SO Rhode Island May 2016

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You can rely on the experienced physicians and therapists at West Bay Orthopaedics & Neurosurgery When you, your family, or your friends need expert orthopaedic/neurosurgical evaluation, surgery or physical therapy, trust the group affiliated with Care New England and Kent Hospital.

The crooked oak tree image is an age-old symbol of orthopaedic medicine representing bone as dynamic living structure, capable of being shaped, corrected and healed.

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Bay Realty, Ltd., 1182 Boston Neck Road, Narragansett, Rhode Island 02882




Quality and tranquility abound in this casually elegant 4 bedroom home offering top of the line amenities and mechanics. Open and flowing from granite kitchen to family room with hardwoods, cathedrals, first floor master suite, office, central air, tiered mahogany deck & more. Privately set on 3+ acres. $675,000 Kathy, ext. 114

Easy living floor plan in this beautiful 4 bed, 2-1/2 bath home set on a private landscaped lot in desirable South County Hills. Hardwoods, central air, large master suite, finished lower level, many new upgrades. Gorgeous pool, patio, and yard for your enjoyment. Close to beach, recreation, and more. $579,000 Kathy, ext. 114

Stately 4 bed, 3 bath colonial welcomes you home with its beautiful landscaped setting and spacious layout. Quality built with hardwoods on the 1st floor, central air, family room with fireplace, new granite kitchen, large master suite, screened porch, patio & more. Conveniently located in South County Hills. $549,900 Kathy, ext. 114




Completely renovated home with views of Wickford Harbor. Awesome stainless/granite kitchen opens to soaring fireplaced great room/dining. Gleaming hardwoods, family room with deck overlooks private yard. Master suite, central air, 2 car garage. $499,000 Jack, ext. 102

Great opportunity to own a 4-5 bedroom, 2 full bath home with distant water views on 12,575 sq. ft. lot. Fireplace in living room, town water/sewers, full basement. Needs work….ready for your renovations. Being sold “as is”. $425,000 Alyce, ext. 121




Magnificent 3+ acre home site offers private beach and serene views. All approvals including septic and CRMC. Private wooded site on Narrow River/Pettaquamscutt Lake affords ocean access – bring your kayak or canoe! $350,000

Beautiful views of Block Island Sound and beyond from this quintessential beach home just a few steps to the sandy beach at Green Hill. Three bedrooms, 2 full baths, new roof, windows, and septic. Second floor living room/bar with roof top deck. $859,000 Karen Follett, ext. 111

Enjoy country living, when you build your home on an almost 2 acre lot close to beaches and all area amenities. Two lots are available, each with a current 4 bedroom septic design. Building sites have been surveyed and cleared – architectural plans available for one of the lots. $115,000 each – package pricing negotiable. Kathy, ext. 114

Classic bow roof cape set on private, fenced, well landscaped .92 acre lot. Three beds, 2-1/2 baths, hardwoods, central air. Two stone fireplaces (family & living rooms), formal dining, eat in kitchen. Two car garage with unfinished attic/loft. Rear yard deck & patio. $519,900

Voted The Best Restaurant In Rhode Island 2015


238 Atwells Avenue 401.521.3311

East Greenwich 5600 Post Road 401.885.8850


400 Putnam Pike 401.349.4111

when it coMeS to hair color, we’ve created a dazzlinG palette of cooler & warMer Since 1977. viSit uS today.

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You’ll wearing shorts for a whole new reason. Eliminate your varicose veins with minimally invasive procedures* from The Vein Institute at Rhode Island Medical Imaging. Our providers have revolutionized the treatment of varicose veins and will have your legs renewed in time to enjoy the good weather. Trust your legs to Rhode Island’s only image guided experts in varicose vein therapy. Appointments available in Providence and East Greenwich.

Call 401.421.1924 and schedule your appointment today. *Covered by most insurance companies.

Contents Photography (top L) by HIlary Block, (bottom left) Marylou Butler, (middle) Grace Lentini, (R) Hilary Block

May 2016

37 Hang ten at Coastal Body Worx and get ready for beach season


A repurposed vending machine dispenses art in Wakefield


A peek inside a Matunuck retreat

This Month

Every Month

31 RI on the Big Screen

11 Editor’s Note/Letters

We find out why the Ocean State has become one of Hollywood’s favorite backdrops

12 Online Exclusives

37 Bringing Back Our Beach Bods Bathing suit season is just around the corner. Here’s how we’re getting ready for it

19 So Happening The return of Misquamicut’s Movies on the Beach marks the unofficial start of summer 21 So & So 26 Social Network

51 So Stylish Dockside living as a way of life in South Kingstown 53 Life/Style 57 Whole Body 58 Style Tastemaker 61 What’s In Store


Seafood is the star of the show at Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar

65 So Delicious Celebrate the bounty of the bay in East Greenwich 66 Review 69 Foodie Journal 70 Tastemaker 73 Rhody Bites

81 So Entertaining Your guide to South County life this month 82 Calendar

84 So Approved Getting ready for bathing suit season with some healthy, vegetarian options

On the Cover: Beach Yoga with All That Matters instructor Coral Brown on South Kingstown Town Beach. Photography by Hilary Block

Competitive priCing

1070 Main Street, Suite 302, Pawtucket RI 02860 Fax: 401-305-3392 • For advertising rates call: 401-305-3391

installation Delivery repair 446 Main Street, Wakefield



Celebrate the new URI grad With the Peter Pots horn stein inspired by URI’s Rhody Ram

peter pots pottery 494 Glen Rock Rd., W. Kingston, RI 02892 401-783-2350 open daily 10-4, Sun.1-4

Creative Director Julie Tremaine @JulieTremaine

Managing Editor Grace Lentini @Gracie_NomNom

Digital Editor Tony Pacitti @TonyPacitti

Editor Courtney Denelle @CourtneyDenelle

Art Director Meghan H. Follett

Advertising Design Director Layheang Meas

Assistant Art Director Veatsna Sok

Graphic Designer Katie Leclerc

Account Managers

Jen Senecal is a fitness and

Ann Gallagher:

lifestyle blogger, nutritional

Shelley Cavoli: Louann DiMuccio-Darwich: Kristine Mangan: Elizabeth Riel:

coach, an online fashion bou-

Dan Schwartz:

tique co-owner, graphic de-

Kimberly Tingle:

ast, outdoor adventurist, lover of all things food and coffee related and a mom to three girls. Somehow, amidst all of this, she finds time to be an exercise junkie, too. “Working

Stephanie Oster Wilmarth: Contributing Photographers Tiffany Axtmann Hilary Block Grace Lentini Tracy Finn Soozie Sundlun/EG Photo

out is my sanctuary,” Jen says.

Contributing Illustrator Meghan H. Follett

This month, Jen writes our

Contributing Writers

cover story on getting ready

Erin Balsa Alastair Cairns Todd Corayer Claire Flanagan

for beach season. “I’ve always been someone who finds motivation through challenge. While I need to

Get your Green Thumb Going

Media Director Jeanette St. Pierre @JeanetteSTP

Jen Senecal Writer

signer, photography enthusi-

Port Of Galilee, Narragansett 401 783 2306 •

Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell

continuously mix up my fitness routine to meet those challenges, one constant remains: the need to take care of myself. Luckily, my husband and children make this easy for me, while following suit. I’m happy to share health and

Elyena “Nellie” de Goguel Andrea McHugh: @NewportStyle Stacey Place: @RIDining Jen Senecal: @JenSenecal Bethany Vaccaro John Taraborelli: @JohnnyTabs Interns Cameron Bryce Kendra Genereux Katlynn Grenier Member of:

Mollie Stackhouse Samantha Santos Samantha Westmoreland

Audited by:

fitness knowledge with the

Brighten Your DaY BY Visiting us for a taste of spring LocaLLy, FamiLy owned & operated Garden center Since 1965 1461 Atwood Avenue, Johnston • 401-351-9554 • Copyright 2009 Kristina Cinquegrana - K5 Designs | Sunday: 8aM-5PM Monday-Saturday: 8aM-6PM



readers of Rhode Island.”

We welcome all contributions, but we assume no responsibility for unsolicited material. No portion of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. Copyright ©2016 by Providence Media, All rights reserved. Distributed by Special Delivery.

South County's Place To Be

210 Salt Pond Road, South Kingstown Local, Fresh & Organic Foods Locally Farm Raised Oysters Beautiful Waterfront Views Comfortable Outdoor Patio & Covered Dockside Deck Facebook “f ” Logo

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front row, l-r

Kathleen Carney-Godley, MD, Caroline Chang, MD, Allison Burnap, PA-C, Brian Theroux, PA-C, Stefanie Goodrich, PA-C

back row l-r

John Kelly, MD, PhD, Valerie Tokarz, DO, Susan Sweeney, MD, Paula Moskowitz, MD, PhD, Nathaniel Jellinek, MD, Lynn Iler, MD, Diana Fairfax, DCNP, Patricia Schmidt, DCNP

We oFFer State oF the art DermatoloGic care With Offices In East Greenwich, RI & North Attleboro, MA We are pleaSed to WelCome to our praCtiCe Kathleen Carney-Godley, Md John Kelly, Md, Phd Mohsin MaliK, Md Valerie toKarz, do

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1672 South County Trail East Greenwich, RI 401-885-7546 (SKIN)

153 East Washington Street North Attleboro, MA 508-699-7546 (SKIN)

Editor’s Note

Beach Body Blitz So you’ve let some things slide since last summer. You’ve taken some days (let’s face it, weeks) off from the gym. You’ve had that extra slice of pizza. You’ve eaten all of your kid’s holiday candy (for, oh, four holidays straight). You’ve upped your Netflix and chill time so much that it’s basically a way of life. It’s okay. We’ve all done it. But now, when we’re finally out of the spring snow danger zone, it’s time to think about summer. More specifically, it’s time to think about bathing suits and how you’re going to be in one every weekend for the next three

months. In this issue, we prep you for getting your beach body back, whether it’s with new workouts, different food options or renewed fitness inspiration. We don’t know about you, but we’re so ready for the beach.

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A full line of Fresh Seafood including Clam Cakes, Lobster Rolls, Chowder & Fish & Chips!

Suzie Q's Eatery Open fOr Dinner WeDnesDay-sunDay

Photography by Hilary Block

WEdnEsday spEcial

Fish & Chips $9.95

Bring this coupon in for

3 clam cakEs for $2.49 Valid 5/1-5/31 Warm weather means sandals. Get your feet flip flop-ready at Uptown Salon

Send us a letter

Email SORI a letter to the editor to and it could be published in an upcoming issue.

Read us online Full issues available on

Eat in or takE out

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All natural Angus Beef & Farm Fresh Pork Available daily Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Fresh Pies and Cookies Available Late June–Oct. 31

Bring The Kids TO see The AnimALs! Facebook “f ” Logo

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Find us on Facebook Reach out to us at So Rhode Island

505 Point Judith Road Narragansett 742-1191 May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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We Don't Cut Corners, We Clean Them! Spring Cleaning SpeCial

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H E y r H O Dy ! Think fresh thoughts for your home and garden with the spring issue of Hey Rhody, featuring gorgeous RI homes, tips on creating your own patio oasis and the secret to a perfect dinner party.

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Air DuCT & Dryer VenT CleAning

The state’s new tourism slogan got run out of town real quick. Head over to to see some of our backup slogans, plus a rundown of the

Have your air duct cleaned & save 10% on Whole House Carpet Cleaning – 4 room minimum –

lessons we all need to learn from this experience.

Call to schedule an appointment


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Cultivate The Garden Within… Purveyors of unique and unusual plant material, pottery, fountains and garden decor.

Be sure to join us for one of our many exciting classes and events! THE FARMER’S DAUGHTER 716 Mooresfield Road (Rt. 138) Wakefield • 401-792-1340 Open Daily 9am-6pm • 12


FO L LOW U S Because we’re all about South County on social, too

@SO_RImag @HeyRhody

DINE WELL Our statewide dining guide will keep you informed and well fed

SIGN UP Fun events and community highlights delivered right to your inbox weekly

Hey Rhody newsletter at

SUMMER Go to for our online camp directory

2016 International Summer Engineering Academy

Explore your inner artist! Different media every day, Different theme every week!

The 2016 International Summer Engineering Academy at URI’s Kingston campus gives high school students the opportunity to explore engineering in a hands-on, engaging fashion while working with students from other countries. An option to earn college credit is also available. 2016 Sessions


Robotics and Programming

June 27-July 22 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

All ages 6+ welcome M-F 9:00-12:30

June 27-July 22 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

On-campus housing also available!

5 Pier Market Place, Narragansett • 401-363-9511 •

To apply or learn more ......visit.....

Summer enrichment AcAdemy cAmp Our mission is to develop and nurture in our students creative minds, healthy bodies, and ethical spirits, and to instill in the wisdom, compassion and leadership within context of strong Catholic Christian Values.

#Enrich Your Summer Traditional Day, Specialty & Academic Camps Ages 3-18

All Camp activities are planned by teachers with the help of aides, Our camp is designed to cater to children for their STEAM learning and fun! We accept campers ages 3-10 years old starting the last week in June and all of July!

For More Information Please Contact Us At

monSignor clArke School

June, July, August | Full & Half Days East Greenwich, RI 14



5074 Tower Hill Road, Wakefield • 401.789.0860 •


Go to for our online camp directory

rtists’ e XCHANGe

Casey Farm Summer Camps Summer Fun Days

One Day Specialty Camps June 20-August 26 Mon-Fri: 9am-3pm, $50 per day

All Camps, Ages 5-12

Five One-Week Sessions July 11-15, 18-22, 25-29 • August 1-5, 8-12 Mon-Fri: 9am-3pm, $255 per week

Children’s Farm Day Camp

Little Ducklings Camp, Ages 4-5 6 Sessions: Last 2 weeks of June July 18, 20, 22: Last 3 weeks of August M,W,F: 9:30-12:30, $90 a session

2325 Boston Neck Rd, Route 1A, Saunderstown • (401) 295-1030 Visit

BEST HOOPS Basketball Camp

Now in its 26th Year!

