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PORTSMOUTH: Waterfront on Blue Bill Cove - $795,000 Dina Karousos 401.451.6461
PORTSMOUTH: Island Park Beach Cape $489,900. Chan Lyell – 401.935.6184
BARRINGTON: Hundred Acre Cove - $998,500 Tom Little – 401.245.3600
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The Bay Magazine July 2021
Photo by Anna Saxon, courtesy of Stoneacre Garden
In This Issue
New Heights Restaurants and bars transform rooftops into special spaces for summertime sipping
The Buzz
Life & Style
9 Barrington mom and blogger
21 WORK: Efficient use of color
debuts contemporary romance
in a Newport design studio
book series
28 SHOP: Ship shape 10 THE PUBLIC’S RADIO: Newport’s
pillows made in RI for home
scaled-back bike safety resolution
and boat
woman’s journey to becoming a
councilperson Angela McCalla
physician at 46
14 New Newport storefront sells
Food & Drink
luggage made with shoe-lovers
41 Mini-pancakes decked out
in mind
as desserts
16 RHODY GEM: A modern-day
42 EXPERIENCE: Inventive
neighborhood mercantile on
mystery meals reimagine
Bristol’s High Street
Monday nights in Warren
Photography by Erin McGinn, courtesy of Shore—Creative
18 CALENDAR: This month’s
44 Restaurant-to-retail recipes
46 Cooking classes designed with
Pic of the Bay
from East Bay eateries
Newport’s Latinx community in mind
48 A stunning image from a local lens
ON THE COVER: View from the Roof Deck at Vanderbilt. Photo courtesy of The Vanderbilt.
The Bay • July 2021
72 Fogland Road, Tiverton, RI Offered at $3,250,000 | Under Agreement
2 Grinnell Road, Little Compton, RI Sold $2,650,000
120B Sakonnet Point Road, Little Compton, RI Sold $2,333,000
19 Oliver Lane, Little Compton, RI Sold $1,109,270
16 Sachem Drive, Tiverton, RI Sold $1,400,000
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The Bay • July 2021
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The Buzz Voices of the Bay
Buzz on the Bay
Rhody Gem
Hallmark Moment Barrington blogger channels lifelong love for romance into a novel of her own When Audrey McClelland puts her mind to something, she is unstoppable. The busy Barrington mom of five is a professional blogger, style host, spokesperson, author, and digital influencer. She’s best known for her site MomGenerations.com, a cool lifestyle and parenting blog that puts both fashion and family first. She’s written The Digital Mom Handbook, represented big brands like TJMaxx and Pampers, and appeared on The Rachael Ray Show and in The New York Times. Now, she’s on the pursuit of another passion project: romance writing. “I’ve been a contemporary romance fan my entire life, so I wanted to give it a shot,” says McClelland, referencing the unofficial “Romance Book Club” she shared with her Nana and Grandma in high school and her lifetime love of Hallmark movies. For 20 years, she had an idea for a story floating around in her head, and it was just a matter of putting pen to paper. “Time is the one thing that holds most people back when they want to start something, and I didn’t want that to be a barrier for me,” McClelland explains. She began with just one hour of writing per day, most of it done in the car waiting to pick up her daughter from school. But these pockets of time quickly added up, and soon, Hometown Boy came to life, a story which has all the trappings of a real Hallmark movie, from the small-town setting to the sweet storyline following two ex-high school sweethearts. Better yet, this is just the first in what McClelland has dubbed the McKay Sisters series, and three more books are to be released consecutively each month through August. “I’ve had a dream to see one of my stories on the Hallmark Channel,” says McClelland with a smile, “so I’m hoping that one day…that dream just might come true!” Learn more about McClelland and her books at MomGenerations.com and on Instagram at @audreymcclelland. | By Megan Schmit Photo courtesy of Audrey McClelland The Bay • July 2021 9
The Buzz
By Antonia Ayres-Brown, Newport Bureau Reporter for The Public’s Radio
In Partnership with The Public’s Radio • ThePublicsRadio.org
Newport approves scaled-back bicycle safety resolution, disappointing some local cyclists Newport’s City Council approved a resolution Wednesday in support of bicycle safety. But a group of local cyclists say the Council hasn’t done enough to articulate where and when people can expect to see specific improvements.
By the time Newport’s City Council convened Wednesday night, more than a dozen people had gathered at the organization Bike Newport to watch the virtual meeting together. Many of them rolled in on bikes. One even arrived riding a pedicab. The cyclists had come to support the bicycle safety resolution, but they also hoped to urge the Council to include a plan to address specific high-priority routes in the city, which were identified in the statewide 2020 Bicycle Mobility Plan. They also wanted a timeline for painting bike markings on these roads — which had been scrubbed from an earlier version of the resolution. Instead, the Council approved a resolution that expresses support for “the goals of the RI Bicycle Mobility Plan,” and references two specific roads — Ocean Avenue and Hillside Avenue — where the city already has efforts underway to improve bike safety. It also calls on Newport’s city manager to continue studying the Bicycle Mobility Plan and begin using it to guide the city. Bari Freeman, the executive director of Bike Newport, called the document a “drastically reduced resolution.”
The Bay • July 2021
“It lost any reference to the citywide prioritization of streets where people are already riding bicycles, where people are already feeling insecure and asking for improvements,” said Freeman. “So over the last couple of weeks, Bike Newport and the community have rallied around — This is great that there is a resolution. Let’s make sure that the resolution asks for a plan and a timeline to address the priority roads now.” Some councilors said they want to wait for a transportation master plan that Newport recently hired a team of consultants to develop. That process is expected to take approximately 18 months. “I want to go forward with the consultant work, so that we can all come back and discuss it and see what actually is looked upon as being a way to improve traffic in Newport — which includes all of the vehicles that we have,” said Councilor Kate Leonard. But some locals say the city’s narrow, highly trafficked roads pose an urgent danger. “We have residents who, their only option for getting around the city is a bike,” said Councilor Jamie Bova. “And we have people who are hit, and who are killed, and who are
severely injured because our roads aren’t safe and amendable for cyclists.” Bova proposed adding a deadline for the city manager to create an action plan for implementing bicycle safety measures, but the Council rejected the amendment. Councilor Lynn Ceglie, who introduced the resolution with Bova, said she agreed with the sentiment but worried it put the resolution “in peril.” “We can always come back with a proposal for another road, and the Council can vote on that,” she said. “I just want this resolution to pass. That’s all I care about right now.” During the discussion, there was a disagreement among some councilors about how much public comment to allow. Councilor Angela McCalla attempted at one point to yield her time to a member of the public, and said that nine people were still waiting to speak. But Mayor Jeanne-Marie Napolitano said the Council was ready to vote. “We have other things that we have to go through tonight. They could keep us here all night, and that turns people off,” said Napolitano. “I understand that,” McCalla replied. “And although we are privy to all of the
Photo by Antonia Ayres-Brown
Cyclists gathered on May 26 for a "rolling rally" organized by Bike Newport in support of the proposed bicycle safety resolution.
