Rooms Reimagined | Tips from Designers | DIY Greenhouse | Home Entertaining
APRIL 2021
The Annual
This Month’s Rhody Gem Your April Must-Do’s
100+ ideas for making the most of any space
Inside the HGTV ‘21 Dream Home
Everything You Need to Know Before You Buy
Your home is a reflection of you. Stylish, artistic, and distinguished. Extend your personal style into every room of your home with refined cabinetry from Medallion.
Design for Good Nonprofit transforms interior spaces for Rhode Island children facing a medical crisis
Homebuyer’s Guide Handy facts and insights for planning and making your move in the Ocean State
51 CO V E R S TO R Y
Newport Grand RI gets treated to a branding campaign courtesy of the HGTV Dream Home 2021
64 E N T E R TA I N
Spring Sips Artisanal drink caterer embraces the essence of cocktail culture
The HGTV Dream Home 2021 backyard
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Let’s Talk
20 46
P h o to by C a i t Co st a , co u r te sy of S avvy Giving by Design RI
Ph otos by D e n is e B a s s , cou rte sy of Cyp re ss D e si g n Co.
Ph oto cou rtesy of M os ai c Tabl e
News & Life
14 Pawtucket high
38 Designers share how to make the most of overlooked spaces
62 A cookie biz launched during lockdown celebrates its first year
74 RHODY READS: Six books with local ties celebrate home & garden
44 INFLUENCER: The preppymeets-street style of entrepreneur Jason Cahill
68 An at-home
76 The Greek Gardener shares
capture the spirit of pets through portraits
experience with playlists, candles, and fine cuisine
how to create your own succulent display
18 East Greenwich pocket neighborhood nurtures close-knit community
46 Pro-tips to making a kitchen remodel a smooth success
78 A Riverside couple
48 SHOP: From cookware to
70 Spring salad recipe ideal for Earth Day entertaining or WFH lunch
A Warwick home store upcycles vintage into art
curb appeal: products from Little Rhody
schoolers construct a tiny home for veterans
16 RHODY PETS: RI artists
builds a greenhouse from architectural salvage
80 CALENDAR: This month’s must-do’s 82 #HEYRHODYPHOTOS : A colorful mosaic from local Instagrammers
On the Cover: A retro-inspired guest suite on the main floor of the HGTV Dream Home 2021, photo courtesy of Discovery.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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Make Me a Match Debra L’Heureux, Rhode Island’s top matchmaker for Get Ready To Date has been in the business of helping people find love for over 18 years!
Ph oto by Bran don Harm on
Dear Readers,
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When you write about homes as frequently as I do, you look for alternatives to avoid the repetition of using words like house and home over and over again. Think: abode, dwelling, and the ever-cool digs. However, it is retreat that truly sums up our living spaces during this past year. Often used in tourism brochures to describe an island getaway, retreat implies withdrawing, going to a place of safety, even solitude. It was just over a year ago that many of us were told to leave our workplaces and schools and go home. We retreated, and in the process, our homes became the settings for everything we did. The past year has changed the way we live. More time spent at home has meant different things to different people and we feel fortunate to share tales of ingenuity: a chef who curates athome fine dining experiences, students who assembled a tiny home for veterans, and a couple who used lockdown to build themselves a garden shed from reclaimed doors and windows. We’re excited to go behind-the-scenes with the HGTV Dream Home 2021, located in Portsmouth; the entire state has been treated to a national nautical branding campaign and boost in business. Interior designers also share inventive ways they’ve used overlooked areas to accommo-
date new patterns of use. Timed just right for tax refunds, we’ve got pro-tips to prep for a kitchen remodel, and present our first-ever Homebuyer’s Guide, replete with practical advice and info for both renters and owners. In this issue you’ll also discover makers, artists, and small businesses around the state specializing in making havens from our surroundings. Hey Rhody Home 2020 never made it to press. Articles were written, photographs were taken, and layouts were designed, but it all halted when we paused production due to lockdown. That makes this year’s issue especially meaningful. We’re thankful to be here and doing what we love, which is making print magazines in the Ocean State. Thank you to our loyal advertisers, readers, and contributors. Enjoy, be inspired, and stay well! Editor In Chief
Elyse Major
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
April 2021
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Oysters? to open ‘em?
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Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
The bridge to your Rhode Island home.
T i n y H o m e | R h o d y P e t s | P o c ke t N e i g h b o r h o o d | N o n p ro f i t D e s i g n | R h o d y G e m
20 Designer-run nonprofit transforms deser ving kids’ rooms into spaces for healing P h o t o s b y C a i t C o s t a , c o u r t e s y o f S a vvy G i v i n g b y D e s i g n R I
Building Futures The Ce nte r fo r Dy n a m i c Le a r n i n g tu rns a n o l d s hi p p i n g co nt a i n e r into ho usi ng fo r vete ra n s
f you saw this house on HGTV, you’d probably say, “Wow, that’s super cool.” The gray box is long and slender, but it’s handsomer than your typical mobile home. The corrugated steel and white trim have a modernist appeal. The living room is lined with pine and cozily fits your basic furniture. You can tell this house used to be a shipping container, the kind you see stacked on barges. If you like tiny homes, you could easily see yourself in this one. You would have no idea, driving past, that the house was built by high school students. “This is the brainchild of Kevin Cunha, our principal engineer,” says Beth Cunha, executive director of the Center for Dynamic Learning. “He had been talking about this type of project for several years with his students. Kevin, as a nerd and a serious DIY Network geek, thought about how they could actually change the world using common tools and designs by everyday, average humans to deliver a beautiful home to those who deserved [it] the most.” In theor y, this is what the Center for
Dynamic Learning (CDL) is known for: Giving adolescents hands-on experience in a variety of media, from theater arts to mechanical fabrication. Headquartered in South Providence, the extra-curricular institution stages plays, teaches science and engineering , and runs the Friends Through Food program. STEAM is a popular concept across American education, but at CDL, it’s perfectly common for teens to handle welding torches and construct solar-powered go -carts. Still, building a whole house was ambitious, even for CDL. And the goal wasn’t just to raise a roof, but to provide affordable housing for veterans in need. “ The tiny house design incorporates all of the major changes needed in off-the-grid home ownership,” says Beth, “to assist in the fight against climate change as well as saving considerable money in utilities.” The Cunhas have many personal ties to the military, including one son ser ving in the Army Rangers and the other as a Navy Boatsman.
Kevin has veteran forefathers and received formative inspiration from a Coast Guard mentor. Their interest in helping veterans is deeply rooted, and the tiny house will likely ser ve as a prototype for future construction. Naturally, after 17 successful years, the pandemic threw a wrench into CDL’s well-oiled machinery. Thirteen months ago, the Cunhas had planned a production of The Jungle Book with 120 young artists and performers, among myriad other projects. Once COVID struck, nearly all of CDL’s 28 staff members were furloughed and much of their funding dried up. Still, the Cunhas were able to partner with Shea High School and conscript about 30 students to build the new home. The house’s permanent site is on Dare to Dream Ranch, a therapeutic military retreat in Foster. “One of Kevin’s greatest strengths is project management and strategic planning,” says Beth. “This allows the youth to train in a variety of areas and develop highly skilled technical abilities.” The winner? Everyone.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Photos courtesy of the Center for Dynamic Learning
By Robert Isenberg
TRUST ARNOLD LUMBER to stack the deck in your favor
Rhody Pets: PORTRAITS Rhode Island artists
capture the spirit of your pet
By Megan Schmit
t one point, having an illustrated portrait of your pet hanging on the wall might’ve seemed eccentric – anyone picturing the kitschy painting of dogs playing poker? But today, this niche of the pet industry grows more and more popular as owners take photographs of their beloved fur-babies one step further. Online retailers are finding viral success with commissioned digital or hand-drawn renditions of people’s pets, from traditional colored pencil sketches to modern minimalist designs to humorous Renaissance or even Star Wars themed versions. Besides adding personality to your home, pet portraits are a way to celebrate the loyal companion that’s made lockdown life and WFH so much more enjoyable. Check out these Rhode Island artists specializing in the colorful and quirky world of pet portraiture.
L I Z M CG R AT H I L L U ST R AT I O N Liz McGrath’s portraits are soft, delicate, life-like studies using a mix of colored pencils, watercolor, markers, and even acr ylic on drawing paper or vellum. Known for whimsical children’s-book-esque illustrations, her pet portraits take on a more muted vibe to reflect the essence of the owner’s original photo. For prices and details, private message her on Facebook.
PA W P R I N T S P E T A R T Since 2015, Providence artist Alexandra Rey has been creating custom pet portraits from photos using graphite or pastels. “My goal is to capture your pet’s true spirit and likeness,” says her intro on Etsy. The finished portrait, typically available in high-quality giclee prints, can now also be printed on a variety of personalized products like T-shirts, mugs, pillows, and even notebooks. Visit or go directly to her Etsy shop to order.
Liz McGrath Illustration Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
pamper your PUP at
P E T P O R T R A I T S BY K E R R I E Cranston-based artist Kerrie Ascoli makes custom oil paintings of your pet, with a variety of sizes ranging from a 6x6 to 11x14 canvas – and even bigger, upon request. The result is a soft but striking masterpiece inspired by your pet’s photo. Reach out to Ascoli on Facebook and visit for more pricing info.
