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Happening NOW - July 4, 2021
Journey through a wonderland of illuminated larger-than-life lanterns inspired by our wild world. From dazzling and interactive displays to delicious Asian-inspired cuisine, this enchanting multicultural experience is sure to delight all ages! This zoo-wide, walk-through event will be held Wednesday – Sunday evenings from 5:30 - 10:00 pm.
Tickets sold online ONLY. Visit rwpzoo.org/lantern
From Boat to Plate
The Seafood Market
What started as a clam shack in 1944 is now one of the state’s most beloved seafood institutions. Champlin’s Seafood Deck, located right on the water in the heart of Galilee, serves the freshest seafood you’re going to find anywhere in Rhode Island. But clam shack fare is only
Nothing beats buying seafood right off the boat. Below the Seafood Deck, Champlin’s Market sells incredible, fresh seafood – everything from live lobsters to shrimp, scallops, and fish. Their prepared options include smoked salmon and bluefish, stuffed quahogs and scallops,
part of the package. The restaurant also has a raw bar and great cocktails, which are best enjoyed with the breathtaking view from their Channel Bar. OPENS ON APRIL 3RD
cooked crabs and lobsters, and marinated salads of calamari, mussels, or octopus. OPEN DAILY
From fresh oysters to lobster dinner, experience essential Rhode Island flavors at Champlin’s Seafood Deck.
Raw Bar
Red, White, or Clear Chowder
Lobster Dinner
Cherrystones, littlenecks, oysters, jumbo shrimp, and colossal shrimp
4 5
Fried Whole Belly Clams
Served with fries and cole slaw
Clam Bake with Lobster
Served with red potatoes
Available in half pints, pints, and quarts
Served with fries and cole slaw
Iconic Rhody
10 restaurants we’ve known and loved for more than 50 years
Restaurant Report Industry insiders dish on the past, present, and future of restaurants
Perfect Poké Ocean State restaurants embrace the fresh and colorful Hawaiian dish
Drinkable Desserts Smithfield bar and grill elevates martinis and more with sweet additions P ho to cou rtesy of Th e Bl ack Pearl
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
18 54
Ph oto cou rtesy of Pal o Tapas B ar
Ph oto cou rte sy o f I g g y ’ s Cre a m e r y
Ph oto by J es s i ca Ran dl e
News & Life
18 10+ brave new eateries that opened during the pandemic share their story
42 Model citizen uses her
54 Nostalgic and
IG to help restaurants and combat body shaming
inventive ice cream experiences
68 Cocktail classes mixing gin drinks with new spins
20 RHODY PETS: CBD treats,
44 RHODY READS: Cookbooks,
tinctures, and more
cocktails, and more from local authors
with a side of spice
22 A rundown on COVID-safe dining practices
46 HOME: Restaurateur satisfies
24 RHODY GEM: Picnic-perfect
wanderlust with exotic backyard dining in Barrington
cheese and charcuterie in Portsmouth
72 CALENDAR: This month’s
62 PVD’s only plant-
foodie must-do’s
based chef specializing in soul food
48 SHOP: A campaign returns with a trio of T-shirts to help hospitality workers
70 Coffee destinations that roast their own beans
78 RESTAURANT GUIDE: Statewide directory of how and where to dine right now 90 #HEYRHODYPHOTOS: A colorful mosaic from our talented followers via Instagram
On the Cover: Clam Cakes & Chowder Combo served up at Chelo’s Smithfield. Photography by Nick DelGiudice.
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
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Learn about the Buy Local RI T-shirts on page 48
Dear Readers,
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The last “regular” meal I had at a restaurant was March 11, 2020 at Xaco Taco in Providence. The editorial and art teams were out celebrating our Managing Editor Meg Schmit’s birthday. There may have been murmurs about the coronavirus, but conversations were mostly about how nice it was to all be out of the office together as a group, sampling tacos and sipping margaritas. No thoughts of masks, social distancing, or whether or not our server should wipe down the shared bottle of water on our table. Days later we would all be sent home to work remotely. Today, thankfully, we are all healthy, many of us vaccinated or in the process, and employed doing what we love. It has been a rough year, especially for restaurants and the hospitality industry (lodging, event venues, bars) as a whole, so as we planned this year’s Hey Rhody Dining we knew that along with highlighting eateries, entrepreneurs, and tasty dishes, we had to get real and talk about the state of the industry in Rhode Island. The issue kicks off with a roundtable of leaders in the hospitality field, a rundown on safe dining practices, and a profile on a handful of brave new restaurants that opened during the pandemic. The theme of neighbors helping neighbors runs through many articles, even the Shop column where a
set of T-shirts was launched to raise funds for unemployed hospitality workers. This is also why we are proud to introduce our Statewide Restaurant Guide, a resource free to businesses, piloted in our sister pub Providence Monthly. This listing, compiled by submission, includes a key to what type of service each restaurant is able to offer right now. Of course, in Hey Rhody Dining you’ll also find regular features like Rhody Pets, Rhody Reads, and the Rhody Gem (notice a theme?). There’s a recipe, places to get everything from pokè bowls to ice cream cones to drinkable desserts, and so much more. Our cover story highlights 10 restaurants around for 50+ years and there’s even a fun quiz to test your RI food trivia. Here’s to enjoying sunny days filled with lobster rolls and Del’s! Editor In Chief
Elyse Major
May 2021
Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell
General Manager & Creative Director Nick DelGiudice
Editor in Chief Elyse Major
Editor Abbie Lahmers
Like A
Oysters? to open ‘em?
Over 1 MILLION oysters opened without injury!
Managing Editor Megan Schmit
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Senior Editorial Designer Abigail Brown
Senior Designer Taylor Gilbert
Account Managers
Louann DiMuccio-Darwich Ann Gallagher
Web Extra: City growers cultivate crops
Kristine Mangan Olf
and community in Providence urban farms
Sascha Martin Elizabeth Riel Interested in advertising? Email Marketing@ProvidenceOnline.com
Opens horizontally, keep juices in the shell Now ANYONE can open Oysters!
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Contributing Photographers Eddy Baptista
Jacquelina Paiva
Hilary Block
Jessica Randle
Ingrid Brown
Anna Saxon
Brandon Harmon
Olivia Lecumberry Wilcox
Liz Murray
Contributing Writers Ingrid Brown
Andrea E. McHugh
Jenny Currier
Hugh Minor
David Dadekian
Liz Murray
Patty J
Interns Maia Correll
Kaila Raymond
Looking for an internship? Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com Distribution Services Special Delivery
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Presented by Providence Media, publishers of The Bay, Providence Monthly, and So Rhode Island
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200 Exchange Street, Providence 401-548-6688 • TheRiverSocial.com RIVER WALK LEVEL • VALET PARKING AVAILABLE
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
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Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
I n d u s t r y E x p e r t s | N ew R e s t a u ra n t s | R h o d y P e t s | S a fe D i n i n g | R h o d y G e m
18 Palo is one of many restaurants to navigate opening during the pandemic P h o t o s c o u r t e s y o f P a l o Ta p a s B a r
Restaurant Report
I n d u s t r y i n s i d e r s g i ve t h e i r t wo c e n t s o n t h e p a s t , p re s e n t , a n d f u t u re o f re s t a u ra n t s i n R h o d e I s l a n d By David Dadekian, president of Eat Drink RI
ere in Rhode Island, we’re fortunate to have a thriving and ever-growing restaurant scene. But all that ground to a halt in mid-March of 2020. To find out where we are today and what the future may hold, a virtual roundtable was held with Casey Montanari, owner of The Bike Stop Cafe in Narragansett; Rick Simone, executive director of the Federal Hill Commerce Association; and Dale Venturini, president/CEO of the Rhode Island Hospitality Association. CASEY MONTANARI: We shut down on March 16 [2020], and at the time I thought it was only going to be for a couple of weeks. We didn’t reopen until mid-May and we went with curbside only and that’s what we’re still doing. Everyone has to choose the best way to run their business. For us, like I said, it’s the curbside, so
Dale Venturini, RI Hospitality Association
we did that and then we also started some grocery sales and that all kind of helps to balance things out. RICK SIMONE: I think that it was an always evolving pivot. [Hearing from] restaurateurs and their staff, this was the most challenging thing they’ve ever dealt with, but they managed. It was a constant pivoting evolution. It tested people’s creativity and how to make things happen. They had to do more with less. People were ingenious. They came up with ways to not only take care of their staff but keep the lights on, keep the doors open, and figure out what the future would look like. From delivery to private catering jobs to creating packages – it’s not that they made a lot of money on [these things], but it kept the funds coming in. DALE VENTURINI: I think restaurants are
still hungry…because they still need help. We’re very anxious for the new relief package on the federal level. We’re lucky because we have a great RI congressional delegation [and] the chairman of the board of the National Restaurant Association is a Rhode Island restaurateur [Brian Casey, president of Oak Hill Tavern and The Company Picnic Company]. His messaging has been resonating about how critical the small, independently [and family] owned restaurants are to the economy. CASEY MONTANARI: I think anybody you talk to in the restaurant industry will tell you, we’re all still here because of the grants and the PPP loans and all of that stuff. It keeps all of us going. There’s not a lot of profit in [restaurants]. People that run restaurants do it because it’s a labor of love. You’re doing something you really enjoy doing and take pride in that. You’re not really making any money, there’s not that huge profit
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Photos courtesy of (L) Rick Simone, (R) Dale Venturini
Rick Simone, Federal Hill Commerce Association
margin to help when things like this happen for long, extended periods of time. DALE VENTURINI: Going forward I feel there’s a sense of optimism. I think about it as a triangle: consumer confidence, the weather, and getting financial aid. We need all three in order for us to move forward. We’re getting to the other side of this. Is it going back to normal? I don’t see that. I think we’re going to redefine what that means. There are some good things that came out of this. People taking a step back and reimagining their business a little, thinking about what is going to happen going forward. The negative side of that is the ever-changing landscape – sometimes daily, and certainly weekly, things change. It’s hard for the industry to keep up with that. My job is to keep up with it, to be part of the process of making the change. CASEY MONTANARI: We’re starting to get things ready [to reopen]. I think there’ll be some good things coming out of all this too. Hopefully people will have a better ap preciation of the ser vice industr y. Nobody wants to increase their prices because you don’t want to lose any business. The thing is when you go out to eat, you’re not [only] paying for the food. The cost of your meal is the labor, it’s the insurance, it’s the rent, it’s the utilities – all of that goes into it. RICK SIMONE: I’m happily surprised with the [new] restaurants that are opening. But I am hearing from others that are trying to find ways to bounce back that the challenges of opening a restaurant in the future are going to be great. We’re fortunate we have a foodie culture. It may take a little bit longer than most things, but it will bounce back. I’m encouraged by what we’re seeing now.
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
382 Thames Street, Bristol • (401) 396-9811 • riversandrhodesri.com
PRIVATE E VE N TS AL FRESCO, TABLE & B AR D IN IN G 3 0 0 0 C H A P E L V IE W BLV D • C R A NSTO N, R I • 4 0 1 . 9 4 4 . 4 9 0 0 • C H A P E LG R IL L E R I. COM
Brave New Restaurateurs T h ese for mid abl e foodi es di dn’t let a pandemic stop them from op en in g d u r ing a turbul ent ye ar
amir Zaiter recalls that he’d already signed the lease, hired a team, and had an opening date slated for March 2020 for Palo, his Spanish tapas bar on Steeple Street, when the shutdown ground everything to a halt. “While my initial business plan did include reserve funds for ‘rainy days’ and I did include the possibility of a delay in opening,” Zaiter begins, “there was nothing in my plans to account for a pandemic such as coronavirus.” Zaiter wasn’t alone in feeling blindsided. Saje Kitchen in Federal Hill didn’t open until July but had also planned to open doors in March. Coowner Ethan Jaffe explains they used the pause to really hone in on the small details to keep diners safe, and how to put themselves on the map until folks could visit and experience the full ambiance inside. “Since we didn’t have an existing customer base, the pandemic forced us to get even more creative in ways to let the Providence area know of our presence.” Most of these efforts went into menu development at Saje. Along with their crowd pleaser chicken and waffles, summer specials like campfire s’mores and baked lobster mac and cheese are geared toward families. “We look forward to participating in Federal Hill’s Al Fresco dining on the weekends,” Jaffe says. “This was very successful last year and it’s something we’re thankful to participate in. We found people really enjoyed the
outdoor dining and we added to the ambiance with live music, space heaters, and chic outside decor.” Between each wave of COVID, the accessibility of PPP, and an unforgivingly frigid winter, new businesses have taken risks and weathered the storm. “From November through January, the forecast was pretty bleak and I had to entertain the possibility of never making it out of the pandemic as we were losing thousands of dollars weekly,” says Zaiter. “We have been ineligible for the government loan/grant programs because we were not yet open in February 2020. This meant that we were excluded from PPP and EIDL funds.” But this February saw a turn for the better in sales, giving Palo a fighting chance to come out of this and see future summers of WaterFire foot traffic, opening up their bar, and even hosting their own festivals. “The restaurant community in Providence is close-knit and has gone through so much in the last year,” Zaiter continues, “that we’re looking forward to seeing the community come together on the other side of this to once again celebrate life and each other.” Meanwhile, other nimble restaurateurs maneuvered lockdown to finally see through a long-standing vision, like Julia Broome of Kin Southern Table & Bar when her former job was impacted by COVID. “Opening during the pandemic made me approach everything with caution,” she says. “Believe me, I was terrified. It
made me think about the flow of the room and our menu. We transformed what was a raw bar into our designated area for take-out.” After a sell-out opening this April, Broome has created a space to share soul food and passed-down family recipes from the heart of Downcity on Washington Street. When Erin and Jay Trumpetto opened No Bull Steak House in Westerly, they saw an opportunity to create the kind of business they would bring their kids to: a family-oriented steak house. “[We] researched everything we needed to know as far as restaurant safety and protocols,” Erin explains. “Fortunately, my husband is a carpenter, so we were able to make the barriers between the booths in the restaurant and bar seating.” In a region that sees a lot of tourism, the Trumpettos look forward to expanding with a new patio area on warm days. Spring weather and ramped up vaccination stand as beacons of hope for many restaurants that we’re approaching something of a return to normal, but the lessons forged over a tumultuous year will serve as reminders of what the industry’s faced. “I learned that in spite of all of the planning in the world, you can never truly account for everything,” Zaiter reflects. “Businesses in today’s world need to have flexibility built into their fabric. You can’t be married to one idea or one concept or only your way of doing things, and this pandemic has clearly illustrated that.” Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Photo by Jacquelina Paiva, courtesy of Saje Kitchen
By Abbie Lahmers
New Di ni ng Along with longstanding community cornerstones, here’s a handful of statewide newcomers in ever y style of cuisine worth paying a visit this spring as you venture back into the world of dining out.
