and a 2.20 earned run average ... 2009: Appeared in 21 games and started 12 games as a pitcher ... Finished with five wins, including three in BIG EAST contests ... Was second on the team in innings pitched (78.1), complete games (four) and wins (five).
Sr. • UT • 5-7 • R/R Reading, Mass. Reading Memorial
Sr. • P • 5-7 • R/R Baldwin, N.Y. Kellenberg Memorial
READING MEMORIAL H.S.: Played four years of softball, field hockey and ice hockey … Captained the softball team during her junior and senior years … Also captained the field hockey and ice hockey teams as a senior … Graduated from Reading with a career batting average of .521 … Finished as Reading’s career leader in hits and runs scored … Also had over 120 hits in four seasons and struck out just four times in over 300 career at-bats … Made just one error in 100 career games … Was a First Team League All-Star all four seasons … Was a Boston Globe and Boston Herald All-Scholastic as a junior and a two-time Boston Herald All-Scholastic … Selected as 2007 League MVP … Member of the National Honor Society and was a four-year winner of the Student Athlete Award.
KELLENBERG MEMORIAL H.S.: Played three years of varsity softball ... Was captain of the softball team during her junior and senior years … Was a member of the Fire & Ice Storm Softball travel team for six years … Posted a 1.16 earned run average as a sophomore, a 0.53 ERA as a junior and a 0.28 ERA as a senior … Selected as team MVP in 2006, 2007 and 2008 … Was a two-time member of the All-State Team ... Voted 2007 Long Island Catholic High School Pitcher of the Year … Had the most career wins and strikeouts in school history … Broke the school strikeout record all three years … Four-year Honor Roll Student and member of National Honor Society. PERSONAL: Daughter of Dan and Kate Grosso … Has one brother, Timothy and one sister, Emily … Accounting major.
PERSONAL: Daughter of Gary and Lorry Abrams … Has one older brother, Matthew … Her cousin, Larry Rooney, played hockey at Providence College ... Marketing Major.
ABRAMS’ CAREER BATTING STATISTICS YR GP/GS AVG. AB R H 2B 2009 36/33 .269 93 13 25 4 2010 50/50 .267 150 15 40 6 2011 53/53 .347 176 34 61 7 Total 139/136 .301 419 63 126 17
3B 0 1 1 2
HR 0 0 10 10
RBI 7 19 25 51
TB 29 48 100 177
SLG. BB SB/A .312 9 1-1 .320 6 0/0 .568 5 1-1 .422 20 2/2
GROSSO’S CAREER PITCHING STATISTICS YR ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO IP H 2009 5.51 5-9 21 12 4 0 78.1 89 2010 2.83 10-6 23 18 10 2 111.1 107 2011 5.39 11-16 28 24 15 2 145.1 157 Total 4.57 26/31 72 54 29 4 335.0 353
R 54 57 116 227
ER 48 35 87 170
BB 50 51 81 182
SO 19 48 70 137
HR 12 6 22 40
AVG .294 .250 .267 .268
Sr. • OF • 5-6 • L/R Dana Point, Calif. Jserra Catholic
Jr. • OF • 5-7 • R/R Marlborough, Mass. Marlborough
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Started all 53 games as a junior ... Posted a .318 batting average, four home runs and 19 RBIs ... Finished second on the team with 34 runs, 50 hits, 18 walks and a .419 on-base percentage ... Also led the team in triples (3) and stolen bases (18) ... Ranks second all-time at Providence with 49 career stolen bases, 15 shy of tying the school record ... Had 14 multiple-hit games and three multiple-RBI games ... Recorded a seven-game hitting streak (4/3 - 4/14) ... 2010: Named to All-BIG EAST Third Team ... Appeared and started in 45 games ... Had a batting average of .311, 33 runs and 18 RBIs ... Recorded 12 multiple-hit games and three-multiple RBI games ... Had a five-game hitting streak (4/14- 4/20) ... Had three home runs and 19 stolen bases ... 2009: Played in 51 games and posted a .247 batting average ... Led the team in runs scored (30) and stolen bases (12) ... Finished tied for third on the team with 39 hits ... Had one home run and 11 RBIs ... Recorded 12 multiple-hit games ... Put together a six-game hit streak (2/14 - 2/22).
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Started all 53 games as a sophomore ... Posted a .336 batting average, the third highest mark on the team ... Led the team with 11 home runs, 39 RBIs, 24 walks, a .433 on base percentage and a .610 slugging percentage ... Had 14 multiple-hit games and 10 multiple-RBI games, including six RBIs in a win over Rutgers on 4/17 ... Finished the season on a seven-game hitting streak (4/27 - 5/12) ... 2010: Played in 28 games and posted a .328 on base percentage ... Had four runs and six RBIs ... Had one-multiple RBI game ... Had a two-game hitting streak (2/26- 2/27).
JSERRA CATHOLIC H.S.: Played four years of varsity softball and two years of varsity volleyball at Jserra Catholic ... Captained the softball team during her senior year ... During the 2006-07 season, the softball team finished second in the Trinity League ... Played for the O.C. Batbusters, the Southern Cal Athletics and the O.C. Lionettes travel teams. PERSONAL: Daughter of Mark and Yolanda Huber ... Has one older brother, Christopher ... Management major.
