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Rhody Reads

It’s Love, Rhode Island Style with These Six Picks

By Hugh Minor

This month’s selections are inspired by the themes of love and marriage and they’re all brought to you by authors connected to Rhode Island. Take a look and feel the feels, and don’t forget to stop by your local bookstore to pick up your copy. Pro-tip: books make great wedding gifts!

Nuptials are the new family business in A Jingle Valley Wedding by West Warwick’s own Martha Reynolds. Julie Tate leaves her high-powered New York City executive job, returning to the failing family farm to – hopefully – turn it into a successful new wedding venue. With a little help from her friends, can she make it work? Perhaps there’s even a chance for Julie to find romance along the way.

Love is in the air when Marie takes her Italian family to the Caribbean in Mari SanGiovanni’s Greetings from Jamaica, Wish You Were Queer. When she possibly meets the woman of her dreams, the members of her big, bawdy family react in every way you can imagine. As if they needed any more complications, a fortune may be on the line once a huge inheritance unexpectedly enters the picture. It’s fun for the whole family, until it isn’t!

There’s nothing more romantic than a rustic getaway. The guests of Judy Prescott Marshall’s The Inn in Rhode Island want nothing more than to relax, enjoy the atmosphere, and come together as Julie and Dan renew their wedding vows. But you didn’t think it would be that easy. An unexpected guest forces the day in a different direction, and family and friends must come together to decide on the right thing to do.

Life as a colonial merchant smuggling molasses into the New World has its challenges, particularly for Patricia MacPherson, better known as Patrick among the pirates and rogues in her circle of “friends.” When a former lover reenters the picture, will there be love or danger? Or a little bit of both? Linda Collison’s Rhode Island Rendezvous brings us back to the days of early America, and Rhode Island, in book three of the Patricia MacPherson Nautical Adventure series. Dive in and get swept away, mateys.

Three Rhode Island women encounter obstacles on their path to finding true love in Joyce Livingston’s Rhode Island Weddings book series. The characters in each of Livingston’s novellas face difficult choices as they seek to understand and experience romance. But when unusual circumstances cloud their view, they must trust their instincts and find their way through to the other side.

Set a course for love on Narragansett Bay in Home Waters, the romantic novel by Elizabeth Devlin. As Rhode Island-based oceanographer Becket Fallon recovers from a tragic loss, he discovers an environmental threat that could cause a catastrophe all along the East Coast. At the same time, he meets someone new who may help him solve the crisis and bring him a new lease on life just when he least expected it. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book benefit Save the Bay.

Send your Rhody book recommendations to Hugh at RhodyReads@gmail.com


A statewide listing of Rhode Island booksellers:

Arc{hive} Book + Snackery: Warren, bio.site/ArchiveBookSnackery Barrington Books: BarringtonBooks.com Book Nerd: Barrington, Facebook Books on the Pond: Charlestown, BooksOnThePond.com Books on the Square: Providence, BookSq.com Cellar Stories Bookstore: Providence, CellarStories.com Charter Books: Newport, CharterBookStore.com Curiosity & Co.: Jamestown, Facebook: CuriosityandCompany.store COMING SOON: Heartleaf Books: Providence, HeartleafBooks.com Inkfish Books: Warren, InkFishBooks.com Island Books: Middletown, IslandBooksRI.indielite.org Island Bound Bookstore: Block Island, IslandBoundBookstore.com Lovecraft Arts & Sciences: Providence, WeirdProvidence.org Paper Nautilus Books: Providence, PaperNautilusBooks.com Rarities Books & Bindery: Wakefield, RaritiesOnline.com Ri ra Bookstore + Bar: Providence, Ri Ra PVD.com Savoy Bookshop & Cafe: Westerly, BankSquareBooks.com Stillwater Books: Pawtucket, StillwaterBooksRI.com Symposium Books: Providence, SymposiumBooks.com Twenty Stories: Providence, TwentyStoriesLA.com Wakefield Books: Wakefield, WakefieldBooks.com

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