East Side Monthly February 2020

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+Your February Must-List


HOPE What this neighborhood is doing right in a challenging retail climate

FEBRUARY 2020 • EastSideMonthly.com

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What’s New at Providence Children’s Film Fest The PPS Winter Bash Gets Groovy Meet a Trio of Teenage Filmmakers

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East Side Monthly • February 2020



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CONTENTS East Side Monthly • February 2020

Find Hope Street’s methods for success. pg 27

This Month

14 Gotham Greens turns an Olneyville brownfield into a futuristic super-farm

27 THAT HOPE STREET MAGIC What this East Side neighborhood is doing right in a challenging retail climate

Every Month 8 Editorial and Letters News & Culture 11 Get your groove on at this year’s Providence Preservation Society Winter Bash

happening in your area

16 New managing director of Providence Children’s Film Fest gives us a sneak peek

On the Cover:

Food & Drink 47 Flavor of the Month: This cocktail from

18 Inside the East Side

Capital Grille comes with a side of sparkle

20 Rhody Gem: This specialty paper shop is a “candy store for artists”

48 Food News: A can’t miss hot chocolate fest, first-ever VegFest RI, and Avenue N replaces Cook & Brown

23 Neighborhood News Life & Style 35 Home of the Month: A run-down College Hill Victorian gets a fresh start

12 Artists turn a basketball court into a memorial to victims of gun violence

Calendar 41 The Must-List and other events

50 Restaurant Guide East Sider 58 Meet a trio of teenage filmmakers

39 Education: The Croft School visits Providence Media for magazine making

Outside Hope Street shop Kreatelier. Photography by Nick DelGuidice.

East Side Monthly • February 2020 7


Taking the long view?

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Creative financial plans designed with, and around, you. Edward Pontarelli Jr., CRPC® Financial Advisor Managing Director Beacon Point Wealth Advisors Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 401.824.2532 1 Citizens Plaza, Ste 610 Providence, RI 02903 ameripriseadvisors.com/team/ beacon-point-wealth-advisors

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

While it’s always popular to end the year with a prediction of what the next year will bring, leave it to Dan McGowan, the Boston Globe’s best known local blogger, to add a little twist. Since 2020 marks the beginning of a whole new decade, he asked about 30 of Rhode Island’s best-known community leaders to stretch out their telescopes a bit and try to predict what will be the biggest story of the next 10 years. Some of the answers were interesting. Lieutenant Governor McKee, a longtime advocate for the Blackstone Valley, thinks it’ll be the growth of Pawtucket. Secretary of State Gorbea, like many of us, feels it will depend on our ability to improve education. State Treasurer Seth Magaziner thinks it will come down to our ability to create a local economy based on higher paying jobs. Not surprisingly, Mayor Elorza preaches Kumbaya and the importance of improving all segments of our society. The Democratic Women’s Caucus worries about climate change. Whose vision will prove the most accurate? Way above our pay grade. That said, we’d like to toss out one more avenue worthy of consideration as we speculate where our city and state will be at the

end of the next decade. While there certainly are a myriad of challenges facing us, there is at least one area where our state excels: Our unique cluster of colleges and universities has created a world class education product that is among the best in the country. It delivers on so many levels: academic excellence; the ability to attract outside funding; dominating specific categories like art, design, food; or offering good proven value for your tuition dollars. What is missing is the need to have a thoughtful, honest, and comprehensive discussion on what’s a fair number to balance the tax breaks the institutions receive and the needs of the cities that host them. Is there a way for the communities to participate in the proceeds of any entrepreneurial home runs that might develop? Is there a better way to use the students, faculty, or infrastructure in ways to enrich both sides of the equation? Is there a way to tap into the unique ethnicity that has always made Rhode Island special? Are we dreaming? Sure. Is it doable? Unlikely. But after all, we are the city that moved rivers. And what better time to push the envelope a little than the beginning of a new decade.

L ET T ERS While Paris repairs and restores Notre Dame Cathedral, we here in Providence neglect our only skyscraper, the most poetic and “philosophical” structure in our downtown. It saddens me that we have tossed this masterpiece of 20th century design into the dustbin and the oblivion of our history. When constructed, inside and out, the former Industrial Trust Building was a study in stone. The bas-reliefs on all of its walls tell the tale of each chapter of our collective conscience: Roger Williams greets the indigenous people; a pair in canoes – willing at first – to collaborate, each culture enriching the partner. Craftspeople from beyond the borders of our shoreline come to construct the community, weaving, design, gathering and learning new languages, dining on the produce of our farmland. Providence was more than rural back then. It was Eden. You can see the saga carved as you stroll around the corners of the “Superman” building like a book pointed skyward for inspiration.

One of the sorrier aspects of the postwar world has been the emphasis on throwing away yesterday and celebrating the new. I would plead before the deadline, that the Providence Preservation Society, that the academic world led by Brown, the Rhode Island School of Design, and, yes, the University of Rhode Island share and use this gem of downtown. We draw disciples from around the global world to live and study in our city. I believe we are capable of demonstrating to them we can come together and find a nobler solution to the problem of neglect and abandonment. We can reclaim our ancestral mission to welcome all kinds of diverse people into the American Dream at its best. It’s best, I would argue, is the Industrial Trust, the local Superman Building, looming up to the biblical firmament like a lighthouse for the future as well as a torch from its past…an important and tangible example of the importance of providence. Mike Fink Professor at RISD

East Side Monthly Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell

Media Director Jeanette St. Pierre

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EAST SIDE / PROVIDENCE 22 Astral 22 Balton 62 Camp Unit 2 62 Camp Unit 3 186 Camp 244 Camp Unit 1 116 Chestnut Unit K 170 Doyle 235 Doyle Unit 3 100 Exchange Unit 605 32 Gentian 9 Grove 117-119 Grove 54 Halsey

2 Harkness 74 Harrison Unit 74 175 Highland 180 Highland 18 Imperial Unit 4A 71 Lauriston 102 Lloyd 43-45 Pinehurst 38 Sixth 43 Thayer 1 Wayland Unit 104N 1 Wayland Unit 114N 11 Woodbury

Ann Gallagher Kristine Mangan Olf


Elizabeth Riel Dan Schwartz Stephanie Oster Wilmarth For advertising information email: Marketing@ProvidenceOnline.com Contributing Photographers Jenny Currier Nick DelGiudice

Robert Isenberg Megan Schmit

Contributing Writers Julie Tremaine Chuck Staton

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Presented by Providence Media, publishers of The Bay, East Side Monthly, Providence Monthly, and So Rhode Island

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East Side Monthly • February 2020 9

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

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NEWS & CULTURE East Side Stories | Inside the East Side | Rhody Gem | Neighborhood News

East Side News

Costume Party

Get your groove on at this year’s Providence Preservation Society Winter Bash By Megan Schmit

A snapshot from last year’s Hollywood themed Winter Bash

Arguably one of the most

anticipated parties of the year, Providence Preservation Society’s Winter Bash had humble beginnings. In 2003, it started as a wintertime pop-up event to showcase the underutilized historic mills and downtown buildings that pepper the city and are so integral to its industrial past. Today, it’s one of the biggest

themed fundraisers in Rhode Island, attracts hundreds of enthusiastic attendees, and highlights the Creative Capital’s oldest architectural gems. The bash has been everything from a Steampunk Soiree (2016) and Prohibition-era party (2018) to last year’s red-carpet Hollywood-themed social, which appropriately took place in the Broad Street

Neighborhood’s restored Bomes Theatre. What’s in store this year? Reveals Director of Donor Relations & Special Events Angela Kondon, “Dig out your go-go boots and polyester jumpsuit and come boogie with us like it’s 1979!” PPS’s Winter Bash 2020 will take place at Bucklin Plaza at 69 Bucklin Street on February 29. PPSRI.org

Photo by Jessica Rose Photography, courtesy of Providence Preservation Society East Side Monthly • February 2020 11

News & Culture East Side News

Experience. Integrity. Results.

Concrete Solutions How two artists turned a basketball court into a memorial to a victim of gun violence by Robert Isenberg

Omar Polanco was only 19

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

when a bullet took his life. He had just graduated from the MET school and held a job at Walmart. He was shot on Sayles Street, near a small park in Lower South Providence. Omar’s death sent shockwaves through the community, and no suspects have ever been tried. But the neighborhood wouldn’t forget him. Next to the former crime scene stands Omar Polanco Basketball Court, renamed in honor of the young victim. Most courts are coated in one or two colors. Here, the pavement is painted in vibrant floral images, a visual homage to life. The murals were spearheaded by MyHome Court, a Providence-based nonprofit that restores old basketball courts, and Providence College Galleries, in coordination with the City of Providence Parks. They conscripted two artists: Joiri Minaya, based in New York City, and Jordan Seaberry, director of public policy and advocacy for the Providence-based Nonviolence Institute. “I have never embarked on a painting knowing what it will look like at the end,” says Jordan. “I think it’s done, and then I realize there’s one other thread that I need to pull on. I created this painting through the same process – thinking about Omar, thinking about his family.” Jordan grew up in Chicago and enrolled at the Rhode Island School of Design. He didn’t click with RISD right away, and he took a break to involve himself in activism and public policy. When he returned to RISD, he felt a new sense of purpose. Among other projects, Jordan started painting portraits of people killed in street altercations. He called the series The Violences Project. Jordan contacted the victim services team at the Nonviolence Institute; later, he would start working there. Jordan knew about Omar, and he became close with the Polanco family. “That was part of the reason I was so excited about taking this project on,” he

An aerial shot offers a complete view of the murals

says. “These are conversations about empowering families, talking about more than just death. Where did society let us down that made this violence more acceptable?” Jordan and Joiri’s murals complement each other well; most passersby wouldn’t associate their impressionistic images with armed assault or an obvious plea for peace. Once the artists were satisfied with their paintings, a small army of volunteers from the Providence College Galleries started to apply actual pigment to pavement.