At Bishop Hendricken HS, Warwick, RI


3 Great Sessions At Southern New England's Top Instructional Basketball Camp For Boys & Girls


Monday-Friday: 9am-3pm July 18-22, July 25-29 & August 1-5 Camp Levels & Ages: Grade School 8-10, Middle School 11-13, High School 14-18*

*The High School Level Has A More Advanced Schedule of Instruction

Cost: $210 (Family and 2 and 3 week discounts available) (Separate instruction for girls) • 463-6490 •

4 Sessions • Ages: 4 - 7; 8 - 12


5-day program from Monday – Friday, 9 am – 3 pm, for children 4-7; 8-12 with a 10 camper maximum capacity per session.

Session 1 July 11 – 15

Session 2 July 18 – 22

Session 3 July 25 – 29

Session 4 August 1 – 5

Children will learn: • To safely interact with, feed, groom and care for various farm animals. • To grow and harvest healthy fruits and vegetables while working in the gardens. • To cook their harvest in our country cottage. • To run a weekly farm stand benefitting a local Rhode Island children’s charity. • And more... Conveniently located off Rt. 95 and Division Street, East Greenwich. For more information, contact Danielle at 401.952.9512 or visit

Camp Directors: Coach Steve Ceseretti & Coach Jamal Gomes

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4/1/16 11:27 AM

SUMMER Go to for our online camp directory

Summer Camp Monday thru Friday June 13 – Aug 19 9am-2:30pm Will add Aug 22-26 if 5 or more kids sign up

Summer Art Camp 9 am – 1 pm Six Weekly Sessions Starting July 11th

A Week of Art Projects for Kids Hands-On Clay Wheel Throwing Canvas Painting and more!

Birthday Parties for All Ages! Clayground Studio 5600 Post Rd., East Greenwich 884-4888 •

Facebook Like Button

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Offering: Boarding, Training and Lessons

Faith Hill Farm

524-1788 • 2056 Division Road East Greenwich

East Side Monthly Camp Ad 3_16_Layout 1 3/7/16 10:17 AM Page 1

Lincoln School

P ROV I D E N C E An exceptional camp experience for boys and girls of all ages and skill levels, led by Brown University’s varsity coaches, their staff and current Brown athletes. Baseball • Basketball • Fencing

summer camps ROBOTICS surfing

Field Hockey • Football • Ice Hockey Lacrosse • Rowing • Rugby Soccer • Squash • Tennis Volleyball • Water Polo • Wrestling

Sponsored by the Brown University Department of Athletics and Brown University Pre-College Programs. BROWN UNIVERSITY SPORTS CAMPS ARE OPEN TO ANY AND ALL ENTRANTS.






Go to for our online camp directory Learn to Sail in Wickford

SUMMER FUN, In French!

KJune 20–August 12 K

Dual-language Day camp

JAmestown summer CAmps

We have Youth & teen Programs

Girls softbAll

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Learn French language skills through engaging, creative activities. Explore a whole new world without ever leaving Providence!

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Contact Kate Gorton for more information: •

For more information please goto website:

Celebrating our 40th year!




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A state-approved, non-profit, incorporated body with the objective to provide the best possible early learning experience for young children in the community • Preschool through third grade • Open year rOund • Child care is available to all programs both before and after regular classes from 7:30 to 5:30 pm

1239 Tower Hill Road, North Kingstown, 401-294-3575 • May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND



Art: Jason Quigno, Starr Hardridge, Jennifer Medina


PEQUOT MUSEUM IFAM is a celebration of Native American art and the cultures that inspire it. The weekend event features art, music, dance, fashion, food and ďŹ lm.

For event, hotel and ticket information:

MAY 20 21 22 Glow DJ Dance Party: May 20 . 6p-10p VIP Art Event: May 21 . 8:30a-9:30a Art Show & Sale: May 21-22 . 10a-6p


So & So • Social Network

So Happening

Coming Soon‌ There is nothing better than seeing a good movie under the stars, and here in South County the Misquamicut Drive-In is the place to do it. Pack the kids or as many of your wisecracking friends as you can into the car, sit back and enjoy the show.

No One Knows the Neighborhood Better than Your Neighbor.

The South County Group at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

East GrEEnwich: Classic and impeccable three story brick front Colonial. 5 spacious bedrooms, cook’s kitchen with high end appliances, flexible third floor living for guests or family. Tasteful updates include gorgeous master bath. Unfinished walkout. Near all! $719,000 Judy Brady 401742-8946

East GrEEnwich: Elegant, updated condo. Water views, walk to water, gated private courtyard, elevator, majority owner occupied, great restaurants, walk to downtown, designated parking, hardwoods. $249,500 Carolyn & Allison Field 401-965-9883

East GrEEnwich: Stunning inside and out! narraGansEtt: Just a short walk to ScarborSunny, open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, finished ough Beach. Great investment opportunity! Incredwalkout lower with theater game room, fitible rental history. 2 Bed, 1 Bath, simple clean Call us to tap into ourroom, superior systems ness studio, craft room & full bath. Prime private cottage. Back deck for grilling, straight walk to that will sell South County homes. cul-de-sac location with outdoor kitchen, huge the beach. Condo with no fees, low taxes. Fully patio & mahogany deck. $1,100,000 Pam Soule winterized. Call now! $284,900 Justin Gallant 884-8050 | 789-0960 | 294-6700 | 596-0400 | 348-0400 401-741-1154 401-742-0958 ©2013 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing. Owned and operated by NRT LLC. 53938RE 8/13

charlEstown: This raised cape offers additional living area on lower level. Excellent condition throughout. 1 acre+ lot with outbuilding on a cul-d-sac. Close to ocean & pond & convenient to Rte.1 and I 95 for easy commute north or south. $275,000 Jean & Gene Kincaid 401-215-6268

south KinGstown: on the hill at Green Hill. Short walk to beach. Fully remodeled, beautifully decorated & furnished. Ready for year round enjoyment. Great rental income & history. Outside shower. Covered patio. Detached garage. Pond access too. $475,000 Jean & Gene Kincaid 401215-6267

East GEEEnwich: Condo in sought after Pine Glen community. Bright & light with open kitchen, dining, family room concept. 2 Masters on both levels, detached garage with beautiful gardens and huge decks. $340,000 Mariann Miceli 401952-4615

south KinGstown: Split Level offers open light filled home, hardwood floors, new Stainless kitchen appliances, new windows, storm doors, heating system and roof. Situated on corner lot with beautiful private deck leading to above ground pool. $319,000 Janice Henry 401-782-5929

Call us to tap into our superior systems that will sell South County homes. 884-8050 | 789-0960 | 294-6700 596-0400 | 348-0400 ©2013 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing. Owned and operated by NRT LLC. 53938RE 8/13



So Happening So & So COnTInueD frOM paGe 19

At the Drive-In Skip the pricey multiplex for some retro fun under the stars The Misquamicut Drive-In, South County’s premier cinema au naturale, fires up the projector on May 20 for another season of summer classics. Leading the charge, naturally, is Jaws which is both the greatest summer movie and the most New England movie ever produced (eat your heart out, Cider House Rules). How good is Jaws? So good that the kind folks at Misquamicut are screening it three times this summer, plus one screening of Jaws 2. You can’t argue with a movie that’s so good that programmers would rather play it three times than even entertain the thought of dipping into its lesser sequels. The lineup ranges from other classics (Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Dirty Dancing) to contemporary hits (Jurassic World, Iron Man). Movies will start at 9pm May through August and 8pm September through October with gates opening an hour beforehand. Admission is a cool $10 per car, so no need to hide your children and/or small friends in the trunk like the T-Birds in that scene from Grease (playing August 4). Weekly Screenings May 20-October 14. Wuskenau Town Beach, 316 Atlantic Avenue, Misquamicut. www. –Tony Pacitti

See movies the way they were meant to be seen – from an ‘04 Toyota Camry – at the Misquamicut Drive-In


The Art-O-Mat Comes Back RI’s only art vending machine returns to Wakefield

Photography (Bottom) by Marylou Butler

Once upon a time

An old cigarette machine now dispenses original pieces of local art

RI’s only Art-O-Mat resided on Main Street in Wakefield at a little art shop named Argentum. Glass and jewelry artist Luisa DeLuca sponsored one of the vintage cigarette machines turned art dispensers there until she closed her store during the recession. She then tucked it away at Paper Nautilus Books in Providence and concentrated selling her wares on Etsy and in other local shops. The concept of the Art-O-Mat is the brainchild of North Carolina-based artist Clark Whittington. He restored an old, recently banned cigarette machine and turned it into a dispenser of his work for a 1997 solo show. It proved so popular that Whittington and a group of artists formed Artists in Cellophane and today there are 100 colorful machines dispensing the original art of 400 artists from around the world for only $5-$7. Having pined to have the Art-O-Mat back home, DeLuca found a local store to be the perfect fit for the fun machine. Painted Karma, whose mission is to restore and repurpose vintage items, is the new host of the vintage and repurposed machine. Stop in, pull the lever and get a healthy dose of art. Sounds like karma to me. 22 Kersey Road, Wakefield. 7894536, Visit for more info on the machines. Visit for art by Luisa DeLuca. –Marylou Butler May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


So Happening So & So War GaMeS

The British Are Coming… Again! Historical reenactors demonstrate colonial life When it comes to history,

we New Englanders are pretty spoiled. Evidence of the area’s evolution from settlements to colonies to states are right here in the open, most notably in our architecture. As the birthplace of the American Revolution, local history buffs have a particular soft spot for our colonial era and the stewards of The General Nathanael Greene Homestead in Coventry are no exception. On May 14 and 15, reenactors will don tri-corner hats, grab their trusty muskets and square off across the 15 acre grounds surrounding the home of General Greene, George Washington’s second in command. Reenactors will play out an imaginary “what if” scenario over two battles each day and visitors can tour the homestead, restored to all of its 1770 glory. The homestead sits along the Pawtuxet River. During the time of the Revolutionary War, the British controlled Narragansett Bay and there is a longstanding local legend that the Red Coats had plotted to cross the river and lay siege to General Greene’s home. The attack would have been devastating, as the General’s family would have been captured or worse. This is the drama that will unfold, as British soldiers and loyalists clash with Continental militiamen and their French brothers in arms. Nitpickers might call the presence of Mijo’s taco truck apocryphal, but as we all know, tacos are a foodstuff powerful enough to transcend our limited understanding of space and time. Don’t forget your earplugs, history buffs, as cannons are sure to be a-blasting. 50 Taft Street, Coventry. –Tony Pacitti

Reenactors bring history to life at the General Nathanael Greene Homestead this month


Hope at the End of the Rainbow “I just want to

change the world,” Cindy Duncan says with keen spirit and sincerity as she discusses her efforts to raise awareness about mental illness. With the strides the Duncan family has made since The Rainbow Fund was founded in 2011, we don’t doubt she will. The Rainbow Fund was created in honor of Cindy’s daughter, Cassandra, who took her own life at age 14. Coping with the loss of Cassie, South Shore Mental Health Center connected the Duncan family with a support group through NAMI, the National Alliance of Mental Illness, whom Duncan believes “saved my life.” Distinguishing NAMI as an unparalleled resource for families dealing with mental illness, and realizing that “there wasn’t enough out there for families to get involved,” Cindy started The Rainbow Fund. With the mission to erase the stigma from mental illness, Cindy says, “If we educate people on how to handle things, it changes everything. It’s not as scary.” The organization’s primary fundraiser, The Rainbow Run/Walk, is a 5K and



Youth Run taking place May 14 at John and Cindy’s Harvest Acres Farm in West Kingston at 9am. Along with the race, the event will feature face painting, food, live music, and more. All funds raised will go directly to The Rainbow Fund. Money generated by the foundation has already funded two new NAMI programs, “Inside Mental Illness” and “Parents and Teachers as Allies.” As the mother of two sons with cerebral palsy and schizophrenia, Cindy stresses the importance of the work The Rainbow Fund is doing: “When you’re in crisis and you can’t function, you need others to advocate for you.” As an advocate of mental health awareness, Cindy hopes that she can use her experiences to help others in the same situation. Cindy is extremely grateful for the community The Rainbow Fund has provided, and even more grateful for her daughter: “She has given me strength I never knew I had and a voice to make everyone else aware.” 425 Kingstown Road, West Kingston, 789-8752. www. –Samantha Westmoreland

Photo by Laura Paton Photography

The Rainbow Fund aims to remove the stigma from mental illness

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So Happening So & So SO BlOC k IS lanD

Magic on a Salt Pond Corrie Heinz will guide, teach and challenge paddlers Some of the best views of Block Island may just be from ground level, or more accurately, sea level. Corrie Heinz, owner, guide and educator at Pond and Beyond Kayak, rents to paddlers of all skill levels so they can float through the sun rising over dunes along Crescent Beach or glide silently beneath a nighttime sea of stars from swaying sailboat mast lights. Some want a few hours to explore on their own, others to learn about the great diversity of plant and animal life and a myriad of fish who inhabit or migrate through the dynamic Great Salt Pond. Being an Islander with a degree in Environmental Management, Corrie offers a unique perspective on a harbor exposed to extreme seasonal pressures; she knows every inch, corner and beach of the 770-acre pond, along with its deepwater moorings, salt marshes, tidal flats and clam beds. For her twice a week Kids in Kayaks program, parents can “drop and go”, leaving Corrie to lead their 6-12 year olds on a two hour learning adventure. On “Fun Fridays”, older kids can sign up for group paddles to Bonnell Beach or out to Beane Point, where the entrance was cut back in 1898. Now owned by our US Fish & Wildlife Service, the beaches are open for walking and watching for some seventy species of migratory songbirds, making it a special place to visit by kayak. Several island conservation groups, biologists and a diverse team of experts visit Pond and Beyond regularly to show and tell about the history, uses, threats and protection efforts on and around the pond. Also offered are guided trips over rich kelp beds leading to West Beach to see the North Light or family tours with a focus on paddling lessons, the local ecology and of course, swimming. A summer favorite are moon cruises where about a dozen paddlers meet before dusk to find great lunar vantage points, experiencing an amazing event in the midst of a very busy tourist island. Starting her ninth year, Corrie enjoys her new and repeat customers, adding, “I like them all, I like teaching the six year old kids but my greatest reward comes from hesitant women who are a bit nervous