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Map courtesy of Bike Newport
A previous version of the resolution included this map of existing, first priority, and second priority roads for bike lanes and shared lanes in Newport.
information, it’s fair enough to let people just say what needs—” “I will let a couple people speak,” Napolitano interjected. “If it’s the same thing, time after time, then that’s it.” The City Council ultimately passed the resolution unanimously, without a timeline or a map of priority routes beyond the two referenced roads. The Council added an amendment that stipulates the city manager must submit any additional bike lanes, road markings, or signage proposals to the Council for approval. Freeman, of Bike Newport, said it wasn’t the outcome she had hoped for, but she still looks forward to working with the city — to improve not only road safety, but also connectivity in Newport. “We have many people who ride their bicycles to get from one place to another in this town — some have a choice and some don’t,” Freeman said. “It’s not about enthusiasts and activists and advocates. It’s about people riding bicycles to get where they need to go, and ensuring that our roads accommodate that in a safe way.”
Seasonally Inspired; Scratch-Made Kitchen – vegan & vegetarian options Perfect Picnix Catering by Uptown TAKEOUT • BREAKFAST • BRUNCH • LUNCH & COCKTAILS
By Nina Murphy
Dream Job At age 46, Bristol’s Margaret Furtado decided to pursue physician-hood – and the hard work paid off
Dr. Margaret Furtado’s life reads like a screenplay: At three years old she travels with her parents from the Azores to Bristol, where she grows up and builds a successful career as a registered dietitian with leadership positions at Boston Medical, Tufts Medical, Mass General, and John Hopkins. She authors two well-respected books on nutrition and weight loss surgery and becomes a noted international public speaker. Wanting more, she considers obtaining a PhD in nutrition when a longtime friend encourages her to pursue her lifelong secret dream of becoming a physician. At age 46, the arduous journey begins: Prerequisite courses while working a demanding job, three years of rejections before eventual acceptance, infinite hours of studying to pass the boards (and not to mention a house fire and horrific attack thrown into the mix). But all of the sacrifices and challenges faded into
The Bay • July 2021
the background when she learned she was matched with her top choice, Roger Williams Medical Center, where she begins her residency in Internal Medicine this month. FAMILY HISTORY: When I was growing up it had been a cultural influence to do something less rigorous than medicine and work in the field of nutrition, which was viewed as a better lifestyle if I was going to be married with children. Well, my life didn’t work out that way. My parents and sister have been so supportive. GUT FEELING: I fell in love with my work in Obesity Medicine. I was thinking of getting a PhD in it. My good friend Robert Crausman, who worked with me when we were teenagers at Metacom Manor and is now a doctor, said, “Margaret, you have way too much fire in your belly for a PhD. You want medicine.”
MIRACLE MOMENT: I was about to drop out of medical school. I had booked my ticket to go home when one night I was walking with some friends and was attacked by a guy with a hammer. The whole ride to the hospital I kept thinking, “I hope my brain is okay so I can continue to be a medical student.” I was not going to let the attacker kill my dreams. It motivated me. I decided to transfer to American University of Antigua Medical School. MATCH DAY: From June 2019 to January of 2020, I went to Rogers Free Library to study for the board exams every day from 9am to 4pm. I would place my vision board in front of me to motivate me when I was feeling overwhelmed. In my childhood home surrounded by my family on March 19, I got my top choice!
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furtado
Dr. Margaret Furtado proudly displays her vision board
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The Bay • July 2021 13
The Buzz
By Andrea E. McHugh
Silver Linings Flagship shop opens in Newport for revolutionary travel accessories Tracey Cugno knows a thing or two about consumer behavior. She had retail shops in T.F. Green as well as Connecticut’s Bradley Airport for a combined 15 years, and spent much of that time talking to seasoned travelers about their packing methodology. She learned the tips and tricks they use to maximize efficiency, from breezing through TSA security checkpoints to the art of tucking your carry-on into those remarkably small overhead bins. She also learned about their wants and needs that weren’t being met – and saw a market opportunity. “That’s how I got into luggage and luggage design,” explains Cugno, who has also owned Shades and Pier Optical, a sunglasses shop in Narragansett, since 2007. “I had a front row seat with thousands of people walking by me every day. I got to see how they picked their bags up, how they carried them, who looked like they were happy carrying their bag and who didn’t.” She interviewed thousands of passengers and then took two years to plan, test, and ultimately launch the LEIGH line of innovative luggage and travel accessories. In early 2020, LEIGH had a twomonth pop-up shop in Providence that Cugno functionally used to dip her toe in the marketplace. She garnered invaluable consumer insights before the COVID lockdown, and last June, opened the LEIGH flagship on Newport’s Thames Street in a designer collaboration with Azzul, a collection of men and women’s footwear handmade in Portugal. LEIGH’s product line is meticulously curated and edited: It’s quality not quantity, and the aesthetic is simple, chic, smart, and understated. There’s a backpack that comes in two different sizes and the signature LEIGH
The Bay • July 2021
LEIGH founder Tracey Cugno
Photos courtesy of LEIGH
LEIGH Resort ShoeCase (L) and Travel Tube Blanket (R)
ShoeBag, which comes with a simple “S” clip so you can attach it to the travel bag. There’s a modern duffle that fits multiple pairs of shoes in custom compartments, plus an expansive separate space for clothing and designated padded laptop section with pockets for cords. Then there’s the piece de resistance, the Resort ShoeCase, which features a packing system that would make Carrie Bradshaw swoon. With
hints of a vintage travel case but thoroughly modern, the Resort ShoeCase can fit up to six pairs of shoes and contains movable dividers to accommodate different shapes and sizes of footwear. Most impressively – and importantly – is that all LEIGH bags include an exclusive antimicrobial silver lining, called Ionic+™ Antimicrobial/Anti-Odor Silver Tech, that prevents bacteria and odor for the accessory’s lifetime.
“I just wanted to provide ease, comfort, and a solution,” says Cugno, who lives in Westerly where the LEIGH warehouse is located. Now in business for two years, she is proud to say that she has not had a single return. And as travel slowly ramps up to pre-pandemic popularity, you’ll likely be seeing more of LEIGH – pieces of our small state jet-setting their way around the world. Shop-LEIGH.com
The Bay • July 2021 15
The Buzz
By Abbie Lahmers
C&R Mercantile Specialty Grocer
We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. Email or tag us on social media using #RhodyGem to suggest yours, and we might just feature it!