Fa st-C a s u a l Ta co s Casa Azul Taqueria | Providence, CasaAzulRI.com
P i an o B a r The George on Washington | Providence, TheGeorge-OnWashington.com
Go u rm et C a fe Groundswell Cafe + Bakery | Tiverton, GroundswellCafeGarden.com
Veg g i e - Fo r wa rd Co mfort Food Hunky Dory | Warren, HunkyDoryRI.com
So u l Fo o d Kin Southern Table + Bar | Providence, KinPVD.com
M ex i c a n C a ntin a Lola’s Lounge and Cantina | Smithfield, LolasLoungeRI.com
Seasonal tapas served on the patio at Palo
M edi te r ra n e a n Me zze Marcelino’s Boutique Bar | Providence, MarcelinosBoutiqueBar.com
Fa m i l y C h o p h o u s e No Bull Steak House & Pub | Westerly, NoBullSteakHouseRI.com
Coast a l C l a s s i c s Nomi Park | Newport, NomiParkNPT.com
Coffee a n d B i te s Notes Coffee Co. | Pawtucket, NotesCoffeeCo.com
Span i sh Ta p a s Photo courtesy of Palo
Palo Tapas Bar | Providence, PaloProvidence.com
So u t h e r n A m e r ic a n a Saje Kitchen | Providence, SajeKitchen.com
Fresh Ta ke s o n S e a foo d Waterdog | Warren, @waterdog_warren Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Food Hall to Fill Providence’s Union Station By Jenny Currier Along with the announcement of WaterFire making a comeback in some form late this summer, outdoor patios opening up, and the return of Trinity Beer Garden this month, Downcity is bouncing back as a dining destination after a brutal winter. Now, a large-scale food hall project is on the horizon, too. At the intersection of Waterplace Park, the Riverwalk and Kennedy Plaza, in the heart of downtown Providence, the new 16,000-square-foot food hall will fill Union Station’s ground floor plaza with more than a dozen bars and restaurants. Announced in midMarch, the hall was spearheaded by the Marsella Development Corporation, which has completed high-profile projects including the Providence Performing Arts Center and strives to be a driving force in urban renewal. Originally built in 1898 as Providence’s train station, Union Station may best be known by restaurant diners for its previous occupants: Capital Grille, Bar Louie, and Ri Ra Irish Pub. In the months ahead, Marsella Development will be connecting with the local community to decide how to best highlight the creativity and flavor of Rhode Island with this space.
Rhody Pets: THE ABCS OF CBD Cannabidiol can work
wonders for humans – and possibly your pet, too!
By Megan Schmit
ver the last few years, cannabidiol, or CBD, has grown into a popular natural remedy. CBD is derived from the hemp plant, a variation of the cannabis plant, and is often used to treat chronic pain, anxiety, and sleep troubles; it does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient that produces a high. But aside from its proposed benefits to human health, CBD may have similar effects in animals. Here’s a quick guide to CBD treats, tinctures, balms, and more available at local retailers. Note: It’s always best to do your research and consult with a veterinarian if you’re looking to introduce CBD to your pet.
CANAMED PREMIUM HEMP DOG CHEWS from The CBD Store, War wick & The CBDBoutique, Wakefield
A U ST I N & KAT W E L L N E S S D O G B I S C U I T S from WAG Nation, Newport
CANAMED PREMIUM HEMP DOG CHEWS from The CBD Store, War wick & The CBD Boutique, Wakefield
EAST COAST HERBALIST BACON PET TINCTURE from East Coast Herbalist, North Smithfield
ECO P ETS D OG T I N C T U RE , BACO N F LAVO R E D from The Joint, Johnston
H A P P Y G O O S E H E M P O I L E X T R AC T SUPPLEMENT FOR FELINES from Back to Basics, East Greenwich
J A S A C B D D O G T R E AT S from The CBD Center of RI, East Greenwich & Johnston
As of late January, Rhode Island lawmakers proposed extending medical marijuana laws to include domestic animals, allowing licensed veterinarians to prescribe cannabis and industrial hemp products. If approved, our state would be the first to allow medical cannabis certification for pets.
pamper your PUP at
FULL GROOMING MENU AVAILABLE J OY O R G A N I C S P R E M I U M PET HEMP TINCTURE from Natural Solutions of Rhode Island, North Kingstown
KO I P E T S P R AY from the CBD ReLeaf Center, Providence
PA W C B D S O F T C H E W S FO R C AT S , C H I C K E N A N D C AT N I P F L AVO R from the CBD ReLeaf Center, Newport
DAYCARE | BOARDING | TRAINING | PUPPY PRESCHOOL 30 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick | 401-903-4900 | Dogtopia.com/Warwick
from Rhode Island Reef, Newport
S U P E R S N O U T H E M P + J O I N T B R OA D S P E C T R U M M O B I L I TY H E M P C H E W S from Critter Hut, Wakefield
from Fetch RI, Richmond
T R O P I C B D S O OT H I N G P E T B A L M from RI CBD World, War wick
TRUE LEAF CBD SOFT CHEWS FO R C A L M I N G S U P P O RT from Woof ! Woof ! Pet Boutique & Biscuit Bar, Bristol
3 Keyes Way, West Warwick 401-250-3595 CampBowWow.com (Down the street from Cardi's Furniture)
30 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick. Dogtopia.com/Warwick • 401.903.4900
Dining Out During COVID W h a t R h o d e I s l a n d e a t e r i e s o f a l l s i z e s a re d o i n g s o yo u c a n ke e p t h e fo c u s o n e n j oy i n g t h e ex p e r i e n c e w i t h o u t wo r r y By Elyse Major
Outdoor seating and open windows and doors are employed whenever possible
Modified layouts of tables and chairs keep parties at least six feet apart
Employees know to wash hands properly, especially before, during, and after preparing food and after touching garbage
Hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol and other hygiene supplies are kept at the ready
SC RUB D OWN High-touch surfaces, such as door handles, bathrooms, and condiment holders, receive regular cleaning and disinfecting
Everyone must don a mask, except when eating or drinking
S I CK DAY S Employees are urged to stay home if they feel unwell, tested positive for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days
Graphic elements courtesy of FreePik
D a z z l i n g A m e ri c a n C h i c
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Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
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Everyth ing You Nee d Before to Know You Buy
Milk & Honey Sp ec i al ty Fo o d s S hop What it is: Known for their selection of cheeses and made-to -order charcuterie boards, Milk & Honey also stocks gourmet foods, local favorites, and ser ving ware on their shelves.
W h e re to f i n d i t : Just up the road from vineyard destinations and Newport Polo and neighboring Fieldstones Grille, find picnic essentials to complete an outing at this quaint countr y shop.
W h a t m a k e s i t a R h o d y G e m? Ta ke your pick of over 100 varieties from a ll over the world, arrang e d neatly behind g lass with labels identif ying their t ype and tasting notes. While you’re sure to find your favorite among the vast assortment, the best part is leaving with something you haven’t trie d before or ne ver knew you could like. “ We ta ke pride in curating a unique sele ction of g oods and find joy in introducing customers to our own favorites,” says co - owner Nina Pease. “ We’re a lways happy to answer questions or offer re commendations, too, of course — there are few thing s we enjoy more than se eing a customer come back for more of a che ese we re commende d !” Along with a we dg e of classic Parmig iano R eg g iano or f unky g org onzola , bring home loca l hone y, artisana l crackers, and a ll the fixing s of a DIY charcuterie board, or let the pros assemble one for you.
M i l k & H o n ey
Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Email Abbie@ProvidenceOnline.com to suggest yours and we just might feature it!
Photo courtesy of Milk & Honey
1016 East Main Road, Portsmouth 401-624-1974 MilkAndHoneyRI.com @milkandhoneyri
Beer, Wine & Spirits Trail 2
16 6
Johnston 1
15 4 North Kingstown
11 12 Stonington, CT
5 13 Westerly
14 9 3 10
Rhody 1
Beer, Wine
Visit our beautiful, dogfriendly, outdoor beer garden located on the Pawtuxet River. Enjoy a diverse tap list and curated craft spirit menu along with some delicious food. 334 Knight St., Warwick. ApponaugBrewing.com
Veteran and women-owned nano-brewery focused on community, perfect for craft beer enthusiasts and newbies. Open Thursday through Sunday for indoor, patio, or to-go sales. 75 Pascoag Main St., Pascoag. BravoBrewingCompany.com
Freshest beer in Rhode Island served direct from the brite tanks. Four styles on tap. BYOF, family friendly, dog-friendly. 34 Narragansett Avenue, Jamestown. Facebook: GCBrewhouse Instagram: @gensxing
THE GUILD PVD BEER GARDEN Along the Providence River next to the new pedestrian bridge, the beer garden will offer a wide variety of Guild Brewing Company beers and hard seltzers with a view! The Beer Garden will be open Wed.–Sun. starting May 27. TheGuildRI.com
GOOSENECK VINEYARDS Leading with authenticity, quality, and passion, Gooseneck Vineyards seeks out the best grape growing regions in the world to bring favorite varietals into local glasses. 4 Brown St., Wickford. GooseneckVineyards.com
Enjoy the full lineup of artisan crafted beer, cocktails & spirits. Enjoy relaxing at our outdoor beer garden and tap room. Pizza made to order or BYOFood. Dog-friendy. 63 Canal St., Westerly. 596-4151. GreySailBrewing.com
THE GUILD PAWTUCKET RI’s largest craft brewery serves up small-batch beers and hard seltzers in its large beer hall and beer garden. Open to the public Tuesday through Sunday with private event space available. 461 Main St., Pawtucket. TheGuildRI.com
THE GUILD WARREN Opening in June, The Guild Warren is a small-batch brewery and beer hall located on the waterfront in Warren. Offering a full food menu, it will be open Tuesday through Sunday. 99 Water Street, Warren, TheGuildRI.com
& Spirits Trail
Spend an afternoon overlooking a sea of vines, while you enjoy our estate-grown wine, fresh craft beer and fare to table fare. 909 E. Main Road Middletown. NewportVineyards.com
Rejects is your neighborhood waterfront brewery with a laid back, retro vibe and great craft beer. We embrace all things counter-culture and strive to have that come out in our design, hospitality and our beers. 124 Aquidneck Avenue Middletown. 619-8200. Facebook: RejectsBeerCo
Located in an impeccably restored WWII-era airplane hangar, the tasting room overlooks acres of vineyard and a preserved grass landing strip from the 1930s. 349 Elm St., Stonington, CT. SaltwaterFarmVineyard.com
WEST PASSAGE BREWING CO. West Passage Brewing, RI’s newest brew pub with upscale pub fare, is serving AmericanStyle craft beer, best enjoyed with friends and family. 7835 Post Rd., North Kingstown 585-4342. Facebook: West Passage Brewing Co
SHAIDZON BEER CO. Inspired globally. Brewed locally. Shaidzon started out with a passion to introduce delicious beers with influences from all over the world to the New England craft beer scene. 141 Fairgrounds Road, West Kingston. ShaidzonBeer.com
From sweet to dry, Tapped Apple Cidery & Winery focuses on turning locally sourced apples into the hard cider of your dreams. 37 High Street, Westerly. TappedApple.com
TAPROOT BREWING COMPANY Straight from our farm brewery to your glass! Enjoy fresh craft beer, farm to tavble fare and vineyard views. 909 E. Main Road Middletown. TaprootBeer.com
WILLIE’S SUPERBREW Willie’s Superbrew is a hard seltzer blended with real fruit! It’s light, refreshing and brewed with all real ingredients at The Guild in Pawtucket. 461 Main St, Pawtucket, Superbrew.com
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HELP WANTED at Rhode Island
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Michael Ciresi, General Manager gm@bastaonbroad.com Line Cook, Server, Bartender, Host, Supervisor
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PANERA BREAD General Manager Food Service Associate
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Iconic R hode Island I sland
10 Ocean State restaurants with local legacies going back over 50 years – and the foods that put them on the map BY ELYSE MA JOR
Ever have an Awful Awful? Even if you haven’t, you probably know what it is and where to get it: exclusively at Newport Creamery. Just like if I say Gregg’s, you think of a slice of Death by Chocolate cake. Rhode Island has a long list of signature foods and the restaurants known for creating them. We all have our favorites and it’s all highly personal. So how do we select a Top 10? Well, you find a way to narrow a list verging on 100 with careful curation dictated by a single requirement: It’s a widely recognized restaurant that’s been around for a half-century or more. Might you find your favorite missing from this list? Sure, but for the sake of this article, we’re offering a sampler of our state’s culinary foundation, establishments that have been around for generations – and will be for many more to come. I once read that most Rhode Islanders have never visited Block Island; if that notion applies to this list, many of us have several restaurants and foods to experience, so let the culinary adventures begin!
