East Side Monthly January 2013

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January 2013

Ready to Roll A Tough Election Over, Speaker Fox Prepares His 2013 Agenda How the East Side Voted pg 21

Goodbye East Side, Hello Addis Ababa pg 22

Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy


Our 84th Year! Myra Braverman daniel Byrnes sue erkkinen carl Feldman rodger gaglione roxanne gordon thom Hammond

chris Healy Michaela Hermann lise Holst Bob Kumins Kathryn lawrence Helen Macdonald John Mccann

linda Mittleman suzanne Prescott luca sawada colleen sullivan Betsy Walsh Michael Young

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Contents January 2013

This Month 15 Speak Up Fox prepares for the new year

21 Squeaking By Your vote does count

22 Farewell and Good Luck The start of a new adventure

25 Do Unto Others A soup kitchen fills more than just the stomach


26 Voting Obstacles

33 Movies

42 Finance

37 On the Menu

45 Education

38 Dining Guide

47 Calendar

41 Art

54 East of Elmgrove

Photography: Grace Lentini

An East Sider’s dilemma

Herman deKoe visits one of his last Habitat homes

Three classics to ring in the new year

Every Month

Old school Italian done right

5 Letters/Editorial 6 Other Side 9 Community News

Your resource for eating out

A conversation on long-term care

High school students use their voices

All the info on January happenings

The faces behind Providence’s rejuvenation

Stories of a beloved Italian upbringing

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East Side Monthly January 2013

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Editorial 1070 Main Street, Suite 302 Pawtucket RI 02860 tel: 305-3391 | fax: 305-3392 esm@providenceonline.com www.eastsidemonthly.com

New Hopes for the New Year As the year draws to a close, it’s easy to be concerned about what lies ahead for our beloved and, dare we add, beleaguered Ocean State. But if we can somehow sidestep our state’s traditional communal pessimism for a second, there are some glimmers of hope. No big ones, but glimmers are better than nothing. The past year saw some unprecedented pension reform, and although being challenged in court, it looks like it will stick. But even more significant, there seems to be a growing awareness by union leadership that younger workers don’t necessarily see unsustainable COLA increases and the like as the best way to ensure there will be sustainable pensions in their future. Then there’s the new imaginative United Providence (UP) initiative, the first of its kind in the country. It’s a 501c3 nonprofit that represents a collaboration between public school ad-

ministrators and the teachers union, funded in part by non-profit RI Foundation dollars. The organization has just brought in Dr. Sheri Miller-Williams, a nationally known educational professional, to run the program. The initiative is being tested in three of Providence toughest schools and, if it works, could become a national model for school turnaround particularly in urban districts with strong unions. There was the spectacularly successful, RI Foundation-sponsored, “Make it RI” Forum that attracted over 300 leaders from a variety of sectors and produced a level of energy rarely seen in these parts. Whether this energy can be translated into specific action or even maintained at its recent high level clearly will be an important element of whether our state gains real traction in 2013. We need look no further than Wash-

Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell

ington to look at what happens when two parties polarize themselves: government locks up and the middle disappears. No problem here since we effectively only have one party to consider, we’re small, and the goodies to be divvied up are pretty modest. As we look forward to the new year, at least some of the positive pieces are in place. The year looks to be less contentious since Speaker Gordon Fox has promised to put marriage equality on the table first so the legislature can then move on to more important education and economic issues. So on that note let us hope, it is our state motto after all, that all our state legislators behave like thoughtful grownups this session. Hey, if we could resolve the Christmas/Holiday Tree issue this year (now it’s just called The Tree), we can obviously accomplish anything we set our minds to.

Publishing Director Jeanette St. Pierre Managing Editor Barry Fain City Editor Steve Triedman Executive Editor Julie Tremaine Special Projects Manager John Taraborelli Art Director Karli Hendrickson Associate Editor Grace Lentini Assistant Art Director Meghan H. Follett Advertising Design Director Layheang Meas Graphic Designers Veatsna Sok, Caleigh McGrath Account Managers Louann DiMuccio-Darwich, Ann Gallagher, Nicole Greenspun, Dan Schwartz, Elizabeth Riel, Chelsea Sherman, Sharon Sylvester, Kimberly Tingle, Jessica Webb

Letters Stop the Stumps! To the Editor: Enough Already. Enough with the chairbacks-on-stumps thing. They’re everywhere and multiplying. First, they crept up Blackstone Boulevard. Then they invaded the sidewalks. Will no stump remain unmolested in this town? I’ll admit that I thought the idea was creative and cute the first time I saw it. But the fiftiethodd time is no longer creative – or cute. It’s like that tiresome uncle who keeps repeating the same joke. Will it ever stop? Are the perpetrators of the stump thing familiar with the concept of unstructured play and natural spaces? Stumps are OK in their natural state. Really. You’d be amazed at what kids can do with an unadorned stump. They play king of the mountain. They count the rings. They play jumping games. It becomes a table, a space ship, a throne, a podium… You get the idea. All this is a bit harder when someone else has imposed their idea of what the stump must be. You know, a stump chair with (drum roll) a chair back! Even aside from the limitation on the imagination, that chair back becomes in-

convenient, even unsafe, when kids want to play. It’s harder to play king of the mountain when maneuvering around a rotting chair back which may break and/ or skewer you if you push too hard. Perhaps you don’t like children. If that’s the case, then consider us adults. For many of us, the natural landscape provides a respite from urban life. I, for one, would like some things to remain ungarnished. Must every rooty tree crevice sport a little Winnie the Pooh door? Must every gnarled tree have a wooden face pegged to it? The larger point is that the stump people have seen fit to impose their vision on us without the benefit of the democratic process. If these people want to form a coalition and pass a law allowing anyone at their sole discretion to apply chair backs to public property, then good luck to them. Meanwhile, my respectful request to the chair-backs-on-stumps people is this. Could you please take at least some of them down? Or, failing that, just stop? Zoe Argento East Side

United We Stand To the Editor: I would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who voted yes on 7 and to the volunteers who committed their time over the last few months to help pass Question 7. Thanks to you, we did it! By approving this $25 million bond, Rhode Islanders have reaffirmed the importance of affordable housing. While securing a permanent funding source for affordable housing remains our primary goal and the focus of our work going forward, we want to pause in appreciation of this victory. Here at the United Way of Rhode Island, we believe all Rhode Islanders should have access to safe, affordable housing. We couldn’t do this work without your support and without the determination of those who are tirelessly committed to the issue of affordable housing. Tony Maione President, United Way of Rhode Island

Classified Advertising Sue Howarth Contributing Writers Bob Cipriano, Mary K. Connor, Jill Davidson, Renee Doucette, Mike Fink, Don Fowler, David Goldstein, Betsey Purinton, Elizabeth Rau, Dan Schwartz, Erin Swanson Interns Nick Cantor, Tiouba Parris, Alex Palumbo, Samantha Pezza, Samantha Sandonato Contributing Photographers Jonathan Beller, Stacey Doyle, Katie Poor Contributing Illustrators Ashley MacLure, Maret Paetznick, Jessica Pollak Calendar announcements and news releases should be submitted by the 1st of the preceding month. We reserve the right to omit and edit items. Letters to the editor are welcome. We will not print unsigned letters without exceptional circumstances. East Side Monthly is not responsible for typographical errors. Corrections will be run at discretion of editor. Copyright ©2013 by East Side Monthly. All rights reserved. Printed by TCI. January 2013 East Side Monthly


Other Side by Barry Fain

Come Meet Our Top Ten Join us at the Hope Club to celebrate ground among the participants. We trust Thayer Street is wide enough to encompass all sorts of appetites.

A Million Reasons to Check Out PPAC This Month

Dance Fever: The public space near the walk between Angell and Waterman Streets is the new home of a 3,200 lb. piece of sculpture, Circle Dance by the American artist Tom Friedman. The art was donated anonymously to the university.

Ten Up and Comers to Watch

Every year our sister publication Providence Monthly selects its list of the top ten people you may not know now, but are on the way to change the face of Providence in the not too distant future. And every year, we host a party to celebrate these impressive individuals while raising a little money for a local charity. The event this year will be held at the Hope Club on the corner of Benefit and Benevolent Streets on January 14 from 5:30-8:30pm. Catered by Cozy Caterers and with business attire requested, the event is $25 at the door ($20 in advance at ww.providenceonline.com) with a cash bar. All proceeds go to support the Rhode Island Urban Debate League. We’re especially impressed with this year’s group (as you will be). Check them out at providenceonline.com. Hope to see you there.

Warming Up for the Winter

As winter officially begins, we’d like to share with you the terrific results of our fifth annual Coats for Coffee Coat Drive last month. Each November, Seven Stars Bakery and Cour-


East Side Monthly January 2013

tesy Cleaners offer to be drop off points for gently used coats. Seven Stars offers a free coffee for each coat, Courtesy Cleaners graciously offers to clean them, we try to help with marketing and logistics. This year, we broke every record and collected an incredible 560 coats which we donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Providence. A special shout out also goes to United Natural Foods International, a major supplier to Whole Foods, who donated over 100 coats on their own. So here’s a heartfelt thank you to our readers who contributed and of course to Lynn Williams of Seven Stars and Ed Ricci and Raffael Gianfrancesco of Courtesy Cleaners for adding some much needed warmth to the holidays.

Update on the Iway

At the recent College Hill Neighborhood annual meeting, Colin Kane, the head of the seven-person commission in charge of the development of the new Iway parcels, provided an update of where they are in the process. Despite a lack of funding, the commission has been quietly doing pre-development work and helping prepare the areas for development. Though he

describes himself as “now needing to go tin cup in hand for some funding,” he remains both excited and confident that the project will be a winner for both our local “Ed’s and Med’s” as well as for outside companies looking for a dramatic, well placed home in Providence. The first parcel, going to Johnson & Wales for a new program, is slated to break ground shortly. Given Colin’s infectious enthusiasm and confidence, how can we miss.

Food Truck Wars on Thayer Street

An ongoing source of friction on Thayer Street is hopefully heading towards some sort of resolution. The current foodie craze remains food trucks. Good food. Quickly prepared. Not expensive. And there is probably no better market than the wandering students who congregate around Thayer Street. The problem is the existing merchants there complain that the trucks have the advantage of not having to pay taxes or rent. A few of the trucks also have pushed into prohibited areas, in one case illegally right in front of a popular restaurant. Meetings have been scheduled between food truck owners, existing merchants and the city to try to find common

Our local theatres become a little more robust over the next few months as many of us swap outdoor activities for indoor. One of our favorite shows, the Broadway hit Million Dollar Quartet, will be coming to PPAC from January 15-20. Based on a true story, it recreates a recording jam session that took place in 1956 at the funky Sun Records Studio in Memphis, one of the birthing places of this new genre called rock and roll. The four young participants who got together for a “one-night and never again” jam session? None other than Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins and an irrepressible Jerry Lee Lewis. Though each brought plenty of character and charisma to their singing, none had really made it to real superstardom yet. So put on your shoes, blue suede or otherwise, and call 421-ARTS for tickets and get ready to tap them toes!

A Belated Hanukkah Gift for All of Us

After finishing his surprisingly close race run as an Independent against Gordon Fox for state rep, award-winning author Mark Binder is giving back something to the community. Readers around the state will be able to sign up through December for a free serialization of “Out of the Woods” an eight-part Hanukkah story about an entire village’s narrow escape from destruction. Readers can sign up for this free serial at www.lightpublications.com/serial Best of all, Binder promises the story “has nothing to do with Rhode Island politics or the fiscal cliff. It’s about Chelm, a village in the middle of nowhere, on the eve of Hanukkah.” It’s one of twelve tales from his book A Hanukkah Present, which was the finalist for the National Jewish Book award for family literature. Nice gesture from a candidate who certainly gave it his all.


Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis

Photo by Clay Patrick McBride

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Community News

Community News is a space that East Side Monthly makes available to community organizations free of charge. The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the editors of this publication.