What it is: This neighborhood mercantile has been sourcing specialty food, fresh flowers, and gifts locally and from afar since 2016. Where to find it: Along the red, white, and blue-striped High Street where it meets Church Street, watch for this 200-square-foot nook with a window display decked in flowers and fresh wares. What makes it a Rhody Gem? Most towns don’t have an old-timey mercantile anymore, but it’s only fitting that Bristol, the most patriotic town, would have C&R paying homage to that bygone era of early American history. But don’t be fooled by the vintage facade: This shop stocks the latest foodie products from the likes of businesses that come out of the Hope & Main incubator kitchen, like Beth Bakes and Farm Town Tonics, plus fresh goods from Farm Fresh RI and pantry staples from all over the country. Owner Denise Nehez curates a selection of charcuterie items like fresh meat and cheese, and flowers from Little State Flower Co. in Tiverton. If a neighborhood market’s worth is measured by testaments from the community, one patron shares, “Everything is top-notch healthy, and Denise’s floral arrangements are unique and beautiful,” while another insists it’s “the true essence of a nostalgic mercantile.”
C&R Mercantile 219 High Street, Bristol 401-297-8199 Facebook: C&R Mercantile
The Bay • July 2021
Photo by Wolf Matthewson
To submit your Rhody Gem, please email Abbie@ProvidenceOnline.com
The Bay • July 2021 17
The Buzz
By Abbie Lahmers
A Bristol tradition, the Fourth of July Parade will go on this year
10 essential events happening this month
Through July:
The Galactic Theatre brings live music to their new cabaret stage every weekend to enjoy with full table service and a menu of flatbreads, sandwiches, and sundaes; reservations are encouraged. Warren, Facebook: Galactic Theatre
July 5:
Follow the red, white, and bluestriped roads for the Fourth of July Parade in Rhode Island’s most patriotic town. This year expect a vehicle procession and don’t forget to mask up. Bristol, FourthOfJulyBristolRI.com
July 9-11: Like the grounds of a European chateau, the botanical mastery of stops along the Newport Secret Garden Tours must be seen to be believed. Stroll through these normally private outdoor spaces. Newport, SecretGardenTours.org
July 11-24: Celebrate our foodie claim to fame with 14 days of dining specials for Providence Restaurant Week: breakfast, lunch, and dinner options available for in-person experiences or takeout. GoProvidence.com/RW/
July 16:
The Collaborative screens popular films all summer at the Drive-In at 30 Cutler, but you’ll want to mark your calendars for the Local Film Festival featuring four films with Rhody roots. Warren, TheCollaborative02885.org
July 22-24: What would a South County summer be without the Blessing of the Fleet Festival? This three-day event features seafood, a virtual 10-mile road race, and of course blessings bestowed on the fleet. NarragansettLionsClub.org
July 30: Common Fence Music presents Summer Outdoor Concerts celebrating American folk music at Norman Bird Sanctuary, this month featuring Grammy award-winning musician Dom Flemons. Middletown, NormanBirdSanctuary.org
July 17 & 31:
July 23-24: Get your tickets for a stacked lineup of musicians performing for Newport Nights at the Newport Playhouse and Cabaret Restaurant, with food trucks, cocktails, and other vendors, too. NewportPlayHouse.com
July 30-August 1: Three intimate days of timeless jazz performances and collaborations will take over Fort Adams for the Newport Jazz Festival. Health protocols will be in place to keep the gathering safe. NewportJazz.org
Local artists working in a wide spectrum of mediums set up shop for Summer Outdoor ArtMarts at the WaterFire Arts Center, where shoppers can connect with makers and find unique pieces. Providence, WaterFire.org
The Bay • July 2021
Photo by Ed King, courtesy of Explore Bristol
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Life & Style Work
Monochromatic tones keep the space both minimal and warm
Neutral Zone A beige aesthetic showcases the architectural attributes of a horse stable-turned-studio Beige gets a bad rap. Merriam-Webster defines the color as a light grayish-yellowish brown (that’s a lot of ish) with entry two offering the hue as “lacking distinction.” However, Jenn Shore is a proponent of the color and she has the wherewithal to back up that claim. Shore is the design director at Shore—Creative, a multidisciplinary studio in Newport focused on branding, graphics, and “creative direction for the minimally inclined”. Prior to founding her business, she worked as a designer for Richard Saul Wurman, the founder of TED, the nonprofit known for its talks. Circling back to her adoration of fawn or light tan, “I constantly get a lot of flack from friends and family over my love of beige. I would argue that there are hundreds of shades, where I think most of my peers likely believe I aspire to live in an entirely monochromatic world.” Shore shrugs. “Either way, I find that neutral colorways are timeless and contemporary all at the same time.” Photography by Erin McGinn, courtesy of Shore—Creative The Bay • July 2021 21
Life & Style WORK
By Elyse Major
Jenn Shore’s sleek approach includes handleless cabinetry
Want your home featured in The Bay Magazine?
Photography by Erin McGinn, courtesy of Shore—Creative
Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com to learn more Shore was looking to put her tone-on-tone imprint on a space and found it when she relocated her offices from Thames Street at the start of 2021. A realtor led Shore and company to Bowler Lane, a quaint enclave off a side street, tucked away into a residential neighborhood. Shore—Creative is now housed in a mid-1800s barn once used as a livery and boarding stables; it’s part of an idyllic complex – which includes a central brick courtyard – of other creative neighbors. “Our unit has a lot of charm, boasting near-double height ceilings, a lofted space, exposed beams, and wide-plank pine floors. In my opinion the location is ideal. There is plenty of street parking for guests, and our own space to park,” which in Newport is quite a perk.
