Hey Rhody Summer Guide 2016

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Photography (L) courtesy of Explore Bristol, (Bottom R) by Blink of an Eye Photography

Photography (L) courtesy of Explore Bristol, (Bottom R) by Blink of an Eye Photography


Hey Rhody Summer Guide 2016

WaterFire in Providence Sunset in Bristol Harbor


Summer Fun 14 Beaches 17 June Events 23 July Events 29 August Events


Discover Providence and Beyond 34 Blackstone Valley 37 Providence

Narragansett Town Beach


40 Cranston and Warwick


Day Trip in the East Bay & Newport County 46 Warren, Bristol and Tiverton 48 Newport


71 77

51 Jamestown


Explore South County 55 East Greenwich

Get Away to Block Island


Block Island

Summer Style 72

Nautical Fashion

Seasonal Eats 80

Lobster Rolls


Fresh off the Boat Seafood

Last Look

56 North Kingstown 59 South Kingstown 60 Narragansett 65 Westerly

On the Cover: Cocktails and oysters oceanside at The Coast Guard House. Photography by Stacey Doyle.

Hey Rhody


Summer Guide 2016

Block Island

Photography by Tiffany Medrano

1070 Main St., Suite 302 Pawtucket RI 02860 For advertising rates call: 401-305-3391 www.HeyRhody.com Mail@ProvidenceOnline.com

From the Editor

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Get out your sunglasses, people. Summer is finally here. We survived a long, cold spring, and we earned every minute of the excellent three months we have in front of us. Our Hey Rhody Summer Guide takes you all over the state, from summer hikes through Blackstone Valley to cocktails in the sand on Block Island. And, because you should be making the most out of every summer day, we’ve made it easy for you: each Rhode Island destination in this magazine has a whole day worth of fun, including meals, activities and, most importantly, the beach. If the perfect weather on Memorial Day weekend was any indicator of the rest of the season, it’s going to be a great one. Get out there and enjoy it.

Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell Media Director Jeanette St. Pierre Creative Director Julie Tremaine

Managing Editor Grace Lentini

Digital Editor Tony Pacitti

Editor Courtney Denelle

Art Director Meghan H. Follett

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Graphic Designer Nicholas DelGiudice

Account Managers Shelley Cavoli Louann DiMuccio-Darwich Ann Gallagher Kristine Mangan Elizabeth Riel Dan Schwartz Stephanie Oster Wilmarth Writers Grace Lentini Julie Tremaine Presented by Providence Media, publishers of The Bay, East Side Monthly, Providence Monthly and So Rhode Island

Show Us How You #RhodySummer Join the conversation and tell us how you’re spending your summer: tweet, Instagram or Facebook @HeyRhody with the #RhodySummer hashtag to share the love (and get some love from us, too). By the Numbers

Dog Days HARUKI EAST 172 Wayland Avenue, Providence / 223-0332

HARUKI CRANSTON 1210 Oaklawn Avenue, Cranston / 463-8338

HARUKI EXPRESS 112 Waterman Street, Providence / 421-0754 WWW.HARUKISUSHI.COM 6

| Summer Guide 2016

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Festivals and other fun events in Little Rhody that you can read about in this magazine The latest you can leave the Providence area and still beat the South County beach traffic Miles of coastline in Rhode Island. It’s your job this summer to explore as many of them as you can.

We welcome all contributions, but we assume no responsibility for unsolicited material. No portion of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. Copyright ©2016 by Providence Media, All rights reserved. Distributed by Special Delivery.




Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016






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Summer Guide 2016 |



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| Summer Guide 2016


SUMMER CAMPS Go to HeyRhody.com for our camp directory

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Summer Guide 2016 |


Summer Fun

Photo courtesy of Roger Williams Park Zoo

Make the most of the season

Going to the zoo is one thing, but getting this up close and personal is a totally different experience. All summer long, Roger Williams Park Zoo lets visitors hop into the saddle of a trained camel. Now if only you could ride one to the beach... 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. RWPzoo.org


Beach Guide








Block Island 

Ballard’s Beach 42 Water Street 401-466-2231

Cocktails available on the beach. Popular with young singles.


Charlestown Breachway State Beach Charlestown Breachway 401-364-7000


Charlestown Town Beach 557 Charlestown Beach Road 401-364-1222

Highly favored by young singles, sunworshippers and surfers.

Special camping is offered in two areas of East Beach. 4x4 vehicles & shell fishing are also allowed with valid license and registration.

Fred Benson Town Beach 7 Corn Neck Road 401-466-7717

Known to the locals as Crescent Beach, this sandy strip offers equipment rentals and is good for families.


East Beach East Beach Road 401-322-0450

Free, but parking is limited

Also a camping area for RVs, as well as a fishing spot.

Jamestown Mackerel Cove/Jamestown Town Beach Beavertail Road 401-423-7260

Shallow water makes this a popular beach for families with young children.

Little Compton Goosewing Beach Preserve 125 South Shore Road 401-635-4400

South Shore Beach 125 South Shore Road 401-635-9974

No parking spaces; pay to park at South Shore Beach. (Beaches are connected)

At adjacent South Shore Beach

The beach is very secluded, peaceful and scenic. The preserve is managed by The Nature Conservancy for endangered shorebirds.

Yes, non-residents $12 weekday/$15 weekend & holiday; town residents free

Family-friendly beach, perfect for spending the day swimming.

Beach chairs, boogie boards and umbrellas are available for daily rentals. The nearby skatepark, playground and carousel are great for kids.

Newport Easton’s First Beach 175 Memorial Boulevard 401-845-5810


| Summer Guide 2016

Yes, but metered street parking is also available






Gooseberry Beach 123 Ocean Avenue 401-847-3958 Fort Adams Beach 84 Fort Adams Drive 401-847-2400





Beach volleyball, live music and an outdoor bar make this an appealing spot for the college-aged crowd.


Calm tides and a roped off swimming area are ideal for young children. Beware of rocky shores! Water shoes are recommended.



Middletown Sachuest Beach (2nd Beach) 474 Sachuest Point Road 401-847-1993

Purgatory Chasm, cut into the rocks by millions of years of erosion, sits at the western end of the beach.

Third Beach Third Beach Road 401-849-2922

A nice breeze provides the perfect conditions for windsurfing.

Atlantic Beach 55 Purgatory Road 401-847-2750

The adjacent Atlantic Beach Club provides a public restaurant and a beautiful venue for private events.

Narragansett Captain Roger Wheeler State Beach 100 Sand Hill Cove Road 401-789-3563


Protection from the breakwater makes this a great beach for children.


Frequented by younger beach-goers and surfers.

Salty Brine Beach 254 Great Road 401-789-8374

  

Scarborough Beach 970 Ocean Road 401-782-2324


The north side is packed with teens and singles, with families favoring the south.


Popular with young singles. Great picnic area with lots of tables.

Narragansett Town Beach 39 Boston Neck Road 401-783-6430

Breakwater protection makes for gentle surf and no undertow. Popular with teens.

South Kingstown East Matunuck 950 Succotash Road, South Kingstown 401-789-8374 South Kingstown Town Beach Matunuck Beach Road South Kingstown 401-789-9301

Popular with young and old alike. Pavilion hosts events and concerts. Short walk to nearby beach bars along Matunuck Beach Road.

Westerly/Watch Hill Misquamicut State Beach 257 Atlantic Avenue 401-596-9097 Watch Hill Beach 153 Bay Street 401-348-6007


 


Runs along a strip of hotels, restaurants and bars on Atlantic Avenue.

Clean and good for families. Close to famed Flying Horse Carousel.

Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016

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June JUNE 1-19: Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story at Theatre by the Sea is sure to make you cheer, tap your feet and sing along. The tribute musical recounts Buddy Holly’s rise to fame and includes classic songs like “Peggy Sue” and “Oh Boy.” Come celebrate a music legend on the stage. 364 Cards Pond Road, Wakefield. 401-782-8587, TheatreByTheSea.com/2016-season JUNE 1-29: Anything written by Woody Allen is worth seeing. Newport Playhouse is putting on Play it Again, Sam, a story about Allan Felix and his obsession with Humphrey Bogart. Bogart, in a series of hysterical fantasy sequences, helps Allan break out of his bookish and insecure shell and into the bed of his best friend’s wife. 102 Connell Highway, Newport. 401-848-7529, NewportPlayhouse.com JUNE 4, 11, 18, 25: It’s polo season and that means every Saturday you can see polo teams from around the world compete in our very own Newport Polo matches. This month watch our home team U.S.A. face off with Mexico and Australia. 250 Linden Lane, Portsmouth. 401-8460200, NPTPolo.com

JUNE 9-12: New and old, fast and slow; they have it all at this year’s British Motorcar Festival. Come see the fine British machinery, and dress in British attire to enter a costume contest. RI-114, Bristol. 508-3956663, BritishMotorcarFestival.com JUNE 11: Put on your kilt and break out your bagpipes in preparation for the Scottish Highland Festival. Enjoy a day filled with Scottish food and merchandise, sheep dog demonstrations, bagpipes and more. 78 Richmond Townhouse Road, Richmond. RIScot.org JUNE 11-12: Let’s fly away with the Rhode Island Air Show. Started in 1991, this Rhode Island tradition offers the best in aviation. A portion of the proceeds will go to local charities and the Hasbro Children’s Hospital. 210 Airport Street, North Kingstown. RIAirShow.org JUNE 11-JULY 10: Didn’t get your dinosaur fix with Jurassic World? Don’t worry, you have another chance to see dinosaurs again this June. Artist Jeff “Fish” Welles brings fossil friends to life in Van Vessem Gallery’s Dinosaur Haven, an exhibit of sculptures made from recycled

Saturdays in June: Newport Polo matches

and uncommon materials. 63 Muse Way, Tiverton. 401-835-6639 JUNE 12: The arts community is thriving in RI, and Barrington wants to show that off with the Barrington Arts Festival. There will be many artists showcasing their original art including oil and acrylic painting, printmaking, photography, ceramics and much more. 282 County Road, Barrington. Barrington. ri.gov/Departments/Recreation JUNE 12: Are you a fan of nature? How about mystical creatures? The 6th Annual Blithewold Fairy Festival will give you ample opportunity to celebrate your love of fairies and flowers. Walk around the beautiful Blithewold Garden and Grounds and bring your best fairy costume. 101 Ferry Road, Bristol. 401-2532707, Blithewold.org JUNE 12: See the ship that set off the American Revolution at the

Burning of the Gaspee. In 1772, Rhode Island colonists burned the ship in protest and the burning will be symbolically commemorated this year. Watch history come alive at this exciting event. 4pm. Pawtuxet Village, Narragansett Parkway, Warwick. Gaspee.com JUNE 12-17: Food? Where? Block Island is hosting its 3rd Annual Restaurant Week, so come taste some wonderful island-made dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner. For every $25 you spend in any participating Block Island business, dining or shopping, you will receive a blue ticket which is placed in a raffle. The drawing will be on June 18th and the first prize is $500. BlockIslandChamber.com JUNE 14: You probably remember hearing “Sweater Weather” all over the airwaves last year, but now is your chance to experience The Neighborhood live at Lupo’s Heartbreak Hotel. Hear their new album

All Summer Long

All Summer Long: The Providence Flea


SUNDAYS: Your Sundays are now full for the rest of the summer. The Providence Flea is back at the Providence River Greenway with almost 70 vendors on opening day. There will be local musicians, food trucks, vendors and lots of fun. 10-4pm. 345 South Water Street, Providence. ProvidenceFlea.com

Summer Guide 2016 |




June continued JUNE 14-19: This year’s Block Island Music Festival will be rowdy and fun at Captain Nick’s Rock n’ Roll Bar. Admission is free and the event is 21+ with proper identification, while children will be admitted between 5-9pm. The music fest barbecue pit will provide free food to all festival goers starting at 5pm until supplies run out.”34 Ocean Avenue, Block Island. BlockIslandMusic.com JUNE 14-19: Watch one woman’s struggle with two life paths while living in contemporary, crazy New York City, in PPAC’s production of If/ Then. With unforgettable songs and a deeply moving story, If/Then is the perfect event for any Broadway fan. 220 Weybosset Street, Providence. 401-421-2787, PPACRI.org JUNE 14-AUGUST 16: The best way to spend a Tuesday night is at a concert. See performances by Partygirlrocks, Nancy Paolino & the Black Tie Band, Brass Attack and more, at the North Kingstown Arts Council’s 2016 Summer Concert

Series, sponsored by Centreville Bank. North Kingstown Town Beach. 10 Beach Street, North Kingstown. JUNE 15: Help the fairies find a home. Head to the Audubon Environmental Education Center for Fairy Gardens for Adults. Build your own adorable miniature house from plants and natural materials and set it in your garden and watch your new fairy neighbors move in. 1401 Hope Street, Bristol. ASRI.org JUNE 17-19: Explore the gardens of Newport on the Secret Garden Tour where you will be able to walk from garden to garden of Newport residents and organizations, exploring the beauty in our seaside town. Bring a raincoat because the tour runs rain or shine, and the proceeds go toward Aquidneck Island public schools. 4 Equality Park Place, Newport. 401439-7253. SecretGardenTours.org. JUNE 18: The performance spectacle that is WaterFire is one of those quintessential Providence events that makes for a great night out with friends and family. See the full schedule online for exact times and dates. Waterplace Park, Providence. WaterFire.org

June 12: The 6th Annual Blithewold Fairy Festival

JUNE 18: A true Rhode Island summer begins with the chowder and ends with the clam cakes and what better way to kick off summer than with the 35th Annual Great Chowder Cook Off & Newport Oyster Festival. Come and try unlimited chowder samples, live entertainment, food and drink from local favorites and more. Fort Adams State Park, 90 Fort Adams Drive, Newport. 888-900-8640, NewportWaterFrontEvents.com JUNE 18: Tour seven of Little Compton’s most beautiful local gardens with the Little Compton Garden Club. The tours will run rain or shine so bring your umbrella and a camera as you see the beauty our little state has to offer. A food truck will be on premises for lunch. 34 Commons, Little Compton. LittleComptonGardenClub.org

JUNE 18: The national beer festival America on Tap is coming back to town. The event will showcase over 150 samples from some of America’s best craft breweries and imports in an atmosphere filled with live entertainment and food vendors. Roger Williams Park Temple to Music, Providence, AmericaOnTap.com JUNE 18: What could be better than enjoying a summer day at a castle with a bunch of fresh strawberries? Come out to the Smith’s Castle Strawberry Festival and be sure to sample their famous strawberry shortcake. 55 Richard Smith Drive, North Kingstown. 401-2943521, SmithsCastle.org JUNE 19: Join the Cookbook Club as they explore a number of the easy to make dishes from this month’s cookbook, The Barefoot

All Summer Long

June 18: The 35th Annual Great Chowder Cook Off & Newport Oyster Festival


| Summer Guide 2016

THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS: See all of your favorite classic films this summer at the Misquamicut Drive-In. Every Thursday from July 7 to August 25 and every Friday from May 27 to September 9, roll down the windows and snuggle under the stars while watching Jaws, Dirty Dancing, Grease, and many more. $10 per car. Wuskenau Town Beach, Pondside Lot. 316 Atlantic Avenue, Misquamicut. Misquamicut.org


Photo (Left) by Karen Whitney Murphy, (Right) courtesy of Blithewold Mansion Gardens & Arboretum

and experience their genre-mixing brand of pop firsthand. 79 Washington Street, Providence. 401-3315876. Lupos.com

Photo courtesy of Audobon Society of Rhode Island

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Photo (Left) by Karen Whitney Murphy, (Right) courtesy of Blithewold Mansion Gardens & Arboretum

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| Summer Guide 2016




June continued Road, Matunuck. 401-782-8587, TheatreByTheSea.com JUNE 24: Grab a date, your derby day dress, and strut your stuff to live music at the Bow Tie and Big Hat Bristol Derby Ball at the elegant Blithewold Mansion. The evening begins with cocktails at 5:30, then The Grand March at 6:30, with Dinner and Foot Stomping Dancing to follow. 101 Ferry Road, Bristol. 401-559-0100, July4thBristolRI.com JUNE 24-26: Celebrate the 21st year of America’s premier summer flower show, the Newport Flower Show, this year themed “Gilded – Artful Living,” at Rosecliff Mansion.