Signature chowder inside the Commodore’s Room Photo courtesy of Black Pearl
Aunt C ar r i e’s • E st . 1 92 0 Legend has it that when Carrie Cooper added clams to her corn fritters, the clam cake was born. This establishment by the sea has been serving up hand-held favorites on a seasonal schedule for 102 years. Amy Foy is one of two owners, each a great granddaughter of founders Carrie and Ulysses Cooper, and credits much of the success and longevity of Aunt Carrie’s, honored as one of America’s Classics by the James Beard Foundation, to keeping things the same. “We’ve made a real effort to stay true to our roots. Our restaurant has been a summer tradition for families for several generations. When they visit with us, we hope it evokes a warm familiarity and happy memories.” Foy also cites her employees of mostly high school and college students for keeping things afloat, especially during last year’s “Pandemic Summer”: “It can’t be said enough, our young staff made it all possible.” Foy states the most popular items are clam cakes and chowder, lobster BLTs, and homemade cinnamon raisin bread but is quick to add, “You can’t visit Rhode Island without trying our clam cakes, lobster roll, and Indian pudding.” 1239 Ocean Road, Narragansett, AuntCarriesRI.com*
The Bl ack P ear l • E st . 1 9 67 Is there anything more Ocean State than a restaurant being named for a yacht? That’s just what Barclay Harding Warburton III did when he founded this City by the Sea gem. No matter if you choose to dine inside at the cozy, tavern-like Commodore’s Room or outside at the always-lively Waterside Patio and Raw Bar, there’s one dish – or cup or bowl, actually – that you must try and that’s the world famous chowder. Black Pearl Clam Chowder is the restaurant’s version of New England-style and each hot serving is creamy and full of tender clams, but a big part of its allure is the inclusion of dill. National publications including Forbes, Vogue, and Travel & Leisure have all saluted the soup’s charms. A condensed version is available for purchase in 15- and 51-ounce cans so that you can get “your Pearl fix” from anywhere. Pro-tip: If you’re buying it in the can, also pick up some Westminster Bakers oyster crackers. 30 Bannister’s Wharf, Newport, BlackPearlNewport.com*
A sampling of seaside faves Photo courtesy of Aunt Carrie’s
Simple and delicious pizza Photo by Savannah Barkley
Local Luminaries 25 Rhody restaurants proudly defying their age:
1673 • The White Horse Tavern, Newport 1700s • Tavern on Main, Chepachet 1760 • Carriage Inn & Saloon, North Kingstown 1880 • La Forge Casino Restaurant, Newport 1888 • Haven Brothers, Providence 1914 • Camille’s Roman Gardens, Providence 1916 • The Olympia Tea Room, Westerly 1924 • Angelo’s Civita Farnese, Providence 1924 • The Butcher Shop, Providence 1927 • New York System, Providence 1932 • Stanley’s Famous Hamburgers, Central Falls
Caserta Pizzeria
C a s e r t a P i zze ri a • Est. 1 9 5 3
When most people talk about grabbing a slice on Federal Hill, the name Caserta’s slips right off the tongue and rightly so: The casual spot has been around for nearly 70 years and like many on this list of Rhody’s culinary old-timers, they’ve kept their menu simple and unchanged. Looking for mozzarella with fennel on a garden herb glutenfree crust? Forget about it! But you will find standard toppings like anchovies, pepperoni, olives, and mushrooms, with one sauce selection – and that’s tomato. Pies aside, Caserta bills itself as the Originator of the Wimpy Skippy, a spinach pie stuffed with black olives, cheese, and pepperoni, which has garnered attention from national outlets like USA Today. There’s also the Pepper Pig , where sweet Italian sausage, green bell peppers, tomato sauce, and grated Romano cheese are rolled in dough, and the similar Pig in a Blanket, which skips the peppers. Even if you dine in, get a pizza to-go for the classic red and white cardboard box – it’s chef ’s kiss – delizioso! 121 Spruce Street, Providence, CasertaPizzeria.com*
1936 • Flo’s Clam Shack, Middletown 1946 • Olneyville New York System, Providence 1955 • Joe Marzilli’s Old Canteen, Providence 1955 • Tommy’s Pizza, Providence 1956 • Anthony’s Seafood, Middletown 1956 • Ballard’s, Block Island 1957 • Valley Inn, Portsmouth 1962 • The Nordic Lodge, Charlestown 1971 • Luigi’s Restaurant & Gourmet Express, Johnston 1972 • Jack’s Family Restaurant, Warren 1972 • Pot au Feu, Providence 1973 • Clarke Cooke House, Newport 1974 • Benjamin’s, Newport 1977 • Capriccio, Providence
Chelo’s Hometown Bar & Grille Chelo ’ s H o m etown B ar & Gr i l l e • Est . 1 9 55
Going out for dinner with a group can be a challenge due to everything from logistics to picky eaters, but for decades locals have turned to Chelo’s Hometown Bar & Grille (bonus points for ample parking lots and family-friendly service). Chelo’s maintains a standard menu of appetizers, entrees, and desserts, and introduces an additional full menu each season, including fun cocktails (Molten Cocoa Mudslide!). Consistency is key and all food is prepared daily in their Warwick commissary and then delivered to each of their eight locations. Owner/operator Zach Chelo shares that the restaurant was started by four brothers, his grandfather among them, all now retired “other than Benny, who can still be found repairing equipment from store to store at age 99.” Chelo believes that the business owes its longevity to its fish and chips, clam cakes and chowder, famous burgers, and staff. “We owe most of our success as a company to our loyal employees that have helped make Chelo’s the integral part of the community it is today.” Multiple locations, Chelos.com
Savory staples at Chelo’s Photography by Nick DelGiudice
Coast Guard House • Est. 1946 When it comes to experiencing the history, scenery, and flavors of the Ocean State, the Coast Guard House delivers. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the original structure was built in 1888 by what is now the US Coast Guard; its architects were McKim, Mead & White who also designed the State House. In 1946 it was converted into a seasonal restaurant and 30 years later opened year-round. In 2012 a hurricane destroyed the dining room and kitchen; closed for nearly two years, it reopened with “a total rejuvenation, courtesy of Superstorm Sandy.” Whether patrons dine outside or in, the views of the Narragansett shoreline are postcard-perfect. In addition to delicious surf and turf, the CGH menu has uniquely regional offerings like a spinach salad with locally harvested mushrooms or stuffies mixed with chorizo; there’s also the summer return of the popular lobster corn tamale. An extensive wine and beer list and house-made desserts complete the scene. 40 Ocean Road, Narragansett, TheCoastGuardHouse.com
Gregg’s Restaurants & Taverns Est. 1972 “Obama Commits ‘Sin,’ Orders ‘Death by Chocolate’ From the Devil” was the headline from ABC News on Halloween 2014. On a visit to Rhode Island, President Barack Obama and then-Democratic gubernatorial candidate Gina Raimondo were making the rounds and stopped by the Providence location of the local chain for a slice of the famed cake, served up by Gregg’s employee Amanda Schroeder, donning sparkling devil horns. If you haven’t yet had a slice, buckle up: Death by Chocolate Cake is six layers of moist chocolate cake, sandwiched between rich chocolate frosting, and covered with chocolate morsels. It is one of many scrumptious offerings on the Gregg’s dessert menu, which includes Hasbro Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake, where a portion of the purchase price goes to Hasbro Children’s Hospital. The restaurant, with locations in East Providence, North Kingstown, and Warwick, has a long history of giving back to the community and was among the founding members of the Rhode Island Hospitality Association. Keeping current, there’s even an app to order apps and more. Multiple locations, GreggsUSA.com
George’s of Galilee Ge o rg e ’ s o f G alilee • Est. 1948
Any Rhode Islander worth their weight in clam shells must make a trek to the fishing port of Galilee for a bowl of George’s Rhode Island Clam Chowder. “Our recipe goes back to 1660 when my ancestor, Thomas Durfee, arrived in Portsmouth from Essex, England,” says Kevin Durfee, president. The clear-broth chowder has all the same ingredients as the white but sans milk or cream, fillers or thickeners. However, “for you ‘thick’ chowder lovers” you can still find New England-style on the menu, along with crazy-fresh boat-to-plate and farm-to-table offerings. Durfee believes their success is the result of continuing to evolve. “From our genesis as a traditional clam shack to the current landscape where we provide fine dining, bar atmosphere, and fresh catch seafood, our clientele trusts us to stay true to our roots while also introducing them to new favorites.” With its own beach and summertime tiki bar, beautiful views of Block Island Sound at every turn, Nana’s Gelato & Candy Shop, six dining rooms on two floors, plus a take-out window, and even a gift shop for souvenirs, any visit to Little Rhody’s largest waterfront seafood restaurant feels like a one-day vacation. 250 Sand Hill Cove Road, Port of Galilee, GeorgesofGalilee.com
An order of Portuguese Clams Photo courtesy of George’s
Rhody Recommended We asked noted locals to dish on what restaurant and foods they tell friends from out-ofstate to try and why.
author of Providence & Rhode Island Chef ’s Table In the summer we have to go to Galilee to buy fresh lobsters right off the boats with a stop at Champlin’s Seafood for all kinds of seafood goodies: stuffies, steamers, and cherrystones to slurp raw on the half shell.
MICHAEL RUHLMAN award-winning author of From Scratch and others No question: An Olneyville New York System Hot Wiener. Though an Awful Awful at Newport Creamery and a burger their way, on bread, is among the number of delicious food oddities in RI.
New York Times bestselling author of Kitchen Yarns and more Wright’s Farm all-you-caneat roasted chicken. I like to grab a whiskey sour from the bar while I wait, then follow the line of walkie-talkied hostesses through the maze of people chomping on chicken to a table. Moist inside, crispy skin outside. A Sunday tradition in my family.
N e w p o r t Cre a me ry • Est. 1 9 40 There’s an Awful Awful for most every stage of life: The Junior, for those just ramping up their taste buds (vanilla, strawberry… you get the drift), the (OG) Awful Awful with a more mature flavor profile (mint, mocha), the Outrageous (choc o’nutter, Oreo!), and then coming back down is the Reduced Fat. Billed as a “drinkable treat” the ultra-thick shake is made with syrups and ice milk. “Our most popular menu item is the signature Awful Awful, which has been a part of Newport Creamery’s heritage almost from the beginning of the company,” says Jonathan Janikies, vice president of operations at the Jan Companies. Janikies’ family purchased Newport Creamery in 2001 out of bankruptcy, rescuing the beloved concoction along with sweet red pepper relish, peppermint stick ice cream, and other house specialties. “Our success is built on serving a quality product at a very reasonable price for people from infants to senior citizens,” says Janikies. In its heyday, the Creamery had 33 locations; you can still visit the original/flagship in Middletown for “good mood food” at the sign of the golden cow. Multiple locations, NewportCreamery.com*
Twin O ak s • E st . 1 93 3 There’s something nostalgic about sitting at a booth or table at Twin Oaks; it feels like someplace your grandparents – or a member of the Rat Pack – would take you out for a nice dinner. The 650-seat venue with unobstructed views of Spectacle Pond and of course oak trees is the kind of restaurant where you can start a meal with warm Italian bread for the table, some Point Judith calamari, or clams casino (which, by the way, originated in Rhode Island), before launching into a salad with house dressing or a generous plate of Eggplant Parmesan. “Aside from some classic entrees, the potency of an Oak’s martini delivers!” says Barbi Jo DiMaria, 92 PRO-FM host and enthusiastic patron. Opened by the DeAngelus family, it operated as a speakeasy during Prohibition, which only adds to its mystique. Gene Blair, who has held many roles and currently works evenings as a server, recently celebrated his 50th anniversary as an employee. A photo of Blair proudly holding a placemat quickly blew up on social media: a fitting image for a business rooted in tradition but staying current. Says Executive Chef Ryan Mancini, “After 85 years, we want to stay up with the times but we can’t get rid of the items that brought us here.” 100 Sabra Street, Cranston, TwinOaksRest.com*
Strawberry Awful Awful Photo courtesy of Newport Creamery
R I Food Quiz
1. What nine-letter word is a sandwich made from ground beef, peppers, onions, and tomato sauce that originated in Woonsocket? 2. Before transforming a doughboy shack into the Iggy’s we know today, what was entrepreneur Gaetano Gravino’s former career? 3. What is an ingredient you won’t find in Rhode Island bakery pizza (also known as party pizza or pizza strips)?
4. Del’s lore tells us that great-grandfather DeLucia first made frozen lemonade in 1840 by carr ying snow into this nearby shelter ? Was it (A) a mine, (B) a cave, (C) a cathedral basement ? 5. What food item, circa 1980, is credited with making Rhode Island a foodie destination?
6. What hand-held food still available today was first ser ved up from a horse-drawn wagon on the cobblestone streets of Providence ? 7. Which RI chain of three locations has branded mugs for sale where a donation is made to a local organization? 8. What is the official state drink of Rhode Island? (A) Clamato, (B) Hurricane cocktail, (C) Coffee milk.
ANSWERS: 1: Dynamites; 2: Hair stylist; 3: Mozzarella cheese; 4: B-A cave; 5: Wood-grilled pizza at Providence’s Al Forno; 6: The Saugy; 7: T’s Restaurant/Ts Cup of Care; 8: Coffee milk
Wright’s Farm Restaurant Wrig ht ’s Far m Restaurant • Est. 19 54
For all of you city slickers, Wright’s Farm Restaurant in Burrillville was founded on a chicken farm and expanded into a 1,400-seat venue by Frank and Joyce Galleshaw, not to be confused with Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery in North Smithfield. One is known for serving family-style dinners of baked chicken or sirloin steak with fresh-baked rolls, salad topped with their own dressing, pasta with their own marinara, and homemade French fries, while the other is a dairy farm renowned for fresh milk and strawberry shortcake. If you’re unfamiliar with family-style dining, it’s where food is brought to the table in large platters with guests serving themselves and passing along dishes to the next person, as you would at a large meal at home. During COVID, this model had to change to take-out but recently Wright’s was happily able to resume dine-in: It’s by reservation only and limited by current state mandates (seating at one table is limited to two households per table with a maximum of eight people per table) but we’ll take it. 84 Inman Road, Burrillville, WrightsFarm.com* *Signature products available for purchase
Email Elyse@ProvidenceOnline.com for any faves we couldn’t fit on the list.