Lighting increases function in even the smallest nooks Story continues on page 26
The Bay • July 2021 23
An adorable styled portrait of your child is the most valuable piece of ART you will ever own! Happy 4th of July! Sally Swart - Master Photographer (401) 624 4777 • www.cantinphoto.com
Register for Art Classes. All levels, joyful, in-person mini-workshops, weekly classes & private lessons. Kelly Milukas is a multi-media painter and sculptor. Gallery visits welcome by chance and appointment. 503 S Lake Road • (401) 480 3536 www.kellymilukas.com/events • @kellymilukas
Fine Art Painting and Decor by Jennifer Jones Rashleigh PILLOWS, PAINTINGS, TILES & TAPESTRIES wildlife cameos of birds, fish botanicals & beach scenes OPEN Tues-Sat 12-4 and by appointment 3879 Main Road • (509) 951 0696 • www.cedianpainting.com
This nationally recognized shop celebrates uncommon art with inspired and ever-changing collections of jewelry, pottery, books and pure whimsy. The gardens overflow with original cast stone sculpture and eye-catching eccentricities and surprises 3980 Main Road • (401) 624 8682 www.courtyards.com
A gemstone lover’s delight featuring the collection of one-of-a-kind gemstone, pearl and gold jewelry handmade by renowned designer Tiffany Peay. Discover Crystal Bed Light Therapy & explore your power with gemstones. 3851 Main Road • (401) 816 0878 www.tiffanypeay.com
The Intarawut Gallery, with Marc J. Matz Antiques & Works of Art, features a robust collection of fine Asian, European & American antiques including Furniture, Paintings, Sculpture, Jewelry & Textile Arts. Tuesday-Saturday 11-5; Sunday Noon-4. 3964 Main Road • (617) 460 6200 @intarawutgallerytiverton
Extensive selection of imported & domestic cheeses, local meats & produce, house-made bread & salads, Litl Rhody Pasta, custom charcuterie boards and more. Newly Expanded! 3838 Main Road • (401) 816 5069 www.TheCheeseWheelRI.com
Choose a unique & picturesque rural setting for your wedding or special event. Enjoy over an acre of park-like grounds creating an atmosphere of private elegance. 3850 Main Road • (401) 624 6200 www.themeetinghouse.info
UNITY•HARMOMY•VARIETY featuring paintings and sculpture from Kate Blacklock,Tom Martinelli, Butch McCarthy and Walter Horak. pictured: CLEAR, Butch McCarthy, acrylic on canvas 40”x30” 3848 Main Road • (401) 816 0999 www.GalleryAtFour.com
Visit over 30 shops, galleries and eateries in this historic 18th century New England town where style and history intersect. #ExploreTiverton
Featuring locally-made leashes, collars, bowties and more for cats and dogs in a variety of seasonal vintage fabrics. Great selection of vintage jewelry, accessories, linens, housewares and cat and dog related items! 3842 Main Road • @carmenandginger Follow us on Instagram & Facebook
Spring into Summer with chickens and roosters! A working artist studio featuring the acrylic paintings of Brenda Wrigley Scott featuring birds, companion animals & flora on paper, canvas upcycled floorcloths & pottery. 3879 Main Road • (401) 339 9676 @Wrigley_studio
Locally roasted coffee, gourmet food & uncommon goods for your garden and home. Two buildings, one unique experience in Tiverton Four Corners. Groundswell Café + Bakery – 3883 Main Road Groundswell Garden + Home – 3895 Main Road www.groundswellcafegarden.com
Relaxed, casual clothing including cool linen, designer denim and stylish wraps. Find the perfect accessory or pick up a unique gift. 3845 Main Road • (401) 816 0901 @salttiverton
Offering fresh, quality food along with fast, friendly service at reasonable prices. Featuring fresh, locally-caught seafood with an extensive & eclectic menu in a quaint, casual setting with a delightful patio. 3841 Main Road • (401) 624 1510 www.4cornersgrille.com
A quality resale shop offering contemporary, vintage & antique furniture, decor, artwork and finery. Repurpose! Located in The Meeting House until Sept. 3850 Main Road • (401) 624 6363 www.facebook.com/upscaleresaletiverton
Celebrating the art of green living. Eco-friendly art & artisans, antique and refurbished furniture, gifts and home décor. At back of historic Davenport Building. Open Friday-Sunday and by appointment. 3988 Main Road • (202) 423 3106 @barksfieldshop • www.Barksfield.com
Paintings and Woodblock prints. Commissions happily accepted. Call to schedule a private studio appointment. www.KLovell.com • (401) 743 6077 klovell61@gmail.com
At Studio by the Sea, finding the perfect jewelry item starts with YOU! Colors are sourced, designs are drafted and each piece is created just for YOU! Let’s create something special YOU will adore. 3848 Main Road • (401) 639 4348 www.studiobytheseari.com
2021 South Coast Artists Tour. Visit 11am-5pm for a vibrant exhibition. www.southcoastsartists.org 3879 Main Road, 2nd Floor www.fearlessartistsri.com
Fine Home Furnishings, Beautiful Bedding and Amazing Gifts & Decor Open Tuesday – Saturday 10-5 3847 Main Road • (401) 625 5814 www.theCottageRI.com
Visit the Tiverton Farmers Market on Tuesdays 2-6pm, rain or shine at Sandywoods. Connecting the community to local food, makers & artists. A growing collection of local & fresh produce & products. 43 Muse Way, Tiverton www.TivertonFarmersMarket.com @TivertonFarmersMarket
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Life & Style WORK
By Elyse Major
A letterpress and its accoutrements are both hobby and utilitarian art
Photography by Erin McGinn, courtesy of Shore—Creative
“The existing architecture and structure brings a lot of that New England colonial charm, so I designed furniture, built by Cameron Chafee, for the space that felt contemporary and modern, allowing for a bit of balance and juxtaposition between the world the building was built in, and the world we use the space to design in,” says Shore, who adheres to a neutral palette but keeps things dynamic with varying shapes, textures, and a range of shades. “Working and designing in a space that feels full of earth tones offers a sense of calm, which is always welcomed on
The Bay • July 2021
days where deadlines feel impending and phone/Zoom calls feel endless,” says Shore. “Rhode Island is teeming with creatives and makers, and having the ability to keep their creations in our office/studio means the world. I am forever inspired by what other creatives produce here, and what generations outside of my own are doing to define new space in design.” Looking around, Shore adds, “Including pieces within the space that were themselves designed, crafted, or sourced by fellow creatives makes the space feel a bit more comforting and inspired.”
BABS GET RHODY STYLE Newport native Jenn Shore shares favorite things about living an Ocean State life.
SHOP SMALL Favorite buy-local spots around Aquidneck Island include Bohemian Bias, The Green Room, Lovici, Ten, and Verde Garden Shop, and in PVD, The Floral Reserve. And of course, for design services, Shore-Creative.com SCAVENGER HUNT “There are so many floral/ decorative object opportunities. I keep clippers in my car, just in case I find sea grass, or a blossoming branch somewhere along the road while I’m driving that might be worth using for interiors. A walk along the beach can yield tons of decorative object ideas that would totally beat out any expensive item from a big-box furniture/interiors store,” says Shore.
Floating shelves and hooks create storage at the coffee station
OCEAN STATE “I love that you can be laying along the seaside, enjoying a world-renowned beach one moment and within an hour you can be strolling along a sidewalk deep in the heart of a creative haven like Providence the next,” Shore begins. “You can be in total silence pond-side somewhere in South Kingstown, or you can be bombarded by a ferry horn en-route to Block Island. This is one of the best places to live on earth.”