S A N DY M A C D O N A L D From her Providence studio, Sandy MacDonald works as an artist, decorative painter, and muralist, with an entire section of her portfolio dedicated to pet portraiture. Known for equally beautiful and durable finishes on any surface, MacDonald does each portrait in oils on stretched linen, a process which takes on average six weeks to complete. Interested clients can reach out directly for a free estimate via her website,
Photos courtesy of Liz McGrath
Bold use of colors and painterly strokes define Scott Groome’s abstract pet portraits, which transform the photo of your fur-baby into a statement piece of acr ylic on canvas. Groome originally painted dynamic fig ures and portraits of people before he pursued pets, and uses the same approach to capture their energ y. To order yours, message Groome on Facebook or Instagram (@sgroomeart) or email
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“Pocket neighbo r h o o d ” i n E a st G re e nw i c h co mb ines luxury w i t h co m m u n i ty B y Ro bert Is enberg
Light and airy interiors channel a modern coastal vibe
Photos courtesy of Regan Communications Group
verybody knows that East Greenwich is a picturesque town. Most people think of sailboats, seafood, and sloped streets lined with colorful houses. So if you’re going to build new residences in East Greenwich, you don’t just throw up a few townhouses – especially if your new development will occupy the famous Hill and Harbor neighborhood. You have to consider the Rockwellian beauty. You have to know the locals. And you have to make something that fits. Castle Street Cottages has done just that. Described as a “pocket neighborhood,” Castle Street fits nine different dwellings into less than an acre of land. The units are sizable, however, measuring 1,000 to 2,000 square feet, and boasting the fashionable, coastal aesthetic of the surrounding blocks. Created by East Greenwich Cove Builders LLC and architects Union Studios, Castle Street is located a short walk from Main
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Street and all of its epicurean delights. Residents can easily stroll a block to the marina, where they have the option to purchase a boat slip. Not only has Castle Street attracted positive attention from locals, but the new property also won a Best in American Living Award from the National Association of Home Builders in 2019. “Receiving this prestigious award is confirmation that our vision for the Castle Street Cottages is valued throughout our industry,” says Jerry Zarrella Jr., of Cove Builders. “With this project, we were able to capture the history and culture of East Greenwich and combine it with the social development aspect of the pocket neighborhood; a first of its kind for the area.” The term “pocket neighborhood” was invented by architect Ross Chapin in 1995, as part of the “new urbanism” movement. The idea was to create an efficient living space for multiple households, but which also feels spacious and maximizes
community. Instead of finding open land on the edge of East Greenwich, Cove Builders replaced derelict old residences in the middle of town. Island kitchens, marble walls, and cozy fireplaces will win over a lot of folks in their own right, but the outdoor space is just as welcoming : Walking paths connect each unit to the others, converging in a court with manicured lawns and a nautical flagpole. Castle Street Cottages may be the first deliberate pocket neighborhood in Rhode Island, but with luck, it’ll be the first of many. “We truly wanted to bring something transformative to the area, and I believe we’ve done that,” Zarrella adds. “We hope this development brings back a sense of community, where you can feel safe in the comfort of knowing your neighbors, while providing repeatable lessons for building densely in historic neighborhoods.”
Room to Heal
D e s i g n e r- r u n n o n p ro f i t h e l p s R h o d e I s l a n d k i d s i n n e e d by g i v i n g t h e m p e r s o n a l i ze d s p a c e s f o r co m f o r t a n d h e a l i n g
ears ago, I wanted to do something with my talents to give back – I just wasn’t quite sure exactly what that would look like,” remembers Janelle Blakely Photopoulos, owner and creative director of Blakely Interior Design in North Kingstown. She was looking to unite her professional background with a cause near and dear to her heart, which she knew had to do with children or domestic violence prevention. The answer came unexpectedly when she heard Susan Wintersteen, founder of Savvy Giving by Design, speak about her fledgling nonprofit on a podcast. “The mission is to provide comfort, support, and healing to families that have children facing a medical crisis through transforming their interior spaces,” Photopoulos explains, and all of it is done at no cost to the family, who are often dealing with a mountain of medical bills. At the time, Wintergreen was running the organization solely out of San Diego when Photopoulos reached out to see how she could get involved; turns out, she wasn’t the only
one calling. With so many professional designers interested in starting something similar in their own hometown, Savvy Giving soon transformed into a national nonprofit with local chapters, including those in Alabama, Indiana, Texas, Florida, and New England. Photopoulos leads the one in Rhode Island. “As designers, we strongly believe that your environment impacts your healing ,” says Photopoulos. She adds that while most people think these children spend the vast majority of their time in the hospital, that isn’t true: Most often, they spend it in their bedroom between bouts of chemo or doctor visits. Therefore, “We approach [the projects] from a design perspective, but we also very much integrate what the child needs from a medical perspective.” This means customizing rooms with special needs in mind, like adjusting for the use of a wheelchair or installing hooks to hang an IV bag. Most of the kids, many of whom are being treated for pediatric cancer, have compromised immune systems, so using organic
fabrics and surfaces that don’t trap allergens is key. But it’s not just about the physical comfort of the child, but also the emotional, which is why Photopoulos highlights the fun design elements like an elaborate built-in canopy bed or dedicated art space. It’s about giving these kids a place to just be a kid, she says. Since she started the affiliate chapter in 2018, Photopoulos and her dedicated board have transformed. First, Photopoulos put together a magical room makeover for Julia Powers, a 10-year-old facing complications from osteosarcoma (a rare bone cancer), that’s both easy to navigate with her walker and full of her favorite things: unicorns and Harry Potter. In 2020, she designed a colorful, cheery bedroom for Kyrie White, an eight-year-old born with gastroschisis, that features shelving for his toys, books, and medical supplies, plus incorporated his favorite animal, koalas. This project had an added challenge, Photopoulos notes, because the pandemic meant taking extra precautions to keep things safe for an immunocompromised Kyrie. Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Photos by Cait Costa, courtesy of Savvy Giving by Design RI
By Megan Schmit
Shelving is key for storing Kyrie’s favorite toys and books, plus his medical supplies
GET INVOLVED DONATE: Visit BlakelyInteriorDesign. com/giving/, go directly to, or join Savvy Giving by Design Rhode Island on Facebook, where you can find a donate button or purchase specific items that are posted as “Fund-a-Need”.
Janelle Photopoulos with a happy Kyrie White at his room reveal
Today, Photopoulos is in the middle of turning an old powder room into a functional wet room, a completely waterproofed bathroom, for 12-year-old Dougie Horton, who was born with cerebral palsy and is now in a wheelchair, requiring full-time care. This project is a new one for the team at Savvy Giving , who typically transform bedrooms, but Photopoulos says, “This bathroom is going to be incredibly impactful not just for [Dougie], but it’s going to have a huge impact on his family.” Each project by Savvy Giving is also an undertaking for the community. Local carpenters, contractors, and electricians offer their talents; in Dougie’s project, the plumber, is volunteering his time. Materials are often do nated or offered at a discount, like the nearly $1,400-worth of plumbing supplies from Sup ply New England, and Hill & Harbour Tile is donating all of the tile. Volunteers can run out for last-minute items and help as needed on-site. Then, of course, there are the funds raised online or through fundraisers like the Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
virtual Hearts for Dougie, which garnered $4,000 for the project in Februar y. Through each little piece of generosity, Savvy Giving is able to change lives by changing spaces – and not just those of the kids nominated. “We also do the sibling’s space,” says Photopoulos. She explains that the sibling is a huge part of support and healing, and oftentimes, when the attention is understandably focused on the child who is sick, they can feel left out. So whenever Savvy Giving selects a family and begins designing the space, they also do something special for the brother or sister. In Dougie’s case, Photopoulos will be making over his older brother Russell’s bedroom, too. Says Photopoulos, “It’s ver y rewarding to be able to see these children have a place that they love to be in, that they are proud of, and that allows them to heal – and the pressure is off the family.” To learn more about the national effort and check out affiliate chapters, visit
TRADE: If you’re a local business interested in donating or discounting materials, supplies, or equipment, or have skills in carpentry and electric work to volunteer, reach out directly to see how you can help. VOLUNTEER: Time is a valuable thing to give, so sign up to help on installation day with everything from furniture assembly to running out for last-minute supplies. JOIN: The Rhode Island chapter is looking to grow its board, so if you’re passionate about helping others and operate in the home design sector, reach out to Photopoulos about potential opportunities to get involved. NOMINATE: If you know of a fam-
ily whose life could be transformed through Savvy Giving , submit a nomination at refer, or find the link through Blakely Interior Design’s website.
Cozy Home and Gifts Deco r & Gi f t S hop What it is: A maker-for ward space featuring upcycled antiques, eclectic decor, and gifts handmade by shop owner Lynne Pilderian or sourced from other small businesses and artisans.
W h e re to f i n d i t : Next door to and sharing a parking lot with its sister business The Cozy Grill, find this home goods shop inside a black-trimmed house along Warwick Avenue.
W h a t m a k e s i t a R h o d y G e m? Nostalgic meets novel in this curated collection of vintage pieces repurposed for a new era and completely one-of-a-kind artisan decor. Take their pendant lights, for example, fashioned out of antique found glassware. Scavenged bike wheels with greener y woven between spokes become wreaths while wine stoppers feature eccentric door knobs. The shop itself is accented with houseplants growing from teacups, baskets, and vintage vessels. Along with the decor Pilderian creates and upcycles, gifts include gourmet spreads and vinegars, books, artisan soaps, handmade jewelr y, and more. Daughter Taylor Pilderian explains they bring a similar goal to the shop as they have to The Cozy Grill for the past 24 years: “ We stay true to the classics, innovate new items and decor trends, and always make sure there is something for ever yone.”
Cozy Home and Gifts 448 Warwick Ave, Warwick @cozyhomeandgifts
Photo by Ingrid Brown
Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Email to suggest yours and we just might feature it!
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Ready to spring forward into homeownership? Find handy facts and insights for planning and making your move in Rhode Island
| By Elyse Major & Megan Schmit
There’s something about seeing those first bright yellow daffodils emerge from muddy gardens around the Ocean State that makes the notion of homeownership look idyllic. However, as any property owner will confess, it’s not all roses. There are pros and cons of being both a homeowner and a renter. Want to nix yard work? Rent. Paint the walls blue? Own. Keep life flexible? Rent. Looking for tax deductions? Own. We could go on...and we’re about to!
WNING VS. ENTING With all life decisions, making the move from renter to owner is highly personal and depends on myriad factors. Sometimes due to mortgage rates, the cost of rent vs. a mortgage payment is a wash, but it’s the other things that come into play. For example, if you rent an apartment and need a new water heater, the property owner should handle that, but if you’re a homeowner, it’s all on you to figure out. And, there’s always a good chance that soon after you take ownership, something big will need repairing or replacing, so as you make your budget, pad for the unexpected.