Phone Number: 454-8712 Website: www.friendsofbrownstreetpark.org Email: wendy@friendsofbrownstreetpark.org Mailing Address: 30 Pratt Street, Providence, RI 02906

Wayland Square

Events this month Join us for our Second Annual Winter Solstice event in Brown Street Park. Thursday, December 20 from 6-7:30pm. We will be singing, drinking nog and cider, playing in the moonlight and warming up around a (modified for city park with lots of trees) bonfire. Visit www. friendsofbrownstreetpark.org for more details. We are grateful to our sponsors and supporters, Will and Rebecca, Munroe Dairy, Providence Parks and Recreation and Providence Fire Department, No. Main Street Station. Brown Street Park is proud to be a part of the new Partnership for Providence Parks. The partnership is a new non-profit initiative of the Providence Parks and Recreation Department and many community partners to support the many volunteer groups that grow our parks. There are three new groups on the East Side: Friends of Paterson Park, Friends of Gladys Potter (Humbolt St.) Park and Friends of the Wild Place. To learn more about the Partnership and what these other groups are up to, check out www.providenceparks.org and www.facebook.com/ PartnershipForProvidenceParks. If you are interested in starting or joining a park group, please email wendy@ providenceparks.org. Please contact wendy@friendsofbrownstreetpark.org to find out how you can donate or get involved in Brown Street Park or visit www.friendsofbrownstreetpark.org. Check the website for cancellations and updates for classes and events.

by David Kolsky Neighborhood Discussion Group at Books on the Square Website: groups.yahoo.com/group/ waylandsquare Monthly meetings Wednesday, January 23, at 7pm, Books on the Square, 471 Angell Street at Elmgrove, next to CVS. Free and open to all. No particular topics of discussion have yet been selected, but any situation, question or non-partisan proposal related to Wayland Square, the East Side or the whole city is a fair subject for consideration. By the time we meet, for example, there may be clearer details about the Martin Luther King School, the 257 Thayer Street block or Brown University’s plans or road improvements. We usually meet at the same time and place on the fourth Wednesday of every month from January to October, with November and December dates dependent on the holidays (in 2012, we met in November but not December). Future Meetings Check our Yahoo! Group’s public message board (above) to stay abreast of current local events and issues. Or join the group to receive regular announcements by e-mail, including select notices of neighborhood meetings, improvement projects, city business, college activities and artistic displays.

Brown Street Park by Wendy Nilsson

Friends of Brown Street Park

Fox Point by John Rousseau Fox Point Neighborhood Association Phone Number: 270-7121 Website: www.fpna.net Email: fpna@cox.net Mailing Address: P.O. Box 603177, Providence, RI 02906

Events this Month: Fox Point Neighborhood Association, FPNA, will hold its Monthly Board Meeting January 14 in the Community Room at the Vartan Gregorian Bath House Library, 455 Wickenden Street. Brown Students Spark Ordinance Change At the end of October, several Fox Point residents reported that the neighborhood was inundated with inebriated Brown University students, prompting plans for a meeting with landlords and a “strengthened” ordinance regarding vacant and nuisance properties in the city. According to Anne Hersh, with the Williams Street Association, the students “marched up and down the street, screaming, swearing, singing and yelling as if our street was one big fraternity. The University should take a more proactive approach to educate students about respecting the community and the laws of the community,” she added in an e-mail complaint to university officials. The following quotes are from a resulting Internet “string,” of communication from other parties involved. One resident, who identified him as affiliated with Brown, said the degree of disturbance seemed worse than ever. “Whatever steps Brown has taken are a failure and need to be re-evaluated by not only the University, but by the neighborhood and the police,” he added. “The Providence police were responsive, professional and sympathetic to the plight of our neighborhood and Brown Police also made two visits to the problem address,” he reported. “The students have been put on notice and Dean (Richard) Bova will be handling the matter,” according to Jennifer Braga, Liaison, Government Relations & Community Affairs at Brown. The University plans to invite landlords to a meeting so that they will have to be part of the process, she added. “We will encourage landlords to include language in leases that identifies the consequences of infractions for noise, trash, neighborhood disruptions and other code violations.” According to Councilman Seth Yurdin, the strengthened ordinance takes aim at loud and unruly gatherings. With the new changes, police can issue a $500 fine if they have to intervene in

a public nuisance at a property more than once in a six-month period. “But I agree with Anne that the schools need to take charge when it comes to expectations and education of their off-campus students,” Yurdin emphasized. “By the time there are significant disruptions in the neighborhood, ensuing PPD citations, disciplinary action… the neighborhood has endured disruptive evenings in the process.” The ordinances have been sent to Mayor Angel Taveras for his signature. FPNA Receives Grant for Gano Marker The FPNA has received a $1,982 grant from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities to install an historical marker on the Seekonk shoreline in Gano Park. “The Council’s grant gives us enough money to finish fabrication and installation of the marker without having to contribute any additional FPNA funds,” John Rousseau, executive secretary said. In February, FPNA will learn if it receives a Recreational Trail Program grant from the Department of Environmental Protection for $3,000 to pay for a stone-floor base for the sign and some landscaping along the shoreline that will become the future extension of the Blackstone Bike Path. So far, FPNA has contributed $1,000 for research and copy development by a local historian and has made an in-kind contribution of $1,200 for the design by board member Paul Carter, who is a graphic designer. His design can be reviewed at the association’s website, www.fpna.net. In 2011, FPNA received an initial $2,500 from the Providence/Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau’s Community Relations Fund to construct the historical marker. The history begins with Roger Williams crossing the river in June of 1636 to establish an English colony that grew to become the City of Providence. The signage also will direct visitors across Gano Street to the visible monument at Roger Williams Landing Park, which is considered Williams’ actual debarkation point. The Parks Department plans to coordinate the re-installation of the plaques on the 1906 monument along with construction of the marker. The target date for the construction of the marker and re-installation of the plaques on the Roger Williams Landing Park monument has been set for the spring of 2013. January 2013 East Side Monthly


Community News

Summit By Kerry Kohring Summit Neighborhood Association Phone Number: 489-7078 Website: www.SummitNeighbors.org Email: sna@sna.providence.ri.us Mailing Address: SNA, PO Box 41092, Providence, RI 02940 Sandy fails to ruin pumpkin bake-off In what seems to be a tradition at the Summit Neighborhood Association’s Fall Bake-Off, pouring rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants. Despite the onslaught of Hurricane Sandy, about 60 people gathered at Seven Stars Bakery on Hope Street the night before Halloween to sample 17 dishes, whose primary ingredient this year was pumpkin. Last year’s applethemed event was punctuated by rain that turned to snow. Adding to this year’s festivities were wine and beer tastings put on by Swan Liquors plus olive oil and vinegar sampling from Olive del Mondo, both Hope Street stores. Children in Halloween costumes enhanced the fun. A panel of three local culinary celebrities – Nemo Bolin from Cooke and Browne, Denise Kammerer of The Sandwich Hut and Lynn Williams of Seven Stars – judged the entries brought in by Summit neighbors. Everyone present got to sample the offerings and vote on a people’s choice. The balloting included picking a favorite costume. The judged winners were: First Prize, a gift certificate to Seven Stars, for Pumpkin Smoothies by Anisa Raoof and sons Ethan and Dylan Itkin; Second Prize, a gift certificate to Olive del Mondo, for Pumpkin Hummus by Leslie Tang; and Third Prize, a gift certificate to Frog and Toad, for Pumpkin Butter by Kim Ahern and Jenna Lafayette. The people’s choice award, a gift certificate to Swan Liquors, was for Pumpkin Cheesecake Squares by Sandy Kohring. The best costume was voted to be the Two Musketeers, worn by Ethan and Dylan Itkin. Fund-raising to begin for ‘Tot Lot’ renovations The SNA board of directors has decided to proceed with raising funds for the community’s share of planned


East Side Monthly January 2013

improvements to the Summit Avenue “Tot Lot” park. At its regular meeting on Nov. 19, the board reviewed the results of two public meetings regarding renovations to the existing equipment and landscaping plus the introduction of community gardens. During the second meeting, held at Summit Commons on October 27, city Parks Department Director Bob McMahon presented a total cost estimate of $60,000, of which the community would be asked to raise about 25 percent, or $15,000. The plan, by landscape architect Megan Gardner, can be viewed at: www.sna.providence.ri.us/ sna4/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/ rendering_sm1.jpg. McMahon also provided more details on how the community gardens would function and how the renovations would be done. According to the city plan, after contractors completed the major changes, members of the neighborhood supervised by the Parks Department would install the new facilities. This would include setting up the new play structures, building the fence for the community garden and the garden beds plus other “sweat equity” enhancements. McMahon cited several examples in which this process was followed in other city parks with great success. Although most attendees at both meetings were in favor of the proposed renovations, a small but vocal minority was opposed to the community gardens, asking for more research into using Lippitt Park as a site. McMahon agreed to consider additional polling of the neighborhood, but expressed his desire to keep the process moving. As a result, the SNA board began exploring ways to raise the needed funds, including working with Miriam Hospital’s community investment grant program targeting environmental improvement projects. Snow-shoveling program makes progress The SNA is having some initial success with developing a program to assist neighbors with digging out after snowstorms. As of the November board meeting, there were seven volunteers to shovel and three community members asking for help. According to program coordinators Britt Page and Tom Schmeling,

the service could expand but is dependent on the number of people willing to help. If you are one of those compassionate people, please contact SNA at sna@sna.providence.ri.us. North Main Street reconstruction picks up speed Representatives of the mayor’s office met in November with stakeholders and the consultant hired by SNA to discuss plans for the design of North Main Street after the water and sewer work is completed. The Rhode Island Public Transit Authority wants to include a rapid-rail corridor in the plan and the North Main Street Merchants Association is concerned about how that would affect crosswalks and other features designed to make the area pedestrian friendly. Meetings on the future of the street are held at 5pm the first Wednesday of every month at Home and Hospice, 1085 North Main St. Other projects and activities in the works • The winter newsletter is tentatively scheduled for publication in January. Look for it on your doorstep. • A spring Easter Egg Hunt is in the planning stage. More details coming as they are worked out. • A free community document-shredding opportunity is being developed. See our web site, SummitNeighbors. org, for information on all of the above. Residents invited to directors meetings The board convenes at 7pm the third Monday of every month in the cafeteria of Summit Commons, 99 Hillside Ave. The meetings are open and neighborhood residents are encouraged to attend.

College Hill by Allison Spooner College Hill Neighborhood Association Phone Number: 633-5230 Website: www.collegehillna.com Email: chna@collegehillna.com Mailing Address: CHNA, P.O. Box 2442, Providence, RI 02906 Providence Activities As we move into 2013 and further into the winter season, remember to take in

all that our city has to offer! Take a tour of the Governor Henry Lippitt House museum, head down to the Bank of America Skating Center to glide on the ice, and be sure to catch the films at the Providence Children’s Film Festival in February from the 14 - 19. Please see the CHNA Events page on our website for more offerings in our neighborhood! Christmas Tree Disposal The City will begin free curbside pickup of Christmas trees beginning Saturday, January 7 until Friday, January 18. The trees will be collected by Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation and turned into compost, a natural fertilizer that enriches soil and helps produce healthy plants and trees. Please take the following steps to ensure that your tree will be picked up: • Place trees at the curb on regular trash collection days. • All ornaments, tinsel, lights and tree stands must be removed from trees. • Do not place trees in any type of bag. For more information, contact the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services at 421-2489. Inspiring Minds – Volunteer Opportunities Inspiring Minds of Providence is a dynamic, effective and well-respected educational support organization that has been working for more than 49 years to help students succeed in school. Wellestablished community, business and institutional partnerships enable the group to provide tutors, mentors and experiential learning opportunities to underserved students in Providence Public Schools. They are adept at successfully installing high quality programs into the City’s public schools. Inspiring Minds is looking for people to volunteer in Providence Public Schools to help children during the school day in class. For more information and to register to volunteer, visit www.inspiringminds.org. Holiday Safety Please continue to be proactive regarding home safety by notifying your neighbors, arming house alarms, placing lights on timers and being sure windows and doors are locked at all times. Keep valuables from direct sight of the windows and report suspicious activity to the Providence Police at 272-3121.


ProvConnex Did you know that the City of Providence offers 24-hour online assistance on issues such as potholes, licensing, trash, health services, parks and utilities through ProvConnex? Visit the link at www.providenceri/provconnex for forms - once submitted each form is issued a tracking number for confirmation that work is complete. Additional Resources to Note Overnight Parking: For additional information, please visit www.providenceri. com/overnight-parking. Councilman Sam Zurier Weekly Updates: Sign up to receive informative weekly letters from Ward 2 Councilman Sam Zurier. Visit his website, www.samzurier.com, to subscribe. More on the CHNA Website! Visit www.collegehillna.com for additional updates on special use permits, crime activity, local resources, events and neighborhood activities. Membership To join (or renew), visit our website, www.collegehillna.com and click “Join CHNA.” Rates for dues are listed. Checks may be made out to CHNA Attn: Treasurer, Box 2442, Providence, RI 02906. Be sure to include your email address. Confirm your payment status at chna@collegehillna.com.