Photo courtesy of Audobon Society of Rhode Island

June 30: Tidepool Trek with the Audobon Society of Rhode Island Contessa Cookbook by Ina Garten. Register with the library beforehand for a copy of the book, and don’t forget to make and bring a recipe from the Food Network star’s best selling cookbook. 281 County Road, Barrington. 401-2471920, BarringtonLibrary.org

of acts by local favorites, including solo artists, bands, dance teams, and comedians Mike Murray and Dave Delorenzo. Grab a beer and a burger from local vendors and enjoy the show! 90 Fort Adams Drive, Fort Adams State Park, Newport. 401-841-0707, FortAdams.org

JUNE 19-JULY 3: You can’t go wrong with free live music! Countdown to your Fourth of July with the Bristol Fourth of July Concert Series. The free concerts happen every evening for two weeks, and feature a wide array of different acts performing classical to rock and roll music. Independence Park, Thames Street, Bristol. July4thBristolRI.com

JUNE 20: The Contemporary Theater Company is laughing its way into summer with one of its summer shows, The Rescue by Ron Maine, opening June 20. Get your tickets to this clever comedy now because tickets are quickly selling out! 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-218-0282, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com

JUNE 19-AUGUST 28: Who doesn’t love a free concert? Check out Sundown Thursdays at Historic Fort Adams in Newport, a free summer concert series taking place Thursdays evenings from 6pm until sunset throughout the summer months. Get excited for a variety


JUNE 22-JULY 16: Gangs, starcrossed lovers, violence, music and dancing. What else but West Side Story? As a more modern version of Romeo and Juliet, this play is one you can’t forget. See it with Theatre by the Sea for the first time or see it for the tenth, you won’t regret it. 364 Cards Pond

Enjoy a variety of special events, expert guest speakers, beautiful floral designs, stunning garden displays and more. 548 Bellevue Avenue, Newport. 401-847-1000, NewportMansions.org

JUNE 25: Join the Tommy Tew Pirates as they set sail and pillage the waters of Newport on a scavenger hunt. Dress to impress with your best pirate costume and be entered in a contest. Pre registration is required to receive your booty bag which includes a t-shirt, Salty Sea Crew beads and a map to the scavenger hunt. 5 Marina Plaza, Newport. TommyTewsday. SplashThat.com JUNE 25: Grab your picnic blankets and pack some snacks for EcoStories and Art. Hear a story from an Audubon naturalist while taking in the beautiful weather, and the kids will get the chance to make a unique craft. 11-12pm. Audubon

Environmental Education Center. 1401 Hope Street, Bristol. 401-9495454, ASRI.org JUNE 25: Tap your toes to the South County Bluegrass Opry. Three bands, one great night of Bluegrass. Featuring Lizzie James and the Greystone Rail, Four Bridges and Local Freight. Courthouse Center for the Arts, 3481 Kingstown Road, West Kingston. CourtHouseArts.org JUNE 25: The Gardens by the Sea tour, sponsored by The Cross’ Mills Public Library, offers the opportunity to explore some of the most beautiful neighborhood gardens in the seaside town of Charlestown. With a handy brochure and map to guide your way, you’ll spend the day touring ten breathtaking private gardens. 4417 Old Post Road, Charlestown. 401-364-6211, CrossMills.org. JUNE 30: Get the beach vibes without the crowds. Take the family to Tidepool Trek and discover life on the rocky shoreline of Narragansett Bay. This different kind of beach day will allow you to take a closer look at the many species that live in the tidal zone. Be prepared to get wet. 1401 Hope Street, Bristol. ASRI.org JUNE 30, JULY 28, AUGUST 25: Meet and mingle with artist members the last Thursday of each month during Art Nights at the newly opened Made in Warren, Artists’ Cooperative store. These events will celebrate each month’s featured artists with demonstrations, artwork and refreshments. 476 Main Street, Warren. 401-310-0559, MadeInWarren.com

All Summer Long FRIDAYS: As the experts say: “Do it live.” Micetro Improv is putting on unique shows every Friday night at 9:30pm. But it’s not all fun and games, because they will be competing for your vote to be the Micetro Champion and win the coveted Bucci Helmet. $8. 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-218-0282, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com

Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016




July JULY 1-24: When a 19-year-old Harold decides to rebel against his privileged life, he finds what is most important from 79-year-old Maude. Harold and Maude, presented by 2nd Story Theatre Company, will leave you with a few life lessons from Maude, too. 28 Market Street, Warren. 401-247-4200, 2ndStoryTheatre.com JULY 2: Calling all runners! This year’s Bristol Independance Rhode Race will follow the downtown streets of Bristol before heading out along the coastline, through Colt State Park and finishing by the water at Independence Park. This year, kids can join in the action in the all new Kids Obstacle Course Fun Run in Independence Park. Independance Park, Thames Street, Bristol. RunRI.Us

Photography (Top) by James Jones, (Bottom) by Ed King courtesy of Explore Bristol

JULY 3: If you’re looking to join in the Bristol Fourth of July Celebration, or just love good old fashioned American traditions, catch the Bristol Fourth of July Fireworks Display over Bristol Harbor at 9:30pm. It’s just what’s needed to put you in a patriotic mood on the night before such a monumental holiday. July4thBristolRI.com JULY 3: Fourth of July fireworks display on July 4th? No, no – that would be too obvious. Check out Block Island’s fireworks display on

the front lawn of The Sullivan House during the third annual Fireworks Picnic, hosted by the Committee for the Great Salt Pond. 6:30pm. Corn Neck Road, Block Island. BlockIslandInfo.com JULY 3-JULY 4: One of the biggest challenges of our day is finding activities that the whole family can participate in and enjoy. The Rockwell Amusements Carnival is the perfect way to involve both kids and grown ups in the Bristol Fourth of the July Festivities, with rides for all ages. Bristol Town Common. July4thBristolRI.com JULY 3-31: Outdoor Shakespeare is the best kind of Shakespeare. See the Contemporary Theater Company’s free production of Comedy of Errors this month every Wednesday and Sunday on the performance patio. 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-218-0282, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com JULY 4: Attend this year’s “Sports and Games” themed July 4th Parade & Steak Fry on Block Island. Don’t miss out on big floats, great music performed by live bands and the Annual Steak Fry benefitting the Block Island Fire Department following the parade’s end. Starting at Veterans Park. BlockIslandInfo.com

July 4: The Linden Place Mansion Annual Fourth of July Picnic

JULY 4: Looking for a parade with a little history? Head to the 231st Bristol Fourth of July Parade Celebration. With a run this long, you know the festivities will put you in a patriotic mood. Corner of Chestnut and Hope Street, Bristol. 401-253-7000, July4thBristolRI.com JULY 4: You want to see the Bristol Fourth of July Parade, but your stomach keeps rumbling. The Linden Place Mansion’s Annual Fourth of July Parade Picnic gives you a view of the parade along with a tour of the mansion, strolls through the gardens, breakfast and lunch. $55 for children, $80 for adults. 500 Hope Street, Bristol. 401253-0390, LindenPlace.org JULY 4: Go back to post-war America and feel the glamour of the 1940s and 1950s at The Big Night Out – Film Noir. Cocktails, auctions, live entertainment and a gourmet meal all to help benefit youth mentoring in RI. 1 Goat

Island, Newport. 401-921-2434, TheBigNightOut.org JULY 4-AUGUST 29: Get ready to bust a move on the beach at the town of Westerly’s Monday Night Jams. Every monday, 6-8pm, free live bands at Westerly Town Beach. 337 Atlantic Avenue, Misquamicut. 401-348-2597, TunesOnTheDunesRI.com JULY 5: Can’t get enough marching, drumming and fanfare? Don’t miss the Drum and Bugle Corps Competition featuring marching bands from across the country at Cranston Stadium. Bristol residents get free transportation to and from the event if they order tickets before June 14th. Cranston Stadium, 9 Flint Avenue, Cranston. 7pm. 401-6449583, July4thBristolRI.com JULY 5-AUGUST 30: Snuggle up on the sand every Tuesday night for Movies on the Beach, courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce. Atlantic Beach Park. 321 Atlantic Avenue,

All Summer Long

July 4: Bristol Fourth of July Parade Celebration HeyRhody.com

THURSDAYS: She’ll have fun, fun, fun at the Classic Car Cruise Nights ‘til her daddy takes the T-Bird away. Check out those cool vintage cars the Beach Boys were talking about all summer long at Atlantic Beach Park, courtesy of 102.3 the Wolf. All specialty cars are welcome! Windjammer East Lot. 321 Atlantic Avenue, Misquamicut. 401-322-1026, Misquamicut.org

Summer Guide 2016 |



| Summer Guide 2016




July continued

July 22-24: 38th Annual South County Hot Air Balloon Festival Misquamicut. 401-596-7761, WesterlyChamber.org JULY 6-AUGUST 24: The beach + movies and music = the perfect summer activity. Watch a variety of our favorite films and enjoy performances by local bands and the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra this summer at the North Beach Clubhouse’s Movies on the Beach and Music on the Beach events. Check out the full schedule online. 79 Boston Neck Road, Narragansett. 401-788-2573, NorthBeachClubhouse.com

Photo courtesy of Craft Beer Races

JULY 6-AUGUST 31: Every Wednesday night, listen to the waves and the music at the town of Westerly’s Blues on the Beach. Enjoy performances by B. Willie Smith Band, Knickerbocker All Stars, Commander Cody and more. 337 Atlantic Avenue, Misquamicut. 401-348-2597, TunesOnTheDunesRI.com JULY 8-AUGUST 13: Twelve summers later, The Contemporary Theater Company is bringing back its first ever production, Rumors by Neil Simon. Enjoy the hilarity of rapidly spreading rumors at a dinner party gone terribly wrong. 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-218-0282, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com


JULY 9-10: Wickford Art Festival is back for another year of fine art ready to grace your walls, windows and tables. Come support local artists as they sell their art and purchase raffle tickets to fund scholarships for students who love art. 36 Beach Street, Wickford. 401-294-6840, WickfordArt.org. JULY 10: Since 1975, Rhode Island has hosted the Rhode Island Cape Verdean Independence Day Festival, the oldest celebration of the Cape Verdean community in the United States. The festival will feature traditional food, music and crafts. India Point Park, India Street, Providence. 401-218-0276, RICapeVerdeanHeritage.org JULY 12: Presenting the perfect mix of classical violin and electronic beats, Lindsey Stirling will dance across The Vets stage for her summer tour this July. Known for her internet fame and whopping count of 7.8 million YouTube subscribers, Stirling has quickly become one of the most talked about performers. She’ll drop the beat and spin around the stage with the grace and energy of a “rave fairy,” which is definitely something you don’t want to miss. One Avenue of the Arts, Providence. 401-421-2787, TheVetsRI.com JULY 13-17, 19-23: Get ready for nine nights of dancing with Island Moving

Company’s Great Friends Dance Festival. With a unique performance each night, there will be plenty of chances to groove. Companies like Part of the Oath, Trainor Dance, Owen/Cox Dance and more will be there. There will be a chance for you to dance, too. 30 Marlborough Street, Newport. IslandMovingCo.org

401-318-2991, CraftBrewRaces.com

JULY 14: Experience the magic of the Green Animals Topiary Garden, the oldest and northernmost topiary garden in the United States, in elegant fashion at this year’s Green Animals Children’s Party with games, pony rides, crafts, refreshments and music. 380 Cory’s Lane, Portsmouth. www. NewportMansions.org

JULY 17: Vamos! Let’s go to the 2016 Colombian Independence Festival. There will be performances by known artists in trovos, letanias, stand-up and folklore dances. You can even buy a variety of Colombian food and drinks. This festival will be the perfect way to end Independence Week. 16 Higgins Avenue, Central Falls. 401-744-6048, ColCultura.com

JULY 14-16: Attend the 3rd Annual Block Island Giant Shark Tournament, a fishing tournament for fishermen, run by fishermen. Spectators are welcome to come and see the giant sharks at the weigh in on Friday and Saturday evening. Stop by Payne’s Dock, during your vacation to witness a real-life scene from Jaws. 133 Ocean Avenue, New Shoreham. 860-2094056, BlockIslandGiantShark.com JULY 15-17: There’s a festival for everyone. The Black Ships Festival is for those who enjoy experiencing authentic Japanese arts, cuisine, performances and tradition. Sushi, martial arts, calligraphy and more. 28 Pelham Street, Newport. 401-847-7666, BlackShipsFestival.com JULY 16: Running, beer and dress up – a surprisingly good combination. The Craft Brew Races are here once again so get ready for a day of drinking, sweating it off and drinking some more. With more than 30 local craft breweries to sample, you better start early. 84 Fort Adams Drive, Newport.