Corrie Heinz has been taking paddlers out on Great Salt Pond for nine years

about paddling”. Before some small group sunrise paddles, many new kayakers feel they need the security of a double for their first trip but Corrie steers them to be independent, with her wonderful big smile and the cry, “You’re going in a single!” Guided by a new days light, women are afforded important time to learn basic skills while building personal confidence and trust. After gliding like a ghost through heavy fog or losing an hour leaning back below high billowed clouds, after learning so much from Corrie, you will pull your boat ashore with a big smile from experiencing the magic of being so close to water. –Todd Corayer

Che Ck IT Off

The Ocean State Bucket List



Providence’s greatest hits, but also branches out beyond the city. “There are things like take a beautiful day trip to Block Island,” Rebecca tells me over coffee, “Or other places where you could spend a day like Narragansett, Newport and Bristol.” True story: I’ve never been to Block Island (#60) but Rebecca hasn’t scored a perfect 100 either. “I’ve never had a New York System hot wiener,” she concedes, promising to cross #10 off of list ASAP. “I was a vegan up until very recently.” Whether you’re new to the state and looking to explore or you’re a lifer looking to rack up some

bragging rights, we suggest keeping a copy of 100 Things To Do In Providence Before You Rebecca Keister lives and writes in Providence, Rhode Island. A Die in your glove or next to communications professional,box she has covered the city’s tourism and hospitality industries for the Providence Business News and has written for other regional publications including the Sun Chronicle Newspaper. A wine and theatre enthusiast,haven’t she loves your RIPTA pass. You exploring the city with her family and friends. Learn more at experienced Rhode Island until you’ve experienced it “all the way.” Check out our full Q&A with Rebecca at www.SoRhodeIsland. com. 100 Things To Do in Providence Before You Die is available online and at Wakefield Books. Follow Rebecca on Twitter at @ RebeccaKeister for more info about book signings at some of the locations mentioned throughout the book. –Tony Pacitti





Photography (top) by Tracy Finn

It’s easy to take our state granted. We’ve been there, done it all and are happy to settle into our regular patterns. With the release of 100 Things To Do In Providence Before You Die, author Rebecca Keister has given us all a practical guide to rediscovering what we love about Rhode Island and things to do with out of town guests besides just going to the Rocky Point Clam Shack (Thing to do #81 “Relieve Rhody History.”) Broken down into five categories – food and drink, music and entertainment, sports and recreation, culture and history, shopping and fashion – the book definitely highlights

Little Rhody, as its residents affectionately call Rhode Island, is a small state with a lot to offer and that’s especially true in its capital city of Providence. Well-known for its eclectic culinary and arts scenes, Providence is also rich in history, culture, and entertainment, offering visitors of every age and interest the ability to create their own adventure. 100 Things to Do in Providence Before You Die is the perfect guide for all city travelers, whether you’re visiting for the first time and want to know the best places to dine, learn, and relax or you’re a die-hard local looking to make sure you’ve truly done it all. This guide includes all you need to know to have a wonderful time in Providence and offers insight into what makes our city the Creative Capital.


Author Rebecca Keister has written the definitive Rhode Island checklist

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So Happening Social Network

Animal lovers gathered at the Towers in Narragansett on April 1 for the Diamond in the ruff Cocktail party and Silent Auction. Delicious local eats and specialty cocktails were on the evening’s menu, and guests bid on silent auction items, all with the goal of helping our four-legged friends in need at Animal Rescue Rhode Island. photography by Clara Smart

Jozy and Chip Mainelli, Susan Lovejoy

Diamond in the Ruff mascot, Maxx, held by Steve Colagiavanni, (left to right) Gina Colagiovanni, Jayne Parker, Dr. Mark Geist, John Carnevale.

Jacqueline Baffoni, Sara Potter, Amy Gottfried Mayer

Doug Rubinstein, Jenny Pereira, Susan Lovejoy



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Summer [suhm-ma] noun

1. What we wait nine long months for. 2. See beaches, lobster rolls, block parties, Del’s, the parade, farmer’s markets, WaterFire, clam cakes, sunset cruises and cold Gansetts. and more! fresco dining day trips, al mer events, Beaches, sum

Hey Rhody [hey ro-dee] noun www.HeyRho

1. A guide to help you get the best of every season in Rhode Island.

2. A free, all-glossy magazine found statewide; brought to you by So Rhode Island.

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Summer Guide the n o in s t ee str June! ly com ear yRhody. He

Get the moste out of Rhodst Island’s be n seaso

view Drinking in the rd Gua at the Coast agansett House in Narr



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Discover why Rhode Island has become so attractive to filmmakers, including one Rhode Island native By Dave O’Connell

Photo credit: Eva Rinaldi, CC BY-SA 2.0

Smallest State, Greatest Backlot One of the best parts of living in Rhode Island is that no matter where you are standing at this moment, you are less than an hour from the beaches of Narragansett, the theaters and restaurants of Providence, the mansions of Newport and the woods of Glocester. It is precisely this wealth of locations in convenient proximity that has helped make Rhode Island an attractive place not only for its residents and tourists, but also for production companies looking to make movies. Over the past ten years, Rhode Island’s film industry has grown significantly. Since 2011, the Ocean State has served as the backdrop for Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom, Woody Allen’s Irrational Man and Maya Forbes’ Infinitely Polar Bear, for which Mark Ruffalo was nominated for a Golden Globe in 2016. This year will see a number of films shot in Rhode Island hitting theaters, including Sacha Gervasi’s November Criminals, the Martin Scorsese-produced Bleed for This and the third installment of highly successful The Purge franchise, The Purge: Election Year. As Steven Feinberg, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Film and Television Office, explains, this boom, in large part, can be attributed to Rhode Island’s 25% movie production tax incentive. The program – which Steven says was one of the first of its kind and has since been “emulated by many other states” – allows Rhode Island to compete financially with other states and countries that offer tax credits to production companies. But that isn’t the whole story. As Steven puts it, “In the big city, you’re

a number, but in Rhode Island, you’re a neighbor.” Rhode Island’s small size, which could be seen as a detriment, has been turned into one of its greatest assets. As the Film and Television Office’s website proclaims: “Welcome to Rhode Island: Smallest State, Greatest Backlot.”

From Cumberland to Hollywood (and Back Again) To find out if this slogan held up, I recently spoke with Erika Hampson, coproducer of The Discovery, a current production starring Robert Redford. A native of Cumberland, Erika was instrumental in bringing The Discovery to Rhode Island as well as Infinitely Polar Bear and the forthcoming drama Measure of a Man directed by Jim Loach and starring Donald Sutherland, Judy Greer and Luke Wilson. Asked why she encourages producers and directors to film in Rhode Island, I heard many of the same qualities touted by Steven. “This state gives filmmakers much to play with,” Erika says. “Creatively speaking, there’s a lot of variety and so many different looks. The beach, the city, fancy, gritty.” Even though she’s now a resident of New York City, she says that working in Rhode Island allows her to come home, both professionally and personally. “I’ve been here enough times now that I know the crew and key players. Also, with my family still living in Cumberland, it’s nice to be able to spend time with my parents and my brother and his family on the weekends. I can’t do that if I’m working in New Orleans or Vancouver or one of the many other places I’ve been lucky enough to work in.”

Erika’s work in Rhode Island has not gone unnoticed. On the night of this year’s Academy Awards, the state’s film community gathered at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Providence to kick off the 20th Anniversary of the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival and celebrate the achievement of Erika and four other honorees – Chad A. Verdi, Trudy Coxe, Richard Marr-Griffin and Mauro Colangelo. Receiving her Producer’s Circle Award, Erika credited Steven and “the fantastic local crew” for making working in Rhode Island “such a wonderful experience.” She also praised Chris O’Donnell and Kevin Sciotto, heads of the New England Studio Mechanics Union, saying, “I would make all my movies in New England if it meant getting to work with both of them every time.”

Jason Segel has been on Aquidneck Island filming The Discovery with Rooney Mara and Robert Redford

The Next Generation of Filmmakers Along with bringing production jobs and tourists to the Ocean State, the boom in Rhode Island’s film industry has been credited with increasing students’ interest in film careers. As Steven explains, his office has helped connect college students with internships on a number of recent productions. He has also been able to act as a liaison, bringing in filmmakers to speak about movie making with students. Asked about her own start, Erika says she began her career as a personal assistant. Graduating from Boston College in 1999, she moved to

New York, first landing a job on The Queen Latifah Show and, two years later, becoming Vincent D’Onofrio’s assistant on the long-running crime procedural Law & Order: Criminal Intent. She made the jump to producing in 2008 when Vincent directed the indie horror-musical Don’t Go in the Woods. Since then, Erika has worked as a producer on numerous projects, including Robot & Frank, winner of the Alfred P. Sloan Prize at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival, and God’s Pocket, starring Rhode Island’s Richard Jenkins, Christina Hendricks and the late Philip Seymour Hoffman. So what advice would Erika give May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND



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to students in Rhode Island interested in working in the film industry? “Do whatever it takes to get your foot in the door. If you hear of a movie coming to town, be proactive. Call the production office or wander by the set to talk to anyone who looks official and offer to work your butt off… for free, if necessary.” Though she is currently helping scout sites and manage budgets, Erika makes it clear that she started by

getting people coffee, arriving to set early, and staying late. “When you’re starting out,” she says, “No task is too small or menial. You may not realize it, but if you are a hard worker, if you’re kind and if you have a good attitude, people will take notice and they will want to keep you around.” She concludes, “In this business, it takes a little luck and timing to get that first opportunity. The rest is up to you.”

Robert Redford will star in The Discovery, the most recent movie being filmed in the state

On Location The most recent film to shoot in RI, The Discovery, brought Robert Redford – leading man of All the President’s Men, The Sting and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (not to mention an Oscar-winning director for his movie Ordinary People) – back to Rhode Island to work on a movie for the first time since starring in The Great Gatsby more than three decades ago. As with The Great Gatsby, much of The Discovery was shot in Newport. However, this time around the ocean-side setting was used to create a very different atmosphere. While Gatsby was a rags-to-riches playboy, Robert’s character in The Discovery is a scientist whose proof that an afterlife exists leads millions to take their own lives in order to reach it. Robert was not the only celebrated actor who came to Rhode Island to participate in the project. Rooney Mara, who recently earned her second Oscar nomination for her performance in Carol (her first was for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), took on the role of a woman with a tragic past who falls in love with Robert’s troubled son, played by Jason Segel. Known for his comedic turns (Saving Sara Marshall, The Muppets), Jason demonstrated a gift for drama in his striking portrayal last year of writer David Foster Wallace in The End of the Tour. The Discovery, billed as a sci-fi love story, looks to be a continuation in this new turn in his career. Charlie McDowell, who co-wrote the script with Justin Lader, directed. If his last feature film, The One I Love (also written by Justin) is in any indication, I think we can expect The Discovery will keep us on the edge of our seats until the credits roll. At once eerie and comedic, The One I Love, starring Mark Duplass and Elisabeth Moss, is a relationship drama with a twist I can’t spoil (you really need to see it for yourself). Shot almost entirely at one location, the film demonstrated what Charlie could achieve with constraints. I, for one, am eager to see what he does with a broader palette.

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TTh e G u i d e T o he Guide To

Four Steps to a Beach-Ready You by Jen Senecal Photography by Hilary Block Summer is upon us, so it’s time to roll away the layers, in more ways than one. With only a couple of months to prepare for longer days and shorter sleeves, now is a good time to kick that fitness plan into full gear. But the fitness world can drive you crazy, with its endless trends and new weekly weight-loss miracles. We’ve made it easy for you. Our get-fit guide will jump-start your summer goals and leave you with a plan that works all year long. May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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Deborah McElkenny (left) leads sur fset classes at Coastal Body Worx


he FirsT leap

into bathing suits is getting up off the (insert anything that keeps you from exercising) and into some motion. If walking into a gym solo has you nerved up like a sinner in church, there are endless trainings and classes that will keep the jitters at bay while sculpting your glutes through an endorphin high. Deborah McElkenny, fitness trainer, instructor and owner of Coastal Body Worx (730 Kingstown Road, Suite B-1, Wakefield. 483-0927, tells me about the unique Surfset class she offers at her studio. “Surfset, a class designed through instability training on a surfboard, is a dynamic workout that burns fat and increases core strength and creates long and lean muscles, stability, focus and flexibility.” And did we mention it’s done on a surfboard? Deborah goes on to boast about the core benefits of Surfset and two other feel-good favorites at CBX: Pilates Reformer and Total Barre. “Pilates on the reformer lengthens and strengthens your body without being hard on your joints and is performed with a centering breathing that leaves you feeling energized and great. Total Barre tightens your legs, butt, arms and core and creates muscle endurance that carries over beautifully to other activities like biking and running. You can’t go wrong with any of these classes.” As a longtime instructor and trainer, Deborah suggests working out 3-5 times a week and to mix up the styles of training to notice results. But, as we chat more about the greatest benefits of exercise, she agrees in that, “Without a doubt, people just feel better overall and are happier when they are exercising.” Whether it’s Surfset, Pilates, Barre or any of the classes mentioned here, making a conscious effort to get your heart rate up is the starting point of any fitness regimen.

oTher Classes You’ll love Punch It Throw on some gloves and get ready to sweat in the multi-faceted classes mixed with high-intensity cardio, strength and core training at 161 Boxing. 1425 Kingstown Road, Wakefield. 829-0276,

Move Your Spirit Open your heart and connect to your inner self with this natural flow of moves in Yoga on the Beach at All That Matters. Your spirit, energy and awareness will be awakened as you watch the sun rise over Narragansett Bay. 63 Cedar Avenue #10, East Greenwich. 315 Main Street, South Kingstown. 7822126,

Training for Life If you can squat 687 pounds but can’t sprint into the bathroom to hide your chocolate bar from your kids, what’s the point? Get your functional fitness maxed out at Manic Training, where they’ve coined their philosophy to get

you “Ready for Life.” Training sessions use full body workouts and compound movements that utilize free weights, med balls, sandbags, kettlebells, Airdyne bikes, Ski Ergs, rowers, sleds and more, to keep you chasing candy bars without passing out. 3377 South County Trail, East Greenwich. 884-1300; 466 Main Street, Wakefield. 741-5106, www.

