Scenic fall hikes, outdoor festivals, Halloween fun and more!
Fall 2016 Free
Get lost in a
corn maze Take a sip of local
Oktoberfest brews Walk through RI’s
haunted history
Make the most of the season with our annual fall guide
Pick your own apples at Pippin Orchard in Cranston
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Fall Guide 2016
27 13
The Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo
Apple Picking
Seasonal Pies
11 Rhody Happenings
65 Seasonal Style
Inside Monster Mini Golf’s Monster Lab
Look sharp while fighting that chill in the air
12 This Season
67 Fall Fashion
27 Events Calendar
70 Scarves
Ocean State Oyster Festival in Providence
Sponsored Content 17 Fall Tree Care
Meghan H. Follett, Blink of an Eye Photography
Photobraphy by (clockwise from Top L) Tony Pacitti, Ron Cowie, Stephanie Ewens,
Misquamicut Fallfest in Westerly
43 Fall in Love with Fall Get the most out of the season 45 Apple Picking 46 Fun on the Farm 49 Halloween Scares 50 Halloween for the Whole Family 53 Fall Festivals 54 Rhody Hikes 57 Theatre 58 Fall Arts
75 Autumn Flavors
23 Discover Bowen’s Wharf
It’s the tastiest time of the year
34 Home Renovation
77 Pie Taste Test 81 Festive Flavors
37 Back to School 61 Discover South County
83 Foodie Events
69 Home Improvements
84 Seasonal Spirits
78 Wood Fired Cooking
86 Pick Your Own Chart
90 Last Peek You know the seasons have changed when... Fall Guide 2016 |
Hey Rhody Fall Guide 1070 Main St., Suite 302 Pawtucket RI 02860 For advertising rates call: 401-305-3391 Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell Media Director Jeanette St. Pierre Creative Director Julie Tremaine Managing Editor Grace Lentini
Olney Pond at Lincoln Woods
Editor Tony Pacitti Content Coordinator Caitlin Howle
From the Editor
Art Director Meghan H. Follett
Fall in Love with Autumn
Assistant Art Director Katie Leclerc
You can feel it coming: all of a sudden a hot cup of coffee
your own apples by day and bake them into a pie that night.
sounds really nice, and the idea of slipping on a cozy pair
Soon you’re going to love having a house filled with cinna-
of socks seems like a great, toasty idea. Summer is slow to
mon scents and a yard full of leaves just waiting to be raked
fade in September, but when it does, we get a whole new
into piles and jumped in. In our Hey Rhody Fall Guide, we’ve
season of things to love in Rhode Island. Shake the sand off,
got hundreds of reasons why autumn is the best season to
and get ready to carve pumpkins, take scenic hikes and pick
live in Rhode Island. Take a read, and then go enjoy it.
We Want To See Your Perfect Fall Pics You’re holding a whole magazine full of our favorite autumn traditions but we want to see how you’re spending the season in Li’l Rhody. Tag us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@HeyRhody/#HeyRhody) to help us celebrate all things fall… and maybe win some cool stuff.
Advertising Design Director Layheang Meas Graphic Designer Nicholas DelGiudice
Account Managers Shelley Cavoli Louann DiMuccio-Darwich Ann Gallagher Kristine Mangan Elizabeth Riel Dan Schwartz Stephanie Oster Wilmarth Interns Marrissa Ballard Abigail Burns Ava Callery Alexander Gim-Fain
Kemill Logarta Joshua Lu Marisa Petrarca Matt Eldridge
By the Numbers Scenic fall hikes, outdoor festivals, Halloween fun and more!
Fall 2016 Free
Get lost in a
corn maze
The year (roughly) that our official state fruit, the Rhode Island Greening, first took root in what is now Middletown. Learn all about this tart apple’s characteristics, history and delicious uses. (Page 18)
| Fall Guide 2016
Oktoberfest brews Walk through RI’s
haunted history
0 People who like gypsy moths. Though these leaf-chomping pests had us worried about this year’s fall colors, local experts don’t think we need to be too worried. (Page 18)
Make the most of the season with our annual fall guide
Pick your own apples at Pippin Orchard in Cranston
On the Cover: Apple picking at Pippin Orchard in Cranston. Photography by Blink of an Eye Photography. Presented by Providence Media, publishers of The Bay, East Side Monthly, Providence Monthly and So Rhode Island
Photography (Top) by Grace Lentini
The weight (in pounds) of last year’s prize-winning pumpkin, belonging to RI’s own Ron Wallace, at Frerichs Farm’s Annual Pumpkin Weigh-Off. We’re gonna need a bigger pie pan. (Page 46)
Take a sip of local
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| Fall Guide 2016
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Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts
SEPTEMBER 2016 Bleed = 10.5 x 14 EDUCATION INNOVATION Trim = 10 x 13.5* MONTH Final Product
thurs 1
fri 2
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sun 4
thurs 8
fri 9
sat 10
sun 11
Free event Registration Required 3 Invite Only 2
mon 5
tues 6
wed 7
Rhode Image Area = 9.25 x 12.75 Coders 1,2 Safe zone where all text and Club pertinent graphics cannot extend beyond the red line.
mon 12
tues 13 Providence CYC Welcome Back Rally1
wed 14
AS220 Youth: Future Worlds Uprising
RWU Block Party1
fri 16
sat 17
thurs 15
<Intra>City Geeks Code Night with the Mayor1,2
BIF Summit Debrief for Education Innovators1,2
Rhode Coders Club1,2
BIF Summit2
Summit Basecamp Bus Tour2
Full Page Bleed Setup Design Week RI2
mon 19
tues 20
EdTechRI Meetup1,2
Dimensions are in inches; width x h) wed 21 thurs 22x height (wfri 23 Rhode Coders Club1,2
ECET2 Conference
mon 26
tues 27
DownCity Design Build Day1,2 RIDE Innovation Powered by Technology Conference2
sat 24
EDU WaterFire1 Kids Coding Day1 DownCity Design Build Day1,2
StartupWeekendEDU2 wed 28
thurs 29
fri 30
oct 1
Rhode RI Foreign PTECH Coders Language Newport Club1,2 Association Open 1,2 Conference2 *P lease note : A thin border/stroke on the trim line is not reccomended. House Border must extend to bleed area and be inside trim line.
Visit more Questions? Contact your Pfor rovidence Mediainformation rep. 1070 Main Street, Suite 302,
P awtucket RI 02860
sun 25
Better World by Design Conference2
National Education Innovation Cluster Convening3
Design Week RI2
sun 18
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Rhody Happenings Your guide to every sweet autumnal minute in the Ocean State
Photography by Brad Smith
Scary Fun is Par for the Course As Halloween approaches, we couldn’t think of a better place to get us in the spirit than Monster Mini Golf’s HQ and prop factory in Providence. Here, artists bring family-friendly animatronic scares to life before unleashing them on spooky mini golf courses across the country. “This is who we are all year round,” says owner Christina Vitagliano. “We’re Halloweentown.”
Spooky Viewing
On the Hunt for Ghosts A local paranormal expert has a new TV show
Here’s the thing to
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| Fall Guide 2016
CMYK / .eps
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know about paranormal expert Amy Bruni: the Ghostbusters jokes aren’t going to go over well. It’s not that they aren’t funny, it’s just that they’ve been done, if you’ll pardon the pun, to death. Recently, while taping an episode of her upcoming show Kindred Spirits, fans played the Ghostbusters theme outside of the house where she and her partner in ghost hunting, Adam Berry, were investigating unexplained phenomena. They aren’t, in fact, afraid of no ghosts. It’s just not a joke to them, especially on this new show, on which Amy and Adam help people who believe their homes are being haunted by departed family members. Amy spent seven years on SyFy’s Ghost Hunters, as part of the team at Warwick-based TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society), seeking out evidence of otherworldly presences all over the globe. Things are a bit quieter these days, now that filming on the first season of her new show has wrapped. On an average day, you can find Amy hanging out in Providence or Newport, or talking to her followers on Twitter about anything from wine recommendations to where to find a good sale. Call it the calm before the storm. Once Kindred Spirits is on the air, things are going to get crazy. Because those Twitter followers? There are 187,000 of them, and another 200,000 on Facebook. It’s safe to say that demand for Amy’s particular talent for ghost hunting is high. In each episode of Kindred Spirits, CMYK / .eps
Amy and Adam concentrate on one haunting. The pair talks intensively with the family, does research on the home and family’s history, and consults with experts in other fields like psychology and grief counseling. Then, of course, they investigate for ghosts. “We just try to figure out what this ghost wants or needs,” she says. They do that through audio and video surveillance, using handheld camera and recording devices to monitor environmental changes, search for EVPs (electronic voice phenomena, where something actually speaks to you) and observe EMF fluctuations (changes to electromagnetic fields). “It sounds crazy but it’s been working. I can’t give away too much, but we’ve run the gamut this season from people acknowledging who they are and what they want, to getting a message from the entity and passing it on,” Amy says. “There have been a lot of tears, a lot of scary moments, a lot of laughs. It’s unlike anything people have seen on TV, I think. It’s really personal.” Beyond this show, Amy has even bigger ghost hunting dreams. “I would love to investigate Graceland,” she says. “They say the whole second floor is haunted. The White House is high on my list. It has a lot of ghost stories. I just need to find a president who is a Ghost Hunters fan, well, a Kindred Spirits fan.” Kindred Spirits will premiere this month on Destination America. –Julie Tremaine
Photo Courtesy of Kindred Spirits
Ghost hunters Amy Bruni and Adam Berry will be on the case on Kindred Spirits, premiering this month
Carving a Tradition
Behind the Scenes with the Great Pumpkins How 5,000 pumpkins become stunning works of art at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular
Thousands of faces leer
Photography by Tony Pacitti
at you from the darkness, their pumpkin grins illuminated by flickering light. Some seem pleasant enough for disembodied heads, others have a more sinister something in their crooked smiles. But you love it. It’s one of the coolest things about fall in Rhode Island. The Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo is a tradition that never gets old. Each year, thousands of pumpkins are transformed, not just into bucktoothed jack-o-lanterns, but into intricate pieces of art. Last year featured stunning displays of Hollywood’s Golden Age, carved with painstaking attention to detail into massive pumpkins. There’s always a theme – this year’s is American Treasures – but there are always welcome, familiar sights like celebrities, cartoon characters and a whole zoo’s worth of animals. Each year, the question we all ask ourselves is “How do they do it?” Ahead of the Spectacular, we took a tour of the pumpkin trail in broad daylight. There was no music and no crowd, but there were crews hard at work preparing lights, platforms and backgrounds for the displays. And of course, there were the pumpkins. Everything from small, reasonably sized pumpkins that get strung up from trees to big, monster squash that weigh over 1,000 pounds get carved up in September – not too early, these are perishable materials we’re talking about –
by the creative team of Passion for Pumpkins. John Reckner started Passion for Pumpkins after seeing a simple jack-o-lantern display in Vermont and realized that combining artful pumpkin carving with music in a dark, wooded setting was the perfect way to celebrate the season. Jump ahead 30 years and the group has been installing
The team at Passion for Pumpkins works tirelessly to prepare thousands of pumpkins for the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular
pumpkin art installations all over New England, but the crown jewel of their year’s work is the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo. Later we met volunteers who were busy scooping out the seedy insides of the smaller pumpkins that would fill out the spaces between the more intricate pieces. During the spectacular we tend to lock in on the pumpkins with Elvis’ face or Maria from The Sound of Music on them, but when you see people hollowing out and piling up the little guys, the unsung heroes of the show, you realize that each of these jack-o-lanterns is a work of art. Of course the work doesn’t stop once the show starts. Every pumpkin is changed weekly – yes, every pumpkin – to maintain the show’s appearance. Since the bigger ones are so labor intensive, they’re dried out to add an extra few days to their shelf life. As impressive as seeing the finished pumpkins are, seeing the work that goes into them really drives home that what these artists do is truly unique. During our visit we saw a work in progress that depicted Dorothy’s Kansas farmhouse being swept to Oz by a twister. When your canvas is a one-ton vegetable there’s no backsies; every stroke had to be perfect and I walked away with a newfound appreciation for my delete key. October 6-November 6. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. 401-785-3510, –Tony Pacitti Fall Guide 2016 |
Haunted Rhode Island
Going Bump in the Night Digging up some of the Ocean State’s ghosts and ghouls Rhode Island may lack the brand recognition of go-to haunted haunts like Salem and Transylvania, but that doesn’t mean that our ghosts and goblins aren’t every bit as interesting. Vampires, spirits, Satanists – we’ve got spooks and scares aplenty. Here are three local legends to keep you up at night: this only scratches the surface of Rhode Island’s haunted history. MERCY BROWN: OCEAN STATE vAMPIRE The Legend: Your family might drive you crazy, but Mercy Brown’s would out crazy them for sure. During the New England Vampire Panic of the late 19th century (aka a tuberculosis outbreak), it was believed that a non-sparkling, notably less dreamy variety of bloodsucker was preying on locals. Mercy Brown died of tuberculosis in 1890, two years after her mother and older sister. When her brother Edwin became ill in 1892, the bodies of all three women were dug up and inspected. The elder Brown women were good and decomposed, but Mercy had been kept in a freezer-like crypt for months after her death, resulting in a more preserved state. Naturally this was interpreted as a sign of vampirism, and her heart was subsequently removed, burned, mixed into an elixir and fed to her sick brother. You know, for vampirism! He died less than a year later. Where to Find Proof: Mercy’s grave can still be seen in the Baptist Church cemetery in Exeter. The Conjuring HOuSE The Legend: Bathsheba Sherman, a suspected witch, cursed this Harrisville property resulting in mysterious and tragic deaths that plagued multiple generations of the family that lived there before the Perron family bought the property in the early 1970s. The Perrons came face to face with a full-blown haunted house. Their story, along with that of famed paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, was depicted in the 2013 film, The Conjuring. The
Perrons have long since moved on (to a new home, not the afterlife) but the current owners are battling a different kind of possession entirely: horror movie nerds who won’t stay off their property. They’re in the process of suing Warner Brothers and director James Wan after The Conjuring turned their quiet, if slightly haunted home, into a magnet for trespassers and crank callers. Where to Find Proof: You can see Bathsheba Sherman’s headstone in the historic cemetery across from the Harrisville fire station. Otherwise, please leave the people who live here alone. THE BILTMORE HOTEL The Legend: A lot of people point to the Biltmore in downtown Providence as the inspiration for The Shining’s Overlook Hotel and Psycho’s Bates Motel.