If you decide that homeownership is right for you, congrats! It’s exciting and scary, and the process is not always as glamorous as it looks on TV. In tandem with making your wishlist of half-baths and fireplaces, school systems and dog parks, get real about your financial situation and work to get your credit score in good standing , if needed. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) offers this checklist and advice: Check your credit
Build a network of advisors
Assess your spending
Create a loan application packet
Mortgage forbearance: If you are facing financial hardships and need forbearance, you should ask for forbearance immediately. Forbearance is when your mortgage servicer or lender allows you to temporarily pay your mortgage at a lower payment or pause paying your mortgage. You will have to pay the payment reduction or the paused payments back later. If your loan is backed by HUD/FHA, VA, USDA, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac, you only need to explain that you have a COVIDrelated financial hardship, directly or indirectly related to the pandemic. Even for those loans not backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or the federal government, mortgage servicers are generally required to discuss relief options with you. Source:
Decide how much you want to spend on a home
Determine your down payment
Consider whether it's the right time to buy
Budget for new or changed expenses
Rental assistance: Rhode Island has made an additional $5 million in emergency rental assistance available to low-income renters who have been impacted by the COVID-19 emergency and are at immediate risk of homelessness. Those who qualify can receive a grant of up to $5,000 to support past due rent payments and other fees. Requirement information and details are available at or by calling 211. Source:
Set aside some money to cover initial home expenses: New homeowners often find things that need fixing , or discover that they need an additional piece of furniture to make the new home work for their family. Moving expenses (see sidebar) and utility set-up fees can also add up. When thinking about how much you can afford for a down payment, make sure to set aside some money to cover these expenses. Start to gather names of real estate professionals recommended by friends, relatives, and colleagues: Ideally, you want someone who does this full-time and is on top of what has become a very rapidly changing market. Throughout this process, you need to work with many professionals, including real estate agents and loan officers.
MOVING COSTS Unless you have the minimal trappings of a very first apartment (milk crates, futon) and can fit it all in somebody’s pickup for the cost of pizza and beer, you probably need to hire movers. According to Consumer Affairs, hiring movers can cost anywhere between a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on how far you’re moving and how much work you’re willing to do yourself. The amount of personal property you’re transporting also affects the total cost. The average cost for a local move is $80 to $100 per hour for a team of two movers. The total cost you’ll pay for a local move is mostly a function of how long it takes the moving crew to load and unload the truck — meaning the more items you have, the more you’ll pay to move them. Movers will also pack for you, for a fee, and therefore are responsible for “accidents.”
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Award Winners
Ryan Fonseca #1 in RI!
Barbara Hanaway C21 Masters Ruby C21 Quality Service Producer
C21 Centurion & C21 President’s Award C21 Quality Service Pinnacle Producer GPBOR Gold Circle of Excellence
Shelley Andrade Quality Service Pinnacle Producer
Carol Guimond C21 Masters Ruby
Steve Martel
C21 Quality Service Producer
Patti Hunt
Jean Ingraham
C21 Quality Service Producer
Trish Gray
C21 Quality Service Producer
David Barros
GPBOR Bronze Circle of Excellence
Roseann Dugan
C21 Quality Service Producer GPBOR Silver Circle of Excellence
Wendy Heaney
C21 Quality Service Pinnacle Producer
Christine Farley
Mary Jo Fidalgo-Tavares GPBOR Silver Circle of Excellence
David Durot
C21 Quality Service Producer
JoAnn Silva
Julie Vargas
Renee Durost
Quality Service Pinnacle Producer GPBOR Bronze Circle of Excellence
Joanna Krystman
Lynne DeBeer
Patty Matthews
C21 Quality Service Producer
Marilyn Weiner
Sandra Sullivan
Stephen Lake
C21 Quality Service Producer
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2525 EAST MAIN ROAD PORTSMOUTH • 401-683-4900
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O OUR OME - WORK Many factors go into deciding where to live. Do you want city-living with cafes within walking distance? Maybe something by the water ? Or it could be based solely on how school systems rank. This is where going down various real estate website rabbit holes can help. for example offers neighborhood reports, tax rates, and helpful stats about cities and towns, even the monthly median temperature (especially handy if you live in Bristol and wonder about the weather in Woonsocket). Drive or walk around the immediate neighborhood so you don’t start complaining about the noise from the fire engines leaving the station that’s right around the corner. Many lenders require prospective buyers to participate in classes to help understand the process of buying and keeping a home. Like most everything else, classes have pivoted to accommodate remote options. Also ask lenders about any special programs. RIHousing recently announced the 10kDPA program, which provides a $10,000 down payment assistance loan to eligible homebuyers in Rhode Island.
LOANS & RATES JARGON Terms to understand for the buying process Long term: Lower monthly payment but you’ll pay more in interest. Short term: Higher monthly payment but you’ll pay less over time in interest. Fixed rate: Your interest rate and monthly principal and interest payment will stay the same, but your total monthly payment can still change—for example, your property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, or mortgage insurance might go up or down. Adjustable rate: Adjustablerate mortgages (ARMs) offer less predictability but may be cheaper in the short term. Source:
highest property taxes in the nation WalletHub, SmartAsset
percent hike in the median price of single-family sales
in Best State Rankings U.S.News & World Report
Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI): An additional cost that will be required by your lender if you don’t put 20 percent down.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
387 Washington Road
10 Nayatt Road
Barrington | MLS 1275344 $1,995,000 | (401) 338-3520
Barrington | MLS 1276765 $1,495,000 | (401) 529-5724
7 Willow Way
202 Narragansett Avenue
Barrington | MLS 1276482 $1,245,000 | (401)-225-0371
Riverside | MLS 1276651 $595,000 | (401) 323-1416
19 Beaver Road
15 Harrison Avenue
Barrington | MLS 1276268 $529,900 | (401)-699-6638
Barrington | MLS 1276273 $529,000 | (401) 699-6638
Barrington 401.245.9600
East Greenwich 401.885.8400
Providence 401.274.6740
Westport MA 508.636.4760
Cumberland 401.333.9333
Narragansett 401.783.2474
West Side PVD 401.457.3400
Relocation 800.886.1775
WHO’S WHO A glossary of titles to help decide which professional is right for you
Buyer’s agent: Assists and represents their clients through every step of the home-buying process, including finding the right home, negotiating an offer, recommending other professionals (e.g., mortgage brokers, real estate attorneys, settlement companies), and troubleshooting problems (e.g., home inspection or appraisal issues).
Real estate agent: Someone with a professional license to help people buy, sell, or rent all sorts of housing and real estate.
Listing agent: A real estate agent who represents a home seller and helps clients who are selling with a wide range of tasks, including pricing their home, recommending home improvements or staging, marketing their home, holding open houses, coordinating showings with home buyers, negotiating with buyers, and overseeing the home inspection process and closing procedures.
Real estate broker: Someone who has taken education beyond the agent level as required by state laws and passed a broker’s license exam.
Realtor: A licensed agent with the ability to use that widely respected title, an agent needs to be a member of the National Association of Realtors®. The Rhode Island Association of REALTORS® is one of the largest trade organizations in Rhode Island with more than 6,000 members in approximately 900 offices.
Rental agent: Help consumers find properties to rent.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Discover the Enchanting Beauty of Southern New England The Mathew J. Arruda Group covers any coastal dream you wish to make a reality. Whether you’re a first time buyer or looking for that summer retreat, let us show you all that the South Coast and Coastal Rhode Island has to offer. Contact us today for a consultation
OVERLOOK ACRES FAIRHAVEN Custom contemporary homes to be built in Fairhaven’s newest development situated in Sconticut Neck $825,000-$969,000
The Lamarre
The Charette
The Lighthouse
Mathew J. Arruda 508.965.8683
Heather Helger-Fragata 508.287.1829
508.965.8683 | ROBERTPAUL.COM
©2021 BHH Affiliates, LLC. An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of Columbia Insurance Company, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Equal Housing Opportunity.
When selling , it’s best to keep your house as organized and decluttered as possible. It’s always a good idea to stage rooms to show how they are supposed to be used.
Listen to your realtor.
-Caitlyn Wass, Residential Properties
-Chris West, Gustave White
This is an incredibly dynamic and fast-moving seller’s market. When listing your home, make sure to work with a real estate agent who utilizes up-to-date market data and does not price your home simply based on past sales in your area. You will achieve the highest market value by pushing the market and capitalizing on the current activity. The pulse of the market is in the pendings. -Kira Greene, Greene & Sweeney Team, Residential Properties
My tip for sellers: Take advantage of the higher sale prices and get on the market NOW. Even with the shortage of listings, don’t neglect repairs and condition – those still matter! For buyers, bank a good deal of patience, listen to your realtor who is in the market every day and will be able to do an analysis with advice about a winning offer. That being said, consult with your mortgage lender to know just how far over the asking price you are safe to go because many homes are indeed selling over asking. -Pat Lenihan, Broker Manager of Coldwell Banker
With our current low inventory, buyers have one shot, in many cases, to make an offer on a home and make that offer stand out among many others. Escalation clauses have become common practice. Many homes that come to market continue to draw multiple offers and ultimately sell well above their asking price. As a buyer, it’s important for your offer to stand out as much as possible among a sea of offers. Most times, a buyer will submit an offer at asking price and apply an incremental escalation over and above other offers up to a max purchase price of their choosing. One way to get your offer to stand out is to consider starting the base price of your offer above the asking price to grab the seller’s attention right off the bat. Then, utilizing your Escalation Clause, instead of using a typical $1,000 incremental amount over the next highest offer, consider increasing the increments to a larger amount so that, if the escalation clause is applied, the sellers will end up with more money in their pocket at the end of the transaction. -Keller Williams, Newport
Enjoy what you do for your clients. Listen carefully to their real estate needs and then put all your effort and more into achieving their goals! -Anita Langer, Residential Properties LTD
HOME INSPECTION After falling for the first house or visiting many, you have found “the” house and made an offer. Next steps are inspections and appraisals. The inspection is for your own protection and is a step that should not be skipped. Ask your real estate or buyer’s agent to recommend a home inspector and make sure this person is reputable (check those creds). An inspector will examine the property inside and out, looking for serious flaws. According to CFPB, if your purchase contract is contingent on a satisfactory inspection, you should be able to cancel the sale without penalty. You can also then be in a position to negotiate with the seller for certain repairs, etc.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Trusted Lender
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Neil Jackson VP Senior Loan Officer
NMLS #20518 M: 401.374.1518
WE WILL MOVE YOU Thinking of listing? Try something different and call RI’s #1 Real Estate duo. We bring unparalleled reach with proven success, selling more $1m+ homes than any other team in RI. Kira Greene 401.339.5621 | Michael J. Sweeney 401.864.8286 BayCoast Mortgage is a Rhode Island Licensed Lender. All loans are subject to credit approval. NMLS # 1082048. *Ranking based in whole or in part on data supplied by the State-Wide Multiple Listing Service. The MLS does not guarantee and is not in any way responsible for its accuracy. Data maintained by the MLS may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. Based on information from Statewide Multiple Listing Service, Inc. for 2020 as of January 2021.
