2 minute read

Have you always lived in Rhode Island? If not, what brought you here?
I’m cheating a bit because I’m not technically coming to you from Rhode Island...yet. I’m originally from Boston, but I’ve moved around over the last few years. I spent five years in Kansas, working in Kansas City (on the Missouri side!) with a brief stop in Cincinnati, before my last job brought me to the public radio station in Washington, DC. I’m excited to be moving back to New England and settling in Rhode Island. I’m actually planning the move as we speak!
What are you most looking forward to doing in the Ocean State?
There are many things to be excited about, but beyond heading to the beach or out on the water, I can’t wait to get back to the Newport Folk Festival. I haven’t been in years, but those days out at Fort Adams are some of the most fun I’ve ever had. I’m most excited about using the great bike paths to explore my new state. From the East Bay Bike Path to the South County Bike Path, I plan to get out and explore all of Rhode Island’s best bike-adjacent ice cream and beer. I love a pint from Crooked Current or Tilted Barn. I can’t wait to make an in-person pilgrimage ASAP.
What led you to pursue a career in journalism/broadcasting?
Originally, it was the Red Sox. I wanted to be a sports journalist at first – not only do I get to go to the game, but you’re going to pay me? But after just a day or two in the newsroom, I was hooked on news. Working alongside such dedicated colleagues who really cared about telling the important stories, getting them right, reflecting their community and making it better, I realized that was the dream.
Early impression on Rhode Islanders?
I can already tell that people here really care about their communities. They’re really invested in helping their neighbors and passionate about building better places to live and work. My role is to do that, too – to do journalism that holds the powerful to account. I love calling someone up and having them talk my ear off for half an hour. Lots of good sources around here! Step back in time... to a perfect destination for a relaxing vacation with 500 plus acres of fresh air, glorious views and a ordable rates. Here, you will meet some of the nicest people on earth! Enjoy the beautiful outdoors! Golf on our 18-hole golf course, swim, sh, play disc golf, mini golf, hike our trails, play tennis, rent a canoe or kayak, watch the spectacular sunset over the White Mountains and so much, much more! Kids stay free in the same room.
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