Dig a little deeper and you’ll start uncovering bonechilling tidbits about Johan Leisse Weisskopf, the “affluent Satanist” who financed the hotel’s construction (with some help from the mob) in the early 20th century. Rumors speak of animal cages on the rooftop for ritual sacrifices and purifying baths in the basement filled with blood, which sounds more like the backstory to Sigourney Weaver’s apartment in Ghostbusters if you ask us, making it easy for people to assume that every creepy sound and disembodied howl they hear in their room is probably a ghost. But outside of slamming bathroom doors in YouTube videos, the spectral guests have been relatively quiet in recent years. Where to Find Proof: You can always reserve a room and inspect a specter for yourself… if you dare. –Tony Pacitti
Ready to go deep down RI’s paranormal rabbit hole? Check out these books.
supernatural. Every night at 7pm, SeptemberNovember.
Haunted Providence: Strange Tales from the Smallest State by Rory Raven
H.P. Lovecraft: A Literary Life The Rhode Island Historical Society takes guests to the stomping grounds of Providence native and influential horror and science fiction writer H.P. Lovecraft. Expect to walk away with a profound sense of cosmic dread. October 22 and 23 at noon. Walking-Tours
A History of Vampires in New England by Thomas D’Agostino Ghosts of Newport: Spirits, Scoundrels, Legends and Lore by John T. Brennan
... Or explore for yourself Providence Ghost Tour Explore the East Side of Providence by lantern light and hear bone chilling stories of the
| Fall Guide 2016
Ghost Tours of Newport Our colonial history means hundreds of years of ghosts to cross paths with. Take the Olde Town Ghost Walk and never look at Newport the same again. September 4-October 31, 8pm; Nightly in November, 5pm.
Photography and illustration by Katie Leclerc
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| Fall Guide 2016
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Winter weather can cause a lot of tree damage. What can people do now to prevent problems later? Last winter was mild, but we’ve had some severe winter weather recently. Tree preparation should still be a prime concern for homeowners. We offer end weight reduction pruning, canopy thinning, and installation of static and dynamic cabling systems for structure and stability. We also offer anti-transpirant spray for evergreens, which provides a light, waxy coating that stops evergreens from losing moisture during the colder months. When the ground is frozen but winter temperatures rise, evergreens are especially susceptible to moisture loss and damage. We typically apply antitranspirant sprays in December. What are the benefits of performing tree work during the dormant season? This summer was stressful for trees, from insects and severe weather to prolonged drought conditions. Pruning stressed out trees can be detrimental if they’re not already strong. We often avoid pruning compromised trees at the wrong time, because they are physiologically taxed already. It’s like performing surgery on someone who has a serious illness - you want to wait until they’re completely healthy. In the winter, trees don’t have as many active processes happening, so
they’re under less stress. They generally respond better to pruning. Is it more economical to have tree work done in the winter? Definitely. The ground is frozen, so the work won’t disrupt lawns or perennial gardens and we don’t need to worry about landscaping nearly as much. It’s a lot easier for us to get in and out without working around sensitive plantings, which translates to savings for the customer because the work takes less time. Tree work is a year round business. We don’t shut down like many other outdoor service businesses. What should we have in mind now for next spring? Pests come back in warm weather, but often people don’t think about problems like winter moth and gypsy moth caterpillars until they’re happening. Depending on the pest, type of treatment and weather conditions, our window to treat can be limited. Different species leafing out at different times around the state can further complicate timing, so it’s important to be on our list early. We schedule much of our Plant Health Care in January and February, so be sure to get on board early for our 2017 treatment programs. Our blog will continue to update with the latest info, so be sure to check it out!
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Fall Guide 2016 |
The Apple of RI This heirloom apple is Rhode Island’s official state fruit Fall in Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Greening has been our state fruit since 1991
often means apples, apples and more apples. While you’re picking your own or preparing to buy them from the market this year, consider the Rhode Island Greening. This tart, medium to large sized apple was developed from seed around 1650 by an inn keeper named Mr. Green, in Green’s End (known presently as Middletown) and it is, well, green. Considered one of the oldest known apple varieties, the Rhode Island Greening was very popular in New England as well as New York and other regions in the Northeast up until the beginning of the 20th century. Also known as ‘Green’s Inn’ apples, Mt. Hygeia Farm in Foster had one of the oldest trees still producing the fruit until the early 1900s. Though the apple could be found in markets until around 1930, it started to fall out of favor due in part to the fact that it only bares fruit every other year. In spite of their decline in abundance,
the Rhode Island Greening bares the distinction of being our state’s official fruit since 1991 and has enjoyed a rise in demand over the last six years. Pies are the best use of the Rhode Island Greening, as it is crisp, juicy and holds its shape when baked. It is also versatile and can be made into cider, applesauce or just eaten fresh off the tree. These apples are considered “late season” as they become ripe between late September and mid October. Additionally they store well and can last up to five or even six months when refrigerated. Storing the apples for a period allows their flavor to become more sweet. If you are searching for what is considered an unrivaled apple for pie, one place they can still be found is at Steere Orchard in Greenville during their growing season. 150 Austin Avenue, Greenville. 401949-1456, –Tori hitchiner
Leave it to Nature How the gypsy moth caterpillar’s appetite impacts fall foliage been snacking on leaves since the spring. They feed primarily on oak leaves, but pines, maples, firs, shrubs, beeches and hickory leaves taste just fine to them, too. Although many trees have put out a second round of leaves, many are still left sparse, leaving us wondering how the caterpillars’ appetites will impact our fall foliage. “Insect populations are dynamic by nature,” explains the RI Department of Environmental Management’s Assistant Director Cathy Sparks. “They respond to different conditions, and [the gypsy moth infestation] was worse this year than last because it was a heavy infestation.” Cathy remarks that the gypsy moth damage was patchy, not statewide, and that a dry spring was to blame for the moths proliferation. “When we have a wet spring, that provides conditions to knock the population down,” she says. “There is a fungus and a virus [during a wet spring], that would have prevented many caterpillars from maturing into adults. This did not happen. We’ve had two dry springs in a row, so I would propose that that has been an advantage to the caterpillars survival.” Because the damage was spotty, Cathy says that there are many areas in the state that didn’t have any damage. “[The foliage] may be a little less
| Fall Guide 2016
Despite a big year for gypsy moths, the fall foliage shouldn’t be too affected
vivid,” she says. “But I wouldn’t say it’s not worth the trip to the farm to get the pumpkin and enjoy the foliage. I think there will still be a lot of foliage out.” And what about next year? Between all the caterpillars that survived to adulthood and laid eggs this year and the potential for another dry spring next year, it’s unclear what the future holds for next year’s fall foliage. But there are things that can be
done, especially if you’ve noticed leaf damage on your own property. “If you have a high value tree that’s been defoliated, water it. We don’t recommend fertilizing it,” Cathy says. “When you’re spraying for a defoliator, you’re spraying the leaves not the caterpillar, and it has to take a bite. Spraying early on when the trees still have a lot of foliage is the recipe for success.” DEM.RI.Gov –grace Lentini
Photography (Bottom) by Terace Greene, Photo Courtesy of (Top) Steere Orchard
Gypsy moth caterpillars have
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Destination: Newport
Bowen’s Wharf
Bowen’s Wharf is Newport’s premier year-round destination, offering waterfront shopping, dining, tours, a full-service marina and events. Charming brick walkways, granite quays and 18th century wharf buildings give visitors a taste of the city’s famed seaport history. With a centrally located parking lot, getting here by car is a breeze. And if a breezy boat ride is more your style, free dinghy tie-ups are available. Bowen’s Wharf is also home to many events, like the upcoming Bowen’s Wharf Seafood Festival (October 15 and 16) and the Newport Oyster Festival, the signature event of the recently launched Rhode Island Oyster Trail. 401-8492243,
West Coast Mexican meets East Coast creative at Diego’s. The large menu features fresh ingredients, housemade sauces and bold flavors. Stop in for a casual brunch, lunch or dinner, or drop by the lively bar for a handcrafted cocktail. 11 Bowen’s Wharf. 401-619-2640,
Bring the spa home with Arianna Skincare. The all-natural line uses the healing powers of Dead Sea minerals in its face, body and men’s products. Free of harmful parabens, synthetic alcohols, artificial dyes and preservatives, the luxurious products nurture, repair and invigorate the skin from the inside out. Arianna’s collection of serums, masks and creams fight the signs of aging by hydrating, rejuvenating and refining the skin. This beauty boutique on the Wharf, noted for its exquisite display of cupcake bath bombs and approachable atmosphere, offers customized service by trained skincare professionals. Stop by to learn more about the exclusive line. 39 Bowens Wharf. 401-848-5000,
The beautiful selection of women’s clothing, jewelry, handbags and seasonal accessories at Isherwood & Company is on-trend and yet classic. A curated collection of jewelry offers artisan pieces, a variety of colorful sea glass jewelry and the latest from designers Thomas Sabo and Michelle Pressler. The boutique is also the largest local dealer of Uno de 50, an exclusive jewelry line that’s handcrafted in Spain. Coastal chic is available all year long, be it fun nautical flip flops in the summer or gorgeous cashmere sweaters in the winter. The latest in designer and European brands offer customers unique stylish finds at every visit. 8 Bowen’s Wharf. 401-6191116,
The Wharf Pub offers classic pub fare with a gourmet twist. Highlights include their signature tater tots (six kinds!), handmade burgers, pasta, raw bar specials and the largest selection of New England Craft Beers in Newport. Cheers! 37 Bowen’s Wharf. 401-619-5672,
. galleries . boutiques & restaurants . tours . marina
11 Bowen’s Wharf. Newport • 401.619.2640
We are the largest Uno de 50 dealer in Rhode Island. Stop in to see the latest designs and the best selection. 8 BOWENS WHARF . NEWPORT 401 619 1116 . ISHERWOOD.CO
FALL TRUNK SHOW Check Facebook & for the schedule.
Fall Guide 2016 |
Dine, stay and play in the City by the Sea
| Fall Guide 2016
Dine, stay and play in the City by the Sea Free Delivery ThroughouT NewporT CouNTy
Meet & Greet
Local and State Candidates Cocktail Reception
Tuesday, September 27th 6pm to 8pm
We offer quality (organic) pet food, treats, toys, and accessories for House and Hound! 92 William Street, Newport • 619-3719 • (Across from the Tennis Hall of Fame)
at The Bohlin, Newport Yachting Center 4 Commercial Wharf
rSvp or please call 847-1608 SponSored by The bohlin WeddingS & evenTS
J EFFR EY G REENE · N EWPORT handcrafted Newport furniture
Handcrafted furniture of Townsend and Goddard design Artwork and accessories for the traditional interior Contributor to Rhode Island Furniture 1650-1830, Yale University Art Gallery, through Jan. 8, 2017
the Ball & Claw
29 America’s Cup Ave., Newport, RI 02840 401-848-5600 ·
Fall Guide 2016 |
Block Island’s Magical Season
Fall Packages Available at
Tourism Council
f ro m D a il y d ep a r t u r e s u n d! o r r a e y h it d u Pt. J
| Fall Guide 2016
Calendar Your guide to the best the season has to offer
September September 9-11: Head to the Cranston Greek Festival for a cultural experience that includes food and family-friendly entertainment. Church of the Annunciation. 175 Oaklawn Avenue, Cranston. September 12: Make your own fabulous seasonal decor at the Fall Wreath Class at the Farmer’s Daughter. 5pm. 716 Mooresfield Road, South Kingstown.
Photo Courtesy of (Top) Providence WaterFire. (Bottom) Ocean State Oyster Fest, by Stephanie Ewens
September 15-17: Get up close and personal with the newest types of sailboats, powerboats and marine accessories at the 46th Annual Newport International Boat Show. Newport Yachting Center, 4 Commercial Wharf, Newport. September 16-18: The 8th Annual Taste of Block Island offers discounts on food, adventures, lodging and more on the island. Multiple locations, Block Island. September 16: If you haven’t heard enough about politics then you should go see RI Public Radio’s Scott MacKay’s talk, Elections 2016: Rhode Island and the Nation, at the Jamestown Arts Center. 18 Valley Street, Jamestown.
September 16-18: Misquamicut Beach Fallfest is back for a weekend of midway rides, food and live entertainment that includes headliner 10,000 Maniacs. Misquamicut State Beach, Westerly. September 16-18: See the intricate work of New England crafters at the 31st Annual Folk Art Quilt Show. South County Museum. 115 Swarthmore Street, Narragansett. September 17: Grab your girl – your American Girl doll that is – and take her on the adventurous American Girl Train Ride in the Blackstone valley. Blackstone Valley Train Depot. One Depot Square, Woonsocket. BlackstoneValleyAmericanGirl. com September 17: Yes, there will be plenty of pumpkins for decorating and purchasing at the Pumpkin Festival, but there’ll also be food, craft vendors and kid’s entertainment like face painting. 412 Greenville Road, North Smithfield. September 17: usher in a new fashion and food season and enjoy local performances at Falling Leaves Main Street Stroll. Main Street, East Greenwich. September 17: Watch as artists take their art to the streets at the
September 24, October 1 and November 5: WaterFire
Providence Rotary Street Painting Festival. 12-6pm. Alex and Ani City Center. 2 Kennedy Plaza, Providence.