Salt Marsh Realty Group Buy - Sell - Lease - Develop
Swansea, MA List Price: $1,950,000 — CONTACT — Chris Howard | 508-801-7485
Waterfront Contemporary situated on a private road offers Mid Century flair w/panoramic southerly & westerly views of Mt. Hope Bay & the Coles River. This one of a kind, two acre site is situated high on a bluff and has over 300’ of water frontage. The architecturally designed home offers a unique floor plan including a fireplaced Living Room w/vaulted ceilings open to the Dining Room w/wet bar. There is a large eat in kitchen, a fireplaced great room and a library/office. The Master bedroom w/an en suite bath, 4 additional bedrooms, 3 full and 2 half baths complete the interior living space. The outside patio has a built in fireplace/barbecue which will be the focal point of summer entertainment having access from the kitchen, living & dining rooms. The three car garage has ample space for your vehicles and watercraft. A Marina & an optional beach/tennis club are a short walk away. This property is waiting for a new owner to restore it to its former glory.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
DECORATE Re t h i n k | I n f l u e n c e r | Re m o d e l | S h o p
38 A Swedish “lusthus” is outfitted for work and entertaining Photo courtesy of Pernilla Frazier
Rethinking Spaces More at-home time inspires interior designers to make the most of overlooked areas – for now and later By Elys e Major
ur homes have become the settings for most everything we do – from streaming new Oscar-contender movies on the couch to unfurling yoga mats on the floor. Homework at the kitchen table is nothing new, but suddenly last March the spot resembled an internet cafe with Chromebooks and laptops, coffee mugs and juice boxes. Over time, some of these setups fashioned in haste became more permanent, and with the pandemic not quite in the rearview mirror, it’s likely many will remain because they’re useful. We checked in with a trio of talented Ocean State designers for tips and tricks for making the most of unexpected spaces – some for their clients and some for themselves.
“This crisis has taught us to live better in our homes both for the short-term and long-term. Multi-purpose spaces will still be utilized long after the pandemic, especially if they are designed right” - Nicole Martel
WINDOW SEAT Taking full advantage of natural light – a known mood and wellness enhancer – Nicole Martel of Three Sparrows Design in Warren created a work space for a client by positioning a narrow table and chairs along a row of windows, making it an ideal place for remote learning, crafting, even daydreaming. Martel completed this prior to the pandemic but notes, “I bet they are so happy they have it. Out of the three spaces I designed for my client, I do believe that this will likely get used most.”
Window of Opportunity Photo by Sol Arnal, courtesy of Three Sparrows Design
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Bright Idea Photo courtesy of Three Sparrows Design
NOTEWORTHY NOOK Architectural styles like Capes and farmhouses are known for awkward spaces courtesy of sloped roofs and chimneys. In her own home, Martel made clever use of a narrow nook by fashioning it into a small office for one. A shelf above keeps essentials within reach and a fitted plank fixed at the proper ergonomic level provides ample workspace. Wallpaper in a light herringbone pattern draws the eye up, adding visual height. Completing the scene are metallic touches, like the sconce – a necessity for late nights.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Parlor Trick Photo by Sol Arnal, courtesy of Three Sparrows Design
ZOOM ZONE In her living room, Martel once again takes advantage of an area along a wall that could easily be overlooked. “This crisis has taught us to live better in our homes both for the shortterm and long-term. Multi-purpose spaces will still be utilized long after the pandemic, especially if they are designed right,” she offers. By fabricating a desk from file cabinets and wood to fit, a zone is now ready for Zoom sessions with family and remote learning. “More and more people are tackling those home projects that have been on their to-do list. These projects will
DESIGNER DEETS: Pernilla Frazier,, @PernillaInteriors Nicole Martel, @ThreeSparrows_InteriorDesign Blair Moore,, @MooreHouseDesign
not only immediately add joy to their daily living but will also be something that they continue to enjoy for years to come,” says Martel.
Backyard Retreat Photo courtesy of Pernilla Interiors
Sitting Pretty Photo courtesy of Moore House
CASUAL CORNER Blair Moore of Moore House, a Tivertonbased family business that restores “forgotten homes,” wanted to create “somewhere fresh for the foreseeable future,” for herself and got started by clearing out the entire space and then opening paint cans. “Dipped datum lines are always a fave of ours when designing spaces,” she says and advises using green painters tape for detailed lines like these. “Usually the home is not completely level so using your eye and standing back is the best way to create a level line. Mark out the height from the crown moulding around the room but use your eyesight to tape out the
line. You will need one person to hold one end of the tape line taut.” For the window, Moore ordered sheer linen, clipped and hung six inches below the crown moulding to add drama and make the ceiling look taller. “Since our team never purchases pre-made curtains, they are usually not the correct leng th or width. I just clipped these but was purposeful on folding the fabric into the clip to give the illusion of custom curtains. I also used the fabric orientation on its side so that the selvage edge of the fabric is at the top so there was no sewing needed and it won’t fray.” Moore made pin boards from homasote boards, purchased at a hardware store. “Added
a rug I had and viola ! Fresh flowers, some design books, and a Moore House candle, and I was ready to work!” she says. SHED SPREAD When a Swedish-American retired professor wanted a space to work and entertain, he looked to the expansive backyard to add something that spoke to his Swedish roots, and turned to his friend Pernilla Frazier of Pernilla Interiors in Providence. “ The tea house or ‘lusthus’ was ordered in a kit from Sweden and carefully assembled by local carpenters,” Frazier begins. “ The professor is still doing research, even if he doesn’t teach
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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anymore, and the idea was always to make the house as a home office and a place to relax and entertain. The completion coincided with COVID and of course this made it a truly special home office.” Electricity was part of the construction and the charming outbuilding has a small space heater as well as Wifi. The sun warms it up so insulated roman shades were installed to both keep warmth and also provide shade when needed. Says Frazier, “It has been a joy to decorate and still a few more details to do. Lucky client has the most unique home office in Rhode Island!”
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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Meet Jason Cahill The Preppygangsta brings his brand to the next level with an atelier in Cranston
THE PREPPYGANGSTAS ATELIER 1655 Elmwood Avenue, Door 3, Cranston Opening weekend April 10 and 11. Saturday: 11am-4pm, Sunday noon-4pm. @preppygangstas; @thefindri; @warehousepvd
Photo by Lizzie Newton, courtesy of Jason Cahill
By Elyse Major
Treat Your Home To Style How did the name Preppygangstas come about? Preppygangstas came from a nickname for me. I started thinking, wow, that’s a friggin’ super cool name for a store or space where preppygangstas and their friends can express themselves and find things they like that are super Uptown/Downtown. So really, I’m THE preppygangsta and adding the “s” makes it possible to ascribe the name to anyone who wishes to assume the lifestyle category. For the past five years or so I’ve been building the brand exclusively on Instagram and thought by now it was time to take things to the next level with an actual space and diversified product line. You characterize your brand as “street meets über lux in home decor and next level other shizzle.” Could you elaborate? The concept comes from a childhood love for skateboarding , punk rock, and prep all at the same time. For me, a room built in the Preppygangstas style may encompass Schumacher wallpaper, an old Persian rug , perhaps a few skateboards on the walls, and a chic Jonathan Adler chandelier! I do decorating and design as well with clients and basically work within their boundaries, putting the PG touch on it to create that little twist that becomes the showstopper. What can people expect to find at The Preppygangstas Atelier? Shopping is a feeling! The main idea behind The Preppygangstas Atelier is to offer clients a new interesting and exciting place to shop. Clients can expect to find an array of home and lifestyle products ranging from beautiful 100-year-old oars to Supreme basketballs, street and graffiti art, as well as furniture and lighting ranging from $25 to $2,000 and more. What are your favorite small businesses around Rhode Island and why? In Providence, Wendy at Wendy Brown Home is super friendly and offers such a great array of home decor and especially her bespoke linens! Line Daems, owner of Kreatelier, is a complete guru of all things textile. Simple Pleasures has such an array of wonderful things. For a good brunch and solid tea, Schasteâ, and Den Den for awesome Asian cuisine. Wald & Sea in Newport has beautiful things.
Your Home Styling Professionals and At Affordable Prices 840 Ten Rod Rd, North Kingstown • 667-2572 (Same Building as Devereux Electric)
Warming up the Community THE AREA’S LARGEST SHOWROOM
775 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA
Tues,Thur 10-6; Wed, Fri, Sat 9-5
Kitchen Goals A local pro shares tips for a successful remodel in one of the busiest rooms in your home By Elyse Major
K I TC H E N T R E N D S FO R 2 02 1 • Comfortable seating • Custom vent hoods • Dramatic color • Floor-to-ceiling tile • Hidden appliances • Pantry/Mudroom • Smart technology • Sustainable materials
ho among us hasn’t had their head turned by a shiny new kitchen? Large spaces with gleaming floors, marble surfaces, apron sinks, and warming drawers. As the hardworking heart of any home, much time is spent in the room no matter its size. With anticipated tax refunds and even stimulus checks, more people than ever are considering a refresh to the household hub. On a shoestring budget, this can be as simple as a weekend of repainting cabinets and switching out hardware, or on the other end of the spectrum, a major undertaking and investment, requiring much planning and professional help. Jennifer Voll, showroom manager at Cypress Design Co. in East Providence, tells us that hiring professionals is a must. “ There are so many elements that go into a kitchen remodel that if you leave anything to chance it could end up costing you far more and extending the time of the project.” As an example, Voll cites, “You can spend $50K on cabinetr y, but if you hire an unlicensed handyman to install them, then you really have done yourself an
enormous disser vice.” She advises that the first step is knowing what exactly you can spend. “General rule of thumb for a kitchen renovation is spending approximately 12-15 percent of the value of the home.” Timing is ever ything in a kitchen re-do. Voll says knowing your contractor’s time frame as well as the lead time of materials is key. “Having ever ything coordinated well in advance allows for a quicker install. Also, be aware that due to COVID, many manufacturers were forced to shut down or limit production, so long lead times are being experienced throughout the entire industr y.” “People spend so much of their time in the kitchen that it’s essential to utilize ever y square inch to fit the needs of the people who call the space home. People want the kitchen to be a gathering space,” says Voll. As far as trends, she notes that the open concept plan has not really gone anywhere in the last few years: “Customers are comfortable knocking down walls and losing a formal dining room to incorporate a roomy island to sit around while cooking , eating , doing homework, and enjoying a glass of wine.”