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As it happens, the Nonviolence Institute is located near the park, and Jordan watched the mural come together during his daily commute. Today, the court is a memorial, but it’s also a standard setting for pickup games. “It is such a joy to walk by, or ride my bike past the court,” says Jordan. “You might lock eyes on a kid who’s playing by himself, or a group of students who are playing, and they have no idea the personal investment I have in the ground they’re playing on.”

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News & Culture East Side News

Green Light

Brooklyn-based Gotham Greens turns a Providence brownfield into a futuristic super-farm By Robert Isenberg

“We’re on a mission

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to transform how and where fresh produce is grown,” said Viraj Puri, Co-Founder and CEO of Gotham Greens, at a ribbon-cutting on December 5. “Since announcing our expansion into New England… we have received tremendous support from elected officials, retailers, restaurants, and our community, who love that we can provide a reliable, year-round supply of fresh and safe produce.” Viraj is 38 years old, a tall and charismatic figure, especially when he stands at a lectern, thanking scores of people for their help. If you pictured the CEO of a progressive, eco-friendly, agricultural empire, the image would fit Puri to a T. Gotham Greens is only a decade old, but the company has established futuristic greenhouses in New York City, Chicago, Baltimore, and Denver. Two months ago, Providence joined that list, with a nearly $13 million, 100,000-square-foot facility on Harris Avenue. At the ribbon-cutting, Mayor Jorge Elorza

and Gov. Gina Raimondo delivered effusive speeches about Puri and the significance of the new facility. As they tell it, the courtship was brief; both leaders were enthusiastic about the Gotham Greens proposal, which would turn an obscure brownfield, vacant for 20 years, into a colossal hydroponic farm. “The official opening of Gotham Greens’ Providence location is an important step in our efforts to grow Rhode Island’s food economy,” added Gov. Raimondo. “It’s critical that Rhode Islanders have access to fresh, locally grown food all year round, especially during the cold winter months.” Within, the new Gotham Greens structure is surreally huge, with sprawling glass walls and vast stretches of leafy greens. But unlike traditional farming, these crops seem to sprout magically out of steel platforms. Without soil to till, Gotham Greens uses 98 percent less water, resulting in six million heads

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

Photography by Megan Schmit


rise and shine

of lettuce each year. Products are already stocked at local branches of Whole Foods and Dave’s Marketplace, among others, and Gotham Greens donated thousands of pounds of fresh produce to the Rhode Island Food Bank by the end of 2019. The symbolism hasn’t escaped Puri or his local champions: The same location was once home to a GE plant, which manufactured incandescent light bulbs and significantly contaminated the site. Today, Gotham Greens uses 100 percent renewable energy for daily operations; the new facility has created 60 new “green” jobs in Providence. Tours of the greenhouse, for school field trips and interested adults, will commence soon. And an extended bike trail is slated to connect Gotham Greens to both Providence and the Woonasquatucket Greenway. “Providence is gaining a reputation as a regional food production and distribution hub,” added Mayor Elorza. “This unique mixture of ingredients, along with our strategic location within the country’s most densely populated and economically powerful urban corridor, make up Providence’s recipe for inclusive and sustainable long-term economic development.” GothamGreens.com

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News & Culture East Side News

Lights, Camera, Action!

New Managing Director of Providence Children’s Film Festival shares what’s on the reel for 2020 – and beyond By Ed McCarthy

extended this passion of helping people into real estate, where he could help people buy and sell homes. George serves the community as a realtor and a real estate guide and is licensed in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. He brings you value, with background in your dream home on College Hill, or commercial real estate in downtown Providence, you are guaranteed a seamless experience.

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

If your kids are constantly glued to their smartphones and tablets, consider upgrading to the really big screen and getting in some family time at the Providence Children’s Film Festival (PCFF). It’s the fourth-largest festival of its kind in

the country, attracts between 4,000 and 5,000 attendees, and takes place over February’s school vacation week (February 14-23). This year is its 11th installment, and Rachel Colaiace’s first as PCFF’s Managing Director.

Photo courtasy of Rachel Colaiace

Since George moved to the East Side three years ago, he fell in love with the area and the community and this generated a passion that inspired him to help people who would like to call the area their home. George has an entrepreneurial and dedicated spirit. In 2015, he successfully set up a company that specializes in the conversion of shipping containers into

“PCFF sees movies, especially when experienced in a shared-viewing environment, as a storytelling forum that educates our youth of the experiences, cultures, and emotions that connect us all as human beings,” says Colaiace. While last year was certainly a big one for PCFF, celebrating its first decade, Rachel details the big stuff planned for 2020: “We are kicking off this year’s festival with an all-ages-welcome opening night party at Metcalf Auditorium on Friday, with a red-carpet runway, interactive entertainment and the first official screening of the festival.” Then, there’s a filmmaker’s soiree the following Saturday, where “filmmakers, both young and young-at-heart, workshop presenters, visiting guest speakers, and local celebrities join festival supporters for a night of fun.” In between, the festival will showcase independent and international productions, including 12 feature-length films and 200 film shorts. But it’s not all popcorn bucket diving: Visitors can also attend related workshops, hear guest speakers, and participate in community events at venues that are all within walking distance – convenient during the mid-winter season. Colaiace and the team have already started looking forward with visions of expansion. Colaiace shares, “Our goal for this next decade of PCFF is to bolster existing year-round screenings in libraries, museums, and parks through our partnerships with the city, state, and our dedicated funders.” As of late December, the festival was wrapping up its final viewing selections. Tickets are available for both specific films, or individuals can purchase 10pack and all-access passes to provide more screening flexibility. Movie details, including times and age-appropriateness guidelines, are available online. ProvidenceChildrensFilmFestival.org

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East Side Monthly • February 2020 17

News & Culture Inside the East Side By Barry Fain

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For all of us concerned about the impacts of climate change on RI communities or worried about Rhode Island’s preparedness to deal with it, an interesting opportunity awaits on February 28 at 4pm at the new WaterFire Arts Center on Valley Street. The event will feature a panel of professionals from around the Northeast who will evaluate Rhode Island readiness for ensuring that all new buildings and sizable rehab projects will contribute to the economic, environmental, and social justice needs of our communities. Ralph DiNola, CEO of the New Buildings Institute in Seattle and a national leader in the net zero building movement, will kick off the event. The halfday event will conclude with a light buffet and the opportunity to engage with the speakers. The Steering Committee planning this event is a who’s who of concerned participants in the state, chaired by Deborah Dunning, partner, Circularity Edge Consultants and Deming Sherman, Chairman, Capital Center Commission; it also includes Cliff Wood, President, Providence Foundation; Curt Spalding, Brown University, Institute for Environment & Society; Justin Cook, Director, RISD Center for Complexity; Barnaby Evans, Co-Director, Providence Resilience Partnership; Developer Chris Marsella; Shaun O’Rourke, Chief Resilience Officer, RI Infrastructure Bank; and John Flaherty, Grow Smart RI. Should be interesting.

And this year’s winners are…

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

One of the more anticipated annual events of the year was held at Skyline Restaurant by our sister publication Providence Monthly on January 16. Every year they contact many of the state’s most respected insiders to help them pick a carefully curated group of up-and-coming movers and shakers to keep an eye on during this upcoming year. Over the past 16 years, they have had some remarkable successes…a successful young businessman, returning to his home state and looking for something new to do (Steve Laffey); a then-unknown housing court judge known more as a professor but who was beginning to develop a reputation of getting things done (Jorge Elorza); a hard-working local blogger in his twenties who soon created a following large enough

to attract the attention of the Boston Globe to head their efforts to break into the Rhode Island market (Dan McGowan). In addition, the evening included a keynote speech by downtown business developer and former Mayor Joe Paolino, who offered his own thoughts about the future of Providence. If you’re curious about this year’s selections, go to the Providence Monthly website at ProvidenceOnline.com and see if you agree with their choices.

Two streets of new eats The East Side restaurant scene continues to broaden as restaurateurs, drawn by lower rents, eschew more pricey digs on Thayer Street and downtown for quieter places like Ives Street and both ends of Hope Street. The latest entrants are Nick and Tracy Rabar, owners of the popular Avenue N restaurant in Rumford, and the Meza family, who started the successful El Rancho Grande restaurant on Plainfield Street. The former has just bought Cook & Brown restaurant at the northern end of Hope Street. Meanwhile, across the street from Persimmon, El Rancho Grande has just opened a second location called Dolores to complement its wildly popular location across town. Unfortunately, some disappointing food news on Thayer Street. Several of the popular eateries there are upset with the loss of parking in the area due to two current ongoing Brown construction projects. One has already bitten the dust as Jake Rojas and Jay Carr have decided to shut down Durk’s Bar-B-Q restaurant after a short three-year run.

On Saturday afternoon, talk is cheap Looking for something a little different to do with the family this winter? Mark Binder, the popular East Side author, who always seems willing to try the unusual, will be taking over the Parlour Pub on North Main Street on February 15 and March 21 for what he’s calling “Spoken Story Saturdays.” He’ll be offering two afternoon family shows, one starting a 2pm that will be aimed at younger audiences and the second for kids 14+ at 3pm. Storytelling, poetry, tall tales – anything goes, we’re told. The price is right too, Mark promises: “Admission is $10, but only $5 for students, seniors, and the under-employed.”