September 17: Enjoy oysters from 20 Rhody farms and learn a thing or two about our local aquaculture at the 2nd Annual Ocean State Oyster Festival. River Walk Park, Providence.
Get your fix before the season ends
September 17-18: Take a peek inside three historic work/live mills and meet artists in their workspaces at the XOS Exchange Street Open Studios. Exchange Street, Pawtucket.
September 17: The 2nd Annual Ocean State Oyster Festival
September 17-18: Take a trip back to the colonial era at Coggeshall Farm’s Harvest Fair and enjoy hayrides, folk artists, kid’s activities and farm-made jonnycakes. 10am-5pm. 1 Colt Drive, Bristol.
September 24: The uS-China Institute and the Confucius Institute at Bryant university presents Chinese Culture Night, complete with interactive displays along Steeple Street. October 1: Flames of Hope: A Celebration of Life, Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation’s signature event, features a daylong festival that concludes with an emotional torchbearer procession. November 5: The last full lighting of the year honors active military families and the brave who have served at the Salute to Veterans. Fall Guide 2016 |
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| Fall Guide 2016
RHODY HAPPENINGS September 17-18: Johnston’s Memorial Park fills up with artisans, entertainers and festival food at the crowd favorite 29th Annual Apple Festival. 1583 Hartford Avenue, Johnston. September 18: Celebrate the ending of one season and the beginning of another at the Artists’ Exchange’s Fall Out of Summer Arts Festival with family-friendly entertainment, food and more. 50 Rolfe Square, Cranston. September 23-24: Bobcat Goldthwait makes a rare Rhode Island appearance for three comedy shows at the Comedy Connection that are sure to leave you in stitches. 39 Warren Avenue, East Providence. September 22-25: Celebrity chefs, vineyards and fine food purveyors from near and far descend on the City by the Sea for the Newport Mansions Wine & Food Festival. Events are at The Elms, Marble House and Rosecliff, Newport. September 24-25: A good, oldfashioned time will be had at Smith’s Castle Harvest Festival, with family friendly entertainment and homemade fall treats on the day’s bill. 55 Richard Smith Drive, North Kingstown.
Photo by (Top) Cindy Elder, Photo Courtesy of (Bottom)Kenyons Grist Mill
September 24-25: October might be a few days away, but why not get a head start on the month-plus long celebration of beer, bratwurst and German entertainment at Oktoberfest. German American Cultural Society of Rhode Island. 78 Carter Avenue, Pawtucket.
September 17-18: Coggshall Farm’s Harvest Fair
September 25: A great time is sure to be had at Frerichs Farm’s Good Old Days, a celebration of simple joys that include a clam bake, bluegrass music and old timey family games. 43 Kinnicutt Avenue, Warren. September 26: The Thayer Street Art Festival mixes together local artists, street food vendors and strolling entertainers for fun for the whole family. Thayer Street, Providence.
October October 1: If laughter’s the best medicine, then you’ll be feeling great after An Evening with Jay Leno. The Ryan Center, One Lincoln Almond Plaza, Kingston.
October 1: Magnolia Cajun Band, known for their upbeat folksy music, plays Sandywoods Center for the Arts. 43 Muse Way, Tiverton. October 1-2: Kick off the first weekend in October with family fun in the form of midway games, food and craft vendors at Norman Bird Sanctuary’s 42th Annual Harvest Fair. 583 Third Beach Road, Middletown. October 8: Stroll through historic Benefit Street on the East Side and browse the original creations of over 100 RISD alumni and current students at RISD Craft. Benefit Street (between Waterman and Hopkins streets), Providence. October 10: Marching bands and community activists gather at Burnside Park in Providence for Pronk. Join in this annual celebration of music, community and social justice. Washington Street, Providence. October 14: Our very own worldclass orchestra, the Rhode Island Philharmonic, takes on Mozart’s Requiem as part of the Amica Rush Hour Series. The Vets. 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence. October 14: Dance like no one’s watching at Hyperglow Tour, a high energy blend of electronic dance music and ultra-violet lighting. Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel, 79 Washington Street, Providence.
October 22-23: Autumn Tour Weekend at Kenyon’s Grist Mill October 15: John Reckner, founder
COLuMBuS DAY WEEkEND EXPLORATIONS Discover a boatload of fun at these three-day celebrations on October 8-10 Cowboy Rendezvous: Horse around at Stepping Stone Ranch for their 11th annual round-up of ranch riding, horse racing and knee-slapping fun entertainment. 201 Escoheag Hill Road, West Greenwich. Autumnfest: Woonsocket pulls out all the stops for an annual autumn extravaganza that lines up live entertainment, the region’s biggest tug-of-war competition, festival rides, crafty vendors, fireworks and a parade. WWII Memorial State Park, 40 Snow Street, Woonsocket. Columbus Day Weekend Festival: Federal Hill’s signature event features (what else) plenty of food, live entertainment and a parade. Atwells Avenue, Providence. FederalHillProv. com/festivals Scituate Art Festival: The mother of all festivals is celebrating its 50th year with over 200 craft and antique vendors, fall food tastings and family entertainment. Village Green, North Scituate. Applefest: Steere Orchard’s annual celebration features homemade baked goods, free hayrides, pick your own apples, a farmer’s market and more. Saturday and Sunday only. 150 Austin Avenue, Greenville. Fall Guide 2016 |
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*Discounted rate is per person on select cabins and cruise fare only. Valid on 6/20 and 7/19 departures. Other discounts available. Call for details.
| Fall Guide 2016
Open Year-Round!
Monday - Saturday 10:00 am - 6:30 PM
October 15-16: Bowen’s Wharf 26th Annual Seafood Festival
of the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular, teaches a masterful Intricate Pumpkin Carving Workshop that includes a buffet dinner, open bar and a tour of the Spectacular. Roger Williams Park Zoo. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. October 15-16: The HopArts Studio
Trail gives you the chance to explore scenic South County back roads on a self-guided tour of working artist studios. Map at October 15-16: Bowen’s Wharf 26th Annual Seafood Festival rounds up the best of fresh seafood, live entertainment and kid-
friendly activities for a two-day celebration. Bowen’s Wharf, Newport. October 17-23: Calling all film enthusiasts: the 17th Annual vortex Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror Film Festival is here to put a fright in your night. Screenings at locations around the state.
Photo Courtesy of (bottom) Bristol-Warren Art Night, (top) Bowens Wharf Seafood Festival
October 20: Haley Star and LaDiva Jonz bring dramatic laughs to Stadium Theatre for Cocktails and Comedy with the Divas of Drag. 28 Monument Square, Woonsocket. October 22: Enjoy the foliage, sights and more from Woonsocket to Putnam, CT on the Train Excursion Through the Blackstone valley. Blackstone Valley Train Depot. One Depot Square, Woonsocket. October 22: Spot songbirds, ducks and hawks at the Audubon Society of Rhode Island’s Fall Birding Adventure. Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter.
Clothing & Accessories For Men & WOmen Jewelry Ephemera Art Housewares Linens Books Barware Holiday Items
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October 22: Providence gets a bit more soulful when ‘70s favorites Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire play at The Dunk. 1 LaSalle Square, Providence. DunkinDonutsCenter. com
September 29 and October 27: Bristol-Warren Art Night
October 22: There’s nothing quite like the Halloween Iron Pour at The Steel Yard, where 2,500 pounds of molten hot iron are poured for an amazing fiery display. 27 Sims Avenue, Providence. Fall Guide 2016 |
Experience Wheeler:
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606 Ten Rod Road, North Kingstown
Monday–Friday 10 to 5 Saturday by appointment Closed Thursday & Sunday 32
| Fall Guide 2016
October 22: The Steel Yard’s Halloween Iron Pour
October 22: Dress your little goblins in their Halloween costumes for unBOOlievable Festival, an afternoon of trick or treating, carousel riding, food trucks and more at Carousel Village. Roger Williams Park. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. October 22-23: Take a walk on the spooky side of Providence at the 90-minute H.P. Lovecraft Walking Tour. Includes a ticket to the Vortex Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror Film Festival. Departs from The John Brown House, 52 Power Street, Providence. October 22-23: See how local artists work and get a unique opportunity to purchase original works of art at the West Bay Open Studios. Self-guided; map at October 22-23: Tour historic Kenyon’s Grist Mill, savor clam cakes and chowder and kayak down the Queen’s River at Autumn Tour Weekend. 21 Glen Rock Road, West Kingston.
October 27: Cheese from Tiverton’s Milk & Honey is deliciously paired with Newport Vineyard’s varietals at Fall Series Cheese Class. Newport Vineyards. 909 East Main Road, Middletown. NewportVineyards. com October 29: Cyclists, acrobats and trapeze artists perform at the steampunk-inspired extravaganza Cirque Mechanics presented by FirstWorks. The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence.
November November 1: Henry Rollins brings his one-of-a-kind rants as his spoken word tour comes to town… a week before Election Day. The Met, 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket. November 11-13: Geeks and the freaks that love them will line up all weekend long for the phenomenon that is Rhode Island Comic Con. RI Convention Center and Dunkin’ Donuts Center. 1 Sabin Street, Providence.
ARTFuL EvENINGS Gallery nights offer a fun and approachable way to see art Newport Gallery Night September 13, October 11, November 8 From 5-8pm on the second Thursday of the month, galleries in Newport stay open late, offer light bites and provide opportunities to meet artists. The Newport Art Museum offers free admission, too. Providence Gallery Night September 15, October 20, November 17 On the third Thursday of the month, the free Art Bus brings guests to over 20 galleries around the city, complete with local celebrity guides. Bristol-Warren Art Night September 29 and October 27 Take the guided trolley tour or grab a handbill and guide yourself to Bristol and Warren’s artful destinations, featuring gallery exhibits, open studios, art-friendly businesses and live music.
Photo Courtesy of Steeyard, by Force 4 Photography
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You can be sure it’s American grown when you pick your own.
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Tell us about Exodus. My husband Christopher and I run a design build firm. I help clients shape the vision of their home as a designer, and he executes the team who will build it. He and I do everything together. We go out and measure the job together, so there’s no aspect we’re not able to take in to consideration when we’re doing an estimate. We provide meaningful numbers from the onset, and work as a team to prevent as many “surprises” as possible. When the designer is one firm and the general contractor is another, it’s easy for someone to miss something. That’s what really sets us apart from other builders and designers. What makes Exodus different from other builders? Both relationships are with one company. The transition is smooth between the design and the building, and I stay on as project manager through the whole process. When those happen through two different companies, there can be lack of accountability between the designer and the builder. We stay accountable for the whole process and work to make what is typically a stressful process for homeowners less stressful and more enjoyable.
Tell us about your new design room. We’ll be opening in November. We’ll be offering cabinetry, tile, flooring, lighting fixtures and more. Another builder could come in with a client, or someone could come in on their own to get design and installation. We’re able to design and provide custom kitchens and bath cabinetry, and high-end finishes of all types, from quartz and granite countertops to natural stone or glass tile and porcelain. We also offer custom hardware and even art and custom furnishings. What seasonal changes should people think about making during the fall? On a smaller scale, people should make sure their gutters are clean, especially near the water, so rain doesn’t end up in the basement. Have someone check the roof. If you have a wood stove, it’s a good time to clean out the chimney. On a larger scale, now’s the perfect time to get cabinetry installed for the holidays. I host 20-30 people every year, and if I were going to do a kitchen, now would be the time. Also any time you’re in the hurricane zone, it’s important to think about high impact windows. There are some good products out there for waterproofing your house. We work with or have a source for all of them
Exodus Design Group 351 Liberty Lane, Suite P-16, West Kingston 401-782-2700 • 34
| Fall Guide 2016
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Both Stores Open Sunday
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y d o RS ChH O L A R S ademic c a o t s l o o h c s From private School o t k c a B o t e ur guid resources, yo
Learn more about The Lincoln School, the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only all girls, Quaker independent school for grades 1 through 12, on page 37
Open HOuse • sunDAY, nOVeMBeR 6, 2016 • 1-3 p.M. RsVp:
pARtneRsHips witH BROwn uniVeRsitY’s scHOOl Of engineeRing, RisD's scHOOl Of ARcHitectuRe & sAVe tHe BAY leADeRsHip pROgRAMs tO inDiA AnD cuBA gRADe 8 glOBAl citiZensHip pROgRAM giRls wHO cODe
BeYOnD ADVAnceD plAceMent
#boldminds 301 Butler Avenue, providence, Ri 02906 • 401-331-9696 •
rhody scholars:
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Gordon School 45 Maxfield Avenue, East Providence â&#x20AC;˘ 401-434-3833 Gordon School empowers
GORDON SCHOOL empowering young minds
open house Saturday, November 5, 10am
Tours, curriculum presentations, classroom demonstrations, meet faculty, talk with current parents and students, and collect admission and financial aid information. Affording Gordon: A Financial Aid Workshop November 15th at 5:30 pm Nursery to eighth grade, East Providence, RI
young minds. Children ages three to thirteen explore new activities, challenge assumptions, debate issues, analyze data, consider multiple perspectives, think critically, and problem solve. In racially diverse classrooms, students learn with an anti-bias curriculum while developing academic foundational skills that allow them to excel. Additionally, in the science labs, art and music studios, and on the stage and athletic fields, students learn to lead with competence and confidence in all areas of the school in a kind, empathetic and respectful way that is modeled by all adults in the community. Students are exposed to local and national experiential learning opportunities outside of the traditional academic classroom. Play is considered vital at all grade levels and time is built into each
studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daily schedule for outdoor play and exploration. Students graduate Gordon prepared for the challenges of being leaders and agents of change in a complex and diverse world. Admission Open Houses Saturday, November 5 at 10am Saturday, January 7 at 9am: (for nursery - first grade only) Thursday, January 12 at 9am Affording a Gordon Education A financial aid workshop Tuesday, November 15 at 5:30pm 401-434-3833
| Fall Guide 2016
rhody scholars:
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a short FiCtion Competition For rhode island students
2 016
FAIR WED. 9/21/16
6 PM - 8 PM
MCCOY STADIUM, PAWTUCKET, RI The College Planning Center of RI has teamed up with the PawSox, B101 and Coast 93.3 to host the 7th Annual College Planning Center College Fair. Speak with college representatives from all over the Northeast and enter to win a scholarship!
register & learn more at
submission deadline deCember 2016
students grades 8-12 Stories must be written by students in grades 8-12. Stories should be 2500 or less and incorporate Rhode Island as a theme in some way.