HUBER’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS YR GP/GS AVG. AB R H 2009 51/51 .247 158 30 39 2010 45/45 .311 135 33 42 2011 53/53 .318 157 34 50 Total 149/149 .291 450 97 131
2B 6 6 8 20
3B 1 4 3 8
HR 1 3 4 8
RBI 11 18 19 48
TB 50 65 76 191
SLG. BB SB/A .316 17 12/14 .481 16 19/22 .484 18 18/22 .424 51 49/58
MARLBOROUGH H.S.: Played softball, soccer and basketball at Marlborough and captained all three teams ... Batted .538 with 32 runs and 28 RBIs in 2009 ... Finished her career with 129 hits and a .667 on-base percentage ... Earned league all-star honors in softball four times and was named league MVP as a senior ... Named a league all-star in basketball and soccer ... Helped her team to the 2008 District Finals and was part of her 2008 and 2009 squads that captured the league title for the first time in school history ... Played club softball for the Polar Crush Gold (2006-09). PERSONAL: Daughter of Denise Rudzinsky and Tom Bryant … Has three sisters, Kelsie, Kelsey and Kayla and two brothers, Nick and Danny … Health Policy and Management major.
BRYANT’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS YR GP/GS AVG. AB R H 2B 2010 28/21 .151 53 4 8 1 2011 53/53 .336 146 20 49 5 Total 81/74 .286 199 24 57 6
3B 0 1 1
HR 0 11 11
RBI 6 39 45
TB 9 89 98
SLG. BB SB/A .170 13 0/0 .610 24 0-0 .492 37 0/0
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Made 34 appearances and started 28 as a pitcher ... Finished tied for the team lead with 11 wins and a team-best 127 strikeouts in 169.1 innings pitched ... Also led the team with four shutouts and 18 complete games ... In 15 BIG EAST games, she recorded five wins, including one shutout ... 2010: Made 28 appearances and started 16 as a pitcher ... Had 71 strikeouts in 126.2 innings pitched ... Finished with eight wins and a 3.04 earned run average.
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Played in 20 games and started 13 as a sophomore ... Finished with a .348 batting average, the highest mark on the team ... Notched one home run and seven RBIs ... Had three multiplehit games and one multiple-RBI game ... Recorded a four game hitting streak (4/23 - 4/26) ... 2010: Played in three games and started in two.
Jr. • P • 5-9 • R/R Davie, Fla. Cooper City
Jr. • C/UT • 5-8 • R/R Ramona, Calif. Ramona
COOPER CITY H.S.: Earned letters in softball, soccer and volleyball at Cooper City ... Was team captain of the softball team (2007-09) ... Recorded 121 strikeouts, hit five home runs and had 17 RBIs in 2009 ... Named Miami Herald and Sun Sentinel First Team All-County, Miami Herald Pitcher and Player of the Year and earned the Navy Seal Award for Courage ... Helped her team win District, Regional and State championships in 2009. PERSONAL: Daughter of Cindy and Rob Clauss ... Has one brother, Kyle and one sister, Kara, who is a pitcher at George Washington University ... Health Policy and Management major.
CLAUSS’ CAREER PITCHING STATISTICS YR ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO IP H 2010 3.91 8-11 26 16 13 2 126.2 139 2011 5.47 11-14 34 28 18 4 169.1 186 Total 4.80 19-25 60 44 31 6 296.0 325
R 72 123 195
ER 55 103 158
BB 43 72 115
SO 71 127 198
HR 10 14 24
AVG .276 .271 .273
RAMONA H.S.: Earned four letters in softball and one in basketball ... Named 2009 Offensive Player of the Year, 2009 All Valley League Second Team and 2007-08 All Valley League Honorable Mention ... Played third base and led the team in batting average (.470), slugging percentage (.700) and on-base percentage (.525) ... Helped her team reach the CIF playoffs during all four seasons, including a trip to the semifinals ... Played club softball for the Firecrackers Gold in 2008-09. PERSONAL: Daughter of Jessica and Steve Kiesel ... Has one sister, Courtney ... History major.
KIESEL’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS YR GP/GS AVG. AB R H 2010 3/2 .000 3 0 0 2011 20/13 .348 46 4 16 Total 23/15 .327 49 4 16
2B 0 2 2
3B 0 0 0
HR 0 1 1
RBI 0 7 7
TB 0 21 21
SLG. BB SB/A .000 0 0/0 .457 1 0/0 .429 1 0/0
So. • IF • 5-3 • R/R Shrewsbury, Mass. Shrewsbury
So. • UT • 5-6 • R/R Little Silver, N.J. Red Bank Catholic H.S.
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Played in 24 games and started 17 as a freshman ... Had five runs and nine walks ... Had a two-game hitting streak (2/19)
AT PROVIDENCE: 2011: Played in 28 games as a rookie ... Recorded four runs, two RBIs and a .333 batting average ... Also finished with a .667 slugging percentage .
SHREWSBURY H.S.: Played four years of field hockey and softball ... Earned four varsity letters in field hockey and softball ... Captain of field hockey team in 2009 ... Captain of softball team in 2009 and 2010 ... Mid Wach A League All Star (2008-10) ... Telegram and Gazette All Star (2009) ... Telegram and Gazette Super Team All Star (2010) ... Team MVP (2010) ... Won the MIAA Sportsmanship Award in 2010 ... Field hockey state finalists in 2007 ... Undefeated field hockey season in 2008 ... District Champions in 2009 ... Field hockey State Semi Finalists in 2009 ... Softball 2007 League Champions ... Earned Honor Roll every quarter while at Shrewsbury ... Member of the National Honor Society her senior year.