JULY 16-17: Tennis fans, be a part of the celebration at The International Tennis Hall of Fame Enshrinement Weekend. Watch as the highest honor in tennis is presented to champions of the sport. 194 Bellevue Avenue, Newport. 401849-3990, TennisFame.com

JULY 22-24: Hey folks, ready to spend three days with music, food and crafts? Since 1959 The Newport Folk Festival is the source of innovation and tradition. With four stages there will be tons of awesome performances by artists like Norah Jones, Violent Femmes, Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats, Middle Brother and many others. 90 Fort Adams Drive, Newport. 401-8485055, NewportFolk.com JULY 22-24: Fly up, up and away this summer with the 38th Annual South County Hot Air Balloon Festival. Featuring airborne jugglers, balloon rides, a barbecue competition, touch a truck and more, this event is not to be missed. URI Athletic Fields. SouthCountyBalloonFest.com JULY 23-24: Johnnycakes, please. At the Summer Tour Weekend & Kayaking Event, take free tours of the Kenyon’s Grist Mill with johnnycakes demonstrations, taste samples of johnnycakes and delicious local brewed coffee, and purchase an order of johnnycakes to

All Summer Long DAILY: Roger Williams Park Zoo is always a fun place to take the family, but the fun will be even more special with their new summer exhibits: Birds from Down Under, which will display birds native to Australia, and Camel Rides. Learn how to ride the majestic animal of the desert, or spend your day feeding some exotic and colorful birds. $3-6. 10:30am-4:30pm. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence. 401-785-3510, RWPZoo.org/seasonal-offerings

Summer Guide 2016 |




July continued Narragansett. 401-783-7300, NarragansettLionsClub.com JULY 29-31: The nationally recognized and historic Newport Jazz Festival is returning to Newport. Featuring over 50 artists this year this festival is a can’t miss, with 62 years of famous names rolling by like Louis Armstrong, Aretha Franklin and Duke Ellington, we might find something revolutionary this year as well. Fort Adams State Park or International Tennis Hall of Fame, Newport. NewportJazzFest.org

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| Summer Guide 2016

take home. Also, make sure to take advantage of the opportunity to kayak along the Queen’s River. 21 Glen Rock Road, West Kingston. 401-783-4053, KenyonsGristMill.com JULY 23-24: Break out your leather jacket and turn up the tunes. Rock the Block 2016 is here, so get in gear. This two-day festival event includes music and motorcycles. Performances by Fuel, James Montgomery and more. There will also be food trucks, beer, wine, games and rides. 210 Mercer Street, East Providence. 702-8105460, RockTheBlock2016.com JULY 25-28: Head out to celebrate folk, jazz and the musical heritage of Newport at Bridgefest 2016, which promotes local musicians through free and paid concerts, music-related films, educational programs and other music related activities. If you can’t make anything else, bring the family out to a free concert at Fort Adams on July 27. NewportBridgeFest.com JULY 28: Take a peek into East Bay’s creative community and mingle during Bristol/Warren Art Night. Featured artists will include Made in Warren members Lisa Abbartomarco, mixed media artist, Megan Douglas, functional pottery, Mary Hunt, maker of handcrafted wine, book and market

totes and Kathy Weber, painter. 476 Main Street, Warren. 401-310-0559, ArtNightBristolWarren.org JULY 29: You’ve probably heard of Malala Yousafzai; she is not only a public activist but also the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. In an exclusive Northeast appearance, Malala will be bringing her activism to Rhode Island for An Evening with Malala Yousafzai at the Dunkin’ Donuts Center. Come listen to and be inspired by one of Time’s “100 Most Influential People.” One LaSalle Square, Providence. 401-331-0700, DunkinDonutsCenter.com JULY 29-30: The Annual Seafood Festival is where you can find lobster dinners, linguini with clam sauce, barbecued shrimp, stuffies and so much more. This festival has more than just seafood; there are local bands, face painting, storytelling, karate demonstrations, carnival rides and craft booths. Fun for the whole family. Memorial Square, Ocean Road,

JULY 30-31: Want to bring the family somewhere fun and filled with arts and crafts? The Cultural Survival Bazaar at Tiverton Four Corners Art Center is full of family-friendly festivities and cultural products created by Native artists around the world. There will be demonstrations, indigenous cuisine and live music. 3852 Main Road, Tiverton. Bazaar.CulturalSurvival.org JULY 30-31: Put your paws together for the Providence County Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show at the Ryan Center at URI. Marvel as adorable and majestic dogs strut through the dogwalk and navigate obstacle courses. It’s the perfect family summer event, so come watch a group of dogs have their day. One Lincoln Almond Plaza, Kingston. 401-788-3200, TheRyanCenter.com

All Summer Long WEEKLY: See all of the famous and historic sites of Rhode Island on a cruise through Narragansett Bay and Newport Harbor. Rhode Island Bay Cruises will be offering 30-mile Lighthouse Tours and Newport Cruises all throughout the summer. See their schedule for exact cruise dates and times. 1347 Roger Williams Way, North Kingstown. 401-295-4040, RhodeIslandBayCruises.com


Photography by George Ross Photography

July 30: The Blessing of the Fleet

JULY 30: Come take in the colorful parade of commercial and recreational watercraft. Hundreds of vessels will line up to be blessed by the distinguished clergymen and judged by local celebrities at the Annual Blessing of the Fleet. See for yourself who will set sail with some prizes. Port of Galilee, Narragansett. 401-783-7300, NarragansettLionsClub.com


Summer Guide 2016 |



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| Summer Guide 2016

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August AUGUST 3-31: The Contemporary Theater Company tackles Shakespeare classic Antony and Cleopatra. See it this summer performed on CTC’s new outdoor patio. 7pm. 321 Main Street, South Kingstown. 401-218-0282, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com AUGUST 5-7: Lobster, fish and clams – oh my! Attend the Charlestown Seafood Festival for the freshest seafood, raffles, amusement rides and more. Ninigret Park, Charlestown. 401-364-4031, CharlestownRIChamber.com AUGUST 6: Do you love to swim, run or bike? How about doing all three before lunch on a Saturday? If this sounds like your perfect morning, then be sure to sign up for the Block Island Triathlon. However, if running, swimming and biking isn’t your thing, feel free to show up just to watch, preferably with a coffee in hand. Fred Benson Town Beach Pavilion. 401-466-3223, BlockIslandInfo.com AUGUST 6: Light up your night

as floating bonfires illuminate the Pawcatuck River for this community event. The River Glow will feature live entertainment including a steel drum band, fire juggler and belly dancing. There will be activities for the whole family, like hay rides, a rock wall, henna and hair braiding, airbrush tattoos, face painting, shopping, food and so much more. Donahue Park, Downtown Westerly. OceanChamber.org AUGUST 6: You don’t want to miss The 2nd Annual Providence Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival. The event will include over 25 of the best food trucks around as well as over 50 craft beers, all coming together in India Point Park. There will be everything from barbecue to homemade ice cream, so be sure to come hungry. India Street, Providence. FoodTruckFestivalsOfAmerica.com AUGUST 6 & 20: WaterFire is the summer attraction that put Providence on the map. Marvel as 80 braziers light up the Providence River from Waterplace Park to

August 6: Providence Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival

Memorial/South Main Street Park. Lighting occurs shortly after sunset, but the party goes until after midnight. Waterplace Park, Providence. WaterFire.org

Photography (Top) by Mike Braca

AUGUST 6-27: Who doesn’t want to watch a band of dancing pirates? Get your tickets to CTC original and audience favorite Jenny vs. the Pirates, guaranteeing fun for the entire family. 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-218-0282, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com AUGUST 7: Put on your running shoes for the Block Island Health Service 5K Beach Run/Walk, beginning and ending at the Fred Benson Beach Pavilion. 7 Corn

Neck Road, Block Island. 401-4662974, BIHealthServices.com AUGUST 9: See beautiful Block Island by foot. Get your tickets to the Block Island Historical Society’s 45th Annual House and Garden Tour. 401-864-4357, BlockIslandHistorical.org AUGUST 9-14: Eager to explore the world of independent and international filmmaking? Be sure to check out the 20th Annual Flickers Rhode Island International Film Festival. This year’s festival and competition will feature even more content, tours and walks, a film scavenger hunt, outdoor screenings and more. With dozens

All Summer Long

August 5-7: Charlestown Seafood Festival


SATURDAYS: In this collaboration with Jamestown Arts Center, Field of Artisans will present a group of different artists and vendors offering workshops and selling their wares. This will be the first pop-up event on the other side of the bridge, so don’t miss your chance to check out some cool art and maybe find the trinket of your dreams. 10-3pm. 18 Valley Street, Jamestown. 401560-0979, FieldOfArtisans.com

Summer Guide 2016 |




August continued of short films to see, this event is sure to fill up your calendar. 401861-4445, Film-Festival.org AUGUST 13: The 40th Annual Save the Bay Swim is Save The Bay’s largest fundraiser, supporting the foundation’s efforts to protect and restore the beautiful Narragansett Bay region. Jump in and join the other 500 swimmers and 200 kayakers in raising funds and awareness. 686 Cushing Road, Newport. 401-272-3540, SaveTheBay.org/theswim AUGUST 13: Seas the day and attend the 33rd Annual Hall Madison Yacht Race, hosted by the Block Island Club. 136 Corn Neck Road, Block Island. 401-466-5939, BlockIslandClub.org AUGUST 13: Foo Fest 2016 is coming to Providence for its eighth year at AS220. This event consists of ten hours of live music – transforming Empire Street into a spirited block party.

In addition to live music, there will also be creative, family-friendly activities throughout the afternoon. 115 Empire Street, Providence. 401-831-9327, FooFest.AS220.org AUGUST 13: Bob Marley’s legendary reggae band will be headlining the 7th annual Waterfront Reggae Festival in Providence. In addition to the ten hours of popular reggae performances, there will also be a reggae pit featuring authentic Jamaican food options, multiple bars and vendors selling clothing, artisan goods and more. India Point Park on the Providence Waterfront. Tickets available at NewportWaterfrontEvents.com/reggae-festival AUGUST 17-21: Celebrating its 50th birthday, the Washington County Fair is promising five days of family fun, featuring daily concerts, rides for the kids, tractor and horse pulls and more. Don’t miss Rhody’s largest agricultural event. Route 112, Richmond. 401-5397042, WashingtonCountyFair-RI.com

September 2-4: Rhythm and Roots Festival

AUGUST 19-SEPTEMBER 3: The Contemporary Theater Company loves improv, and so do we. See Slamming Doors: An Improvised Farce for CTC’s first ever full-length improvised play. Every performance will be different, but each promises lots of laughs. 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-2180282, ContemporaryTheaterCompany.com AUGUST 27-28: The Newport Art Festival celebrates art on Newport’s historic waterfront. Gaze at locally crafted works of art from

over 100 artists while enjoying food from local vendors and listening to live music. Outside of The Landing Restaurant, 30 Bowen’s Wharf, Newport. 401-207-9729, FestivalFete.com SEPTEMBER 2-4: Spend three days of music, food and fun at the Rhythm and Roots Festival. The line up has 30 plus performers so there will be no shortage of good music and dancing. This will be a Labor Day weekend you won’t forget. 4890A Old Post Road, Charlestown. 401783-3926, RhythmAndRoots.com

All Summer Long

August 17-21: Washington County Fair


| Summer Guide 2016

MAY 29-AUGUST 21: The Town of Barrington present the 2016 Summer Concert series. Each concert is held on select Sundays and features performances by bands like Detroit Breakdown, Nightlife Orchestra, Boston Premier and more. Various locations. Barrington.ri.gov/Departments/ Recreation


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Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016


Prov i d e n c e & B eyo n d Spend a summer day in and around the capital city

On the Hunt

Back for its fourth year, The Providence Flea returns to South Water Street every Sunday from June through September with its cool urban flea market. See page 38 for more.


Rhode Islanders tend to head to the southern part of the state in the summer - all the better for the explorers among us who want to enjoy the beauty of northern Rhode Island

Get in touch with nature


BEEF IT UP The Beef Barn might not have a glamorous name, but it’s a delicious Rhode Island food tradition. The kitschy restaurant, housed in a barn filled with antiques, has been serving the same incredible roast beef sandwiches (slow roasted for eight hours) since 1969, and everything is made in-house, including the 100 pounds of roast they go through every day. The best part: everything on the menu is under $5. 1 Greenville Road, North Smithfield. 401-762-9880, TheBeefBarn.com

Samuel Slater Canal Boat Cruise on the Blackstone River

EXPLORE THE VALLEY Continue your day of exploring Blackstone Valley by eating and drinking your way through the afternoon. In Cumberland, you’ve got a difficult choice to make: Diamond Hill Vineyards, with its charming location in an old farmhouse, or The Ice Cream Machine, which makes some of the handsdown best ice cream we’ve ever had. Better yet, do both. Once you’ve grabbed a cone, enjoy it across the street in Diamond Hill

State Park, which has short, paved walking paths. Vineyard: 3145 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland. 401333-2751, DiamondHillVineyards. com. Ice Cream: 4288 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland. 401-333-5053, IceCreamPie.com. Park: 4097 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland Further north, scare the pants off yourself at Hanton City, a Colonialera ghost town in Smithfield. There, the remains of several stone foundations, a burial site and a defunct dam are the only remnants of the tiny settlement, far removed from the other citizens of Smithfield, are the only clues as to who lived there, and why. Theories abound, like that the residents were runaway slaves, were afflicted with a disease or were British loyalists during the war. GhostTowns. com/States/RI


Siena offers Tuscan cuisine in Smithfield


| Summer Guide 2016

For dinner, treat yourself to something a little bit fancy. Smithfield is an up-and-coming culinary destination, but there are delicious restaurants that have been feeding hungry crowds for quite a while. Siena, an outpost of the alwayspacked Providence restaurant, has been drawing crowds to its Smithfield location for a few years now. Their enoteca menu, which allows you to make your own antipasto board with Italian cheeses and

meats like Taleggio and Prosciutto di Parma, is enough to make a meal all on its own. Tavolo Wine Bar & Tuscan Grille serves up Italian classics like Fried Risotto Balls stuffed with parma prosciutto and mozzarella, Rigatoni Bolognese and Porcini-rubbed Filet. Siena: 400 Putnam Pike, Smithfield. 401349-4111, SienaRI.com. Tavolo: 970 Douglas Pike, Smithfield. 401-3494979, TavoloWineBar.com

AL FRESCO FLICKS No summer is complete without a visit to the Rustic Drive-In. This blast from the past offers current movies the old fashioned way: inside your car. The state’s last standing drive-in movie theatre shows double features through September. 1195 Eddie Dowling Highway, North Smithfield. 401-769-7601, Facebook.com/RusticDriveIn

Hey Rhody! Monday nights are a Rhode Island music tradition at The Met. The John Allmark Orchestra takes the stage for its signature big band and jazz, which has been drawing crowds for decades. 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket. 401-729-1005, TheMetRI.com HeyRhody.com

Photography by (Bottom) Hilary Block

The Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor is the state’s only major national park, and starts in Massachusetts to follow 46 miles of the Blackstone River, the actual, for real birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. Attractions along the corridor highlight Little Rhody’s place in American history: Slater Mill in Pawtucket, the Captain Wilbur Kelly House Transportation Museum in Lincoln, the Museum of Work and Culture in Woonsocket and Roger Williams National Memorial in Providence. There’s also a developing system of greenways and bikeways, along with hiking trails and self-guided paddling tours and boat cruises. BlackstoneHeritageCorridor.org

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Full Summer Schedule:



Summer Guide 2016 |



| Summer Guide 2016



Just because Providence doesn’t have beaches doesn’t mean there aren’t a million and one ways to spend a memorable summer day in the capital city.