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East Side Monthly • February 2020 19

News & Culture Rhody Gem

Paper Connection International, LLC Paper Store We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. Email or tag us on social media using #RhodyGem to suggest yours, and we might just feature it! What it is: Since 1995, Paper Connection International, LLC has been an essential paper resource for both artists and connoisseurs of specialty papers. More than just a supplier, their expert staff consult, educate, design, and create. They pride themselves in offering unique papers handcrafted from sustainable fibers by traditional craftspeople.

What makes it a Rhody Gem? Founder Lauren Pearlman Sugita and staff delight in hearing patrons say of the business, “It’s a candy shop for artists,” or “I’ve learned so much about paper that I never knew!” With over 1,500 different papers, its likeness to a candy store feels apt – their selection features traditionally worked, artisanal papers from Japan, Korea, India, and other origin countries. “There are fewer younger generations interested in producing these beautiful testaments of history and culture,” Lauren says, which is why her team is dedicated to reviving fiber and pulp techniques through history lessons, workshops, and glimpses of papermaking processes.

Paper Connection International, LLC

166 Doyle Avenue, 2nd Floor PaperConnection.com


East Side Monthly • February 2020

Photo courtesy of Paper Connection International, LLC

Where to find it: A nondescript former jewelry factory on Doyle Avenue, between Hope and Camp Streets, houses the paper warehouse/showroom, located on the second floor above C&K Electric. While they don’t maintain regular hours, individuals or small groups can book appointments for a more personalized experience.

To submit your Rhody Gem, please email Abbie@ProvidenceOnline.com

















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News & Culture Neighborhood News

Neighborhood News is a space that East Side Monthly makes available to community organizations free of charge. The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the editors of this publication.

Fox Point neighbors oppose the conversion of traditional billboards to digital screens.

Fox Point Neighborhood Association Digital Billboards? Neighbors Say “No.” In mid-December, the City Council Committee on Ordinances held a public hearing regarding a proposed change to our zoning ordinance. The proposed amendment would permit highway billboards within the city of Providence to be converted to digital screens. Several residents spoke against the request. “Big advertisers keep upping the ante,” commented one Fox Point neighbor, who described the escalating efforts of advertisers over the last several decades to grab the attention of passersby – first with large-scale traditional billboards, then with live screens, and now with hyper-illumination and rapidly changing messages. The greater the distraction, this neighbor argued, the further these screens will dominate – or even erase – the surrounding environment. While discussing the issue at the FPNA December meeting, Fox Point neighbors opposed the digital screens for three main reasons. First, neighbors expressed concerns about safety, as the risk of highway accidents increases when drivers are distracted by electronic images. They also described the signs as “visual pollution” that would detract from the appeal of our city. Last, neighbors feared that changing our zoning ordinance would set a dangerous precedent, since the proposed amendment would apply to all future billboards in our city. Fortunately, the Ordinance Committee did not decide on this matter at the December hearing; we will keep you posted on this issue and encourage you to voice your opinion. FPNA February Meeting: Please join us on Monday, February 10 at 7pm at the Community Room Library at Vartan Gregorian Elementary. See our website, FPNA.net, for agenda and directions. All are welcome. About FPNA The Fox Point Neighborhood Association is

a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Fox Point and protecting its historic integrity and resources. FPNA speaks out on neighborhood issues and builds community through local events. Please sign up for our mailing list and join us at a monthly meeting! -Amy Mendillo

Blackstone Parks Conservancy That’s TWO Blackstone parks! The Blackstone Parks Conservancy. Virtually everyone stumbles over that “s”, but no one has found another way to say that the BPC cares for two Blackstone parks: A 1.6-milelong arboretum of sorts with a walking and running path between two roadways, and a 45-acre semi-wild park beside the Seekonk River. Both are loved for distinct qualities and require different care. Having limited resources means that money and volunteer and Parks Department time spent on the two parks vary from year to year and sometimes it seems like a seesaw. But it’s fair to say that the

Conservancy gives them equal attention, depending mainly on grants for major projects. What follows is only a very rough estimate of how BPC attentions are divided. The Boulevard: Early in this millennium, the BPC raised funds to reroof the Trolley Shelter and, later, the small shelter. Donations later paid for the first all-over pruning of the Boulevard Park. Annual expenditures on the Boulevard include money for new trees (over 300) and their watering and mulching. Many benches were paid for with donations as well. Then there are the annual concerts, free to the public, which cost about $6,000 each year. Professional analysis of the crumbling path and donated funds for a restored experimental section in 2019 reached nearly $100,000. Many more thousands will need to be raised in order to bring the path up to an acceptable standard. The Blackstone Park Conservation District: Less visible than the Boulevard, this area received a large infusion in 2012, when a federal grant enabled volunteers working

East Side Monthly • February 2020 23

News & Culture Neighborhood News

with the RI Natural History Society to reclaim a three-acre section on Angell Street from Asiatic bittersweet and replant it with native species. Volunteers have painstakingly tended it since then. Much of the volunteer work is at a professional level and it’s hard to estimate its value in terms of dollars. The BPC attempts to do so but inevitably falls short. The second major infusion to Blackstone Park came mid-decade with grants from Department of Environmental Management and the Coastal Resources Management Council to tackle the badly worn five-acre plateau in the center section by rebuilding trails and planting in the highly erodible understory. Wear and tear and erosion continue in both parks. The challenge in 2020, as always, will be to work smarter for Healthy

Urban Green Space for All. -Jane Peterson Blackstone Parks Conservancy Phone Number: 401-270-3014 Website: BlackstoneParksConservancy.org Email Address: BlackstoneParks@gmail.com Mailing Address: P.O. Box 603141, Providence, RI 02906

Summit Neighborhood Association News After more than two years’ work to plan and raise funds, installation of a bubbler in Lippitt Park is finally complete! The park and adjacent Blackstone Boulevard path are among the most enjoyable and frequently used green spaces in the city, but there has never been a safe drinking water source available. This project will make

our park a healthier and more attractive amenity for all walkers, joggers, cyclists, playground users, farmers market attendees, and everyone else who visits the park. The bubbler idea was brought to SNA by former board member Mark Tracy, and was made possible by donations from Summit Neighborhood Association members and neighbors, as well as substantial support from Miriam Hospital/Lifespan and the City of Providence. Since the construction was completed in the cold weather, we’re looking forward to a sunny spring 2020 grand opening. Stay tuned, and thanks to everyone who’s pitched in to help this little project become a reality. Residents Invited to Connect with Us Got a neighborhood issue, problem, or great idea you’d like some help with? That’s

Photo courtesy of Blackstone Parks Conservency

Skaters on Hockey Pond in the Blackstone Park Conservation District


East Side Monthly • February 2020

why we’re here! We meet at 7pm on the third Monday of every month in the dining room at Summit Commons, 99 Hillside Avenue. The sessions are open and neighborhood residents are encouraged to attend! You can also stay in touch with us on Facebook via the “Summit Neighborhood Association” page, our website at SummitNeighbors. org, on Instagram and Twitter @SNAProv, via our newly launched e-newsletter or listserv at SummitNeighbors.org/get-involved/join-theemail-list, or by phone at 401-400-0986. Memberships As always, we welcome new members who are interested in supporting our neighborhood events, community projects, candidate forums, and advocacy. Memberships are affordable – starting at just $15 per year – and easier than ever to sign up for digitally or by mail. Summit Neighborhood Association 401-400-0986 SummitNeighbors.org SNAProv@gmail.com PO Box 41092, Providence, RI 02940

Wayland Square Neighborhood Association Residents of the Wayland Square Neighborhood, this is your neighborhood association! That includes the streets surrounding the square all the way to the river, up to Irving, Arlington, Taber, Angell Street up to Governor, up and down Wayland Avenue and Elmgrove, including over to Eastside Marketplace and Waterman Grill… not just the Square! Benefits of being an active member in Wayland Square Neighborhood Association: • Connect with others in the community and know your neighbors • Support the neighborhood growth and success for economic sustainability • Positively impact the community environment (i.e. planting trees, community cleanup, merchant relations) • Address common priorities as a community, and it’s free! We will continue to advocate for issues affecting our neighborhood, including the

Henderson Bridge redevelopment, signage, recycling, promoting local shopping to support merchants to further a vibrant neighborhood and your issues as well as share the great stories happening in WSNA! Please join us for our February meeting “Meet Your Neighbors” Wine & Tidbits tasting at Pasta Beach on Wednesday, February 12 from 6-7pm. All are welcome! Connect with WSNA on Facebook: “Wayland Square Neighborhood Association.” Or be in touch via WaylandSquareNeighbors@gmail.com

Mount Hope Neighborhood Association VITA income tax season started January 21, 2020 and ends April 15, 2020, and MHNA will be offering services. Those who qualify may file taxes for free at our walk-in site. Hours for VITA income tax services are Tuesday 9am2pm, Wednesday 4-9pm, and Saturday 1:306:30pm. Please call for additional information. Additionally, the MHNA Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program is changing their hours. They will be open Thursdays, 12-7pm, Fridays 9am-3pm, and Saturday 8am-2pm. Baby Cafe, a breastfeeding/chestfeeding support group, will be held every Thursday from 10am-12pm at the center. A Certified Lactation Counselor and Internationally Board Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC/IBCLC) will be on duty to answer questions or concerns. Coffee as always and snacks! Please refer to the RI Baby Cafe Facebook page for updates. If you are interested in volunteering, attending, or coordinating, please contact StingWIC@gmail.com. The Sharing Garden in Billy Taylor Park is still sleeping, but that does not mean we are not busy. We will be offering forums and gearing up for the new season. Check out the Plan4Health Mt. Hope Facebook page for upcoming events, places, and times. All are welcome to the MHNA board meeting on the third Thursday at 6pm, as well as the Food Security and Housing meetings on the fourth Thursday at 5pm and 6pm, respectively. The Mt. Hope Dialogues for Community Action occurs on the second Thursday at 5:30pm. All meetings are held at Mt. Hope Neighborhood Association, 199 Camp St. Call to confirm and with other questions at 401-521-8830.