RED BANK CATHOLIC H.S.: Played two years of soccer, one year of basketball and four years of varsity softball ... Was freshman and junior varsity soccer captain ... Was captain of varsity softball her senior year ... Sophomore year earned Second Team All Monmouth County and First Team All Division ... Was the Carpenter Cup Team Selection to represent the Shore ... Junior year she earned Third Team All Shore, Third Team All Monmouth County and First Team All Division ... Senior year she won Second Team All Shore, First Team All Division, Third Team All State Non Public and Second Team Monmouth County ... Played on the Intensity team that placed seventh at Gold Nationals in Oklahoma ... Won second straight Shore Conference Title her senior year.
PERSONAL: Daughter of Jim and Allyson Duval ... has one brother, Billy and one sister, Lauren ... History major.
PERSONAL: Daughter of Anthony and Deborah Flego ... Has two brothers, Stephen and Mario ... Has one sister, Annie ... Psychology major.
3B 0
HR 0
TB 5
SLG. BB SB/A .114 9 0/0
3B 0
HR 0
TB 2
SLG. BB SB/A .667 0 0-0
KRISTIE DEDERICK #7 Fr. • 1B • 5-10 • L/R Camarillo, Calif. Adolfo Camarillo H.S.
ADOLFO CAMARILLO H.S.: Was a four-year letter winner in softball ... Finished her senior season with a .372 batting average, 31 runs scored and 34 RBIs ... Led her team to the 2011 CIF SS Division II championship ... Was the Pacific View leader in RBIs, runs scored, slugging percentage, on-base percentage and fielding percentage ... Played on the East-West Senior All-Star game ... Named to First Team All-Pacific View League and Camarillo Offensive Player of the Year ... Also earned the Community Service Athlete Award (2010-11) and scholar-athlete honors (2008-11) ... Recorded a 4.0 GPA or higher every year in high school. PERSONAL: Daughter of William and Ramona Dederick ... Has one younger sister, Ella ... Management major.
SARAH KITTERMAN #22 Fr. • C/UT • 5-11 • R/R Houston, Texas Stratford H.S.
STRATFORD H.S.: Lettered in softball for four years … Finished her high school career with a .445 batting average, 134 hits, 16 home runs and 119 RBIs … Played club softball for the Texas Sting and Houston Power… Named First Team All District (2008-11) and District Offensive MVP (2010) … Earned Academic All District (2008-2011)… Earned AllState honors (2011) and Academic All-State accolades (2011)… Holds the Stratford H.S. single-season home run record with nine and the career home run Record with 16 … Advanced to Bi-District Playoffs for three consecutive years … Was a member of the National Honor Society and the National Art Honor Society. PERSONAL: Daughter of Mike and Karla Kitterman … Has one older brother, Mathew … Undeclared major.
ARNOLD O. BECKMAN H.S.: Earned First Team All-League for three consecutive seasons ... Named 2011 All-County Team in 2011 and to the Ryan Lemon All-Star Game ... Earned 2009 and 2010 Defensive Player of the Year accolades ... Led her team to the league championship and to the CIF Quarterfinals ... Named to the Principals Honor Roll and Scholar Athlete ... Also played travel softball for the Irvine Sting for four seasons.
TRABUCO HILLS H.S.: Earned four years in softball and played one year of volleyball … Captained the softball team during her last two years … Played club softball for the Lionettes, California Cruisers and American Athletics … Named All-League (2008 and 2010) and All-County in 2008 … Was a four-year scholar athlete (2007-11) … Named to the Woodbridge All-Tournament Team (2008) and the Michelle Carew All Tournament Team (2010) … Was a Team Adidas All-Star (2010) … Led her high school team to first League championship in 2010 and made the CIF Playoffs for the first time in school history for three consecutive years … Was a member of the National Honor Society … Earned Principals Honor Roll while at Trabuco Hills.
Fr. • OF/P • 5-2 • L/R Irvine, Calif. Arnold O. Beckman H.S.
PERSONAL: Daughter of Clint and Kim Watson ... Has five sisters, Loren, Jasmin, Jasmine, Jennah and Jadah ... Jasmin is a junior on the Virginia Tech softball team, while Jasmine plays softball at Syracuse ... Sociology major.
Fr. • MIF • 5-4 • R/R Mission Viejo, Calif. Trabuco Hills H.S.
PERSONAL: Daughter of Darin and Michelle Luttrell… Has one younger brother, Chase and one younger sister, Lindsy … Undeclared major.
So. • P • 5-8 • R/R Southington, Conn. Quinnipiac University
BEFORE PROVIDENCE: Attended Quinnipiac University where she was a member of the softball team in 2011. SAINT PAUL CATHOLIC H.S.: Played four years of varsity softball and two years of varsity soccer … Captained the softball team during the last two seasons … Named Northwest Conference All-Academic Team …Also named All-Northwest Conference for softball in 2007-2009 … Earned Judge Joseph P. O’Connell Award in 2010 … Recipient of the Band Award while at Saint Paul Catholic ... Named Rookie of the Year 2007 ... Played for the Gold Coast Hurricanes in 2009, the Connecticut Eliminators in 2010 and the Connecticut Tradition East in 2011 … Member of the National Honor Society and the Spanish Honor Society.
MEGAN ROLLINGS #23 #15 Fr. • MIF/OF • 5-4 • R/R Marysville, Wash. Marysville-Pilchuck H.S.