Handmade Handbags and Travel Bags
BABS + Tish
47 Bradford Street | Bristol, RI www.BABSetc.com Open Wednesday - Saturday 10 - 5 Open Sundays 11 - 4
coffee ∙ crepes baked goods & much more 279 Water Street, Warren, RI 401.245.7071 open seven days a week, all year
The Bay • July 2021 27
Life & Style SHOP
By Maia Correll
Coastal Cushions Seeking to spruce up your living area – indoor or out – with some seaside charm? Set sail for Nantucket Bound and their line of nautical pillows. Combining durable Sunbrella fabric and shoreline symbols, this Rhody-based company anchors itself on high-quality materials and embroidered artistry. Founded in 1997 producing an ever-growing line of tackle bags and boat
The Bay • July 2021
accessories, Nantucket Bound drifted into home goods where they continue their passion for the sea. Their weatherproof pillows can turn any outdoor or indoor living space into an instant maritime retreat. Use them for rest and relaxation on the patio, at the beach, or in the office. Peruse their line of cushions online and you’re shore to find decor fit for a regatta.
Anchor & Rope on Birds Eye
Anchor with Garland of Flowers
Red Anchor on Regatta Stripes
1st Mate
XO Sailboat
Nantucket Bound NantucketBound.com
By Sascha Martin
Meet Newport City Councilor Angela McCalla The Director of Policy and Advocacy at Women’s Fund Rhode Island is all about family, Beyoncé, and connecting to something bigger than ourselves through community work How did your love for community work start? I grew up watching both my parents and their love for their community. My father volunteered his time to the Cape Verdean community as he formed the first Cape Verdean dance troupe for youth. He also worked with Cape Verdean adults where he offered night school to parents who did not know how to read, write, or speak English. I watched as my mother also became a leader in the Korean community where she would volunteer her time cooking, hosting events, and eventually became the president for the Rhode Island Korean Association. I come from a long line of advocates who have always cared deeply for their community. What advice do you have for people who want to become more involved? There is no better feeling than to serve and help. Investing in your community always results in healthy, happy, and vibrant spaces that everyone can take pride in and enjoy. It also helps us to be connected to something bigger than ourselves. What is your favorite part about living and working in Rhody? The food and the people! Rhode Island is an international state, rich with some cultures that many are unfamiliar with. Outside of serving the community and your work as a City Councilor in Newport, what are you passionate about? Family, empowering the younger generation, karaoke, and Beyoncé! What are some of your favorite local businesses? I love going to Humming Bird restaurant and checking out Bike Newport, both on Broadway. Photo courtesy of Angela McCalla
Learn more about on Facebook: AngelaMcCallaNewport
The Bay • July 2021 29
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The Bay • July 2021
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July Issues 2021
Open Studio Tour2021 18th ANNUAL
July 17 – 18 & August 21 – 22
Respectfully Raised Meats & Specialty Flowers
This program is supported by the Dartmouth Cultural Council and the Westport Cultural Council local agencies, who are supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a State agency.
Restaurants and bars transform rooftops into a special space for summertime sipping BY MEGAN SCHMIT
Over the years, and especially post-pandemic, the outdoor dining experience has leveled up. The once-standard concrete patios lined with iron tables and chairs and fabric umbrellas have been lent a bit of magic with iridescent igloos and light-filled solariums, converted ski gondolas and open-air lounges. And in the heat of summer, there’s nothing quite like taking in the farm coast views from above with a cocktail in hand. Here are 11 rooftop decks around the East Bay to grab a drink (or two!) and toast to the return of our favorite season.
THE BEEHIVE CAFÉ, BRISTOL When you think of this popular neighborhood cafe and sister pantry, you likely conjure up images of fresh-brewed coffee, homemade pastries, and breakfast galore. But the Beehive is also home to a modest upstairs deck, with space for a handful of diners to cradle a latte and steal a glimpse of Independence Park and the harbor beyond. Or, come by later for dinner and try out one of their signature cocktails. The-Beehive-Cafe.square.site
Photo by Megan Schmit
MIDTOWN OYSTER BAR Catch a sunset from the covered roof deck
Summer Sip Suggestion: Your boozy brunch wouldn’t be complete without a Beehive signature Beemosa or Bee Bloody, both available to-go in jar form, an adorable offering appropriately nicknamed “Buzz on the Fly”.
If you’re looking for a more casual, cozy vibe, climb the stairs up to the third floor to discover the Crow’s Nest, an outdoor bar and dining room at Benjamin’s Raw Bar. The real star of this steak and seafood restaurant is the raw bar, which includes the Mother Shucker Platter, an indulgent array of 12 oysters, 12 topnecks, 12 shrimp, and two chilled lobsters. BenjaminsRawBar.com
If you’ve ever wandered onto Thames Street in Newport, Midtown Oyster Bar has definitely caught your eye; it’s the lively spot just steps from America’s Cup Ave. The name reveals its primary claim to fame, but alongside a raw bar and seafood-forward selection, it’s known for experiential dining that includes not one, but two, rooftops. One is uncovered and overlooks the bustling historic street, while the other feels like an open-air room strung with bistro lights. The bar menu impresses with a long list of wines, beers, and most interestingly, oyster shooters. MidtownOyster.com
Summer Sip Suggestion: The bar’s signature drink happens to be a refreshing seasonal mix that isn’t restricted to brunch: The Oh No Mimosa, made with Stoli vodka, champagne, OJ, and a Grand Marnier float.
Summer Sip Suggestion: Because of its uniqueness, we have to go with an oyster shooter, so start with the house concoction with vodka and cocktail sauce.
THE BEEHIVE CAFÉ The Beemosa (below) and Bee Bloody (above)
Photos courtesy of The Beehive Cafe
THE ROOF DECK AT VANDERBILT, NEWPORT The Vanderbilt, part of the Auberge Resort Collection, is a well-known hotel with a storied past linked to Newport’s rich and famous. Besides being a luxurious stay for tourists and locals alike, the rooftop bar is a summer destination in itself. Patrons can order from the open-air bar, which features nautical touches like washed wood and a compass rose, and lounge in an Adirondack chair while watching the sun dip behind the Newport Pell Bridge. AubergeResorts.com/Vanderbilt/ Summer Sip Suggestion: The Rosé Spritzer screams sophistication, an elixir of rosé wine, pamplemousse (grapefruit) liqueur, club soda, and orange.
THE ROOFTOP AT BRENTON HOTEL, NEWPORT The Brenton Hotel is one of the City by the Sea’s newest luxury lodgings that overlooks the harbor, making the rooftop that much more alluring. Located six stories up, the environmentally sensitive green rooftop offers more than just views: Find games like cornhole and ping pong, sofas and fire pits, a veritable jungle of succulents and plants, and modest menu of oysters, cheese and charcuterie, pickled veg, and more. In addition to beer, there are select cocktails and wines by the glass. BrentonHotel.com Summer Sip Suggestion: A warm spin on a summer classic, the Reluctant Punch features Thomas Tew Rum, mango, cinnamon, and orgeat.