College Hill Neighborhood Association At CHNA’s monthly meeting on Monday, January 6, the board appointed Rick Champagne as its new president, replacing Josh Eisen, who resigned in December. Rick has lived on Jenckes Street, in a house he shares with his partner, Mark, and their two rescue Bernese Mountain Dogs, Jaxson and Chloe, since 2012. A CHNA board member since 2013, he has served as director of communications and most recently worked with a team of CHNA members, Providence’s Parks Department, and park benefactors to restore Prospect Park Terrance. CHNA will hold its delayed holiday party on Monday, March 9, at Lippitt House. All are invited to join in the festivities. Developer David Baskin presented on phase two of his project on Euclid Street, where he has constructed a four-story residential building geared toward Brown University student renters. In the second phase, he plans to extend the construction from the middle of Euclid all the way to Brook Street, demolishing an existing building to make way for the new building. The addition will have 1,600 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor along Brook and Euclid, with an entrance on the corner. In total, Baskin’s new buildings will house up to 102 students. (He previously housed 25 students on this property.) Baskin has all necessary permits for the project. The proprietors of CBD American Shaman, Rob and Janice Schmidt, introduced their business to the CHNA on Monday. Located at 288 Thayer Street (in what was once Zuzu’s Petals dress shop), their store sells CBD products, which are used for a variety of health and wellness purposes, including the treatment of anxiety, stress, pain, etc. The Schmidts wanted to clarify that their business is not a medical marijuana dispensary; CBD products have low levels of THC and do not produce a high. CBD American Shaman is a franchise headquartered in Kansas City and organically grows and independently tests its products in the U.S. CHNA welcomes all residents of College Hill to join our efforts to protect the neighborhood. Contact: CHNA, PO Box 2442, Providence, RI 02906; visit CHNAProvidence.org or email CHNA @chnaprovidence.org -Nina Markov

East Side Monthly • February 2020 25

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HOPE STREET What one East Side neighborhood is doing right in a challenging retail climate

By Julie Tremaine Photography by Nick DelGiudice

East Side Monthly • February 2020 27

Rhody Craft


hen you walk down the street in Hope Village, past the restaurants full of diners and the shops where customers are carrying at least one bag from a nearby store, it’s easy to see the allure of the place. Someone’s walking to a car with an armful of flowers, and others are fresh from the salon with new haircuts. Kids are coming in and out of dance class in their Festival Ballet finery, and across the street, people are lined up out the door of Seven Stars Bakery, waiting for a cup of that excellent coffee. Try to find another neighborhood in Providence with this concentration of shops, restaurants, and services, that’s full in equal measure of people who live a block away and who live across town. You won’t. There’s no place in the city quite like Hope Street, where the

Blooming Blossoms

majority of businesses have been there for many years, and almost all of them are independently owned – and thriving. Improvements to the street in recent years, like the installation of public artwork and the traffic-calming sidewalk bump-outs, make the popularity of Hope Street feel like it’s a new phenomenon – but in reality, the area has always been a neighborhood-first kind of place. “I chose Hope Street because I live in the area,” John Goldman says. He’s been running Green River Silver with his brother Dan since opening at the intersection of Hope and Rochambeau in 1999. “It truly is a neighborhood where everyone knows each other and it has all the amenities one could hope for.” Kim Turner Clark, who opened her progressive gift shop

Rhody Craft five years ago, has a similar story. “I’ve lived right off of Hope Street for my 26 years in Rhode Island,” she says. “This is my neighborhood, so it’s the only place I’d have the courage to open a small business.” “I grew up in this neighborhood,” says Pam Hargraves, who has run her florist shop, Blooming Blossoms, on Hope Street for over 20 of its 31 years. “I used to walk to the butcher shop and Davis Market with my grandmother. That’s why this neighborhood thrives – because you can walk and get a little of everything.” “It was more of a service district,” Camera Werks owner Pat Zacks recalls, of the Hope Street where she moved her business in the late 1980s. Then, it had more food stores and fewer gift shops. “Consumers came to the street for

Blooming Blossoms

So maybe the secret ingredient is the combination of supportive, outspoken neighbors, reasonable landlords, and smart, dynamic, communityoriented, entrepreneurial business owners. Kim Turner Clark, Rhody Craft

necessity and purchased their weekly supplies here,” she says. “There was a family history on the street. Many businesses were generational.” In the early years of Camera Werks, though, the environment was different on the street. “Crime and theft became a problem in the mid-'90s,” Zacks says. “It was not unusual to discover a business was broken into or a storefront window crashed through on a weekly basis, mine included.” “Seven Stars was an abandoned gas station,” Goldman adds. “There were many empty storefronts and the neighborhood seemed to be in flux. Now it’s totally turned around.” That turnaround came from merchants bringing in more police force, but also from giving people good reasons to patronize the street. Lynn and Jim Williams opened Seven Stars Bakery in 2001, around the same time that Nina Tegu opened artful boutique Studio Hop, and Asher and Erin Schofield opened their eclectic gift shop, Frog & Toad, both just down the block. “It checked all of the boxes for what we were looking for,” Asher Schofield says. “A neighborhood and community where we could lay roots for the indefinite future.” Those boxes: nearby amenities like banks, access to public transportation, ample parking, “and a rich tradition of locally owned, independent businesses, in addition to just a really cool neighborhood and community.”

“It was already nice when we moved in,” says Line Daems, who opened textile shop Kreatelier with Pernilla Frazier in 2007, “but it is getting better every year.” Dixie Carroll and Bill Jette came in shortly after with J Marcel, which opened as a shoe store but evolved into a women’s clothing and accessory boutique. These relatively new shop owners could see promise, but they saw issues with the street, too. “We got there in June,” Carroll says, “and by September we were already forming the Merchants Association because we recognized that a street with half empty storefronts had a problem that needed solutions.” She, Schofield, Daems, and Goldman were among the founding members of the Hope Street Merchants Association (HSMA). “The number one concern was creating a shopping district to get people to go from block to block,” as opposed to parking in front of one store, shopping there, and then leaving. Those early efforts included beautification of the street – now, the bus shelters, trash cans, and bike racks are designed by local artists – and largescale events to draw in people from outside the neighborhood, and show them what was happening on Hope. “The first festival was maybe 500 or 1,000 people,” Bill Jette says. Now, there are two highly anticipated annual events: the Hope Street Winter Stroll in December and the Hope Street Block Party in May, which has had

Evolve Apothecary

Sue Benzuly Owner of Evolve Apothecary

everything from fire dancers to a fashion show down the middle of Hope to semi-professional wrestling matches. “The last spring festival [in May 2019] was probably 10,000. When you think about the cumulative effect over the years, that brings a lot of people who have never been here.” Also responsible for drawing in people from other parts of the city: the food. Of course, Seven Stars continues to thrive, now owned by Bill and Tracy Daugherty, along with other neighborhood establishments like Chez Pascal, Hope Street Pizza, Ivy Tavern, KG Kitchen, Pizzico, and Wara Wara which have loyal followings. Plus, the city’s appetite for the new keeps more restaurants opening, like the forthcoming restaurant from Nick Rabar of Avenue N American Kitchen in the old Cook & Brown Public House spot, and Little Sister, a coffee shop and cafe from Rebelle Artisan Bagels’s Milena Pagan, opening at the intersection of Hope and Rochambeau. “While Hope Street was definitely gaining new,

LuLi Boutique

Elise Mischel Owner of LuLi Boutique

energetic businesses in 2012 when I opened Stock Culinary Goods, it wasn’t a sure thing at all,” says owner Jan Faust Dane. “In the 15 years I’d lived off Hope, I’d seen plenty of hits and misses.” (Pat Zacks estimates that she’s seen 150 businesses come and go in the neighborhood in her 30 years operating a business there.) Dane says that the economy was still depressed from the 2008 recession, especially in Rhode Island, where recovery was among the slowest, and retailers were struggling to adapt to the online shopping revolution from Amazon and other digital retailers. “But one key advantage Hope Street had was the little economic engine that could, Seven Stars. What Lynn and Jim did to that gas station, in concert with what others were doing, made the whole thing seem actually viable. It definitely primed the pump for what came.” Support from the HSMA was also a huge factor in her success, Dane says. She received “priceless and essential information” from Schofield and Daems about setting up her business. “The integrity of this group and its willingness to collaborate to make Hope Street better has been one of the most gratifying things I’ve ever seen. In many scenarios, a bunch of people selling things side by side might feel competitive, but the culture of the HSMA has always been one of collaboration, sharing, and encouraging one another.” Elise Mischel has run her women’s clothing shop, LuLi Boutique, on Hope Street for over nine years. She recently finished serving a term as HSMA president, and is now vice-president of the association. Mischel believes that the collaboration between merchants — not only in helping to start new businesses, but in talking to each other about what’s working and what’s not working — is a crucial element to Hope Street’s success. “People are listening, and that makes a huge difference