MARYSVILLE-PILCHUCK H.S.: Earned four varsity letters in softball… Captained her team as a junior and senior year … Recorded a .451 batting average, 31 RBIs, a .589 on-base percentage and a .845 slugging percentage … Played club softball for Washington Lake Breeze Gold … Member of the Academic State Champions (2011) … Named to the First Team WESCO North (2011) and First Team All-Area (2011) … Her team was District Champions in 2008 and League Champions in 2009 … Her team also finished second in the state in 2011 … Was a member of the National Honor Society and Honor Roll. PERSONAL: Daughter of Richard and Karla Rollings … Has one brother, Tyler … Has four sisters, Alison, Heather, Stephanie and Kayla … Undeclared major.
PERSONAL: Daughter of Francis and Regina O’Keefe … Has one older sister, Allison … Pre-Engineering major.
LAUREN PAIVA Fr. • UT • 5-4 • R/R Middletown, R.I. Middletown H.S.
#5 #15
MIDDLETOWN H.S.: Was a four-year letter winner in softball, basketball and ran cross country for one season … Captained both her softball and basketball teams her junior and senior year … Played club softball for the Rhode Island Magic, Bay State Cardinals and ITZ Lightning … Helped Middletown H.S. capture the 2011 Rhode Island State Championship in basketball and was named tournament MVP … Was class vice president … Member of the National Honor Society. PERSONAL: Daughter of Chuck and Melissa Paiva … Has one younger brother, Christopher … Undeclared major.
JULIANA THIBODEAU #1 #15 Fr. • MIF/UT • 5-1 • S/R Cohoes, N.Y. Shaker H.S.
SHAKER H.S.: Was a three-sport athlete at Shaker High School (softball, basketball, cross country) … Recorded a .365 batting average and a .415 on-base percentage … Was an honor roll scholar-athlete for all four years … Played club softball for the Blast (2007-08), the STPS Ponies (2009-10) and the Outkast (2011) … Earned First Team Section II honors and Second Team All-Large Schools Regional accolades. PERSONAL: Daughter of Jackie and Steven Thibodeau … Has one older sister, Erica and one younger brother, Thomas … Erica is a junior softball player at Bentley University ... Accounting major.
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The 2011 Friars qualified for the BIG EAST Championship for the second consecutive season.
BIG EAST CONFERENCE 2012 BIG EAST SOFTBALL PRESEASON POLL Points 130 128 121 120 111 85 74 54 52 51 45 23 20
1. DePaul (3) 2. Syracuse (4) 3. Notre Dame (3) 4. Louisville (2) 5. USF (1) 6. Pittsburgh 7. Rutgers 8. Connecticut 9. Providence 10. St. John’s 11. Villanova 12. Georgetown 13. Seton Hall
2011 Record (BIG EAST) 41-15 (19-2) 45-13 (15-5) 46-11 (19-1) 38-20 (12-7) 33-21 (13-5) 34-17 (13-8) 19-30 (7-12) 19-30 (6-15) 23-30 (7-13) 20-30 (6-12) 16-32-1 (3-18) 13-40 (6-12) 16-35 (3-19)
2011 BIG EAST Final Standings
*# Notre Dame * DePaul *& Syracuse *USF * Louisville * Pittsburgh * Rutgers * Providence St. John’s Georgetown Connecticut * Villanova Seton Hall
W 19 19 15 13 12 13 7 7 6 6 6 3 3
Conference L T Pct. 1 0 .950 2 0 .905 5 0 .750 5 0 .772 7 0 .632 8 0 .619 12 0 .368 13 0 .350 12 0 .333 12 0 .333 15 0 .286 18 0 .143 19 0 .136
W 46 41 35 33 38 34 19 23 20 13 19 16 16
Overall L T 11 0 15 0 13 0 21 0 20 0 17 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 40 0 30 0 32 0 35 0
Pct. .807 .732 .776 .611 .655 .667 .388 .434 .400 .245 .388 .337 .314
Justine Stratton was named to the 2011 BIG EAST All-Tournament Team.