Wright’s Chicken Dinner Photo courtesy of Wright’s Farm
ENTERTAINING Influencer | Rhody Reads | Home | Shop
46 Outdoor dining in Morocco ? Nope, Barring ton. P h o t o s c o u r t e s y o f N a t a l i a P a i va N eve s
Meet Laura Afonso
Buns and Bites went from cheeky idea to a must-follow Instagram account and blog dedicated to helping the local food industry while boosting body confidence
Laura enjoying a bite at A Mano Pizza + Gelato, Newport
Photos by Jackie Paiva, courtesy of Laura Afonso
By S ascha Martin
Since starting Buns and Bites what is the biggest change you’ve noticed in the Rhode Island food scene? The Rhody food scene just continues to grow and grow! My favorite change has been the shift to pop-up popularity. COVID-19 obviously significantly impacted the service industry and sadly we lost some great establishments. But at the same time, we saw some good come out of the pandemic when tons of massively talented folks started feeding the state via pop-ups! And with these pop-ups, we saw small businesses open their doors and collaborate to build each other up. Now, that’s a beautiful thing to come out of something rotten. How did you navigate your food blog through the ongoing pandemic? The main priority was providing a value to the small businesses and Rhode Island restaurants. While in lockdown, I did my best to showcase the local ingredients and goods that I used to cook with at home, and of course, show my following where I was getting my takeout from! As someone who is still involved in the service industry, it was extremely important for me to advocate for restaurants who were struggling, who wanted to advertise reopenings, new takeout menus, contactless pickup, etc. It was all hands on deck!
*offer valid thru MAY 29
*also available as pellet insert
775 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, MA
Tues,Thur 10-6; Wed, Fri, Sat 9-5
What is your favorite Rhody food staple? My favorite has to be bakery pizza! I grew up off of Charles Street in Providence where I would walk to the local Italian bakery for pieces of strip pizza so it is also very nostalgic for me. Out-of-towners don’t get it until they try it! What is your favorite part about running Buns and Bites? I know you’re expecting me to say “the food”, but really it’s the people I have met! I have made real friendships from connecting with other women, small business owners, and local people that all started on Instagram and became real life relationships! What are your other passions? One of my other major passions is real estate. I am lucky enough to be able to work with my husband selling houses. There is no better feeling than helping a client get into their first home. It is also the perfect industry for me to be Rhode Island’s cheerleader! I love taking outof-state clients around town to show off our gem of a state. @BunsandBites
Rhody Reads Feast your eyes on books about
food and drink with local connections
By Hugh Minor
ood, glorious food! Rhode Island is a haven for anyone who loves culinary delights thanks to a host of internationally recognized chefs and restaurants. Add to the mix fresh seafood from our shores, an abundance of produce from small local farms, and multicultural entrepreneurs consistently bringing new flavors to the table, resulting in a range of amazing dining experiences. This month’s Rhody Reads highlights contributions to the food scene by six local authors. You’ll find something for every literary appetite, from the historian to the connoisseur. Rhode Islanders love nostalgia. We still give directions by where things used to be – the old Almacs, for example. David Norton Stone embraces this passion for the past with Lost Restaurants of Providence, a celebration of some of the culinary landmarks in our shared history. Join Stone in reminiscing about the amazing meatloaf at Downcity Diner (both locations) and the salad bar at the Barnsider’s Mile and a Quarter. He’ll leave you hungry for more. Take a fictional look at the rise (and fall?) of a star chef with The Cold Side of the Grill by local restaurateur Nick Rabar. One-half of the team behind the Avenue N kitchens in both Rumford and Providence, Rabar tells the story of Jack Cahill and his journey to success at New York City’s most anticipated restaurant, Byzantine. It’s an insider’s glimpse into what happens behind the scenes and the sacrifices that come along with making it to the big time. “What would you like to drink?” can be one of the hardest questions to answer, depending on your mood and tastes. But the right beverage can turn an ordinary evening into an extraordinary one. Grab your cocktail shaker and try something new with a little
SUPPORT INDEPENDENT B O O K STO R E S 16 great reasons to never buy books at that A to Z place again: Barrington Books: Barrington, BarringtonBooks.com Book Nerd: Barrington, Facebook Books on the Pond: Charlestown, BooksOnThePond.com Books on the Square: Providence, BookSq.com Cellar Stories Bookstore: Providence, CellarStories.com Inkfish Books: Warren, InkFishBooks.com Island Books: Middletown, IslandBooksRI.indielite.org
help from Shannon Mustipher’s Tiki: Modern Tropical Cocktails. The RISD grad and mixologist puts a modern spin on classics including the Mai Tai and the Daiquiri, plus lesser-known delights like the Bombo. In the Ocean State, we have access to some of the richest, freshest seafood in the world. However, we have barely begun to tap into the diversity of the North Atlantic Ocean. There’s more to life than cod and calamari. Simmering the Sea: Diversifying Cookery to Sustain Our Fisheries was produced through a partnership between URI, the nonprofit Eating with the Ecosystem, and JWU College of Culinary Arts. Written by Sarah Schumann, Kate Masury, and Marie-Joelle Rochet with recipes by Rizwan Ahmed, the book focuses on place-based cuisine, highlighting the culinary and ecological reasons to enjoy recipes incorporating local delicacies like dogfish, skates, and kelp. Dive in and taste for yourself. Whether you love it or hate it, the grocery store is an essential part of the food system in America. In Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in America,
journalist (and husband of Rhode Island author Ann Hood) Michael Ruhlman explores the relationship between where we shop and how we eat, a connection we often take for granted. How do we know when we’re choosing freely and when we’re behaving exactly like retailers hope we will? Let Ruhlman take you down the aisles of this American institution. True Rhode Islanders appreciate Linda Beaulieu’s Providence & Rhode Island Chef ’s Table: Extraordinary Recipes from the Ocean State for showing how to make their favorite local recipes the correct way. Beaulieu has been writing about food since 1983 (including for our sister magazines) and her expertise on the subject of local cuisine shines through in this book. Along with each course, readers learn a little more about our culinary history and enjoy the crisp bold photography of Al Weems. Explore the biggest little state with this delightful gastronomic tour. Send your Rhody book recommendations to Hugh at RhodyReads@gmail.com
Island Bound Bookstore: Block Island, IslandBoundBookstore.com Lovecraft Arts & Sciences: Providence, WeirdProvidence.org Paper Nautilus Books: Providence, PaperNautilusBooks.com Riffraff Bookstore + Bar: Providence, RiffRaffPVD.com Savoy Bookshop & Cafe: Westerly, BankSquareBooks.com Stillwater Books: Pawtucket, StillwaterBooksRI.com Symposium Books: Providence, SymposiumBooks.com Twenty Stories: Providence, TwentyStoriesLA.com Wakefield Books: Wakefield, WakefieldBooks.com
Backyard Dining Travels meet tradition in the outdoor living space of O Dinis owner Natalia Paiva Neves By Andrea E. McHugh
A Moroccan-inspired dinner by the saltwater pool at Natalia’s home in Barrington
Photos courtesy of Natalia Paiva Neves
like to feed your soul,” says Natalia Paiva Neves, and anyone who knows her would agree. The owner of O Dinis, the popular Portuguese eatery in East Providence, has made cooking at home a greater focus as she rides out this tumultuous time in the world’s restaurant industry. “We were shut down literally overnight,” she reflects, describing the uncertainty at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, Paiva Neves’ Barrington home has become her refuge – particularly, her backyard, where she does nearly all of her cooking for family and small gatherings continuing long into the year. “I’m out there through Christmas… my husband will make a path for me in the snow to get the grill,” she says, laughing. Paiva Neves explains that while core Portuguese ingredients including onions, garlic, and olive oil are still present, as summer approaches she reintroduces lighter flavors and squeezes of citrus. “To me, lemon, lime, and lots of herbs just screams ‘summer is here’ and I tend to use that a lot in the spring and summer seasons with foods like fish, chicken, and even beef.” Another ingredient that finds its way into her culinary cadre are bay leaves from her mother’s front yard in California. “She picks
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
the leaves and dries them in her garage. Then she ships them to me in giant Ziplock bags,” she says. “I put them in the fish stew, which I tend to make whole – the bones and the head stay on the fish. Absolutely delicious.” In her backyard, Paiva Neves and her husband have created different spaces to dine and entertain, mostly inspired by their travels. “There are several different rooms,” she explains. Their “Moroccan oasis,” with an abundance of throw pillows amid gauzy white drapery catching the breeze, was inspired by their February 2020 trip to the small coastal town of Mazunte, Mexico, and often is the starting point for cocktails and light bites. Dinner transitions to the main dining table, and dessert may be served in a small, poolside, bistro-style nook. “I don’t like everyone sitting in one area the whole time,” she says. Cooking at home gives Paiva Neves more freedom than cooking at O Dinis. While she may go to the farmers market or a farm stand (Four Town Farm in Seekonk and Wishing Stone Farm in Little Compton are some of her favorites) with certain ingredients on her shopping list, she says it’s not uncommon to come across something completely unexpected and change her meal planning entirely. Paiva Neves once created a backyard seafood festival
for a small group of friends featuring steamed lobsters, steamers, grilled fish from the haul her son caught that morning , and a snail salad she made from 10 pounds of freshly caught conch. She also ser ved grilled pork from a local farm to please landlubbers. Now over a year into the pandemic Paiva Neves has adjusted quite a bit to the tumultuous times of the past year. With limited capacity still an issue, only allowing for limited tables with social distancing and takeout, she has been able to keep the restaurant going. The change in hours and days of operation from the past year just returned in early April to the restaurant’s traditional operating hours. Paiva Neves is thrilled and plans to bring back their historic Monday night music as soon as possible. “It has taken a lot to adjust to the pandemic, but over a year in, it feels like I’ve figured out how to work within what we are all experiencing ,” says Paiva Neves, who was able to use the “downtime” to remodel the interior of the restaurant so patrons will see a freshened up look. She also launched her own website/blog with a YouTube channel where she shares food and cocktail recipes, cooking videos, entertaining tips, travel experience and gardening advice. Learn more at NataliaPaivaNeves.com
Something to Crow About Buy Local RI T-shirts help raise funds for hospitality workers By Elyse Major
hy did the rooster cross the road? To buy T-shirts, of course! The Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau and Rhode Island Hospitality Association partnered with Frog & Toad, that PVD pur veyor of “lighthearted nonperishables since 2014” to launch a limited run of exclusive Buy Local RI T-shirts with a portion of proceeds being donated to the Rhode Island Hospitality Employee Relief Fund. Three different designs were released one by one: The first featuring the original Buy Local RI brand design, while the next two showcase charming variations by local artists Maret Bondorew and Michael Ezzell, both of whom were given the parameters to contain a rooster/chicken and have a speech bubble saying Buy Local RI. Frog & Toad co-owner Asher Schofield says, “A campaign to support the hardworking small businesses here in Rhode Island all while raising money for the RI Hospitality Relief Fund is an honor to be a part of. So many folks in the hospitality industry have suffered this past year that it’s only right we do what we can to lend a hand. We’re Rhode Islanders. We look out for one another.” Each shirt is $22 and only available for purchase online. Free nationwide shipping on orders over $50. Curbside pickup is also available at Frog & Toad, located at 795 Hope Street, Providence. FrogandToadStore.com
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
The OG logo by Maeve Donohue reimagined in mauve on mauve. The campaign traces its roots to the Make it Happen RI summit in 2012 and was championed by the Rhode Island Foundation and then-Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts. Shirts and stickers were handed out at Buy Local RI Shop Hop events or by nominating a local business for the Golden Chicken Award (that might be fun to bring back, too!).
Artist, illustrator, and designer for Frog & Toad Press Maret Bondorew of “Knock It Off” fame designed the blue shirt. Asher Schofield shared that new-mom Bondorew worked on the project during nap times, and muses: “It’s possible that the rooster’s open beak and stance is expressing some internal frustration at a newborn not sleeping through the night yet.”
Michael Ezzell is an artist with a focus on print-making, painting, and illustration; he runs the FnT print shop and individually screen prints each of the three designs. Ezzell decided to take an approach that spoke to the traditions of American folk art and wanted to convey a sense of action and movement; the registration on the screen-printed colors is deliberately skewed.
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
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PASTA, HOMEMADE GELATO, PREPARED ITALIAN FOODS, AND A VARIETY OF IMPORTED CHARCUTERIE & CHEESE You Will Also Be Able To Find A Variety Of Market Items Such As Dried Beans, Jams, Tomatoes, Bread, Local Honey, Local Milk, And Other Market Goods That Will Make Your Italian Kitchen A Reality.