Photo courtesy of The Roof Deck at Vanderbilt
Located on Goat Island and accessed by Gladys Carr Bolhouse Road from America’s Cup Avenue, Gurney’s Newport Resort & Marina is a lavish escape complete with top-notch dining, full-service spa, and, you bet, outdoor decks for lounging with libations. The vibe is chill yet contemporary, thanks to streamlined furniture, bistro lights, and glass-enclosed fire pits. Discover the seasonal pop-up Showfish serving elevated seafood (think tuna poke, soy chili calamari, charred octopus), or savor light bites from a special menu at The Firepit. GurneysResorts.com/Newport
Walking or driving down Narragansett Avenue, you’re bound to stop in your tracks (or slow down the car) for a better look at Simpatico, which resembles some kind of enchanting woodland escape plopped in the middle of a beach town. The multiple rooms and outdoor spaces boast carefully hung greenery, twinkle lights, and even a pergola, for a variety of dining experiences to pick from. However, we’re focused on the upper deck, nicknamed the Jamestown Knot Club + Bar, which offers open-air eating at inset booths and a view of downtown. SimpaticoJamestown.com
While not exactly perched on a rooftop, Skiff Bar offers an elevated second-floor deck with unobstructed views of the harbor. The restaurant is the perfect stop for a light lunch while soaking up some rays, and features a streamlined menu of seafood classics, soups, salads, and handhelds. Even though it’s located at the Newport Marriott, you don’t need to be a guest to stop in for a bite. Marriott.com
Summer Sip Suggestion: Specials rotate weekly, so we recommend keeping your options open, but
Summer Sip Suggestion: A staff fave, the Simpatico Sweet Peach Sangria is
Summer Sip Suggestion: What is summer without lemonade? And okay, while this isn’t your paper cup of frozen Del’s, the Blueberry Lemonade is a boozy upgrade
past show-stealers have included spicy raspberry cocktails and watermelon sunset cocktails.
a colorful and juicy combo perfect for summertime sipping.
with Stoli Blueberry, lemonade, and blueberry garnish.
THE ROOF DECK AT VANDERBILT Pop open some bubbly
STONEACRE GARDEN, NEWPORT As implied by the name, Stoneacre Garden embraces everything lush and green, including its rooftop, which offers a picture-perfect view of the sunset over Newport Harbor where you can indulge in a farmto-table brunch, lunch, or dinner. A brand-new bar pours everything from sparkling wines to signature cocktails, even a dedicated mocktail list. Plus, the plethora of plant life and tucked-away location will have you forgetting you’re in the middle of a tourist’s playground. StoneacreGarden.com Summer Sip Suggestion: Both sweet and spicy, Dante’s Inferno combines house chili-infused tequila, blood orange, and strawberry.
Photos by Anna Saxon, courtesy of Stoneacre Garden
STONEACRE GARDEN Dante’s Inferno brings the summer heat
THAMES WATERSIDE BAR & GRILL, BRISTOL If this restaurant were sitting any closer to Bristol Harbor, it would be in the water. Besides sunsets, Thames Waterside Bar & Grill is known for its food, drinks, and live entertainment on the roof deck each weekend, featuring local artists like their own in-house musician Colby James. Gather around the centerpiece bar, cozy up on a couch, sway to the music, or simply lean against the railing to take in the serene sight of boats bobbing in the harbor below. Summer Sip Suggestion: Check out the Hunch Punch Moonshine, mixed with lemonade, sprite, and cranberry juice.
Photo courtesy of Top of Newport at Hotel Viking
TOP OF NEWPORT AT HOTEL VIKING Chairs and couches make for cozy nooks of conversation
TOP OF NEWPORT AT HOTEL VIKING Located in the heart of Newport, this historic hotel has been a local landmark since it opened in 1926 and recently debuted a massive makeover, including a revamped rooftop bar and kitchen. Lounge chairs and sofas arranged around fire pits and tables create pockets for conversation over cocktails, backdropped by unmatched views of the city. Find a menu of bubbles, beer, and boozy specials, plus lite bites like tartare, deviled eggs, and ceviche. HotelViking.com Summer Sip Suggestion: A no-brainer due to its name, the Summer Cooler is a thirst-quenching cocktail of Ketel One Cucumber & Mint vodka, St. Germaine, and soda water.
THE WHARF TAVERN Grab a drink with a view
LEVEL-UP YOUR EVENT While the bars and restaurants listed in this feature comprise most of the area’s rooftop lounges, Aidan’s Pub in Bristol offers a special booking for private parties: The second-floor James Joyce Room and outdoor deck overlooking the Bristol Harbor. AidansPub.com Photos courtesy of The Wharf Tavern
The Spicy Watermelon Margarita and Aperol Spritz at The Wharf
THE WHARF TAVERN, WARREN The Wharf has been a dockside destination since 1955, though its history stretches back even further as a mercantile center and oyster house. Today, the renovated restaurant boasts three event spaces, a dining room, outdoor seating, and as of last summer, a rooftop bar overlooking the Warren River. Echoing the trendy nautical touches from inside, the expansive wood deck is anchored by a center bar surrounded by sofas and fire pits. The rooftop is drinks-only, so all patrons must be over 21, and enjoy live entertainment all weekend long. TheWharfTavernRI.com Summer Sip Suggestion: Spice things up with the Spicy Watermelon Margarita shaken with jalapeño-infused tequila, Cointreau, agave, watermelon puree, and fresh lime juice.
New Season • New Look & Back In Person!
2021 • OUR 10TH SEASON!
Download our Handbill of Events! www.artnightbristolwarren.org
JUL 1 — Rebel Hearts JUL 8 — Misha And The Wolves JUL 15 — The Oxy Kingpins JUL 22 — Summer of Soul (...Or, When The Revolution Could Not Be Televised) JUL 29 — To Which We Belong 8th Annual Picnic Contest
AUG 12 — Tom Petty, Somewhere You Feel Free AUG 19 — We Are As Gods AUG 26 — After Antarctica SEP 2 — My Name Is Pauli Murray SEP 9 — Havana Libre
The Bay • July 2021
Salt Marsh Realty Group Buy - Sell - Lease - Develop
Exclusive Bay Point Area Swansea, MA List Price: $2,400,000 — CONTACT — Chris Howard | 508-801-7485 chrisjhoward@hotmail.com Waterfront Contemporary situated on a private road offers Mid Century flair w/panoramic southerly & westerly views of Mt. Hope Bay & the Coles River. This one of a kind, two acre site is situated high on a bluff and has over 300’ of water frontage. The architecturally designed home offers a unique floor plan including a fireplaced Living Room w/vaulted ceilings open to the Dining Room w/wet bar. There is a large eat in kitchen, a fireplaced great room and a library/office. The Master bedroom w/an en suite bath, 4 additional bedrooms, 3 full and 2 half baths complete the interior living space. The outside patio has a built in fireplace/barbecue which will be the focal point of summer entertainment having access from the kitchen, living & dining rooms. The three car garage has ample space for your vehicles and watercraft. A Marina & an optional beach/tennis club are a short walk away. This property is waiting for a new owner to restore it to its former glory.