2011 BIG EAST Championship Ulmer Stadium • Louisville, Kentucky May 12 • Quarterfinals Game 1 ........................................... No. 3 Syracuse 2, vs. No. 6 Pittsburgh 1 Game 2 ........................................... No. 2 DePaul 5, vs. No. 7 Rutgers 2 Game 3 ........................................... No. 1 Notre Dame 6, vs. No.8 Providence 4 Game 4 ........................................... No. 5 Louisville 2, vs. No. 4 USF 0 May 13 • Semifinals Game 5 ........................................... No. 3 Syracuse 2, vs. No. 2 DePaul 0 Game 6 ........................................... No. 5 Louisville 6, vs. No. 1 Notre Dame 0
* - Clinched berth in BIG EAST Championship # - Clinched BIG EAST Regular Season Championship & - BIG EAST Tournament Champion
May 14 • Championship Game Game 7 ........................................... No. 3 Syracuse 1, vs. No. 5 Louisville 0
2011 Statistical Leaders BATTING TEAM Notre Dame Louisville Rutgers Pittsburgh USF Syracuse DePaul St. John’s Connecticut Providence Villanova Seton Hall Georgetown
Avg. .330 .320 .302 .287 .281 .280 .278 .275 .273 .269 .241 .235 .226
GP 57 58 49 51 53 58 55 50 49 53 49 51 53
AB 1453 1600 1320 1308 1323 1528 1459 1317 1260 1344 1266 1231 1333
R 333 301 262 236 261 313 270 222 222 213 141 140 131
H 480 512 398 375 372 428 405 362 344 361 305 289 301
2B 82 86 70 55 39 74 53 55 69 46 41 38 47
3B 12 9 5 13 10 13 8 6 7 8 4 6 4
HR 52 36 36 51 17 68 30 31 35 58 15 18 20
PITCHING TEAM Syracuse Pittsburgh USF Louisville Notre Dame DePaul Villanova Connecticut Georgetown Providence Seton Hall St. John’s Rutgers
ERA 1.95 2.10 2.46 2.59 2.78 2.79 3.85 4.20 4.45 4.47 5.13 5.40 5.46
W-L 45-13 34-17 33-20 38-20 45-11 40-15 16-32 19-30 13-40 23-29 16-35 20-30 19-30
G 58 51 53 58 57 55 49 49 53 53 51 50 49
CG 30 36 14 38 19 21 30 26 18 33 31 19 21
SHO 19/8 14/0 11/5 13/0 14/8 10/2 1/0 5/1 1/1 6/0 2/0 1/0 4/0
SV 5 3 9 4 8 9 3 0 0 0 0 1 0
IP 384 334 347.1 386.2 372.0 376.1 327 308.1 333.2 335 317.2 324 311.1
H 278 321 334 328 346 350 355 383 442 382 406 392 438
RBI 291 264 225 202 218 287 223 194 196 197 121 121 116
R 147 138 178 175 164 182 218 243 296 276 282 338 295
BB 137 149 151 139 163 192 189 142 103 140 88 116 116
HBP 39 21 34 22 31 42 37 30 26 28 20 20 22
SO 197 258 210 254 228 353 215 252 246 290 210 282 291
ER 107 100 122 143 148 150 180 185 212 214 233 250 243
BB 134 87 95 168 102 127 134 160 154 167 182 230 189
SO 422 260 360 355 413 325 232 245 167 204 165 212 131
SB-SBA 73-94 52-61 84-96 79-93 105-123 72-82 63-81 64-88 79-93 28-36 41-60 37-49 26-37
ALL-TIME LETTERWINNERS Jen Abrams Dawn Amado Sue Altieri Nancy Aramini Mary Arndt Lindsey Arria Maureen Bakis Sheila Barry Nicole Bartholomew Rachel Bartholomew Deb Beaulieu Christy Becker Beth Behn Linda Belanger Teresa Bertels Danielle Bertolette Laine Bigos Melissa Birmingham Alana Blahoski Michele Boisvert Val Bono Michele Bowers Kelly Brady Lisa Brown Jessie Bryant Karen Byrne Kelly Callahan Laura Callahan Lauren Camara Andrea Cappadona Amber Carr Kathy Carney Renee Chevalier Paula Ciardiello Kristen Ciasulli Corinne Clauss Wendy Cofran Janet Coleman Katie Collins Barbara Cosgrove Ann Cote Julie Crawford Kathy Cronin Morgan Culver Patti Davis Sue Demay Kim Dowd Caryl Drohan Kate Drohan Sue Duffy Kaitlyn Duval Christa Dwyer Kathy Dwyer
Beth Egan Candi Erickson Amy Fasti Jamie Ferreira Leslie Fernandes Jennifer Finley Kerrie Fisette Marie Flego Cindy Flood Julie Fowler Kelly Fox Janine Garabedean Jenna Garcia Lindsay Garfield Shannon Garvin Janelle Gervais Jackie Gladu Charlene Godbout Mary Godbout Stephanie Granai Alicia Grosso Lisa Guglietta Dawn Guerriero Sheila Guinee Debbie Hagie Kate Harris Patty Hartman Sharon Heavey Kelly Herlihy Marisa Hernandez JoAnn Hiskin Rachel Hoffman Sarah Howard Nikki Hull Chrissy Iannolo Kerri Jacklets Amy Jao Michelle Huber Jackie Karsnia Stephanie Kiesel Stacey King Jackie Kinsella Keri Kozlowski Amy Kvilhaug Heather LaDuke Laurie Lashomb Maggie Ledgerwood Kathy Lenahan Alisha Levin Tricia Lyons Janine MacAleese Jennifer Maccio Kim Mahan
Nicole cole Bartholomew
Kate Drohan