South County Commons Wakefield • 783-2900 pasqualespizzeriari.com (Across from sister restaurant Pasquale's)
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
WARREN’S HIDDEN GEM SINCE 2013 ∙ OPEN YEAR ROUND We feature locally roasted coffee, gourmet sweet and savory crepes, espresso drinks & fresh baked goods made from scratch. Conveniently located on Town Wharf, open until 10 p.m. every night. Cafe Water Street ∙ 279 Water Street, Warren, RI ∙ 401.245.7071 Open seven days a week, all year
upscale cocktail bar OPEN TUES-FRI AT 4PM SAT & SUN AT 2PM
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
I c e C re a m | R h o d y R e c i p e | P o k é B ow l s | Ve g a n Co m fo r t
58 A spicy take on turkey makes the perfect summer entree Photo by Liz Murray
Spring Scoops U n iq u e ice crea m exp e r i e n ce s you won’t want to m iss t hi s sea so n By In g ri d Brow n
Iggy’s Creamery Photo courtesy of Iggy’s Creamery
ce cream season is officially upon us, and as neighborhood joints reopen their doors for the summer, you’ll be relieved to remember Rhode Island has no shortage of creameries to complement a beach day or trip to the city. Whether you’re seeking an old-school drive-thru, the nostalgia of dozens of flavors, or something truly unique, our little state is full of classic and inventive ice cream experiences. Here’s a handful to get you started. HELADO TAIYAKI Taiyaki, a traditional Japanese fish-shaped cake, meets helado, or ice cream and is done up with creative flavors and Latin flair. Originally a food truck, Helado Taiyaki just opened their brick-and-mortar shop on Federal Hill. Owner Linnette Lopez Torres recommends the Maria Taiyaki: Cookie crumbles with homemade guava drizzle. Providence, @helado_taiyaki
Like No Udder Photo by Ingrid Brown
IGGY’S CREAMERY The perfect complement to Igg y’s Doughboys and Chowder House, the creamer y takes their famous doughboys and reinvents ice cream treats by topping them with the deep -fried bites or making a sandwich with your favorite flavor between two doughboy “ buns”. Creating a distinct boardwalk experience, signature sundaes are named after Rhody landmarks that once were. Warwick, Igg ysRI.com
LIKE NO UDDER Owners Karen and Kevin Belanger opened Rhode Island’s first all-vegan soft-serve ice cream truck, nicknamed Betsy Loo, in 2010 and have been making strides in plant-based frozen desserts as they continue popping up at regional events. Their East Side parlour has everything from hard serve and shakes to unicorn blizzards and affogato. The secret? Instead of cream, they use a base of raw cashews, coconut milk, or peanut butter. Providence, Like-No-Udder.com
KILWINS For a coasta l confe ction experience, this ice cream and candy shop is steps from Bowen’s and Bannister ’s Wharf s, and their trie d- and-true orig ina l re cipe hasn’t chang e d since 1985, using milk from family farms. Find dozens of premium flavors, plus some that are Kosher certifie d. Newport, Kilwins.com
LINCOLN CREAMERY A community staple, this classic ice cream joint has seen generations pass through its doors. Though it’s traded owners, the shop has remained dedicated to infusing small-town nostalgia with 46 flavors, dipped ice cream offerings, and plenty of rainbow sprinkles. Take a trip back to childhood with milkshakes, banana splits, and sundaes. Lincoln, LincolnCreamery.com Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
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TIZZY K’S Through a lot of trial and error, two enthusiasts set out to create Cereal Ice Cream, which combines homemade ice cream and breakfast favorites, like Fruity Pebbles and Golden Grahams. It was an instant crowd pleaser. Until their more permanent digs are open, you can order a pint online for pickup. Warren & Rumford, TizzyKs.com PAPA’S ICE CREAM If you’re looking for a cone or shake on the go, Papa’s Ice Cream is the definition of “convenient”. Why? Because there’s no need to step out of the car with their drive-thru. Inside, picture old-school counter service offering classic ice cream flavors, sundaes, and cupcakes, plus outdoor seating for the summer. Note: This stop is cash only. Warwick, Facebook: Papa’s Ice Cream LLC Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Our new Pint Pot continues our penchant for mid-century design and is the perfect vessel for too much coffee or your choice of stronger rew. Order online and we ll ship to friends or family anywhere.
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peter pots pottery 494 Glen Rock Rd., W. Kingston 401-783-2350 peterpots.com daily 10-5, Sun.12-5
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
EVERY DAY IS EXTRAORDINARY In addition to serving lunch (Monday-Friday) and dinner nightly, CAV offers unique daily offerings:
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14 Imperial Place, Providence. 751-9164. CavRestaurant.com Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Turkey Gets an Island Twist T h i s J a m a i c a n - i n s p i re d re c i p e i nf u s e s swe et a n d s p i cy f l avo rs By Li z M u r ray
meat swimming in a sea of aromatic Carib bean spices, which will soak this unique oven-baked Jamaican jerk turkey. While the homestyle gravy you might be thinking of is mild and smooth, with turkey overtones and earthy undertones, this variety is packed with sweet and spicy toasted elements, like caramelized sugars, fier y pepper, and warm and nutty nutmeg.
I NGRE DIE NTS : • 1 4 to 7-pound bone-in, skin-on turkey breast, safely thawed • 1 Tbsp onion powder or dried minced onion • 1 Tbsp garlic powder • ¾ tsp cayenne pepper • 1 tsp celery seed • 1 tsp table salt
• ½ tsp red pepper flakes • ½ tsp cinnamon • 4 tsp brown sugar • 1 tsp dried thyme • 1 tsp cumin • ½ tsp nutmeg • dash of ground cloves • ⅛ cup lime juice • 2 Tbsp olive oil • 4 Tbsp unsalted butter, softened
G ravy I n g re d ie nt s : • ½ to 1 cup chicken broth or stock, depending on amount of drippings • 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour • All of the drippings from the turkey • 2 Tbsp of the jerk seasoning you’ll make for turkey rub
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Photo by Liz Murray
hile turkey may evoke warmth and fall tidings for many, the capsaicin effect in this spicy iteration actually helps to cool the body down, making it a perfect summer entree. Crispy and seasoned on the outside and juicy on the inside, this Jamaican Jerk Baked Turkey Breast recipe is a sure-fire way to level up your poultr y game. The jerk seasoning rub uses a variety of spices that if you don’t already have in your pantr y, you can find most if not all at your local market, including my personal fave, The Spice & Tea Exchange in Newport, which has ever y flavor you can possibly imagine. You’ll have to resist the urge to drink this sweet and spicy gravy before ser ving it on the bird. Think tender chunks of white
STE PS : 1. Prep the bird: Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Place the turkey breast on a roasting rack and pat dry. 2. Make the jerk spice blend: Combine all the dry spices and brown sugar in a bowl. Mix together and set 2 Tbsp aside for the gravy. With the remaining spice rub, add the lime juice, olive oil, and softened butter; mix well. 3. Rub the bird: With your hands, carefully separate the skin from the breast of the turkey; this allows it to get nice and crispy when cooking. Rub half of the jerk butter mixture under the skin on the breast meat, and rub the other half directly on the outside of the skin. 4. Bake it: Oven roast the turkey breast on the middle rack until the thickest part of the breast reaches 165°F on a meat thermometer. In general, an unstuffed turkey breast will cook for 1½ - 2 hours for a 2-3 pound bird, or 2¼ 3¼ hours for a 6-8 pound bird. 5. Let it rest: Once done cooking, transfer the turkey to a platter and loosely cover with aluminum foil, allowing the turkey breast to rest for 15-20 minutes before carving.
To m a ke the gravy: 1. Scrape any drippings, fat and all, from the bottom of the roasting pan into a medium-sized skillet. Pour in chicken stock or broth. Bring the sauce pan to a boil, and boil for 60 seconds before running the mixture through a wire mesh sieve to remove any fat or bone pieces. 2. Reserve about ⅓ cup of the strained gravy, and add the rest to the skillet. Mix 2 Tbsp of flour into the reserved gravy and whisk until there are no clumps. Pour this mixture into the saucepan with the rest of the gravy, and whisk to fully combine. 3. Add the 2 Tbsp of reserved jerk seasoning to the gravy. Whisk well, and adjust the thickness according to preference. 4. Pour it into a gravy bowl and serve over the jerk turkey. Enjoy!
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For more tips and recipes, visit RecipeHippie.com or follow @recipehippie on Instagram.
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Pick Your Poké
Hawai i a n-i nsp i re d raw b ow l s g a i n t ra ct i on in eater ies a c ross th e state By Abbie Lahmers
FARMSTEAD REFRESHMENTS Among a menu of light fare crafted around fresh local harvests, find
Polynesian Poké ‘n Rice featuring ahi tuna drizzled with a savory sesame-tamari sauce. This sustainable food truck, camped outside of 1661 Exotic Animal Farm & Gardens, returns for the season on Memorial Day weekend. Block Island, FarmsteadRefreshments.com FLAT WAVES FOOD SHACK Portable eats are a must for surfers and beach bums on the go – Flat Waves feeds its coastal clientele with every kind of bowl imaginable, from sweet acai and pitaya (dragon fruit) varieties to spicy tuna and mango avocado poké. With a brand new patio reno, now is a great time to visit this Cali-Mexican fusion pit stop. Middletown, Flat-Waves.com
Photos courtesy of (L) Flat Waves, and (R)Hometown Poke
tart with a bed of rice or bowl of mixed greens; a colorful combo of shredded carrots, seaweed, edamame, red onions, and other veg are artfully arranged on top, and then the tuna comes in. Or salmon, shrimp, even tofu – your raw protein of choice. Sesame seeds and a chili sauce or creamy aioli are the finishing touches of a poké bowl, the popular Hawaiian dish you can think of as deconstructed sushi. Unlike a roll, poké is more playful and often customizable, and it’s traveled from the Pacific to make waves on the Atlantic coast. Several Rhode Island restaurants offer their hot take on this cold dish.
A Mango Avocado Bowl at Flat Waves features ahi tuna
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Customize a bowl from Hometown Poké
GANSETT POKÉ Hawaiian-inspired bowls not only feature responsibly sourced seafood, but the truck that originally pur veyed these healthy offerings is fully solar powered. Now, you can also find build-your-own poké at their Bonnet Shores storefront, along with the popular Swell (ahi tuna, cucumbers, and other veg drenched in Maui Shoyu) and others. Narragansett, GansettPoke.com HOMETOWN POKÉ This little poké oasis on the East Side also has humble roots as a food truck, and this month they’ll be opening up outdoor dining at their shop with a wine and beer cart in the works. Whether you’re creating your own or Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
tr ying the likes of a Hometown Classic or Korean Kick (with kimchi), expect flavorful surprises. Providence, HometownPoke.com KHOO Along with a full menu of noodles, fried rice, and sushi, this Malaysian and Chinese restaurant features a poké menu with rice or lettuce bowls topped with fried shallots and sesame seeds, plus your choice of protein (including eel and crispy chicken options) and a variety of veg and flavors. Wash it down with a mango bubble tea! West Warwick, Khoo255.com POKÉMOTO Available for pickup and delivery, you’ll be hard pressed to find more flavors to experiment
with. Traditional Hawaiian ingredients like ogo seaweed and umami shoyu, a thick soy sauce, are offered among familiar cabbage slaw, jalapeños, and spicy mayo. There’s even the option to make a wrap out of nori, the seaweed used in sushi. Providence, Pokemoto.com POKÉWORKS Walk and shop with a bowl from the Providence Place Mall. The Pokéworks franchise carries environmentally friendly practices into their fast-casual dining model, showcasing seasonal specials like a Citrus Miso Poké made with fresh ingredients. You also have the freedom to build your own bowl, packaged to easily eat on the go. Providence, Pokeworks.com
Plant-Based Eats Prepared with Soul The A f ro I n d i g e n o u s Ve g a n d i s h e s o n reinve nt i n g c l a s s i c co mfo r t fo o d s By Abbie Lahmers
Smith recalls. “At the time, I had no idea how lifechanging that purchase would be.” Now, under the title of The Afro Indigenous Vegan, Smith curates Sunday Suppers for delivery, caters events, and can be found popping up around Providence with plant-based versions of soul food. Along with frequent menu staples like collard greens and BBQ pulled jackfruit (which has a texture that rivals the best prepared pork), Smith uses a combination of whatever produce is in season and ingredients she finds at local cultural markets to concoct new recipes. “I try to make the meal cohesive from soup course to dessert, so you have what we refer to as ‘The AI Vegan Experience’,” says Smith, an experience that defines “comfort” broadly across individual preferences and cultural influences. Smith’s journey started as a personal one, relearning the foods she loved through a vegan context, but now she says the meals she most enjoys making are the ones her customers ask for, entrusting her to take their favorite food and work her alchemy on it. “Making plantbased foods from different cultures allows people to see that eating plant-based doesn’t mean leaving your favorites behind,” says Smith. “That opens a whole new world for many people, especially BIPOC who feel as if eating vegan is unfamiliar and inaccessible.” Follow @the_afro_indigenous_vegan on Instagram for menus or visit TheAIVegan.com
SUNDAY SUPPER STAPLES While The Afro Indigenous Vegan menu rotates weekly, here are a few of Smith’s signature dishes to keep an eye out for. BAKED MAC AND CHEEZE A comfort food for many and without a drop of dair y, Smith has perfected this vegan iteration: “You almost wouldn’t be able to discern it from the real thing !” CACHUPA This version of the national dish of Cape Verde embraces the flavors of the original but without the sausage traditionally used. COCONUT CURRY LENTIL SOUP The dish that solidified her decision to start cooking for PVD as The AI Vegan; a creamy, warming soup with a kick. LOADED TOTS Think breakfast for dinner: tater tots are topped with vegan egg and chorizo substitutes and homemade “cheeze” sauce and pico de gallo.