Blackstone Parks By Jane Peterson Blackstone Parks Phone Number: 270-3014 Website: www.blackstoneparksconservancy.org Mailing Address: P.O. Box 603141, Providence, RI 02906 Winter, when the ground is frozen hard, seems like a good time for the Blackstone Parks Conservancy to huddle round the fire and ask ourselves once again if we’re serving our mission to protect these parks as best we can. Are we moving toward our vision of healthy urban green space for all? It’s dreaming and planning time. No more weeding or mulching or watering

the gardens and trees on the Boulevard or the habitat plantings on Angell Street and River Road in January and February. No more tree planting or organizing concerts. As co-stewards with the Providence Parks Department of both Blackstone parks, we can now concentrate on finding ways to make them more accessible not only to thousands of regular visitors young and old, but also to future ones. This is the main focus of our new education committee intent on reaching out to children. At last there is time to review the draft forest management plan recently drawn up for the Blackstone Park Conservation District by a forester sponsored by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). For years we have worked with very limited resources and only a vague idea of an overarching, long-term goal. The NRCS with the city forester and the superintendent of parks will help refine an overall objective and more effective ways to reach it. Now is also the time to think again how best to repair the heavily pitted path running down the middle of the Boulevard and to figure out ways to protect the Trolley Shelter and the woods from vandalism, a growing problem. More than one might think, these are conundrums, because people have different, often firmly held, ideas, about what solution is best. And not everyone agrees on the nature of the problem. What’s more, conclusive information isn’t always available. So sifting through diagnoses and solutions until we find the best, most viable ones requires balancing sometimes clashing—even self-contradictory—opinions. Take a question that we are wrestling with now: whether and how to introduce native plants into the woodland to help slow stormwater runoff that is fast eroding the topsoil and sandy subsoil in the Blackstone Park Conservation District. First, What exactly is the problem? We know more plant roots gripping the soil would help. But why isn’t there more undergrowth in the first place? The mountain laurel that lights up the woods in spring is diseased. Why? Would we just be putting “good money after bad” if we planted more?

People remember abundant wildflowers and low-bush blueberries growing in the woodland in decades past (“a primeval realm” with a few narrow trails, is the recollection of Anonymous in last month’s ESM column). And they have different explanations for the relative dearth of undergrowth now. “It’s the dogs!” some proclaim with certitude. “No, it’s human traffic,” say others. Anonymous recalls that the park was “bright and airy,” with fewer trees when he was a boy in the 1950s. It may be because the woodland is aging, and a denser canopy means less sunshine for flowers below. And what about climate change? The climate is changing faster than expected. Could that be having an impact on the woods? Without measuring, we can’t say. Meanwhile, one scientist endorses the idea of planting while another says, “Leave it alone,” adding that the woodland will heal itself. Anything people do, he fears, will do more harm than good. Indeed, “Do no harm” is clearly a good place to start as we approach the question of introducing plants into the woodland. Certainly, no one wants to bring new pests or harmful fungi into a place already beset with numerous invasive plants and what appear to be woolly aphids on dozens of beech trees. At the same time, ever more violent storms are tearing at the parks. Thirsty roots of new plants would enable more stormwater to penetrate soil near where it falls instead of rushing down to the Seekonk River. We search for benign ways to intervene. We turn to the best experts we can find, and Rhode Island is blessed with many. The Rhode Island Natural History Survey (RINHS) and the University of Rhode Island (URI) are especially helpful for the question at hand. Ultimately, says Rick Richards, chair of the Conservancy’s education committee, the best protector of these parks will be knowledgeable young people who care about them. Thus the committee is exploring ways to use the woodland as “nature’s classroom,” believing that learning about the woods will lead to caring about the woods. Please check our website for further information. And send your Eastside Market receipts to the P.O. Box above. They add up!

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January 2013 East Side Monthly



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Fox’s House The East Side Speaker prepares for the new session by Steven Triedman photography by Stacey Doyle

Gordon Fox is running

late as he races to the interview from the State House on his way to a PPAC Board meeting. He apologizes, explaining that he likes to be on time but there are so many pressing issues he can’t help it. Placing his iPhone on the table, it immediately buzzes as Treasurer Gina Raimondo texts in to discuss a situation. His phone buzzes across the table during the interview as several other prominent players are looking for the Speaker. Just another day in the life of the Speaker. Gordon Fox became Speaker of the House in February of 2010 and has not stopped dealing with controversial issues since day one while still trying to create his legacy by enacting social and economic legislation that will affect the state for generations The Speaker is often perceived as the most powerful person in government but the job requires a level of patience and diplomacy that requires managing incredibly complex relationships with the Governor and the Senate President while trying to appease and mollify the 75 members of the House. And, oh, by the way, it’s a “part-time” position. Fox is no stranger to struggles and challenges. As one of six kids, he grew up in a mixed race family (His mother was Cape Verdean; his father was Irish) in Mt. Hope within view of the State House. He had to drop out of Providence College when his father died and then worked his way through RIC

and Northeastern School of Law while holding a job, among other places, at Carvel Ice Cream at University Heights. He has a general law practice, but seems to be spending the majority of his time working at his “part-time” job as Speaker of the House. After over two decades in the House, Fox is quite clear about what he can, and cannot, accomplish and the delicate timing that is involved. But one thing that is eminently clear is that Fox is in his element. Not to mention the fact that he also loves what he’s doing. As he sits at his desk working on his legislative agenda for the new session which begins this month, marriage equality is at the top of his list. It’s an issue that Fox truly believes in (Fox came out in 2004 and has been in a long-term relationship) and one that became a thorn in his side after Senate President Theresa Paiva-Weed made it clear that it was dead on arrival during the last session. Rather than continue an unwinnable battle, Fox compromised and chose other areas important to him– pension reform for example– to pursue legislatively. “I took a lot of heat from all sides on this issue but all of the cards in terms of the marriage equality issue were face up, and there was no way it could pass. Even using a lot of my political capital wasn’t going to get it passed. But this year it will pass and I will try to make that happen in January so it won’t be a distraction. We need the primary focus

of this session to be the economy.” Many political leaders thought that their legacy would be 38 Studios. It could have been Fox’s legacy, too. Now it’s his nightmare. “It was a game-changer that didn’t have the proper government oversight and failed,” Fox explains. But the bigger question for many is whether the state should have even been in this situation at all. Fox acknowledges some responsibility for the lack of oversight but explains that “the program that was created that funded 38 Studios was passed twice by the legislature and everyone had the expectation that the EDC would do the proper due diligence on any deal. It was assumed that they had clear oversight responsibilities and would be carefully monitoring the situation.” While many people claim that the legislation that created the funding was an “earmark” for one company, Fox disagrees. He maintains that the EDC had requested the additional money because they needed it to stimulate the kinds of jobs that RI desperately needs. And, at 38 Studios, a lot of good, high-paying jobs were in fact created. Until, of course, the company crashed and burned. “People think that the Speaker is omniscient, but unfortunately I’m not,” he adds. “The legislature does not approve who gets funded or receives tax credits; the responsible state agencies do.” Confidants describe Fox as being

incredibly frustrated by the 38 Studios situation. He can hold hearings, as everyone would like, but Fox suggests they probably would be a complete waste of time. Because of the current involvement of a state grand jury, he maintains that everyone who was involved is already “lawyered up.” So what should become of the EDC? “We have to revamp it so that it focuses on economic development that provides job opportunities across the board. I like many of the ideas in the RIPEC Report, especially the suggestions regarding commerce and establishing a Council of Economic Advisors. I also like some of the ideas from the recent RI Foundation sponsored Make it Happen RI Summit, but we need a real action plan that works with businesses to create jobs right now,” Fox explains. Fox went on to mention that “we need to ramp up the Oversight Committee in a major way so it can look at many of the key issues facing our state… which include, in addition to the EDC, things like tax policies, voting problems, etc. Specifically this means we need to look at the state’s tax policies to see how competitive we are with neighboring states and an examination of our ‘tax break programs’ to make sure that they are effective. We have to make RI more attractive for businesses to locate here and provide more assistance for RI companies already here.” Fox has been a big proponent of January 2013 East Side Monthly


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the knowledge community and sees vast potential in the newly created I-95 property. Brown, Johnson & Wales and the hospitals are key components of this sector. But, he insists, “we must attract private investment to really achieve success.” Fox survived a spirited challenge in the general election for the House District 4 seat from Mark Binder, a solid candidate whose campaign was piloted by Fox nemesis Jeffrey Britt who had a bigger vision, setting his sights on taking away the Speakership from Fox. The Providence Journal’s Political Scene described how “Jeffery” Britt was spotted breaking bread at the Old Canteen with Republican rep Joe Trillo, and conservative Democratic reps John DeSimone, Peter Palumbo and John Carnevale ,who believed that they would be able to take over the Speakership if Fox was out. Fox’s home area of Mt. Hope delivered the decisive election margin he needed after the three other East Side polling places produced almost even voting numbers between the Speaker and his challenger. In the final days, many of the state’s big guns came out to endorse Fox’s reelection bid. The Providence Journal endorsed Fox, praising his leadership role in enacting “the 2011 legislation to reform Rhode Island’s out-of-control pensions.” Major Democratic leaders like Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Mayor Angel Taveras and Councilmen Kevin Jackson and Sam Zurier, as well as a who’s who of East Side progressives jumped in to help walk the district with Fox. Just days after the election, Fox was easily reelected Speaker in caucus with close to unanimous support. As he looks forward to the new session, Fox is very concerned about the state’s fiscal health. “While a surplus is


East Side Monthly January 2013

projected, we’re already starting to hear about overspending in various administrative departments and we’re looking at a $100 million deficit for next year.” Unfortunately Fox foresees several other problems on the horizon that could derail progress. Providence, despite Mayor Angel Taveras’ transparency and heroic efforts, is still a mess. The capital city– despite Fox’s delivery of the school funding formula, increased local aid and the pension overhaul– remains under stress and likely in need of

more state aid. Failing and underfunded schools, high property taxes, a budget that has a deficit in excess of $60 million, increased crime (especially property crime), fewer police, an infrastructure that is in tremendous disrepair and neglected jewels like Roger Williams Park are all on Fox’s mind. “We can’t solve everything at once, but being in a constant triage mode doesn’t create progress,” Fox adds. And there are other problems on the horizon, like cities and towns that are avoiding bankruptcy by a whisker

and could fall in a heartbeat. If there is anything that is near and dear to the Speaker, it’s education. Though even here Fox has taken a hit for the “eleventh hour” merger of the Board of Regents for Elementary and Secondary Education with the Board of Governors of Higher Education to create one State Board of Education. Some observers believe that this was the General Assembly leadership’s way of paying back the Board of Governors for bypassing the legislature and

“Working on his legislative agenda for the new session which begins this month, marriage equality is at the top of his list.”

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allowing qualified children of undocumented immigrants to receive in-state tuition. Fox vehemently denies that this was the case but it remains a bone of contention in education circles. Also on this year’s agenda is a revisiting of the Historic Tax credits, a program that Fox originally sponsored. “This was an extremely successful economic development tool that unfortunately was suspended to meet severe budget constraints. I want to see the program reinstated on a limited basis and then test it using data from the program to make sure that we are getting a good return on our investment.” Fox’s leadership team will change, some by their choice, some by voter’s choice and one by the US Attorney’s choice. House Majority Whip Patrick O’Neill had no opponent in the general election but timed his resignation for the middle of the general election campaign citing “philosophical’” differences with Fox over the internal workings of the House and his dismay over the lack of information available to lawmakers before they were asked to vote on the legislation that led to the $75 million state-backed loan to 38 Studios. Senior Deputy Majority Leader Peter Petrarca was defeated in the Democratic primary and Deputy House Speaker John J. McCauley, Jr. pleaded guilty to two felony charges for failing to pay $500,000 in federal taxes. Fox’s new team has veteran Nicholas A. Mattiello of Cranston as Majority Leader, Stephen R. Ucci a conservative of Johnston as Majority Whip and Christopher R. Blazejewski, a liberal (or progressive as he would prefer to be called) from Fox Point as Deputy Whip. Ucci and Blazejewski are new members of the leadership team and are both considered bright young

shining stars in the House. One of the biggest problems that Fox faces is that the overwhelming Democratic majority (69-6) actually increased and there are only so many Committee Chairs (11 committees) and too many people competing for key committee assignments. One veteran lobbyist wryly suggested that “if you want a key committee assignment, you should definitely become a Republican.” Fox has a good working relationship with both Governor Chafee and the other state officers as well as Senate President Teresa Paiva-Weed, but each watches the other very, very carefully. Fox can actually be very diplomatic and steers clear of all questions regarding conflict. “Everyone knows each others positions on key issues and we all know where “lines in the sand are drawn,” but we can all also work together on key issues regarding the state and the residents.” Reflecting on the recent election, Fox observes that “it’s always good to spend a lot of time with constituents. I got a lot of comments from people on Nathan Bishop and what we’ve built there and pension reform, and I also got some surprises. The key issues for people in the District were voter ID, marriage equality, economic development, especially the EDC and 38 Studios and education in that order.” Fox offers some perspective as we conclude. “State revenues and expenses, social services and the state’s tax system are often intractable conflicts. You can’t just look at these issues and say, ‘we’ve solved them.’ because many of these issues can never be completely solved. All we can do is keep working at them and with them to create solutions that work in today’s economic climate.”