Frog & Toad

Asher Schofield Owner of Frog & Toad

to the customer,” she said. “I’m a [HSMA] member and I was from the minute they asked me,” says Priya Himatsingka, who opened pH Factor, a gift shop where she also sells her handmade jewelry, just under a year ago. “In theory we should be competition, but in my experience everyone in Providence is really supportive.” Beyond throwing events and supporting each other, though, the HSMA plays a crucial role in protecting the interests of its members and neighbors. When the Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) announced a massive construction project on Hope Street that would basically shut down the street for the holiday season in 2012, the HSMA was able to negotiate better terms. “This is case number one of why I suggest other neighborhoods do what we did,” Schofield says. “We were able to negotiate the most favorable terms for that project to happen.” Those terms included moving the project to winter 2013 to protect the crucial holiday season, and adding those sidewalk bump-outs to slow down traffic on the street, which would have been impossibly cost-prohibitive for the

neighborhood to do on its own. “You can’t exist more than 10 years without some sort of invasive roadwork project if you’re on a main street,” he says. “It’s the type of project that can really put people out of business.” The larger vision for the neighborhood is a huge part of what keeps the neighbors so invested in supporting Hope Street businesses. Besides the convenience of having so many independent stores in close proximity to the Summit and Hope neighborhoods, “those people are super supportive of small business and aware of what ‘Main Streets’ like Hope contribute to the community and their own quality of life,” Kim Turner Clark says. “Hope Street was an easy choice for us,” says Sue Benzuly, who opened Evolve Apothecary, an all-natural beauty shop and spa, in 2015. “The neighborhood appreciates having a vital main street, and goes the extra mile to support us.” One major factor that separates Hope from other retail centers on the East Side is that the landlords are more interested in preserving the independent spirit of the neighborhood, and in what their tenants can do for the community,

than they are in cultivating corporate tenants for higher rents and longer leases. “The landlords are great around here,” John Goldman says. “That makes a huge difference.” “Maybe we got lucky with landlords who charge realistic market value rent for spaces instead of price-gouging and keeping space empty while holding out for big chains with deep pockets,” Clark adds. “We have the neighbors in part to thank for that. When a Dunkin’ Donuts came in at one point, people chose not to patronize it, they didn’t have neighborhood support and they left. On the flipside, our independent bakery thrives. So maybe the secret ingredient is the combination of supportive, outspoken neighbors, reasonable landlords, and smart, dynamic, community-oriented, entrepreneurial business owners.” Elise Mischel agrees. “It’s the merchants and the combination of unique stores,” she said, but it’s also support from the landlords that allows the street to thrive. “It’s the landlords not price gouging us with our rents that allows us to stay open. So many of us have looked around and couldn’t afford

different neighborhoods in the city. They don’t kill us with giant rent increases every year.” “The way we approach things is to be mutually successful, and not to create the highest rents possible,” says Ozzie Kooloian of Kooloian Realty, and whose family owns the block of Hope between Fourth and Lauriston Streets. “If a tenant is successful for a long time, that makes us successful. To me it’s hand in hand. We try to go about it as more of a partnership approach when it’s possible.” “There is also a kind of anti-corporate sentiment on Hope Street. We like the way it is,” Carroll adds. “We want to make improvements and change Hope Street, but to us that doesn't mean putting a


Lululemon or a West Elm on our street. If we want a home furnishing store, we want it to be an independent person who opens that and runs that.” Part of preserving that independent spirit, and staving off chain stores, comes from cultivating businesses that offer things you can’t, or don’t want to, find online. “I think consumers are starting to understand that ease isn’t always everything, and that there are tolls to online shopping,” Jan Faust Dane says. “It seems that news about poor warehouse environments and overworked delivery drivers, and the ecological expense of shipping a single box are starting to make people think twice.” “The result for us has been a real uptick in very kind and friendly shoppers who come and say, ‘I wanted to try you first,” she adds. “I feel like every year people are getting nicer and more understanding of the challenges and the benefits of having lively, active stores in their community.”

Dixie Carroll lCo-owner of J Marcel

Renewed Hope • by Robert Isenberg From childhood to now, Abby Berkelhammer has watched her neighborhood evolve. Abby Berkelhammer was 16 years old when an old gas station became Seven Stars Bakery. She remembers Ray’s Video, where she would spend untold hours browsing VHS tapes. Where Summit Yoga now stands, Abby remembers Hope Returns, the second-hand thrift store for children. Yes, she studied dance at Festival Ballet, but the studio was located in faraway North Providence. She thinks about the student she tutored at Rochambeau Library. She mentions a local deli, but she doesn’t recall ever going in there. “My family didn’t go to Hope Street a lot,” says Abby, who grew up a stone’s throw from the nowbusy commercial district. “I didn’t think of it as fun or interesting.” How times have changed. Abby is now 37 years old, a full-time elementary school teacher. After eight years in Brooklyn, Abby again lives off Hope Street with her husband and three children – but this is hardly the dull thoroughfare of her childhood. Now the street is replete with specialty shops and international eateries. When she was small, Abby remembers spending most of her time in the car; now, conditioned by New York streets, she loves Hope Street’s pedestrian-friendly environment. “In Brooklyn, we could get anything we wanted,” says Abby, who could walk five minutes to multiple supermarkets. When she returned to the East Side, “it was important for us to be able to walk everywhere.” Indeed, her father still commutes on foot from Hope Street to his job in Downcity. This density of options lends itself to family time. “Now, we can spend the afternoon at the library, or going in and out of Hope Street,” she says. The many options feel fresh and engaging, from Lippitt Park to Olive Del Mondo. “I don’t feel like I’m repeating my life.”

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East Side Monthly • February 2020 33

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East Side Monthly • February 2020



LIFE & STYLE Home | Education


Modern Spin

A College Hill Victorian gets an fresh update that stays true to its colors By Elyse Major

When Derek and Katrina Demulling considered relocating their family of three from the Boston area to someplace more affordable, they made a wish list of 12 things. Numbered items included close proximity to quality schools, a vibrant arts and music community, great restaurants, and no colder than Boston. On paper, Providence fit the bill, so the Demullings made a few trips to get acquainted with the contender city. Says Katrina, “Providence delivered

everything we wanted and then some.” Next, the couple found a realtor, Nelson Taylor, who took them on a tour de force of more than 20 multi-family properties on the East and West sides. “We told Nelson that we didn’t want a project... only to find ourselves falling in love with this never-ending project,” Katrina says of the College Hill Folk Victorian three-family they now call home. “When we first bought it, I called it our

Photography by Savannah Barkley for East Side Monthly

Want your home featured in East Side Monthly? Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com to learn more

Life & Style Home

GET RHODY STYLE Katrina Demulling shares tips and places for making the most of her new surroundings. CENTRAL LOCATION “We’re a short walk to downtown, Brown University, RISD, and most cool things on the East Side,” says Katrina.


East Side Monthly • February 2020

With the heavy lifting mostly behind them, the couple is now enjoying the decorating process. “We both spent a lot of time thinking about how you flow through a space, and where we wanted eyes to either be drawn to or away from,” says Katrina. “The original owners modernized and adapted – swapping out the original gas lamps for electricity – for instance. It was clear its decor also needed to have nods to its history, but with more modern twists and creature comforts. Our color choices are a nod to the darker, richer walls often found in Victorian homes. The goal is to amuse and delight.”

Editor’s Note: Keep up with Katrina on Instagram at @brownandhiddengem

PVD EATS Katrina lists the following as “the eateries that sustained us as we browsed houses”: Antonio’s Pizza, East Side Pockets, KNEAD Doughnuts, Malachi’s, PVDonuts, Pizza J, Seven Stars, and Three Sisters. TREASURE HUNT Katrina’s go-to shops are Halls on Broadway, Nostalgia, and POP in Providence. Statewide spots include Fully Furnished Consignments, Warwick; Old Mill Flea Market, West Warwick; RI Antiques Mall, Pawtucket; Antiques Alley, Greenville; and The Find on 6 in Johnston. COASTAL CUE “There are ways to hat tip beach vibes that don’t require wooden ship steering wheels,” says Katrina of having an Ocean State vibe. “Our nautical nod includes a stingray toilet paper holder.”

Photography by Savannah Barkley for East Side Monthly

Nightmare House, as it had so many problems,” says Katrina, who also jokes, “broken windows and peeling paint are features, right?” Today she refers to the home as Brown and Hidden Gem, explaining that “from the outside it doesn’t look like much, but inside it’s full of delightful surprises and details. Also – we’re at the corner of Brown and Hidden Street and can’t help ourselves with coming up with a bad punny name.” Since taking ownership, Derek and Katrina have embarked on all kinds of DIY projects to help restore the house to its former glory, starting with removing metal cage bars from the windows. Katrina explains that even with the house being a century old, most of the original wood trim and details are intact. “Granted, they’re covered in about 15 layers of paint, but they’re there,” she says. “The original wooden shingles are still hiding their fun patterns underneath the bland shingles added in the 1950s.”

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

Life & Style Education

Stop the Presses!

The Croft School spends an afternoon with Providence Media as one of its many field trips By Robert Isenberg

Photography by Savannah Barkley for East Side Monthly

The first students

ever to enroll at The Croft School are now in first grade. Based in Wayland Square, Croft was founded in 2018, but its first cohort is already on the move: They’ve visited the Providence Athenaeum, Gracie’s restaurant, Ronald McDonald House, and the Rhode Island Museum of Science and Art (RIMOSA). Each Friday, Croft takes its 20 first-graders on a field trip to a local institution, showing the sixand seven-year-olds what their capital city is all about. Not long ago, Croft visited us. “Us,” as in Providence Media. A school bus parked in front of our offices in Pawtucket, where we publish East Side Monthly and four other Rhode Island magazines. For a little more than an hour, our editorial team had the chance to describe what we do – and give the fledgling publishers a heap of arts materials, so they could cut and color their own periodicals.