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Photo courtesy of The Afro Indigenous Vegan
rom early experimentation in the kitchen to blogging about her journey of eating purposefully plant-based, chef and educator Bree Smith’s relationship with cooking has always been about transformation. “An alchemist is a person who transforms or creates something through a seemingly magical process,” Smith explains. “By definition, that is exactly what I do. I take what I have and create food that will make you rethink everything you ever thought about food.” Think mac and cheese needs dairy to be creamy, or that comfort and health food can’t be synonymous? Think again. Smith takes meat substitutes like jackfruit or cashew-based cheese sauces and incorporates them into wholesome, familiar reinterpretations of the food she grew up with. “I love to show the versatility of vegetables and make them palatable for even the pickiest eaters – like my eight-year-old!” she says. “I love to experiment with tastes, textures, temperatures, and colors.” For Smith, the culinary seed was planted at a young age as she grew up helping her Nana at the stove and was enthralled by the likes of Julia Child, Jacques Pépin, and an arsenal of other PBS cooking personalities. When she took to developing her own creations at 11, her mother helped her seek out the niche cooking tools and ingredients she saw on TV. “I even found a real wok with all of the fixin’s at a yard sale for $1,”
37 Bowen’s Wharf, Newport, RI (401) 619-5672 • wharfsouthernkitchen.com
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DRINKING C a n d y Co c k t a i l s | G i n K i t s | Co f fe e R o a s te r s | M u s t L i s t
68 A botanical gin drink curated by BĀS Photo by Eddy Baptista
Candy is Dandy Find d e c a d ent martinis that drink like de s s er t at th is Sm ith f ie ld bar and grill By Megan Schmit
Cotton Candy Martini
op Rocks, cotton candy, gummy rings, Girl Scout cookies, Little Debbies…these might read like a kid’s dinnertime dream, but at Laura’s Bar & Grill in Smithfield, it’s just some of the ingredients composing the very adult range of martini specials. “ Wednesdays are martini night,” says Jessica Randle, creative genius behind the drinks. Randle has worked with owner Laura Dunlea for the last 18 years; she started at age 13 working at Laura’s Pleasant View Diner, the family restaurant just five minutes away – which sadly, recently closed – and when the Bar & Grill opened three years ago, she was hired as bar manager. “I create the drinks for all of our cocktail menus and specials, changing it up every season to go with the vibe and keeping some old faithfuls,” Randle explains. When Dunlea came to her wanting $6 martinis, it started with basics – but Randle wanted to kick things up a notch. “I’ve always been a fat kid at heart and have nothing but sweet teeth!” Randle laughs. “I get inspiration from anything : going out for ice cream, walking down the candy aisle, Pinteresting desserts I can make into liquid form, eating my 2am Swiss cake rolls…anything I see that I’m like ‘Wow, that would make a cool martini!’”
Today, Laura’s is known for their martini menu, which takes plain vodka varieties and adds a sweet twist for special surprises each week. Randle’s repertoire includes martinis like the Dunkaroo (vanilla vodka, rumchata, white chocolate liqueur, frosted sprinkle rim, Dunkaroo cookie garnish); Strawberry Pop Rocks (strawberry vodka, triple sec, strawberry puree, lime, Sprite, Pop Rocks rim); and even a Harry Potter-inspired Butterbeer martini. With a growing note in her phone of potential concoctions, Randle reveals that there are plenty of ideas in the works: “Blow Pop, Nerds, churro, and about 100 more!” Having found popularity in the martinis, Randle is also applying imaginative spins on other drinks, like margaritas and frozen drinks, which run the gamut of Cake Batter and Marshmallow Peep mudslides and Watermelon Frosé. “ Whenever the martini was too basic, I’d push to make it more exciting the next week, and now here I am trying to outdo myself every week – some have been hard to top, though!” Randle reflects. But with an endless imagination – and endless amount of candy to choose from – we don’t doubt Randle will shake up another sweet special soon. LaurasBarAndGrill.com
Casey Farm Camps are SOLD OUT
Summer Fun Days, Ages 5 –13 One-day specialty camps $55 per program
All Camps, Ages 5 –12 Six one-week sessions $305 per session
Little Ducklings, Ages 4 – 5 Six three-day sessions $95 per session
Photos by Jessica Randle
Saunderstown, R.I. To be added to a wait list, email Education@HistoricNewEngland.org.
Peach Ring Martini Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
Loca l e nt re preneurs team up to concoct new co c k ta il an d ch ill sp ace By Abbie Lahmers
icture a lively, creative gathering space : Easy camaraderie blossoms over craft cocktail classes and pop -up food vendors, and on display is local artwork that gives a voice to the community. This is what the team of entrepreneurs envisions for booth., a new collaborative outfit in Pawtucket. Along with ser ving as a new HQ for BĀS, a roaming cocktail catering ser vice, the venue is the brainchild of four owners. Michael Silva, who runs BĀS with his girlfriend Miellette McFarlane, joins Tatiana Beana and Kelly Powers to create a multi-media recreational space. “As a minority- and women-owned business, our mission is to provide a physical space and platform for Black and brown artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives to be able to express themselves and share their stories,” explains Silva. “ We want to create a space where folks can just be.” Along with cocktail classes and pop ups, Silva will continue developing M XR Kits, a pandemic at-home happy hour staple that comes with the ingredients to make four each of two specialty cocktails – one classic and one original. A new gin box partners with Empress 1908 Gin and features a Gimlet and a fresh take on Bees Knees called Little Honey, with lemon juice, honey syrup, rose tea, rose water, and a garnish of dehydrated rose petals, plus recipe cards and the tools you need to make it at home. This month marks not only the release of M XR kits featuring Empress 1908 Gin, found at The Dean Hotel’s Outside Marketplace, but also the beginning of inperson cocktail classes for small groups at booth. to concoct creations like the Purple Saint, which brings out the gin’s natural botanicals with elderflower liqueur, juniper berries, and tonic. The power of wielding the shaker is about more than just mixing a drink. “ We have stories to tell,” says Silva, “and we want to tell those stories, including people in why we’re doing what we’re doing. It really is an informative thing.” BASPVD.com
Photos by Eddy Baptista
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MOBILE BARS Looking for a cocktail ser vice to cater your spring shindig ? Along with BĀS, here are a few other roaming bars that bring an experienced bartender and all the accoutrements directly to your event.
• EZ-Bar Ser vices EZBarRI.com • Little Bitte LittleBitte.com • RI Cruisin’ Cocktails RICruisinCocktails.com • The Roaming Tap MobileBarRI.com • Two Gals Cocktails 2GalsCocktails.com
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
320 Ten Rod Road (Rt 102) • Exeter, RI Clubhouse/Restaurant (401) 295-1178 www.exetercc.com HeyRhody.com
Local Roasters T hes e co f fee sh op s b e g in with the bean to craf t el evate d a n d su stain a ble espresso s By Patty J.
here’s grabbing a quick box-brand coffee and there’s a morning cup o’ joe from a place that roasts their own beans. It could be the difference between a so -so cup and an exceptional one. Over the years I’ve found myself drawn to local spots that feature in-house roasting. That being said, I’m thrilled to loop you in on some splendid RI ones I’ve bean to. COASTAL ROASTER S Stopping in to pick up coffee at this popular shop means you’ll probably catch a glimpse of the owner and proprietor Don roasting beans by hand and in small batches. Coastal also has Insta-worthy water views to enjoy while you’re sipping. Tiverton, Facebook: Coastal Roasters THE COFFEE EXCHANGE Their carefully crafted java – made from organic, sustainable beans roasted in house – has such a dedicated following that former Rhode Islanders proudly post about going out of their way to grab coffee here on return trips. Also ethically sourced, the owners set up nonprofit Coffee Kids, and more recently The Coffee Trust, after seeing the extreme poverty faced by coffee farmers in Central America to help better the lives of hard-working growers. Providence, TheCoffeeExchange.com DAVE’S COFFEE With origins as the charming coffee shop on the first floor of Galapagos Boutique in Charlestown, which CEO David Lanning’s wife owns, now Dave’s Coffee is a ubiquitous Rhode Island name, with their signature Coffee Syrup found across the state. The business boasts a Narragansett
roastery, two espresso bars, and wholesale operations. Charlestown & Providence, DavesCoffee.com NEW HARVEST These roasters emphasize building connections with coffee cooperatives and smaller farms in Central America, as well as single-origin roasts sourced from a specific grower, crop, or region – all practices that have garnered a passionate Rhody fan base. Over the last 20 years, New Harvest has evolved from a humble set up in Rumford to a roastery at Hope Artiste Village in Pawtucket and coffee bar at the Arcade to an upcoming space at the Farm Fresh Food Hub in Providence. Pawtucket & Providence, NewHarvestCoffee.com TLC COFFEE ROASTER S Maybe you’ve passed their roasting shed on the way inside for a hot or iced coffee, where they famously have over 21 different flavors on tap. I have, but only recently learned that TLC has a master roaster on the premises who sources their beans from organic, sustainable growers around the globe and even developed a special process that allows both their lighter and heavier notes to shine through. West Kingston, TLCCoffeeRoasters.com UPDIK E’S NEW TOWNE COFFEE ROASTING CO. Specializing in ethically sourced coffees from around the world, Newtowne is a favorite among neighborhood locals and coffee aficio nados alike. Tucked away in a plaza on Post Road, this shop is known for consistently delicious java, an extensive selection of freshly roasted beans, and a knowledgeable staff. North Kingstown, @updikesnewtownecoffee For more on what’s trending visit PattyJ.com
Signature small-batch beans at Coastal Roasters Photography by Nick DelGiudice
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The Must List
ide statew For a f events o listing online! s visit u m ody.co h HeyR
5 essential events this month
M a y 2 1 -2 3 :
T h r o u g h M a y : Food Truck Fridays are back at Roger Williams Park Zoo with all your favorite food purveyors in one socially distanced spot. BYO picnic blankets and lawn chairs, and even take a ride on the carousel. Providence, RWPZoo.org
T h r o u g h M a y : Take a tour of the
T h r o u g h M a y : For a self-guided exploration of East Bay eats, try the Ticket to Dine Restaurant Event, which includes free desserts and a chance to win foodie raffles as you check off restaurants in your passport. EastBayChamberRI.org
M a y 2 0 : Hop on a motorboat shuttle and voyage to the remote beach on Quonochontaug Pond to partake in hors d’oeuvres at the beach bar for Weekapaug Inn’s Sand Bar Bites and Bubbles event. Westerly, OceanHouseEvents.com
city’s quintessential lunch spots with Experience RI’s Taste of Rhode Island culinary adventure, making stops in Federal Hill, Wayland Square, and beyond for true local fare. Providence, ExperienceRI.com
Photos courtesy of Discover Newport
Bowen’s Wharf Company is excited to bring back The Newport Oyster & Chowder Festival this year with oysters from local farms and vendors to savor while sipping champagne and listening to live music. Newport, BowensWharf.com
The BEST Place for
Wings, Pizza, Pasta, Steak & Ale!
MONDAY-FRIDAY: DRAFT SPECIALS • WEDNESDAYS: HALF-PRICED WINE THURSDAYS: MEXICAN SPECIALS 880 Victory Highway, West Greenwich • 401-392-3092 • danspizzaplace.com
615 Callahan Road, North Kingstown • 401-667-2636 • danstavernonthegreen.com
456 Main Street, Wakefield - RI (401) 783-9370 www.MewsTavern.com
Featuring Award Winning Burgers, Pizzas & Wings Extensive Local Brew Selection Creative Cocktails
Enjoy our expansive new outdoor dining and cocktail areas or dine inside in one of 3 unique bars or our famous ‘Tree Room’
Hot & Iced Coffees Gluten Free Bread & Baked Goods Pastry & Baked Goods Breakfast & Lunch Sandwiches
Take out window & Online Ordering sophiesbrewhouse.com 699 South County Trail, Exeter • 295-4273
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
401.272.3331 • 101 North Main St., Providence, RI • MillsTavernRestaurant.com
Outdoor Dining
401.437.6950 • 465 Angell Street, Providence, RI • RedStripeRestaurants.com
Enjoy your favorite meals in the fresh air. Please request outdoor dining when making your reservations.
224 Thayer Street Providence 33 Bannister’s Wharf & 359 Thames Street Newport benjerry.com/providence
Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
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Lunch, Dinner & Sunday Brunch | Open year round 7 days a week
32 Narragansett Avenue Jamestown • (401) 423-9866 SliceOfHeavenRI.com Hey Rhody DINING MAY 2021 |
40 Ocean Road, Narragansett 401.789.0700 | thecoastguardhouse.com
Cur b si d e Pi ckup |
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Indoor Dining |
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At press time, the restaurants on this list were open in some capacity. We strongly advise calling a location first to ensure they are open and what type of service they are offering at this time; many are reservation-only for in-house and outdoor seating. For the latest updates on regulations visit Health.RI.gov/covid . All listings seen here were provided by the restaurants on a submission basis.