Guidelines and submission information online at
Cash prizes & publiCation
For more information contact Diana C. at School One, 401-331-2497 or, visit or
Created in partnership by
Fall Guide 2016 |
rhody scholars:
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Private School Facts at a Glance aVERaGE # nUMBER Of YEaR EStaBLiSHED Of StUDEntS 2016 GRaDUatES
COntaCt infO
Community Preparatory School
Grade 4 - 8
november 6
Providence • 401-521-9696
nursery - Grade 8
november 5 & January 12; January 7 (Early Childhood)
East Providence 401-434-3833 •
Kindergarten - Grade 8
november 5 & february 4
Providence 401-533-9100 •
nursery - Grade 12
november 6 & January 7
Providence 401-331-9696 •
Monsignor Clarke School
18 Months - 8th grade
October 23
Wakefield • 401-789-0860
Quest Montessori School
toddler - Grade 8
October 16 & January 29
narragansett 401-783-3222 •
the Prout School
Grade 9 - 12
October 23 & november 7
Wakefield • 401-789-9262
Providence Country Day
Grade 6 - 12
november 5 & January 11
East Providence • 401-438-5170
nursery - Grade 12
October 23 and January 22
East Greenwich 401-884-9070 •
Grades 9 - 12
October 26 & January 25
Providence 401-331-2497 •
Grade 6 - 12 & Postgraduate
October 15
Barrington • 401-246-1230
Wheeler School
nursery - Grade 12
October 22 & January 7
Providence 401-421-8100 •
the Wolf School
Kindergarten - Grade 8
October 30 & february 9
East Providence 401-432-9940 •
the Gordon School the Grace School
Lincoln School
Rocky Hill School School One St. andrew’s School
The Providence Country Day School 660 Waterman Avenue, East Providence • 401-438-5170 In
Quest Montessori School
Open HOuse Sunday, OctOber 16th Open HOuse – 1:00pm to 3:00pm Fall Festival – 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Come to the Open House & Stay for the Fall Festival (Bounce House, Games, and Food)
• Meet Quest Faculty • Learn about Montessori education 1150 Boston neck Road, narragansett 401.783.3222 •
| Fall Guide 2016
founding head of school said, “no one is a sideliner here.” From that sentiment was born the motto “Play the Game.” It was a call to action: for students to challenge themselves every day – to make a faithful effort and embrace a culture that says success comes from being an engaged participant, not a spectator. Today, getting the most out of a PCD education still comes from trying something new and being open minded enough to think you might like it. Whether raising your hand in class, offering a helping hand to someone in need, or joining hands with teammates, PCD is a place where doing is an essential part of learning. Today, the motto might more aptly be “Change the Game,” a challenge to not only be an
engaged participant, but also for that committed participation to change how you see the world, how you see yourself, and how others see you. Because PCD teachers know where students are on their distinct educational paths, and meet them there every day, students become partners in their own learning and help define a fluid community that fits. PCD students are constantly becoming – growing past perceived limits and changing the game. College Prep • Co-Ed • Grades 6-12
rhody scholars:
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OPen HOuSe affirmative instruction + intimate classes
spark true transformation
St. Andrew’s small scale ensures our teachers truly know each student— and empowers each one to explore new interests, build on strengths, and embrace challenges.
nOvember 6tH at 2:00Pm
grades 6-12 & pg
The perspective and possibility widening boarding and day school
Think Differently Learn Differently
Sunday, october 30, 2016
1:00 tO 3:00 PM
We are a nationally recognized private special education school for children with complex learning profiles. Our expert, caring team of professionals, state of the art Sensory Arena, small class size and unique Immersion Model © provides students with an optimal environment for academic and social success.
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Community Service Learning before & after School Program dedicated Faculty Small Class Sizes Financial aid available
Where academic excellence & diversity walk hand in hand 126 Somerset Street, Providence • 401.521.9696
The Wolf School 215 Ferris Avenue, East Providence • 401-432-9940 The Wolf School
is a small private K-8 school that inspires Complex Learners to reach their full potential by discovering confidence, compassion and a love for learning. Wolf students experience sensory, social and language-based interferences that make traditional classroom settings difficult and often overwhelming. Our faculty members work tirelessly to find supports and strategies that reduce those barriers, opening up a world of information and experiences that make school a compelling, worthwhile and joyful place. Using an innovative Immersion Model©, occupational therapy (OT) and speech and language support is integrated into the curriculum throughout the day. Because students are not taken out of the classroom for services they are able to apply speech and OT support directly to classroom lessons. In addition, the classroom community
remains intact, allowing for friendships and a sense of belonging to evolve. Students also participate in movement activities every 45 minutes, preparing them for optimal learning. Hands-on lessons, technology support, and individualized instruction are integral to the model. Classrooms are small with 6-10 children, and the student/faculty ratio is 4:1. Wolf is special education certified in Rhode Island and Massachusetts and serves children from over 30 communities within a 60-mile radius.
Learn more at: 215 Ferris Avenue, East Providence • 401-432-9940
Fall Guide 2016 |
DON’T MISS THE ORIGINAL SPECTACULAR! An Annual Tradition With Thousands of Locally Grown Pumpkins!
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Fall Fun in Rhode Island From harvest happenings to fright night, get the most out of the season
Photography by Grace Lentini
Down On The Farm Picking pumpkins is one thing, but shooting a corn cannon? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on a whole other level. Clark Farms in South Kingstown has fun for days at their Fall Festival, happening weekends in September and October. Think a giant straw maze, hay rides, go-karts, a petting zoo, an old west ghost town, mining for treasure and a 30-foot mountain slide. Read on to find out about more fun, whether on the farm or elsewhere. 711 Kingstown Road, Wakefield. 401-7838844,
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| Fall Guide 2016
Apple and Pumpkin Picking The fall’s most quintessential activity
When the weather cools down, every food in Rhode Island gets an apple or pumpkin variety. While all of them are delicious, there’s
something genuinely special about going straight to the farm and picking apples and pumpkins yourself.
Cucumber Hill Farm offers PYO pumpkins, plus a corn maze, kiddie maze, flashlight maze, hayrides and pony rides. 39 Cucumber Hill Road, Foster. 401-397-7500, Dame Farm and Orchards has lots of family fun: pick-your-own apples and pumpkins, as well as hayrides and their A-Maze-ing Corn Maze. 91B Brown Avenue, Johnston. 401-949-3657, Escobar’s Highland Farm has PYO pumpkins, an enormous eight acre corn maze and hayrides. 133 Middle Road, Portsmouth. 401-683-1444 Knight Farm has PYO apples and pumpkins, plus hayrides, cider donuts, ice cream and The Farmer’s Omelette restaurant on-site. 1 Snake Hill Road, North Scituate. 401-349-4408, Phantom Farms offers pick-your-own apples September-November, as well as hayrides, orchard tours, apple cider and caramel apples at their farmstand. 2920 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland. 401-333-2240,
Photography by Blink of an Eye Photography
Pick the season’s bounty at Pippin Orchard in Cranston
Pick a Peck (or Two) Pippin Orchards has 20 acres of fruit trees, including peaches, plums, pears and nectarines. Visitors to the farm can pick their own apples and pumpkins in September and October or grab a ready-made baked treat. At the farmstand, there are vegetables, herbs, preserves and baked goods (including the fall’s most delicious food: cider donuts). New this year, try their maple cotton candy. 751 Pippin Orchard Road, Cranston. 401-943-7096, Facebook. com/PippinOrchard At Confreda Farms, picking your own pumpkins is just the beginning of the fun. The Hope Valley farm has a Corn MAiZE, as well as hayrides and food on the weekends. Their family fun festival offers fun kids activities, and rides every weekend in September and October. When the sun goes down, prepare to be spooked at Scary Acres. 2150 Scituate Avenue, Hope Valley. 401-827-5000,
Spring Hill Sugar House offers pick your own pumpkins and a corn maze. They also do farm tours, and offer maple sugaring demonstrations in the winter. 522 Gardner Road, Exeter. 401788-7431, Steere Orchard, one of the state’s biggest apple orchards, has PYO apples, pumpkins and squash through November, plus free hayrides, and apple cider and doughnuts. 30 West Greenville Road, Greenville. 401-949-1456, Sunset Orchards offers PYO apples, plus tractor train rides and a farmstand with apple cider. 244 Gleaner Chapel Road, North Scituate. 401-934-1900, Fall Guide 2016 |
Fun on the Farm Celebrate the harvest with family-friendly activities
Hop on the hay wagon and get yourself down to one of Rhode Island’s farms for some good, old fashioned fun (and some
delicious fall treats). Take a step back in time at Festival Farm, which promises family fun “like it used to be.” Kids can take a pony ride or a hayride pulled by an antique tractor. The petting zoo lets you get up close and personal with alpacas, sheep, pygmy goats, an emu and pheasants. Sip hot cider while you pick out your fall pumpkins and gourds. 2 Canonchet Road, Hope Valley. 401-742-5575, Weekends starting September 17 and running through October 30, the fun doesn’t end at Confreda Farm’s Fall Fest. Think hayrides, kiddie rides, farm activities and a corn MAiZE the size of seven (you heard us – seven) football fields. There’s a food court offering fall and Halloween treats, and a Pumpkin Smash on October 30. 2150 Scituate Avenue, Hope. 401-827-5000, The Farmer’s Daughter, a farm stand and garden center, hosts a Harvest Festival every weekend from September 24-October 30. Fun activities include: scavenger hunts, pony rides, pumpkin slingshots and bowling, a corn maze, a barrel train ride and antique tractors, scarecrow making, costume contests, face painting and furry friends. 716 Mooresfield Road, South Kingstown. 401-792-1340,
The Greatest Pumpkin It must be something in the water… or maybe it’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Frerichs Farm in Warren is widely known for its enormous pumpkins. So widely known, in fact, that Frerichs’ giant gourds have made the national news. Every Columbus Day weekend, the farm hosts the Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Growers’ Annual Weigh-Off, happening this year on October 8. The event attracts more than 3,500 attendees to witness the weighing of the gigantic pumpkins, which can weigh in at over 1,000lbs. The 2015 winner, Ron Wallace from Greene, RI, grew a whopping 2,230lb pumpkin. The Pumpkin Palooza at Frerichs Farm, happening on weekends September 10-October 22, offers lots more fun for kids and grownups: pumpkin painting, pumpkin carriage rides, a play-scale Western town, make-your-own scarecrows, a ride-on dragon and witch broom, and a Charlie Brown pumpkin patch. Frerichs is also hosting a Good Old Days party on September 25, which is a day of good old fashioned bluegrass music, children’s games, a beer tent and a clam bake, with proceeds going to the Autism Project’s East Bay Support Center. 43 Kinnicutt Avenue, Warren. 401-245-8245, 46
| Fall Guide 2016
Learn where your food comes from with Rhody Fresh and Cabot Creamery. On October 9, the local dairy collaborative is hosting a farm tour at Emma Acres in Exeter, with free Rhody Fresh milk, apple cider and Cabot cheese samples, plus hayrides for the kids. 143 Ten Rod Road, Exeter. Get a taste of the fall at Steere Orchard’s Apple Fest: A Fall Harvest Celebration. On October 15 and 16, the party will feature live music by the Applehead String Band, free samples of baked goods and apples, and pies and apple and pumpkin treats for purchase. A farmer’s market and free hayrides, along with the pick-your-own apples that the orchard regularly offers, round out the festivities. 150 Austin Avenue, Greenville. 401-949-1456,
Photo by Jeannette St. Pierre
Pumpkin Palooza at Frerichs Farm is fun for the whole family
Have fun getting lost at Dame Farm’s A-Maizeing corn maze. It takes an hour to solve the four-acre maze, with stations hidden inside that add to the challenge. Weekends in the fall, there’s also a food truck serving up delicious treats like chowder and fried Oreos. 91-B Brown Avenue, Johnston. 401-949-3657,
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| Fall Guide 2016
Fright Nights Scare yourself silly at haunted houses around the state
What else is Halloween for but getting scared out of your wits? Get your adrenaline flowing at one of Rhode Island’s terrifying
haunted houses. Enter Highland Farms’ Trails to Terror, but remember, there’s only one way through. The terrifying attraction has Delamorte’s Haunted Hayride and a walk-through Forest of Fear, with 15 acres of terror. The all-outdoor attraction runs weekends from September 30-October 30. 4235 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield. 401-792-8188, What started as a small fundraiser to help with the farm animals at Slater Park’s Daggett Farm has grown to become an anticipated destination on the Halloween haunt list: the Slater Park Haunted Tunnel. Starting September 30 and open Fridays and Saturdays throughout October, there are lots of ways to get your scare on, including Pumpkins in the Park, Fright Night in the Park, The Woods and the always terrifying tunnel itself. Slater Park, 825 Armistice Boulevard, Pawtucket. 401-728-0500, The longest running haunted house in New England, Haunted Labyrinth, is open every weekend in October. For over 30 years, this volunteer-run nonprofit has been providing the youth community with scares and fun. 804 Dyer Avenue, Cranston. 401-943-8686,