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Photos by Denise Bass, courtesy of Cypress Design Co.
Metallic hardware shakes up traditional white cabinetry
The Art of Kitchen & Bath
3001 E Main Road, Portsmouth • 293-5855 •
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Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Made in Rhode Island
f there was ever a spring we all needed a refresh it’s this one. After a year of isolation and near stagnation, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Here’s a quick look at four home accent businesses in Rhode Island that combine artistr y and craftsmanship so beautifully they can induce the most spendthrift New Englander to loosen the purse strings and introduce a little brightness into our lives after far too long in the dark.
From cookware to curb appeal, discover items with national recognition based right here By Ann O’Neill
Nest Homeware
Michael Healy Designs
Nest Homeware
Scott James Furniture
Michael Healy Designs
Tracy Glover
Tracy Glover
NEST HOMEWARE, PROVIDENCE The first words that come to mind when considering cast iron cookware are not typically ergonomic and beautiful, but Matt Cavallaro is here to change that. This founder and principal designer, inspired by cherry branches, has created a line of cookware and kitchen accessories that feel as luscious in the hand as they look to the eye. A set of napkin rings that resemble black olives may be the most fun and functional worry stone ever created., @nesthomeware MICHAEL HEALY DESIGNS, MANVILLE There will be a time in our near future when we welcome people into our homes. Why not greet them with a door that expresses just how excited we are to see them? Michael Healy has created a series of sandblasted door knockers that immediately convey a sense of classic Yankee hospitality and design. Reminiscent of patterns one might find in The Preppy Handbook, these stunning works in solid brass, bronze, and nickel silver are at once timely, fresh, and charming, and can transform your home’s season and spirit in one simple step., @michaelhealydesigns SCOTT JAMES FURNITURE, TIVERTON In 2017, after 20 years working with renowned bed designer Stephen Plaud, master craftsman Scott James Pacheco took the helm to carry on the tradition of creating modern American heirlooms. Customers can find inspiration by combining existing designs, woods, finishes, and embellishments or work with designers to create truly unique custom creations. Act quickly to take advantage of a limited supply of stunning tiger maple outfitted with hidden compartments., @scottjames_furniture TRACY GLOVER STUDIO, PAWTUCKET When we turn on a light in our homes, its purpose is to illuminate something else. If you own a hand-blown glass creation by Tracy Glover, you’re likely to spend more time gazing dreamily at the fixture itself than at whatever it was meant to brighten. This RISD grad calls her custom creations “translucent poetry” which will certainly inspire conversation as we ease back into sharing our intimate spaces. Smart shoppers will also pick up stunning sets of glass tableware that glow when set beneath all her creations., @tracygloverstudio Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Newport Grand
Rhode Island gets treated to a national tourism and branding boost courtesy of being the location of HGT V ’s Dream Home 2021
BY ELYSE MAJOR Photos courtesy of Discovery
t was just over a year ago, or COVID Eve as one might say, when Kathryn Farrington, vice president of marketing at Discover Newport, received a call from HGT V, the ever-popular home improvement and real estate channel, requesting video footage of the area. “They had contacted us before for specific projects, but this time were very vague about what they needed it for,” says Farrington. Turns out, Newport, or Portsmouth actually, was selected as the site of the HGT V Dream Home 2021. A sweeping montage was soon created, broadcast, and posted online to whet their viewers’ appetite for not only the sweepstakes but the beautiful City by the Sea. From December 28, 2020 through February 17, 2021, eligible fans could
Black-rimmed windows update classic cottage features like cedar shake and window boxes
enter for a chance to win twice per day at HGT The destination promo video, which clocks in at just over a minute, shows glamorous views of mansions, shoreline, lobster rolls, surf boards, and sail boats. “ We knew we had to pick a location that would wow our viewers for the 25th anniversar y, and Newport has ever y element a destination needs to provide that, including natural beauty, aspirational lifestyle, and decadent architecture,” says Brian Patrick Flynn, interior designer for the project. “Ever y detail about the home, from the construction to the design elements, captures the spirit of Newport and the grandness of the HGT V Dream Home, making our 25th home the most impressive yet.”
The HGT V Dream Home Giveaway is among the most successful consumer pro motions in cable T V histor y, and in addition to the fully furnished home, the grand prize package includes $250,000 from Rocket Mortgage and a 2021 motorhome from Camping World : a combined value of more than $2.8 million. However, to Farring ton, the exposure given to Newport County and the Ocean State is invaluable, especially with viewership spikes attributed to “stuck at home” programming. “ The advertising and promotional value of the production and the brand recognition to the area is something I could never afford!” Along with her staff, Discover Newport works to promote the city and its eight surrounding townships as premier destinations for business and leisure travel. “ We are considered more of a ‘drive than fly’ market destination, but this kind of market reach… I could never pay for this!” To lure film and video productions to Rhode Island, the state offers tax credits as incentives. However, Carol Conley, assistant to the executive director at the RI Film & T V Office, let us know that HGT V did not utilize the Motion Picture Tax Incentive but did offer this nugget: “According to the University of Rhode Island’s Disting uished Professor of Business, Dr. Edward M. Mazze, for ever y $1 invested in the tax credit, over $8 of economic activity will result.” Farring ton points out that along with national exposure, there are all kinds of eco nomic ripple effects from the production. “ Think of the purchase of real estate, commissions, the town taxes, building permits, architects, excavators, plumbers, carpenters, painters, etc. This provided good jobs over several months for lots of folks. Anything that can benefit our local economy is a win-win,” she says. “ To pull off what they did during a pandemic is amazing.” Along with national sponsors, HGT V, or Discover y, Inc. its parent company, utilized local resources – including the builder, JPS Construction & Design, Middletown – via referral from Tracie Hall, Keller Williams. Says JPS Owner Jamie Stebenne, “ This project required a 100 percent commitment due to the complexity and relatively short time frame we had to meet the
HGT V production deadlines and onsite filming schedule. We designed and built the home in about seven months time, with excavation beginning on the ver y day Discover y inked the purchase of the land.” He continues, “Any project of this size helps to keep our staff of roughly 50 employees busy and we employ dozens of local subcontractors to help us deliver the quality, fit and finish the customer demands, in this case, Discover y. I have to believe lots of people saw the HGT V special showing the beauty of the area, and some of them are probably planning vacations to Newport as we speak. It’s definitely a win for the island.” And of course, whenever a crew is in town, they patronize a range of businesses. Downtown Newport is only 20 minutes from the Dream Home and Flynn, who resides in Atlanta with frequent forays to Reykjavik, Iceland, was a reg ular fixture around town. “22 Bowen’s is my regular place for lunch and I usually run to Kilwin’s for ice cream two to three times a week,” Flynn shares. He scored vintage tennis rackets at Aardvark Antiques on Connell Highway, and coastal accents and furnishings at Ben’s Furniture on Thames – family-owned and -operated for over 78 years and three generations – to the delight of owner David Bolusky. “Newport has so many unique shops and businesses that embody life on the island so it is appreciated that the HGT V design team made the effort and took the time to shop locally and show off what we all have to offer,” says Bolusky. “Any time an event or production like this comes into town there is obviously an economic benefit for so many different shops, restaurants, and ser vice providers that extends beyond the actual money that was spent. This type of exposure is priceless. There was definitely an increased ‘ buzz’ during the last few months due to HGT V ’s massive PR and social media campaign and I expect that it will continue in the coming months,” says Bolusky. “ We definitely see an uptick in interest whenever Rhode Island is prominently featured in a production – and even sometimes when it’s not,” begins Brian Hodge, deputy director of communications and marketing at Rhode Island Commerce Corporation,
More than just a pretty space, an active system monitors indoor air quality and temps to automatically control the skylights and shades to desired comfort levels via tablet or device in the garage
A consistent colorway of red and navy along with accents like pendant lighting in natural textures add a cohesive flow to the open floor plan
Designer Brian Patrick Flynn chose a glass door to minimize intrusions during remote work or learning in the library
Kathryn Farrington, Discover Newport
Not the white wicker or caned-back chairs of verandas past, these textures make a sleek return with a light footprint as casual seating in the library
“I’ve never done a home for HGTV before that had a rooftop deck,” says Flynn of the stunning spot with a panoramic view accessed by a spiral staircase
Get Rhody Style H GTV D re a m H o m e 2 02 1 G o -To s a t- a - G l a n ce :
B u i l d e r s : JPS Construction & Design, Middletown; Dining:
22 Bowen’s, Newport;
Fu r n i t u re :
Ben’s Furniture, Newport;
I ce C re a m :
Kilwin’s, Newport;
S a i l i n g : America’s Cup Charters, Newport; V i n t a g e : Aardvark Antiques, Newport;
a quasi-public agency and official full-ser vice, economic development organization for the State. “In the case of Downton Abbey, for example, the increased fascination with the time period helped generate an additional 200,000 visitors to the Newport Mansions annually. And each visitor to Rhode Island brings significant economic impact to our communities. In 2019 – the latest year we have data – RI hosted 26.2 million visitors, generating more than $840 million in state and local taxes alone. We very much value any opportunity to share Rhode Island’s beauty with a broader audience, whether it’s in person or on the screen.” Much like TF Green Airport is actually in Warwick, not PVD, the Dream Home is in Portsmouth, not Newport, but whomever the lucky winner is, they’re not likely to be distressed over these Rhodyisms. And even though the architectural style is a Cape Cod, it’s very much a manse – or cottage on steroids – from the outside in. “The exterior is covered in naturally sealed cedar shakes as a nod to the Rhode Island and New England architecture,” Flynn tells of the 3,300-square-foot house, which boasts four bedrooms, three full bathrooms and two half-baths, a library/home office, a good ol’ rec room, open concept living and dining spaces, and a rooftop deck. Windows abound showcasing unobstructed views of the Sakonnet River below the bluff on which the house is situated. “Every single detail is based around the experience of living in Rhode Island.” Inside the Dream Home, Flynn’s designs are more yacht club than beach house, perhaps inspired by a sail on historic 12 meter yachts he and his crew took with Julie Lassy of America’s Cup Charters. No white walls and bamboo Ro man shades here ; instead Flynn mostly adheres to a handsome Americana color way of warm shades of red, blue, and brown. In contrast to awe-inducing features like the two -stor y chevron fireplace facade and polished nickel chandelier in the great room, pieces like a round rattan coffee table, striped rug , and plenty of pillows keep the overall feel welcoming and casual rather than intimidating , which is no easy feat in a home of this scale. Other charming elements include the triumphant return of wicker and caned chairs, but in new forms. Says Flynn, “I wanted classically coastal textures in the house but applied in fresh manners, and I think the different shapes and scale and finishes of those things puts a modern day spin on them.” Unexpected but mindful touches add to Flynn’s relatable approach to outfitting spaces for everyday life, like the library/home office’s glass door. “With so many people working from home
Views of the great room and chef’s kitchen reveal round shapes softening the hard lines below. A floating floor plan, rather than furniture against walls, creates intimate zones
Ocean State surf culture was the inspo for the aqua guest bedroom, while accents in black and white keep the look grounded
The tartan headboard and base lend instant collegiate spirit to this bedroom; a foursome of vintage tennis rackets make for inspired wall art with NPT ties
Brian Hodge, Rhode Island Commerce
The 24-foot motorhome is a Dream Home first and includes sleeping space for five, a high-end kitchen, and outdoor lounge set
and on video and conference calls while kids are also distance learning, I like the idea of being able to see if someone inside the home office is currently live-streaming through the glass so as not to disrupt an in-process call,” Flynn tells us of the design choice. Each of the four bedrooms has its own vibe. Within a guest suite on the main floor sits a mid-century inspired workstation complete with retro record player (with Bluetooth, of course) and Beatles LPs; another is classic preppy all the way with a tartan headboard; and upon learning
of RI’s surf scene, Flynn was inspired to create an aqua room with surfboards attached to the wall as sculpture. Even the garage is spectacular thanks to a splashy paint-by-number mural by HGTV build manager Dylan Eastman. Sometime next month a tidal wave of attention will return to the place described by HGTV as “one of America’s top vacation destinations, offering residents and visitors a cultural experience and lifestyle full of world-class dining and oyster shacks, music festivals and sporting events” as the channel ramps up for the winner to be announced
“around May 10.” Until then, many who have entered the sweepstakes (there were over 144 million entries for the 2020 Dream Home in Hilton Head) will be daydreaming about life in the biggest little state with luxe amenities like a European open concept bathroom, warming trays in their outdoor kitchen, and a three-hole putting green. Says Farrington, “Whether or not the winner will actually live in the home or sell it, in many ways, the entire state benefits and we thank HGTV for choosing our destination, a place where dreams are made.”