By Peter Shaffer

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East Side Monthly January 2013

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How the East Side V o t e d An insider offers a look at how the speaker won in a squeaker

By Barry Fain

True to its liberal

traditions, East Side residents voted overwhelmingly in support of progressive candidates. Nothing unexpected there. State Representatives Chris Blazejewski and Edie Ajello were easily re-elected to the House and newcomer Gayle Goldin will be officially taking over for the departing Rhoda Perry in the Senate. But this is not to say there wasn’t plenty of intrigue and surprises to keep us political junkies entertained, especially in the David Cicilline and Gordon Fox races. As expected, President Obama easily carried the East Side capturing over 84% of the vote, considerably higher than the statewide percentage of 63%. As it turned out, the President’s margin of victory in Rhode Island was the third best in the country, exceeded only by the President’s home state of Hawaii (71%) and the People’s Republic of Vermont (67%). Interestingly, East Side voters actually gave Sheldon Whitehouse a few hundred votes more than the president, as he too captured 84% of the ballots cast. The huge outpouring of support for the top of the ticket candidates stands in modest contrast to Congressman Cicilline who, while he won the East Side convincingly, did run behind the other Democratic candidates, winning by a 76% margin. On a district-wide basis, despite pre-election polls showing a tight race, the former mayor cruised to an unexpectedly easy 53% to 41% victory over former State Police Colonel Brendan Doherty. The margin of victory came primarily from the support he received in Providence. In addition to winning the East Side handily, the Congressman did exceptionally well with minority voters. In Wards 8, 9, 10 and 11 in the South Side, which were added as part of the pre-election redistricting, Cicilline won almost 90% of the vote or by about 7,000 votes. Given the Congressional District 1 re-

sults, which flew in the face of polling projections from Brown and local TV stations; Joe Fleming, one of the area’s best known pollsters, admits that the data being collected would seem to have underestimated the impact of Latino voters. You think? But the East Side race that attracted the most attention from around the state was in Representative District 4 which encompasses Mt. Hope, some of the adjoining areas of Summit and a small area east of Hope. Pitting arguably the most powerful politician in the state, Speaker of the House Gordon Fox, against Mark Binder, a progressive writer/storyteller with minimal hands-on political experience, the contest had the makings of a non-event, despite Fox’s role in the 38 Studios fiasco. But with the arrival of some outof-the-district support, both administrative and financial, suddenly the race became a passionate, hotly-contested, well-financed barnburner. We checked in with one of the professional insiders who worked on the campaign behind the scenes who, in exchange for anonymity, explained how it all played out. What saved Fox, suggests our source, is that the Speaker wisely treated the race as if he was behind. “He went on to run a very professional campaign and spent a lot of money doing it. There were 14 mailers sent throughout the district. Some of the mailers took on the Speaker’s role in the 38 Studios debacle head on. It was a gutsy move, but it worked. Other pieces reminded voters of what Gordon had done for the community, especially in regard to education at Nathan Bishop. Then his people ran a top drawer BINGO get out the vote effort and made sure he had close to 100% turnout from his known supporters.” A look at the four precincts in the district shows how important this turned out to be. In three of the four precincts, Nathan Bishop, Summit Commons and

Epoch, the race was tight. Binder actually won at Epoch and trailed by less than 200 votes on a combined basis. But Fox’s strength was obvious at the fourth precinct, Martin Luther King. Well known by constituents after more than two decades in office and seen as native son from the area, Fox won over 75% of the vote at MLK and won going away by almost a thousand votes (58% to 42%). There are two fascinating sidebars to the race. One involves the split it produced within the local liberal establishment. Some progressive purists felt forcing Fox from office would send a message that the 38 Studios deal was unconscionable and that the Speaker should have done more to support the gay marriage legislation that died in committee. But other progressive leaders in the city, Mayor Taveras for one, Councilmen Sam Zurier and Kevin Jackson for two more, argued that Fox has been one of the more liberal Speakers ever and has been an effective spokesman for the City in the legislature. Many of these supporters walked the district with Speaker during the last days of the campaign. The second interesting element of the race is trying to determine where the thousands of dollars of anti-Fox money came from. It clearly did not come from Mark Binder, or actually from the district itself. A writer and professional storyteller, Binder brought idealism, an impeccable progressive agenda and an impressive commitment to door-to-door campaigning. Not much in terms of financial support though. But someone had to help fund the professionals like Jeff Britt who came up from Florida to help manage the campaign and Harvey Adelberg from Connecticut who placed some last minute radio spots. According to our source, in addition to money from legislative opponents of Fox, some of the money likely came

from Ed Valenti, the wealthy owner of Prime Media (Remember those classic, late night Ginzu knife “but wait there’s more” commercials?). A few sessions back, the legislature was about to approve a bill that would have required all state offices to use one agency, Prime Media, for their advertising. Ostensibly it was supposed to save the state money, though the other agencies in town protested it would unfairly impact their businesses. After initially favoring the measure, Speaker Fox changed his mind and refused to support the legislation, which effectively killed it. So it turns out, claims our inside source, that it was an out-of-district player with a grudge who was fueling the opposition. When contacted, a Fox spokesman did not deny the allegation and added “there were a lot of people not from the district who were trying to make sure the Speaker was not re-elected. We have filed ethics complaints and hope to discover who made these anonymous campaign media contributions.” Mark Binder emphatically refutes our source’s information. “Ed Valenti did place a buy for us but he didn’t give us any money. If you want to talk about money, how about that I spent about $12,000 on the race while Gordon spent over $90,000? I just hope he has learned that he needs to be more accountable to the residents and voters of the District than just to the people who give him money. We’ll be watching.” So now the dust has settled and Speaker Fox will be returning for an eleventh term. Just days after the election, he was re-elected overwhelmingly by his party in caucus to remain as Speaker. And if nothing else, the election certainly should reassure us that just because we’re a one-party state, doesn’t mean we can’t have fun on election night when the knives come out, Ginzu or otherwise. January 2013 East Side Monthly


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East Side Monthly January 2013

An East Side do-gooder heads to his next big adventure By Grace Lentini “We live in a world where we need to be aware of each other. We have to take care of each other. There are some people who can’t do it for themselves, and they need support from people who can,” Herman deKoe, the Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Rhode Island – Greater Providence, tells me over eggs benedict at the Friendship Café. This transforming mid-day venture has given me not only a more well rounded perspective on Providence, but also a greater appreciation for things we may take for granted in our busy lives. Before the eggs, we went on a journey through South Providence to visit two Habitat for Humanity (HfH) houses on the verge of being completed. In order to be eligible for HfH housing, families must earn between 30 - 50% of median household income in Providence. That’s around $20-$36,000 per year. After a background check ensuring there is reliable income, the houses are built and sold back to the families at cost. “For approximately $650, families get their own brand-new house,” Herman says. “That’s about half of what it costs to rent something halfway decent.” He explains, “Our families cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment that runs about $1200/month in Providence. So

Herman with master carptenter Jamie German

they end up with sub-standard housing that is cheaper, usually complete with faulty electrical systems, rats, cockroaches and mold. That means a whole generation of children are growing up in sub-standard housing. It’s just unacceptable. This work has to be done.” But how did this Netherlands native come to Providence? He came here in 1987 after traversing the globe. DeKoe has travelled from Zambia to Australia (where he met his future wife and had his first child), the Philippines to the Sudan (where he had his second child) then Ecuador. It is since that time that he has called the East Side his home. With his children going to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School, Nathan Bishop Middle School, and both Classical and Hope High Schools, he says, “we feel like East Siders: We are East Siders on a personal level.” His first Rhode Island job was with Foster Parents Plan International and for the last 13 years Herman has worked for HfH. He has been coordinating the purchases of vacant lots and building most houses - there have been over 50 of them, from the ground up. Volunteers have done 90% of the work. He’s been able to continue this work simply, “Because it is fun. Every job I’ve High school volunteers work on the roof had has been fun. I’ve quite often thought, they pay me

to do this. I’ve met a lot of different and interesting people. South Providence is completely different from Ecuador and completely different than Ethiopia is going to be.” Ethiopia? That’s right. Herman is globe-trotting once more. He says, “The big draw is Africa. Since Zambia, where it all started, I got the fever. I’ve heard it from so many people, once you’ve spent time there, it doesn’t stop calling.” He will be joining Voluntary Service Overseas, the British equivalent of the Peace Corps. His work in Ethiopia will focus on community development programs where young British folks, ages 18-25, will stay in Ethiopia for three months and work with an Ethiopian counterpart of the same age – some will even stay with host families. Herman will be in Ethiopia for at least a few years if things go well. Though he’s excited for his adventure, it’s bittersweet. “I’ve lived in a lot of different cities in the world and Providence is one of the better ones. It’s a darn good place to live,” Herman says. “Good for the children, great places to eat, a great bay to sail on, beaches within driving distance… did I mention the wonderful restaurants? It’s a great place, and I will miss Providence. I’ll miss a lot of people.” As far as never losing his lust for life, “That’s one of the most important things: to stay interested, you must stay interested. There’s always something over the next horizon.” Habitat for Humanity, 807 Broad Street, Room 333. 831-5424, www. habitatprov.org.

Photos: Grace Lentini

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Soup’s On

Maggie Meany (right) in line for a hot meal

Amos House cooks up meals, smiles and hope for the homeless By Erin Swanson While our city streets can be cold

Photography: Jonathan Beller

and unfriendly to Rhode Island’s homeless population, Amos House is a very special spot where everyone can feel warm and welcome. Maggie Meany, 48, has worked at Amos House for 12 years; although she’s now the chief operating officer, Meany’s humble beginnings were as a volunteer and volunteer coordinator. If there’s anyone who can properly describe the sights, sounds and smells of the soup kitchen, it’s her. “I love the soup kitchen,” she says, with an enthusiasm reserved for those who take great pride in their work. “It’s painted with murals drawn by RISD students and is bustling with people at breakfast and lunch. In the morning it smells like coffee and on Friday mornings, pancakes.” (The browned griddlecakes are Chef John’s specialty.) “At lunch it smells like chicken at least once a week, which our staff cooks to crispy perfection. It can get pretty loud at meal time, but it is mostly filled with laughter and friendly conversation.”

It’s hard to imagine there’s much for folks to laugh about when their daily worries include whether or not they’ll survive the frost-ridden night. “The thing that strikes me most about our guests here is their stamina,” Meany explains. “It takes an incredible amount of energy to be poor and homeless. Just getting to an appointment, keeping yourself fed and finding a safe place to stay can take up most of your energy. With all that our guests are up against every day it is amazing that I rarely hear anyone complain.” While the homeless may not have many worldly possessions, what they do have is hope. “Each day we see people walk through our doors who have chosen to be positive in the face of hardships that are unfathomable to many of us,” Meany says. “I am lucky to work alongside some of the most amazing people in our community. Over 50 percent of the Amos House staff members were formerly homeless. They know what it’s like to be on

Chef John in the kitchen

that other side of the counter. These are people who constantly inspire me with their positive attitude, commitment to hard work and their choice to give back to the community that offered them assistance. They have committed to passing on the good deeds that were once available to them. In the end, that is really what Amos House is all about.” She is also proud to work at an organization that’s so centered on meeting the needs of the individuals. “Whether it is a meal, housing, employment services or emergency assistance, Amos House works with the person to assist them in getting what they need to get back on track. Our soup kitchen is used for so much more than just serving meals. We provide a gathering place for AA and NA meetings to those who are seeking a path to recovery… we host community graduations and celebrations… we offer the use of our kitchen to other nonprofits who do not have their own. Without this central hub of light and hope in our community, it would definitely be a darker place.” Though Amos House is downtown, there are plenty of ways to get East

Siders involved. If you’d like to volunteer in the soup kitchen simply call Amos House or email ldriggers@amoshouse.com to schedule a shift. They are always welcoming help, especially after the volunteer-heavy holiday season. And while adults are the best fit for the job duties, children often want to help out too. “I have had several young children come in with their parents, saying they want to donate the money that they received for their birthday to help feed our guests,” Meany says. “I am always amazed at their compassion, and often wonder what we could do as adults to retain more of our natural empathy for other humans.” Amos House is also the home base for two thriving businesses – Friendship Café, a lunch restaurant; and More than A Meal Catering, which caters events all over the city and state. As for the best thank you Meany has gotten for doing the work she does? “The smiles on the faces of those we serve every day are the best thank you I could ever receive.” Amos House, 415 Friendship Street. 272-0220, www. amoshouse.com. January 2013 East Side Monthly