Inner Athletic Build your strength and stamina in Les Mills BodyAttack™, a sports-inspired high-energy interval training class that combines athletic aerobic movements with stabilization exercises. In other words, sweat your butt off. Healthtrax, 1000 Division Road, East Greenwich. 223-4444,

Shake your Buti Translating to “Curing something hidden below the surface,” Buti digs deep to bring your inner female prowess out in this sweaty and satisfying form of May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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The “Ready for Life” training sessions at Manic Training engage all your senses as you pick things up and put them down

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high-energy tribal dance, power yoga and plyometrics at The Lighthouse Yoga + Pilates. 5 Coventry Shoppers Park, Coventry. 285-0903,

Happy Hour

31 Post Road, Westerly • 596.9100 •

Bellying up to the bar(re) has never been more encouraged. Except, this social engagement won’t leave you with a hangover. Pure Barre, an isometric workout that includes elements of ballet, weight training and pilates, is a fast and effective way to tone your entire body. No tips required, but be sure to bring your Friday night flair. 2000 Chapel View Boulevard Suite #125, Cranston. 944-0411; 1000 Division Street #16, East Greenwich. 885-2714,

No Butts, No Glory The times, they are a-changin’. While we once tried to Jane Fonda our apple bottoms right off our bodies, we’re now trying to Jennifer Lopez them back on. Regardless of size preference, we can shift their shape in Luxe Fitness’ Butts and Gutts class. Spend 30 minutes in an intense lower body workout to tone those stubborn spots and keep your bottom relevant. 55 Village Square Drive Suite 1, Wakefield. 792-9800; 116 Granite Street, Westerly. 596-9400,

Get Moving

Rep It Out The first rule of Crossfit is that you tell everyone you do Crossfit. I can say this and get away with it (kind of) because I secretly want to be a Crossfitter. Step into this focused group session atmosphere and develop power and athleticism in a program of multiple training modalities – from Olympic lifting and conditioning to functional movements and powerlifting – all of which are scalable to your fitness levels. Check out Post Road Crossfit to get started with basic fundamentals and skills. And then post it on Facebook. 6669 Post Road, North Kingstown. 398-8990,



Photography by Melissa Stimpson

Sometimes we’re so focused on building the muscles that gives us the best Flex Friday selfie that we forget about the ones that keep us from falling over. The mind-body connection for everyday movement is critical to our athletic capabilities, and Laid Back Fitness, RI’s only MovNat (short for Move Naturally) affiliate, covers the bases with their Natural Movement class. You’ll practice lifting/carrying, crawling, climbing, jumping, balancing, running, throwing/catching and tumbling skills to become more physically competent. In other words, you’ll be able to run and take a Flex Friday selfie at the same time. 2800 Post Road, Warwick. 871-8436, www.

Kaelan Brennan (left) lear ns the ropes at Westerly Fitness owned by Trainer Mike Volpe (right)


o now ThaT You know

exercise is a must, staying committed is the next step so that summer isn’t the only time to bare your biceps. Whether you’re lifting solo in the gym or working hard in a group setting, you gotta make it stick, like your commitment to smiling when your second grader gives you a ruler for your birthday. If anyone knows how to stick to it, it’s Westerly Fitness owner, SBV High Quality Supplements founder and longtime personal trainer, Mike Volpe (231 Hight Street, Westerly. 315-0115, “Consistency is key in any fitness routine,” Mike says. “Before stepping into the gym, box, ring or onto a field, you have to first be completely honest with yourself and decide how many days a week you can realistically dedicate to exercise. While you really only need three to four days per week, you must make a promise to yourself to commit to those days and make those workouts challenging.” Mike also mentions that even if at first, it’s only two days a week you can make work, then make a promise to yourself to get those two days in, every week. “Keeping in mind that your goal is to make your body strong and fit, if you challenge yourself during your workouts and stay consistent, no matter how many days you can do it, you will make progress and see change.” Mike suggests “bang for your buck” workouts that will stimulate your entire body for change. Super-setting (doing exercises back-toback as one set) moves like squats with jumping jacks or push-ups with mountain climbers is an ideal way to push yourself in a short amount of time. Any moments where you can raise your heart rate up with intervals of intensity, the faster you’ll be on your way to a healthier, leaner version of you.

Tips on sTaYinG ConsisTenT wiTh workouTs Î Schedule your workouts like you would a meeting or appointment in your calendar. Î Find a friend to exercise with. Being held accountable with a time and place to meet will make it harder to bail. Î Join a sport. Î Get outside and bike, hike, rollerblade or other activities that can be done with family and friends. Î Sign up for a race or athletic event that requires training. Î Join a social media group with like-minded fitness enthusiasts. Î Read fitness and health blogs for inspiration. May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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Dr. Nathan Charpentier (right with client Joanna Stepka) is a personal trainer as well as a nutritionist


ood. whaT do we do abouT Food? Just when you think you have the whole food thing down, something new comes along just in time to slap that piece of (anything you thought you were supposed to eat) out of your hand and into the garbage. So, what should we be eating to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Does it require starving ourselves? Can we eat carbs? Will we have to give up donuts forever? The obvious answer is that only if they’re cream-filled, because quite frankly, those aren’t as good as the other ones. Fried pieces of dough aside, when it comes to looking for answers on health and nutrition, I turned to the expertise of husband-and-wife team of Dr. Nathan Charpentier and Snow Powers at Grassfed Farmacy, LLC ( Being a Doctor of Pharmacy and certified nutritionist, Nathan knows the ins and out of medication treatments and was provoked to develop a deeper practice in nutrition when he realized how food behaved much like the drugs he was filling prescriptions for. What also struck him was just how powerful nutrition is in preventing, treating and reversing many chronic diseases and how harmful misleading mainstream fads and diets can be to the human body. When I asked Dr. Charpentier which five “super foods” people should be eating to support good health, he told me that it’s more about the five super food groups: lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and whole grains. “Nutrient dense foods need to be the priority and staple of your diet,” he tells me. “The more abundant the nutrient content of the foods we eat is, the better our ability to stay healthy, support our activity levels and release chemical signals to our brains that we are satiated after a meal.” In other words, we don’t fill up with junk that will go straight to our trunk. He goes on to tell me that variety is the key to a nutrient dense diet and mixing up your meats, fruits and vegetables will meet your body’s cravings, rather than sticking to the same exact foods every day. When we chat about portion control, Dr. Charpentier says that your size and activity level dictates portion, but if you don’t know how to gauge that yet, start off with at least one palm portion of lean

protein, one fistful of vegetables, one cupped palm of fruit and a thumb-sized portion of healthy fat at all of your meals and snacks. He also tells me to add in starches and whole grains on the days that are more active or when exercise is involved. “These portions can be incredibly satiating if you keep them filled with nutrients, rather than empty calories, which will better your chances of staying on track because you won’t be as hungry between meals.” Perhaps the most interesting part of our conversation focused on some big nutritional myths, which most people fall prey to. “There are three big misconceptions,” Dr. Charpentier says. “One is that the scale number matters, the second is that calories are the most important in losing weight and third is that you don’t need to exercise to be healthy.” He tells me that body composition and body fat percentage are much stronger indicators of health than a number on a scale, and that someone could be very lean but also nutrient deficient and, on the flip side, a drastic drop in weight weekly may not be fat loss, but attributed to water and muscle depletion instead. Slow and steady should be the goal in any weight loss. In relation to this, Dr. Charpentier also explains that calories do not coincide with nutrient content, which means foods can be packed with calories and have minimal nutrition. And while if you eat less calories than your body burns, you will probably lose weight, if those calories are “empty,” you will not get what your body needs to run most efficiently. He says that this is the problem with fad diets, in that they have people eating a very low amount of calories, neglecting the importance of nutrient dense food, therefore leaving you starving your health, with unsustainable results – especially long-term – and quite miserable. His last point was that “diet alone will not keep you healthy” and staying active is the best and most underutilized medication out there today. While no one is telling you to never eat a piece of cake again, the daily nutrition you feed your body influences your energy, efficiency, weight management and overall health and wellbeing. May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND



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more Tips From The nuTriTion pros Rhode Island is chockfull of dietary professionals, from registered dietitians to board-certified health coaches, willing to dish out their best in nutrition information. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to healthy eating, but everyone can benefit from these core principles. Eat The Rainbow Vegetables are often the missing link in an average American’s diet, but their inclusion alone can pave the way for some serious health improvements, including lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, improved digestion and weight loss. “Fruits and veggies provide both soluble and insoluble fiber, which slow the rate of digestion so individuals feel satiated (i.e. fuller) for longer periods of time,” states Board Certified Health Coach Jeannette Bessinger (www.TheCleanFoodCoach. com). In fact, vegetables should comprise about half of your plate, the more variety the better. Adults 19 years and older should consume at least 1.5 to 2 cups of dark leafy greens per week, which are full of vitamins A, C and K, folate, iron and calcium, in addition to 5.5 to 6 cups of bright orange and yellow fruits and vegetables that are rich in flavonoids, lycopene, potassium and beta-carotene.

Focus on Quality Eat a diet made from high quality plant and animal foods as close to their natural state as possible. “Optimal food choices are local, seasonal and organic. When buying animal products, aim for wild-caught fish, pasture-raised poultry (including eggs) and grass-fed meats,” offers Jeannette. Not only does buying local support our economy, shorter transit times maintain the food’s delicate nutritional profile, as well. “When food is transported over long distances, the produce lacks the same nutrition and flavor as if it were locally picked due to the process of respiration. When vegetables are harvested from their vines, respiration breaks down their stored organic materials so produce can breathe on their own,” says Corey Confreda of Confreda Greenhouses and Farms ( Plus, grass-fed beef contains up to five times more heart healthy omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which helps raise good (HDL) cholesterol, while pasture-raised poultry is guaranteed to be antibiotic- and hormone-free.

Understand Portion Sizes Although portion needs are unique to each individual, Nutrition Consultant Susanna Post ( and Registered Dietitian Jennifer Arts use household items to gauge standard food measurements and make serving sizes more applicable. Î 1 cup of vegetables = baseball Î 1/2 cup of pasta = light bulb or tennis ball Î 2 tablespoons = golf ball Î 1 tablespoon = poker chip Î 1 slice of bread = cassette tape Î 3 oz of chicken or meat = deck of cards Î 3 oz fish = checkbook Î 1 1/2 oz of cheese = 3 dice or a tube of lipstick Î 1 serving of fat = 1 thumb for women and 2 for men

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Debunk Package Claims Or better yet, ditch them completely. “It’s safest to ignore package claims and go straight to the ingredients list on food labels,” states dietetic intern and University of Rhode Island graduate Kelly Presbrey. Why? Package claims are largely unregulated and often misleading, while Nutritional Facts panels are always regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “Jump down to the ingredient list where items are listed in order of their quantity, from greatest to least. If it’s a whole grain, whole grain will be the first ingredient,” states Kelly. -Ali McGowan

Uptown Salon and Spa offers a wide variety of spa and beauty ser vices to make sure you look and feel beach ready this summer


eT’s be honesT, we all feel better when we take the time to pamper ourselves. Combine that with working out consistently and eating well and you have yourself a trifecta of happiness. Show off your hard work with some final touches that will beautify you from the inside out. No one knows how to make you feel special like Uptown Salon and Spa. (31 Post Road, Westerly. 596-9100, Owner Maryanne Aluzzo, who is also a registered Dental Hygienist, says that working in health care and in beauty is really quite similar. “One-on-one contact and personalized attention in making people feel better is a common thread between the two fields,” she tells me. “At Uptown, we split our services evenly between salon and spa, and view each guest as individuals with unique needs, ensuring the desired outcomes are understood and achievable.” For example a little mascara is all you need to look alive, but if you’re anything like I am, you blow through tubes of it in less time than it takes you to down that first cup of coffee. Lash extensions are a perfect option to waking up with instant glam with little-to-no maintenance. Customize your lash style, from fullon fierce to barely-there naturals with the salon’s Lash Balm brand pieces. Or, show off those muscles and curves you’ve been working on with an organic natural-glow spray tan from their Vita Liberata product line. Slow-fading and streak-free, a spray tan is a safe way to shine.

more waYs To polish The new You Get Ready To Turn Heads You have reached the finish line, but what about the overall look? Summer is fun but can do serious damage to your locks. Get them in summer-ready shape at the Kenneth Cote Salon. With their Nourishing Treatment, which uses royal jelly produced by young worker bees and essential oils, they’ll stay smooth and strong all season long. 333 Main Street, East Greenwich. 884-2810,

Shine Bright Like a Diamond Before you hit the beach, you’ll want a bright, healthy glow for your skin. At the Ocean House, their Ocean Custom Facial is 60-90 minutes of luxurious bliss using powerful marine ingredients to nourish your skin – using cleansing and exfoliating masques selected just for

you. 1 Bluff Avenue, Westerly. 584-7000,

Restore Your New Sexy Body You’ve picked things up and put them down. That summer body you’ve worked so hard for is finally ready, now its time to recover and pamper yourself. Come into Massage Envy for their Swedish Massage Therapy, which will relax you from head to toe. 1000 Division Street, East Greenwich. 336-2900,

From Head to Toe Are you ready to get out of those sneakers and boots? Universal Nails has you covered with their expert mani/pedis, which are essential for sandal season. 532 Kingstown Road #A, Wakefield. 789-4108, www. –Mollie Stackhouse May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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Life/Style • Style Tastemaker • Whole Body • What’s In Store

Photography by Grace Lentini

So Stylish

Thinking Warm Thoughts Their East Matunuck beach “shack” might just be a summer haven for the Hooper family, but it’s one they look forward to all year. Read their story of refurbishing a family tradition inside.