Summer in the city

GET YOUR BLOOD PUMPING Spend the morning getting some exercise, whether that’s with a City Running Tour to take you past all the landmarks downtown, or the Rhode Island Historical Society’s Benefit Street: A Mile of History, delving into the details of the city street on the National Register of Historic Places for its concentration of historic architecture. Running: CityRunningTours.com/Providence. RIHS: RIHS.org For a little more adventure, stroll through Roger Williams Park, where there’s a botanical garden, swan boats, a natural history museum, a carousel and the biggest (and in our opinion, best) zoo in New England, where you can feed giraffes and ride camels. 1000 Elmwood Avenue. 401785-3510, RWPZoo.org

LUNCH AL FRESCO Make sure you end your tour somewhere near The Duck and Bunny. The state’s only snuggery (and quite possibly the world’s only snuggery… actually, what is a snuggery?) offers brunch daily, with a delicious selection of crepes,

See and be seen at The Rooftop at the G

freshly baked cupcakes, teas and wine, fruit and herb-infused cocktails. Everything tastes better in their garden terrace, where there are birds splashing in bird baths and herbs growing around you that are in your food. In the Providence Marriott Downtown, Aqua is an urban oasis. The poolside restaurant serves salads, sandwiches and cocktails. Duck and Bunny: 312 Wickenden Street. 401270-3300, TheDuckandBunny.com. Aqua: 1 Orms Street. 401-272-2400, MarriottProvidence.com



The RISD Museum is worth a visit any time, but this summer is an especially excellent time to spend an afternoon. All of Everything: Todd Oldham Fashion celebrates the revolutionary designer – known for putting future supermodels like Kate Moss and Cindy Crawford on the runway as unknowns. The exhibit includes 65 of Oldham’s runway looks, and a bunch of events like the All of Everything Dance Party on June 17, featuring music by DJ Lady Bunny, red carpet photos and on-the-spot fashion illustrations by renowned artist Jarno Kettunen. 20 North Main Street. 401-454-6500, RISDMuseum.org

There are so many fun things to do in Providence when the sun goes down that your problem won’t be finding something, it will be narrowing it down to just one (or two, or three) entertaining activity. WaterFire is the city’s signature event, with crowds in the thousands and lightings happening on weekends all summer. On Thursdays, head to Burnside Park for the Burnside Music Series and Beer Garden, featuring great local bands and brews by Trinity Brewhouse, or to Grant’s Block for Movies on the Block, where you bring your own chair and watch a classic flick projected onto a side of a building. Friday nights bring the hugely popular, free WBRU Summer Concert Series, presented by Mayor Jorge Elorza and the City of Providence, which pair a local opener with a national touring band. WaterFire: WaterFire.org. Burnside: Park.ProvParksConservancy.org/Visit/Music. Movies: 260 Westminster Street, Grant’s Block. MoviesOnTheBlock.com. Summer Concerts: WBRU.com

Photography by (Top) Tim Siekiera


Aqua is a poolside oasis


The Providence G, formerly home to a utility company and now luxury condos, has several chic options for your evening. G Pub offers gastropub fare like Shrimp n’ Grits and Farmhouse Fried Chicken, plus pool tables and private karaoke rooms. Garde offers haute seafood, including a great raw bar. After dinner, make sure you head upstairs to The Rooftop at the G, the city’s only rooftop bar, where you can cozy up on couches with fire pits and watch the sunset. G Pub: 61 Orange Street. 401-632-4782, ProvidenceGPub.com. Garde: 86 Dorrance Street. 401-632-4799, GardeDeLaMer.com. Rooftop: 100 Dorrance Street. 401-632-4904, RooftopAtTheG.com

Hey Rhody! Right on the waterfront, India Point Park hosts tons of great events throughout the season, like the Providence Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival on August 6, and the Waterfront Reggae Festival on August 13. Gano Street. 401-785-9450 Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016



Summer Guide 2016 |



People who live in the middle part of the state love its everyday convenience, but it’s rare that any of us stop to appreciate everything that these two cities have to offer for a fun summer day.

More fun than you think


HEAD TO THE BOARDWALK In Oakland Beach, the newly expanded Iggy’s Boardwalk offers all

Chapel Grille’s historic setting makes for a transformative meal in Cranston

of the delicious seafood and doughboys of their walk-up window, but is a full service restaurant that takes full advantage of its proximity to the ocean. Think raw bar and tropical libations year-round, not just during the summer. The menu has expanded to include more options for people who don’t love seafood, and is a really nice complement to the takeaway restaurant next door. 889

Spend a day enjoying the great outdoors at Goddard State Park


| Summer Guide 2016

Oakland Beach Avenue, Warwick. 401-737-9459, IggysDoughboys.com

SHOP IN A GARDEN We don’t have many outdoor malls in Rhode Island, but that just makes Garden City Center all the more special. The shopping center has come a long way from how you remember it, depending on how long it’s been since you made a visit. New, chic shops like Crate and Barrel, Anthropologie and L.L. Bean have revitalized the area. Old favorites like Providence Diamond, Mel & Me and Cohoes are still going strong. There’s even a new independent bookstore, Barrington Books Retold, where you can spend some time browsing the stacks or at one of their weekly reader events. Across the street in Chapel View, there’s a high-end men’s barbershop called Gents, along with an Edible Arrangements, a nail salon and other stores. On Wednesday nights, locals gather at the Garden City gazebo for live music every week in the summer. Restaurants like the historic and unmissable Chapel Grille (next door at Chapel View) the neighborhood bistro Bistro 22 and the newly opened Italian restaurant Avvio make it easy to stay and enjoy the evening. Garden City: Intersection of Sockanossett Cross Road and

New London Avenue, Cranston. 401942-2800, GardenCityCenter.com. Chapel View: Chapel View Boulevard, Cranston. Chapel-View.com

HIT THE VILLAGE If you only think of Pawtuxet Village as the home to Gaspee Days, the annual celebration of the colonists burning the HMS Gaspee and sparking the American Revolution, then you’re probably a history nerd. You’re also missing a lot of what this charming village has to offer. Pawtuxet Village has long been an idyllic destination, but there’s more than ever happening on their scenic waterfront. Basta serves up fresh pasta and grilled pizzas, while The Elephant Room serves tea and crepes. Sweet Indulgence is the kind of cafe, serving coffee and desserts, that you would find in a kid’s sweetest dreams. Broad Street, Cranston and Narragansett Parkway, Warwick. Pawtuxet.com

Hey Rhody! Goddard Park, on the Warwick/East Greenwich line, has a coastline with a small beach and offers horseback riding by the hour. 1095 Ives Road, Warwick. 401-884-2010, RIParks.com


Photography (Bottom) by Grace Lentini

Generations of Rhode Islanders have fond memories of Rocky Point Amusement Park. The clam cakes and chowder at the shore house, the rides that made you want to hurl all of it up, the concerts with soonto-be megastar bands like Nirvana, Pearl Jam and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. True, the attraction – and its slightly less than safe roller coaster – is lost to history. But that doesn’t mean that future generations can’t make happy memories at Rocky Point. It’s just a different kind of fun. Now, Rocky Point is a shorefront park, with walking trails perfect for exploring nature and the last remnants of the amusement park that used to be there. Spend your morning teaching your little ones about the glory that was the Corkscrew. And if you can’t live without another taste of Rocky Point’s iconic seafood, there’s a Rocky Point Clam Shack not too far away. Park: Rocky Point Avenue, Warwick. Restaurant: 1689 Post Road, Warwick. 401-7389830, RockyPointClamShack.com


Summer Guide 2016 |


Warwick’s newest waterfront dining experience Full Service Restaurant

Outdoor Bar

Lobster & Clam Bar



| Summer Guide 2016

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Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016


East B ay & New p o r t

Day tripping through the East Bay and islands of Newport County

Dining with a View

Fresh and delectable, Blount Clam Shack in Warren serves lobster rolls, clam cakes and more all season long. Second location in Riverside.


If you haven’t been through the East Bay in a while, you’re missing out on gorgeous coastline, tons of small town charm and the hottest foodie scene in the state.

Hidden gems in the East Bay


Bristol’s Blithewold has spectacular waterfront gardens

pool, coastal oak forest and historic cemetery. Route 77, Tiverton. TivertonLandTrust.org

LUNCH IN STYLE If the weather is on your side, treat yourself for lunch. The Boat House is seasonal fine dining, offering local meats and seafood. Their outdoor decks – there are two of them – are the place to be in the summer. Sit, relax, and watch boats glide past. The restaurant even offers free

The Boat House offers free dockage to maritime guests


| Summer Guide 2016

dockage for customers arriving by water. Don’t get dessert, though: save room for Gray’s Ice Cream in Four Corners, which serves frozen treats so delicious that they’re in demand 365 days a year. Boat House: 227 Schooner Drive, Tiverton. 401624-6300, BoatHouseTiverton.com. Gray’s: 16 East Road, Tiverton. 401624-4500, GraysIceCream.com

COASTAL CHARM For the afternoon, cross over the Mount Hope Bridge and spend some time exploring Bristol. Best known as the home to the country’s oldest Fourth of July parade (which, if you’ve never attended, you need to), Bristol takes historic pride to a new level. Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum and Linden Place are both house museums dedicated to preserving Bristol’s illustrious past. Mount Hope Farm, home to a year-round farmer’s market, and Coggeshall Farm, which raises heirloom livestock and offers colonial cooking lessons, do the same for agriculture. The Herreshoff Marine Museum celebrates Bristol’s sailing traditions. Blithewold: 101 Ferry Road. 401-253-2707, Blithewold.org. Linden: 500 Hope Street. 401-2530390, LindenPlace.org. Mount Hope: 250 Metacom Avenue. 401-254-1745, MountHopeFarm.org. Coggeshall: 1 Colt Drive. 401-253-9062, CoggeshallFarm.org. Herreshoff: 1 Burnside Street. 401-253-5000, Herreshoff.org

DINE WELL For the evening, head north into Warren – and make sure you’re hungry. Warren is increasingly becoming the Brooklyn to Providence’s Manhattan: more and more creativity and great music are coming from the town all the time. One way in which Warren already rivals Providence is in its food scene. For fine dining, Simone’s serves simple and elegant locavore cuisine like Wood Grilled Lobster with spiked olive oil, and Metacom Kitchen preps nearly everything in house, including house-made charcuterie. At Eli’s Kitchen, the seating is limited, but the wait is worth it, especially for brunch: think Carnitas con Huevos, Biscuits and Gravy and Buttermilk Pancakes with house-churned butter. Simone’s: 275 Child Street. 401-247-1200, SimonesRI.com. Metacom: 322 Metacom Avenue. 401-245-1193, MetacomKitchen. com. Eli’s: 40 Market Street. 401245-1809, ElisKitchenWarren.com

Hey Rhody! Bristol’s Fourth of July celebrations aren’t limited to one weekend. The town hosts a 10 day outdoor concert series at Independence Park, a carnival and tons more. July4thBristolRI.com HeyRhody.com

Photography by (Bottom) Force 4 Photography

Tiverton Four Corners, the historic village that’s been around longer than America has, looks like it could be on a Hollywood backlot. The pristine area is home to tons of artists, who show their work in studios and artist collectives like Gallery 4 and The Sakonnet Collective. Tiffany Peay makes fine jewelry attuned to the energies of the body, and Katherine Lovell is a painter who often works with metal leaf. Other shops, like Courtyards and The Cottage at Four Corners offer gifts and home goods. When you visit, make sure to stop by Four Corners Arts Center: the barn is a popular spot for weddings, and the property has sculptures and poetry throughout. Main Road and East Road, Tiverton. TivertonFourCorners.com If you’d rather explore nature than shop, head to the nearby Pardon Gray Preserve. Part of the Tiverton Land Trust, which protects the historic town’s green spaces, Pardon Gray has miles of beautiful hiking trails. An app (download it at SakonnetHistorical.com) offers an interactive guide to the preserve, delving into its history, grasslands, vernal

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Linden PLace Four Presidents have visited Linden Place. Now it’s your Turn! Tours • Weddings Rentals • Museum Store Call 253-0390 or visit www.lindenplace.org for hours

Summer Guide 2016 |


NEWPORT DAY TRIP Make a splash in the City by the Sea

Newport is a highly sought-after vacation spot for a reason: great food, lots of fun and coastline for days. Take a day to see the City by the Sea how the tourists see it.