Maureen Maloney Ann Malzone Gwyn Mangini Leslie Matthews Joanne Mastropolo Megan McCann Carissa Metta Beth Miller Kim Milum Donna Moilanen Maureen Moore Erin Moran Nicole Moran Mackenzie Morgan Sarah Morin Kathy Mulligan Meaghen Murray Sue Mussey Marie McNulty Karen McQuillen Heather Nathan Nicole Nelson Andrea Newman Chris Nordin Jane Norman Sandra O’Gorman Judy O’Brien Katy O’Hara Kelly O’Leary Beth Orberts Lisa Paccione Kerri Palamara Ava Pandiani Kim Pelland Marie Pellegrino Cathy Pepia Yvonne Percy Merry Perkoski Kalena Petersen Melissa Peterson Sonja Peterson Pamela Pierce Samantha Pittman Lori Pontarelli Erin Quaglia Katelyn Revens Marie Richie Linda Riley Kim Robbins Kristen Robinson Elena Romero Lynnette Rosa Amanda Rose
Kim Robbins
Katie Ross Gina Rossi Corinne Rubright Caroline Santilli Caryann Sculley Jami Servidone Kara Shea Lynn Sheedy Caitlyn Sheehan Mary Rose Sheehy Sue Sheppard Mary Shonty Karen Siddell Linda Simeone Lauren Simone Bonnie Skrenta Janean Smith Lynn Souza Megan St. Ledger Sharon Stack Justine Stratton Amy Streeter Laurie St. Jean Kathryn Sullivan Tara Sullivan Sara Surosky Shannon Sweezey Kelly Taber Kathy Therrien Alaina Thomas Holly Thompson Michelle Tougas Jaclyn Treveloni Donne Trudeau Cori Van Dusen Jess Van Nieuwkerk Jody Van Schelt Linda Wage Megan Wargin Ashlee Weatherford Julie Welch Robyn West Andrea Weyl Colleen Whelan Laura Whittaker Michelle Willette Jennifer Woodward Maura Wolfstiehl Myia Yates Meredith Zenowich
Mary Rose Sheehy
Batting Highest Average .288 Most at Bats 1560 Most Runs 255 Most Hits 433 Most Doubles 84 Most Triples 14 Most Home Runs 58 Most Total Bases 684 Most Walks 140 Most Stolen Bases 46 Most Attempted Steals 56 Pitching Lowest ERA 1.23 Most Complete Games 42 Most Shutouts 15 Most Innings Pitched 374.1 Most Strikeouts 348 Defense Highest Fielding % Fewest Errors Most Double Plays
.969 39 23
2004 1994 1994 2004 2004 1992 2011 2004 2011 1992 1992
1995 3 seasons 3 seasons 2004 2004
2007 1984 1992
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 33 yrs.
Record 13-12-0 12-11-0 15-12-0 14-17-1 14-13-1 8-15-0 10-18-0 10-20-0 12-18-0 12-32-0 19-19-0 19-25-3 21-24-1 35-17-0 34-18-0 38-20-0 38-17-0 21-21-1 13-28-0 17-25-2 13-29-0 21-28-0 23-28-1 16-36-1 20-24-0 34-20-1 33-20-0 29-19-1 23-24-0 25-25-2 17-34-0 22-28-0 23-30-0 674-727-15
Head Coach Ginger Ledgard Tom Palamara John Marchetti Lynn Sheedy Lynn Sheedy MaryAnn Palazzi MaryAnn Palazzi John Marchetti John Marchetti John Marchetti John Marchetti John Marchetti Jackie Barto Jackie Barto Jackie Barto Jennifer Finley Jennifer Finley Michelle Fagnant Michelle Fagnant Dana Fulmer Dana Fulmer Dana Fulmer Dana Fulmer Dana Fulmer Dana Fulmer Dana Fulmer Dana Fulmer Kerri Jacklets Kerri Jacklets Kerri Jacklets Kerri Jacklets Kerri Jacklets Kerri Jacklets (.481)
Batting Average 1 .407 Kalena Petersen (2004) 2 .396 Lisa Paccione (1991) 3 .391 Rachel Bartholomew (2007) 4 .387 Mary Rose Sheehy (2009) 5 .380 Kim Robbins (1993)
Appearances 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Corinne Clauss 3 Nicole Bartholomew Sara Surosky 5 Cori Van Dusen
1994 2011 2005 2006 2004
37 34 33 33 32
At Bats 1 190 2 183 3 182 4 181 5 179
Starts 1 Sara Surosky 2 Amy Kvilhaug Amy Kvilhaug Cori Van Dusen 5 Nicole Bartholomew Corinne Clauss
2006 1994 1995 2004 2005 2011
30 29 29 29 28 28
Innings Pitched 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Amy Kvilhaug 3 Cori Van Dusen 4 Melissa Peterson 5 Nicole Bartholomew
1994 1995 2004 2000 2005
215.2 203.1 180.1 180.0 178.1
Strikeouts 1 Nicole Bartholomew 2 Sara Surosky Nicole Bartholomew 4 Melissa Petersen Cori Van Dusen Corinne Clauss
2005 2005 2004 2000 2001 2011
192 158 155 127 127 127
ERA 1 Judy Van Schelt 2 Amy Kvilhaug 3 Stacey King 4 Amy Kvilhaug 5 Mary Arndt
1981 1994 1983 1995 1982
0.62 1.01 1.01 1.10 1.16
Games Won 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Amy Kvilhaug 3 Sara Surosky 4 Nicole Bartholomew 5 Cori Van Dusen
1994 1995 2006 2005 2004
24 22 17 16 15
Complete Games 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Amy Kvilhaug 3 Marie Pellegrino 4 Melissa Peterson Nicole Bartholomew
1994 1995 1988 2000 2005
26 26 22 21 21
Shutouts 1 Amy Kvilhaug Nicole Bartholomew 3 Amy Kvilhaug 4 Caryann Sculley 5 Amy Kvilhaug Amy Kvilhaug Candi Erickson Melissa Peterson Danielle Bertolette
1994 2005 1995 1992 1996 1993 1994 2001 2008
9 9 8 7 5 5 5 5 5
Holly Thompson (1992) Meredith Zenowich (1994) Kalena Petersen (2004) Kim Robbins (1994) Shannon Garvin (2005)
Runs Scored 1 43 Kim Robbins (1994) 2 37 Kalena Petersen (2004) 3 35 Shannon Garvin (2005) 35 Jen Abrams (2011) 5 34 Kim Robbins (1993) 34 Michelle Huber (2011) 34 Justine Stratton (2011) Hits 1 74 2 65 3 61 4 60 60 Walks 1 34 2 27 3 25 25 5 24