Please Take Note of My Non-Vote By Mike Fink I opened and closed

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East Side Monthly January 2013

the ebony curtain to the phone-booth sized private realm and turned the little black switch to the left for Adlai Stevenson in 1956: my first ballot, cast in the basement of my elementary school on Summit Avenue. Alas, my candidate lost the election to General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Twice, in fact. I liked Adlai for his grace in disappointment, his fine diction, his solitary, almost lonely demeanor. By the time that youthful Bostonian John F. Kennedy ran in the race to the White House, I was already teaching, and also writing copy for an advertising agency in downtown Providence. I had to produce editorials praising the chic of Madam Jackie with her pillbox hats and reasonable low-heel pumps. By then, we walked not uphill to grammar school but downhill to the Armory of Mounted Commands, from whence parades of veterans on horseback used to march past our house on Armistice Day celebrations or Memorial Day events. That wasn’t so bad. A short stroll, a brief wait, the familiar vague perfume of hay. I, even in time, adjusted to the change from just around the corner of my boyhood dwelling to the fire station on Rochambeau Avenue, the northeast border of the Summit neighborhood. At least they boasted glass cases of memorabilia about the elegant crimson glitter of the proud traditions of engines, once horsedrawn and then very fancy carriages fit for the regal presidencies of our first, earliest, heads of state. I could make my choices – often eccentric, never pre-determined by party loyalties or simple inertia, sometimes sympathy votes for the underdog. Mostly, I like to preserve the environment as best I can, to safeguard the civil rights of the trees, birds and beasts so dear to childhood, but politically a rare issue. Hence, my support for Al Gore. But this year, 2012, I simply could not find anywhere to do my civic duty! I drove past the church on Hope at Savoy. Nobody there. I tried the Jewish Community Center. Nope. Ah, my gas station ally suggests, “Try Nathan Bishop.” I breathed a sigh of relief. I had been class president in

1948, and had interviewed President Harry Truman that year, for the “Bishop Bugle,” of which I was serving a term semester as co-editor. The stately building has been, of course, fabulously refurbished, and I didn’t mind, at first, waiting an hour in the long line. Until I realized I would miss my class. I left, not quite in a huff, and asked what might prove a better time to avoid the crush. “Try just before noon,” suggested a volunteer on the grand steps at the entrance. I did so, and put in another full hour and more, making small talk with moms with newborn babes, elders with walkers and former classmates from the old junior high days in the once familiar corridor. I reached the inner sanctum, only to be informed that my name and address were not inscribed in the book of life. “Your district has been reassigned. You have to go to another place!” A fellow recognized me from a jury duty session we had shared at the courthouse, and he was working behind the counter. I couldn’t be rude to him, but I was plenty sore. Quietly, to myself, but steaming inwardly, I vowed never to vote again! I knew I didn’t mean it, but I felt it at the moment. I ranted and raved, to myself, driving back to my desk and my appointments, why is it so hard to get through election day? Never was before, in my experience, through the LBJ Vietnam era, beyond the Nixon epoch, Carters in denim, the Reagans with their Hollywood glamour, the Clinton scandals and the Bush decade before the slogan “change” with its false promise and its cheerful and whimsical logo designed by my student, Shepard Fairey. But never, until the present moment, have I found it a burden to take part in the procession. This year was a catastrophe at the core and center of the democratic procedure. It is supposed to be a pleasure and a privilege to step up and join your fellow Americans in judgment and responsibility. We like to think we teach the rest of the nations of the human world how to do it right, free and easy. It didn’t work, for me, this time round. How about you?

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East Side Monthly January 2013





by Dan Schwartz

special advertising section


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It is tough to

find unique and affordable gifts these days, but you can stop your searching because Jim Larkin of Graphic Innovations has developed a concept called WallFlys. The company prints photos onto fabric that clings to any smooth surface and is able to be removed and reapplied countless times without leaving any marks. Attention grandparents: you can be the hero by having your favorite sports photo of a grandchild turned into a WallFly for a bedroom wall or even the fridge. The process of uploading a picture onto the website is a snap. You then have the ability to crop it if you’d like to isolate an image or leave instructions to have a body traced so the image will be cut perfectly for the wall. The online process is simple and payment is completely secure. All orders are then shipped to anywhere in the country. “It’s a really fun gift,” Jim says. “I’ve got some pictures of my kids laughing on the stairs, and I cut a few of the photos out and gave them to my mother, my wife’s mother and my wife’s sister.” Youth photos are very popular, and WallFlys also carries silhouettes for different sports. This service works well for pet photos too, – that image of Fluffy can keep you company at the office. If you don’t want to process the work online, or only have hard copies of the photo you’d like to use, you can stop into the Graphic Innovations office for friendly service and to have the image scanned. The sky is the limit for how to creatively use WallFlys. Each WallFly can be cut out how you’d like or you can keep the image as a square. Children really get a kick out of it, and you will too. Visit their website to start putting together a wonderful and unique gift.

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by Dan Schwartz

special advertising section

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Erin Moseley is an energetic and forward thinking 27-year-old who, this past August, became the new director of young adult programming based out of the Jewish Alliance of greater Rhode Island. She combined and rebranded the former programs (The Alef List and The Network) that previously served this population into an entirely new entity called The RING, which is shorthand for Rhode Island’s Next Generation. The RING is open to anyone ages 22-45 interested in group activities that range from traditional Jewish practices, like a Shabbat dinner, to going out to restaurants and bars, to participating in various sports. A recent event in late November was titled Vodka & Latke, and it was a Hanukkah celebration held at Vanity. The $18 event included a free drink and food, plus there was a mitzvah project connected to collect school supplies for a youth village in Israel. “This was 100% social,” Erin explains. “It’s for people to meet, to network, to hang out and celebrate Hanukkah.” She is always looking for feedback to see what people are most interested in doing. “I’m not just programming for you, but for myself,” Erin says. “I care about this community because it’s also my community.” For those interested in learning more about The RING you can visit their Facebook page, or you can contact Erin directly through email at emoseley@shalomri.org or by phone at 401-421-4111 x108. An interesting event coming up in February is a Pinot and Print class, where participants will get to sample wine while learning the skill of print making from artist Leslie Friedman. An exhibit of Leslie’s work that plays off the theme of stereotypes will be at the Alliance JCC gallery starting January 10th. There are athletic programs available for RING, like free pickup basketball, to specialty sports, like archery, rock climbing, skiing/snow boarding, hiking and in the spring, sailing lessons. For those 22-45 looking to participate in Jewish oriented and non-Jewish oriented activities, The Next Gen program is a great place to meet others and have fun.

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East Side Monthly January 2013

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special advertising section

Allegra Print and Imaging Choosing paper with purpose

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With a new generation

of designers and technologies, communicators are changing the rules of business and are using paper colors and textures to push corporate branding to new limits. “Paper has a major influence on how the communication and the communicator are perceived,” says Ted Stein, owner of Allegra Print & Imaging in Providence. “Consequently, it’s important to be familiar with different types or grades of paper to match them to your needs.” Defining a Goal. Paper is often defined in terms of its purpose. How will it be used? Will it be saved, mailed, folded? Is color critical? Will it be stapled or bound? Does the paper compliment the company graphics? Paper Weight. Weight of the paper stock should be based on the goal of your print communications and your budget. Heavier stocks generally cost more. The heavier the paper, the greater opacity (or the less one can see through the paper). Bond papers are the lightest weight and are commonly used in copiers as well as for letters and business forms. Text and cover weight papers are also widely used, especially for annual reports, announcements, invitations and brochures. Current Paper Trends. Competing forces of style and technology are having a significant yet contradicting impact on paper selection. Bright white and smooth papers are preferred especially when using new digital printing technology. They are often easier to design with and color pops off the page. Nearly three-quarters of paper sold are bright white, off-white or cream colored. Specialty grades, however, can help to create a more unusual look that garners attention and cuts through the clutter. By establishing performance needs with the help of your printer, you can choose the right paper for each job – and achieve your desired results. Ted Stein is the owner of Allegra in Providence. He consults with businesses and organizations about their strategic marketing initiatives. Stein has been helping businesses develop their print communications and other promotional tools for more than 18 years. For information, visit the company’s website at www.allegraprovidence.com or email at print@allegraprovidence.com.

Allegra Print and Imaging 102 Waterman Street, Providence 421-5160/www.allegraprovidence.com

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by Bob Cipriano

The New Classics Anna Karenina, Lincoln and Skyfall

Anna Karenina

A heady mix of genres differentiate the three big productions hanging around to bring down the cinematic curtain for the year, vying for end-ofyear awards, all watchable, all fascinating in their way. Keira Knightley follows in the very large footsteps of legends Greta Garbo and Vivian Leigh to play Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. Her Russian voucher for potential cinematic immortality is a lavish production that gambles on stage sets rather than location shooting to portray Moscow and St. Petersburg. Director Joe Wright’s previous costume dramas, Pride and Prejudice and Atonement, were only partially successful (Prejudice mostly worked, Atonement mostly didn’t). This time he appears to acknowledge that no movie could begin to depict the comprehensive Russian society that lives and breathes in Tolstoy’s giant novel. Given that, what can you do? Wright symbolizes Russian society as an elaborately staged show, tracing people who suffer limitations in their pursuit of life and happiness as

though on a stage. Not a bad idea. Everyone is watching and judging characters stuck in the confines of Russian society’s stage. Wright makes effective use of his camera, shooting his stages not like he’s in a theater but like he’s making a movie, flying through the narrative, capturing the provocative backdrop colors and costumes, boosted by an impressive musical score (by Dario Marienelli). All of this enhances the emotional core of the novel, which centers on the most famous adulterous love affair in all of literature, but also explores the nature of love and the very different ways men, women and their societies deal with it. Even in the self-contained production of Anna Karenina, there’s an awful lot going on. Stiva (Matthew Macfadyen) has been cheating on Dolly (Kelly Macdonald). Anna, attempting to smooth things over, falls for Count Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson). Meanwhile, Dolly’s younger sister, Kitty (Alicia Vikander) is worshiped by Levin (Domhnall Gleeson) and

soon returns his devotion with her own. These shenanigans play out in various ways, primarily contrasting the idealistic love shared by Kitty and Levin to the tragically foolish devotion Anna gives to mamma’s boy and hedonistic punk Vronsky. While Wright gives it his best shot, aided by some good performances, the film never really catches fire, which it must, given the passions of its players. It’s possible that the story is just too old by a couple of generations. But Martin Scorsese pulled off a major triumph about a repressive society and its effect on love in Age of Innocence (and the love in that one went unrequited). But he had Daniel Day-Lewis and Michelle Pfeiffer at his disposal, two actors who can make more of exchanged glances than anyone in Anna Karenina. Taylor-Johnson’s shallow Vronsky needn’t be quite so obvious. And while no one expected Keira Knightley to match Garbo as Anna, there is a nagging element of artifice in too many of her scenes.

In spite of Wright’s brave innovations in the filming, this Anna Karenina never seems more than a respectful rendering of a classic story. That’s not nearly enough for universal themes and classic characters like these. Getting back to Daniel Day-Lewis, what a monumental performance he gives in Lincoln. Director Steven Spielberg, shooting a script by Tony Kushner based on only a small part of Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Lincoln biography (Team of Rivals), seems to capture the essence of this grand figure in American history without any foolish attempt to illustrate his entire life. By concentrating on Lincoln’s political battle to pass the 13th Amendment, he has made what is arguably the best political movie ever. In doing so, he reveals much of the heart and mind of that folksy yarn-spinner who nevertheless was savvy enough and powerful enough to change an entire country’s direction, and ultimately its nature. With an ensemble cast of impeccable character actors, among whom Tommy Lee Jones, Sally Field, David January 2013 East Side Monthly





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East Side Monthly January 2013

Straithairn and James Spader stand out, the whirlwind of political intrigue, backroom mischief, heartfelt idealism and practical expediency all get their due. The result is an intentionally awkward pace, consistent with political action, or lack thereof. The political process slows down and stalls, picks up amid bluster and whispers, stares you down or can’t even look you in the face as its characters play out their parts. But everything keeps coming back to Lincoln, who, like everyone else, rolls with the punches, throws some and attempts to achieve an unfathomable work/life balance. He guides his nation’s future in the midst of its most tragic war while trying to be a loving, effective husband to an emotionally vulnerable wife (Field) and father to a grown son (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who has grown tired of living in his father’s shadow. Like Anna Karenina, you know going in how this one is going to end, but the journey is something to see, as is DayLewis’s performance at the center of it all. This Brit has knocked off some pretty great American characters in his day, including Hawkeye, Bill the Butcher, Daniel Planview and Age of Innocence’s Newland Archer. But this Abraham Lincoln of his is one for the ages. Skyfall has been around for a while, but so has James Bond. So, this is just a short note for anyone who may have stopped attending Bond movies after 1983, the year Sean Connery made his last appearance. It’s okay to go back now. Daniel

Craig is a serious fellow and therefore may have less fun doing what he does than Connery ever did, but he’s really good at it, and he’s the most watchable Bond since Connery. More important, director Sam Mendes and writers Neal Purvis, Robert Wade and John Logan have pulled off a remarkable task. First, they’ve paid respect to the franchise with an exciting pre-credits chase, familiar characters (M, Q, Moneypenny), and an array of great-looking people in great-looking clothes. Second, and this is key, in place of the usual clever, high tech gadgets, given a world awash in clever, high tech gadgets, the new Bond twist is that character, of all things, wins the day. Eventually, it all comes down to guts and instincts. So bring on the series’ most macho Bond to fight a villain (Javier Bardem) who can stand with the best of them, not in a futile grab at world domination but just a nasty, and seriously deranged, mission of revenge. Best of all, Mendes and company have made a real movie. Sabotage, betrayal, high drama and low morals, yeah, sure. But then there’s that Mother-Son thing between Bond and M (a typically fine Judi Dench) being pushed to its limit against a dramatic wall. And the emergence of Ralph Fiennes, Naomie Harris and Ben Whishaw as fleshed out variations of Bond regulars. You end up with the latest in a long-running series that seems to be taking the notion of substance over triviality seriously enough to just possibly be valid.