Bluewater Bar & Grill 32 Barton Ave, Barrington 401-247-0017 | BluewaterGrillRI.com
Johnny’s Victory Diner 2731 Victory Hwy, Burillville 401-765-2661 | JohnnysVictoryDiner.com
Leon’s Cafe & Catering 230 Waseca Ave, Barrington 401-247-1660 | LeonsCafeCatering.com
Block Island Ballard’s Beach Resort 42 Water St, Block Island 401-466-2231 | BallardsBI.com
National Hotel Tap & Grille 36 Water St, Block Island 401-466-2901 | BlockIslandHotels.com
Poor Peoples Pub 33 Ocean Ave, Block Island 401-466-83533 | PPPBI.com
The 1661 Inn 5 Spring St, Block Island 401-466-2421 | BlockislandResorts.com
Central Falls
Bella Cucina 1418 Plainfield Pike, Cranston 401-351-3111 | BellaCucinaRI.com
Bella Cucina by Cozy Caterers 1418 Plainfield Pike, Cranston 401-351-3111 | Facebook: Cozy Caterers
Vanderly Restaurant 765 Broad St, Central Falls 508-436-0889 | VanderlyRestaurant.com
Bettola 44 Rolfe Sq, Cranston | 401-522-5222 Bettola.com |
Caffe Itri 1686 Cranston St, Cranston 401-942-1970 | CaffeItri.com
Gemelli Italian Drive Thru 2 Falcone Ln, Charlestown | 401-364-2300 Facebook: Gemelli Bistro | The Nordic 178 Nordic Tr, Charlestown 401-783-4515 | TheNordic.com
Cranston Asia Grille Garden City 140 Hillside Rd, Cranston 401-298-8855 | AsiaGrille.com
TigerFish 126 Corn Neck Rd, Block Island 401-466-2300 | TigerFishBI.com
Avvio Ristorante 90 Hillside Dr, Cranston | 401-942-2900 AvvioRistorante.com |
B.GOOD 62 Hillside Rd, Cranston 401-400-4835 | BGood.com |
Roberto’s ItalianCuisine 450 Hope St, Bristol 401-254-9732 | RobertosBristol.com
Basta 2195 Broad St, Cranston 401-461-2300 | BastaonBroad.com
Chapel Grille 3000 Chapel View Blvd, Cranston 401-944-4900 | ChapelGrilleRI.com
Chaska 16 Midway Rd, Cranston 401-537-7900 | Chaska-USA.com
Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 275 Atwood Ave, Cranston | 401-275-5055 DairyQueen.com | Legal Sea Foods 175 Hillside Rd, Cranston 401-732-3663 | LegalSeaFoods.com
Piezoni’s 640 Reservoir Ave,Cranston 401-865-6200 | Piezonis.com
T’s Restaurant 1059 Park Ave, Cranston 401-946-5900 | TsRestaurantRI.com
Rasa Photo by Hilary Block
Cumberland Angelo’s Palace Pizza 133 Mendon Rd, Cumberland 401-728-3340 | AngelosPalacePizza.com
Davenports Family Restaurant 1070 Mendon Rd, Cumberland 401-334-1017 | DavenportsRI.com
La Familia Restaurant 1666 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland 401-305-3916 | LaFamiliaRestaurants.com,
La Masseria 223 Main Street, East Greenwich 401-398-0693 | MasseriaRI.com
O Dinis Restaurant 579 Warren Ave, East Providence 401-438-3769 | ODinisRestaurant.com
Rasa 149 Main St, East Greenwich | 401-398-2822 RasaRestaurantRI.com |
Red Bridge Tavern 22 Waterman Ave, East Providence 401-438-3899 | RedBridgeTavern.com
T’s Restaurant 5600 Post Rd, East Greenwich | 401-398-7877 TsRestaurantRI.com |
Tio Mateo’s & Greenwich Bay Gourmet 70 Cliff St, East Greenwich | 401-886-1973 Tios-GBG.com |
Celestial Café 567 South County Tr, Exeter 401-295-5559 | CelestialCafeRI.com
East Greenwich
East Providence
Jigger’s Diner 145 Main St, East Greenwich 401-884-6060 | JiggersDiner.com
Davenports Bar And Grille 1925 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence 401-438-3381 | DavenportsRI.com
Foster Foster Country Club’s Tavern 19 67 Johnson Rd, Foster | 401-397-5990 FosterCountryClub.com |
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Kountry Kitchen 10 Smith Ave, Greenville 401-949-0840 KountryFoodGroup.com
Aunt Carrie’s 1240 Ocean Rd, Narragansett 401-783-7930 | AuntCarriesRI.com
Cool Beans Cafe 18 Kingstown Rd, Narragansett 401-783-1890 | CoolBeansCafeRI.com
Simpatico Jamestown 13 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown 401-423-2000 SimpaticoJamestown.com
PJS PUB 135 Boon St, Narragansett 401-789-3200 | PJsPubRI.com
Slice of Heaven 32 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown 401-423-9866 | SliceOfHeavenRI.com
Lincoln Gingersnaps Bakery 182 Front St, Lincoln | 401-335-5181 GingersnapsBakeryRI.com |
Middletown Blackstone Caterers 224 John Clarke Rd, Middletown 401-848-2030 BlackstoneCaterers.com
Custom House Coffee 796 Aquidneck Ave, Middletown 401-849-3800 CustomHouseCoffee.com
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SoCo Vedge 140 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett 610-324-7336 | SoCoVedgeRI.com
T’s Restaurant 91 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett 401-284-3981 | TsRestaurantRI.com
Trio 15 Kingstown Rd, Narragansett 401-792-4333 | Trio-RI.com
Twin Willows Restaurant 865 Boston Neck Rd, Narragansett 401-789-8153 | TwinWillowsRI.com
Ta keout
Cara 117 Memorial Blvd, Newport 401-847-2244 TheChanler.com/Cara-Restaurant
Castle Hill Inn 590 Ocean Dr, Newport 401-849-3800 | CastleHillInn.com
Fluke Newport Bannister’s Wharf, Newport 401-849-7778 | FlukeNewport.com Giusto 4 Commercial Wharf, Newport 401-324-7400 | GiustoNewport.com
Jo’s American Bistro 24 Memorial Blvd W, Newport 401-847-5506 | JosAmericanBistro.com
Lucia Italian restaurant 186B-190B Thames St, Newport 401-846-4477 | LuciaRestaurant.com
Mama Leone’s Pizzaeria 266 Bellevue Ave, Newport 401-847-7272 | MamaLeones.net
Norey’s 156 Broadway, Newport 401-847-4971 | Noreys.com
Antonio’s Pizza Newport 150 Connell Hwy, Newport 401-846-1124 | AntoniosPizza.com
O’Brien’s Pub 501 Thames St, Newport 401-849-6623 | TheOBriensPub.com
Johnny’s at the Wyndham Newport Hotel 240 Aquidneck Ave, Middletown 401-847-2750 | JohnnysNewport.com
At The Deck Restaurant 1 Waites Wharf, Newport 401-846-3600 | WaitesWharf.com
One Bellevue One Bellevue Ave, Newport 401-848-4824 | HotelViking.com/Dining
Tickets Bar & Grille 15 Aquidneck Ave, Middletown 401-847-7678 | TicketsNewport.com
Bouchard Restaurant & Inn 505 Thames St, Newport 401-846-0123 | BouchardNewport.com
Pasta Beach 138 Bellevue Ave, Newport 401-847-2222 | PastaBeach.com
Perro Salado 19 Charles St, Newport | 401-619-4777 PerroSalado.com |
The Lounge at The Chanler 117 Memorial Blvd, Newport | 401-847-2244 TheChanler.com/Dining/Bar |
Stoneacre Brasserie 28 Washington Sq, Newport 401-619-7810 | StoneacreBrasserie.com
The Mooring Seafood Kitchen & Bar 1 Sayer’s Wharf, Newport | 401-846-2260 MooringRestaurant.com |
Stoneacre Garden 151 Swinburne Row, Newport 401-619-8400 StoneacreBrasserie.com/Stoneacre-Garden
The Reef 10 West Howard Wharf, Newport 401-324-5852 | TheReefNewport.com
Yagi Noodles The Café at The Chanler 117 Memorial Blvd, Newport | 401-847-2244 TheChanler.com/Dining/The-Cafe
The Fifth Element 111 Broadway, Newport 401-619-2552 | TheFifthRI.com
Dan’s Tavern On The Green 615 Callahan Rd, North Kingstown 401-667-2636 DansTavernoOnTheGreen.com
N.K. Chicago Pizza 7673 Post Rd, North Kingstown 401-295 -1550 | NKChicagoPizza.com
Sonoma Bistro & WineBar 7366 Post Rd, North Kingstown 401-295-0800
580 Thames St, Newport | 401-324-5669 YagiNoodles.com |
North Kingstown
North Providence
Alma Juice Bar + Market 2 Main St, North Kingstown 401-294-4750 | AlmaJuiceBar.com
Il Fornello 16 Josephine St, North Providence 401-722-5599 | IlFornelloRI.com
Stoneachre Garden Photo by Anna Saxon, The Shutter and the Sea Photography
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Smoke and Squeal BBQ LLC Photo by Brandon Harmon
Pawtucket Antonio’s Pizza Pawtucket 727 East Ave, Pawtucket | 401-725-0808 AntoniosPizza.com | Atrium on Main 285 Main St, Pawtucket | 401-335-5500 AOMRestaurant.com | EP Kitchen 250 Main St, Pawtucket | 401-543-6966 EPKitchen.org | Francesca’s Restaurant 526 Pawtucket Ave, Pawtucket 401-724-9900 | FrancescasOnPawtucket.com
Notes Coffee Co. 508 Armistice Blvd, Pawtucket | 401-335-5181 NotesCoffeeCO.com | Rasoi 727 East Ave, Pawtucket | 401-728-5500 RasoiRestaurant.com |
Smoke and Squeal BBQ LLC 881 Main Street, Pawtucket | 617-595-7646 SmokeAndSquealBBQ.com | The Rhody Hen Cafe 350 Prospect St, Pawtucket 401-475-1368 | RhodyHenCafe.com
Portsmouth Cindy’s Country Cafe 1324 West Main Rd, Portsmouth 401-683-5134 | CindysCountryCafe.com
Fieldstones Grille 980 East Main Rd, Portsmouth 401-293-5200 | FieldstonesGrille.com
Localz Kitchen & Cocktails 657 Park Ave, Portsmouth 401-293-5230 | LocalzRI.com
Providence Al Forno 577 S Water St, Providence | 401-273-9760 AlForno.com | Andino’s 171 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-453-3164 AndinosProvidence.com | Angelo’s Restaurant 141 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-621-8171 AngelosRI.com | Anthony’s Authentic Italian Restaurant 441 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-273-5900 AnthonysOnFederalHill.com | Antonio’s Pizza Thayer Street 256 Thayer St, Providence | 401-455-3600 AntoniosPizza.com | Bacaro Restaurant 262 South Water Street, Providence 401-751-3700, | BacaroRestaurant.net
Bacco Vino & Contorni 262 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-572-0243 | Bacco-RI.com
Casa Azul Taqueria 890 Allens Ave, Providence 401-414-7799 | CasaAzulRI.com
Bayberry Beer Hall 381 W Fountain St, Providence 401-383-9487 | BayberryBeerHall.com
Caserta Pizzeria 121 Spruce St, Providence | 401-272-3618 CasertaPizzeria.com |
Big King 3 Luongo Sq, Providence BigKingPVD.com |
Cassarino’s Restaurant 177 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-751-3333 | CassarinosRI.com
Dave’s Coffee 341 South Main St, Providence | 401-521-1973 DavesCoffee.com | Don José Tequilas Restaurant 351 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-454-8951 | DonJoseTequilas.com
Durk’s BBQ 33 Aborn St, Providence | 401-563-8622 DurksBBQ.com | East Side Pockets
Blake’s Tavern 122 Washington St, Providence 401-274-1230 | BlakesTavern.com
Blend 57 DePasquale Ave, Providence 401-432-7449 | BlendPVD.com
Blush Bakeshop 408 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-642-9470 | BlushBakeshop.com
Bucktown 471 W Fountain St, Providence 401-343-0441 | Bucktownpvd.com | Cafe Choklad 2 Thomas St, Providence 401-383-4764 | Cafe Nuovo One Citizens Plaza, Providence 401-421-2525 | CafeNuovo.com
Camille’s 71 Bradford St, Providence | 401-751-4812 CamillesOnTheHill.com | Capri seafood 58 de Pasquale Ave, Providence 401-996-2223 | CapriSeafood.com
Capriccio 2 Pine St, Providence | 401-421-1320 Capriccios.com |
CAV 14 Imperial Place, Providence | 401-751-9164 CavRestaurant.com | Chef Ho’s 243 Atwells Ave,Providence | 401-831-0777 ChefHos.com | Chez Pascal & The Wurst Kitchen 960 Hope St, Providence | 401-421-4422 ChezPron.com | Circe Restaurant & Bar Providence 50 Weybosset St, Providence 401-437-8991 | CirceRestaurantBar.com
Coffee Connection 32 Custom House St, Providence 401-270-1801 | CoffeeConnectionRI.com
Coffee Exchange 207 Wickenden St, Providence 401-273-1198 | TheCoffeeExchange.com
278 Thayer St, Providence | 401-453-1100 EastsidePocket.com | Ebisu Providence 38 Pontiac Ave, Providence | 401-270-7500 Ebisuri.com | Ellie’s 225 Weybosset St, Providence 401-563-3333 | ElliesProv.com | Feast & Fettle Providence | 401-753-2572 FeastAndFettle.com | Federal Taphouse & Kitchen 279 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-454-8881 FederalTandK.com | Fellini’s Pizzeria 166 Wickenden St, Providence | 401-751-6737 FelliniPizzeria.com | Flatbread Company 161 Cushing St, Providence | 401-273-2737 FlatbreadCompany.com |
Costantino’s Venda Bar & Ristorante 265 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-528-1100 | CostantinosRistorante.com
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 1 West Exchange St, Providence 401-533-9000 | FlemingsSteakHouse.com
DASAP 371 Smith St, Providence | 401-293-2727 DASAP.com |
Gracie’s 194 Washington St, Providence 401-272-7811 | GraciesProv.com |
Dave & Buster’s of Providence 40 Providence Pl, Providence 401-270-4555 | DaveAndBusters.com
Great Northern BBQ Co. 9 Parade St, Providence 401-421-1513
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Gregg’s Restaurants & Taverns 1303 North Main St, Providence 401-831-5700 | GreggsUSA.com
Kabob and Curry 261 Thayer St, Providence 401-273-8844 | KabobAndCurry.com
Mill’s Tavern 101 North Main St, Providence 401-272-3331 | MillsTavernRestaurant.com
Harry’s Bar & Burger 301 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-228-3336 | HarrysBarBurger.com
KG Kitchen Bar 771 Hope St,Providence 401-331-4100 | KGKitchenBar.com