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So Stylish Life/Style |

By Andrea McHugh

What started as a fishing shack is now a beloved family tradition for the Hoopers

Summer at the Shack

A family gathering spot in East Matunuck gets a makeover, but stays true to its roots

Photography by Grace Lentini

When Paul Hooper

was a kid, summer meant skin diving and spear fishing alongside his father. The duo would poke around the rocky coastal walls in Manasquan, New Jersey, searching for salt water critters until a local enthusiast made a suggestion of where they’ll find more fertile grounds. “This guy said, ‘go to Point Judith, Rhode Island, if you like to skin dive and shoot,’” recalls Paul. “This was back in the late ‘60s, early ‘70s.” So, they did. As promised, the Ocean State offered an entirely new summertime experience for father and son. “We’d put this camper among the lobster traps,” Paul says with a hearty laugh. “We’d

literally hide. One day my father went to a realtor and said, ‘we’re looking for a real little place.’” “Little” proved to be the key word. After looking at multiple cottages throughout South County, the elder Hooper was smitten with a humble abode on the edge of Potter’s Pond located in the charming village of East Matunuck. “It’s this 24-foot by 24-foot little cottage,” says Paul. “He put $200 down as the deposit. We always called it ‘The Shack’ because it was a shack.” The Shack became the Hooper family’s summertime outpost. Paul had grown so attached that while in college, he spent two winters in The Shack warmed only by a tiny coal stove. But

the humble home perched on a picturesque peninsula slowly deteriorated over the years. Along with his father and his wife Kim, Paul decided it was time to give The Shack the attention it sorely needed. Though it survived the infamous Great Hurricane of 1938 and proved itself to have strong bones, The Shack has had its fair share of weather beatings. “About 15 years ago we decided to rebuild it. My dad was a real post and beam guy, and we knew to put it on stilts and to have it be post and beam is a real challenge,” concedes Paul. Through the years, the Hoopers had talked about myriad ideas for The Shack’s redesign, but one was clear:

the waterfront bungalow would have to keep its original footprint. In other words, no McMansion transformation here. The next rendition of The Shack would embody the easy come, easy go mantra and relaxed living would continue to rule. “Someone spills something? Who cares? Someone drags in a striped bass and it slides across the floor? No one cares. Have a wet dog? Sure, run through the place. Lobster carcass on the deck? We’ve never worried about it,” says Paul, laughing. The Hoopers turned to Zandra McConchie Draper, principal of Zandra Rhodes Design based in West Greenwich, to formally design the new structure in her signature post and beam May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


So Stylish Life/Style

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style. “I started with a sketch. It had to be the exact same size as the original footprint because it’s in a flood zone,” explains Zandra. “We had to put it up on stilts and we went from there. It’s a completely new building, but it’s still tiny.” Post and beam is the predominant style but intermittent conventional design accommodates modern upgrades including the plumbing. “We added in some dormers, otherwise we wouldn’t have made the bedroom work upstairs, and an additional porch,” explains Zandra. “It was a lot of fun. I love doing timber frame work. I did something similar to that,



and this lent itself to that idea, so it’s a mixture with craftsman and classic shingle style.” The designer is responsible for impressive waterfront homes, but for Zandra, what The Shack lacked in size it made up for in heart. “It’s cool. It’s absolutely charming and they have done a beautiful job; they’ve put a lot of love and lot of work into it.” For the Hoopers, finishing The Shack was a pleasure. There was no rush to make everything perfect. Instead, it was more important to make everything comfortable. Despite the finished, new and improved Shack – the two cozy bedrooms, two baths,

kitchen and living space – there’s still a place there second to none: the porch. “The deck was always so important because it looks across to Succotash Salt Marsh… you just look at the marsh and it sucks out the world,” says Paul poetically. “What we did was just take what was there and made it indestructible,” he adds. Paul and his family (including his parents), friends and (many) neighbors have disregarded the “No Jumping” sign posted on the bridge over Potter’s Pond a time or two, or 100, they’ve perched themselves on the covered deck during everything from Nor’easters to the

most perfect summer days, they’ve grilled feasts out in the driveway and have maintained a stocked fridge for most of The Shack’s existence. “We had some great times there,” he says. “It’s a small space but God, we’ve had good times.” As such, the home has seen more memorable times one than could count. Thanks to the reinvention of The Shack, it will see many more.

Online Exclusive A gallery of more images is on our website at

Photography by Grace Lentini

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So Stylish Whole Body |

By Meghan H. Follett

From Frumpy to Fab Getting a hair makeover at Salon Bella

Illustration by Meghan H. Follett

Alright, it’s time for a confession. Until recently, I hadn’t taken care of my hair in a long, long time. The last time I got a cut was nearly a year ago, and I used my own box dye (cringe) to color my hair four months ago. And, worst of all, my 33-year-old greys were starting to show. Basically, I was hot mess. Luckily I had been referred to Nicole Walsh at the newly minted Salon Bella, and was scheduled for a much-needed dose of hair TLC. Salon Bella, formerly Salon by Sharon, has been a South County staple for ages. Nicole, who has been with the salon for ten years, has recently taken over the reins as owner and given the salon a new look and a new name. The space was welcoming with a neutrally-cool decor of subtle greys. The new design incorporates touches of metals in the faux Edison fixtures and a bit of rustic brought in by the almost-real brick wall that was crafted by hand by Nicole’s best friend. It was apparent that Nicole’s heart and soul has gone into the salon from top to bottom, and I felt like my hair was in some safe and stylish hands. After taking a seat in Nicole’s station, we chatted about what my current hair needs/wants/dreams might

be. I’d recently given up my signature fire-engine red hue for a more subtle shade of brown that was much more root-friendly, since I have been growing out my super-short cut for over a year. So we both agreed that a trim was much needed, and perhaps also a little something to jazz up my flat brown for the summer. Not to mention blending in some of those new grey hairs that have been sprouting up so frequently (funny, the things you notice when you stop dying your hair.) After a hearty dose of chit chat, we realized that Nicole and I were kindred spirits. Not only could she relate to my troubles as a fine-haired lady, but we also commiserated over poor junior high-era wardrobe choices and trashy TV guilty pleasures. After we chatted she recommended a subtle highlight to complement the red tones in my hair, that would really pop in the sun and yet be grow-out friendly. She also offered to touch up my temples with some brown to help hide the silver strands. The dying and processing time flew

by and soon Nicole rinsed out my color and it was time to move on to my cut. She took off about an inch of dead ends, and blended in my long-grown out bangs. After a trim and shaping Nicole had the perfect style in mind and blew out my natural curls into a lovely wavy coif. She even remembered me mentioning my insecurities about about having overly small head (it’s seriously so small) and offered to pin it up in my signature fashion where I pin up the sides to create the illusion of volume. She totally knew just what I needed to make this old bird feel all spruced up. After I was done, I was feeling blown out and fabulous with nary a care in the world about my greys, or anything else for that matter. When I got home that afternoon my loved ones just thought I looked refreshed, and my co-workers noticed a glow in my hair. Those subtle highlights and trim really did the trick in elevating my grown-out, lazy look from blah to blam. All thanks to Nicole and Salon Bella, who totally got me (and my tiny head.)

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So Stylish Ask About Our

“5 Years No QuestioNs asked GuaraNtee”

Tastemaker |

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For Jill Seppa of Koru Eco Spa, beautiful skin is all in a day’s work

Island Beauty Jill Seppa of Block Island’s Koru Eco Spa on beach-ready skin It isn’t exactly beach weather yet, but just give it a few weeks. Warm weather means sand and sun, but it also means a whole new set of challenges to protect your skin. We sat down with Jill Seppa of Koru Eco Spa, who encourages all of her clients to “be your own kind of beautiful,” to talk prevention and pampering. Now that the weather is warmer, our skincare needs to change, right? With the weather changing, it is time to change up your daily skincare regimen. It’s time for spring cleaning, and that includes your face. Get a facial or use a pore deep cleansing mask at home. Your face suffers in the winter, going from chilly winter outdoor conditions to warm indoor conditions, and the elements do a number on your fragile face. So get rid of that flaky winter dead skin with a good exfoliant and mask. Another way to cope with flaky dry skin is to moisturize internally by eating melon, which is high in antioxidants, and cooking with coconut oil which is a natural internal moisturizer. Your skin will glow from the inside out. It’s also a great time to spring clean your products. You know the ones I’m talking about, like your favorite but crusty mascara that it’s

time to replace. Expired sunscreen is very important to replace. It’s also a good time to purchase or unpack your wide brim hat for added sun protection. What should our daily skincare/ suncare routine be in the warmer months? Sunscreen is important year round, but extra diligence in this department is required in the warmer months as your exposure times to sun are increased. We carry Block Island Organics, which is a non-toxic mineral based sunscreen. Your skin is your largest organ, which is very porous, so loading it up with chemicals only works against best wellness practices. Always be diligent about natural and organic products. What about for a beach day? A great product to utilize for the Block Island summer are face mists to keep your face fresh and clean. When it’s sunny and warm they keep your face cool. It’s easy to find a scented face mist for a little lift to

Koru Eco Spa 232 Water Street, Block Island 466-2308

the spirit as an added bonus! At Koru Eco Spa we carry local made Island Mist Bath & Beauty products, which utilize local ingredients such as rosehips (power packed with vitamin C) and clay for tightening and cleansing properties. We use this and Rhode Islandmade Farmaestethics in our facials. They’re all natural, all local and they leave your skin feeling stellar. A lot of people will say that they should skip facials in the summer, because of their tans. What do you say to that? Facials are a great way to maintain sun exposed skin in the summer. The ocean air and excessive sun exposure can do a number on your skin cells, and regular facials can keep your face deeply moisturized and clean for that summer glow that we all love! We offer specials on our facials in May, as we want people to experience the benefits of local products and deep relaxation, which is the best way to maintain a youthful look and feel.

Photography by Tracy Finn

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So Stylish What’s In Store |

By Kelly Payton

Nautical by Nature SummerTies puts the nautical finishing touches on your look









Photography by Tiffany Axtmann

Amidst the hustle

and bustle of Newport’s Thames Street is SummerTies – a small boutique promising to outfit the perfect summer. SummerTies is run by Joe Mattison, his friend Ciaran Rogers and graphic designer Rachel Adam Rogers. “I wouldn’t know my graphic designer [Rachel] if we weren’t tied together through my summertime friend – my childhood friend – Ciaran, so that’s where the name came from,” Joe says. SummerTies started unintentionally in 2012 when Joe couldn’t find a tie to match his outfit. “I had a pair of

4 Exhibits all opening on Saturday, May 7th, 5 - 8 pm 140 Boon St. Narragansett, RI.

5 pants from Murray’s [Toggery Shop] with momma whales and baby whales on it,” he says. “I could never find a tie to really go with it so I said ‘I’ll make it myself!’” The shop’s ties mimic yacht club or private school style ties but “with fun creatures and critters.” “A lot of the ties out there are very cartoony,” Joe says, and notes that one reason why their ties are so popular is because the animals are designed to look like they do in nature – such as the “shockingly popular” skunk tie. Although they started with neckties,

they’ve expanded to bow ties and even pillows, ladies’ scarves, beach towels, blazer buttons, necklace pendants (which have been bought to be used as a dog tag), cufflinks and clothing. “[SummerTies] is a fun summertime brand. We like to wear ourselves, and we hope [shoppers] do too,” Joe says. 1. Cuff links $75 2. Bow ties $50 3. Neck ties $75 4. Socks $22, Pocket squares $40, Bow ties $40 5. Earrings $50

SummerTies Newport | 424 Thames Street, Newport | 877-795-2040 | May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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Review • Food Tastemaker • Foodie Journal • Rhody Bites

So Delicious Fresh Catch

Photography by Hilary Block

Summer’s just around the corner, which means it’s time to savor the bounty of the bay. With that in mind, we’ve reviewed the Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar where, freshfrom-the-sea is only a plate away.

Shellfish Platter from the Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar

So Delicious Review |

By Stacey Place

From the Bay to the Plate Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar highlights the bay’s bounty has really taken off in recent years. In 2002, when Perry Raso started the Rhode Island oyster revolution with his Matunuck Oysters, it was a revelation to Rhode Islanders. The briny bivalves came into higher demand and more and more oyster farms starting appearing in local waters. At my last count, there are no fewer than 20 oyster farms operating in Rhode Island today. That’s great news for Rhode Islanders; there’s an abundance of oysters for them to slurp! Buying oysters to serve at home is an option, but let’s face it, shucking oysters is not really enjoyable and is a bit dangerous. Many restaurants in southern Rhode Island serve oysters and several even call themselves “oyster bars.” Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar on Main Street in East Greenwich has been shucking oysters since 2012 and has been a staple in the Rhode Island oyster scene. Arriving at the Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar at 5pm on a Saturday night, I was surprised to find the restaurant already jam packed with people. My friend and I literally wedged ourselves into the last two remaining bar seats. We arrived early to take advantage

of their “Buck a Shuck,” which runs seven days a week (see website for specific hours). The restaurant is small with a handful of tables and a compact bar area. The theme is decidedly “eclectic nautical” with mermaids, whales and boats adorning the walls and hanging from the ceiling. The atmosphere was lively and energetic with everyone enjoying an early spring night out. Even after 6pm when the “buck a shuck” ended, the restaurant was very busy with standing room only. Sitting at the bar, we saw firsthand how hard the bartenders work. They were in charge of tending to the bar customers drink and food orders, making and pouring drinks and also shucking dozens of oysters, clams and cherrystones for the raw bar. Despite working their butts off, the bartenders were friendly and efficient. I decided to kick the night off with a martini. My Pearly 75 ($12) was a riff off the classic French 75 cocktail. The combination of Bombay Sapphire gin, St. Germain, fresh squeezed lemon juice and prosecco was a winning one. My friend was excited to see they had Ballast Point

Frutti Di Mare

Grapefruit Sculpin ($5) on draft, which is a tasty, tart fruit enhanced IPA from San Diego. After my martini, I couldn’t resist Pawtucket’s own Foolproof Farmhouse Ale ($5) also on tap. The bar had a nice collection of beer, with plenty of local and

Fried Oysters



unique options. The cocktail menu includes a handful of oyster shooters as well (think your favorite shots with a raw oyster thrown in for good measure). Since the reason we got to the restaurant so early was to sample their “buck a shuck” offerings, we started out with a dozen Umami oysters ($12) served with mignonette and cocktail sauce topped with plenty of fresh horseradish. Umami oysters are produced by Salt Water Farms located in Narragansett Bay’s East Passage. We enjoyed our first dozen so much, we ordered a half dozen more. The “buck a shuck” also includes little necks and cherrystones, but we didn’t sample those. For us, it was all about the oysters. If raw oysters aren’t your thing, they also offer several cooked options (though not available with the “buck a shuck” promotion) including classic Oysters Rockefeller, oak grilled oysters with a basil crema as well as fried on the half shell with jalapeño relish and sriracha aioli. The menu includes many other appetizer choices, so we decided to try the Crab Cakes ($12.95) and were glad we did. The two large crab cakes were chock full of crab and coated in crispy panko crumbs. They were topped with a flavorful but not too spicy aioli. At this point, we were already very

Photography by Hilary Block

Oyster farming in Rhode Island

So Delicious Review


From L-R, Carla Cesario, MD; Katherine Williams, MD; Derek Andelloux, MD; Hana Hagos, MD; and Patricia Currier, FNP.