SEE A SUMMER COTTAGE You know of the Newport mansions, but how many of them have you actually seen inside? Those tony summer cottages of America’s royalty are seriously gorgeous. Make it a point to see at least one of them (and no, that field trip you took to The Breakers in fourth grade doesn’t count). Rosecliff has seen several movies filmed there, including the original The Great Gatsby. Marble House has a Japanese tea house in the back. The Elms, though it doesn’t have a water view, has some of the most beautiful gardens you’ll ever see. And the grand dame of them all, The Breakers, is the kind of splendor you won’t soon forget. NewportHistory.org

LUNCH WITH THE OTHER HALF Common wisdom indicates that every food tastes better when you’re eating it with a water view. Maximize your noontime deliciousness at one of Newport’s coastal fine dining restaurants, but lifehack your experience by going during the day when the offerings are just as grand, but significantly more affordable. Chic hotel Castle Hill Inn has a sprawling lawn full of Adirondack chairs where you can take in the view and enjoy impeccably fresh seafood in creative preparations. The Spiced Pear has an incredible, elegant locavore menu. You could splurge for dinner, or go for lunch, sit on the outdoor terrace and

The outdoor dining space at The Spiced Pear is worth the view

still be able to pay the toll on the way home. Castle Hill: 590 Ocean Avenue. 888-466-1355, CastleHillInn.com. Spiced Pear: 117 Memorial Boulevard. 401-847-2244, TheChanler.com

MAKE A SPLASH Newport’s First Beach is more than just sand and waves (though why you need more than sand and waves in life, we’re not really sure). Keep the little ones busy at the Save the Bay Exploration Center, where there are three touch tanks filled with over 40 native species of sea life from Narragansett Bay. On the third Thursday of the month, you can even feed them at a special feeding event. 175 Memorial Boulevard. 401324-6020, SaveBay.org

If you’d rather be on the water than in it, set sail on the Adirondack II. The boat, moored in Bowen’s Wharf, offers Morning Mimosa Sails, daily tours of Newport Harbor, Sunset Sails and evening Dark and Stormy Sails. Also on Bowen’s Wharf, Island Style Parasail offers a bird’s eye view of Newport Harbor. Adirondack: Bowen’s Wharf. 401-847-0000, Sail-Newport.com. Parasail: 9 Bowen’s Wharf. 401-6010330, IslandStyleParasail.com

DINE ON HAUTE CUISINE Newport has its timeless, classic restaurants. Places like Sardella’s, The Mooring and Brick Alley Pub will always have a line out the door in the summer. But there’s a new crop of chefs popping up

in Newport that are flexing their culinary muscles and bringing something new to the city’s food scene. Chef Jake Rojas of Tallulah on Thames serves “modern, fresh, local” cuisine in fourcourse and six-course tasting menus. Stoneacre Pantry offers incentive farm to table cuisine, particularly for brunch. The owners of the beloved (and fondly remembered) Thames Street Kitchen have opened two new places. Mission serves burgers and hot dogs ground in-house, and topped with house-made deliciousness like Mission Sauce, grilled jalapeños and caramelized onion sauerkraut. Winner Winner is a BYOB restaurant that specializes in rotisserie chicken and fried chicken, with all of the Southern sides you want, like mac n’ cheese and biscuits. 464 Thames Street. 401-849-2433, TallulahonThames.com. Stoneacre: 515 Thames Street. 401-619-7810, StoneacrePantry. com. Mission: 29 Marlborough Street. 401-619-5560, MissionNPT.com. Winner: 677 Thames Street. 401-848-2449, WinnerWinnerNPT.com

Hey Rhody!

The seaside Rosecliff Mansion is open daily for tours


| Summer Guide 2016

The Newport Blues Cafe offers great nightly live music, and has been known to host surprise celebrity guests around the Newport Jazz and Folk festivals. 286 Thames Street. 401-841-5510, NewportBlues.com HeyRhody.com

Route 77 Tiverton • www.TivertonFourCorners.com


The Cottage 3847 Main Road • 401.625.5814 www.thecottageri.com Simon Pearce Vases Offering home furnishings and accessories by local artists and specialty imported products that add beauty to any home. With Spencer Peterman wooden bowls, Simon Pearce glassware, furniture designs by Mitchell Gold and Lee industries, The Cottage carries everything for the avid host or hostess.

Courtyards 3980 Main Road • 401-624-8682 courtyardsltd.com • Open 7 days. Courtyards offers wonderful home and garden accents made in the USA. Celebrating 34 years, Courtyards offers wonderful and whimsical home and garden accents made in the USA. Wander through the gardens or browse two floors of fun and fine craft, clothing and unique art. Open 7 days a week.

Kathrine Lovell Studio & Gallery 3895 Main Road • 401.743.6077 www.klovell.com “Hollyhocks.” Acrylic and metal leaf on birch panel. (12x12)

Kathrine Lovell’s unique paintings combine luminous, elegant images with ethereal patterning and the natural world. One of a kind art for the discerning collector. Open Thursday-Sunday, 12-5.


• 20% DEET on skin • Permethrin on clothing

Silk Road Traders At Gallery 4 3848 Main Road • 401.861.0999 www.silkroadgallery4.com Pictured: SHAKTI, Susan Strauss, oil on canvas, 70” x 69”


Discover the area’s finest selection of new and antique Oriental rugs from the world renowned “Rug Belt,” plus a unique collection of fine art and items for the home as well as jewelry and accessories. Nature Preserved, the summer exhibition opening on July 2, evokes the beauty and curiosities found in nature, with support for The Tiverton Land Trust.


Tiffany Peay Jewelry 3851 Main Road • 401-816-0878 www.tiffanypeay.com Gemstone Rings: Fresh Water Pearl, Blue Tourmaline, Aquamarine, Asst. Tourmaline Tiffany Peay creates beautiful, one-of- a-kind, handmade fine jewelry. Color, movement and healing are the trademarks using 14k gold to complement unusual varieties of gemstones and pearls. Browse the website and visit us in Newport or Tiverton to experience the jewels. “Discover The Power Of Gemstones.”



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| Summer Guide 2016


JAMESTOWN DAY TRIP Island adventure, without the crowds

You probably know Jamestown as that five minute stretch between bridges on your way to Newport, but the town has a lot to offer. This island has gorgeous, unspoiled nature, some of the state’s best fine dining and a fraction of the crowd.

BEGIN AT THE BEGINNING Start your day in Jamestown by exploring some history. Conanicut Battery National Historic Park is home to several earthen fortifications dating back to the Revolutionary War, built by both colonists and the British. Explore the trails, that have information on the park’s history. Fort Getty Park is another piece of Jamestown’s military history, and has a campground and fishing areas. Conanicut Battery: Battery Lane. Jamestown-RI.info. Fort Getty: 913 Fort Getty Road. 401-423-7211, JamestownRI.gov Watson Farm has been in operation since 1796, and offers self-guided tours of livestock, wildlife and farm history. The Jamestown Historical Society is a hub for all of the island’s historic preservation, including the Jamestown Museum, Windmill, Meetinghouse and Jamestown Library. They offer rotating exhibits and frequent events. Watson Farm: 455 North Road. 401-423-0005. JHS: 92 Narragansett Avenue. 401-423-0784, JamestownHistoricalSociety.org

Photography (top) by Julie Tremaine, (bottom) by José Navarro-Robles

STOP FOR LUNCH When it’s time for lunch, fuel up at Slice of Heaven. The European-style bakery and cafe serves up delicious, creative salads (like the Tuna Salad Nicoise), sandwiches (think Roast Beef Agro e Dolce) and sweet treats. 32 Narragansett Avenue. 401-4239866, SliceofHeavenRI.com

Explore Fort Wetherill, whether on land or by sea

EXPLORE NATURE Now that you’re full of energy and ready for adventure, it’s time to get active. For an easy hike that has views for days, head to Beavertail State Park, easily one of the most beautiful pieces of scenery in New England. The rocky coastline offers views of Newport and the Atlantic Ocean from any of four picnicfriendly vistas and from the hiking trails throughout. Beavertail is also home to a lighthouse and a small aquarium with exhibits on local sea life. Director Wes Anderson (The Royal Tenenbaums) was so taken with Beavertail that he filmed scenes from Moonrise Kingdom there. Spend an afternoon exploring, or enjoy their

J-22 Tap and Table creates every item from scratch


environmental interpretive program with guided tidal excursions. Nearby, Fort Wetherill, an abandoned military fort, is a must-see destination. Besides the fort itself, which has become something of a graffiti art museum, the views from the cliffs of this 100-foot vantage are stunning. It’s also a popular spot for SCUBA divers. Beavertail: Beavertail Road, Jamestown. 401-423-9941, RIParks.com. Fort Wetherill: Fort Wetherill Road, Jamestown. 401423-1771, RIParks.com

GO GOURMET FOR DINNER For dinner, you have a lot of delicious dining options. Jamestown Fish is one of the state’s finest seafood restaurants, helmed by Executive Chef (and James Beard Award nominee) Matthew MacCartney. The main dining room offers freshfrom-the-sea fine dining, while the upstairs lounge and outdoor bar have a more casual menu. The patio also has couches for sunset cocktails, complete with fire pits for after the sun goes down. 14 Narragansett Avenue. 401-423-3474, JamestownFishRI.com Across the street, Simpatico Jamestown serves an eclectic menu that blends classic Rhode Island foods with worldly flavors. While you can eat inside, you really should choose a table outdoors, especially with a date. The perfectly romantic outdoor dining areas include a bar,

a garden and terraced decks. The island’s newest restaurant is J22 Tap and Table, named after the J22 racing boat. The restaurant has only 10 tables and a bar that seats 12, and a small menu that changes often, but don’t let that stop you. The small scale means that every ingredient is hyperlocal and at the peak of freshness, and that everything, down to the cocktail sauce, is made in-house. Simpatico: 13 Narragansett Avenue. 401-423-2000, SimpaticoJamestown.com. J22: 22 Narragansett Avenue. 401-423-3709, Facebook.com/J22TapandTable

HIT THE DANCE FLOOR After dinner, head to The Narragansett Cafe. The Ganny offers some of the area’s best live music every night during the summer. Bands range from jazz and blues to rock, and are always danceable. 25 Narragansett Avenue, Jamestown. 401423-2150, NarragansettCafe.com

Hey Rhody! Don’t let the rain ruin your day in Jamestown – the Jamestown Arts Center is part art gallery, part movie theatre, part education resource and all entertaining, even indoors, even in the summer. 18 Valley Street. 401-560-0979, JamestownArtCenter.com Summer Guide 2016 |


sea food | sea friends | sea view

Oceanside Dining on Narragansett Bay seafood | oysters | burgers | steaks open for lunch, dinner & sunday brunch 40 Ocean Road, Narragansett, RI 401.789.0700 • thecoastguardhouse.com

So u t h C o u n t y There’s so much more than beaches

Fun at the Fair

The Washington County Fair returns to Richmond on August 17-21 for a spectacular 50th Birthday Celebration for five days of fun for the entire family. See page 61 for details.

local ingredients. craft cocktails.

“The menu is varied, the presentations are artful, and most of all, the food is delicious.” Ellen Brown - The Providence Journal

Private room available for small parties. Porch and Patio Seating. Reservations online at www.besoskitchenandcocktails.com or call us at 401-398-8855 378 MAIN STREET, EAST GREENWICH, RHODE ISLAND

EAST GREENWICH DAY TRIP Urban sophistication with a nautical feel

BRUNCH YOUR HEART OUT There’s a reason you always see your friends checking into East Greenwich restaurants for brunch: there are a lot of delicious options here. Dante’s Kitchen is the state’s only honest-togoodness Southern restaurant, complete with Fried Chicken & Waffles and Biscuits & Gravy, and they only serve breakfast and lunch. The perfectly romantic Besos Kitchen & Cocktails has a wraparound porch, a garden patio and a great weekend brunch menu. Jigger’s HIll & Harbour Diner, which has been around since 1917, serves creative benedicts and omelets and is a go-to destination for johnnycakes. Dante’s Kitchen: 315 Main Street. 401398-7798, DantesKitchenRI.com. Besos: 378 Main Street. 401-398-8855, BesosKitchenandCocktails.com. Jiggers: 145 Main Street. 401-884-6060, JiggersDiner.com

Photography by (Bottom) José Navarro-Robles, (Top) Blink of an Eye Photography

THEN WALK IT OFF You could probably use a walk after that meal and, let’s face it, a little retail therapy. Boutiques line Main Street, like Robin B. Clothier, which offers chic and unique fashion made mindfully. Organical Botanical sells its own herbal, aromatherapeutic bath and body products and The Green Door is an impeccable destination for home gifts. Robin B: 175 Main Street. 401-885-9400, RobinBClothier. com. Organical Botanical: 110

This bustling Main Street is surprisingly boater-friendly, with a close-by marina that offers free dockage for diners at waterfront restaurants. Whether you arrive by car or boat, spend the day shopping, strolling and eating.

Main Street. 401-451-6000, TheOrganicalBotanical.com. The Green Door: 130 Main Street. 401885-0510, TheGreenDoorAtHome. com

LEARN SOME HISTORY Today East Greenwich is known as a tony town with great schools, but it has actually played an important part in the state’s history, and the country’s (many places claim to have been the birthplace of the US Navy, but EG is the likeliest). See East Greenwich’s history for yourself at its two museums: the Varnum House Museum and the Varnum Armory. Built in 1733 by Major General James Mitchell Varnum (who served under George Washington and was a member of the Continental Congress), the Varnum House Museum is a Georgian mansion that is a time capsule of Early American life. It houses 17th century furniture and household items. The Varnum Memorial Armory houses a military history museum, including artifacts from the Revolutionary War and weapons from World Wars I and II. VarnumContinentals.org

DO DINNER RIGHT Hopefully all of that shopping and learning has made you hungry, because there are too many delicious dinner options to leave without trying one. On Main Street, among many choice offerings, La Masseria offers gourmet Italian cuisine – how gourmet, you ask? It has a sister location in Manhattan. Red Stripe serves French comfort food: think lots of great wine and cheese. The

Blu on the Water has views for days and cocktails to match HeyRhody.com

Stroll and Shop Main Street East Greenwich

reopened Post Office Cafe is better than ever, serving creative New American food in a renovated, historic post office. La Masseria: 223 Main Street. 401-398-0693, LaMasseriaNYC.com. Red Stripe: 455 Main Street. 401-398-2900, RedStripeRestaurants.com. Post Office Cafe: 11 Main Street. 401-885-4444, PostOfficeCafeRI.com Remember what we said about boater-friendly restaurants? They’re at The East Greenwich Marina, which offers transient dockage by the hour or overnight, and has two on-site restaurants. Finn’s Harborside has been serving fresh seafood and New England fare for over 40 years. Their huge outdoor patio and bar take advantage of the waterfront, and the restaurant offers free boat docking for customers. Finn’s has live music on the weekends. Blu on the Water is the place to see and be seen in the summer in East Greenwich. The indoor/outdoor restaurant and lounge is a popular lunch or dinner destination, but becomes an ultra lounge once the sun goes down. Think live music, outdoor

fire pits and delicious cocktails – plus docking for boats. Marina: 28 Water Street. 401-575-7665, EastGreenwichMarina.com. Finn’s: 38 Water Street. 401-884-6363, FinnsHarborside.com. Blu: 20 Water Street. 401-885-3700, BluOnTheWater.com

ARTS IN THE EVENING Smart day trippers will plan their visit to East Greenwich on a Main Street Stroll night. Stores stay open late one Thursday a month, and there are activities all up and down Main Street. June 23 is Dogs on Main, July 21 is Music on Main, and August 18 is the Taste of East Greenwich. EastGreenwichChamber.com

Hey Rhody! Don’t leave town without making a stop at Main Street Coffee. By day, it serves delicious java. At night, Toscana at Main Street Coffee is an after-dinner must. Their espresso martinis are the best around. 137 Main Street. 401-8858787, MainStreet-Coffee.com Summer Guide 2016 |



North Kingstown isn’t just a summer destination. The town has a lot to offer yearround, especially in the perfectly New England village of Wickford.