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The Bay • July 2021 39
Sip and stroll through the Zoo during this special, adults-only event! THURSDAY NIGHTS | 5:30 – 9 PM | 21+ JULY 15TH & AUGUST 12TH
Enjoy live musical entertainment, amazing animal encounters, specialty Zoo-themed cocktails and more! Sponsored by
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Tuesday, July 13, 8:30PM If Beale Street Could Talk (2018)
Tuesday, July 27, 8PM Green Book (2018)
Tuesday, August 17, 7:45PM Just Mercy (2019)
Tuesday, August 31, 7:30PM Thirteenth (2016)
Tuesday, September 14, 7PM The Hate U Give (2018)
Rogers Free Library and Linden Place Mansion, both located in Bristol, RI, invite the community to the Linden Place gardens this summer for a film series centered on the theme of race and social justice. The six-film series focuses on films exploring issues of race and how it relates to different parts of our society. From films on inequality to the criminal justice system to stories of strength and resilience, each screening features a different and unique perspective.
FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Bring your own chair and snacks or enjoy refreshments onsite from local businesses For more information, please call Linden Place at (401) 253-0390 e-mail info@lindenplace.org or visit lindenplace.org 40
The Bay • July 2021
Food & Drink Experience
Food News
In The Kitchen
Sweet Stacks Breakfast meets dessert with colorful bite-sized food truck treats Everyone knows the best part about pancakes is piling all things sweet and sticky on top to turn ordinary breakfast into a treat-yourself occasion. New food truck Lulu’s Little Pancakes, which will be making appearances at Colt State Park for events, dares to take the beloved diner staple a step (or three) further by sparing no indulgence, be it whipped cream, cereal, cookie crumble, chocolate chips, or fruity drizzle. Owner Adrianna Webster seeks to devise variations for every taste, essentially curating “a whole new pancake eating experience”. She explains, “There’s the convenience of them being bite-sized and the creative, gourmet topping selection… We aim to be more of a dessert option than breakfast, although I admittedly wouldn’t mind eating these delicious mini pancakes in the morning!” There are riffs on actual sweets like Strawberry Shortcake, Banana Cream Pie, and Cookie Butter (think Biscoff, the European gingerbread spread), but the showstoppers you’ll see this summer include colorful and fruity pancake creations. Mango Tango is drizzled with puree and topped with fresh blueberries and white chocolate chips. Cereal-forward offerings are perfect for kids and kids-at-heart, starring Crunch Berry or Fruity Pebbles drizzled with sweet milk. Watch for the purple truck popping up around town and get ready to trade maple syrup for the likes of cookie butter. Facebook: Lulu’s Little Pancakes | By Abbie Lahmers Photo courtesy of Lulu’s Little Pancakes The Bay • July 2021 41
By Ann O’Neill
Mystery Mondays
Like everyone else, people who work in the food industry enjoy going out to eat on their night off. Unlike the rest of us, that night is typically Monday. So where do you go when the reason you’re free is the very reason almost everywhere is closed? You go to Metacom Kitchen. Chef Richard Allaire, along with wife Sue, has always kept the restaurant open on Mondays, but the night never gained the same traction as a weekend. Initially hoping to attract industry clientele, Mystery Meal Monday was born. “I wanted to do something different, fun, and moderately priced,” Allaire said. A smaller, but equally adventurous, alternative to existing 6-10 course tastings was born. Allaire’s approach is both creative and practical,
The Bay • July 2021
making use of molecular gastronomy with surprising results, to curate an experience certain to stray from the ordinary. Inscrutable down to the drinks, my 322 Martini was revealed to be Crop Organic Cucumber Vodka, artfully mixed with fresh grapefruit, St. Germain, and Prosecco. The Crop kept it cucumber forward. The surprise in the aptly named Metacom Mule my friend received was pomegranate molasses. Its sweet and sour notes played well with the lime and ginger beer. Both served as a refreshing start to the adventure. When my server asked if I had any food allergies or aversions, I requested no raw animal protein – I’m just not a tartare person. Though it broke my heart a little to limit Allaire’s creativity in any way, the
server assured me that wouldn’t be a problem, and my FOMO was alleviated. The appetizer was a deconstructed lobster tasting: A thoughtful interpretation of what many an Ocean State diner is already intimately familiar with. Arranged on a small slate rectangle, first was a cup of lobster bisque that captured the shellfish’s pure essence. While pleasantly seasoned, nothing was competing for the lobster’s attention. Pro tip: The exquisite-to-begin-with homemade sourdough that arrived with our drinks saw its full potential dipped into this bisque. Next was a fried Tempura Lobster Tail. I was happy the batter was thicker than a traditional tempura but lighter than a typical beer batter. The lobster’s inherent, delicate salinity was balanced by the
Photos by Ann O'Neill
Metacom Kitchen chef shines a light on adventurous dining on a night when restaurants are notorious for going dark
Scallops with Shaved Zucchini
crisp, well-seasoned batter. Tender spears of asparagus retained a light bite under the creamy, curry-like vadouvan sauce. For my entree, chef Allaire presented Scallops with Shaved Zucchini. The char on the scallops gave the whole dish a fireon-the-beach smokiness. The sharp acidic pop of the yuzu gel was balanced by a little togarashi (a Japanese table condiment) heat, and all sat atop a playful swirl of edamame gel. It is in these fusions of opposing flavors and techniques, that feel both new and familiar, where Allaire really shines. Two of my favorite flavors were showcased in the dessert: Silky coconut panna cotta sat next to a shapely quenelle of creamy passionfruit ice cream, both resting on a bed of crispy vanilla crumble for added texture. The balancing act of these two textures together continued the theme of opposites, as did my friend’s choice of Lemongrass and Miso Creme Brulee, in which a delightful shatter gave way to a creamy custard where sweet and salty played perfectly together. Now that we are increasingly free to “move about the cabin,” I encourage diners to ease back into the mystery of life with a visit to Metacom Kitchen. Let’s have someone masterful cook for us again.