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HOME DESIGN DESTINATION BOUTIQUE When it comes to designing your dream space, whether it’s a single room or entire home, it’s all in the details. That’s why the expert team at Exodus Design Group welcomes you to the state’s premier kitchen and bath showroom, where their skilled designers help you select everything from cabinetry and countertops to hardware and tile – and makes sure it all comes together.
the perfect concept that not only suits your style but your needs. Clients can peruse the massive collection of cabinetry, hardware, custom fabrics, and more in the showroom, getting a feel for colors and textures and delighting in special details like paneled appliances or pull out spice racks and other cabinet accessories that will make your kitchen or bathroom luxurious and custom.
At this destination boutique, clients can expect the red-carpet experience: A designer will take the time to get to know you and how you want to live in and use your space in order to develop
Exodus Design Group’s affinity for quality is reflected in the brands they carry. Find fine American-made cabinets by Tedd Wood, Bellmont, and Wellborn Forest; lighting fixtures by Hudson
Valley and Quoizel; hardware by Richlieu; and custom fabrics by Carole, Lee Jofa and Kravet. Clients can also select from brandname appliances and plumbing fixtures; high-end stone, tile, and countertops including quartz, granite, and concrete; and home automation features. The best part: Discover all of this and more under one roof. Working with a professional design team brings a sense of cohesion and expertise to home projects that can’t be matched – and believe
it or not, doesn’t have to be out of budget. When you partner and purchase through the team at Exodus, their design services are provided at no charge, and if you choose to use their builders, clients also enjoy further discounts on materials. So, for your upcoming remodel, skip the scrolling online and make an appointment with Exodus Design Group for a one-onone consultation with an expert designer and tour of their envyworthy showroom.
Exodus Design Group 351 Liberty Lane, Suite 16 West Kingston • 401-295-4300
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These elegant 1-4 bedroom/1-2 bath lofts have it all—style, location, comfort and convenience—everything you want, rolled into a stylish, pet-friendly apartment community you’ll love coming home to! Residents also enjoy access to an assortment of tastefully appointed on-site amenities including fitness center, theatre room, indoor putting green & basketball court, pet washing station, game room, rooftop deck and outdoor patio. Convenient on-site storage and garage parking are also available!
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ENTERTAIN D e s s e r t | Co c k t a i l | E x p e r i e n c e | Re c i p e
70 Prep a hearty spring salad with barley and mushrooms Photo by Liz Murray
Sweet Success
The sto ry b e h in d Al va ’s Sweet Touc h, a bakin g b u sin ess bor n i n fur l o ugh By C h r istin e Ch itn is
nspired by the tropical flavors of her childhood in the Dominican Repub lic, Alva Cabrera’s cookies taste as incredible as they look. Hints of passion fruit, lemon, and orange elevate her dough and result in soft, butter y, sophisticated sugar cookies. Designs range from intricate snowflakes and ornaments for the holidays to personalized jerseys and cleats for a soccer-loving birthday boy. Sparkling hearts for Valentine’s day, vibrant tulips for the first day of spring , school mascots for spirit day, tiny houses to congratulate a first-time home the occasion and Cabrera will create show-stopping cookies to help sweeten the celebration.
The seed for her business, Alva’s Sweet Touch, was planted back in Februar y 2020 while helping plan her niece’s baby shower. “I wanted to buy customized sugar cookies for the party, but they were all so expensive,” Cabrera recalls, “and when I tasted the samples, the cookies were hard and bland. I thought, I can do better!” She set about learning how to decorate cookies, thanks to YouTube tutorials. “Once I started, I just couldn’t stop.” When the pandemic hit and she was furloughed from her job, Cabrera found herself with free time and an anxious mind that needed soothing. During the day, she assisted her sons, Adolfo and Andy, with their
remote learning , while at night she perfected her dough and royal icing recipes, practiced her designs, and ordered packaging supplies. “Often, I’d look up at the clock and it would be 2am,” Cabrera says with a laugh, “ but I find the process of decorating cookies so calming and meditative I don’t even notice the hours slipping away !” As she practiced design techniques and experimented with different recipes, she do nated samples to her church community, as well as family and friends. The compliments poured in, as did the orders. Even in the midst of a pandemic, customers turned to her cookies to send sweet messages of joy to loved ones, such as birthday cookies to out-of-state
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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Photography by Christine Chitnis
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grandchildren and cookie care packages to essential workers. “My greatest hope is that when a customer gifts my cookies, their loved one feels as though the cookies were made just for them,” Cabrera says with a smile. “Personalized gifts are a way of sending an especially joy-filled message.” Finding the silver lining in a situation as dire as a worldwide pandemic isn’t easy. However, Cabrera did just that when she launched her newfound hobby into a decorative cookie business that has already earned her wide acclaim. To place an order, visit and follow along on Instagram @alvasweettouch to see her latest designs.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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A Little Bitte More
An ar t i s a n al co c k t a i l co m p a ny cre ate s sp ecia l moments over d rink s By Jenny Curri e r
Willa Van Nostrand pours a glass of champagne
MAXIMIZE YOUR SPRING GARDEN Deana Davis is the owner of Fairview Landscapes, known for exceptional garden design, precise installation, and knowledgeable landscape maintenance. Fairview also offers unique seasonal window box and planter installation. They spent 15 years working in gardens on Nantucket Island and are now in their fifth season in Rhode
Photo by Caroline Goddard Photography, courtesy of Little Bitte Artisanal Cocktails
ur number one job is to make people feel welcome,” says Willa Van Nostrand, owner and creator of Little Bitte Artisanal Cocktails. For nearly a decade, the Providence-based award-winning cocktail company has been catering special events, fundraisers, and weddings, but in response to the pandemic, Van Nostrand and her team pivoted to cocktail kits, virtual cocktail video series, and a personalized drink subscription. Little Bitte provides more than just beautiful drinks, too – they are redefining cocktail culture by creating entire experiences. “Having a drink at a bar is, in many ways, a performance,” says Van Nostrand, who was trained in acting , theater, and visual art. “Cocktails were the first artform I could create that allowed true and literal digestion: People could actually sip and experience, be able to partake of all of its components – color, texture, temperature, and beauty.”
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Island, servicing clients from Westerly to Narragansett to Warwick Neck. Providing solutions for outdoor living spaces is Fairview’s specialty, whether it is reshaping overgrown borders or crafting original garden designs. “I love to bring new eyes to the terrain,” says Davis, who delights in the opportunity to walk a property, listen to the frustrations of the homeowners, and present them with fresh ideas. Fairview is excited to introduce a new service for homeowners. “We are now offering stand-alone garden design and project management. We can evaluate your space, create a layout, and provide a materials list for the DIY inclined homeowner to do themselves or work with the firm they are familiar with,” says Davis, adding that they have crews at the ready to provide expert installation, too. “Spring is the time for resetting your garden framework,” says Davis. She recommends proper pruning to maintain a shrub border; digging, dividing, and transplanting any herbaceous perennials or ornamental grasses; and removing any plants you don’t want (like deer-nibbled daylilies or invasive barberry) to make room for those you do. “The seasons are too short to spend them with plants that don’t bring you joy!”