Fortress of Nightmares at Fort Adams will give you chills
It’s a Scream
Photo courtesy of Fortress of Nightmares
What started in one old mill building in Fall River quickly grew its reputation for being the best – read: most terrifying – game in town. Now, Factory of Terror has bone-chilling locations in Worcester and West Warwick. This place gives new meaning to the phrase “enter if you dare.” There’s the Ghost Cemetery at Centerville Falls, the Asylum of Screaming Souls, Dracula’s Hideaway and Psycho Alley, which… we don’t even want to know. The 4-D Blackout offers zombie laser tag, where there’s only one thing keeping you from becoming one of the walking dead. Factory of Terror is the place where even if you love things that go bump in the night, you’re going to feel a few actual jolts of fear. And if you can survive this haunted house unscathed, Halloween night is going to feel like a walk in the park. 3 Bridal Avenue, West Warwick. 774-847-7745, There’s a haunted house attraction, and then there’s a haunted house that happens at an actual haunted military fort. At Fortress of Nightmares, the frights in costume aren’t the only ones you need to worry about from October 21-23 and 28-30. Wander through the centuries-old fort and try to make it out in one piece, if you dare. In addition to their signature Tunnels of Terror, Mayhem 31 is a new 3-D attraction this year, as well as a paranormal exhibit (like we said, real ghosts) and Turned, A Zombie Experience. 90 Fort Adams Road, Newport. 401-841-0707,
Venture into the dark of night where ghouls, zombies and disembodied spirits await at Field of Screams. Terror-inducing attractions include the Dungeon of Doom, the Dead River Haunted Hayride and Cirque de Souls a 4-D haunted maze. Don’t miss Zombie Paintball, where you board a military transport truck with your own bolted down paintball gun and attempt to survive a zombie apocalypse as you shoot live zombies and other moving targets. 179 Plain Meeting House Road, West Greenwich. 401-397-2600, HauntedHayride. net, Find your thrills on Haunted Hill, the terrifying haunted attraction at Cumberland’s Diamond Hill Park. This year, the blood curdling attractions are the Chamber of Lost Souls, Boris’s Blood Bath and Town of Oompa Loompa. Family Fun Day on October 29 offers a less scary trick or treating experience for little devils. 4092 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland. 401-334-9996, When the sun goes down at Confreda Farms, the frights go up. Scary Acres offers something different and spookier every year. The nighttime corn maze is populated by ghouls and ghosts that will terrify even the bravest souls. 2150 Scituate Avenue, Hope. 401-827-5000, Fall Guide 2016 |
So Fun, It’s Scary Celebrate Halloween with less spooky attractions
If you love Halloween but don’t love losing a whole month’s sleep
to horror movie monsters, skip the haunted houses and check out one of these less scary ways to celebrate. If you can’t get enough of the Jack O’Lantern Spectacular, why not just stay the night? Boo At The Zoo family overnights happen October 22 and 29 at Roger Williams Park Zoo. There, the things that go bump in the night are nocturnal animals. Get the inside scoop on them from zoo educators, plus VIP access to the pumpkins and a morning zoo tour. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. 401-941-4998, There’s something strange in the neighborhood… Misquamicut Drive-In Movies. There are movies every Friday night in September, and two spooky selections in October: Beetlejuice on October 7, and Ghostbusters on October 14. Wuskenau Town Beach. 316 Atlantic Avenue, Misquamicut. 401-322-1026, Smith’s Castle is an important part of Rhode Island’s history, and it’s also rumored to be haunted. Find out the truth for yourself at their Paranormal Investigation Series, hosted by RISEUP Paranormal, who will bring groups through the house to investigate supernatural claims. Investigations happen on October 15 and November 19. 55 Richard Smith Drive, North Kingstown. 401-2943521,
Haunted History Rhode Island has accumulated a lot of history since 1636, not all of it happy memories. In fact, some say there are centuries-old ghosts haunting our most historic streets. Both Providence and Newport offer ghost tours to hunt down the lingering spectres. Take the tours… if you dare. The Providence Ghost Tour takes you through the haunted history of College Hill, the city’s oldest and most historic area. Walk Benefit Street where H.P. Lovecraft, the original master of horror, crafted his chilling stories, and past the Athenaeum where the ghost of Edgar Allen Poe’s lost love is said to walk the halls. The ghost tour bases its stops on real life events, not legends, and they encourage you to bring a camera to document whatever might pop up along the way. Tours happen nightly in September and October, and weekends in early November. 401-484-8687, Ghosts of Newport hunts down the City By the Sea’s lost legends on their Olde Town Ghost Walk. The lantern-lit tour takes you through the city’s ghostly maritime history, with chilling tales of pirates, ghost ships, graveyard crypts and more. Tours happen nightly in September and October, and on Saturdays in November. 50
| Fall Guide 2016
Don your finest Halloween regalia for a bonafide costume ball. Mysterium: The Eternal Masquerade happens at the Providence Public Library on October 28, featuring players by Ten31 Productions as part of a “Halloween odyssey like no other.” Learn the secrets of the library and revel in this arts-inspired performance experience (that also includes dinner, open bar and dancing all night). 150 Empire Street, Providence. 401-455-8003,
Photo courtesy of Discover Newport
Trace local maritime history on Newport’s Olde Town Ghost Walk
Bike through H.P Lovecraft’s Providence at Tour de Tentacle: A Weird Bike Odyssey in Providence. On October 30, embark on a bike-based quest around the city, solving puzzles, fighting monsters and saving or dooming PVD as you see fit. Event is BYOB (bring your own bike) and teams are encouraged.
Fall Guide 2016 |
Join Us For A Bountiful Harvest Of... Heirloom Pumpkins, Gourds, and Festive Fall Decor Harvest Festival
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| Fall Guide 2016
Fall Festivals Every weekend brings a new reason to celebrate this season
Back in the old days, people gathered in the fall to celebrate the harvest. Now, while we’re still celebrating the end of the growing season, we’re also throwing festivals to celebrate everything from arts to beer and lederhosen. Party on.
MORE WAyS TO PARTy ON Just because it’s September doesn’t mean you have to give up the beach. Misquamicut Fallfest happens right on the shore from September 1618, and has carnival rides, delicious food and a performance by 10,000 Maniacs. Misquamicut State Beach, Westerly. 401-322-1026, Coggeshall Farm, a living history museum in Bristol, brings to life the ways of Colonial living in 18th century New England. They have farm animals, cooking and farming demonstrations, and produce from their heirloom garden for sale in season. Their 43nd annual Harvest Fair is happening this year from September 17-18, and features hay and pony rides, old fashioned games, music and dancing. 1 Colt Drive, Bristol. 401-253-9062, On September 24-25, International Oktoberfest features seasonal brews, savory German cuisine and lively and spirited music from the Biergartens. Fun fact: in Germany, Oktoberfest actually starts in September, so you’ve got even more reasons to celebrate. 2 Kennedy Plaza, Providence. 800-745-3000, It might not really be a castle, but Smith’s Castle is still an important part of Rhode Island’s history. They’re celebrating September 24-25 with a Harvest Festival, featuring delicious treats and fun for the whole family. 55 Richard Smith Drive, North Kingstown. 401-294-3521,
The Dragon Boats are a beloved annual event in Pawtucket, happening as part of the Pawtucket Arts Festival
A Bucket of Arts Photo courtesy of Michael C. Meyer
The whole city comes
together for the Pawtucket Arts Festival. The month-long fest celebrates the creativity and culture of Pawtucket, with tons of events happening every day throughout September. The event kick off in early September with a food festival on the Blackstone River, and the iconic Dragon Boats for Taiwan Day at Festival Pier. The Rhode Island Philharmonic is hosting a Pops in the Park performance, the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame is offering guided tours of its Hope Artiste Village home, Metamorphosis Dance Company is holding Creative Movement Workshops… the list goes on and on. The Rhode Island Watercolor Society opens its The Art of Play show on September 17, the same weekend that Exchange Street Open Studios is welcoming visitors inside those renovated mills to see all the artistic work happening inside. The Out There Art Fair: Little Rhody’s Only Outsider Art Festival is happening on September 24, and the German American Cultural Society’s Oktoberfest raises a stein on September 24-25. The event wraps up with the 17th Annual Pawtucket Film Festival, where every show has a live musical performance, from October 14-16. There’s a lot more worth checking out in Pawtucket than you thought, right?
The East Bay Annual Harvest Festival brings music, games and more to the Bay Spring Community Center on October 1. The event includes a rededication of the center’s playground, so feel free to bring the kids and plan on hanging around while they, well, hang around. 170 Narragansett Avenue, Barrington. Head to Norman Bird Sanctuary for their 42nd annual Harvest Fair, happening this year on October 1-2. Expect to find handcrafted gifts, great local food, live entertainment and, of course, rare avian friends. 583 Third Beach Road, Middletown. 401-8462577, Celebrate the last of the grape harvest at Greenvale Vineyards’ 17th Annual Harvest Festival on November 12. Enjoy live jazz music, lawn games, tractor rides, wine tastings and delicious food. 582 Wapping Road, Portsmouth. 401-847-3777, Fall Guide 2016 |
Take a Hike Explore Rhode Island’s beauty by foot
There’s something special about walking through the woods in the fall, leaves crunching under foot, foliage in all its autumnul glory. Of the many nature preserves in the state, we’ve picked out the ones that are absolutely stunning this time of year.
MORE HIKING TRAILS Off the beaten path and winding its way into rural southwestern South County are Ell and Long Ponds. These connecting ponds are surrounded by roughly 5.7 miles of challenging wooded trails that will test your endurance. The trails wind through huge rocky outcrops, beautiful vistas and wetlands all within a gorgeous forested setting. North Road, Rockville. ASRI. org, With 88 preserved acres, The Neutaconkanut Hill Conservancy contains the highest hill in Providence (at a staggering 296 feet above sea level), is the largest forested area in Providence and provides breathtaking views of the city from its hilltop meadow. Take the 1.5mile Pinnacle Trail for the gorgeous city view. 675 Plainfield Street, Providence. 401-383-4711, If you want to get your sweat on in the heart of nature then head to Kimball Wildlife Sanctuary for the 9.2mile Vin Gormley Trail. This trail will take you around the entirety of Watchaug Pond and runs the gamut of flat sections, rocky areas and plenty of ups and downs. Make sure to wear good walking or hiking shoes and definitely bring water. Watchaug Pond, Charlestown. Another challenging hike is Fort Barton in Tiverton. The 83 acres start off with a steep hike from the parking area, followed by a tremendous view of the Sakonnet River atop a lookout tower. Continue along the 3-mile red trail for plenty of ups and downs, wood bridges over streams and chances to see lots of wildlife. Intersection of Lawton Avenue and Highland Road, Tiverton. 401625-6710, Tiverton.RI.Gov
Fall in Love with the View Tucked away in Johnston, Snake
Den State Park contains 1,000 acres of pristine habitat. Within the park you’ll find beautiful rock formations that are perfect for climbing and a breathtaking overlook (this writer’s favorite fall foliage overlook). Hike along the just-over-two-mile loop through serene wooded areas, wetlands, rocky outcrops, streams and open fields. Depending on the time of day you’ll hear birds chirping, see chipmunks scurrying along stone walls and catch deer grabbing a bite to eat among the native vegetation. This hidden gem is minutes from Providence, which makes it an easy escape from the hustle and bustle of downtown. It’s also just plain gorgeous, worthy of a drive from any corner of the state. Small parking lot on Brown Avenue, Johnston. 401-222-2632,
| Fall Guide 2016
Care for an ocean view with your hike? Head to Norman Bird Sanctuary. Their seven miles of trails on 325 acres covers everything from steep cliffs, vernal pools (where amphibians lay their eggs), stone walls, geologic formations, pond views and wildlife sightings. Hike along the Red Fox Trail to the Nelson Pond Trail for excellent birding and photo opps. You’ll also get to view Hanging Rock, the highest point in the sanctuary, at a whopping 70 feet. 583 Third Beach Road, Middletown. 401846-2577,
Photography by Grace Lentini
Views for days at Snake Den State Park in Johnston
For stunning forested and bay views head to John H. Chafee Nature Preserve’s property at Rome Point. The trailhead at the easily accessible parking area brings you to a 2.5-mile loop where you can stroll through a cozy woodland, which leads to a pebbly beach with views of Narragansett Bay and the Jamestown Bridge. You’ll even catch peeks of seals on the offshore rocks at low tide, so be sure to bring your binoculars. Boston Neck Road, Route 1A between Hamilton Allenton Road and Route 138, North Kingstown.