Kalena Petersen (2004) Jen Finley (1992) Jen Abrams (2011) Kim Robbins (1993) Mary Rose Sheehy (2009)
Mary Rose Sheehy (2008) Kim Robbins (1994) Sue Altieri (1982) Kim Robbins (1992) Jessie Bryant (2011)
Sacrifices 1 16 Maureen Bakis (1990) 2 14 Alana Blahoski (1994) 3 12 Holly Thompson (1992) 12 Caryl Drohan (1995) 12 Jackie Karsnia (2004) Put Outs 1 458 2 435 3 434 4 402 5 395
Jen Finley (1992) Kate Drohan (1993) Christy Becker (2008) Kate Drohan (1994) Christy Becker (2009)
Assists 1 182 2 176 3 171 4 169 5 151
Kim Robbins (1994) Kim Robbins (1992) Kim Robbins (1991) Jen Finley (1991) Caryl Drohan (1995)
Fielding Percentage 1 1.000 Sarah Morin (2003) 1.000 Wendy Cofran (1993) 1.000 Judy Van Schelt (1982) 1.000 Lynnette Rosa (2000) 1.000 Megan McCann (2011) 6 .998 Christy Becker (2008)
Perfect Games Amy Kvilhaug vs. Holy Cross Nicole Bartholomew vs. Quinnipiac No-Hitters Candi Erickson vs. CCSU Nicole Bartholomew vs. Winthrop Danielle Bertolette at St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
(4/20/94) (3/28/02) (5/7/94) (3/16/02) (4/26/09)
2012 20 12 SOFTBALL SOF OFTB TBAL ALL L â&#x20AC;˘ 22
Batting Average 1 .348 Mary Rose Sheehy (2006-09) 2 .338 Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07) 3 .331 Kalena Petersen (2002-05) 4 .315 Kerri Jacklets (1998-01) 5 .313 Elena Romero (2003-06)
Appearances 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Cori Van Dusen 3 Melissa Peterson 4 Sara Surosky 5 Nicole Bartholomew
1993-96 2001-04 2000-03 2004-07 2002-05
115 111 105 100 98
At Bats 1 656 2 651 651 4 648 5 634
Kalena Petersen (2002-05) Kate Drohan (1992-95) Meredith Zenowich (1993-96) Kim Robbins (1992-95) Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07)
Starts 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Cori Van Dusen 3 Melissa Peterson 4 Sara Surosky 5 Nicole Bartholomew
1993-96 2001-04 2000-03 2004-07 2002-05
92 86 79 74 71
Runs Scored 1 141 Kim Robbins (1992-95) 2 117 Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07) 3 103 Elena Romero (2003-06) 4 101 Beth Miller (1993-96) 101 Katelyn Revens (2007-10)
Innings Pitched 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Cori Van Dusen 3 Melissa Peterson 4 Nicole Bartholomew 5 Sara Surosky
1993-96 2001-04 2000-03 2002-05 2004-07
700.2 585.0 523.1 477.0 456.2
Hits 1 214 2 204 3 202 4 193 5 191
Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07) Kim Robbins (1992-95) Kalena Petersen (2002-05) Meredith Zenowich (1993-96) Elena Romero (2003-06)
Strikeouts 1 Nicole Bartholomew 2 Cori Van Dusen 3 Sara Surosky 4 Melissa Peterson 5 Amy Kvilhaug
2002-05 2001-04 2004-07 2000-03 1993-96
559 463 405 382 268
Walks 1 88 2 75 3 63 4 51 51
Kim Robbins (1992-95) Mary Rose Sheehy (2006-09) Cori Van Dusen (2001-04) Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07) Caryl Drohan (1992-95)
ERA 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Candi Erickson 3 Cori Van Dusen 4 Melissa Peterson 5 Kelly Taber
1993-96 1993-96 2001-04 2000-03 1992-95
1.20 2.32 2.44 2.51 2.53
Home Runs 1 39 Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07) 2 25 Michelle Willette (2003-06) 3 23 Elena Romero (2003-06) 23 Christy Becker (2007-10) 5 21 Justine Stratton (2008-11)
Games Won 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Sara Surosky 3 Melissa Peterson 4 Nicole Bartholomew 5 Candi Erickson
1993-96 2004-07 2000-03 2002-05 1993-96
72 43 38 37 35
RBI 1 152 2 118 3 117 4 107 5 102
Complete Games 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Cori Van Dusen 3 Melissa Peterson 4 Robyn West 5 Nicole Bartholomew
1993-96 2001-04 2000-03 1998-01 2002-05
84 52 49 48 47
Shutouts 1 Amy Kvilhaug 2 Nicole Bartholomew 3 Candi Erickson 4 Melissa Peterson 5 Danielle Bertolette 6 Caryann Sculley Cori Van Dusen Sara Surosky
1993-96 2002-05 1993-96 2000-03 2007-10 1992-94 2001-04 2004-07
27 18 13 11 8 7 7 7
Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07) Kim Robbins (1992-95) Meredith Zenowich (1993-96) Mary Rose Sheehy (2006-09) Justine Stratton (2008-11)
Slugging Percentage 1 .587 Rachel Bartholomew (2004-07) 2 .528 Mary Rose Sheehy (2006-09) 3 .505 Alana Blahoski (1993-96) 4 .498 Elena Romero (2003-06) 5 .496 Christy Becker (2007-10) Stolen Bases 1 64 Katelyn Revens (2007-10) 2 49 Michelle Huber (20083 31 Kim Robbins (1992-95) 4 22 Alana Blahoski (1993-96) 5 21 Kate Drohan (1992-95)
Rachel Bartholomew ‘07 is Providence College’s all-time leader in home runs and RBIs.