Soak in the history


SEAFARING FARE When you’re looking for small town charm, head to Wickford, a village of North Kingstown, which is so perfectly New England that John Updike used it as inspiration for The Witches of Eastwick. Here, stop for lunch at Tavern by the Sea, which has New England cuisine by way of the Mediterranean, and expansive waterfront decks to enjoy it on. 16 West Main Street. 401-294-5771, TavernByTheSeaRI.com

EXPLORE WICKFORD The main area of Wickford, centered

The Kayak Centre lets you paddle across Wickford Harbor

on Main Street and Brown Street, is ideal for spending an afternoon strolling and shopping. Pamper yourself at Beauty and the Bath, get unique home touches at Blue Hydrangea, stock up on natural, locally made skincare at JAVA Skin Care, find fun jewelry and handmade art at J.W. Graham and Yes! Gallery. Gossip sells stylish boho women’s clothing and accessories. Green Ink has been selling unique women’s clothing and accessories since 1972. If you’d rather burn off lunch in a more active way, The Kayak Centre offers kayak instruction and guided

Tate’s Italian Kitchen has turned family recipes into buzzworthy dining


| Summer Guide 2016

group tours around Wickford Harbor and beyond. Beauty and the Bath: 11 West Main Street. 401-2943576, BeautyandtheBath.com. Blue Hydrangea: 2 Main Street. 401-2952583, 295Blue.com. JAVA: 14 Main Street. 866-609-3258, JavaSkinCare.com. J.W. Graham: 26 Brown Street. 401-295-0757, JWGraham. com. Gossip: 16 Brown Street. 401294-7333, ShopGossip.com. Green Ink: 89 Brown Street. 401-294-6266, GreenInkBoutique.com. Kayak Centre: 9 Phillips Street. 401-295-4400, KayakCentre.com

VISIT HISTORY If you’d rather explore some of the state’s history, North Kingstown has a lot to offer. Smith’s Castle is one of the oldest homes in the state, and houses 400 years of New England history. Costumed interpreters give tours of the place, and they host regular events like their Strawberry Festival (June 18) and cannon demonstrations. The Gilbert Stuart Birthplace and Museum (in Saunderstown, another nearby village in North Kingstown) is a time capsule of Rhode Island in 1750, and commemorates the life of the man who painted the portrait of George Washington that’s on the $1 bill. Smith: 55 Richard Smith Drive. 401-294-3521, SmithsCastle.org. Stuart: 815 Gilbert Stuart Road,

Saunderstown. 401-294-3001, GilbertStuartMuseum.com

STAY FOR THE EVENING For dinner, check out Tate’s Italian Kitchen in Wickford, one of the most buzzed about new restaurants to open in the past year. The small restaurant turns out impeccable Italian food, made from scratch, using family recipes. 64 Brown Street. 401-2940000, TatesItalianKitchen.com Try to arrange your day in North Kingstown on a Tuesday, so you can make the most of your evening. Tuesday nights during the summer bring free concerts to North Kingstown Town Beach. Starting on June 14, bring your beach chairs to hear live local bands as the sun goes down. Concerts start at 7pm, and are free (though donations are accepted). 10 Beach Street. Wix.com/NK-Arts-Council

Hey Rhody! The Wickford Art Festival (July 9–10) is a summer must-see. For over 50 years, the festival has been bringing artists from all over New England together to display their paintings, ceramics, photography, sculpture and more. Plan to spend at least the afternoon – the huge event is worth savoring. WickfordArt.org HeyRhody.com

Photography by (Bottom) Hilary Block, (Top) courtesy of The Kayak Centre

To antique pros, North Kingstown is a must-visit destination. The concentration of antique and estate shops around Post Road is unmatched in the state. Spend your morning turning old things into new home decorations at stores like Re Antiques and Interiors, Antique Furnishings and Once in a Blue Moon Antiques. Each shop has its own personality: Re offers a small, highly curated inventory from estate sales, whereas Antique Furnishings does authentic restorations of period furnishings. Re: 7512 Post Road. 401-667-5996, ReRhodeIsland.com. Blue Moon: 7535 Post Road. 401-295-9085, OnceInABlueMoonAntiques.com. Antique Furnishings: 355 Compass Circle. 401-6672646, AntiqueRestorationRI.com

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Summer Guide 2016 |



South County



Fetch RI is a unique boutique and supply store for dogs and cats. They carry only natural, Made in the USA treats and food, durable and functional toys and supplies, as well as herbal and holistic products. In addition they offer several limited ingredient and novel protein treats for pets with special needs. Boutique owner Johnna is also a certified canine nutritionist who ensures that the Fetch RI goal is always met: to carry top quality, healthy products that will help your pet live a long and happy life.

FETCH RI 54B Richmond Townhouse Road (Rt. 112), Richmond 401-539-8080 • www.fetchri.com

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Go for an adventure on the waters of Narragansett and beyond with Frances Fleet. With four vessels in their fleet, the seasoned crew offers a variety of deep sea fishing excursions to novices and experienced anglers alike. Half day, full day, night, overnight and offshore trips are available to catch everything from fluke and cod to squid and tuna. Whale watching and nature excursion tours are another Frances Fleet specialty and are offered June 30-August 30. Reservations recommended.


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Get a true taste of South County at Cap’n Jack’s Restaurant. Located on scenic Succotash Salt Marsh and just a short walk from East Matunuck State Beach, the family owned restaurant has been specializing in New England fare for over 40 years. Favorites here include clam cakes, chowder, fish and chips, fresh lobster, native steamers, pasta, steak and chicken. Housemade desserts and a full bar with signature cocktails are also offered seven days a week for lunch and dinner.

CAP’N JACK’S RESTAURANT 706 Succotash Road, South Kingstown 401-789-4556 • www.capnjacksrestaurant.com

706 Succotash Road, East Matunuck • 401-789-4556 www.capnjacksrestaurant.com


With a large dining room and extensive menu, there’s something for everyone at the Mews Tavern. Known for their award-winning burgers, the menu boasts creative appetizers, sandwiches, seafood specialities, Southernstyle BBQ, pizzas, burritos and much more. With 69 beers on tap, a massive cocktail list that includes margaritas, sangria and martinis, and an authentic Celtic pub that features 200 single malt scotches and 40 whiskies and bourbons, you certainly won’t leave thirsty.

MEWS TAVERN 456 Main Street, Wakefield 401-783-9370 • www.mewstavern.com


| Summer Guide 2016


SOUTH KINGSTOWN DAY TRIP There’s a lot between Main Street and the shore

South Kingstown isn’t often referred to by its name. Rather, you hear people talk about its villages: Wakefield, Matunuck, Peace Dale, Kingston. There’s a lot of awesome packed into a small area - take a day to explore it.

BY THE SHORE IN MATUNUCK As far as South County beaches go, you could do a lot worse than East Matunuck State Beach. Most of the traffic ends in Narragansett, but Matunuck is just a few minutes farther down Route 1 and, on the whole, has much smaller crowds. The other bonus: Succotash Road has choice restaurants like Matunuck Oyster Bar, on the short list of must-visit summer restaurants because chef/owner Perry Raso raises his own Matunuck Oysters, available from the always-packed raw bar. Across the street, Cap’n Jack’s (and its sister restaurant Salt Marsh Raw Bar) serves up traditional New England fare, and has an attached bakery that’s nearly impossible to resist. Just down the road, bring your own wine to Jim’s Dock, a no-frills restaurant where you pick your own lobster and eat it on picnic tables on the actual fishing dock. Matunuck Oyster Bar: 629 Succotash Road, Matunuck. 401-783-4202, RhodyOysters.com. Cap’n Jack’s: 706 Succotash Road. 401-789-4556, CapnJacksRestaurant.com. Jim’s: 1175 Succotash Road. 401-783-2050


Photography by (Bottom) Soozie Sundlan/EGPhoto

If the weather isn’t cooperating – or you just need a break from the

Sons of Liberty is South County’s own award-winning distillery


Theatre By the Sea brings classics like West Side Story to the stage this summer.

beach – spend some time exploring Main Street in Wakefield, which is lined with shops, restaurants and galleries. The Hera Gallery is a non-profit artist collective focusing on feminist art, and has been an institution in South County since 1974. At The Glass Station, artists Eben Horton and Jennifer Nauck create beautiful objects out of glass, and even offer classes in paperweight and ornament making. Hera: 10 High Street. 401-789-1488, HeraGallery.org. Glass Station: 318 Main Street. 401-788-2500, TheGlassStationStudio.com The Mews Tavern is a Rhode Island dining icon, offering creative comfort food and 69 beers on tap at any given time. Their upstairs Celtic Pub has 200 Scotches and 40 whiskies and bourbons to sample… just not all at the same time. The rooftop bar at Phil’s Main Street Grille is a rare find in South County, offering up scenic views and delicious cocktails. Downstairs, there are two restaurants – a casual diner and a more upscale dining room – to whet your appetite. Mews: 456 Main Street. 401-783-9370, MewsTavern.com. Phil’s: 323 Main Street. 401-783-4073, Phils-Grille.com Whaler’s Brewing Company isn’t your typical brewery. Founded by three friends, the brewers encourage you to come to the tap room, hang out, taste beers and bring your own food with you (or order something in). Try their new Stone & Steel series, including

Lazarette Double Citra IPA, and grab a growler to go. South County’s only distillery, Sons of Liberty, is also New England’s most awarded one. Sons of Liberty has made a big splash with its Uprising and Battle Cry American Whiskies. Visit the distillery to taste their new releases or to barrel age your own Manhattans and take them home with you. Whaler’s: 1070 Kingstown Road. 401-284-7785, WhalersBrewing.com. SOL: 1425 Kingstown Road. 401-284-4006, SOLSpirits.com

FEELING DRAMATIC The Contemporary Theater Company (CTC) stages unexpected and under-the-radar dramas and comedies in repertory. This summer will see rotating performances of beloved musical The Fantastiks, Neil Simon’s New York dinner party farce Rumors, and Slamming Doors, which is a full-length improvised farce. There are also kid-friendly performances on Saturdays. This summer, it’s The Emperor’s New Clothes – and late night improv comedy on the weekends. Fridays bring Micetro, CTC’s flagship improv show, and Saturday night is the Late Night Jamboree, where a rotating set of shows – house troupes Bait & Switch, Wilbur Wilbur Nealbur, Gorilla Improv and More or Less – let the audience decide the scenes they’ll be enacting. 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-218-0282, TheContemporaryTheater.com

WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN Theatre by the Sea (TBTS) has been a tradition in South County for nearly a century, and has seen the likes of Marlon Brando and Groucho Marx grace its stage. Housed in a historic barn, TBTS hosts professional-quality musical productions throughout the summer. This season, Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story, West Side Story, The Wizard of Oz and Sister Act are taking the stage. 364 Cards Pond Road, Matunuck. 401-782-8587, TheatreByTheSea.com The Ocean Mist is nothing fancy, but it’s a South County gem: just great pub fare, cold beers and a relaxed crowd. By day, the O Mist is a family-friendly restaurant. By night, it’s the place to be when you’re coming straight off the beach and you need refreshment. The expansive deck has views of Block Island, and the waves come directly underneath – that’s how close to the ocean you are. The Ocean Mist hosts live bands in the afternoon and at night. 895 Matunuck Beach Road, Matunuck. 401-782-3740, OceanMist.net

Hey Rhody! Don’t miss Daddy’s Bread, a hidden bakery on where you’ll never see a baker. Choose from loaves like Parmesan-Garlic-Dill or Apple Cinnamon, and leave your cash in the honor-system till. 805 Moonstone Beach Road. DaddysBreadRI.com

Summer Guide 2016 |


NARRAGANSETT DAY TRIP Rhode Island’s beachiest beach town

The endless access to the ocean makes Narragansett an unmissable summer destination. If you don’t make it there at least once this season, you’re doing summer in the Ocean State all wrong.