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Fall Events at Frerichs Farm Warren, Rhode Island
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| Fall Guide 2016
Visit our store at the Break Hotel in Narragansett
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Curtains Up on Theatre What’s on Rhode Island’s most dramatic stages this season
It’s that time of year again: lights are going up all over the state at local theatre companies. From a legendary hero gone rock and roll to
laugh-a-minute British farces, here’s how you should be getting your culture this season. Agatha Christie’s beloved detective Hercule Poirot is back on the case in Black Coffee at the Granite Theatre. One of Christie’s lesser known works, Black Coffee is set in the 1930s and centers on Sir Claude Armory, who discovers a formula for the first atom bomb before being poisoned… You guess how. The show runs September 9-October 2. 1 Granite Street, Westerly. 401-596-2341, One of the state’s most innovative theatres, The Wilbury Group, stages Ui an adaptation of The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, from September 15-October 2. This play, by Bertolt Brecht, is a darkly comedic tale set in 1930s Chicago about the rise of fearmongering leaders. 393 Broad Street, Providence. 401-400-7100, From September 15-October 16, the Gamm Theatre stages Arcadia by Tom Stoppard, a funny and engaging who-done-it wherein groups of people 200 years apart attempt to solve life’s mysteries at a British mansion. 172 Exchange Street, Pawtucket. 401-7234266,
Beowulf gets the rock star treatment at Trinity Rep
A Legend 1,000 Years in the Making
Photo by Mark Turek
This year, Trinity Repertory Company
kicks off its season with something completely unexpected. Beowulf: A Thousand Years of Baggage is a modern retelling of the epic heroic tale, but set to Tom Waits-inspired rock and roll. In this version, Beowulf still protects the great hall of Heorot from attacks by Grendel, Grendel’s mother and a fire-breathing dragon – but he does so with a panel of academics analyzing (and overanalyzing) his every move. Existential questions of heroism and purpose follow – set to music, of course. The show runs September 8-October 9, followed by Appropriate, opening October 6, which is a dramedy about the estranged members of the Lafayette family, who return home to their oncegrand Arkansas estate after their patriarch passes away and discovers things about the family they would rather not know. It won the 2014-2015 Obie Award for Best New American Play. 201 Washington Street, Providence. 401-351-4242,
From September 23-October 16, 2nd Story Theatre stages The Ladies Man, a classic farce by Georges Feydeau. In it, Doctor Hercule Molineaux tells his wife a white lie to cover up a small embarrassment – until, as one expects, all hell breaks loose. 28 Market Street, Warren. 401-247-4200, With music written by Elton John, Billy Elliot is sure to be an entertaining evening. Ocean State Theatre stages this contemporary classic about a boy in a working class English town who discovers his love for ballet dancing from September 28-October 23. 1245 Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick. 401-9211777, The Contemporary Theater Company brings Macbeth to life October 14-November 12. One of Shakespeare’s greatest literary achievements is this tragedy, with murderous characters haunted by guilt and ghosts. 327 Main Street, South Kingstown. 401-2180282, Fall Guide 2016 |
The Fall Arts Season The season is in full swing with concerts, dance performances and art events
One of the best things about the cooling temperatures is that Rhode Island’s arts scene heats up. Make it a point this season to see something
new, or attend a performance of a group you haven’t seen before. Your sense of culture (and your dinner party small talk) will thank you.
Tiverton Four Corners is hosting its 23rd annual Outdoor Sculpture Park through Columbus Day. The free, open to the public exhibition features work by artists Jerry Ehrlich, Isabel Mattia and James Lawton. 3850 Main Road, Tiverton. 401624-2600, The multi-disciplinary Jamestown Arts Center will host the Manhattan Short Film festival on September 30-October 1. Over 100,000 people will gather in 250 cities around the world to view films with Rhode Island’s ten film selections screening exclusively at the JAC both nights. The Hoparts 11th Annual Studio Trail is back this year on October 15-16. Artists throughout Hopkinton and adjacent communities open their studios to share their creativity and inspiration. West Bay Open Studios is a unique way to meet 20 South County artists, who open their studios for tours, talks and demonstrations on October 22-23. The tour is self-guided and takes you through East Greenwich, Warwick, Exeter, North Kingstown and Saunderstown.
Conduct Yourself Accordingly The Rhode Island Philharmonic is one of the state’s greatest artistic resources. Their orchestra comprises 70 professional musicians, playing everything from piccolo to harp to bassoon, under the direction of Music Director Larry Rachleff and Resident Conductor Francisco Noya. While “a night at the Philharmonic” sounds like there are mandatory pinkies up, the performances by the RI Philharmonic Orchestra are anything but snooty. The group offers a Classical Series on Saturday nights at The Vets in Providence, featuring selections from Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Brahms and more great composers. On Friday nights before those performances, the Philharmonic has a Rush Hour series, which is a much more casual (and shorter) way to experience live orchestral music. The Rhode Island Philharmonic Music School in East Providence offers lessons for everyone from toddlers to adults who dream of making beautiful music. 667 Waterman Avenue, East Providence. 401-248-7070, 58
| Fall Guide 2016
Festival Ballet starts its 39th season with Hansel and Gretel on October 2930. Their innovative, upbeat “Up Close on Hope” series is back starting November 4 at their intimate performance space on Providence’s East Side. 825 Hope Street, Providence. 401-353-1129, Hop on the Bristol and Warren Art Night Trolley Tour. The free trolley gives a guided tour of the participating artist spaces, galleries, live music performances and more.
Photography by Mike Braca
The Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra performs works by great classical composers at The Vets in Providence
FirstWorks brings innovative, worldclass entertainment to Providence. This year’s series kicks off on October 29 with Cirque Mechanics, a dynamic troupe of acrobats, cyclists and oneof-a-kind machines. Their season also includes a debut performance by living legend choreographer Paul Taylor.
Fall Guide 2016 |
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Photo By Allie Mead
Napoletana & New York Pizza
At The Impressed Olive, taste isn’t everything; it’s the only thing. The boutique offers a great selection of highquality olive oils, balsamic vinegars, hot sauces, gourmet condiments and specialty hard-to-find foods. These are not your ordinary oils and vinegars – these are authentic and healthy products that are imported from around the world. Located in the heart of Wickford Village, the shop also offers friendly customer service and a comfortable browsing environment. With a focus on experimenting and learning, customers are encouraged to sample the amazingly tasty products and also learn about cooking with them. Stop in and taste the difference. 4 Brown Street, Wickford. 401-295-5757, The pizza at Pasquale’s Pizzeria Napoletana isn’t just delicious, it’s also authentic. The Neapolitan-style pizza – small, thin-crust pies that are quickfired in a wood-burning oven – is an Italian specialty that involves minimal ingredients and expert preparation. Chef-owner Pasquale Illiano was born and raised in Naples, having learned the technique while working at some of the most recognized restaurants in Italy. In addition to appetizers, salads and pasta, Pasquale’s serves three types of pizza: New York-style, grandma and Neapolitan. The food is made with the best ingredients imported from Italy, and always offering simple yet elegant
tastes. 60 South County Commons Way, South Kingstown. 401-783-2900, A South County favorite for over 25 years, The Purple Cow is an eclectic boutique with so much to offer. The large shop, centrally located on historic Main Street in Wakefield, is dedicated to showcasing a wide variety of unique gifts, stylish clothing and diverse accessories from over 300 artists and designers. The jewelry selection features the latest designs from Endless Jewelry, Alex and Ani, Rhode Island artist Jon Campbell and so many others that arrive daily. With something for everybody and every budget – including engraving! The Purple Cow makes shopping fun. 205 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-789-2389, Get a taste for all the amazing culinary options Narragansett has to offer at the upcoming Narragansett Restaurant Week. Running from October 21-30th, the annual celebratory week features some of the area’s best restaurants including Arturo Joe’s, Bed & Bistro, Chair 5, Coast Guard House, Fuel Coffee Bar, George’s of Galilee, PJ’s Pub, Trio, Two Ten Oyster Bar and many, many more. All of the participating restaurants offer discounted lunch and dinner menus throughout the ten-day event, allowing diners to visit their favorites and try new spots as well. For more information visit
South County Commons, South Kingstown 401-783-2900 •
Fall RestauRant Week October 21st-October 30th
Join us for a preview of restaurants
kick oFF PaRty Thursday, Oct 20th
ViP Hour: 5-6pm for $45 General admission: 6-8pm for $35
Purchase tickets Fall Guide 2016 |
Local Ingredients.
Craft Cocktails.
“The menu is varied, the presentations are artful, and most of all, the food is delicious.” Ellen Brown -The Providence Journal
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Seasonal Style
Photography by Grace Lentini
The fall’s most stylish looks for you and your home
Autumnal Touches There are countless ways to incorporate the fall’s exquisite colors into your home. Take for instance this tablescape created by one Coventry family. They’ve maintained a French influence while successfully bringing the outdoors in. Turn the page to find more seasonal style inspirations and head to to see the rest of this home.
Federal Hill The Heartbeat of Providence
a juried sales exhibition of alumni & student work
Costantino's Venda Bar & Ristorante
275 Atwells Avenue 401-528-1100 •
Dreamy Venice
259 Atwells Avenue 401-499-5575•
Gasbarro's Wines
361 Atwells Avenue 401-421-4170 •
Saturday, October 8 10 am – 5 pm
Joe Marzilli's Old Canteen
Benefit Street between Waterman & Hopkins streets
120 Atwells Avenue 401-751-5544 •
310 Atwells Avenue 401-331-5000 •
238 Atwells Avenue 401-521-3311 •
Tammany Hall
409 Atwells Avenue 401-831-3180, Find on Facebook Featured artwork: Wynn Bauer 08 CR Blair LaBella 81 CR Rebecca Skinner 10 CE
| Fall Guide 2016
Venda Ravioli & The Venda Cafe
265 Atwells Avenue 401-421-9105 •
Fall Fashion Talking about the season’s trends with local personal stylists By Julie Tremaine
How many times have you stood in front of a dressing room mirror wonder-
Define Yourself
ing, “can I pull this off? ” Dressing outside of your comfort zone can challenge your sense of style and your self esteem. Lucky for you, we talked to Rhode Island’s top personal stylists for advice on what’s hot and what’s not this fall.
161 Old Tower Hill Rd., Wakefield, RI - (401)789-7172
Photography by Stacey Doyle
“My favorite trend this season is leather moto jackets with zippers. Vogue calls it ‘Biker Babe.’ Everything is edgy and tough, but pair those elements with florals or a flowy dress and you have a beautiful balance of naughty and nice. I think every woman should have a leather jacket in her closet for fall. A classic leather jacket is an investment piece, but faux leather is fine and won’t break the bank. I always think in terms of color, pattern, texture and shine – including at least one of each of those elements is the simplest way to create a multidimensional outfit that looks rich and interesting.” –Jill Marinelli, “There was so much pattern, color and texture on the runways for fall and nothing makes me happier. This truly is a great time in fashion. So many different decades are being channeled by designers that it’s easy to find ways of keeping your look current, while staying true to who you are. Adding a cool pair of jeans with some interesting detail is top on my list. Maybe a ‘70sinspired pair in a wider flare and patch pockets in front, or perhaps a fun metallic finish or details up the side. Anything that isn’t your basic jean. An off-the-shoulder top is another perfect piece to add to your wardrobe.
Hey Rhody! To check out on-trend outfits pulled from stores around the state, check out our Fall Fashion section on
Personal stylist Jill Marinelli pulling looks at Robin B. Clothier in East Greenwich
Shoulders are an easy thing to flaunt without showing too much skin.” –Gaelen Abt, “Updating your wardrobe is a matter of bringing patterns, fabrics, colors and accessories into your wardrobe. One of my favorite looks for fall is faux fur. On a collar or coat, it can add an element of edge or coziness depending on how you wear it. The fall color palette is full of rich, confident yet calming tones. If you are not a huge fan of color, trying adding a ‘pop’ of fall colors into your wardrobe in a layering tank, handbag, shoe, necklace or any accessory.” –Lisa Shorr,
“This season, I love brocade, crushed velvet, leather and the color nude. I’m planning to add either a brocade jacket or pant, definitely something in crushed velvet, a leather skirt and I’ve already purchased a fantastic pair of nude suede pumps from JCrew. They are a must have! I recommend adding one or two trends to update your wardrobe quickly. The key is selecting the trend that is true to you. Not all trends work for everyone. Everything in your closet needs to support your lifestyle and your career. It needs to reflect the real you.” –Margaret Batting, Fall Guide 2016 |
Confused about when you should have your first mammogram?
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Rhode Island Medical Imaging, along with national medical organizations, such as the ACR, SBI and ACOG, recommends women have a baseline screening mammogram at age 40 – and ANNUAL screenings thereafter. Studies show that 75% of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients have NO known risk factors; therefore, all women age 40 and over should have annual screening mammograms to ensure the earliest detection possible. “First at 40” leads to early detection which is your best protection. For more information, go to
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ExpErt advicE
Fall Home Improvement Talking with Interior Designer J. Von Hughes of Westerly’s Renaissance Tile is an important aspect of the kitchen that has both a practical & decorative purpose. The practical is the obvious, to protect the wall and ease of cleaning. The decorative is to bring in texture, color, and interest to the area. It also “completes” the look of the kitchen. It’s an important addition and investment to the room. There are several variables that will drive price up like using high-end glass, hand painted or vintage tiles regardless of size but no worries, we are here and look forward to assisting you, offering guidance and answer any questions you may have.
I’m hosting the holidays at my house. Do I have time to refresh my kitchen before then? Absolutely. September is the time to look at the interior of our home in preparation for the holidays and upcoming winter months. A significant portion of home interior improvements will include new tile. Whether you plan to revitalize or add a new kitchen backsplash, replace the mudroom/foyer tile, re-do the master or guest bedroom or powder room, or simply add that living room accent wall, it’s time to begin the process! Be sure to start far in advance in order to meet your target dates for completion. What should I expect to spend on a kitchen tile backsplash? That’s a tough one. It depends on what you are looking for really. The cost will vary with square footage and materials. The “average” backsplash is normally just 25-35 square feet. So for example, if you have a 25 s.f. backsplash and let’s say the cost of the tile is $10 per s.f. – (25 sf. x $10) = $250.00 plus grout, thinset & installation. The kitchen backsplash
Tile renovations can be overwhelming. Where do I start? Hire a licensed builder or contractor. It’s important to follow your contractor or builder’s advice. They are there to direct you through the process. Most have their own tile installers. Some are more hands-on and will install the tile themselves. Whoever you decide to use, always make sure they are licensed and insured. Should I pick cabinets first, or tile? Please explain the design process. It’s best, but not always necessary, to have decided on your vanity, plumbing, light fixtures and countertop before choosing your tile. Textures, color, finishes are considered when picking tile so you want to make sure the tile is complimentary, not competing with your furniture or countertops. Once decided, bring a small sample with you to Renaissance Tile Gallery for professional assistance in selecting your tile. Any photographs of the area prior to slight renovations are also helpful in the process. If you do not have a professional tile installer, we will refer one to you.
new fall fashions
Trendy Jewelry & Gifts Fine Clothing & Accessories 937 Main Road, Westport, MA • 508-636-0063 • Mon-Sat: 9:30-5:30 & Sun: 11 to 5
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Come in and shop our great selection of leaf blowers, generators and more.