Amy Kvilhaug ‘96 is Providence College’s alltime leader in a number of categories, including games won and earned run average.
BIG EAST HONORS/ALL-REGION SELECTIONS Candi Erickson 1995 Second Team All-BIG EAST Jen Finley 1992 First Team North All-American 1992 First Team All-New England Jenna Garcia 2009 Second Team All-BIG EAST Shannon Garvin 2005 Third Team All-BIG EAST Jackie Gladu 1984 Second Team All-Northeast Region Michelle Huber 2010 Third Team All-BIG EAST Katie Collins
Kalena Petersen
Rachel Bartholomew 2004 First Team All-BIG EAST 2006 Third Team All-BIG EAST 2006 First Team All-Northeast Region 2007 First Team All-BIG EAST 2007 First Team All-Northeast Region
Elena Romero 2006 Third Team All-BIG EAST Jamie Servidone 1997 BIG EAST All-Rookie Team Mary Rose Sheehy 2007 Third Team All-BIG EAST 2009 First Team All-BIG EAST 2009 NFCA All-Region Team
Christy Becker 2010 Third Team All-BIG EAST Katie Collins 1994 First Team All-BIG EAST 1995 First Team All-BIG EAST Kim Dowd 1992 All-BIG EAST 1994 First Team All-BIG EAST 1992 All-New England Caryl Drohan 1995 Second Team All-BIG EAST Kate Drohan 1992 All-BIG EAST 1994 Second Team All-BIG EAST 1995 First Team All-BIG EAST
Justine Stratton 2010 Third Team All-BIG EAST 2011 All-BIG EAST Tournament Team Kim Robbins
Kerri Jacklets 2001 First Team All-Northeast Region Amy Kvilhaug 1993 BIG EAST Rookie of the Year 1994 First Team All-BIG EAST 1994 Second Team All-Northeast Region
Cori Van Dusen 2002 Second Team All-BIG EAST 2004 Second Team All-BIG EAST 2004 First Team All-Northeast Region Meredith Zenowich 1994 First Team All-BIG EAST 1996 First Team All-BIG EAST 1996 Regional All-American
Beth Miller 1995 Second Team All-BIG EAST Sue Mussey 1984 Second Team All-Northeast Region Kalena Petersen 2004 Second Team All-Northeast Region Sam Pittman 2006 Second Team All-BIG EAST 2006 Second Team All-Northeast Region
Kate Drohan
Kim Robbins 1993 All-BIG EAST 1994 First Team All-BIG EAST 1994 BIG EAST Tournament MVP 1995 First Team All-BIG EAST 1995 Second Team All-Northeast Region
Cori Van Dusen
2012 20 12 SOFTBALL SOF OFTB TBAL ALL L â&#x20AC;˘ 24
PROVIDENCE COLLEGE IN THE COMMUNITY By Steph Kiesel of the PC Softball Team With the beginning of another season, the Providence College softball team was extremely excited to be back on campus and back into the “swing” of things. During the fall semester, not only did we prepare for the upcoming softball season, but also planned other events, such as volunteer services that are very important to our team and the Providence community. On Sunday, October 30, the team took part in the annual Breast Cancer Walk held by the American Cancer Society. The three-mile course runs through Roger Williams Park in Providence. PC softball participates in this event every year. This year, we were able to raise $1,800. PC softball truly appreciates all the donations we received from our family and friends, as well as the PC student body. PC softball also participated in the Christmas Bazaar that took place at St. Patrick’s Parish in Providence on Saturday, November 5. This is another event that PC softball has been taking part in every year. At this event, we helped set up and took down the arrangement of gifts, assisted in the selling of the gifts and played games with the children. The event was hosted by the Mary House of Providence. Three years ago, the team began a new tradition by volunteering in the soup kitchen at St. Patrick’s Parish, which is offered every Monday for the less fortunate in the Providence community. At the soup kitchen, we served food, conversed with the people that came in for aid, and helped clean up after dinner. We ran into old friends and made new ones along the way. On Monday, December 5, the PC team participated in a community event at the Madeline Rogers Recreational Center run by the Institute for the Study and Practice of Non-Violence. The Institute provides local Providence youth with an alternative place to hang out in order to prevent them from becoming involved with gangs, drugs, and violence. PC softball enjoyed playing basketball, as well as other games with the Providence youth ages ranging from 7-18. Our team really enjoys the time spent serving the community, because of the help it brings the people around us. It also allows our team to work together off the field. Participating in these projects helps out the people in the community, while providing our team with a great insight of why it is so important to get involved and contribute time to improve the community. Through these events, we gained a lot of respect from our surrounding community, as well as set higher standards for ourselves as student athletes. Knowing that we can work hard and prepare ourselves for competition is only part of what we are about; the other part is discovering that we have the ability to make a difference in the world.
The PC softball team at the St. Patrick’s Parish soup kitchen in Providence.
The Providence College softball team participated in the American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Walk on October 30.