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January 2013 East Side Monthly


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East Side Monthly January 2013

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On the Menu

by John Taraborelli

Federal Hill, Old and New A native son returns to his roots

Photography: Katie Poor

There used to be

a lot of guys on Federal Hill like Andy Merolla, Jr. – guys who remember the golden age of Providence’s Little Italy; guys who learned good hospitality in restaurants where the owner would come over to your table and make it seem like he knew you, even if he didn’t (especially if you were with a pretty girl and looking to impress her). Andy Jr. was just a teenager then, but he remembers those days fondly. He looks back at the restaurateurs like his own father, Andino Merolla, who founded his namesake eatery and Joe Marzilli of the Old Canteen, as living “archives” of the neighborhood. Both of those men are gone now – they died within a couple of weeks of each other some years back – and whether he realizes it or not, it’s up to guys like Andy Jr., comparatively young in his 50s, to become the next generation of “archives.” In some ways, Andy Jr. is a perfect bridge between the old and new Federal Hills. Andy Jr’s Italian Restaurant (301 Atwells Ave.) is the newest eatery on a strip full of hookah bars, stylish lounges, art galleries, frozen yogurt shops and other things that would have been unthinkable just 15 years ago. But Andy’s roots in old Federal Hill run deep. He helped his family build – literally build, as in carpentry, painting, etc. – the famed Andino’s, which his brother continues to operate since their father’s passing. His grandmother owned a little frittata shop back in the day that my own father still talks about 30-plus years later. He grew up on Knight Street and hung out by the pool at the Zuccolo Rec Center. His new restaurant is a reflection of those roots. It was designed as a tribute to Italy, where Andy spent some time after leaving Andino’s. The bar is clad in wine boxes from Rome and the floor is tile from Florence. The menu is everything familiar, done well, simply prepared with fresh ingredients. It offers classic comforts, like meatballs that aren’t even on the menu, but are made according to a recipe so



Andy Jr.

dear to him that he claims, “I threw the help out of the kitchen because I didn’t want them to see me make it.” Andy does the things he needs to do to be a restaurateur on the new Federal Hill: he offers $5 martinis on ladies night and discounts to Yelp reviewers, and on the day I visited was running a 50-foot Ethernet cable because his wireless internet wasn’t reliable enough to provide uninterrupted Pandora radio. But he’s also ensuring that a bit of old Federal Hill stays with us. He plans to start offering breakfast from 7-11:30am on Saturdays and Sundays (currently, he’s only open for dinner and drinks from 4pm-1am), making frittatas himself, just the way his grandmother did. And when you walk into his restaurant, there’s a good chance he’ll be sitting by the bar, waiting to greet you (and your date) as if he’s an old friend. “How many owners come over to your table?” he asks rhetorically. “I give people that presence that they’re family.” Andy Merolla Jr. grew up on Federal Hill, worked there for 20-plus years, left and has now returned. “I missed it,” he says. “I missed the company of good people, making them feel at home and special.” Now that he’s got his own place, he can stick around and

become a living “archive” unto himself. www.andyjrsitalianrestaurant.com


Cluck You In other Federal Hill news, the former gas station at the corner of Broadway and Courtland may just be reborn. cluck! (399 Broadway) will be a retail shop for urban farmers and gardeners. Whether you’re growing vegetables in a community garden plot, raising chickens or bees in your backyard, canning your own produce or making cheese, cluck! will be able to provide you with the products, materials, expertise and service you need. Owner Drake Patten promises the property will go from “an abandoned gas station to an oasis of green. Asphalt will be replaced with trees, raised beds and unusual planters growing vegetables and herbs.” There’s just one little snag: she needs a zoning variance to open the property for retail use, instead of strictly residential or office use as it is currently zoned. There has been some resistance from at least one local property owner, but Patten has been doing her due diligence, keeping the neighbors informed (as at a December 5 open house) and rallying supporters. If all goes according to plan, cluck! will be open for business on March 15. January 2013 East Side Monthly


special advertising section Br brunch B breakfast L lunch D dinner $ under 10 $$ 10-20 $$$ 20+

WAtErMAN GrILLE 4 Richmond Square; 521-9229. With its covered outdoor seating overlooking the Seekonk River, Waterman Grille offers seasonally inspired New American fare in a comfortable setting. BrD $$-$$$

tOrtILLA FLAtS 355 Hope Street; 7516777. A fixture on the Providence restaurant and bar scene, this spot serves up fresh Mexican, Cajun and Southwestern food, along with top-notch margaritas and ice-cold cervezas. LD $-$


WUrSt kItCHEN At CHEZ pASCAL. 960 Hope Street, 421-4422. Come have lunch or dinner at the Wurst Kitchen, a small open kitchen located in Chez Pascal, featuring house made sausages, cured meats and more. Lunch is served Tuesday thru Saturday, 11:30am2:30pm and dinner also Tuesday thru Saturday, 5:30-9:30pm. LD $-$$

BEttEr BUrGEr COMpANY 217 Thayer Street; 228-7373. With Angus beef burgers that are juicy and tasty, this casual spot is a no brainer for anyone looking for a quick, delicious and affordable meal. Serving wholesome veggie, falafel and salmon burgers too. LD $ CHEZ pASCAL 960 Hope Street; 4214422. Chef Matt Gennuso’s East Side kitchen offers French food with a modern twist. Try the Bistro Menu (Tue-Thur), which features three courses for $35 per person. Delicieux! D $-$$$


727 East Avenue, Pawtucket; 305-5255. LJ’s features ribs, pork, chicken and beef cooked low and slow in their customized pit, made with recipes from co-owner Bernie Watson’s grandmother, Miss Leola Jean. It’s great food at a great value. LD $-$$

Downtown CAV 14 Imperial Place; 751-9164. The New York Times’ choice as one of Providence’s five best restaurants, CAV’s award-winning cuisine is available for lunch and dinner daily. They also feature Saturday/Sunday brunch. LD $$-$$$ HEMENWAY’S 121 South Main Street; 351-8570. A true Providence classic, Hemenway’s has been serving topnotch seafood for 20 years. Their oyster bar features everything from the famed Prince Edward Island varieties to the local favorite Poppasquash Point. LD $$-$$$ JACkY’S WAtErpLACE 200 Exchange Street; 383-5000. Experience sushi, Chinese and Japanese food, noodles and much more in a stunning atmosphere, right in the heart of Waterplace Park. Sip an exotic drink while taking in the spectacular view. LD $-$$$ MILLS tAVErN 101 North Main Street; 272-3331. The only restaurant in RI to receive the Mobil Four Star Award for five consecutive years, Mills Tavern


East Side Monthly January 2013

provides traditional American cuisine in a warm, friendly setting. D $$-$$$ MILE & A QUArtEr rEStAUrANt 375 South Main St, 331-1500. With new ownership, Mile & a Quarter boasts a sophisticated menu, fresh cocktails and excellent service in the elegantly renovated Barnsider Building on the riverfront. D$-$$

Wayland/Elmgrove HArUkI EASt 172 Wayland Avenue; 223-0332. The chefs behind this sushi bar provide a minimalist, upscale, comfortable dining experience. Try the toro ankimo – fatty tuna and monkfish liver pate with eggplant tempura, served with a black bean sauce. LD $-$$$ LIM’S 18 Angell Street; 401-383-8830. Dive into the unique combination of Lim’s fine Thai cuisine and sushi served in an intimate and modern setting. LD $$ rED StrIpE 465 Angell Street; 4376950. Red Stripe serves classic comfort food with a French influence. Their food is reasonably priced and made with passion. LD $$-$$$

GOUrMEt HOUSE 787 Hope Street; 8313400. Beautiful murals and décor set the mood for delicious Cambodian and Southeast Asian cuisine, spicy curries and noodle dishes. The tamarind duck is a must. LD $-$$ kArtABAr 284 Thayer Street; 3318111. This European-style restaurant and lounge offers a full menu of unique dishes with Mediterranean flair and eclectic flavors. They also offer a top-notch wine list and martini menu. LD $-$$ kItCHEN BAr 771 Hope Street; 3314100. Offering contemporary comfort cuisine in an elegant setting, Kitchen Bar features daily specials and takeout. Acclaimed Chef Jaime D’Oliveira has been brought on to consult, so expect exciting new options and flavors. LD $-$$ NICE SLICE 267 Thayer Street; 4536423. Hip and healthy are the best descriptions of this pizza place. It’s whole wheat, New York style pizza with plenty of choices for toppings, including vegan and vegetarian options. LD $ rUE DE L’ESpOIr 99 Hope Street; 751-8890. In business for over 30 years, the Rue has only gotten better. Beautifully prepared with the freshest ingredients, the innovative, constantly changing menu keeps diners on their toes. Check out their superb brunch. BBrLD $$-$$$

Wickenden ABYSSINIA 333 Wickenden Street; 454-1412. Enjoy Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine, using your fingers (and Ethiopia’s famed flatbread) to sample richly spiced meat, fish and vegetable dishes. (Forks are available, but less fun.) LD $-$$ DOk’S DELI 146 Ives St, 369-7633. Providence’s only New York-style deli lives up to a high gastronomic standard by using fresh, local ingredients and house-smoked meats. Try the Roadhouse, with house-cured pastrami, corned beef, bacon and “Swayze sauce,” in homage to the man himself. Meats, sides and house-made pickles all sold retail, too. LD $ SAkUrA 231 Wickenden Street; 3316861. Enjoy traditional Japanese cuisine, fresh sushi and sashimi in this casual, unpretentious neighborhood spot. Choose a comfortable booth or take your shoes off and have a seat in the tatami room. LD $-$$

Jewelry District/Waterfront rUE BIS 95 South Street; 490-9966. This intimate eatery provides breakfast and lunch in a cozy, neighborhood bistro atmosphere – all with the gourmet pedigree of Hope Street dining staple Rue De L’Espoir behind it. BBrL $ BAkEr StrEEt rUE 75 Baker Street; 490-5025. The Rue De L’Espoir empire expands with this comfortable neighborhood café serving “upscale diner food.” BBrL$

Photography: Dan Schwartz

Dining Guide



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January 2013 East Side Monthly



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A portion of proceeds will benefit Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation

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Kevin Fox participated in the sale of how many East Side properties in 2012?