Spindrift Village, 271 Post Road (Rt. 1), Westerly 401-322-4080 •
Locally Owned and Operated By Tom Iacobucci 6655 Post Road, North Kingstown • 401-885-1120
Visit the newly renovated 5,000 sq. ft. showroom today!
Fall Guide 2016 |
Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s A Wrap Keep cozy this season with warm (and fabulous!) fall scarves
1 3
Barrington Books, $24.50 Locations in Barrington and Cranston.
Clad In, $315 Locations in Providence and Westerly.
Green Ink, $60 89 Brown Street, Wickford. 401-294-6266,
| Fall Guide 2016
Feminine Fancies, $85 290 County Road, Barrington. 401-247-1087,
Hollies on the Ave, $30 60 Maple Avenue, Barrington. 401-245-0090,
6 8
Jackie’s Loft, $138 448 Thames Street, Bristol. 401-254-4251,
Therapy, $40 235 Main Street, East Greenwich. 401-884-3130,
Luli Boutique, $49 782 Hope Street, Providence. 401-369-4332,
Woodmansee’s, $37 27 Broad Street, Westerly. 401-596-2310,
The Portsmouth Shop, $30 2511 East Main Road, Portsmouth. 401-683-2184,
Zero Wampum, $37.50 161 Old Tower Hill Road, Wakefield. 401-789-7172,
Fall Guide 2016 |
The Cottage
3847 Main Road • 401-625-5814
3980 Main Road • 401-624-8682
Simon Pearce Vases
Each sand picture is crafted with sands from around the world, creating one of a kind images as you shake and turn
Offering home furnishings and accessories by local artists and specialty imported products that add beauty to any home. With Spencer Peterman wooden bowls, Simon Pearce glassware, furniture designs by Mitchell Gold and and Lee industries, The Cottage carries everything for the avid host or hostess.
Enjoy the feeling of summer all year long with this moving sand art picture. Solid cherry wood, and made in the USA, this piece of art will keep you mesmerized for hours. Open 7 days a week.
Four Corners Grille
Kathrine Lovell Studio & Gallery
3841 Main Road • 401-624-1510
3895 Main Road • 401-743-6077
Bistro Steakhouse Salad
Royal Chrysanthemum Acrylic and copper leaf on birch panel. 8x8 inches.
Come in and enjoy local seafood, produce, microbrews and wines. Try their famous homemade lobster bisque, signature Maryland-style crab cakes or delicious lobster roll. Seating available in the outdoor garden patio or in the cozy dining room.
Kathrine Lovell’s unique paintings combine luminous, elegant images with ethereal patterning and the natural world. One-of-a kind art for the discerning collector. Open Thursday-Sunday, 12-5pm.
Farmcoast Outfitters
Gallery 4
3879 Main Rd • 401-816-6766 Instagram: Farmcoast_Outfitters
3848 Main Road • 401-816-0999
Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s Clothing and Gifts
Harry Nadler, “Golden Labryrinth II,” 60x60, oil on canvas, 1979
Salt’s new sister store, Farmcoast Outfitters, features men’s, women’s and children’s sportswear plus a great selection of books, gifts and everything you need for your outdoor adventures!
Opening October 8th, Gallery reception 4-7, “ABSTRACTS & ARTIFACTS” showcasing an inspiring fusion of abstract works from renowned artists with classic and contemporary artifacts. Thru December 23rd
Studio By The Sea
Tiffany Peay Jewelry
3879 Main Road • 401-639-4348
3851 Main Road • 401-816-0878 152 Mill Street, Newport • 401-619-4411
Handcrafted Bottle Openers Visit the studio and see how these classy and clever sculptures open bottles! These solid bronze bottle openers are designed and tested by Peter Tirpaeck. Each is individually cast in Rhode Island, and they’re available in red or white bronze. $40.
14K Gold & Tourmaline Crown Rings Beautiful handmade fine jewelry using unusual varieties of gemstones and pearls, complemented with 14k colored gold. Visit the shops or browse the website to experience the jewels. “The Power Of Gemstones.”
Something for everyone. Native American cuisine, art and hidden histories at the Pequot Museum. American history begins here. Start exploring!
great career moves
start here Working and going to school is a challenging experience. It has to be convenient. We understand. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why we have grown to be one of the largest continuing education programs in the region. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking to accelerate your career, check out our evening and weekend degree programs. One of them just might be your next great career move. Experience more now to achieve more tomorrow at the Continuing Education division of Johnson & Wales University.
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classes start
Fall Guide 2016 |
in our stunning event space, ideal for small or large gatherings.
at our bar and terrace with live music and craft cocktails.
in our restaurant featuring artfully prepared Swiss inspired cuisine. Reservations: 401.521.3333 // Event Inquiries: 401.400.5833 311 Westminster St Providence, RI
The new Vinya Test Kitchen features a cutting edge, raw, artfully presented, plant-based cuisine set in the historic Down City area of Providence. The Test Kitchen’s vibrant menu blends innovative technique with seasonal, local produce and includes many of new Chef Sam Bonanno’s classic raw food dishes. Vinya offers an intimate, and contemporary atmosphere with twenty seats creating an interactive dining experience like no other in Providence. The open kitchen creates an environment that allows for connecting through food, as well as with your chef.
Autumn Flavors
Photography by Katie Leclerc
Your guide to the tastiest fall treats and foodie happenings
Savor the Harvest
These apple cider donuts are made by Appleland Orchard and are available at Dame Farm and Orchards
We waited an entire year, and now apple cider donuts are finally back. Perfectly cakey and rolled in cinnamon sugar, nothing quite captures the taste of fall like these doughy treats. We stopped by Dame Farm and Orchards in Johnston for our seasonal fix. Turn the page to read all about it.
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| Fall Guide 2016
autumn FlaVoRs
Peak of the Season Tasting fruit pies from farms around the state
Nothing quite says fall like pie. With apples, peaches and berries reaching the peak of their season, our staff couldn’t help but indulge in some fresh-from-the-
Photography by Meghan H. Follett
oven treats. Read on to discover some of our favorite pies from local farms.
sweet BeRRy FaRm
BRiaRBRook FaRm
young Family FaRm
The farm’s signature pie, filled with assorted berries, had the irreplaceable natural sweetness you find in the ripest of fruits. When we saw the braided crust and latticed center, we knew it had been baked with love. As one of our staff members said, “it’s like grandma made it.” 915 Mitchell’s Lane, Middletown. 401-847-3912,
“Absolutely luscious,” sighed one of our staff members. This blueberry, peach and cherry pie had the perfect balance of sweet and tart flavors. The irresistibly flaky, buttery crust was to die for and we all agreed that this pie was truly special. It left us scraping our plates and begging for seconds. 2693 South County Trail, East Greenwich. 401-884-2066
This peach pie had the ying and the yang of tartness and sweetness. The mellow, generously sized peach wedges melted on our tongues and our teeth joyously sank into the pie’s signature soft crust. It made us think it would be the perfect end to any meal. 260 West Main Road, Little Compton. 401-635-0110,
Johnson’s Roadside FaRm
CaRpenteR’s FaRm
The best part about this apple pie – apart from the gently cooked apple slices – was the buttery, flaky pastry crust that gave it an ideal crunchy consistency. The light sprinkling of cinnamon and lemon zest also gave the pie a subtle, delicious flavor. 445 Market Street, Swansea. 508-379-0349,
Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and apples filled up this unique very berry pie. Its tender crust was totally scrumptious, and the filling, with a hint of cinnamon, made an excellent transition from late summer into the autumn months. 520 Matunuck Beach Road, Wakefield. 401-783-8958,
sunset FaRm This very berry pie was berry good indeed. Its beautiful lattice top and homemade look gave way to a thick, chunky filling that was easy to serve and simply delicious. The tart filling was chock-full of tasty berries, with the fresh raspberries particularly standing out. 505 Point Judith Road, Narragansett. 401-742-1191,
Fall Guide 2016 |
Cooking With Fire! N
ot all pizza is created equal. Not all restaurants are, either. Figidini Wood Fire Eatery, on Washington Street in downtown Providence, is a dining experience unlike any other. For starters, there are only two people in the kitchen: pizza chef/co-owner Frankie Cecchinelli, who makes every pie by hand himself, and one grill chef. The two of them make a Mediterranean menu with Greek and Moroccan influences that’s prepared exclusively with an Italian high heat wood fire oven made from volcanic ash and a wood fire grill. No freezer. No microwave. No deep fryer. “We’re a small, independent restaurant,” says Frankie Cecchinelli, “and cooking with fire is essentially what made us human.” Figidini’s grill menu changes with the seasons, and highlights local producers like The Local Catch and Runaway Farm (where all of their waste goes back into the compost pile). Think Grilled Imported Roman Artichokes with house-made basil lemonette, Grilled Local Calamari with lemon chili oil, espelette, seared chives and chili threads, and Goat Cheese Salad with Cana de Cabra goat cheese, Ellie’s Bakery focaccia, arugula and house-made imported balsamic reduction. “We like to showcase a lot of Rhode Island farms, and then oils and cheeses from Europe,” Frankie says. “It’s a cross of Europe and Rhode Island.” The menu is designed for sharing. An ideal meal for two at Figidini would be a salad, a few small grill
plates and a pizza, which come staggered out of the kitchen: it’s the ideal scenario for a date, or a casual meal among friends. The pizzas are strictly Neapolitan-style, which means they come to the table uncut, and are meant to be enjoyed right away. “Our pizzas are light and airy with a wet and soft center, intended for each individual as they are served in Naples,” Frankie says. That means importing Caputo 00 flour, Mozzarella di Bufala from Campania and San Marzano DOP tomatoes that are grown in the volcanic soil of Mount Vesuvius. The dough sits for up to 96 hours, which makes it lighter and easier to digest, and gets baked very quickly in a 1000 degree oven. “When people come here from Italy, they say, ‘This brings me back. You’re doing it exactly right,’” Frankie says. The pizza menu includes options like: Arugula, with fior di latte, prosciutto di parma, extra virgin olive oil and pecorino romano; Cremini, with smoked mozzarella, truffle oil, cured olives and local chives; and Sweet Potato, with goat cheese, caramelized onion, cracked pepper and mozzarella. But it’s not just about the food. Figidini has a unique bar program, offering unexpected spirits and creative, delicious cocktails. As Frankie says, “We have some of the most unusual Scotch, whiskey and gin in the state.” They offer a seasonal, after-work spirit tasting program with small bites and cocktails. “There’s a little something for everyone,” he explains. Stop in and taste what sets Figidini Wood Fire Eatery apart.
