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RHODY PETS: Introducing the Rhody Pet of the Month
Get to know rescue advocate Karen Kalunian
By Belinda Jones, Animal Rescue Rhode Island
Photo courtesy of Karen Kalunian RHODY PET OF THE MONTH: April

By Karen Kalunian
It may be September, but this pretty pup’s name is April and she’s looking to join your family! April is seven months old and a fun-loving girl who is smart, playful, loves belly rubs, and sits politely for yummy treats. She loves everyone she meets including other dogs. April is a Catahoula/ Cur mix, a medium-size breed, with a gorgeous coat of many colors and big brown eyes that will steal your heart. For more information about April, please contact the folks at Cenla Alliance For Animals via email (heather.cafa@gmail.com). Whoever adopts April is in for a great time and lots of puppy love.
If you are looking to adopt or know of an animal in need, please contact Karen from Animal Talk directly at animaltalk1920@gmail.com
Rhody Pets now includes “Rhody Pet of the Month”, a sidebar curated by Karen Kalunian, host of Animal Talk, a weekly radio show on WPRO. Kalunian shares that her rescue efforts trace their roots to a five-pound Maltese dog named Gizzy. “Six pounds if she’d had a few extra treats!” chuckles the animal advocate. “For 14 years I took her everywhere with me, developing a noticeable case of ‘dog arm’ from carrying her!” When Gizzy passed away in 2010, Kalunian was in “deep anguish” and began volunteering at what is now Heart of RI Animal Rescue League in Cranston, as a way of honoring her beloved pet. “I was happy to help but it pained me to see certain animals repeatedly overlooked due to their age, or health issues, or the fact they seemed ‘old news’ if their picture had been up on the website a while.”
An idea for how to address this common shelter problem came when Kalunian’s daughter Kim was directing a youth production of Annie and seeking a dog to cast as Sandy. “I saw this as an opportunity to showcase one of the long-timers: Buddy was a pretty, fluffy, Chowmix senior who had sustained some injuries, which is one of the reasons she wasn’t getting applications, but given this chance to show her personality, she became the star of the show and found a cozy beachside home as a result!”
This wasn’t the first time that Kalunian used a platform for good. In her role as Mrs. RI America, she saw how media attention could amplify the message of a charity or cause; in addition to a weekly radio show, she travels the state visiting animal shelters and fosters with a volunteer team of professional pet photographers and videographers.
“Our mission is to shine a spotlight on animals in need and find a new audience of potential adopters. Not everyone is on social media so I’m thrilled to be here on the Rhody Pets page, introducing a new face to fall in love with each month.”
You might think Kalunian herself would be taking home a new pet every month but her heart still belongs to Gizzy, and as she puts it: “Now they are all my pets!” Follow along on Instagram @animaltalk19