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East Side Monthly January 2013

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Gift certificates

by Erin Swanson

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The Providence Portrait Project

There has been a

wealth of positive change in our Creative Capital in the past few decades, from the inception of WaterFire to the formation of the Iway. Also, major developments have been made to the historic buildings downtown, as neglected spaces underwent much-needed facelifts. Never has Providence looked so beautiful and well loved. “The Providence Portrait Project was an idea that occurred to me about a decade ago when I realized that in addition to revitalizing the buildings downtown, the people that were involved in that process were as important as the actual physical work we were doing,” says property developer Buff Chace. In an attempt to honor that deserving lot, Chace got to work on transforming his idea into something tangible. He first shared his vision with several photographers, none of whom seemed all that excited to participate. “Strangely enough, a friend of mine whom I’d known for a number of years had become a photographer in his later career,” Chace explains. After telling this friend about his idea on several occasions, one day he turned to Chace and said, “I’d like to do that.” With that statement, Jim Hooper had signed on to the project. The duo began planning and decided to convert an empty Peerless Building loft space into a

401.744.6990 www.NewEraNannies.org photo studio, relocating all of Hooper’s equipment there from Dedham, Massachusetts. And so Studio 604 was born. Over a six-month period in early 2012, a total of 122 locals stepped through the door of unit 604 to smile for Hooper’s camera. Each and every one played some part in reshaping the hub of our city: politicians, bankers, engineers, architects, chefs, business owners, building owners, artists, bartenders and students alike. On the faces of the chosen there were smirks, wide smiles, open-mouthed laughs and everything in between. Some acted out their passions (storyteller Len Cabral stood wide-eyed and vibrant, arms outstretched) while others chose to utilize props (Modern Love owner and clothing designer Karen Beebe held spools of thread and a pair of scissors). The one constant was the light in each of their eyes; you could tell they knew they were a part of something very special. Artistically, Chace and Hooper chose to shoot their subjects in three different lighting setups, figuring that while each individual may not look their best in all, they’d be sure to look great in at least one. The first set featured the classic two light “clamshell” setup you would envision when picturing a glamour shot. Set two was a simple one light setup that –

when Hooper stood with his back to the light and the subject stood flush against the backdrop wall – cast a soft halo-like shadow. The final set utilized a telephoto lens and a tripod, positioned about 40 feet in front of the subject. Reminiscent of a magic trick, the camera seemed to go off by itself, as Hooper controlled it remotely. In the end, Chace was a bit surprised at the magnitude of the project, as his idea grew into something larger than he had ever imagined. “People who didn’t know each other well or hadn’t really understood what the other people were doing kind of came together around this project,” he says. “It was awakening this city to the rebuilding of its heart, of its center.” He hopes that the forward momentum will continue, and plans to capture those in the forefront of the action in a similar vein ten or so years from now. The portraits are on display through January 6 in the Atrium of the Peerless Building downtown. Brian Tetrault produced a wonderful video that details the process in its entirety and is worth a watch if you can’t make it down to see the exhibit in person. You can watch the video and purchase books of the portraits online. Free. Monday-Saturday 10am5pm. 150 Union Street. www.providenceportraitproject.com.

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January 2013 East Side Monthly


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East Side Monthly January 2013

insurance picture has changed since the financial crisis and, judging by my clients, the changes have not been welcome. “It’s outrageous, totally outrageous. How can they do that?” my 82-yearold client, Grace, ranted at a recent meeting. “I mean they are going to raise my rates 18%. I want to drop my policy.” As she spoke, her two adult daughters looked at me imploringly. “Absolutely not,” I said. “You are at the age where it is more and more likely that you could use the benefits of the policy. You need to keep it. Besides, even with the increase, your annual premium remains affordable.” Grace wasn’t mollified, so I tried another tactic. I role-played the insurance company asking the state insurance commissioner for permission to raise rates. “Look,” I (the insurance company) said, “I know 18% seems high, but we have a couple of problems here we never anticipated. Many more policy holders are keeping their policies longer than we anticipated. We were counting on a lapse rate of between 5% and 10% and we only have seen 1% to 3%. That means we are paying out far more claims than we counted on. And the ultra-low interest rate environment is hurting us too. We can’t invest the premiums to generate sufficient profits to cover our claims. So we have to raise rates on our older policies. As we see it, they have been underpriced all along.” While Grace wasn’t happy with my enactment, she understood what she was up against and agreed to keep paying the premiums. Her daughters were much relieved. Although they were more than willing to help Grace, it could become a financial burden. Keeping existing policies, even with rising rates, makes sense for most of my clients. Many of the policies purchased over the last ten years have generous benefits and are still affordable. But what about those who are thinking of purchasing policies now? Do they still make sense? Long term care is expensive, as anyone who has a relative in a nursing home knows. And insurance providers are struggling with the profitability of this niche. Some carriers have dropped

out of the business entirely. Others are cutting back on benefit periods and the maximum inflation coverage. Still others are eliminating lifetime or limited pay options. It is uncertain whether these benefits will come back once interest rates rise and insurance companies become more profitable again. Even with cutbacks in coverage, however, premiums are increasing on new policies, bringing prices above what many people are willing to pay. Hybrid long-term care policies present an alternative; they can be considered a way to partially self-insure, however, they too have drawbacks. Hybrids, also known as asset based insurance coverage, add long term care riders to either life insurance or annuities. In the life insurance version there are a number of guarantees including a return of the initial premium, if claims aren’t made, and maximum charges for the cost of the benefits. For some annuity policies the underwriting has been simplified making more individuals eligible. Hybrids do, however, require a sizeable upfront lump sum payment, which limits the policies to those individuals with extra savings or idle balances within existing life insurance or annuity policies. As a financial planner, I believe everyone needs a good long term care plan. Some of my clients can self-insure, mentally setting aside a bucket of investments to cover anticipated costs, or designating a second prop-

erty as something they would sell to pay for in-home or other forms of custodial care. Other clients plan on moving in with their kids, using the proceeds from the sale of their primary residence to cover expenses if long term care needs should eat into their reserves. And a few clients are willing to spend down their assets and go on Medicaid, assuming they have provided for their spouse or dependents in other ways. That still leaves a sizeable group of clients struggling with the question of whether or not to buy insurance. An important long term care issue is the well-being of the survivors. Often there is enough money to pay for the cost of care for the person in need, but not enough to maintain the desired lifestyle for the surviving spouse. Children or grandchildren should also be considered. Long term care insurance protects assets that could go to them as well. Still, the decision to buy long term care insurance is not an easy one. More restrictive benefits and higher premiums are likely here to stay. That means the tradeoffs - costs and complexities - need to be carefully considered before a purchase is made. Betsey Purinton, CFP® is Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at StrategicPoint Investment Advisors in Providence and East Greenwich. You can e-mail her at bpurinton@strategicpoint.com.

Illustration: Ashley MacLure

The long term care

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January 2013 East Side Monthly


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East Side Monthly January 2013



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At School Today by Jill Davidson

Democracy in Action One purpose of education

is to equip young people with the skills to participate in our democracy throughout their lives, so it’s reasonable to expect that students must have opportunities at school to have their voices be heard on matters that affect them. While that may be sensible and desirable, in practice, it rarely happens. Students are regularly and systematically excluded from conversations and decision-making processes in their schools and communities about matters that affect them. The Providence Student Union (PSU) intends to change that. PSU began at Hope High School in 2010 in response to faculty and student concerns about the school’s districtmandated shift away from a block schedule (in the spring of 2012, following appeals to the Rhode Island Board of Regents for Elementary and Secondary Education and a lawsuit, the Providence Public Schools reinstated Hope’s block schedule). Zack Mezera and Aaron Regunberg, then both students at Brown University, became involved in the work of organizing students at Hope to raise their collective voices to protest the schedule change. Hope United, as the organized student collective became known, emerged as a powerful outlet for students who, along with faculty members, understood that the school’s block schedule provided a structure that allowed meaningful teaching and learning. Though their efforts didn’t yield a victory on the schedule issue, Mezera, Regunberg and the students with whom they worked wanted to keep going at Hope. “We didn’t really know what we were doing,” remembers Mezera, “But we were carried forward by emotion and didn’t want to stop.” Hope United organized to create healthier, more palatable lunch options and raised awareness about the condition of the school, particularly the bathrooms. Most recently, Hope United students researched and won approval from Hope’s principal, Tamara Sterling, to implement a student jury as an alternative way to handle school discipline issues. The Hope High School student jury allows students to use peer mediation to settle disputes

among themselves, rather than relying solely on teachers and administrators to settle discipline matters through punitive measures such as suspension (sounds a lot like democracy in action, right?). Mezera describes the conversation about the student jury at Hope as a collaborative and productive example of how student voice can lead to systemic changes.

now a senior at Brown, and Regunberg, a 2012 graduate, remain involved, raising funds to expand the work and connecting with AS220 to serve as the PSU’s fiscal sponsor. They formed an advisory board (of which I am a member) and created a statement of purpose, as follows: “The mission of the Providence Student Union is to build the power of

As Hope United grew, the idea of a student union caught the attention of students and faculty members at other Providence high schools. By the spring of 2012, Dr. Jorge Alvarez High School and Central High School initiated student unions, which brought the PSU to life as a citywide organization. Mezara,

students in Providence to ensure that students have a fair say in the decisions affecting their education.” At Alvarez High School, in the Reservoir neighborhood, students are focusing on advocating for a later start time for their schools, offering research and evidence that a 30-minute schedule

shift could yield meaningful results for student attendance and achievement. Regunberg says that though Alvarez United students feel passionately about this issue, they haven’t yet seen results. Central High School students identified the Rhode Island graduation requirement policy, which stipulates that in addition to completing credits and fulfilling other graduation requirements, students must also demonstrate partial proficiency on the state standardized reading and mathematics NECAP tests. This policy (whatever you may think of it) carries a potentially devastating impact when it goes into effect for the graduating classes of 2014 and beyond. Cauldierre McKay, a junior at Classical High School, joined my conversation with Mezera and Regunberg and explained that the NECAP requirement galvanized him to join PSU as a supporter and organizer. “We have got to detach graduation from the NECAPs,” said McKay. “If this had been in effect for the class of 2012, 70 percent of students in Providence would not have graduated, and that would be a disaster. As it is, we’re giving up learning time at Classical for NECAP prep because of this, and that’s happening in high schools all over this city.” McKay joined students from Central and elsewhere to speak out about the graduation policy at the Rhode Island Board of Regents’ October 2012 meeting, and is participating in “teach-ins’ and other events to raise awareness of the use of the NECAP to determine graduation. As I chatted with McKay, Regunberg and Mezera, I was reminded that it’s all too easy for us, as adults, to make decisions about the welfare of young people without their direct input. Let’s take a moment to appreciate both the adults who are willing to change the way they conduct school business to include students in decision-making and the students who are willing to put their beliefs on the line. I have faith that they will be well equipped to join our democracy in action. You can follow and support PSU’s work though their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ProvidenceStudentUnion. January 2013 East Side Monthly


Illustration: Jessica Pollak

The Providence Student Union allows students to make their own decisions

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East Side Monthly January 2013

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edited by Nick Cantor


music | performance | social happenings | galleries | learn | sports

DON’T MISS THIS MONTH: 10 events at the top of our list Exhibitions at the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology. Tuesdays through Sundays at Brown, www.brown.edu.


Anne Boleyn. January 17-31 at Gamm Theartre, www.gammtheatre.org.


ThinkSpace Exhibit. Tuesday through Sunday, at Providence Children’s Museum. www.childrenmuseum.org.


The Funky Autocrats. Every Wednesday at Fete, www.fetemusic.com.


Providence Bruins vs. Portland Pirates. January 4 at the Dunkin Donuts Center, www.dunkindonutscenter.com.

5 Anne Boleyn at the Gamm

MUSIC arena & club | classical

Photo: Peter Goldberg

ARENA & CLUB ROOTS CULTURAL CENTER Every Sunday (January): Jam/Blues Jam. Every Tuesday: Strictly Jazz Jam. Every Friday: Lunas Ladies Night. January 24: Peace Work, All About Folk. 276 Westminster Street, Providence. 272-7422, www.rootsprovidence.com. FOXWOODS January 19: Doo Wop. January 25: Dwight Yoakam. January 26: Creedance Clearwater Revisited. 350 Trolley Line Boulevard, Mashantucket, CT. 800-2002882, www.foxwoods.com. MOHEGAN SUN

January 12: Skillet. January 20: Bowzer’s Ultimate Doo Wop. January 26: Aaron Lewis. 1 Mohegan Sun Boulevard, Uncasville, CT. 888-226-7711, www.mohegansun.com. THE MET January 5: Freakfest with Devil’s Feedback. January 16: The Almost. January 18: The Toasters. January 23: Hot Water Music. 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket. 729-1005, www.themetri.com. LUPO’S HEARTBREAK HOTEL January 13: Yellowcard. January 18: Get The Led Out. January 19: Martin Sexton. 79 Washington Street, Providence. 331-5876, www.lupos.com TWIN RIVER January 18: WAR & Grand Funk Rail-

road. 100 Twin River Road, Lincoln. 877-827-4837, www.twinriver.com. THE DUNK January 24: Green Day: UNO! DOS! TRE! TOUR 1 LaSalle Square, Providence. 331-6700, www.dunkindonutscenter.com. THE INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY & PRACTICE OF NONVIOLENCE First Friday of every month: Open Mic Nights Spoken Word Poetry. 7-9pm. Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence, 265 Oxford Street. 7852320, www.nonviolenceinstitute.org. CLASSICAL PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER January 15-20: Million Dollar Quartet.

Tracy Morgan. January 17 at Comedy Connection, www.ricomedyconnection.com.


Indoor Bike Training Class. Monday nights at Casters, www.bikeri.com.


Tango Boot Camp. January 19 at Jeff Allen’s Latin and Ballroom Dance Studio, www.jeffallendance.com.


Million Dollar Quartet. January 15-20 at PPAC, www.ppacri.org.


Kid’s Clothes Swap. January 12 at Rochambeau Public Library Community Room, www. friendsofrochambeau.org.