“As a school, we believe there is plenty of learning that can happen within our classrooms,” says Scott Given, Croft’s founder and head of school. “Nonetheless, there are inherently limits to being inside any school building. Therefore, we really try to break down the walls of our school however we can, make the community part of our classroom, and learn from the great people, places, and resources that Providence is so fortunate to have.” Before each field trip, Croft students spend weeks in preparation. In one case, the first-graders visited Laid Back Fitness, where they participated in a Ninja Warrior Junior session. But instead of just jumping into the fray, students heard in-class presentations about nutrition, exercise, and brain development. They developed a list of questions for the Ninja Warrior instructors (e.g. “How often do you eat something not healthy?” and “If you aren’t tall, how do you

complete the obstacles?”). At Providence Media, students gathered on the floor of our editorial room and called out similarly astute questions: “When was the first magazine made?” And: “How do you come up with so many stories?” And our personal favorite: “How many breaks do you get?” Afterward, our young visitors spent about 40 minutes with old copies of East Side Monthly and sundries from our supply closet, cutting and gluing and writing colorful headlines. Subjects ran the gamut, from yoga to basketball to the importance of stretching regularly. (The Providence Media team might do well to read up on that last one.) Next, Croft students will start their “engineering unit,” with field trips to the Lego-robot lab Snapology, playground supplier Premier Park and Play, and the Children’s Museum. We have a feeling they’ll have plenty to write about.

East Side Monthly • February 2020 39

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The Must List 5 can’t-miss events this February Providence Children’s Film Festival




Photo by Shashank Mallick, courtesy of Providence Children’s Film Festival

csa.farmigo.com/join/fearlessfishmarket or call 401-415-8905 for more info

ide statew For a f events o listing online! s visit u m ody.co h HeyR

February 14-23:

Spotlighting family-forward filmmakers, Providence Children’s Film Festival presents 10 days of curated cinema screened at various venues, along with post-film conversations and activities. Providence, ProvidenceChildrensFilmFestival.org



Misquamicut Aloha Luau 2020 feels like a trek to the tropics with a pig roast, food from local restaurants, and a silent auction – all supporting beloved beach activities. Westerly, EventBrite.com

Warm up at the Frostbite Bash at Herreshoff Marine Museum! Enjoy creative cocktails, craft beers, catered food, a lucrative raffle, and plenty of dancing. Bristol, FrostbiteBash.com




Whether or not you’re a plantbased eater, the inaugural VegFest RI introduces veggie-geared vendors, organizations, local celebs, and more to a broader food community. Providence, ArtsCenter.WaterFire.org



Platinum artist and rising star rapper and songwriter Lil TJay will grace the stage at the Ryan Center with his True 2 Myself Tour. Get your tickets now for this can’t-miss concert! Kingston, TheRyanCenter.com


East Side Monthly • February 2020 41


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COLUMBUS THEATRE February 5: Christopher Paul Stelling. February 7: They Might Be Giants 30th Anniversary Flood Show. February 8: Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow with Kevin Smith. February 21: Marc Maron - There’s More Tour. 270 Broadway, Providence. ColumbusTheatre.com

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FETE MUSIC HALL February 1: Zoink Zulag. February 11: Gost. February 12: King 810. February 21: Flaw.

www.mswri.com 42

East Side Monthly • February 2020

February 23: Sunday Bloody Sunday. February 29: Back to the ‘80s. 103 Dike Street, Providence. FeteMusic.com THE MET February 1: Lotus Land. February 7: We Were Promised Jetpacks. February 8: Bearly Dead. February 9: School of Rock Attleboro presents The Fall 2019 Seasonal Show. February 9: Juice Krate. February 12: YBN Cordae. February 19: Durand Jones & The Indications. February 22: Lucero. February 23: Violin River. February 27: Summer

Photo courtesy of Robert Emerson

Women Run. Results Driven.

Salt. February 28: Johnny A. February 29: Ana Popovic. 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket. TheMetRI.com THE STRAND February 7: XO. February 8: YK Osiris. February 21: Trippie Redd. 79 Washington Street, Providence. TheStrandRI.com

THEATER PPAC February 8: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in Concert. February 11-16: Fiddler on the Roof. February 21-23: A Bronx Tale. 220 Weybosset Street, Providence. PPACRI.org TRINITY REPERTORY Through March 1: August Wilson’s Radio Golf. February 20-March 22: A Tale of Two Cities. 201 Washington Street, Providence. TrinityRep.com

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THE VETS February 1-2: Nick Jr. Live - Move to the Music. February 7-9: Festival Ballet Providence presents Game Changers. February 15: TACO Classical - Romeo and Juliet. February 16: John Cleese. February 18: Ms. Lauryn Hill. February 22: Firstworks presents Angelique Kidjo. February 23: Squeeze - The Squeeze Songbook Tour 2020. February 29-March 1: Sesame Street Live. 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence. TheVetsRI.com

Experience art in new ways through performances, snippets of conversation, hands-on art-making, and encounters with contemporary artists every Third Thursday.

COMEDY COMEDY CONNECTION February 6-8: Stavros Halkias. February 9: RIBC Comedy for a Cause. February 20-22: Drew Lynch. February 27: A Night of Laughs to Support Blue Star Moms. 39 Warren Avenue, East Providence. RIComedyConnection.com

ART RISD MUSEUM February 5: Teachers’ Lounge. February 9: Ways of Looking. February 13:


5–9 P M FREE Donna Karan, head designer Anne Klein and Co., design label Boot Tights, early 1980s Gift of the Estate of Peggy Cone

East Side Monthly • February 2020 43

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Chinese Imperial Porcelain Lecture. February 14: Providence Children’s Film Festival Screening. February 16: Seele Musicale Chamber Ensemble. February 20: Community Music Works Sonata Series. February 29: Member Orientation. 20 North Main Street, Providence. RISDMuseum.org AS220 February 6: Cocktails and Screens. February 6 and 20: Providence Poetry Slam. February 7: Mandala, Not Today, and Grizzlies. February 12: Natura Hospitium, Sponji, Will MK, and F. Howler. February 13-23: The Psych Drama Company presents At Home at the Zoo. February 19: Geek Dinner. February 22: Twin Brook, Dog Stuff, Median, and Familiar Spaces. February 26: Mic Madness (Youth Open Mic). February 29: DEYO, Honeycomb, and Charm. 95 Mathewson Street, Unit 204, Providence. AS220.org.




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East Side Monthly • February 2020

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PROVIDENCE BRUINS February 9: vs. Bridgeport. February 14: vs. WB/Scranton. February 16: vs. Laval. February 17: vs. Bridgeport. February

Photo courtesy of the Providence Bruins

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MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 22: vs. Springfield. February 23: vs. WB/ Scranton. 1 La Salle Square, Providence. ProvidenceBruins.com

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PROVIDENCE COLLEGE MEN’S BASKETBALL February 5: vs. Creighton. February 15: vs. Seton Hall. February 22: vs. Marquette. 1 La Salle Square, Providence. Friars.com

MORE February 1: Guided Walk on Neutaconkanut Hill. Providence, Facebook: Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy Inc. February 2: Beer Bowl 54 at GPub. ProvidenceGPub. com. February 7: Jeff Dunham. DunkinDonutsCenter.com. February 9: Providence Flea Winter Market. ProvidenceFlea.com. February 14: Go Red for Women Luncheon. Providence, Facebook: American Heart Association - Southern New England. February 20: RIIFF Encore Series. Providence, AcousticJava.com. February 23: Inaugural VegFest RI. ArtsCenter.WaterFire.org. February 25-March 1: US Synchronized Skating Championships. DunkinDonutsCenter.com. February 29: Redemption Songs and Sonatas with the Humanist Septet. Providence, First-Works.org.



East Side Monthly • February 2020 45



FOOD & DRINK Restaurant and Food | Restaurant Guide

Flavor of the Month

A Martini, But Make It Diamonds

The best cocktails – at least at The Capital Grille – come with a side of sparkle

Photography by Nick DelGiudice

By Julie Tremaine

Leave it to

The Capital Grille to redefine “top shelf.” This month, the downtown steakhouse is serving up something totally different: a martini made with rarified vodka and served with a diamond necklace. The Doumato Diamond Martini is a partnership with Ephraim Doumato Jewelers in Smithfield. The martini itself is made with Clix Vodka, distilled 159 times, which tastes “as pure as it gets, like glacial water,” according to Mark

Phillips, wine director of the restaurant. The entire state only got five bottles, he says, and they’re all at Capital Grille. The drink – which includes the jewelry – will set you back $1,000. The necklace, though, is worth $1,600. It has nine diamonds in graduated size, bezel set into 14 karat white gold, according to Matt Doumato of Doumato Jewelers. “We want people to be buying their significant other diamonds for Valentine’s Day,” he says, “and what better way

to do it than at The Capital Grille?” But then again, you don’t need to wait for someone to gift the Doumato Diamond Martini to you. As Lizzo says, “If you’re by yourself, then go and buy yourself another round from the bottle on the higher shelf.” What the prophetess of self-love didn’t say – but definitely would agree with – is that diamonds in the drink are even better. CapitalGrille.com, DoumatoJewelers.com