Urgent and walk-in care provides treatment for injury or illness that requires immediate care but is not life-threatening, such as sprains, minor fractures, cuts needing stitches, flu, asthma attacks, checkups, tests, physicals, and more. • Board certified physicians on site at all times • Essential, timely care at a lesser cost than hospital ERs • No appointment needed

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Photography by Hilary Block

Lemon Sorbetto

satisfied with our meal and quite full, so we ordered our entrées with thoughts of leftovers in mind. On this cool night, my friend warmed herself up with the Lobster Mac and Cheese ($21.95). They did not skimp on the lobster meat, as there were several large pieces of tender lobster scattered throughout the casserole dish. The three cheeses used were not overpowering, which my friend thought was a good thing. I ordered the Pan Seared Sea Scallops ($20.95). My four fresh tasting scallops could have used a little more sear on the outside, but the inside was cooked to a tender perfection. The cognac cream sauce on the scallops was really good and not as rich as I feared it might be. The scallops were served with herbed mashed potatoes and asparagus. When it came time for dessert, a wiser person would have said “no,”

but when it comes to Fried Twinkies ($6.95), I do not have the ability to resist. If you’ve never had a fried Twinkie before, you should know up front that these things are extremely addictive. The Twinkies are battered and dropped into the deep fryer. As the outside gets crisp, the cream inside the Twinkie gets gooier and gooier until it melts into the cake. Here, the Twinkies were served with a smattering of fudge sauce and a dollop of whipped cream. Even after everything we ate, we just barely scratched the surface of the menu. They have classic lobster rolls, po’ boy sandwiches, clam chowder three ways (Rhode Island, New England and Manhattan), grilled pizzas and much more. My advice? Plan a night out at the Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar, but make sure you get there early to claim a seat and save room for a fried Twinkie.

Fun-Filled Family Entertainment

Greenwich Bay Oyster Bar 240 Main Street, East Greenwich 398-2462 May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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So Delicious Foodie Journal |

By Grace Lentini

Kindness Through Coffee Gifting your favorite cup of joe is more than cool beans

Entrepreneur Paul Haun created the Nack app so you can gift coffee

Photography (top) by Mike Braca, (top R) Ron Cowie, (bottom R) Michael cevoli

Coffee is the ultimate

equalizer. We give it as gifts, accept it as peace offerings, pour over it in times of distress and take in all its glory in moments of joy. There are coffee runs, coffee breaks and coffee dates. You can even engage your social conscience by only drinking locally roasted, fair trade coffee from third wave shops or forego it and get it extra extra. However, something seems to be missing, almost as if it’s on the tip of our tongue, or perhaps our fingertips. It seems the evolution of any movement must be digital, and coffee is no exception. In an effort to move coffee forward – as well as our interaction with it – Warwick entrepreneur Paul Haun of local startup Kaneland just launched Nack. “Every morning I would pick up a coffee on my way to work. The thought of buying a cup for a co-worker, secretary or even a client would always pass through my mind,” Paul says. “However, not knowing how they liked their coffee, or if they already grabbed a cup for themselves, it was always difficult to turn this thought into action. I soon came to see these disconnects as missed opportunities to share simple acts of kindness. I started to think about an app that

could enable anyone to express their knack for kindness and forever change and enhance the social experience around coffee.” Nack is an app where users can gift a cup of coffee to anyone else. Imagine gifting a cup to your bestie on their birthday. Owe your coworker a few bucks? Gift them a cup of their favorite joe. Want to give back to the community you live in? Gift a cup of coffee to a specific café. Need to sweeten a deal? You get the point. It all works through PayPal, so it’s legit, quick and delish. The user easily and safely deposits money from their PayPal account to the recipient’s. “A free cup of coffee will bring a smile to your face and maybe even turn your day around. Coffee is a perfect gift in that it is relatively inexpensive and most people drink at least one cup a day,” says Paul. “Every now and then, I used to buy a cup for the person behind me in the drive-thru. Now with an app like Nack, mobile technology makes it even easier to share some positivity with friends and even strangers instantly from wherever you are. Hopefully, those receiving coffee will be inspired to pay-it-forward and buy a cup for someone else.”

For the Love of Beer The Weekapaug Inn is already a delicious destination, but now it’s a haven for beer lovers, too. The Brewmaster’s Social: Grey Sail Brewery is the second in their monthly beer dinners. On May 18, brewers from Westerly’s Grey Sail will join the chefs at the inn to create a unique dining experience. The Restaurant at Weekapaug Inn will prepare a casual, three-course family-style meal to be paired with the brewer’s choice of beer. 25 Spray Rock Road, Westerly. 637-7600,

A Local Smorgasbord It’s not too often area restaurants all come together. Lucky for us, the Taste of the North Kingstown Chamber returns on May 12 for an evening of sampling, imbibing and entertainment. This night is the kickoff for restaurant week and features food from Shayna’s Place, Sinoma Bistro & WineBar, The Coast Guard House, Pier Pizza, Tate’s Italian Kitchen, Oak Hill Tavern, Brewed Awakenings and so many more. There will even be live statue perform ounces from Ten31 Productions, the folks responsible for the gargoyles at WaterFire. Providence Jet Center, Quonset State Airport, 150 Airport Street, North Kingstown. 295-5566, May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


So Delicious Tastemaker |

by Alastair Cairns

From Mortgages to Merlot Behind the bar with The Coast Guard House’s sommelier After Sandy’s storm surge ravaged The Coast Guard House in Narragansett, Elisa Wybraniec left a 19-year career in banking to help her husband get the place back on its feet. It’s not quite water into wine, but flood waters into a career as wine director is an impressive second best, and that’s just what Elisa has accomplished. Dedicating herself to various courses of study and gaining certifications along the way, she made her passion go pro. Most recently, the Court of Master Sommeliers made her a certified sommelier, which I’d like to imagine involved a very elegant sword and a golden chalice, but instead meant classes and a test with a pretty big failure rate. Winning Wine Spectator’s award of excellence proves Elisa’s hard work is paying off, but to confirm, check out one of their five-course paired wine dinners, on May 6 and June 9. Elisa uses these as an opportunity to tell a story about a particular varietal, or region, for instance on May 6, it’s all Aussie wines.



The certified sommelier examination you just passed has a significant failure rate and a blind taste test. What was that like? It’s very humbling, that’s for sure. In the case of the February exam, you get two wines, a red and a white, and they have a specific format that you have to go through and answer certain questions based on what you are tasting and smelling and come to conclusions about what the varietal might be, and why, and from where. When I took the other one in June of 2014, you only sat in twos, and the girl next to me happened to spill her wine when we were starting, and that was very disruptive to me for my first three blinds, and I know I didn’t get those because I was so freaked out that she knocked it over and I had to concentrate on what I was doing even though she was getting all my papers wet. What are you into right now in the world of wine? I am enchanted with Loire wines, Champagne and sparkling wine right

now. We were able to visit both regions in October. The visit happened to coincide with my last unit of study with the Wine and Spirit Education Trust Diploma (Unit 5 Sparkling Wine). They are very friendly wines that work well with a range of different foods. Sparkling and Champagne are just so fun; they are more than for just celebrating. How would you characterize your wine list? It’s California driven peppered with interesting New and Old World options. Part of the fun developing the list is providing customers with comfortable selections as well as an appellation/American Viticultural Areas (AVA) range for a varietal. I.e. we offer 16 different Chardonnays

by the bottle, from areas in Rhode Island, Israel, France, Oregon, Italy and of course California, which range in their expression. There’s some local focus written all over your drinks menu, from Sons of Liberty in the cocktails, to Newport Vineyards. Take the temperature of our little scene. I think Rhode Island is an exciting place for locally crafted libations. There is great talent producing award-winning products, and Newport Vineyards, who produce our house Chardonnay, has a very impressive production facility. It has been exciting to take the staff on field trips to some of our local purveyors to get them excited about the localness of our menu and commitment to them.

The Coast Guard House 40 Ocean Road, Narragansett 789-0700

Photography by Soozie Sundlun/East Greenwich Photo

So banking to booze, how’d that go down? It almost unfolded in a fashion that couldn’t have been better I was working full time in banking, and my husband happens to be one of the owners of the restaurant. When Sandy hit, the plate of everything that needed to get done to reopen was immense. Once we got into the part when they were ready to start launching menus, which was at least a year after Sandy, I actually asked for a leave of absence from work to help get his business back on its feet. Graciously, my employer said yes, we totally understand. And once I stepped away from that role every day working in banking, and was able to help him and concentrate on it, to me it just opened my eyes. Before I had to go back, I called them and said I’ve found a new niche, a level of comfort, I’m needed here, I’m enjoying it, thank you for being so kind to give me the time but I’m giving you my notice.

Elisa Wybraniec traded finance for fine wines

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Fresh LocaL seaFood Serving Lunch & Dinner

AmericAn mediterrAneAn cuisine 16 West Main Street, Wickford, RI • 401-294-5771 May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


RHODY BITES A Sponsored Statewide Dining Guide

View our full Restaurant Profiles on

Sophia’s Tuscan Grille At Sophia’s, Chef Chris Palios brings the old world flavors of northern Italy to Rhode Island in a modern way. Begin your meal with an Antipasti like Polenta Al Forno, creamy wood-grilled parmesan polenta finished with a rustic sweet sausage ragout, fresh basil and Tuscan olive oil, or Eggplant Involtini, hand battered eggplant rolled around prosciutto-herb ricotta cheese finished with Parmesano Reggiano and San Marzano tomato sauce. Try a PeasantStyle Rustic Flatbread, or a pasta like Ravioli Milano, which is roasted garlic

and grana padano stuffed ravioli sautéed with spiced broccoli rabe, Tuscan olive oil and shaved parmesan. Sophia’s serves traditional Secondi courses like Chicken Saltimbocca, and inventive preparations like Tuscan Boccalone - linguini tossed with pan-seared veal, chicken breast and large shrimp, then simmered with porcini mushrooms and baby spinach in a rich marsala cream, finished with toasted pine nuts. Guests rave about what a great deal the BYOB restaurant is. For your new neighborhood favorite, visit Sophia’s Tuscan Grille.

Can’t Miss Dish: Don’t miss Sophia’s prix fixe deal: on Wednesday and Thursday, two people can enjoy three courses for $39.95. The restaurant also serves breakfast on Sunday mornings.

1729 Warwick Avenue, Warwick • 401-732-6656 10 Prime Steak & Sushi Gourmet steaks and sushi. 55 Pine St, Providence, 4532333. LD $$$ Angelo’s Civita Farnese Restaurant Italian American comfort food classics. 141 Atwells Ave, Providence, 621-8171. LD $-$$ AQUA Poolside cocktails with seasonal American cuisine. 1 Orms St, Providence, 272-2400. LD $-$$ Besos Kitchen & Cocktails Tapas and eclectic cuisine and cocktails. 378 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-8855. BrLD $$$ Bistro 22 New American rustic cuisine in Garden City. 22 Midway Rd, Cranston, 383-6400. LD $-$$ Black Bass Grille Classic seafood, historic waterfront setting. 3 Water St, South Dartmouth, MA, 508-999-6975. LD $$ Blend Café Modern Latin-American infused fare. 745 Reservoir Ave,

Cranston, 270-5533. BBrLD $-$$ Bluefin Grille at the Providence Marriott Downtown Seasonal and sustainable seafood in an elegant atmosphere. 1 Orms St, Providence, 272-5852. LD $-$$ Breachway Grill Classic New England fare, plus NY-style pizza. 1 Charlestown Beach Rd, Charlestown, 213-6615. LD $$ Café Nuovo Contemporary New World cuisine. 1 Citizens Plz, Providence, 4212525. LD $-$$$ Capriccio Upscale international food with a northern Italian/Mediterranean accent. 2 Pine St, Providence, 421-1320. LD $-$$$ Carriage Inn & Saloon Regional comfort food accompanied by a whiskey bar. 1065 Tower Hill Rd, North Kingstown, 294-8466. D $-$$ CAV Eclectic cuisine and art in an historic setting. 14 Imperial Place, Providence, 751-9164. BrLD $$-$$$

Sophia’s Tuscan Grille serves up rustic cuisine

Celestial Café Organic farm-to-table fine dining. Oak Harbor Village, 567 S County Tr, Exeter, 295-5559. BrLD $-$$$ Centro Restaurant & Lounge Contemporary cuisine and cocktails. 1 W Exchange St, Providence, 228-6802. BLD $$$ Champlins Seafood Dockside fresh seafood serving easy breezy cocktails. 256 Great Island Rd, Narragansett, 783-3152. LD $-$$ Chez Pascal/The Wurst Kitchen Seasonal farm-to-table cuisine with a French accent. House made sausages, hot dogs and accoutrements. 960 Hope St, Providence, 421-4422. LD $-$$$ Chapel Grille Gourmet food overlooking the Providence skyline. 3000 Chapel View Blvd, Cranston, 944-4900. BrLD $$$ Circe Restaurant & Bar South Beach meets New England seafood favorites. 50 Weybosset St, Providence, 4378991. BRLD $-$$$

Clean Plate Delicious comfort food in a casual setting. 345 S. Water St, Providence, 621-8888. BBrLD $$ DeWolf Tavern Gourmet American/ Indian fusion. 259 Thames St, Bristol, 254-2005. BLD $$-$$$ The Dorrance Fine dining with exquisite cocktails. 60 Dorrance St, Providence, 521-6000. D $$$ Eleven Forty Nine City sophistication in the suburbs. 1149 Division St, Warwick, 884-1149. LD $$$ Ella’s Fine Food & Drink Elegant dining meets international cuisine. 2 Tower St, Westerly, 315-0606. D $-$$$ Flatbread Company Artisanal pizza, local ingredients. 161 Cushing St, Providence, 273-2737. LD $-$$ Fresco Italian American comfort food with international inspirations. 301 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-0027; 140 Comstock Pkwy, Cranston, 2283901. D $-$$