The Rhuby
Van Nostrand’s interest in herbs and flowers was sparked when she was young , having grown up in a farming community under the g uidance of an herbalist mother. “Flowers are mystical and magical, bearing the essence of the moment,” which is why they’re an integral part of each cocktail. In fact, Little Bitte uses over 50 edible flowers in their repertoire of local and seasonal ingredients. “You can garnish a drink with Bachelor Buttons in such a way that it looks like a star shooting across the glass,” Van Nostrand explains. Each ingredient, edible blossom,
fresh juice, foraged herb, and employee outfit – down to the vintage apron – is intentionally considered. “ We want to inspire a lightheartedness, to make people feel special.” The word bitte is German for “please” and “you’re welcome,” and it offers a deep, warm sense of hospitality. This is the bedrock of Little Bitte, and the essence behind ever y drink.
Little Bitte Artisanal Cocktails @littlebittecocktails
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Come Alive at the Courthouse
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CENTER FOR THE ARTS 3481 Kingstown Road, West Kingston • 401-782-1018 • 501C3 non profit providing free children’s programs in music & arts
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Restaurant To Go
From fl owe rs to d e s s e r t, Th e Mo s a i c Ta bl e g ives you every thing need ed for a sp ec ial d inner out at home By Abbie Lahmers
Photos by Abbie Lahmers
riving into the heart of Warren after a blustery day of beach walking , my partner and I met owner of The Mosaic Table chef Anat Sagi, who warmly greeted us with large paper bags of carefully packaged food and reminded us there were two mood playlists to choose from, too. Operating out of Hope & Main, Sagi curates and hand-prepares restaurant experiences for at-home dining , whether that means a romantic dinner for two, a small gathering of friends, or even a solo date. Any resemblance to restaurant takeout stops at the box – Sagi’s method is more that of a personal chef and hostess rolled into one, with the fineries of an exquisite evening all accounted for, from the tableware and flowers to the wine pairings, and ingredients locally sourced. My partner and I are no strangers to amateur experimenting in the kitchen, but with Sagi’s reheating instructions, even those less inclined at the stove would have no problem searing a cut of steak, pre-cooked to a rare black and blue, to medium rare with duck fat butter. Curry and soup simmered in saucepans while I plated the caesar salad, coddled just so in a vibrant radicchio leaf, the way I imagined a salad this delicate would appear served by waitstaff. I decided to warm the rolls in the oven for a few minutes while we breezed through the minor prep work with the funkier of the two playlists, a blend of retro rhythms and upbeat French crooning , in the background. A week before, I chose each course from a monthly rotating menu to fit mine and my partner’s often conflicting culinary palates – I’m a vegetarian while his preferences are meat-forward and adventurous. This was no problem for Sagi. A few days after I put in the order, with some add-ons like a White Chocolate Cranberry Orange Cake from Ellie’s in Providence and a cheese board, Sagi called to see if I wanted to swap out my entree with a Winter Squash and Wild Mushroom Curry she was excited to introduce: I eagerly accepted. And I’m glad I did – complemented with Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
SHOP LOCAL GROCERY LIST Each Mosaic Table menu is thoughtfully centered around regional ingredients and accoutrements. Here are some of the food businesses whose artisanal goods and produce go into the three-course meals.
Tableware Candles | Waxing Moon Witch, Providence Flowers | Songbird Floral Design, Somerset, MA Placemats and napkins | YCS Designs Playlist | 13th Ward Social Club, Providence Wine | Campus Fine Wine & Spirits, Providence
Fresh Produce
fragrant cardamom rice, this curry married the natural earthiness of wild mushrooms and the subtle sweetness of butternut squash with an aromatic blend of spices and a squirt of lime. Petite pieces of naan soaked up the excess sauce. Meanwhile, my partner was impressed with the re-heatability of the Seared Skirt Steak, which was pleasantly smoky and crispy on the outside from the duck fat butter and juicy on the inside, a rich entree that paired nicely with lightly salted roasted potatoes and a cold lentil salad. Not to be overlooked, the caesar salad opened my eyes to a new context of Brussels sprouts – shredded and eaten raw with a drizzle of lemony dressing, walnuts, and grated cheese from Prica Farina in Warren. The Red Lentil and Lemon soup was bright and creamy, with a surprising tang. Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Doing things a little out of order, we saved the cheese board for later to enjoy with the rest of the white wine Sagi selected for us. This came with plenty of its own surprises, including pickled green beans, pomegranate seeds, chutney, fig spread, and sweet pecans – a combination of unique flavors that brought out the richness (and a little bit of funk) in the brie, blue, and goat cheeses. The Mosaic Table is self-described as “joyful, rustic cooking” and the warmth of being cooked for is palpable despite the distance from kitchen to table. The prix-fixe dinner comes without pretension, but the right amount of ritz to dress up a night in. Restaurant Experiences can be booked a week in advance online for pickup or delivery in Providence and East Bay locations.
Brussels sprouts and squash | Schartner Farm, Exeter Carrots | Moonrose Farm, Rehoboth, MA Mushrooms | RI Mushroom Company, West Kingston Potatoes | Freedom Food Farm, Raynham, MA Shallots | Cook’s Valley Farm, Wrentham, MA
Dairy and Meat Butter | Butter Cuisine, Jamestown Cheese | Prica Farina, Warren Hake | Andrade’s Catch, Bristol Steak | Blackbird Farm, Smithfield Swiss Chard | Our Kids Farm, Exeter
Pantry Curry leaves | Not Just Spices, Providence Dinner rolls | Ellie’s Bakery, Providence Sea salt | Newport Salt Co.
Vibrant Spring Salad Lo c a l co o k i n g b l o g g e r L i z M u r ray A KA t h e Re c i p e H i p p i e d i s h e s ab o u t a fave s a l a d fo r d i n n e r By Liz M u r ray
oth hearty and vibrant, this dish starring mushroom and kale is the perfect dinner salad or a great starter for entertaining at home. Warm barley is tossed with kale, earthy woodland mushrooms, and warm tomatoes, then scattered with creamy goat cheese, root vegetables, dried figs, and pumpkin seeds. It’s delicious, super healthy, and absolutely stunning. Locally sourced mushrooms are easy to come by from the RI Mushroom Company in West Kingston. This fungus-forward biz has been dedicated to providing chefs and home cooks with high-quality mushrooms since 2013. Find them in countless grocery stores and markets across the state, including Dave’s Marketplace, The Fresh Market, Roch’s, and Belmont Market, to name a few. Due to their meticulous and consistent growing conditions, these exotic mushrooms are some of the best quality you’ll find. Any variety works for this recipe, but I prefer the rich, meaty texture of the shiitakes. When you pan-sear the wild mushrooms, their earthy and robust flavor comes out around the same time they turn golden brown. In this dish, the sweet tomatoes complement the nutty mushrooms, and the raw carrot and pumpkin seeds offer a subtle crunch in every bite. Soft, tart goat cheese crumbles lend a creamy dimension to this otherwise bright and crisp mushroom and kale salad.
M U S H R OOM A ND KALE S ALAD ING REDI EN TS • 8-10 oz baby kale • 1 cup uncooked barley • 1 rainbow carrot • 1/4 large red onion • 1/4 yellow or red radish • 4 oz pioppino mushrooms
• 5-6 dried figs • 4 oz baby bella mushrooms, sliced • 5 oz red and yellow cherry or small tomatoes, some cut in half, some whole • 1 handful of pepitas (pumpkin seeds) • 1 handful of microgreens (I used purple daikon radish microgreens, and Fern Farm has lots of options, too) • 4 oz goat cheese, crumbled • 2 Tbsp olive oil, coconut oil, or sunflower oil
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• Salad dressing of choice
INSTRU C TIO N S 1. Prepare barley according to package instructions. I cooked one cup of barley to three cups of water, and simmered for one hour. 2. While the barley is simmering, begin preparing the other ingredients. Brush any dirt off of the mushrooms, and chop off their ends. Thinly chop the carrot, grate the radish, chop the red onion, and cut the dried figs in half. 3. About 15 minutes before the barley is done cooking, heat your oil of choice in a skillet over medium-high heat. Toss in your mushrooms and saute until golden brown, about 8-10 minutes. To achieve this, try not to stir them too much. Add the cherry tomatoes to the pan and continue to saute for about two more minutes. Remove from pan and set aside.
Photo by Liz Murray
4. When the barley is done, toss it with the kale. The heat from the barley will warm the kale without sacrificing its integrity. Add the mushrooms and tomatoes to the mix. 5. Top with sliced carrot, shredded radish, red onion, figs, pumpkin seeds, microgreens, and goat cheese. Drizzle with your favorite dressing and enjoy! For more tips and recipes, visit Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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ASK THE EXPERT : LANDSCAPING Alicia and Nick Donadio have a unique business – their Service blows mulch into garden beds, saving homeowners and landscapers countless hours of work. We recently caught up with Alicia to learn more about their innovative mulch service. How does blown-in mulch work? We deliver and install the mulch without it ever touching your driveway. The operator uses a remote control that allows materials to be precisely applied. It is very uniform and creates an even application. Having the mulch blown in saves time, and a lot of hard work.
Mulch Ma de Easy Rhode Island Mulch Express Blower Services installs mulch in an innovative and efficient way
How long does a typical mulch installation take with this service? It really depends on the layout and size of the beds. A 10-20 yard job can typically be completed in about an hour.
What types of properties do you service? We service both commercial and residential properties throughout Rhode Island with a 10 yard minimum. What kinds of products and other services do you provide? We install mulch, playground chips and errosion controls like silt sock. What do you say to skeptics? Give us your most difficult job, the one you dread doing every year. Once they see us pull that off, we have that customer for life. They’ll never touch a wheelbarrow again.