Narragansett Town Beach offers great views of the iconic Towers

legend Peter Pan and offers daily lessons on the beach in both surfing and standup paddleboard. (For you brave souls, those lessons are offered year round.) Gansett Rides rents jet skis that launch from Monahan’s Dock, and kayaks. Natural Fitness Yoga leads early morning beach classes on Town Beach. Gansett Juice: 74 Narragansett Avenue. 401-789-7890, NarragansettSurfandSkate.com. Gansett Rides: 145 Boon Street. 401-363-9550, GansettRides.com. Natural Fitness: 76 Narragansett Avenue. 401-783-9229, NaturalFitnessYoga.com Scarborough Beach offers a lot of great waves, and has tons of space

for picnics and campers. With great space, though, comes great groups of people, so if you’re looking for a place to meditate and take long, uninterrupted walks, this isn’t it. Scarborough tends to draw younger crowds with loud stereos and big gatherings of people coming down from northern RI. Wheeler Beach is in a cove, so it has flat sand, little surf and is great for families with young kids. Another bonus is that it’s the closest beach to great restaurants like Spain of Narragansett, and to the other acrossthe-street clam shack rivalry of Iggy’s and Aunt Carrie’s. Scarborough: 906 Ocean Road. Wheeler: 100 Sand Hill Cove Road. Spain: 1144 Ocean Road. 401-783-9770, SpainRI.com. Iggy’s: 1157 Point Judith Road, 401-7835608, IggysDoughboys.com. Aunt Carrie’s: 1240 Ocean Road. 401-7837930, AuntCarriesRI.com


Aunt Carrie’s serves classic New England clam shack fare to fill you up on your way on and off the beach


| Summer Guide 2016

The area around Town Beach is bustling with families enjoying a meal on oceanside patios, surfers fresh off the waves and couples strolling and shopping. When you’re finally ready to tear yourself away from the beach, you don’t have to go far. At Monahan’s Clam Shack, you order from a window and take in the waves as you eat. For sit down service with views for days, The Coast Guard House, directly next to the

Narragansett Towers, is your best bet. A beachwear-friendly roof deck offers casual fare, while downstairs (including a patio and some cocktail-ready adirondack chairs) offers upscale lunch and dinner. Monahan’s: 190 Ocean Road. 401-782-2524, MonahansRI.com. The Coast Guard House: 40 Ocean Road. 401-7890700, TheCoastGuardHouseRI.com If you’re in the mood to shop, check out Pier Marketplace. The seaside complex is home to shops like the whole living Simply Natural, book and gift shop Curiosity and Mischief, the fashionable KC Shoes and Shades. Polka Dot Panda has cute clothing for kids. Restaurants like Oceanside at the Pier, with its great outdoor bar and water views, and authentically Northern Indian Maharaja will make sure you don’t go hungry. All shops located in Pier Marketplace, directly across from the sea wall on Ocean Road.

Hey Rhody! Wondering what goes on inside those Narragansett Towers? A lot. The function space hosts weddings and large parties, but invites the public for Wednesday night ballroom dancing lessons (no partner required). TheTowersRI.com HeyRhody.com

Photography (Bottom) by Hilary Block

The difficulty in visiting Narragansett isn’t getting to the beach, it’s choosing between its many appealing options. Salty Brine Beach in Galilee is a little patch of shore that’s great for families: the sea wall between it and the Block Island Ferry makes for few waves and good visibility in the water. It’s also home to two Rhody food icons, George’s of Galilee and Champlin’s Seafood, that are so close together they share a parking lot. Champlin’s has an attached seafood market and a second floor restaurant where almost all of the seating is outdoors (including an outdoor Channel Bar where you can watch the boats go by) and serves traditional New England clam shack fare. George’s has a walk-up window for beach snacks, and a full restaurant inside. Their upstairs bar and patio has live music in the afternoons and evenings and offers service to your beach chair. George’s: 250 Sand Hill Cove Road. 401-783-2306, GeorgesofGalilee.com. Champlin’s: 256 Great Island Road. 401-783-3152, Champlins.com Narragansett Town Beach, below the sea wall, is arguably the best maintained of all Narragansett’s beaches, but it’s also the only one that charges for parking and per head admission. But for people watching or getting active, there’s no better place. Gansett Juice, better known as Narragansett Skate & Surf Shop, is home to surfing


Rhode Island Escapes

Reasons to Go to the Washington County Fair

Pop-Up Art Market

Every Summer Weekend South Kingstown

Marina Park + SK Town Beach Details and Vendor Application:

Season II


LobSterS • SeaFood • SteakS


It’s their 50th Birthday.

A Rhode Island tradition since 1966, the

Entertainment Nightly Daily Specials Dine on the Deck

Washington County Fair is the state’s largest agricultural event and outdoor fair.

Spanning five days and sprawling across acres of pastoral grounds in Richmond, the festival has something for everyone: food, shopping, concerts, farm animals, special events, midway rides and so much more. This year’s extravaganza – extra special as

Open Everyday 11:30am until 1:00am

it’s their 50th birthday – takes place on August 17-21. Tickets are only $10 for adults, and are free to kids under 10.


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It’s a Taste of Rhode Island.

Over 130 food and craft ven-

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dors set up shop throughout the fair for a day of tastings and shopping. From

burgers to BBQ and seafood to freshly-squeezed lemonade, enjoy an enormous variety of Rhody delicacies and outdoor festival fare. Meet local artisans and browse through a unique selection of clothing, home wares, jewelry, accessories and more.

New England’s largest traveling roller coaster are just a few attractions not to be missed this year.


The concerts are incredible. Known for its always impressive lineup of country artists, this year’s fair features crowd favorites Terri Clark,







end bus Day Week

John Cafferty and Beaver Brown Band, John Michael Montgomery, Craig Campbell, High Valley and more. And this year the fair is adding two contests to the schedule: the Voice of Washington County Fair and Battle of the Bands. Even better, daily admission includes access to all the concerts, events and special acts.




Stand Up


ington County Fair is the biggest midway in Rhode Island, complete with car-

nival rides and games for both kids and adults. The big ferris wheel, kiddie land and

nd ka



You get to be a kid again. One of the highlights of the Wash-


a ay


9 Phillips Street North Kingstown, RI 02852 October 10th–12th 2015

It’s good, old-fashioned fun. With a nod to the past, the organizers of the Washington County Fair aim to offer families wholesome and afford-

able entertainment the way it used to be. To boot, proceeds are generously donated to local non-profits in the community. The best of Rhody’s agriculture is on display here, with judges awarding professional, amateur and even kid farmers ribbons in everything from heaviest zucchini to the best miniature roses. 4-H shows, an adult pie-eating contest, tractor pulls, a battle of the fishermen, kids’ milking contests, bunny races and hundreds of other activities and acts are all for the taking at the 50th Annual Washington County Fair.

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August 17-21 For tickets, schedules and more visit www.WashingtonCountyFair-RI.com Find them on Facebook


CMYK / .eps

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Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016

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Summer Guide 2016 |


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Summer at

Ninigret Park Advanced ticket pricing ends AUG. 15!

Labor Day Weekend

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Charlestown Chamber of Commerce

Seafood Festival Ninigret Park, Charlestown, RI August 5,6,7, 2016

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sept 2-4, 2016


Entertainment Schedule

FRIDAY August 5, 2016

5:00pm – 10:00pm Stella Tunes DJ/Karaoke (Small stage near amusements) 6:00pm – 8:00pm The Brothers of the Road Band (A Tribute to the Allman Brothers) 9:00pm – 11:00pm Bon Jersey (Bon Jovi Tribute Band)


Lobster • Steamers • Chowder • Fish & Chips • Clam Cakes • Raw Bar A variety of all types of food for every taste


Bon Jersey

Saturday, August 8, 9 pm (Rain Date Sunday)

Saturday August 6, 2016 12:00pm – 1:30pm The Corvettes 2:30pm – 4:00pm Another Tequilla Sunrise (Tribute to the Eagles) 2:30pm – 5:30pm Seasoned Woods (Small stage near amusements) 5:00pm – 7:00pm Kashmir (Tribute to Led Zeppelin) 8:00pm – 11:00pm Dirty Deeds (AC/DC Tribute)

Daily Schedule


Marolites Kites • Amusement Rides • Rock Wall Climbing • Midway Entertainment • Kayak Raffle • Lobster Raffle • 50/50 Raffles and more • Arts & Crafts • Face Painting • Bungee Jumping • Car Show • Karaoke

Sunday August 7, 2016 11:00am to 1:30pm The Reminisants 1:00pm – 4:00pm Seasoned Woods (Small stage near amusements) 2:30pm - 4:00pm Eight to the Bar 5:00pm - 7:30pm Cash is King (Johnny Cash Tribute Band) 5:00pm – 10:00pm Stella Tunes DJ/Karaoke (Small stage near amusements) 8:30pm – 10:00pm Hey Nineteen (Steely Dan Tribute Band)

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Donna the Buffalo, Orchestre Royal, Matt Andersen & the Bona Fide, The Knickerbocker All Stars, Sarah Potenza, Nathan & the Zydeco ChaChas, Duke Robillard, Uncle Earl Reunion, Dustbowl Revival, Roomful of Blues, The Revelers, HONEYHONEY, The Honeycutters, Los Texmaniacs, Jim Kweskin & Geoff Mulduar, Cedryl Ballou & the Zydeco Trendsetters, Just Us Western Swing All Stars, Waylon Thibodeaux, Hat Fitz & Cara, Willie J Laws, Ed Poullard & Preston Frank, Johnny Nicholas, The Huntress & the Holder of Hands, The Suitcase Junket, Guthrie Brown & the Family Tree, Jesse Lege, The Quiet Life, Kelsey Waldon, Occidental Gypsy Jazz Band, Longshot Voodoo, Plus more to be announced

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Charlestown Chamber of C

12 & under FREE 13-19 yrs old HALF PRICE

WESTERLY DAY TRIP The small town with city feel

If you haven’t checked out the state’s southernmost destination in a while, it’s time for a visit. Westerly is home to a handful of must-visit beach villages, plus a thriving downtown filled with arts, shopping and delicious food.

HEAD TO THE SHORE Start your Westerly adventure in Watch Hill, the tiny, tony hamlet that Taylor Swift calls home for three days out of the year. Watch Hill has a strip of restaurants and shops along Bay Street and Fort Road – like Olympia Tea Room, which is celebrating 100 years this summer – and is home to the The Flying Horse Carousel, the oldest continuously operating carousel in the country. Olympia Tea Room: 74 Bay Street. 401-348-8211, OlympiaTeaRoom.com Don’t spend much time shopping, though, because you’re going to want to maximize your beach time. Watch Hill’s Napatree Point is a half-mile long public beach that separates Little Narragansett Bay from the Block Island Sound. Sandy Point was once attached to Napatree, but hurricane erosion separated the two. The 35-acre island also has a public beach and is a nature preserve.

Photography by (Top) Blink of an Eye Photography, (Bottom) by Hilary Block

COAST TO LUNCH For lunch, you’ve got some options. You could stay in Watch Hill and perch on The Verandah at The Ocean House – it’s casual enough that you’ll feel comfortable even if you aren’t shelling out $10,000 a night for a room. They serve specialty cocktails, a killer lobster roll and views of the Atlantic and Long Island. 1 Bluff Avenue. 855-6780364, OceanHouseRI.com For lunch on the beach, take the short drive over to Misquamicut, one of the only places in the state

The water views from Watch Hill can’t be beat

where servers will serve you while you’re actually on the beach. Paddy’s Beach Club has lounge chairs available on their private beach area, as well as several different outdoor bars. The kid-friendly dining rooms are in the shade, but still have great water views. The Andrea is another beachfriendly restaurant where you can walk straight off the sand, have lunch and hear some live music in the afternoons. Their Adirondack chairs are prime real estate for getting some sun and enjoying a frozen beverage. The Windjammer Surf Bar, contrary to its name, is actually another family-friendly restaurant. Paddy’s: 159 Atlantic Avenue. 401-596-2610, PaddysBeach.com. The Andrea: 89 Atlantic Avenue. 401-348-8788, AndreaBeachBar.com. Windjammer: 321 Atlantic Avenue. 401- 322-0504, AtlanticBeachPark.com

EXPLORE DOWNTOWN If you can tear yourself away from the beach, head into downtown Westerly. The downtown area has a ton of places worth checking out, like the new Savoy Bookshop & Cafe, and favorites like art and home boutique The Beach House. In the center of all of this is Wilcox Park, a Greek Revivial oasis that has a pond, fountains and art. Savoy: 10 Canal Street. 401-213-3901, SavoyBookshopCafe.com. Beach House: 12 High Street. 401-596-7171, TheBeachHouseWesterly.com In addition to being a food destination, Westerly is becoming a beer lover’s haven. The Malted Barley, a pub serving nearly 100 craft beers, along with gourmet pretzels and pretzel sandwiches, offers live music on weekends. Grey Sail, Westerly’s resident brewery, offers beers like their signature Flying Jenny extra pale ale, Captain’s Daughter imperial IPA and Flagship cream ale at their tasting and tap room. Grey Sail: 63 Canal Street. 401-212-7592, GreySailBrewing.com. Malted Barley: 42 High Street, Westerly. 401-315-2184, TheMaltedBarleyRI.com


Fresh seafood selections are always on the menu at 84 Tavern on Canal


Downtown Westerly is home to any restaurant that fits your taste, from classically Italian Trattoria Longo to unmatched burgers at B&B Dockside to creative brunch at 84 Tavern on Canal. Ella’s Fine Food and Drink serves locally-minded French/Asian fusion, and its chef Jeannie Roland managed to accomplish the title task

on Beat Bobby Flay last year. Longo: 12 Canal Street. 401-315-2952. B&B: 19 Margin Street, 401-315-2520, BnBDockside.com. 84 Tavern: 15 Canal Street. 401-596-7871, 84Tavern.com. Ella’s: 2 Tower Street. 401-315-0606, EllasFineFoodandDrink.com

ARTS, AND THE PARK The Colonial Theatre will be holding its 25th annual Shakespeare Festival this summer, staging Hamlet al fresco in the beautifully landscaped Wilcox Park from July 20-August 7. 3 Granite Street, Westerly. 401-5967909, TheColonialTheater.org Granite Theatre offers a full summer season of stage productions. Catch the New York comedy Social Security from June 24-July 24, and Neil Simon’s farce Rumors from July 29-August 28. 1 Granite Street, Westerly. 401-5962341, GraniteTheatre.com The Chorus of Westerly brings back its Summer Pops on June 18. Families bring lawn chairs and picnic baskets to Wilcox Park, enjoy the performance and watch fireworks afterwards. 119 High Street, Westerly. 401-596-8663, ChorusofWesterly.org

Hey Rhody! The famed Knickerbocker Cafe, home to the Grammy-awardwinning Roomful of Blues, is a great evening spot for live music and dancing. 35 Railroad Avenue, Westerly. 401-315-5070, TheKnickerbockerCafe.com Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016

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The National Hotel, an iconic spot with a full restaurant and sweeping front porch views, is located in the center of the bustling downtown in Old Harbor. See page 57 for details.

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| Summer Guide 2016

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BLOCK ISLAND DAY TRIP Make a splash at our island oasis

Everyone who says “I haven’t been to Block Island in years” - we’re looking at you, here - is missing out. Just a half-hour ferry ride from Narragansett, the island has expansive natural spaces, views for days and, best of all, free beaches.