Key: B breakfast Br brunch L lunch D dinner $ under 10 $$ 10–20 $$$ 20+ May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


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George’s of Galilee Fresh caught seafood in an upscale pub atmosphere. 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd, Narragansett, 783-2306. LD $-$$ Harry’s Bar & Burger Handcrafted sliders, brews and pub games. 121 N Main St, Providence, 228-7437; 301 Atwells Ave, 228-3336. LD $-$$ Haruki Japanese cuisine and a la carte selections with casual ambiance. 1210 Oaklawn Ave, Cranston, 463-8338; 172 Wayland Ave, Providence, 223-0332; 112 Waterman St, Providence, 4210754. LD $-$$ Iggy’s Doughboys & Chowder House Classic clam shack fare, plus famous doughboys. 889 Oakland Beach Ave, Warwick, 737-9459; 1157 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett, 783-5608. LD $ Iron Works Tavern A wide variety of signature American dishes in the historic Thomas Jefferson Hill Mill. 697 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick, 739-5111. LD $-$$$ Jacky’s Galaxie Local Pan-Asian chain offering sushi and classic entrees in a modern atmosphere. Locations in Providence, North Providence, Bristol and Cumberland, LD $-$$$ Jigger’s Diner Classic ‘50s diner serving breakfast all day. 145 Main St, East Greenwich, 884-6060. BL $-$$ Julian’s A must-taste Providence staple celebrating 20 years. 318 Broadway, Providence, 861-1770. BBrLD $$ Kartabar Mediterranean-style cuisine, chic setting. 284 Thayer St, Providence, 331-8111. LD $-$$ KitchenBar Contemporary comfort cuisine. 771 Hope St, Providence, 3314100. BrLD $$

Photography by Stacey Doyle

Laurel Lane Country Club Upscale pub cuisine overlooking a picturesque golf course. 309 Laurel Ln, West Kingston, 783-3844. LD $-$$ Lim’s Restaurant Upscale Thai and fresh sushi. 18 South Angell St, Providence, 383-8830. LD $$ Luxe Burger Bar Build your own creative burger. 5 Memorial Blvd,

Providence, 621-5893. LD $ Maharaja Indian Restaurant Indian cuisine and traditional curries in a warm setting. 1 Beach St, Narragansett, 3639988. LD $-$$ Malted Barley American craft beer, gourmet pretzels and creative sandwiches in downtown Westerly. 42 High St, Westerly, 315-2184; 334 Westminster St, Providence, 4900300. LD $$ McBride’s Pub Traditional Irish pub fare in Wayland Square. 161 Wayland Ave, Providence, 751-3000. LD $$

Pat’s Italian Fine Italian favorites, natural steaks and handcrafted cocktails. 1200 Hartford Ave, Johnston, 2731444. LD $-$$$

Pizza J A fun, upbeat atmosphere with thin crust pizza, pub fare and glutenfree options. 967 Westminster St, Providence, 632-0555. LD $-$$

Phil’s Main Street Grille Classic comfort food; great rooftop patio. 323 Main St, Wakefield, 783-4073. BBrLD $

Pizzico Diverse Italian and fusion cuisine in a rustic yet eclectic atmosphere. 762 Hope St, Providence, 421-4114; 308 County Rd, Barrington, 247-0303. LD $-$$$

Pho Horn’s Fresh authentic Vietnamese dishes in a colorful setting. 50 Ann Mary St #403, Pawtucket, 365-6278. LD $-$$

Providence Coal Fired Pizza Old world coal-fired pizzas, appetizers and

Worth The Drive:

McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood & Steak Mixed grill selections and signature fish dishes sourced locally and seasonally. 11 Dorrance St, Providence, 351-4500. BLD $$-$$$ Mia’s Prime Time Café Upscale café cuisine by the Pawcatuck River. 1 West Broad St, Pawcatuck, CT, 860-599-3840. BLD $$ Mill’s Tavern Historic setting for New American gourmet. 101 N Main St, Providence, 272-3331. D $$$ Napolitano’s Brooklyn Pizza Classic Italian fare and traditional New Yorkstyle pizzas. 100 East St, Cranston, 383-7722; 380 Atwells Ave, Providence, 273-2400. LD $-$$ Nordic Lodge Surf and turf buffet selections perfect for family gatherings. 178 E Pasquisett Trl, Charlestown, 7834515. LD $$$ Ocean State Sandwich Company Craft sandwiches and hearty sides. 1345 Hartford Ave, Johnston. 155 Westminster St, Providence, 282-6772. BL $-$$ The Olive Tap Extra virgin olive oils, aged balsamic vinegars and gourmet food and gift selections. 485 Angell St, Providence, 272-8200. $$-$$$ Opa the Phoenician Authentic Lebanese food served in a fun atmosphere with hookahs. 230 Atwells Ave, Providence, 351-8282. D $-$$$ Parkside Rotisserie & Bar American bistro specializing in rotisserie meats. 76 South Main St, Providence, 3310003. LD $-$$

Pasta Miscuglio from Pat’s Italian Restaurant

Pat’s Italian Restaurant Hungry for Italian cuisine? Known for their large portion sizes and amazing service, Pat’s Italian Restaurant refuses to let you leave hungry. They pride themselves on using only all natural meats, the freshest ingredients and even have gluten-free pasta and other options to keep everyone coming in for more. When spending an evening at Pat’s Italian Restaurant, make sure not to skip over the appetizers. The Carni e Formaggi is a platter for two of Prosciutto di Parma, sweet Veneta soppressata, artisan cheeses, mixed olives,

stuffed peppers, caper berries and grilled artichoke hearts. Once you’ve whet you’re appetite, the choices of entrees are endless. From chicken, veal, beef, seafood, pasta and wood grilled pizza, it might take you some time to decide, especially with each of the entrees being served with soup or salad, pasta or potato, and a vegetable. A long, delectable menu with portions that stuff you up, Pat’s Italian Restaurant doesn’t leave you wanting more – until tomorrow night that is.

Insider Tip: For a before or after dinner cocktail, Pat’s Italian Restaurant has a new lounge area called “Frankie’s Lounge” where you can sit and relax to soft rock from the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s and 2000s and decide what to eat.

1200 Hartford Avenue, Johnston • 401-273-1444

For full restaurant profiles, go to May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


entrees made from scratch. 385 Westminster St, Providence, 4547499; 6105 Post Rd, North Kingstown, 885-7499. LD $-$$

Home of NapoletaNa & New York pizza

Public Kitchen & Bar American food with changing daily inspirations. 120 Francis St, Providence, 919-5050. BrLD $-$$ Rasa Authentic and contemporary Indian. 149 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2822. LD $$


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60 South County CommonS Way • 783-2900

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Tavolo Wine Bar and Tuscan Grille Classic Italian cuisine with an extensive wine and beer list. 970 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, 349-4979. LD $-$$ Ten Rocks Tapas Bar Cape Verdean- inspired small plates, handcrafted cocktails and frequent live music. 1091 Main St, Pawtucket, 728-0800. BrLD $-$$

Rasoi Vegetarian-friendly Indian cuisine . 727 East Ave, Pawtucket, 7285500. LD $$

The Coast Guard House Modern New England fare with Bay views. 40 Ocean Rd, Narragansett. 789-0700. LD $$-$$$

Red Stripe Casual French-American bistro. 465 Angell St, Providence, 437-6950; 455 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2900. BrLD $$

Theatre 82 & Cafe Hybrid art space with all day breakfast, coffee and theatre-inspired entrees. 82 Rolfe Sq, Cranston. 490-9475 BL $

Rick’s Roadhouse House-smoked barbecue. 370 Richmond St, Providence, 272-7675. LD $-$$

Tortilla Flats Fresh Mexican, Cajun and Southwestern fare, cocktails and over 70 tequilas. 355 Hope St, Providence, 751-6777. LD $-$$

Roberto’s Italian fine dining and large wine selection in the scenic East Bay. 450 Hope St, Bristol, 254-9732. D $$$$$ CMYK / .eps

Sa-Tang Fine Thai and Asian fusion cuisine with gluten-free selections. 402 Main St, Wakefield, 284-4220. LD $-$$ Siena Impeccable Italian cuisine. Locations in Providence, East Greenwich, Smithfield, 521-3311. D $$-$$$ Simone’s Gourmet brunch followed by upscale Mediterranean cuisine. 275 Child St, Warren, 247-1200. BBrLD $$-$$$

if we shift

Putnam Pk, Smithfield, 349-3888. LD $-$$$

Sophia’s Tuscan Grille BYOB eatery with classic Tuscan dishes and homemade desserts. 1729 Warwick Ave, Warwick, 732-6656. BLD $-$$$

Trattoria Del Mare Traditional Italian cuisine with a focus on seafood in an elegant yet relaxing atmosphere. 145 Spruce St, Providence, 273-7070. LD $$-$$$ Trinity Brewhouse Rhode Island’s original brewpub. 186 Fountain St, Providence, 453-2337. LD $-$$ Twin Willows Fresh seafood and water views in a family-friendly atmosphere. 865 Boston Neck Rd, Narragansett, 789-8153. LD $-$$ Vanuatu Coffee Roasters Artisancrafted, single origin coffee, pastries and breakfast sandwiches. 294 Atwells Ave, Providence, 273-1586. BL $-$$ The Village Casual dining and live entertainment. 373 Richmond St, Providence, 228-7222. BrLD $$

JUST 10%

T’s Restaurant Plentiful breakfast and lunch. Locations in Cranston, East Greenwich, Narragansett, 946-5900. BL $

Wes’ Rib House Missouri-style barbecue, open late. 38 Dike St, Providence, 421-9090. LD $$

of our buying from chains to independent, locally-owned businesses, we can add over

Taullulah on Thames Farm-driven, a la carte and prix fixe menus in a simply decorated setting. 464 Thames St, Newport, 849-2433. BrD $$$

What Cheer Tavern & Taqueria Neighborhood gastropub, taqueria and beer garden. 228 New York Ave, Providence, 680-7639. D $-$$

Tavern by the Sea Waterfront European/American bistro. 16 W Main St, Wickford, 294-5771. LD $$

Whiskey Republic Delicious dockside pub fare. 515 South Water St, Providence, 588-5158. LD $-$$

Tavern on the Water A fusion of Portuguese and French cuisine in an upscale American atmosphere. 743

XO Cafe Creative cocktails and New American fare. 125 N Main St, Providence, 273-9090. BrD $$

$300,000,000 to Rhode Island’s economy each year!

Start your shift at @RhodyBites 76


sea view | sea friends | sea food

Oceanside dining on Narragansett Bay open for lunch, dinner & sunday brunch seafood | oysters | burgers | steaks

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40 Ocean Road, Narragansett, RI 401.789.0700 |

Staying Healthy Never Tasted So Good a family practice improving smiles Dr. Jennifer A. Torbett D.M.D Available at Venda Ravioli & Daves Marketplace East Greenwich Distributors wanteD! Call: (401) 497-0740 No restrictions on buying or selling! No membership fees! •

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33 Crestview Drive Westerly (401) 596-0319 • May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND



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17 Marine Drive – South Kingstown:Exceptional waterfront home on Teal Pond w/expansive views out to Green Hill Pond. Immaculate and will built ready for summer enjoyment. Gorgeous kitchen, wrap around deck, 3-5 beds, master suite, assoc. dock and beach w/parking next to Green Hill Beach. $995,000. Mary Ann Lisi 742-7244

186 Treasure Road – Narragansett: Magnificent ocean views from this pristine custom home overlooking private Surf Beach. Extensive renovations (2015) include new kitchen cabinets w/granite/SS appliances, hardwoods and tile floors. 2 MBR suites with private balconies - Steps to Beach. $995,000. Anita Langer 323-3224

67 Prospect Street – North Kingstown: 1880 Grand Victorian mansion, carefully restored in 2009 as a single family dwelling w/new mechanicals, electrical, wall coverings, renewed antique woodwork and charm. Sweeping porches, walk to beaches and Wickford Village. Also a legal 3 family. $775,000. Garret Roberts 595-7271

59 Congdon Hill Road – North Kingstown: Beautiful Colonial in Saunderstown w/ a gorgeous new Chef’s kitchen w/ SS appliances, & granite. A/C, hardwoods, & a 2-3 car garage. Great bonus room & loft. Fabulous 4-seasons room overlooking a tranquil, secluded acre. A lovely place to call home!$529,900. Lynn Leffray 662-9818

14 Withington Road – Narragansett:Pristine ! Level Living only Steps to Bonnet’s Private Surf Beach and Wesquage Pond. Open Floor Plan in this Light & Bright Interior with Cathedral Ceiings,Large Windows, White Kit Cabinets/ Ceramic- new paint and carpets throughout - Very Beachy! $525,000. Anita Langer 323-3224

733 Cornell Road – Tiverton:Charming 3 bedroom Cape offers 2,000 sq ft of living space located in quiet coastal town, on a private two acre lot abutting protected woodlands. Walkout basement with french doors opening to backyard oasis could be finished to increase living space.$399,900. Marisa Ferris 640-0170

48 Broad Rock Road – South Kingstown:Awesome In-Town location for this updated & charming Victorian home. Hardwoods, kitchen has style, family room addition, builtins,vaulted, huge fenced yard, rec room + studio/workshop bldg. Walk to Guild, Y, library, schools, playgrounds, fields.$389,900. Jonathan Daly-LaBelle 741-3820

26 Mohawk Trail – Cranston:This 3-bed ranch in desirable Western Cranston offers options for a rec room or home office in the bonus room or basement. Newer roof, septic, windows, water tank. SS appliances, AC, private fenced backyard, patio, hot tub. $256,000. Pamela Hogan 486-7715

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WWW.PVDFEST.COM Photo | Ehsun Mirza “malang”

Calendar • Art View • On Stage

So Entertaining

Photography by Hilary Block

Just Shucky May 1: Who doesn’t love a good oyster? The South County Oyster Festival is the place to go. Not only are there local oysters and an oyster shucking competition, there will be lobster rolls, chowder, live music, local artisans and vendors, a silent auction and a rock wall. This event has plenty of things for your family to do and it also benefits Dylan Murano and Childhood Apraxia. 12-6pm. 35 Ocean Road, Narragansett. 783-4202,