67 Washington Street, Providence • 401-808-6886 •
Photography by: Dave White (owner of Studio DTW)
Figidini Wood Fired Eatery brings wood fire cooking to a new level
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Fall Guide 2016 |
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| Fall Guide 2016
20 yearS
rotating selection of fresh brews 186 Fountain Street, Providence 401.453.2337 •
autumn FlaVoRs
Harvest Treats Pumpkins and apples are the stars on menus this fall by Grace Lentini
Pumpkin Pancakes from T’s Restaurant are a fall favorite
Our favorite fall flavors are back again. We scoured the state for some of the most delicious autumn treats, and highly recommend you try some yourself. Autumn wouldn’t be complete without the Pumpkin Pancakes from t’s Restaurant. Three fluffy, facesized pancakes are chock full of real pumpkin. Plus, the pancakes are topped with a rich pumpkin butter and dollops of whipped cream, perfect for children (or adults) of any age. Multiple locations, Pumpkin spice lattes aren’t just reserved for UGG wearing, legging loving college students. They’re delicious, and the folks at white electric make an exceptional one. They use a pumpkin spice syrup that’s gluten and dairy free, contains no artificial sweeteners or colors, is kosher, nonGMO and vegan. It’s simply added to their stellar espresso and served with
milk. 711 Westminster Street, Providence. 401-453-3007, With apples reaching their peak this season it only makes sense to stop by a farm and grab some apple cider, especially the fresh pressed stuff at phantom Farms. With a large variety of apples grown right on-site, they take the ripest ones and process them into sweet and tangy cider, perfect for any fall gathering. 2920 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland. 401-333-2240, The folks over at the duck and Bunny are kicking up fall dining with their savory Butternut Squash Crepioli in a brown butter and sage sauce. Fresh house-made crepioli (ravioli
made out of crepes – you heard us right) are stuffed with squash and cooked al dente. 312 Wickenden Street, Providence. 401-270-3300, Have an urge for a martini this fall? iggy’s Boardwalk offers delicious fall cocktails, complete with the traditional autumn flavors everyone craves. Try the Pumpkin Spice Martini, made with Absolut Vanilla vodka, Baileys Irish Cream and Hiram Walker Pumpkin Spice Liqueur. Is your mouth watering yet? 889 Oakland Beach Avenue, Warwick. 401-737-2895, wright’s dairy Farm makes killer desserts. This time of year stop by for their Pumpkin Roll:
pumpkin sponge cake filled with a light cream cheese filling. It’s similar to a Bouche de Noel, except with everything you want in a fall treat. 200 Woonsocket Hill Road, North Smithfield. 401-767-3014, There’s nothing quite like a warm apple cider donut fresh off the fryer. Maybe it’s because access to them is limited to the fall, but whatever the reason, now’s the time to stop by dame Farm and orchards for their donuts fresh from Appleland Orchard in Smithfield. If the donuts don’t bring you in, all of the fall festivities available at Dame Farm, including hay rides, sure will. 91B Brown Avenue, Johnston. 401-9493657, Fall Guide 2016 |
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505 Point Judith Road, Narragansett 401-742-1191 • 401-450-2891 82
| Fall Guide 2016
autumn FlaVoRs
Events in Good Taste With fall flavors in full swing, now’s the time to eat your heart out by Grace Lentini
There’s a chill in the air, the days are getting shorter and sweat-
ers are finally back in your wardrobe. With all the chefs’ dinners,
october 13: Don’t miss out on South County’s premier culinary event, the taste of southern Rhode island, a dazzling night of food sampling and wine tastings from southern Rhode Island’s best restaurants and culinary masterminds. 21+. $40 in advance, $45 at the door. 5-8pm. Peacedale Mill Complex, 1425 Kingstown Road, Peace Dale. 401783-2801,
festivals and restaurant weeks coming up, there are more than enough foodie events to fill up your weekend. september 10-11: The Ri seafood Festival brings together the state’s best seafood, as well as other great food, beer and wine vendors. Plus, there’s a full schedule of live music and activities for the whole family. $5, ages 10 and under are free. Saturday 11am-7pm, Sunday 11am-5pm. India Point Park, Gano Street, Providence. 845-222-7469, september 10: Indulge in copious amounts of Little Rhody’s official state appetizer, calamari, at the Ri Calamari Cook-off and summer’s end Festival. Watch restaurants compete for the top titles and be sure to vote for your favorite. The event will also include live music, vendors and food trucks. 11am-6pm. Veteran’s Park, Narragansett. september 15-october 15: Ever wondered where the best tacos in Rhode Island are? It’s time to put the debate to rest with the Ri Food Fights 2nd annual taco mania showdown. It’s easy: buy a passport for $20, get two free tacos at every participating taqueria and find out which ones are your favorites. september 17: A ticket to the family-friendly ocean state oyster Festival includes half a dozen locally-sourced oysters, a local micro-brew beer
or glass of wine, live music, food trucks and a shucking contest. Looks like there’s no reason not to go. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. 12-5pm. South Water Street, Providence. september 22-25: Held at The Elms, Rosecliff and Marble House, the 11th annual newport mansions wine & Food Festival features hundreds of international wines and cooking demonstrations by nationally-renowned chefs. $50-$1,000. Multiple locations, Newport. 401-847-1000, september 23: Along with live music, local restaurant garb and a market, there’ll be over 30 different beers from around the world available for you to try out at the Brews and Blues Beer tasting. Enjoy a full night of brews, blues and fun. $25 in advance, $30 at the door. 321 Atlantic Avenue, Westerly. 401-596-7761, september 29: This September, March of Dimes will host their 15th annual signature Chefs auction, where you can indulge in cuisine created by some of the best chefs around Rhode Island, including Sai Viswanath of DeWolf Tavern and Rick Allaire of Metacom Kitchen. Take part in the live and silent auctions as you munch on delicious dishes, all for a great cause. $175. 836 Warwick Neck Avenue, Warwick.
october 15-16: Named one of the “10 Fabulous Fall Festivals on the Coast,” Bowen’s wharf 26th annual seafood Festival offers fresh, local seafood, signature cocktails, cold New England beer and live music beneath the Wharf’s colorful tents. 11am-5pm. 13 Bowen’s Wharf, Newport. 401-8493478, now through october 28: Every Friday night from now until October, head to Roger williams park Zoo’s Food truck Fridays for dinner at one (or a few) of your favorite local food trucks. 5-8pm. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. 401461-1099,
Fall RestauRant weeks Restaurant weeks were started to encourage residents and visitors to experience our amazing restaurants at discounted prices. Most participating cities schedule these events twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. In each city, 20-100 restaurants partake in the event, offering three-course meals and specials aimed to please many palates and budgets. september 23-october 2: east greenwich’s Fifth annual Restaurant week is a ten-day culinary celebration featuring over 30 restaurants in the area. october 21-30: narragansett Restaurant week offers ten delicious days of lunch and dinner specials in many restaurants in Narragansett. Selections and pricing are left to the individual restaurants so they may showcase what they do best. SouthCountyRI. com
Photography by Grace Lentini
october 23-30: westerly Restaurant week features over 20 restaurants in the area offering threecourse, prix fixe meals at only $15 for lunch and $25 for dinne.
George’s of Galilee is one of the handful of restaurants vying for the title of best calamari on September 10
november 4-13: During newport Restaurant week more than 50 participating restaurants offer threecourse prix fixe lunches for $16 and three-course prix fixe dinners for $35.
Fall Guide 2016 |
autumn FlaVoRs
Bottoms Up From beer and whiskey to hard cider, area brewers are kicking up their seasonal offerings by Abby Burns
Farm Market & Cafe
As summer fades into autumn, fruity and sweet drinks begin to dwindle away, while spicy and bold ones come into play. Now’s the time for apple, pumpkin, cinnamon and caramel flavors, reminding everyone that it’s actually tolerable that summer has to come to an end.
Pick your own Apples
Pumpkins Too 915 Mitchell’s Lane, Middletown, RI 401-847-3912 Open Daily 8am-7pm
liquid pumpkin pie The only thing better than eating pumpkin pie is drinking it, right? Newport Storm Brewery’s R.i.p.umpkin beer is basically liquid pumpkin pie with three pounds of pumpkin per keg. 293 JT Connell Highway, Newport. 401849-5232,
enjoy the Fall Breeze Grey Sail Brewing brews their own Oktoberfest-style seasonal ale, autumn winds, available now through November. Brewed with five premium German malts to create a bready aroma, dense creamy head and brilliant garnet red color, this is a great beer to sip on while sitting outside, enjoying the cool autumn breeze. 63 Canal Street, Westerly. 401-212-7592,
The Pumpkin Spice Flavored Whiskey from Sons of Liberty captures autumn in a glass
pursuit of hoppiness about oatmeal raisin cookies? Often overlooked because of the raisins, it’s a shame that this cookie doesn’t get as much love as it deserves. For those who agree, check out Crooked Current Brewery for their mouthwatering oatmeal Raisin stout, a dark beer that tastes like a dessert in a glass. 560 Mineral Spring Avenue, Pawtucket. 401-4738312,
not Just another pumpkin Beer
Foolproof Brewing Company decided to make a seasonal beer with peanut butter, because why not? The peanut Butter Raincloud is so uniquely flavorful, and the perfect Halloween beer to drink while eating Reese’s cups and Peanut M&M’s. 241 Grotto Ave #1, Pawtucket. 401-7215970,
Revival Brewing Co. knows how to make a strong pumpkin beer unlike any other. With an ABV of 9%, the Bushido pumpkin ale is not for the weak of heart. The beer is made with ginger, lemongrass, rose hips and pumpkin, and fermented with Saki and Octoberfest yeast, creating a unique twist on a classic flavor you need to try this fall. 505 Atwood Avenue, Cranston. 401-372-7009,
Cookie heaven Pumpkin and apple are very popular fall flavors, but who can forget
| Fall Guide 2016
pB and Beer
pumpkin spice with a kick If you’ve ever asked the question “Why are there so many seasonal beers, but no seasonal whiskies?” you’re not alone. Sons of Liberty also had this question, which inspired them to create their pumpkin spice Flavored whiskey. This brewery
really stepped up the fall alcohol game, as each year they invite friends and family to cut, core, roast and press 32,000lbs of pumpkins. Plenty of autumnal spices are also added including cinnamon, clove, allspice, sweet orange peel and vanilla. 1425 Kingstown Road, South Kingstown. 401-284-4006,
Farm Fresh If you’re looking for a beer with an authentic pumpkin flavor, check out the Tilted Barn Brewery for their Jack pumpkin ale. This amber colored ale is brewed with pumpkins grown right on their farm – it doesn’t get any fresher than that. With just a subtle hint of spices, the pumpkin and malt are the main flavors in this seasonal brew. 1 Helmsley Place, Exeter.
Hey Rhody!
Who wins our East Bay/West Bay spirits showdown? Visit to find out.
Photography by Meghan H. Follett
Narragansett Brewing Company brews a German Oktoberfeststyle beer balanced with four varieties of malts and two styles of hops. The gansett Fest lager is the right choice if you are on the lookout for a seasonal beer that is easy to drink, with a rich malt profile that perfectly complements the crisp, hoppy flavor. 461 Main Street, Pawtucket. 401-437-8970,
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Fall Guide 2016 |
autumn FlaVoRs
Pick Your Own
Picking the Perfect Peck of Produce
Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing like picking fresh fruit and vegetables right off of the tree, bush or vine. When planning a PYO day, call ahead to verify times and produce available, as they are subject to change.
FaRm By town
pyo pRoduCe
piCking season
otheR attRaCtions
FaRm stand
Cumberland Bascombe Farms and orchard 5 Old West Wrentham Road 401-658-1962
Apples, peaches
Through October
Late September and October
Pumpkins, cherry tomatoes
Through October
hill orchards 25 Emerald Lane 401-949-2940
Peaches, plums, apples
Through October
Horse-drawn hayrides
salisbury Farm 11 Peck Hill Road 401-942-9741
Raspberries, pumpkins
Through November
Corn maze, free hayrides, cider, doughnuts, cotton candy
Apples, snap peas, beets, greens, pumpkins
Through October
Apple Festival October 8-9, cut flowers
Apples, pears, quince
Through October
Blackberries, raspberries, peaches, pumpkins, apples
Berries through September, everything else through October
Farm Cafe, ice cream
Exeter schartner Farms 1 Arnold Place 401-294-2044
Hayrides, orchard tours, produce market
Johnston Bella Farms 464 Central Avenue 401-413-5073
Little Compton young Family Farm 260 West Main Road 401-635-0110
Middletown Rocky Brook orchard 997 Wapping Road 401-851-7989 sweet Berry Farm 915 Mitchellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lane 401-847-3912
| Fall Guide 2016
autumn FlaVoRs
Pick Your Own
FaRm By town
pyo pRoduCe
piCking season
otheR attRaCtions
FaRm stand
Barden Family orchard 56 Elmdale Road 401-934-1413
Apples, raspberries, pumpkins
Through October
Hayrides, apple cider
harmony Farms 359 Sawmill Road 401-934-0741
Apples, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries
Berries through September, apples through October
white oak Farm 74 White Oak Lane 401-934-3018
Apples, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries
Berries through September, apples through November
Farm tours, hayrides
Through to October
Pumpkin huts and cutout characters to take photos with
Pumpkins, squash
Late September to October
Bagged potatoes, weddings
Through early October
North Scituate
North Smithfield goodwin Bros Farm stand 458 Greenville Road 401-765-0368
Portsmouth Quonset View Farm 895 Middle Road 401-683-1254
Richmond pinecrest Farm 1 Pinecrest Road 401-364-3793
Smithfield appleland orchard 135 Smith Avenue 401-949-3690
Jaswell’s Farm 50 Swan Road 401-231-9043
Apples, pears, pumpkins
Blueberries, apples, pumpkins
Apple cider (voted America’s best by Late August to early Yankee Magazine), candy and caramel October, late October apples, gourmet chocolate apples, for pumpkins pies, cider donuts, fudge, RI honey, apple wine, apple cider vinegar Blueberries until August, the rest Septem-
Farm tours, pumpkin picking, gourmet apples,
ber through October
baked goods, cider
Lettuce through September, pumpkins through October
Corn maze, hayrides, petting zoo, farmer’s golf
Westerly manfredi Farms 77 Dunns Corner Road 401-322-0027
Lettuce, pumpkins
Fall Guide 2016 |
| Fall Guide 2016
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Go to Fall Guide 2016 |
Last Peek Signs of the Season
Illustration by Alison Blackwell
Four ways you know fall has arrived in Rhode Island
| Fall Guide 2016
Savor Fall With Us
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1000 Division, East GrEEnwich (nExt to DavE’s MarkEtplacE) • (401) 886-9463 (Wine)
BEACHFRONT | WEB ID: 1133066 $5,900,000 | 401.466.8777
POPPASQUASH | WEB ID: 1118196 $5,500,000 | 401.848.2101
EASTON’S POINT | WEB ID: 1133665 $925,000 | 401.423.3440
BITTERSWEET FARM | WEB ID: 1116942 $1,195,000 | 401.789.6666
CUSTOM HOME | WEB ID: 1134542 $1,395,000 | 401.274.1644
5 BEDROOMS | WEB ID: 1122243 $1,397,000 | 401.848.2101
HARRISVILLE | GOURMET KITCHEN | WEB ID: 1133651 $975,000 | 401.274.1644
OCEAN DRIVE | GARDENS | WEB ID: 1127181 $2,950,000 | 401.848.2101
CENTRAL BEACH QUONNIE | WEB ID: 1135417 $4,250,000 | 401.348.1999
MULTI. FAMILY | WEB ID: 1112588 $839,000 | 401.789.6666
NIKKO STYLE | WEB ID: 1134819 $879,000 | 401.423.3440
MISQUAMICUT | WEB ID: 1133928 $895,000 | 401.348.1999
RECENT UPDATES | WEB ID: 1129175 $439,000 | 401.423.3440
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