Photography (Top) by Tiffany Medrano, (Bottom) by Meghan Follett

You could take the slow boat to Block Island, and also bring a car. Unless you’re staying for a week, you don’t need to do that. For a day trip, hop on the fast ferry: 30 minutes is the exact right length to enjoy one of the ferry’s signature cocktails (don’t sleep on that Bloody Mary – it’s the best around). From the RI ferries, you’ll land in Old Harbor, which is the busy “Main Street” area of the island. You’ll be tempted to shop on Dodge and Water Streets at shops selling beachwear, souvenirs, jewelry and nautical gifts, like Heart Space and Glass Onion. If you do, rent a locker in the ferry parking lot to stash your purchases. Ferry: 401-783-7996, BlockIslandFerry.com. Heart Space: Water Street. Glass Onion: 241 Water Street. 401-466-5161 A lot of Block Island is walkable, but, let’s face it, mopeds are more fun. There are several places to rent them in Old Harbor. Rent a bike from Old Harbor Bike Shop or a moped – you’ll see a lot of these on the island – from Aldo’s Mopeds and Bikes or The Moped Man. Old Harbor Bike: 401-466-2029, BlockIslandTransportation.com. Aldo’s: 130 Weldon Way,

With beautiful scenic vistas and free beaches, Block Island really offers everything great about summer in Rhode Island

401-466-5018. Moped Man: 435 Water Street. 401-466-5444 Head west out of Old Harbor and you’ll quickly land at the Southeast Light. One of two lighthouses on the island, it has great views of Mohegan Bluffs and a small museum inside. From there, take a drive and explore the natural beauty of the island. Nearly half of Block Island is protected from development by organizations like the Block Island Conservancy, which offers resources on exploring hiking trails around the island.

The Block Island Maritime Institute gives kids and families opportunities to explore the ocean and sea life. The Ocean View Foundation leads guided nature tours daily in the summer. Southeast Light: 122 Mohegan Trail. BIConservancy.org. BIMaritime.org. OceanViewFoundation.org

LUNCH IN NEW HARBOR New Harbor, where most of the boats dock and the New York ferries arrive, is about a mile away from Old Harbor. It’s definitely walkable, but easier to get to on wheels. Stop in at The Oar for lunch. The boater-friendly restaurant has showers on the lower level and a lively restaurant (with an outdoor bar) above. Also in New Harbor: kayak rentals, Payne’s Donuts and Champlin’s Marina. Walk down the marina dock and you’ll be rewarded with a mudslide at Trader Vic’s, a rooftop bar where you can watch the boats come in and out. The Oar: 221 Jobs Hill Road. 401-466-8820. Payne’s: 1 Ocean Avenue. 401-466-5758. Champlin’s/Vic’s: 80 West Side Road. 401-466-7777


After a day out exploring, head to Ballard’s and their expansive indoor and outdoor bars HeyRhody.com

By which we mean, tropical drinks. After lunch, it will be time to turn in your moped. Lucky for you, your next stop is in Old Harbor, at Ballard’s. This beach resort has its own shoreline and serves food and cocktails – in pineapples, no less – right on the sand. Live music every afternoon and evening brings a fun, if somewhat younger, crowd. 42 Water Street. 401-466-2231, BallardsBI.com

For a quieter beach afternoon, you could try your luck at one of the many small private beaches, or head to Fred Benson Town Beach where they rent beach chairs and equipment, and the waves are kid-friendly. 7 Corn Neck Road. 401-466-7717

TAKE IN THE VIEW On weekends in the summer, the last boat out for the night isn’t until 9pm, so you have plenty of time for a leisurely evening. From Ballard’s, take the short walk up the hill to Abrams’ Farm, a menagerie that’s home to exotic birds, kangaroos, a camel, lemurs, water buffalo and a zeedonk, among others. From here, you can see the luxury hotels with fine dining restaurants: Hotel Manisses, The Atlantic Inn and Spring House, the latter two having some of the best vistas on the island, and Adirondack chairs from which to enjoy them (where you will probably be waiting if you don’t have a reservation). Abrams’ Farm: 1 Spring Street. 401-466-2421. Manisses: 251 Spring Street. 401-466-9898, HotelManisses.com. Atlantic: High Street. 401-224-7422, AtlanticInn.com. Spring House: 52 Spring Street. 401-4665844, SpringHouseBlockIsland.com Closer to the ferry, The National has delicious, more casual food and great views of the harbor from its wraparound porch. Best of all, you can pay your check and just cross the street to get back on the boat to go home – if you can force yourself to leave, that is. 36 Water Street. 401466-2901, NationalRI.com Summer Guide 2016 |


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| Summer Guide 2016


Su m m e r S t yle

Photography by Grace Lentini

Get the nautical look all season long

Once a fishing shack, this East Matunuck beach house is now a family getaway with chic nautical style. No matter whether you live on the shore or not, you (and your home) can still look the part. Read about cultivating a summery nautical vibe on the next page. HeyRhody.com

Summer Guide 2016 |



Nautical Touches


Ship Shape


Ocean inspiration is on-trend this summer

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Gold Koi fish, $32 Cory Farms Past and Presents: 3124 East Main Road, Portsmouth. 401-683-3124, CoryFarmsRI.com


Seagull makeup bag, $26 Cory Farms Past and Presents

Ship & Fold bucket bag, $65


Daisy Dig’ins: 123 Maple Avenue, Barrington. 401-245-0580, DaisyDigins.com

Shell spoon, $14 Shell spreader knife, $16


Homestyle: 229 Westminster Street, Providence. 401-277-1159, HomestyleRI.com

Mermazing braclet, $44 Homestyle

Ahoy bag, $29.50 Homestyle

Small anchor pouch, $7 The Beach House: 112 High Street, Westerly. 401-596-7171, TheBeachHouseWesterly.com

Crab throw pillow, $13 The Beach House

Blue beaded bracelet, $25 Blue anchor charm, $17.50 The Purple Cow: 205 Main Street, Wakefield. 401-789-2389, ThePurpleCowCo.net



Blue rope clutch $29.95 Anchor print keychain $11.95 The Purple Cow

11 72

Seaglass and sand ornament, $12 Simply Natural: A, 24 Pier Market Place, Narragansett. 401-782-3400, SimplyNaturalAndMore.com

| Summer Guide 2016

8 HeyRhody.com

9 10





12 13 14

Glass starfish ornaments, $23 each Simply Natural

Navy compass rose pillow, $48.50 Zero Wampum: 161 Old Tower Hill Road, Wakefield. 401-789-7172, ZeroWampum.com

Snoozie slippers, $9.99 Zero Wampum


Summer Guide 2016 |


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Food & Drink

Photography by Michael Cevoli

Get a taste of summer in Rhode Island

On the Rhode Island food bucket list, lobster is right at the top, just below clam cakes and chowder and just above Del’s Lemonade. At Champlin’s Seafood in Galilee, you can pick your lobster from the tank and have them cook it for you on the spot. Turn the page to read more.





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| Summer Guide 2016


Waterfront Dining

Get a real taste for the Ocean State at these hot spots

the aNdrea seaside restauraNt

Nautika restauraNt & Bar

89 Atlantic Ave, Misquamicut Beach 401-348-8788 • andreabeachbar.com

28 Water St, East Greenwich 401-398-7774 • nautikari.com

Outside Seating • Entertainment Weddings/Events

Relaxed Dining • Contemporary Cuisine Live Music & Cool Nightlife

agave restauraNt & LouNge

Bistro 1230 oCeaN

805 Hope Street, Bristol 401-253-1566 • agavebristol.com Overlooking Bristol Harbor Mediterranean-American Fare • Tequila Menu

1230 Ocean Rd, Narragansett 401-789-6159 hammerheadgrillri.com Casual Dining • Outdoor Seating Breathtaking View

Cap’N JaCks

MatuNuCk oyster Bar

706 Succotash Rd, South Kingstown 401-789-4556 capnjacksrestaurant.com

629 Succotash Rd, South Kingstown 401-783-4202 rhodyoysters.com

Full Bar • Raw Bar • Great Desserts

Seafood • Full Bar • Outside Seating


Summer Guide 2016 |



Summer Eats

All the Lobster Rolls

Taste your way through the state on your quest to find the best one

PROVIDENCE Hemenway’s This lunchtime Lobster Salad Roll is chock full of freshly shucked lobster meat coated in cucumber and scallion dressing on top of shredded lettuce, perched in a butter-toasted bun. 121 South Main Street, Providence. 401351-8570, HemenwaysRestaurant.com McCormick and Schmick’s Seafood and Steaks This downtown staple puts its twist on the classic with their Lobster and Shrimp Roll on a buttered toasted roll. 11 Dorrance Street, Providence. 401-3514500, McCormickandSchmicks.com Providence Oyster Bar Head on up to Federal Hill for this New England Lobster Roll. Lobster salad is tossed with a touch of herb mayo and served in a buttery brioche roll. 283 Atwells Avenue, Providence. 401-2728866, ProvidenceOysterBar.com

684 Bullocks Pint Avenue, Riverside. 401-628-0485. BlountRetail.com Anthony’s Seafood Getting this Lobster Roll with fresh picked lobster, celery and peppered mayo on a grilled hot dog roll is a great option any day. 963 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown. 401-8469620, AnthonysSeafood.net Flo’s Clam Shack These Lobster Rolls are pure and simple, no mayo or extra ingredients added, just fresh lobster meat on a roll with mayo on the side. 4 Wave Avenue, Middletown. 401-847-8141, FlosClamShacks.com


22 Bowen’s Wharf For a slightly different take on a lobster roll try the Warm Lobster Roll, with garlic butter-poached lobster, romaine and fine herb aioli on a grilled brioche roll. 22 Bowen’s Wharf, Newport. 401-841-8884, 22Bowens.com

Blount Clam Shack Go for the gold with a Giant Lobster Roll served on a nine inch New England roll: a half pound of lobster lightly tossed in either a warm butter or house made dill sauce. 335 Water Street, Warren. 245-3210;

Easton’s Beach Snack Bar This beachside window is best known for its $15 fresh twin lobster rolls on top of shredded lettuce. 175 Memorial Boulevard, Newport. 401-855-1910, EastonsBeach.com

Blount Clam Shack

Evelyn’s Drive In This classic version is overflowing with huge chunks of lobster meat and simply served on a toasted hot dog bun. 2335 Main Road, Tiverton. 401624-3100, EvelynsDriveIn.com

TwoTen Oyster Bar and Grill With a slider portion available, TwoTen’s version is served on shredded lettuce with celery, light mayo and lemon zest in a toasted and buttery hoagie roll. 210 Salt Pond Road, South Kingstown. 401-782-0100, TwoTenOBG.com

Chopmist Charlie’s Who can resist the Local Yokel Lobster Salad Roll? Fresh lobster meat is dressed simply with mayo and celery and served on a grilled torpedo roll. 40 Narragansett Avenue, Jamestown. 401-423-1020, ChopmistCharlies.com

Cap’n Jacks This simple Lobster Salad Roll is served on an artisan roll filled with local lobster meat and a little bit of mayo. 706 Succotash Road, Matunuck. 401-7894556, CapnJacksRestaurant.com

SOUTH COUNTY Matunuck Oyster Bar This straightforward staple highlights chilled lobster meat lightly dressed with mayo and chopped celery served on a grilled, buttery split-top roll. 629 Succotash Road, South Kingstown. 401-783-4202, RhodyOysters.com

Easton’s Beach Snack Bar’s Twin Lobster Rolls


| Summer Guide 2016

Twin Willows Also available as a wrap, this Lobster Roll is served on a grilled hot dog roll and accompanied with lettuce, celery and mayo. 865 Boston Neck Road, Narragansett. 401-789-8153, TwinWillowsNarragansett.com

Finn’s Harborside Finn’s Famous Lobster Salad Roll is chock full of 100% lobster meat tossed with mayo, celery and served on a grilled torpedo roll sitting on lettuce. 38 Water Street, East Greenwich. 401884-6363, FinnsHarborside.com Monahan’s Clam Shack By the Sea You can’t go wrong with hot and cold lobster roll options. Monahan’s Famous Hot Lobster Roll couldn’t be simpler: tossed in warm butter and seasonings, served on a roll. Same with their Cold Lobster Roll, which is tossed in mayo and seasoning, served on a bun. 190 Ocean Road, Narragansett. 401-782-2524, MonahansRI.com



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FERRY WHARF FISH MARKET. Live lobsters, local shellfish and live crabs available. Their fishing vessels are based right out of Point Judith. 296 Great Island Road, Galilee. 401-782-8088


five lobster boats supply Champlin’s with fresh fish from Narragansett Bay. Whole fish landings include flounder, haddock, shrimp, salmon, scup, tuna, bass, mackerel, butterfish, codfish, scrod, squid, herring, swordfish and more. 256 Great Island Road, Galilee. 401-783-3152, Champlins. com


WHARF SEAFOOD. Sits on Wickford Harbor, where fishing and lobster boats pull up to the back door each day with fresh fish, live lobsters, clams (littlenecks, cherrystones, quahogs and steamers), mussels and oysters. 170 Main Street, Wickford. 401-295-4600, GardnersWharfSeafood.com


SEAFOOD. Offers fresh fish and shellfish. Local products include Narragansett Bay littlenecks and wild Narragansett Bay quahogs. 963 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown. 401-846-9620, AnthonysSeafood.net


LOBSTER. Hard and soft shell lobsters available.


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Wickford Town Dock, Wickford. 401-374-5164, EndoMainLobster. com

2150 Scituate Ave • Hope (Western Cranston) RI (401) 827-5000 • www.confredas.com

6. BLOUNT MARKET. Fresh sea-

food and lobsters caught off of their own boat. 406 Water Street, Warren. 401-245-1800, BlountRetail.com


SEAFOOD MARKETPLACE. Produces fresh seafood on a daily basis from their own boats and also choose locally harvested shellfish and fresh fish from deep sea day boats. 2275 Warwick Avenue, Warwick. 401-921-5005, DocksideSeafoodRI.com


8. THE

NEWPORT LOBSTER SHACK. They only sell what they catch off of Aquidneck Island, including a variety of lobster, crab and conch, to name a few. 150 Long Wharf, Newport. 401-847-1700, NewportLobsterShack.com


SEAFOOD. Provides live lobsters, local shellfish and locally- and regionallycaught fish. 1365 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk. 508-336-6800, To n y s F r e s h S e a f o o d . c o m

10. THE LOCAL CATCH. Fishermendirect in-season fish available at area farmer’s markets and by ordering online. 401-284-1195, TheLocalCatch.com

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Photography courtesy of WaterFire

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