Rhode Island Mulch Express Blower Services 782-6000 |
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
GARDEN R h o d y R e a d s | D I Y | B a c kya rd | C a l e n d a r
78 Garden planning begins inside a greenhouse built from salvage Photo courtesy of Jenna Kinghorn
Rhody Reads Books with local connections
about home, garden, and life
By Hugh Minor
uring the past year, the phrase “there’s no place like home” has never been more relevant. Many of us have had to transform our private sanctuaries into places where we work, play, and socialize, mostly virtually. The success of the Room Rater Twitter account is an indicator of how much time we’re spending at home ourselves while also viewing one another’s living spaces. For the month of April, Rhody Reads has selected six books written by local authors that shine a light on the places where we live. Houses come in all shapes and sizes and Warren resident Katie Hutchison’s The New Cottage: Inspiration for America’s Favorite Home highlights the smaller, simpler kind. The word “cottage” elicits feelings of romance and comfort and Hutchison’s design strategies capture that emotion, providing tips and tools for you to bring some love and light into your space. Also look for Hutchison on Apple Podcasts where she co-hosts Design Me a House with textile designer Dawn Oliveira. Maintaining a home can be a full-time job, especially when you own a threefamily with tenants. In Tenemental: Adventures of a Reluctant Landlady, author Vikki Warner relates her “adventures” as she learns to care for her triple-decker in the Federal Hill neighborhood of Providence with patience and love. It isn’t always smooth sailing , but it’s definitely worth going along for the ride. Our home is where we live, love, and heal. Former Travel & Leisure editorin-chief Dominique Browning shares
R E A D LO C A L . B U Y LO C A L . When you’re looking to purchase books by local authors – or any authors, really – support your local independently owned bookstores. The burgeoning book scene in Rhode Island provides you with a wealth of options. Barrington Books: Barrington, Book Nerd: Barrington, Facebook Books on the Pond: Charlestown, Books on the Square: Providence, Cellar Stories Bookstore: Providence, Inkfish Books: Warren, Island Books: Middletown,
how her home helped her rebuild her life in the beautiful and poetic Around the House and in the Garden: A Memoir of Heartbreak, Healing, and Home Improvement. Caring for a home is a way of caring for ourselves while leaving behind a permanent testament to our ability to sur vive. When we bring nature into the home, it becomes more alive and so do we. Newport’s Jill Rizzo (along with co-author Alethea Harampolis) explores how we can naturally celebrate the changing seasons in Branches & Blooms: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Magical Centerpieces, Wreaths, Garlands, and Other Unexpected Arrangements. Follow Rizzo’s step-by-step instructions to bring the outside world indoors, and even visit her Middletown shop, Farm and Flora Collective. Modernizing historic New England spaces is a task faced by many homeowners. Author Jaci Conry, with Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
photographer Michael J. Lee, tackles the challenge head on in New England Modern. Conry boldly redefines classic spaces to meet the needs of today’s style with glorious colors and patterns. Find your next inspiration in the pages of this gorgeous collection. We may not all spend as much time on the design and care of our outside spaces but they can make a huge difference in the look and feel of our homes. In Garden Design Master Class: 100 Lessons from The World’s Finest Designers on the Art of the Garden Carl Dellatore presents essays by top garden designers including Ed Bowen, Taylor Johnston, John Gywnne, and Mikel Folicari from Sakonnet Garden in Little Compton, and Laura Willson, from Swansea. Stunning visuals are sure to inspire.
Island Bound Bookstore: Block Island, Lovecraft Arts & Sciences: Providence, Paper Nautilus Books: Providence, Riffraff Bookstore + Bar: Providence, Savoy Bookshop & Cafe: Westerly, Stillwater Books: Pawtucket, Symposium Books: Providence, Twenty Stories: Providence,
Have a Rhody Read to suggest for Hugh? Email
Wakefield Books: Wakefield,
Rooted in Tradition
The G re e k Gardener celebrates her heri ta g e throu g h th e b e a u ty of flowers By Megan Schmit DIY by Nicole Michalopoulos Step 1
uring her childhood springs and summers, Nicole Michalopoulos remembers planting seeds with her mother in their Coventr y home garden. “I was outside from morning until night and always barefoot, which has not changed since then,” she laughs. Tending the garden with her mother and grandparents fostered her deep sense of connection to and respect for the earth, and in her late teens, she fell into her first floral design gig at a local flower shop. “Starting that job was the universe reminding me of my true purpose, which was to share my love of flowers and plants with people, and to bring beauty into the world,” says Michalopoulos. “Never did I think I would be able to make a career out of flowers on my own, but now I can see that it was my destiny.” She believes it was always in her blood, tracing her talents back to her grandparents: Her Pappou harvested olives, fruits, and vegetables starting at a young age on his family farm in Greece, while her Yiayia was a self-taught painter, needle-craft and pastry artist, and Greek folkloric dance costume designer. Today, Michalopoulos is better known as The Greek Gardener, a floral artist specializing in wedding and event design, workshops, and fine gardening for businesses and homes. She has appeared at the Roger Williams Botanical Center and Handicraft Club in Providence, volunteered her time harvesting lavender and making wreaths at Lavender Waves Farm in Charlestown, planted and harvested hemp at Lovewell Farms in Richmond, and hosted pop-ups at Tiny Bar PVD and Drift Café in Newport. “I am proud to represent my Greek heritage and carry on the legacy of who my grandparents were and what they stood for through this beautiful medium of floral artistry and gardening ,” says Michalopoulos, who shares that her dream is to design and execute destination weddings on the island of Santorini. Check out Michalopoulos’ work at, on Instagram at @thegreekgardener, and get in touch by emailing
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5 Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
DIY Terrarium Nicole Michalopoulos, AKA The Greek Gardener, shares a step -by-step workshop on creating your own gorgeous succulent display at home.
Journey through a wonderland of illuminated larger-than-life lanterns inspired by our wild world. From dazzling and interactive displays to delicious Asian-inspired cuisine, this enchanting multicultural experience is sure to delight all ages!
• Gravel • Activated
charcoal (tip: find this online or at your local pet supply store)
• Succulents • Succulent
or terrarium plants
soil or potting mix
• Moss,
rocks, and other decorative elements
Tickets are online sales ONLY, to purchase visit
ST EP 1: Spread a 1-1 ½ inch layer of gravel evenly on the bottom of your glass vessel for proper drainage. ST EP 2: Add a 1-inch layer of activated charcoal to keep bad bacteria and mold from forming.
ST EP 3: Add a 3–4-inch layer of your succulent soil or potting mix, depending on the type of plants you’ve selected. ST EP 4: Poke holes into the layer
Photos by Nicole Michalopoulos
of soil and place each plant into the designated hole. Then, cover with remaining soil so that the root ball of each plant is not exposed.
ST EP 5: Add any additional decorative pieces as you see fit. Some examples include moss, rocks, and sea glass.
Wallpapers • Window Treatments • Bedding • Upholstery • Slipcovers Draperies • Shades • Trims • Shutters • Custom Lampshades 606 Ten Rod Road, North Kingstown • 401-295-2760 • Tuesday–Friday 10am–5pm • Saturday 11am–3pm
MAINTENANCE: Water every 3-6 weeks, when soil is dry to the touch.
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Because Your Home Matters to You!
In the back and to the left of the Lafayette bldg. Look for wood sign Fabric Gallery
RHODY TIP: Experts say that the frost-free growing season generally begins mid-May.
Shed Style 78
A R i ve r s i d e c o u p l e constructs a greenhouse from architectural salvage By Elyse Major
Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
GARDEN G O -TO S Jenna Kinghorn’s tried-and-true spots for buying plants, flowers, and more: Chaves’ Gardens Middletown The Farmer’s Daughter Wakefield
Photos courtesy of Jenna Kinghorn
Peckham’s Greenhouse Little Compton
hen lockdown started last spring, some took to Netflix, some started baking bread, and Jenna and Iain Kinghorn decided to tackle some yard projects around their Riverside home. Plans quickly changed when Jenna kept running into images of a certain shabby structure on Pinterest. “When I learned the greenhouse was built using recycled windows I was intrigued,” she recalls. “Our budget was extremely tight due to the shutdown, so my goal was to reuse what we had, find what I could on a budget or for free, and buy only the necessary items needed.” To keep things simple, the Kinghorns decided on a small footprint for their outbuilding , and at 6’x9’ the modest structure is smaller than your average shed and thus didn’t require a building permit. The couple already had piles of leftover lumber from a deck they tore down along with some wood discovered in the attic of the garage. With most vintage and antique shops closed at the time, Jenna took to Facebook Marketplace where she scored 15 windows and a door for $25, and side transom windows for free. Other supplies like paint and clear corrugated panels were purchased from nearby hardware stores. Armed with supplies, basic construction skills, and time, the next step was to plan out the space, which Jenna did with paper on the ground. “Once you know the width and length, you can start to map out your window layout. I laid out the windows on our lawn several times to get just the right configuration. The challenge is adjusting your plans to fit your found windows and doors,” she says. Jenna also offers the following advice for anyone inspired to follow suit and build a backyard greenhouse: “Have the vision to be flexible when something doesn’t fit. Our goal was to use as much reclaimed materials as we had on hand to keep costs down, but sometimes you’ve got to spend a little bit on new stuff.” In total, the project cost $250. Today, the building affectionately known as Le Petite Greenhouse is used as a potting shed/she-shed. “It’s now the centerpiece of our yard – which we are going to relandscape around it to create a sweet little pottage style garden,” says Jenna. Inside, the small space is outfitted with shelving and hooks for garden tools and things like French market baskets, a popular item at Blanc and Bleu, the gathered goods shop Jenna co-owns in Bristol. “Every morning this is where I come to have my coffee. My sweet greenhouse still has some things on the checklist to be done in it, but for now it is the best place to start my day.”
Blanc + Bleu 500 Wood Street, Bristol Open to the public the first Saturday of each month from 11am-3pm; tickets required to enter.
Linden Place
The Must List 5 essential events this month
ide statew For a f events o listing online! s visit u m h HeyR
April 10:
A p r i l 6 & 2 0 : The URI Master Gardeners share expert
B e g i n n i n g A p r i l 1 5 : Take in the views of Blithewold’s
growing tips with their Learn at Home webinar series, covering insects in the vegetable garden and ground cover landscaping this month. Web.URI.Edu/MasterGardener
gardens backdropped by the scenic bay for Tea & Scones ever y Thursday through Sunday afternoon on the porches of Blithewold Mansion. Bristol,
A p r i l 1 0 & 3 0 : Tr y your hand at DIY home crafting , whether you want to paint your own furniture or create something new, with Blanc and Bleu’s Furniture 101 and Faux Stoneware workshops. Bristol,
A p r i l 1 7-3 0 : If you’re looking for a Rhody retreat for the whole family, find a home away from home in one of many historic inns and bed and breakfasts offering discounted rates for RI Hotel Week. Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
Photo courtesy of Linden Place
Seek out antique furnishings and home decor at Linden Place’s Tag Sale, where you can also leave with original pieces of the mansion’s 1810 balustrade and wrought iron fencing. Bristol,
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Hey Rhody HOME APRIL 2021 |
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