Mokban Korean Bistro 217 Westminster St, Providence 401-331-1651 | Mokban.com |
Harry’s Bar & Burger 121 North Main St, Providence 401-228-7437 | HarrysBarBurger.com
Kleos 250 Westminster St, Providence 401-443-4083
Hemenway’s Restaurant 121 South Main St, Providence 401-351-8570 | HemenwaysRestaurant.com
Knead Doughnuts 135 Elmgrove Ave, Providence 401-865-6622 | KneadDoughnuts.com
Hometown Poke 185 Camp St, Providence | 909-217-8534 HometownPoke.com | Il Massimo 134 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-273-0650 | Providence.MassimoRI.com
India Restaurant 1060 Hope St, Providence 401-421-2600 | IndiaRestaurant.com
Jacky’s Waterplace & Sushi Bar Restaurant 200 Exchange St, Providence 401-383-5000 | JackysGalaxie.com
Jahunger Restaurant 333 Wickenden St, Providence 401-479-9992 | Jahunger.com
Lekker BBQ 210 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-285-9999 | LekkerBBQ.com
Little Sister 737a Hope St (corner with Rochambeau Ave), Providence | 401-642-9464 LittleSisterPVD.com
Los Andes Restaurant 903 Chalkstone Ave, Providence 401-649-4911 | LosAndesRI.com
Murphy’s 100 Fountain St, Providence 401-621-8467 | MurphysProvidence.com
Nami Japanese Restaurant 198 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-383-6559 NamiProv.com Nara Lounge & Restaurant 248 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-273-6272 | NaraProvidence.com
Needle & Thread 54 Peck St, Providence | 401-437-8725 NeedleNThreadPVD.com | New Harvest Coffee & Spirits 65 Weybosset St, Providence 401-438-1999 | NewHarvestCoffee.com
New Rivers 7 Steeple St, Providence | 401-751-0350 NewRiversRestaurant.com |
Lucia’s Mexican Restaurant 154 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-228-6550 | LuciasMexican.com
Nicks on Broadway 500 Broadway, Providence 401-421-0286 | NicksonBroadway.com
Mare Rooftop 229 Waterman St, Providence 401-336-6273 | MareRoofTop.com
North 122 Fountain St, Providence FoodbyNorth.com |
Joe Marzilli’s Old Canteen Italian Restaurant 120 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-751-5544 TheOldCanteen.com |
Massimo Ristorante 134 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-273-0650 Massimori.com |
Julian’s 318 Broadway, Providence 401-861-1770 | JuliansProvidence.com
McBride’s Pub 161 Wayland Ave, Providence 401-751-300 | McBrides-Pub.com
Oberlin 186 Union St, Providence 401-588-8755 | OberlinRestaurant.com
Ocean State Sandwich Company 155 Westminster St, Providence 401-521-6772 | SandwichRI.com
Providence Coal Fired Pizza Photo by Hilary Block
Olneyville New York System Restaurant 20 Plainfield St, Providence | 401-621-9500 OlneyvilleNewYorkSystem.com | Opa Restaurant 230 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-351-8282 OpaProvidence.com | P.F. Chang’s 111 Providence Pl, Providence | 401-270-4665 PFChangs.com | Pane e Vino Ristorante 365 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-223-2230 PaneVino.net | Panera Bread 43 Providence Pl, Providence 401-248-0020 | PaneraBread.com
Parkside Rotisserie & Bar 76 South Main St, Providence 401-331-0003 | ParksideProvidence.com
Pasta Beach 195 Wayland Ave, Providence 401-270-0740 | PastaBeach.com
Pot au Feu 44 Custom House St, Providence 401-273-8953 | PotAuFeuRI.com
Pastiche Fine Desserts 92 Spruce St, Providence | 401-861-5190 PasticheFineDesserts.com |
Providence Coal Fired Pizza 385 Westminster St, Providence 401-454-7499 ProvidenceCoalFiredPizza.com
Persimmon Restaurant 99 Hope St, Providence | 401-432-7422 PersimmonRI.com | PiANTA Vegan Restaurant 65 Bath St, Providence | 401-499-5354 PiantaVeganRestaurant.com | Piemonte 114 Doyle Ave, Providence | 401-273-0999 PiemontePizza.com | Plaza Bar & Kitchen 59 DePasquale Ave, Providence 401-331-8240 | PlazaKitchenBar.com
Providence G Pub 61 Orange St, Providence 401-632-4782 | ProvidenceGPub.com
Providence Oyster Bar 283 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-272-8866 | ProvOysterBar.com
Public Kitchen & Bar 120 Francis St, Providence | 401-919-5050 Facebook: Public Kitchen & Bar
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Pure Lounge 387 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-861-0796 | PureLoungeProv.com
Roma Ristorante & Deli Café 310 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-331-5000 RomaProv.net |
Sin 1413 Westminster St, Providence 401-369-8427 | EatWicked.com |
PVDonuts 79 Ives St, Providence | PVDonuts.com |
Rooftop at the Providence G 100 Dorrance St, Providence 401-632-4904 | RooftopAtTheG.com
Small Point Cafe 230 Westminster St, Providence 401-228-6999 | SmallPointCafe.com
Rosalina 50 Aborn St, Providence | 401-270-7330 Facebook: Rosalina |
Snookers Sports, Billiards, Bar & Grill 53 Ashburton St, Providence | 401-351-7665 SnookersRI.com |
Saje Kitchen 332 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-473-0504 | SajeKitchen.com
South Beach Restaurant & Lounge 338 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-455-1200 Facebook: SouthBeachProvidence
Saladworks 75 Fountain St, Providence | 401-383-2100 Saladworks.com |
Sura 232 Westminster St, Providence 401-277-9088 | SuraProvidence.com |
Sicilia’s Pizzeria 181 Atwells Ave, Providence | 401-273-9222 SiciliasOnline.com |
Tallulah’s Taqueria 146 Ives St, Providence | 401-272-8226 TallulahsTaqueria.com |
Rebelle Artisan Bagels 110 Doyle Ave (corner with Camp St), Providence | RebelleArtisanBagels.com
Red Stripe 465 Angell St, Providence | 401-437-6950 RedStripeRestaurants.com | Rhode Island Billiards Bar & Bistro 2026 Smith St. N, Providence 401-232-1331 | RIBBB.com | Rogue Island Local Kitchen & Bar 65 Weybosset St, Ste 108, Providence 401-831-3733 | RogueIslandGroup.com
Red Stripe Photo courtesy of Red Stripe
Taste of Rhode Island Tour 1 Eddy St, Providence | 401-886-0733 ExperienceRI.com/Taste-Of-RhodeIsland-Tour |
The Rosendale 55 Union St, Providence 401-421-3253 | TheRosendaleRI.com
Tavolo Wine Bar & Tuscan Grille 289 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-274-6000 | TavoloWineBar.com
The Salted Slate 186 Wayland Ave, Providence 401-270-3737 | SaltedSlate.com
Ten Prime Steak & Sushi 55 Pine St,Providence | 401-453-2333 TenPrimeSteakandSushi.com
Tiny Bar 377 Richmond St, Providence, @tinybarpvd
Terra Luna Café 57 De Pasquale Ave, Providence 401-432-7449 | TerraLunaCafe.com
Tori Tomo Restaurant 69 Washington St, Providence 401-409-2077 | ToriTomoPVD.com
The Abbey 686 Admiral St, Providence 401-351-4346 | 92Beers.com
Trattoria Zooma 245 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-383-2002 | TrattoriaZooma.com
The Capital Grille 10 Memorial Blvd, Providence 401-521-5600 | TheCapitalGrille.com
Trinity Brewhouse 186 Fountain St, Providence 401-453-2337 | TrinityBrewhouse.com
The District 54 South St, Providence | 401-421-0050 TheDistrictRI.com |
Troop PVD 60 Valley St, Providence 401-473-2900 | TroopPVD.com
The East End 244 Wickenden St, Providence 401-433-9770 | TheEastEndPVD.com
Union Station Brewery 36 Exchange Terr, Providence 401-274-2739 | UnionStationPVD.com
The George 121 Washington St, Providence 401-642-6840 TheGeorge-OnWashington.com
Uno Chicago Grill 82 Providence Pl, Providence 401-270-4866 | Unos.com
The Malted Barley 334 Westminster St, Providence 401-490-0300 | TheMaltedBarley.com
Venda Ravioli Inc. 265 Atwells Ave, Providence 401-421-9105 | VendaRavioliStore.com
The River Social 200 Exchange St, Providence 401-256-5686 | TheRiverSocial.com
Vino Veritas 486 Broadway, Providence 401-383-2001 | VinoVeritasRI.com
Waterman Grille 4 Richmond Sq, Providence | 401-521-9229 WatermanGrille.com | Wok & Pot 333 Westminster St, Providence 401-274-0276 | WoknPot.com
Xaco Taco 370 Richmond St, Providence 401-228-8286 | XacoTacoRI.com
Y Noodle & Bar 425 W Fountain St #100, Providence 401-661-9666 | YNoodleBar.com
Yoleni’s 292 Westminster St, Providence 401-500-1127 | Providence.Yolenis.com
Richmond Maker’s Mark Hobbit House at The Preserve 87 Kingstown Rd, Richmond | 844-451-5913 PreserveSportingClub.com/HobbitHouse
Rumford Uncle Tony’s Pizza & Pasta 260 Newport Ave, Rumford | 401-438-4646 UncleTonys.com |
Smithfield A&W Restaurant 460 Putnam Pike, Smithfield | 401-949-9892 AWRestaurants.com | Parma Ristorante 266 Putnam Pike, Smithfield | 401-349-0079 ParmaRistorante.com | Tavolo Wine Bar & Tuscan Grille 970 Douglas Pike, Smithfield 401-349-4979 | TavoloWineBar.com
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TerrazzaRI 645 Douglas Pike, Smithfield 401-233-3223 | TerrazzaRI.com
Crossroads Restaurant 133 Market St, Warren 401-245-9305 | CrossroadPub.net
South Kingstown
Uptown Food & Spirits 437 Main St, Warren | 401-441-5460 UptownFoodandSpirits.com |
Locanda 3009 Tower Hill Rd, South Kingstown 401-661-9380 | LocandaRI.com
Sweet Cakes Bakery and Cafe 1227 Kingstown Rd, South Kingstown 401-789-5420 | SweetCakesBakeryRI.com
Warwick Apponaug Brewing Company 334 Knight St, Warwick | 401-681-4321 ApponaugBrewing.com | Arooga’s Grille House & Sports Bar 615 Greenwich Ave, Warwick 401-922-9464 | Aroogas.com
Coastal Roasters 1791 Main Rd, Tiverton | 401-624-2343 CoastalRoastersCoffee.square.site
Celebrated 901 Warwick Ave, Warwick 401-787-4017 | Celebrated.co
Localz Burger & Cocktails 4 Stafford Rd, Tiverton | 401-816-4266 LocalzRI.com |
Cork and Rye Gastropub 255 Lambert Lind Hwy, Warwick 401-921-8324 | CorkAndRyeRI.com
Wakefield Matunuck Oyster Bar 629 Succotash Rd, Wakefield 401-783-4202 | RhodyOysters.com
Sweet Althea’s 542 Kingstown Rd, Wakefield 401-932-9473 | SweetAltheas.com
Tony’s Pizzeria 1916 Kingstown Rd, Wakefield 401-789-8383 | TonysPizzaRI.com
Warren Cafe Water Street 279 Water St, Warren | 401-245-7071 Facebook: Cafe Water Street |
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Tavolo Wine Bar & Tuscan Grille 2099 Post Rd, Warwick 401-384-7570 | TavoloWineBar.com
The Cozy Grill 440 Warwick Ave, Warwick | 401-941-9088 CozyGrillWarwick.com |
Watch Hill St. Clair Annex 141 Bay St, Watch Hill | 401-348-8407 StClairAnnexRestaurant.com |
West Greenwich Dan’s Place 880 Victory Hwy, West Greenwich 401-392-3092 | DansPizzaPlace.com
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West Warick Aquilante’s Bistro & Tavern 701 Quaker Ln, West Warwick 401-821-7700 | AquilantesRI.com
Westerly COAST at Ocean House 1 Bluff Ave, Westerly 401-584-7000 | OceanHouseRI.com
Secret Garden Creperie at Ocean House 1 Bluff Ave, Westerly 401-584-7250 | OceanHouseRI.com
Sipping Terrace at Ocean House 1 Bluff Ave, Westerly | 855-945-2264 OceanHouseRI.com/SippingTerrace
The Bistro at Ocean House 1 Bluff Ave, Westerly 401-584-7000 | OceanHouseRI.com
The Brasserie at Weekapaug Inn 25 Spray Rock Rd, Westerly | 401-584-7000 WeekapaugInn.com/The-Brasserie
The Malted Barley Westerly 42 High St, Westerly 401-315-2184 | TheMaltedBarleyRI.net
The Pondhouse at Weekapaug Inn 25 Spray Rock Rd, Westerly | 401-637-7600 WeekapaugInn.com/ThePondHouse
The Restaurant at Weekapaug Inn 25 Spray Rock Rd, Westerly | 401-584-7000 WeekapaugInn.com/The-Restaurant
Windjammer Surf Bar 321 Atlantic Ave, Westerly 401-322-0504 | WindjammerSurfBarRI.com
Shayna’s Place Photo by Olivia Lecumberry Wilcox
Wickford Shayna’s Place 45 Brown St, Wickford | 401-294-8740 ShaynasPlaceRI.com
Wickford On The Water 85 Brown St, Wickford | 401-294-7900 WickfordOnTheWater.com
Massachusetts Back Door Burgers & More 36 Homer’s Wharf, New Bedford, MA 508-717-3276 | BackdoorBurgersNB.com
Merrill’s on the Waterfront 36 Homer’s Wharf, New Bedford, MA 508-997-7010 | MerrillsWaterfront.com
Mizu Asian Bistro 1165 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA 508-336-3388 | MizuSeekonk.com
Bittersweet Farm Restaurant & Tavern 438 Main Rd, Westport, MA | 508-636-0085 BittersweetFarmWestport.com
Ten Cousins Brick Oven 977 Main Rd, Westport, MA 774-264-9700 | TenCousinsBrickoven.com
The Galley Grille 66 State Rd, Westport, MA | 774-319-5590 GalleyGrille.com |
Connecticut Black Dahlia Baking Company 6 Downer St, Pawcatuck, CT | 401-368-7616 BlackDahliaBakingCompany.com | Mia’s Cafe 1 West Broad St, Pawcatuck, CT 860-599-3840 | MiasPT.com
Oatmiel Café Mobile Food Truck | OatmielCafe.com
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