East Side Monthly • February 2020 47

Food & Drink Food News



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The Shop celebrates 5th annual hot cocoa festival

Avenue N finds a second home on Hope Street

If variety is the spice of life, then life at The Shop is filled with zest – and we don’t just mean their orange-flavored hot chocolate, garnished with an edible dehydrated orange slice, although that’s a great place to start. “January and February are quiet months – everyone is working, cold, and at their computers, so we wanted to do something fun,” says owner Diana Murton. She and her husband, JP, developed a competition of sorts: Every week they release a new flavor of hot chocolate, and at the end of the festival, customers vote on their favorite. The winning flavor is added to the menu until spring. As a bonus, every recipe is made with clean ingredients. “We have fun – but we still do it our way,” Diana says. Past winners include Chocolate Banana, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Samoa, with toasted coconut, chocolate, and caramel drizzle. TheShopFoxPoint.com, 460 Wickenden Street. -Jenny Currier

Almost a decade ago, Avenue N opened its doors adjacent to the Rumford Center Lofts in the former Rumford Baking Powder Mill, the perfect setting for the contemporary bistro. Owners Tracy and Nick Rabar describe the restaurant as “a lively mix of city sophistication and smalltown warmth.” And, as of January, they’ve planted themselves in the heart of the East Side. The second Avenue N inhabits the former Cook & Brown, which closed its doors in late 2018. The Providence menu consists of staples like their signature Brussels sprouts, pizzas, burgers, chicken, and scallops, as well as some seasonal changes. Plus, the restaurant features a small retail area offering the 100 percent locally made products that are the cornerstone of their sister business The Pantry (located next door to their restaurant in Rumford). AvenueNAmericanKitchen.com -Gina Mastrostefano

Photography by Jenny Currier

20 19 MAY


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53 Olney St., College Hill 3-4 bedroom, 1.5 bath home features 2019 total renovation. New

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The first-ever RI VegFest debuts in Providence Introducing RI VegFest – the “first-ever exhibition of vendors, nonprofit organizations, restaurants, bars, cookbook authors, local vegan celebs, and more” in Rhode Island, and “committed to bringing the idea of a plant-based lifestyle to the broader food community,” according to founding partner Jim Nellis, of RI FOOD FIGHTS. “RI VegFest is Robin Dionne’s passion project,” says Nellis. “We met six years ago working on TEDxPVD and have been conceptualizing this event ever since.” Presenting partners include The Grange, Garden Grille, and Wildflour Vegan Bakery, as well as sponsors Plant City, The Dorrance, Julian’s, and New Harvest Coffee Roasters. Nellis plans on using RI FOOD FIGHTS’ monster social media presence to help the cause. “The vegan business community is preaching to the choir within the vegan community. Our fanbase is everyone else.” RI VegFest will take place on February 23 from 12-4pm in the WaterFire Arts Center. RIVegFest.com. -Chuck Staton

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RESTAURANT GUIDE Key: B breakfast Br brunch L lunch D dinner $ under 10 $$ 10–20 $$$ 20+

10 Prime Steak & Sushi Fashionable prime steakhouse with award-winning sushi. 55 Pine St, Providence, 453-2333. LD $$$

Chez Pascal & The Wurst Kitchen Housemade hotdogs and sausages can be devoured at the Wurst Kitchen, and next-level French bistro fare at Chez Pascal. 960 Hope St, Providence, 421-4422. LD $-$$$

Caserta Pizzeria Casual kid-friendly pizza spot offering traditional Italian crispcut pizza and calzones. 121 Spruce St, Providence, 621-3818. LD $-$$

Don Jose Tequilas Restaurant Homestyle Mexican fare plus beer, wine, and cocktails in a colorful setting. 351 Atwells Ave, Providence, 454-8951. LD $-$$

CAV Eclectic cuisine and art in a historic setting. 14 Imperial Place, Providence, 751-9164. BrLD $$-$$$

Harry’s Bar & Burger Called the “Best Burger in America” by CNN. Over 50 craft beers. 121 North Main St, Providence, 228-7437; 301 Atwells Ave, 228-3336. LD $-$$


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Chapel Grille Gourmet food overlooking the Providence skyline. 3000 Chapel View Blvd, Cranston, 944-4900. BrLD $$$ Character’s Cafe & Theatre Hybrid art space with all-day breakfast, coffee, and theaterinspired entrees. 82 Rolfe Sq, Cranston, 490-9475. BL $


14 Imperial Place, Providence


East Side Monthly • February 2020

Haruki Japanese cuisine and a la carte selections with casual ambience Locations in Cranston and Providence, HarukiSushi.com. LD $-$$ Joe Marzelli’s Old Restaurant High-end

Canteen Italian Italian restaurant

Danger Construction Area No Trespassing

serving up specialty dishes and drinks. 120 Atwells Ave, Providence. 751-5544. LD $$$ Julian’s A must-taste Providence staple celebrating more than 20 years. 318 Broadway, Providence, 861-1770. BBrLD $$ KG Kitchen City neighborhood bistro turning up New American favorite. 771 Hope St, Providence, 331-4100. LD $$-$$$ Lotus Garden Noodle & Sushi House Authentic Cambodian cuisine in the heart of the Hill. 223 Atwells Ave, Providence, 383-4774. LD $-$$$ Luxe Burger Bar Build Your Own Burger: You dream it, we build it! 5 Memorial Blvd, Providence, 621-5893. LD $ Parkside Rotisserie & Bar American bistro specializing in rotisserie meats. 76 South Main St, Providence, 331-0003. LD $-$$ Pizza J Fun, upbeat atmosphere with thin-crust pizza, pub fare, and gluten-free options. 967 Westminster St, Providence, 632-0555. LD $-$$ Rebelle Artisan Bagels Artisan bagels that are uniquely hand-rolled, boiled, and baked. 10 Doyle Ave, Providence, 349-1263. BrL $ Red Stripe Casual French-American bistro. 465 Angell St, Providence, 437-6950; 455 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2900. BrLD $$ The River Social Mediterannean small plates overlooking Waterplace Park for a uniquely social experience. 200 Exchange St, Providence, 256-5686. D $-$$ Siena Impeccable Italian cuisine. Locations in Providence, East Greenwich, and Smithfield, 521-3311. D $$-$$$ The Salted Slate An agri-driven American restaurant with global influences. 186 Wayland Ave, Providence, 270-3737. BrLD $$-$$$

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East Side Monthly • February 2020 51






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Trinity Brewhouse Providence restaurant and brewery reinventing classic American pub fare. 186 Fountain St, Providence, 453-2337. LD $$ T’s Restaurant RI favorite with all-day breakfast-brunch. Cranston, East Greenwich, Narragansett; TsRestaurantRI.com. BrLD $$ Twin Oaks Family restaurant serving a great selection of Italian and American staples. 100 Sabra St, Cranston, 781-9693. LD $-$$$ SOUTH COUNTY Celestial Cafe Locally sourced and globally inspired cuisine with a curated craft beer list. 567 South County Trail, Exeter, 295-5559. BrLD $$-$$$ Chair 5 Hotel haunt with a beach-inspired menu and a dreamy rooftop lounge. 1208 Ocean Rd, Narragansett, 363-9820. LD $$-$$$


East Side Monthly • February 2020

Coast Guard House A new American menu with a seafood emphasis and extensive wine list, open seven days a week. 40 Ocean Rd, Narragansett, 789-0700. BrLD $$$ Colvitto’s Pizza & Bakery Pizza Calzones and baked goods made fresh daily. 91 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett, 783-8086. BrLD $ The Cove Traditional bar and grill serving burgers, sandwiches, and classic New England seafood favorites. 3963 Old Post Rd, Charlestown, 364-9222. LD $$ Eleven Forty Nine City sophistication in the suburbs. 1149 Division St, Warwick, 884-1149. LD $$$ Fuel Coffee Bar Breakfast and lunch, including vegan and gluten-free options. 904 Boston Neck Rd, Narragansett, 792-3835. BrL $-$$

George’s of Galilee Fresh-caught seafood in an upscale pub atmosphere. 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd, Narragansett, 783-2306. LD $-$$ Mariner Grille Seafood, steaks, and pasta in a fun setting, with live entertainment. 40 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett, 284-3282. LD $$ Pasquale’s Pizzeria Napoletana Authentic Neapolitan wood-fired pizza with ingredients imported from Naples. 60 S County Commons Way, South Kingstown, 783-2900. LD $-$$ Red Stripe Casual French-American bistro. 465 Angell St, Providence, 437-6950; 455 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2900. BrLD $$ The Revival Craft Kitchen & Bar Focusing on American fare and craft beer. 219 Main St, East Greenwich (second location in

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Ea c h O f f ice is I n d e p e n d e n t ly Ow n e d a n d O p e ra te d .