So Entertaining Calendar |

Edited by Tony Pacitti

May May 1-7: What happens when you strand two people who despise each other together in San Francisco with a newborn baby? Find out in the play Be My Baby at the Granite Theatre. This funny but heartwarming story tells of a Scotsman named John and an Englishwoman named Maude in their late 50s who are brought together when his ward marries her niece. It goes to show that it’s never too late to learn about life and love. One Granite Street, Westerly. 5962341, May 1-31: Cruise along Newport Harbor with Rhode Island Lighthouse Cruises and Newport Harbor Tours. This narrated sightseeing cruise takes you through 30 miles of beautiful scenery that includes 10 lighthouses, 10 islands, mansions, Fort Adams and under the Jamestown and Newport Bridges. Saturday and Sundays throughout May. 1pm. 1347 Roger Williams Way, North Kingstown. 2954040, May 4-29: For 23 years The Artist’s Cooperative Gallery of Westerly has been holding the Annual Regional Juried Exhibition and this year is no different. Local and regional artists are welcomed to submit their best work to be considered for inclusion. There will be nearly

150 fine arts and crafts in all forms of media selected for the exhibition. Pick out your favorites and see if they win. 7 Canal Street, Westerly. 596-2221, www. May 5- 31: Jamestown Arts Center presents Setting the Stage: A Behind the Scenes Exhibit of 2015 RI Design Hall of Fame Inductees. Renowned set designer and Lifetime Achievement inductee Eugene Lee and interior designer and Emerging Designer inductee Kyla Coburn team up to present their designs and design process in their exhibition. Jamestown Arts Center, 18 Valley Street, Jamestown. 5600979, May 6-8: Follow the only all-female team in a worldwide video game competition in Narragansett Valkyrie. Written by the Playwright-in residence of Contemporary Theater Company, Andy Hoover, this new play shows the joys and betrayals in gaming and questions what we are willing to do for money, power and prestige. The lines of gaming and reality are blurred. 327 Main Street, Wakefield. 218-0282, May 6-15: Sherlock Holmes, legends, mysteries and curses. The Hound of

Baskervilles is a nail-biting play that will keep you guessing how Sir Charles Baskerville died and whether Sir Henry is next. Are the Baskerville’s cursed or is there something else at play? 3481 Kingstown Road, West Kingston. 7821018, May 7: The early bird gets the worm. In this case, the early bird gets breakfast. Take a walk through in the Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge for their Early Morning Bird Walk and Breakfast. Explore the upland forest and hear Scarlet Tanagers, Baltimore Orioles, Warblers and more, then head to the lakeside cabin for a delicious fireside breakfast. Bring binoculars and dress for the weather. 8-12pm. 2082 Victory Highway, Coventry. 949-5454, May 7: Get back into your running routine with the Annual Frosty Drew 5k Classic Race/Walk. Rain or shine, this family friendly event is a great way to spend time with friends, take in the exhibits and have some snacks. The course winds through beautiful trails of the Frosty Drew and Ninigret Park. 10am. 4870 Old Post Road, Charlestown. 3649508, May 7: Saddle up and put on a festive hat, it’s time for Easter Seals RI’s 5th

Annual Kentucky Derby Party. Celebrate in style at the Haversham House in Westerly with a southern style buffet, complimentary mint juleps made with RI’s own Sons of Liberty spirits and of course the 142nd annual Kentucky Derby. A good time’s easier to have when you know it’s all for a good cause. 4-8pm. 336 Post Road, Westerly. May 8: Turn this Mother’s Day into a day of giving. The Association of Migraine Disorders and the Wickford Sailing Association have teamed up for the Mother’s Day Race 10 mile run, 5k run and 5k walk. This year, new courses include the scenic North Kingstown bike path with a view of the harbor. There will be plenty of prizes, food and music. 7am. 20 Bruce Boyer Road, Allen Harbor Marina, Quonset Point. May 13: Spend a night of fun with adorable dogs, The Olate Dogs that is. The Odeum presents the season seven winners of America’s Got Talent with their energetic and fast-paced theatrical act surrounding amazing dog tricks, human stunts and lots of humor. Led by Richard and Nicholas Olate, this act will prove it’s worth the one million dollar prize. 7pm. 59 Main Street, East Greenwich. 885-4000,


Chalk it Up to Fun May 7: Release your inner child at Chalk the Block at the Arts on Main Street Stroll. The event kicks off at the East Greenwich Town Hall and drawing will be on Courthouse Lane and Pierce Street. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Draw solo or

create a family team. Prizes include gift certificates provided by the Main Street Merchants committee. Not artistic? Stop by to see the drawings and vote. 12-3pm. 125 Main Street, East Greenwich. www.

ONLINE EXCLUSIVE For an up-to-date statewide calendar and to submit your own listings, visit 82


Photography by Marylou Butler

Take a colorful East Greenwich Stroll

So Entertaining Calendar

Rodgers & Hammerstein’s

May 5 – June 5


Tickets from $25 (401) 351-4242 TriniTyrep.coM

trinity repertory

company 201 Washington st. Providence •

May 21: From warm-up to headliner, Bob Perlow is The Warm-Up Guy with Tales from Hollywood. For 15 years Perlow was the warm-up comedic for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Creator of the audience

warm-up role, he also worked on shows like Married... with Children and Unhappily Ever After. See what he does and hear behind-the-scenes stories from some of your favorite classic sitcoms. 8pm. 3481 Kingstown Road, West Kingston. 782-1018, May 28: Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height. Turn to the sky as bright and colorful kites soar at Weekapaug Inn at their annual Kite Fly-Inn. There will be a kite demonstration, a kite decorating workshop and opportunities to fly your own kite. Start off the summer with a cookout, lawn games and a sky full of kites. 1-3pm. 25 Spray Rock Road, Westerly. 855-679-2995,

sponsored by season sponsors


May 14-15: Let’s take it back to 1775 when the Revolutionary War was brewing. Revolutionary War reenactors, living historians and Colonial artisans will be at the General Nathanael Greene Homestead for the 4th Annual Raid on Spell Hall Reenactment. Experience camp-life, music, musket and cannon demonstrations, tour the homestead and watch Continental Troops defend Spell Hall from Red Coats and Loyalist Raiders. 50 Taft Street, Coventry. 821-8630,

When you give a child a book, her whole world changes. Did you know that 2 out of 3 children living in poverty live in homes without books? You can help. Join a statewide effort led by United Way of Rhode Island and Books Are Wings to support summer learning and promote reading.

MAY 1 – JUNE 10, 2016

Photo: David O’Connor

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4/5/16 1:51 PM Largest Selection Of Miele In The State

At least 15 different models to try before you buy avaILabLe aT

Wakefield SeWing & Vacuum 44 Main Street, Wakefield • 782–6680 711 OaklaWn avenue, CranStOn • 946–0611

Photography by Grace Lentini


The Carnival’s in Town

Misquamicut Springfest brings the fun May 13-15: What better way to spend your weekend than at the beach with some live music? The 2016 Misquamicut SpringFest features three foottapping bands. Friday night come see Will Evans and Rising Tide, Saturday

the band behind “Sad Luke” and “Bustin’ Out,” Pure Prairie League, then on Sunday the Motown inspired Mass-Conn Fusion. Misquamicut State Beach, Westerly. 332-1026, May 2016 | SO RHODE ISLAND


So Approved Veggie Delight Waistlines aside, there are delicious reasons to take a walk on the vegetarian side. From veggie appetizers to full on entrees, you’d be surprised just how tasty going meat-free can be. –Grace Lentini

Bean Dream

Instead of diving into buffalo wings, we dove into Buffalo Cauliflower from Mia’s Prime Time Café. Our buffalo craving was satisfied as the al dente cauliflower was generously tossed in the spicy sauce. There was also plenty of blue cheese to counter the heat. 1 West Broad Street, Pawcatuck. 860-5993840,

The Black Bean Burger from Mary Murphy’s left us craving more of this vegetarian delight. Accompanied with melted sharp cheddar cheese, the traditional burger fixings and a side of perfectly done French fries, we would order this again any time. 333 Main Street, Wakefield. 788-9400,

Plump Patties

Seasonal Satisfaction

Crazy Burger hooked us up with two meat-free options: the Luna-Sea Burger and the Just Plain Nuts Burger. The Luna-Sea satisfied our seafood craving with a freshly-ground salmon patty with pistachio pesto baked in a phyllo shell, while the Just Plain Nuts was a nutty mix of toasted walnuts and cashews, lentils and zucchini on naan bread. 144 Boon Street, Narragansett. 7831810,

Say Artichoke and Veg Uttapam three times fast… or just eat it, like we did. This vegan appetizer from Rasa was hearty enough for a few people to nosh on. The rice pancake with corn, carrots, red onion, cilantro and of course artichokes was super fresh and highlighted the best of seasonal veggies. 149 Main Street, East Greenwich. 398-2822,

Photography b Meghan H. Follett and Katie Leclerc

Cauliflower Power



New Premier Coastal Neighborhood in the heart of

Narragansett Beach Community

31 Luxury Townhouses overLooking wesquage Pond & BonneT PoinT an easy cosTaL LifesTyLe ouT The fronT door, cLose To Beaches, rivers, marinas, resTauranTs and Parks. Luxury Living wiThouT comPromise, a BLend of modern efficiencies and coasTaL design

The Shore Club


100 algonquin road, narragansett Visit our model homes Friday-Monday 1-4pm For more information contact Shawna Amitrano 401-595-4482





WINNAPAUG POND | WEB ID: 1122424 $462,000 | 401.348.1999





QUONNIE | WEB ID: 1122078 $2,500,000 | 401.348.1999


OCEAN VIEWS | WEB ID: 1118577 $2,100,000 | 401.789.6666

CHARLESTOWN - WATER VIEWS SHADY HARBOR | WEB ID: 1121951 $850,000 | 401.348.1999



WEST FERRY | WEB ID: 1117797 $725,000 | 401.423.3440

2 BED CONDO | WEB ID: 1121367 $339,900 | 401.789.6666




SAND HILL COVE BEACH | 3 BEDROOMS | DECKS WEB ID: 1113254 | $549,000 | 401.789.6666

SUNSET BEACH | 4 BEDROOMS | 3 BATHROOMS WEB ID: 1120210 | $1,495,000 | 401.423.3440

TURTLE POND | 3 BEDROOMS | 3+ ACRES WEB ID: 1064134 | $1,195,000 | 401.466.8777




2 BED CONDO | WEB ID: 997286 $550,000 | 401.466.8777

OVERSIZED LOT | WEB ID: 1121896 $669,000 | 401.423.3440

PLUM BEACH | WEB ID: 1111001 $525,000 | 401.423.3440

Why see just a few, visit them all at...

NARRAGANSETT - WALK TO BEACH SCARBOROUGH | WEB ID: 1122598 $399,000 | 401.789.6666

SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Adorable 3 bedroom, 2 bath Cape, located close to all area amenities. 1st floor bedroom, oversized garage with workshop & office space. Brand new roof. Rise energy audit performed with recommendations installed. Very efficient home. Gas heat and central air. $279,900. 401-783-9611. Paul Robinson EXT 1314.

SOUTH KINGSTOWN – a remarkable remote chalet on Green Hill Pond. Deeded lot on the barrier beach which is tied to the house lot, so there is also ocean front access. Optional association fee. $549,900. 401783-9611 John Sheil EXT 1315.

NARRAGANSETT – Cherry one level in desirable Briggs Farm. One owner, never rented. 3 bedrooms. Walk to beach and boating association access. Large lot. $329,900. 401-783-9611 Scot Hallberg. EXT 1322.

EXETER – Super clean oversized ranch on 1.7 acres. Beautiful updated kitchen with gorgeous hardwoods. Fireplaced dining room. Family room overlooks peaceful back yard bordered by quiet woods. Master suite offers sitting room/office/bath. Breezeway. $269,900. 401-783-9611 Donna Vanderbeck.EXT 1514.

NARRAGANSETT – One level unit w/open floor plan courtyard. Updated kitchen with granite. Formal dining room could be used as a den/office. Gargae, deck, pool. Close to Narragansett Pier, beaches, area amenities. $207,500. 401-783-9611. Scot Hallberg. EXT 1322.

NORTH KINGSTOWN – What a serene & panoramic water view from this expansive multilevel home on the waterfront that offers hardwoods, fireplaces, private studio, legal apartment with own entrance. Deeded neighborhood ROW to beach. Affordable floor insurance est of $1670-$4558.00. $559,000. 401-783-9611 Donna Vanderbeck EXT 1514.

SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Spectacular open and airy 4-5 bedroom Colonial on private 1+ acre. Featuring 9’ ceilings, central air, bonus room over garage, walkout basement with abundant storage, 2 car garage, unique backyard playhouse. Walking distance to Worden’s Pond. $489,000. Scot Hallberg. EXT 1321.

NARRAGANSETT – Well kept house just short walk to Scarborough State Beach, tennis, and playground. Great yard & deck, outside shower, very nice condition one level with an open floor plan, and a great rental history. Nicely landscaped large lot in Eastward Look. $449,900. 401-783-9611. John Sheil EXT 1315.

CHARLESTOWN – Bring your summer clothing! 16 years of renovations and upgrades by current owner. Nothing to do but enjoy this classic summer-year round get away! $417,685. 401-783-9611 Wendeth O’Neill EXT 1322.

SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Spacious well maintained Raised Ranch located between Wakefield & URI. Town water & sewers. Two decks overlooking a fenced backyard. Family room is partially finished. Brand new natural gas indirect furnace for heat and hot water. Unheated workshop behind garage. $305,000. 401-783-9611. Dottie Curry EXT1320.

SOUTH KINGSTOWN – Just in time for Summer! Mint condition home in Ocean Ridge beach community! Offering open living, hardwood floors, family room with wet bar and full bath, deck w/awning, outdoor shower, large out building. Minutes to beaches and boating! $299,000. 401783-9611. Scot Hallberg. EXT 1322.

EXETER – Nicely renovated with numerous updates. 3 bedroom, 1 bath Ranch. Brand new bathroom in 2016. Great location with easy highway access to Rt.4. $229,900. 401-783-9611. Nancy McKenna EXT 1308.

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