January 2013 East Side Monthly


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East Side Monthly January 2013

CoMEDy FOXWOODS January 3-5: Greg Warren. January 10-12: Steve Rannazzisi. January 12: John Pinette. January 17-19: Gary Valentine. January 24-26: Bob Marley. 350 Trolley Line Boulevard, Mashantucket, CT. 800-200-2882, www.foxwoods.com.

www.ricomedyconnection.com. THEATRE PROVIDENCE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER January 1-6: Jekyll and Hyde. 220 Weybosset Street, Providence. 4212787, www.ppacri.org. GAMM THEATRE Janurary 17-31: U.S. Premiere! Anne Boleyn . 172 Exchange Street, Pawtucket. 723-4266, www.gammtheatre.org. TRINITY REP January 17-31: Crime and Punishment. 201 Washington Street. Providence. 521-1000, www.trinityrep.com. THE COMMUNITY PLAYERS January 18-27: I Hate Hamlet. Jenks Junior High School, 350 Division St., Pawtucket. 726-6860, www.thecommunityplayers.org.

EVERETT COMPANY STAGE SCHOOL Every Friday: Friday Night Live. 9 Duncan Ave. Providence. 831-9479, www. everettri.org.

2ND STORY THEATRE January 18-31: Amadeus. 28 Market Street, Warren. 247-4200, www.2ndstorytheatre.com.

COMEDY CONNECTION January 4-5: Tony V. January 11-12: Shane Mauss featuring Kelly Morse. January 17: Tracy Morgan. January 18-19: Bobcat Goldthwait. January 25-26: Orlando Baxter. January 31: Amazing Jonathan. 39 Warren Avenue, East Providence. 438-8383,

OCEAN STATE THEATRE COMPANY January 23-31: Fools. 1245 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick. 921-6800, www. oceanstatetheatre.org. DANCE PARK THEATRE January 23: Paco Peña & Flamenco

Vivo. January 27: Live at Birdland conducted The Birdland Big Band directed by Tommy Igoe. 848 Park Avenue, Cranston. 467-7275, www. parktheatreri.com.

SOCIAL HAPPENINGS expos | fundraisers | seasonal FoR FooDIES WINTERTIME FARMERS MARKET Wendesdays from 4-7pm and Saturdays from 9am-1pm. 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket. www.farmfreshri.org. RED, WHITE & BLUES January 12: Trinity Rep and Bottles Fine Wine announce the return of Red, White & Blues – A Food, Wine and Dancing Event from 7pm to midnight. Pell Chafee Performance Center, 87 Empire Street, Providence. 351-4242, www.trinityrep.com. POT AU FEU ÉCOLE DE CUISINE – COOKING CLASS January 26: Spend a day, 11am830pm, with our highly esteemed chef learning all the secrets of the preparation of a five-course gourmet French meal. Reservations Required. 44 Custom House Street, Providence. 273-8953, events@potaufeuri.com.

Photo: Ellie Leonardsmith







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CoNvENTIoN EvENTS RHODE ISLAND CONVENTION CENTER January 1: New Year’s Eve RI World Masquerade Ball. January 12: Cutting Edge Classic. January 18-20: Providence Boat Show. January 26-27: Athletic Championships-PlatinumProvidence. January 27: 2013 AHL All-Star Post Skills Party. January 31: 2013 Northeast International Auto Show. 1 Sabin Street, Providence. 455-6565, www.riconvention.com.

GALLERIES RISD MUSEUM OF ART January 1-13: America in View: Landscape Photography 1865 to Now. January 1-31: RISD Business: Sassy Signs and Sculptures by Alejandro Diaz. January 1-31: Everyday Things: Contemporary Works from the Collection. January 1-31: Grisogorious Places: Edward Lear’s Travels The Festive City. 20 North Main Street. 454-6500, www.risdmuseum.org.

kIDS + FAMILy ROGER WILLIAMS PARK ZOO January 1-31: Winter Wonder Days. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providnece. 941-4998 x316, www.rwpzoo.org.

Photo (Top R): Erik Gould

KENNEDY PLAZA SKATING SEASON January 1-31: Now open for the season. Bank of America City Center, 2 Kennedy Plaza, Providence. 331-5544, www.kennedyplaza.org.

America in View at the RISD museum

BROWN UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE January 5, 12, 19 & 26: Story Time in the Children’s Books section. 11am. 244 Thayer Street. 863-3168, bookstore.brown.edu. PROVIDENCE PUBLIC LIBRARY January 7: History HiJinks Book Club: Ike- An American Hero by Michael Korda. January 29: Brown Bag Book Club: We the Animals by Justin Torres. 150 Empire Street, Providence. 455-8000, www.provlib.org.

LEARN discussion | instruction | tour HAMILTON HOUSE January 30: Literary Book Club. Tuesdays: Tai Chi. Wednesdays:

Kundalini Yoga. Fridays: Hatha Yoga. 276 Angell Street, Providence. 8311800, www.historichamilton.com.

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BROWN WOMEN’S BASKETBALL January 2: Home vs. Army. January 5: Brown at Lafayette. January 15: Home vs. NJIT. January 25: Home vs. Yale. Pizzitola Sports Center, Hope and Lloyd, Providence. www.brownbears.com. BROWN MEN’S HOCKEY January 2: Home vs. Russian Red Stars. . January 18: Home vs. Dartmouth. January 19: Home vs. Harvard. Meehan Auditorium, Hope and Lloyd, Providence. www.brownbears.com. BROWN WOMEN’S HOCKEY January 5-6: Home vs. Maine. January 11: Home vs. Clarkson. January 12: Home vs. St. Lawrence. January 19: Home vs. Yale. January 25: Home vs. Colgate. January 26: Home vs. Cornell. Meehan Auditorium, Hope and Lloyd, Providence. www.brownbears.com. BROWN MEN’S BASKETBALL January 4: Brown at Rhode Island. January 8: Home vs. Niagara. January 12: Home vs. Daniel Webster. January 19: Home vs. Yale. Pizzitola Sports Center, Hope and Lloyd, Providence. www.brownbears.com.

Grisogorious Places at the RISD museum

Fine Horticulture

To have your listing included in the East Side Monthly Calendar, please send press releases or event information to esm@providenceonline.com. Please send submissions at least one month prior to event date.


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East Side Monthly January 2013

A&R CONTRACTING Remodeling. Maintenance. Home improvement specialists. Reg. #30466. Fully insured. References available on request. Free estimates. 401-616-7288. CEILING WORK, DRYWALL Plaster (hang, tape & paint). Water damage repair. All phases of carpentry. Reg. #24022. Fully insured. Steven, E. Prov., 401-641-2452. COOK/CLEANER AVAILABLE Experienced European woman, legal resident. References available. Call 243-4483. DOG WALKER/PET SITTER Trained to administer medications. Reliable, bonded, references available. Home visits. Call Susan 5273914. Loves animals. DOROTHY’S CLEANING We clean your home as our own! References & free estimates. Call 401-274-7871 or 401-524-7453. ELECTRICAL SERVICES All types. New circuits. RI #A3338. MA #16083A. Insured. Call Larry 529-2087. Also, small handyman jobs.

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East of Elmgrove

by Elizabeth Rau | illustration by Maret Paetznick

Simpler Times Nostalgic notes on an idyllic life Dr. Ed is back.

In between trips to Italia, sips of espresso, heaping plates of Bolognese pasta, gatherings with friends and, yes, an occasional game of golf, Edward Iannuccilli has managed to write another charming book about growing up in an Italian American family in the 1940s and 1950s. What Ever Happened to Sunday Dinner? and Other Stories is a gem, a must-read for anyone longing for simpler days or an escape from our turbulent times. If Ed’s name sounds familiar, it should. A retired gastroenterologist, he’s a former chairman of the board at Rhode Island Hospital. He’s also a member of that distinguished club of physician writers. The man can turn a phrase, evoke a tear or two and make you smell the meatballs sizzling in garlic and olive oil on the rear burners of his grandmother’s Barstow Stove. I wrote about Ed two years ago following the release of his first book, Growing Up Italian: Grandfather’s Fig Trees and Other Stories, which also vividly describes his childhood in Providence’s Mount Pleasant neighborhood, where he roamed the streets in his high-top Keds searching for the next big adventure that he would happily conceal from his loving parents. In his time, kids were expected to wander — and they did. Ed and I met for coffee one snowy day back then and hit it off. He’s a friendly and gracious man who is thrilled — and a little amazed — that he has found a second career as a writer. After he retired in 2001, he submitted an essay to The Providence Journal about his childhood. To his delight, the paper published it. Brimming with confidence, Ed sat down at his walnut desk and wrote more essays, all compiled in his first book. The essay in Growing Up Italian about Vincent Troiano, Ed’s grandfather, burying his fig trees to preserve them for the spring is one of his best, a touching portrait of immigrant life in America. Vincent would dig a ditch by the tree, wrap cloth around the trunk, pull the tree into the ground and then cover the grave with dirt, leaves and boards. Peering down to the snowcovered garden from his window, Eddie imagined he was looking at the


East Side Monthly January 2013

hump of a sleeping elephant. Over the years, Ed and I have kept in touch. His first book was such a huge success — he sold 5,000 copies in a few months — he realized that he might be on to something. He discovered that people were drawn to personal essays about an America that seemed less harried and impersonal than it is today. Ed says it best in his preface in Sunday Dinner: “Growing up in a neighborhood of family and friends was a journey to cherish. That neighborhood and the people living, working and playing there, though from diverse ethnic backgrounds, had strong traditions of family, caring and mutual respect. I am grateful for the simplicity of the time.’’ He was raised in an enormous three-

decker on Wealth Avenue, with his family – his parents and younger brother, Peter – on the third floor; his grandparents and great-grandfather on the second and his aunt and her family on the first. Laughter and the smell of brewing coffee filled every corner. I see Ed racing up the well-swept back staircase to taste his grandmother’s “gravy,’’ or pasta sauce; I see him praying at night to a picture of baby Jesus – “the Infant of Prague’’ – on his bedroom wall; I see him playing hide-and-seek on summer evenings, using the streetlight as a base. Ed’s new book gives us more sweet details about his idyllic life. This curlyhaired towhead who used Emu shoe polish to make his Buster Browns

shine, loved Holloway’s Milk Duds, Peter Paul Mounds, Root Beer Barrels, Oreos, Nehi soda, and Hoodsies, whose covers he licked clean to reveal pictures of movie stars. He loved the smell of the inkwells, library paste and oiled wood floors in his public school, a short walk from home. Grab bag day at The Outlet was a highlight of his week. He hated waking up early on weekend mornings to deliver the newspaper, but liked dressing up in his pressed white shirt and bow tie for Sunday dinners. His favorite TV program was the Howdy Doody Show, sponsored by Hostess, maker of his favorite snack, the Twinkie. He wore out the 78 rpm of Jack and the Beanstalk. His cousins jitterbugged to big band tunes on the RCA Victrola. In the summer, he cooled under a sprinkler (such simplicity!) or at Waterman’s Lake in North Smithfield. The Woonasquatucket River in Olneyville, smelling of leather and metal, was his swimming hole. He made balls from hot tar scrapped off streets and killed rats at the local dump with his slingshot. He played baseball with tapedup balls on a sandlot at Valley Street Playground and spied on teenagers kissing in the “big barn,” a decrepit garage owned by a grumpy old man. On sticky nights, he caught fireflies. His bike, a maroon and silver Monark Rocket Royal with sleek red, white and blue streamers on its handlebars, filled his 10-year-old belly with butterflies when he found it by the blue spruce Christmas morning. The fenders glimmered with chrome. The horn honked with one squeeze. It had a kickstand. “My bike had nothing but speed,’’ Ed writes. “I rode it everywhere; on the neighborhood’s streets, to the brook, to sandlots, rivers and stores, pedaling with little effort. There were no boundaries. My world opened up beyond the neighborhood, and I explored.’’ His remembrances during those long hours away from home on The Rocket under the spread-out sky gave us two wonderful books. Alone, far from hovering grownups, the little boy’s imagination soared. He stored those memories away, until now. We should all be so lucky. Elizabeth Rau can be reached at erau1@verizon.net.

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Portsmouth, RI Private waterfont estate. Separate guest suite. Private East Side Providence, RI Traditional Tudor with Contemporary flair. gated access w/in Carnegie Abbey Sporting Estate. $3,995,000 Two story living room, cathedral ceilings, pool. $850,000 848-2101 D ETAILS @L ILA D ELMAN . COM 274-1644 D ETAILS @L ILA D ELMAN . COM



North Smithfield, RI Impressive 2,200sf., two bedroom condo w/20ft. ceilings, office and upgraded kitchen. Private rooftop deck. $369,000 274-1644 D ETAILS @L ILA D ELMAN . COM

North Smithfield, RI Private 152 acre compound with freshwater frontage. Three houses, 8 lots, stables & barn. $2,900,000 274-1644 D ETAILS @L ILA D ELMAN . COM

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January 2013 East Side Monthly


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