Warren), 336-3747. D $$-$$$ Siena Impeccable Italian cuisine. Locations in Providence, East Greenwich, and Smithfield, 521-3311. D $$-$$$ Sonoma Bistro and Wine Bar New American cuisine in a friendly atmosphere. 7366 Post Rd, North Kingstown, 295-0800. LD $$-$$$ Sophie’s Brewhouse Espresso drinks and sandwiches with an emphasis on fresh, local ingredients. 699 S County Trail, Exeter, 295-4273. BL $$ T’s Restaurant RI favorite with all-day breakfast-brunch. Cranston, East Greenwich, Narragansett; TsRestaurantRI.com. BrLD $$ Tavern by the Sea Waterfront European/ American bistro. 16 West Main St, Wickford, 294-5771. LD $$

Thirsty Gull New England sourced gastropub. 9 East Ave, Westerly, 596-1936. D $$

restaurant serving American and Italian classics. 33 Market St, Warren, 245-9305 LD $$

Twin Willows Fresh seafood and water views in a family-friendly atmosphere. 865 Boston Neck Rd, Narragansett, 789-8153. LD $-$$

East Bay Oyster Bar Local seafood meets innovative preparation in a rustic setting. 308 County Rd, Barrington, 247-0303. LD $$


Pannoni’s BYOB with a fun and patriotic theme. 553 Hope St, Bristol, 396-5168. LD $$

Blount Market & Kitchen Traditional New England seafood summer favorites offered year-round for dine-in and takeout. 406 Water St, Warren, 245-1800. LD $$ Bluewater Bar and Grill Casual restaurant with modern seafood dishes and live music. 32 Barton Ave, Barrington, 247-0017. LD $$-$$$ Cafe Water Street Dockside cafe with gourmet crepes and coffee. 279 Water St, Warren, 245-7071. BLD $-$$ Crossroads Pub Restaurant Family-friendly

The Revival Craft Kitchen & Bar Focusing on American fare and craft beer. 50 Miller St, Warren (second location in East Greenwich), 245-4500. D $$-$$$ Tav Vino Waterfront dining with an Italian and seafood focus. 267 Water St, Warren, 245-0231. D $$ The Wharf Remodeled and reimagined, this dockside restaurant offers seafood, pasta, and coastal charm for days. 215 Water St, Warren, 289-2524. LD $$-$$$

East Side Monthly • February 2020 53

Business Spotlight




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East Side Monthly • February 2020

ebruary marks the beginning of the annual Valentine’s Sale at Empire Loan, with the first two weeks granting huge discounts on all preowned jewelry in the showroom. With 25-50% off, you’ll be able to afford more carats for loved ones (or for yourself). You can also bring in your jewelry in good condition purchased here to trade-up and apply 100% of its value toward the other piece; you only pay the difference and total sales tax. No need to visit the big box chains and overpay. In the sister business upstairs, at Empire Guitars, they will have their annual Odds and Ends Sale in February, which attracts a cult-like following among guitar gear heads. Check the Empire Guitars website for the exact sale dates. They suggest arriving early as there’s usually a line around the block to get first dibs on the drastic price reductions of pedals, accessories, and more. “It’s a crazy scene,” says business owner Jeff Keithline. “It’s like a garage sale of all the unsold white elephants and oddball stuff from the previous year.” When pressing financial situations come up – taxes or tuition are due, your car brakes go, the roof has a leak – don’t forget there is a safe place to borrow cash in a pinch, like Empire Loan. They provide secure loans starting at as little as $50 to $5,000 and beyond. Be sure to visit Empire Loan and Empire Guitars to save big during their February sales.

ty Furniture We Buy & Sell Quali

881 Westminster Street, Providence • 401-861-6872 ReliableJewelryAndLoan.com • rjlgallery@gmail.com

Empire Loan and Empire Guitars 1271 North Main Street, Providence • 437-8421 358 Broad Street, Providence • 273-7050

Business Spotlight


Focusing on Whole Body Health



“After a week of treatment, all the pain was gone... I recommend Dr. Tom to everyone I know.” – J.T.

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hiropractic goes way beyond alleviating back and neck pain. Good posture and a healthy spine are the keys to good health. At Northeast Chiropractic, Dr. Tom Morison specializes in Chiropractic Bio-Physics, the most researched chiropractic technique. He uses his extensive knowledge of the spine and nervous system to alleviate – and often eliminate – back and neck pain and migraines. Dr. Tom can also make longer term postural corrections, impacting everything from digestion to energy level and resulting in significantly boosted overall wellness. He can use chiropractic to potentially improve asthma, colic, ear infections, tingling, hypertension, allergies, and more. Northeast Chiropractic also offers cutting-edge scoliosis bracing. ScoliBrace is a unique, highly effective and customizable scoliosis bracing method using the best corrective principles from all other current bracing methods. Used in conjunction with 3D imaging software, BraceScan, scans of the patient are taken and the brace is customized to fit their unique measurements and needs. In conjunction with regular corrective chiropractic care, ScoliBrace has been shown to significantly improve spinal deformities, giving the patient their life back. Any doctor can say he’s committed to his patients, but for Dr. Tom, it goes far beyond that. He does extensive additional training well beyond what’s required because he wants to provide the best possible care and put his patients on a path to healthier, better lives.

Northeast Chiropractic 187 Waterman Street, Providence 861-1300 • WickedGoodPosture.com

Chiropractic Physician

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Deadline for March East Side Monthly: January 30th


Email Sue at SueH@RhodyBeat.com

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East Side Monthly • February 2020

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Jeffrey G. Brier CLU, ChFC, CASL

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HANDYMAN Specializing in exceptional results for repairs & small jobs. On time, professional & extremely clean. Reg. #40738. clearproppvd@gmail.com HOUSE CLEANING Experienced. Local references. Free estimates. Call Lilly, 401-419-2933.


BEYOND THE PALE Quality interior painting, color consulting, lead certified, green products. Lic. #15914. Call Mike 401-573-4498. SUPERB HOUSEPAINTING High end workmanship. Small jobs a specialty. Call Ron. 751-3242. Reg. #18128. MALIN PAINTING Most ceiling & wall repairs, wallpaper removal, oil-based & latex finishes, staining, varnishing. Fully insured, Many local references. Safe, secure, fast service. 226-8332. Reg. #19226.



Take off to far away places with the 2020 Providence Children’s Film Festival! Film Fanatic & All Access Passes now on sale!



PIONEER BASEMENT The healthy choice for wet basements, crawl spaces, moisture & air quality control. Foundation repair. Certified. Insured. Reg. #3934. Cell 401-215-7985 or 1-800-649-6140. PROPERTY MANAGER Available On call 24/7. Rent collection. Rentals, evictions, maintenance. 421-0092.


CHAIR CANING Hand weaving for chairs in need of seat replacement! Richard Major, historianpr@gmail.com USED MUSIC WANTED! Round Again Records needs your used CDs and records. Cash paid. 351-6292. I BUY BOOKS Old, used and almost new. Also photography, art, etc. jcminich1@gmail.com 286-9329.

ADVERTISE HERE Line Ads Start at $15 Per Month. Contact Sue at SueH@RhodyBeat.com Deadline: January 30th. East Side Monthly • February 2020 57

EAST SIDER By Robert Isenberg Vaughn Traynor, Cormac Crump, and Max Galpern

Roll Credits The short film

Blunder Bus opens with a teenager roaming around town. By accident, he picks up the wrong backpack at a bus stop, only to discover that the bag contains a ticking time bomb. With less than a minute before detonation, the unnamed adolescent must figure out what to do with the explosive, begging the question: What would you do? Blunder Bus is the creation of Max Galpern, Vaughn Traynor, and Cormac Crump, three high school buddies who have dedicated their free time to guerilla movie-making. These are no backyard horror flicks; Max and Vaughn attend Jacqueline Walsh School for the Arts in Pawtucket, and Cormac is enrolled at Classical High School, and they are very serious about their work. “It’s important that we’re having fun,” says Max, “but that we also focus. We try to be professional.”


East Side Monthly • February 2020

The trio already knew each other, but their collaborative spirit was cemented in 2017, when they attended GiveMe5, a one-day crash-course in filmmaking sponsored by the Rhode Island Film & Television Office. After an eight-hour workshop, they had to develop and produce a one-minute short film. The process hooked them. “GiveMe5 was kind of a booster,” says Cormac. “We already had a bond, but it became a lot stronger.” Their ad hoc production company is called ShameonU, and they have set the ambitious goal of releasing one original short film on YouTube every month of 2020. Since they are all avid skaters, many of their dozen videos revolve around skateboarding culture. But they are deeply interested in narrative films as well, which are created in classic indie style: shifting roles, impressionistic scripts, and fast

shoots in borrowed public spaces. “We really switch around a lot,” says Vaughn, who has both appeared on camera and helped behind the scenes. Cormac is the principal director, but all three pool their resources – including willing friends – to create mise en scène. As their skills have improved, so has their arsenal; they have upgraded from personal iPhones to the mirrorless Sony a6000. The city has served them well. When ShameonU needed a suburban setting for the short Missing, they scouted locations in East Providence; for Blunder Bus, they filmed on the confined sidewalks of Downcity. They appreciate the range of architecture and the nearness of rivers and beaches, landmarks that open up worlds of possibilities. “Providence has so many different environments,” says Max. “You can shoot anywhere.” YouTube: ShameonU

Photo by Robert Isenberg

Three teenage filmmakers take their camera to the streets


Introducing [T h e B l a c k s t o n e T e a m] at Mott & Chace Sotheby’s International Realty. Formerly Taylor & Associates, agents Nelson Taylor and Robert Rutley have partnered to build a bigger, better, more collaborative, more client success-oriented real estate team of sales professionals than the Providence marketplace has ever experienced. [T h e B l a c k s t o n e T e a m] at Mott & Chace Sotheby’s International Realty is: Nelson Taylor, Managing Partner; Robert Rutley, Partner; Ben Kean, Sales Associate; Karen Wilder, Sales Associate; Ben Guglielmi, Sales Associate; Robin Lake, Client Coordinator. Thinking about buying or selling real estate in 2020? Reach out, let us show you around… [ THE BLACKSTONE TEAM ] 100 Exchange Street | Providence, RI 02903 the-blackstoneteam.com | 401.214.1524








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