Must-Try Items Mystery Meal Monday ($35): Rotating prix fixe surprise menu of three courses
Little Gem Romaine Caesar ($8): Freshly grated parmesan and housemade sourdough croutons
Flank Steak ($22): Broccolini, crispy mushroom spaetzle, and herb bordelaise
Metacom Kitchen 322 Metacom Avenue, Warren • 245-1193 MetacomKitchen.com
The Bay • July 2021 43
Food & Drink FOOD NEWS
By Abbie Lahmers
A Dish Best Served To-go Hope & Main helps restaurants get their iconic staples and sauces retail-ready Seeing a need in the restaurant industry to diversify offerings in our post-pandemic world of more time spent in home kitchens and backyard grills, the foodie creatives behind Warren incubator kitchen Hope & Main devised DishUp RI: a program that lets food businesses take their signature sauce or menu item and make it market-ready. “Hope & Main assembled a team of experts to provide the technical assistance required to take a product from ideation to the starting line,” explains President and Founder of Hope & Main Lisa Raiola. “This is a complex process. It involves everything from working with a research chef for recipe formulation and scaling to developing packaging and labelling for the product,” not to mention licensing, pricing, and merchandising. “Chomp Burger Sauce has been a huge hit,” says Raiola, listing some of the new restaurant-to-retail products the program has teamed up with local eateries to help produce, “and customers are showing up from throughout New England for Cooking Con Omi’s Sofrito.” Since a late-April launch of these goods and a dozen others from restaurants across the state, they’ve been flying off the shelves, with many having already sold out a few times over. With a successful first run underway, a second official launch day is planned for September 10 to spotlight these makers, and Raiola looks forward to seeing the program expand, as other restaurants have already inquired about participating. In the meantime, watch Dave’s Fresh Marketplace shelves and the WhatsGood online app for East Bay-based offerings like clam chowder from Black Pearl, Bywater baked goods, Chomp Burger Sauce, wing sauces from Flatwaves Food Shack, marinara from Quito’s Restaurant, and Sauced Kitchen & Provisions (an extension of Newport Playhouse). MakeFoodYourBusiness.org/DishUpRI
The Bay • July 2021
Rice & Beans with Cooking Con Omi Sofrito Photo courtesy of Cooking Con Omi
COOKING CON OMI Social media influencer and chef Omi Hopper went through the DishUp RI program to bring her sofrito, a traditional Puerto Rican sauce, into RI homes. Hopper shares her Rice & Beans recipe that can go with your protein of choice, like chicken, and you can follow her online for cooking videos. Facebook: Cooking Con Omi Puerto Rican Rice & Beans • 1 Tbsp olive oil •
1/2 cup Cooking Con Omi Sofrito
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 (1.41 oz) package sazón seasoning with achiote
1/2 Tbsp adobo seasoning
2 cups medium-grain white rice
1 1/2 cups water
1 (15 ounce) can gandules (pigeon peas) OR pink beans
2 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
Heat olive oil over medium heat in a medium-sized caldero or nonstick pan.
Stir in Cooking Con Omi Sofrito, garlic, sazon, and adobo.
Cook for 4-5 minutes, making sure not to burn garlic. Add pigeon peas or pink beans. Add water and bring to a boil. Add your rice and stir.
Once all liquid has been absorbed and rice looks like it has little holes throughout, reduce heat to low. Cover and leave for 20 more minutes. Add fresh cilantro on top and enjoy!
are collaborating to make a BIG difference in our small state! All proceeds benefit the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Illustration by Abigail Brown Chomp Turkey Club Photo courtesy of Chomp Kitchen
CHOMP KITCHEN If you’ve ever visited Chomp Kitchen in Warren or Providence then you’re familiar with their staple sauce, which you can now purchase by the jar. Slathering Chomp Sauce on a burger is always a good choice, but chef Tanner Larkin shares a fun alternative recipe for this flexible ingredient. Chomp Turkey Club • 3 pieces of thick-cut sourdough • 3-4 pieces of sliced turkey • 2 provolone cheese slices • 2-4 pieces of bacon • 1/2 avocado, sliced • Chomp Burger Sauce • 2 tomato slices • Greenleaf lettuce Follow this top-to-bottom build for the ultimate double-decker sammie: Slice of sourdough, Chomp Sauce, greenleaf lettuce, tomato, sliced avocado, bacon, Chomp Sauce, slice of sourdough, provolone, turkey, greenleaf lettuce, Chomp Sauce, slice of sourdough
Local news for Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts The Bay • July 2021 45
By Abbie Lahmers
Sabores Latinos The MLK Community Center offers Spanish-speaking cooking classes using traditional flavors
The Bay • July 2021
Chef Yolanda Macías shows participants how to make enchiladas
countries and cultures and forging connections. “[The students] are in the class because they love to meet other Latinx people,” she says, “and learning to cook at the same time is a great combination!” Chef Carmen Foy traces her first spark for cooking back to Spain, where she grew up, and her culinary studies and career have brought her all over the globe before founding her vegan takeover business. “With chef Carmen’s instruction,” Harten says, “students will learn to make delicious foods of the Latin American culture as plant-based, vegan recipes for those who
prefer to keep a vegan diet.” Foy’s instruction is also rooted in health education. Along with a variety of complementary services targeting food access and education, the MLK Center is a resource for Newport residents in need, and cooking classes are open to the public on a RSVP basis. In the short time Sabores Latinos has been running, Macías already notices the positive impact among her students: “I see how happy they are to learn new recipes with new and fresh flavors. Having the opportunity to share that with them is amazing.” MLKCCenter.org
Photo courtesy of MLK Community Center
Over the past few years, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center – whose mission involves nourishing, supporting, and educating Newport County residents – has seen an increase in the number of Spanish-speaking clients they serve. So when it came time to assemble their culinary programming, a class dedicated to Latin American flavors taught in the first language of many of their clients was a natural fit. “We wanted to create a program for residents who speak Spanish as their primary language, where they would feel welcome, safe, and comfortable,” says Nancy Harten, director of volunteers and community programs. “This class educates the attendees about Latin American food and also provides them with a healthy meal to take home.” Meaning “Latin Flavors,” Sabores Latinos weekly classes feature instruction on entrees like cilantro fish with flavored white rice, tostadas, enchiladas, and vegan stuffed peppers – meals that are accessible to any skill level in the kitchen but also hearty and flavorful. Two chefs teach on a rotating schedule of every other Monday: Yolanda (Yoli) Macías focuses on cultural recipes of Latin America, and Carmen Foy, of Middletown’s vegan kitchen Sprout and Lentil, translates traditional dishes in a plant-based context. “One of my favorite dishes is green enchiladas – they are so simple to cook and healthy,” says Macías, assuring that even her 13-year-old son can prepare it. Sour cream and green salsa give these enchiladas creaminess with a kick. A native of Mexico City, Macías moved to Newport in 2014 and has since been involved with the Aquidneck Growers Market as a bilingual food access liaison, and as the director of operations at Conexión Latina Newport, her work centers around advocating for the Hispanic community to connect people with services and resources – like home cooking. Along with learning recipes and tricks of the trade in the kitchen, Macías points to the value of meeting people from different
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The Bay • July 2021 47
Pic of the Bay
ABOUT KAYLA @k___elizabeth
Setting sail into summer on Newport waters
Awkward millennial sarcastically MacGyvering my way through marriage, motherhood & life with my camera in hand.
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